Theknol 2.0 March

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Issue:2; Version3

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KNOL is a still an informal monthly ZINE. To contribute, send your creation to us asap. In


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The KNOL Mentor(s): Swati Dutt, ET-IV Editor-in-chief: (empty! No one can be in total control) Editors: Akansha Jain, EN-I * Anshul Bahukhandi, CS-II Isha Arora, CS-IV Nikunj Lahoti, CS-IV Tapan Dutt, CS-IV Creative Lead: (empty! Need People) Technical Lead: Nikunj Lahoti Copy Desk: Nikunj Lahoti Tapan Dutt Infographics & illustration: (empty! Need People) Photo Department: Nikunj Lahoti Tapan Dutt Community correspondents: Freelancers who earn recognition. These people cover the events in the college & share their opinions. Styling & Publishing: Nikunj Lahoti Anshul Bahukhandi [Counter Struck]

issue no.: 2 version: 3 for the month: March released on: March 26, 2009

||Contact Us|| editors: Akansha Jain, New Girls Hostel-210 Anshul Bahukhandi, +91 97568 15111, KKB-201 Isha Arora, Ahilya-332 Nikunj Lahoti, +91 98976 54239, Ashok-409 Tapan Dutt, +91 97195 60160, Ashok-402 email-id: [email protected] orkut-profile: uid=6728420935206669008 blogs: mailing-list: [email protected] google-group:

* other branches are still involved

Editors' desk


ismissing the hullabaloo over the monthly nature of our monthly informal magazine, here we're back; Up and Running [faster & stronger]. There have been many significant changes since the first issue. We think we have finally been able to touch sobriety. Earlier, the multitude felt we were obscure in expression. Feel free to feel the difference now. To remind us of our evolution, we've included a full blown Change-Log & a lot of new sections. Meanwhile, a lot has been happening in our campus but instead of making a red-hot story out of it, we want people to ponder over the events with the spectacles of morality (a good observer might find us cynical here). Days are longer now, but earlier attempts to make a good favorable use of the dark were sabotaged by a sudden raid by Mr. R [R = a variable name]. The birds were held which later backfired according to some sources; but thats not the point. Is this in the wake of dormant energies? Do we need better things to get involved in? Is public display of affection (PDA) correct? Depends maybe, but that sure does make others(forced onlookers) uncomfortable. See the side panel & fathom out the need to find people who can volunteer to work for KNOL. Are you one? After all, all you get is recognition. And breaking-news!! That's what matters. People have been less modest this time to don the contributor's cape and we really loved some of the tips on wooing and other casual satires. Anyway, Year-Book - 'the concept' is being conceived. You can be a good part of it now. Together we can, & we will make a difference. Nikunj Lahoti


had always wondered what life in college is all about.....???!! before actually coming into one. Rarely does any single thing succeed in exciting a 12th Grader virtually to an ecstasy as getting into a college and enjoying the new experiences (or at least getting a feel of it) and I make no exception. It is truly amazing how career and adventure go hand-inhand in college. Ranked No. 1 private college in Uttarakhand! COER has all of it which one needs in a GOOD college (Come on! Its not that bad!). “Tappi” is one thing which bolsters up my point. “Fun-Frolic life with its own terms and conditions... and prices to pay for...”. [Apropos to the recent action taken against the offenders. Girls finally found it exciting enough to overlook the risk involved] The recent “Mechanical Monster” poster is one such thing which made me feel that I'm in a college and not in a school... (what if we are still compelled to be in college livery for as long as 8 long hours every day). Words which convey joy, speech that spells success & sounds that ring wedding bells attract and bring others to your fold. But words encrypted on the “MM posters” unfolded some hidden truth about the trio (the 3 Victims). These posters were pasted all over the campus.. in classrooms, net-labs, on trees, on use-bins, everywhere except CAC & hostels. Undoubtedly, it has herald a new era in the annals of our college. Striving to delight our readers and contributors we've made more effort this time. Please take note & acknowledge. Akansha Jain







5 8


Call it whatever you want Day never to be forgotten An ODE to NH58 SCJP [EXAM WATCH] At least we can do this - Jaagore PMC: Then and Now! Beginners tips for CS

Editor's Pick


Introduction Women Empowerment SITA's CURSE Princess- Book Review


Creative Poesis

I wish I'd LIVE A (LOSER) POET says

Terror Attacks सं ग ठन


ििजय Proposal For Change

LOVE BYTES कया उम की स ीमा ह ो! !


Friendship What'd make them fall for you

Tips and Tricks



35 days with little angels AGEOMAPS


Band-Bajaao Yearbook Re-UNION


OFF-KEY Picture of the Month




Change-Log (Updates and Advancements) Change ( is no longer blocked by the college's proxy server listening at Kudos!! Its freedom to all the Blogger's.

into iPaper. iPaper can be very easily embedded inside any html page using the pdfcoke's flash support. It offers a variety of modes like bookview, single-page-view etc. We have the November'08 issue available at just got a version older. We've switched to 3.0.1. Its so much the better :D [Opensource rocks]. 1624 fonts with us are all ready to show their worth. But finally our team has got unanimous over a font (this same font) named “Teen” [Guess they just could not forget theirs.....]

SIZE We do the basic designing in OOo and then export it as PDF (Portable Document Format). Last time the whole document became 9.6MB large in size, all because of the Digital-Camera pictures in the Big-Story as well as the Committee-updates. We finally have been able to find a work around. Now while exporting the document we can reduce the DPI of images & the quality of the images. It'll help those who had trouble downloading it the last month.

िहनदी support fixed in using CTL (Complex Text Layout). Using SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) & useful translations, “hai” became 'है'। Insert → Special-Character (using Owing to the viewer's interests, demands and Lohit Hindi) has been useful to find key strokes. feedbacks, we've discontinued the committeeWe also can write in other Indic languages, to updates section, making it totally autonomous. name a few, Telugu.. Tamil.. Kannada.. Oriya.. Malayalam.. Punjabi.. Gujarati.. Bengali.. Assamese Pictures (snaps) of the contributors have also etc but reckon... who'd understand or translate 'em? been added. Now you can even spot your favorite writer at the grocery shop (or maybe taking a Monthly Archives in text format (without our stroll around café). KNOL touch) would now on be accessible every month on our new blog Commenting (posting feedback) on all of the articles is now possible. Even anonymously! Lookout for this image at the end of any article to comment upon it. This redirects you to our blogger site.

Index page has agreed to show up this time. Editor's pick: Our most favorite article now gets another title. Group Formation & Mailing List: [email protected]

This month, owing to the typos in the first issue, The KNOL team decided to let the articles undergo a rigorous testing & checking procedure. We manually tried to check for structural errors or misleading sentences but lets face it.. after all we are humans. We're determined to improve, & hope such errors would be minimized in the future. New sections have been added. Like this one (change-log) & 'CRAPpy ideas' & Launch-Pad & (Collaborative Effort). iPaper converts the uploaded pdf documents


Upcoming Sections Orkut Committee updates Message to the Beloved Wikipedia's COER page needs help Notable Tabloid Articles & Our Take Surveys & Contests

Inbox In Comment: Awesome work!!...Enticing Creativity!!..Spell bounding graphics!!...who says COER lacks Talent...KUDOS!! ( IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BETTER ) Criticism: The hazardous material data sheet appeared to me a bit out of league( like odd man out stuff a bit immature thought for such a creative stuff)...but again thats my thinking. Suggestion: Avoid Committees Stuff(make it purely an autonomous body).

KNOL is truly Knowledgeable. Best thing is that it is for everybody, means people having interests in different fields from serious, intellectual types to gossip mongers. Plus, its interactive.. with those arrow marked comments. So, overall it's really very very cool... Great work... :-) Sonakshi, IT- 2nd year There wasn't even a single thing stereotyped. I mean everything was so fresh and pleasure to read. Keep on taking feedbacks and get set for the The KNOL – December issue. At least I'll be looking forward to it. Mukul Saxena, IT-3rd year

Gaurav Khantwal, (COER Batch '07 EN / Admin Assistant, College of Science, George Mason University)

Editor: hello Sir. Thanks a lot for giving us your valuable feedback. Good work man. KNOL rocks!! Waiting it really has been a pleasure to receive your mail. We are Glad because you liked the KNOL. for the next edition. In future we surely would try to improve and make it more crispy & Bhaskar Naithani, ME-4th year relevant. Incredible work! Bata kya chahiye.....? :D Ismein humara naam to hai hi nahin. Lol Manu & Vitika (Editor Nikunj Lahoti's brother n sister-inlaw. Working for software firms in UK [this ain't Uttarakhand]

Editor: Thanks a lot for the valuable words of praise. We are glad that you liked it. We'll try to make KNOL.. a delightful experience for the contributors, for the readers and for the volunteers themselves.

The first edition was targeted for those who couldn't understand the meaning of "Knol" and for the other few who couldn't buy our credibility. So we even tried to show efforts (though crappy as it looks) thru our notices too. you can check our archives @ One thing that we think is a hindrance to the effort is the size of the team. We need people who actually want to work & you know how difficult it is to find such creative people. But soon we'll do something for that. We'll be in touch with you for your guidance. Thanks again. tkcr Sir. KNOL (the team) [by : Nikunj Lahoti]

You guys might be wondering what's with this surge of enlightenment amongst the final years that's been keeping them on their toes working so hard to bring out a mag such as this. Well, the excitement of being a creator, that's known to all of us, constitutes one of the prime reasons for the same. Yet it's not all, far from being the heart and soul of the matter.

