Time Line 4

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  • Pages: 13
It started with Ian McMullen. He was a member of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic peacekeeping organization, until he fell while in service with the French Foreign Legion somewhere in Morocco. He would become the Father of Heroes for generations to come. His grandchildren included cousins Charles Blake and Peter Garrick. At the start, Garrick and Blake were merely young men at home in Dayton, Ohio coming into their own. The Blake Family settled out east, toward Park City, Maryland while the Garrick Family moved a few states over to Central City, Illinois. It was 1917, Charles and Peter became dough boys, part of the fresh batch of American blood that helped the Allies end the war once and for all. With the end, at 1918, Peter and Charles parted ways, returning to their home cities. Peter would marry and in 1920 his only son, Jason Peter Garrick, would be born. Meanwhile, in Park City, Charles had met the most beautiful florist, Dinah Linda Thompson. Dinah had brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes. Within a few days, he asked her to marry him, and before the year was over, Charles had even landed a job as a cop. Things were great. During the roaring twenties, life was great for many. It was even greater for Charles and his wife Dinah, since by 1921 they welcomed a son, Adam Joseph Blake, who was a smart lad straight from the beginning. Adam was followed by kid sister Linda Zabriel Blake in 1922, and lastly in 1924, baby sister, Dinah Carolyn Blake. Unable to have any more children, Mr. & Mrs. Blake settled with the wonderful three that they had been blessed with. Adam had a genius-level intellect by the time he was seven, while Linda, or Zinda as she was often called, found that she had a great love for flight. Inspired by Amelia Earhart, she wore flapper equipment and always played with a Polish boy at Park City Air Fields. The children’s grandmother Beverly Thompson, upon falling ill in 1928, gave Dinah Carolyn the Canary. It is a beautiful golden pendant said to have been made by the Aztecs and given to the Iroquois tribe, where it eventually found its way to Beverly's Grandmother, a member of the Iroquois tribe. It is also said that it was blessed with blood such that only those descended from that bloodline could bare it and use its magic. Dinah Carolyn took the pendant and wore it around her neck, a symbol that the Canary would live forever. The Great Depression, woe to the Blake Family, woe to the Garrick Family. Peter and his family held

firm even when their livelihood stood to be taken away. He turned to science, in efforts to keep his family rooted, while his friends and neighbors were all forced to move away, driven deep into the dust bowl or deep toward the west coast. The Blake Family suffered a worse fate, with Charles laid off of work as a police officer, the family was forced to pack up and in 1934, moved to Gotham City, New Jersey. In an effort to help the family survive, young Adam and Zinda often took odd jobs to bring money into the family's income. In 1939, war again broke out. America remained indirectly involved by assisting the Allies with weapons and supplies. Charles, who had been wounded in the previous war, was worried about his children. Adam seemed eager to fight and Zinda, now an Ace Pilot even by military standards, was also eager to assist. Charles became more concerned when... To the Congress of the United States Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific … − Franklin Delano Roosevelt, December 8th, 1941 The entire country, including both families Garrick and Blake, were in shock. Adam and Zinda announced that they could not sit idle and allow this to happen without a response. Both Charles and Dinah Blake blessed their elder children, as their youngest watched the two depart. Adam joined the United States Marine Corps while Zinda, with her friends from Park City, formed together as the Blackhawk Squadron for the Allies, unofficially part of the United States Army Air Corps. Within two years’ time, both Adam and Zinda were seemingly lost, seemingly MIA and presumed KIA. Dinah Carolyn Blake, or Carol as she preferred, joined the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, or the United States Navy's WAVES. During this time, Carol took a strap of leather, tied the Canary pendant around her neck, and began wearing it. With the metal against her skin, she found she was able to sing to men like that of the mythological Sirens; however, when used upon her own gender it was a deadly rapture. Carol knew she wasn't just a Canary, she was the Black Canary. She then set off to find her cousin Jason, thinking he wouldn't be too hard to find... Jason Peter Garrick never made the cut. Wanting to be part of the University of Nebraska's Cornhuskers, Jason, or Jay as he is called, just wasn't fast enough. Instead, he took what he had and moved east, becoming what he knew he always was--a science geek. He landed a job at what was to be S.T.A.R Labs. While working he accidentally inhaled some hard water vapors that were filled with hyper-charged radioactive molecules. When he woke up, he found he was faster than any man on this earth. Jason, having a deep love of

