Torture As A Victim

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,223
  • Pages: 14
Torture My story begins and ends with me at seven years old. I say that it begins and ends at seven because that is where, as far as I can tell, age was not anymore because the speed of light became the issue. I would not realize that that was true until I was 46 years old, and then it was only because I received an email that confused me with my brother Mike that that happened. The email that came from Jim Keith, that may have only been a pen name, was sent because, out of desperation, I posted a message to a newsgroup. Jim Keith is now deceased, if he was really a person, from an unusual knee injury that happened to him while he was at the burning man festival in Arizona, or so the story goes. If you do not know who this Jim Keith is, or what he wrote, one of the books he wrote was “Mind Control World Control” At the same time Jim Keith was in the hospital, supposedly, I was in the hospital, in Cincinnati with a blood clot on my left leg the same leg that that 30 years prior my brother had been broken in a UPS parking lot while working late at night there. In about 1971, with an International law document in his hand, Eric Schwing tracked me down in Columbus, and during the time that I knew Eric

he said to me that I was going to have blood clots . Where he got that from I cannot figure out. I think there is some personal information on that document about our household, even though I have never seen it, because it was sent to our household in about 1957. Or, maybe it was due something Mike had said to Eric, I do not really know. I have to say that there is a coincidence related to this that I need to mention. When I was 14, and Neil was talking to Mike a lot behind my back when we lived at 820 Critchfield road Neil got the idea that going to the YMCA was a good idea. So Eleanor paid for a membership for all 3 of us. We went once, and the one time we did go I got friction burns on the bottom of my feet, that might have looked like blood clots, but were not. Neil who used to read Strength and Health in the bathroom for 3 hours at the time, was planning something even though I had no interest in weight lifting or anything, for that matter, related to that type of thing, and neither did Mike. At the same that was happening some stranger had come up to me, on my first trip to downtown Columbus, on a city bus, and when we stopped at the

station came up to me and grabbed my crotch. I ran away crying but he told me that if went in theater with this creep that he would pay me. He said briefly, that he had just gotten off the bus from California ,and pulled out $100.bills out of his wallet. That has never been said, and I did not know anything about a much bigger picture so I have never said anything until now about it. Don't forget Lee Harvey Oswald ended up in a theater just after shooting John F. Kennedy. Just coincidentally , or maybe not coincidentally, I would end up in living in a YMCA turdy years later in Cincinnati after Eric left Columbus, and I was forced to leave for no reason at all. Not only was I forced to leave . I was forced to leave on bicycle, because it was the only transportation I had at the time. Can you imagine due to no jobs left in Columbus, and Susan Nelson a friend of Paul Hogan's that had also tracked me down in Columbus also pestering me, and Eric Schwing, who really thought he knew what he was doing, had told me that he was going to Washington DC, I was forced to leave Columbus. My dad had been forced to leave Florida turdy years earlier because Neil had set my dad up. He set him up also, because they used a

company my dad worked for called Concrete Pipe Product,to change it into Martin Martinetta. They being Werhner Von Braun, top scientist for Adolph Hitler, who was in the United States, and head of NASA. My dad had said to Mike, while I was standing next to them, that management had killed his career as an engineer, and that he did not have any choice but to leave the place he never wanted to leave. They used character assassination to destroy my dad, and Neil and Pam that had the nerve to actually convince Mike that our dad should marry Eleanor did nothing to help even though they had come from Boston with that being the reason they came to Florida. While we were living in Plantation my brother Mike had suffered a leg injury from being run over by a car in UPS parking lot in 1963, or maybe in early 1964. Just prior to Mike being run over he was convinced that he could really handle Neil, but Mike found out real quickly that that was definitely not possible, nor could anyone including our dad, for that matter. Mike, who thought, that everything that started happening

in 1957 could be explained in 3 dimensional terms did not even think that mind control was a possibility even though he had the international law document to go by, and told Paul Gerson Jr about, but not me. Our mom had told me that one day, indirectly, which was the only way Mike had told her that she could tell me, by opening an envelope with a steam iron. I think what had really happened is that Neil knew our address even though he was not a friend of anyone in the household in about 1957. I was not to figure out that for another 30 years, long after our mom died, even though I felt it in my gut at 7 years old I did not know it consciously. It was not until, after I had been forced to leave Columbus, and ended up in Cincinnati, and Eric Schwing knew I would, even though I did not, after Temple of the Screaming Electron had come on, and Eric had said in Columbus that Screaming at the TV set was the issue, and I had no one to turn to except myself to figure out what everywhere and no where was about. Neil had set me up the first time I met Neil with giving me a guillotine for a 12th birthday present. Coincidentally, or maybe not coincidentally, I ended up in a YMCA about 6 months after I came to Cincinnati. Remember in 1964 turdy years earlier Neil, had thought, that