(MUCUR's been missing me so much for all the same reasons all this while). I finally figured out that it's time to be up-n-running or it's a now-or-never situation for me. And this is the first write-up that I'm composing. As I couldn't figure out what to write, so here I am. Congrats to the KNOL team for all the good work. And hey guys, could u try making it more informal? After all, it's OUR mag pals. And to Nikunj, hats off dude. Keep up the Well, as the legend goes, our dearest friend Nix (this being the good work. Take care. Hoping to be able to extract all the more Linux version for Nikunj; derived from good old buddy Tux, the fun from the upcoming issues, yours truly. Linux mascot penguin – courtesy me, although his pet names Bhashkar Sharma, IT-4th year like 'Niks' (mark the difference!)or 'Lambu' already were in existence) came up with the stupendously superb idea of Editor: publishing an e-mag that'd carry the informal as well as formal stuff pertaining to college happenings and activities. An e-mag hey... that's one thing i'd like to include in KNOL... its full was a good choice due to many a reasons quoting all of which of humor.. and is catty... Hats off to you too for is neither necessary nor required here. A few of the many coming up with something of that measure. would be the easy distribution, the almost priceless (either I really enjoyed every ounce of it... (who'd not!!!? It way!) creation and best of all- on-the-fly readability. That's was a praise to either the idea.. or to us... Lol) really brilliant, my friend. Well, being an avid reader (interested in the details? Check out my Orkut profile) I considered penning thanks a lot for appreciating... & I want you to know something down for the mag, first edition, but sadly, lazy as I that I seriously want at least one writing from the next issue. Well we'll try to make it more am, could do little to bring my thoughts into action. Nothing new in it, I've achieved flawless perfection in postponing things catchy... more informal & full of fun... together we'll with official deadlines to the last possible extent. make it a place for the KT (knowledge transfer)... the

platform..we all ever wanted :D

But the summary of it all was that I was pretty much unable to tkcr.......(thanks again) be able to be featuring my name in the volume 1 of KNOL


Alumni Corner The GyP


"Indians have the second largest population in the world"...its a universal truth.. (well actually according to me its a CHATPATA truth, knowing we are progressing fast, yet are still backward in some sense). So it sounds really obvious to hear people going from India to some developed country....for an obvious reason - "good money".....

so being a li'l puzzled and scared (obviously that hostel was the only one having a room empty :P) I said "no ,well actually I don't know....all I know is that I'm from India... I never actually had classified myself like this, neways this place is FULL of Indians" and he replied "Uhh...han asal mein jayadatar dukane yahan are owned, run or leased by Marvaris, punjabis etc, baaki spanish logo ke yahan kaam karte hai"......(MAN..........can you expect that .......i mean the word "jyada" :O if it goes on like this you can imagine whats gonna happen in future.......!!).

I shifted to Barcelona recently for my internship, so if you are new to the place the 1st thing you would do is to search for a place to sleep...which led me to a street, Neverland Street (name changed for obvious reasons), in the heart of Barcelona.

So as a natural curiosity I asked him "How come so many ppl get the work permit I've believed that work permits in Europe are a hard catch".......therefore as usual I got one more shock....he said "Work Permit ... hah arre baba kahe chahiye work permit....????....yahan jayadatar bina paper ke hai ....aur paperwalo se jayada Since I didn't know any Spanish,the only option you are aaram se rehte hai.......kisse chaiye paper yahan huh" left wid is English, so as a sincere "lost" tourist, I shocked I was feeling totally paranoid...i mean this is stopped a person and asked " Excuse me can you crazy, I asked him "ha'toh phir yeh log Europe mein aate please tell me the way to Neverland Street"....and the kahan se hai??"....I mean how can a person be so cool thing I heard was totally unexpected, the guy said about it.... He replied " aram se ..... kuch toh containers "Indian ho??" (I mean obviously u can't expect a person mein jo jahaj se yahan pahuch jaate hai, agar woh pakde jaae speaking with you in HINDI in the middle of Barcelona) toh jail mein unhe kuch din rakhke chor dete hai ....ho gayi a little surprised I said "ji , toh kya aap bata sakte hai ki Europe mein entry......aur jo baaki bache kuche hai unhe toh yeh jagah kahan padegi, kyo ki mujhe koi rehne ki jagah unke rishtedar jo yahan pehle se hai invitation se bula lete chaiye"....... hai....." Now in these kinda situations what can you think of......whatever it is least not what I heard "arre tension na lo yeh pura ilaka apne se hi bhara hua hai ...." (shocked???? hold your nerves.......its just the beginning)... and he was talking about the same "Neverland Street which is eventually one of the biggest touristy place of Barcelona".......

PACKED IN CONTAINERS !!! man thats insane .....can you believe that!? Its like watching a guy dancing over a VOLCANO... :D, therefore I asked him .."Do they actually do that!!" (I know its a stupid question but you tell me won't you be asking that same question when you hear this)..........for this he calmly said "Haan comfortably, for the money they'll earn comfortably".

Well, to be really honest this was the 1st shock that These calm words did have a lot of meanings hidden in Barcelona gave me...... I entered the street, and it gave them, meanings of sadness, silence and the stories me another shock..(yeah he was right).....everywhere of all the people (without papers) of what they .. all I could see were Indians or Pakistanis..., I mean it was not looking like a Spanish city ...Spanish people were looking like some tourists wandering in "Clean and Modern MUMBAI" (Jai Maharastra :D) After these two shockers.....I made up my mind to be ready to face more......(thankfully it did help). So finally I landed up in a HOSTAL (an Indian one .....well almost all of them were run or owned or leased by One of the Indian one :D). Took a room and revived myself..... and in order to pass my spare time at night I talked to SHARMAJI (No it wasn't me :P). SHARMAJI – skinny, of about 45years and a Marvari (you probably would be wondering, why I said Marvari!..well just in the beginning of the conversation he asked me "Are you a Marvari??"......I mean I am in Spain, the relevant question should be "Are you an Indian??” or “Where r u from in India??" but here he is asking me are you a if he's gonna throw me out if I'm

suffered in order to come to this country.............. "for money , for money" p.s. : It’s all my personal point of view and some fiction elements has also been used to make it more “INTERESTING”. So no offense to anyone......anywhere and All spelling mistakes are done intentionally :D

CHEERZ !!!!!!





6 * Ashish Sir writes under this column name; Meaning 'Bhasad' (in Hindi).

Alumni Corner

Parochial Thinking


I am searching for some answers...almost all of them, I know will never be answered because I will have to assimilate them from mundane world around...I believe that is a step towards “maturity” but still some of these questions disturb me a lot at this stage of my life. We all are so different…differences in thinking, assessing things, differences in outlook in dictates of conscience. Why is every human so different from the other even if bred under same condition same habitat exactly same surroundings, some times same parents…is it that delicate combinations of genes that happens after procreation or is it imbibing of the world around and then ramifying it into understanding. Why majority of us have a very parochial outlook…why a higher conscience level lacks in majority. Why is the diorama so narrow for most of us? A witty friend of mine spoke spontaneously “Khanti is it that some people have a spiritual instincts or is it abundance of time that few lucky ones have in this world that they are drawn towards abstract things, coz if they were busy they would never have thought over such things” I almost laughed on his comment but then sometime after realized even if there was an iota of truth in his words then it could have been answer to one of my questions. But then I thought that many individuals around have idle time which they spend in boozing, womanizing, tourism or any kind of recreation. Even they can opt for such abstract thinking but no they chose a different way…and hence there is some thing as “higher conscience” “spirituality”, “thinking that draws a few out of a lambs walk. p.s.: Lambs walk is a very relative term here. It is just one aspect of many, many things that people choose to walk with the crowd. They might not be with the crowd in many other issues so please don’t generalize Lambs’s a Relative next blog will be on RELATIVITY. Gaurav Khantwal Fairfax / Dehradun, Virginia/ Uttranchal, United States a Masters student in EE Depatment, George Mason University. &also working part time at College of Science, GMU. COER, Batch '07, E.T. Know more


Rand om Ink Well,


as it seems, I’m supposed to be writing something REAL and FRUITFUL here. Both of the aforementioned words might sound creepy or CRAPPY as you might, but wait, don’t get scared and run away. The article might not turn out as horrendous as it is presently sounding, I hope. With exams up-n-running for us, it’s time to unleash all the creativity that’s hibernated for a while now (to be precise, since the last semester exams ended). Being the seventh semester for us final years, it’s just a repeat performance time. Nothing to be afraid of (at least for us CS IT guys), things would fall fine. It’s just a mug-up-n-spit-out process for many a few. Sorry if some of you are offended, but that is just the way it is. Bringing into perspective the 'article' I penned down 3 yrs down the time-line, the present state of the economy and of the market makes me thoughtful even more than it did back then. Are we putting our ‘selves’ at stake? For those who are blank about all of it; let me get things straight. I wrote something on what this regular job-life is really going to give us; save from the possible millions, which too now seems a feeble and bleak possibility. Call me all the names you want, pessimist would just be the beginning of a possibly unending queue, or 'linked-list' maybe. I beg to restate here that I am not any economist, let alone the one with a foresight. All my petty head can accumulate is that there have been things that shouldn't, and maybe it’s payback time for many a few. The whole system-gone-wrong that has needed an overhaul for so long a time is now in an emergent situation, maybe comparable to a patient in ICU. But what the hell, we as the educated n ultra-KNOL-edged ones at that, maybe need to consider our options. I understand that my article might not be able to mean absolutely anything to many of you revered souls. It might sound like sheer CRAP (on a totally different level, it actually is!), but as I've already stated, I’m not here to cast my vote to your idio(syn)cracy. Nor do I mean to paint doomsday scenarios for you guys. A few do that to themselves all the time (now THAT's pessimism). Economy should and it hopefully would get back to its strong self in minimalistic time. But my quest is not about uncertainties. It’s more about the spirit in us that's GOT THE KICKS! The current recession, also dubbed The Depression 2.0, as you might be aware, has lead to the shutting down of many financial organizations, wrecked the finances of many top-of-the-riches-list billionaires, and at its worst, caused thousands to lose their jobs. As they say, bad times teach us things, as have these times done; they have showed us that each day is not sunshine and we must have the habit of saving for a rainy day. As per my opinion, we must look for a job in our area of interest, instead of just blindly following our peers. After all, we all are engineers (almost there), and at least have an idea of what makes our adrenaline rush. I am not saying here to step into adventure sports (but if you feel it is your true calling, just go for it); my point here is that whatever you step into after college life should give a satiating feeling. For some of us, who live on the surreal edge of the world, it might be a bit hard to achieve, but that’s about it. Remember that nothing that one can think or hope for, that has or has not happened till today, is impossible and you very much have the potential of achieving whatever you wish to in every walk of life. Remember that ‘Dreams are the making of our Destiny’. Learn to dream and then work hard enough to turn your dreams into a reality. Sounding clichéd? It might feel so; but to be honest, this is what life is about. What is the whole point of life if you live in constant fear of failure and slog yourself while crushing all the pleasure out of your life? You guys might easily be creating virtual dementors (refer Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) in your life and sucking the ‘life’ out of your life. True enjoyment comes to you when you set out to seek what you want and give yourself to it till you get it. A lot can be said about it, but all that does matter is how many of us give ourselves to the goals that we make. Remember that money or pelf might seem goals as of now, as the youth within wishes to explore and seek the world, but soon all of it is going to sound crazy and stupid. Not just that, it has been discovered by researchers that by 35+, all that matters is satisfaction in the job and in the life. So what moot point do we wish to chase and by running after absolute blankness. Come to think about it, about what you wish to achieve in life and what do you expect your life to give you as a trophy at the end of it all because money or moolah might seem prime as of now, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

Bhashkar Sharma, Sharma, IT-4th year 8

Rand om Ink Well it's 11:30pm and the date is 5th December, 2007. It's a long time since dark shadow's have taken over the blue sky. The sun seems to have sunk deep and it seems it would never come on top again.


