March 20, 2009

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March 20, 2009

The Zora Neale Hurston Festival of the Arts and Humanities If you build it, they will come

Schools Facing $240m Deficit See page 4

Choosing Your Christian Partner See page 6

Should inmates have a right to DNA test? COMMENTARY See page 10


Association to Preserve the Eatonville Community Inc.

See page 3

o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m

the Advocate Credo of the Black Press

“I shall be an ADVOCATE of the full practice of the principles implicit in “Life, Liberty and Justice for All.” I shall be an ADVOCATE for these human and civil rights on behalf of those to whom they are denied, and I shall turn the pitiless light of publicity upon all men who would deny these rights to others. I shall be an ADVOCATE for my country, my state, my city, and my race, but I shall ever be on guard that I will not forget the greatest good for the greatest number while seeking benefits for the small segments who are disadvantaged by their denial.”

Tel. 407.648.1162 Fax 407.649.8702 email [email protected] Publisher Kevin Seraaj Managing Editor Louise Seraaj Production Manager Dihon Seraaj ~ Contributing ~ Writers/Reporters Frank Butler Cynthia Harris Sharon Fletcher Jones Lela Salter Columnists Judge Greg Mathis Sandra “Sandy B” Brown Derrick Drake Mary “Action” Jackson Basil A. Jones Kevin Seraaj Keysha Williams, Esq. Prophetess Yolanda Dean Photographers Janice LaBord Madonna Alexis Jennissha Casillas Paul Graine Circulation Manager Robert Brown

Guest Commentary Stimulus-snubbing Govs Don’t Care About People, Black or White Let me see if I have this straight. The unemployment rate in South Carolina has hit 10.4 percent – the second-highest in the nation. In Mississippi, the unemployment rate is at 9.2 percent. In Alabama, it’s almost 8 percent.

Tonyaa Weathersbee

But the governors of these former states of the Old Confederacy, as well as Texas and Louisiana, don’t want to help their jobless citizens fight their misery with the relief contained in President Barack Obama’s stimulus package. They’d rather conscript them to fight the Civil War instead. Led by South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, the leaders of these states say they won’t accept the part of the stimulus package that expands unemployment benefits, such as covering part-time workers who lose their jobs. Among other things, they say it would force businesses to have to pay higher taxes once the federal money runs out. Besides that, they say, they don’t appreciate Obama – outside agitator that he is – telling them that they have to change their laws to get federal money. No matter that for their jobless minions, that money could make the difference between someone living in their home or out of their car. States’ rights, you know. What Sanford and the other stimulus-shunning governors are doing is a disgrace. It’s also stupid and smacks of political opportunism. It’s also bound to hurt a lot of black people –a disproportionate number of whom tend to work numerous part-time jobs to make ends meet – and are losing their jobs in this recession as much as those folks who are losing full-time work. For example Sanford, as well as Texas governor Rick Perry, claim that if they accept the money and businesses wind up being saddled by higher taxes, that could hurt job creation in the long run. What they don’t seem to get here is that the stimulus money isn’t about the long run. It’s about the short run. It’s about relieving short term woes among the legions of unemployed people – a number that is likely to increase if nothing is done – so that leaders can see their way to do some long-term planning to deal with the economies of their states. It’s emergency money. Turning it down is like a starving person turning down white rice because brown is more nutritious – when the white rice will sustain him until he’s able to get his hands on some brown. Of course, Sanford claims that part of his problem with changing the law is that when people get used to something, it’s hard to change things back to the way they were. But let’s be real here.

Sales Derrick Drake, Manager The Adams Group Feotis Dean Lela Salter

It’s obvious that Sanford and his cohorts aren’t listening to the people who are grappling with unemployment anyway. They’re listening to businesses. They’re listening to the business lobbyists who contribute to their campaigns.

The Advocate is published weekly by Cornerstone Community Development Corporation of Orlando, Florida, and is available free of charge. ISSN: 1060-5715

But then again, this issue isn’t really about Sanford and the other southern governors’ aversion to the stimulus package.

This publication services the tri-county Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area, consisting of Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Alachua Counties. It focuses on local issues; and features political, business and entertainment personalities. Views from across the political and social spectrum will from time to time appear in these pages; they do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the publishers. Memberships: National Newspaper Publishers Association, Southeastern Black Publishers Association, Florida Press Association.

2 The Advocate

I’m sure that when the stimulus money runs out, those business bigwigs will be there to make sure that they don’t wind up being stuck with higher taxes.

It’s about their aversion to Obama. It’s about them trying to gain political capital among the ultra-conservative wing of their party by using their most needy citizens as pawns; pawns they’re enlisting in their fight to continue to otherize Obama. They’ve done this by comparing him to totalitarian dictators and lately, to Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe, whose controversial land reform policies have led to an 11 percent inflation rate there. There’s just one problem. We don’t have an inflation problem. We have an unemployment problem. But Sanford and the other stimulus-rejecting GOP governors don’t care about truth. They don’t care whether people survive this recession – because if they did, they’d do some heavy lifting to figure out a way to make adjustments to deal with the business problems they claim could crop up once the stimulus money runs out. That won’t happen, though, because all these governors care about is seeing Obama fail. And they don’t mind taking down a whole lot of suffering workers, both black and white, to make that happen.