mythology, fashioned himself in a similar image to that of the Roman God Mercury and himself “the Flash.” When the war came, Jay decided to use his new power as a “gift” to the Japs and joined the U.S. Army. Soon thereafter, he received a long distance call from his cousin Carol. She said she knew of a guy who might be able to make him a ring that would allow him to turn into “the Flash” without causing too much of a fuss. Dr. West, a gentleman of their age, indeed crafted such a ring. Jay and Carol were also inspired to look into their family records. There, they discovered mention of another ring… one that belonged to their Great Grandfather Ian McMullen. They decided to find the current Green Lantern. Tracking down the newest Lantern wasn't so difficult... Alan Ladd Wellington Scott, of the British Army, had discovered a lantern while serving in the North Africa Campaign against Germany. He carefully examined this lantern as it didn't look like something a Jerry would've left behind. Strangely the lantern began to glow on its own, and it glowed green. He thought that odd and thought it even odder when it began generating a source of energy and power. Scott didn't quite know what to make of it, until his class ring began to illuminate. Soon he heard the voices of the Guardians, reciting the oath on that night. He knew he had become Earth's “Green Lantern.” He thought to be he would called a fool should he have spoken a word of this to his superiors, so Alan kept this little information to himself, until… He was approached by Jason and Carol. They were amazed to hear Alan's tale and agreed that the three of them together could fight the injustice of the Axis Powers and avenge Pearl Harbor and the Blackhawks as the Justice Guild! They would need more members, just like the Allies--the more on their side, the easier it would be to fight. The three would find two such folk, in Carter and Shiera Hall. Traveling to Egypt prior to World War II, Carter Hall, part of the French Foreign Legion, came upon some strange items not ever cataloged with what was known about Ancient Egypt at that time. Once he began to touch these items, a brilliant flash of light filled the tomb where he had been. Soon, Carter found himself becoming the reincarnated Prince Khufu; memories of Prince Khufu and all his past incarnations flooded Carter's mind. He was knocked unconscious for several hours. When the former LSU archaeologist woke up, he felt reborn--different from before. Carter took all the Nth metal items with him and never disclosed this event to anyone. Soon he began to search for Khufu's mate, Chay-Ara. She wasn't so incredibly difficult to find. Chay-Ara had been awaiting Khufu, Sheira Saunders, a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force for Great Britain. Carter would marry Sheira, and together they were Hawkman and Hawkwoman, joining the Justice Guild in early 1944. The group wasn't settled just yet, and continued to seek out new members, including… …one, particular New Yorker. Rex Tyler was a young man whose intellect didn't always match his maturity. He landed a job with Bannermain Chemical Company, researching vitamins and hormones. Rex found it hard to break from his work; he had finally found something that intrigued him. He never did learn to stop messing around with things, and through accidents and testing found something he called, “Miraclo.” Miraclo gave the

test mice greater strength and vitality. Amazed by this, Rex decided to take this Miraclo for himself, and found that the effects only lasted an hour. When his bosses discovered what he had made, they tried to lobby it with the government. They considered Miraclo to be something useless, as they wanted something that lasted more than an hour. So the project was shut down, forcing Rex to work on other projects. Once the war started, Rex eagerly joined. Becoming part the U.S. Marines, he would secretly create Miraclo in labs and taking them prior to battles. He earned himself the nickname “Hourman,” due to the Miraclo only lasting sixty minutes. Upon hearing of the Justice Guild, Rex Tyler grabbed his gear and joined just after Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Rex told them of an Army buddy, that maybe even Jay had heard of--oh hell he had, course, who hadn't heard of the Might Atom? Tiny, Texas strongman Al Pratt was soon contacted by the Guild. At ninety-eight pounds, Albert “Al” Pratt wasn't exactly the biggest kid around. He wasn't sure