Universal Truth

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Universal Truth

His “Holiness”

Universal Truth The Truth about “God”, Creation, Life Ever Lasting and our genetic makeup.

Universal Truth December 21, 2007 Filed under: Belief, Pantheism, Theology, Universal Truth, philosophy — hasty @ 12:15 pm

The Universe



…… . The God Particle? “********************************************************************************************************************************************************* It is very painful for me to be forced to speak the truth. It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced ”~ in doing anything of the kind.

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Universal Truth

Oscar Wilde on “Truth” Oscar Wilde found the truth painful, so it is with mankind. The result of several thousand years of religious propaganda is that Man cannot now face the real “truth” without considerable anguish.

Will mankind ever be able to shake off the lies perpetuated by the “ Religions of the Book ” ? The answer to the above question is “mankind better and quickly or human extinction will result”. My own theological journey has reached a conclusion which the rest of mankind really needs to reach as well…………. The Long and Winding Road ——- From “The Spiritual” †††† To “The Physical”

I was brought up in the United Kingdom in a family of mixed English, Irish and Italian descent. My religious indoctrination began at the age of six in the “capable” hands http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (2 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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of Irish Nuns. My class teacher, Mother Regina, used to terrorise us six year olds with the fear of hell and damnation. I would like to think that the Reverend Mother is now in hell but as hell (or heaven) doesn’t exist she is only in the grave. How could God send, as we were often enough told, a six year old “sinner” to the same place as Hitler, Stalin and Mother Regina deserve to be for all eternity? My lasting and most delightful memory of Mother Regina is of one fine summer’s day when she took all the six year olds on a nature walk in the convent grounds (Ursuline Convent, Blundellsands near Liverpool, England). She poked her nose into a hollyhocks flower and was stung by a bumble bee. What delightful entertainment for the six year old “sinners” to see this large wimple clad Irish ogre clasping her hands to her face and crying out in her Irish accent “Bee Jasus I’ve been stung”! We laughed and laughed and the more we laughed the redder her face became. “Even the bees hate her” we thought, with glee.

Incidentally even today an Irish accent always makes me think of Priests and Nuns. During my childhood in England nearly all Roman Catholic Religious were Irish. As a result of my Catholic education I developed a subconscious dislike of the Irish.

Myself still “sinning” at age seven! http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (3 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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At the age of eight I was sent to a boarding school run by a religious order of teaching brothers. These Marist Brothers (St. Joseph’s College, Dumfries, Scotland) continued my brainwashing. Though I must say the Brothers of this Order were far less bigoted than the Nuns of the Ursuline Order. When my dysfunctional education was complete I was, religiously speaking, a confused mess. It took many years to shake off the mental manipulation I had received in the hands of these religious Zealots. Mind you I have to have some sympathy for these deluded Nuns, Priests and Brothers as they too must have been brainwashed and terrorised as children. It is my opinion that these Catholic teaching orders should be taken to court on criminal charges for their psychological abuse of children committed in the name of Christ. After all Nazi war criminals were still, years after the end of the second world war, brought to trial for offences against humanity. In recent years many of these so called “Religious” have been on criminal charges for sexual abuse of children, but never for psychological abuse. Who was Jesus Christ in whose name this abuse was committed? I wanted to find out the answer to this question as a means of eliminating finally the immoral indoctrination I had received in my formative years. I have since studied many pertinent documents including the Lost or Gnostic Gospels and even such recent publications as “The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail”. The Lost or Gnostic Gospels:

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http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/thomas.html Manuscripts discovered in Nag-Hamadi (Upper Egypt) in 1945 dating back to 140 A.D were apparently unaltered gospels that were not included in the New Testament. One of these manuscripts was the lost gospel of Thomas. Rather a precious and significant find and studying this Gospel will give a much truer insight into the real Jesus. The “edited” gospels in the New Testament give us an “insight” generated by the early church’s purposeful misrepresentations. The first time I heard about Thomas’s Gospel was from a rather fanatic Moslem (but aren’t they all!) who explained to me that it was used by Islam as proof that Christianity was not the true faith. The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene?) was discovered at a burial site at Akhmim, Egypt, about 60 km north of the Valley of the Kings, at the end of the 19th century. Mary offers vivid insights into the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, that the Kingdom of God “is within you,” that the “body” is divine, not wicked, and so forth. The following abbreviated history is the truth about Jesus as I believe it after my perusal of the above documents: Descended from David he was the rightful king of Israel at a time when Israel was under Roman occupation. The Romans had placed a puppet king on the throne, King Herod. Jesus and his supporters wanted independence for their country and the restoration of David’s royal line. They failed in their endeavours. Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death by crucifixion. He may have died on the cross but if he did he did not rise from the dead nor did he ascend into heaven 40 days later. http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (5 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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I believe that if someone was crucified it was not Jesus but a follower so loyal that he sacrificed his life in order for Jesus to escape. Jesus spent forty days gathering his supporters together before embarking on a ship and fleeing Israel for ever. It is an historical fact that as far back as six hundred years B.C. a Jewish colony existed in Catalonia in the western Mediterranean. It was to this Roman Province that Jesus, his family and his follows, fled.


