Tugas Bahasa Inggris Ferlia.docx

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LAPORAN HASIL PRAKTIK BAHASA INGGRIS DENGAN TAMU ASING DI PANTAI KUTA NAME : NI LUH GEDE FERLIA CINTYA DEWI NIM : P07120017049 CLASS : 2.2 1. Deskripsi : Nyonya eve berasal dari Australia berlibur ke Bali bersama suaminya. Dan telah datang seminggu yg lalu dan akan menetap di bali selama 2 bulan Percakapan : Ferlia : Hello, Good afternoon madam. My name is ferlia, I am a nursing student from polytechnic of health denpasar Guest : Hello ferlia, I am eve, E-V-E Ferlia : Here I practice English. I have a duty to check the blood pressure of tourists here. This is free, would you like to help me ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferli Guest

: Yes sure : Do you have high blood pressure ? : No, I don’t : Your blood pressure is normal, it’s 120/80 mmHg : Yeah, it’s Normal : Where you come from ?, and where do you live in Bali ? : I come from Australia, and live in Bali in Grand Ina hotel : How long you stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago. And I will stay in Bali for 2 months : Okay thank you for the time Madam, See you next time : You’re welcome, See you

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferli Guest

2. Deskripsi : Tuan Felix berasal dari Australia berlibur ke Bali bersama istrinyanya. Dan telah datang seminggu yg lalu dan akan menetap di bali selama 2 bulan Percakapan : Ferlia : Hello, Good afternoon sir. My name is ferlia, I am a nursing student from polytechnic of health denpasar Guest : Hello ferlia, I am Felix Ferlia : Here I practice English. I have a duty to check the blood pressure of tourists here. Would you like to help me ? : Yes sure : Do you have high blood pressure ? : Yes, I Do : Your blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg, it’s normal but little bit high : Yeah : Where you come from ?, and where do you live in Bali ? : I come from Australia, and live in Bali in Grand Ina hotel with my wife : How long you stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago. And I will stay in Bali for 2 months : Okay thank you for the time Sir, See you next time : You’re welcome, See you

3. Deskripsi : Tuan Jhon berasal dari Germany, dia berlibur ke Bali sambil melihat bisnisnya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya. Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : oh hi ferlia. I am jhon. J-H-O-N. Yes of course Ferlia : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : is it normal ? : yes, it is. Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Germany. Do you know Germany ? : yes of course but I don’t have to go there. And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my bussiness and tomorrow I will back to germany : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my business location : ok thank you for the time Mr, glad to see you : you’re welcome

4. Deskripsi : Nyonya Clark berasal dari Germany, dia berlibur ke Bali menemani suaminya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : Yes of course Ferlia : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? Guest : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : okay thank you : Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Germany : And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my husband bussiness and tomorrow we will back to germany : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my husband business location : ok thank you for the time Mr : you’re welcome

5. Deskripsi : Tuan Bill berasal dari Belgium, dia berlibur ke Bali selama 1 bulan dan ini hari kedua dia di Bali. Dia menginap di hotel mariot. Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : And I am Bill. Yes of course. Ferlia : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: no, I don’t. : okay, your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : thank god, I am still alive wkwkw : wkwkw. Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Belgium. Do you know Belgium ? : yes of course but I don’t have to go there. And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : if you graduated from your study, you will be a nurse right ? : yes of course Mr. : if you want, we can go there together. I stayed since yesterday. And I will stay in Bali for 1 month. : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in Mariot Hotel’s : ok thank you for the time Mr, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too ferlia

6. Deskripsi : Keluarga clark sedang berlibur di Bali selama 1 bulan, mereka berada di Bali sejak seminggu yang lalu. Mereka berasal dari Austria Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs. Iam ferlia, I am a nursing student from poltekkes Denpasar Guest : hello ferlia, my name is Mia Clark Ferlia : okay Mrs Mia. Can I check your blood pressure ?. it’s free. Because it for my duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Guest : yes sure Ferlia : your blood pressure is normal. It’s 120/80 mmHg Guest : that’s sound good baby Ferlia : yes of course Mrs. Where you come from ? Guest : come from Austria Ferlia : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? Guest : I live in double six in Seminyak. I live in Bali for 1 month and this is our first week in Bali Ferlia : okay Mrs. Thank you for the time, nice to meet you Guest : nice to meet you too

