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  • Words: 8,711
  • Pages: 25
Disclaimer: This fan fiction piece is based on characters owned by DC Comics. This author for anything contained herein will receive no financial compensation. These stories have been written for non-commercial purposes and do not challenge DC Comics' ownership to their properties. No copyright infringement is intended.

Dedication: Thank you to everyone whose supported me along the way. Any one who has been on a chat with me, while I rambled off about this. For those who amused and entertained me and took time to give me feed back. To all my supporters and my family, friends, thank you, thank you and thank you!

I have been condemned to walk on this Earth, alone, for all time. I side neither with Good or Evil, I am merely a guide, a witness to all that man has done. I am neither human, nor spirit, I am who I am, and I am the Phantom Stranger. I alone, can guide you, and I alone will reveal the history of the heroes that you have come to love. The end of the Spanish-American War, I bore witness to the birth of Earth's first Green Lantern. The Green Lanterns, are an intergalactic peacekeeping organization, lead by the Guardians of the Universe, on the planet Oa. This man was named Ian McMullen, he was a man of virtue and valor. The Guardians wanted to give humanity a second chance, and thus chose Ian. He served them well, in my own observations, he was their David, and no lantern since, has lived up to his standard. Ian, like all humans, passed away, while in service to what is known as the French Foreign Legion. His ring, his lantern damaged and burden by the grief of his passing, laid hidden in the deserts of North Africa, and would remain there for decades to come. Among his descendants, were two cousins. Peter Garrick and Charles Blake, the young men served in the Great War and returned home to their wives. The Garricks lived in Keystone City for a time, before moving to Central City, Ohio where upon, Peter had a son, by the name of Jason Peter Garrick, the year was 1920. For, Charles Blake and his wife Dinah Linda Thompson-Blake, they settled in Park City, Maryland whereby they had three children: Adam Joseph Blake, born 1921, Linda Zabriel Blake, born 1922, and their youngest Dinah Carolyn Blake born in 1924. Observing the two families became a past time, for

me, one could say. I bare no favorites, however; often I found myself bequeathed to these humans. In 1928, Mrs. Blake's mother, Beverly Dinah Thompson, had fallen gravely ill and was upon her death bed, she summoned her family to gather around her. I bore witness to this passing, and to the gift bestowed upon the youngest Blake child, this gift was a golden Canary pendant. Crafted by the Aztecs, traded and sold many times over, before arriving in the hands of an Iroquois woman. She purged upon it, magic, pouring her blood on the creature she deemed that only those of her blood could bare it. This woman, would later become Beverly's own Grandmother. An heirloom, that had then passed from generation to generation, watching a frail hand, pass this object to a toddler no more than four years of age. Beverly would pass away in her sleep, as a toddler pondered the gift she had been given. Though, she had no knowledge of this then, but that very pendant would create a legacy all of its own, in the years to come. The Great Depression. Hardly a time to be a child much less an adolescence, for Peter and his family held firm, refusing to move from Central City. His perseverance, inspired his son, Jason, embedding in him a memory, he would not forget. American families were floating across the vast openness of the country; in an effort to survive; one of these families were the Blakes, who found themselves in Gotham City, New Jersey. Charles who had been laid off as a fisherman, took a job as a factory worker. Dinah and the children often took up odd jobs in attempts of having enough to survive. Charles and Dinah were selfless, giving all they had to their children. Adam, had grown into a fine young boy. Master of all fields by the age of seven, and in several forms of combat at the age of twelve. He would have a greater purpose, that much I suspected. Linda Blake, or Zinda as she was often called, frequented Gotham Air Fields (later Gotham International Airport), she admired Amelia Earhart, and thus took to flying with such a passion. Bartholomew Hawk admired that in her, the two fell in love as humans often do. As the Depression, came to a close, yet another War would begin. The Americans decided to be

indirectly involved, selling supplies to their Great War, allies, however, there would be no avoiding the war itself: To the Congress of the United States Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific … -Franklin Delano Roosevelt, December 8th, 1941

A nation in shock, yet more than ready to fight after such an atrocity. Men and women alike joined, the armed forces. The families Garrick and Blake were no exceptions, Adam and Jason joined the United States Army, while Zinda, and her then fiancé Bartholomew Hawk, formed a group of their own: The Blackhawks, and took to the skies on behalf of the allied forces.

Word would arrive to the Blake household, young Adam had gone missing, as did Zinda and the Blackhawks. Despite her families pleas Dinah Carolyn or Carol as she preferred, joined what was known as the United States Navy's Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, or WAVES. She would take that pendant given to her as a toddler, and put it on a strap of leather. This was then tied around her neck, and in the first contact of medal to skin, the gift of the pendant unveiled itself, to Carol.

To those of the male sex, her voice was a beautiful song, like that of a Siren, whereas to her own gender, a devastating rapture. Carol came to the conclusion, that she was not a canary, but rather a Black Canary. Shocked, and yes dismayed at the abilities given to her. She felt uneasy, and having no one else to turn to, Carol called her cousin, Jason Garrick.