At the time of Christ it would have been an easy matter to travel from one end of the Mediterranean to the other.Jesus fled from Israel to this Jewish community where he was recognised for what he was - the rightful king of Israel. I presume he would have been treated as royalty and his royal line may well have founded European royalty. It is a fact that certain monarchs who ruled in England and especially Scotland claimed to rule by divine right as they believed they were descended from Jesus Christ. Metamorphic Change:

Biblical House of David becomes European & Christian

This belief of Divine Descent was held also by certain 11th century European Kings and was the hidden reason for the Crusades. The Crusades were not so much an attempt to http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (6 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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drive out the Islamic conquerors from the Holy Land in order to restore this area to Christianity, but to restore the Kingdom of Israel to those who considered themselves the true descendents of the House of David. However, there was nothing divine about Jesus and apart from his royal lineage he was just a mere mortal like the rest of us. In those days kings were also priests and Jesus was also a Rabbi. Even today the Queen of England is the head of the Church of England as the Pope is head of the Church of Rome and a temporal ruler of the Vatican State.If Jesus was able to see how he has been venerated and worshipped over the past two thousand years by deluded people I think his reaction would be one of total amazement, also of amusement as to how mankind has been so easily hoodwinked. So my belief in a “divine” Jesus who was the Son of God, or even “God the Son”, was at last and forever expunged from my system. I can now claim to be the last of a long line of Roman Catholics stretching back to the fourth century A.D. who were deceived by a religion that was perpetuated by the female line of my ancestors. Yes – religion is always inherited through the female line. I wonder why this is? Incidentally I also lost for awhile my dislike of the Irish. I say “for awhile” as unfortunately due to the many acts of terrorism committed on the British mainland by the I. R.A. my aversion to things Irish returned a few years later.But now the “Irish problem” both for me and the British mainland is finally laid to rest. I.R.A. atrocities ceased thanks to 9/11 in New York. This act of Islamic Extremism brought to the American public for the first time on their home turf the horrific consequences of terrorism. The result was immediate drying up of contributions to Noraid, the financial arm of the I.R.A. With no more American funding the Irish Republican Army had no choice but to end its campaign of terror.

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I have no belief now in anything spiritual. In my opinion a spiritual god does not exist nor will man survive death spiritually. Perhaps there is a possibility that man may experience “resurrection” but if so it will be brought about by man’s own endeavors and not by any divine intervention. So what is the truth? I am, I believe, approaching the truth as follows: Being brought up as I’ve already said a Roman Catholic I was taught many things that I later found untenable. That we all had immortal souls was one of the main beliefs. If, on death, we were in a “state of grace” we would enter heaven where we would be able to love and worship God for all eternity. Only Roman Catholics with access to the sacraments could die in a state of grace. Therefore, only Roman Catholics could enter the Kingdom of Heaven, etc, etc. Obvious rubbish but it took me many years after leaving my Roman Catholic boarding school to shake off this mumbo-jumbo. A belief in an immortal soul enabling a spiritual existence after death though still held enough attraction for obvious reasons for me to want to continue in this belief. I eventually decided that an immortal soul was unlikely to exist. I believe that the human mind which is the seat of thought and memory is the closest we get to the possession of a soul. The mind can be compared to the processor in a computer and the brain perhaps the equivalent of a computer’s hard drive. The brain, which stores http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (8 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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everything that makes each of us unique in a physical sense will shortly after death dissolve and if the nostrils are not plugged drain away through the nose.Our physical existence obviously ends with death but how can we exist in a spiritual form if our processor and hard drive have died with us. The fact is we never will exist in a spiritual form. Despite this is it still possible that we will all be resurrected on “Judgment Day” and if so how will this come about? I now realise that the often used comparison of the brain to a computer’s hard drive is not quite the right explanation. The hard drive or read only memory (ROM) in a computer retains memory even when switched off. It is the random access memory (RAM) that is lost when the computer is shut down. Therefore the human brain is random access memory and all data stored on it will be lost when switched off by death. The result is the end of our conscious existence. In order for us to survive after death a ROM or hard drive containing our vital information or a cloned copy of our mind must exist somewhere. So the question now is where is this human equivalent of a ROM storage device containing that part of us that is eternal and gives us a claim to immortality and the hope of resurrection.My father used to say to me that the only claim we have to an afterlife is through our children. He had no idea when he told me this what genetics or DNA was, but he was absolutely right in what he said. Through our children our genetic DNA survives death. In some way our genetic coding when passed on to our descendents retains a blueprint or memory of all of us and of everybody who went before us. These blueprints are, I believe, retained in the equivalent to a hard drive common to all humanity which is part of the DNA package passed on through the conduit connecting past, present and future generations. Therefore, it is not in a spiritual way that we will survive after death but in a physical way. Though I have now shaken off the “mumbo jumbo” of Catholicism I still retain a belief in some of its teachings and I also believe there are truths in many other religious faiths. It is a belief held by the Jehovah’s Witnesses that has hit the nail on the head. This belief is that from the moment of our death until resurrection on judgment day we have no existence either spiritually or physically. The Living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all … for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in (the grave), the place to which you are going. Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10 It must be said though that time has meaning only for the living so it may seem to the departed that they step straight from this life into the next (whatever that may be!). According to the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses we will be raised from the dead and only then will conscious existence continue for us. This obviously means that there is http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (9 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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no spiritual existence between death and resurrection! But if resurrection is to occur for each of us then some part of us must have survived death. So where will we exist whilst we await our resurrection? The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe we will be remembered by God and somehow he will return our souls to our “glorified” bodies at the Resurrection. This explanation, like all religious teachings, is a misrepresentation of the real truth. What is the “real truth”? Perhaps we will never know.

