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PLOT SUMMARY OF Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) MOVIE DIRECTED BY JAMES BOBIN

In Partial fulfillment of Listening for Specific Purposes Final Assignment

By Tatia Ishlah Medina 31170120

Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Bahasa dan Komunikasi Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Jakarta 2018

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)

a. The main characters is: Alice Kingsleigh (Mia Wasikowska)

Hatter Tarrant Hightopp (Johnny Depp)

Iracebeth (Helena Bonham-Carter)

Mirana (Anne Hathaway)

Time (Sacha Baron Cohen)

b. The idiom: “Everyone parts with everything eventually” remarked our most curious (and arrogant) character, Time, who is part human, part clock. As we learn from the past, we must also let go of it and embrace that things happened the way they needed to happen, even though it might not have happened the way we wanted it to. c. The supporting characters is: Zanic Hightopp

(Rhys Ifans)

Tweedledee & Tweedledum

(Matt Lucas)

Helen Kingsleigh

(Lindsay Duncan)


(Leo Bill)

Lady Ascot

(Geraldine James)

DR. Addison Bennet

(Andrew Scott)

King Oleron

(Richard Armitage)

James Harcourt

(Ed Speleers)


(Alan Rickman) - voice


(Timothy Spall) - voice

Thackery/March Here

(Paul Whitehouse) - voice

Cheshire Cat

(Stephen Fry) - voice


(Barbara Windsor) - voice

McTwisp/White Rabbit

(Michael Sheen) - voice


(Matt Vogel) – voice

Alexandra Ascot

(Joanna Bobin)

Queen Elsemere

(Hattie Morahan)

Tyva Hightopp

(Simone Kirby)

Bim Hightopp

(Joe Hurst)

Bumalic Hightopp

(Siobhan Redmond)

Poomally Hightopp

(Frederick Warder)

Baloo Hightopp

(Eve Hedderwick Turner)

Pimlick Hightopp

(Tom Godwin)

d. Describe the plot of the movie (starting point, rising action, climax, falling action, ending), put the scene or dialogue that identify each point. Starting Point:

Starting point starts in the Malacca Strait in 1874. Alice Kingsleighis in the second year of her travel through the Orient. She is now the captain of Wonder, the ship which once belonged to her father. One year later, the Wonder arrives in London. Alice disembarks to reencounter her mother, Helen, waiting for her and ends up meeting James Harcourt, a man who works in the trading company which owns her ship.

Helen informs her daughter that Hamish is giving a party in his property that night; Alice immediately volunteers to go, despite not being invited, due to the need of discussing the plans for the future travels of the Wonder to the Orient.

She also discovers that, while traveling the Orient, Hamish forced Alice's mother to sign a contract which determines that the only way for Alice to maintain the Wonder is by exchanging their house for the ship. Alice argues with her mother, who tries to convince her daughter to conform to the society expectations about women. After Alice refuses to, she secludes herself in a garden in the property. When a blue butterfly lands in a flower, Alice's immediately recognizes it as Absolem, and follows him to a magical mirror in Lord Ascot's old office.

Alice goes through the mirror and ends up in a mirrored office in Underland. She re encounters Absolem, who urges her to quickly go to her friends.

After falling through a door in the sky to the White Queen's Castle, she is greeted back by Mirana the White Queen, Nivins the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Mallymkun the Dormouse, Thackery the March Hare, Bayard the Bloodhound, Chessur the Cheshire Cat and the Bandersnatch. They inform her that Tarrant Hightopp is acting madder than usual in wake that he believes that his family is still alive. They suggest that Alice visits him and tries to comfort Tarrant, which she does by going to his hat house. Rising Action: Tarrant is extremely happy to see her, explaining to Alice that he found a small blue hat in the woods while playing with Bayard.

He believes that the existence of the hat is the proof that his family is still alive, despite all of the Witzend town perishing in the Horunvendush Day (the day the

Red Queen took control of Underland using the Jabberwocky), and he wishes to find them, in order to correct the relationship with his father.