if he'd even make it out of high school. However, Pratt refused to let himself believe that and after being bullied by the kids at school, Pratt sought out help. He got it too, from an ex-boxer named Joe Morgan. Morgan felt bad and decided to train the weakling himself. Al not only grew in strength, but also size and skill. He left Morgan's side and went South, where he became known as a “Texas Strongman”, and enlisted in the Army during WWII. While in service, Pratt was exposed to radiation, turning the once Texas Strongman into a mighty man with atomic strength and agility; his Sergeant called him, “The Mighty Atom.” Pratt was honored and humbled as he joined the Guild. Their group was complete! …or so they thought. The Justice Guild was approached, by another man… Young Kent Nelson was always his father Sven’s shadow. When Sven and Kent were in the Ur Valley of Mesopotamia (Iraq), they stumbled upon an ancient tomb. Legends held that a powerful wizard had placed himself in suspended animation there centuries ago. But that was just legend, wasn't it? Upon their entering, the booby-trapped tomb unleashed a deadly gas that killed Sven Nelson instantly. Kent however survived. That legendary wizard was named Nabu, the human incarnation of the Lord of Order. Nabu raised Kent and tutored him in all the ways of his sorcery. After years of training, Nabu gave Kent his helmet, cloak, talismans and finally his amulet. Kent fled Egypt and took training as a medic from the Devil's Brigade, a joint operation of Canadian and American Forces, where Nelson earned the name “Doctor Fate.” Kent requested to join, as he felt he had no other place to go. The Guild was happy to accept “Doctor Fate” in mid-1944. Fate then advised that one more would come to join their rank, and by the end of 1944, the last of the Guild members had joined, one named “the Spectre”. James Raphael Corrigan, called Jim, was the son of the Reverend Jedediah Corrigan, the kind of preacher who loved the fire and brimstone aspect of the Bible and literally tried to beat this into his son. Jedediah's wife Sarah Corrigan refused to allow him to abuse her and her son. She fled to Boston from

Paramus, New Jersey where she would stay at a shelter until she was able to fully provide for little Jim and herself. She told her son to always do the right thing even when no one is looking--that is what integrity is. Although he was arrogant and cocky, Jim hated those who did wrong and continued to do wrong without ever seeking redemption or forgiveness. Jim stumbled onto the corruption within the Boston Police Force, who were striking out deals with mobster Gat Benson. Jim was gun downed by his own men, in conjunction with the local mobs. The cold blooded murder left a boiling rage within the soul of JimCorrigan, who begged the Presence himself to be allotted the chance to exact his revenge. Upon this cry and plea, the Presence sent his Spirit of Vengeance to bond with Jim, and on that day he became the Spectre. After Jim had exacted his revenge, a noble patrolman by the name of Percival Poplanski urged Spectre to use his powers to help the innocents. Being in body form, Jim couldn't resist the temptation to exact vengeance for Pearl Harbor and joined the United States Navy, and “the Spectre” would have his revenge. Carol, Jay and Alan never believed that this would be. Nine members, nine very wonderful men and women who would see the end of World War II. “The Mystery Men” is what they were called, forever remembered for their brave deeds. Even when the war ended, crime and evil deeds did not. Unofficially the Guild began to help. They would fall back to their hometowns and cities, reuniting only when the world truly needed them. This was indeed a Golden Age. Unfortunately, no matter how many villains were defeated, and no matter how many times a crisis had been averted, none of them could prevent the struggle that would emerge between a Soviet East and an American West: the Korean War... a war that would never end. The Guild assembled, doing its best speaking to the Nations, saving soldiers, and trying to find a better solution to the problems at hand. However, the Guild would fall victim to America's paranoia, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House on Un-American Activities (HUAC). HUAC determined that these Mystery Men of the Justice Guild were the ones behind the war, behind the communists, and whose true agenda was to see the demise of America. McCarthy and the committee demanded that the Guild unmask themselves on public television, sign over their rights as citizens, be carted off to jail, and await trial by the Supreme Court. It was on this day, in 1953 that the Justice Guild disbanded, fading away into history books, yellow-stained posters, and pictures... The Guild made a pact to never see or hear from each other again. It was time to settle down. For