Jason Peter Garrick, a would-be Ohio State football player prior to the start of the war, was never the

fastest, nor the strongest. So, the young man turned to his love of science, and could often be found in a laboratory of some sort. Given an opportunity to work at what would later become S.T.A.R. Labs, he leaped at the chance and began working right away. Through observation, I found he was often careless when he put himself completely into the experiments he was conducting. One of these experiments involved, the speed and rate at which molecules traveled. It was in this particular experiment that, Jason inhaled some hard vapors. The young man was knocked out cold, for several days, when he woke, Jason discovered something of himself then. He had become fast, not just in speed but in agility, and muscle memory. As it were, this came at a incredible timing, the war had begun, and he was off to show the Japanese his new, gift.

His enthusiasm only grew when in 1943, he received a call from his distant cousin, Carol, she then informed him of what had happened to her. Jason, in solitude then confided to her his own, accident. She advised him of a fellow in the Army, by the last name of West, he would assist Jason in becoming whatever he wanted in a flash.

I heard a few things go off in that boy's head, he loved the name, Flash. Soon, he contacted Doctor West, and fashioned himself after the Greek god Hermes, and it was there that Jason 'Jay' Peter Garrick had become the Flash, the fastest man alive.

The two cousins, met and inspired by the recent events decided to look deep into their family records. Ian's legacy as the Green Lantern, stood for his great-grandchildren to marvel at. Jay and Carol then took to locating the most current Green Lantern, if they determined, one could be found.

Alan Ladd Wellington Scott, was not hard to find. Part of the British Army, during the North Africa campaigns he had stumbled across it really. The lantern struck Alan as an odd trinket, for it did not look to be anything that a Gerry would have left behind, and it most certainly was not of British origin. Alan thought it more queer when the lantern glowed on its own, passing to him blurred memories of its previous master, Ian. Soon, his class ring, began to glow in a green hue in conjunction with the lantern. The encounter did not last any longer than five minutes, Scott chose well to keep the event to himself. Until, he was approached by two Yankees years later, and the recollection of names Garrick and Blake

awoke the lantern's memory, and Alan soon heard the voices of the Guardians. Thereby he was transformed into the Green Lantern.

The three together, decided to form their own group called the Justice Guild. Not to be confused with the Freedom Fighters, who predate the Guild, these three would go on to make a bigger name for themselves, one history shall not forget.

Carter Hall, a former LSU Archaeologist turned soldier traveled much of Egypt prior to the start of this World War. Where abound he came upon a mysterious tomb, never before indicated or spoken of. Carter entered the tomb and found many a things never before cataloged. A single touch on, one of the many Nth Metal artifacts, created a brilliant flash of light, he was thrown back by the sheer force of power. When Carter awoke, his mind was no longer his own, memories of Prince Khufu had invaded his very own being. He would spend days in this tomb, learning that he, was the reincarnated Prince himself.

His heart was not complete, Khufu's soul mate, Chay-Ara had already been released from the tomb ages ago. He had long searched for her, to no avail, and then the war. Hall soon found his soul mate, in Sheira Saunders, he found her while in England, she was part of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. It only took a single look, a touch for the two souls to reunite. Carter and Sheira turned down by the Freedom Fighters sought membership with a group who, had, gifts such as theirs.

The Justice Guild was more than happy to accept Carter and Sheira as Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Carter had then informed the group of a friend, by the name of Rex Tyler, a fellow soldier and, in fact, Mystery Man such as they.

Rex was from New York, and it was quite evident from his speech, and he was a brilliant young man. Even if, his maturity didn't always match his intellect. Mr. Tyler worked for Bannermain Chemical Company, researching vitamins and hormones. He found this very intriguing and thus was hard to break him from his work. Rex was never one to leave things alone, one afternoon he had experimenting and through this created something he called Miraclo, a steroid. Incredible super human strength, and

vitality. He tested this on mice, and then on himself, Rex discovered the effects only lasted an hour.

His superiors tried to lobby this to the United States government, however; were turned down, they were looking for something that lasted more than just an hour. Rex was moved to other projects, before joining the Marines at the start of the war, for the Americans. Rex would often make Miraclo in secret and take it often, his fellow soldiers gave him the nick name of 'Hour Man.'

Carter wrote to Rex informing him about the Justice Guild, a group of men and women with great abilities similar to his own.

Rex soon joined the Guild in late 1944, bringing the member count to six. Their acts and deeds were gaining them world wide fame, and well known assassins.

Texas Strongman, turned Army engineer, Al Pratt, soon showed up at the Guild's door step, for lack of a better term. Jay Garrick recalled him quickly, Pratt, better known to his Army friends as 'the Mighty Atom.' Al was often bullied as a child, weighing in at only ninety-eight pounds. Refusing to give up, the young boy sought help, and he would receive it from former boxer Joe Morgan. Morgan admired the young boy's courage and determination to not be taken down, and agreed to help him.

Albert Pratt grew not just in size but also in strength, and from then on, no one dared to insult him. He grew fond of boxing and body building, and soon became a Texas Strongman, before enlisting in the Army. The Mighty Atom, was welcomed into the Guild's fold as their seventh member.

For a time as I observed, the Guild became an allied house hold name, and something to be feared for those who sided with the Axis powers. This drew the attention of Kent Nelson, Doctor Fate.