However, I believe that that part of us that makes us all unique, which we could call “our mind” or our “random access memory” can only be preserved within the DNA of our descendents. Somehow our genetic blueprints are stored in this DNA and must in someway be recovered if we are to experience resurrection and a return to a physical existence.

The explanation that a blue print of all of us is preserved in the DNA of our descendents is a physical and more logical explanation than that held by the Jehovah’s Witnesses that we will be resurrected because we will http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (10 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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be remembered by God. Another religious belief that in my opinion has a scientific and therefore physical explanation is the Calvinistic belief in Predestination. http://www.calvin.edu/about/about_jc.htm A young woman I once knew whose father was a minister in The Church of Scotland, which is a Calvinistic and rather dour religion (similar to the people who follow it), gave me this explanation as to what Predestination is: “at the moment of our conception God decides our eternal destination, so that all future actions or beliefs follow according to God’s choice”. In other words God allows us no “free will”!“What a load of rubbish” I thought on being given this explanation. For Roman Catholics a belief in “free will” is dogma.

I have since changed my opinion on the matter of predestination. Not that I now have a belief that predestination has any truth in a spiritual sense. The truth of predestination is in the genetic coding of all of us. At the moment of conception genetic information received from our parents dictates our DNA make up and we become the individual we will be for the rest of our existence. Our appearance, intelligence, personality and the way we will behave during the whole of our lives is determined for us by our DNA. There is nothing we can do during the course of our lives to change the way we are.This idea that everything is out of our control due to our genetic coding is, I believe, a popular opinion of those on “death row” in the United States. The last appeal of some of these http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (11 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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unfortunate people is: “I couldn’t help what I did as it was my DNA that made me a homicidal maniac” - or perhaps a child molester or a rapist, or whatever.A friend of mine insists that fat people only have themselves to blame “because they eat too much”. But being fat is also genetic. The following is a quote from the London Evening Standard of April 12th, 2007: DOCTORS FIND THE FAT GENE Why some are more likely to be overweight MARK PRIGG Science Correspondent DOCTORS have discovered a rogue “fat gene” that makes people put on weight more easily. If your body contains the gene you are 70 per cent more likely to be overweight than someone without it, according to Professor Andrew Hattersley who led the research. It is the first time a clear genetic link to obesity has been found. Professor Hattersley said: “Our findings suggest a possible answer to someone who might ask, ‘I eat the same and do as much exercise as my friend next door, so why am I fatter?’ There is clearly a component to obesity that is genetic.” It is thought the abnormality could affect about one in six white Europeans. It is hoped the discovery by a team from the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter could lead to radical new treatments to deal with Britain’s obesity crisis. Scientists say the breakthrough could revolutionise our understanding of why obesity affects some people but not others.