Dinah Carolyn Blake, it was with Detective Richard Drake, her long time boyfriend, and her husband as of 1955. Richard bought his wife a small shop just down Murphy Avenue; it was all he could afford, but it was enough. Though they tried and tried, it was hard for them to have children, and finally in late 1958 they were told, that yes they would indeed be expecting. Early the next year, Jack Drake was born to the family, named for his Uncle who perished at Iwo Jima. Jack would become a big brother in early 1962 with the birth of Dinah Beverly Drake, his baby sister. With the sixties, came a new era for America and the Drake family, with a new war to fight and two young children to raise. Carol's brother Adam was found in Australia. God only knew what he was

doing there. Whatever they had been feeding him, he … he looked different--said he was a prisoner of war for the Japanese and escaped. At least, that’s what he told the public. But his family would be told the truth. He was taken by a group called L.E.G.I.O.N, and had aged slightly; however due to his own premature death, he was able to create a new younger body with the help of the Weird. Charles and Dinah Blake didn't care; they wrapped their arms around Adam, embracing him back into the family. Adam felt uneasy, with kid sister Zinda gone and his baby sister all grown up, married with two kids. Returning to duty as a United States Marine, he was given an unprecedented promotion, from Corporal to Colonel, and with the help of his nephew-in-law, Richard Drake. He and many of America's young men went off to fight in the Vietnam War. Across the nation, change was happening. Even as a meteor shower rained down upon Smallville, Kansas, time kept moving on. Jonathan Kent and his wife Martha, a red blooded American couple stumbled upon a baby girl not too far from a smoldering crash that would turn out to be a space craft. Jonathan and Martha took the girl in for their own and Karen Kent was adopted in 1967. The families Kent and Drake survived another decade. The war was over. Fortunately both Adam Blake and Richard Drake came home safely, unlike the thousands of men. Richard returned to being a police officer, and Adam turned to working in the Observatory, until the L.E.G.I.O.N needed him again. Jack and Dinah would be graduating, first Jack in 1976, and then Dinah in 1979. While she would stay home, Jack was off to Harvard, and Dinah was left to scrape up her own money to pay for classes at Fox Community College. Dinah Drake wanted to be a cop just like her Dad. She got into the Police Academy. Unfortunately, not everyone wanted Dinah to be a cop. She was brutally beaten, and with her injuries as severe as they were, her dream of becoming a police officer was shattered. Taking her uncle up on an offer to go to Park City, she moved down the coast and worked in the labs there, and found an astronomer from Opal City. His name was Ted Knight, and they were in love, despite his relationship with Adele back in his own town and Dinah’s engagement to Lawrence Lance (of whom was to join her in Park City, soon enough). It was only 1981 when they would depart back to their home towns. Dinah would marry Lawrence and take over her Mom's flower shop. The stock market crash of 1982 sent the economy into a downward spiral. The shop began to suffer and like many small business owners of the time, they had to shut down. Larry wasn't making enough as a cop to put food on the table. Dinah took odd jobs where she could, even doing work for her uncle when he provided it. It was during this year that she ran into Carol's old trunk from the war. Opening it up, Dinah found all the old Justice Guild memorabilia. Carol sat down with her daughter and told her all about the Guild and the Black Canary. Later that night, in fall of 1982, Dinah Drake-Lance grabbed her mother's old Canary gear and headed out, using her detective skills to solve crimes and make the Canary a household name in Gotham as the greatest detective. She came upon her own villains in Sportsman, Tigress and Mad Maestro. With these epic battles, the Canary began to expand into Park City, and while she was away …

