This Coming 1st October 2009 Is The 60th Anniversary Of

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  • Words: 2,095
  • Pages: 4
This coming 1st October 2009 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and marks the day the Chinese people stood up after being so long under the terrible and evil foreign yoke. The PRC was born out of the wish of the people to free themselves and their motherland from the evil cluthes of the very merciless foreign devils and their henchmen and in 1949 their wish came true. Today the people can be highly proud of their country but they must always be on guard against the foreign devil. He has never given up hope of one day to set foot again on the soil and do all the evil things he has dreamt about. The foreign devil is indeed very evil. He is well known for his thirst of blood. The PRC today is making extremely good progress in its aim to become a nation of the 21st century but there are many obstacles, challenges and even dangers known to be still blocking its way. It is surely most correct to say that the greatest dangers facing the PRC today are the clear and present threats emanating directly from the West. These threats include political armtwisting and smearing campaigns by the Western capitals, the ceaseless efforts at demonizing by the Western media, economic blackmail, espionage and subversion, the physical threat posed by the US Pacific Fleet and the aggressive and very predatory mentality of the US Pentagon. It is wrong to assume that the West is now going to accept the PRC as an equal partner in the global arena just because the PRC is embarking on a policy of engagement with them. Those devils will never practise fairness and equality or even sincerity in their dealings. The PRC must forever be wary of their innate evil. After the USSR disappeared from the world scene, the West was ready to target the PRC but fortunately its bacon was saved from the fire by bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda organisation. However, that would not in any way assure that the West has spared the PRC or even anyone else. Today, the many warmongers in the West, especially the US are again sharpening their knives. Their appetite for violence, bloodshed are just as great as ever. Today, they're again employing their devious and varied forms of intimidation on all and sundry while at the same time busily going around sensationalising the alleged 'China threat'. The PRC must distance itself from the deadly embrace of the West and protect those nations most vulnerable to the ceaseless armtwisting carried out by them. Refuse to accept any more so-called sanctions. The PRC must adopt a tough stance towards the West and not make the mistake of accomodating to their wishes and desires. They are very inherently evil and they can only respect someone who is tough, not any one that is weak or easily swayed. The PRC must deal with them only from a position of strength and accept nothing less. The PRC must be aware that the world now faces the greatest peril to world peace not seen since the heydays of the Axis powers. The US is now the global Genghis of our time and the US Pacific Fleet is the modern day version of Tojo's infamous deadly war machine that once slaughtered, ruined and obliterated without mercy. The US is ruled by an imperialist mentality and its supremacists

like Gates, Pelosi and others are always ready to sell even their grandmothers at the right price never mind the lives of others. Thus, the PRC must never trust them. They are very inherently evil. They have always been used to having their way and they now pose a very great danger to the safety and security and prosperity of the PRC as the PRC with its ever growing capabilities is now standing out like a sore thumb to them. The PRC must take all the proper steps to confront this great peril. It is a very extremely grave error to focus only on economic growth rates. What you built painfully and very strenuously over a decade can easily be demolished by an invader in just one day. Remember it. High economic growth can even be so meaningless if the food on your table has to come from abroad, especially from those who are always ready to play wild or cruel games with you. Instead of focusing on high growth, the PRC should concentrate on food independence, security, sports, health, green technologies, and space exploration and many other areas. When you focus on such core areas, growth will come naturally. You need not have to worry or as is so fond of being practised in the West, keep forecasting and predicting endlessly about it. Such work is strictly the domain of demonic speculators and manipulators and professional gamblers. The PRC should be very, very careful never to join them. In fact, this is the very secret wish and desire of the extremely evil and highly corruptible and demonic West. Don't fall into this trap ! Never ever forget the West is always day and night hatching evil plans to subjugate the whole world including the PRC. Their armies have bases all everywhere and they are busily growing their ring of steel around the borders of the PRC. They are always dreaming up and developing weapons with ever increasing destructive power, and even as they struggled with the deep economic turmoil caused by their very reckless and totally unbridled conduct, their evil military bigshots are asking and demanding very perilous weapons like new long range hypersonic stealth bombers. How very evil of them. They are indeed creatures from Hades. The PRC should stop buying their debts. Instead just tell them to go to Hell. Buying their debt all the time could expose the PRC to bad accusations that you are wanting to act like a drug pusher. It is they who are trying to hang themselves while at the same time conveniently blaming others. The West have always been wanting to head for Hell as their final destination anyway, so do not provide them company. Always remember the foreigner devils are like monkeys. It is very inexplicable that PRC leaders still want to worship them and bow to them. Bowing and being acquiescent to them is like giving roses or diamonds to monkeys. They will want even more and more and most of all, the very flesh of your own arm or body. The PRC must get rid of all those who love to worship the foreign devils. They are full of fake smiles and sinister intentions and all they want is to rule the world so that they can finish what their fathers and grandfathers started. Go and secretly ask smiley fakes like Tony Blair and they will tell you it's very true. But they will never admit it in public. They much prefer to step right into Hell first.

