This Coming 3rd November Is The 30th Anniversary Of The

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  • Words: 824
  • Pages: 2
This coming 3rd November is the 30th anniversary of the Greensboro killings that took place in North Carolina, the United States (US) on Nov 3 1979. Jimmy Carter was then the man in the White House. The killings were said to have occurred because the local North Carolina police actively colluded with several members of the US right-wing groups operating in the area. This view was greatly reinforced by the fact that nobody was ever convicted of the murders even though the acts were carried out in broad daylight and filmed by several camera crews who were at the scene. On November 3 1979 a group of marchers composed mostly of antifascist activists were passing through the minority residential area of Morningside Heights in Greensboro when armed members of the KKK arrived in several cars and opened fire before fleeing. Five people died from the shootings. The whole incident was caught on tape by news crews. The killings were symptomatic of the state of relations between white supremacists who often had the sympathy of the authorities and minority groups which had the support of leftwingers in North Carolina and whose existence were not always welcomed by the NC authorities. The march had been announced to the local police before it began and protection was promised in view of the very violent nature of the KKK. However, during the march not a single policeman was around. Moments after it started, several cars drove up to the area and a group of men opened fire with pistols and shotguns. The action was photographed by a police intelligence officer and his partner and that was all the police did. No effort was made to stop the KKK from opening fire and killing the marchers. Two days before the march, a KKK member went to the local police station and managed to obtain a copy of the route drawn up by the march organizers and clearly the authorities must have been aware that the KKK was out for blood. But the local police sat on their hands and did not even bother to make any preventive arrests despite being fully aware of the impending trouble. A police undercover man who had infiltrated the KKK knew about what the KKK was planning to do and even travelled along with the assailants on the day on the march but no effort was made to stop them. The behaviour of the local police aroused accusations of collusion between the authorities and the white supremacists and the case was made worse by the fact that police only arrived at the scene only after fifteen minutes had passed by. The delay could well have been deliberate, perhaps to allow the KKK to kill as many as they could. Hence the incident is also called the Greensboro Massacre. Some people surely and definitely wanted a massacre to take place there. Also the marchers did not miss the fact that the police refused to provide protection even when requested to do so moments just before the march. Sixteen people from the KKK and its allied group, the American Nazis were arrested shortly after the incident but only six

were taken to court although tens of white supremacists from both groups were involved in the killings. All the six people accused of the killings were later freed in two separate trials by all-white juries. The killings were done in broad daylight and captured on film and the identities of the men were known to the police but amazingly they were found not guilty. Today in the US, a lot of such killers are always being freed but truly innocent people are often jailed and kept in rotting cells just because they talked back to a police officer. Jimmy Carter at the time was the President but he could not do anything to correct the situation yet today he presents himself as a representative of peace for people all over the world. He is quick to criticise here or there yet he was the very man who gave birth to the al-qaeda organization. Greensboro, Jimmy Carter and the ugly history of black and relations in the US and many other issues clearly indicate the US is a most untrustworthy and double-dealing and most nation. The world must be aware of the deceit and trickery is so second nature to this very evil and sole superpower.

white that tricky that

Yet the US is often allowed to have its way and the UN Security Council has been craftily hijacked in order to serve its lusty and bloodthirsty behaviour. The killings at Greensboro have been greatly reproduced all over the world and the perpetrators are always just like before, completely free and not guilty. The world must never forget Greensboro !!!! In the brief yet very violent history of the US, there were lots and lots of Greensboroes. To the US the world outside is merely one big Greensboro.

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