The elder Canary broke the long kept pact of silence. Giving one call to the original Flash, she asked if his legacy had continued. Jay himself had no children, but his sister Eileen Allen had a son, Bartholomew Henry Allen. As it turned out, Barry himself was a procrastinator, his most prevalent attribute—which was becoming more of a problem, especially to his fiancée Iris West. Half the time she wanted to ring him up by his neck, and others, well, she was completely in love and couldn't care less. Despite this, he was your all around good guy, someone you'd genuinely wanna be around. Barry was a forensic scientist in the early eighties, and worked late hours more than he should. Iris would keep calling him to come home for supper, and Barry kept telling her in another hour or so. The weather kicked up one day and a thunderstorm started—not too odd for Central City—he was putting away some of the chemicals, when lightning struck through the glass, hitting Barry and causing him to fall on top of said chemicals. Waking up in the morning with a major headache, a broken leg, and a very upset, Iris looking over him. It was at the hospital that they discovered that Barry began to heal himself and that his muscles, reflexes, and overall agility were faster than any man known to the earth. Unsure of what to do, he and Iris approached his uncle, Jay Garrick; it would be revealed that Jay was indeed the Guild's Flash. Jay handed him the old costume and Barry left it to Iris to make it fit his personality. Iris and her father, Professor West (Dr. West), recreated the suit and fashioned a new ring. Barry became the second “Flash.” Taking to the streets of Central City, he would fight off the likes of Gorilla Grodd, Zoom, and Savitar. Curious, Barry called Dinah Drake-Lance. The two began to talk, and soon these set of cousins went out in search for Green Lantern, the final key to create a new Justice Guild—or at least that’s what they had set out to do. They found Alan Scott. He himself was no longer the Green Lantern, however he did introduce his two children, Todd and Jennifer, to Barry and Dinah. Both had powers beyond what Barry and Dinah could imagine. Todd (Obsidian) had the ability to manipulate shadows. He could combine with his own shadow and use it at his will. He could fly and pass through solid objects; even envelop others in shadows, creating a never-ending darkness. Jennifer (Jade) however, was similar but not the same. Typically a Green Lantern's energy ring is powered up by its lantern—as a battery source, you could say. Jen was that source, and she could use that to manipulate the green energy seen with traditional Lantern rings. Alan confessed that their mother was Rose Canton, the original Rose & Thorn,who was in a mental institution suffering from schizophrenia. Not to be discouraged, the Flash and Black Canary continued to travel, until they found Hal Jordan in the desert. While coming back from a test flight, Hal had seen something glistening in the sun light. He came low to the object and found it was some sort of vessel that had been burning for hours. Hal landed his plane and rushed over, finding an alien named Abin Sur pinned inside. Doing all he could to try and save him, but alas his efforts failed; however Abin told Hal that he was the chosen one, from the Guardians. Unsure of what this meant, Hal took a ring from the dying alien. Abin said with his last breath, “You are the Green Lantern.” Closing the alien's eyes, and placing the ring on his finger, suddenly, Hal heard the voices of the Guardians... Hal didn't know what had happened to him until a few nights later, when some pink-fellow named

Sinestro started causing a ruckus down in Vegas. It was glorious to Hal—it seemed this would be how he could repent for his sins in Vietnam. This battle drew the attention of Barry Allen and Dinah DrakeLance. They approached Hal Jordan and told him all that they knew, so as it was in winter of 1983, the Justice Society was formed. Dinah immediately recruited Todd and Jennifer to join their numbers. An invitation was also sent to an astronomer from Opal City, Theodore Henry Knight. Theodore could no longer stand to see his city crumble. Using some of the ideas from his father, Henry Knight (one of the scientists on the Manhattan Project), he created a cosmic rod, allowing him to the energy of the stars. Ted would become Starman, a man of the stars, protecting Opal City from crime. Upon receiving said invite, Ted accepted joining the Society in the spring of '84. Amidst the forming of the Society, corrupt companies were springing up everywhere. One of them happened to be Kord Technologies Incorporated, an energy company. Jarvis Kord, a power hungry corporate giant, wanted the world, literally. His nephew, Daniel Garrett, refused to allow his uncle to do this. Through his invention of a scarab that closely related to those of Ancient Egypt, Garrett took down his power hungry uncle, and had him incarcerated. Not wanting to waste time on running a business, Dan, with a Ph. D. in physics and mathematics, allowed his Aunt Janie to run the company. Dan became more and more fascinated with Egypt and moved to Cairo, where the scarab would be more than just a fancy little bug. It would be his Blue Beetle. Hal and Barry traveled to Cairo and spoke with Dan, who would become the seventh member of the Society. All this talk of a Justice Society in the media stirred the interest of Karen Annette Kent, who grew up in Smallville and graduated from Kansas State University in a time where women were fighting for their equal rights. Taking a job at