Unit Plan - Science

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,791
  • Pages: 12


Becky Bowes and Shyann Caissie

Subject/Class/Cour se

Science education

Unit Title

Life science: Plant growth and changes

Grade Level

Grade three


30 minutes each 6 lessons + end of unit test For a total of 7 lessons

Summary of Unit During the unit on Plants Growth and Changes, we will be developing instructions and lessons about the parts of a plant and a seed as well as how to grow and measure plants in general. Students should be able to describe their understandings on the different parts of a plan and how they function. We will also go in depth of what a plant needs to grow and survive. Lastly, students will develop their knowledge on how important plants are for our environment and humanity.


GCO: Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment Students will develop an understanding of the nature of science and technology, of the relationships between science and technology, and of the social and environmental contexts of science and technology. Skills: Students will develop the skills required for scientific and technological inquiry, for solving problems, for communicating scientific ideas and results, for working collaboratively, and for making informed decisions. Attitudes: Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes that support the responsible acquisition and application of scientific and technological knowledge to the mutual benefit of self, society, and the environment. Knowledge/STSE: Students will construct knowledge and understandings of concepts in life science, physical science, and Earth and space science, and apply these understandings to interpret, integrate, and extend their knowledge. Lesson #1: Introduction to the Unit, grouping seeds and labeling a plant. SCO: Place seeds in groups according to one or more attributes and identify as well as describe parts of plants and their general function. (202-2, 100-28, 203-2) SFL: I can place seeds into groups depending on what they look like, and label parts of the plant and tell you what they do. Lesson #2: Planting Seeds SCO: ask questions related to growing conditions, make predictions about which conditions would be the best for plant growth and record relevant observations and measurements of plant growth during their investigations. (200-1, 200-3 and 201-5) SFL: I can ask questions about how plants grow, guess which conditions would be best for them and take notes about my observations and measurements of plant growth during our unit. Lesson #3: Watching the plant grow SCO: Students will be expected to construct and label bar graphs that show the growth of their plants under different conditions, identify the basic needs of their plant and the conditions under which it grows best and explain why, as well as offer explanations for patterns and discrepancies in the growth rate of their plants and others that grow in varying conditions. (2024, 100-29, 202-5) SFL: I can make a bar graph that shows the growth of my plants under different conditions, tell you what a plant needs to grow and why, and compare my plant to others that grow in similar and different environments. Lesson #4: Watching the plant grow - part 2

SCO: observe and describe changes using written language, pictures, and charts, that occur through the life cycle of a flowering plant and estimate measurements as the plant grows. (10030, 201-5 and 201-6) SFL: I can observe and tell you the changes that my plant is going through using different techniques and guess how tall my plant will be during each stage of growth. Lesson #5: Plants and the Environment SCO: Describe ways in which plants are important to living things and the environment. (10212) SFL: I can explain how plants/trees are important for the living things and the environment. Lesson #6: Plants uses SCO: Identify parts of different plants that provide humans with useful products, and describe the preparation that is required to obtain these products and how our supply of useful plants is replenished and respond to the ideas and actions of others and acknowledge their thoughts about the uses and replenishing of plants (102-13 and 203-5) SFL: I can explain how human beings use the different parts of plants as well as listen and respond to the ideas and thoughts of others.

Assessments Formative: ● APK ● Observation ● Discussions ● C4U ● Science journals Summative: ● End of Unit test ● Science journals

Develop the Instruction

Our instruction will be organized through the use of assessing prior knowledge. It will be then followed by allowing for instruction for development of knowledge. Throughout the instructional portions, the use of interactive discussions which assure for student understanding. During the unit, we will be using hands on activities, outdoor classroom activities as well as closing activities to assess understanding during each specific lesson. This also allows us to see if the students understood or if reteaching is necessary.

