Tugas Bahasa Inggris

  • October 2019
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Femi Qorri Akbar NIM 0624090545 UNIT I Exercise I 1. Psychology is studies the a activities of the individual and the science of human behaviour 2. Name some individual activities ? 3. - Motor activities like walking and speaking - Cognitive activities like seeing, hearing, remembering. - Emotional activities like feeling happy or sad 4. Yes, it’s, because activities is includes not only motor activities and emotional activities, but also cognitive activities, like hearing. 6. The diffences between individuals cause of growth, learning, thinking and emotion. Verb Passive Infinitive


Past Participle

Present Participle













Hal. 5 1. Attention

6. Emotional activity

2. Childhood

7. Investigate

3. Behaviour

8. Cognitive activity

4. Maturity 5. Motor activity

Hal. 8 1. Make his mind up 2. Fellowship 3. Fascinate 4. Conscious 5. Acquire 6. Dealing Hal. 12 1. Cost

5. Is not being

2. Is beginning

6. Is fixing


7. Often tutors

10. A : Do you hear I am doing B : Belive, Are rubbing

3. Owns, Wears


A : Do you listen

4. Am looking

Not Understand

B : Rubs





Is scratching


Stares Seems Is thinking Do you think Doing

8. Having Have not 9. A: Stands B : Talk you Wears A: Don’t talk Mean Wears B : Don’t Know Don’t recognizing

Hal. 14 1. I had almosted Was drive Saw Came , Steped Smorve Just missed Decided 2. were starring 3. Finally faound Already been Talked busing Spoke Coversating Just that Choosed Sat Walked Stoped 4. A : Did you hear B : Didn’t hear Was thinking 5. I was waiting 6. She weared 7. Steped Was running Was stinging 8. A : you break

B : Sleped Was Crosing

UNIT 4 Hal. 21 1. Sympathized

11. discovered

2. Current

12. Observe

3. Suggestions

13. Process

4. Discussions

14. Negative

5. Intimidation

15. Eliminate

6. Naturally 7. Campliments 8. Prefect 9. Opnions 10. Graduating Hal. 22

Hal. 26

1. sympathized

1. Address

2. Naturally

2. Accuse

3. Compliment

3. Purse

4. Discussions

4. Vowed

5. currently

5. Appetite

6. Prefection 7. Suggest 8. Discover 9. Intimidating

Unit 8 Exercise 5 1.people grow corn in lowa Answer:corn is grown in lowa 2.peter came here two mounths ago. Answer:peter came here two mounths ago. 3.somoene made this antique table in 1734. Answer:This antique table was made by someone in 1734. 4.an accident happened at the corner of fifth and main. Answer:an accident happened at the corner of fifth and main 5.somoene stole my purse Answer:my purse stoled by someone 6.somoene was making the coffe when I walked into the kitchen Answer:when I walked into the kitchen,the coffe was made by someone. 7.translators have translated that book into many languages Answer:that book were translated by translators into many languages 8.jim’s daughter drew the picture.my son drew this picture. Answer:that the picture was drew by jim’s daughter.this picture was drew my son. 9.the judges will judge the applicants on the basis of their originality Answer:the applicants will be judged by the judges based on their originality 10.my sister’s plane will arrive at 10.35 Answer:my sister’s plane will arrive at 10.35. 11.is professor rivers teaching that course this semester. Answer:is that caurse will be taught by professor rivers this semester. 12.when did someone invent the radio? Answer:when was the radio invented by someone 13.the mail carrier had already delivered the mail by the time I left for school this morning. Answer:the mail was already delivered by the mail carrier by the time I left for school this morning.

14.when is someone going to announce the results of the contest Answer:when will the results of the contest be announ ced by someone 15.after the concert was over,hundreds of fans mobbed the rock music star outside the theather Answer:after the concert was over,the rock music star was mobbed by houndreds of fans outside the theather. 16.ever since I arrived here,I have been living in the dormitory because someone told me that it was cheaper to live there than in an apartement. Answer:ever since I arrived here, I have been living in the dormitory because someone told me that it was cheaper to live there than in an apartement. 17.they are going to build the new hospital next year.they have already built the new elementary school. Answer:the new hospital will be built them the new elementary school was. Unit 10 exercise 6 1.she is a lot of friends(money) She has a lot of friends,but she doesn’t have a lot of many 2.we paly a lot of sport(tennis) We play a lot of sports,but we don’t play tennis 3.I lot of rice(potato) I eat a lot of rice,but I don’t cos many potato 4.there were a lo of trees(grass) There were a lot of tress,but there weren’t much grasses 5.He visited a lot of towns(park) he visited a lot of towns,but he didn’t visait many people 6.the bought a lot of souvenirs(clothes) They bought a lot af souvenirs,but they didn’t buy many otherts 7.I write of letters (report) I write a lot of letters,but I don’t write many reports 8.they eat a lot of vegetables(fruit) They eat a lot of vegetables,but tey don’t eat many fruits

9.you cook a lot of meat(fish) You cook a lot of meat,but you don’t cokk much fish 10.he bought a lot of shirts(tie) He bought a lot of shirts,but he didn’t buy many ties

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