the Daily Planet in Metropolis, Karen became best friends with Lois Lane and her cousin Chloe, who would later marry Jimmy Olsen. Karen would also marry. David Starr played for the Metropolis Jets (Major League Soccer) and was one of the best in his game. Starr also played for the USA team in the World Cup. After he met Karen, they fell in love on the spot. They married and divorced within three years time. David, having no prenuptial agreement, lost everything to Karen, who later wrote a tell-all book about her horrible years with him. David was banned from playing soccer two years later, for events we shan't discuss. Mrs. Starr would become friends with famed feminist Gloria Steinem. Taking the name Superwoman, Karen joined the Society when she wasn't defending Metropolis from the likes of Lex Luthor, Bizarro, and General Zod. While all of the above is very well good indeed, for a young homeless boy of twelve years old, it wasn't. Billy Batson, tossed out on his own by a cruel alcoholic uncle, took a job as a paper boy. He was always alone. Scrapping about the subways in Fawcett City wasn't what he had in mind. Neither did a kind stranger, who convinced Billy to follow him through these horrid tunnels. Along the way, Billy began to realize they were no longer in the subways, but the caverns under the city, and carved into them were the seven deadly sins of man. He came to the end of this subway, where an old train car sat, and inside it, a wizard named Shazam. Shazam would train Billy to know what it meant to be a pure soul. With this, Billy would be able to utter the wizard’s name and be given: the Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas,

Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury. Otherwise known, to all others, as Captain Marvel. At first, the group didn't know what to make of him. Dinah insisted that they take him, and for better or for worse, the group accepted Captain Marvel into their ranks. Hal, Barry and Dinah kept looking for more members, and ones who were descended from the original Guild members were certainly folks they indeed wanted to recruit. While looking for Al Pratt's family, the three got two for one you could say; the Mighty Atom's son and godson showed up too. Martin Grant Pratt, son of Albert and Mary Pratt, kept a mask on his face, due in part to when his powers began to develop; they scarred his face. Learning that he is a literal fusion reactor, Grant took on the name Damage. Albert Rothstein, his best friend and godson of Al Pratt, was always the biggest kid in class. He learned that this had to do with his mom, Terri Kurtzberger, who inadvertently was poisoned with radiation from her father, the former Guild villain Cyclotron. Rothstein discovered he could manipulate his body's size, strength, and mass, which allowed him the given ability to phase through objects. Rothstein took on the name Nuklon. Unable to locate any lineage from Corrigan, Dinah sought him out. She humbly went before the Presence, and requested Jim. When he appeared, she asked if he could join them. Kneeling down to the child of one his closest friends, he had to decline, but he told her one day Spectre would join her. Walking away, Dinah was heavy hearted, until Barry nearly tackled her over in joy! They had found Carter and Sheira! In 1985, America was starting to shake itself off and so were the Hawks. Carter and Sheira Hall lived in St. Roch, Louisiana, where they had a son, Hector. Upon hearing that a Canary, a Flash, and a Green Lantern were being spotted, the two decided to take up their mantles once more. Hawkman and Hawkwoman were back in action. … Apart from his parents’ legacy, Hector would take an entirely different journey; one that would take him down a path with Kent Nelson. They were still missing an Hourman: Rick Tyler, with an uncanny resemblance to his dad, Rex, was in New York and married to Jessica Chambers, daughter of John & Elizabeth Chambers. John was often referred to as “Johnny Quick” for his sarcasm, wit, and agility. Elizabeth Chambers was an ol' Guild ally known as Liberty Belle. Rick and Jessica joined the Society, taking the names Hourman & Liberty Belle with them. Abigail Mathilda Hunkel, or 'Ma' as she was called, was a scrappy lass from the UK. She took on the name Red Tornado. A full figured woman, Ma's armor was created from her cooking wear! Ma wasn't your ordinary house wife and mother either; she had an engineering degree from Loughborough University. She created an internal mechanical system within the armor, allowing her the gift of flight. The armor also allowed an increase in strength thanks to Rick, Dan, and Ted's fancy tinkering, and eventually she would be able to use high-powered wind as a weapon, once again due in part to the boys' tinkering (with a little help of her own designs). She, along with a certain boxer, joined the Society in late '85.