7. Deskripsi : Tuan Robert clark bersama keluarganya sedang manikmati liburan di Bali. Tuan Robert berasal dari Austria. Tinggal dibali selama 1 bulan dan ini merupakan minggu pertamanya.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs. Iam ferlia, I am a nursing student from poltekkes Denpasar : hello ferlia, my name is Robert Clark : okay Mr. Robert, Can I check your blood pressure ?. it’s free. Because it for my duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. : yes sure : your blood pressure is high. It’s 140/90 mmHg : oh no. maybe it cause I drunk caffeine yesterday : do you have high blood pressure before ? : no, I don’t : like what you saying, maybe it cause you drunk caffeine too much. Where you come from ? : come from Austria : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in double six in Seminyak. I live in Bali for 1 month and this is our first week in Bali : okay Mr. Thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

8. Deskripsi : Steve merupakan anak dari nyonya Mia dan tuan Robert. Ia berumur 14 tahun. Ia berlibur di bali bersama keluarganya.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Iam ferlia, I am a nursing student from poltekkes Denpasar Guest : hello, my name is steve : okay. Can I check your blood pressure ?. it’s free. Because it for my duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. : yes sure : your blood pressure is normal. It’s 120/80 mmHg : ok thank you : Where you come from ? : come from Austria : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in double six in Seminyak. I live in Bali for 1 month and this is our first week in Bali : okay Mrs. Thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

9. Deskripsi : Nyonya Alice berlibur ke Bali selama 2 minggu bersama teman-temannya untuk berlibur sekaligus mengurus bisnis barunya.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello madam, my name is Ferlia. What’s your name ? Guest : hello ferlia, my name is Alice. A-L-I-C-E Ferlia : I am a nursing student from Polytechnic of Health Denpasar. Now I have duty to check tourist’s blodd pressure. Do you have hypertension ? Guest : what is hypertension ? Ferlia : high blood pressure. Do you have ? : no, my blod pressure usually normal : okay I will check it now. Your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : ok thanks for check it : where do you come from ? : I come from Australia : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in wibisana villa, i live in Bali for 2 weeks. Because I want to prepared my new business : okay madam, thank you for the time. Nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

10. Deskripsi : Nyonya anne bersama teman temannya berlibur ke Bali selama 1 minggu. Ini hari ketiga ia di Bali, dia sangat menikmati liburannya di Bali

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Feria Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mrs. My name is Ferlia. I am a nursing student of Poltekkes Denpasar Guest : good afternoon ferlia, iam anne Ferlia : now I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach. And than can I check your blood pressure first ? Guest : yes please : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : it because I enjoy my vacation in bali, so my blood pressure is normal : oh I am glad to hear that. Btw where you come from ? : I come from Singapore : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in Ayana Resort, just for 1 week with my friend. And this day is my third day : okay thank you madam, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too girl

11. Deskripsi : David adalah seorang pebisnis muda yang sedang berlibur di bali. Dia berlibur selama 1 bulan dan ini adalah minggu keduanya. Ia berasal dari Canada. Ia menginap di harris hotel kuta beach. Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr. I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in Poltekkes Denpasar Guest : hello Iam david Ferlia : today I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist. And now can I check your blood pressure ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: okay no problem : do you have hypertension ? : no, my blood pressure usually normal : your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : yes of course : where you come from : : I come from Canada : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you will stay in Bali ? : I live in Harris Hotel Kuta Beach, for 1 month. : okay Mr. thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

12. Deskripsi : Nyonya cristine berasal dari Belgium. Ia berlibur ke Bali bersama teman-temannya. Ia menginap di hotel marriot, tekanan darahnya rendah yaitu 100/70 mmHg.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mrs. My name is ferlia. Iam a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach Guest : good afternoon ferlia, I am cristine. Ferlia : can I check your blood pressure ? Guest : yes of course : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, my blood pressure usually low : your blood pressure is 100/70 mmHg, it’s low : oh my god : btw where do you come from ? : I come from Belgium : where do you stay in Bali ? and how long you will stay in Bali ? : I live in Marriot hotel, for 2 weeks with my friends : ok thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

13. Deskripsi : Nyonya vanie berasal dari Australia berlibur ke Bali bersama temannya. Dan telah datang seminggu yg lalu dan akan menetap di bali selama 2 bulan

