Vas De Novae

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 19,347
  • Pages: 83
Naruto: Vas De Ne Novae

Summary: Naruto is the cute little goth that got transfered to a new academy only to discover its full of wierd people and all the boys see him as the UKE!

(see a pic of Naruto of this story by visiting http:// www(dot)esnips(dot)com/doc/ 7fa0bd11- 5542-4f71-8c2 6-cce01ce0bb3 0/Goth-Naruto-and-Sasuke

Chapter One: Yippy I got Transfered!...

'Great my father got another job so I've got to transfer to another school again! When will it ever end?' These were the thoughts of 15 year old Naruto Uzumaki as he watched the world go by as he laid in bed. His father or should I say caretaker, Iruka just got a new job being the instructor at the local ninja academy and now he was being forced to leave all his friends and go to the same academy his father works at. He was so sick of doing this and just wished Iruka could keep a single job for more then six months, moving 13 times in a row was starting to push it.

Sighing he got out of bed and preceeded to get ready for the day. He dressed in a black shirt that zipped up halfway of his left side and a pair of kakai pants, adding to it his favorite black sandles. Finally he adjusted his blonde spiky hair to his liking, and painted his fingernails black before grabbing his bag and heading to the kitchen. "I guess he went

in early" he sighed quickly fixing a hot pocket and grabbing an energy drink from the fridge. Locking the door to the apartment Naruto placed the key in his pocket and headed down the street towards the academy.

Now Naruto may be a goth but one thing everyone agreed upon was he was cuter then most girls were. Everytime he would walk by someone they would turn to stare with lust in their eyes and some even attempted to grope him as he passed. Naruto just ignored them, it was like this everywhere he lived at anyway. He was just glad he was still a virgin and managed to escape everytime he got cornered by those lusting for his ass. "Iruka said it was a curse and I'm starting to believe him" he huffed as he felt another grabby pair of hands on his ass.

Finally after much grabbing and catcalls Naruto reached the academy which did not look very impressive. (Academy in the anime) Walking inside he marched up to the front desk and asked for which class he was assigned to. "Well aren't you a cutie? Your room is number 207 and have a nice day sweetie" the lady smiled as she waved me off. "Another one for the fan club I guess" naruto sighed before reaching said class room. Knocking he heard someone say come in and entered.

It was a odd man with silver hair and a mask covering most of his face. He had a forehead protector hanging over his left eye and wore the standard garb of a jonin. "Ah you must be the new one, Naruto Uzumaki right?" he asked, his eyes never leaving a small orange colored book in his hands. "Yeah that's me where do I sit?" naruto replied

bluntly, you could tell he was annoyed. "Now, now no need to get snippy Uzumaki-san" he smiled before looking up from the book and going wide eyed. This blonde had to be the most beautiful person he had ever seen, if he had been a few years older he would have jumped him right now infront of everyone. He giggled at various preverted thoughts about said blonde before introducing himself. "I am Kakashi, your jonin instructor for this class. I hope we can get along Naruto-kun" he smiled under his mask.

'This guy just screams pervert. Note to self never be alone with him in the same room' Naruto thought as he shook the mans hand. "Now everyone settle down and welcome our newest student Naruto Uzumaki" Kakashi said to the class, drawing their attention. When the class looked at who he was introducing they froze and everyone went silent.

'Damn what a hot guy!' a blonde with long hair thought

'It should be a sin to look better then Sasuke-kun' a pink haired girl thought.

'Oh my he's looking right at me I think I'm going to faint!' a girl with blue hair thought

'This is so troublesome but I wouldn't mind getting with him' a lazy boy thought

'He smells like strawberries and sakura petals' a boy with a dog on his head thought

'He looks weak but he might prove a challange in my bed unlike the other losers' an emo

boy thought

(If you can't guess who these people are then go kill yourself)

Naruto didn't waste anytime getting to an empty seat, right next a lazy boy and a large fat boy that was devouring a bag of chips. Class continued on, naruto made friends with Choji and Shikamaru, also he found a friend in Kiba since they were both animal lovers. When lunch came and all the other girls except for three were begging him to sit with them, he simply left and went towards the blue haired girl he saw eariler. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, do you mind if I join you?" he asked with a small grin.

The girl eeeped and quickly nodded her head before blushing red. "I'm... Hinata Hyuga" she studdered out. "Nice to meet you Hinata-chan" he smiled and began eating his lunch. Shortly later a brown haired girl done up in buns came and joined them followed by a boy dressed in a green jumpsuit and a bowl haircut. Tenten and Naruto instantly hit it off when she spotted Naruto's notebook with designs for swords in it and Lee voiced himself as Naruto's rival. All the while they never noticed the blacked haired boy with a smirk on his face.

Lunch ended and the group departed for afternoon classes. Naruto was in Physical Fitness with Lee and Hinata at the time along with the black haired kid who he ignored. "IF I CANNOT DO 100 PULL UPS THEN I WILL DO 200 PUSH UPS!" Lee declared making the teacher weap with joy.





They hugged and a strange sunset backdrop appeared out of nowhere making everyone sweatdrop. "Are they always llike this Hinata-chan?" he asked looking at the strange sight. "Yes... Naruto-kun... Lee is ... very close to Gai-sensei" she said in her timid shy voice. They then set on doing out exercises while Naruto was being eyed like a piece of meat by everyone except Lee and Gai, even the timid Hinata was getting pervert thoughts and started having a nosebleed while watching Naruto's body flex as he worked out. In the back the emo boy sneered at the attention the blonde was getting but pushed back his anger and smirked. He wanted that blonde to be his and what ever Sasuke Uchiha wanted he usually got one way or another.

The day went by fast and now school had ended. They all parted ways and agreed to meet up at a small ramen stand in the village later. Naruto being the nice guy that he was offered to walk Hinata home which she agreed to in a split second. As they walked they never noticed they were being followed by Sasuke who was seething at the fact naruto

was with the Hyuga heirness, he was an Uchiha and he should have the blonde! But now was not the time to strike, he would wait and approch when the blonde was alone and then take what he wanted.

Well when Hinata showed up at the Hyuga compound with the blonde it was not a pretty sight. Hinata's father saw them from his room and marched down to meet them and to demand why some boy was walking with his daughter. But when he opened the door and saw the smile on Hinata's face his anger vanished and smiled at the boy. "May I know the name of the one who has made my daughter so happy" he asked kindly. "Naruto Uzumaki sir, I just transfered here and wanted to walk Hinata home" he smiled. "Well I hope you can join us for dinner tonight Naruto-san, I'm sure Hinata would love you to be there" he said waiting for the blonde to answer. "I'll have to talk to my dad but I'll try to come if I can" Naruto replied before bowing to the Hyuga and taking his leave.

'There is something about that boy. His chakra was ten times more powerful then mine and he seemed to control it prefectly. Prehaps this Naruto Uzumaki would be a good investment for the clan to take part in' he thought as he watched the boy leave.

Getting home Naruto quickly did whatever homework he had, showered and began looking for some sort of formal wear but he couldn't find anything. Cussing he went to his fathers room to look, not seeing he bedroom window open and Sasuke stepping inside. 'He's finally alone but now its too risky. If I jump him and he doesn't show up at the Hyuga estate later then they will come looking for him. I guess my fun will have to

wait till later but for now I'll help the blonde out' he thought placing a present on the blondes bed and sneakking back out the window.

Still cussing Naruto returned to his room to find the window open and a present on his bed. Picking it up he found no note to whom it was addressed and opened it. Inside was the most beautiful kimono he had ever seen. It was black and made of silk with a large silver fox with nine long tails going down the back. Quickly dressing into the kimono with matching pants he smiled at himself in the mirror before cussing again at the time on the clock.

He sprinted out of the apartment and went to the ramen stand where all his friends and annoying fans were waiting. When Tenten and Ino spotted Naruto in the kimono they screamed Kawaii and strated taking pictures while all the guys just starred, wanting to rip the kimono off Naruto and take him in the street. "Sorry guys but I've been invited to eat at Hinata's tonight, prehaps we can do this sometime this week?" he asked looking to his friends. "Sure man, I've personally met Hinata's old man and you better be early or he'll see you as a fool" Kiba voiced as Naruto turned to make his way to the Hyuga estate.

"May kami have mercy on his poor soul" Shino voiced scaring the hell out of everyone. "Shino what the hell when did you get here!" Ino screamed. "...." was Shino's reply. "Great I finally get to hear him speak and he's praying for a lost soul" Ino sighed before wrapping her arm around Shikamaru.

All the while Naruto kept getting a feeling that he should run home and hide under his bed for some reason.

Chapter Two: Why Kami? WHY!

After Dinner with the Hyuga Clan...

Naruto could not believe he just endured two long hours of that. When he arrived earlier everything seemed to be going so well until Hinata's father started talking about the future of the clan and Naruto's role in it. He wanted Naruto to marry Hinata when he became the legal age and after this announcement Hinata fainted. Naruto was dumbstruck, so dumbstruck he didn't remember screaming at the top of his lungs and running out of the door, dodging clan memebers the entire way.

Naruto was only 15 and he didn't want to marry someone he didn't know. I mean Hinata was nice and all and he did sort of have a small crush on her but it wasn't that serious. After escaping the main compound things got worse when he ran into Hinata's protector, Neji Hyuga. At first Naruto believed he was going to have shit beaten out of him Hyuga style until Neji started fliriting with him and trying to lead him back to his room. Naruto hated to admit that Neji was a very attractive guy but he didn't want to lose his innocence yet, its what made him so desirable. Well that and Iruka would bitch at him till he died if he lost it.

Now here he was in the middle of a park, in the dead of night with one of his kimono sleeves torn off and his hair looking like he just woke up. Neji had ripped it off while trying to drag Naruto into his bed chamber. "That is the last time I eat with the Hyuga clan" he sighed trying to gather up what ever diginity he had left and walk to the apartment. Unlocking the door he opened it to find Iruka was not there but he did find a note addressed to him from his caretaker.

'Naruto I am staying with a close friend tonight, do whatever you want as long as you don't burn the place down. I expect you to go to class in the morning as well. Money is by the phone for food so take care. '

"He bitches at me for being with people he doesn't know and then turns right around and goes off with someone I don't know. What a hypocrit" Naruto sighed taking off the badly damaged kimono. "So let's see I was invited to dinner, asked to marry a girl against my will, attacked by Hyuga clan members, flirted with Neji, nearly got raped by neji, and barely escaped with my innocence. Yep just a normal day in my life" he voiced before asking kami why he hated him so.

The Next Morning...

'NARUTO UZUMAKI!" The loud voice of Iruka shouted throughout the house. Naruto instantly shot up in bed and flew to his door, ripping it open to find a very pissed off Iruka waiting for him. "WHAT'S THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOU GETTING MARRIED

TO HINATA HYUGA?!" she shouted at his adopted son. "I don't know, I turned the offer down but her dad kept going like he never heard me" Naruto answered. "I sware this is just like him, he believes that no one would refuse an offer from the Hyuga and simply believed you accepted" Iruka sighed. "Well you get ready and go to school, I have a meeting with the Hokage about this issue" Iruka smiled before heading off to do what ever the hell he does when not around Naruto.

Quickly showering naruto dressed in a button up black dressshirt, blue jeans and his favorite sandels again. Applying his black fingernail polish and fixing his hair he skipped breakfast and headed towards the academy. Walking into the class room he quickly took his seat next to Shikamaru and sighed. "Your alive?" a curious voice asked making naruto turn around. There stood a young man wearing a long grey coat with a wide collar to hide his face. He had brown hair and wore square sunglasses. "What do you mean I'm alive?" Naruto asked. "..." was the strangers reply.