March 20, 2009

Women’s History Month Special

N.Y. Nathiri

Celebrating The Pride of Eatonville


RLANDO-- Since the very day N.Y. Nathiri and other Eatonville loyalists sat down to create the Association for Preserve Eatonville Community, Inc., the author/ activist had her sights on rekindling the historic and cultural significance of the Town, and turning it into a vehicle for economic development. A long-time student of the history of Eatonville and its cultural importance, Nathiri recognized the contribution of Zora Neale Hurston to the celebration of the Town and its significance on the stage of national accomplishment. As the oldest incorporated African American municipality in the United States, Eatonville owned a distinction that was for all of its residents a source of tremendous pride. For Nathiri, the question was how to communicate the pride of the people into places beyond the geographical limits of Eatonville, and how to the translate that sense of collective self into a bankable commodity of economic benefit to the Town. In 1988, she began talking about celebrating the life and literary accomplishments of Eatonville native, Zora Neale Hurston. But even then, Nathiri wasn’t thinking small. Long before anyone else even thought it was possible, N.Y. was visioning the festival as an international event. She went to work filled with a sense of purpose and dedication. She would not be deterred. Starting in 1990 with an eager body of volunteers and supporters drawn from her beloved Eatonville, she pushed, prodded and cajoled the idea into an ever-increasing bloom. Within 10 years, the Zora Festival was no longer just for the Eatonville-Orlando crowd. By then, it had established a national reputation for quality presentation. People like Maya Angelou, Danny Glover, Cicely Tyson, Phylicia Rashad, Wesley Snipes, Bobby Jones, Morris Day-- you get the picture-- had March 20, 2009

started popping in. By 2001, annual attendance was averaging a whopping 90,000, and ultimately exceeded 100,000. People have traveled from all around the United States as well as from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean to take part in the cultural feast that is Zora! in Eatonville. Nathiri has been recognized both locally and nationally for her hard work and dedication as Executive Director of PEC. The festival has taken the name of Eatonville far and wide and even abroad. A competent and committed board of directors helps make the work of the organization run smoothly, but it is this fearless and indomitable woman, N.Y. Nathiri who works the work necessary to produce the results we see-- the results she saw 20 years ago. Largely due to the efforts of PEC, Eatonville was included in the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. Collaborations with the Orlando Museum of Art also followed, as well as an after-school computer lab for Eatonville children and a summer performing arts program. “The impact it has had on the community is the evidence that this community is worthy of respect and therefore capable of great, great things,” N.Y. Nathiri told reporters. “Eatonville has demonstrated that it can be a meaningful member of 21st-century America, because it demonstrates it every festival, when all these people come.” Former Secretary of State Katherine Harris may have said it best when it comes to summarizing this visionary: “Her extraordinary leadership and vision in historic preservation has ensured that the legacy of an entire community and its role in the heritage of our state and nation will be preserved and celebrated.” The Festival consistently generates more than significant revenue, proving what Nathiri believed all along-- that Eatonville has the capacity for becoming a world-class cultural destination.

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The Advocate 3

Local News Orange County Schools Budget Deficit to Soar to $240 Million ORLANDO, FL - Orange County Public Schools may now be facing a cut of $240 million from its projected 2009-2010 operating budget on top of the $93 million cut from this year’s budget based on analysis of the latest state revenue estimates. The $240 million amount dwarfs the previous estimate of $102 million projected back in November 2008. The estimate is based on the state Revenue Estimating Conference’s projections issued earlier this month, showing lower ad valorem property tax revenues and declining state sales tax collections. For the first time in history, the state provides less funding to our school district than they require local property owners to provide in ad valorem property taxes. The federal stimulus package could offer some relief through budget stabilization funding, if Florida can secure a waiver for its lower-than-required funding of public education. Analysts estimate the $240 million cut in Orange County can be reduced by $59 million, to $181 million, if the money comes

Congress Delivers $10.5 Million for Sanford’s Amtrak Station WASHINGTON, DC Congresswoman Corrine Brown announced that the city of Sanford’s Amtrak Station will receive $10.5 million in the economic stimulus package to replace the facility with a new train station. This should also provide approximately 400 jobs for Central Floridians. With this funding, a new station on Florida State Road 46 will be constructed. Sanford Amtrak, which is a railroad terminal in Sanford, Florida, is the southern

4 The Advocate

terminal for Amtrak’s Auto Train which runs between this station and Lorton, VA. The construction of a new terminal will help to accommodate larger numbers of passengers in Central Florida. “Amtrak ridership and revenue have never been stronger,” the Congresswoman continued. “In 2008, Amtrak set a new record for ridership, exceeding 26 million passengers. Moreover, ticket revenues increased by 11%

to more than $1.5 billion, and these figures continued to grow steadily throughout all of last year. In Florida, Amtrak expenditures for goods and services in the state soared to nearly $9 million last year, while Amtrak currently employs over 700 Florida residents. This funding will not only benefit the traveling public, but will also be a boost to Central Florida’s local economy,” said Congresswoman Brown.

