Usg Intensif 4. Uterus Normal & Pathology Jje 20090126

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ULTRASOUND OF THE UTERUS : Normal & Pathology Judi Januadi Endjun Intensive Ultrasound Course

DIVISION OF MATERNAL AND FETAL MEDICINE Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital School of Medicine Veteran University – Jakarta 2009


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Motto :  Jalani hidup ini dengan sabar, jujur dan ikhlas,  Mau mengerti dan melaksanakan tatacara (adab) yang benar, dan  Mempunyai kemauan untuk selalu berbuat baik memperbaiki diri dan lingkungan, serta membuat orang lain lebih baik JJE-13/07/2009

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Barang siapa mengamalkan apa-apa yang ia ketahui, maka Allah SWT akan mewariskan kepadanya ilmu yang belum diketahuinya, dan Allah SWT akan menolong dia dalam amalannya sehingga ia mendapatkan surga. Dan barang siapa yang tidak mengamalkan ilmunya, maka ia tersesat oleh ilmunya itu, dan Allah SWT tidak menolong dia dalam amalannya sehingga ia akan mendapatkan neraka (sabda Rasulullah Muhammad SAW) Ilmu lebih utama dari harta, ilmu adalah pusaka para Nabi, sedangkan harta adalah pusaka Karun atau Fir’aun. Ilmu lebih utama dari harta, karena ilmu akan menjagamu sementara harta malah engkau yang harus menjaganya. Ilmu lebih utama dari harta karena di akherat nanti pemilik harta akan dihisab, sedangkan orang berilmu akan memperoleh syafaat. Ilmu lebih utama dari harta karena pemilik harta bisa mengaku menjadi Tuhan akibat harta yang dimilikinya, sedangkan orang berilmu justru mengaku sebagai hamba Tuhan karena ilmunya. Harta itu jika engkau berikan menjadi berkurang, sebaliknya ilmu jika engkau berikan malahan semakin bertambah. Pemilik harta disebut dengan nama kikir dan buruk, tetapi pemilik ilmu disebut dengan nama keagungan dan kemuliaan. Pemilik harta itu musuhnya banyak, sedangkan pemilik ilmu temannya banyak. Harta akan hancur berantakan karena lama ditimbun zaman, tetapi ilmu tidak akan rusak dan musnah walau ditimbun zaman. Harta membuat hati seseorang menjadi keras, sedangkan ilmu malah membuat hati menjadi bercahaya. (hamba Allah) Hanya untuk Pendidikan dan Kesehatan


TAS and TVS Techniques

Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004 JJE-13/07/2009

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THE UTERUS Size and shape are related to whether patient is pre or postpubertal; nulliparous or multiparous; and / or pre-, peri-, or postmenopausal Normal size (adult) : 6 – 8 cm (long axis); 3 – 5 cm (transverse); and 3 – 5 cm in anteroposterior (short axis) Pre-pubertal : comprised mostly of cervix, small corpus/fundus


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Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004 Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000

The Uterus Post-pubertal : corpus, fundus enlarges Nulliparous : corpus, fundus larger than cervix

Multiparous : enlarged over nulliparous, more flexible

Post-menopausal : small compared to perimeno-pausal; late postmenopausal is similar in size to pre pubertal Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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The Uterus Centrally located Clear anatomic characteristics Anteverted or retroverted Axis of the organ (organ derived) First identify the uterus in its long axis Bimanual examination before TVS


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The Uterus Length > 10 cm → out of the scanning plane → TAS The endometrium is surrounded by myometrium at the fundus and is seen to enter the endocervical canal at the cervix The endometrium is measured from basalis to the contralateral basalis (longitudinal view) Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000 JJE-13/07/2009

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Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004

The Uterus Cervix more echogenic than corpus Cervix : 4 cm, corpus 5 – 7 cm IOU – EOU : thin line, anechoic Pathology : cervical canal dilated, IOU “U” or “V” shaped, length < 4 cm Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000