Vivek Bahuguna, ET-Final Year

I am not sure but at this moment I feel to cry as hell, I really do not know what's the reason for such profound grief. Maybe the loss of my dearest dog “Montie”. It was really traumatic and heart throbbing emotions when I heard of my dog's death (from my sister at around 7:30pm). He has been with us for 14 long years. I still remember the day when I and my brother brought him from my aunt's house, at that time he was just 22 days old, very sweet quiet puppy much like a toy. He was kept in a small poly-bag with his head popping out of it. He was brownish white with black patches around his eyelids and looked like a perfect creation for a puppy. Since then he has always been with us (until today), in our griefs our sorrows, our joys. He was the favorite of my father, my grandmother both of whom always loved him more than anything. I think today they have finally called him to their place where one day each one has to go. In my entire walk of life (still have to go far ahead) I have heard of people dying, myself experienced the death of closed one's. I am not able to understand this aspect of nature. Why did the god want us to die? If he wants so then why did he create us in the first place?? Why he wants other people to suffer grief over the death of their close one's? Well I think no one knows the answer but one thing is very sure that each one has to go through this phase of life or rather death. I wrote like this because today I have lost my dearest one (my dog was more like a family member to us). I feel like splurging out my emotions on this very entry. My mind is filled with every picture of him. His cute little little eyes, how I used to play with him, how he used to wag his tail whenever he saw anyone of us returning home. I know I wont experience any of his such gestures from now onwards and this very thought leaves tears in my eyes. I feel that god would have not created such rule of life and death, I experience this because I have lost someone special. Nothing can stop it, we as human beings have to bow down to the laws of nature, the laws of GOD. “In memory of my cute little dog MONTIE” Dated : 1st Feb 2008 May God give peace to his soul


Rand om Ink


Now that i am in the final year of my B.Tech and after passing out, i probably would not be visiting Roorkee again (although i love the city) as frequently as i do for now i always wanted to tell people around me about my traveling experiences. Now that KNOL is here i get a good opportunity to do so (it is very much the same for you all...Get started!!) thereby here i pay my homage to the gracious & illusory highway. I took a road trip to Delhi from our college, a journey of some 200kms which takes me around 6 hours to complete (now started to being more often done). The time of travel mentioned here is under the normal circumstances. The journey started from outside the college where i waited for a local bus to take me to the so called BUS TERMINAL (it remains the same till now) of Roorkee, although there was this rickety auto with the blaring noise of its engine standing besides the road. It would have equally solved my purpose(& saved me some time of waiting) if i was to board it which meant i have to overcome my inane fear of autos whom i supposedly think are 3 legged demons & can overturn anytime gulping the sane lesser mortals for eternity. Now since i decided to wait for a bus, although the buses here are no good either... i waited for it. After 20 min or so a local bus arrived FULL, seeing it for a moment you'll ask yourself “do i stand a chance to get in it” you do if you are stoutly built, and GIRLS you wait for another bus.... . I was a little apprehensive but i said to myself “its now or never” so i crammed myself to a 5 by 1 inch space on the foot board precariously half hanging outside the bus (here i want to make it clear that i don't travel like that and after this experience i will never again). I prayed that every time it overtook some other big vehicle it had a safe distance between them so that i reach my home as a single entity. Now comes the part which i think should not be there, the TICKET part. The conductor was so shrewd and adamant on taking money that he pushed and shoved in the bus and in the process if a few of us fall of a running bus it should not surprise him or invoke any kind of reaction or action because he cares the least & in the first place why on earth do you travel on a foot board in a bus??? It has been estimated that at any given time on any given Indian road there can be as many as 34 different examples of locomotion in operation: cars, trucks, buses, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, bullock-carts, donkeycarts, human-carts, tractors, bulldozers, camels, elephants, stray dogs, strayer children, pedestrians. NH-58 is no exception, not only are all of these and more, on the same road at the same time but they also seem imbued with the singular purpose of occupying the same segment of space at the same time as each other, thereby giving practical proof of the hypothesis advanced by Stephen hawking that our world is not 3-D as our everyday senses suggest, but 8-D, 10-D or 12-D enabling matter and energy to slip in and out of secret nooks and crannies of the cosmos. The process of widening the highway is underway, which in the mean time is not helping. What actually happens is that it creates a bottleneck at many places. Somehow my bus leaves behind all the bottlenecks but suddenly the roller coaster slams to a halt. Now what?? A dead heffalamp on the road, or a randy bull getting his jollies with a passing femme cattle, a local Neta giving a stump speech or maybe a senseless stupid procession on its way? None of the above.....its a barrier with a sign saying STOP! POLICE CHECKING. And all the 34 types of traffic carts, cars, camels, donkeys, road rollers will come into gridlocked stasis to get past the wiggle-woggle barrier. Inevitably, when the wiggler woggles , the woggler coming the opposite way will wiggle creating a paralysis of motion less amenable to thaw the Gangotri glacier and many times as vociferous. 'Abbe saale! Kahan ghuste ho baap ka rasta hai kya??' when or where you least expect it, it will be there “STOP! POLICE CHECKING”. The police certainly have a lot to check on. Except for one thing there are no police. Police checkpoints are all totally innocent of constabulary. As an exception to the rule, once in a rare while you might indeed find a policeman at a check post. And what is he checking, if anything? The variegated traffic that has been brought to a standstill, the better him to scrutinize it(for terrorists, smugglers, hoodlums) not a chance. If he's doing anything at all, its one of the two things: either digging his nostrils to see if the guck he's dug out has mysteriously changed color overnight, or he's scratching his crotch to verify that his goolies haven't suddenly dropped off & rolled down an open manhole. By the time our bus woggles beyond the makeshift barriers we've already spent 20 minutes (can go up in situations of a terrorist attack at one of our major cities or even worse on our parliament!!). Not to mention the insoluble traffic jam which causes a near nervous break down of the docile and helpless passengers (not me because i have developed high affinity to it and i am no longer docile). Traveling by roads has always been an ordeal for the lesser mortals. The roads are bad, dropping tolerance level of the drivers and travelers alike, rampantly increasing vehicles on the road are making the dream of peaceful travel by road a non achievable target. It is our fundamental right to travel from anywhere in the country to anywhere else, but it will be peaceful is not guaranteed without spending a fortune. I hope in the coming years it improves because traveling will remain a necessity for Homo sapiens. And it directly or indirectly contributes to the economy of any country and specially INDIA which is still developing. All those years i have traveled on that highway many a times and i enjoyed it because every time it was entirely a new experience for me. But deep somewhere i felt that it could've been much better. Whatever the case maybe, I love the city and the road leading to it. I'm sure the highway road will improve in the near future and more and more people will be able to experience a delight in traveling rather than having harrowing time maneuvering the bends and pot holes of the road.

Tapan Dutt, CS – IVth year 10

Rand om Ink


SCJP is one of these numerous certifications which Sun Microsystems provide, but is one of the hardest examinations in the IT industry till date.

SCJP that's for Sun Certified Java Programmer which says once you get this certification; the probability of getting placed becomes quite high 'coz it proves to your prospective employer; that you are one of those wiz kids, which are hard to find. Its one of the toughest examinations in the IT industry which even most of these so called experienced programmers are not capable of cracking; that is because most of the time they don't study for it. So, once you get this highly reputed certification there is no looking back. It proves three things to your employer: – You are “smart” or PRETTY – You know how to prepare for a challenge test (which proves you never cheated in your exams) – And you know how to speak. I mean JAVA is a LANGUAGE right!! Currently there are 8 Java certifications but you can't even apply for them if you haven't passed this one. It just needs 59% score to get through. That's much for d importance. Lets talk how these 98% holders study for that exam. They write a lot of code. Most questions asked are related to debugging; in fact all of them. You need to find the O/P (output) or obviously the error, it goes the either way. You can simply read this book authored by Kathy Seirra and Bert Bates. Name of the Book is.... Any Guesses?? SCJP Exam Study Guide (never mind, that indeed was a difficult one. :P) It has got many questions and the same number of answers (don't go inside the mathematics of this statement.. Its complex) But to study this book, you need to know the basics of Java before; only then try to mess with this book. After completing the book; start doing the mock paper. Did I say paper? Its not exactly a paper; its a CBT (Computer Based Test) Just like GRE or like BITS paper you tried... BUT.... !!! Its not over yet. Go to and search for more SCJP dump (Dump is a set of sample and previous time's questions). Once you start debugging the problems even without reading them; its time to take the test. “But do read them in the question paper. Don't be complacent.” And not you don't get this SCJP “golden chance” for free.

t hi s i s n

.. 't mine

Sylvan Prometrics is an organization which schedules these tests. They have their centers in literally every city in the world; though they are not in the villages yet. Well I don't care. You can buy it from Sun's website or even these Sylvan guys can buy it for you. It has a validity of 6-12 months and you can take it anytime between this interval (on the manufacturing date or the expiry)

Thanks a lot for your “Vella” time. Need to know more!! Contact Sun Microsystems. Don't even dare to bother me.

Nishant Rawat, IT - 3rd year [The Author has recently got the certification. Kudos!!]


Rand om Ink Hey guyz ....waise toh u must b feeling very tired after following d every nuz related to Mumbai TERROR attack...right??? This terror attack was d worst one that we have seen in d long killed about 200 lives including some top officials like ATS chief- etc. But the great ex-C.M of Maharashtra said such incidents happens in big cities. Although he had to quit but u must have seen him laughing at d press conference... Some people says we are more united now .. n they (d terrorist) can't divide us on religion.. We showed our patriotism or say it anger to be more precise, by doing rounds of SMSes... holding some rallyz... walking wid a candle in the hand.. placards showing the reflection of our thinking..burning some effigies.. That's d way we react all the time. so nothing nu about it...but tell me.. is that enough? Can't we do something that can help?


We always criticize the whole system..We often use “THEY ALL ARE CORRUPTED” and finish the discussion... M I right (again )? But thats not funny... Now u'l say ki “HUM KAR BHI KYA SAKTE HAI”??? But I think there is at least one thing that we can do...we can 'VOTE'.. Don't u think ki somehow we are d real culprit?? We elect these people toh basically it is our fault.. In our country the voting rate is always below par..and those who vote, I doubt..what is their criteria of voting a person...some says “HUM TO HAMESHA SE HI HAATH PE MOHAR LAGAATE HAI”... Sometimes toh they don't even know d representative... So how we can be sure that our country is in safe hands?? Here m feeling lyk using d F word.. So,what I wanna say is please yaar.. come forward and Vote..m not asking you to pay nething but your consciousness... I bet most of u don't even own a Voter Id card...even I don't have one...but I have applied for it now.. Recently there was some nuz that nu registration for Voter Ids are on.. but I found it a bit tedious.. u can check it, if u find it then please go forward and make sure u own a Voter Id now... Otherwise keep reading this article  I found a simple way... JAAGO RE.. u must have seen this on TV.. All what u have to do is..go to n d site will itself guide u to the entire process.. t. after registering to d site, it will provide u a FORM 6.. which u will have to submit to your the ad ver n e e s e 'v neighborhood. Don't worry d site will provide u the address too... who For those . So u see how simple it is :) relate


And please don't think ki m getting something from JAAGO RE ;) I hope ki aap log ab JAAG gaye ho.. please try to wake some more people and take a step forward to do something for our motherland otherwise...hmm... i don't know. ..k then, see you in the polling booth..take care.

