Uthayam October 2009 Issue

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happy deepawali Aust-Tamils urge Australia to help IDPs rehabilitation

vq;fs; gps;isfspd; fhaq;fis Mw;WNthk; eNlrd; nfhOk;gpy; ,Ue;J 50 iky; Jhuj;jpy; Nffhiy mUNf mk;NgGr vd;w rpW efuk;. rpWtu; rPu;jpUj;jg; gs;sp kiyf;Fd;WfSf;Fk;k; fhLfSf;Fk; eLNtjhd; mikf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwJ. ,q;F jhd; tpLjiyg;Gypfspy; ,ize;j gjpndl;L tajpw;Ff; Fiwe;jtu;fs; itf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwhu;fs;. ,tu;fisg; ghu;g;gjw;F ehDk; rptehjDk; kw;Wk; ,uhN[];tup ghyRg;gpukzpaKk; yz;ld; iuk;];rpd; Mrpupau; ,uhrehafKk; nfhOk;gpy; ,Ue;J mjpfhiyNeuj;jpy; Gwg;gl;Nlhk;.

As per the request of the person concerned the face has been masked - Editor

By our correspondent Melbourne: The situation in Sri Lanka has been hitting the world headlines ever since the defeat of the LTTE and the subsequent unification of the country. The bloody chapter in Sri Lankan history is over but much in the form of socio economic development remains to be done. Thousands of internally displaced persons (IDP) from the former regions held by the

LTTE need to be rehabilitated. The Sri Lanka government has promised to do the same recently. Naturally, the Tamil Diaspora the world over including Australia wants to play a positive and helping role in this process. To fulfill this several Australian Tamil organizations and some Tamil individuals were invited to a meeting recently at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in Canberra.  The

meeting was convened by Mr David Holly, the Assistant Secretary, South and West Asia Branch of the DFAT, for a forward-looking discussion between DFAT and AusAid, the foreign aid agency of Australia, and the members of prominent Tamil community representatives on the current situation in northern Sri Lanka and on the ways both sides can work together to create lasting peace in the region.  continued on page .............................3

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continued on page ...........................18


Austral Asian Voice



Austral Asian Voice


Aust-Tamils urge Australia to help IDPs rehabilitation

Managing Editor Noel Nadesan

Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon Stephen Smith made a surprise appearance at the meeting. Mr. Smith spent more than 45 minutes, explaining his government’s approach in handling the conflict in Sri Lanka, his government’s aid strategy and listened to the participants’ concerns, comments and suggestions...  

Community News & Literature Editor L. Murugapoopathy Photographer John Kumar

The Minister updated the participants on the Australian government’s advocacy efforts and aid strategy.  He stated that:

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• He realises that this has been a terrible conflict in which members of the participants’ kith and kin also would have been affected.

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• Sri Lanka having won the war still has to win the peace.

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• Australia has expressed privately and publicly to the SLG the importance of the protection of civilians.

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• Australia has emphasised to the SLG the necessity of free access to UNHCR, ICRC etc of the IDP camps.

Postal Address P.O.Box 3170, Wheelers Hill Vic 3150, Australia 0411606767

• Australia from the beginning has realised that the SLG has announced a too ambitious plan in resettling the IDPs.

With a circulation of more than 10,000 copies each month, Uthayam is your best vehicle to reach your target audience. Call right now book space for your advertisements All advertising material should be sent in by 15th of each month.

Corruption a little less now By Supun Dias Sri Lanka has been ranked 92nd in last year’s corruption perceptions index prepared by Transparency International (TI) – an improvement from the previous index where Sri Lanka was ranked 94th.

• Australia is repeatedly telling the SLG that there has to be political reconciliation and is strongly urging the SLG for the reconstruction of the war affected areas.

• Australia has made clear to SLG, how these will affect how international community will look at Sri Lanka. • Australia announced releasing $2 M for resettlement of IDPs and will announce another $3 M in the evening in parliament.  This will make $5 M for the running of the camps and $5 M for resettlement of the IDPs in this financial year alone which started in July in addition to the $24.5 M given in the last financial year. • His government is conscious of the large Sri Lankan community, both Tamil and Sinhalese, settled in Australia. • He has met both his counterpart Hon Rohitha Bogollagama and His Excellency President Mahintha Rajapaksa on several occasions and always talked about this conflict with them. • Australia feels the immediate need to move the IDPs out of the camps as soon as possible. • He will be going to Sri Lanka, early next year and will be putting Australia’s views directly to the SLG and will be seeing himself the situation in person. • His government is working through its High commissioner Kathy Klugman in Colombo and other like minded leaders of countries such as UK, USA and EU to send strong messages to the Sri Lankan government.

• Either the Tokyo Co-chairs have to be reactivated or form another group of like minded countries to re-start political negotiations between the Tamils and the SLG. Mr. Noel Nadesan, Editor ‘Uthayam’ presented a plan of development activities which could be undertaken by Australia along with India.  The plan includes vocational and technical education in areas such as:  Nursing and health care,  psychological counseling, auto mechanics etc.,computer related skills,baking, plumbing, welding and entertainment, hairdressing, tourism, university education, school education, agricultural activities, animal husbandry, fisheries, agro-industries, alternate power systems, support programs for skilled Sri Lankan expatriates to return for short  periods and provide their services, health services and media. The plan envisages that within the broad area identified for development assistance, specific projects can be developed in collaboration with the government and other institutions in Sri Lanka.  An organizational structure and a trust fund are being established in Sri Lanka, specifically focused on the resettlement, rehabilitation, and development needs of the war-affected areas. This organization will be linked to Sri Lankan Diaspora organizations world-wide and will solicit funds from the Diaspora, international aid organizations and government aid programs. 

Lankans in Australia stretch a helping hand to IDP Organization

A number of organizations in Australia joined hands in raising funds for the IDP in Sri Lanka. More than $8000 was collected. The funds were used to purchase Medical and other supplies required by the IDP. The goods were handed over to Captain Dilan Dharmarathne (Secretary to the Governor of Northern Province Gen. G.A. Chandrasiri) - 01st of September, 2009. By Malaka Yapa.

Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden are among the least corrupt countries while the most corrupt country is Somalia. Sri Lanka’s South Asian neighbours – Maldives is ranked 115, Nepal 121, Pakistan 136 and Bangladesh 147.

Mahendra Kalingamudali Australian Sri Lankan Youth R Sivanadan Scat (Raja De Alwis) Japura Lakmadura VISWA SPUR SLGTTI RAV FM

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The index has been prepared taking into consideration the institutions the public reckon as most corrupt, effectiveness of government’s effort to fight corruption and the percentage of citizens paying bribes to obtain specific public services. The Transparency International global corruption barometer is funded by multilateral and bilateral agencies and other government bodies. Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) began active operations in Sri Lanka at the end of 2002. It raises awareness on the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle the menace of corruption.

Committee members of the donating organizations Malaka Yapa handing over the gifts from Australia

We would like to hear from you. Write to us now!


Austral Asian Voice


A moment in my journey S. DORAIRAJ

Interview with Prakash Raj, winner, the 2007 National Film Award for the Best Actor. K. BHAGYA PRAKASH Though it was a piece of information before I entered the role, I forget it later because, for me, when I approach Vengadam, it is a human story. So I tell the director, Priyadarshan: “Priyan, you continue to direct. Put it in order because for me the challenge is to start the film on the first day and finish it on the 30th day.” But through this 30-day journey, you intend to portray a life that spans 20 years. So, for me, I start proceeding and understanding as he shoots in the chronological order.

Prakash Raj:”I am in cinema because it is basically the journey of my life.” PRAKASH RAJ won the Best Supporting Actor award for his role in the Tamil movie Iruvar in 1998. But this time it is double delight: the National Film Award for the Best Actor for his performance in Kanchivaram, which depicts the life and struggle of weavers of the silk capital of India, and the Best Feature Film Award for the movie. Prakash Raj, known for his frank views, speaks on a wide range of issues in this interview to Frontline. Excerpts: What does this national award mean to you? Please tell us about the Kanchivaram experience, and your journey through Tamil cinema and Indian cinema? In the context of our country, the national award for any actor or film-maker is a very important recognition in his life’s journey, [and one] which will probably be a milestone. For some it may be the goal, but for me it is a moment in the journey where you are recognised for your work. It turns into a milestone and you continue the journey. Coming to my journey in Tamil cinema and Indian cinema, as an actor or now as a producer, for me it so happens that I am in cinema because it is basically the journey of my life. As you understand, we do not come from a culture where we are brought up with cinema as a profession in mind. Probably this may happen in the next generation; or a few of the present generation whose parents are in cinema are being nurtured from a young age. But in most cases it is a search for an identity to express yourself. There is no known history of anybody having been in the field of arts in my family. For me it is more like having stumbled into the profession. Now probably you share yourself and as you gather momentum, you turn into whatever you are. And in a matter of 15 to 17 years you look like a veteran in cinema. You have described Vengadam’s role in Kanchivaram as the most intense and powerful character you have done. What makes you feel so? I am not one of those actors who do a lot of homework. When you see the film, you can see there is a dilemma between ideology and life. It is a turmoil, between the love for his daughter, his dream, and his ideology. See, when you start thinking about all these things and looking from all these dimensions, it is a different world where probably I am more informed as an actor.

When I enter this role, I am empty as in a Zen master’s story because that is where the director can fill in me whatever he needs and it is all total surrender. Do what he wants, and just add to it your experience as an artist. You have done very serious roles, as in Iruvar and Kanchivaram. At the same time you seem to fit into chirpy roles too, as in Mozhi and Gilli… The scene where the protagonist, on parole, feeds his paralysed daughter poisoned food. It is as simple as that: I am an actor and I am expected to be an actor. I am requested to be an actor and I am paid to be an actor. I am committed to being an actor. So I just do the same – in intensity or perception or the time spent. The time I spent on Kanchivaram is as much as the time I spent on Iruvar or on Mozhi or on Abiyum Nanum or on Gilli. It just so happens in the context of India that we need to balance between the commercial and artistic needs. Around 99 per cent of the time we only entertain, to make a living out of it. There I take upon myself a social responsibility, within me. My conscience says, “Don’t do films that are crass or that cross the border into obscenity in my perception, so that I do not earn out of it.” But if it is harmless entertainment, it is fine. At the same time, an actor is not a chooser but a beggar, because he is not cinema. An actor can never be cinema. An actor may be one of the major colours of a painting. You have placed on record that your bread and butter is commercial cinema. Still you strive to make different movies. Both of them are bread and butter for me. But one part of the bread and butter is for the stomach and the other is for the brain. Two different types of hunger I have in life. You can’t expect me to do ten Kanchivarams in a year. I will go bankrupt. You are considered a great producer to work with. You have been paying tributes to your directors for shaping you as a good actor. When are you going to don the director’s role? I never knew that I would be an actor. Now I am one. I never knew that I was going to be a producer. Now I am one. It is kicking within. Soon I will be a director. Kanchivaram revolves around the communist ideology and how it impacts the lives of weavers… Communist ideology is one part of the story. But for that matter no ideology in the country or the world has been followed to its complete sense because there has always been a dilemma be-

tween human dream and ideology. And that is what happens here too. Is cinema a mere mass entertainer or an instrument of social change? Is it not difficult to strike a balance between the two? How do you see painting? How do you see writing? How do you see sculpture? Everything is an art form. Over the years, you document the person behind the works when you talk about great writers, sculptors or film-makers. Cinema as a medium has come from outside. We have taken it as it is a very powerful tool. But here again, 90 per cent of the time we are trying to use this medium for doing the same larger-thanlife characters. It has to transcend the present stage of catering to the taste of the audience and grow to its full form and become a medium of expression. It is a long process. Till then you will have to continue to balance and work. You have drawn a parallel between the creative writers Lankesh and Jayakanthan. Do you have any proposal to make films based on their works? Drawing a parallel between creative writers Lankesh, Adiga or Jayakanthan, or Chalam, speaks of my perception of literature. It need not be necessary that their works should be turned into films. But my perceptions can be turned into films because they are in a different form altogether. You are an actor who is quite frank about his views. Has this got you into trouble in this sensitive industry? Do you think an actor needs to be diplomatic? It depends on his strength, on his own integrity. It depends on the person’s comfort level. But I would say, “Don’t be too diplomatic as one day a spade will have to be called a spade.” You are regarded highly for your ability to do different roles. How do you think your theatre background has helped? Would you still like to act in a stage play? Yes. Theatre has helped me. My reading of literature has helped me. Theatre and reading of literature always help you in understanding or sensitising your perception. These are very important things for any actor. But there are certain actors who are gifted. These born actors do not need such things. Well, going back to theatre, in my journey I have come from stage to cinema and I am still in awe of this magic. I don’t want to go back for the sake of going back. I won’t say going back is wrong. But for me I am still in awe of this journey. When I feel like, I will go, or I may never go if I don’t have the time in my life. History has shown that cinema, which

is a mass-based performing art, cannot remain unaffected by the socio-political atmosphere prevailing in the world. Would you like to comment? It has to reflect, it has to document, it has to dissect, it has to evaluate, it has to discuss and it has to express. But there again it will find its purest, strongest expression only when this medium gets into the hands of responsible, sensitive and aggressive individuals who are guided by conscience. So, it depends on how many of us – individuals of our country – become morally responsible and would like to master this tool and use it this way. Actors Rajnikant and Kamal Haasan have time and again appealed to political leaders not to bring politics into cinema. Politics is different from cinema. But if an actor is totally committed to politics, he can use it to express his ideology. But don’t misuse the love and affection the people have for an art. Don’t distort it into a political vote. By doing so, you are not making a voter more conscious about his right and more sensitive to his right. But rather, you are using his weakness. It is like somebody giving you a hundred rupee note to buy something and you purchase something else and tell the person that this is what you should have. As an alternative to mainstream commercial cinema, can leading film stars help parallel cinema? That is the only way in this country because it is the responsibility of the already popular film stars. Otherwise, it will take a long time for parallel cinema to find its feet. It is the responsibility of all sensible and popular actors and technicians to make a conscious decision to devote some time to parallel cinema. Recently you stated that you are an agnostic. How do you see attempts to divide people and let loose violence in the name of religion? For me religion is a personal thing, like sex. It is an individual’s belief. So, being a believer or non-believer does not matter as long as you are not going to force your views on others. Cultures have come in to help people live as a community and not to divide them. Religion should make you human. If it forces you into making moral judgments, it is wrong. It is the animal in us that is using the name of religion, caste, wealth and power. All these things should make the human in you more beautiful and more colourful. They should not make you say that you are better than others. Frontline


Austral Asian Voice


Perfect weave S. DORAIRAJ Kanchivaram, which won the Best Film Award, is a neatly woven tale about the struggles and dreams of the weavers of India’s silk capital. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT

Prakash Raj as the protagonist, Vengadam, in the film. WHAT could not be achieved for Tamil cinema by big-budget movies starring mega actors all these years has been accomplished by a film made on a shoestring budget. At the 55th National Film Awards for 2007, Kanchivaram, directed by Priyadarshan, was chosen the Best Feature Film for “presenting a rare portrayal of Kanchi’s silk weaver community and the internal struggle of a weaver caught between his ideals and personal dreams”. Prakash Raj, who plays the lead role, won the Award for Best Actor.

comes on parole to see his daughter Thamarai (Shammu), and the last one, where he makes a vain bid to cover her body with a silk sari clandestinely woven by him. During the tedious journey from the prison to the town in a rickety bus, Vengadam looks, through his broken glasses, at his shattered past and clueless future, with incessant rain aggravating the pathos. His poetic expressions shine on the screen.

The film, produced by Percept Picture Company and Four Frames, has already been screened at various international festivals, such as Palm Springs, Dubai, Pusan and Toronto.

“The silk weaver can only weave silk, but he or his family members cannot wear it” is the message of Kanchivaram, named after Kancheepuram, the silk capital of India. Vengadam is a shining example of the sorry state of affairs in the silkweaving sector.

One has to acknowledge the painstaking efforts made to ensure the authenticity of the “period film”. The difficulties faced in producing the movie can only be imagined, since it covers the period from 1920 to 1948. At no point does the neatly woven story, set in the 1940s, go astray though several flashbacks take the viewer to the 1920s and 1930s. The flashbacks highlight the plight of the weavers, who had to depend on their masters, who, in turn, controlled the handloom industry. The travails, emotions and excitement of the weavers are interlaced perfectly as the story shuttles between the past and the present.

The first of Vengadam’s series of failures comes when he, as a young man, claims that his bride will be in a silk sari. He fails to achieve it. Even though he is teased for this “failure”, he is not offended. The second occasion is when the last rites are performed for his father, a recipient of many awards for his mastery in weaving. When the priest asks Vengadam where “the silk for the body” is, all he can do is hand over a silk thread to tie the toes together. A bystander comments: “All through his life, he has woven yards of silk. Yet today, upon his death, there is not even a piece of cloth to cover his body. That is the fate of the weaver.”

The faithful portrayal of life grips the viewers right from the first frame, where Vengadam (Prakash Raj), the weaver,

Vengadam weaves a unique bridal sari for his master’s daughter, which bears designs and motifs such as the waves

Vic premier meeting Vayalar Ravi of the sea and a forest in all its richness. But to enable his wife, Annam (Shreya Reddy), to catch a glimpse of it, he has to carry her on his shoulders to reach the venue of the wedding just before the bride enters the horse carriage. But he would not compromise on his pledge to his baby daughter that he would adorn her in a silk sari at her wedding. He makes this promise against the advice and criticism of his friends and others. He installs a loom in his cattleshed clandestinely and starts weaving the sari using yarn stolen from the master’s loom yard. Viewers are moved beyond words when an emotional Vengadam, after losing everything in life – his wife, his friends, his relatives, his commitment to the ideology, and finally the smile on his daughter’s face – tells Thamarai, immobilised by a paralytic attack: “See the silk sari that I have been weaving for you for the past 16 years… I have been dreaming every day how you would look in it. I became a thief, a traitor… everything for this; only for this!” Director Priradarshan with actors Prakash Raj and Shreya Reddy during the shooting of the film. Earlier, the arrival of a communist leader to the town heralds a new awareness in the weaver community. He teaches them through skits and stories the importance of fighting against the crass exploitation by the masters who did not hesitate to award corporal punishment to the weavers on flimsy grounds. He inculcated revolutionary ideas in them by talking to them about the Russian Revolution and other great world events. Just when the leader realises that his mission to the silk town is over, he is caught and shot dead by the police. Vengadam and his comrades manage to escape. The responsibility of leading the weavers in their struggle to achieve their demands falls on the shoulders of Vengadam, whose commitment to communist ideals and class struggle are reinforced by his arrest by the British police. The lifting of the ban on the Communist Party, close on the heels of the turn of events in the Second World War, provides the much-needed fillip to the agitation. Denial of the charter of demands advanced by the weavers forces Vengadam to intensify the struggle. He asks his comrades to continue with the struggle for better treatment and a pay increase and tells them not to mind if the protest takes a militant form in a bid to thwart the masters’ move to bring weavers from elsewhere. But all his commitment to the ideology

and the welfare of the weavers wilt and collapse when Vengadam realises that he cannot fulfil his promise to his daughter if the three-month-old struggle goes on. He has to race against time and complete the sari that he is weaving for his daughter, whose marriage has to take place before her soldier bridegroom returns to the battlefield after vacation. He cannot escape the danger of being dubbed a traitor if he calls off the strike. At the same time, for him, the work has to resume so that he will be able to smuggle the silk yarn necessary to complete the bridal sari. Pushed into a Catch-22 situation, Vengadam waxes eloquent on whether to carry the strike forward or to end it abruptly. Finally, he decides to ditch his comrades and resume work along with a section of the weavers. Just as he continues to steal silk yarn and weave the sari in his cattleshed with single-minded devotion, ignoring the plight of his fellow weavers, his militant comrades refuse to bow to the masters’ pressure tactics and persist with the struggle. Annoyed at Vengadam’s preparations for his daughter’s wedding, they demand an explanation from him. The erstwhile leader, who has concealed the stolen yarn in his mouth, spills the beans, much to their shock and dismay. None of the weavers comes to his rescue when Vengadam is thrashed by the masters’ henchmen for the “crime”. In fact, some of the weavers join them in the attack. A helpless Thamarai pleads with her father’s former associate to rescue him from his assailants. A handcuffed Vengadam is then taken to prison. The marriage is called off. Shortly afterwards, his daughter jumps into a well and becomes paralysed. Coming on a two-day special parole to his town to see her, on February 1, 1948, he pleads with his sister and brother-in-law, who owe him a lot, to take care of the girl until his release but to no avail. The heartbroken weaver, who had always warned his daughter against entering the cattleshed, carries her there to show her the bridal sari. Vengadam ends the life of his beloved daughter by feeding her poisoned food. In the climax, he makes a desperate effort to cover Thamarai’s body with the incomplete sari. He smiles philosophically at the police escort who tells him that his parole time is over. The film is not totally free from criticism. Critics, more particularly those from the trade unions, flay the way the protagonist, a trade union activist, is portrayed.