"Don't mind Shino, he rarely speaks to anyone. In fact this is the second time I've ever heard his voice" Choji voiced as he tore into another bag of chips. "He seems alright, kind of wierd but alright" Naruto replied as the classroom down slid open.

Hinata could not believe how emberessed she was with her fathers actions last night. She had been humlitated in front of Naruto and after she woke up she let her father have it. Now not many people know this but there is a reason why Hinata acts timid and shy, she does this so when she finally gets mad you get the shit scared out of you. Hinata had

beated her father senseless with the Gentle Fist style after waking up and then when she found Neji who was holding a piece of Naruto's kimono she beat the shit out of him too. She just hoped Naruto was here today so she could say how sorry she was for her father and Neji's actions.

"Naruto-kun!" she exclaimed seeing the blonde sitting inbetween Shikamaru and Choji. "Listen I'm really sorry with what happened last night, please forgive me for not being able to stop them" she bowed to the blonde making everyone wonder just what in the hell did happen last night. "Alright I'll forgive them just this once but I am never eating there again alright?" Naruto replied crossing his arms and putting a cute pouty look on his face. "Thank you Naruto-kun" Hinata smiled just as Kakashi walked in the door.

"All right everyone pay attention. Since spring break is in two days from now I'm giving you a choice of a project. You can either give me a very well thought out report on what it means to be a ninja or you can choose option 2" Kakashi voiced. "What's option two?" Sakura asked. Kakashi started giggling pervertly, "You can write a fantasy story about lovers doing nasty perverted things to each other" he smiled making everyone anime fall.

"I'll take option two!" Naruto raised his hand making everyone stare at him wide eyed. "Naruto your seriously going to do it?" Choji asked him. "Why not? I have a pretty good imagination after all" came Naruto's reply. "Ok then who wants to be Naruto's partner?" Kakashi asked and everyone but Shino's hand went up. "My, my you are quite popular Naruto-kun so I guess you'll have to choose" kakashi spoke and Naruto got to thinking. "I

know just who I want" Naruto smiled.


"Are you ever going to talk?" naruto asked as Shino remained silent through the meal. "..." was his reply to naruto's question. "Look I only picked you cause your the only one besides Shikamru and Choji that wouldn't try to jump my ass alright" naruto huffed. "...." was shino's reply. "At least your a good listener and can nod when you think one of my ideas for the story is good right?" naruto asked. Shino just nodded and continued to remain silent.

Across from the Two..

"Look at those two, who'd think out of all of us Naruto would choose him?" Ino voiced to the small group. "Naruto-kun is very careful since last nights events" Hinata voiced shyly with a blush. "hinata what exactly did happen last night?" Tenten asked and everyone focused their attention on the blue haired girl. " tired to... um" Hinata spoke with many studders. "he tried to what?" tenten asked trying to get the girl to reveal her story. ''NEJI TIRED TO RAPE NARUTO-KUN!" Hinata shouted and the entire room went silent. Everyone was wide eyed and starring at the blonde haired goth next to Shino and then everyone focused their attention on the long haired Hyuga that just entered the room shortly before Hinata's outburst.

Naruto knew what was coming so he motioned for Shino to cover his ears which he did. Suddenly the room became fridge cold with killing intent and Neji gulped. ''YOU TRIED TO RAPE OUR NARUTO-KUN?!" Everyone shouted and charged the scared boy. Neji screamed like a little girl and took off running as the mob of fans chased him all around the academy. "How troublesome" Shikamaru sighed biting into one of Ino's rice balls that she left behind.

"May kami have mercy on his poor soul" Shino spoke freaking everyone out. "HOLY SHIT! SHINO TALKED!" Kiba scremaed pointing at the boy. The boy looked impassively at Kiba before turning back to his meal. In the distance you could hear the painful cries of Neji Hyuga as he got the shit beaten out of him by the entire academy.

Time skip two days later...

Naruto help in front of Kakashi a small black book with the words Vas De Ne Novae in gold. "Naruto-kun are you sure this is good enough? If its not you'll get a fail for this assigment" Kakashi voiced. "Kakashi-sensei if this book can make Shino pass out from too many pervert thoughts then I'm sure you'll enjoy it" naruto smiled handing him the book. "Really? I'll take your word for it then" kakashi smiled and opened the book only to go wide eyed and freeze.

"Kakashi-sensei what's wrong?" Sakura asked seeing her teacher freeze up. The front of kakashi's mask starting turning crimson red and he fainted right in the middle of the

room, everyone circled around to see if he was alright. "Naruto what could possible be strong enough to knock Kakashi the biggest pervert in the school out?" Kiba asked looking at the blonde. Naruto sighed before picking up the book, opened it to the very first page and held the book up for everyone to see.

(go here to see the picture and do not flame me. This story is rated mature for a reason.) http://www(dot)esnips(dot)com





Well needless to say everyone passed out from perverted overload. Smiling to himself Naruto scanned the room to find Shino still concious with a rasied eye brow. "What?" naruto asked the silent teen. "..." was shino's reply.

Chapter Three: The Pursueres

Well after news of Naruto's perverted book got out the entire village was begging for copies. Well all the men and a few of the women were actually. Iruka was pissed that his son was a pervert but shrugged it off saying he was a boy and most boys are perverts. Sakura and Ino couldn't look each other in the face anymore without getting crimson blushes after seeing that picture that Naruto created. Hinata had been at the Hyuga compound tending to Neji who had several broken bones thanks to rabid fans. Shino had left with his father somewhere, Shikamaru was spending his days watching clouds with Choji who did nothing but eat. Lee was with Gai-Sensei, Tenten was working in her

fathers shop. Kiba was training with Akamaru and finally Iruka was spending his days with his mystery friend.

As for Naruto well... he was currently running for his life. The Hokage said Naruto had not agreed to marry Hinata and now he was labeled as the most wanted guy in all of Leaf Village. When he went out to go shopping today he did not expect for every girl and a few guys in the district to start chasing his ass. 'SAVE ME KAMI! SAVE ME!!!!!" His voice shreaked as he dodged another fan girl before ducking into an alley. 'COME BACK NARUTO-KUN WE JUST WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU!" they screamed as they followed. "GET TO KNOW ME MY ASS YOU WANT TO GET INTO MY PANTS THAT'S WHAT!" Naruto shouted back. Naruto summoned up some of his chakra and did his new favorite jutsu.


In a puff of smoke over ten Naruto's appeared with smirks on their faces. "Split up, drive them to the other ends of the village while I escape" the original commanded and the clones nodded before spliting up. Like moths to a flame the fan girls followed the clones and allowed Naruto to escape... again.

"Why is my life a nightmare? Is it so wrong to want to stay a virgin? Please Kami give me a sign" he asked the heavens. Nothing happened and he sighed. He took a step forward but tripped over something and fell flat on his face. "What the Hell!" He

screamed into the dirt before turning to see what he tripped over. It was a book that he tripped over, a strange gold colored book. Curious Naruto picked the book up and went wide eyed at the cover.

"How to avoid Rabid Fans by Itachi Uchiha"

"There is a god after all" naruto smiled before opening the book to start learning.

Somewhere way fucking far away...

Itachi sneezed loudly and all the members of Akatsuki starred at him. "What?" he said in a serious tone. "You just sneezed" Deidara pointed out. "Yes and?" Itachi replied. "You are human after all" Tobi smiled. "I sware I will find who ever is talking about me and give them a very horrible, painful death" Itachi voiced before vanishing in a whirl of leaves.

Back with Naruto...

"Why do I get the feeling someone is coming to give me a horrible and painful death?" He questioned to himself before shrugging it off and started reading.

How to avoid rabid fans in four easy steps.





"That's it? If I do these things then the fans won't chase me anymore? YATTA!" Naruto cheered and threw the book in the air like a little kid. "Wait... who do I know is emo?" Naruto asked himself not seeing the raven haired man in the trees.

Sasuke smiled to himself as he watched the blonde fall flat on his face. He really was a dobe, a rather cute dobe but a dobe none the less. He was alone and unguarded now and he wasn't about to let this chance pass up. Hanging in a tree a few feet away he prepared to pounce the boy until he heard was his cute blonde dobe said.

"How to avoid Rabid Fans by Itachi Uchiha"

He snapped and tried to control himself from releasing any of his killing intent. Even more so when Naruto claimed there was a god after all, that really pissed him off. When he heard the easy steps needed to be taken he almost feel out of the tree, he always

wondered why he had so many fan girls and now he knew why. CAUSE HE WAS FUCKING EMO DAMN IT!

Cursing himself silly Sasuke took off heading back to his house to follow the directions in the book. He would do what his brother couldn't and get rid of his annoying fan girls by not being emo!

Somewhere really close by...

Itachi sneezed again. He was getting madder by the second now and itaching to kill who was talking about him. He hoped it was his foolish little brother so he could enjoy beating him to a plup but who ever it was would be screaming shortly. Upon reaching a clearning he stopped to find a young blonde male sitting in the dirt reading the book he wrote when he just 12 years old. He was beautiful, like an fallen angel from heaven that was begging to be saved. "More like begging to be ravished" he smiled. Just looking at the blonde made several pervert thoughts go through his mind.

"Wait who do I know is emo?" he heard the boy question and raised a eye brow. Then he noticed his foolish little brother hiding in the trees and smirked. "So you want him as well? Foolish little brother, I will enjoy taking him from you" he smiled before vanishing.

Naruto got chills, it was like people were planning his demise or something. Getting to his feet and putting the book in one of his many pockets he set off to return to his

apartment but the second he set foot outside the clearning he froze.


"Kuso kami why do you show me hope then rip it away?" he asked as he began running again from the fans.

Hyuga Complex...

He was angry, very angry. That blonde had evaded him of all people, it shouldn't have been possible. No one can resist Neji Hyuga, fate does not allow it! He was sure that adorable guy would beg to be taken to his bed chamber and ravished for hours on end, but aparently fate decided to intervene in the form of a pissed Hinata Hyuga. It was a good thing the Hyuga had skilled medical ninja or wouldn't be able to walk now. Currently he was in his chamber thinking of ways to capture the blonde so he could have his fun. Asking for Hinata's help was out of the question and he didn't even want to think of how her father would react if he found out.

Prehaps he should just simply confront Naruto and ask him out. Prehaps Naruto liked people that did that rather then chase his ass, smirking Neji quickly left the complex and headed into the village, it was time to find the little blonde.

Ramen Stand...

"I finally lost them" Naruto panted as he sat down on one of the empty stools. He wished he could rid himself of this dreadful curse of Kawaiiness and live a normal life sometimes. But for now he wouldn't think about that cause he was hungry and ready for several hundred bowls of miso ramen. The owner of the stand saw Naruto sat down and instantly he thoughts one thing.

Naruto + Hunger = I'm slightly richer!

He smiled to the blonde, "hey old man can I get a bowl of miso ramen please?" Naruto asked. "Coming right up naruto-kun, and I assume you want me to keep them coming?" he asked getting a happy nod in return. "Prehaps I can take early retirement after all if this keeps up" he said with glee as he set about cooking the ramen.