through. Timing is critical for the stimulus money to be locked in, so that school districts can prepare next year’s budgets without more devastating cuts to staff and programs. OCPS Superintendent Ronald Blocker said, “The education commissioner’s office gave us indications funding could be lower than we expected but certainly not by this much. I expect the shock to parents and school personnel around the state will be clearly seen by lawmakers, in whose hands our fate resides.” Without funding adjustments by the Florida Legislature or an injection of federal stimulus funds, the per-student funding of Orange County students will drop $1,674.98 (23 percent), from $7,309.24 in July 2007 to $5,634.26 in July 2009. Orange County Public Schools is looking at multiple reductions and eliminations of programs, staff and schools in order to balance its budget by July 1, 2009. The district has already cut about 600 jobs, mostly administrative. Orange Co. School Board Members have cut

their saleries and they are seriously considering cutting some of the district’s sports programs as a way to trim the budget for next fiscal year, which begins July 1. They are cutting field trips, and planning cuts to sports and arts. Officials are proposing to close as many as eight small elementary schools next year, hoping to save up to $8 million to partially offset expected budget cuts. Schools targeted for possible closure include: Maxey Elementary, Hungerford Elementary, Eccleston Elementary, Fern Creek Elementary, Grand Avenue Elementary, Hillcrest Elementary, Ivey Lane Elementary, Kaley Elementary, Killarney Elementary, Lake Como Elementary, Orange Center Elementary, Pershing Elementary, Pine Castle Elementary, Richmond Heights Elementary, Rock Lake Elementary, Washington Shores Elementary The School Board will continue to deliberate such topics in upcoming work sessions which are listed on the OCPS website

PTA Rally in Tally Confronts Lawmakers on School Cuts TALLAHASSEE, FL -- More than a thousand students, parents, teachers and administrators descended upon the steps of the Capitol Wednesday to decry the prospect of more budget cuts to education and to show their discontent with the performance of elected officials in florida. “What do we want? Funding! When do we want it? Now!’’ students chanted at the “Rally to Tally,’’ an event organized by the Florida PTA to protest looming education cuts for the upcoming fiscal year. Waving signs that read,

“Cuts to education never heal,’’ “We can unelect you,’’ and “How can I pay off the national debt without a good education?’’ the crowd heard from administrators, student emcees and performers who placed the blame for Florida’s deep cuts to education over the past two years squarely on the Legislature. Lawmakers said they were sorry about education cuts of the past two years and said they would work to prevent future ones. Districts across Florida expect to have to do more trimming for the fiscal year that begins July 1, despite funding from the fed-

eral stimulus package for education. As one of three states to underfund education in previous years, Florida has to apply for a waiver to get some of the stimulus dollars, and with declining state revenue estimates, the federal funds will likely not be enough to plug holes in the education budget. Despite students’ pleas, legislators were careful not to make any promises, touting their support for education while saying that the state also had other priorities, like safety and healthcare. And Gov. Charlie Crist -- a rumored speaker at the rally -- was a no-show. March 20, 2009

Orlando Advocate Special Section

LECRAE - rebel Reach Records: 2008


Review by Gerard Bonner, n the world of holy hip-hop, few have managed the success of Lecrae. Since his solo debut in 2005, the Houston-based emcee has blazed radio, charts, and the hearts of men with the gospel of Christ cleverly intertwined with intoxicating beats. Three years later, Lecrae is back with his junior release titled Rebel.

In trademark Lecrae fashion, this 15-track ef-

fort is progressive in both its musical and lyrical presentation, creating another rich body of work to digest. From start to finish, Lecrae showcases the depth of his musical expressions. Not limiting himself to a Houston or southern-based sound, he allows a plethora of influences to find their way onto this effort. From the pulsating dance rhythms of “Live Free” to the passionate urban worship cry of “Desperate”, Lecrae displays great musical depth, finding comfort and authenticity within each presentation. The emcee’s strong vocal delivery finds apposite compliments, as he partners with a number of fellow artists, bringing additional color to the project. Fellow 116 Clique member Tedashii joins the party with “Go Hard”, while Trip Lee makes an appearance on the auto-tuned filled “Fall Back”.

J.R. and Da’ T.R.U.T.H. make their presence known on the thought-provoking “Identity” and Cam and Dwayne Tryumf add their gifts to “Don’t Waste Your Life”. As an avid student and intellectual, Lecrae’s lyrical depth shines as bright as his musical presentation and lyrical delivery. From his creative depiction of the album’s title track to the ever-popular subject of “Change”, the emcee takes each track to both entertain and educate the listener while challenging all to think about improving the quality of life through the message of the cross. Perhaps no track is more intellectually stimulating and challenging than “Truth”, which deals with the timeless question of the nature of truth. The nearly five-minute track is a definitive conversation starter and is worthy of its own accompanying workbook. Secular or gospel, it will be hard to find a more complete body of work in this year’s bevy of hip-hop releases than Rebel. Lecrae has a gem on his hands that is certain to be talked about for years to come.


