Theories Of Growth And Development 2

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  • Words: 1,235
  • Pages: 51
Kohlberg: Preconventional (Naïve instrumental orientation)

“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”

PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL • Stage 2 • Age Group : 4-7 years • Description of morality: – Individualism- Hedonism – Child carries out actions to satisfy own needs rather than society’s. – The child does something for another if that person does something for him in return- “an eye for an eye’

CONVENTIONAL LEVEL (level 2) • Stage 3 • Age Group : 7-10 years • Description of morality: – Orientation to interpersonal relations of mutualityCONFORMITY – A child follows rules because of a need to be a good person in own eyes and in the eyes of others – “Good boy or Good girl”

Kohlberg: Moral Conventional Before age 9 • Strict superego • Rule dominance • Things are black or white After age 9 • Recognizes differing points of view

CONVENTIONAL LEVEL (level 2) • Stage 4 • Age Group : 10-12 years • Description of morality: – Maintenance of social order, fixed rules and authority – Child FOLLOWS RULES of authority figures as well as parents to keep the system working – LAW and ORDER

POSTCONVENTIONAL LEVEL (level 3) • Stage 5 • Age Group : 12 and above • Description: – social contract, utilitarian law making perspective – child FOLLOWS STANDARDS OF SOCIETY for the good of all people

POSTCONVENTIONAL LEVEL (level 3) • Stage 6 • Age :older than 12 • Descriptions: – universal ethical principle orientation – Respect and dignity of humanity

Fowler’s Theory of Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development- Fowler Stage

Age Group



0-3 years

No concept


4-6 years



7-12 years

Stories and Myths





Adult- after 18

One’s system


Adult- after 30

Various viewpoints


MAYBE never

Love and justice

Fowler's Stages of Spiritual Development Stage



0 Undifferentiated

0 to 3 years

1 Intuitive-projective

4 to 6 years

2 Mythic-literal

7 to 12 years

3 Synthetic-conventional

Adolescent or adult

4 Individuating-reflexive

After 18 years

5 Paradoxical- consolidative

After 30 years

6 Universalizing

Maybe never

Infant unable to formulate concepts about self or the environment A combination of images and beliefs given by trusted others, mixed with the child’s own experience and imagination. Private world of fantasy and wonder; symbols refer to something specific; dramatic stories and myths used to communicate spiritual meanings. World and ultimate environment structured by the expectations and judgments of others; interpersonal focus Constructing one’s own explicit system; high degree of selfconsciousness Awareness of truth from a variety of viewpoints. Becoming an incarnation of the principles of love and justice.

Havighurst’s Theory of Developmental Tasks

Havighurst Developmental Task • • • • • •

Babyhood/early childhood Learning to take solid foods Learning to walk, talk, read Learning to control defecation Learning sexual differences Learning right/wrong-beginning consciousness

Late childhood • • • • • •

Physical skills (ordinary games) Wholesome attitude Study/play along with age mates Sexual identity Fundamental skills Conscious and personal independence

Adolescence • • • • • •

Matured roles of both sexes Masculine/feminine roles Accepting own’s body Socially responsible behavior Independence from parents Prepare for economic career, marriage, family life,ideology

Early adult • • • • • • • •

Start occupation Select a mate Live with marriage partner Start family Rearing children Manage home Civic responsibility Finding congenial group

Middle adult • Adult and civic responsibility • Adjustment to changes of middle ages and aging parents • Assist teen-agers to become responsible adults • Reaching and maintain a satisfactory career

Old Age • Adjusting to decreasing physical strength,retirement,less income and death of spouse • Adapting to social roles, physical arrangements and affiliation to members of same age

Death Concepts (Kozier)

Death Concepts (Kozier) AGE


Infancy to 3 years old 3 years to 4 years

NO clear concept of Death It is Reversible, temporary sleep

5 to 9 years

Understands DEATH is FINAL but can be AVOIDED

9-12 years

Death is INEVITABLE, everyone will die someday Understands own mortality

12-18 years

Fears a lingering Death


Attitude is influenced by religion

45-65 years

Experiences peak of death anxiety

65 and above

Death as multiple meanings

Child’s Response to Death 1. Infants and toddlers - toddlers may insist on seeing a significant other long after that person’s death. 2. Preschoolers - may see death as temporary; a type of sleep or separation. 3. School-age – See death as a period of immobility. - Feel death is punishment. 4. Adolescents - Have an accurate understanding of death.

Newborn-1 month: raised head when prone; turns head from side to side; cooing

2 months: shed tears; social smile; eyes follows object; coos

3 months: raised head; palmar reflex fades;

3 months: Palmar reflex fades

4 months: raised head and chest; laughs loud

4 months: moro reflex fade;

4 months: Extrusion reflex fade

5 months: rolls from abdomen to back; babble with vowel sounds; raking grasp; grasp object voluntarily

6 months: sits with support; dentition begins; 2x BW; rolls from back to abdomen

6 months: dentition begins

Schedule of Primary Tooth Eruption ERUPTION Central incisor Lateral incisor First molar Cuspid Second molar

LOWER 6 months 7 months 12 months 16 months 20 months

UPPER 7 ½ months 9 months 14 months 18 months 24 months

Schedule of Permanent Tooth eruption Eruption First molar Medial incisor Lateral incisor Cuspid Bicuspid First molar Second molar

Age 5 ½ - 6 years 6 – 7 years 7 – 8 years 10 -12 years 10 -11 years 11 – 12 years 12 – 13 years

7 months: crawls and sits alone

7 months: parachute reflex begins

8 months: peak stranger anxiety

8 months: loves to watch self in front of a mirror

9 months: creeps

9 months: holds bottle steadily; pulls self to stand

10 months: pincer grasp

11 months: attempts to walk

12 months: BW 3x; walks with minimal support; drinks from a cup; Babinski reflex fades

Developmental Growth for the first year of life • • • • • • •

1 month age – regards 2 months age – smiles 3 months age – turns head 4 months age – holds head 5 months age – rolls over 6 months age – transfers objects 7 months age – sits briefly

Developmental Growth for the first year of life • • • • •

8 months age – creeps 9 months age – pulls up 10 months age – cruises 11 months age – walks with support 12 months age – stands alone

Quiz 1 • 1-2 differentiate growth & development • 3-5. give 3 principles of G & D and give an example of each principle • 6. a reaction pattern that means the ability to change one’s reaction to stimuli over time • 7. it is a reaction pattern which means the ability to remain interested in an activity • 8. fixation at this task according to Freud includes smoking and alcoholism

• 9. the major skill to be achieved during the Anal stage is? • 10. This conflict refers to the male child’s attraction to his mother during the preschool years. • 11. at this stage, sexual energies are repressed and directed to intellectual activities. • 12. what is the major concept developed during infancy that is associated with the pleasure principle? • 13. The psychosocial task of a toddler is? • 14. The genital stage is observed at the age range of?

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