Austral Asian Voice


No Agreement Between Major Powers On Carbon Emissions Smiles all around for Western union promotion

4 Austral Asian Voice | MAY 2009

By Tom Eley

The Western Union Company and Australia Post announced today the chance to win AU$10,000 for sending money using the Western Union® Money TransferSM service to selected destinations for Mother’s Day. From April 10 to May 17, 2009, customers sending money using Western Union from participating Australia Post outlets to selected destinations will automatically enter ‘The Mother’s Day 2009 Promotion’ which is a lucky draw for a cash prize of AUD$10,000. In addition, all Western Union® Gold Card and online transactions are automatically entered twice, doubling the chance to win. "Mother's Day is an important time for all mothers around the world, and can be a difficult time for those who cannot be with their mums. That’s why we hope to make this time of year easier for those who can’t celebrate together and reward them for their sacrifice and generosity,” commented David Chin, Country Director, Western Union. Last year’s lucky draw winner, Charito Indrisie, was supporting her brother back in the Philippines. The win allowed her to treat her family and reward herself by putting money towards her studies. Western Union hopes to build on that success with this year’s promotion.


Hu tacitly rejected the American president’s claim that developing countries must shoulder the burden for reducing carbon emissions. “Developing countries need to strike a balance between economic growth, social development and environmental protection,” Hu said.

A al

Hu indicated that China would continue In fact, the US has taken no significant to increase its carbon emissions, saying measures to reduce its carbon only that greenhouse gas output would emissions. The US is not a signatory decrease relative to economic growth. to the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, after Hu also said that China would begin Congress, on cue from majorAustralia corporatePost outlet call 13 13 18 or visit auspost.com.au. "This Mother’s Day I can’t be with our mother, who unfora large-scale reforestation project, to ratify tunately passed away. However,polluters, we have arefused tight family unitthe treaty. The increase its consumption of non-fossil USafter is the only major to pass The About Company in the Philippines, and we all look each other. Wecountry used not fuels,Western and develop aUnion “green economy.” Kyoto. to send money home for Mother’s Day so our mother could The Western Union Company (NYSE:WU) is a leader in

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of the world heads of state to agree  on even modest measures to meet it  Government leaders representing about

is all the more glaring. The conference  100 nations gathered at the United revealed sharp divisions among the Nations in New York to discuss global world’s three largest greenhouse gas  warming. The meeting was billed as producers, the US, China, and Europe.   an attempt to jump-start negotiations in advance of a December summit in China and the US by themselves   Copenhagen at which a global treaty produce 40 percent of all carbon  governing greenhouse gas emissions is emissions. The two nations, whose to be produced. economies are also tightly bound  together, have refused to agree to  Instead, the New York conference mandates onrefreshments emission reductions. The An opportunity to meet withonly guest speakers at 3.30 pm with light served. served to highlight the impossibility speeches of presidents Barack Obama  of realizing even the most limited and Hu Jintao, both of whom addressed  environmental reforms in a world order  the UN gathering, were therefore dominated by rival capitalist nation watched with particular interest.  states.  Obama’s remarks were typical of the  Global warming is caused by carbon president. Replete with saccharine  dioxide emissions created in the rhetorical flourishes like “we are  burning of fossil fuels. Carbon and determined to act,” “difficulty is no  other “greenhouse gases” trap heat excuse for complacency,” “seize the  in the atmosphere, increasing the  opportunity,” “the journey is long,” and earth’s temperature beyond normal  so on, the speech had nothing to say climatological fluctuations. Among about what the US might do to reduce its   global warming’s observed effects are emissions.  the melting of the polar ice caps, which  threatens coastal populations due  to “Yes, the developed nations that rising sea levels, and an increase in the caused much of the damage to our   severity of weather patterns. Its impact climate over the last century still have a on the earth’s species, food production, responsibility to lead,” Obama said.  “And water supplyand human disease will be we will continue to do so by investing  dramatic. in renewable energy, promoting greater efficiency, and slashing our emissions In light of the gathering threat of to reach the targets we set for 2020 and environmental catastrophe, the inability our long-term goal for 2050.” 

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The French environment minister, Jeanwarming is, in fact, taking place and Louis Borloo, went out of his way to PART-TIME TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED that it is caused by human activity. reject such a proposal. “They have to This Obama referred to as an “historic show what it will pay for,” he said. recognition on behalf of the American Short Hours people and their government [that] we It is night, clear thatSunday if any agreement is NightofDelivery understand the gravity the climate Job One produced at December’s Copenhagen threat...” George W. Bush, Obama’s Car License gathering, it will be a derisory response obscurantist predecessor in the White to the crisis of global warming. Preferably residing House, notoriously declared that “all the in Eastern Suburban science isn’t in yet” on global warming. To date, major industrialized nations have to reduce emissions by For further information callagreed : 0404 631 632 Yet, in his speech’s only substantive 2050. This date is so far in the future, portion, Obama reiterated the Bush and the promises to reduce emissions administration position that combating so vague, that it is not taken seriously. carbon emissions is the responsibility The United Nations’ Intergovernmental of developing industrial powers like Panel on Climate Change has proposed China and India. “Those rapidly-growing a short-term target of reducing emissions developing nations that will produce by 25 percent to 40 percent below 1990 nearly all the growth in global carbon levels by 2020. This reduction, which emissions in the decades ahead must do environmental groups say is insufficient their part as well,” Obama said. to reverse global warming, is likely to be opposed by the US as well as China and Given that China and India are rapidly India, which reject emission mandates. growing economies, it is unsurprising that their carbon emissions are also There are also unresolved growing rapidly. But they still lag far disagreements over what body should behind the US in per capita carbon oversee compliance with carbon production. While the US produces emission standards. about the same amount of carbon as China, it has less than a fourth of China’s Ban Ki-Moon, the UN secretary general, population. who called the climate change summit, lamented that “negotiations were moving There is little doubt that China’s rapid as fast as a glacier.” industrial expansion is creating an environmental disaster. Much of China’s Slower, perhaps, than the world’s energy consumption comes from burning glaciers are melting. coal, which produces carbon emissions at a higher rate than other fossil fuels.

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Austral Asian Voice 7

Austral Asian Voice


Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake

angled while you look down at the floor.

Vertigo is more severe than dizziness, which is often experienced as a feeling of light- headedness when you stand up. Mild vertigo is very common and symptoms are not serious. It is not a disease. However, recurrent or persistent vertigo could be caused by an underlying condition. You should see your GP to rule out a more serious cause and to get treatment. This problem results from a problem with the nerves and structures of balance mechanism in your inner ear (vestibular labrynth). It occurs when calcium carbonate particles normally contained in a sac called utricle gets loose and fall into the wrong part of the three canals of the inner ear, producing an episode of dizziness. As

these crystals move about inside the inner ear, they distort the information generated by this system to the brain. The result is a disruptive dizzy sensation of short duration. These three canals positioned in different directions, are called Semicircular canals because of its shape. They communicate with the vestibule, which is a part of the vestibular labrynth. Fortunately there is a simple way to treat this condition by self to relieve the symptoms, such as spinning and dizziness. The crystals, which cause the distorted information, are relocated within the system to a section (utricle) where they do not move and therefore no longer cause the disturbance for a while. The manoeuvre is called the canalith repositioning procedure. The doctor, or the physiotherapist, in the office, demonstrates this. This procedure consists of several simple head manoeuvres. As mentioned the goal is to move particles from the fluid filled semicircular chambers of your inner ear into tiny bag-like structure (utricle) where these particles don’t cause trouble or will be reabsorbed by fluids of your body. Each manoeuvre is held for about 30 seconds. Canalith repositioning procedure (Courtesy- Mayo Foundation for Medical Eduction and Research) Step 1 First, you move from a sitting to a reclining position. Your doctor will help extend your head over the edge of the table at a 45-degree angle. Step 2 Next, with your head still extended over theedge of the table, your doctor will prompt you to turn your head to the right about 90 degrees. Step 3

MAY 2009

President Obama journalists on wo


Next you roll onto your side. Your head should be slightly

I am sure that some percentage of readers of this article would have had one or more attacks of vertigo (spinning) at some stage in their lives. It is on record that 40% of Americans do suffer from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). These attacks involve brief episodes of intense dizziness when you change the position of your head. Your surroundings appear to be moving either vertically or horizontally. This invariably occurs whilst turning your neck in bed, and rarely whilst standing completely still, walking or in the sitting position. Some people feel that they are actually spinning. The effect may be slight and only just noticeable, or it may be so severe that you fall to the ground. The condition is more common among the older people, mostly men than in women. Everyday activities like turning in bed, looking up or bending forward, especially if performed quickly, will trigger vertigo, often nausea and occasionally vomiting. BPPV can come in bouts lasting several days to many months. It may resolve for no apparent reason only to return again at some time in the future. The condition does not respond to medication like Serc, Stugeron, and stemetil, though they may give relief from nausea and general malaise. These medications themselves can have side effects, and driving a car or working on machinery is harmful.


Step 4

Reporters Without Borders welcomes Presiden

Finally, you return carefully to a sitting position and then tilt

your head down. Aftermy the voice of support and "Today, I lend procedure, you must keepthose brave men and admiration to all your women of the press who labor to expose

truthupand enhance accountability around head right for 48 the world” hours, even asPresident you sleep. Obama said on May 1. This allows time for the particles youra great recognition of the “Thesefloating wordsinare vestibular labrynth to work of journalists and foster the promosettle into your utricle or tion of pressbyfreedom around the world. The be reabsorbed your President's body fluids. tribute to the courageous reportAvoid extending your neck, for example, ers currently in jail will bring more internawhile reaching up to a high shelf. You may need to wear a neck collar tional attention to their cases. This statement to prevent tilting your head. It may be comes a day after the Senate passed aMove reso-your head gently and slowly when at necessary to repeat the procedure several the dentist, hairdresser, or during activities lution on that issue” the organization said. times. where your head is lying flat (horizontal) or neck is extended. These may bring about will bethefol“We manoeuvres hope these words sensation of vertigo, and discomfort, but lowed by concrete action inDiet:reAvoid foods containing high sugar should not cause pain. sponse to the threats journalists or face.” salt content. Foods with complex carbohydrates with lower glycaemic index, The hours is crucial. the In next his 48 statement givenKeep in honor of World such as legumes and whole grains are head upright most of the time. Continue Press Freedom Day, President Obama better choices. tosays: be cautious and try not to perform the “In every corner of the globe, there activities, which cause the vertigo. When are journalists in jail or being actively Drink adequate amounts of fluid daily. reclining, keep the trouble ear on top. Avoid foods and beverages with caffeine. harassed: from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe, (When you turn your head during above Limit your alcohol Avoid especially China.consumption. We are also Burma to Uzbekistan, Cuba to Eritrea. manoeuvres you will notice that the vertigo aspirin andabout non-steroid anti-inflammatory the citizens from our ow triggers only when moving to the side of Emblematic examples of this distressing drugs such as brufen, voltaren. Avoid the trouble ear.) currently under detention abr reality are figures like J.S. Tissainayagam nicotine in several Sri Lanka, and Hu Jia in viduals such as Roxana Saberi i Use pillows.or Do Shi not lieTao flat. Move When you suffer from BPPV you must slowly and not into positions which see your doctor first. He will do certain normally cause vertigo. Again, this is investigations to rule out other conditions necessary for two days; this allows gravity that cause vertigo. Correct assessment to pull the particles away from the problem and diagnosis are most important. The area. treatment is not difficult but it should be demonstrated and taught by a trained The following self-help techniques may medical professional, as it must be elecdone Last or month, Bainimarama declared there will not be relieve preventCommodore the symptoms of vertigo: properly in order to be effective. tions until Sleep with your head slightly elevated on Fiji isolated after election deadline expires Fijihas hasnot been suspended The author discussed the other two or more pillows. from the 16-nation Pacific Islands Forum for refusing to return to a causes of vertigo. Indemocratic the morning, get up slowly and on acceptable time frame", the regional government "insitan Ref: Brochure on BPPV prepared by the edge of the bed for a minute before bloc's chairman said. Kathee De Lapp, St Vincents Hospital, standing. Military leader Frank Bainimarama, who overthrew the elected govSydney ernment in down a 2006 coup, Avoid bending to pick up had been warned in January he had until May items. 1 to call elections this year.

Fiji suspended from Pacific Islands Forum



REQUEST FROM CEYLON STUDENTS EDUCATIONAL FUND Ceylon Students Educational Fund has been operating in Australia for the past twenty years. It is aimed at assisting poor students from Tamil regions in Sri Lanka (primarily from the North-East provinces) who have been affected by the war (i.e. by the loss of a parent and/or the primary breadwinner of the family) and face the threat of discontinuation of their studies. As an incorporated association, the Fund has served the following objectives: To promote, facilitate and assist in the education of children of Sri Lankan origin; • To arrange to provide emergency relief to children of Sri Lankan origin; • To make representation to the Government of Australia, and various Governments of the world, in relation to education of the children of Sri Lankan origin; • To collaborate with, assist, receive assistance from and promote other organisations engaged in similar activities. The Fund’s main office is located in Melbourne, Victoria. Address: 170, Hothlyn Drive, Craigieburn Vic 3064

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Austral Asian Voice


Rajani 20th anniversary Sri Lanka Round

8 Austral Asian Voice

| MAY 2009

One night in 1983, soon after midnight Rajani woke me up and whispered to me that she had been asked to treat an injured boy from the Iyakkam (movement). For her, this was an act of compassion by a doctor towards her patient. For me it was a political act. I was frozen. I turned back and slept. I was caught up in the agony of belonging to the oppressor and the woman I dearly and unconditionally loved trying to ‘liberate’ her own community by undertaking her bit in the struggle. This whisper and the brief political argument that followed opened cracks in our relationship which grew wider and wider. by Dayapala Thiranagama est in punishing Sri Lanka, by withholding Sweden’s Foreign Minister denied funds that she needs at this visa who died young The very fact that Rajani created among the people. Andmoment as brutalbut before that decision was taken, some counat 35, twenty years ago, is remembered Sweden’s Foreign Minister has been de- mob violence was the reply to non-violence, tries that portray themselves as the global with enthusiasm both near and far signifies Tamil nationalism no longer confined itself nied entry to Sri Lanka, as thousands of an immense left behind, to a class of buthuman reached out tohad all sectors of rights, made sevcivilians in void the she country’s war one zone be- guardians that remains unfilled to this day. She held the people across class, caste, and regional eral shameless attempts to recommend pugin to receive help from aid agencies. no high office. What she leaves behind barriers.” He was supposed to participate in a mission nitive action against this poor third world is an undying model of womanhood country, struggling itself of terrorism. there with French and British counterparts, The second shows to itsrid debilitating weakness characterised by youthful energy and but was told he could visit in May instead. and cause of ultimate failure, through its selfless idealism for an equitable social these human rights failure to reach outso-called and accommodate: He described the decision as and veryethnic strange: “Ironically, order that transcended social champs tried to justify their claims say[Carl Bildt, Swedish Foreign barriers. Nurtured in Jaffna of the Minister]: 1960s “The development of the northern and 1970s Tamil nationalism “The Sri where Lankannarrow authorities have sud- ing that they were doing it for the safety front occurredheld at the of civilians, at expense hostage of bymany terrorists had taken root as the only conceivable denly said that they don’t accept me and I fundamental tasks of nation building. The defence against the workings of Sinhalese in island's North. Moreover, they put a have just confirmed with David Miliband blind spot in the concept of the Tamil nation state ideology, her marriage to Dayapala number of ridiculous demands on the and Bernard Kouchner who said they will was the question of two large sections ofSri Thiranagama, an academic and active government, such as offering go anyhow. So it’s very strange behav- Lanka the Tamil speaking people - the MuslimsamSinhalese leftist, opened up new vistas. nesty to the terrorists, allowing a third parior (Reporter asking: are you persona non or the Islamic Tamils and the hill country ty to rescue the terrorist leaders, go was for a (plantation) Tamils. Tamil nationalism grata?) I am non grata because She came to not seepersona the grinding poverty the ideology of the Tamils of Sri Lanka. ceasefire, etc. Never did history unmask the facedsay by masses in the Deep South, they I am welcome any time but I am Historically, it had very tenuous links with hypocrisy and the sanctimony of the Westthe disfranchisement of Tamil plantation not intending to take up that invitation.” the ideology of thetheir Islamic or hill country labour and the chauvinist ideology of ern Powers than behaviour towards Tamils of Sriduring Lanka.”recent times,” it said. the Sinhalese ruling class, which in turn Sri Lanka Sri Lanka slams “hypocrisy” of the pushed the minorities into extremist westcontinuum of evil. positions, as one single One cannot describe an order that has long wallowed anslammed excess ofthe violence as other Sri Lankainhas “hypocrisy” of than evil. The politics of ethnic some western countries over patronage their behavcentred on the leadership ior towards theSinhalese island during recent times. was founded on wheeler-dealing amongsaid A statement by the Defence Ministry ethnic representatives who might become that some countries put a number of ridicufriends, but it worked by keeping the lous demands on theethnic Sri groups Lanka divided governpeople from different ment, such as offering amnestyIt gave to thenoterand suspicious of one another. rorists, allowing a thirddignity party to rescue the community the intrinsic that comes terrorist leaders to goout. for a ceasefire. to a people from and reaching

The statement did not name any country but it In the following two passages from Vol. was reported recently that the US had called II, Chapter 6 of the Broken Palmyra, on the LTTE to surrender via a third party, which was largely authored by Rajani, athesuggestion the government had rejected. first shows the inherent nature of “The ordeal that about 19 million Tamil nationalism that developed as apeople have been living with for more than quarter reactive phenomenon to the violence of the of a century is about to weakness be over. Itlaywould Sinhalese polity. Its fatal in its dependence ontorhetoric viable to never be too early expresswith our no gratitude programme: all the great nations who genuinely helped us to come this far in this historic battle. Be“The failure of the Tamil national leadership cause, the value of a sincere friend would to get anything from the Sinhalese never be sothrough felt, as parliament when one was is beset ruling class in by acontradiction group of hypocrites,” the statement with the rhetoric of anger postand ed the Defence website the on slogans of valourMinistry they were feedingsaid. thenoted electorate. As April a consequence this It that on 30 it wasofreported a sense of frustration bitterness that the UN Security and Council has nowas inter-


