Tala Ves De Novae

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,354
  • Pages: 4
Tala ves de Novae Summary: Set after the two year period of Naruto's training. Naruto vanished from the Pervy Sage during the trip and when he was found he had changed. Now he has a mysterious blood line ability, is cold hearted and worst of all he actually listens to the Kyuubi and is a member of the Akatsuki! Material: Naruto's Jutsu's: Clone Jutsu: Forbidden Art: Darkness Clone Jutsu: The highest form of clone jutsu in Naruto's collection. All that is required is a blood sample of the one you wish to clone and the right amount of chakra. The result is a darker version of the one cloned. They are vastly more powerful and more skilled then the original and the only other difference is black clothes and blackened hair. In addition the clone has all the skills and powers of the original, including blood line abilities. The clones do not die and when dispelled by the caster they return to summon scrolls to be called upon later in battle. Naruto only has three in his collection... Hinata Hyuga, Itachi Uchiha and himself. Naruto created the attack himself Shadow Clone Justu: Naruto's favorite and most reconized move. Though it requires most of Naruto's chakra, he can create thousands at a time and uses them for training. Anything one of his clones has seen, heard, or learned returns to Naruto when the clone is killed. This multiples his training by the thousands which makes learning new moves much easier. Naruto learned the move from the scroll of sealing in Hidden Leaf Village. Suicide Clone Jutsu: Special clones Naruto makes after learning the techinque from Itachi Uchiha. The clone has limited chakra and doesn't last long in battle. However when dispelled the clone explodes and takes out anything within range of the blast. Fire Jutsu: Fire Style: Azure Spear Jutsu: The most powerful Fire jutsu in Naruto's collection. The flames of this jutsu burn so hot the flames appear to be blue in color. The attack itself in a barrage of flaming spears of blue fire that has wide range and are deadly accurate. Naruto vowed never to use this unless it is a life or death situtation. Naruto learned the attack from the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Fire Style: Flame Vortex Jutsu: A fire version of Kisame's Water Vortex Jutsu. It creates a cyclone of fire that is launched at the target at a rapid pace. Naruto created the attack himself during training with Kisame. Fire Style: Flame Armor Jutsu: Creates an inbreakable armor around Naruto's body. The

armor defends him from fire attacks and severaly burns anyone Naruto sees as the enemy. Naruto created the jutsu from Gaara sand armor and Itachi's fire jutsu. Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu: A steady stream of fire that is shot at the opponet at close range. Naruto learned the attack from Sasuke Uchiha. Water Jutsu: Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu: The air becomes clouded with heavy mist that makes it freakishly hard to see. Naruto learned this from Kisame after proving he wanted to become stronger. Water Style: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu: Another one of Kisame's water techniques. That attack creates a shark of water which is fired at the opponet. Once it is in range the shark explodes, severaly injuring anything in range. Water Style: Water Dragon Missile Jutsu: A special technique Naruto copied from Zabuza in wave country. The attack creates a large dragon made of water which is launched at the enemy. Earth Jutsu: Naruto knows no Earth style jutsu Lighting Jutsu: Lighting Style: Thunder Blade Jutsu: a slightly more powerful version of Sasuke's Chidori. It requires no hand signs and uses up nearly a third of Naruto's chakra. Naruto developed the technique with the help of Itachi durning his travels. Lighting Style: Lighting Vortex Jutsu: A lighting version of his Flame Vortex jutsu. Technique is the same but element is different. Created by himself. Lighting Style: Shock Guantlet Jutsu: another one of Naruto's created jutsu's. it uses no handsigns and creates guantlets of electric energy around Naruto's hands. They deliver a nasty shock to those struck and target the central nervous system. Wind Jutsu: Rasangan: One of the legendary techniques developed by the Forth Hokage. Naruto focuses chakra into a spining ball in one hand that can drill through nearly anything that is struck. Naruto learned the attack from the pervy sage when searching for Tsunade. Rasangan Dangan: A slightly smaller version of Naruto's Rasangan. In this form Naruto is able to launch the attack from his hand several hundred feet at opponets. Naruto made the attack himself while away durning training.

White Flash Jutsu: Not really a actual jutsu. Naruto moves at lighting fast speeds leaving only a after image and a white flash. He can only use it to travel to a certain range but it is mostly used for traveling rather then combat. Naruto learned the attack from the Leader of the Akatsuki and the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Demon Wind Bomb Jutsu: Naruto's personal wind jutsu. Naruto focuses wind energy into both hand before launching it at the opponet. The attack can be controlled through Naruto's will and can target large groups ranther then singles like Rasangan Dangan. Non Elemental Jutsu: Sexy Jutsu: Naruto transforms into a naked female version of himself capable of bringing all perverts to their knees. Harem Jutsu: Shadow Clone + Sexy Jutsu, enough said. Taijutsu: Thousand Years of Death: The most sacred taijutsu move in the leaf village, we all know what it does so I'm not going to say it here. naruto learned it from Kakashi during the Genin exam Leaf Whirlwind: Taijutsu move Naruto learned from Rock Lee, the attack is a leg sweep followed by a kick to the head that send the opponet reeling. Naruto Uzumaki Barrage: Shadow Clones kick the opponet into the air while the real Naruto leaps above and leg drops the opponet back to the ground. Naruto developed the attack based on Rock Lee. Genjutsu: Welcome to Hell: Naruto cheap imitation of Itachi's ultimate genjutsu. It forces the victim to relive the most scarest or saddest memory they had in life. Such as watching your entire family get killed by your older brother or watching your little brother and boyfriend die on the battle field. Medical Jutsu: Naruto has no actual medical jutsu but has the ability to channel the Kyuubi's chakra into wounds of himself and others to increase the healing speed. Description: Naruto now has longer spiky hair and the same stunning blue eyes he had as a child. He is currently sixteen and wears all white and black when not wearing his Akatsuki cloak.

He has black painted fingernails instead of purple and wears Orochimaru's Akatsuki ring. If you wish to see the picture I got this idea from simply go to http://www(dot)esnips(dot)com/ doc/1afe740d -304f-48c0-8432-31 Shyenne-Uzuki


Chapter One: Valid de na no Alpha 'Two years since I left this crappy ass village and now he says I have to go back? This is bullshit!' These were the thoughts of the 15 year old blonde as he walked along the path towards his old village. His new partner walked beside him with an amused look on his face, "careful Kitsune your anger is starting to show" he chuckled at the angry blonde. "Shut up Itachi!" the blonde snapped back making Itachi smirk bigger. He was Naruto Uzumaki or rather Kitsune now. He had changed alot since that fateful day he snuck away from that perverted sage to train. Itachi had found him completely drained of chakra and captured him to take to Akatsuki's base. The leader gave Naruto a choice, either have the nine tailed fox ripped out of him by force or join the Akatsuki and allow them to use the demon and keep his life. The choice was obvious and Naruto became a member of the dangerous oragization. he worn the standard cloak that all the members wore ant the only thing visible was his hair and eyes. The large collar hid his wisker marks so no one knew who he was.

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