The PRC must do things like increasing the size of the defence and police forces, take care of the health of the people. Build things like basketball courts instead of golf courses. Control the buying of private vehicles, minimise pollution. Cut consumption of fossil fuels and wastage of resources. For defence, build bigger aircraft carriers and modify highways to become future runways for aeroplanes in case external aggression is forced upon the country. It could always happen any day. Never let your guard down. The deadly tiger is just right at the front door. It is ready to spring at any time. Never be caught unprepared by it. The PRC must build more and more and more schools, colleges, and universities. Education is a powerful tool to confront the foreign threats. Establish business parks especially for overseas Chinese businessmen. They have always been discriminated and oppressed in many foreign lands, even today right now. Not only do they have to face discrimination but also evil poisonous whispering campaigns carried out by local authorities and horrible dangers from wicked creatures like robbers, kidnappers and killers especially in S. E. Asia. Build more underground rail transport and control air traffic growth to reduce accidents and cut down carbon emissions. Do all of these without having to refer to the foreign 'experts'. The US is the most greatest danger to the safety and happiness and prosperity of the PRC. This entity spreads falsehoods, deceit, raw garbage and puppet democracy. It was also responsible for spreading AIDS and HIV to the rest of the world. Its influence is extremely corrupting and poisonous and highly infectious and totally synthetic and artificial in nature. It is the terror king of the world despite its efforts to taint others and sell its so-called war against terror to the rest of the world. It is the most evil threat to world peace today. Many countries are on its secret hit list including the PRC. The US is the devil from Hades. It has waged wars against defenceless populations in many places, and used innocent civilians as cannon fodder for its troops. It has no qualms at all in nurturing instant little Hitlers in order to spread its evil influence. It is fully devoid of any hopes of redemption. It has become totally evil. To deal with this evil threat, the PRC must be tough yet upright. Do away with all those who love to cavort and frolic with those Western corruptors. Do away with those who love their false smiles and fake praises. Punish them if needed. Put them out to pasture. Increase the size of the PLA. Form and develop work units that are flexible and multi-skilled. Let the PLA's Marine Corps have their own fleet of anti-shipping aircraft. Let it gain equal status with other PLA branches so that the PLA could always kick butt against any Pacific aggressor. Never fail to be aware how evil, merciless and cruel the foreign devil can be at any time. The PRC must never forget the time foreign armies kept Chinese prisoners in dungeons which were slowly filled with freezing cold water. Always strengthen the nation's defence, increase food reserves and avoid purchasing imported edible oils. Do not get blamed for artificial shortages caused by merciless foreign speculators and 'investors'. Do away with visits by foreign politicians. Don't encourage begging. Tell them to solve their own problems. Tell them to take care of their forests and clean up their jailhouses. Tell all of them to go to Hell if required. Throw out all their sleeping agents, and their espionage,

subversion and disinformation elements now already deep inside the country. Now is the time to act tough with them. The Bush years are over and the PRC would be most well advised not to allow history to repeat itself. Bush was truly an absolute and completely unmitigated warmonger and he demanded that others be with him or be regarded as being not with him. That time the PRC had little choice but the PRC now has the ability and opportunity to tell their latest and future warmongers to go to Hell. Keep it that way for always !! Deal with them from a position of strength. Do all the things that allow you to maintain a position of strength. You deserve it. Do not throw it all away. Remember, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (not George Bush). For the PRC, a bird in the hand is worth ten in the bush !!! ALWAYS KNOW THAT !!! ALWAYS REMEMBER IT !!! Stop coddling foreign interests groups and establishments and cease the practice of pandering to the whims and fancies of others abroad. All these entities are never sincere or trustworthy and are always prone to fickleness and are actually devious and led by devils. It is most vital to be aware that all these groups are busily jostling with one another to be the first to step inside the gates of Hell. You SHOULD NEVER NEVER want to join them !!! Never ! To the foreign devils tell them to go to Hell if they start to play tricks or their wild games on you. To those who worshipped the foreign devils and swore that the odours from their underarms and anuses are always nice smelling as if they were expensive perfumes from Chanel, tell THEM TO GO TO HELL as well. To Hell with the evil West !!!!! To Hell with all of them. Let them be aware that their father is there waiting for them right now.

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