Defence Ministry rejects satellite images

he Defence Ministry today rejected satellite imagery issued by the United Nations in support of allegations that security forces shelled a civilian area. The defence ministry said the allegations based on UN aerial images posted on the UNOSAT website and used on several foreign television channels had "no scientific validity" unless there was verification on the ground. "Conclusions drawn from the interpretations of these images have no scientific validity," the ministry said, responding to reports the military had shelled an area the government itself had designated a no-fire zone. The pictures showed craters which were formed inside the zone between February 15 and April 19, the day before the army breached the Tigers' deWhat made Rajani an attractive personality fences and civilians started to pour out. The meanwhile alsobysaid who statement would not be extinguished deaththat "The imagery is fairly clear and shows the the of Sriand Lanka grateful detained and killed. The LTTEand ordered her waspeople her idealism urge are to fight for for time, so anybody can study compare assassination as soon as the Indian Army justice, taking manysupport risks in given her life.toShe the wholehearted them them," head of the mapping unit at UNOannounced its departure – an outcome of struggled within herself and tried by India, Pakistan and the rest of to thefind South SAT, Einer Bjorge stated. He said the pattern opportunism of Sinhalese politics that meaning for her actions had the Asian countries, China, and Russia, Pakistan, ofthe the craters would have required air power. did not care about consequences to the courageIran, to change direction when she Japan, Libya,theVietnam, Mid-East, Sri Lanka has consistently denied it used North-East. felt her participation was contributing to the African and Southeast Asian countries. heavy weapons against civilian popusubjugation of her own people. It was her “But for their understanding on our plight Soonareas mass disappearances the LTTE it and last week by announced belief that theories were not for conference lated and the placedpapers, on us, we got under way, fully supported had ordered security forces by notthetoSriuse readingstrust and they discussion but would to be Lankan state. weapons Several university students never be guides able totocome thisthe farworld in ourwebattle used as search live heavy calibre and aerial strikes. lost their lives in these purges. Among against terrorism.paths It seems the international in and discover to change the world The UN estimates that up to 50,000 civilians them were students Manoharan and and society has for the better.more Her avid interest community become independent are trapped in a narrow strip of coast where Chelvi who had been drawn by Rajani’s in political theories Marxist literaturelike the and therefore safer and for poor countries Tamil Tigers are putting up a last stand. continuously energised her work, driving her activism and continued to support the Government forces said only about exiled UTHR(J). It ishave the singular tragedy towards the their suffering of the Sri Lankaidentifying to stand with up for rights. At 20,000 people were still left in the area. of the Tamils that many others of no less people. It was this spontaneous sympathy least, the people living in poor war affected (AFP) dedication and ability were murdered for with the vulnerable and downtrodden that countries like ours can now have hopes for patriotic by a force that despoiled Shells reasons hit hospital in no-fire zone led her into the LTTE. This brings us to the achieving them of all that a civilised people holds present. peace if their leaders are genuine dear, and left them utterly forlorn.            enough to take appropriate action,” it said. Artillery shells fired have hit a makeshift Rajani’s activism in challenging the

arrest and torture of students aroused The Defence Ministry statement charged considerable on the part of thehuthat all thosesuspicion diplomats, politicians, Indian Army. Her challenging the views man rights organizations that dance and actions of students supportive of the to the tune of LTTE propaganda are LTTE, invited the close and hostile scrutiny equally responsible of the of the of the LTTE. It is a matter for plight satisfaction civilians under the clutches of that at that time no university studentterror. was


before today and yesterday there were shell attacks on the hospital ... and today morning there was two attacks, mainly in front of the hospital and other places as well." "Today two time shells fell in the hospital area totalling 60 to 70 persons dead, 87 persons got injury," he said. Satellite images "Most of these people already had injuries and were staying in the hospital." Varatharajah said that people were still arriving at the hospital for treatment but that supplies were low and some staff had left, making providing medical care difficult. Bigadier Udaya Nanayakkara, a military spokesman, denid there had been any attack on the hospital. (Al Jazeera)

Talks still on over bailout package: IMF The IMF said Friday that talks with Sri Lanka for a bailout package of around Nirmala wasdollars detained by the Rajani two billion were stillArmy, continuing had left for doctoral studies in England and despite reports the fund was under presher role remained a secret. sure to withold the planned financing. "Discussions with thebefore authorities on an This happened years the LTTE IMF-supported are still ongoing," was in control program of Tamil society, when it a became fashionable for elite and religious spokesperson for the Washington-based fund leaders to flatter it with their sycophancy. told AFP when asked to comment on reportRajani into the edThis callsconnection to witholdtook the funding to encourage inner circles of the LTTE in Britain. Colombo to do more to help civiliansAgain caught characteristically of her, once she began up in fighting with the rebel Tamil Tigers.

to realise that the LTTE was a totalitarian organisation that would destroy her UN Chief wants Lasantha's community, she made a traumatickillers exit. By then the fearsprosecuted about the direction of the Tamil insurgency were coming true. The culture of assassination the LTTE UN Secretary General begun Ban byKi-moon, became epidemic among leading militant in a statement ahead of World Press groups. Their obsession with assassins, Freedom Day called on the governtraitors and double agents led to an internal ment of Sriwhich Lanka to ensure those bloodbath, became publicthat through responsible dissidents infor the Lasantha PLOTE. Wickrematun-

hospital no-fire zone. Patients Brave ininthethe face of adversity, Rajani’s and bystanders died in two attacks on Sat- ga's murder are found and prosecuted. activism was based on mobilising the peoplewhile to outflank all sources of oppression Rajani’s commitment to the people was urday, another 87 were wounded, by building structures: Structures such that rather than remain in Britain the government official, who that declined the people standagencies. and seek a career in safety, she felt duty towould be enable identified, told tonews upTcollectively for their dignity. The workbound to go back home and challenge the Dr Varatharajah, a medical official background given below is necessary to LTTE politically. She returned to Jaffna ing at the hospital, told Al Jazeera: "Two days understand her singular legacy. It was both non-violent and political, through people’s movements and not political parties. The recent war and the detention of up to 300 000 IDPs exemplifies the void resulting from a perverted liberation struggle and a mindless and heartless state.

As a young medical doctor who had joined the staff of the University of Jaffna, Rajani was staying with her parents along with her elder sister Nirmala. This was in 1982 and she had no involvement with the LTTE, while her sister and brotherin-law were involved. Dayapala was at home in January when the LTTE carried out its first major assassination of a key rival, Sundaram of the PLOTE. Dayapala, among other concerned observers, warned that this trend of assassination would lead to an immitigable tragedy. In those early days when the PTA had alienated the community, state terror was active and the LTTE was a small underground organisation, hardly anyone, even if sympathetic, was willing to help injured cadres. Nirmala was in this respect an exception. At a critical time when a doctor was urgently needed, Rajani, though not involved, went out with her sister without any calculation to help the injured. Although

at the end of 1986. To many people the notion seemed lunacy, but none of us who moved with her thought of it in that way. She was an immense source of strength to many. Looking back over two decades, the singular aspect of her legacy is the manner in which she inspired others to challenge the terror from a multiplicity of sources: the Sri Lankan state, the LTTE, the Indian Army and the groups thoroughly alienated by the LTTE’s violence and wanting to get their own back. While the LTTE destroyed the personalities of the young whom it absorbed, Rajani also understood the attraction such an organisation could pose to idealistically minded youth who were alienated by the arrogance and violence of the State. In all human decisions, we are often carried away and turn a blind eye to some important aspect of the reality we confront. She understood the oppressive conditions that drive the young to make mistakes. She felt responsible to give the young the opportunity to come out of it. Knowing that it may cost her, her life, she did not let it cloud her enjoyment of it, nor made others conscious of the risk she ran.

continued in page .............................9

House Lord Saturn is looking this [email protected]) healthy and helpful. Work and – 24, 28 – 31st Aug 2009. August some changes and aimless house. It is supportive and helpful. business will go normal. Income and travelling will take place. Health Though Saturn always gives expenses will be equal. 2nd half of Virgo: (16th Sep – 15th Oct) problems, family and children will hard time, but prayer of Saturn is the month beyond all disturbances Mercury is lord of the house. It is make you restless. Business etc will 9 Austral Asian Voice OCTOBER 2009 supportive. Beyond all obstacles, some success will come. Some situated in the 12th house. This be little down. Activities will not be income will be better, but expenses project will be succeed and financial position is little disturbing for any so smooth. Pray Mother Kaali. Good It was meant to meet any threat to persons or the functioning of the university through collective effort. The University, as long as it was seen as the person of the vice chancellor and a few deans was a weak continued from page . .......................9 institution. This was seen during the LTTE’s abduction and murder of the student She was gentle with the young. Her anger Vijitharan in 1986 despite Vice Chancellor was reserved for the elite who abdicated Prof. Vithyananthan’s concerned personal their responsibility to engage with the efforts to get the student freed. The LTTE Sinhalese forcefully and non-violently and Tandoori Junction is a fully licensed & BYO easily manipulated the divided efforts of instead demonised them as a granite block Indian restaurant, capable of seating up to the university community and the larger of obduracy, violence and intolerance. society. Their politics was intellectually lazy and 80 people in airconditioned comfort. We can morally irresponsible. They were simply provide an extensive catering service at a venue of your choice; Rajani’s other efforts such as creating a transferring to different actors the phobias cooperative of women victims were meant and prejudices of the dominant Sinhalese alternatively, for a large enough group, the restaurant could be to create structures that would outlive politics; and spurned overtures to large exclusively booked out for your function. individuals and leave behind a legacy to sections of the Sinhalese people whom the benefit the poorer sections. corruption and nationalist bravado of their


leaders had left out in the cold.

It was the same apathy and lethargy of the Tamil elite that shifted the burden onto the fragile shoulders of the emerging militants. In the coming anarchy our society succumbed to internal terror, became callous towards individuals who differed in their opinion and allowed the name of liberation to be usurped by a fascistic formation, which in its flood of bloodletting carried the Tamils along a suicidal path with no end in sight. This created in Rajani a greater commitment to combat this trend rather than give in to general apathy and disillusionment. The Marxist in her, also perhaps her Christian upbringing, as with great men and women of other faiths, did not see death as the ineluctable end that defeats all endeavour. An obsession with preserving life could be crippling, and the value of a life is rather to be measured by how it was lived and the legacy it leaves behind. She spurned individual heroism and tried to build a legacy by the mobilisation of collective 28 effort to build structures. The emergence of UTHR(J) and it its activities in Jaffna University was seen by Rajani as “creating political space” in an totalitarian environment. An important experiment that owes much to Rajani was the creation of the University Staff, Students and Employees Consultative Committee, chaired by the vice chancellor.

Tandoori Junction

Eventually Rajani gave her life for her commitment to the people she loved so much. She strongly felt that teaching students is not simply giving lectures in theatres but harnessing their inherent potential to make them useful to the community. From this flowed her empathy towards each student in her class, with whom she spent time discussing a variety of issues. But the politics which dominated the society used some of the students on whom she lavished care as agents of her killers. Some of them have left the country and done well as healers. Rajani would not have grudged this, except to wish that they think back and reexamine their actions and the untold suffering they helped to unloose on the people through their services to a totalitarian organisation, one that inevitably destroyed itself taking thousands with them. The writing of the Broken Palmyra, the formation of UTHR (J) and other endeavours where Rajani played a crucial and leading role, were an outcome of real life experiences through which we 03-9095-6220 journeyed, sharing the dangers faced by the people, trying to understand the political and social dynamisms which entrapped the country in violent conflicts. We have seen how ordinary people were entrapped by all sides and how their insecurity and fears were used to justify and perpetuate war with unimaginable consequences. Edited from UTHR Report

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10 Austral Asian Voice


Blood on our hands, but this too shall pass M K Bhadrakumar (The writer is a former Indian diplomat who served in Sri Lanka in the 1980s) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran’ s death circa May 19,2009, in circumstances we would never quite get to know, concludes a morality play. As the curtain comes down and we leave the theatre, the spectacle continues to haunt us. We feel a deep unease and can’t quite figure out the reason. Something rankles somewhere. And then we realise we have blood on our hands. Not only our hands, but our whole body and deeper down, our conscience -- what remains of it after the mundane battles of our day-to-day life is also dripping with blood. Prabhakaran’ s blood. No, it is not only Prabhakaran’s, but also of 70,000 Sri Lankan Tamils who have perished in the unspeakable violence through the past quarter century. All the pujas we may perform to our favourite Lord Ganesh each morning and evening religiously before we march ahead in our life from success to success cannot wash away the guilt we are bearing -- the curse of the 70,000 dead souls. Our children and grandchildren will surely inherit the great curse. Oh, God, what a bitter legacy! A long time ago, we created Prabhakaran. We picked him up as an urchin from nowhere. What we found charming about him was that he was so thoroughly apolitical -- almost innocent about politics. He was a simpleton in many ways, who had a passion for weapons and the military regimen. He suited our needs perfectly. Which was  to humiliate the J R Jayewardene government in Sri Lanka and teach it a hard lesson about the dangers of being disrespectful to India ‘s status as the pre-eminent power in the Indian Ocean . Jayewardene was too Western-oriented and behaved as if he never read about the Munroe Doctrine when he read history in Oxford . We didn’t like at all his dalliance with the Israelis and the Americans in our very backyard. So, we fostered Prabhakaran and built him up as a pinprick on Jayewardene’ s vanities -- as a Bhindranwale of the Deccan . Then, as time passed, we decided that he had outlived his utility as we had come to develop an entirely different outlook towards the pro-Western orientation of the Colombo government by that time. Our egotistic leader in New Delhi who detested Jayewardene was no more in power and the new soft-spoken leader didn’t share his predecessor’ s strong political antipathies. So, we armtwisted Prabhakaran to tone down and fall in line with our changed priorities. But we didn’t realise that by then he had become a fully-grown adult. He resisted our blackmail and pressure tactic. When we pressured him even more and tried to collar him, he struck back. He dispatched assassins to India and killed our beloved leader. And he became our eternal enemy. Yet, we couldn’t do anything to harm him. He had already become so strong -- an uncrowned king among his people. So we waited. We are a patient lot. Who can match us in infinite patience, given our 5000 years of history? Our cosmic religion gives us a unique wisdom to be patient and stoical and to bide our time. And then, the opportune time came. We promptly

moved in for the kill by aligning ourselves with Prabhakaran’s enemies. We armed them and trained them in better skills to kill. We guided them with good intelligence. We plugged all escape routes for Prabhakaran. And then, we patiently waited as the noose tightened around Prabhakaran’s neck. Today he is no more. Believe it or not, we had no role in his death. How and when he died shall forever remain an enigma wrapped in a mystery. We will of course never divulge what we know. All that matters is that the world woke up to the death only after the May 13 polling in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. Otherwise, the parliamentary election results may have gone haywire against us. Strange are the ways of the Indian democracy. We have had our revenge. Nothing else matters for the present. What lies ahead? We will continue to make noises about a “political solution” to the Tamil problem that Prabhkaran championed through violent means. Of course, let there be no doubt that we will periodically render humanitarian assistance to the hundreds of thousands of Tamil civilians who have been herded into camps and may languish there till the dust settles down. We will demonstrate that we are indeed capable of the milk of human kindness. After all, the Sri Lankan Tamils are part of our historical consciousness. But we must also be realistic. We know in our heart of hearts that the scope for a political solution in the fashion in which our leaders seem to suggest publicly is virtually nil. The Sinhalese will never allow the world to dictate to them a political solution. More so, they will promptly and conclusively rebuff any attempt by us to seek a role in what they will now onward insist as strictly their internal affair. Always remember that Sri Lanka is the last bastion of Theravada Buddhism and preserving that legacy is the Sinhalese people’s precious tryst with destiny. At least, that is how they feel. We have to accept the weight of their cultural nationalism. They see Sri Lanka as the land of the Sinhalese. How would they allow us Indians who wiped out Buddhism with such ferocity from the subcontinent interfere with their keen sense of destiny as the custodians of that very same great religion? Never,never. If we try to pressure the Sinhalese, they will approach the Chinese or the Pakistanis to balance our pressure. They are capable of doing that. The Sinhalese are a gifted people. We all know few can never match their terrific skills in media management. They have always lived by their wits. Equally, they are fantastic practitioners of diplomacy. We suspect that they may in fact have an edge over us on this front, for unlike us who are dissimulating from day to day as if we’re a responsible regional power and dissipating our energies in pastimes such as hunting down Somalian pirates in distant seas, they are a highly focused lot. They have the grit because they are

fighting for the preservation of their country’s future identity as a Buddhist nation. Only last week, they showed their diplomatic skill by getting the Russians and the Chinese to stall a move in the United Nations Security Council to pressure them. The Europeans fancy they can try the Sinhalese for war crimes. What naivety? We asked the Sinhalese in private many a time how they proposed to navigate their way in the coming period. They wouldn’t divulge. But we know that it is not as if they have no solution of their own to the Tamil problem, either. We know they already have a blueprint. See, they have already solved the Tamil problem in the eastern provinces of Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara. The Tamils are no more the majority community in those provinces. Similarly, from tomorrow, they will commence a concerted, steady colonisation programme of the northern provinces where Prabhakaran reigned supreme for two decades. They will ensure incrementally that the northern regions no more remain as Tamil provinces. The Tamils will be made into a minority community in their own northern homelands. They will have to live among the newly created Sinhalese settlements in those regions to the north of Elephant Pass. All this will indeed be within Sri Lanka’s “federal structure”. Sri Lanka will continue to adhere to parliamentary democracy. Give them a decade at the most. The Tamil problem will become a

relic of the bloody history of the Indian subcontinent. The Sinhalese are good friends of India. Our elite and their elite speak the same idiom. We both speak good English, play golf and like chilled beer. We should, therefore, wish them well. As for the blood on our hands, true, it is a nuisance. But this is not the first time in our history that we’re having blood on our hands. Trust our words. No lasting harm will be done. Blood doesn’t leave stains. (The writer is a former Indian diplomat who served in Sri Lanka in the 1980s)


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11 Austral Asian Voice


We shall wake up to a new dawn A Special Report By our correspondent Humanity, from time to time is called upon to recharge and revitalize itself and renew its tryst with destiny. It is such that sparks new hopes especially when our faith is strong, determined and focused on our Creator, the God of all mercies, the loving God and the just God. It was that kind of spirit that marked the fellowship dinner that took place last Saturday St. Michael’s Grammar School St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria at the Fund-Raising Event held to support the work of the Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India. Organized by the Partnership Programme of the Uniting Church of Australia, the St George’s St Kilda’s Parish , Creative Ministries Network UCA and the Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India (JDCSI), the chairperson the Rev John Bottomley assisted by Christy Thiagarajah presented an inspiring video presentation of the message to the evening’s gathering by the Rt Rev Dr Daniel Thiagarajah based on his stirring call, “Let’s rise up and transform.” Available in You Tube, the presentation introduces the work of the JDCSI covering the last three years based on the foundational commitment and spirit of the American missionaries who arrived at the turn of the 19th century to serve our people. Also associated in this promotion is the Rev Angela Tampiyappa, minister of St George’s Uniting Church St Kilda’s who was the first to be appointed as the lady minister in Sri Lanka. She has spent considerable time working with vulnerable and needy communities in parishes under the JDCSI. She is one of the founders of the Partnership Programme. Bishop Daniel Thiagarajah’s message

was focused on the spirit of renewal and recharge and made it very clear that we have to re-energize that spirit and face a new dawn of challenges, understand and appreciate its potential and be totally committed to it. He conveyed this message in flowing verse and in action and the dynamism he has brought into his leadership. The video was the first of its kind ever to show how the early missionaries had to work in a place that was very strange to them and yet they laboured powered by their faith. The evening also marked a rich fellowship of the Sri Lankan JDCSI community and their friends from other churches and many others who have Sri Lanka in their interests and prayers. The event was in the hands of an efficient Master of Ceremonies, the Rev Subramaniam Manopavan of the Oakleagh Uniting Church and was graced by a dear and elder friend of the community, Dr Thiagarajah Gangatharan as the Guest of Honour. He was for a time the Superintendent of the Green Memorial Hospital, the first Hindu to head this famous mission hospital which was the first teaching medical institution in Sri Lanka. Followed by a very meaningful opening prayer beseeching God’s presence among us and with us in whatever we undertake for His glory by Ms Anto Samuel and the great hymns “How great thou art” and “Here I am Lord,” supported by songs appropriate for the young and old rendered by the 11-year olds from Marion College Sunshine, Edwina Vijeyaratnam, Olivia Shacklock, Stephanie Angelini and Tegan Frost the evening moved on with contributions from the Bernas Family singers most appropriate for the occasion. Sri Lanka’s famed singer Nithi Kanagaratnam was in his usual mood as a

The Don Moore Community Centre at North Rocks, NSW, Australia was the scene of good old fashioned fun and frivolity when the Royal College OBA of NSW and ACT, staged its annual family night, called “the hopper night”, on 22nd August 2009. A good time was had by all, including the many non Sri Lankans in attendance, some of whom were on a high for days on end following the event.

popular entertainer they were supported by the Fabian’s band and Nita Anandaraj who were the rhythms, booms and melody masters of the evening. They engulfed the entire participants of the evening into an ocean of lovely music and the rhythmic currents that touch our feelings in rapturous joy. The dinner was most delicious with the rich choice of Sri Lankan food flavoured and spiced to more gentler Australian taste buds and the “Aussied” Sri Lankans which itself marked an emergence of a new cuisine that has come to enrich food options throughout the world with the types unique to Sri Lanka for ages. Everybody enjoyed the food so much it was even feared that there may be a run on it.

