Triptico De Alimentacion Saludable

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 234
  • Pages: 1
1.- Respects the three meals of the day. You have to eat three times a day; these foods are breakfast, meal and dinner. They are very important to your body during your activities.

2.- You have to eat a big variety of food. Food consumption varied ensures proper incorporation of vitamins and minerals.

3.- Try to maintain your ideal weight. A person required to determine the proportion of fat in its body to know its ideal weight. 4.- Avoid too much saturated fat. Hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol) is gained, in most cases at an early age. Begins to eat fish or white meats like chicken!

5.- Eat foods with adequate fiber. Choose foods that are a source of fiber and rich in complex carbohydrates. *Bread *Vegetables *Salads *Cereals and legumes *Fruits

6.- Avoid excess sugar. Avoidance does not mean delete, but the main contribution of carbohydrates are advised to be based on: Fruit, cereal, rice, bread and cookies.

7.- Avoid excess salt. Only after a physical effort is justified to eat salty foods.

8.- Physical activity according to their physical, age and preferences. Depending on their age, their tastes, their physical condition, employment, hours of availability, locate and hold some type of physical activity.

9.- Take into account the daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. Do not exceed or delete categories of food. Respects the requirements of vitamins and minerals that your body has.

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