Moments later the ramen was ready and Naruto began digging in when he felt a chill go down his spine. Gulping he slowly turned around to meet the pupiless eyes of Neji Hyuga and freaked. "Holy shit you scared me!" Naruto exclaimed. "I have that effect on people" Neji smirked and sat down next to him. "Your not going to try and rape me again are you?' Naruto said bluntly earning a gasp from people nearby. "No, I have learned fate will not allow me to have you in that sense. I have come here to request that you have dinner with me tonight" Neji said in his serious tone.

"If you think I'm setting foot in that compound again you got another thing coming"

Naruto replied taking another bite of his ramen. "Not at the complex then, prehaps a resturant here in the village where you feel more comfortable" neji suggested. Naruto blinked, he had never had someone just ask him out before since they always chased his ass. Prehaps Neji wasn't as bad as Naruto thought he was. "Alright Neji I'll give you one chance and its the only one your gonna get" naruto smiled to the brunette. "I'll pick you up tonight at seven then" Neji got up and left, leaving the blonde to his own thoughts.

"Why do I get the feeling I just commited my own death?" he voiced.

Across from the stand...

Sasuke was pissed, that Hyuga had the nerve to just march right up to his dobe and ask him out. If it wasn't against the law Sasuke would have beaten Neji to death and then capture Naruto for his own. He wasn't about to let that good for nothing Hyuga get into the pants of his blonde, oh hell no. He'd follow them and make sure that date went horribly wrong and then when the blonde wasn't suspecting it he'd capture him for his own twisted pleasure.

(So now you got Sasuke, Itachi, and Neji as the main "bad guys" all wanting to get Naruto's pretty gothic ass)

Chapter Four: Time to master a Jutsu!

Now when Neji took Naruto out for dinner he expected him to be a little stuck up prick like everyone thought he was. But nooooooo he just had to be a perfect gentleman and treat Naruto like he was some fairytale princess the entire meal. Not that he was complaining or anything, he liked this kind of treatment and coming from Neji was a plus in his book but they did encounter one tiny problem that night.

Sasuke Uchiha

That stuck up little emo prick had been following them all night long. This in turn caused Neji to be a little smug and showed it by usually hugging Naruto close to him, or some other small form of affection which naruto enjoyed... alot. It got out of control though when Sasuke challanged Neji in the middle of the street for Naruto's hand and a huge fight broke out, ending the date for him. Though Naruto was upset about the date ending too soon he was really surprised by Neji's efforts to control himself and found he enjoyed being in Neji's company more then others.

But now it was the next day and Naruto found out that going out with the Hyuga was having after effects he didn't want. Like people giving him glares as he walked down the street, or saying bad things behind his back when he wasn't around, rumors of him sleeping with Neji and cheating on Hinata. Oh and his favorite one was him corrupting the last Uchiha into liking him like some fan girl. When the hokage found out she wasn't too pleased either. she wasn't mad at Naruto, she was made at Sasuke for being such a poor sport and ruining his date with Neji.

Well it was day two of spring break and Iruka still hadn't shown up at the house, Naruto was starting to get a little worried for his father figure. But not knowing where he was at there was very little Naruto could do. So today he decided to finsih working on that new jutsu he had been testing, some man named Jiraiya had given the unfinsihed jutsu and said if he could complete it he would give the him personal training when he became a ninja. Needless to say Naruto had been neglecting his training since they met but now he was resolved to finish it.

Naruto took the scroll and went to a nearby park to pratice, if he messed up he'd never be happy again with his progress as a ninja. Forming the correct handseals Naruto channeled the right amount of chakra needed.

"Kawaii Kitsune Jutsu!"

A huge puff of smoke appeared and Naruto could feel his body shrinking and it wasn't a pleasent feeling. Just when felt like he was going to pass out the pain stopped and the smoke cleared. 'How small did I get?' he thought as he ran over to a small lake to look at his reflection and what he saw shocked him.

He was now the size of a three year old and had little triangle fox ears on his head. His wisker marks were darkened and his eyes were slightly slited. He was still clad in his black T shirt and black shorts that had somehow shrunk with him and he had a cute little

fox tail sticking out of his ass which wagged constantly. He could see he also had claw like fingernails now and a set of small fangs amung his teeth. He was now a chibi kitsune version of himself.

"Woah this is cool!" Naruto exclaimed and then froze. He didn't hear himself say that, all he heard were yipps and squeaks. He spoke fox now but he couldn't speak normally. He opened his mouth to scream but then his cute foxy ears picked up something, was that giggling? he question was soon answered when he spotted Hinata and Tenten coming out from behind the bushes.

"awwwww look at the cutie! he looks just like Naruto-kun!" tenten exclaimed picking up the blonde kitsune and giving it a hug. Hinata blushed seeing the chibi buried between Tenten's breasts and perverted thoughts started appearing. "Let's take him with us Tentenchan, I'm sure he'll have fun going shopping with us" Hinata smiled, pushing those nasty thoughts away.

"yeah we can buy him cute little outfits and use him to make guys jelous" Tenten smiled and passed Naruto to Hinata who pressed him close to her chest. "Let's call him Naruchan since he looks like Naruto-kun" Hinata pointed out. "Sure come on Naru-chan let's go shopping!" Tenten exclaimed as she and Hinata carried Naruto away to his doom.

While this was going on a certain white haired man was sitting in a nearby tree laughing at the situtation the blonde had gotten himself in while writing down notes. "It seems the

jutsu works perfectly, no woman can resist the now chibified blonde and if he's lucky he'll get to experience something many men dream about" he giggled He thought for just a moment that he should rescue the poor kid but then remembered it was all in the name of research and sometimes you just had to take one for the team.

Naruto was scared, really scared. He was a chibi, couldn't talk normally, and the worst part was he was being forced to go shopping with girls who wanted to put him in cute little outfits! He decided right then and there that kami must be laughing at him up in heaven and that his fated to endure this horror. As they neared a local clothing store Naruto steeled himself and waited for the horrible things they were going to put him through.

Two Hours Later...

It was horrible, it was like something you'd see in a bad scary movie. Naruto was dressed in a skirt! A bright red skirt! If anyone saw him like this he'd be the laughing stock of the entire village. He was currently in front of a mirror with tenten holding him while Hinata was searching for another outfit, there was no way he was walking out of her in a skirt, he'd rather die a horrible painful death then wear a skirt.

Otherside of Village...

Itachi sneezed loudly catching the Anbu's attention. "Shit" he exclaimed and took off as

they gave chase.

Back with Naru-chan...

Hinata appeared from the clothing racks with a familar looking jacket and pair of blue pants. "Oh Hinata how cute they have a small version of your outfit!" Tenten cheered as she looked over the clothing. Naruto took one look at the outfit and reached his tiny little hands toward it, he'd rather wear Hinata's outfit then wear a skirt. "Oh look he really wants yours Hinata, let's get this paid for and change him quickly" Tenten smiled as she went to pay while Hinata took naruto to the changing room.

Moments later...

Ok so now he was a chibi kitsune naruto dressed as hinata and was being carried away towards another horrible spot. The Bath House!

Naurto plus Naked Girls equals what?


"SOOO CUUUTE!!!" Naruto's blood ran cold as he looked up to see Sakura, Ino, Anko, and Tsunade standing at the doorway in nothing but towels. Before he could run, he was glomped and taken into the bath house by Hinata, yipping the entire way. He and

watched as the door to the outside world slowly closed, shutting him in with the scantilyclad women. The next thing he knew, he was laying with his back on a table, looking up into the faces of the smiling women. "Ok! Now lets get these clothes off of you so that you can bathe with us Naru-chan" Tenten voiced as the others held him down and began to undress him, tickling his tummy and causing him to giggle uncontrollably as soon as they got his jacket and shirt off. As soon as they got him down to his boxers, Hinata picked him up and they walked into the hot springs, dropping their towels as they did so. As soon as they did and Naruto got a good look, blood started spurting from his nose, which he grabbed with both of his hands in a attempt to get it to stop. "AWWW! How precious! He's a little pervert!" Tenten squealed as the others started giggling. Hinata was holding Naruto laughed as well, holding him between her breasts. "Your such a cute little thing! Ok Naru-chan, come and and we'll get you cleaned up." Ino cooed, taking Naruto from Hinata into the bathing area. A few hours later, using all of his ninja training, Naruto barely managed to escape, after flooding the hot springs with Chibi Kitsune Naruto shadow clones.

Panting a bit Naruto's ears picked up faint perverted giggling and he looked up to see that perverted sick bastard Jiraiya writing in a notebook. Pissed off he marched right up to him and slashed at him with his tiny claws. "OWWW damn it that hurt! You got a lot of nerve to attack me the great... oh its just you" he exclaimed seeing the kitsune blonde

with a pissed off look on his face. "I guess you want me to reverse the jutsu you cast right?" Jiraiya asked, seeing the blonde nod. "I suppose I should but first things first" he smiled picking him up by the back of his neck and smirking at him. "This is pay back for slashing me" he spoke before throwing Naruto off the hill and into the hot spring below.

"NARU-CHAN IS BACK!" Ino screamed and soon the sounds of yipps filled the air as Naruto tried in vain to escape the naked girls.

Chapter Five: Perverts attack, run to safety

Day Three of Spring Break...

He FINALLY escaped the clutches of the evil naked women that attempted to kill him with their wonderful bodies. Naruto was sure he'd never see Hinata as the timid shy girl again thanks to all the perverted thoughts he had after seeing her like that. He was even having bad thoughts about Tsunade who was like forty years older then him, that made him shudder... alot. Tenten was beautiful is a tomboyish sort of way until she left her hair down, then she was fucking stunning! Ino was... well she was hot and Sakura well he didn't like her for some damn reason.

After escaping that preverted bastard finally reversed the jutsu and Naruto got his revenge, Sexy Jutsu style. He then got to enjoy the wonderful sound of a pervert being beaten to death by beautiful women, aw it was a nice feeling to help protect women's

privacy. Patting himself on the back for a job well done Naruto turned around to leave only to slam into something soft. "My, my Naruto-kun. Did you catch Jiraiya peeping?" the voice of his teacher Kakashi spoke as he smiled behind his mask.

In naruto's mind the same thought played over and over.




"Um yeah and I got to go now!" Naruto replied and tried to run away only to get the back of his shirt caught by Kakashi. "Where are you off to so fast naruto-kun? You act like your afraid to be alone with me or something" Kakashi smiled and started moving closer to Naruto who was slowly backing away. "Um I'm just not confortable around older guys" Naruto laughed nervously and then felt his back hit against a tree with Kakashi still advancing on him. "Well we'll just have to fix that won't we?" Kakashi replied tilting his head down to kiss Naruto.

Narruto's thoughts were so clouded he never noticed the kunai coming right at them.


Kakashi leaped out of the way and caught the kunai before it struck him. Coming out of the bushes was Sasuke Uchiha and he looked pissed, he looked like he was about to murder someone and that someone happened to be his teacher. "Get away from naruto he's not yours!" he yelled and raised another kunai. "My, my the last uchiha plans to interupt my fun? I guess I'll need to stop you and then Naruto and I can continue our fun" Kakashi smiled and charged the emo boy. Naruto took this time to escape.

Sprinting as fast as he could Naruto headed to the one place he swore never to go again.

Hyuga Complex...


Startled by the voice he nearly lost control of his gentle fist strike but he turned around to see Naruto running like a man possesed towards him. "This could be a good thing" he voiced to himself but then saw the look of terror on Naruto's face, "or a bad thing". Well depending on your point of view Naruto leapt into Neji's arms, knocking them both to the ground. "Oh Neji it was horrible, so very horrible!" naruto cried into the older boys chest who could do nothing but hold him. "Naruto tell me what happened"

Several Moments Later...

