drg. Puspito Ratih Hardhani, MDSc., Sp.Perio
Index Russel A L a numerical value, describing the
relative status of a population, on a graduated scale with definite upper and lower limits, designed to permit and facilitate comparison with other population clasified by same criteria and methods
Ideal of index Clarity, simplicity, objectivity Validity
Reliability Quantifiability Sensitivity
Plak Indeks
Gingival indeks
DMFT, deft
Inflamasi Gingiva
Indeks gingiva (Loe and Silness, 1963)
Scientific studies
PBI (Papilla Bleeding Index) Saxer dan Muhleman, 1975
Deposit Bakteri
OHI , Greene and vermillion (1960)
Debris indeks Kalkulus indeks
Menilai kebersihan mulut individu /
kelompok Kuantitatif Epidemiologi dental, evaluasi program kesehatan 1964 OHI-S
OHI • Gigi diperiksa 12 • Bukal-lingual • Gigi erupsi sempurna
OHI-S • • • • •
Gigi diperiksa 6 Gigi erupsi sempurna Salah satu permukaan 4 gigi tetap posterior, 2 gigi anterior (11 dan 31) Min 2 gigi indeks tiap individu
OHI S Greene and vermillion 16,11,26,31 sebelah labial 36 dan 46 lingual
Grade 1 mencapai 1/3 Grade 2 1/3-2/3 Grade 3 >2/3
Skor Debris KODE KRITERIA 0 Tidak ada debris atau stein 1 Debris lunak menutupi tidak lebih dari 1/3 permukaan gigi atau adanya stein ekstrinsik tanpa debris pada daerah tersebut. 2 Debris lunak menutupi lebih dari 1/3 tapi kurang dari 2/3 permukaan gigi 3 Debris lunak menutupi lebih dari 2/3 permukaan gigi
Skor Kalkulus KODE KRITERIA 0 Tidak ada kalkulus 1 Kalkulus supragingiva menutupi tidak lebih dari 1/3 permukaan gigi yang terkena 2 Kalkulus supra gingival menutupi lebih dari 1/3 tetapi tidak lebih dari 2/3 permukaan gigi yang terkena. Adanya kalkulus subgingiva berupa flek di sekeliling gigi. 3 Kalkulus supragingiva menutupi lebih dari 2/3 permukaan gigi yang terkena. Adanya kalkulus subgingiva berupa pita yang tidak terputus di sekeliling leher gigi.
Skor 0 - 1,2 dikategorikan baik, 1,3 - 3,0 kategori sedang dan 3,1 - 6 kategori buruk
Plak indeks Loe and Silness
0 - 1 dikategorikan baik, 1,1 - 1,2 sedang, dan 2,1 - 3 buruk.
Indeks plak O’Leary
DMFT Used more than 70 years DMF index and is an arithmetic index of the
cumulative caries attack in a population the number of decayed teeth with untreated carious lesions (D) the number of teeth which have been extracted and are therefore missing (M) the number of filled teeth (F)
3rd molar can include or not (optional) Not include unerupted teeth, supernumerary,
congenital missing teeth, primary teeth retained in permanent dentition, extracted other than caries, teeth restored because of trauma 28 or 32
No tooth should be recorded more than once 2nd caries decay
Full eruption Each componet separately, DMFT= total
Advantages Caries experience Prevaelnce of individual & community
Estimate oral health status
Uses The number of persons affected by caries Requiring treatment
Teeth have been treated Evaluate dental health program Determine preventif activity
Dental resources and financial support
DMFS Index applied to tooth surfaces Posterior 5, anterior 4 128 or 148
Limitation of DMFT Teeth lost because another reason Not related to the number of risk
Can not be used for root caries
Primary dentition deft or defs index d= decayed, e= indicate for extraction, f-
permanent filling Mixed dentition separate
Latihan Pasien wanita, 23 tahun dengan kondisi 18,38 partial
erupt. 16,25 amalgam karies sekunder, 11 white spot, 36 staining, 34,35 karies di servikal. Hitung DMF indeksnya
Daftar pustaka Sriyono, Pengantar Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan,
UGM Rateitschak, Wolf, Hassel., Color Atlas of Periodontology