Theme Six Part One

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THEME 6 THE NATION BUILDING YEARS AND INDEPENDENCE 1950 – 1984 PART ONE THE REIGN OF SULTAN HAJI OMAR ALI SAIFUDDIEN III 1950 – 1967 OTHER NAMES: 1. ARCHITECT OF MODERN BRUNEI (ARKITEK BRUNEI MODEN) 2. ROYAL POET (PENYAIR DIRAJA) DATE EVENTS 23.O9.1914 • Born at Kg Sultan Lama 1914 • Received informal education 1932  Traditional Islamic education  Based on reading and memorising al-Quran 1932 • Received formal education 1936  At Malay college in Kuala Kangsar, Perak • Interested in malay poetry  Esp. Syair (poem)  Syair Nasihat  Rampaian Laila Syair  Syair Asli Rajang Hari  Syair Perkakas Perkarangan  Syair Laila Cinta dan Syair Laila Jenaka  Syair Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei  Syair Kemerdekaan  Known as Royal Poet (Penyair Diraja) 1936 • Started as cadet officer • In Forestry department, Kuala Belait • Enabled him to :  Be closer to people in villages and remote areas  Understand people’s problems and needs 1937 • Joined Judicial Department 1938 • Was taught Criminal and Civil Procedure Codes • By Hughes-Hallet 1941 • Worked as administrator • In British Resident’s office • Was taught English language • Under H.F Stalley 1942-1945 • Worked as secretary • To Japanese sub-district commander, Kimura • At Japanese governor’s office 1947 • Appointed as 1. Chairman of Syariah court 2. Member of Brunei State Council 6.6.1950 • Proclaimed as sultan 31.5.1951 • Coronation at Lapau (Royal Ceremonial Hall) 1951-1967 • Improved standard of living • Developed economy, social, and political situations • Made Brunei a modern country • Brought Brunei to international attention and recognition  Earned him the title “Architect of Modern Brunei” 1

FIRST NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1953 - 1958 1. It was introduced in 1953. 2. The amount approved by the Brunei State Council was $100 million. 3. E.R Bevington from the Colonial Office in Fiji was appointed to handle the plan. 4. The NDP included series of projects which laid the foundation of the infrastructure of Brunei:

1. In 1995, SOAS III opened the newly-completed $14 million gas plant. a.


2. In 1954, survey and exploration work both on land and offshore were carried out by BSPC. 3. By 1956, production of oil in the Seria field had increased. 4. In 1957, BSPC handled all operations. 1. In 1954, for the first time, Brunei set out a written policy on education. The aim of the policy was to ensure the provision of education facilities for: i. Primary and Secondary ii. Technical iii. Vocational Training iv. Adult education 2. SOAS III also approved plans for Brunei’s own teacher training facilities.



3. In 1956, the Brunei Teacher Training Centre (BTTC) was set up. 4. To meet the demand for more qualified Englishmedium teachers, the first batch of Brunei teachers were sent to Kota Bharu Teacher’s Training College (KBTC) in 1958. 5. As education was given top priority, more schools were built: i. ii.

In 1957, the Seria Government School was opened. Later it was renamed as Anthony Abell College (AAC). In 1958, an English medium school for girls was 2

iii. iv.

set up. It was known as Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri (STPRI) In 1951, a trade school was set up in Seria by BSPC. In the following years, two more trade schools were opened as the need for semi-skilled and skilled workers increased.

6. The government of Brunei also gave scholarships to students for further studies in various institutions overseas.

1. In 1956, religious schools operating in the afternoon were established in line with the Johore system. c.


2. By 1957, efforts were made to train more locals by offering courses locally. 3. Scholarships were offered to students to continue their higher education overseas: a) Al Junied Arabic School in Singapore. b) Islamic College in Kalng c) Al Azhar University in Cairo 1. ROAD December 1958, the building of road linking Belait District to Brunei Town came into operation on completion of two bridges in Tutong.



2. SHIPPING The activities linked Brunei with other countries in Southeast Asia. The main ports were at Kuala Belait, the mouth of Tutong River, Bangar and Brunei Bay. 3. CIVIL AVIATION September 1953, reconstruction work on airfield at Berakas started. It was completed in 1954. By 1959, aircraft movements increased tremendously.



1. October 1953, Brunei’s first nursing school began at the hospital in Brunei Town. 2. The number of medical workers in Brunei continued to increase. Many received their training overseas, particularly Sarawak and Malaya. 3. There were also major improvements in public utilities such as treated water supplies and electricity.


THE SECOND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1962 - 1966 1. It was launched in 1962. 2. It aimed at improving the cultural, economic and social infrastructure. a. Development of Oil Industry

1. In 1963, a major oil and gas field was discovered at South West Ampa. 2. With this discovery, LNG became important. AGRICULTURE 1. Increase the quantity and quality of rice production and rubber production. 2. Studies were set up to examine sugar, pepper, coffee and other crops for both export and home consumption.


Development in Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry

3. Plan’s target was to increase numbers of livestock and yield of meat and eggs. FISHING 1. The aim was to increase the amount of landed catch by 25%.