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March 20, 2009


Choosing a Christian Partner: Don’t Discount the Social Versus Stay-at-Home Scale by Nicolle Williams,


or Christian singles, finding someone with shared values, beliefs, and morals is of the utmost importance. And seeking a potential partner who possesses traits like kindness, compassion, loyalty, and honesty should definitely sit front and center. But right beneath these must-haves lies a similarity that is often overlooked…but that ends up causing endless arguments for many couples. This is what I call the “social versus stay-at-home scale.” At one end, you’ve got what I term the “happy homebodies.” These are the people who are most

If you enjoy the nightlife, it’s best to choose a partner who enjoys the same.

content renting a DVD, cuddling up with a good book, or making a meal at home with their significant other. When they do head out of the house, they prefer an early, quiet meal for two, followed by a swift return to their sanctuary…home. At the other end of the spectrum, you have the “always actives.” These are the people who dislike hibernating at home, as they feel the world is passing them by. While they love spending time with their significant others equally as much, they’d prefer to experience things together…and probably in the company of others as well; they like parties, church events, and all sorts of social outings. And while certain stages of life—for example, the years when they have small children at home—may affect their ability to go out temporarily, as soon as it’s feasible, they’re looking to quickly resume their social schedules, even if they now consist of more kid-friendly choices. Psychologically speaking: Relation to the introvert and extrovert personality types Not to start psycho babbling on you here, but I feel it’s worth mentioning the connection (and differences) between a theory many of us have heard of: Jung’s theory of Psychological (or personality) Types.

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A partner whose an introvert may enjoy a quiet evening in with a good DVD.

thoughtful • usually do not have many friends • have difficulties in making new contacts • like concentration and quiet • do not like unexpected visits and therefore do not make them • work well alone These types are interesting because they give us a way to understand one of the key differences between people. However, they are not exactly the same as what I describe in the social versus stay-at-home scale. In essence, there are two main differences between the two. First of all, while the introvert/extrovert labels do refer to preferences a bit, they are primarily personality traits; they are a part of someone’s personality. Conversely, the social versus stay-at-home scale exclusively refers to a partner’s preference as to how they like to spend their free time. The second difference, however, is the important one: On the introvert/extrovert scale, not only do opposites often pair up perfectly well, but as the saying goes, they actually attract. In other words, for single,

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6 The Advocate

To give a bit of back-story, Carl Jung was the famous Swiss psychiatrist who conceptualized what we know today as the theory of personality types. In this, he identifies four sets of personality traits, of which the most notable is that of the introvert and extrovert. According to the Jungian-based website, extroverts and introverts are described as follows: Extroverts are directed towards the objective world whereas Introverts are directed towards the subjective world. The most common differences between Extroverts and Introverts are shown below: Extroverts • are interested in what is happening around them • are open and often talkative • compare their own opinions with the opinions of others • like action and initiative • easily make new friends or adapt to a new group • say what they think • are interested in new people • easily break unwanted relations Introverts • are interested in their own thoughts and feelings • need to have own territory • often appear reserved, quiet and



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Christian men and women, selecting someone of the opposite type may actually be a benefit, as an outgoing person often compliments a quieter one. However, when it comes to happy homebodies and always actives, an opposite pairing is not only not preferable, it often leads to discontent and disagreements. Why opposites don’t attract when it comes to the social versus stay-at-home preference When it comes to choosing a mis-

matched mate, it’s generally not that we don’t understand why this dissimilarity doesn’t work. I mean it’s pretty obvious. Imagine you have met a wonderful man or woman, and you are getting to that serious stage where you spend most of your free time together. Considering that most of everyone’s time is filled up with work and family obligations, when we finally do get to enjoy some leisure time, we want it to be, well, leisurely. In other words, we want to spend it doing something we like. Or at least something that doesn’t make us miserable. Enter the social versus stay-athome dilemma. If you and your chosen mate differ tremendously on whether to hang at home or go out socially, it’s going to be an ongoing argument, with one person usually bored or the other feeling pushed to partake in activities that force them to either spend energy they don’t have or make conversation that makes them uncomfortable. Because as much as you love your mate, you can’t really help how you feel about going out versus staying in. In fact, I feel this is different even from mismatched interests. As I always say, out-of-sync pastimes can be overcome. Like

let’s say your mate is a typical male who would rather spend a Saturday afternoon at a ballgame than shopping for shoes, while you don’t mind fighting the crowds at a super-sale. So you take turns—one weekend football, the other fall fashions. The point being that even when it’s not your turn to choose, you have still chosen to do something, as opposed to puttering around the

Consideration for your natural tendencies, while not as important as values, should not be overlooked when choosing a mate.

house or planting peonies in the garden. Furthermore, you are choosing to spend money on entertainment. Because, especially in today’s tough times, the social versus stay-at-home situation also affects to what degree you spend money. When one person doesn’t even want to go out, it’s really tough to justify the extra expense when resources are scarce. This leads to an extra

layer of discord. Ignoring the issue As I mentioned, it’s not that we don’t see the strain coming. We know pretty early on where a potential partner falls on the social versus stay-at-home scale. The problem is that in our quest to find a compatible Christian, we often choose to ignore the writing on the wall. We find someone whom we enjoy being around, so we think we won’t mind spending our time in ways that go against our personal preferences. However, like people who pretend to be someone they are not in order to snag a significant other, we can’t keep up the charade forever. Once the excitement of a new relationship returns to normalcy, we start to feel dissatisfied doing that which we don’t like (either staying in when we love to socialize or pushing ourselves into a social schedule when we’re craving time together at home). The final word The moral of the story is that, while it doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker—and it’s certainly not on par with basic beliefs and values—the tendency towards being a happy homebody or always active is something we should seriously consider when meeting a man or woman. Because if you do decide to proceed with someone of the opposite social tendency, keep in mind, it’s going to require constant compromise.