Sandeep Aggarwal, CS - 4th year 12

Rand om Ink People say that changes are Inevitable... They perhaps are Imminent too!! See carefully around the campus and u’ll find number of things changed. The roads have changed, the ADM block has changed, the gate has changed (no more confusing College Of Engineering Roorkee with


Mukul Saxena

SECURITY) ,even the WI-FI has changed (yeah it has, all access points are new now!) Above all, the Piya Milan Chowk a.k.a. PMC has shifted by precisely 18 steps. Like a number of COER monuments; the PMC holds its special place. It is the point of Unison (division also), it is the place of “HIIs”(BYEs also), it is a place where you wait(or MAKE someone else wait for you). It is the place where Hundreds of hearts were either broken or fixed at times like of Deep Sandhya (for those of you who don’t know, Deep Sandhya is like a MINI VALENTINE’s day of COER). But there is specific Species called HOMO SINGLII for whom the PMC is like any other place. It is either a parking area or a place where a group of entirely separate Species called HOMO IHaveAFuntooAndYouDon’tSoKeepStaringLoser! are usually seen chit-chatting in a very low voice as if they are discussing some matter of national security. For these HOMO SINGLII; PMC still has not changed much. For them the Gates of Tarawati have not come closer by 18 steps, but still there is hope for them. And this very hope pulls them to Café in their nicest of attire every evening at precisely 5.15. And just Then when the 2nd or 3rd whistle goes, they slowly start to walk towards their Forbidden Territory; the PMC where they find a number of couples having their last laughs of the evening & bidding goodnight to each other. And so they continue their journey. Journey into their Deep, Dark abyss called Hostels wherein only two things exists Woh Aur unki TANHAYEE!


NOTE: The author and KNOL publishers are all HOMO SINGLII. And this TANHAYEE always makes 'em do crazy stuff like making KNOL or Writing for it. Also you might be thinking why did I not write about the path from CAC to PMC where also HOMO IHaveAFuntooAndYouDon’tSoKeepStaringLoser are usually seen doing healthy things like Girls walking with their hands folded & boys walking with their hands in their pockets(walking is good for health ), the reason is that I just but the dust-bin is nowhere to be seen Now signed a Pseudo Contract with KNOL people of articles on all special places of COER; so my series will continue in next KNOL(Hopefully)! Till then, keep dressing up & going to Café. Who knows, you might just get lucky some day!


Rand om Ink

Are you



?? O

kay, people you must have by now tried out some of the tips. If not then duh... you should.

This time I am going to tell you some of the basic tactics. So, people watch your step as you get up coz I am about to drop some knowledge. Part 2 of many parts --->


Rand om Ink Take advantage of background noise when being stealthy Running at normal speed makes noise; so does opening moving boxes, and opening grates or vents. Walking instead of running will eliminate the noise you make when moving, but to move or open things you generally must make some amount of noise, potentially giving your position away to the enemy. When you're being stealthy, it's in your best interest to wait until there is ambient noise -- such as gunfire -- to make your move. This way the noise you make is less likely to be noticed among the din. If there's no background noise available, you can make your own -- throw a grenade as a decoy. Take advantage of background firing and grenade explosions to make your move

Use smoke grenades to provide cover when none is available Smoke grenades can help provide cover when you're under sniper fire and won't survive a charge. Note that smoke billows out of the grenade slowly, in a rotating pattern -- so make sure you're on the right side of the smoke if you want to take advantage of its cover. Note that the obscurity goes both ways -- if they can't see you, then you can't see them. Excessive use of smoke grenades is often considered exploitative, since it is sometimes used to malicious reduce frame rates for others. Use smoke for cover -- but quickly, before the smoke fades away and leaves you exposed.

Use flashbang grenades before charging Flashbangs are one of the secret weapons of Counter-Strike. Flashbangs blind their opponent, for a period of time that depends on their proximity to the blast. A flashbang at close range, for instance, can leave the victim completely incapacitated for a full ten seconds -- an eternity in close quarters combat. When you know the enemy is lurking around a corner, a flashbang can be a devastating softening up weapon: Throw the flashbang, blind your enemy, and then charge and finish him off. Note that due to their relatively short duration, flashbangs are not very useful unless they are followed up with an immediate charge. Needless to say, take care not to flashbang yourself or your own team.

Cover when reloading When you are reloading you are at your most vulnerable. Different weapons take different amounts of time to reload. The shotguns -- the M3 and XM1014 -have the most rapid reloading mechanism: You can reload them one round at a time, and fire between rounds. As for the rest of the weapons, they must be reloaded one magazine at a time. It's best to take cover when reloading -- don't continue your assault, and avoid enemy contact until you've finished reloading. When reloading, take cover and avoid getting the enemy's attention. 15

Rand om Ink Don't habitually reload after a kill Many single player games that are superficially like Counter-Strike encourage players to reload almost instinctually after they score a kill, since the next enemy will be around the corner waiting for them. In Counter-Strike this a bad idea, since your enemies will often travel in groups. Instead, conserve ammunition by only using as much as you need to kill your target, and then wait until a lull in the fighting before reloading. Suppress the urge to immediately reload after every kill. Instead wait until you know there are no enemies nearby.

Use high-explosive grenades to finish off injured, pinned-down enemies Grenades are good for softening up the enemy before a charge. They really come into their own, though, when you're fighting against an enemy at moderate distance who has already taken some damage. If he has nowhere to run, then you can toss a HE grenade right into his lap and there's little he can do about it. It is particularly effective when your target is in a confined area where they cannot move about much. Corner them, pin them down, injure them, and then finish them off with a grenade.

Switch to sidearm when out of ammunition in a firefight Out of ammunition with your primary weapon? Switch to your sidearm, or, in the worst case, your knife. Practice this; if you know you're about to have an encounter with an enemy around the corner and already have a few rounds left in your primary, switch to your sidearm early so that you don't waste time switching mid-fight. If you get caught reloading, you can still switch to your sidearm (although obviously your reload won't have completed so your primary will still be out of ammo). Be ready to switch to your sidearm at a moment's notice.

Watch alcoves and corners for ambushers When rushing, be sure you watch for enemies in the nooks and crannies that you're passing. It's quite easy for an enemy to take cover and prepare for an ambush when you're rushing; you can easily find yourself when enemies in cover behind you. When rushing, don't go blindly; check for ambushers.


Rand om Ink

Concentrate on what's ahead when rushing

When you're rushing, when you near your target (say, a doorway or a corridor), you should get tunnel vision. Trying to keep tabs on everything that's going on around you is counterproductive; you will easily fall to an enemy up ahead when you're busy looking around. Concentrate on the task ahead of you; you're not going to be able to effectively deal with threats that are flanking you anyway, and your best defense from there will be to get to where you're headed and secure the area. When you're decidedly advancing, don't get distracted by what's going on around you.

Provide assistance for your teammates You and your team are in this together; the goal is to help your team win the round, not for you to be on top of the heap. When your teammates call for help, provide assistance. When you hear nearby gunfire, divert to the area to see if you can flank an enemy. You are part of a team; act like it.


By : AnsHuL BahuKhanDi


Editors' P ick



In the wake of a lot of people showing concern towards the condition of women in this modern(yet tragic) world, one of our Editors finally decided to introduce to you this something called “Women Empowerment”! Pay heed.

We didn't need an international study to learn that this country treats its women badly. But a world economic forum(WEF) study measuring gender equality around the world has placed India 113 out of 130 countries, in the bottom 20 behind shockingly countries such as Bangladesh and the U.A.E. The rankings were based on how much progress nations have made in the areas of job's, education, politics and health as a measure of gender parity. Indian women are worse off than just about their all counterparts. We as an Indians boast of a largest democracy in the world, imbibing a system of nonpartisan election of leader's but our society is an extremely patriarchal society. Sex ratios are the most skewed in favor of males in some of the richest parts of the country, proving that economic growth alone cannot result in better lives for Indian women. Where have we gone wrong? Why don't we accept the fairer sex to be at par with us? Who are we to decide that which one is the weaker sex. Although It is indisputable that women or females for that matter are physically weaker than males but that in no way it authorizes us (the males) to consider women as essentially appendages to men in patriarchal society. When I speak as a student, for the cause of women I feel that, being rich and procuring education only alone will not solve the problem. We as a society need to sensitize our male clan towards respecting and honoring the dignity of a female. They are one of the most wonderful creation of God. Even “RAGHURAM” doesn't like it!! (The MTV roadie guy). This time around for KNOL we have been receiving a lot of articles from girls regarding the women empowerment and their uplifting. Why am I not surprised by such an onslaught of virulent expression from girls because the anger is building up in them. And why is KNOL being a medium to reflect their expressions. Wasn't the KNOL to be a fun part of our college!!? Yes it was to be and we also encourage students to speak of their innerselves, their minds, their grudges without being offensive. We as the editors are fully aware of the articles which may seem offensive to a particular clan of people but we do take utmost care to trim (&tone) it down to a level which is acceptable and in a way reflects truth being told. I would like to wind up here by mentioning the fact that “THE KNOL” is a revolution, is a legacy. This kind of thing never happened in our college. It has filled the void of literati-ism in the lives of the fellow students. We as the editors are proud of our baby and we urge you people to unleash the winner in you because as the saying goes..“IN EVERY LOOSER DEEP INSIDE THERE IS A WINNER WAITING TO BREAK FREE IN FRONT OF THE WORLD”.

Tapan Dutt


Editors' P ick



omen' ; a desideratum for men.

'Women' ; without whom life is unsurmountable (or out of question). “A BETTER HALF OF THE SOCIETY” Women have always remained a very trivial figure in the Indian Society. 61 years of independence has beget a hybrid of achievements and failures. But, the most humiliating of all is the failure in the emancipation of women. Irony is India being a puritanical society still deems women as male dominated. Men are the ones who determine the conditions governing the terms of relationship between the two sexes. But great and powerful women like, Kiran Bedi, Kalpana Chawla, Indira Gandhi have revolutionized the whole concept.


