Alternative Solutions: OOP IF Bilingual Class IF4B and IF4C Lecturer: M. Fachrurrozi 1. Type A: /**/ public abstract class Shape { private int color; public Shape() { } abstract float getVolume(); protected float getLuas(){ float retval=0; return retval; } protected float getKeliling(){ float retval=0; return retval; } public int getColor(){ return this.color; } public void setColor(int newColor){ this.color=newColor; } } /**/ public class Triangle extends Shape{ private float area; private int height; public Triangle() { } public float getArea(){ return this.area; } public void setArea(float newArea){ this.area=newArea; } public int getHeight(){ return this.height; } public void setHeight(int newHeight){ this.height=newHeight; } public float getVolume(){ return 0; } 1
protected float getLuas(){ return this.getArea()*this.getHeight()/2; } protected float getKeliling(){ return 0; } public static void main(String[] args){ Triangle T1=new Triangle(); T1.setArea(10); T1.setHeight(5); System.out.println("T1 Luas: "+T1.getLuas()); }
} Output: T1 Luas: 25.0
/**/ public class Cube extends Shape{ private int side; public Cube() { } public float getSide(){ return this.side; } public void setSide(int newSide){ this.side=newSide; } public float getVolume(){ return this.getSide()*this.getSide()*this.getSide(); } protected float getLuas(){ return 6*this.getSide()*this.getSide(); } protected float getKeliling(){ return 12*this.getSide(); } public static void main(String[] args){ Cube C1=new Cube(); C1.setSide(4); System.out.println("C1 Volume: "+C1.getVolume()); System.out.println("C1 Luas: "+C1.getLuas()); System.out.println("C1 Keliling: "+C1.getKeliling()); } } Output: C1 Volume: 64.0 C1 Luas: 96.0 C1 Keliling: 48.0 2
1. Type B: /**/ public interface Shape { //we are not allowed to use identifier protected public float getVolume(); public float getLuas(); public float getKeliling(); } /**/ public class Triangle implements Shape{ private float area; private int height; public Triangle() { } public float getArea(){ return this.area; } public void setArea(float newArea){ this.area=newArea; } public int getHeight(){ return this.height; } public void setHeight(int newHeight){ this.height=newHeight; } public float getVolume(){ return 0; } public float getLuas(){ return this.getArea()*this.getHeight()/2; } public float getKeliling(){ return 0; } public static void main(String[] args){ Triangle T1=new Triangle(); T1.setArea(10); T1.setHeight(5); System.out.println("T1 Luas: "+T1.getLuas()); } } Output: T1 Luas: 25.0 /**/ public class Cube implements Shape{ private int side; 3
public Cube() { } public float getSide(){ return this.side; } public void setSide(int newSide){ this.side=newSide; } public float getVolume(){ return this.getSide()*this.getSide()*this.getSide(); } public float getLuas(){ return 6*this.getSide()*this.getSide(); } public float getKeliling(){ return 12*this.getSide(); } public static void main(String[] args){ Cube C1=new Cube(); C1.setSide(4); System.out.println("C1 Volume: "+C1.getVolume()); System.out.println("C1 Luas: "+C1.getLuas()); System.out.println("C1 Keliling: "+C1.getKeliling()); }
} Output: C1 Volume: 64.0 C1 Luas: 96.0 C1 Keliling: 48.0
2. Type A and B /**/ public class Fibonacci { static int f1=1; //can be change to 0 for type B static int f2=2; //can be change to 1 for type B public boolean IsFiboNumber(int x){ int temp1=f1,temp2=f2,fn,i=0,counter=0; while(i<=x&&counter==0){ fn=temp1+temp2; if(fn==x){ counter++; } else{ temp1=temp2; temp2=fn; i++; } } if(x==this.f1||x==this.f2||counter!=0){ return true; } else{ return false; } } public void PrintFibo(int min, int max){ /* Initial State (IS): * min<=max; min>=0, max>=0*/ if(max==min){ if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ System.out.print(min+" "); } System.out.println(" :end"); } else{ if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ System.out.print(min+" "); this.PrintFibo(min+1,max); } else{ this.PrintFibo(min+1,max); } } } public int NbFibo(int min, int max){ /* Initial State (IS): * min<=max;min>=0, max>=0*/ if(max==min){ if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ return 1; 5
} else{ } } else{
return 0;
if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ return 1+this.NbFibo(min+1,max); } else{ return this.NbFibo(min+1,max); }
} public int SumFibo(int min, int max){ /* Initial State (IS): * min<=max;min>=0, max>=0 */ if(max==min){ if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ return min; } else{ return 0; } } else{ if(this.IsFiboNumber(min)){ return min+this.SumFibo(min+1,max); } else{ return this.SumFibo(min+1,max); } } } public static void main (String[] args){ Fibonacci F1=new Fibonacci(); F1.PrintFibo(10,100); System.out.println("Counting Number 10-100: "+F1.NbFibo(10,100)); F1.PrintFibo(1,50); System.out.println("Summary 1-50: "+F1.SumFibo(1,50)); }
} Output: 13 21 34 55 89 :end Counting Number 10-100: 5 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 :end Summary 1-50: 87