Kent for the longest time lived in the shadow of his father, Sven Nelson. He traveled with his father to the Ur Valley of what was Mesopotamia (Iraq). Sven was investigating the legend of a mysterious wizard who was said to live in tomb here. The Nelsons stumbled upon the very tomb, only to find it

filled with traps. One of these traps, took the life of Sven Nelson, Kent however survived, and was greeted by a human incarnation of the wizard named Nabu.

Nabu took Kent as his own, and taught him all that he knew, when his training was complete Nabu ascended into heaven, leaving to Kent, his helmet, his cloak, his talisman and his amulet. Leaving the tomb, Nelson took training as a combat medic in Egypt before his escape to Canada. There he would be part of the Devil's Brigade, a combined American-Canadian effort in the second World War. It was here, he was nick named, 'Doctor Fate,' for his craft in medicine. Fate joined the Guild, and foretold of the last member to join the guild, for he would be the Spirit of Venegance.

1945, the Spectre indeed, joined the Guild. His story took him through life and death, he began as a young boy by the name of James Raphael Corrigan. Often, he went by Jim, son of the Reverend Jedediah Corrigan and Mrs. Sarah Mary Corrigan, Jedediah taught the fear of God, the brimstone and fire. The good reverend found a great past time in beating the word of God into his son and wife.

Sarah strong in her faith, refused to live under these conditions. She took their son, Jim and fled from the great city of Boston, to Paramus, New Jersey. Here, James would see better days, though the memory of his father haunted him, his Mother told him to always do the right thing. Something that would grow with Jim as he did, Jim grew arrogant and overconfident, something that changed when he moved back to Boston, joining the police force there.

The sheer amount of corruption made Corrigan sick to his stomach. He sought to undo the wrong, and began to work his way through, he made no amount of friends in doing this, and would be gunned down by his own partner in conjunction with a local mobster by the name of Gat Benson. The sheer amount of rage left within the soul of James Corrigan over his own cold blooded murder, made him cry for vengeance.

Presence, heard his cry and sent to him him, the spirit of vengeance. Jim bonded with this spirit, he became the Spectre, and exacted his revenge, in doing so saving the life of the humble Patrolman

Pervical Poplanski, who gave to Spectre a ring.

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Jim begged Presence for the chance to be mortal. Presence took the ring given to Spectre and said unto him, “for so long as you wear this ring, you are mortal. Should the ring be removed, you shall return to being my immortal Spectre.”

James Corrigan was once again alive, he joined the United States Navy and later the Justice Guild.

The founding three in Jay Garrick, Dinah Blake, and Alan Scott never thought they would be so large, in number nor so famous in history that they should over shadow the Freedom Fighters. World War II, drew to a close in mid 1945, this however; would not be the end of the Guild.

Falling back to their hometowns until the world called them, the nine Mystery Men of the Justice Guild were more than heroes in those towns, they were legends. Merely mortals, and yet they held firm to their very virtues, truth, justice, and integrity. Something the world needed to be reminded of, they would do more than just fight epic battles. They would set out to find peaceful solutions, work with nations to fight famine and disease.

All their good deeds, and all their power could not stop what was to come. Humanity's own paranoia, America became scared of the communists ideal. The American West and the Soviet East, once allies, would come head to head in Korea, a land in the middle of its own civil war before the two powers stepped in. The Guild went before the UN begging to stop the blood shed, however; they themselves would fall victim to the American paranoia, Senator Joseph McCarthy and the HUAC. (House on UnAmerican Activities)

He accused them of plotting against America, of having a secondary agenda to turn America over to Russia. With armed guards standing by, he wanted them to unmask themselves, so that they may be put to trial. The Justice Guild refused, and disbanded making a pact to never speak of the Guild again, or each other.

Soon, the Guild became nothing more than a spot in history. As for its members, it was time to fade away into society, and quietly raise their own families. In hopes that one day, the world would not be so blind in its own arrogance. Time passed the nine, and brought with it a healing touch to those who stood silent to the events that would unfold.

Carol would marry, her long time lover, Richard Drake, in 1955. The happy couple moved to Park City, where Richard became a police officer, and Carol worked in a flower shop near by. Years passed them by and soon, the Drakes would become parents. Late, 1958, their son Jack Drake was born named for his fallen Uncle, who had perished on Iwo Jima during the second World War. He was followed up in early 1962 by his sister, Dinah Beverly Drake.

The Blakes, Charles and Dinah would receive the most wonderful news in 1963, their son Adam had been found. Escaping a Japanese prisoner of war camp, Adam came to Australia where he had been living out his days since. He was dirty, and his face was beaten by the sun. When home, Adam told his Mother, Father, and Sister he in truth, been taken by a group called L.E.G.I.O.N (Licensed ExtraGovernmental Interstellar Operatives Network. ). Adam had indeed aged, but in working with Legion, he was able to deage himself, keeping his youthful appearance. His Mother and Father entertained their son, not fully believing him, only grateful that he had returned home to them.