In the present scenario, this 21st century, women have emerged out victorious in all the fields, be it, politics, sciences, management, sports or anything. They have taken up herculean tasks like swimming across English channel or flying above Atlantic. Their efforts are worth appreciating. They have proved that they are in no way inferior to men. But in some parts of India women are still deprived of their rights and privileges. Their lives are controlled by (their) men & so they are not been able to direct themselves by making successful achievements. Men, there, still possess conservative minds. They have failed to understand that the 'VIRTUOUS WOMEN ARE CROWN TO THEIR HUSBAND'. So, women shouldn't be pressurized. Women will seek a more active role in grooming and molding the children rather than the current role in cooking food & providing them emotional sustenance with their unconditional love, affection and care. Women have to face a lot of obligations and there are loads of thorns in their way of success. They have to face mishap, loot, kidnapping, misbehavior, extortion calls & the most disgusting of all these, they are sexually assaulted. But in spite of all these they have never looked back in the past & are stepping forward for a better course for future. They can be seen taking an active part in the affairs of the state & have been able to exercise an influence on the course of history. Some of the most famous women of the past have not been queens in their own right but either as wives or mothers, they've been the power behind the throne. Empowerment of women aims at giving women the autonomy over their lives, their destiny. They will refuse to submit the conventions that binds them to the four walls of their houses. Achievements made by the women should be widely published so that it becomes an inspiration for others and they are encouraged to come forward and join hands to work for a better future. Their practical sense, aesthetic base & capacity to love must be appreciated. Wide opportunities should be made open to them as they are the future of the nation. Ankita, IT 1st year (written keeping in mind the rural/backward areas of India)

“It is impossible to think about the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is impossible for a bird to fly on only one wing” – SWAMI VIVEKANAND

SITA'S CURSE From time immemorial, the women in this land of ours are treated as a sort of thing.

This very issue of women empowerment arises because of the harsh reality that women are considered as a use and throw commodity.


Editors' P ick India being world's largest democracy still views women as 'second sex'. Her placing in the society is not at par with other human beings. Women should themselves come forward and unite in their march towards empowerment irrespective of the caste, creed, class or religion. They must draw inspiration from successful women like Kalpana Chawala, Sania Mirza, Sarojini Naidu, Kiran Bedi, Indira Gandhi – the list is endless. Despite the fact that India has a strong written constitution laying down laws of equality and welfare of women, brutal practices such as female infanticide, child labor, dowry, rape, molestation, trafficking, domestic abuse, sexual harassment, etc still haunt women. Marriage has become a profitable business which puts the bride on the debit side & the groom on the credit side. Thousands of women have to face ill treatment in the name of dowry. A women is seen as someone lesser and to compensate for her “lesserness” her parents give dowry. Even today, in certain parts of Rajasthan, hundreds of minor girls and boys are married during the Akha Teej (Akshaya Tritiya) in the total violation of the Child Marriage Restraint Act. She is forced to become a mother at a time when she is not emotionally or physically prepared for it. Laws alone can't help to combat this because we have a terrific capacity to twist laws. There should be a moment to restore human values. We have to look deep within ourselves. What women need to do is, raise their voice against these crimes so that the culprits receive the desired punishment. Women nowadays are at a political level where they are free to share their ideas and views in the parliament. The year 2001 was declared as “Women Empowerment Year”. The NGO's have played a vital role in the empowerment of women. The government must ensure that women must get access to primary education. As a matter of fact it is very important that the women should establish their own identity, recognize her capabilities and should seriously work towards it.

Maithili Massey, EN, 1st year



k o o




“IT IS DIFFICULT TO APPRECIATE THE PRIVILEGES THAT WE HAVE UNTIL WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE CRUELTY AROUND THE WORLD....” PRINCESS: A true story of life behind the veil in Saudi Arabia, describes the life of 'Sultana', a princess in the royal house of Saudi Arabia. The biography leads us from Sultana's childhood to adulthood, and with that we witness the horrific sense of male dominance in the Middle East. This book unfolds how Arabian men defy the Islamic decree (which allows polygamy, subjected to various terms and conditions. Eg. providing equal facilities to all the 4 Begums (wives) and manipulate the verses for their sexual gratification. The book is a chilling portrait of rank misogamy and hypocrisy. It reveals how young girls at a tender age of 13 or 14 years are compelled to many men 5 times their age. And then how their Shauhars (husbands) rape them under the legalized canopy of Nikaah (marriage). Sara (one of Sultana's Islamic sisters) was one such victim. With every passing chapter one will learn how women are killed by drowning, stoning or by isolating them in the room. The book is also very informative as it makes us aware of many Islamic words, various maps and laws of Saudi Arabia and most importantly, chronology.

Maithili Massey, EN-1st Year


Editors' P ick Readers Speak:


The story is an incredible insight of a women's struggle. I think this is a fantastic and heart warming book. It was so captivating a story that, while reading, it seemed to me as if i was out there watching it happen. The culture shock is disturbing. The whole thing made me shudder. I HIGHLY recommend it all to all the girls and to the boys as well. READ IT!! if you like to appreciate how lucky and free some of us women are! And also how helpless one can feel just reading about it. It is really eye opening and a reminder to the world that “EVERYTHING THAT GLITTER'S IS NOT GOLD....”. This book certainly changed my views on the world and on my own life [as well]. Maithili Massey, EN-1st Year

Princess turned out to be one of the most enthralling book's I have ever read. The courage, endurance and the indomitable spirit portrayed by the protagonist seemed quite incredible but coming from a native women it became believable. It is an absolutely unforgettable book which would touch any body's heart. I was very startled to read about the outrageous acts inflicted upon the women of Saudi Arabia.

Monika Pandey, Civil-1st Year

The book opened in front of me, unimagined appalling life conditions of the women of the Gulf. It speaks volumes of the soul of a women named sultana who has been born and brought up in Arab royal family and has rebellious demeanor. The princess herself unveils the torturous life, which women in her country are subjected to. Education is a distant dream or not even a dream....... the polygamy imposed onto the poor little girl's and just entering their puberty and treated merely as heir producing machine's, is absolutely distasteful. The remarkable work puts a reality check and compels one to put off one's rose tinted glasses and see in the harsh real sunlight, how blessed one is to be born in a country like India, where women are put on a pedestal. A recommended read for women of all ages.

Swati Sati, IT-Final Year

Other Books by the Author (in the Trilogy) 22

Cr e a t i v e

Poesies -

After my morning prayer on my bed with a pillow under my head I lie straight Death is what I wait As I have AIDS life is dull in this room I ponder over, how I got AIDS and from whom? Though I have a beautiful wife but I can't account for other women in my life I wonder who did this to me? Who could it be?

What I see is what I pen, What I hear is what I don't understand. GOLEMS ,we have turned into We eat because we have to, Sleep because mom tells to. GRADES our life has become, "GRADE ME! GRADE ME!!", another bookworm beckons!!! One's with A's are the one's high, B's and C's are on economy class flight.. And the poor D's and E's are just outclassed.

For there were casual relationships with women I really didn't know As these relationships were never meant to grow I went with someone I didn't belong And that's where I went wrong I was unfaithful to my wife I played the fool with not only mine but also her life I was untrue I wish I'd Live Now there is nothing I can do My mind is in a state of stir as I have infected her I am dying I know If she dies too, how will my kids grow? Who'll look after them? They'd be like a broken stem from a tree which dried up due to lack of care And that wouldn't be fair. They'll be neglected and feel rejected The very thought is hard to bear but that's the truth I am ill I cast it on me on my free will And my poor wife she's not to blame I put her to shame. I know I am going to lose everything that's my own but till I live I know there's lot I can give ADVICE


WHY don't we love what we do.. or rather why don't we do what we love. Time we realize we aren't free, Time we stop celebrating INDEPENDENCE DAY, its nothing but history. And damn you stop looking for a rhyme... I ain't a cozy poet, It ain't a rosy jingle.

OPEN up your eyes... Be what YOU wanna BE not what THEY want you to be.. because what i see is ignorance,, and this ignorance ain't bliss. WHAT i hear is words, words surely not HIS. whatever you do think twice and I AM A LOSER POET... I know the disarray BECAUSE i have LOST IT!

that I am in today I know it was the CLUB the party and the wine that left me to pine.

Vivek Saurav, CS 4th year

Now I am cast away to die why did I do this? Why? In the end when I linger on All can say is don't be me but do think of me even when I am gone. Source: Mrs. Karuna Roy coordinator, HIV/AIDS Prog. Church of North India The Synodical Board of Health services Maithili Massey, EN - 1st year


Cr e a t i v e


संगठन हम सब एक िमटी से बने, एक ही जल हमे है सीचता, हम सब एक सी हिा है लेते, एक ही खून हममे है दौड़ता । ििर ये मानि के बीच मे आ गई कहाँ से कटु ता? मानि, दानि बन गया है, हमपर संकट आ गया है । है कही तुटी हममे, या, ये राजनीित की माया है । ििर से हमारे बीच मे गँगू ापन कहाँ से आया है? सोचो, हमारी पशासनीक वयिसथा मे दोष है, े ोश है? सुरका वयिसथा पड़ी बह बोलो, हमारे पास तकनीक नही, या िशकण वयिसथा खामोश है? ििर ये आतक ं िािदयो मे आया कहाँ से जोश है? बताओ कुछ ऐसा हमे उपाए, जो हमारे देश के काम आ जाये । सुख, शांित से लोग यहाँ िजये, आओ िमलकर कुछ करे अपनी मातृभूिम के िलए । ििर ये इं त ज़ार कहाँ से , पग अपना आगे बढ़ाये ?