12 Austral Asian Voice


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15 Austral Asian Voice


tpku;rdq;fis epWj;jp epthuzj;Jf;F cjTq;fs; tTdpah ,ilj;jq;fy; Kfhk;fspypUf;Fk; Ky;iyj;jPT> fpspnehr;rp khtl;lq;fisr;Nru;e;j kf;fis mLj;j Mz;L [dtup khjj;jpw;Fs; kPs Fbaku;j;jg;Nghtjhf ,yq;if [dhjpgjp kfpe;j uh[gf;\ njuptpj;jpUg;gjhf Clfq;fspy; nra;jp ntspahfpapUf;fpwJ. ru;tNjr r%fKk; I.eh. rigAk; kw;Wk; ru;tNjr kdpj cupik mikg;GfSk; ,e;jpa kj;jpa muRk; njhlu;r;rpahf nfhLj;JtUk; mOj;jq;fspd; ngWNgwhfTk; [dhjpgjpapd; cWjpnkhopia mtjhdpf;f KbfpwJ. ,e;jg;gpd;dzpapy; Gyk;ngau;e;J thOk; jkpo; kf;fspd; flik Kf;fpakhdJ. Aj;j G+kpapypUe;J kf;fs; ntspNaw;wg;gl;lnghOJ> me;j kf;fspd; jw;fhypf vjpu;fhyk; mfjpKfhk;fSf;Fs; Klf;fg;gl;lJ. Mdhy;> Fz;L tPr;Rf;fSf;Fk; n\y;ybfSf;Fk;

kj;jpapy; capiuf;ifapy; gpbj;jgb ifapy; fpilj;j cilikfSld; mtjpAw;W te;jtu;fSf;F nrsfupakhd ,Ug;gplkhf me;j Kfhk;fs; mike;jpUf;ftpy;iy. kPz;Lk; ,e;j kf;fs; jkJ nrhe;j tho;tplq;fSf;F murhq;fk; nrhy;tJNghd;W jpUk;gpr;nry;Yk;NghJ mtu;fSf;Fupa ,lq;fspy; FbapUg;Gfs; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. mtu;fspd; Gdu;epu;khz tho;T G+uzj;Jtkhdjhf mikaNtz;Lk;.
‘ahu; Fj;jpdhYk; muprpahfNtz;Lk;’ vd;W xU %Jiu cz;L. vdNt> gu];guk; mikg;Gfis tpku;rpg;gijtpLj;J> ghjpf;fg;gl;l kf;fs; kPs FbakUk;nghOJ mtu;fSf;Fj;Njitahdij ngw;Wf;nfhLg;gjw;fhd gzpfis jPtpug;gLj;jNtz;Lk;. Aj;jj;jpy; cly; CzKw;wtu;fs;> ngw;wtu;fis gyp(gwp) nfhLj;j gps;isfs;> fztiu ,oe;j tpjitj;jha;khu;fs;> ruzile;J nghJ kd;dpg;Gf;fhf fhj;jpUf;Fk; Kd;dhs; Nghuhspr;rpWtu;>rpWkpfs;…… ,g;gbahf mtu;fspd; vz;zpf;if ,yl;rf;fzf;fpy;. ,tu;fSf;F vjpu;fhyk; ,Uf;fpwJ. me;j vjpu;fhykhtJ RgPl;rkhf mikaNtz;Lk;. mjw;fhfthtJ Gyk;ngau;e;J thOk; vk;ktu;fs; jq;fs; fspahl;lq;fis rpwpJ fhyj;Jf;F epWj;jptpl;L

jdpj;Njh $l;lhfNth vkJ cwTfSf;F ifnfhLf;fyhk;. ,e;j Mz;L Muk;gj;jpy; cf;fpukhd Aj;jj;jpy; Rkhu; vz;gjpdhapuk; jkpo; khztu;fspd; fy;tp ngupJk; ghjpf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwJ. ku epoy;fspYk; nfhl;by;fspYk; jiuapy; mku;e;J gbj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;Fk; gps;isfs; xUGwk;> jha;> je;ij ,Uf;fpwhu;fsh ,y;iyah vd;gJk; njupahky; mdhij ,y;yq;fspy; guhkupf;fg;gLk; gps;isfs; kWGwk;. ,e;j mtyj;jpypUe;J ,e;j ,sk; jiyKiw kPl;fg;glNtz;Lk;. mjw;F Gyk;ngau;e;J thOk; vk;ktu;fs; Mf;fG+u;tkhd gzpfis Kd;ndLf;fNtz;Lk;. jkJ khjhe;j tUkhdj;jpy; rpWgq;ifahtJ ,e;jg;gzpfSf;F nfhLj;Jjtp mk;kf;fSf;F MWjyspf;fNtz;Lk;.

,UgJ Mz;L epiwtpy; ,yq;if khztu; fy;tp epjpak; ,yq;ifapy; ePbj;j Aj;j mopTfspdhy; je;ijia my;yJ FLk;gj;jpd; %y ciog;ghspahd %j;j rNfhjuid ,oe;J> fy;tpiaj; njhluKbahky; mtjpAWk; Vioj;jkpo; khztu;fspd; fy;tp tsu;r;rpf;F cjTtjw;fhf mT];jpNuypahtpy; nky;gdpy; 1989 Mk; Mz;L njhlq;fg;gl;l ,yq;if khztu; fy;tp epjpak; (Ceylon Students Educational Fund) jdJ gzpapy; ,UgjhtJ Mz;L epiwTld; njhlUfpwJ. tlf;F- fpof;F khfhzj;jpy; njhlu;e;j Aj;jk; ,e;j Mz;L (2009) KbTf;F nfhz;Ltug;gl;bUe;jhYk; jkpo; kf;fspd; mgpyhi\fs; G+u;j;jpahf;fg;glhj epiyapy; ,yl;rf;fzf;fhd kf;fs; njhlu;e;Jk; ,ilj;jq;fy; Kfhk;fspy; mtjpAWtij mDjhgj;Jld; mtjhdpf;Fk; ,yq;if khztu; fy;tp epjpaj;jpd; flikg;ghl;bd; mtrpaKk; ,r;re;ju;g;gj;jpy; czug;gLfpwJ. 1989 Mk; Mz;L MW khztu;fSf;F cjTtjw;fhf Muk;gpf;fg;gl;l ,e;epjpak; gbg;gbahf cjTk; khztu;fspd; vz;zpf;ifia ngUf;fpaJ. fle;j ,UgJ Mz;L fhyg;gFjpapy; Ehw;Wf;fzf;fhd jkpo; kw;Wk; K];ypk; khztu;fs; ,e;j fy;tp epjpaj;jpdhy; rpwe;j gaidg;ngw;wdu;. mT];jpNuypahtpd; khepyq;fisr;Nru;e;j ,uf;fKs;s md;gu;fs; kl;Lkd;wp ntspehLfspy; Fwpg;ghf INuhg;gpa ehLfisAk; fdlh> mnkupf;fh ehLfisAk; Nru;e;j md;gu;fSk; ,e;epjpak; Clhf gy khztu;fSf;F

cjtpdhu;fs;. ,yq;ifapy; aho;g;ghzk;> jpUNfhzkiy> mk;ghiw> kl;lf;fsg;G> tTdpah khtl;lq;fisr;Nru;e;j khztu;fSf;Fk; ,lk;ngau;e;J fk;g`h khtl;lj;jpy; tjpAk; khztu;fs; rpyUf;Fk; jw;NghJ ,yq;if khztu; fy;tp epjpak; cjtp tUfpwJ. jw;NghJ EhWf;Fk; mjpfkhd mq;fj;jtu;fSld; ,aq;Fk; ,e;epjpak;> rpl;dp kdpj cupikfSf;fhd jkpou; mikg;G toq;fpa 25 Mapuk; mT];jpNuypad; nlhyu;fSld; epjpaKk; 5 Mapuk; nlhyu;fisr;Nru;j;J nkhj;jk; 30 Mapuk; nlhyu;fis tq;fpapy; epue;ju itg;gpypl;L mjd; %yk; fpilf;Fk; tl;bg;gzj;jpypUe;J epUthfg;gzpfis Nkw;nfhz;LtUfpwJ. fy;tp epjpaj;jpw;F NkYk; gy cjtpNfhUk; tpz;zg;gq;fs; ghjpf;fg;gl;l khztu;fsplkpUe;J fpilf;fg;ngw;Ws;sJ. cjt tpUk;Gk; md;gu;fSf;F fy;tp epjpak; cUf;fkhd Ntz;LNfhis tpLf;fpd;wJ> epjpaj;jpd; ,izaj;jsk;: www. csefund.org md;gu;fs; epjpaj;jpd; gzpfis nraw;jpl;lq;fis ,e;j ,izaj;jsj;jpy; ghu;itaplKbAk;. 20 MtJ Mz;Lg;nghJf;$l;lk; fy;tp epjpaj;jpd; 20 MtJ Mz;Lg;nghJf;$l;lKk; cWg;gpdu; Xd;W$ly;> cjtp ngUk;> cjtpNfhUk; khztu;fspd; xspg;glf;fz;fhl;rp> jfty; mku;T Kjyhd epfo;r;rpfs; vjpu;tUk; 24-

10-2009 Mk; jpfjp rdpf;fpoik khiy 6.30 kzpf;F gpd;tUk; Kftupapy; eilngWk;: Mount Waverley Youth Centre, 45, Miller Crescent , Mount Waverley Nkyjpf tpguq;fSf;F: rz;Kfk; re;jpud; epNtjdh mr;Rjd;

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16 Austral Asian Voice


Njhw;wJjhd; rupj;jpuk; ntd;wnjy;yhk; ntWk; rk;gtk; v];. kNdhuQ;rd; “,d;W vk; Kd;Nd gy Nfs;tpfs; cz;L. gpughfudhy; jd;idf; fhg;ghw;w Kbahky; NghdJ vg;gb? mtuhy; kf;fisf; fhg;ghw;w Kbahky; NghdJ vt;thW? mtUila Nghuhl;lj;ij mtuhy; ,Wjpapy; ,e;j epiyf;Ff; nfhz;LNghf Ntz;b te;j fhuzk; vd;d? ,JNghy Vuhsk; cz;L. ,tw;Wf;fhd gjpy;fs; gpughfudpd; fle;jfhy nraw;ghLfspYk; mtUila kdTyfj;jpYNk ,Ue;jd. ,Uf;fpd;wd. kf;fs; rl;bapy; ,Ue;J mLg;Gf;Fs;Ns ,lk; khw;wg; gl;bUf;fpwhu;fs;. mt;tsTjhd;. vy;yhtw;iwAk; jhNd vLj;J jhNd Nghl;Lilj;j kdpjuhf tuyhw;wpy; khwptpl;lhu; mtu;. gpughfuNd nrhy;tijg; Nghy “ntd;why; rupj;jpuk; Njhw;why; rk;gtk;” vd;w khjpupNa ,e;j epfo;r;rpfSk; mike;Jtpl;ld.” vd;Wjhd; KbfpwJ me;j ePz;l fl;Liu. ,J xU khjj;jpw;F Kd;dH ,e;jpahtpypUe;J ntsptUk; fhyr;RtL rQ;rpifapy; gpuRukhfpapUe;jJ. td;dpf;Fs; tho;e;J GypfSld; Neub gupr;rak; cs;s xUtH Aj;jj;jpd; ,Wjpf;fl;lj;ij jhd; Neubahf fz;l rhl;rpakhf> ‘td;dpapy; ele;jJ vd;d? fsj;jpypUe;J XH mDgtg; gfpHT’ vd;w jiyg;gpy; vOjp gpuRupj;jpUe;jhH. ghJfhg;Gf; fhuzq;fs; fUjp vOjpatupd; ngaH gpuRupf;fg;gltpy;iy. trjp fpilj;jhy; ,e;jf; fl;Liuia vy;NyhUk; thrpj;jy; Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ vdJ tpUg;gk;. Njdp ,izaj;jsj;jpy; ,jid ,g;nghJk; thrpf;fyhk;. ,e;jf; fl;Liuapd; Kbtpy; $wg;gl;bUe;j ,uz;L tplaq;fisNa ,q;F ehd; fye;JiuahlYf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;SfpNwd;. xd;W> filrp Neuj;jpy; vtUk; epidahg; gpufhukhf> gpughfudhy; Vd; jd;idAk; kf;fisAk; ghJfhf;f Kbahky; NghdJ vd;gjw;fhd gjpy;fs; ‘gpughfudpd; fle;jfhy nraw;ghLfspYk; mtUila kdTyfj;jpYNk ,Ue;jd’ vdr; nrhy;yg;gl;bUg;gJ. ,uz;lhtJ> ‘gpughfuNd nrhy;tijg; Nghy “ntd;why; rupj;jpuk; Njhw;why; rk;gtk;” ’ vd $wg;gl;bUf;Fk; tplaq;fshFk;. ,jpy; KjyhtJ tplakhd gpughfudJ fle;jfhyr; nraw;ghLfs; Vd; mg;gb ,Ue;jd? mtH Vd; mg;gbnay;yhk; ele;J nfhz;lhH vd;gjw;fhd gjpy;fs; mtuJ kdTyfj;jpy; kl;Lk; ,Ue;jd vd;W $wp ehk; jg;gpf;nfhs;s KbAkh? gpughfud; vy;yhtw;iwAk; jd;dpr;irahf nra;jhH kw;nwy;yhUk; ntWk; jiyahl;bfs;jhd; vd;W rpe;jpg;gijg;Nghy; klikj;jdk; NtnwJTk; ,y;iy vd;Nw vz;zj; Njhd;Wfpd;wJ. gpughfudpd; cUthf;fj;jpw;Fk; tsHr;rpf;Fk; mtuJ xl;Lnkhj;j nraw;ghl;bw;Fk; mtUk; mtuJ jsgjpfSk; kl;Lky;y jkpo; r%fk; ve;jsT nghWg;Gr; nrhy;y Ntz;Lk; vd;gJk; ,q;F epl;rakhf Nfl;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk; gpughfudpd; fl;lisapy;

Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;l jdpegH nfhiyfs; kw;Wk; ifJfs;> jLj;J itj;jy;> rpj;jpuitij Kfhk;fs; kw;Wk; rpy jdpg;gl;l tf;fpu nraw;ghLfs; vd;gd Vd; nra;ag;gl;ld vd;gjw;fhd gjpy;fs; Ntz;Lkhdhy; gpughfudJ kdTyfj;jpy; ,Uf;fyhk;. Mdhy; Gypfspd; mgpupkpjkhd tsHr;rp> gpughfud; vLj;j murpay; KbTfs;> 30 tUlfhy mtuJ xl;Lnkhj;j murpay; efHTfs;> gpw;Nghf;Fj;jdkhd rf;jpfSld; Gypfspd; $l;Lr; NrHf;if> ,e;jpa vjpHg;G> jkpo; r%fj;jpy; Vida Kw;Nghf;F rf;jpfisAk; mjd; jiyikfisAk; mopj;jik vd;git njhlHghd tpilfis gpughfudpd; kdTyfj;jpy; khj;jpuk; NjLtJ NgjikahdJ. Nkw;$wg;gl;litf;fhd tpilfis ,yq;ifj; jkpo; r%fj;jpd; murpay; Mjpf;fj;ij ifag;gLj;jp itj;jpUf;Fk; aho;g;ghzpaj;ij <tpuf;f kpd;wp rKf murpay; uPjpahf gFg;gha;T nra;tjd; %yk; khj;jpuNk fz;Lnfhs;s KbAk; vd;Nw ehd; fUJfpNwd;. mJ kl;Lkd;wp aho; jkpo; r%fj;jpDs; Ms NtUd;wpAs;s mjd; mbf;fw;fshd [hjpa Mjpf;fk;> gpuNjrntwp> Mzhjpf;fk;> CHthjk;> Raikathjk; (self centrism ) vd;gd vt;thW ,e;j ntw;Wj; jkpo; Njrpa glhgNlhgj;jpdhy; ,Oj;Jg; NghHj;jp %lg;gl;ld vd;Dk; tplaKk; KOikahf ntl;bj; jpwe;J ghHf;fg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. xU fhyj;jpy; aho;ghzr; r%fj;jpDs; th;f;fg; nghuhl;lj;ijNa jPz;lhik xopg;G nghuhl;lk; vd;Dk; [hjp vjpHg;G Nghuhl;lkhfj;jhd; ahog;ghz khf;]p];Lf;fshy; elj;j Kbe;jJ. me;jstpw;F mr;r%fj;jpy; [hjpf;Fk; tHf;fj;jpw;Fkhd ,ilntsp Ez;zpajhff; fhzg;gl;lJ. jkpo; r%fj;jpd; kPjhd ,yq;if murpd; xLf;FKiw tpahgpj;J ‘jkpo; Njrpa’ tpLjiy vd;Dk; ngaupy; MAjg; Nghuhlk; tsHe;j fhyj;jpy;$l “,J estH gs;supd;w ,af;fk;” “me;j ,af;fj;Jf;Fs;s fz;l rhjpfSk; ,Uf;fpJfs;” Nghd;w fUj;Jf;fs; aho;g;ghz r%fj;jpy; kpfr; rhjhuzkhfNt Gsq;fpd. Gypfs; Vida ,af;fq;fis mopf;Fk;nghJ “mtq;fs; ntspkhtl;lg; nghbaisj;jhd; nfhy;Ywhq;fs;. aho;ghz nghbais nfhy;y ,y;iy”. “ntspkhtl;l rdpaq;fs;jhd; ,q;if te;J fz;l ,af;fq;fNshilAk; NrHe;J fsntLf;fpJfs;” vd;Dk; msTf;fhd fPo;j;jukhd gpuNjrthjKk; mq;F rf[khf epytpaJ. MfNt> Gypfs; vd;gJ jdpnahU FO> gpughfud; vd;gtH jdpnahU egH vd;W KbTf;F ehk; tUtJ mgj;jkhdjhFk;. mg;gbahd KbTf;F tUtjd; %yk; me;j r%fj;jpDs; MOikapy; ,Uf;Fk; Mjpf;f ntwpnfhz;l Nkhrkhd r%f murpay; Nghf;fpid kPz;Lk; cukpl;L tsHg;gtHfshNthk;. gpughfud; rpe;jid> Gypfs; ,af;fr; nraw;ghL vd;gJjhd; aho;g;ghzpaj;jpd; r%f murpay; mbj;jsk;. gpughfuDk; GypfSk; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jpa [dehaf kWg;G> jkpo; r%fj;jpy; ,aq;Fk; rfy mikg;Gfs; kPjhd nfhLk;gpb> jhk; klLNk rup kw;nwy;yhk; jtwhdit> gadw;wit> vdNt mopf;fg;glyhk; vd;fpd;w Raey>

Ra ikathj Nghf;F vd;gtw;iw; ek; aho;ghzpaj;jpDs; ehshe;j r%f tho;f;ifapy; gy;NtW jug;gpdupilNa> gy;NtW jsq;fspy;> gy;NtW juj;jpy; fhzyhk;. ,jpy; kpf NkhrkhdJ vd;dntdpy; Gypfspd; murpaYf;F vjpH murpay; nra;jtHfs;> Gypfspd; [dehaf kWg;ig tpkHrpj;jtHfs;> mtHfspd; Clf xLf;F Kiwia fz;bj;jtHfs;> mtHfspd; kdpj cupik kPwy;fis fz;bj;J kdpj cupikf;fhf Fuy; nfhLj;jtHfs; vd vy;Nyhuplj;jpYk; ,e;j aho;g;ghzpaj;jpd; Nghf;Ffs; fzprkhf ,Ug;gij ehk; fhzyhk;. mtutH gyk;ngWfpd;w re;jHg;gq;fspy; vy;yhk; ,e;j ahog;ghzpaj;jpd; Nghf;if mUtUf;fj;jf;f tifapy; mtHfSk; ntspg;gLj;jp te;Js;sdH vd;gJ mUtUg;ghd cz;ikahFk;. ,e;j ahog;ghzpa gpw;Nghf;Fj;jdkhd Mjpf;fr; nraw;ghl;bd; r%f> murpay;> kNdhtpay; Nghf;Ffis rupahf fzpg;gpl KbahJ mjDld; NkhjpatHfs;; mbj;J nehUf;fg;gl;lhHfs;. mjd; Nghf;Ffis ed;F mwpe;jpUe;Jk; mjDld; NkhjhJ mjw;F xj;J}jp gpd;dH vy;yhtw;iwAk; rkhspf;fyhk;> khw;wyhk; vd;W fdTfz;ltHfSk; Njhy;tpiaj;jhd; jOtpdhHfs;. ntspapNy Kw;Nghf;F Ngrpagb mNjNtis cs;Sf;Fs;Ns mNj ahog;ghzpaj;jpd; xU $whf ,Ue;jgb mjid epahag;gLj;jpatHfSk; ,d;W %f;Filgl;L epw;fpd;whHfs;. mjid epahg;gLj;jp mjw;F rHtNjr r%f mq;fPfhuk; ngw;Wf;nfhLj;j gyH mjdhNyNa mopf;fg;gl;Lk; tpl;ldH. aho;g;ghzpaj;jpd; gpujpgpk;gkhd Gypapr murpaypy; njhq;fp tpj;ijfhl;b kpje;J tplyhk; vd fdT fz;ltHfs; vy;Nyhiuak;$l mJ fbj;J rg;gp rf;ifahfj; Jg;gpj;jhdpUf;fpwJ. MfNt Gypfspd; tsHr;rpiaAk;> nraw;ghLfisAk;> Njhy;tpiaAk; gpughfudpd; kz;ilf;Fs; NjLtij tpLj;J mjid vkf;Fs;NsNa Njbdhy;jhd; mjw;fhd rupahd tpilfisf; KbAk;. aho;ghzpak; vd;Dk; mopT ,ae;jpuj;jpd; $upa gw;fshf nraw;gl;L mjdhNyNa fbj;Jf; Fjwg;gl;ltHfs;jhd; gpughfuDk; mtuJ jsgjpfSk; mtuJ JjpghbfSk; vd;gNj cz;ik vdNt vy;yhg; gopiaAk; gpughfudpdJk; mtuJ $l;lhspfspdJk; jiyNky; Rkj;jptpl;L aho;ghzpak; GJNt\ j;NjhL GJf;Nfh\j;NjhL tUtjw;fhf kPz;Lk; jahuhfpwJ vd;gijapl;L vr;rupf;ifahf ,Ug;gNj rhyr; rpwe;jJ. ‘ntd;why; rupj;jpuk; Njhw;why; rk;gtk;’ vdW gpughfud; nrhy;thuhk; vd;W fl;LiuahsH Kbtpy; $wpapUf;fpwhH. ,Nj Nghd;wnjhU fUj;ij N[.tP. gP. jiytuhd Nuh`d tpN[tPu rpiwapy; ,Uf;Fk;NghJ $wpajhf njd;dpyq;if Kd;dhs; N[.tP. gP. ez;gnuhUtH xUKiw vd;dplk; $wpdhH. “vkJ Gul;rp Njhy;tp fz;ljhy; vy;NyhUk; ,jid ‘1971 Vg;uy; fpsHrp’ vd;W nrhy;YfpwhHfs;. ,d;W gyH fl;rpf;F cs;NsAk; ntspNaAk; tpkHrpf;fpwhHfs;. Mdhy; mJ ntd;wpUe;jhy; vy;NyhUk; vkJ ntw;wpapd; fspg;igg; gUfpagb