"And after they started fighting I ran here" naruto finsihed and Neji's eye twitched. "So let me get this straight... you say Hinata-sama naked along with Tenten, Ino, Sakura, Anko and lady Tsunade?" neji asked trying to keep his pervert thoughts in check. "Yeah it was horrible they were trying to kill me with their bodies" Naruto exclaimed and then blushed. "Then Kakashi-sensei cornered you and attempted to kiss you but the Uchiha interfered long enough for you to escape?" Neji asked and got a nod in reply.

"Your staying here" Neji said picking Naruto up bridal style and walking into the compound. "What? But Neji I can't stray here! What about Iruka? I need to tell him where I am!" Naruto cried trying to escape Neji's grip. "I shall send someone to inform him and until those perverts are caught you will remain here so I can protect you" Neji replied and Naruto calmed down a bit. neji seeing his blonde calm down smiled to himself, being able to care for Naruto was alot easier then he thought it would be. As long as he didn't attempt to get into Naruto's pants the blonde would trust him and that's exactly what he wanted.

Across from compound...

Itachi sneered seeing the blonde in neji's arms. He wanted that kid for himself, he wanted to taint that innocent aura Naruto had around him but being in the Hyuga compound pervented he from doing that. "Soon Naruto-kun, very soon you will be mine" He laughed as he poofed away.

Hokage Office...

Tsunade was livid, one of her elite jonin had tried to molest an acadmey student. Worst of all that student was Naruto and his tormentor had been Kakashi, one of the biggest perverts in the entire village. Naruto saw her as a mother figure and showed it by calling her mother every now and then, she would always get such a nice smile from the blonde that she couldn't help seeing him as her son. Thus she was very protective of him since Iruka was never around now. Kakashi had to be punished and Tsunade smiling knowing just the right punishement to give.

Two Hours Later...


Kakashi's voice was heard all the way to Rice Country as he found out his punishment.

Rice Country....

"Did you hear that Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto asked looking to his master. "I did Kabuto, it seems things are about to get very fun at the Village Hidden in the Leaves" he laughed before going back to spying on little boys in his village.

Hidden Leaf Village...

Well it was day four of spring break and Naruto was currently locked away in the Hyuga compound with Neji and Hinata. They were in the training grounds praticing their taijutsu, Naruto sparred with Hinata while Neji would give them pointers on what they were doing wrong. Everything was going fine until Hinata's father showed up. "Aw Naruto I was wondering when you would be returning, and you seem to want help Hinata become stronger. Such a wonderful thing to do for your future wife" he smiled and Naruto sweatdroped. "I'm not marrying Hinata old man, I barely know her" Naruto replied. "Nonsense you'll just have to get to know her and what better way then to be put on the same genin team" he laughed and Hinata went wide eyed.

"I'm going to be teamed with Naruto-kun?" she asked. "That's right" he replied and then Hinata fainted. "Well I saw that coming, Neji mind if I take her to her room?" Naruto asked getting a nod in reply. "Lord Hyuga, if Hinata is one of Naruto's team mates then who is the other?" Neji asked. "One of the finest genin of the graduation class" he replied with a smile.

Later That Day...


Naruto's voice could be heard in Heaven, Hell, and the Death God sighed from this. "Well at least he hasn't noticed the fox yet" he huffed.

Chapter Six: Final day...

It was the final day of spring break and what was our favorite blonde doing? Playing Video games what else?

"Damn it come Hinata you can beat him! He's just you with blonde hair and two keyblades!" Naruto complained as Hinata was getting her ass kicked in the Roxas vs. Sora fight of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. As ordered by her father Hinata was to spend the entire day with Naruto so they could get to know each other better. Tsunade learned of what her father wanted to do and thought the very same thing he did, Hinata and Naruto would be good for each other. Now Naruto was against this from the very start but after awhile he started to like being around the timid girl.

Naruto discovered that Hinata was acting that she was timid and shy so that others thought she was weak, and in her spare time she loved to study and create medical jutsu. She was an expert with chakra blades and she loved to grow things in the back of the complex. Hinata learned that Naruto was desperate to keep his innocence until married and he loved completing unfinished jutsu, and she also learned Naruto's greatest secret...


How did she find out you may be asking? Well when she found the scroll with the

Kawaii Kitsune Jutsu on it she put it all together of why that little chibi looked like Naruto. She confronted him and made him tell the truth, in the end well let's just say Hinata passed out from the way naruto described her in the hot springs. She found out the freaky part when she raided Naruto's closet and found items like handcuffs, rope, vibes, whips, etc.

But the good thing was now they both had something to talk about and it turned out that Hinata had many similar items hidden under the floor boards of her room. That's right people Hinata likes to tie people up and have fun with them and Naruto seemed to enjoy her little stories of what she planned to do with her various toys. Hinata was the very first pervert he came to like and was secretly looking forward to his next sleep over at the Hyuga complex.

Well after Hinata got her ass kicked by Roxas they decided to take a break and go into the village for lunch but they needed to do something about certain perverts that lied in wait. "Hey Hinata-chan I got an idea" naruto said with a smile as he summoned some chakra. "Henge Jutsu!" naruto announced and in a puff of smoke naruto was no longer there. Where he was stood a young man with spiky blonde hair and wore a white jacket with a black t-shirt and white pants. He had a black and white checkered bracelet on his left wrist and deep blue eyes. "You turned into Roxas from the game!" Hinata exclaimed.

"I'll go as Roxas and you go as Namine, then we don't have to worry about being spotted by those perves" naruto smiled in Roxas form. "Alright, Henge Jutsu!" Hinata said and

the classic puff of smoke happened. Now she was a blonde with shoulder length hair and stunning blue eyes, she wore a simple white dress and a pair of white sandels, "how do I look Roxas-kun?" she said with a smile. "Simply beautiful Namine-chan now shall we go?" he asked lending his arm to her. She smiled and linked her arm with his as they left the apartment.

(Naruto will now be called Roxas and Hinata will be called Namine so please don't get confused)

Well entering the main village Roxas and Namine were getting wierd looks but then again any stranger that entered the village got looks so they shrugged it off. Spotting a dango stand Roxas led Namine over where they began to eat but soon they were interupted by a perv. "Who are you and why are you in the village?" the emo prick Sasuke asked as he walked up to the blondes. "Not that its your business but we simply came for lunch" Roxas sneered back and tried to continue eating, key word being tried. "You two seem different so come with me, we're going to visit the hokage" Sasuke smirked thinking he just cornered two criminals under some wierd henge.

Smirking Roxas looked to one of his many shadow clones that were hiding nearby and sent a mental command. "Roxas-san!" Naruto's voiced called out causing Sasuke to turn around with a smile. "Hello naruto-kun" Roxas smiled at his shadow clone. "Sasuke I've been looking everywhere for you, I need you to help me devise a plan to get Kakashisensei off my ass" the clone voiced grabbing onto Sasuke's arm and hugging it to his

chest. Sasuke being the little dumbass emo prick he was couldn't let such a chance pass up and let himself be pulled about from the blonde haired couple.

"That was mean Roxas-kun" Namine smiled as the raven haired prick was pulled away. "I know, but it needed to be done so what do you want to do after this Namine-chan?" he asked and she pretended to think for a moment. "Go visit Tenten-chan" she voiced and they quickly paid and left.

Moments Later...


Poor Sasuke he discovered it was only a clone.

With Roxas and Namine...

"OH YOU TWO LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Tenten cheered when she found out who the two blondes were. It was times like this that made him question if Tenten had a suger inbalance or something. She went from being serious to happy and hyper way too damn fast in his line of thinking, it must a jutsu of some kind or prehaps a blood limit. Well anyway they were still in their disguises while telling Tenten about what they talked about during their time together.

"Damn Hinata I didn't know you were like that, and who would of thought our adorable blonde here was into bondage and other nasty things" Tenten smiled making said blonde blush. "Well if you want you can come with Naruto and I back to the Hyuga complex to see my toys" Hinata smiled dropping her henge along with naruto. "Sure, I need a break from sharping kunai anyway" Tenten smiled as she left the house with the kinky couple.

(They are back to normal now)

Across the Village...

Itachi was livid, he had just spotted Kabuto entering the village with a little smirk on his face and he seemed to be heading towards Naruto's apartment. "He wants to capture Naruto-kun for Orochimaru, I will not let you take him anywhere Kabuto-san" Itachi smirked before poofing away.

Uchiha District...

Sasuke was beyond pissed, first he let that odd blonde couple escape and then his fun got stopped when the clone he thought was Naruto dispelled. No matter what he tried the blonde was always protected by either Neji, Kakashi, Hinata, or those friends he hung out with at the academy. He needed to figure out someway to get the blonde alone and away from the others, little did he know that in the next few days he would get his chance when the Genin teams were picked.

Hyuga Complex...

Naruto was taking notes down as fast as humanly possible. All the kinky things Hinata was showing him and Tenten had sent his mind into overdrive and he was coming up with ideas for his next perverted novel. Tenten had fainted twice from all the kinky goodness but Naruto being stronger against such thoughts was still wide awake and kicking. "And that's everything Naruto-kun, what do you think?" Hinata asked him as he finished writing. "I think you've got to be the kinkyist person I've ever met, but that's not really a bad thing I guess" Naruto laughed while Hinata smiled. "Oh good, I was thinking you'd not like me anymore cause you don't like other perverts" Hinata voiced with concern.

"Hinata I just don't like perverts that are after me, I don't hate all perverts alright. After all I am a pervert too kinda" Naruto laughed. "Well at least you don't take advantage of women like other men do, you even saved our privacy from that white haired guy at the hot springs" Hinata pointed out. "Prehaps us being together isn't such a bad idea, but I still don't like being forced to marry someone against my will" Naruto huffed. "How about we just have a normal relationship for now and who knows, maybe a few years from now we can think about getting married what do you say?" Hinata asked.

"I'd like that Hinata-chan, beside we are only 15 after all, we have plenty of time to get married right?" he asked with a smile on his face. Hinata nodded and they both embraced

each other, never seeing Tenten watching them with a smile on her face too.

At the Akatsuki Home Base...

Deidara looked around the empty base and sighed. Itachi had run off to kill someone, Tobi went off with the leader, Kisame went to wave country to terrorize fishermen and Sasori went to go work on his puppets. "I'm so lonely, I wish I had a friend" he cried.

Chapter Seven: Teams and Trouble

"What a drag" Shikamaru voiced as the little group sat on the roof of Naruto's apartment. Spring Break was over and now they had to return to class to be assigned Genin teams, meaning this may be the last time they can hang out like this for awhile. Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten, and Naruto were eating a special breakfast made by Hinata and Tenten that everyone was enjoying. "This is great Hinata-chan what did you use to make this eggs taste so good?" Choji asked as he was stuffing his face. Hinata giggled slightly, "Nutmeg and a dash of Cinnamon gives it that flavor" she smiled.

"I can't believe bacon could taste so good, you guys have to do this more often" Kiba voiced as he happly munched away with his puppy Akamaru. "Well maybe if we all get some time off we can do this again, I want to try Naruto-kuns double chocolate delight cookies" Ino smiled as she reached for a slice of buttered toast. "Yeah, even Shino would

say they're the best" Tenten voiced as she finished up. "Well we've got another thirty minutes before we have to get to the academy so I say we relax a bit and play truth or dare" Hinata smiled and everyone agreed.