Believing that finding the Hatter's family is the only way to stop him of dying, the White Queen decides that Alice needs to go back in time and save by herself his family from being murdered. She orders Alice to consult Time and ask for the Chronosphere, a device which will allow her to travel back in time. In the White Queen's Castle, Alice uses an old clock to travel to Time's Castle.

Climax: Alice discovers that Time is the one who decides the life and death of everyone of Underland

He explains to her the function of the Grand Clock, which maintains all time working, and the fact that it is the Chronosphere what powers it; he also reveals to

her that altering the past cannot be done. Alice is disappointed with Time's refusal to lend the Chronosphere to her. Alice hides and goes to the Grand Clock in the intent of stealing the Chronosphere.

They chase Alice through the Grand Clock, but she is able to activate the Chronosphere and drive it to the Ocean of Time. Time immediately follows behind her in his flying pole which has the same time-traveling ability of the Chronosphere. As she attempts to crash the Chronosphere in the wave which shows the Horunvendush Day, she is caught up to by Time and accidentally flies to a day when Witzend still existed. She walks through the town until recognizing a young Tarrant, who is extremely confused by Alice, due to the fact that at this point in time they still had not met. She follows him to discover that she accidentally travelled back in time to the day of the Red Queen's coronation.

Alice witnesses the Red Queen blaming the White Queen for everything that happened due to a certain situation from when they were children. she hears Mirana talking to the Hightopps about the Fell Day, the day which a traumatic event caused Iracebeth to go crazy. Alice realises that, if she returns to the Fell Day and avoids that event of happening, Iracebeth would not be mocked in her

coronation day, thus avoiding the Horunvendush Day of happening too and saving the Hatter's family. Meanwhile, Alice uses the Chronosphere to return to the snowy Fell Day. In the castle in the center of Witzend, a child Iracebeth and her sister Mirana are in the kitchen, enjoying the tarts their mother, Queen Elsemere, baked. Mirana complains that Iracebeth ate all the tarts but one; Iracebeth replies that Mirana can eat the crumbs, angering her sister. The Queen orders the girls to leave the kitchen; they do it, but Mirana returns and takes the last tart without her mother noticing.

She eats it in the bedroom she shares with Iracebeth, shoving the crumbs to under her sister's bed. Iracebeth denies and says to Mirana confess what she did; Mirana, however, lies by denying that she ate the last tart. With the crumbs under Iracebeth's bed being the "proof" that she ate it, Queen Elsemere accuses Iracebeth of being a liar. Shocked by her sister's lie and the accusation of her mother, Iracebeth starts to cry and runs away from the castle.

Alice, still searching for Iracebeth, finally sees her running in her direction. she sees Iracebeth slip on the snowy ground, fall and then hit her head with force on the edge of a monument adorned with white roses. Her head immediately starts to deform due to the internal bleeding. As she is rescued by the people of Witzend

and her family takes her back to the castle, she curses the white roses; it is clear that the accident not only damaged her appearance, but her personality too.

She also sees, from the window of the Hightopp's hat shop, Zanik recovering Tarrant's small blue hat from the trash can and guarding it with him in his pocket. As Alice prepares to use the Chronosphere to finally travel to the Horunvendush Day and discover what really happened to the Hatter's family in that day, she is confronted by a weakened Time, who was finally able to find her. He scolds her for stealing the Chronosphere and thus putting all time in danger. To prevent Time from taking the Chronosphere away, Alice runs into a nearby mirror and returns to London. Falling action: After waking up, Alice discovers that Hamish locked her up in a mental hospital. She wakes up to discover herself locked up in a mental hospital, under the cares of Doctor Addison Bennett, who accuses Alice from suffering from "female hysteria."

