Time Line

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  • Words: 2,732
  • Pages: 25
Our 20th. Century










Highlights Alfonso XIII He was the king of Spain. He reigned from 1902 to 1931. At the time the Conservative and the Liberal Parties took turns in power following the dictates of the 1876 Constitution

Spain had lost their colonies in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines in 1898 and the beginning of the 20th century meant a deep crisis (political, economic, religious, intelectual). The nationalist feeling was active in different regions as a consequence of the crisis in the national identity.

Antonio Gaudí (1852-1926)

Casa Milá (1906-1910)

Casa Milá is called La Pedrera too. He belonged to the Modernist style It was made by the Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí and it movement was made between 1906 and 1910. He was famous for his unique and highly individualistic designs The style of this house is modernist. His most famous construction is the It is located in the district of Sagrada Familia. Eixample in Barcelona. He was a Spanish Catalan.

Tragic Week (1909) It was the name for a series of bloody confrontations between the army and working classes of Barcelona and Catalonia when the government decided to send soldiers to fight in Morocco. It was backed by the anarchists, socialists and republicans, during the last week of July. There were some actions based on with anarchist, antimilitarist and anti-colonial philosophies shared by many in the city. After disturbances in downtown Barcelona, security forces shot at demostrators in Las Ramblas, resulting in barricades in the streets and the proclamation of martial law.

In Spain

It was a global military conflict which involved the majority of the world's great powers. Over 70 million military personnel were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over 15 million people were killed, making it one of the deadliest conflicts in

As a result of official Spanish neutrality, gold reserves more than tripled, and the government was able to liquidate much of the national debt

Other areas of the peninsula were devastated by shortages and unemployment, forcing thousands of workers to migrate, mainly to Barcelona and Bilbao.

At the end of 1916, leaders of the Socialist and the Anarchosyndicalists came together and concerted a one-day general strike, which represented the failure to impose democratization from below.

In July 1916 a historical Labour Pact was concluded.

Around the end of the First World War, Spain implemented economic restructuring and prepared for

• The army of Spain is defeated near Melilla by the soldiers directed by Abd-elKrim(1921). •Alfonso XIII supports general attempt to try to remove Spain from the crisis(1923). • Antonio Gaudí died (great Catalan architect)(1926).

The premiere of "The jazz singer," the first film is spoken and sung, after three decades of silent films(1927).

The fall in prices on Wall Street caused a collapse that generates an unprecedented economic crisis worldwide, including Spain(1929).

Dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera (1923-1930).

What happened? In the 1930-1940 decade a lot of historical events took place: SECOND REPUBLIC: 1931: After the elections, the Republic is proclaimed. The revolutionary committee becomes the provisional Government. Niceto Alcala Zamora is named president. The Constituent Cortes draft a new Constitution. 1933: The centre-right parties obtain a majority in the Cortes. 1934: Revolutions take place in Catalonia and Asturias in protest against the participation of the CEDA (Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right-Wing) in the government. 1936: The Popular Front, a left-wing coalition, wins the elections. The new Cortes depose Alcala Zamora and appoint Manuel Azana President of the Republic. CIVIL WAR (1936/39): The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict in Spain that started after an attempted coup d'état by a group of Spanish Army generals, supported by the conservative Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas,Carlist groups and the fascistic Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. against the government of the Second Spanish Republic, then under the leadership of president Manuel Azaña. And then 40 years of Franco´s dictatorship.

THE POPULAR FRONT: In Spain's Second Republic it was an electoral coalition and pact signed in January 1936 by various left-wing political organisations, instigated by Manuel Azaña for the purpose of contesting that year's election. The Popular Front included the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), Workers' General Union (UGT), Communist Party of Spain (PCE), the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM, independent communist) and the republicans.


The Spanish Civil War began in July 1936 and officially ended with Franco's victory in April 1939, leaving 190,000 to 500,000 dead. Despite the Non-Intervention Agreement of August 1936, the war was marked by foreign intervention on behalf of both sides, leading to international repercussions. The nationalist side was supported by Fascist Italy and later Nazi Germany, which assisted with the Condor Legion infamous for their bombing of Guernica in April 1937. Britain and France strictly adhered to the arms embargo, provoking dissensions within the French Popular Front coalition led by Léon Blum, but the Republican side was nonetheless supported by volunteers fighting in the International Brigades and the Soviet Union. (See for example Ken Loach's Land and Freedom.)

