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Coursework Header Sheet 158315-35

Course Coursework Tutor

RESE1058: Foundations of Scholarsh & Res Learning Journal A Saint Hilaire

Course School/Level Assessment Weight Submission Deadline

BU/PG 10.00% 07/12/2009

Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the student's own work and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged in accordance with the University's Regulations regarding Cheating and Plagiarism.

000469445 Tutor's comments

Zafar Iqbal

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05th October 2009 Reading Academic Material


12th of October 2009 Identifying cross cultural Issues


10th of November 2009 Leading Individuals, Groups and Teams


19th October 2009 Referencing Your Work







FOREWORDS I have selected four entries two from FoS one from International Context Of HRM and 4th from OB and Leadership. In the coming details a brief introduction about the lecture that what was discussed what was my reaction and what improvement I felt in myself to get maximum out of the lecture. 05th October 2009 Reading Academic Material What was the Agenda? The course leader discussed lot of techniques for reading. Because reading is the first and important form of obtaining knowledge. But the interesting thing I realized was the SMART technique which is considered to be the best way to read academic material. S means to select or scan the material. M for moving key areas of the document and chart the main heading and ideas, A for actively interaction, R for reducing speed to improve comprehension and finally T stands for taking notes and referencing details. My Approach Before having no know how of this effective way of reading, my reading skills were poor because I don’t know exactly that how to read? To get more on this I visited the liabrary and consulted some books which are given under: Social Research Methods by Williams Nicholas Beginning research by Lowe Michelle After consulting these books and some online material I was able to realize the woth of reading. Scanning the piece of writing is quite difficult task but after practicing, more and more reading I am now in a better position to scan the things quite promptly.

12th of October 2009 3

Identifying cross cultural Issues Exactly after on week I was taught by Dr. Ulke about Cross Cultural Issues, which is relatively a vast field to cover, Comparing cultures of modern Europe with Asia and Americas. I was suggested a lot of books to consult to have knowledge of this topic. And on the same date we assigned a group presentation on the same topic.

My Approach A lot of reading was required to overcome this topic but the Antoinette lecture on reading skills really made sense to cover it effectively. I went through following material for this purpose:  The meaning of culture  Aspects of national cultures  Hofstede: the dimensions of culture  Trompenaars: another major framework for explaining the cultures of different societies  Discuss the importance of culture for understanding organisational behaviour

(J.P SINHA, SLOMONE, SCHELL) I read these topics at different mediums like books, journals and web. So these all above topics are wider enough in their scope and require lot of reading which was only possible by following the instruction by the Dr. Antoinette.

10th of November 2009 Leading Individuals, Groups and Teams Great leaders plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in– (Translated Greek proverb) From my early education I am very interested in leadership theories. There are about 8000 studies on leadership. There of plenty of definitions and explanations. In early 80’s leaders were considered by born but now the main focus is that they are made. And I strongly believe that leaders are made not born, for which we have so many examples. In the OB 3 hours class ample stuff was discussed about leadership theories, styles, difference among diverse cultures etc. 4

What was my Approach From the importance of the topic I selected it to write an essay for Foundation of Scholarship and Research. The question raised in the essay was “leadership styles in diverse cultures. I tried to prove this particular content by going through a lot of reading suggested. I consulted many books and journals to find out that what type of culture accepts which style of leadership? And the conclusion drawn was that it is quite difficult especially for MNC’s to formulate strategies which are directly related to their decision making process.

19th October 2009 Referencing Your Work Though this lecture was delivered before the 3rd entry but I am willingly include it here because referencing are the final stage of any writing. Whatever we write is definitely coming from any source. If we don’t mention the source from where the data was taken it is academic dishonesty comes under plagiarism. To know more about plagiarism I gone through Mr. Smith model of Plagiarism. He presents a model of plagiarism, called the plagiarism continuum, which usefully informs discussion and direction of plagiarism management in most educational settings. The model was developed from a cross-disciplinary examination of plagiarism with a particular focus on understanding how educators and students perceive and respond to issues of plagiarism. The evolution of plagiarism, from its birth in Law, to a global issue, poses challenges to international educators in diverse cultural settings. What I Learned? Harvard referencing system was very useful piece of information which I got in the class. Now I am well aware of how to cite reference of books, journals/articles and unpublished material. And from then onward I used to have using Harvard referencing in my every writing.



The reason of selecting these four entries from different courses is quite logical for me. These wide spread topics are not even coverable in million of words but summing them in one thousand words was challenging for me as well. Firstly I took the reading skill as it is considered to the foundation of any knowledge hub. Secondly I discussed the various cross cultural issues for them a lot of reading is required, which is only possible through SMART technique of reading. Thirdly Dr. Johnson class was rather informative and productive in rational that it still requires a lot of reading activity. From second and third entry I also realized the importance of writing skill, because I have to submit the written reports for both of them. Finally I selected the referencing and academic honesty again from FoS that what is plagiarism and why it is unacceptable. Focusing lastly upon the Harvard system of referencing really helped me to cite the references through out the academic term and even it will be a useful toll in future.



Lowe, Michelle ,(2006) Beginning Research: A Guide for Foundation Degree Students, Published By: Taylor & Francis, Florida, Oxford. Walliman, Nicholas (2006) Social Research Methods, Publisher: SAGE, London. Sutherland-Smith, Wendy, (2008), Plagiarism, the Internet and Student Learning: Improving Academic Integrity Published By: Taylor & Francis, Florida, Oxford. Charlene M. Slomone, Michael s. Schell,(2009) Manafing across cultures, Mcgraw hill, Berkshire, UK. Above all the class notes from all lectures really helped me out to write this learning log.


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