Transition To School

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Transition to School Programme and Narrative Assessment Action Research November 2009

Researched by: Debbie Smith Barbara Blake Joy Chilcott Kathryn Wealleans Lesley Stevens

Action Research Project 2009 Our Project: Teachers within our Junior School have observed, over the past two years, that a considerable percentage of our new entrants upon arrival at school are below expectations in oral language, numeracy and literacy skills and find social interactions sometimes challenging. Through anecdotal evidence, and summative data (CAPS, NUMPA, JOST) individual children have been identified and programmes (Talk to Learn, Socially Speaking, small numeracy and literacy groups) have been put in place to support these children. Even with these programmes in place some children were not making expected progress. Our programmes were not taking into account the need for a transition programme for the New Entrant children. A new initiative for 2009 has been introduced - a Socially-Cultural Approach to our afternoon programmes, three days per week, where all children within the New Entrant rooms and two of our Special Needs children, are able to develop, practise and consolidate oral language skills, numeracy and literacy skills and promote positive social interactions. Through structured ʻplayʼ sessions based on our Inquiry Learning topics the children are engaged in age appropriate and skill appropriate activities. This transition programme from Kindergarten to School incorporates components of the Te Whariki Document as well as the New Zealand Curriculum. The Key Competencies and Values are the main focus.

Goals of the Transition to School Programme: * To provide for all aspects of a child's developmental needs including communication and language skills, physical abilities, emotional and social growth, and cognitive development. * To emphasize learning as a social process that stresses exploration and interaction with adults, other children and materials. * To emphasize learning as an active process, utilizing experiences that are concrete, real and relevant to the lives of young children

Our question: How can we use digital photography and video as a narrative assessment tool to assess the Transition to School Programme? The focus for our action research was how to assess and measure the success of the Transition to School Programme. We wanted to be able to measure the effectiveness of this new initiative to see whether it was making a difference to our childrenʼs oral language skills and social skills. Research suggests different tools, eg digital portfolios, narrative stories, movies, and photo books are effective. We needed tools that would be effective, affordable and practical. We chose to use the digital camera and the flip video recorder to record narratives and achievements. In addition a learning journal recorded anecdotal evidence as noted by teachers. A full report was written at the end of each term focusing on how the children used the key competencies during the sessions.

Research Findings: We researched two areas: developmental programmes and assessment using narrative. 1. We needed to know about developmental programmes and how we could enhance children learning as they entered school from early childhood centres. There is a wealth of research that delves into play and its benefits. Researchers say play is instrumental in developing social and co-operative skills as well as developing childrenʼs understandings about the world they live in. “Children develop working theories through observing, listening, doing, participating, discussing, and representing within the topics and activities provided in the programme. As children gain greater experience, knowledge, and skills, the theories they 
develop become more widely applicable and have more connecting links between them. Working theories become increasingly useful for making sense of the world, for giving the child control over what happens, for problem solving, and for further learning.” Te Whariki 1996

Kate Ridley (2007) says, “Teacher questioning, dialogue, story and play are central to the process of developing and researching young childrenʼs thinking.” Adrian Voce, director of Play England believes “Children's play is a profoundly important part of their lives - socially, emotionally, culturally and developmentally. If they are given enough space, it also happens to be very good for their physical health and fitness.” In light of this sound research we developed stations where the children were given opportunities to observe, explore and experiment, discuss and problem solve through the five developmental domains (emotion, social, language, physical and cognitive).

Sensory Centre: Aim •

promote experiences for the children to explore materials

develop and enrich oral language

create opportunities to encourage children with sensory issues to explore and cope with new experiences

Activities •






salt and glitter

Art and Craft Centre: Aim •

promote experiences for the children to explore materials, and develop and strengthen fine motor skills

develop and enrich oral language

develop creative thinking

Activities •

paper scissors

painting on easels


fine motor skill activities

Cognitive Centre: Aim •


promote experiences for the children to develop reasoning, perception and intuition


manipulative activities and games

develop and enrich oral language

finger-play games

Imaginative Play Centre Aim


promote experiences for the children to develop flexible, creative thinking

dolls house

wendy house

to problem solve

garages and roads

develop and enrich oral language

building blocks

create opportunities for cooperative play

castles and pirates ships


2. The second area of research was in regard to how “narrative” can be used as an assessment tool. Anne Marie McIllroy is working for the Ministry of Education to develop exemplars and adapt narrative assessment for use as assessment tools with Special Needs children. She believes narrative assessments are an excellent tool to show how students are developing the key competencies and what they are achieving at each learning area. Researchers believe narrative assessment provides a particular way of understanding, seeing and interpreting a child. When we share the narrative with other people, including the student, we are sharing our way of interpreting the children, sharing our sense of who the student is. (Moore et al, 2008) Carr (2001 p. 62).) maintains that narrative is ʻmore suited to translating situated and personal learning and is, therefore, a more holistic assessment procedureʼ .