Uchiha District...

Sasuke was afraid, very afraid. Why was Sasuke so afraid? Well he had a pink monster outside his house waiting for him, a pink haired monster named Sakura, the president of his fan club. 'SASUKE-KUN! COME ON WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" She screamed trying to get her beloved out of his house. Sasuke refused to be seen with the fan girl, not when his dobe was still out there and running loose, "Go away Sakura I am not decent!" he screamed. "Well then I'll come in and help you get decent" Sakura smiled and started forcing the door open. Sasuke freaked and braced the door trying to keep Sakura outside. COME ON SASUKE-KUN LET ME IN!" She yelled banging against the door.

Sasuke silently prayed to kami to rescue him from this terrible fate.

Hyuga Complex...

For once in his life Neji had a real smile on his face. Today the new genin teams would be decided and he was hoping to be paired with the cute blonde Naruto. However knowing that Hinata would be one of Naruto's teammates made him slightly angry he

would deal with it when the time came. Also something was puzzling him this morning, why didn't Hinata ever return to the complex last night? He remembered that she was ordered to spend the entire day with Naruto but that didn't mean she slept over too right? Right?

He'd deal with it when he got the chance but for now he'd deal with the aweful knots that were in his hair.


Kakashi sighed as he look over the chosen pairings made by the hokage and couldn't understand why Tsuande would pair up those three. He could understand Hinata and Naruto being together cause they helped each other out and were close friends but why she paired this person with them made him question is she was sane or not. "Well it should be fun to get their reaction" Kakashi giggled as he prepared for class in twenty minutes.

Naruto's Apartment...

"Naruto truth or dare?" Ino asked.

"Truth" Naruto answered.

"Alright, who is the person most precious to you" In replied

"That's easy, Tsunade is most precious to me" Naruto answered with a smile

"Why?" asked Tenten

"She treats me like I'm her son and look to her as my mother" Naruto replied.

"Well anyway we're about out of time so I suggest we get moving to the academy" Kiba voiced as everyone got up and gathered their things. The group took off towards the academy and all the while Naruto had a feeling things were going to be very unusal around here.

(ok people its time for you to take part in the story and choose Naruto and Hinata's partner. Your choices are below)

1. Sasuke 2. Neji 3. Sai 4. Sakura 5. Shino 6. Lee 7. Deidara in disguise

8. Itachi in disguise 9. Kabuto

Chapter Eight: SAVE ME!

"Kami please kill me now!" Naruto screamed inside his mind as he was running from his many nameless fans while heading towards the academy. Apparently all these nameless fans were genin that had the chance of getting Naruto as their partner and they all wanted a piece of him a little early. Naruto cursed himself for wearing sandels today, he couldn't run normally in these things. He was saved when he rounded a corner and bumped into Hinata and Neji who were also heading to the academy. "Neji-kun! Hinata-chan! SAVE ME!" He screamed and ducked behind them just as the mob rounded the corner.

"Hand him over Hyuga's and maybe we won't beat you up too much" one of the nameless genin voiced pulling out a kunai. "You shall never have him, fate will not allow it" Neji smirked as he settled into his normal battle stance. "And why's fate against us Mr. stuck up hyuga?" a girl sneered at the brunette. "Because you failed the moment I stood in your way!" Neji shouted and charged the group.

"Hyuga Style Taijutsu!"

Neji started beating the shit out of everyone as Hinata comforted Naruto but soon the

group focused on her instead of Neji. "You won't get Naruto-kun!" she screamed and chakra started whipping around her.


A shield of chakra blew them all back while keeping her and the blonde goth safe from harm. "Let's finish this Hinata-sama!" Neji called as he settled into his 8-Trigram stance, alright Neji-nisan!" Hinata replied.

"Eight Trigram sixty-four palm!"

"Protected Eight Trigram Sixty-Four Palm!"

The two beat the group senseless and left Naruto starring in awe.

'Note to self, never piss of Neji-kun or Hinata-chan' he thought as they dusted themselves off. "You two were AWESOME!" he cheered as he hugged both of them making them blush. "Your welcome Naruto-kun just try to avoid fans in the future alright" Neji spoke with a small grin. "Yes Naruto-kun please come to us if you ever need help" Hinata voiced with a smile. "You got it" Naruto smiled.

Together the three marched to the academy, unaware of the events that were about to take place.

Everyone was here, today was the day they were put on genin teams and they couldn't wait. While everyone else was sitting and talking, Naruto was learning the basic juken stance and moves from Hinata and Neji. After watching them beat the shit out of that mob naruto wanted to learn Juken too so he could do that. The Hyuga were more then happy to help him learn, way too happy since they got to feel Naruto up as they helped him shift his body into the stances.

Kakashi came into the room with a smile on his face, or what looked like a smile thanks to that dumb mask of his. "Alright everyone settle down so I can announce your genin teams" he voiced and the room went quiet.

Team One through six we skip cause we don't care about them.

Team Seven will be Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura, Instructor is Iruka

Team Eight will be Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji, Instructor in Asuma

Team Nine will be Neji, Lee, and Tenten, Instructor is Gai

and Team Ten will be the only four man team. Naruto, Hinata, Kabuto, and a new student named Taku. Instructor is Anko.

"Do you know Kabuto Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked her team mate. "Yeah he's alright, he uses medical jutsu and Taijutsu, he's also very helpful and friendly" Naruto smiled. "Glad to know you think so highly of me Naruto-kun" a voiced said from the doorway. A silver haired teen stepped in wearing a purple shirt, cloth like belt and purple pants, he wore glasses and bracers on his arms. "Kabuto-kun!" Naruto cheered and leapt at him, giving him a cute hug that made most people furious.

"Nice to see you too Naruto-kun" Kabuto chuckled as he returned the hug and smiled at the killing intent coming from most people in the room. Releasing th adorable blonde Kabuto smiled at the two genin, "I was sent here by Anko-sensei to pick you two up, we have to meet her in an hour at the training field so let's go" he smiled and lead them out of the room. Leaving a seething Neji and a pissed off Sasuke.

Training field...

Naruto, Hinata, and Kabuto arrived at their assigned field to find there sensei and their mystery team mate waiting for them. Taku had long raven colored hair and charcol colored eyes. He wore a standard black shinobi shirt and pants with what appeared to be Anbu class grey armor. On each of his sides was a silver katana engraved with black flames.

"Pleased to meet you Naruto, Hinata, and Kabuto. I am Taku" he bowed to the three. "Alright you little gaki's gather around and we'll get started!" Anko stated and the five

settled into a small circle. "Alright you with the blue hair start" Anko pointed to Hinata.

"My name is Hinata Hyuga, I like Naruto-kun, pleasent music and reading romantic novels. I dislike pricks, and people who think they are better just because they are from a stuck up clan. My hobbies are praticing medical jutsu and learning medical skills, as for my dream... well I want to help restore my clan to its former glory and wipe away their stubborness" she finished up with a smile on her face.

"Nice goal Hinata-chan, your family needs a serious kick in the ass, now you with the blonde hair go" Anko smiled.

"Yosh! I am Naruto Uzumaki, I like dango, writing, and developing new jutsu. I dislike perverts who chase me and those who would harm those who are precious to me. My hobbies are completing unfinished jutsu and making my special Chocolate Double Delight Cookies. My dream is to find my father and kick his ass for leaving me when I was born" Naruto finished with a look of anger on his face.

Anko felt for the boy, the council had destroyed all records of Naruto and his parents to "Protect" him from his fathers enemies. She was also wondering if Naruto knew of his "tennet but thought to deal with that when the time came. "You with silver go" Anko sighed.

"My name is Kabuto, I like medical jutsu and studying various forms of medical pratice. I

dislike untrustworthy people and those who would not protect what is precious to them. My hobbies are training and increasing my chakra reserves, my dream is to surpass Tsunade and become the greatest Medic in the world" Kabuto finished with a smile.

'A medical ninja? according to the reports he's more suited in taijutsu then medical jutsu. Prehaps the reports were wrong or they simply got the wrong kid' Anko thought as she eyed the silver haired youth. "Finally you the emo looking one" Anko chuckled.

"My name is Taku, I have few likes, many dislikes and no hobbies but training. I specialize in genjutsu and my goal is to become the greatest genjutsu master in the world" Taku finished up.

'This kid is so serious and I didn't learn shit from his intro but something seems off, he's masking his chakra too well to be a genin but according to the reports he was training under Itachi when he was younger. I'll have to keep an eye on him and Kabuto as well'

"Well now that we know each other I want you to meet me here tomorrow for your genin test, I suggest you sleep early and eat a decent breakfast cause with you being my first ever genin team I don't want you to fail" Anko smiled and poofed away.

Naruto left with Hinata to the Hyuga complex, Kabuto went to the hospital and Taku simply vanished.

"Soon Naruto-kun you will be mine, once I've gained your trust" A certain raven haired genin thought as his eyes flashed red.

Chapter Nine: Genin Test part one

The next day they were given Anko's test, well if you really call it a test. Last night there had been a change in teams and Kakashi was forced to take team seven as a punishment. Now Anko not liking perverts decided that her team were going to obtain Kakashi's favorite little orange book while she took care of an important task. They were currently speeding through the trees heading towards Training Ground Seven.

"How are we going to pull this off? Any ideas Kabuto? Taku?" Naruto asked as they slowed down. "Well I have a plan but for it to work the timing will have to be perfect and we may need to deal with Kakashi-sensei's team too" Kabuto voiced. "Please tell us Kabuto-san" Hinata asked. "Well first since he is a jonin I suggest we deal with his team and then deal with him, Taku can you handle them?" Kabuto asked looking to the raven haired boy. "It won't be a problem, they will foolishly fall for my traps" Taku smirked.

"Alright then, while Taku deals with them the rest of us shall locate Kakashi, Naruto and I shall engage him and Hinata will watch with her Byakugan and wait for a chance to snare his perverted book" Kabuto voiced. "A stable plan it is indeed, I shall locate and take out his team" Taku voiced and vanished in a puff of smoke. Sasuke, Sai, Sakura...

"What are we going to do Sasuke-kun? If we don't get those bells we'll fail and won't become ninja!" Sakura screeched in her highly pitched annoying voice. "Shut up! I'm trying to think here!" Sasuke yelled. Suddenly a very thick fog blanketed the area and a gust of wind blew the three genin away from each other. Up in the trees a raven haired figure smirked before heading towards his first target. Sakura... "Sasuke-kun where are you!" Sakura screamed and then froze when she sensed someone. Even with the dense fog she could make out a figure coming towards her. "SASUKEKUN!" She screamed and glomped the figure without actually looking to see who it really was. "How amusing" the dark evil voice said with a chuckle. Sakura froze and slowly looked up to stare into red Sharingan eyes. "Your not Sasuke-kun!" she screamed before she went silent. Sai... "This is annoying, I wish they would hurry up and fail us so I can go back to drawing" he sighed as he looked through his art book. He never noticed the figure behind him grinning evily. (Sorry but I like Sai so I won't write any thing bad that happened to him) Sasuke... "Damn it where the hell are they and what is with this fog?" he spoke to himself. He couldn't sense anything and hated the fact he was so weak that simple fog could be

blocking his senses. "How weak" A cold, familar voice spoke and Sasuke froze. Slowly turning around he gazed up into a tree to see a shadowed figure with Sharingan eyes. "YOU!" He screamed before getting slammed into a tree. "Why are you so weak? What have you been doing all this time little brother?" Itachi smirked. "Damn it, I'll kill you!" he screamed before flying through hand seals. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" Sasuke fired a stream of fire at Itachi he mearly vanished. "Genjutsu?" Sasuke voiced before expelling chakra from his body, "Release!" He shouted and the fog faded. There was no Itachi in sight and he spotted Sakura and Sai unconcious a few feet away. "Shadow Clone Smash!" The ground under Saskue exploded and he was senting flying through several trees. Struggling to get up he looked to see Itachi with a frown on his normally expressionless face. "Why are you so weak? it is because you lack somethings that I don't" Itachi explained calmly walking to his fallen brother. "You Lack Hatred and Something Precious" Then Sasuke's sight went dark. "Henge Jutsu" Itachi voiced before transforming into Taku, "Kabuto-san, Kakashi's team has been dealt with. Proceed with your plan" he spoke into a small radio. "Roger that Taku, fall back to our location in case we need back up" Kabuto replied.

