Unit Block Plan

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 709
  • Pages: 4
Morgan Bloyer Kay Kay Martinez SES 442

UNC Physical Education Unit Block Plan Greeley Central High School 9th-12th Team Handball Date: 10/15/18 Lesson 1 of 6

Date: 10/19/18 Lesson 2 of 6



Psychomotor: ESWBAT demonstrate correct cues for the three skills: overhead pass, catching, and chest pass during small sided games Cognitive: ESWBAT know different techniques to pass the ball during small sided games Affective: ESWBAT treat their teammates and other classmates with respect throughout the lesson.

Psychomotor: ESWBAT use strategies and tactics during game play of handball. Cognitive: ESWBAT know different tactics to improve their game/ teams handball. Affective: ESWBAT treat their teammates and other classmates with respect during game play of handball.

Tasks ➔ Guided Discovery: Small sided game of handball of keep away. ➔ Discussion ◆ Discuss cues to help students with their skills during the game ➔ Final Activity: Keep Away ◆ Similar to guided discovery ◆ Every 4 throws = 1 point ➔ Closure Assessments Pre Psychomotor Assessment

Tasks ➔ Discussion ◆ Discuss cues to help students with their skills during the game ➔ Instant Activity: Castle Ball ➔ Final Activity: Small sided game of handball ➔ Closure Assessment No formal assessment

Date: 10/22/18 Lesson 3 of 6

Date: 10/24/18 Lesson 4 of 6



Psychomotor: ESWBAT use different tactics during station game play. Cognitive: ESWBAT know different strategies to be able to achieve each game’s goal during station game play. Affective: ESWBAT cooperatively work with their team during station game play.

Psychomotor: ESWBAT use strategies and tactics during game play of handball. Cognitive: ESWBAT know different tactics to improve their game/ team handball. Affective: ESWBAT employ effective self-management skills throughout the lesson.

Tasks ➔ Stations: ◆ Cone Goals: Normal handball rules, but knocking down cones to score ◆ Passing Increased Goals: Normal handball rules but the amount of passes is the points scored when ball is thrown into net ➔ Game Play ➔ Closure Assessments No formal assessment

Tasks ➔ Discussion ◆ Discuss cues to help students with their skills during the game. ➔ Instant Activity: Scarf tag ➔ Guided Practice: ◆ Scarf Catch: Students will a partner toss scarf into air and try and catch partners scarf ◆ Continue activity with gator balls

Assessments Plicker Cognitive Assessment

Date: 10/26/18 Lesson 5 of 6

Date: 04/18/18 Lesson 6 of 6



Psychomotor: ESWBAT use different tactics during game play. Cognitive: ESWBAT know the top three tactics to be able to score as an offense. Affective: ESWBAT cooperatively work with their team during game play.

Psychomotor: ESWBAT demonstrate at least 3 of the 5 proper cues for using short handled implements. Cognitive: ESWBAT know the cues of how to strike a short handled implement when prompted. Affective: ESWBAT encourage and praise others for success in activities and recognize the role of rules in those activities.

Tasks ➔ Instant Activity: Pac Man Tag ➔ Four Corner Handball: ◆ When team scores into net they take a scarf that is behind net. ◆ Team with the most scarves at the end wins ➔ Closure Assessments Plicker Affective Assessment

Tasks ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔

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Instant Activity: Plank Tag Fitness: Dice Exercise Stations Station 1: Students will be behind a set of cones and try strike to hula hoops on the ground. Station 2: There will be exercises on a task card for the students to do. Station 3: Strike the ball towards the wall to try and hit the targets. The options will be pickleballs or yarn balls. At this station the post-psychomotor assessment will occur. Station 4: Students will hit a ball to their partner who catches it then hits the ball back. They will repeat. If they want a challenge they can hit it back and forth without catching. Station 5: There will be activities on the task card for students to do. Station 6: There will be four cones with two jump ropes to set up nets. Students will hit the ball to a partner across the net. They will bounce the ball and then hit at waist level to them. They will try and hit back and forth. Place poly spots for them to stand on to aim for.

Assessments Summative Assessment Post-Psychomotor Assessment

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