going to a YMCA was a good idea. U see Mike had thought in early 1964, while we were still living in Plantation that if I was the only person in a bedroom with him, and that was not the bedroom we shared before our mom died, and Neil had said to Mike something like “If U put in his mouth it will be all over”, and Mike was then blamed for what when on in the bedroom Mike thought that I had conspired against him, and that I was just some sort of little fagot. This is after Neil for almost a year prior to that had tortured me daily with the reason “that's what they think” as being his rationale, and I do mean torture in the physical sense of the word. If it wasn't bruises on my arm it was using a note our mom had left behind that asked that Mike wake me up for school. He used it to wake me up, after everyone else was asleep running feathers over my ears. Even after I told Neil that I would not get up anymore, and being woken out of sound sleep it is hard sometimes to tell what is going on, he would persist to wake me up until I got up and put my clothes on. There was never any mention, at least to me, that mind

control, and being a fly in the spiders mouth was the real issue, and because of that “seeing” into a room was as easy as turning on a light switch. Neil also told me that I “was going to die a penniless drunk” at age 12 or 13. Robert Gates II had just died supposedly of chocking on milk, about the same time. Neil and Pam said that that was “Robbie the Robot” They implied that I was “Robbie the Robot” I do not think to this day anyone that is still alive except maybe Neil knows really where that child came from. Eleanor convinced our dad that it was a good idea to take her out one night, and bring back the child who was only 3 days old. The child was not adopted, and was not related to our dad. My dad felt so bad when the child died that he looked like he was about to cry, and our dad rarely showed his feelings. If the child was related to anyone it had to be Neil or someone Neil and Pam worked for, at the time. You see, in a way, they had hired Mike even though Mike was not getting paid for what he was doing like they were, and that is where “they are stealing it” started. Mike never understood what Neil was talking about when he would call and say “they are stealing it”. What Neil was really talking about is that the Soviet Union was

stealing his turtle, that he had created a model by using hide and seek as the model. You see one of the rules of hide and seek is that one child is designated as “IT” and counts to 100, and then tries to find the other kids that are hiding. So , you see if the say the Soviet Union, with the help of Fidel Castro had decided to use the SPYDER then “they are stealing IT” makes sense. Especially if you consider a fly in the SPYDER'S mouth as being the issue. Mike had come to the conclusion that they meant someone I knew about, and that I was stealing stuff around the neighborhood. The song “she swallowed the SPYDER to catch the fly” had been written about the same time, and sung at the boy scouts, in which I was only a visiting cub scout. At about the same time the song “One Eyed One Horned Fly in a Burple Beople Eater” came out also. The Mickey Mouse Club was on TV, and had a weekly serial that was called SPIN and MARTY, based on the HARDY BOYS. You see our mom had suggested I read the HARDY BOYS as a way of learning how to read a book when I was about 10 years old, or maybe a little younger

since the Mickey Mouse Club went off the air in 1958. At the same time the Playboy club was being created in Chicago with a much different kind of ears as being the focus. This is also when the first movie about the “FLY” came out, and then there was also the movie “PSYCHO” that ended with “I won't even swat a fly” as the last line in the movie. Turdy years later the “FLY” came out again a much different movie came out, and then there was “BRAZIL” that started with someone swatting a fly as the beginning. Robert Deniro played a person that helped sending sewage into some rubber suits, based on 1984, and including someone being tortured, and identity theft as being the reason someone was being blamed for being a terrorist that really was not a terrorist You see I was born with a birth defect that our mom felt bad about. She felt so bad about it, and felt that it was the source of my low self esteem at age 5, that she asked Mike to try and get the people that were calling at the time, to help find a doctor that could do plastic surgery. The doctor was found, and the plastic surgery was done, when I was about 8 years old, but the people calling did not do what Mike had thought they would do like pay for the bill. This is only a guess as to what did happen, even

though I was living in the household at the time. I think at this point I need to define two different kinds of torture. I was born with WATER signs being the dominant element in my astrological chart that could be associated with tears as way of looking at a person that was born with WATER being the dominant element in a person's chart . It took 40 of my life, and being tortured in one way or another, to figure that that is really how this thing with the 4th dimension started, and it was the only thing Pam and Neil, that came from Boston knew, because they were told that, and they did not tell anyone else. They knew it because the person that hired them told them that, but did not tell anyone else. That is how Pam and Neil have been able to avoid going to jail all this time. I have been their “backstop” since I was 10 years old. Maybe, even before that. Mike was told one day to tell me “first you see it then you hear it” when I was about 8 years old, pointing to a lightning bolt. That is what NAZI'S wore on there uniforms. Anyway they have used me for 50 years of my life and dividing and conquering people away from me, and used Mike ignorance to blame him for causing the Soviet Union to be the one that put me in the SPYDERS mouth. So the “CRIER”,