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferli Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : Hello, Good afternoon madam. My name is ferlia, I am a nursing student from polytechnic of health denpasar Guest : Hello ferlia, I am Vanie : Here I practice English. I have a duty to check the blood pressure of tourists here. This is free, would you like to help me ? : Yes sure : Do you have high blood pressure ? : No, I don’t : Your blood pressure is normal, it’s 120/80 mmHg : Yeah, it’s Normal : Where you come from ?, and where do you live in Bali ? : I come from Australia, and live in Bali in Grand Ina hotel : How long you stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago. And I will stay in Bali for 2 months : Okay thank you for the time Madam, See you next time : You’re welcome, See you

14. Deskripsi : Nyonya Amanda berasal dari Australia berlibur ke Bali bersama temannya. Dan telah datang seminggu yg lalu dan akan menetap di bali selama 2 bulan Percakapan : Ferlia : Hello, Good afternoon madam. My name is ferlia, I am a nursing student from polytechnic of health denpasar Guest : Hello ferlia, I am Amanda Ferlia : Here I practice English. I have a duty to check the blood pressure of tourists here. This is free, would you like to help me ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferli Guest

: Yes sure : Do you have high blood pressure ? : No, I don’t : Your blood pressure is normal, it’s 120/80 mmHg : Yeah, it’s Normal : Where you come from ?, and where do you live in Bali ? : I come from Australia, and live in Bali in Grand Ina hotel : How long you stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago. And I will stay in Bali for 2 months : Okay thank you for the time Madam, See you next time : You’re welcome, See you

15. Deskripsi : Tuan Paul berasal dari Germany, dia berlibur ke Bali sambil melihat bisnisnya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? : oh hi ferlia. I am Paul. Yes of course : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : is it normal ? : yes, it is. Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Germany. Do you know Germany ? : yes of course but I don’t have to go there. And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my bussiness and tomorrow I will back to germany : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my business location : ok thank you for the time Mr, glad to see you : you’re welcome

16. Deskripsi : Nyonya josie berasal dari Germany, dia berlibur ke Bali menemani suaminya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : Yes of course : do you have high blood pressure Mrs ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : okay thank you : Where you come from Mrs ? : I come frome Germany : And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my husband bussiness and tomorrow we will back to germany : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my husband business location : ok thank you for the time Mrs : you’re welcome

17. Deskripsi : Tuan Bill berasal dari Belgium, dia berlibur ke Bali selama 1 bulan dan ini hari kedua dia di Bali. Dia menginap di hotel mariot.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : And I am Bill. Yes of course. Ferlia : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? Guest : no, I don’t. Ferlia : okay, your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : thank god, I am still alive wkwkw : wkwkw. Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Belgium. Do you know Belgium ? : yes of course but I don’t have to go there. And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : if you graduated from your study, you will be a nurse right ? : yes of course Mr. : if you want, we can go there together. I stayed since yesterday. And I will stay in Bali for 1 month. : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in Mariot Hotel’s : ok thank you for the time Mr, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too ferlia 18. Deskripsi : Keluarga stele sedang berlibur di Bali selama 1 bulan, mereka berada di Bali sejak seminggu yang lalu. Mereka berasal dari Austria Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs. Iam ferlia, I am a nursing student from poltekkes Denpasar Guest : hello ferlia, my name is angel stele Ferlia : okay Mrs. Can I check your blood pressure ?. it’s free. Because it for my duty to check tourist’s blood pressure.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: yes sure : your blood pressure is normal. It’s 120/80 mmHg : that’s sound good baby : yes of course Mrs. Where you come from ? : come from Austria : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in double six in Seminyak. I live in Bali for 1 month and this is our first week in Bali : okay Mrs. Thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

19. Deskripsi : Tuan axel stele bersama keluarganya sedang manikmati liburan di Bali. Tuan Robert berasal dari Austria. Tinggal dibali selama 1 bulan dan ini merupakan minggu pertamanya.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr. Iam ferlia, I am a nursing student from poltekkes Denpasar Guest : hello ferlia, my name is Axel Stele Ferlia : okay Mr, Can I check your blood pressure ?. it’s free. Because it for my duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Guest : yes sure : your blood pressure is high. It’s 140/90 mmHg : oh no. maybe it cause I drunk caffeine yesterday : do you have high blood pressure before ? : no, I don’t : like what you saying, maybe it cause you drunk caffeine too much. Where you come from ? : come from Austria : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in double six in Seminyak. I live in Bali for 1 month and this is our first week in Bali : okay Mr. Thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