Ah, Boxing. It is a fine sport invented by the Greeks—an Olympic sport, even. Of course, it has its great athletes, noble and strong, and … gambling. Heavyweight boxing champion Theodore Grant, called Ted, duked it out with Joe Frasier in his day. Course, Ted was always getting himself into heaps of trouble. Some said he had nine lives, others just pure and simple luck. Ted eventually knew he couldn't just keep doing all these things; he had to come up with something. So he did. He used his boxing nickname and became, “Wildcat.” The Society was growing, and as they were growing so were the League of Villains; Atomic Skull, Solomon Grundy, Vandal Savage, Lex Luthor, and Brianiac joined. The numbers were growing and the battles were becoming increasingly more epic and costly. More would join the Society in 1986... Another ally of the Guild, or rather his apprentice, showed up—Michael Holt, an Olympic gold medal athlete much like Terry Sloane. He learned everything from him, and after the death of his wife Angela, almost never became the second Mister Terrific. Jim Corrigan (Spectre) was not only good friends with Terry but Michael as well; he directed Michael to the Justice Society. Holt showed up in his own version of the colorful costume his former mentor wore, becoming Mister Terrific. The last to arrive was someone who they hadn't expected: Sandman. While he wasn't ol' Wesley Dodds, the original who was also an ally of the Guild, Sanderson Tobias Hawkins, or Sandy, was just as good. Nephew of Dodds' wife, Sandy idolized his uncle. He'd even joined him on some of the adventures as the Golden Boy. Unfortunately, when the Dark Lords came looking for Doctor Fate, Dodds refused and killed himself to keep the knowledge secret. Sandy took up the mantle and, in his uncle's place, came to join the Society as Sandman. The Dark Lords were not done. They were not done indeed. The quest for Fate led the Society to Iraq, where they found Kent Nelson and Hector Hall. Kent had completed what he had to do, and whereby ascended into the heavens, leaving Hector in his place as the new Doctor Fate. Hector and the Society, led by Green Lantern, the Flash, and the Black Canary, went on to fight the Dark Lords, defeating them there in the sand and dust. By 1988, this had attracted yet another crime busting duo from the early fifties that were allies to the Guild themselves. Arnold Munro, called “Iron Munro”, and his wife Sandra Knight, called “Phantom Lady,” had married in 1950. They had met in Poland while fighting Nazis, with friends Richard Raleigh, Max Mercury, Joan Trevor, Roy Lincoln and Paul Kirk. They were the Freedom Fighters back then and flew under the radar, but in 1957, they had the met same fate as the Guild, in disbanding. The Society welcomed not only Lady and Iron, but Dr. Mid-Nite, Charles McNider. After being blinded by a grenade in the war and after the surgeons did all they could to repair his sight, Charles found he could see in perfect darkness. Creating his own visor, he was able to see in the day. Each year, it seemed the Society was growing in number, becoming every bit as famous as their Guild predecessor. When they weren't fending home cities and solving crimes, they fought together against some of the worst villains this Earth had ever known. Unfortunately, these battles, as majestic as they might seem, were costly not just in financial statements, but in civilian casualties.

By '91 they were household names, and by '93 their popularity outnumbered the Beatles and Elvis Presley put together. Sadly, this would be the beginning of the end of the Justice Society. Starting with the Imperiex War, following through with a Crisis concerning the nation of Kahndaq War and ending with the Zero Hour, all were cataloged as “The Infinite Crisis of Heroes.” Imperiex was an intergalactic tyrant wanting to push the reset button for the universe, in order for him to rule it... Superwoman and the Justice Society led a massive surge to fight, with the combined forces of all the Earth's military, heroes, and even some villains. Imperiex was defeated, and the casualties mounted in Topeka, Kansas all the way through to Foxtown, New Zealand Among such casualties were people in the nation of Kahndaq, home to Black Adam, a friend and foe to the Justice Society, who was enraged with the political arena of Kahndaq and their lack of action after the war. He, along with former Nuklon—now named “Atom-Smasher”—and Northwind (godson of Carter and Sheira, a literal hawk-man), went to his nation and declared war, causing more strife in the Middle East, just a year after Desert Storm. By the time the Justice Society and Black Adam reached an agreement there was enough bloodshed to fill several dozen soccer stadiums. By 1995, hell for the Justice Society hadn't even ended. The wars caused an international crisis and the members of Earth's most powerful team seemed to be, at the core, heading toward a civil war within itself leading to the destruction of several cities, including Hal Jordan's beloved Coast City. Hal became delusional with stress, grief, and guilt. Combined with the villain Extant feeding off of him, Hal Jordan, the man without fear, fell from grace after becoming Parallax. Using Hal Jordan, the Society's Civil War spilled into Zero Hour, where they paid a dear price to bring peace back to the world; Jade, Obsidian and their father, Alan Scott, perished along with Dan Garrett and Charles McNider. The Zero Hour also brought with it loved ones who were lost within time itself, like the original Blackhawk Squadron and the Ghost Patrol. In 1996, the United Nations of Earth had had enough. They created a sanction that the members of