as I guess I was labeled, because I had cried when a boat sank You see at the time that was my world so it could be any boat because in essence crying for the world from the gut level. When Eric Schwing came to Columbus he started off telling me it was about “I cried when Martin Luther King died, not when John Kennedy died. So if a vortex is the issue like what is mentioned in the song One Eyed One Horned Fly in a Purple People Eater, or possibly mentioned at the beginning of “The Wizard of Oz” that came out in theaters in 1939. then maybe a different kind of torture would be the issue. A different kind of torture because the vortex would meet the people I came in contact with before I had a chance to meet them for the rest of my life. That is torture for someone that cares enough about enough about the world to cry for it To cry for the world because I saw someone suffering, at least at the time it looked like suffering, and really did not know why I was crying So to this day, that started with in 1994 “I scared you didn't I” out of thin air. I have been the target of Temple of the Screaming Electron, including being their roach that is remote control and mind control both at the same time. That is

15 years of prescription sleeping pills, and counting. Remember Eric had said in Columbus that screaming at the TV set was the issue. I have been a victim of most of the following, and even some not mentioned. FROM TEMPLE OF THE SCREAMING ELECTRONS INTERNET SITE BEFORE IT WAS NOT ACCESSABLE BY ME. Invasive At-a-Distance Body Effects (including mind): Sleep deprivation and fatigue: --Silent but instantaneous application of "electronic caffeine" signal, forces awake and keeps awake --Loud noise from neighbors, usually synchronized to attempts to fall asleep --Precision-to-the-second "allowed sleep" and "forced awakening," far too precise and repeated to be natural --Daytime "fatigue attacks" can force the victim to sleep Audible Voice to Skull (V2S): --Delivered by at-a-distance radio signal --Made to appear as emanating from thin air --Voices or sound effects only the victim can hear Inaudible Voice to Skull (Silent Sound): --Delivered by at-a-distance radio signal; --Manifested by sudden urges to do something/go somewhere --Silent (ultrasonic) hypnosis presumed --Programming hypnotic "triggers" - i.e., specific phrases, catchy songs, verbal hooks or other cues cause specific involuntary actions Violent muscle triggering (flailing of limbs): --Leg or arm jerks to violently force awake and keep awake --Whole body jerks, as if body had been hit by large jolt of electricity --Violent shaking of body; seemingly as if on a vibrating surface but where surface is in reality not vibrating Precision manipulation of body parts (slow, specific purpose):

--Manipulation of hands and feet --Slow bending almost 90 degrees backward of one toe at a time or one finger at a time --Direct at-a-distance control of breathing and vocal cords, including involuntary speech --Spot blanking of memory, long- and short-term Reading said-silently-to-self thoughts: --Engineered skits where your thoughts are spoken to you by strangers --Real time reading sub-vocalized words, as while the victim reads a book Direct application of pain to body parts: --Hot-needles-deep-in-flesh sensation --Electric shocks (no wires whatsoever applied) --Powerful and unquenchable itching, often applied precisely --"Artificial fever," sudden, no illness present -- Sudden racing heartbeat in a relaxed situation External Stress-Generating "Skits": --Participation of strangers, neighbors in harassment --Rudeness for no cause --Tradesmen always have "problems," block your car, etc. --Purchases delayed, spoiled, or lost at a high rate --Unusually loud music, noise, far beyond normal Break-ins/sabotage at home: --Shredding of clothing --Destruction of furniture --Petty theft --Engineered failures of utilities Sabotage at work: --Deletion/corruption of computer files --Planting viruses which could not have come from your computer usage pattern --Spreading of rumors, sabotage to your working reputation --Direct sabotage and theft of completed work

To the Brain: --Microwave hearing of voice(s) that are not one's own --Manipulation of emotions and attacks on self-esteem --External induction of inappropriate thoughts --Reading, echoing, broadcasting and scrambling thoughts

--Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions --Induced changes to hearing --Sleep prevention each night, at exactly the same time (for weeks) --Sleep induction, often at inappropriate times --Vivid controlled dreams, with sense of dream being forced or narrated --Ultra-vivid forced images, as if a cartoon or photograph forced on visual field To the Face: --Manipulation of facial expressions --Forced movement of jaw and clacking of teeth --Manipulation of airways --Externally controlled forced speech --Artificial tinnitus (ringing in ears) To the Body: --Wilding racing heart without cause --Heart palpitations without cause --Remotely induced itching (sudden and violent, with no rash) --Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing injury or spills --Jolting, forced convulsions, and forced "muscle quaking" --Forced precision manipulation of hands, sometimes synched to the forced waking visions --Special attention to genital area: itching, forced orgasm, intense pain, "hot needles" --Intense general pain in the legs, like stings.

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