Chapter Ten: Genin Test Part 2 They observed their target, the small book was currently in Kakashi's hands while he was pretending to remain oblivious to his surroundings. He had sensed his teams chakra singles flare a short while ago and now he could sense three high level chakra signatures behind him plus a forth one on the way. He smiled under his mask, he was going to enjoy this and hoped he didn't have to hold back. "About time you got here Taku, what took you so long?" Naruto asked the raven haired genin. "Got lost on the road of life" was his reply which made Kabuto snort. "Don't copy the copy cat Taku-san, now what do we do about Kakashi? He is jonin rank after all" Kabuto voiced. "I dought a blitz attack will work against him, and I don't think we can catch him off guard" Naruto said as he watched his former teacher. "I believe a simple answer for a complicated problem" Hinata voiced catching everyones attention. "What do you mean Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked and Hinata got an evil smirk. "Naruto have you ever wanted to indulged into Kakashi's pervertedness?" Moments later... 'Are they going to wait all day or am I going to have to take action?' Kakashi thought as he turned the page. "Hey Kakashi-sensei!" a familar voice was heard and he turned to see Naruto standing there with a smile on his face. "Oh Naruto-kun I'm surprised your here by yourself" Kakashi replied as Naruto walked up to him. "Hey Kakashi-sensei can I ask you a question?" naruto asked turning his head to the side in a cute matter. "Of course Naruto-kun" Kakashi answerd.

Can you lower your mask for a moment?" Naruto asked. "Now why would I do that?" Kakashi asked curious. "Cause I wanna give you something special" Naruto smiled. "Fine just be quick about it, I like wearing my mask" Kakashi sighed and slowly lowered his mask. The second it was lowered Naruto jumped Kakashi and crashed his lips into his in a passionate kiss. Kakashi was so surprised he dropped his book and wrapped his arms around Naruto as they crashed to the ground. While Naruto and Kakashi were making out Kabuto came in and swiped the book while Taku took a photo of the two for blackmail later. Hinata was too busy also taking photo's with her digital camra to help. Kabuto and Taku poofed away as Naruto and Kakashi parted for air, "Wow sensei, your good" Naruto smiled, his lips red and bruised. "What was that for Naruto?" Kakashi said trying to catch his breath. "I always give kisses to those precious to me, you just joined the list" Naruto smiled before picking himself up and offering a hand to Kakashi. "See ya around Kakashi-sensei!" he waved as he ran off. 'Naruto Uzumaki, you are quite a surprise compared to others' Kakashi smiled before reaching to get his book only to notice it was missing. "NANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" With Team Anko... "I guess Kakashi-sensei noticed his book is missing" Kabuto voiced with a smirk. "Very nice job Naruto-kun, I will enjoy selling these photos to your many fans" Taku chuckled. "You wouldn't, I'd have every damn pervert in every elemental country after my ass" Naruto shouted. "Relax, just remember when I ask for a favor make sure you do it" Taku smirked. "Blackmail huh? should have known" Naruto sighed.

"Well we have the book and got a great show and black mail so I'd guess when can say this is sucess" Hinata laughed "Enough with that now where can we find Anko-sensei?" Naruto voiced as they picked up the pace. "Knowing Anko, she is at a local dango stand" Taku replied as they headed into the village. What happened to Sasuke and his pink haired bitch? Well Kakashi was so angry that his book was gone he failed them, Sai didn't really care cause he was secretly Anbu anyway. (I LOVE SAI!) Dango Stand... "So gaki's you finished the mission already huh?" Anko asked as her team walked into the building. "Mission sucessful sensei" Hinata smiled handing Anko the perverted book. "I shall enjoy using this against that perv and all four of you pass so report to the hokage tower tomarrow at eight in the morning for our first C ranked mission!" Anko cheered. "Nani? C ranked? but we just became genin!" Naruto gasped. "Listen gaki, when your my genin you don't do those crappy D ranked missions, only the best for my genin" Anko smiled as she ruffled his hair. "I think I'm going like having a psycho for a teacher" Naruto smiled as his team mates. Chapter Eleven: Meeting Kyuubi (I just got Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 and if fucking rocks man! Itachi is the greatest and Gaara makes all the others look like crap! Choji is really funny too since he screams Chubbies Rule! all the time. hahahahahahahaha!) Well they had just finished their first C ranked mission and Naruto was sore, really sore.

As in I feel like I got fucked in the ass kind of sore and could barely move. He was lying on his bed in the apartment trying to remain awake but the temptation to sleep was just too great and he felt himself drifting off to dream land to meet Kirby and all those fun characters... or so he thought. Dream Scean... He found himself in a dark hallway lined with red lights, he could feel something pulling him forward so he started walking. "This is way different then the other dream I've had" Naruto spoke as he reached what appeared to be a large gate held in place by thick metal chains. "So you have finally come, I've been waiting for you Naruto Uzumaki" A deep powerful voice said from behind the gate. Naruto jumped in surprise as a large red claw shot out and grabbed him, pulling him into the cage, "Let me go!" he screamed as he was dragged inside. "Calm down, I will not harm you. Your seal pervents me from harming you in anyway, shape or form" the voice spoke as the claw set Naruto down on the ground. "Who are you? and where the hell am I?" naruto asked out lound. "I am the Kyuubi the Nine Tailed Fox and we are currently inside your mind Naruto" the fox replied comming into view. Now when you hear the name Kyuubi you think of a freakishly tall red fox with nine large tails capable of destroying villages with a single swipe. But have you ever heard the phrase 'Big things come in small packages?' Well that is what this is. The Kyuubi was in

reality a small little red fox cub with nine cute tails behind him. He barely reached Naruto's leg as he looked up at the blonde. "Your the great and feared Nine Tailed Fox? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" Naruto started laughing like a crazy person and fell to the ground clutching his sides. "Shut up you retarded blonde or I'll rip out your soul and use it for my dental floss!" Kyuubi shouted, flaring his chakra to the point Naruto thought he couldn't breathe. "Ok, ok I'm sorry I made fun of your size!" Naruto sceamed and the killing intent went down. "Now we have some things to discuss so sit down, shut up, and pay attention!" the fox cub said. Several Hours Later... "So let me get this straight... your sealed in me, no one told me cause they were afraid of me, and that's why the older villagers hate me?" Naruto asked. "Correct" Kyuubi answered. "Its also because of you that everyone thinks I'm cute and wants to rape my ass?" naruto said rasing an eye brow. "Correct again, you are good at paying attention" the fox smiled. "So what do you want fox? I can't believe you brought me in here just to tell me these things" Naruto voiced as he looked at the chibi fox in front of him. "I did get a smart vessel after all. All right here's why I brought you here, I am rather lonely in here in the dark and I want company and a little freedom" the fox spoke. "But the seal can't be removed so you can't be freed" Naruto pointed out. "True

but I can alter the seal to allow me to experience everything you touch, taste, see, and hear in the real world. I will also grant you enhanced senses of foxes and I may grant you training in the near future" Kyuubi smiled at his vessel. "Alright fox, but may I ask if you have a summoning contract too? I want to sign it" Naruto voiced. "You wish to sign the kitsune contract? very well, but the kitsune race is a proud one so do not summon them for things not worthy of their attention" Kyuubi informed. "Thanks Kyuubi" Naruto smiled and stratched the fox behind the ear. "Now go, I want you to spend the day training your new senses, you won't be able to function well until then" When Naruto woke up his cursing was so loud that Gaara in the sand village heard him. His eyes were blood red and were slited slightly, his wisked marks were darkened, and his ears were slightly pointed like a foxes. No wonder he cursed. Chapter 12: Naruto meet Itachi

Well the day went smoothly enough, Naruto hid from all his team mates all day inside the hokage tower. When Tsunade found him hiding in her closet she sceamed Kawaii and gave him a bone crushing hug. Naruto then explained what happened to him and Tsunade had to keep from laughing, after that she examined him and said that despite his appearance he was in perfect health and sent him home.

As he walked through the streets he noticed that no one was around, but then again it was like two in the morning and the only other ones out were the Anbu. He never noticed the

figure with glowing red eyes following him across the the rooftops. He reached his apartment and locked the twenty dead bolt locks before sighing and settling down to sleep.

One Hour Later...

The figure smirked as he easly slid open Naruto's window, the blonde obviously didn't know how to secure his home, lucky for him then. He entered the apartment and found it to be unusally clean, no ramen or dango wrappers or anything. "He's learning" he smiled as he walked through the apartment. Reaching the bed room he found his adorable blonde lying on his bed clad in his boxers. "Beautiful" he smiled as he saw Naruto's little kitsune tail curl over and over.

Closing the door he flew through some hand seals.

"Sealing Jutsu, Sound Barrier"

A blue glow filled the room so no sound could leave, now he could do what he wanted and not worry about his blonde alerting anyone. Taking off his black cloak he sat down next to Naruto and ruffled his hair a bit. "Wake up Naru-chan" he smiled as Naruto's eyes fluttered open.

When Naruto opened his eyes to stare into the figures crimson red ones he instantly

thought it was Sasuke, until he noticed the guy was much older and more mature looking. Well that a the slashed forehead protecter on his head. 'WHO ARE YOU!" he freaked and try to run away but he was grabbed and pulled against the figures chest. "Calm down, I'm not here to harm you" he spoke causing Naruto to calm down a bit. "Who are you?" Naruto asked as he looked up into the older boys eyes. "My name is Itachi Uchiha"

Across the Village...

Sasuke shot up in bed, eyes blazing red. This chakra, he felt it when he was attacked in the forest, it was his brothers! Throwing the covers off himself he started dressing so he could go find and kill him.

Otherside of Village...

She felt chakra flare in the village, it was Sasuke's, she hurried and got dressed so she could go help her beloved. (I hate Sakura!)

Naruto's Apartment...

"Itachi Uchiha?" Naruto asked in awe. He didn't understand what was going on, here he was sitting in the arms of the most dangerous criminal in Fire Country and he was comfortable. Unknowingly he allowed himself to relax in Itachi's arms and snuggled into the warmth he provided. Itachi smirked, it was working well, Naruto was giving in to his

kitsune traits and seeking comfort.

Itachi laid down in the bed, bring Naruto down with him and getting comfortable to sleep. "Naru-chan, you are precious to me" he wispered into the blonde's ear as he gently held the kitsune. "Itachi-kun" Naruto said breathless as he leaning into Itachi's hold. "I will not allow them to taint you Naru-chan, your mine and mine alone" Itachi smirked as he kissed the blonde on the lips.