His sister, however; questioned Adam about the L.E.G. I. O. N and told her brother about her time with the Guild. Adam Blake felt out of place, and restless, Carol suggested he return to the Marines, perhaps he would be of use to them, in Vietnam. Adam would indeed, leave for the Marines, receiving an unprecedented promotion from Corporal to Colonel, leading men into the deadliest parts of this new war, including his nephew-in-law, Richard like many men of this era, he was drafted.

As the war went on, a nation would grow and change, America began to mature from coast to coast I observed the changing country. Witnessing protests, concerts, space missions that were oblivious to what was happening so many light years away, where a planet called Krypton; was slowly dying, and a man named Jor-El tried to convince his people that their doom was coming. Only to be mocked and

scorned, Jor-El decided to save his children, Kara-El and Kal-El.

Putting the two children into separate space faring vessels, he sent them to Earth. At time of their arrival into Earth's Atmosphere, Kal-El's vessel was hit by that of another alien ship, one manned by a mortally wounded Abin Sur. Kal-El who was to land in Smallville, Kansas with his sister, landed in the farmlands of St. Petersburg, Russia.

Kara-El would be uncovered, by a loving, God-fearing couple by the last name of Kent. Jonathan and his wife Martha Clark-Kent, were driving home on a Sunday, when the vessel bearing Kara flew by them crashing onto the cornfields near by. Stopping, the Kents investigated the crash, to find a young girl, all alone, not wanting to leave the child they took her in, and adopted her for their own as Karen Annette Kent. While, Kal-El, would luckily be found by humble peasants, they would take Kal-El and give him the name of Adrik Kynzetsov.

As the war drew to a close, Soldiers returned home to themselves, and their families. A nation, had changed, finding itself in a new frontier. Richard Drake, came home to his wife, and children, though he returned to being a police officer, he was merely the shell of the man, who was once there. His son, Jack would graduate high school in 1976, and Dinah Beverly Drake, in 1979.

While Jack would be accepted into Harvard, Dinah was accepted to Gotham City University, and moved to one of the darkest cities along the East Coast. Moving in with her Grandparents, Charles and Dinah Blake, young Dinah B. Drake worked in the family owned Flower Shop for a brief time, before becoming a police officer herself, wanting to be a Detective, much like her Father.

Gotham Police, did not accept women detectives, so after two years, Officer Drake, resigned, taking instead, a job as a Florist. She left a heavy impression on the force, and on one Lawrence Lance, who would court Miss Drake, and later marry her.

Dinah's Grandmother, Mrs. Blake, handed to her, a trunk of things, belonging to Carol. Among these

items, the very pendant of the Black Canary, along with all the Justice Guild memorabilia. Her heart skipped a beat, as she was determined to be a Detective. Taking on her mother's old guise, Dinah Beverly Drake became the Black Canary, and soon one of Gotham City's best detectives.

Being the best often called for villains of the same cloth, including Hao Wen. Who would take on the name of Lady Shiva, her skills in martial arts often rivaled that of the Black Canary. The two met, and clashed becoming rivals, the women's moral codes were parallel. It started not in Gotham City, but in Hong Kong. Dinah had come a long way to earn more training, she and Hao shared a sensei, the two were best friends, until the night of the Sensei's death. He was murdered, both girls accused each other, believing that one had killed their master. Hao challenged Dinah to a duel to the death, Dinah refused, going back home to Gotham, Hao would follow Dinah and begin what would be one of the deadliest rivalries of the time, the Canary against Lady Shiva.

In this time, I call upon the year 1981. Carol beside herself, in her Opal City home, that her daughter had taken up the mantel of the Canary. Gave a call, to her distant cousin, Jay Garrick, the two spoke and Jay had no children of his own, but had been raising his nephew, Bartholomew Allen.

Barry Allen, had been born in 1959, in Keystone City, to Henry and Nora Allen. The Allens were killed in a an airline crash over New York, in 1960, their son Barry was at home with his Grandparents. Jason and Jennifer Garrick, took Barry for their own. Barry graduated high school in 1977, and took work in the local laboratories before becoming a police officer to work in the Forensics Department. He was a frequent procrastinator, a most prevalent trait that did not serve him well. Genuinely a well rounded young man, good heart and good intentions. The man was a hard worker, putting in hours of overtime to ensure a case was solved.

Late one evening, Barry was to be home, to have dinner with his wife, Iris, however; called to let her know he would be working late again. An unusual thunderstorm began to form over the city, with fierce lightning overhead, Mr. Allen had no idea what would be coming within moments, the very office he was working in, was struck. Chemicals and vapors collided with Barry, knocking the young man cold to the floor.

I, observed, as he woke in the morning with his family surrounding him. His body healed itself, and his reflexes became much, much faster. It would seem, he had become just as fast, if not faster than his Uncle Jay. Later in that day, Jay revealed to his beloved nephew that he, was indeed the Justice Guild's Flash. Sharing with him the history, and memories that he had long cherished, but kept silent.

Barry's wife Iris, was the granddaughter of the now Professor West, she sought her grandfather out, and as he did for Jason, he did for Barry, creating a new ring and uniform, for a new silver age, Flash.