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March 20, 2009

3/12/09 10:12:47 AM

The Advocate 7



100 Legal Notices NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.:2009-DR-003958 ANA JOHNSTON Petitioner and CHRISTOPHER ROBERT JOHNSTON, Respondent To: CHRISTOPHER ROBERT JOHNSTON, ADDRESS UNKNOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage, including claims for dissolution of marriage, payment of debts, division of real and personal property, and for payments of support, has been filed against you. You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to this action on JANE E. CAREY, ESQUIRE, Petitioner's attorney, whose address is Ashford-Gainer Bldg., 905 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32804, on or before April 30, 2009 and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at Orange County Courthouse, 425 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804, either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.







CASE NO.: 09-DR-635-02D-L Case No.: DR09-2914 ORETHA JONES WATKINS, ACQUANETTA C. BUFFORD, Petitioner, Petitioner and and STEPHEN A. CHARLES, TERRY DEAN WATKINS, Respondent Respondent

Case No.: DR09-003538 ANDREA HARRIS-WATKIN, Petitioner, and MARVIN WATKIN, Respondent



YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, ACQUANETTA C. BUFFORD, whose address is 2648 RENEGADE DRIVE, APT. 206, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32818, on or before April 9, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 320, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in Copies of all court docuthe Petition. ments in this case, including orders, are available Copies of all court docuat the Clerk of the Circuit ments in this case, includCourt's office. You may ing orders, are available review these documents at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may upon request. review these documents You must keep the Clerk of upon request. the Circuit Court's office notified of your current You must keep the Clerk of address. (You may file the Circuit Court's office Notice of Current Ad- notified of your current dress, Florida Supreme address. (You may file Court Approved Family Notice of Current AdLaw Form 12.915.) Future dress, Florida Supreme papers in this lawsuit will Court Approved Family be mailed to the address Law Form 12.915.) Future on record at the clerk's papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address office. on record at the clerk's WARNING: Rule 12.285, office. Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires cer- WARNING: Rule 12.285, tain automatic disclosure of Florida Family Law Rules documents and information. of Procedure, requires cerFailure to comply can result tain automatic disclosure of in sanctions, including dis- documents and information. missal or striking of plead- Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including disings. missal or striking of pleadDated March 11th, 2009 ings. MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Dated February 25th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK COURT OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Nancy R. Winter by Marc LaRusso Deputy Clerk Pub 3/13,3/20/09 4x Deputy Clerk

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, ANDREA HARRISWATKIN, whose address is 8508 VALENCIA VILLAGE LANE, #103, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32825, on or before April 23, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 320, Orlando, Florida 32802 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

Pub 3/13,3/20/09 4x

Pub 3/20/09 4x

YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on ORETHA JONES WATKINS, whose address is 477 HIDDEN MEADOWS LOOP # 207, FERN PARK, FLORIDA 32730 on or before April 15, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 301 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result SOLICITATION FOR in sanctions, including disBIDS missal or striking of plead- The Orange County Board ings. of County Commissioners is soliciting bids (IFB) Dated March 16, 2009 and proposals (RFP) for LYDIA GARDNER CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT a variety of goods and by Leslie Clements services, construction, and Deputy Clerk architectural/engineering Pub 3/20/09 4x services. Interested parties may receive docu-

March 20, 2009

ments via the internet at A list of open solicitations is also available on the County’s Bid Hotline at (407) 8360011, or view Orange TV, TWC cable channel 9. NEW FEATURE: Visit our web site (* and

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated March 9th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Lakeysha West Deputy Clerk

sign up for electronic notification of County solicitations. On the web site, select Services Online and click on Vendor Registration System. For assistance, please email [email protected] or call (407) 836-5635.


Homes For Rent

AUCTION! 882 Acres± HUNTSVILLE (ALABAMA) CITY LIMITS. Saturday April 11. Just North of I-565. Sewer available. Adjacent to Megasite. Garner Auctions, Inc., Ken Garner ALSL 1002, 877914-SOLD.

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Auto Donations

The administration of the estate of DAVID E. JOHNSON, deceased, Case is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney is set forth below.

DONATE YOUR VEHICLE RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPON UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Free Mammograms, Breast Cancer Info FREE Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners Accepted, (888)468-5964.

ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All persons upon whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the qualification of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction, of this Court is required to file their objections with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM.