Commercial Development and Support Structures

FORESTRY 1. Conservation and reforestration schemes were also recommened, increasing the species of trees of commercial value for domestic and export purposes. 1. Two big projects were planned and completed years later: a) Muara Deepwater Port b) The International Airport 2. Power requirements were met and soldiers were undertaken to provide electricity for rural areas. 3. More homes, shophouses, offices and industrial facilities were constructed. 1. More clinics and health centres were set up 2. Hospitals with modern-equipped facilities were constructed. 3. More training for the nurses in health and dental clinics.


Development in Health, Education and Welfare

4. Priority was given to eradicate tuberculosis and malaria, with the help of the World Health Organization (WHO) 5. More schools were built. 6. Training for teachers, training in trades and technical skills were also improved. Adult education and sports programmes were introduced. 7. Provisions for constructing mosques and religious schools. 8. Museums and libraries were established in major towns and 4

mobile libraries provided for other places.

THE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION OF 1959 Brunei planned to have a written constitution since the beginning of SOAS III’s reign SOAS III formed a seven member committee called the ‘Tujuh Serangkai’. July 1953

Main aim of the ‘Tujuh Serangkai’ Committee :  To find out the people’s views on the idea of a written constitution for Brunei.  To prepare a detailed report to the Sultan. Activities of the ‘Tujoh Serangkai’ Committee:  They travelled all over the country to meet and talk with the local people.  The people gave their opinion, suggestions and problems to the committee.

May 1954

 A meeting was held to discuss the findings of the ‘Tujoh Serangkai’ Committee.  The meeting was attended by SOAS III, the British Resident and the Committee members.  SOAS III led a delegation to London to discuss the proposed constitution with Britain.

March 1959

 The British delegation was led by Sir Allan Lennox-Boyd, the Secretary of State for the Colonies.  The Talks were successful. The British accepted the Draft Constitution.

29th Septembe r 1959

The Constitution Agreement was signed at the Lapau in Brunei Town. The two men who signed the Agreement were:  SOAS III for Brunei  Sir Robert Scott for Britain

 The 1959 BRUNEI CONSTITUTION was the greatest achievement of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III.  The ‘Syair Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei’ was written by SOAS II about the 1959 Constitution. 5



1. The Constitution marked the beginning of Brunei as a self-governing nation. 2. The Sultan was the Supreme Head of State. 3. Brunei was responsible for its internal administration. 4. The British Government was responsible for its external (foreign) affairs and defense only. 5. The Residential System was finally abolished. The post of British Resident was abolished and the post of High Commissioner was started. 6. The local post of Menteri Besar was created for the first time.


ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE 1959 CONSTITUTION SULTAN  The Supreme Head of State  Had the power to appoint the Advisory Committee members  The President of the Privy and Executive Councils  Appointed the Speaker to the Legislative and State Religious Councils  Had the power to veto a decision of the Advisory Council and power to declare a




To advise the Sultan on all matters concerning Constitutional changes, appointment to customary ranks, bestowing titles and awarding medals and decorations.

Responsible for implementing decisions and laws made by the Legislative Council.

To advise the Sultan on all matters relating to Islam.



To discuss Government Bills, pass laws, control state finance and decide government spending and development

To decide on the successor to the throne.


To decide the regent in the absence of the Sultan from the country.


May 1961  Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaya’s Prime Minister planned to unite Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei into a federation called Malaysia. 1961

 The plan aimed to enable each country to benefit economically and politically from the unity.

SOAS III found the idea acceptable.  He set up a committee to seek the view of his people.  The findings showed a varied view.

 A meeting was held between Brunei and Malaya to discuss the idea of Brunei joining Malaysia.  The discussion failed because: 1963

1. Brunei did not agree on the issue of Brunei’s revenue and federal rights to taxation. 2. SOAS III rejected the idea that he was considered as the most junior member among the other monarchs of Malaya. As a result, Brunei rejected the Malaysia Plan. Brunei did not sign the Malaysia Agreement .  The Federation of Malaysia was finally formed on 16 September 1963.  It consisted of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak.  Brunei was not included.



1. SOAS III introduced the two National Development Plans. This made Brunei modern. 2. He signed the 1959 Constitution Agreement. This was his greatest achievement. 3. He made the Malay Language and Islam as the official language and religion of Brunei as written in the 1959 Written Constitution. 4. He improved the welfare of the people in Brunei by giving pension to the old, and giving allowance to the T.B patients, the mentally retarded, widows and their children. 5. He improved education. Primary and secondary schools were set up. Scholarships to study overseas were given. 6. He introduced the first written policy of education. 7. He formed the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment in May 1961. 8. Brunei issued its first currency notes in 1967. It replaced the Straits dollar used since 1906.


4th October 1967

 SOAS III abdicated in favour of his eldest son, Yang Teramat Mulia Seri Paduka Duli Pengiran Muda Mahkota Hassanal Bolkiah.  At the time of announcement, the Crown Prince was still in England, training as a cadet at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.

5th October 1967

 The Crown Prince returned immediately to Brunei.  He was then proclaimed on the same day he arrived in Brunei.



 After the abdication, SOAS III was known as Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien.  He gave active advice and support both as a father and as a statesman.  He became the Minister of Defence when Brunei gained its independence in 1984.  He died peacefully on 7th September 1986 and was buried at the


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