The bombing of The bombing of Guernica (April 26, 1937) was an aerial attack on the Basque town of Guernica, causing widespread destruction and civilian deaths during the Spanish Civil War. The raid by planes of the German Luftwaffe "Condor Legion" and the Italian Fascist Aviazione Legionaria was called Operation Rügen. More than 1, 000 people were reported killed, but modern research suggests between 200 to 250 civilians died. Western countries viewed Guernica as an example of ‘terror bombing,' and it gave them the impression that the Luftwaffe was equipped and committed to such a policy.The bombing was the subject of a famous anti-war painting by Pablo Picasso.Gernika was the sacred place for the Basque (Casa de Juntas/Old Cortes).It represented the first Basque Government, led by Lehendakari (president) Aguirre once the Republican Cortes had passed the Basque Statute of Autonomy in 1936. The entire Basque Country fell to Franco´s troops in July 1937.

The 40´s In Spain The Spanish people lose their individual liberties and rights. People also lose the freedom of press and the writers have to submit to a strict censorship. The political parties remain forbidden, except for one –El movimiento– Franco´s party. A lot of people suffer hunger, poverty and illnesses, for example: tuberculosis. The official use of the diverse languages (in Cataluña, País Vasco and Galicia) is suppressed Franco didn´t take part in World War II.

The 40´s

Around The World and in our country Nazi Germany loses the Battle of Britain .

  The United States enter World War II after the attact On Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941  Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and August 9, 1945); Japan surrenders on August 15.  World War II officially ends on September 2, 1945  Some Spanish soldiers (Republican…) fight against Germany and suffer in concentration camps.  In Spain the post-war period after the long Civil War is truly hard with an enormous amount of repression(imprisonment,exile, executions).The Basque language and culture were persecuted,political and trade union activities were outlawed.

•During the 1950's and 1960's Spain had one of the highest rates of economic growth in the world. In 1953 Spain signed a defense agreement with the US which allowed the establishment of US bases on its territory and in 1955 became a member of the UN. •1959 saw the creation of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Euskadi and Freedom), an organisation based on left-wing,nationalist ideology, and which adopted a strategy of armed struggle in the 60s.

•In 1950 the ideological principles of the political system under Franco remain basically unchanged, but turn into liberal. The state begins to receive help from USA. Inflation keeps very high and in 1955 it is clear the need to detain it. Spain goes into the international forums. Franco is the head of the State and during the main part of the period the president of the Government. Because of his political alliances with Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, after the defeat in 1945 Spain became a pariah in democratized Europe.

The bourgeoisie landowner and semifeudal is the one who more engaged with the political system, but the regime was also supported by the financial and industrial oligarchies. The protectionist politics of the political system allowed to make a lot of money in the black market. The small bourgeoisie was, social and politically, to the margin of the regime. It felt comfortable in stability. Important contribution of the railway (Renfe) to the economic development experienced by the Spanish society throughout the second half of the 20th century. In 1952 Bilbao’s industry has grown a lot because of avanced technology. Coal has been substituted by electricity and petrol.

•The Basque-speaking territory was once much larger than today. However, geographical language loss is attested from the Roman period, when Basque was lost in the south of Navarre. At the end of the 1950s, the Basque language became the central element in a process of change in different aspects During the 1950s, a few parents and teachers opened small ikastolas (schools) in private homes.

The Basque football team wins an important competition Germany versus Portugal. Also the Basque “pelota”(see picture) becomes very important here and in around the world.

THE DESARROLLO, THE SPANISH MIRACLE (1959–1973): •The Spanish Miracle (Desarrollo) was the name given to the Spanish economic boom between 1959 and 1973: rising middle classes in a welfare state with money to spend. •The icon of the Desarrollo was the SEAT 600 (a license-built Italian Fiat 600) the first car for many Spanish working class families, produced by the Spanish factory SEAT or Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo.

• TOUR OF SPAIN •The 18th Vuelta a España, a long-distance bicycle stage race and one of the 3 grana tours, was held from May 1 to May 15, 1963. It consisted of 15 stages covering a total of 2,442 km, and was won by Jacques Anquetil of the St. Raphael-Gitane cycling team. • 1964 EUROPEAN NATION’S CUP •The 1964 UEFA European Nations Cup was the second edition of the quadrennial European Football Championship, endorsed by UEFA. The final tournament was held in Spain. It was won by the hosts 2-1 over defending champions Soviet Union. • THE PALOMARES INCIDENT : •The Palomares Incident occurred on January 17, 1966, when a B-52G bomber of the USAF Strategic Air Command collided with a KC-135 tanker. Of the four Mk28 type hydrogen bombs the B-52G carried, three were found on land near the small fishing village of Palomares in the municipality of Cuevas del Almanzora, Almería, Spain.