Naruto didn't know what was happening, he was overcome with a overwealming need to seek comfort. The warmth Itach was giving him made him feel like on cloud nine and he wanted more. Giving into his feeling Naruto kissed Itachi back and started pushing harder to get Itachi to respond. Itachi responded right away and started french kissing Naruto who was more then willing to give in and be dominated.

Itachi started started taking off his clothes while Naruto watched with red tinted eyes. When Itachi's shirt came off Naruto licked his lips, wanting to devour the sexy boy infront of him. "Like what you see Naru-chan?" Itachi asked with a smirk, Naruto simply nodded and tensed as he waited. Just as Itachi was removing his pants he heard a window break.

"WHERE ARE YOU ITACHI!" Sasuke screamed as he broke into Naruto's apartment, Sakura right behind him. Itachi cursed his luck and started forming handseals.

"Sealing Jutsu: Protection Barrier"

Another barrier appeared to seal them inside and keep anyone or thing from entering. "It seems are time together has been cut short Naru-chan, remember that you belong to me and me alone. Do not allow others to taint your innocence" Itachi smiled as he vanished and the barriers vanished.

Chapter 13: An A Rank Mission!

Well after Sasuke and Sakura broke into Naruto's apartment and were caught by Iruka they were arrested and charged with breaking and entering. When they claimed they felt Itachi's chakra the Anbu laughed and stated that if ninja of their own level couldn't feel it then there was no way simple genin could. When they questioned Naruto he claimed that he was fast asleep and that these two crazy people woke him up and damaged his property.

Kakashi was very disappointed with sasuke and banned him from preforming any of his ninja duties for a month. Sakura's parents punished her by forcing her to work with lady Tsunade in doing paper work. Naruto just sighed and ran a finger over his lips to savor the taste of Itachi, he hoped he'd see him again soon.

Well anyway it was the next day and Naruto along with Kabuto, Hinata, Taku and Anko found themselves in front of Tsunade to accept a new mission. "Well you four are the

best genin we have and so I have decided to test your ability by giving you an A rank mission" Tsunade smiled. "Yatta! I've been waiting for this!" Naruto cheered and hugged Hinata who was just as excited. Kabuto simply smiled while Taku remained emotionless. "What's the mission Hokage-sama?" Anko asked.

"You are to deliver a scroll to the kage of the sand village, you may encounter rouge ninja as well as cloud shinobi who wish to aquire it" Tsunade said with a serious tone. "You got it, we'll pack and leave in an hour understand everyone?" Anko asked looking to her team. "Hai Sensei!" they saluted.

They all parted ways, Naruto went to his apartment to pack while everyone else did the same. While Naruto was sealing things into scrolls he came across a unusal black cloak with white clouds on it. The cloak was sized to fit him perfectly and with it was a note addressed to him.

"Dear Naru-chan, me and my group created this cloak just for you. It is made of a special material that cannot be torn or burned and contains hidden seals to store your weapons and various items. Wear it with pride and show the others not to take you lightly" Itachi

"Itachi-kun" Naruto said with a smile and hugged the cloak to his chest, it even smelled like him. Putting the cloak on he went to a mirror and got a good look at himself, "damn I look good!" he smirked as he twirled around admiring his new cloak. Sealing kunai into

the seals in his cloak Naruto picked up with scrolls and headed out the door, making sure to lock up.

When he arrived at the front gate everyone was starring at him, "What?" he asked. "Where did you get the cloak Naruto?" Anko asked. "Found it outside my apartment in the trash, I thought it looked good so I fixed it up" Naruto smiled even though he was lying through his teeth. Well Anko knew he was lying but decided not to push it, besides Kabuto was being more shifty then usual today.

"Oh My God the Akatsuki are here and they want Naruto-kun! I must find someway to warn Lord Orochimaru before its too late!"

"I think it suits you Naruto-kun" Hinata smiled at the blonde, "I agree Hinata-san" Taku smirked knowingly. "Thanks but enough about the cloak, let's get started on our mission" Naruto cheered. "Alright!" they all yelled and took off.

Border of Fire Country...

They had been traveling for hours but had made it to the half way point without being attacked. But now they had to watch themselves since they were unfamilar with the land, they could be attacked at any moment. But hey its not like are loveable blonde was worried about that, oh no he's was more worried about resting with Hinata-chan as they ate lunch.

"You actually sealed steaming hot Dango in a scroll Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked, "that's right Hinata-chan. I can't go very long without my dango" Naruto smiled as he handed the stickes to her, Kabuto, Taku and Anko. "Nice work gaki, I think out of all of you guys he's my favorite" Anko smirked biting into the delcious dango.

"Naruto-kun has always aimed to please, that is one of his best qualities" Kabuto voiced earning a blush from the blonde. "I do not believe I have seen you blush since the time you made out with Kakashi-sensei" Taku smirked earning a questioning look from Anko, "you made out with Kakashi?" she questioned. "Well kinda, it was during our genin test. I figured it was the best way to distract him so I grit my teeth and did it" Naruto sighed before he was tackled by his lovable sensei.

"Its not fair Kakashi get's to make out with you Naru-kun and I don't" she smiled as she leaned closer. "You want to make out with me Anko-sensei?" Naruto asked confused noticing the evil grin on her face. "Well I would prefer crazy out of control sex but making out works too" she smiled. "But we're on a mission and the others are here and..." he tried to explain. "Relax Naruto, I don't do teacher/student relations, its way too troublesome" she smirked and got off the blonde. "You sound just like Shikamaru" Naruto laughed and picked himself up.

"I got nice photos" Taku voiced from the background as he and Hinata lowered their camras. "No fair now he have pics of me with Kakashi and Anko!" Naruto screamed

earning chuckles from everyone. "Well not that we've had our fun with Naruto what do you say we continue with our mission?" Anko asked the group who all nodded. Naruto just sighed as he took off, the others following.

"Note to self, invite Naruto to hotel room later tonight" Anko thought with a evil grin as she followed the cute blonde

Chapter 14: Trouble in the Sand! Fans attack!

After defeating some rouge ninja Naruto and company finally made it to the sand village. Well when they arrived all eyes instantly went to Naruto who gulped nervously. "What's wrong Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked as they walked through the village. "I want to keep a low profile, I have a big problem with this village" Naruto spoke in a hushed voice. "Why?" Kabuto asked. "Fans" Naruto replied.

"What does fans have to do with your problem Naruto-kun? I thought you disliked perverts?" Anko asked out loud.


A voice screamed making the group freeze. Turning slightly they spotted a very and I mean very large group of people behind them all with lust filled eyes. "oh shit" Naruto exclaimed before taking off so fast all that could be seen was a black flash. "COME


"Kami must be a women to screw with me so many times in my short life" Naruto spoke as he ran, not noticing the red head running beside him. "I agree, kami hates us" he spoke catching Naruto's attention. "Who are you and why are you running?" Naruto asked and then he heard why.


"Oh that's why" Naruto sighed as he grabbed onto Gaara and ran faster. "So why they chasing you blondy?" Gaara asked. "Demon fox sealed inside me makes me be desired by everyone, you?" naruto answered. "Demon raccon dog sealed in me and I'm the kage's son" Gaara replied. "Cool at least I got someone to hang with while running for my innocence" Naruto smiled as they rounded a corner. "So Gaara got any hiding places?" Naruto asked, "the top of the large sand dune at the back of the village" Gaara answered.

The two boys headed in that direction, never seeing a figure on a unusal white bird following them.

White Bird...

"I finally escaped those fan girls but I'm still so lonely, maybe those two cute boys down there will be my friends?" Deidara smiled as he went lower to catch them. Just as he was

in reach the boys took a sharp left and deidara not paying attention to his surroundings crashed into a building. "Now I''m hurt and lonely, I miss Tobi-chan!" he cried. (Poor Deidara)

Hidden Base...

Tobi sneezed loudly catching the leaders attention. "Coming down with a cold?" he asked. "No, someones talking about me, after all Tobi is a good boy" Tobi smiled behind his mask.

Hidden Sand Village...

They had finally lost the crazy fans. Naruto was happy he got away and got to meet Gaara but now they had a new problem. A large sand storm had started and the entire village was being locked down while they were trapped outside ontop of the large sand dune. Using his chakra, Gaara constructed a large sphere of sand around them for protection as Naruto hugged the red head. Gaara found this boy strange, his sand didn't see him as a threat and allowed him to protect the blonde from the fierce storm outside.

Gaara gave into the boys warmth and wrapped his arms around the blonde in a gentle embrace. 'What is this feeling? is this what love truely feels like? I must understand it more if I am to return it'

Chapter 15: Ramblings of a blonde

Naruto had just returned from his mission to Sand when he encountered the fucked up emo prick. Sasuke was pissed that Naruto had gotten an A rank mission while he an Uchiha was stuck doing D ranked missions. He may have desired the blonde but that didn't mean he couldn't annoy him to no end.

"So Naruto you done with the mission report?" Hinata asked

"Not yet"

"Wanna go get dango?" Anko asked

"Not yet"

"Gonna take a shower to get rid of all that sand?" Kabuto asked

"Not yet"

"Are you going to turn around and face me dobe?" Sasuke asked

"Not yet"

"Going to go kiss Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked

"Not yet"

"Are you going to say anything else besides that?" Taku asked.



"Not yet"

Everyone but Naruto face faulted


"Fight me dobe!" Sasuke shouted

"Not yet"

"Fight him Naruto no baka!" Sakura screamed

"Not yet"

"Do it before I kill him myself" Taku spoke

"Not yet"

"Then when?" Kabuto asked



"When he stops being emo" Naruto finally answered

"I have stopped being emo dobe" Sasuke replied getting a smirk on the blondes face.

"Not yet"

Everyone face faulted again.

"You have to be the most annoying person on the planet" Sakura voiced

"Not yet"

"Stop saying that!" Sasuke screamed

"Not yet"


Sasuke ran off screaming with his faithful pink haired whore behind him.

"Think we should tell him your just a clone and the real you is at home sound asleep?" Hinata asked Naruto. He replied with a smirk.

"Not yet"

Chapter 16: Training Naruko style

Naruto giggled in his sleep as the memories of his shadow clone returned to him. Seeing the emo run away screaming gave him wonderful dreams as he slept on, well he really wasn't sleeping, he was playing with Kyuubi. The small chibi fox was sitting in the blondes lap, purring as Naruto brushed her fur in a slow pleasent manner.

"That feels wonderful kit, how did you get so good at this?" she asked. "Tsunadechan let me brush her hair all the time when I was younger. She treated me like a son so I

wanted to learn how to help her" Naruto replied as he played with the foxes tail. "Your a good person kit, your alot better then most humans I've met in my life. I am greatful that out of all the people I could have been sealed in, I got you" Kyuubi smiled as she curled up in Naruto's lap to sleep. "Night Kyuubi, sweet dreams" Naruto smiled and rubbed the foxes head lovingly.

It was always like this with them. To most people Kyuubi was a freakishly powerful demonic fox that didn't know things like emotion and would kill first and ask questions never. But to Naruto she was a small little fox that was granted powers well beyond the bounds of thinking, she wanted someone to love and respect her rather then fear her and Naruto was that person. Naruto himself decided to let himself drift into unconciousness.

Several Hours Later...