As Helen continues to protest, a nurse pushes her away from Alice's bedroom. Taking advantage from the situation, Alice gets the syringe and shots Doctor

Bennett, who passes out. Alice gets his keys and, with the encouragement of his mother, who orders Alice to run away, storms out from the bedroom. Without being seen, she invades Lord Ascot's old office again, finds the Chronosphere under the furniture, and then returns to Underland. This time, she uses the Chronosphere to go straight to the Horunvendush Day. She witnesses the Jabberwocky destroying Witzend, exactly as the Hatter once told her, but then she sees that the Hightopps never died, but were instead captured by the Armoured Cards and taken away, causing the blue hat, which was with Zanik, to fly away from his pocket and fall in the woods. The Red Queen claims revenge for what happened to her during the coronation day and then flies away on the Jabberwocky.

Alice immediately returns to the present and goes straight to Tarrant's house, ready to tell him that he was indeed right and that his family were never murdered. However, as she arrives there, she discovers that she is too late, and that the Hatter is bedridden and lifeless, with almost all the color having disappeared from him.

After Alice tearfully says that she believes him, Tarrant awakens and reforms back to his normal self, all the color returning to his hair, eyes and face. The Hatter, Alice and the rest of their friends decides all go to the Outlands, where the

Red Queen is living in an organic castle since her banishment, and where they believe the Hightopps are being held hostages in, to save Tarrant's family. Alice and Tarrant are able to make to the last room, in the very top of the castle. Tarrant is confident that he will find his family in there.

He sees that the ants in the ant farm are trying to pass a message to them: they are drawing a hat! As Tarrant goes inspect it closer, he finally see his long lost family, shrunken and trapped in the ant farm. As they prepare to leave, the Red Queen traps them. She takes them all to where she is keeping Time hostage, takes the Chronosphere from Alice and forces the White Queen to go with her in a timetravel. Ending(Resolution):

Time, who is now extremely weak, urges Alice to stop Iracebeth from changing the past and thus destroying Underland. Alice regrets stealing the Chronosphere, now seeing with her eyes the state Time is in and the danger to all Underland. She orders that the others take Time to his castle while she and Tarrant uses Time's flying pole to go after Iracebeth and Mirana. Using the Chronosphere, Iracebeth takes Mirana straight to the Fell Day. She forces her sister to witness the moment when she lied about the tart. as Iracebeth and her past self see each other, time becomes irrelevant, and both of them rust immediately.

The four of them travel back to the present, while all of Underland, even the Ocean of Time and all the past, starts to rust. They arrive at Time's Castle, but as Mirana tries to carry Iracebeth, she is herself engulfed by the rust and turns into a rust statue too. Time is able to use his last forces to slow down the rust a little bit so Alice can get a vantage and put the Chronosphere back where it belongs. She gets very close, but before she can do it, she is caught by the rust and turns into a rust statue herself.

When everything seems lost forever, the Chronosphere, which was almost put back in his place by Alice before she turned rust, makes a electrical connection with the Grand Clock engine, and thus starts to work again. As the Grand Clock starts to run, all the rust disappears from Underland, including the Ocean of Time and the past, and everything is back to normal. Iracebeth is shocked and saddened to discover that she couldn't change the past; Mirana, however, confesses the truth to Iracebeth and asks for her forgiveness, and Iracebeth, saying that was the only thing she wanted to hear from her sister, forgives Mirana and the two sisters reconcile.

Alice bids her friends farewell, but before returning to London, she confesses to the Hatter that she feels this is the last time they will see each other. As they hold hands, Alice returns to London.

It is the day of Helen signing the contract she made with Hamish; Alice arrives, surprising Hamish, and says to her mother to sign it, saying that the Wonder is just a ship. Upon hearing that, Hamish starts to hysterically laugh, and Helen is disturbed by his attitude. She refuses to sign the contract, ripping it in front of Hamish and saying that she is grateful that Alice never married him, because he is a horrible person. They create a new trading company called Kingsleigh & Kingsleigh and vows to remove Hamish and his company from the market in just one year. James Harcourt, who also worked for Hamish's company, leaves it and starts to work for Alice and her mother.

e. The moral values can be learned from the movie is: Know who you are and you shall succeed. Just like Alice and the Queen, Alice was not able to conquer this challenge until she knew who she was at heart. The sooner you figure out you, the sooner you can adapt and overcome.

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