The 60's •THE CONTRACEPTIVE PILL WAS RELEASED (1960) • They were first approved for contraceptive use in the United States in 1960, and are a very popular form of birth control. • In Spain, sexual repression •THE FIRST HEART TRANSPLANT (1964)The first heart transplant involving a human being was carried out by a team led by Dr James D. Hardy on the of 23 of January 1964 at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, when the heart of a chimpanzee was transplanted into the chest of a dying man.Spain was far behind. Tourism then started as a flourishing industry and that opened the country to foreign visitors. Spanish people could

1970-1980 Europe and our country: • • •

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Important people:

1970: Enver Hoxha's rule in Albania was characterized by growing isolation. 1972: Summer Olympics in Munich. 1975: Economic crisis. Franco’s death. Franco’s regime finished.

1976: Political changes. 1977: Moncloa’s agreement. Adolfo Suarez wins the elections. 1978: New Constitution. On October 16, Karol Wojtyła, a Polish cardinal, was elected Pope, becoming Pope John Paul II after the sudden death of Pope John Paul I. 1979: the Basque Statute of Autonomy was passed by referendum. 1980: Carlos Garaikoetxea was the first Basque Lehendakari (President) in the democratic period. The Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) would be in power in the Basque Country until 2009.

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Francisco Franco: soldier and Spanish dictator. Juan Carlos I: Spanish king. Adolfo Suárez: President of the Spanish government. Juan Pablo II:The Pope.

Music: ABBA (Dancing Queen) Beatles (Let it be) Queen (A night at the Opera) Ramones (leave home,R amones)

Cinema: • • •

Grease (Olivia Newton, John and John Travolta) La Guerra de las Galaxias (George Lucas) Rocky II (Sylbester Stallone)

Franco’s regime Franco's last years (1973–1975): Francisco Franco was the dictator and Head of State of Spain from October 1936 and de facto regent of the nominally restored Kingdom of Spain from 1947 until his death in 1975. His rule was known for a focus on Spanish nationalism, right wing and traditional values. Francisco Franco became the undisputed dictator of Spain when he defeated the Republican government in the Spanish Civil War. In 1973 ETA killed Carrero Blanco, the head of the government,appointed by Franco In 1974 Franco fell ill, and Juan Carlos took over as Head of State. Franco soon recovered, but one year later fell ill once again, and after a long illness Franco died on November 20, 1975,

Spanish transition: The Spanish transition to democracy was the era when Spain moved from the dictatorship of Francisco Franco to a liberal democratic state. The transition started with Franco’s death on November 20, 1975, while its completion has been variously said to be marked by the Spanish Constitution of 1978, the failure of Antonio Tejero's attempted coup on February 23, 1981, or the electoral victory of the socialist PSOE on October 28, 1982. The elections (first democratic elections) that were held on June 15, 1977, confirmed the existence of important political forces at the national level: •Union of the Democratic Center. The winners (it would soon disappear to give way to the Conservative Party) •Spanish Socialist Workers Party •Communist Party of Spain (recently legalised) •Nationalist parties from Cataluña and the Basque Country.

23-F is the name given to a failed coup d ’etat in Spain that started on 23 February 1981 and ended the next day on 24 February 1981. Antonio Tejero conducted the most notable event of the coup by storming into the Spanish Congress of Diputies with a group of 200 armed Guardia Civil agents during the process of electing Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as the new Prime Minister. After holding the Parliament and cabinet hostage for 18 hours the hostage – takers surrendered the next morning without having harmed anyone. In 1982 started the conversion of the industry.

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In 1980 The Gernika painting was brought back to Spain, which was a democratic country. In 1982 the Socialist party won the general elections led by Felipe González.Important issues to tackle: economic crisis, social equality, consolidate democracy and foreign affairs. It was a period of great changes towards progress. The country became truly European and European support was welcome in all fields (culture,roads, ...). Prosperity. The Spanish State consisting of 17 autonomous regions was developed In the 1986s Spain started being a member of the European Union The Spanish people voted for taking part in the NATO after a big public debate. In 1980s the fashion had a radical change. Trousers were worn up to waist, t-shirts were very short and colourful for girls and for boys they were bright and outrageous, but it was the fashion of the age and all people wore it.

The 1992 summer Olympic Games, officially known as the games of the XXV Olympiad, were an international sports event celebrated in Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain.

Guggenheim Museum was designed by the famous architect Frank Gehry in Bilbao, Basque Country. It was opened to the public in 1997.

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169 nations took part. 9356 athletes participated in the event.

It is one of the most symbolic buildings in our country.

• The Expo´92 took place from April 20th to October 12th in Seville, Spain. The theme for the Expo was "The Age of Discovery" and over 100 countries were represented. • City of Arts and Sciences was designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, and started in July 1996, it is an impressive example of contemporary architecture. • From 1982 to 1996 the Spanish Socialist PSOE governed Spain (Felipe González)and from 1996 to 2004 the centreright Partido Popular (José Mª Aznar) ruled the country.

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