Unit Plan 1 Description

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 174
  • Pages: 1
5.1 iQu6buena celebraci6n! My purposein designingthis lessonwasto havestudentsactuallyEXPLORE the city that we were talking about,Barcelona.I wantedto focusa lot more on cultureand get them moreinvolvedin their own learningprocesses by havingthem explorethe thingsthat they found interestingand by askingthem to createa "trip" to Barcelona for a celebritythat they would presentto the class.This activity not only tied in all of the important vocabularyfrom the sectionbut it alsoaddedan elementof adventureand excitement.I was reallyimpressedwith someof the thingsmy studentscameup with! Week 1 . . . . . . .

Introductionof new vocabularyusinga PowerPointpresentationand TPRS Videotour of SenoritaBurhop'shousefsimilarto the TV show"Cribs") Studentswrite suggestionsof choresthat needto be donein Senorita'shouse Studentsdesignidealhomesin smallgroupsfeachstudentdesignsa differentlevelof the home Introduceart and architecturein Barcelona Videoaboutthe life of Antoni Gaudi Importantvocabularyand grammar:roomsof the home,chores,present progressivereview,the verb deber

Week 2 . . . . . . .

Largenumbersare introducedusinga PowerPointpresentationand a Priceis Rightgame. Studentsread short passageaboutthe city of Barcelonaand answer questions comprehension Unit projectexplainedand studentsare givenwork time in the computerlab for the PowerPoints Studentsare alsogiventime to work on essaysthat supporttheir PowerPoints PowerPointsare presentedto the class Reviewfor unit test Importantvocabulary:food,largenumbers,roomsof the house

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