20. Deskripsi : Nyonya jessie berasal dari Spain, dia berlibur ke Bali menemani suaminya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya. Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mrs, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: Yes of course : do you have high blood pressure Mrs ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : okay thank you : Where you come from Mrs ? : I come frome Spain : And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my husband bussiness and tomorrow we will back to spain : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my husband business location : ok thank you for the time Mrs : you’re welcome

21. Deskripsi : Tuan Wiliam berasal dari Spain, dia berlibur ke Bali menemani istrinya. Dia sudah berada di Bali sejak 1 minggu yang lalu, dan besok ia akan kembali ke Negara asalnya. Percakapan : Ferlia : hello Mr, I am ferlia. I am a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to check tourist’s blood pressure. Can I check your blood pressure too ? Guest : Yes of course Ferlia : do you have high blood pressure Mr ? Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

: no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg : okay thank you : Where you come from Mr ? : I come frome Spain : And than how long you will stay in Bali ? : I stayed since 1 week ago, to see my husband bussiness and tomorrow we will back to spain : where do you live in Bali ? : I live in jimbaran villa’s near of my husband business location : ok thank you for the time Mr : you’re welcome

22. Deskripsi : Nyonya Bella bersama suaminya berlibur ke Bali selama 1 minggu. Ini hari ketiga ia di Bali, dia sangat menikmati liburannya di Bali

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Feria Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mrs. My name is Ferlia. I am a nursing student of Poltekkes Denpasar Guest : good afternoon ferlia, iam anne : now I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach. And than can I check your blood pressure first ? : yes please : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : it because I enjoy my vacation in bali, so my blood pressure is normal : oh I am glad to hear that. Btw where you come from ? : I come from Singapore : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in Ayana Resort, just for 1 week with my husband. And this day is my third day : okay thank you madam, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too girl

23. Deskripsi : Tuan Brian bersama istrinya berlibur ke Bali selama 1 minggu. Ini hari ketiga ia di Bali, dia sangat menikmati liburannya di Bali.

Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Feria Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mr. My name is Ferlia. I am a nursing student of Poltekkes Denpasar Guest : good afternoon ferlia, iam anne : now I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach. And than can I check your blood pressure first ? : yes please : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, I don’t : okay, your blood pressure is normal 120/80 mmHg : it because I enjoy my vacation in bali, so my blood pressure is normal : oh I am glad to hear that. Btw where you come from ? : I come from Singapore : where do you live in Bali ? and how long you live in Bali ? : I live in Ayana Resort, just for 1 week with my wife. And this day is my third day : okay thank you madam, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too girl

24. Deskripsi : Nyonya Camella berasal dari Rusia. Ia berlibur ke Bali bersama temantemannya. Ia menginap di hotel marriot, tekanan darahnya normal yaitu 120/80 mmHg.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mrs. My name is ferlia. Iam a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach : good afternoon ferlia, I am Camella : can I check your blood pressure ? : yes of course : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, my blood pressure usually low : your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, it’s normal : oh my god : btw where do you come from ? : I come from Rusia : where do you stay in Bali ? and how long you will stay in Bali ? : I live in Marriot hotel, for 2 weeks with my friends : ok thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

25. Deskripsi : Tuan Brian berasal dari Rusia. Ia berlibur ke Bali bersama teman-temannya. Ia menginap di hotel marriot, tekanan darahnya normal yaitu 120/80 mmHg.

Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest Ferlia Guest

Percakapan : Ferlia : good afternoon Mrs. My name is ferlia. Iam a nursing student in poltekkes denpasar. I have a duty to doing conversation with tourist in Kuta Beach : good afternoon ferlia, I am Brian : can I check your blood pressure ? : yes of course : do you have high blood pressure ? : no, my blood pressure usually low : your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, it’s normal too : oh my god : btw where do you come from ? : I come from Rusia : where do you stay in Bali ? and how long you will stay in Bali ? : I live in Marriot hotel, for 2 weeks with my friends : ok thank you for the time, nice to meet you : nice to meet you too

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