the Justice Society unmask themselves and be put on trial for crimes against humanity. The Society took the higher road and disbanded, ending the Silver Age of Heroes with the same misunderstanding as their Golden Age counterparts. Once again, it was time to settle down. Dinah Drake-Lance, and her husband Larry welcomed their first born child, in spring of '97, Dinah Laurel Lance. It was in this year, that none other than Zinda BlakeHawk, the once lost child of the Blake family, had indeed been found. Carol, now seventy-three years old, was in tears to see her big sister again, even if Zinda hadn't aged a day in the fifty-two years that she had missed. Zinda herself, had a small surprise, a small baby boy, born during Zero Hour. Roger Hawk, Zinda's pride and joy, the only part of her husband, Bart Hawk that she had left. Despite the joy, this all brought, Carol had sad news to bear, that she had cancer, it would be in the year 2000, that both Carol and Richard, would pass away in their sleep... This unfortunately became a trend, since, the Golden Age Heroes, the Mystery Men, dying from their

age, and as for their Silver Age counterparts, life was happening. Natalie Reed, had taken up the Lady Blackhawk mantle, she had even joined a new Blackhawk Squadron. The company that Bart had founded in Park City, was now a large international air and shipping corporation. Zinda was amazed, and when she met Natalie, tears of joy came down her face. Miss Reed was overwhelmed to see her child hood hero standing right before her, for as Amelia Earhart was to Zinda so was Zinda to Natalie Reed. This news made headlines, one that Karen Starr-Danvers was more than happy to report, and she herself would undertake a new journey, with her new husband. Louis Danvers, a high school astronomy teacher in Great Falls, Montana. Louis and Karen met at a Barnes and Nobles Book Store, it was love at first book you could say. They dated for, four years before finally getting married, in 2001. September 11th, 2001, a day that will surely live in infamy, the former Society mourned, for it was within their power to stop this horrible act, but it was their fear and guilt that haunted them. America went to war again, and Karen sought out her long lost brother, Kal-El. Karen's birth name, Kara-El sister to Kal, they hail from Krypton a planet long destroyed. They were suppose to arrive in Smallville together, however something hit Kal-El's shuttle and he was taken off course, and for years Karen was unable to find him. Until, Russia began boasting a Power Man, in 2003, pregnant with her first child, Karen found him, under the name Adrik Kynzetsov. For a long time, Adrik knew he was different but it wasn't until Karen found him that he knew the truth. Karen told him where to find the Fortress of Solitude, advising that she could no longer be Superwoman, as she was starting a family he promised her, that he would uphold their family name, legacy and symbol. Adrik and Karen left Russia, when he arrived in America, he changed his name, from Adrik Kynzestov to Clark Kent, taking a job at the Daily Planet he soon began a seven year long journey, to become one of America's greatest heroes... Walter Munro, incarcerated son of Arnold and Sandra, left behind a daughter, Katherine Spencer. Arn and Sandra were well into their age, Arnold had dementia, and Sandra's leukemia rendered them unable to care for the infant. Dinah and her husband Larry, knew they could no longer have any more children of their own, decided to help the Munro's and adopted Katherine into their family, in early 2004 and in 2005. Jakeem Thunder was unseeingly dropped on their door step, not wanting to put the two year old out into the cold. Lawrence and Dinah Lance, became his legal guardians, with three children to raise, Larry thought it was time to buy back the shop that had long ago been shut down. Thanks to a generous donation from Wayne Corps, Dinah's Flower Shop was once again open for business by 2006. Across the pond, in the United Kingdom, a Knight (Cyril Sheldrake) and his Squire (Beryl Hutchinson), encountered a Lady Wonder, from the island Themiscyra home to the Amazons. She told them , that a lad by the name of Stephen Rockwell Trevor, Colonel RAF landed their by some grave misfortune. She won the tournament of champions, and hence forth was chosen to escort the Colonel back to England. In a show of peace, she wore the flag of the United Kingdom as part of her suit, Cyril and Beryl were glad to hear of it, and took the Lady Wonder as part of their crime fighting crew. She did warn them that, she was part of no man's crew and longed to find her baby sister... With this

understanding, Lady Wonder agreed to assist the Knight and Squire whenever they needed her. By 2008, the Batman of Gotham City was becoming more prevalent, as it was across the globe more super villains were starting to appear and without any super heroes to defeat them, a cry for justice was mounting... Hal Jordan heard this cry, Jordan had perished during the Infinite Crisis of Heroes, as the disillusioned Parallax. He cried, oh had he cried and begged forgiveness from the Presence. Repenting for the longest time, until the Presence heard his spirit's mournful cry. Jim Corrigan approached Hal, and advised him that indeed he would take Hal under his tutelage, so that one day Hal Jordan would become the Spectre, and it would be his duty to ensure that a new band of Justice was gathered... Here we are, in 2009 not much has happened in this year as chronicled thus far. I assure you, however; in a world where legacies do not die, the Legends of DC Comics will live on.

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