Thiruppavai Paasuram No(4)

  • November 2019
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Thiruppavai Paasuram No (4)….!!!

(1).[blue] ஆழி (2).ஆழயல (3).ஊழி

மைழக கணணா








சாரநகமைேதே நீராட



ேோலைடப ோதமநாோன


நீ ைக

உரேமேோால ொமய

(5).ஆழி ேோால மினனி (6).ோழாேே





ைகயில நினறேிரநத

மைழேோால நாஙகளம


எமோாோய....!!![/u] ...!!!!

[p] (1).Aazhi Mazhai Kannaa Onru Nee Kai Karavel (2).Aazhiul Pukku Mugandhu Kodaartheri (3).Oozhi Mudhalvan Uruvampol Mey Karutthu (4).Paazhiyan Tholudai Padhmanaaban Kaiyil (5).AazhiPol Minni ValamburiPol NindradhiRndhu (6).Thaazhaadhe Saarnga Mudhaittha Sara MazhaiPol (7).Vaazha Ulaginil Peydhidaay Naangalum (8).[u]Maargazhi Neeraada Magizhndhelor Embaavaay…!!!.[/blue][/u] [p] …………………. [u][RED] FIRST LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Aazhi [/u][/blue] -------- Means Sea & Discuss (2) [u][blue] Mazhai [/u][/blue] -------- Rain..( Aazhi Mazhai Kannaa here means Varuna Devan) (3) [u][blue] Kannaa [/u][/blue] -------- Krishna.. (also it’s a way of calling dear & little child) Tamil grammar.. Vili (4) [u][blue] Onru [/u][/blue] -------- One (5) [u][blue] Nee [/u][/blue] -------- You (6) [u][blue] Kai Karavel [/u][/blue] -------- Do this …………………. [u] [RED] SECOND LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Aazhiul [/u][/blue] -------- Samundaram..;Sea (2) [u][blue] Pukku [/u][/blue] -------- Entering /Go insde (3) [u][blue] Mugandhu [/u][/blue] -------- Bailout/Taking out -


[u][blue] Kodaartheri [/u][/blue]


Climbing out

……………..Contd……………. …………………. [u] [RED] THIRD LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Oozhi [/u][/blue] -------- Pralayam.. ( heavy deluge ) (2) [u][blue] Mudhalvan [/u][/blue] -------- The first & foremost one (3) [u][blue] Uruvampol [/u][/blue] -------- Uruvam= figure …Pol =like (4) [u][blue] Mey [/u][/blue] -------- Body…. (5) [u][blue] Karutthu [/u][/blue] -------- Karuppu=black --------- [u] [RED] FOURTH LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Paazhiyan [/u][/blue] -------(2) [u][blue] Tholudai [/u][/blue] -------- Thol=shoulder (3) [u][blue] Padhmanaaban -------- Pl refer to VSN– [blue] (Thousand [/u][/blue] Names of Vishnu - VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM-) In this community –Stanza #38 /No 1[/blue] (4) [u][blue] Kaiyil [/u][/blue] -------- Hand --------- [u] [RED] FIFTH LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] AazhiPol [/u][/blue] -------- Here Aazhi means … chakrathazhwaan (2) [u][blue] Minni [/u][/blue] -------- (Dazzle like) Lightning (3) [u][blue] Valamburi Pol -------- Valamburi = clockwise direction [/u][/blue] Conch… Majority of the conches are of anticlockwise .This ~ is considered, as auspicious one….. (4) [u][blue] Nindradhir-ndhu -------- Roar like Panchjanyam [/u][/blue] --------- [u] [RED] SIXTH LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Thaazhaadhe -------- Without any delay [/u][/blue] (2) [u][blue] Saarnga [/u][/blue] -------- Saarngam= Bagawan Vishnu’s Divine Bow is known as Saarngam


[u][blue] Mudhaittha [/u][/blue]


[u][blue] Sara [/u][/blue]


[u][blue] MazhaiPol [/u][/blue]


It should rain like the arrow’s coming out the divine bow saarngam

……………..Contd…………….!!!!! --------- [u] [RED] SEVENTH LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Vaazha [/u][/blue] -------- To live (3) [u][blue] Ulaginil [/u][/blue] -------- (In this) world (4) [u][blue] Peydhidaay [/u][/blue] -------- Rain pl (5) [u][blue] Naangalum [/u][/blue] -------- we --------- [u] [RED] EIGHTH LINE [/RED] [/U]………………. (1) [u][blue] Maargazhi [/u][/blue] -------- (In this auspicious) Maargazhi month… (2) [u][blue] Neeraada [/u][/blue] -------- To bath (3) [u][blue] Magizhndhelor -------- enjoy [/u][/blue] (4) [u][blue] Embaavaay [/u][/blue] -------[p] [blue][u]Now we will study the meaning of this Paasuram[/blue].[/u] (1).In the previous Paasuram “KODAI NACHIAR” says If we Observe this “PAAVAI NONBU “ there will be Raining Thrice a month [u][blue]( Mum Maari )[/u][/blue] there by eradicating all harm like Famine & Drought etc. (2).On hearing this statement.., The Parjanya Devan( Varunan) Come to this Gopa sthrees and ask them to tell him, how do they want him to rain? (3).They all want him to rain like this. You should rain in plenty not in small quantity. (4).First get inside the deep sea [u][blue]( Aazhi)[/u][/blue] & suck out the sea water in excessive - quantity. [u][blue]( Aazhiul Pukku Mugandhu Kodaartheri)[/u][/blue] (5).Go higher in the sky as dark clouds. The color of the clouds should be like that of Primodial cause( adhi bagwan dark color) one who is the first & foremost lord [u][blue]( Oozhi Mudhalvan)[/u][/blue]. ……...........Contd............!!! ……. Paasuram No(4).Contd....!!!