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The Uterus Arterial supply comes from the hypogastric artery and then branches into ascending and descending branches Veins roughly parallel arteries Between the outer and the middle layer of myometrium, the arcuate vessels extend in a spokewheel fashion to give off radial and then spiral branches in the endometrium JJE-13/07/2009

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Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004

The Myometrial Layers Inner : relatively hypoechoic due to

arrangement of muscle fibers, assists in endometrial peristalsis

Middle : main muscle layer, arranged in spiral configuration

Outer : contiguous with tubal musculature

Arcuate vessels are positioned at the boundary between the outer and middle myometrial layers


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Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000 Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004

Pathology of the Uterus Congenital malformations Benign Conditions : adenomyosis, CS scar Benign Tumors : endometrial hyperplasia, polyps, leiomyomas, AVM, and miscellaneous benign processes

Malignant Tumors : Ca-cervix Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000


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Congenital Malformations Mullerian duct Problems of fusion and reabsorption Bicornis

Uterus didelphys (w / wo bicolis), bocornuate uterus, septate uterus, and arcuate uterus Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000



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Unicornis Sumber:



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Leiomyomas The most common pelvic tumors : 25 – 50% > 30 years old

Corpus : leiomyoma (70% of surgical specimens contain fibroids), echodense defects within the myometrium, shadowing is apparent distal to the fibroid

Fibroids > 5 cm are best detected by TAS Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000 Sumber:


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Leiomyomas Submucosal, intramural, subserous, or cervical : hypoechoic at the beginning

5 – 10% submucosal : bleeding Usually multiples Degeneration and or calcification process Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000


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Cervical Myoma


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Adenomyosis Ectopic endometrial glands and stroma Myometrium is involved (at least 2.5 mm deep to the basalis layer) Diffuse or focal enlargement Focal : ↑ or ↓ echogenicity, including myometrial cysts TVS not specific : leiomyoma and artifactual shadows or enhancement from more superficial structure Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000


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Miscellaneous Uterus Benign Processes PID Endometritis Pyometra : cervical stenosis Hydrometrocolpos Hematocolpos Asherman syndromes Nabothian cysts Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000 JJE-13/07/2009

Nabothian cysts

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ENDOMETRIUM Consist of a basal layer (not shed) and a functional layer (which sloughs, thickens, and is shed each month) Postmenopausal endometrium consist mostly of the basal layer Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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Phases of the Menstrual Cycle Menses : increased echogenicity secondary to endometrial blood. Stratum basalis : < 4 mm Follicular phase : three layers, 612 mm Luteal phase : maximum echogenicity is seen in the mid luteal phase, maximal 14 mm Marcus J. Dill-Macky et al, 2000



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Hanya untuk Pendidikan dan Kesehatan

Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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Endometrium Basal veins are parallel to basal endometrium Spiral vessels can be seen within the endometrium in the luteal phase The contraction of the inner layer of the myometrium results in endometrial peristalsis. Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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Endometrium This is vital in the transport of sperm into the fundal region and for the sloughing of endometrium from fundus to cervix during menses It can best seen when recorded on videotape and played at twice normal speed Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004 JJE-13/07/2009

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Polyps Overgrowth of endometrial glands and stroma covered by endometrial epithelium Pedunculated or sessile Usually in fundus and multiple (20%) Focal areas of increased endometrial thickening and irregular DD : hyperplasia, submucous fibroids, or endometrial carcinoma


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Endometrial Hyperplasia Endometrium : Consist of a

basal layer (not shed) and a functional layer (which sloughs, thickens, and is shed each month)

Postmenopausal endometrium consist mostly of the basal layer Hyperplasia : > 14 mm Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004 JJE-13/07/2009

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Endometrial hyperplasia May be indistinguishable from polyp or carcinoma HSG, Pipelle biopsy, or hysteroscopy Arthur C. Fleischer, 2004


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