,JNt khngUk; Gul;rp vd;W nfhz;lhbapUg;ghHfs;. ntd;why; Gul;rp Njhw;why; fpsHr;rp” vd;whuhk; Nuh`d tpN[tPu. Mdhy; 1971k; Mz;by; kz; ft;tpa mtuJ Gul;rp 1987y; tpN[tPuTk; mtUila gpujhd rfhf;fSk; 40 Mapuj;jpw;F Nkw;gl;l kf;fspd; capHfSk; gwpNghdNjhL gL Njhy;tpfz;lNj> vg;gb? 1971,y; ,Ue;J 1987tiu mtHfs; jq;fis kPsha;T nra;atpy;iyah my;yJ 1971y; Vw;gl;l Njhy;tpapd; gbg;gpidfis mtHfs; fzf;fpy; vLj;Jf;nfhs;stpy;iyah? mtHfsJ Njhy;tp ,d;Wk; vijf;fhl;b epw;fpd;wJ? vq;NfNah ghupa jtW tplg;gl;bUf;fpwJ vd;gijay;yth? NtupNyNa mOfy; ,Ue;jhy; tpUl;rk; cUg;gLkh? vd;ghHfNs mJNghy;jhd;. 1971k; Mz;L Njhy;tpf;Fg; gpd;dH> N[.tP.gP.Ald; ,Ue;J ntspNawpa gyH gpd;dH mjd; jyikiaAk; mjd; nfhs;if nraw;ghLfisAk; kpff; fLikahf tpkHrpj;jdH. mtHfspy; rpyuplk; ehd; NgrpaNghJ 1971y; cq;fSf;F vg;gb N[.tP.gp.apd; nfhs;iffs; nraw;ghLfs; jtwhf njupatpy;iy? vd;W tpdtpapUf;fpNwd;. mjw;F mtHfs; “jtWfs; njupe;jhYk; mg;NghJ vkf;F NtW khw;W ,Uf;ftpy;iy. xLf;fg;gl;l kf;fSf;fhf Fuy;nfhLf;Fk;> muRf;F vjpuhf jhf;fKs;s mOj;jj;ij nfhLf;Fk; xU ,af;fkhf N[.tP. gp. kl;LNk ,Ue;jJ.” vd;whHfs;. “Mdhy; N[.tP.gp.apd; jtwhd Nghf;Ffs; kf;fis mopTf;Fj;jhd; nfhz;LNghFk; vd;gij ehk; gpd;dH mwpe;Jnfhz;Nlhk;. me;jg; nghuhl;lk; ntw;wp ngwkhl;lhJ vd;gJk; vkf;F njupAk;” vd;wdH. Gypfspd; Nghuhl;lKk; mjw;F nfhs;if tFj;Jf; nfhLj;j aho;ghzpaj;jpd; Nghuhl;lKk; ntw;wpngwkhl;lhJ vd;gJ Muk;gj;jpNyNa Gupe;J nfhs;sg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. md;W Kjy; GypfS;F Kz;LnfhLj;J Mjupj;j jkpo; r%fj;jpd gy jug;gpdUf;F GypfistplTk; NtW khw;Wf;fs; epuk;gNt ,Ue;jd. jkpo; kf;fspd; ‘Njrpa tpLjiyg;” Nghuhl;lj;Jld; jkpo; r%fj;Jf;Fs;NsNa GOj;J Kilehw;wnkLj;j gpw;Nghf;Fj;jdq;fisj; J}f;fpnawpa Ntz;Lk; vd;Dk; Nehf;fpy; cUthfpa murpay; nraw;ghLfs; gy ,Ue;jd. Mdhy; me;j aho;g;ghzpaj;Jld; xj;Jg;ghb r%f mq;fPfhuk; ngWk; mw;gj;jdkhd Mjpf;f Mir me;jj; jug;gpdiu Gyp murpaiy Nehf;fpj; js;spaJ. kdpj r%fj;ij ntWk; ke;ijfshf ghHf;Fk; ntwpj;jdk; kpf;f xU ntw;W kdpjid ,e;j r%fk; jiytdhf J}f;fp itj;jJ. jtwhd murpay; nraw;ghLfis Nfs;tpapd;wp Mjupj;jJ. ,j;jifa gpd;dzpapy; ,e;jg; Nghuhl;lk; ntw;wpngw;W ‘rupj;jpukhFk;’ vd;w fdTyfpy; mJ jkpo; r%fj;ij tho itj;jJ. tpijapNyNa #j;ij tpOe;j ,g;Nghuhl;lk; ntw;wpaile;jpUf;fhJ vd;gJ jhd; cz;ik. MfNt mjd; Njhy;tpjhd; ,d;W rupj;jpukhfpapUf;fpwJ. mjd; Kg;gJ tUlg; ghijapy; mJ mile;jjhf $wpa ,uhZt ntw;wpfs; vy;yhk; ,d;W ntWk; rk;gtq;fs; kl;LNk.

17 Austral Asian Voice


nrhy;y kwe;j fijfs; -----


vjpu;ghuhjJ mikr;ru;fs;> ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdu;fs;> njhopw;rq;fthjpfs;> murpay;fl;rpfspd; gpujpepjpfs;> gj;jpupifahsu;fs; vd nkhj;jk; EhWNgu; me;j ru;tNjr tpohTf;;F ,yq;ifapypUe;J gazkhNdhk;. me;jf;FOtpy; ehd; xUtd; khj;jpuNk jkpo;g;gj;jpupifahsd;.

re;jpupfhtpd; fztu; tp[aFkhuzJq;f> A+.vd;.gp. ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdu;fs; mEu g];jpad;> Rdpy; uQ;rd; [af;nfhb.> jw;nghOJ mikr;ru;fshf ,Uf;Fk; ge;Jy Fztu;jd> kfpe;j tpN[Nrfu> kw;Wk; =yq;fh Rje;jpuf;fl;rp> etrkh[f;fl;rp> fk;A+dp];l; fl;rpfisr;Nru;e;j gpujpepjpfSk; mNj N`hl;lypy; gf;fj;J gf;fj;J miwfspy;jhd; jq;fpdu;.

1965 Mk; Mz;L fl;Lehaf;fh ru;tNjr tpkhd epiya jpwg;Gtpohtpd;NghJ ehd; fz;l fdT vjpu;ghujtpjkhf Rkhu; ,UgJ Mz;Lfspd; gpd;dNu gypj;jJ.

me;j N`hl;lypd;; czT tpLjpapy; ,yq;ifg;gpujpepjpfSf;fhf xJf;fg;gl;l ,lj;jpy; vdf;fhf xU Nkir jdpahf xJf;fg;gl;ljw;Fk; “ehd; nt[pNlupad;” vd;w Nfhupf;ifjhd; fhuzk;.

KUfG+gjp vjpu;ghuhj epfo;Tfspd; rq;fkk;jhd; tho;f;if. ,e;j trdj;ij vdJ vOj;Jf;fspy; gy re;ju;g;gq;fspy; gjpTnra;tjw;F fhy;Nfhs; ,l;lJjhd; ehd; Kjy;Kjypy; kh];NfhTf;F nry;tjw;fhf tpkhdk; Vwpa rk;gtk;. thdj;jpy; gwf;Fk; tpkhdq;fis ghu;j;J tpae;j gUtj;jpy; vq;fs; CUf;F rkPgkhf fl;Lehaf;fh vd;w Cupy; ru;tNjr tpkhdepiyak; 1965 Mk; Mz;L mg;Nghija gpujku; ll;ypNrdehaf;fhtpdhy; jpwe;Jitf;fg;gl;lNghJ me;j tpohitg;ghu;f;f ghlrhiy ez;gu;fSld; nrd;wpUf;fpd;Nwd;. md;Wjhd; vd; tho;ehspy; Kjy;jlitahf xU tpkhd epiyaj;ijAk; ghu;j;Njd;. mjd; gpwF gy jlitfs; mq;F nrd;wpUe;jhYk; tpkhdk; VWtjw;fhf my;y> ahiuahtJ INuhg;ghTf;Nfh kj;jpa fpof;fpw;Nfh ,e;jpahTf;Nfh topaDg;gj;jhd; te;jpUg;Ngd;. mtu;fs; Vwpa tpkhdk; XLghijapy; xU Rw;Wr;Rw;wpte;J NkNy Vwp gwf;fj;njhlq;fp fz;zpypUe;J kiwAk; tiuapy; gutrj;Jld; ghu;j;j gpd;Gjhd; tPL jpUk;GNtd;. mg;nghOJ kdjpy; Vf;fk; FbNaWk;. vdf;Fk; mg;gb xU tpkhdg;gazk; vg;NghJ rpj;jpf;Fk; vd;gJjhd; me;j Vf;fk;. tPuNfrupapy; cjtp Mrpupauhf gzpahw;wpf;nfhz;bUe;j (1985) Ntisapy; xU kjpak; nfhOk;gpypUf;Fk; Nrhtpaj; u\;ahtpd; jfty; gpuptpy; gzpahw;wpa ez;gu; uh[FNye;jpudplkpUe;J njhiyNgrp miog;G te;jJ. “ ckf;F ,uz;L thuk; yPT vLf;f KbAkh? kh];Nfhtpy; eilngwTs;s 12 MtJ ru;tNjr khztu;> ,isQu; tpohtpy; fye;Jnfhs;tjw;F gj;jpupifahsu; vd;w Kiwapy; njupthfpapUf;fpwPu;.” vd;whu; ez;gu;. vdf;F ek;gKbatpy;iy. kPz;Lk; kPz;Lk; Nfl;L Cu;[pjg;gLj;jpf;nfhz;l gpd;du;> “ vd;dplk; flTr;rPl;Lf;$l ,y;iyNa…vd;d nra;tJ?” vd;Nwd;. “ jhkjkpd;wp ru;tNjrgazq;fSf;fhd flTr;rPl;il vLj;Jf;nfhs;sTk;. tpiutpy; me;j cyf tpohtpd; ,yq;iff;fhd Njrpaf;FOtpd; ,izr;nrayhsu; Njhou; mG+ A+Rg; cq;fSld; njhlu;Gnfhs;thu;.” vd;W nrhd;d ez;gu; njiyNgrp ,izg;ig Jz;bj;Jf;nfhz;lhu;. gj;jpupif mYtyfj;jpy; Mrpupau; kw;Wk; epUthf mjpfhupfSf;nfy;yhk; jfty; nrhy;yptpl;L flTr;rPl;ilAk; Jupjfjpapy; ngw;W tp] hTf;fhf Nrhtpaj; Jhjufj;jpy;

Rkhu; IEhW gpujpepjpfs; ,e;jpahtpypUe;J te;J jq;fpapUe;jdu;. jpdKk; ,tu;fSld; ciuahl re;ju;g;gk; fpilj;jJ.

Nru;g;gpj;j gpd;du;jhd; vj;jidNgu; ,e;jg;gazj;jpy; ,ize;Jnfhs;fpwhu;fs; vd;w jfty; fpilj;jJ.

u\;ah> cf;Nua;d;> igNyh u\;ah> c];ngf;fp];jhd;> f[hfp];jhd;> N[hu;[pah> m]u;ig[hd;> ypJNtdpah> nkhy;lhtpah> fpu;fP] pah> jh[pf;];jhd;> Mu;kPdpah> JUf;Nkdpah> v];Njhdpah> Kjypa 15 FbauRfSk; 20 Rahl;rpf;FbauRfSk; 8 Rahl;rpg;gpuhe;jpaq;fSk; 10 Rahl;rpg;gpuNjrq;fSk; nfhz;l Nrhtpaj; A+dpadpd; jiyefuk; kh];Nfhtpy;jhd; 156 ehLfspd; Mapuf;fzf;fhd gpujpepjpfs; gq;Fgw;wpa me;j ru;tNjr tpoh njhlu;r;rpahf ,uz;L thuq;fs; ele;jJ. ,e;j tpohtpy; gq;Fgw;Wtjw;F miog;G fpilj;j ehspypypUe;J mq;F nrd;W jhafk; jpUk;Gk; tiuapy; mLj;jLj;J vjpu;ghuhj rk;gtq;fisNa juprpj;Njd;. rPd tpkhdj;jpy; ghk;Gf;fwpAk; gpypg;igd;]; tpkdj;jpy; jtis #g;Gk; fpilf;Fk; u\;a tpkhdj;jpy; gd;wp> khL vy;yhk; fpilf;Fk; ftdk; vd;W ez;gu;fs; nrhy;yp gaKWj;jptpl;lhu;fs;. mjdhy; me;j VNuhGsl; tpkhdj;jpy; VwpaJNk “ ehd; xU nt[pNlupad;” vd;W tpkhdg;gzpngz;fsplk; Kd;ndr;rupf;ifahf nrhy;yptpl;Nld;. ehL jpUk;Gk;tiuapy; ghk;G> jtis> khL. gd;wpf;Fg;gae;Nj jhtugl;rpzpahfNt tho;e;Njd;. vq;fSf;fhf xJf;fg;gl;bUe;j el;rj;jpu me;j];J ngw;w ,];khapNyhth N`hl;lypy;jhd; Mrpa ehLfspypUe;J te;j gpujpepjpfs; midtUk; jq;fpdu;. ,e;jpahtpypUe;J fhq;fpu];> [djh> tyJ-,lJ fk;A+dp];l;> jp.K.f> m.,.m.jp.K.f> gpuKfu;fs; kw;Wk; gy fiyQu;fSk; te;jpUe;jdu;. ,e;j N`hl;lypy;jhd; jq;fghY> rPj;jhuhk ar;#up> kp]h fNzrd;> Fr;Rg;Gb eldj;jpy; rhjid Gupe;J fpd;d]; Gj;jfj;jpy; jdJ ngaiu gjpe;Jnfhz;l rusFkhup cl;gl

,JTk; vjpu;ghuhjNj. vq;fSld; te;jpUe;j rpy K];ypk; ,isQu;fSf;Fk; me;j czT tpLjpf;Fs; gpuNtrpj;jJk; ftiy te;Jtpl;lJ. mtu;fSf;F `yhy; ,iwr;rp Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; gd;wp ,iwr;rpiaAk; jtpu;f;fNtz;Lk;. vdNt kw;w gpujpepjpfSld; xd;whf mku;e;J czT cz;gjw;F rq;flg;gl;lhu;fs;. jq;fsJ kdf;Fiwia vkJ topfhl;bj;Njhou; Njhopauplk; nrhd;dhu;fs;. clDf;Fld; gpujpepjpfspd; Njitfisf;ftdpj;j mtu;fs;> Jupjkhf ,aq;fp NkYk; xU ngupa Nkiria vdJ NkirAld; ,izj;J> mjpy; U\;ankhopapy; nt[pNlupad; Nlgps; vd;w ml;iliaAk; guprhufu;fs; ghu;f;Fk; tpjkhf itj;Jtpl;lhu;fs;. K];ypk; ,isQu;fs; gy jlitfs; ifnaLj;J Fk;gplhj Fiwahf mtu;fSf;F ed;wp njuptpj;jhu;fs;. NtWk; cjtpfs; Njitg;gl;lhy; jaq;fhky; NfSq;fs; vd;W nrhd;d me;j u\;a ehl;L topfhl;bfs; mLj;jpUe;j jq;fs; czT Nkirf;Fg;Ngha;tpl;lhu;fs;. vd;dUNf mku;e;j K];ypk; ,isQu;fSf;Fk; irt czNt gupkhwg;gl;lJ. jpdKk; fhiy> kjpak;> ,uT cupaNeuj;jpy; ehq;fs; me;j czT tpLjpf;Fr;nrd;WtplNtz;Lk;. cztpd; gpd;du; gy ,lq;fSf;Fk; mioj;Jr;nry;yg;gLNthk;. fz;fhl;rp> ,ir epfo;r;rp> kfhehL> Cu;tyk;> efu;tyk; vd;W gy epfo;r;rpfs;. cw;rhfkhf ,Ue;Njhk;. xU ehs; nts;spf;fpoik. fhiy czTNtisapy; me;j kuf;fwpNghrd NkirapypUe;j K];ypk; ,isQu;fSf;F kw;WnkhU ftiy te;Jtpl;lJ. vq;fs; NkiraUfpy; te;j ,yq;if murpay; fl;rpnahd;wpd;

gpujpepjpaplk; rpq;fsj;jpy; ,g;gbr;nrhd;dhu;fs;:- “ ,d;iwf;F nts;spf;fpoik. ,yq;ifapypUe;jpUe;jhy; njhOiff;fhf gs;spthry; nrd;wpUg;Nghk;. ,e;j fk;A+dp];l; ehl;by; vd;d nra;tJ.? ” mjw;F me;j rpq;fs murpay;thjp> “ ,e;j ehl;by; te;J mnjy;yhk; vjpu;ghu;f;f KbahJ. N`hl;lypy; cq;fs; miwapNyNa njhOJnfhs;Sq;fs;” vd;W rpq;fsj;jpy; nrhd;dhu;. mg;nghOJ ehd; kl;Lky;y mq;fpUe;j vtUNk vjpu;ghuhjtpjkhf xU u\;a topfhl;bj;Njhou; vq;fs; Nkirf;F te;jhu;. te;jtu; rpq;fs nkhopapy;> “ Njhou;fNs ,q;Nf gs;spthry; ,Uf;fpwJ. ahu; ahu; NghfNtz;Lk;. nrhy;Yq;fs; mioj;Jg;NghfpNwhk;” vd;whu;. ehk; me;j,lj;jpy; %u;r;rpj;J tpotpy;iy vd;gJjhd; Mr;rupak;. jkpo;. rpq;fsk;> Mq;fpyk; cl;gl gy nkhopfSk; njupe;jtu;fs;jhd; vq;fSf;F topfhl;bj;Njhou;- Njhopau;fshf epakpf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwhu;fs; vd;w cz;ik mg;nghOJjhd; njupe;jJ. me;j topfhl;b mq;fpUe;J mfd;wJk; me;j K];ypk; ez;guplk; rpq;fs murpay;thjp nkJthfr; nrhd;dhu;:-“ IN]…,q;Nf Rtu;fSf;Fk; fhJfs; ,Uf;Fk;. ftdk;.” IEhW Mz;Lfhy goiktha;e;j Gdpj g]py; fjPl;uy; mike;Js;s kh];Nfh fpuk;spdpy;jhd; Nrhryp] j;jpw;fhf ghLgl;l Nkij nydpdpd; nghd;DlYk; ,Uf;fpwJ. K];ypk;fs; njhOtjw;F gs;spthrYk; ,Uf;fpwJ. ,e;j Mf;fj;jpd; Muk;gj;jpy; vj;jid FbauRfs; vj;jid Rahl;rpf;FbauRfs;> vj;jid Rahl;rpg;gpuhe;jpaq;fs; vd;W Fwpg;gpl;bUe;Njd;. me;j Nrh\yp] Nrhtpaj; A+dpad; ,d;W ,y;iy vd;gJk; vjpu;ghuhj Nj.