In becoming the Flash, Barry began to see his beloved, Central City in an entirely new light, and his main opponent among the many would be, Zoom. Eobard Thawne, the Thawne family often in rival with the Allens, stemming from Henry Allen and his brother, Edward Thawne. Professor Thawne, had started research on a suit that would give him the exact same powers as the Flash himself. Edward died, never finishing the project, however; his son, Eobard, did, and would carry on his Father's wishes in becoming Zoom, and one of the most hated villains for the Flash.

Despite the battles for both Canary and Flash it would be Barry Allen, and Dinah Drake-Lance, that would together, found a new guild, a new society, a Justice Society.

Barry and Dinah, were approached by a young Air Force pilot by the name of Harold Kyle Jordan. Jordan, having missed the Vietnam War, was a man who valued life, often volunteering for humanitarian missions. Harold, explained to them, he had come into possession of a ring. The Green Lantern's ring, although this ring was not the one shared with Alan Scott, Hal had been charged with taking care of the very same sector, that included Earth.

Pleased to meet him, and thoroughly overjoyed that a Green Lantern was willing to join their small rank, Barry and Dinah welcomed him with open arms. The three together, made it a mission in 1982, to recruit more into their ranks, more importantly, those connected with the Guild.

Carter and Shiera Hall, had long ago settled into life in St. Roch, Louisiana, learning that their Egyptian souls were immortal, the two put away their old identities, of Hawkman and Hawkwoman soon after the disbandment of the Guild. Living as archaeologist, and scholars, the two were relatively happy, and often served as emissaries to Egypt and other regions in the Middle East.

In 1957, Carter and Shiera had a son, Hector, seven years later, they would be approached by Kent Nelson, and in secret, agreed to allow Hector to train and on occasion live with Kent, taking a path to becoming the new Doctor Fate. It would not be until 1963, that Carter and Shiera would have another child, Kendra and their last child, Parker would be born in 1965.

Kendra and Parker Hall often questioned their parents, about the past, and the future, and for as long as they could both held firm to not revealing the true nature of their family. Until, Kendra demanded to know before she left home, and so in 1980, she and Parker were informed, that they too are immortal, and that their abilities, came directly from the days serving as members of the Justice Guild, and their deep connection to Egyptian mythology.

Two years later, Carter and Shiera would receive a call from Alan Scott, informing them of the new Justice Society's Green Lantern, Black Canary and Flash. Kendra and Parker overheard their parents conversation , taking a hold of the old Hawkman and Hawkwoman gear, the siblings Hall, joined the Justice Society, under the names, Hawkboy and Hawkgirl. Carter and Shiera could only give their blessings, to the children, in hopes that one day, there would be no need for a guild or a society.

The Society's mission, took them to Metropolis, where upon they came across, Superwoman, known to most as Karen Starr, the ex-wife, of David Starr, the once famed College Quarterback, who ruined himself in an alcoholic rage. She was a simple reporter, for the Daily Planet. Hesitant at first, Superwoman was unsure of her place within a group such as the Society, though when she accepted, I found Karen had been glad for the choice. It was to them, that she revealed her hope to find, her brother Kal-El.

From Metropolis, they traveled to New York, where once again, Hourman had surfaced, despite the

uncanny resemblance, they found not Rex Tyler, but his son Rick. Rick had taken up his Father's mantel in the late 1970's, and eagerly accepted the invitation, to join the Society's ranks. Hourman, then extended the invitation to his wife, Liberty Belle, Jessica Chambers.

Jessica was the daughter of John and Elizabeth, former Quick and Liberty Belle, an older couple predating the Guild's formation. Belle and Quick often worked in the States during the second world war, and had Jessica late in life. Though it would be because, of Quick that the Society would be pointed into the direction of Opal City. Home to one Theodore Henry Knight, an astronomer who rarely left his observatory. He is a simple man of science, his Father, Henry was a scientist on the Manhattan Project, developing the atomic bombs, used to end World War Two.

Theodore, often referred back to his Father's research, in particular, to create a cosmic rod. The rod contained, energy similar to that of the stars, granting him flight, heat and light as just some of his new found powers. Opal City had begun to crumble, and with the newest Canary often away in Gotham City, he took it upon himself to save it, taking on the name of Starman, he quickly earned Canary's respect, and eventually her love.

It would not be Canary who extended the invitation, but Hal Jordan, and it would be Hal, who would invite, Daniel Garrett. Daniel, an archaeologist with a Ph. D., in Physics, had come home, to find his corrupt uncle Jarvis Kord conducting criminal activities under the family companies' name of Kord Technologies Inc., Daniel crafted from chainmail, a beetle like suit, much akin to the blue scarab of Ancient Egypt. Calling himself, the Blue Beetle, Daniel went to work against Jarvis, eventually catching Jarvis in the act. Dan turned the company over to his aunt Janie Garrett-Kord, and continued as the Blue Beetle.

I often thought, they were growing much too fast, however; I found they worked great, and much like their Guild predecessors. Members of Society would fall back to their homes, defending them, only uniting when the call was sent. Becoming a member, was now an honor, and an honor, that a young child by the name of William Batson, never thought he would earn.

