Ulangan Harian Ii Kelas Vii.docx

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  • Words: 979
  • Pages: 2
Ulangan Harian II Kelas VII Read the questions below and choose the correct answer! The text for questions number 1-4 My Bedroom Hi friends. My name is Nana. I am going to tell you about my bedroom. There are many things in my bedroom. There is a bed for me to sleep. There is one chair and I use it to sit on when I study. There is also one desk for me which I use to study. I also put my books, laptop, and other equipment on it. My desk has one drawer and I use it to put my novel in it. In front of my bed, there is a sofa for me to sit on and lay down when I watch TV, read novel or talk to others. I also have cupboard with two doors which I use to store all my clothes. Besides my cupboard, there is also shoe rack. It is used to put my shoes. Those are things in my bedroom. Each thing in my bedroom has its own function. 1. What is the text talk about? a. Nana c. Nana’s things b. Nana’s bed d. Nana’s bedroom 2. How many things are mentioned in the text? a. Six c. Five b. Seven d. Four 3. What does Nana use as a place to put her laptop? a. Bed c. Desk b. Sofa d. Cupboard 4.


Based on the text, the chair is used to …. a. Sit on c. Lay down b. Sleep d. Study Kai Krystal Kai Krystal

: Is he your brother, Krystal? : Yes, he is. : What is his profession? : He is a doctor. He works at hospital to cure sick people. Kai : Wow, that is a great job. What are Kai and Krystal talking about? a. Krystal’s brother profession. b. The activity of a doctor. c. Someone who cures sick people. d. Great job

6. “Do you usually do that?” What kind of expression is the sentence above? a. Talking about habit b. Asking about hobby c. Asking about habit d. Talking about hobby The dialogue for questions number 7-9 Nana : Rizky, I have something that I want to show to you. Rizky : What is that? Nana : I have new pet and this is its picture. Rizky : Is it a dog? Nana : Yes, it is a dog. Do you want to meet him? Rizky : Hmm, does he bite? Nana : No, he doesn’t. He only … (7) at everyone he doesn’t know. Rizky : Ok, I will come to meet him tomorrow. What does your dog do, Nana? Nana : He always … (8) to me when I come from outside. He also likes to … (9) milk. Rizky : I cannot wait to meet with your dog. 7. a. Roars b. Brays

c. Neighs d. Barks

8. a. Run b. Ran

c. Runs d. Runes

9. a. Drink b. Drank

c. Drinks d. Drunk

Question for number 10-11. Read the sentences then choose the correct pictures! 10. I always bring my umbrella to school when rainy season. a. c.



11. I write on my notebook by using pen. a. c.



The dialogue for questions number 12-14 Mark : Hi, Linda. Linda : Hallo, Mark. Mark : What do your father do for living, Linda? Linda : My father cooks at his restaurant. Mark : Is he a ….? (12) Linda : Yes, you’re right. Mark : What about your mother? Does she work too? Linda : Yes, she does. She is a teacher who works at … (13). She always …. (14) English to her students. Mark : Your parents have great job for their living. You must be proud of them. Linda : Yes, of course, Mark. 12. a. Baker b. Chef 13. a. School b. University 14. a. Teach b. Teachs

c. Waiter d. Bartender c. Hospital d. Bank c. Taught d. Teaches

Text for questions number 15-17 I have a friend named Julie Rose. She is my classmate in Junior High School grade 7. She is 13 years old. She usually listens music, swims and goes to the cinema every Sunday. She also likes hanging out with me. She is very kind and friendly. She has one unusual hobby. She loves skateboarding. Julie also joins one sport club. The name of sport is karate. She wins many competitions of karate and wants to be a professional athlete of karate.

15. What does the writer tell about? a. The habit of writer b. The activity of writer c. The habit of writer’s friend d. The habit of Julie Rose’s friend 16. What does Julie Rose usually do every Sunday? a. She usually listens music, swims and goes to the cinema b. She usually hanging out with the writer c. She usually joins one sport club d. The answer a, b and c are correct. 17. “She loves skateboarding” What is the anonym of the underline word? a. Like c. Likes b. Hate d. Hates For questions 18 to 20, choose the correct answer to complete the dialogues 18. Eka : What does your mother do as a teacher,Ana? Ana : My mother …. English in Senior High School. a. Teach c. Listen b. Speaks d. Teaches 19. Riana : Anita, I have a new thing. Do you want to know it? Anita : Yes, I want. What is that? Riana : This is my new thing. It is …. Anita : What is it for? Riana : It is for keeping mineral water. a. Plate b. Bowl c. Spoon d. Water bottle 20. Kai Sehun Kai Sehun

: Does your mother work too? : Yes, she does. : What is her job? : She is a …. She makes clothes for her customers. a. Sailor c. Teacher b. Tailor d. Nurse

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