Lesson #1: Introduction to the Unit, grouping seeds and labeling a plant. SCO: Place seeds in groups according to one or more attributes and identify as well as describe parts of plants and their general function. (202-2, 100-28, 203-2) SFL: I can place seeds into groups depending on what they look like, and label parts of the plant and tell you what they do. Activities: APK: ● K-W-L on white board. (what I Know - what I want to learn - what I learned) ○ What do you know about plants? What do you want to learn about plants? What have you learned about plants throughout the school year up until today? ● Ask students (by random selection - see popsicle sticks) to share “what they know, and what they want to learn” Looking at seeds: ● Students will be given a variety of different seeds and will group them based on different variables. Identifying sheet: ● Students will be given a picture of a standard plant, and together as a class we will label the different parts. Science journal: ● Students will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what they observed while grouping their seeds. Assessment: Formative ● APK: K-W-L on whiteboard. ● Observations: observe how they are grouping the seeds.

● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what they observed while grouping their seeds.

Lesson #2: Planting Seeds SCO: ask questions related to growing conditions, make predictions about which conditions would be the best for plant growth and record relevant observations and measurements of plant growth during their investigations. (200-1, 200-3 and 201-5) SFL: I can ask questions about how plants grow, guess which conditions would be best for them and take notes about my observations and measurements of plant growth during our unit. Activities: APK: ● Wordweb: Ask students “when you think about how a plant grows, what comes to mind?” C4U: ● After we explain the rules and steps of planting our seed, we will check for understanding before commencing the process. Planting seeds: ● Each student will be given a seed to plant. As a class, we will go through the steps required to plant the seed. Over the next few weeks, the students will be given time to water and care for their plant. Predictions: ● Each student will be given a sheet of paper on which they will indicate their predictions. The teacher will then make a grid with all of the predictions as a great visual representation and guide. These predictions will be posted in class for the duration of the entire unit. Science journal: ● Each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what their predictions are regarding the growth process.

Assessment Formative ● APK: wordweb on whiteboard. ● Discussions: because of the wordweb. ● C4U: Before the students plant their seed, we will check for understanding to see if they perform the steps properly. ● Observations: observe how the students are performing throughout the planting process. ● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what their predictions are regarding the growth process.

Lesson #3: Watching the plant grow SCO: Students will be expected to construct and label bar graphs that show the growth of their plants under different conditions, identify the basic needs of their plant and the conditions under which it grows best and explain why, as well as offer explanations for patterns and discrepancies in the growth rate of their plants and others that grow in varying conditions. (2024, 100-29, 202-5) SFL: I can make a bar graph that shows the growth of my plants under different conditions, tell you what a plant needs to grow and why, and compare my plant to others that grow in similar and different environments. Activities Discussion: ● Ask students “what do you think plants need to survive? How do they grow on their own?” Sheet work: ● Students will make a bar graph that shows the growth of the classroom plants and identify the factors that allowed for some plants to grow less. For example, maybe a student was absent for a couple of days and did not get to water their plant, is that plant smaller? Is there a difference between the plants that are placed on the windowsill versus the ones that get less sunlight? Science journal: ● During this lesson, the science journal will be a summative assessment. In this lesson, they will write about the factors that can influence the growth process of their plant. Collect every journal at the end of class.

Assessment Formative ● Discussion: whole-class discussion. (use popsicle sticks) ● Sheet work: students create their own bar graph and identify the factors that can influence a plants’ growth process. Summative ● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. During lesson three, it will be a summative assessment. In this lesson, they will write about the factors that can influence the growth process of their plant.

Lesson #4: Watching the plant grow - part 2 SCO: observe and describe changes using written language, pictures, and charts, that occur through the life cycle of a flowering plant and estimate measurements as the plant grows. (10030, 201-5 and 201-6) SFL: I can observe and tell you the changes that my plant is going through using different techniques and guess how tall my plant will be during each stage of growth. Activities Discussion: ● “Based on the last lessons, what are observations you have noticed regarding your plant?” ○ Allow students to discuss with their elbow buddy. ○ C4U: Have a student repeat what the directions for the class are before starting their discussion. ○ When they are done, ask each group to share their observations, their similarities and/or differences. Class Work: ● Students will pair up with their elbow buddy and discuss the changes that their plants have gone through thus far. Together, they will then draw a chart based on what they have already observed. They will finish the chart by making predictions about what will happen next with their plants. They will then share their chart with the class. Science journal: ● Each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what their predictions are for the future of their plants.