William was an orphan, living in the streets of Fawcett City. Batson, took a job as a newsboy, earning pennies to the dollar the twelve year old did not imagine his life would come to this. He had a family once, a loving Father, Mother and Sister, his parents were taken from him, by a man who went by the name of Adam, Teth Adam. Teth, would become William's nemesis, known only as Black Adam.

On a cold, and rainy evening, young William met a kind, stranger, who seemed familiar enough to him. The stranger led, him down a subway line, and into tunnels beneath the city until Billy had realized he was in a cavern, and in this cavern, upon the walls carved, were the seven sins of Man. It was here, than Billy would meet an old, aging Wizard, whose name was Shazam.

Shazam, would train Billy, until he would finally be able to say the wizard's name. SHAZAM: The Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas, Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury, upon this call, the child grew into a young man, who would call himself, Captain Marvel.

Marvel, was the first member inducted, in the year 1983. The next two members, would come to the Society on their own, Alan Scott's children, Todd and Jennifer, known to the Society as Obsidian and Jade. Their powers involved manipulating energy, for Obsidian, it would be manipulating darker energies, the shadows, creating a never ending darkness, and flight among his power set; Jade, had power similar to that of a Green Lantern's battery, so much so, her skin turned green any time she called upon her powers.

Watching them, I was intrigued to find Charles McNider in their number, blinded during the Vietnam War. McNider can see in perfect darkness, however; requires visors for being able to see in day. He called himself Dr. Mid-Nite, and found Nuklon, a young Texas man, living with his Godfather, Albert Pratt, the original Mighty Atom. His name was Albert Rothstein, with the ability to manipulate his body's size, strength, and mass, which allowed him the given ability to phase through objects.

Their numbers would grow, in 1983, to include Abigail Hunkel, from the United Kingdom, with armed with an engineering degree from Loughborough University. Crafting her own armor from cast iron cooking ware, she earned the name Red Tornado, crafting an internal mechanism she gave herself the ability to fly, and manipulate wind energy. She was inducted into the Society with Wildcat, Theodore Grant. Famed boxer of his time, once having a title fight with Joe Frasier, Ted often found himself in trouble, and was nothing heroic until he began to fight for the 'little' people as he called them. Hunkel and Grant were joined in their induction by a Sandman.

Though it was not Wesley Dodds, who greatly assisted both Freedom Fighters and Justice Guild. His nephew, Sanderson Tobias Hawkins, Sanderson often followed his Uncle on many journeys, and swore on Dodds' grave that he would carry on the legacy of the Sandman. Dodds gave his life to protect the secrets of Doctor Fate, from the Dark Lords, a tale for another time, I assure you.

He would be the last of inductions, until 1986, when Mr. Terrific, Terry Solane, joined the Society, a self-made Renaissance man, who created his own fortunes, and had a slogan of Fair Play, something he often used when working in the Juvenile Delinquency systems, their number continue to grow each year, the Justice Society, their fame surpassing that of the Guild, and Freedom Fighters.

The Justice Society, established in 1982 fought not just villains, and injustice, they also worked to ensure the end of the Cold War. Becoming a large influence in the world around them, more and more heroes would appear ,it would be that many more of the villains to show as well. Publicly praised heroes, humans and non-humans just wanting to make this place, their home, safer and cleaner.

Though these battles were epic and brilliant, they were costly to the cities in which they fought. The Society did not always perform together, only when it seemed the world needed them. Per chance, to catch a glimpse at the heroes who emulated their Golden Age, predecessors.

I could afford no ill, to prevent what would become their end. Despite, their glorious reputations, and the name of the clans that were now established, legacies gave way, for in the year 1993, just eleven years after they first came together. The Society would find itself in the Infinite Crisis, of the Silver


It began, when Earth would be challenged, by the intergalactic tyrant known only as, the Imperiex. He found this galaxy, this universe imperfect, and in his perverted thoughts, sought only to destroy it to reset and rebuild it to his beliefs and glory. The Justice Society would not have with it, and nor would the Injustice Society, and the two groups, became Allies, uniting the world together, giving of themselves to the six billion men and women of the planet.

Led by Superwoman and Lex Luthor, battled the tyrant, until he was no more, and this was only the beginning. For when it was all said, and over.

The Kahndaq War, home to Black Adam, furious with the treatment of his people, Adam and some of his personal allies, took to the government of Kahndaq, eventually involving the Society, as the War spilled into other parts of the Middle East, including Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

In 1995, the war was over, but the Society's problems were becoming more apparent, disgruntled with what they were becoming, the Battle Within the Society began, allowing Sinestro a sworn enemy of Hal Jordan's Green Lantern, to begin a War with the Green Lanterns. Earth became a battlefield, as the Society began to fall apart, laying waste to cities all across the globe, including Hal Jordan's beloved Coast City. The Corps War, ended in 1996, but in Hal Jordan's disillusion, he fell victim to his grief for his hometown, that now laid in ruins, the villain known as Extant gave him power, and the once honorable hero, the man without fear, became... Parallax.

As Parallax, he caused more destruction, and in efforts to repair Coast City, created what is known as Zero Hour, a rift through time, that had unforeseen consequences, and by summer of that year, it was over. Hal Jordan, had died, along with Obsidian, Jade, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, and many, many others of whom I shall disclose of at this time.