Alok Chaturvedi, EN - 2nd year

हज़ारो की लाश,े हज़ारो के आँ स,ू हज़ारो की पीड़ा ै गया, िदल मे टीस बनकर बठ ये आतक ं िाद का नगं ा नाच ह,ै े मे ििष बनकर िैल गया । जो पूरे दश चारो तरि था तबाही का मज ं र, थे आँ खो मे आँ सू और पड़े थे लाशो के ढेर । ै े पानी, बह गए खून जस ै े सालसकर, उनीकृषणन, कामटे जस िीरो ने दे दी अपने पाणो की बिलदानी । न जाए इनकी बिलदानी वयथथ, करना है पयास हमे ऐसा समथथ । तो जागो ऐ मेरे यि ु ा पीढ़ी के दोसतो, े का भििषय, कयोिक तुमही तो हो इस दश और तुमही को अब उठाना होगा कदम, े की तरि कई कदम ।। नही तो बढ़ जाएगँे इस दश

Shanti Bhai Patel, EN - 2nd year




The recent terror strike has stunned the whole nation. We all are shocked by recent terror attacks on Mumbai which led to the loss of 17 security personals (policemen+commandos), 195 civilians & about 300 people were injured in this terror strike. Not to miss the loss of Rs 500 Crores at Taj. Recent investigation indicates weakness of naval security, the absence of coordination between navy and coast guards. According to naval chief it is not possible for them to screen every boat. The government like always has again started its investigation and formed certain committees to check out the loop holes in the system as well as the new methods to check these (as always, this is going to be futile). We all know that they have some lacuna but we cannot blame them until unless we ourself are going to take concrete decision. We request you to think positively as well as responsibly about the matter of concern. Being the responsible citizen of India, who are good at analyzing incidents as well as putting up new measures to check or implement ideas, we request you to come forward with your articles regarding the matter. You can submit your report according to your convenience. All the suggestion given by you people will be forwarded to prime minister office, president’s office and ministry of defense so that they could have perspective of newer generation who is ready to tackle every challenge. Looking forward to your suggestions. For further details contact: Sudhanshu Dubey ( AKB R No-318) Sumit Ranjan ( AKB R No-317)

da y Initiative Join the India To 1,01,268 Pl edges so fa r : r: 44,681 Suggestions so fa


LOV E B Y T ES ै े सीखने की कोई उम नही होती िस ै े ही पयार करने की जस कोई उम नही होती । जब एक बचचा दिुनया मे जनम लेता है, पयार के एहसास को साथ लेकर आता है । यह बात अलग है िक िह उसे ठीक से पकट नही कर पाता, लेिकन अगर हम धयान से देखे तो अपनी माँ के पित उसके वयिहार मे हम उस पयार की झलक देख सकते है । बड़ा होते-होते िह अपने वयिहार से इस एहसास को अिभवयक भी करने लगता है । यह बताने का मतलब ये नही िक तुमहे अपने कम उम के पयार को नयायपूिथक समझाने का बहाना िमल गया । पता है जो तुमहरी उम है िह बहु त भािुक िकसम की होती है । कोई िमला, दो चार अचछी बाते हु ई, िदल के तारो मे कुछ हलचल हु ई, उसके बारे मे सोचकर मन मे अचछा सा महसूस हु आ, और बस लगने लगता है िक हमे तो पयार हो गया । हर िक उसी के बारे मे सोचने को िदल करता है ; उसी से बात करना अचछा लगता है । मगर यह कहाँ की अकलमनदी है िक उसके पीछे सब कुछ छोड िदया जाए, यहाँ तक िक पढाई और किरयर भी, और दीिानो की तरह बस पयार का राग अलापना शुर कर िदया जाए । चलो माना िक तुम उम के ऐसे दौर से गुज़र रहे हो, जहाँ ऐसा लगता है िक पयार िकया नही जाता; हो जाता है । मगर दोसत िदल की दहुाई देते समय उस बात का भी धयान रखो िक भगिान ने िदल के ऊपर तुमहे एक े तर िनणथय ले सको । िदमाग भी िदया है ; िजसका इसतेमाल करके तुम शायद ज़यादा बह

कया उम की सीमा हो!! यह बात सच है िक इस उम मे पढाई और किरयर को लेकर ज़यादा तनाि रहता है, और िकसी के पित पयार का एहसास तुमहे उन सब िचनताओं से दरू एक सिपनीली दिुनया मे ले जाता है, जहाँ िसिथ और िसिथ खिुशयां ही िदखाई देती है, लेिकन अगर तुमहारा खद ु का ही भििषय सुरिकत और सुिनििचत नही है, तो इस सिपनीली दिुनया को कड़िी िासतििका मे बदलने मे ज़रा भी समय नही लगता । िज़नदगी मे केिल पयार कर लेना ही पयाथप नही, यह भी देखना होता है िक हमारा पिरिार हमारा समाज उसे िकस तरह सिीकार कर रहा है । हमारी सभयता पििचमी सभयता से अलग है । हमारे जीिन मे बहु त सारी बाते िबना कोिशश के शािमल हो जाती है जो हमारे संसकारो परमपराओं और संसकृित की देन होती है । हम चाहकर भी उससे अलग नही जी सकते । ै े भी जब तुम यह मानते हो िक कोई उम नही होती, तो ििर इतनी जळी कया है । पहले अपना किरयर बना लो, जो लकय तुमने िनििचत िकया िस है, उसे पा लो, उसके बाद तुमहे अपना पयार भी िमल ही जाएगा । “Love is not the heart of Life. It is only a part of Life”

Marutatmaj Singh, ME - 4th year


LOV E B Y T ES HEY guys, do u know What is friendship? What is the meaning of this relationship ? We have often sought answers to these questions, yet we have never come up with an adequate answer. This is because this relationship is an amalgamation of beautiful and complex feelings, which may not often be described in words. Defining a relationship is never easy, as there are so many facets to it. However we don't need a bunch of words to make us realize the deep meaning of friendship. According to George Elliot "Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." This heartwarming expression captures the essence of friendship. When two people share a strong bond of mutual understanding, respect and love it lays the foundation stone for an everlasting friendship. This bond just gets stronger with time; the trust between the two people grows and so does the attachment. This is the beauty of the relationship and is the essential meaning of friendship. Being friends means being there for each other at all times, whether it's good or bad. A friend needs to be very understanding and give each other the benefit of the doubt. Ideally the meaning of friendship is sharing unconditional love for each other. However this is not an ideal world; therefore some form of expectations are allowed, but that has a limit too. The purpose and meaning of friendship is to make life's burdens lighter for our friends and not make them heavier.

FRIENDSHIP What would make them fall for you....! All you lovelorn out there.. ever gone through that excruciating activity in your brains that keeps on nipping at you for not getting those glances you have always longed for..?? Well.. mark my words there – Guys fall in love with their eyes while girls fall in love with their ears!! Truly! Alright, lets shape something fundamental which will definitely win you over your respectable counterparts.. . . . . . . . . Please read the next page carefully if this is a snapshot from your head.

Searching for the meaning of friendship has always been a burning question. However as soon as we meet our friends all these questions get answered automatically. The answer to what is the meaning of friendship lies within our hearts, because true friendship can only be felt, and not expressed. Something so pure and essential is not always visible to the eye, but is felt by the heart. Siddhartha Kumar Gautam, IT-2nd year


LOV E B Y T ES For those Visiting us from Mars

For those coming from Venus

Dear Venus inhabitants, though by the grace of Get yourself a “language tutor” or join an nature, you need not make extra efforts, but “English Speaking Course in 10days”.. Just your counterparts from Mars have risen from kidding. Your better halves like it, when you their slumber and have started loving somewhat talk sense. Make them feel they are extremely intelligent and smart. Get yourself a good pair of sneakers. This will add up to your C.Q. (= Coolness Quotient) Gone are those days when you spent hours, appreciating the unfathomable depth of their eyes. Believe me! They are much smarter now!!

Never make yourself dumb in front of them or “I'm this little innocent child lost in this big crowd...”. Show them your humorous side.

Get rid of your prima donna demeanors.

As with guys you need to be neat and fragrant all the times. and amorous fragrances...> Most importantly.. Be unpredictable and an Chivalry, my boys is one Knightly virtue which ultra-amusing muse. course, the chivalry of monetary kind too!!>

Though the above stated ones are enough to set electro-pulses in their otherwise dormant neurons, you surely gotta have impeccable manners and a calm demeanor to sustain it. <:D>

Alright! Folks, that wouldn't be a tough cookie for you to bite when the returns are ….... Legen... wait-for-it... Dary!! Legendary!!

Guys. Guys... I know that won't be a cake walk but then who said Love was easy!! [Writer is a engineering student. Currently in IT-4th year]


Make th e MOST out of G spa c e>> GSpace is an Add-on in Mozilla FireFox. Using this Add-on allows us to save our files and folders online & can retrieve seamlessly. This way we can utilize more than 2GB of online storage space, Google Mail (Gmail) offers us. STEPS: a) Search for, & add the addon “GSpace” to FireFox. b) Successfully Log-in with your gmail username & password. c) Browse the files and folders on the 'My Computer' frame & use the Arrow button at the center[shown below] to initiate transfer to the 'My Gspace' frame. d) The selected files move to the 'Transfers' frame. e) Progress is shown and finally the files are uploaded. f) These files can be seen in your

TIPS n TRICKS 'inbox' with a strange (yet meaningful) subject. g) In Gmail, Make a Label “gspace”. Apply the same label to these files. Now press 'ARCHIVE' [This will keep your inbox clean and such files handy] Another very good online storage option is (& Opens as a new Tab

Step C Niku nj La hoti, CS-IVth year 29

W i n d o w s Tr i c k s -

Rename multiple files together

Here's a trick which you don't use every day, but I believe that every thing you know can come in handy some day...I am not sure where anyone would want to use this, but here's a trick to rename multiple files in the explorer in one go... Press Ctrl+A to select them all (or you could Ctrl+Click to select only a few). Press F2 to enter into rename mode (note you will only be renaming one file here). Type in the new name (in my example, I choose Image) and press enter. All your selected files are renamed Image, Image (1), Image (2), and so on and they retain their original extensions.

TIPS n TRICKS W i n d o w s Tr i c k s -

Disable USB data copy

A common security issue at organizations is how to prevent their workers to write data onto USB drives using their PCs, because a user can easily move confidential data for other location. If you have windows XP with SP2, then you can disable the writing option to USB drives. Follow the given steps to disable the USB writing option: To edit the computer registry, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights. First click on Start button and type "Regedit" in Run option. Here locate the location to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control Here in right side panel, click right to create a key with the name "StorageDevicePolicies". Now in left side panel, select "StorageDevicePolicies" key, again right click to create new DWORD value then label it "WriteProtect". Set its value to "1". But again enable this option set its values "0". Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

Sha nkar Pa ndey (Kung-Fu Pandey), CS-IVth year


KUDOS 35 days with little angels It was a childhood dream for me to do something for the society and it came true when I, with one of my friend undertook the task of educating the destitute and orphaned children at Kanpur central railway station. We started our classes at VIP platform after obtaining the permission from the S.I. of the RPF.There were about 25 children each having their own story. We had provided these children with books, clothes, movie and games. We also conducted their yoga classes. On the whole we wanted all of them to live a dignified life but whenever they listen to the horn of a train they'd run to sell cigarettes, gutkha, water bottles and other such stuffs. After selling those items, they soon returned to continue with their studies. We found these boys under some influence of drugs or other addicting substances like whitener. When I asked them to give up, they told us that they don’t have anything to eat, wear and dwell. So they are forced to use them so they could live their life. What we found was, that their condition is not economically as bad as we had thought. Their income varies from Rs 70 to Rs 350 per day. But they don’t know how to spend it on themselves. They spend major part of their income in alcohol, whitener and other type of addictions and rest is taken by police and their contractor. After my experience, I can say that once you start any task, how hard it may seem to be, sooner of later people do support you sooner or later. As in my case I found Saathi, and other NGOs not to forget the CWC (Child Welfare Center), which started working actively after my initiation. By this article, I request you all to come forward and work for the development of the society as we owe a lot to our motherland. Sanjeev Pandey, CS, 2nd year





KUDOS After my work at Kanpur central station I had experienced that our country needs a healthy education system. And from there a project came in my mind ”AGEOMAPS a revolution”. Aim: To establish an institution which not only imparts the knowledge but also develops the moral character of the student so that he/she could develop the will to work for the emancipation as well as development of all sections of the society.


