Durnin Othgunsson – an Encounter on the Road Race: Dwarf Career Path: Trollslayer (none advances taken by now), ex-Servant
Main Profile T Ag 43
Secondary Profile A
Skills: Charm, Common Knowledge (Dwarfs), Dodge Blow, Gossip, Perception, Read/Write (Khazalid), Search, Speak Language (Khazalid, Reikspiel), Trade (Cook, Stonemason) Talents: Acute Hearing, Dwarfcraft, Etiquette, Grudge-born Fury, Lightning Reflexes, Night Vision, Resistance to Magic, Stout-hearted Armour: Leather trousers Armour Points: Head 0, Body 0, Arms 0, Feet 1 Weapons: Two-handed axe (has seen better times) Trappings: An old leather coat worn over his naked upper part of the body, rations, a blanket, a hunting knife, 1 gc 26/16 Durnin was born and raised in Khazid Grimaz and learned the trade of a stonemason. He was a sickish boy and therefore he gave up the dusty work and became a steward in the house of a Thane of his hold. From then on things went well for young Durnin, until a close friend of the Thane from another hold visited with his whole family. The wife of the friend found young Durnin very handsome, and, considering the fact that her husband was more interested in warfare and beer than in her, she seduced poor Durnin who didn’t showed up much resistance. After all, she was a very attractive woman (for a Dwarf of course) and Dwarfen women are rare. Well, it ended how it was supposed to end: they got caught red-handed and poor Durnin was stripped of his honour and had to take up the Slayer-Oath. Accepting his faith, he took his few saved coins, bought an old war-axe and went north into the Empire of Man to help fighting in the Storm of Chaos. When he wandered through Wissenland, he found out that the war was already over. So he turned back and wandered off into the Grey Mountains in search of Greenskins, Trolls, and a glorious, but if possible, painless and quick death. Durnin is definitely not the typical slayer. He lacks strength, is not very trained in combat, and is generally too nice to be a mindless, alcohol-addicted killer. The ritual tattoos seem to be misplaced on his body, and even his crest looks smaller than the crests of other slayers. He still hasn’t got a chance to prove himself in combat, so if he’s happen to meet a party of adventurers on a quest, he will gladly join them – for there may be a glorious death to find, and also, its safer to travel in a group than alone … Durnin can be used (aka encountered) if your PCs are in the area and they are eventually in need of an extra muscle for an oncoming combat. You can use him also to teach Warhammer-worldnewbies the basic structures of Dwarfen society, their ways and their customs. In his first combat, Durnin will be insecure and defensive at first, but after a successful Will Power Test (tested at the start of each round of combat) he throws himself into the fray and, if you like things dramatic, rescues a party member while receiving a critical wound. After all is over, with his dying breath, he will ask the party to travel to Khazid Grimaz and tell the tale of his glorious death.
Created for use with the Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing Game 2nd Edition by PzVIE