Building Supplies METAL ROOFING. 40yr Warranty-Buy direct from manufacturer 30/colors in stock, w/all accessories. Quick turn around. Delivery available. Gulf Coast Supply & Mfg, (888)393-0335 www.GulfCoa Business Opportunities 100% RECESSION PROOF! Do you earn $800 in a day? 25 Local Machines and Candy $9,995. (888)629-9968 BO2000033 CALL US: We will not be undersold! Sick-and-Tired of Struggling? STAY AT HOME Get Out Of Debt Get Your Life Back $2000 to $4000 WEEKLY Untapped Market ACT NOW! 1-800-508-0585 Cars for Sale Police Impounds! 97 Honda Civic $500! 95 Toyota Camry $550! 97 VW Jetta $750! for listings call (800)366-9813 Ext 9275

95 Honda Accord $500! 94 Acura Integra $750! 97 Ford Taurus $350 Police Impounds for Sale! hondas All other creditors of the de- chevys jeeps! for listings 800cedent and persons having 366.9813 ext 9499 claims or demands against the decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE.


ONLINE PHARMACY Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar $71.99/90 $107/180 Quantities, PRICE INCLUDES ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS PRESCRIPTION! Over 200 AND OBJECTIONS NOT SO Meds $25Coupon Mention OfFILED WILL BE FOREVER fer:#91A31. (888)389-0461. BARRED The date of first publication of this Notice is March 20, 2009. Attorney for Co-Personal Representatives John D. Ellis, Jr Co-Personal Representatives Shelia Dianish Walker 1002 Fullwood Ave Crescent City, Florida 32112 Marcella J. Matherson 1075 Monk Ave Plymouth, Florida 32768

Law Office of John D. Ellis, Jr., P.A. P.O. Box 1161 Orlando, Florida 32802 Pub 1/2/09 - 3/20/09 (407) 894-1441 FBN: 0854565

Email your classified ad to: [email protected]


Help Wanted Help Wanted. Join Wil-Trans Lease or Company Driver Program. Enjoy our Strong Freight Network. Must be 23. (866)906-2982 OTR Drivers- Join PTL! Up to 34cpm. REQUIRED 12 months experience and CDLA. Out 10-14 days. No felon or DUI past 5 years. (877)7406262. EARN Extra Income Mailing Brochures. Weekly pay check! Free 24 hour information. (888)250-8110.

$600 Weekly Potential$$$ Helping the government PT. No Experience. No Selling. Call: (888)213-5225 Ad Published 3/30/09 2x Code: M

Homes For Sale FORECLOSED HOME AUCTION FLORIDA STATEWIDE Auction starts April 18 1000 Homes MUST BE SOLD! REDC Free Brochure 800-7562155 6/BR Bank Foreclosure! $29,900! Only $238/Mo! 5% down 20 years @ 8% apr. Buy, 4 Br $326/Mo! for listings 800-366-9783 ext 5760 Land For Sale NC MOUNTAINS Cabin Shell 2+ acres with great view, very private, big trees, waterfalls & large public lake nearby, $99,500 Bank Financing (866)789-8535. Lots & Acreage Florida Land Bargain of the Century! 2 acre waterfront homesite only $69,900. (appraised at $169,900). Private, gated community with 2 recreational lakes. Municipal water & sewer. Low taxes. Just 90 minutes Orlando! Excellent financing. Call now (866)3522249 Final Closeout! Golf Lot Bargains from $19,900 (was $69,900) Golf & Amenity Package included! Developer closeout on remaining lots at championship 18 hole course in Blue Ridge Mtns - near Asheville NC. All infrastructure completed - build when ready. 1 lot per customer! Excellent financing. Call now (866)334-3253, x2192 FL LAND BARGAINS! 2 to 150 acres. From Sebring to Gainesville. $49,900 to $499,900. Tremendous land value below mkt prices. Financing. Call Jack at (800)2421802 Miscellaneous ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call (866)858-2121, AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. Become Dietary Manager (average annual salary $40,374) in eight months in online program offered by Tennessee Technology Center at Elizabethton. Details, (888)986-2368 or email patrici [email protected] Mobile Homes For Sale Bank Foreclosures! 4 Br $25,000! Only $225/Mo! 3 Br $12,500! Only $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% apr. for listings (800)366-9783 ext 5669.

The Advocate 9



100 Legal Notices NOTICE OF ACTION BEFORE THE FLORIDA BOARD OF EMPLOYEE LEASING COMPANIES IN RE: The practice of employee leasing The Human Resource Enterprise Corp. 8613 Pisa Dr. Suite 13210 Orlando, FL 32810 CASE NO.: 2008006594 LICENSE NO.: EL336 The Department of Business and Professional Regulation has filed an Administrative Complaint against you, a copy of which may be obtained by contacting, Jamie Duran, Office of General Counsel, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 33, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2203, (850) 487-9651. If no contact has been made by you concerning the above by April 10, 2009 the matter of the Administrative Complaint will be presented at a hearing pursuant to 120.57(2), F.S. before the Florida Board of Employee Leasing Companies. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the individual or agency sending notice not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address given on notice. Telephone: (850) 257-6097; 1-800-9558771 (TDD) or 1-800-9558770 (v), via Florida Relay Service. Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

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Case No.: DR09-1517 MONA MICHAUD Petitioner, and JEAN A. MICHAUD, Respondent