Cats are also getting fatter!! So if being fat is caused by our genes it follows that everything we are is caused by http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (12 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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our genes. Therefore, everything is predestined but in a physical not spiritual sense. It is my opinion that everything in this universe can only ever have a physical existence and if we humans, who are made in God’s image, do not and never will have a spiritual existence I then believe that God also does not exit spiritually. So what is the true nature of God? The True Nature of “God”: God created the Universe and all that’s in it. This belief is taught to all followers of the “religions of the book”, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This “God” is an omnipotent and all powerful being that has “always been and always will”.We are taught that God created us in his own image. So Christians at least have a mental image of God as a fatherly figure (God the Father) living in heaven. God the Father exists in a spiritual form according to Christian belief. This belief is fantasy, hardly plausible and a complete reversal of the real truth which is that primitive men themselves invented God in their own image. This “invention” of a God or Gods was our ancestors’ way of trying to find a logical explanation for how so called “Creation” came into being. They were wrong in giving credit to a “Spiritual Almighty God” for this Being has never existed and the “Creation” has never occurred in the sense of something being created from nothing. Never-the-less some kind of omnipotent force may well exist in some form or other.What may be the true nature then of this “Omnipotent Matter”? Matter can never be destroyed only its physical form changed. Also matter cannot be constructed out of nothing. Therefore, all matter must always have existed. This must also apply to the universe which obviously is comprised of matter. Therefore the universe HAS ALWAYS EXISTED though its form may have altered. A “Big Bang” may have changed the form of the Universe but I very much doubt it brought about its creation. The Big Bang theory–widely regarded as the leading explanation for the origin of the universe–posits that space and time sprang into being about 14 billion years ago in a hot, expanding fireball of nearly infinite density.

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This theory also suggests that after the force created by the Big Bang is spent everything in the Universe will stop expanding outwards & will collapse inwards – the “Big Crunch”. In other words the Universe may well return to the way it was before the Big Bang took place. If this theory of a universal big bang followed by a big crunch is indeed correct then it certainly is an endless cycle with no beginning and no end. Therefore, the Universe did not “come into existence” because of the Big Bang - it merely changed its form. I “posit” therefore that the Universe has “always been and always will”.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1951406.stm If the Universe has always existed then a creator, i.e. “God”, was an unnecessary invention of man and anyone professing a belief in the “Religions of the Book” is following not “God” http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (14 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:43]

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but “Man” as it was primitive man who invented “God” in an erroneous attempt to explain creation. The Universe is the only omnipotent and all powerful force that could perhaps be described as “God”. However the Universe is not “God”. God can be described as the Creator but the Universe was never created it has “always been and always will”! A spiritual “Almighty God” has no existence. Only a physical “Almighty Omniscience” which is the Universe itself exists.

Also everything that exists, including the human race, is part of the universe and therefore part of this “Almighty Omniscience”. Going back to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ belief that we are all remembered by God and from this memory God can resurrect us all. This belief is a “spiritual” misrepresentation of the real “physical” truth that it is within our descendants’ DNA that we are “remembered” and so it can be said that “we are remembered by God” as Mankind is part of this “Almighty Omniscience”. This “memory” of our ancestors preserved in our DNA is cellular memory which is also known to occur as a result of organ transplants. There have been numerous instances of the recipients of organs apparently receiving characteristics and behaviours from the donor via the cells of the transplanted organ and experiencing memories of the deceased donor’s life.

http://ellisctaylor.homestead.com/cellularmemory.html The“Resurrection” if it occurs will certainly not be the dead rising from the grave, but perhaps our new “glorified” bodies being somehow formed from the “blueprints” stored within the DNA of our descendents. At this point I would like to state that I do not profess that what I am writing here is the definite “Truth”. I am just trying to give an explanation that is more likely to be true than the beliefs that we have been taught by established religions. These beliefs have caused so much grief and pain over many centuries and have been used in a conspiracy between Church and the ruling classes to manipulate and force obedience on the common man to this present day.Unfortunately even though http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (15 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:44]

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this conspiracy that depended on the fear of “hell and damnation” to control the under classes may no longer be effective, an elite upper class will develop other even more forceful means of manipulating an unfortunate subservient majority.Genetic engineering will create a new dominate class which will comprise those who will have the wealth to ensure that only they become the super elite.I think the future could well develop into something similar to H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine” with a difference.The difference being that a majority of humans similar in appearance to the bestial Morlocks will provide for a super elite Eloi minority.