However, in Zero Hour, Hal Jordan, had brought back those who were lost to time, the original Blackhawk Squadron, including the original Black Canary's sister, Linda Blake/Lady Blackhawk appeared, not having aged a day since 1945. Along with the Blackhawk Squadron, the Ghost Patrol, and several dozen of other Golden Age heroes who were long since thought dead.

By the early winter, the United Nations of Earth, had-had enough, the financial expense, and civilian casualties had mounted to a final toll. The UNE, demanded the Justice Society be brought to trial, and in spite of all that they had done over the past fourteen years. It was ordered, they unmask themselves, and be sent to prison for their crimes against Humanity.

In refusal, the Society disbanded, vowing a pact of silence, and although protests were held in their honor, and even when other leaders demanded this be repealed, it would not be so. The end of the Silver Age, had come, with a stunning silence, as the heroes once again went away, and to ensure they would not return, the United Nations of Earth passed the Sanction of the Society, that should the Justice Society return they are to immediately be captured, and held for trial.

As it were for Barry Allen, a forensic investigator for Central City Police lived with his wife, cinematographer, Iris West-Allen, the two had only a son and a daughter, the twins Jason Ira Allen, and Nora Dawn Allen. Quietly he had put away the days of Flash, and much like many of the former members of the Society wished only to forget.

With the Society gone, much of the members quietly settled down... Into a life far from the days of glory, including. Dinah Drake-Lance and her husband, Larry. Who settled down in Gotham City, welcoming their daughter Dinah Laurel Lance, in spring of 1997, she settled into a life of a florist married to a police detective. She would become very close to her Great-Aunt Zinda (Linda Blake), and Zinda's husband Bart Hawk. I suspect, it was awkward at first, for the family, with the reunion, but very much a pleasant one. It would be Mrs. Lance, who would introduce her Aunt, to Natalie Reed. Natalie had grown up in the admiration of Zinda's legacy as Lady Blackhawk, and soon became part of a new Blackhawk Squadron.

Natalie had been running the company Bartholomew Hawk had long ago founded, though they no longer manufactured weapons, they did manufacture, air craft, have stock in air lines, and took part in shipping. Bart and Linda would move to Park City, to raise their son Roger, born during Zero Hour, he is only six months older than Dinah Laurel Lance, I shall mention.

For the family Lance, things would quiet down, until a few old friends would ask that one Katherine Spencer join their family. For it would seem, her grandparents, Arnold and Sandra Munro could no longer care for her, in their old age. Her father, Walter Pratt (of no relation to Albert Pratt), imprisoned and her Mother no-where to be found. The year was 2000, and she was only a year old. It would be again, four years later, that a two year old Jakeem Thunder would be left at the door step of the Lances, Dinah herself having known the Thunder family, knew they were being hunted down at this period in time, much like other heroes or villains, being caught for bounties to be sent away. Jakeem was adopted, and like Katherine would become a Lance.

After the disbandment, Karen Starr found herself, finally taking a life long journey. To find her long lost brother though it would not be hard, as Russia tried to boast a Power Man, a hero for the world. This Power Man however, refused to do anything on behalf of his country in any interest of the Government, stating he would only be a hero of the people. Often, Russia found itself having to restrain Power Man, he had simple ideals having been raised by humble peasants.

The year was 1998, and Karen found Adrik Kynzetsov, she found him through General Lane, father of her best friend Lois. Adrik was a simple farmer, though he did harbor the secret of being Power Man. Karen would reveal to him, their blood line, and soon Adrik found the answers that he had been longing for were right in front of him.

Amazed to learn of his true heritage, and with his family's blessings, he left Russia and would spend much of the next seven years, in Superwoman's Fortress of Solitude, transforming into the hero he was meant to become. In the mean time, Karen would find herself longing for a quieter life, leaving her job as a journalist to become a photographer. Moving to Montana, Karen found love, in a strange Astronomy teacher named Louis Danvers,

Louis and Karen met outside a bookstore, in 2000, and would marry in the last year of Jonathan Kent's life, 2005. For it was soon after seeing his daughter happy, Jonathan would close his eyes, for the final time. Traveling often to visit Martha, the new Mr. and Mrs. Danvers, settled into a small ranch just outside Great Falls. In 2006, Karen would give birth to a daughter, who would be named Linda. Recently, the Danvers have welcomed a second child, a girl, who would take on a more Kryptonian name, Kara.

Adrik's transformation was complete as of 2004, and he would arrive in Metropolis, a graduate of New York University becoming a mild manner reporter for the Daily Planet. In 2006, the world would bare witness to the birth of Superman. Taking up the legacy, that his sister had so long ago created, and with the rise of Superman, so will come the rise of Lex Luthor.

The world-over, mourned September 11th, 2001 but none more so than those who could have prevented such a grave tragedy and the war that would follow after. Though it would be in early 2002, that a Colonel with the Royal Air Force, of the United Kingdom, would crash land on an island long ago forgotten by time. Themscryia, home to the Amazons, a tribe of women, Themscryia stretched over several islands, often being referred to over the ages by Plato and Socrates as Paradise Island.