Case No.: 2009-2069 IRMENGARD MARIE GUY Petitioner, and RODNEY A. GUY, Respondent

Case No.: 2009-2624 LIVIA GUTIERREZ Petitioner, and WALID KODAXR, Respondent

Case No.: 2009-2512 WILLIE WHITE Petitioner, and SHIRLEY WHITE, Respondent

Case No.: 2009-2658 TRINA KIRKLAND Petitioner, and RAY WATSON, JR., Respondent

Case No.: 2009-DR-003538 ANDREA HARRIS-WATKIN Petitioner, and MARVIN WATKIN, Respondent





YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, LIVIA GUTIERREZ whose address is 400 CHAPEL TRACE DRIVE, #202, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32807 on or before April 2, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, WILLIE WHITE whose address is 5231 VIA HACIENDA CIRCLE, APT. 118, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32839 on or before April 2, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, TRINA KIRKLAND whose address is 813 AVONDALE DRIVE, #1, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32805 on or before April 2, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request.

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request.

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request.

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, ANDREA HARRISWATKIN whose address is 8508 VALENCIA VILLAGE LANE #103, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32825 on or before April 23, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office.

You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office.

You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

Dated February 19th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Marc LaRusso Deputy Clerk

Dated February 18th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Marc LaRusso Deputy Clerk

Dated February 19th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Marc LaRusso Deputy Clerk

Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

TO: JEAN A. MICHAUD ADDRESS UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, MONA MICHAUD whose address is 7069 CARDINAL WOOD CT, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32818, on or before March 26, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 425 N. Orange Avenue, Room 320, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

TO: RODNEY A. GUY ADDRESS UNKNOWN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petitioner, IRMENGARD MARIE GUY whose address is 1614 DOREEN AVENUE, OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761, on or before March 26, 2009, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at, 425 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801 before service on the Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request.

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request.

You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office.

You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings.

Dated February 13th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Yadira Aguilar Deputy Clerk

Dated February 11th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Jason Glenn Deputy Clerk

Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

Pub 2/27,3/6,3/13,3/20/09 4x

Email your legal or classified ad to:[email protected]

Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Notice of Current Address, Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk's office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated March 9th, 2009 LYDIA GARDNER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT by Lakeysha West Deputy Clerk Pub 3/13,3/20/09/09 4x

March 20, 2009

Opinions/Commentary/Forum To Be Equal DNA Testing Should Be a Right

Marc Morial


magine being convicted of a crime you didn’t commit and languishing in prison for 11 years until new DNA evidence proved your innocence. That’s just what happened to Ronald Cotton whose story was told on CBS’ 60 Minutes recently. Cotton’s accuser, Jennifer Thompson, was absolutely certain she correctly identified the man who broke into her Burlington , North Carolina apartment and raped her on the night of July 28, 1984. But she was wrong. And her mistake produced more than one other victim of that brutal crime – Ronald Cotton, an innocent man who was sentenced to life in prison, and several other women who were raped by the real criminal who remained free. What finally turned the tide in Cotton’s case was the science of DNA testing which Cotton’s lawyer was allowed to use to prove his client’s innocence. The real crime is that hundreds of wrongly convicted people are now behind bars, not only because of eyewitness flaws, but also because of the refusal by a small number of states to allow DNA evidence to be used to prove their innocence. According to the 60 Minutes report, there have been 233 people exonerated by DNA evidence across the country. More than 75 percent of them were convicted because of mistaken identity. Ronald Cotton was one of the lucky ones. Timothy Cole of Lubbock , Texas was not so fortunate. He was sentenced to 25 years in 1985 after being wrongly identified by a rape victim. In 1999, Cole died in prison before DNA testing and the jailhouse confession of another inmate later cleared his name. According

to the Innocence Project, a national nonprofit legal clinic dedicated to exonerating innocent people through DNA testing, there are thousands of prisoners desperate to have their cases evaluated. Some of them are on death row. Most of them are “poor, forgotten and have used up all legal avenues for relief. The hope they have is that biological evidence from their cases still exists and can be subjected to DNA testing.” Dallas County District Attorney, Craig Watson, the first African American District Attorney in Texas , has made this issue a centerpiece of his work. He believes the DA’s job is not only about prosecuting the guilty, it is also about protecting the innocent. That’s why, in 2007 he established the Conviction Integrity Unit, the first division of its kind in the country dedicated to overturning wrongful convictions and securing the release of men and women who have been wrongfully imprisoned in Texas . His efforts have helped secure the release of more than 19 wrongfully convicted prisoners thus far. Unfortunately, six states still deny prisoners access to DNA testing: Alaska , Alabama , Massachusetts , Oklahoma , Mississippi and South Dakota . The Supreme Court is now deliberating an Alaska case that could grant all prisoners that right. We believe that’s what the Court should do. In a nation that prides itself on the rule of law, there is no good reason to deny prisoners the right to DNA testing if it can prove their innocence, identify the guilty and prevent a tragic miscarriage of justice.

Dear Attorney Williams: Six months ago my boyfriend and I bought a house together. The relationship has now ended, and he has agreed to buy me out of my half of the investment. However, he has asked for a dollar by dollar itemization of what I have put into the property. I feel that I should be able to set a reasonable asking price since I have paid for half of everything, paid cash for the house, and we have no contract. Do I have to provide him with a dollar by dollar accounting?