Narrative assessments keep learning complex rather than attempting to fragment it, showing learning connections rather than highlighting knowledge or skills alone. Narrative assessments present a richer picture of learning-in-action in authentic contexts. They engage those involved in striving to understand (Drummond, 1993) the learning taking place and the complexities of this, through analysis, interpretation and discussion. More often than not, narrative assessments lead those involved to respond to the insights of the learner or learners in some way, thus informing and supporting the learning and teaching process. (Moore et al, 2008) Part of our Action Research has been trialling such narratives with our developmental programme through the form of digital photography and the flip video. Classroom teachers have been recording childrenʼs learning, and behaviours through digital photography and the flip video. Childrenʼs conversations and photographs are then used to assess childrenʼs oral language, their participation and contribution, the way in which they relate to each other and how they mange themselves. The objective was for teachers to take video clip and photographic samples of each child throughout the year. Our Findings:

Results of JOST (Junior Oral Language Screening Tool) In the past Teachers in the Junior School have administered the JOST assessment to children who were at risk or had delayed language skills. At the start of 2009 we decided to administer the JOST assessment to all children in the Room 3 and 4 Developmental Programme. This test was then re-administered in Term 4 to assess what change had occurred in the childrenʼs use of oral language. A representative sample of children was chosen to re-administer the test to. This included a child who had been moved to the Year 1/2 classroom due to rapid progress in her learning across the curriculum. This child is identified with an asterix as she only had one term of the Developmental Programme.

Ability to name body parts Possible score of 12

Ability to describe functions of body parts eg What do you do with your eyes? Possible score of 4

Ability to understand verbs e.g. What can cut? Possible score of 6

Ability to label opposites e.g. An elephant is big, a fly is ….. Possible score of 4

Ability to provide word associations for specific everyday nouns eg bat & …. Possible score of 6

Child A

Febru ary 11

Octob er 12

Febru ary 4

Octob er 4

Febru ary 6

Octob er 5

Febru ary 4

Octob er 4

Febru ary 6

Octob er 6

Child B











Child C











Child D











Child E











Child F*











Child A Child B Child C Child D Child E Child F*

Ability to use prepositions correctly e.g. between Possible score of 5

Ability to use pronouns correctly e.g. he / she Possible score of 2

Ability to use plurals correctly including irregular plurals, eg mouse / mice Possible score of 3 Febru Octob ary er 1 3

Febru ary 3

Octob er 5

Febru ary 0

Octob er 0

















Ability to name as many different animals as possible in 1 minute. The aim is to name six in the time provided. Possible score of 6 Febru Octob ary er 6 (Was very fast) 6 6 (Was very fast) 6 6 (Was very fast) 6 4 (Was fast) 6 6 (Was fast) 6 6 (Was very fast)6

Ability to use negative tense correctly Possible score of 2

Ability to use past and present tense correctly Possible score of 5

Ability to name school, address and age Possible score of 4

Febru ary 0

Octob er 0

Febru ary 1

Octob er 1

Febru ary 4

Octob er 4













































The results show: • Most children improved their knowledge of body parts during the year. • All children are able to describe the function of their body parts. • Most children demonstrated an understanding of verbs at the beginning of the year. Two out of three other children improved their understanding during the year. • Most children demonstrated a sound understanding of opposites at the start of the year. The child who was less able in this area caught up with their peers during the year. • There was a mixed result for the childrenʼs ability to use word associations. Two children improved their ability and two childrenʼs ability decreased during the year. • Almost all children were able to name six animals in a minute at the start of the year. The child who could only name four animals caught up with her peers during the year. All children got faster at this task during the year and would have been able to name even more animals but there is a lack of space to record this on the sheet. • Most children improved their ability to use prepositions to describe the position of objects improved during the year. • One child improved her ability to use pronouns during the year. • Three children improved their ability to use plurals correctly during the year but one childʼs ability decreased. • One child improved their ability to use negative tense correctly during the year but one childʼs ability decreased. • Two children improved their use of past and present tense correctly during the year but one childʼs ability decreased. • Two children improved their ability to list their school, address and age during the year. •

Most childrenʼs oral language improved during the year. In February they mainly used simple sentences and labels to describe a picture. In October they were all able to use complex sentences in their description, sometimes in combination with simple sentences or a few labels.