How will Mankind enter into an everlasting and perfect existence? If my prediction regarding the Morlocks and the Eloi can be prevented then the answer is that it will be brought about in a purely physical and scientific way – no divine or spiritual help will be required. Mankind’s scientific advancement is becoming more and more phenomenal. There have been more discoveries and inventions in the last few decades than in all of mankind’s previous history and this advancement is accelerating at an enormous rate. If mankind has the opportunity to continue on its landslide rush of scientific innovation the results will be “truly amazing”. I can foresee a time not too far in the future when the human race will have the potential to become immortal through its own hand. Through genetic modification a super race will be created. A “Mighty Mouse” has already been created by American scientists through genetic manipulation. http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (16 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:44]

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7074831.stm How Mankind may not enter into an everlasting and perfect existence: There is but one major problem that may prevent the human race from reaching its potentially glorious future and that is we may run out of time!The “Almighty Omniscience” does not need our worship but certainly needs our respect. The only way we can “respect” the Universe is by protecting the environment of this Earth we live on. We have been given the guardianship of this Earth but instead of protecting it we are causing pollution on a tremendous scale. The result of this pollution obviously is global warming. What the human race is doing to the Earth must be considered a grave sin for which mankind will receive the gravest punishment - extinction. The resulting premature end through our own fault of the human race may mean that we never reach the designated future time when our blueprints and “The Memory of God” will be ready to “resurrect” us. The human race was destined for a magnificent and glorious future but through our own fault this is now unlikely. Everybody is aware of the dire predictions regarding global warming. Some even predict that man could become extinct as a result of catastrophic changes to the environment. There are those who try to play down the perils of global warming and even say that man can do nothing to prevent it happening. However global warming is obviously a fact and its acceleration is likely causing mankind to barrel towards extinction. Our only hope is that man’s rate of scientific advancement can win the race against any future doomsday scenario Is Paganism the Answer to Our Dilema?

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I myself prefer to use the term “Pantheism” which really is just a modern term for Paganism. Paganism, an ancient belief in the divinity of all creation, is closer to the truth than any “religion of the book”. For thousands of years Christianity, Judaism and Islam have led mankind from the true path. Perhaps we should return to pagan beliefs in order to follow a way of life more protective of our earthly home? The word pagan is Latin and means a “country dweller”. If the people on Earth were all to follow the life style of country dwellers an immediate reduction in carbon outputs to acceptable levels would result. If we all followed Amish ways the CO2 levels would reduce to near zero. However, following Amish ways would mean no scientific advancement which I believe is necessary for mankind to reach a glorified and everlasting existence. We must live on this earth in such a way that scientific development can continue at its phenomenal rate and protect the environment at the same time. Is this possible? It has to be or we may as well give up now! Philosophizing about the resulting future for mankind and how it ties in with the “divine” plan as taught to Christians: The resurrection of the body and everlasting life will be the result not of “God’s” design but of mankind’s own advancement. I foresee scientific progress so fantastic that not only will our descendents be able to extend life indefinitely but they will be able to resurrect the dead. Why should future man bother to resurrect the dead you may wonder. Well who wouldn’t want the return to this world of their dearly loved family members! The resurrected would naturally also want to see their own much loved fathers, mothers, grandparents back on this earth. Like our unstoppable scientific advancement so the desire to bring back our departed loved ones would also be unstoppable. The exception perhaps would be that nobody would have any desire to bring back those who committed evil acts against others. The parent who abused physically or sexually their children; what child would want such a parent brought back to life? History’s evil tyrants would also forever remain in the grave. In this way those who committed unforgivable sins against others would receive their punishment. The evil doers’ punishment may be enhanced by bringing them back briefly to life (Judgement Day!) in http://hasty.wordpress.com/ (18 of 21) [27/12/2007 06:48:44]

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order to make them aware of why they have been condemned to the grave for eternity. But then why bother to do this? No actual Last Judgment is then required. For the rest of humanity being brought back to eternal life would mean that we have been judged by our own peers and those who truly love us. But one final thought regarding evil-doers being condemned forever to the grave. This I really believe will not be the case. It is not “evilness” that makes man commit unspeakable acts. Evilness implies spirituality and a nonexistent “Devil”. The wrongdoer is purely an unfortunate member of the human race born with genetic errors. People can be born with physical handicaps and also mental abnormalities. Even the most “evil” of things which in the opinion of most people is sexual abuse of children, is committed by pedophiles unable to control their abhorrent desires due to genetic defects. Future science will ensure that all of us are perfect in all ways – therefore no more “sin” will be committed by one human against another.

Heaven will be created on Earth – if we don run out of time. This Doomsday Clock is slow

there is only two minutes more till the End! Can we put the hands back?

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15th April, 2007


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