Stephen Rockwell Trevor, thought he had lost his mind, Paradise Island, real? Not even Atlantis exists! Course not, just silly mythological babble. However, the Amazons were very real, and he found himself to be lucky that Queen Hippolyta wanted nothing do with Man's World, but her eldest daughter wanted everything to do with that world, the outside. Diana often found herself bored with Themscryia.

Forbidden to participate in anything other than guard duty whilst Trevor was on the island. The rebellious Princess, would secretly join a contest of champions. This contest would be to test the abilities of all amazons capable and willing to escort Stephen back to the United Kingdom.

Through this contest, it was determined that Diana, eldest daughter of Queen Hippolyta would be the

one to escort the Colonel back to his home. So, bearing his country's flag out of respect for him and his countrymen, a lasso which compelled all within its grasp to tell the truth, and a tiara bearing a rose and two lions. Princess Diana of Themscryia escorted the lost Colonel back to and where upon Queen Elizabeth would bestow the honorary title of Dame through the Order of the British Empire.

Diana would return home, only to be told that returning to Man's World would be forbidden. Upon hearing this, Diana wanted to run away from home with the help of the messenger god Hermes, who fashioned boots just for the young demi-goddess.

However, Hera, mother of Diana, wife of Zeus, called to her daughter asking why it was she was leaving to where she would go. Diana then explained all that she longed for, upon hearing this straight from Diana herself. Hera would speak with Hippolyta and Phillipus who would grant the Princess permission to leave.

Returning to the United Kingdom, in the year 2003, with the name of Lady Wonder. Diana found herself happier than she had ever been before, and wanting nothing more than to help others. She became a nurse at a local hospital in Camden, as the alternate identity of Diana Prince.

In this same year, a man of twenty-eight was finding his way seeking to understand the criminal mind. His name, was Bruce Wayne, and it would be until 2005, a chance meeting with Ra's al Ghul, that he would intensify his learning, and training in the martial arts.

Bruce suffered a great tragedy twenty years before, witnessing the murders of both his Mother and Father. Raised solely by the family's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce had long sought the retribution of his parents death. He wanted more than just, that, I found, he wanted to prevent such a thing from ever happening to any other child. He hated crime, and he hated the criminals who committed them even more.

No school, could teach Bruce what he wanted, and so he himself, went underground becoming a

criminal in his efforts to fully understand the criminal mind. It would be, the same year he encountered Ra's al Ghul that Bruce would become the Batman, taking on the very animal that he feared as a child to turn it against those who preyed on the fearful, and the innocent.

His most recent battle in 2008 with the Joker has stirred many across the globe, for it would seem the heroes and the villains are starting to reemerge over a decade later than when they were last seen.

This I perceived, to be the beginning of a new era, a Bronze Age of Heroes. In my time, I have found that when a few heroes begin to emerge, many more populate and as they do, so do their villains, and the call for a united group of heroes will be sent forward.

No one would no this more than Hal Jordan, who upon his entry into limbo, pleaded with the Presence for a second chance. For redemption, and revenge, and so it would be, that Jim Corrigan the man I once knew as Spectre, would train Harold until in 2007 the transformation was complete, Corrigan had moved on into the after life. Leaving, Hal with the duties and responsibilities of the Spectre.

It would be Hal who would direct his Green Lantern's ring to his successor, one John Stewart, a former United States Marine, though at first Hal was reluctant the Guardians reassured him that John would indeed be a fine successor. John had long followed the history of the heroes, and was more than humbled to receive this honor.

Far from this, as I observed, a young man no more than twenty-six, by the name of Arthur Joseph Curry. Discovering his own true heritage, divulged to by his Father, Joseph Curry formerly of the Royal Australian Navy. Joseph, brought his sons Arthur and Joshua together, to tell them the truth, that their mother Ariana was truly a goddess of the sea, granddaughter to Poseidon, a former Princess of Atlantis.

Their Uncle Orin, was not simply an owner of an Aquarium, but he himself was the King of Atlantis, the story was told, of Ariana's time on this Earth. Neither of his sons believed him, until it was that Orin

appeared and gave proof of this word, delivering unto the children, their Atlantean powers and soon the brothers Curry, both officers of the United States Navy. Came to find, that it was through their Mother's sacrifice that Atlantis still lives, and so it was on this day that Arthur and his brother Joshua Garth Curry became Aquaman and Tempest.

Standing before this, and all that I've given to you, you must conclude for yourself your own fates, neither I nor the pages beyond you can give you the answers for which you seek. In my time upon this Earth, I have come to discover humans can be merciless, deceiving, and capable of great evil. However, with this they can become a great people, if they wish to, they have the capacity to show compassion, humanity and understanding.

As I, the Phantom Stranger, give you this. It must be said, as I conclude, this is not the end of the heroes. This is only a new beginning, and you will bare witness to the rise of a new generation, of heroes, villains, anti-heros and anti-villains. I can remind you, that beyond this era, I can no longer divulge the events that will happen or the events that will not happen.

For it is up to those mentioned and even those not mentioned to determine their own fates, and destinies. Though, I leave you now with the ever lasting words, forever more.

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