AGEOMAPS: A Group for Educating Orphans to make them Morally And Physically Strong is an idea which strives to provide a quality education together with imbibing our rich heritage so that each one of them may individually take up the responsibility to make this world a better place to live. This project is not only oriented towards educating orphan, but also aim to train them in a way so that they can bring a revolutionary change in the country by the means of love, compassion and honesty. The sole idea of this project is to take complete care of each and every child adopted by it, right from his/her primary education to the specialization. Individual care and monitoring will be done so that the talent of the child could be explored and he/she will be pursued accordingly. A sound mind lies inside a sound body. The institution will be committed to provide better health to the orphan right from the diet taken by them to physical exercise; everything will be oriented in such a way as to develop a healthy and alert individual. Psychiatrist will also be available to monitor the performance. Meditation and yoga will enhance the mental ability of the individual. Also the social work done by the student will develop ones commitment to the society. MEMBERSHIP: We don’t mean that this is the only way to bring everything in right order but its one of the effective way. Till now we have assembled a few like minded people. We require more and more participation to make it a success. We invite every one of you to be the part of this project and help us to achieve our goal. We need your strong support through your participation in this project. You can get more information on this project and get your registration queries answered here. (Orkut link

A change can't be brought by blaming the govt. and wasting the time in discussing what other are doing. 70% population in India is of youth and once youth has decided for a change no one can stop it. You are also a part of it so come forward and be the part of this mission. To view media related to the work at Kanpur central visit the profile and add it in your friend list if u want to be part of this mission. Please contact: AGEOMAPS email address- [email protected]

Sanjeev Pandey (9935424402), 305(AKB) Swati Bhatt, 112(TWB)

Shubhi Saxena, 417(TWB)

Shubham Srivastava, 416(AKB) 33

c r aPPy


In this tough time.. when getting out of the quilt is one big morning struggle (read: ordeal)... & keeping eyes positioned on the book is a distant affair (we all day dream.. Right?), our (crappy) creative team is always trying hard to come up with something... Something to prove their might right...!! We personally believe that in such difficult times some of the best ideas are conceived. We've now made a resolution, to take out a day every week staring at a course book ('ideating' in short). Some of this month's potential candidates are:

Band-Bajaao!! The mobile phones emerged and so did the vella people who had all the time (& energy... [include Rs36-free-SMS-vouchers to be bought]) in the world to waste (caution: use euphemism).. calling.. swearing.. & irritating the ones having the fairer skin. Making them feel.... hmm... lets say 'important'. Okay lets not digress any more and save ourself from getting an earful (a fretting feminist should know that we are in the same team). Lets see how the protocol functions.... :D (At least) Two girls (we'll check that) would have to testify (we'll ensure that repudiation won't be a possibility) that a number is responsible for severe brain(s) damage. In short, they'll (we won't disclose the names of the victims) tell us the number which causes trouble & related agony, and in return we'll float this number here in the upcoming issues with a potential Threat-Level. It serves us in two possible ways...... a) Seeing this number we'd fish out our mobile phones and would try to attach a name against the number. If we get successful... the guy's public image gets mutated(maybe mutilated) for sure. How about a 'total-social-boycott'? b) we know another unknown 10 digits we can miss... calls from. In case we spot a guy, we surely can send “get-well-soon” wishes through this platform(The KNOL) as well. 34

CRAPpy IDEAS - Band-Bajaao

Some issues surrounding: 1) If you get into a caller's head, you'll find a list of numbers (as his potential victims), now seeing his number afloat here, wouldn't he get berserk & would go after one with vengeance? – Would that be making the problem even worse? [well then we'll gear up the pursuit in full throttle] 2) What if the guy has a separate mobile number for this job (which comes alive at the dead of the night) – Do you really think someone can be THAaaaaaT Despo?? 3) What if this guy delegates this sadistic role to a local friend who is not in our college!! - Well its nothing we can do about it. But nonetheless we'd know a number we'd not have to even care to pick up... ever... ever. If you appreciate the idea (even when you don't) or suggest a change in the same (or maybe have a similar yet different & exciting one)... do post back.

Year-Book Watching people look back to their high school and college yearbooks in all these movies and TV Series, we somehow developed this craving to have one for our own. Lets get a quick (not brief) overview of the whole thing & later jot down some important stuff.

Wikipedia Says: “A yearbook, also known as an annual, is a book to record, highlight, and commemorate the past year of a school or a book published annually. Virtually all American, Australian and Canadian high schools, most colleges and many elementary and middle schools publish yearbooks.” Compilation Yearbooks are generally compiled by a student committee, which may or may not be advised by members of the faculty. The committee usually has one or more editors who are responsible for collecting and compiling all of the information to be contained within the book, also deciding the layout and allocation of space for each contributor.


CRAPpy IDEAS - Yearbook Layout Refers to the appearance of the pages, and it may include the following elements: • The Headline: This is a theme that ties the page into the story and draws attention to the reader. • The Story/Copy: Consists of several paragraphs, capturing the highlights of a specific department, sports season, organization, etc., from the past year. Often, yearbook staff members will either send out surveys/interview students, teachers and others for comments. • Photographs: Candid shots of students, suitable to the page's topic and theme. Often, editors seek to include a cross-section of the student body (e.g., classes, races, school involvement, etc.). Included with the photographs are one or more captions, which describe each picture; these often begin with a lead-in. Normally each student will have an individual photo of them accompanied by their name and perhaps one or two lines of text. Student's photographs are often accompanied by text about their accomplishments throughout the college, and their future plans (if known). Frequently, seniors are polled to nominate their classmates for "superlatives" or "class celebrities" (such as "most likely to succeed," "most athletic," "most spirited" and "class clown"), are often published in the senior section. Some private schools and smaller high schools set aside an entire page for each senior. These pages are sometimes designed by the seniors themselves, with each senior submitting a digital or physical version of the page he or she would like featured in the book. Student Life Several pages are often used for pages chronicling activities undertaken by students, such as trips abroad (eh!! what's that?), activity trips, sporting and other special events. These pages often consist of photo-journals displayed with or without captions. Sometimes members of a yearbook write editorial and journalistic content about life as a student, current events (local, national and international) and other matters of interest to the peer group. Advertising pages Many yearbooks gain revenue by including a section of ads from local businesses. Some schools sell advertisements for seniors. Parents, other family members and friends use these ads to congratulate a senior — or group of seniors — for their accomplishments. Distribution Often, yearbooks are distributed at the end of a school year to allow members to obtain the books and signatures/personal messages from classmates. Digital yearbooks A digital yearbook is a yearbook holding memories of a given time with a given group of people. A digital yearbook contains text, images, audio, and video. While a traditional paper yearbook may contain a few dozen pages, a digital yearbook can contain hundreds or even thousands of pages. The end product of a digital yearbook is either a CD-ROM or a DVD.


CRAPpy IDEAS - Yearbook SNAPSHOTS (University of Michigan)

pp222-223 & pp26-27

(Index & Advertisements) pp372-373 & pp16-17 Q. So? [silence] What's the catch?? A. Lets see how many of us need such a book to show it to their siblings or kids, later in their life. Well a couple of decades down the line, who wouldn't want to look back?? How about bringing peace to your mind [after looking at it] when one day, talking to an old friend, you weren't been able to recollect a face or remember a name [of a batch mate or a faculty]? Or just to see the change(s) happened to you. Q. How is that any different from the college's official annual magazine? A. Come on! You really need an answer to that? It doesn't have a snap of each one of us. Well seriously it'll have loads of pictures of the students, our lush green campus, and what not. All in a fashion we ever thought (or even if didn't). Q. Who'll do this job? A. Well as suggested, a group or a committee informally or otherwise would be made with or without a convener. If the “one”-publishing-the-annual-magazine finds the idea a) 'worth it' & then b) feasible & then c) is willing to (& can [well you can say... 'the administration', 'R&D' and 'sparetime' required]) do it...... YAHOO! This couldn't have been better (with all their experience & finesse). Its gonna be incredible. Q. Okay if the “one”-p-t-a-m turns their back. How are we going to proceed? A. Well in that (unfortunate) case, we are on our own. 37

CRAPpy IDEAS - Yearbook Things we'll Need: • People to take pictures and help produce the book (called Volunteers) • Technical Know-how with some of the finest pagemaker tools (think Adobe) • Cameras, computers, software for page layout (think Symbiosis) • Lots of time and patience (called Persistence) • Candid Photographs & Written articles having relevance to us (We the Living) • Advertisers (in case we need to get the book published even for the final year alone) – Would people be willing to pay? • Publishers (ours is a small town. Right?) • Portraits (passport sized maybe) of the multitude of students.