18 Austral Asian Voice


vq;fs; gps;isfspd; fhaq;fis Mw;WNthk; eNlrd;

Major Raju

Sunil Rex

Kuz;ghLfspd; KO tbtk;jhd; aho;g;ghzj;jpd; ike;ju;fs; Continued from Page ...................... 1

,J aho;g;ghzj;jtu;fspd; fijjhNd? ,jpy; vd;d GJf;fij ,Uf;fpwJ vd ePq;fs; KZKZg;gJ vdf;F Nfl;fpwJ. ,dpj;jhd; fij njhlq;FfpwJ jq;ifapd; %j;jtDf;F xd;gJ taJk; rpy khjq;fSk;. kw;w ,uz;L gps;isfSk; VO- Ie;J taJ rpWtu;fs;. ,e;jf;fhyj;jpy; jq;ifapd; fztDf;F fdlhtpy; trpf;f mDkjp fpilj;jgbahy; kidtpiaAk; Foe;ijfisAk; fdlhTf;F tUk;gb miog;gjw;fhd gj;jpuq;fSk; te;jJ.

rNfhjup aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,Ue;j epiyapy; nky;Ngz; Gypg;gpuKfu;fs; cldbahf kw;iwa ,U Foe;ijfisf; $l tpl Ntz;lhk; vd kz;Zf;F mwptpj;J tpLthu;fs;.

,e;jpad; Mkp NghdTld; Gypfs; rpWtu;fspy; fz;itj;J tpl;lhu;fs; vd;Wjhd; nrhy;Ntd;.

vdJ kw;iwa rNfhjuu;fSk; mg;Gk; Nru;e;J eapdhjPitr;Nru;e;j xU Gypg;gpuKfu; %ykhf Ie;jhapuj;jpy; ,Ue;J gj;jhapuk; fdba nlhyu;fSf;F Nguk; Ngrpdhu;fs;.

1) 1990 y; ,e;jpah ntspNaWk; NghJ Gypfs; ,af;fj;jplk; fpl;lj;jl;l 300 gapw;wg;gl;l NghuhspfNs ,Ue;jhu;fs;

vdJ gj;J taNj epuk;ghj kUkfd; Vyk; tplg;gLfpwhd;. ,e;j Vyk; fpl;lj;jl;l xU tUlfhykhf ele;J nfhz;bUe;jNghJ mtdJ ey;yfhyj;Jf;F

,g;nghOJ jq;ifAk; FLk;gKk; nfhOk;G nry;yNtz;Lk;. mjw;fhd mDkjpia tpLjiyg;Gypfsplk; ,Ue;J ngwNtz;Lk;. ,jw;fhd mDkjpia mts; mtu;fsJ mYtyfj;jpy; nrd;W ngwNtz;Lk;. ,J mf;fhyj;jpd; epju;rdkhFk;

mtdJ xU fz;zpy; Neha; jhf;fpaJ. aho;g;ghz itj;jparhiy itj;jpau;fs;

mtu;fsJ mYtyfj;jpw;F nrd;wts; #J thJ njupahky; gps;isfspd; taij

,jidapl;L NtYg;gps;is gpughfudplk; fUiz kD mspf;fg;gllJk; jq;ifapd; tPl;L gj;jpuj;ij thq;fpf;nfhz;L mtsJ FLk;gj;ij nfhOk;Gf;F nry;y mDkjpf;fpwhu;fs;.

Gyp cj;jpNahfj;jpdu; Nfl;lNghJ> '%j;jtDf;F gj;J Mfg;NghfpwJ kw;wtd;fSf;F VOk; Ie;Jk; MfpwJ' vd;whs;. Gyp cj;jpNahfj;ju; ' %j;jtid ,q;Nf tpl;L tpl;L kw;w ,UtiuAk; $l;bf;nfhz;L fdlh NghfTk;” vd cj;jutpl;lhu;; mOjgbNa tPl;Lf;F te;J mg;Gtplk; ,ijr; nrhy;yptpl;L ‘ehd; fdlh Nghfg; Nghtjpy;iy’ vd ,Ue;J tpl;lhs;. mtsJ kdepiyia ,q;Nf ehd; tptupf;fhky; thrfu;fSf;F tpl;LtpLfpNwd;. ,ij ehd; mwpe;jJk; vJTk; nra;atpy;iy. fhuzk; vdJ

ifia tpupj;J tpl;L ,ij ePq;fs; nfhOk;gpy;jhd; Fzg;gLj;jyhk; vd;whu;fs;.

jkpo; rpdpkh glj;ij ghu;f;Fk; ghu;itahsu; Nghd;W ,Ue;j vdf;F ,e;j tplak; Rgkhf Kbe;j NghJ epk;kjpahf ,Ue;jJ. ,jd;gpwF ,UtUlj;jpd; gpd;du; fdlh nrd;W Gypfshy; khtPudhf tpijf;fg;gl ,Ue;j vdJ kUkfid ghu;j;jNghJ ,e;j nej;jypg;gapy;thDf;fh gj;jhapuk; fdbad; nlhyu; vd epidj;Njd;. TpLjiyg;Gypfspd; rpWtu; Nghuhspfisg;gw;wp ngupjhf Ngrg;gl;lJ 2000 Mz;Lfspd; gpwFjhd;. Vd;idg;nghWj;jtiu

,uz;L fhuzq;fs;

2) nuNyhit mopj;jTld; aho;g;ghz kf;fs; tpopj;Jf;nfhz;lhu;fs;. mJtiuAk; Nghuhl;lj;ij jq;fsJ nrhe;jg; Nghuhl;lkhf ghu;j;jtu;fs; gpd;G kw;wtu;fSilajhf ghu;f;f njhlq;fpdhu;fs;. ,Nj Ntisapy; gpupf;fg;gl;bUe;j Nkw;;F Ngu;ypdpy; gjpNdO taJf;F fPo;g;gl;l rpWtu;fs; te;J mfjp vdf;$wpdhy; mtu;fs; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gLthu;fs; vd rl;lk; ,Ue;jJ. ,e;jr; rl;lj;ij ghtpj;J gjpNdO taJf;Fl;gl;l rpWtu;fis VnuhGsl;by; Vw;wp fpof;F Ngh;ypdpy; ,wf;fpdhu;fs;. ,e;j rpWtu;fs; aho;g;ghzj;ij tpl;L nrd;wJk; Gjpjhf taJ te;j ,isQu;fs; Gypfspy; Nru aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,Uf;ftpy;iy. ,e;j ,isQu;fisj; njhlu;e;J ,tu;fspd; rNfhjuu;fs; ngz;fs; jha; je;ijau; vd ngUk;ghd;ikahd ahog;ghz nts;shsu; r%fNk aho;g;ghzj;ij tpl;L ntspNawpaJ. ntspehLfSf;F cldbahf NghfKbahjtu;fs; nfhOk;gpy; Fb GFe;jhu;fs;. Gypfspd; rNfhju nfhiyr;nrayhy; aho;g;ghzj;ij tpl;L ntspNawpa aho;g;ghzj;jtu;fs; ,d;W ntspehLfspYk; nfhOk;gpYk; Gyp Mjuthsu;fs; Mf ,Ug;gJ vg;gb? vdJ ,U jk;gpfSk; kw;Wk; mg;GTk; $l rhFk; tiu Gyp Mjuthsuhfj;jhd; ,Ue;jhu;?

mk;NgGr rpWtu; epiyaj;jpw;F nrd;wJk; kio Jhwj;njhlq;fpaJ. kiyg;gpuNjrj;jpy; nga;Ak; kioia gyfhyq;fshf jtwtpl;bUf;fpNwd;. me;j ,aw;if thridia neQ;R epiwa epug;gpf;nfhz;Nld;. Rw;Wg;Gwnkq;Fk; mlu;e;j kuq;fisf; nfhz;l fhl;il ,aw;if muz;fshf nfhz;lJ ,e;j rPu;jpUj;jg;gs;sp. ,e;j Kfhkpy; ,Ue;J gapw;wg;gl;l fpof;F khfhzj;jtu;fs; Ik;gJ NgUf;F Nky; njhopy; gapw;rp ngw;W kj;jpa fpof;F ehLfSf;F nrd;Ws;shu;fs;. jw;nghOJ 51 rpWkpfSk; 60 rpWtu;fSk; ,q;Fs;shu;fs;. ,q;F nfhLf;fg;gLk; czT ,uhZtj;jpdUf;F nfhLg;gJ Nghy Cl;lrj;Jfis nfhz;lJ vd mwpe;Njhk;. ,e;j KfhKf;Fg; nghWg;ghd ,uhZt fg;ud; Chanaka Weerasinghe vq;fis tuNtw;W Ik;gJf;F Nkw;gl;l Mz; rpWtu;fis me;j kz;lgj;jpw;F mioj;jhu;. mJtiuapy; ntspNa epd;wNghJ xU gjpide;J taJila rpWtd; te;jNghJ vq;fNshL te;j ez;gu; rptehjd; Ngrpf;nfz;bUe;Jtpl;L ‘jiytu; gpughfud; kPz;Lk; tUthu; vd ntsp ehl;L jkpou;fs; nrhy;ypf; nfhz;L ,Uf;fpwhu;fNs” vd;W nrhd;dNghJ> me;jr;rpWtd; rpwpJk; jaf;fkpy;yhky; ‘mtu; Gj;Jf;Fs; ,Ue;J jhd; tUthu;’ vdr;nrhy;yp rpupj;jhd;. me;jr; rpWtid Njhspy; if itj;J fl;b mizg;gijj; jtpu vd;dhy; ve;j thu;j;ijAk; Ngr Kbatpy;iy. kz;lgj;jpy; rpWtu;fs; $baJk; fg;ld; vq;fis tpl;Ltpl;L nrd;Wtpl;hu; mq;fpUe;tu;fspy %tu;; kl;Lk; fpof;F khfhzj;ij Nru;e;jtu;fs; kw;wtu;fs; .td;dp gpuNjrj;ij Nru;e;jtu;fs;. ghlrhiyfspy; gbj;Jf; nfhz;bUe;jtu;fis Continued in Page ......................... 20

19 Austral Asian Voice


vq;fs; gps;isfspd; fhaq;fis Mw;WNthk; Continued from Page .................... 19

tpLjiyGypfs; fl;;lhakhf xU fpoik my;yJ gj;J ehl;fs; gapw;rp nfhLj;J tpl;bUf;fpwhu;fs;. ,tu;fs; fk;gpA+l;lu; kw;Wk; mYkpdpak; cUf;Fjy; gw;wpa njhopy;gapw;rpapy; ‘ vg;gb Gyp Nk[iu ,q;Nf itj;jpUf;fpwPu;fs;? mtiug;ghu;j;jhy; ,Ugj;jije;J taJf;F fpl;l ,Uf;Fk; ,y;iyah? ‘mtu; cj;jpNahfk; vLj;Jf;nfhz;L ntspehl;Lf;F Nghf ,Uf;fpwhu; rpykhjq;fs; Kd;G xU 60 taJ tpLjiyg;GypAk; ,q;F jq;fp ,Ue;jhu; vd;whu; fg;ld;. ‘mJ vg;gb?’ fpof;F khfhzj;jpy; xU fpuhkj;jpy; me;j kdpjd; frpg;G Fbj;J tpl;L kdprpf;fhupia jpdKk; cijj;jpUf;fpwhu;. kdprp cij jhq;f Kbahky; Gypfsplk; nrhy;y Gypfs; mtiu cijj;J tpl;L jq;fSf;F rikg;gjw;F itj;jpUe;jhu;fs;. fpof;F khfhzj;ij ,uhZtk; ifg;gw;wpa

NghJ mtu; ruzile;jhu; ,e;j ,lj;jpy; jhd; gyfhyk; ,Ue;J tpl;L rpy khjq;fSf;F Kd;Gjhd; Cu;Nghdhu;.”- vd;whu; fg;ld;. ,e;j rPu;jpUj;j gs;spia epu;tfpf;Fk; me;j fg;ld; jkpopy; jhd; vq;fsplKk; rpWtu;fsplKk; Ngrpdhu;. rpWtu;fspy; rpyu; “ ,tu; vq;fs; mg;ghitg;Nghd;wtu;” vd;whu;fs;. ,ij gyu; ek;g kWf;fyhk;. ehd; cz;ikapy; ek;gpNdd;. kdpju;fs; gyuhy; ,d kj [hjp epw czu;TfSf;F mg;;ghy; nray; glKbAk; vd;gij ,e;j fg;ld; Chanaka Weerasinghe czu;j;jpdhu;. ngz;fs; gFjpf;Fr; nrd;w NghJ ‘,Njh ,td; rpq;fsg; igad; Rdpy; nuf;;]; Mdhy; Gypg;gilapy; ,Ue;jhd; ‘ vd xU rpWtid fg;ld; $g;gpl;lhu; ehd;


‘ePu;nfhOk;gpy; ,Ue;J Rdhkpfhyj;jpy; jkpo; cwtpdiu ghu;f;f khkhTld; te;jNghJ Gypfs; vd;id gpbj;J gilapy; Nru;j;J tpl;lhu;fs; ‘vd mofpa jkpopy; gjpy; je;jhd;. ngz;fs; gFjpapy; ,Ue;jtu;fs; kd;dhu; Ky;iyj;jPT tTdpah khtl;lj;ij Nru;e;j ghlrhiy khztpfs; . %shiar;Nru;e;j xU

ngz; caukhf ,Ue;jhs;. “aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,Ue;J vg;gb td;dpapy; te;J Nru;e;jha;? vd;W Nfl;lNghJ “gug;Giu” vdr;nrhy;yp rpupj;jhs; Gypfs; gpurhuj;Jf;F nfhLj;j jkpo; thu;j;ij ,e;jg;ngz;kl;Lk;jhd; tpUg;gj;jpy; Nru;e;jpUf;fpwhs; gy rpWkpfs; Ie;J ehs; gapw;rpapd; gpd; MAjk; nfhLj;J Nghu;Kidf;Ftpl;lNghJ jhq;fs; rl;ilapy; rpWePu; fopj;jij rpupj;Jf;nfhz;Nl nrhd;dhu;fs;. vq;fSf;F mUfpy; ,g;NghJ rpWtu;fSk; te;Jtpl;lhu;fs;. ,g;NghJ xU ,aw;ifahd xU #o;epiy cUthfp vy;yh rpWtu; rpWkpau; fz;fs; mfytpupe;jJ. mg;nghOJ Nk[u; uhi[g; ghu;j;Njd;. me;j %sha; ngz;izg; ghu;j;J mtdJ fz;fs; G+g;G+j;jJ. tlkhfhzKk; fpof;F khfhzj;ij ,g;gb ,izj;jy;jhd; ,dpNky; rhj;jpag;gLk; ,sk; cs;sq;fspd; vj;jid fdTfs; gpughfud; $l;lj;jhy; nfhs;isabf;fg;gl;lJ?. uhN[];tup ghyRg;gpukzpak; me;jg;ngz;gps;isfSld; Ngrpf;nfhz;bUf;Fk; NghJ ehDk;

rptehjDk; rpwpa jho;thuk; Nghd;w gFjpapy; epd;W Ngrpf; nfhz;bUe;Njhk;;. mg;nghOJ rptehjd; jdJ ngaiur; nrhd;dJk;> me;j rpWtu;fs; vdJ ngaiuf;Nfl;lhu;fs;. ‘eNlrd’; vd;wJk; vq;fis Rw;wp epd;w mr;rpWtu;fs; ,uz;L mb gpd;thq;fpdu;. mtu;fsJ Kfk; Ngaiwe;jJ Nghy; Mfptpl;lJ. vdf;Fg; Gupe;J tpl;lJ. ‘vdJ ngau; nehay; eNlrd; ehd; mT];jpNuypahtpy; ,Ue;J te;j kpUfitj;jpau; vd $wpaJkl;Lky;yhky; vdJ mwpKf ml;iliaAk; fhl;bNdd;. ,e;jr; rpWtu;fs;; murpay; nghWg;ghsu; ghyrpq;fk; eNlrdhy; gpbf;fg;gl;ltu;fs;. Gypfs; mope;jhYk; ,tu;fs; Vw;gLj;jpa kdf;fhaq;fs; MWtjw;F vt;tsT fhyk; nry;Yk; vd;gNj vdJ Nfs;tpahFk;. ,e;j rPu;jpUj;jg;gs;spapy; ,Uf;Fk; ngz; gps;isfSf;F Muk;gj;jpy; cLJzpfSk; mDg;gpapUe;Njd;. Neupy; ghu;f;fr;nrd;wNghJ Rfhjhu nghUl;fisAk; nfhLj;Njhk;. ,e;jr; rpWtu; rpWkpfSf;F cjt tpUk;GNthu; gpd;tUk; njiyNgrp ,yf;fj;jpy njhlu;G nfhs;syhk; 613-95610242.

tTdpah ,ilj;jq;fy; Kfhk; mfjpfSf;fhf re;jpg;G mT];jpNuypahtpy; tpf;Nuhupah khepyj;jpy; tjpAk;> tTdpah ,ilj;jq;fy; Kfhk; mfjpfspd; ,uj;j cwtpdu;fs; rpyu; tpLj;j Ntz;LNfhis ,yq;ifj;Jhjufj;jpd; nky;gd; nfhd;]Nyl; jpU. ge;J jprehaf;fh….. ftdj;jpy; vLj;Jf;nfhs;tjhfTk; ,J njhlu;ghf rpy gupe;Jiufis tpLf;f jhk; jahuhftpUg;gjhfTk; njuptpj;Js;shu; mtUldhd re;jpg;Gk; fye;JiuahlYk; fle;j nrg;lk;gu; 26 Mk; jpfjp rdpf;fpoik khiy nky;gdpy; Ntu;kd; rTj; r%f ,y;yj;jpy; eilngw;wJ. ,r;re;jpg;ig epthuzk;>Gdu;tho;T >Gdu;epu;khzk; Kjyhdtw;Wf;fhd mT];jpNuypah mikg;G (Association For Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

– ARRR) xOq;F nra;jpUe;jJ. tpiutpy; gUtkiof;fhyk; tutpUg;gjdhy; mfjp Kfhk;fspy; jq;fpAs;s kf;fs; ghuJhukhd neUf;fbfis vjpu;Nehf;fNtz;bapUg;gjhfTk; ,r;re;jpg;gpy; Rl;bf;fhl;lg;gl;lJ. nky;gdpy; tjpAk; Ky;iyj;jPT kw;Wk; fpspnehr;rp khtl;lq;fisr;Nru;e;j jkpo;kf;fspd; kdij ngupJk; ftiyf;Fs;shf;fpapUf;Fk; mfjpfspd; mtyr;nra;jpfis jhk; kpfTk; mDjhgj;Jld; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;tjhfTk; ,J rk;ge;jkhf jk;khy; Kbe;jsT njhlu;Gfis Vw;gLj;jp MNyhridfisg;ngw;Wj; jUtjhfTk; jpU. ge;J ge;J jprehaf;fh njuptpj;jhu;. ,JNghd;w re;jpg;Gfs; mbf;fb eilngWk;nghOJ gu];guk;

midtuJk; vjpu;ghu;g;Gfs; Njitfs; Fwpj;J Muha KbAk; vdTk; mtu; Fwpg;gpl;lhu;. nky;gdpy; tjpAk; Aj;jj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l khtl;lq;fisr;Nru;e;j kf;fspd; cwtpdu;fSld; epthuzk;>Gdu;tho;T> Gdu;epu;khzk; Kjyhdtw;Wf;fhd mikg;G njhlu;Gfis Vw;gLj;jp rupahd jfty;fis jpul;b Mf;fG+u;tkhd MNyhridfis toq;fNtz;Lk; vdTk; ,r;re;jpg;gpy; jPu;khdpf;fg;gl;lJ. ,e;j mikg;gpd; jiytu; kUj;Jtf;fyhepjp Mu;.eNue;jpud; jiyikapy; eilngw;w ,r;re;jpg;gpy; mikg;gpd; njhlu;ghsu; jpU.Mu;. rptehjd;> mikg;gpd; ];jhgfu;fspy; xUtuhd nlhf;lu; nehay;.eNlrd;> jpUthsu;fs; =jud;> Re;ju%u;j;jp> Njtypq;fk;> M&uz; utPe;jpud;>

=fhe;jd;> nlhf;lu; md;gofd; MfpNahUk; jkJ fUj;Jf;fis njuptpj;jdu;. ,e;j mikg;gpd; gzpfs; njhlu;ghf Nkyjpf tpguq;fis mwpa tpUk;Gk; md;gu;fs; njhlu;ghsu; jpU.Mu;. rptehjDld; gpd;tUk; njhiyNgrpapy; njhlu;G nfhs;syhk;: 0448866192.