Assessment Formative ● Discussion: elbow buddy then whole-class discussion. ● C4U: before they start their discussion. ● Class work: creating their chart. ● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what their predictions are for the future of their plants.

Lesson #5: Plants and the Environment SCO: Describe ways in which plants are important to living things and the environment. (10212) SFL: I can explain how plants/trees are important for the living things and the environment. Activities APK: ● Wordweb ○ Ask students what life would be like without trees and plants, and what issues we might come across. Read Aloud/Discussion ● Read to students Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax and examine the importance of the sustainable management of natural resources. Explain to students how plants are important for our environment and living things by providing oxygen, food, habitats, soil protection, and many other needs. ● Have a class discussion of what the main points of the story are. Can the students see the relation of this fictional story to real life situations? Outdoor planting activity ● Have students plant their own tree on school property as a sign of environment awareness. The hope is that they are inspired to take action in bettering the environment. ○ C4U before they go outside. Make sure they know the rules and how it will go. Science journal: ● Each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about why are plants so important for the environment?

Assessment Formative ● APK: wordweb ● Observations: throughout the reading of The Lorax and the planting process outside. ● Discussions: Discussion after The Lorax. ● C4U before the outdoor planting activity. ● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about why are plants so important for the environment?

Lesson #6: Plants uses SCO: Identify parts of different plants that provide humans with useful products, and describe the preparation that is required to obtain these products and how our supply of useful plants is replenished and respond to the ideas and actions of others and acknowledge their thoughts about the uses and replenishing of plants (102-13 and 203-5) SFL: I can explain how human beings use the different parts of plants as well as listen and respond to the ideas and thoughts of others. Activities APK: ● Brainstorm group discussion ○ Ask students to write down or draw on the chart paper provided any key ideas that come to mind when thinking about the uses for plants. ○ After three minutes (on-screen timer) we will come back together and share a few ideas. Guest speaker ● We will have an Irving representative to come and speak about how they transform plants into different materials, how plants benefit their company, how they recycle, etc. Science journal: ● Each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what is the most interesting thing you have learned from the guest speaker today?

Assessment Formative: ● Brainstorm: group discussion ● Science journal: each student will write an entry in their science journal at the end of every lesson. In this lesson, they will write about what is the most interesting thing you have learned from the guest speaker today? Lesson #7: End of Unit evaluation ● Summative assessment

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations Special Considerations: ● We will need to consider giving our guest speaker something special as they are traveling to our school and taking time out of their day to come and speak to our students. ● If we would have struggling students in our classroom, the importance of PLP’s would come into play. Safety Considerations: ● It is important that students are aware of the material they are using while planting their seed. For example, the shovels. ● It is also important for students to be careful when using the soil. We don’t want any students to have soil in their eyes or mouth, etc. Technologies: ● SMART board ● Appropriate powerpoints Materials: Lesson One: ● Different kinds of seeds for grouping. ● Plant worksheet ● Visual Aid for “parts of the seed” powerpoint slide ● Science journals ● Pencils ● Erasers Lesson Two:

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Dry erase markers White board Three seeds per student Water Soil Styrofoam cups Science journals Pencils Erasers

Lesson Three: ● Dry erase markers ● White board ● Chart paper ● Markers ● Science journals ● Pencils ● Erasers Lesson Four: ● Chart paper ● Markers ● Science journals ● Pencils ● Erasers Lesson Five: ● The Lorax ● Outdoor attire ● Tree seeds (one per student) ● Shovels ● Science journals ● Pencils ● Erasers Lesson Six: ● Guest Speaker ● Guest speaker gift ● Science journals ● Pencils

● Erasers Lesson Seven: ● Pencils ● Erasers ● End of Unit test

Reflection To be completed after the unit.

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