Q. Great! So we need pictures of everyone in the campus? A. Not really. Just the final year graduating (or maybe more than that. As in M.B.A. and M.C.A.). It'll be an every year (annual) affair. Each time for the current final year. Q. How is KNOL related to any of it? A. KNOL is a platform where ideas merge and beauty is CREATED. Its just a random thought occurred to one of our (CRAPpy) creative leads. If you can see the very obvious... KNOL is, in a way, very flexible & can take any part...from playing the role of an online college-forum(like Orkut-Community)... surveying an online college-magazine. Lets shape out something good. & make it (!world) a better place to Live-in. February Update: – KNOL is not going to work with any committee “officially”. Its not that we didn't try. KNOL is autonomous... Its informal & thats why is so flexible.. that no one knows where did the December edition go!!! Of course there are lovely people who have agreed to assist us. – For doing all the work successfully we need more people in our Team. If you are interested, then please write to us or contact via phone numbers. – As of now this YearBook, once made, will go to the publisher for a nice printout (of course for the people who want). It will also be available online in our very favorite PDF format sans the stuff that can cause problems to us or to the students (later in life). We'll call it Yearbook09 henceforth. – Efforts are being made to make a hard-copy of the Book available to everyone FREE OF COST. If not, then at least to those who contributed well. – The Plan is.. that once the email-ids are collected (How & What comes later). We'll send people the questionnaires & online links to be filled in. – Questionnaires will have things like 'confessions', 'crush-list', 'things-I'll-miss', 'experiencesearned' and 'testimonials' etc. Online we'll run polls to Elect (& give titles to) 'the Cutest Guy in the batch' & 'the Fart-o-phile'.. et al. – The Current Friend Circles(groups) in the final year batch can share with the world about their little heaven. The pet-names for everyone. The Story behind the group. Lingos.. Jargons.. & what not. 38

CRAPpy IDEAS - Yearbook What we need people for: •

• • • •

• •

• •

Section Representatives: One guy & one gal (Mechanical department can be an exception here) would be collecting passport sized photographs, permanent email-ids, phone-nos (girls can give their work-phone or dad's number) of the students in the section in the final year. CONTENT COLLECTORS: These people know the art of nagging well and so can do the very dangerous and tedious job of getting something beautiful (think: articulation) out of “We the People”. FUND RAISER: (optionally) To get this thing printed out (published), we need money & the highly coveted skill to negotiate. So a little influence is required. Socialites to pay heed. Photographers: Candids, and pictures of the campus and of any incidents. Please share with us.. all your amazing collections if you want that to be part of the issue. Story Tellers & Elephants: Its said that Elephants have a sharp memory. We need these guys to narrate to the lesser mortals (like us) & make us recollect the Incidents (like The MESS Strike.. the Audi Wall.. or the Wedding(s) in the campus. et al) and of course the individual Achievements of the students of the batch (think: IIT-R.. GRE.. Google SOC). We'd really appreciate if such photographs come & the knowledge is shared with us. Creative Leads: People who'll give ideas for the content in the Yearbook... stuff like we talked about and assistance to the designers for the colors-combinations and the graphics. Yearbook designers: We'll train people how we work at KNOL and how we create the document every month. On top of this knowledge & technical guidance the development will commence. We need people who know COERL DRAW.. GIMP etc.. (parallel-processing is the word). Editors: These editors decide upon the content that comes and finally takes out the best & make it better keeping the morality alive. Copy-Desk: Speedy typists to copy the handwritten stuff (if any) to the electronic archives for later use & persistence.

March09 update: We've started working on the IDEA & probably by the end of April, it'll be in our hands. For all those (even non batch09 or even non-COERians) who want a copy can please register by sending an email at [email protected].

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CRAPpy IDEAS - Re-UNION Yeah!! THANKS :-) for appreciating. You can even leave a message @ [email protected].

Re-UNION It is going to be the 8th graduating batch of B.Tech this year from COER(Most-probably << that's the reason its still a crappy IDEA). Wouldn't it be nice to come back and meet the batch-mates. Totally worth it I guess. Almost all of the colleges of a stature have this common thing (lets not talk about CGPA here), even some of the schools call alumni for a get together after certain years. “Be the change you want to see in this world” - MDKCG So if we really want some things like that to happen for us, we've got to make things come in action right now, as “The change comes with Time!”. Yearbook will help us[or maybe the management 'then' to] find out people even after a decade & Hey!!... Catch up :D Hope you get the point. But what can we do? Well.. there is something we can surely do. We can nag committees to arrange (& propose) something like that to the top-brass in such a fashion that they pay heed. Random cynical thought: Don't know whether an “inter-college festival” is a possibility in 'our' campus. :P March09 update: OH! ITS happening NOW. KUDOS!!! ;)

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ZION posters at the CAFE.

Manthan event details.




Expression n


I guess its again time of remembrance, lets go back to the time of Expressions '08. It was a pleasant morning & the Lingo's had just finished with their Treasure Hunt& enjoying themselves. I was standing there with some committee members of say..... Committee “BlahBlah” .. So just like that one of those “Blah-Blah” person said one of a funny quote (well at least at that time) which is really true... “Committee Sikhane Ke Liye Hoti Hain, Naach-Gana Karane Ke Liye Nahin” I won't call this a gossip but just wanted you to know what “Blah-Blah” committee thinks of the Linguistic.

Well we know that most of the things that happen...happen with the committees... well one such incident told to me by my secret source BlackleTM which has quietly boiled up to the surface is that recently a committee (name not to be revealed) disowned.... threw away... kicked out.... fired one of its members. The reason supposedly is because nobody wants to work with “the (ex) member”(kinda childish [ I mean the reason ]). They voted for it and it was finally decided to throw him out like sour milk i.e. Real quick & dirty. Ethically speaking it was wrong but in the real world who cares about ethics.

Outcast 42

OFF-KEY Where's The TUX ?

Okay people lets go back a couple of ages was a time of lectures or if u don't get me, it was GROUND ZERO time.. one certain incident really proved the name. If any of you remembers, then there were supposed to be lectures on Linux. Well the untold story is foretold told here : DAY 1 People were excited, as one is to see an endangered species in a zoo. Everyone came on time, got ready but awww.. snap ! The Projector was just not running on Linux. They tried hard to make it work but in vain. Eventually, when the lecture was supposed to end they fixed the (so called) problem. Hence no lecture for DAY 1.


DAY 3 Aah! The final day of the series....okay brace yourself for the truth... people were so excited with the lecture on second day that for the first hour of the lecture only handful (i.e. only one hand) people were sitting of which two were committee members. You know.. they had to take the torture. Well, this was all I know....quite long story GossipTM … P.S. The ma'am taking the lecture as well never showed up on DAY 3... [:D]

Nothing much happened this day... I

mean seriously nothing happened. Some dude (actually Nikunj ) just came on blabbering about it (read : Linux)...

YAWN !... well those who loved Tux

(euphemism for Linux) listened with interest

but other were just too busy in the voidness of their mind.

M e ch a n ica l Monsters

Sissie s

Well the jungle drums have told me that recently inspired from “Awakening”.... some people made similar notice but this time the subjects were three nincompoop of first year ME branch. They used to “ [ Whatever they used to do] “ . The people who manifested this (sort of) notice were really creative as they even wrote a poem for them. Well not a jolly good poem but a poem which ripped their pride apart, their self-respect took a hike to Neverland to never return again. But, the question that arises is that is it right ? And it all falls down to ethics, it is in some sense right but in others it is wrong.



PROVOKED ovoke is w r P f o g kno eanin torial m ething that you ey a t ic d e h m Th as that t or do so “To say y somebody so nd the test will anno n angry way “ a mittee a react in placement coms meaning. f series o E '08” stuck to it ts !? The K es O “PROV int of 3 t one through t o p e h t What is of the papers d ople yields tha analysis omments of pe t to test your c n various were not mea ur mathematics s the test but to check yo the errors in d aptitude well you can fin me there were t and how uestions....trus re Insomniac printed q errors. If you a rtainly a treat f hell lot o se papers are ce is why would e then th The bottom line “PROVOKE” for you. name an event ed me. e k someon really provo h ….shees

This one is specially for those who are among the cream layer of their branch I.e. “The Toppers”. Recently, I came to know that during the prize distribution ceremony for 4th Year ET Branch our college management took a very pathetic decision in deciding the 3rd prize winner ; apparently 2 people had the same percentage. In general, both were third, but our college couldn't give Rs. 1000 to two people can they ? So, they decided to go with the person who had the greater percentage in previous years and other was just shushed away like he had done nothing of much importance. The question WHY? WHY couldn't our management even spend Rs. 1000 more.......


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Photo credit: Sudhish Pandey Submitted By: Priyanka Rawat

e month Picture of th

Cl o ckwi se fro m l eft: Sudhish Pandey, Tapan Dutt, Swati Dutt, Nikunj Lahoti, Nidhi Dhiman, Sulabh Kukreja, Priyanka Rawat, Nitin Mehtani, Sandeep Aggarwal.

What's with the photograph? We invite group photographs and some textual content from the people. If you have an original picture (which you may also have clicked), send it to us at our GMAIL ID (subject: Picture of the MONTH), along with your details and picture credits. If we like that too, it becomes the picture of the month. Also, this one is one of the (good) reasons behind the fact that KNOL2.0 took FOUR months to come out. :-) [Trust us. There were MANY.] We invite volunteers (like us) to help KNOL come out. Please contact the current team to be a part of it. You can play a variety of roles, from an Editor to a Designer. It just needs a drive... which you need to find with-in. We are in touch with some lovely people: Abhishek Sharma, CS-3rd year

Deepanshi, CS-2nd year

Deepma, 3rd year

Nikhil, EN-2nd year

Mani Sharma, ET-3rd year

Siddharth Kumar Gautam, IT-2nd year

Udit Jain, EN-3rd year

Niharika Sharma, EN-1st year

Sonakshi, IT-2nd year

Himadri, ET-1st year

Akash, ET-2nd year If you liked the second attempt (or even otherwise) please send us the feedback at [email protected] Weblink: :-) have a lot of FUN :-)


Post Script: All the delay (due to whatever reasons) in getting the second edition had developed in me a longing to see the newer version of the mag, n Mr. digerati was not being any help either as the proverbial '2 days' almost took half-a-month in showin up. but no blames to him either. V ppl were busy workin on YearBook, this being one thing we're findin ourselves deeply engrossed in now-a-days. finally, when i first laid my eyes on the stuff, i was like relieved, amazed and awed at once. the beauty this edition had packed in was, well, awesome. Never had I expected to see this much of improvement in one edition (no offense meant to the first one). Impressive and pleasant surprise there. Kudos, guys. The introduction of new sections was totally welcome. Somehow, I also feel that the mag has got more interactive which is good. Hopin 2 see more surprises comin up, your's truly.. BHASHKAR SHARMA

KNOW MORE ABOUT THE TEAM: “The Team Yearbook”: Nikunj Lahoti, CSB Isha Arora, CSB Tapan Dutt, CSB Sahil Thadhani, CSB Bhashkar Sharma, ITC Bhaskar Naithani, MEH Nitin Mehtani, MEH Sandeep Aggarwal, CSB Priyanka, CSB Swati Sati, ITD Shrey Garg, ITD Tanushree Bhardwaj, ITD Himani Pant, CSA

Sample Pages:


Acknowledgements: Rupal Garg, CSB Vivek Batra, CSB Anumeha Jain, ITC Nikhil Kumar, CSB Shorveer Negi, CSB Prafull Nautiyal, ENE Sukant Diwedi, ENE

Section Representatives: Akshat Malhotra, CSA Achala Bhandari, CSA Manoj Jain, CSA Ayushi Rautela, ITC Devashish, ENE Anurag Singh, ENE Aditi Saxena, ETF Arpit Singhal, ETF Saurabh Gupta, ETG Sudhish Pandey, ETG Tripti Verma, ETG Rohan Tondon, ETG

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