20 Austral Asian Voice


fdTisj;NjLk; r%fk;

Nyhgpapq; vd;why; vd;d?


Photo AP Gurusamy

Nyhgpapq; (Lobbying) vd;w Mq;fpy thu;j;ij Nkw;F ehLfspy; gpugykhdJ.murpay; mjpfhuKs;s ghuhSkd;wj;jpy; my;yJ nrdl; rigapd; jho;thuq;fis Fwpf;Fk; ,e;j thu;j;ij kf;fspd; gpujpepjpfNshL xj;j njhopy; epWtdq;fs; $l;lhf jq;fsJ ed;ik fUjp rpy tpjpfis khw;wNth my;yJ Gjpjhf cUthf;fNth Kaw;rpg;gijf; Fwpg;gjhFk;; mnkupf;f nrdl; kw;Wk; fhq;fpu];]py; ,e;j tif nyhgp gpugykhdJ. ,jpy; MAj jsghlq;fis cw;gj;jp nra;gtu;fs; rpful; cw;gj;jpahsu;fs; Vd; ghy; cw;gj;jpahf;Fk; tptrhapfs; $l nyhgpyp];l;il itj;jpUg;ghu;fs;. ,tu;fs; njhopy;Kiwahf nyhgp nra;thu;fs;. ,ijtpl fk;gdpfs; gioa murpay;thjpfis kw;Wk; murpay;thjpfspd; mYtyu;fshf ,Ue;jtu;fis epakpg;ghu;fs;. ,tu;fSf;F mjpfhuj;jpy; cs;stu;fNshL cs;s njhlu;Ng jifikahFk;. ,tu;fs; ,jw;F ngUksT rk;gsk; ngWthu;fs;. ,tu;fs; jhq;fs; rhu;e;j epwtdq;fSf;F ntspehl;L JhJtu; xUtu; nray;gLtJ Nghd;W nray;gLthu;fs;. ,t;thW ,tu;fs; njhopw;gLk; NghJ czu;TfSf;F mg;ghw;gl;L MjhuG+u;tkhf XU tplaj;ij nrhy;yp ,jdhy; ,uz;L gFjpf;Fk vg;gb ed;ik fpilf;Fk; vd tpsf;Fthu;fs;. cjhuzj;Jf;F ,uhZt jsthlk; Vw;Wkjp jilnra;ag;gl;l ehl;NlhL tpahghuk; nra;tjw;F Kaw;rpf;Fk;NghJ me;j epWtdk; Fwpg;gpl;l njhFjpapy; ,j;jid kf;fSf;F Ntiytha;g;G tUk; vd nrhy;Yk; NghJ me;jg; gFjp nrdl;lu; mjw;F cld;gLthu;. ,yq;ifj;jkpou;fs; mjpYk; ntspehl;Lj;jkpou;fs;

tpLjiyg;GypfSf;fhf gytUlq;fshf Ntjdk; Ntz;lhj nyhgpyp];l;Lfshf Nkw;F ehLfshd mnkupf;fh INuhg;gh kw;Wk; mT];jpNuypah Nghd;w ehLfspy; njhopw;gLfpwhu;fs;. ,tu;fsJ topKiwfisg;ghu;Nghk;. 1 Cu;tyk; Nghuhl;lk; vd kf;fisf; $l;b murpay;thjpfis gaKWj;JtJ . mjhtJ vq;fsJ thf;Fg;gyj;jhy; cq;fis gjtp ,wf;FNthk; vd vr;rupg;gJ. 2 cz;zhtpujk; ghjahj;jpiu vd jq;fis tUj;jp ,Njh ghu; ,g;gb f\;lg;gLfpNwhk;- ,uq;f khl;lhah vd gpr;ir Nfl;gJ. 3 Neubahf murpay;thjpfis re;jpj;;J jq;fs;gf;fj;J cz;ikfisr; nrhy;yp mtu;fSf;F Gupaitg;gJ. 83,w;F gpd;;ida fhyj;jpy; ,yq;if murpd; td;Kiwahy; rhjhuz jkpou;fs; ghjpf;fg;gl;lij Nkw;F ehLfSf;F vLj;J nrhy;tJ ,yFthdjhf ,Ue;jJ.. ,e;j tplaj;jpy; ehDk; mT];jpNuypa mfjpfs; fofj;jpd; rhu;gpy;
Vw;fhJ. ,NjNtisapy; tpLjiyg;Gypfs; Gupe;j gaq;futhj nray;fs; ,yq;if muir ghjpf;fg;gl;l epiyf;F cau;j;jpAk; tpLjiyg;Gypfis td;nfhLikahsu;fshf jho;j;jpAk; juj;jpy; fPo; ,wf;fpaJ. ,e;j epiyapy; tpLjiyg;Gypfis jkpou;fspd; Vf gpujpepjpfs; vd nyhgp nra;TJ ,yq;if jkpou;fSf;F raidl; nfhLf;Fk; nrayhFk;. ,ijj;jhd; ,e;j tUlk; Nk 18k; jpfjptiuAk; njupe;Njh njupahkNyh ntspehLfspy; ele;jJ. 90 fspy; nky;Ngzpy; kw;iwa jkpou;fSld; mf;fhyj;jpy; mT];jpNuypa ntsptptfhu mikr;ruhf ,Ue;j fuj; Vtd;]; mtu;fis (Gareth Evans) re;jpf;f Neu;e;jJ. mg;nghOJ mtu>; rpWtu;fis tpLjiyg;Gypfs; gilapy; Nru;g;gJ Fwpj;J jdJ mjpUg;jpia ntspg;gLj;jpa NghJ Fapd;];yhz;ilr; Nru;e;j lhf;lu; xUtu;, “,yq;if ,uZtj;jhy; ,wg;gjpYk; ghu;f;f Gypfspy; Nru;tJ Nky; vd fUjpj;jhd; Gypfspd; fhk;Gf;F ngw;NwuulfNs jkJ gps;isfis mDg;Gfpwhu;fs;. vd;whu; vdf;F me;j ,lj;jpy; ,Ue;J XLNthkh vd;W epidj;j NghJ mikr;ru; fuj; Vthd;]; me;j lhf;liu ghu;j;j ghu;it ,d;dKk; kdjpy; ,Uf;fpwJ. fhYk; ifAk; ,y;yhj rpWFoe;ijia ghu;f;Fk; NghJ cq;fs; kdjpd; czu;T fz;fspy; ntspg;gl;lhy; vg;gb ,Uf;Fk;- mg;gbahd gr;rhj;jhgkhf ,Ue;jJ mikr;rupd; ghu;it. Mdhy; ghtk; me;j lhf;lUf;F mJ Gupatpy;iy. ,e;j epfo;r;rpapd; gpd;G ,g;gbahd re;jpg;Gfis jtpu;j;Jf;nfhz;Nld;. [{iy khjk; ,yq;ifapy; mT];jpNuypa JhJtiur;re;jpj;j gpd;G ,q;F te;jJk; ntsptptfhu mikr;Rf;F vdJ mwpf;ifia mDg;gp ,Ue;Njd;. mj;Jld; xU re;jpg;Gf;fhfTk; Nfl;L vOjp ,Ue;Njd;. nrg;lk;gu; 14Mk; jpfjp tUk;gb fbjk; te;jJ. ,e;j re;jpg;Gf;F ntsptptfhu mikr;ru; MNyhrfu;fs; kw;Wk; mikr;R mjpfhupfs; te;jpUe;jhu;fs;. ,e;j $l;lj;jpw;F mT];jpNuypa jkpo; r%f gpujpepjpfis murhq;fk; tutioj;J murhq;f kl;lj;jpy; MNyhrid Nfl;fpwJ.

fle;j 12 tUlq;fshf jkpou; gpujpepjpfis mikr;ru;fs; re;jpf;f kWj;jhu;fs;. vd;gij kwe;Jtpl KbahJ. fhuzk; ,tu;fs; Gyp Mjuthsu;fs; vd;gjhy;; me;j kWg;G ePbj;jJ. Mdhy;> jw;NghJ re;jpf;f KbT nra;jjd; gpd;dzp> Nk 18Mk; jpfjpf;F gpd;du; ,yq;if kz;zpy; Gypfs; ,y;iy vd;w fhuzk;jhd;. ,e;jf; fhuzj;ij md;W mq;Fte;j rfy jkpo; gpujpepjpfSk; czu;e;J nfhz;lhu;fsh? ,lk; ngau;e;j jkpou;fis cldbahf nrhe;j ,lq;fspy; Fbaku;j;Jtjw;F ,yq;if murhq;fj;jpw;F mOj;jk; nfhLg;gNjhL mjw;F Kbe;j msT gzk; nfhLf;Fk;gbAk; Mzpj;jukhf tw;GWj;jg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. te;jtu;fspy; ngUk;ghyhdtu;fs; ,yq;if murhq;fj;ij nfhkd;nty;j;jpy; ,Ue;J mfw;wNtz;Lk;. Aj;j kPws;fSf;F jz;bf;fNtz;Lk; vd;gijNa typAWj;jpdu;. ,e;jf;Nfhupf;iffisapl;L mikr;ru;> ,yq;ifia jdpikg;gLj;j mT];jpNuypah tpUk;gtpy;iy vd $wpajd; %yk; cldbahf epuhfupj;Jtpl;lhu;. ,q;F %tu; khj;jpuk; elf;f$ba tplq;fis Ngrpdu; Nguhrpupau; rjhde;jd; 'tTdpahtpy; xU vYk;G KwpT rpfpr;ir epiyak; xd;iw cUthf;f mT];jpNuypah cjtNtz;Lk;..vd;whu; ‘Nku;[;’ fe;jrhkp ,yq;ifapy; kdpj cupikia epiyehl;l mjw;fhd tprhuizf;FOTf;F mT];jpNuypa murhq;fk; gz cjtp nra;a Ntz;Lk; vd Nfl;Lf;nfhz;lhu;. ‘tlf;F- fpof;F khfhzq;fspy; ,yq;if ,uhZtj;jhy; ntspf;fl;Lkhdq;fSk; tsq;fSk; mopf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. tpLjiyg;Gypfshy; kdpju;fspd; mfj; jpwikfs; czu;Tfs; ghjpf;fg;gl;bUg;gij fle;j [{iykhjk; ehd; aho;g;ghzk; td;d;p nrd;w NghJ fz;Lnfhz;Nld;. ,jw;fhd nghUshju cs mgptpUj;jpia Vw;gLj;j Ntz;b mT];jpNuypa murhq;fk; vg;gb cjtyhk; vd mwpf;if jahupj;Js;Nsd;;. ,ijtpl ruzile;j Nghuspfspd; tplaj;jpy vq;fs; jkpo; la];Nghuh FOtpy; xUtiu murhq;fk; cs;thq;fpAs;sJ. me;jg;Nghuspfspd; kd ,ay;Gfis eptu;jpj;jy; rk;ge;jkhd kNdhjj;Jt epGzupd; mwpf;ifnahd;iwAk; nfhLj;J ,e;j tplaq;fspy; mT];jpNuypa murhq;fj;jpd; cjtp Njit vd typAwpj;jpNdd;. ,ijtpl ,e;jpa ntsptptfhu mikr;ru; continued in page .....................22

21 Austral Asian Voice


RNjrehl;bak; gj;jpupifAk; fy;yb NtyDk; (1902 -1915) NrhNkrRe;jup fpU\;zFkhh; gFjp 2 aho;g;ghzj;jpy; mr;Rf;fiyapd; mwpKfKk;> gj;jpupiffspd; ngUf;fKk; mr;Rf;fiyapd; mbg;gil gpujpnaLj;jyhFk;. mjd; njhlf;fj;jpid ,e;jpa nkhnfQ;jhNuh -`ug;gh ehfupf fhy Kj;jpiufSld; njhlHG gLj;jp Nehf;FtH.(Priolkar,1958:1) gpujpnaLf;Fk; fiy Kjypy; tsHe;j ehL rPdhthFk;. fp. gp. 105 ,y; rPdhtpy; fhfpjk; fz;L gpbf;fg;gl;Ltpl;lJ. fp. gp. Kjyhk; E} w;whz;L njhlf;fk; %d;whk;E}w;whz;L tiuapyhd fhyg;gFjpapy; rPdHfs; kug;gbkq;fspy; vOj;Jf;fisAk; nja;tg;glq;fisAk;nrJf;fp ikiaf; nfhz;L fhfpjj;jpy; gpujp vLf;Fk; epiyia mile;J tpl;ldH. ,jid tpl fspkz;> kuk; Nghd;wtw;wpy;mr;Rf;fis cUthf;fpAk; gad;gLj;jpAkpUe;jdH. rPdHfs; mwpe;j fhfpjj; njhopy;El;gk; fp; gp 12,y; muhgpaH thapyhf INuhg;ghtpw;Ff; nfhz;L nry;yg;gl;lJ. (Priolkar,1958 :1) n[hfhd; Fl;ld;NgHf; 1445,y; Kjd; Kjyhf iggpspd; ghfj;ij kpUfj;Njhypy; mr;rpl;L epiwNtw;wpaikahdJ etPd mr;Rf;fiyapd; Muk;gj;jpy; xUKf;fpakhd rfhg;jj;jpid Muk;gpj;jpUe;jJ. (Priolkar,1958:1) INuhg;ghtpy; mr;Rf;fiyapd; mwpKfk; Gul;rpfukhd khw;wq;fSf;F toptFj;jJ. mr;Rf;fiy mwpit tsHg;gjpYk;> fUj;Jf;fisg; gug;GtjpYk;> thrpf;ff;$batHfspd; rpe;jidiaj; J}z;LtjpYk;> mgpg;gpuhaq;fis Vw;gLj;JtjpYk; Mw;wf;$ba gq;fspg;G> vtUk; vspjpy; Gupe;J nfhs;sf;$baNj. fPioj;Njrq;fspy; mwpT ehl;lKk; mwpTg; grpAk; mjpfkhf ,Ue;jnjd;gJ Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl;l tplak;. mr;Rf;fiyapd; mwpKfk; ,q;F tUtjw;F ,UgJ E}w;whz;LfSf;F Kd;Ng mnjdpaHfisg; (Guhjd fpNuf;f ehfupf fhyj;jpy; thoe;j mnjd;]; efuj;jpdH) Nghd;W> ,tHfSk; vijAk; mwpe;J nfhs;Sk; eltbf;iffspy; mwpitg; gug;Gtjpy; NjHr;rp ngw;wtHfs; efHg; Gwq;fspy; Ntz;ba NghJk;> kpfTk; njhlHGfs; Fiwe;j fpuhkg; Gwq;fspYk; njhlHe;J ,j;jifa topKiwiag; gpd;gw;wp te;jdH vdTk; bf;gp Fwpg;gpl;Ls;sik mtjhdpf;fj; jf;fJ.(Digby,1875:5) jkpopy; mr;Rf;fiyapd; Muk;gk; gw;wpa jfty;fs; ftdj;ij Kjypy; gioa E}y;fSk;> Jz;Lg;gpuRuq;fSNk mr;rpl;L ntspahf;fg;gl;ld. ghuk;gupa vOJ fUtpfSf;Fg; gof;fg;gl;l r%fj;jtHfs; kj;jpapy;> ,g;Gjpa Kiw cldbahf thrpf;Fk; gof;fj;ij J}z;lf;$bajhf

,Uf;ftpy;iy. kf;fs; mtw;iw ntWg;GlNdNa ghHj;jdH. gj;jpupiffs; ntsptuj; njhlq;fpa gpd;dNu mr;Rg;gjpj;j E}y;fisAk;> Jz;Lg;gpuRuq;fisAk; thrpf;fj; njhlq;fpdH. ( Digby,1875:6) gj;njhd;gjhk; E}w;whz;bd; Muk;gj;jpy;> ,e;jpah> ,yq;if Mfpa gFjpfspy; gj;jpupiffs; ntsptuj; njhlq;fpd. ,g; gj;jpupiffis mit ntspaplg;gl;l nkhopia mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L> %d;W tifahfg; gpupf;fyhk;. 1). Mq;fpyg; gj;jpupiffs; ( English Papers) 2). Mq;fpy – gpuNjr nkhopg;gj;jpupiffs; ( Anglo – Vernacular Papers) 3). gpuNjr nkhopg; gj;jpupiffs; (Vernacular Papers)

njhlf;fp elhj;jpte;jhH. mg;gj;jphpif rpwpJ fhyj;jpy; ntsptuhJNghdJ (,uhrehafk;>1934:17).

1875Mk; Mz;by; ,yq;if> ,e;jpa gFjpfspy; 166 Mq;fpyg; gj;jpupiffSk;> 382 Mq;fpygpuNjr nkhopg;gj;jpupiffSk;> gpuNjrnkhopg;gj;jpupiffSk; ntspaplg;gl;bUe;jd. ,J gpupj;jhdpa fhydpj;Jt Ml;rpf;fhyj;jpy;> mur nkhopahf Mq;fpyk; ,Ue;j NghjpYk;> kf;fspd; njhlHG Clfk; vd;w tifapy; gpuNjr nkhopfs; ngw;wpUe;j Kf;fpa gq;fpidr; Rl;bf;fhl;Ltjhf cs;sJ. mf;fhyj;jpy; kp\dupahfTk;> gj;jpupifahsdhfTk;>,yq;ifapYk; ,e;jpahtpYk; njhopw;gl;l tpy;ypak; bf;gp> mf;fhyj;jpy; ,g;gFjpfspy; ntspte;j> gpuNjrk; rhHe;j gj;jphpiffisg; gw;wpa Ma;Tf; fl;Liu xd;wpid vOjpntspapl;Ls;shH. (Digby, 1875:140) 1875Mk; Mz;by; vOjg;gl;l ,f;fl;LiuNa gpuNjrk; rhHe;j gj;jpupiffs; gw;wp Kjd;Kjyhf vOjg;gl;l fl;Liuahf ,Uf;fyhk;. INuhg;gpa fhydpj;Jt Mjpf;fNk mr;Rf;fiyapd; cgNahfj;ij ,yq;ifaUf;F mwpKfg;gLj;jpaJ. mnkupf;f kp\dupkhHfs;> fy;tp tpUj;jpapd; nghUl;L 1820 ,y; mnkupf;fhtpypUe;J mr;rpae;jpuj;jpid tutioj;jdH. mjw;fhd vOj;Jf;fis ,e;jpahtpypUe;J ngw;wdH. mjw;F ,yq;if Ms;gjp jil tpjpj;jik fhuzkhf me;j mr;rpae;jpuk; ey;Y}H NrHr; kp\d; rigapduplk; nfhLf;fg;gl;lJ. mtHfs; me;j ,ae;jpuj;jpd; topahf ‘Kj;jp top’ vd;w Mf;fj;jpid ntspapl;ldH. me;j mr;rpae;jpuk; mnkupf;f kp\dupkhHfshy; kPsg; ngwg;gl;L> 1834Mk; Mz;by; khdpg;ghapy; gjpg;G NtiyfSf;fhf ];jhgpf;fg;gl;lJ. mtHfNs 1841,y; aho;g;ghzj;jpy; KjyhtJ gj;jpupif ahf> ‘cja jhuif’ vdj; jkpopYk; ‘Morning Star’ vd Mq;fpyj;jpYk; ngaH nfhz;l ,Unkhopg; gj;jpupifapid ntspapl;ldH. (NtYg;gps;is>1984:132> ,uhrehafk;>1934:130). ,JNt aho;g;ghzj;jpy; gj;jpupifj; Jiwapd; Muk;gkhf mike;jJ.

