Ventura Learning Log

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 927
  • Pages: 4

Stefanie Ventura


Class Activities/Primary Work

8/25/0 8

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Course intro, expectation, and grading structure Who is here? Initials concepts about symbols and literacy

Work Submitted/Due • • •


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November Test Review Graphic Organizer Technology ubiquity and literacy expectations for 21st c. Students Information literacy: What is it? What do we know/need to know and do for you and your students futures NYS Learning Standards: Student/Teacher expectations.

9/15/0 8

Review Syllabus

9/22/0 8

Tech integration/differentiation skill building

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Used our RSS feeds and learned to post on Wiki Get Delicious account up and running Index card submission. Due: Ticket #1-November quiz pre and post-Done on own, submitted hard copy.

Next Steps (on my own, in professional development, to extend work done in and for class) • Search for my own Personal RSS feeds • Explore Delicious account and website.

Skim ALL chapters except 1,2,5,8,9,11. Due: Ticket #2- Ubiquity Graphic organizer on what is at school technology wise, and what is at home-Done with partner in class.

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Explore Review ISTE and NYS Technology Literacy Learning Standards online.

Due: Ticket #3- RSS posting: Posting to discussion on Wiki. Add thread to RSS on lit and go. D.I. Homework-on Angel

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Explore RSS Answer: Why do teachers use RSS? Explore different websites on D.I.

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9/29/0 8

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10/13/ 08

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D.I procedures Core literacy concepts Tech integration/differentiation skill building continued. Jigsaw group

D.I. Quiz again Assessment of literacy skills Went through project, and the outcomes of it, and directions of Wiki project. NO CLASS “Hands-on with literacy” work prep

Due: Ticket #4-D.I. Quiz PPTposted to Wiki after converting VIA pdfcoke. Read the chapter that you chose for Wiki project, and have an in-depth knowledge of it.

Look up and take notes on information on the D.I. procedures.

Due: Ticket #5- Web Site credibility (Web review 1)Following directions on the Wiki complete, and submit to angel drop box. If Questions on project-Ask teacher during class hours in the classroom

Get more into depth of project, and look up information on Chapter chosen. Get a feel for the Wiki page and how to set it up. Research information on the management of literacy and instruction. Look up information on the chapter selected. Think of a vocabulary word, that you can explain in one vocabulary word and understand what it is. Explore Review Marzana’s 6 step process for teaching vocabulary. Ask my cooperating teacher what strategies she /he use to teach vocabulary instruction. Read chapters, 16, and 17, and prepare for Wiki pages, and quizzes.

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10/20/ 08

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Scientifically-based vocabulary instruction. Paired off into two’s and taught partner the vocabulary word we chose. Organized strategy in graphic organizer on the board Watched the Marzana video on vocabulary instruction. Review H.W: Session 8 on

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Due: Ticket #6- online quiz on vocabulary instructionsurvey monkey link Vocabulary Thread on Wiki

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EDU 276 Learning Log- p. 2 - Last Updated 12/10/2008


10/27/ 08

Wiki Reviewed information on session 8 in order to complete the quiz for our next session. Hands on with literacy: -Phonological awareness -Word study

Due: Ticket #7- Vocabulary posting: posted to discussion on the wiki

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11/3/0 8

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11/10/ 08

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11/17/ 08

Virtual museum Go over old work Chapters 19 and 20 Wiki page and Quiz-Word study and phonics.

Presentations on the low down of what your project deals with. Movie on Web quest, and answered question that were put up on board. Chapters 12 and 13 Wiki pages and quizzesComprehension and prereading strategies. Chapters 4 and 14 Wiki page and Quizzes-Writing process and writing across the curriculum.

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Word Study/ phonics Quizzes-Chapters 16 and 17 due Due: Ticket #8- Vocabulary post-test submitted to survey monkey.

Due: Ticket #9- D.I Quiz from session 5 homework. Quizzes for chapters 19 and 20 due Literacy Brochure

Due: Ticket # 10-Search tool comparison on a literacy concept. Chapters 12 and 13 quizzes due.

Read chapters, 19 and 20, and prepare for Wiki pages, and quizzes. Ticket #8- Vocabularies posttest submitted to survey monkey. Re-read chapters 12 and 13 for quiz. Get Wiki page all ready to present. Ticket #9- D.I Quiz from session 5 homework. Brush up on chapters 4 and 14Writing process and writing across the curriculum. Ticket # 10-Search tool comparison on a literacy concept.

Optional Ticket #11-Webquest Scaffold. Read chapters 6 and 20Spelling

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EDU 276 LEARNING LOG 12/1/0 8

Chapters 6 and 20-Spelling Wiki pages and quizzes

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12/8/0 8

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Class Evaluations Go over Due dates

12/15/ 08 (Last Class)


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Optional ticket # 11 Due Quizzes for Chapters 4 and 14 due. Quizzes, and Wiki pages for chapters 1, 10, and 15,: Study skills and management of literacy instruction. Electronic Portfolio Learning Log

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Read chapters 1, 10, 15- Study skills and management of literacy instruction. Finish Electronic Portfolio Learning Log

Have a good holiday!

EDU 276 Learning Log- p. 4 - Last Updated 12/10/2008

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