Viennasl Viennese Optional Rules

  • Uploaded by: Ron PzVie
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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Inspired by Jeff [“Please let me know if you need me to bring any unusual nationalities”] and Chuck [“What qualifies as an "unusual nationality?" (This could initiate an interesting discussion!”] I hereby proudly present:

ASL Optional Nationality: The Viennese An "unusual nationality" module named "A Gulasch (German) blue border, so will be a few SSRs, which

are the Viennese (they will be published in a new und a Seidl Bier"), the color will be red with a that they can theoretically use German SWs. There are under play test at the moment:

A25.10: THE VIENNESE: The Viennese units are only provided in one (historical accurate) type: the ½-½-5 squad (with their ¼-¼-4 HS). Because of their low firepower (which reflects their unwillingness for training [they always preferred to stay at the pub when their German superior officers wants to train them]) so they are only useful in big stacks. Therefore, the normal stacking limit for a Viennese stack is six squads (or their equivalents) and eight SMC. Viennese units may also add their Range together when stacked. Viennese units have to make a 5PAATC before assaulting into CC vs. vehicles [EXC.: CC vs. Italians they use a –5PAATC]. Leadership structure of Viennese leaders is as follows: 7-2, 7-1, 6-1, 6-0, 6+1, 5+1, 5+2. A25.10.1 6xSIXPACK SW: The 6xSixpack is a 1PP ½" counter which has no inherent firepower by itself, but a stack possessing this counter has its morale increased by 4 and qualifies for a -2 DRM for any DRs on the (I)IFT. A25.10.2 PACK OF 'SCHNAPPS' PLAYING CARDS: The Pack of Schnapps Playing Cards (PSPC) is a 0PP SW usable only in the CCPh. When a Viennese unit with this SW is locked in melee, instead of making an attack at the CC table, they can try to solve the CC via card play with their opponents. The opponent must pass a 1TC, when passed, CC takes place normally. When failed, the Viennese makes a dr on the PSPC table: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------PSPC Table: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------dr <= 2: Morale and Firepower of the opposite unit drops by ½ for the rest of the scenario (“½ Morale” counters will be provided in the Viennese Module) dr 3-4 : Morale and Firepower of the opposite unit drops by ¼ for the rest of the scenario (“¼ Morale” counters will be provided in the Viennese Module) dr 5 : No effect dr >= 6: The Viennese unit gets a 'Bummerl' and is pinned -----------------------------------------------------------------------------drm: -3 if the Viennese unit possesses a 6xSixPack SW -2 vs. Italians +1 against U.S. units from Las Vegas (per SSR) +/-x reverse Leadership modifier of any Viennese SMC After rolling the dice on the PSPC Table, proceed with the melee normally (taking any modifications into account). A25.10.3 FOUR LETTER WORD ATTACK: Instead of making a DR on the (I)IFT, every Viennese unit can make a four letter word attack (FLWA) instead. This attack is only allowed at point blank range and is not available against Russian units. When trying this special kind of a morale dropping attack, roll on the following table:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------FLWA attack table: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of Viennese squads involved: DR: 1 2 3 4 5 6+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------<= 1 DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA *) 2 1MC DIA DIA DIA DIA DIA 3 NMC 1MC 2MC DIA DIA DIA 4 PTC NMC 1MC 2MC 3MC DIA 5 PTC NMC 1MC 2MC 6MC 6 PTC NMC 1MC 5MC 7 PTC NMC 4MC 8 PTC 3MC 9 2MC 10 1MC 11 NMC >=12 PTC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) DIA means Disrupted in Action; the units are DM’ed and disrupted. Applicable DRMs: -3 vs Italians +/-x reverse Leadership modifier of any participating Viennese Leader +1 if wind blows from the target unit to the Viennese unit(s) -1 if wind blows from the Viennese unit(s) to target unit -2 if any unit in the attack possesses a 6xSixPack SW +5 against U.S. units from New York (per SSR) -10 if any Viennese unit origins from the districts Favoriten and/or Meidling (per SSR) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------A25.10.4 The PUB LANDLORD (PLL) SMC: This is a 0-0-7 SMC (0-0-6 when wounded) only available to the Viennese. A PLL possesses an inherent 6xSixPack SW and when successfully placed under a CC marker, no dice are rolled in the CCPh, instead, the PLL convinces every enemy unit automatically that war is futile and drinking is more fun. All enemy units in CC with a PLL are automatically recalled, using all rules for recalled AFVs. Isn't that 'unusual'??? Greetings, Ronald.

Ronnie forgot to mention the most efficient SW of the Viennese: the DOPPLER! A25.10.5 DOPPLER SW: This 1PP SW has its own bottle shaped counter (units possessing a Doppler are never really concealed) and is used like a DC. A unit trying to place a Doppler has to take a TC. If the TC is failed the Doppler is eliminated (consumed) and the unit is marked with a 'voll zua' counter. Their firepower is reduced to 0 and they move in EVERY MPh 4 MF in a random direction. If they stumble into a unit (friendly or enemy) this unit is TI for 2 Turns [EXC: 4 Turns if the 'voll zua' unit is capable of singing 'Mei Muatarl war a Weanearin' by SSR]. Shooting a unit marked 'voll zua' is considered bad taste but has no further consequences. If the Doppler is successfully placed the target unit (use RS if more than 1 squad equivalent is in the target location) is marked with 'voll zua'. A Doppler defined as

'Brünnerstrassler' by SSR may be thrown against a AFV causing a reduction of the AF of the side it was thrown through by 1 step due to its acidity. Kurt

The 1996 Errata state that all Viennese units are lax. This represents the crunching of ‘Mannerschnitten’, which helped enemy units locate them by sound in street-fighting situations. S.J.

FAQ: Kurt, after playing a few scenarios using the 'DOPPLER' rules, I have a question: Assume I have a 'voll zua' squad and its the beginning of my MPh. Do I have to roll for Random Direction only one time (like for OBA) or every time the 'voll zua' unit moves to a new hex? Now assume this unit would move into an enemy occupied hex; is this allowed? Furthermore, how much firepower does this unit possess in the following CC (assuming the unit survives TPBF)? It looks like as if these rules are not well playtestet (or maybe only by play testers under a 'voll zua' counter) Greetings, Ronald. Hey Ronnie It seems you missed the latest Q&A and clarifications! Random Direction is determined only once per MPh, but 'voll zua' units can move stairwells only down. The majority of play testers liked this tradeoff between realism and playability. Naturally 'voll zua' units can enter enemy occupied locations, they are not capable of controlling their movement (therefore also no PAATC's). During most of the CCPh both units are TI (color coded 'TI for X Turns' counters will be included in the next Journal), so no CC occurs. The CCPh after the TI is removed is a bit undefined at the moment. Rumor has it that MMP is working on a ‘speib’ counter to resolve this issue. Kurt PS I thought play testers have to be 'voll zua' anyway? :-))

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