1876Mk; Mz;by; ‘rj;jpa Ntj ghJfhtyd;’ vdj;jkpopYk; ‘Catholic Guardian’ vd Mq;fpyj;jpYk; ngaH nfhz;l ,Unkhopg;gj;jpupif> fj;Njhypf;f kjk; rhHe;j gj;jpupifahf ntspte;jJ. (n[arPyd;>1997;:155) 1877,y; ‘,yq;if Nerd;’ ( ‘Lanka Snahan’) gj;jpupifAk;> 1880,y; ‘irt cja ghD’ vDk; ngaH nfhz;l gj;jpupifAk;> 1881,y; ‘irtrk;Nghjpdp’ vd;w ifnaOj;Jg; gj;jphpifAk;@ 1882,y; ‘tpQ;Qhd tHj;jdp’ vd;w gj;jpupifAk; ntspaplg;glj; njhlq;fpd. 1884Mk; Mz;by; ‘irthgpkhdp’ vd;w gj;jpupif ty;it ngh. Qhdrghgjpg;gps;is vd;gtuhy; njhlq;fp elj;jg;gl;lnjd mwpa KbfpwJ. (rptNdrr;nry;td;>1974:349) 1885 njhlf;fk; ‘rd;khHf;f Nghjpdp’ vd;w gj;jpupif ntspaplg;glj; njhlq;fpaJ. 1889,y; ‘,e;J rhjdk;’ ntspaplg;gl;lJ. 1899 Mk; Mz;L tiu Mq;fpyk;> jkpo; Mfpa ,uz;L nkhopfisAk; nfhzl; ,Unkhopg; gj;jpupifahfNt ,g;gj;jpupif ntspte;jJ. (Martin, 1922: 218)

1853 ,y; itkd; fjpuNtw;gps;is ‘tpj;jpahjHg;gzk;’ (Literary Mirror ) vd;w gj;jpupifia ntspg;gLj;jpapUe;jhH. 1862Mk; Mz;L nrg;nuk;gH khjj;jpypUe;J> $y;l; vd;gtH ‘Jaffna Freeman’ vd;w Mq;fpyg; gj;jpifiaj;

1863Mk; Mz;L ngg;uthp khjj;jpy; ‘Ceylon Patriot’ (,yq;fhgpkhdp) vd;Dk; Mq;fpyg; gj;jpupifia> epahathjpahd (Advocate) (Kd;Fwpg;gpl;l) itkd; fjpiuNtw;gps;is gpuRhpf;f Muk;gpj;jhH. 1865 Mk; Mz;by; rNyhkd; N[hd;gps;is vd;gtH mg;gj;jphpiff;Fr; nrhe;jf;fhuDk;> MrphpaUkhdhH. mtUf;Fg; gpd; epahaJue;juuhfpa M. fjpuNtY> mtH jk;gp M. fdfuj;jpdk; KjypNahH mg;gj;jpupifia elhj;jp te;jdH. 1871Mk; Mz;by; `pA+]; (Hughes) vd;gtuhy; ‘Jaffna News’ vd;Dk; Mq;fpyg; gj;jpupif ntspaplg;gl;lJ. ,J rpwpJ fhyj;jpy; ntsptuhJ NghdJ.(Martin, 1922: 218)

20Mk; E}w;whz;bd; Muk;gj;jpy;> aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ngUksT gj;jpupiffs; ntsptuj; njhlq;fpapUe;jd. mg;gj;jpupiffSs;;> jpuhtpl Nfhfpyk;> RNjr ehl;bak;> tpNtfhde;jd;> Qhdrpj;jp> ,e;J ghyNghjpdp >tp[aghD> FUre;jpNuhjak;> irt #f;Fkhu;f;f Nghjpdp> tp[ayf;Rkp> kfhtp[ayr;Rkp> Mj;kNghjpdp> rz;Kfehjd;> ghy gh];fud; Nghd;w gj;jpupiffspd; rpy gpujpfisNaDk; ngwf;$bajhf cs;sJ. ghy gh];fud; aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ntspaplg;gl;l KjyhtJ jpdrupg;gj;jpupif vd;w rpwg;gpw;FupaJ. ,tw;Ws; ‘jpuhtpl Nfhfpyk;’> ‘tpNtfhde;jd;’;> Mfpa gj;jpupiffs; ,Unkhopg;gj;jpupiffshf ntspte;jitahFk;. NkYk;> ,f;fhyg;gFjpapy; fypAftujd;> irtghy;a rk;Nghjpdp> Qhdg;gpufhrk;> yq;fh Nghd;w gj;jpupiffs; ntspaplg;gl;bUe;jd vd;w jftYk; mwpaf;fplf;fpwJ. gpd; nrhy;yg;gl;l gj;jpupiffs; vitAk; fpilf;ftpy;iy. gFjp 3 aho;g;ghzj;jpy; gj;jpupiffspd; tsh;r;rpf;fhd fhuzq;fs; ,f;fhyj;jpy; ngUksT gj;jpupiffs; ntspte;jikf;fhd fhuzq;fis ,dq;fhz;gJk; mtrpakhdjhFk;.

,jw;Fg; gyfhuzpfs; VJthf mike;jd. 1) mjpf mr;rpae;jpuq;fspd; tUif- gj;njhd;gjhk; E} w;whz;by; gad;gLj;jg;gl;l mr;Rj; njhopd;KiwNa 1910 Mk; Mz;Ltiu tof;fj;jpy; ,Ue;jJ. 1921Mk; Mz;by; aho;Flhtpy; nghpJk; rpwpJkhf 12 mr;Rf;$lq;fs; ,Ue;Js;sd.(NtYg;gps;is>f.1921@327) ,it aho;g;ghzj;jpy; mr;Rf; fiy gutyile;jpUe;jijf; fhl;Lk; juthf mikfpd;wJ. 2) fy;tp fw;w tFg;gpdupd; mjpfupg;G- xU r%fj;jpy; fy;tp fw;w tFg;gpdupd; mjpfupg;G gj;jpupif thrpg;Nghupd; vz;zpf;ifapy; jhf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;Jfpd;w xU Kf;fpakhd mk;rkhFk;. kuG topf;fy;tpapd; njhlH;r;rpAk;> ghlrhiyfspd; cUthf;fKk; thrfHfis cUthf;fpapUf;Fk; vd;gjpy; re;Njfkpy;iy. vdpDk; 1910-1911 fhyg;gFjpapy; jhd; ,yq;ifapy; fl;lhaf; fy;tp eilKiwf;Ff; nfhz;L tug;gl;lJ. mjd;gpd;dH kpfTk; $Ljyhd thrfHfs; njhif ngUfpapUj;jy; vjpHghHf;ff; $bajhFk;. 3) Gifapujg;ghij Nghlg;gl;lik - 1905Mk; Mz;bNyNa aho;g;ghzk; - nfhOk;G Gifapujg;ghij jpwf;fg;gl;lJ. mjd; Kd;dH jiutopahd njhlHGfSk; fly; topahd njhlHG rhjdq;fSk; ghtidapy; ,Ue;jd. ngUk;ghYk; fly; topg;gpuahzNk aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,Ue;J nfhOk;Gf;Fk;> aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,Ue;J ,e;jpag;gFjpfSf;Fk; nry;tjw;Fg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;L te;jJ. nfhOk;Gf;Fr; nry;tij tplf; Fiwe;j fhyj;jpy; ,e;jpag;gFjpfSf;Fr; nry;tJk;> ,e;jpahtpy; ,Ue;J aho;g;ghzj;jpw;F tUtJk; ,yFthf ,Ue;jJ. fly; topahf ,e;jpahtpy; ,Ue;J nghUl;fis ,yq;iff;Ff; nfhz;L tUtJk; rhj;jpakhf ,Ue;jJ. mr;Rae;jpu rhjdq;fSk; ,t;thW ,e;jpah topahf ,yq;iff;F nfhz;L tug;gl;likf;fhd epahaq;fSs;sd. ,J aho;g;ghzj;jpy; mr;Rj;njhopy; NkNyhq;Ftjw;F tha;g;gspj;jJ. 4) ,yq;ifapd; Vida gFjpfs;> ,e;jpah> kyhah jPgfw;gk;> Mgphpf;fh vd;gitfspy; Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fisg; ngw;w epiyapy; Vw;gl;l gzg;Gsf;f mjpfupg;Gaho;g;ghzj;jtHfs; ,t;thW aho;g;ghzj;jpw;F ntspNa njhopy; tha;g;Gg; ngw;wik gzg;Gsf;fk; mjpfupf;fTk;> mg;gFjpfspy; jq;fp tho;fpd;wtHfs; aho;g;ghzj;jpy; ,lk;ngWk; tplaq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;tjw;fhd cjTk; rhjdq;fshd gj;jpupiffs; tsuTk; tha;g;gspj;jJ. continued in page .......................... 22

22 Austral Asian Voice


Nyhgpapq; continued from page 20

fpU];zhit nky;Ngdpy; re;jpj;jNghJ ,yq;if murhq;fk; ,yq;if -,e;jpa jpl;lj;ij kl;Lky;y 13k; ruj;Jf;F Nkyhf murpay; jpUj;jk; nra;Nthk; vd thf;FWjp mspj;jjhfTk; mj;Jld; 100 kpy;yp;ad; ,e;j tUlj;jpy; jkpou; kWFbNaw;wj;jpw;F ,yq;iff;F nfhLg;gjhf nrhd;dij mT];jpNuypa ntsptptfhu mikr;ruplk; $wptpl;L ,yq;if rk;ge;jkhf ,e;jpahNthL Nru;e;J nray;glNtz;Lk;. vdTk;

Nfl;Lf;nfhz;Nld; ,jpy; xU tprpj;jpukhd tplak; vd;dntd;why;> vdf;Fg; gf;fj;jpy; ,Ue;j xU lhf;lu; ,uz;liu kzpj;jpahyk; mikjpahf ,Ue;jhu;. gpd;G rpl;dp thNdhyp xd;wpy; te;J xUtiuj; jtpu kw;wtu;fs; vy;NyhUk; xNu Fuypy; Ngrpajhf $wpdhu;. ghtk; lhf;lUf;Nf Fuiyg;gw;wpa jLkhw;wk;. ,tu; tuhky; ,Ue;jpUe;jhy; ,tUf;F ,yhgkhf ,Ue;jpUfFk;. NtW xUtu; te;jpUe;jhy; jkpUf;F ed;ikahf ,Ue;jpUf;Fk;. nyhgpq; vd;gJ kdj;jpy; cs;stw;iw ntspg;gLj;JtJ my;y. mJ kdeykUj;Jtk;

nra;gtu;fs; Kd;dhy; nra;ag;glNtz;baJ. mikr;ru; Kd;dhy; my;y. elf;ff; $batplaj;ij Mjhuj;Jld; vLj;J nrhy;tJ jhd; nyhgpapq;. ,yq;ifj;jkpou;fspy; gyu; epju;rdq;fis Ngrhky; fdTfis Juj;jpf;nfhz;L 30 tUlq;fshf jpupe;jhu;fs;. mJ ,g;nghOJ nfl;lfdthf khwp jkpoiuj; Juj;JfpwJ. ,ij ,d;Dk; Gupahky; Jhq;Fk; kdeykw;wtu;fshf gyu; ,Uf;fpwhu;fNs. vd;d nra;tJ?

RNjrehl;bak; gj;jpupifAk; fy;yb NtyDk; continued from page . .................... 21

mj;Jld; ,j;jifa gztUtha; ngw;wtHfs; jkJ ngUikfs; gj;jpupiffspy; tUtij tpUk;gpdH. jkJ my;yJ jkJ FLk;gj;jtHfspd; Rf> Jf;fr; nra;jpfis gj;jpupiffspy; ntspaplTk; MHtk; fhl;bdH. ,jd;%Yk; gj;jpupiffs; tUtha; ngw;wNjhL> gj;jpupiffspd; tpw;gidAk;; mjpfupg;gjw;F ,lkspj;jpUf;fyhk;. thrpg;Gg; gof;fk; tsHr;rpaile;jikAk;> thrpg;gpd; mtrpak; Ntz;lg;gl;likAk;gj;jpupif thrpg;gpd; Njit ,f;fhyj;jpy; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; ngwj; njhlq;fpapUe;jJ. ghlrhiyfspy; E}y;epiyaq;fs; mikf;fg;gl;ld thrfHfSf;fhd jdpahH thrf epiyaq;fSk; cUthf;fg;glj;njhlq;fpd. njhopyhsHfs; kj;jpapYk; cyftplaq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;Sk; tifapy; gj;jpupiffs; thrpg;G> tsHr;rpailaj;njhlq;fpanjd;gJ nghJthd mgpg;gpuhak;. gpw;fhyj;jpy;> aho;g;ghzr; RUl;Lf;nfhl;by;fspy; RUl;Lj; njhopyhsHfSf;F gj;jpupif thrpg;gjw;nfd;Nw xUth; Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;L> gj;jpupiffs; thrpj;jy; eilngWtijg; gyUk; mwptH. 1900 -1920 fhyj;jpy; aho;g;ghzj;jpy; RUl;Lj; njhopy; ngUk; njhopw;Wiwahf tsHe;jpUe;jijAk;> RUl;Lj; njhopyhsHfs;; njhopw;rq;f eltbf;iffspy; NtiyepWj;Jq;fs; Nkw;nfhz;L ntw;wp ngw;wijAk; mwpfpNwhk;. (R.eh. 20.03.1911). njhopyhsHfSf;F mLj;j gbahf> trjpkpf;f FLk;gg; ngz;fSk; fy;tp tha;g;Gg; ngw;wpUe;jik fhuzkhf> tPl;by; ,Ue;J nfhz;Nl gy;NtW tplaq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;tjw;fhfTk;> nghOJ Nghf;fpw;fhfTk; gj;jpupifs; thrpj;jdH. gj;jpupiffspy; rka> ,yf;fpa tplaq;fs; kl;Lkd;wp cyfpy; ,lk; ngWk; Kf;fpa tplaq;fSk; vOjg;gl;L te;jjhy;; mtw;iw mwpaf; nfhLf;Fk;; xNu njhlHG Clfkhfg; gj;jpupiffNs mf;fhyj;jpy; njhopw;gl;ld. 5) nghJrd mgpg;gpuhaj;jpd; ntspg;ghl;Lr; rhjdk; - r%fj;jpy; fUj;Jf;fis epWTtjw;Fk; epuhfupg;gjw;Fk; cupa rhjdkhfg; gj;jpupiffNs tpsq;fpd. Muk;gj;jpy; rkak; rhHe;j fUj;Jf;fisAk;> tpkHrdq;fisAk; tpthjq;fisAk; jhq;fp te;j gj;jpupiffs; gpd;dH> nkhop rhHe;j tplaq;fisAk;> gpw tplaq;fisAk; vOjj; njhlq;fpd. muRf;Fk; kf;fSf;Fk;

,ilapyhd cwT gw;wpa tplaq;fSk; ,f;fhyj;jpy; ftdj;jpw; nfhs;sg;gLtjhf tuj; njhlq;fpapUe;jJ. 1910Mk; Mz;by; ntsp te;j aho;g;ghzg;gj;jpupifahd tp[ayl;Rkp gj;jpupifapd; jd;ik gw;wpg; gpd; tUkhW Fwpg;gpl;Ls;sJ. ‘Gjpdg;gj;jpuk; thrpg;gtH murpdHf;Fj; jhk; nra;a Ntz;ba flikfisAk;> jk;rhjpahupd; epiyiaAk;> gpw rhjpahupd; epiyiaAk;> mwpfpd;whHfs;. Gjpdg;gj;jpukhdJ thrpg;NghHf;F xw;WikiaAk;> Njrhgpkhdj;ijAk;> kjhgpkhdj;ijAk;> rhjpagpkhdj;ijAk;> cz;Lgz;ZfpwJ kl;Lky;yhky;> vkJ Fiwfis murpdHf;F tpz;zg;gQ; nra;aTk; rhjdkhftpUf;fpd;wJ. XH rhjpahupd; ehfuPfkhdJ mr;rhjpahUl; guTk; tpj;jpahrhiy> Gjpdg;gj;jpuk; Kjypatw;whNd ed;F tpsq;Fk;. MuhAkplj;Jg; Gjpdg;gj;jpuNk XH rhjpahupd; ehfuPf tpHj;jpf;Fg; ngUk;ghd;ikAk; VJthapUf;fpwJ.… ’(tp[ayl;Rkp>:10.05.1910)

gFjp Neuf;fhupakhf> gj;jpupiffis ntspaplf;$ba tha;g;Gf;fs; ,Ue;jik> ,j;jifa gj;jpupiffspd; ntspaPl;bw;F ,lkspj;j kw;WNkhH Kf;fpa mk;rkhFk;. ,f;fhyj;jpy; fy;tp fw;Wj; njhopy; tha;g;Gg; ngw;W ,yq;ifapd; Vida gFjpfspy; tho;e;jtHfSk;> ntspehLfspy; nrd;W tho;e;jtHfSk; ngw;w gztUtha;> mtHfs; kj;jpapy; Gjpa fyhrhu milahsq;fis cUthf;fTk;> jk;ik me;j];J kpf;ftHfshff; fhl;bf; nfhs;tjw;Fk;> mr;R Clfg;gad;ghLk;> gj;jpupiffSk; mtrpakhapd. ,jdhy; gy mr;rpae;jpu rhiyfs; aho;g;ghzj;jpy; epWtg;gl;bUe;jd. mit ,j;jifa gjpg;G Ntiyfisr; nra;tJld; gj;jpupiffisAk; mr;rpLjy; rhj;jpakhapUe;jJ. mr;rpae;jpur;

            

Nkw;gb $w;wpypUe;J> mf;fhyg; gj;jpupif MrupaHfs; Gjpdg;gj;jpupiffs; gw;wpa mbg;gilahd tplaq;fis> mwpe;J itj;jpUe;jNjhL mjd;gb fhupaq;fisr; nra;jpUe;jdH vd;gijAk; Gupe;J nfhs;s KbfpwJ. r%f ePjp> epahaq;fs; > mePjpfs; jdpegHfspd; epahaq;fs;> xOq;fPdq;fs; Mfpatw;iw ntspg;gLj;Jk; rhjdq;fshfTk; gj;jpupiffs; nraw;gl;ld. murhq;fj;ij Neubahf tpkHrpf;f Kbahj> my;yJ tpkHrpf;f tpUk;ghj ,r;r%fj;jtHfs;> Ml;rpahsHfspd; fPo; flikahw;wpa cj;jpNahfj;jtHfisj; jkJ ,Wf;fkhd r%ff; fl;Lg;ghl;bw;Fs; itj;jpUf;f Kide;jdH. mtHfspd; jd;dpr;irahd Nghf;fpidj; jLf;Fk; topOiwahfTk; gj;jpupiffspy vOJjy; fhzg;gl;lJ. me;j tifapy; gj;jpupiffs; xU gykhd MAjkhf tsuj; njhlq;fpaJ. ,j;jifa Nghf;F gj;njhd;gjhk; E}w;whz;bd; gpw;gFjpapy;> njd;dpyq;ifapYk;> ,e;jpahtpYk; fhzg;gl;lijAk;> mit fhuzkhf gy Fw;wr; nray;fs; fl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;ld vd;gijAk; bf;gpAk;,(“the terror to evil-doers”) Rl;bf; fhl;bAs;shH. (Digby>1875:9 -10) 7)mr;RNtiy xU njhopw;Wiwahf tsHe;jik - mr;R ,ae;jpuq;fis mikj;jtHfs;> jkJ tpahghuj;jpd;

nrhe;jf;fhuH ftpQuhfTk; gj;jpuhjpguhfTk;> ,yf;fpa fHj;jhthfTk;> gjpg;ghsuhfTk; njhopw;glf;$LkhapUe;jJ. tpthfr; nra;jpfis ntspaply;> kuz mwptpj;jy;fisg; gjpT nra;jy;>rkuftpfs; ntspaply;> cj;jpNahf caHT> cj;jpNahf ,lkhw;wk; Mfpatw;iw mwpag;gLj;jy; vd;gtw;wpw;Fg; gj;jpupiffs; fskhf mike;jd. mJ kl;Lkd;wp> jpUkz tpQ;Qhgdg; gj;jpuq;fs>; fpUfg; gpuNtr tpQ;Qhgdg; gj;jpuq;fs;> jpUkzg; ghuhl;Lg; gj;jpuq;fs;> jhk;G+yg;igfs; Mfpatw;iw mr;rpLk; Kiw tof;fj;jpw;F te;jpUe;jJ. ,we;jtHfspd; me;jpNal;b ehspy; fy;ntl;L my;yJ rkuftpfs; ,aw;Wtpj;J mr;rpl;L ntspapLk; tof;fKk; Muk;gpf;fg;glbUe;jJ.

      




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Carnegie Primary School


51 Truganini Road

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23 Austral Asian Voice


24 Austral Asian Voice 24 Austral Asian Voice

OCTOBER 2009 | MAY 2009

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