Tugas Miss Meladina.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,103
  • Pages: 4
Name : Olla Nuary Nim : 1715301054 About The Benefits of Honey For Body Health The benefits and efficacy of honey has long been known by man. Quality–the quality ofnutrition and medicine from honey has been documented in the Vedas, Greece, Roman, Christian, Islamic texts and

more. Doctors from antiquity,


as Aristotle


BC),Aristoxenus (320 BC), Hippocrates, Porphyry, Cornelius Celsus (early first century AD) andDioscorides, and Arab doctors have referred to the healing qualities of honey. Although the scientific arguments have been made for the use of honey in modern times, its use is still considered part of alternative medicine. Honey contains a powerful antioxidant withantibacterial and antiseptic properties. Here are some of the benefits and efficacy of honeyfor health: 1. Prevent Cancer The content of flavonoids found in the honey and antioksidan can reduce the risk of cancerand heart disease. Meanwhile the content of carcinogens in honey can prevent a variety oftumors. 2. increase of the immune system (immune) Honey is also rich in antioxidants which can improve the performance of the digestive systemof the body so that the body becomes more healthy and fit. Not only that, the content ofHoney has a content of nutraceuticals can fight free radicals in the body. 3. Improve StaminaAccording

to research

results, the

honey can improve

performance (ergogenic), which canenhance the performance of athletes. Honey may

help the

body control


sugar and


help the


of muscle and stamina recovery after strenuous activity. 4. Sources of vitamins and minerals Honey is also known to be rich in vitamin and mineral content. The levels of vitamins and theminerl depending on the nectar that is smoked by the honey bees. 5. Keep out bacteria and fungi Honey also contains antiseptic substance that acts to inhibit the growth of bacteria, it is able to keep the body to avoid infection. If seserorang were scratch or burns, then the honey is often made into medicine first aid to apply so as to avoid the occurrence of infections.

6. Lose weight In contrast to the high calorie and sugar lukosa, honey contains vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Many are convinced that the honey could be used as a natural remedy for weight loss. Usually dicampung honey with lemon juice drink in the morning is believed to be able to eliminate cellulite. 7. Treat cough and sore throat Like just on point 6, anti bacterial content in honey can fight mikrobakteri the cause ofinflammation, even honey can kill the bakter–bacteria that cause infection in the throat.

Question 1. what does the article say? 2. what is the content of honey? 3. what are the benefits and efficacy of honey in health? 4. Who are the doctors of ancient times who were referred to the healing qualities of honey? 5. where are the nutritional and medicinal qualities of honey documented? 6. is honey part of alternative medicine? 7. what is the content of honey that can improve the immune system? 8. does honey contain a source of vitamins and minerals? 9. can honey kill the bacteria that cause infection in the throat? 10. what is the function of flavonoids content in honey?

Name : Suci Ana Sari Nim

: 1715301060

Keeping Skin Healthy and Beautiful, Do not Need Expensive! Many women are willing to do anything to get healthy and beautiful skin. Not infrequently they are happy to pay big to keep her skin healthy and beautiful. This phenomenon can be seen in women today. They spent more time in places of beauty for beauty care for to stay awake. Pinch ourselves had been the nature of a woman. But keep in mind, do not do something excessive because it was not good and prohibited by religion. To restore naturalness for healthy and beautiful skin does not have to require a large fee but there is way easier, cheaper, and of course healthy. Here are some secrets to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. 1. A regular bath with shower Water from the shower will immediately wash the dirt and soap suds from our body. In contrast, if we showered by wading, dirt from the body will be mixed in water and can be re-attached to the body. 2. Use soap according to skin type Often feel the skin dry after a shower? Means tones need to look at the soap you use. Soap that produces a lot of foam means it contains detergents that much anyway. This will make the skin dry and rough. We need to know, after washing with soap, skin pH will rise to 9 of normal skin pH is 4.2 to 6.2 (pH balance). So, choose a low pH soap. 3. Wear sunscreen when outdoors It’s hard to avoid direct sunlight. For that, use a sunscreen (sun block) to keep skin protected from the sun that contain harmful UV rays. Obviously, select sun block formula is safe to use and according to skin type. 4. Drinking water in sufficient quantities The human body is composed of 80% water so it is important for us to consume water that is not dehydration and dry skin. Drink plenty of water is one of the ways the most efficient skin care and natural and suitable for all skin types. Drink 8 glasses of water a day or more to get healthy skin. 5. Eat more vegetables and fruits Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins are good for the health of the body and skin. Intake of vitamins and antioxidants from fruits and vegetables is very important for the skin because it can counteract free radicals that damage the skin. Health is the most important thing for us. Especially for women who want a healthy and beautiful skin should keep eating and living. Not hard and do not need to spend a lot of money to have a healthy and beautiful skin. Simply by drinking lots of water and eating vegetables and fruits. Therefore, let’s apply healthy life for themselves and their families for a healthy life is everyone’s dream.

Question 1. what does the article say? 2. what phenomenon can be seen in this women? 3. can it cost to keep skin healthy and pretty it's affordable? 4. What are the secrets to keeping your skin healthy and beautiful? 5. how about normal skin PH? 6. how much is PH after washing with soap? 7. what percentage of water in the human body? 8. how many glasses do we drink water in a day to get healthy skin? 9. why do we wear sun block? 10. why should we eat lots of vegetables and fruits?

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