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  • Words: 852
  • Pages: 5
Water Scarcity and Water Pollution

Group XII Hanif Fauzi Bakri 15/385171/TK/43833 Muhammad Rifaldy Muhammad Ariq Muhammad Rais Kusuma P Taufiqur Rohman


Background Almost 70 % of our planet is covered by water. But that is not guarantee to live plentiful with water. the water that can be used to drink, bathe in and irrigate our farm field is incridibly rare. We call it fresh water. Only 3% water of the water over the world is freshwater. And about two-thirds of water is tuck away in frozen glacier. The increasing Population growth every years need more freshwater. Some 1.1 bilion people worldwide lack access to water . and also bad sanitation in some places exposed diseases. Every years about 2 million chlidren in the world die because of the disease. Now days, many rivers and lakes that contain fresh water are drying up and becoming too polluted. It cause a disappearing more than half wetland in the world. Agricultural consume more water than other source . it also pollute the water. A. Water Scarcity Cause The human population has successfully implied technology to used water effectively by building dams, water wells, vast irrigation systems and other structures that could help human work. But water systems such as some rivers, lakes and aquifers are drying up. 1. Climate Change Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that product by human because using of fuel carbon. These gases can increase earth temperature, that we called global warming. These changes will combine to make less water available for agriculture, energy generation, cities and ecosystems around the world. 2. Population Growth In the last decade, increase number of human happed rapidly. This growth not just accompany with increase of water need but also industrialize that tranform water ecosystem. 3. Agriculture This activity uses 70% of the world’s accessible freshwater, but some 60% of this is wasted beacuse bad irrigation systems, inefficient application methods. 4. Pollution Come from pesticide, industrial waste, and other dangerous things.

B. Water Pollution Pollution come from many source such as pesticide, indutrial waste, and other material that cause a dangerous things. The polluted water may cause many dangerous diseases . the water usually contaminted by harmful bacteria will immediately cause unsafe water for many organism in the body of water. Water pollution cause damage to not only individual,species and population but also to natural biological communities. It

has been leading the world to the death and diseases. In more than 14,000 people in the world died daily, 580 people in india die because water pollution Water is referred to as polluted water when its contaminated by anthropogenic, and does not support for human uses, such as washing, bathe in, and drinking. Cause 1. Pathogen or bacteria that cause diseases. The water that contaminated by this harmful bacteria such as Burkholderia pseudomallei and Cryptosporidium parvum this bacteria may cause any dangerous thing for human or organism surround it. 2. Organic, inorganic, macroscopic contaminant. Organic water pollutant such as detergent, food prosesing waste, insecticide, pesticides, petrolium hidrocarbon. And inorganic pollutant such as Acidity, ammonia, heavy metal. 3. thermal pollution. the rise or fall temperature in natural body of water caused by human influence. Control of pollution 1. Sewage threatment good design and system may remove 90% or more pollutant in sewage 2. Industrial wate water threatment a factory have to make a manufactory that control and threat the waste it will reduce amount of pollutant in the water. Heated water generated by manufacturingplat may be controlled by cooling pond, colling towers and cogeneration. 3. Agricultural water threatment. 4. Erosion and sedimentation control from construction sites. Impact The effect of water pollution is very dangerous . Its depend on pollutant and which location. Such as death of aquatic animal, destruction of food chain,diseases, adn destruction of ecosystem. C. Solution 1. Protecting wetlands 2. Reforesting 3. Adapting to climate change 4. Use environmentaly energy 5. Use water effectively 6. Control of pollution D. Terminology 1. Water is a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C. 2. Scarcity is insufficiency or shortness of supply condition.

3. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. 4. Climate is the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 5. Agriculture is the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming. 6. Pesticide is a chemical preparation for destroying plant, fungal, or animal pests. 7. Freshwater is water that not salt 8. Wetland is land that has a wet and spongy soil, as a marsh, swamp, or bog. 9. Sewage is the waste matter that passes through sewers. 10. Organic is noting or pertaining to a class of chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals, butthat now include s all other compounds of carbon.

Reference http://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/water-scarcity http://eschooltoday.com/pollution/water-pollution/effects-of-water-pollution.html

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