After analysing the results of the JOST tests it is apparent there has been a general improvement in the childrenʼs use of oral language. Factors responsible for this change could include the Transition to School Programme, small class sizes, developing maturity of the children, quality teaching, HPP Programme, Talk to Learn Programme and improved confidence of the children.

Observations: Over the past three terms teachers have observed and recorded through interviews, photos, videos and writing learning journals: •

• •

Several changes in communication skills, and language development. Children are using more appropriate language when discussing Inquiry Learning topics eg scientific language was used when talking about shadows and planets during Space and Beyond Inquiry; children used more descriptive adjectives when describing how to use their senses. Several changes in communication skills and language development. Several changes in emotional and social growth: Children are using sentence stems to help them problem solve confrontations; caring and compassion towards our Special Needs children has grown Several changes in interaction between peers, a greater willingness to take risks and children developing more confidence when faced with choices and making decisions: Children making more independent choices and taking risks to try new activities; children developing more confidence when attempting new challenges. Several changes in children’s motivation, and their belief in their own ability. Children are able to explore their own ideas, use their imagination and problem solve during developmental: Children are learning from each other ie they are learning to be resourceful and enterprising; Children are managing their own learning. Boys and girls were participating in gender based activities at the beginning of the programme in Term 1. The boys tended to work with the cars, garages, construction and building activities when given free choice and the girls were predominantly choosing the doll’s house, tea set, and cut up dolls. These behaviours have changed throughout the year and the gender based activities are mixed now where girls and boys work at these activities together. •

Teachers have been interacting in a oneon-one or small group situation more than with whole class once mat time has been completed. We heard children interacting and discussing, problem solving and sharing ideas rather than adults doing the talking.

It was not until Week 9 in Term 1 that there was any teacher intervention about care and respect towards the developmental equipment as it was not needed up until then.

Behaviour management has been minimal. The children have been all on task, actively engaged in activities that interest them and hooked into learning. They demonstrate positive attitudes towards the programme. We have had positive comments from parents about how much the children are enjoying Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

The use of digital photography has been effective in recording children’s learning and identifying next steps, particularly in observing over time children’s improvement. An example of this is recording a child’s painting throughout the term and watching how she improved her confidence levels in putting her ideas into her paintings, her use of the brush and her colour choices.

The use of the flip video has enabled us to record conversations of children during the developmental activities. Teachers could then listen to these conversations and analyse the oral language the children were using and identify next learning steps. An example of this was analysing a childʼs language when he was playing with the dough. The use of maths language was evident but also he had some confusions which teachers where then able to help him with.

The digital camera has captured many incidences of children developing their key competencies. Teachers have been able to use these photographic examples for reflection with the children. “The flip videos and digital photography have been an integral part of our narrative assessment process – itʼs hard to imagine how it would work without them. I love looking at our class photos and itʼs amazing the moments you capture with them. Itʼs often only later that you realise how special the events of the day were! I feel particularly proud of the crossover from our Inquiry topics to the children's play. At one point everything was about birds (play dough nests with eggs in them) and then in Term 3 everyone was involved with rockets and space adventure. We are allowing children to harness the power of their imaginations and creativity! ...Quality learning!” Barbara Blake

Conclusions: Teachers feel that the Transition to School Programme is making a positive difference to childrenʼs learning and this has been backed up by quantitative data using the JOST test as well as qualitative data through narrative assessment. The three term reports are full of anecdotal evidence (supported by digital photography and video) of learning and thinking based around the key competencies. The Transition to School Programme allows children to have a choice in their learning, enables children to adapt to new school routines and structures in a less formal manner, gives children opportunities to cultivate relationships, and enables children to communicate in a variety of ways. The Programme gives children opportunities to observe, explore, experiment, and problem solve in authentic contexts. This creates a culture in the class for more inquiry, more inquisitiveness and more innovation by our children, which are all components of our Vision and Mission at Musselburgh School . The use of digital photography, and video as tools to create narrative assessments has enabled teachers to observe and assess children in a more personalised and holistic manner. However there are still questions that need to be explored in regard to manageability of collecting samples of childrenʼs learning; the development of a skill based continuum; and how we can teach our children to be more reflective upon their learning.

Bibliography: Carr, M. (2001). Assessment in early childhood settings: learning stories. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Moore G, Molloy S, Morton M, Davis K (2008) Narrative Assessment: identity and equity for disabled students. New Zealand: University of Canterbury, UC Education Plus, College of Education Molloy.p df. Ridley, Kate (2007) Thinking Skills in the Early Years, Set Magazine, No 1, 2007 Te Whariki (1996) Learning Media Limited, Box 3293, Wellington, New Zealand.

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