(6).You should thunder like the sound of Panchajanyam[u][blue]( ValamburiPol NindradhiRndhu)[/u][/blue] & dazzle lightning like [u][blue]( AazhiPol Minni)[/u][/blue] the Disk chakkrathazvan in the shoulder of Maha Vishnu . (7).You should shower rain like that of arrows emanating in succession out of Saarngam bow [u][blue]( Saarnga Mudhaittha Sara MazhaiPol )[/u][/blue] (8).If you shower rain like this we will take the Auspicious Maargazhi bath & worship Him /perform this “Paavai nonbu” [p] [i][blue][u]Now we will try to understand the Inner meaning of this Paasuram[/i][/blue].[/u]……..!! [red] first let us study the similarity between Megham(clouds ) & great Acharyars [/Red] Sr no

[u][RED] …MEGHAM… (CLOUDS) [/RED] [/U]



These clouds take out salty water from the ocean & rain us the palatable tasty water so that we can drink & quench our thirstiness.



These clouds go to all places & shower rain



These clouds never seek any thing in lieu of the raining.



If rain fails famine & drought may affect this world


……..[u][RED] ACHARYANs [/RED] [/U]….. Acharyars study the all Veda sagaram & take out the easily understandable parts to teach us the Upanishad / bhasyam ., so that we may understand it properly & try to lead life accordingly. These Acharyars also go to all places to teach us the Rahasyartam etc.. These Acharyars never seek any thing in lieu for parting this divine knowledge. If the great Acharyars fails to teach us/chetanan the divine secrets lot of misshappening may occur .

……..........Contd............!!! ……. Paasuram No(4).Contd....!!! (1). [u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u]……[red]( Aazhi Mazhai Kannaa?)[/red] …… The great Acharyars whose eyes are always filled with Anada bashpam due to bagawat anubhavam ready to shower the divine secrets (rahasyartam) etc to their disciples referred here as “Aazhi Mazhai Kannaa “.. [p]

(2).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u] …[red]( Onru Nee Kai Karavel?)[/red]…. Pl bless us with all the Divine rahsyams/bhasyams etc & to make us fit enough to be your disciple. [p] (3). [u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u] ……[red]( Aazhiul Pukku Mugandhu?)[/red]…. After reading / learning the Veda saharam ( sea of Vedas) these great Acharyars teach us the essence of this Divine verse so that we can understand & follow it .{ implies the sea water cant be used for drinking unless it become cloud & rain. Like wise some of us ( I say not all just some of us like I ) cant understand the Vedam/ Upanishad etc with out Acharyars help} [p] (4).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u] referred to ……[red]( Oozhi Mudhalvan Uruvampol MeyKarutthu?)[/red] …Due to constant meditation on Him these great Acharyars also sports the dark hue of Bagawan Vishnu &filled with karunakataksham up on us like that of HIM.. [p] (5).[b] Pl note this..[/b] ….. Its only [u][blue] Mey Karutthu [/blue] [/u] ( dark Skin color..), [u][blue] Not Agam karutthu (agam=internal) [/blue] [/u]( not Internally black) meaning the outer skin color may be dark but inner one is white & compassionate towards us … [p] …….Contd………!!! ……. Paasuram No(4).Contd....!!! (6).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u]…. [red]( Padhmanaaban Kaiyil AazhiPol Minni ValamburiPol NindradhiRndhu?)[/red]……. This term means dazzle like Chakrathzhawan & roar like Sangazhwan [p] (7). Also While studying the meaning of VSN thousand names to the transcendental. we come across the meaning of the name (stanza 38) Padmanabhan ( 33350818&na=3&nst=81&nid=14784311-24932767929333508182513881385287318946) as well as the meaning of last stanza for the meaning of panchajanyam & Chakrathazhwan.. So Pl refer to it. . .( pl go thru the last verse of VSN meaning to know the effect of Panchajanyam & Chakrathazhwan on HIS friends & foe). [p] (8).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u] … [red]( Thaazhaadhe Saarnga Mudhaittha Sara MazhaiPol?)[/red]……. Oh great Acharyars pl shower us these rahsyartams/Upanishad etc with out any

delay[red][i](Thaazhaadhe)[/i][/red] like the arrows emanating from the great Saarngam bow of Bagawan Vishnu. [p] (9).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term [/blue]……. [/u] [red]( Vaazha Ulaginil Peydhidaay?)[/red] ….. Pl rain us these gnanam /rahasyam etc... So that we may live in this world properly in righteous manner. [p] (10).[u][blue] What is the meaning of the term[/blue] [/u]…. [red]( Maargazhi Neeraada?)[/red]… Maargazhi Neeraada here means doing Prappatti to obtain salvation… …………..Thiruppavai Paasuram no(4)…080817…….!!!!!

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