Naruto was heading towards Training ground 69 where he would meet up with Kabuto and Taku for training. Hinata would be training with Neji and Anko was at some meeting with Tsunade. He had been trying to avoid the stuck up emo fucking prick Uchiha every since he returned to the village and his pink haired bitch was being more annoying then usual today. She had been following him ever since he left his apartment, complaining about him not giving her precious Sasuke-kun what he wanted.

He was about to knock the bitch out when her best friend Ino did it for him when they passed her families flower shop. He thanked her by buying one of her more dangerous

flowers called Ninja Wolf's Bane. He didn't have to worry about the posion factor thanks to a small chibi fox inside of him, he smiled as he tucked the flower behind his ear and quickened his pace to the grounds.

He stopped behind a tree and sneaked a peak at the grounds to find Kabuto and Taku glaring at each other. He giggled and thought of a great idea, well in his cute blonde head was a good idea. "Transform!" he spoke and in the classic puff of smoke stood a clothed female version of Naruto, Naruko Uzumaki.

"Hey guys!" she shouted as she skipped into the grounds earning the attention of their curious eyes. "Naruto?" Kabuto asked looking over the blondes body. "What do you think Kabuto-kun? This is my newest sexy jutsu form" Naruko smiled as she twirled around to show off. Taku nearly suffered a nose bleed thanks to perverted thoughts and Kabuto had to stop himself from jumping the blonde and ravishing her in the middle of the grounds. "Well let's get to training!" she shouted and moved further into the grounds to begin.

Two Hours later...

It was no use, he couldn't focus. His naruto was still in his sexy jutsu form and Taku couldn't strike him, Kabuto wasn't fairing any better either. Every time he tried a technique Naruko would either evade or take the attack full force which resulted in Kabuto fawning over her with his medical jutsu. Taku was furious but there was nothing

he could do. Naruto's newest version was a genjutsu similar to Tsunade's age genjutsu and was unbreakable unless Naruto himself released it. He was very tempted to drop his henge and use his bloodline to break it but then he'd be found out by Kabuto who was spying for Orochimaru.

"I'm beat, I think I used to much chakra today" Naruko huffed as she laid against a tree. "Would you like me to escort you home Naruko?" Kabuto asked in a kind tone. "Sure Kabuto-kun, I'd like that" Naruko smiled and leaned on the silver haired boy. Taku was pissed, there was no way he was going to allow his Naruto to be alone with that snake in the grass spy.

"See ya Taku-san!" Naruko yelled over her shoulder as she was led away by Kabuto and Taku poofed away to spy on the duo.

Hokage Office...

It has happened again ladies and gentlemen, Tsunade is drunk off her rocker andyelling out random commands that have to deal with her adopted son Naruto. "Get the rook 9 females in here now!" she screamed and launched another empty bottle of sake at some random Anbu. "Right away ma'am!" he ducked and rushed out the room.

Several moments later

Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata entered the room to find Tsunade downing another bottle of her favorite drink. "All right listen up! my wittle son Naruto is cute, single, and up for grabs. In order for him to grow up the right way he needs a womans touch so as of now when you aren't on missions or training you will spend your time trying to seduce Naruto understand?" she spoke with a slight studder.

The girls couldn't believe what they were hearing, Tsunade wanted them to seduce Naruto. Tenten, Hinata and Ino didn't have a problem with this but Sakura sure did. She didn't want to seduce that chump Naruto she wanted her precious Sasuke-kun but then she thought with Ino and all the others after Naruto then Sasuke would be all alone and come to her for support

"Um Tsunade-sama why do you want us to seduce Naruto-kun?" Hinata bravely asked. "Naruto is the last of the Uzumaki clan and the council is forcing me to get him to have many girls so he can recreate his clan" Tsunade answered. "But why don't they do that with Sasuke?" Tenten asked. "That's simple, its because Sasuke Uchiha is gay" she smiled.


Sakura's voice could be heard throughout the world at this turn of events. All the way across the village in a nice little apartment Naruto awoke to the shrill voice. "Damn Sakura go bitch on your time" he muttered before laying back down and snuggling into

Kabuto's chest.

Chapter 17: Haku of the Frozen Mist

(Haku is female in this fic)

It had been several weeks since Naruto's last A rank mission and quite frankly he was bored. Doing simple D and C rank missions were begining to bore him, also all the girls had been acting really wierd around him lately. Ino being more chatty then usual, wanting him to help out in her parents flower shop. Tenten wanted to train with him more with Kabuto and Taku and Hinata kept inviting him over to the Hyuga estate for family events. He didn't really mind the extra attention but that bitch Sakura was starting to annoy him greatly.

She had been following him around constantly saying things like Sasuke was way better then him at everything. Tenten put an end to that really fast with, A Thousand Years of Death Kunai Style. Well Sakura's ass was sore for about a week after that and she finally left Naruto alone. Another thing that pissed him off was the uber stuck up fucking emo prick Sasuke Uchiha spying on him while he trained. Taku had offered to beat the shit out of him but Naruto declined saying that having fun and screwing with his mind was more fun.

Naruto had been developing a brand new genjutsu and wanted to test it on Sasuke since it

would really piss him off. Well when Naruto cast it Sasuke nearly had a heart attack. The jutsu made him think he was chained to a wall, watching Naruto and his brother Itachi having full blown out of control sex with Naruto screaming out his brothers name every second. While this was happening a clone of Itachi was beside Sasuke saying how weak he was for not claiming the blonde when he had the chance.

Sasuke was taken away to the hospital where Sakura was his personal nurse which scared him into a coma. (poor Sasuke)

When Tsunade found out she forbid Naruto from using that on Leaf Shinobi unless it was a life and death situtation. Kakashi demanded to know where he learned such a jutsu only to be blown off by Naruto as he flirted with Anko. Tsunade had a smile on her face as Naruto and Anko chatted but Kakashi was pissed but we don't care.

He hadn't seen Itachi for awhile but knew he'd come around eventually but for now he'd enjoy the company of Kabuto and Hinata who were learning medical jutsu in the hokage tower.

(A list of Naruto's jutsu's will be provided later so please send in your suggestions to what he should know for the upcoming chunin exams)

"Palm Healing Jutsu!" Naruto spoke as a warm green colored chakra came to his hand and healed Lee's broken wrist. "Thank you Naruto-san, I shall be more careful with my

training from now on" Lee smiled at the blonde as he examined his newly healed wrist. "Just don't do any punches for a few days and it should be fully recovered" Naruto happly replied and allowed Lee to leave the exam room.

"Impressive Naruto-kun, it took me three weeks to learn that jutsu when I first started" Tsunade smiled at her son. "Thanks Tsunade-chan": Naruto happily replied. Tsunade only agreed to teach them medical jutsu for a few reasons.

1. Keep a closer eye on Kabuto 2. Get Hinata and Naruto to train more closely with each other 3. Keep Anko from raping her precious son 4. Keep Kakashi from raping her precious son 5. She wanted Naruto to skilled in all asspects of jutsu.

Taku and Anko were not there, they were currently on a mission to sand village again to deliever another scroll and all the other genin were out on missions too. "Well that's enough for today, you have the rest of the day off so go enjoy yourself" Tsunade smiled and the genin filed out the door.

Two Hours Later...

He was all alone in a training ground, he had been here ever since leaving the Hokage Tower, training on his new jutsu from the pervy sage called rasangan. It was late, a storm

was begining to settle in and Naruto didn't seem to notice that is was getting cold really fast. A strange mist was begining to appear and now Naruto noticed when his sight was becoming impaired. "What the hell is going on?" Naruto asked outloud as he tried to see through the mist.

"Do not bother, you cannot hope to see through my mist" a serious sounding voice that sounded female. "Who are you?" Naruto asked turning around in a circle. "I am sorry but you cannot know, only know that you will be with your family soon" the voice replied before some sebon needles shot at him, landing in his back just above his heart. Naruto swore when he felt the pain and tried to move to away but it hurt too much, "Shit this hurts" he spoke to himself.

"My needles are coated with a special posion, your body will slowly become motionless until you are unable to move. There is no escape" the voice said and two more needles became inbeded in his left leg. "My body is going numb, I've got to get out of here" he tried to move again and noticed he couldn't feel his leg anymore. He continued to move through the mist despite the posion in his veins and the figure couldn't understand why, he shouldn't be able to walk let alone move his body anymore but he was still going.

"Why do you continue to resist? You cannot fight back and you can't get away. What is it that drives you?" the figure asked. Falling to his knees Naruto mentally began to gather chakra into his palm, "my drive to protect those precious and I won't let some cowardly ninja that needs sneak attacks and posion defeat me!" he screamed and a glowing sphere

of chakra formed.

"Rasangan Dangan!"

He launched the attack towards the figure he could barely see. The figure was so shocked that her target could still mold chakra that she couldn't evade in time and was caught by the attack. The rasangan destroyed the tree she was hiding in and she was severaly injured. The mist began to lift just in time for Naruto to see a black haired ninja wearing a white mask fall from the tree, the mask crumbled to pieces revealing a beautiful girls face.

She wasn't moving but Naruto was slowly losing conciousness, his vision started to blurr and he felt very faint. "Naruto-kun!" the wonderful voice of Hinata rang out as Naruto slowly turned to see the peral eyed girl running towards him. "Hinata-chan" he said before passing out.

(Ok so send me your ideas for Naruto's jutsu library)

Chapter 18: Filling in the spaces

It had been a week since Naruto was attacked. He was currently in the hospital in a coma due to the posion in his system. Word of the blonde's health had spread through the village like wildfire, The Hyuga were demanding that the attacker be put to death, the

council were demanding the hunter be tortured for information, Tsunade just wanted her son to wake up to tell what really happened. They had found out so far that the attacker was a young girl by the name of Haku, a rouge ninja formally from Hidden Mist. She was the student of Zabuza of the bloody mist and her title was Haku of the Frozen Mist. She refused to say anything unless it was to her targets face and would face what ever torture they forced on her.

They were about to do just that when they discovered she had a bloodline ability. They then wanted her to be made into a breeding machine for the village, Tsunade refused saying no one deserved that kind of fate. They complained saying she was one of the few survivors of the bloodline genocide and Tsuande replied that Sasuke was the last of the uchiha's, make him into a breeding machine.

The hokage sighed as she entered the cell where Haku was being held and sat down next to the girl. "How long does your posion affect the aystem?" she asked the black haired girl. "Normally it only lasts a day or so but because he took so much of it, it should a few more days at least. He should waken soon so please do not worry too much, the poison is designed to weaken, not kill" Haku answered truthfully. "Would you be willing to be apart of our village? Your life would be alot better then being a rouge ninja" Tsunade said making the girl think.

"If he forgives me, I'll tell you anything you want to know" Haku said with an impassive face. "Very well, I shall send someone to escort you when he awakens" Tsunade replied

and left the cell. When she was finally alone she sighed, "why did he want that boy dead anyway? He didn't seem very amazing" she thought.

Hyuga Estate...

Hinata sighed for nearly the hundredth time this morning. There had very little change in her beloved Naruto-kun and things were starting to get restless. The council had learned of his assination attempt and were calling for his would be killer to be killed for attacking a leaf shinobi. Hinata's dad was doing everything in his power to stop it though, the girl had a very powerful blood line and suggested she be used to breed new children into the village so her ability wouldn't die out. Hinata bitched slapped him for that but the council thought it was a great idea. Tsunade didn't think it was however and suggested why didn't they do the same to Naruto or Sasuke, that shut them up right away.

"Evil pricks, wanting to use a girl like that just because she can control water and ice" Hinata huffed as she wiped some sweat from Naru's forehead.

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