Dear Reader: If you name isn’t on the deed and/or mortgage, you should provide some type of proof as to the monetary and any other contributions that you made toward the purchase and upkeep of the house. Make sure that you have receipts on hand. If your former boyfriend is willing to pay you for the contributions that you made to a house that he actually purchased in his name, I would suggest that you attempt to 10 The Advocate

The Gavel Help Small Businesses More


he small businesses that fuel the American economy are going to get a much needed life line in the form a federal initiative designed to pour cash into the marketplace. And it’s not a moment too late. With the news of corporate bailouts filling the airwaves, many have wondered when the little man would get his share. President Obama announced his plans to encourage lenders to extend additional credit to small business owners with hopes that the move will stimulate economic growth. In addition to increasing loan guarantees to small businesses to 90 percent, the plan would also waive the Small Business Administration loan fees and would require banks that received federal bailout funds to report to the government on a monthly basis how many loans they made to small business owners. Finally. Many thought the American public had been scammed. Billion dollar corporations flocked to Washington, with their hands out, begging the government to help them get their businesses on track. Once they got the help they needed, some preceded to pay out large cash bonuses to their executives, leaving the taxpayers who funded the bailout scratching their heads.

Judge Greg Mathis There has been limited media coverage on how the economic crisis affects the small businesses that account for the majority of the jobs in this country. With all of our attention focused on the crippled financial, housing and auto industries we haven’t noticed that small businesses were closing their doors, putting thousands out of work and leaving huge gaps in the communities and industries they serve. Minority businesses, not surprisingly, are suffering the most. As the auto industry struggles to regain its footing, the minority-owned vendors that provide parts and the black-owned car dealers that move the product, are seeing huge declines in their profits. And so it goes in countless other industries. President Obama’s move was made just in time. Making sure banks that received tax payer-funded bailout money to strengthen their operations increased their lending to small businesses is a critical move in making sure the wealth is spread around. Now that help has finally arrived, we should work to encourage the government to look for other ways to help these struggling businesses. Perhaps loaning directly to small businesses, as was done with major financial institutions, would be a good next step.

Legal Tips

Purchase of House Name Absent from Deed and Mortgage

resolve this issue amicably. If not, you may end up suing him in court because he was enriched unjustly. This means that a valuable asset – the house – was given to him at someone else’s expense. Moreover, the person who gave him Keshya Williams, Esq. the asset, in your case it would be the payments on your portion of the house, would not benefit from the asset at all. You should know that you may run into several problems, one being that the law requires real estate purchases to be in writing to avoid fraudulent issues and situations such as your dilemma. So try resolving the issue with your boyfriend out of court to avoid the aforementioned issue and possibly other unforeseen problems. Also, contact an attorney who handles real estate law to learn more about your rights. If you have a legal issue on your mind, write me at [email protected] or PO Box 5555, Tallahassee, Florida 32314. March 20, 2009

High Seas!


Across 1: Borrrring 5: He played Ahab in 1956 9: PC bailout 12: Mercury or Saturn 13: Car bars 15: Low cart 16: Row house genre 18: They’re beaten in the kitchen 19: ‘Sure thing’ 20: Sailor’s greeting 21: Baby 23: October birthstone 24: Baby-feeding finale 25: Frightens 28: Set, as a goal 32: Mountain lion 33: Write up 34: Butler, for Gable 35: Harbinger 36: Noxious emissions 37: Knocks for a loop 38: Frodo’s burden 39: Geishas’ sashes 40: Knock out 41: Won over 43: Wears proudly 45: Gives the heave-ho 46: Favorable factor 47: Trick-taking card game

50: Not having enough carbonation 51: Watch chain 54: English poet Alexander 55: Lively Italian folk dance 58: Takes advantage of 59: Bias, in reporting 60: Cottonseed source 61: Mardi Gras luminary 62: Shrewd storybook cat 63: Honker Down 1: ‘ ___, It’s Cold Outside’ 2: Trout tempter 3: Capping 4: ‘In what way?’ 5: Turkish rulers, formerly 6: Praise to the skies 7: Satiate 8: Barbie’s ex-beau 9: Units of work 10: Wise man 11: Dermatologist’s concern 14: Makes fast

Puzzles, Crosswords & Toons

15: The James-Younger gang, e.g. 17: Back of the neck 22: Ending of many WWW addresses 23: Fruity drinks 24: Creepy ‘Psycho’ motel 25: Germ cell 26: Aromatic herb 27: Change for the better 28: Lacking backbone 29: Babel building 30: Campaign poster plea 31: Cubicle fixtures 33: Sugar portions 36: Stretches of timberland 42: Fireman’s tool 43: Biased viewpoints 44: Get the ball rolling 46: Isn’t rash 47: Incite 48: Sit before a lens 49: High point 50: Herr’s helpmate 51: Slippery sheet 52: Earthenware jar 53: Illegal motion by a pitcher 56: Mont Blanc, for one 57: Fall off, as the tide


OK, you asked for this! Now, break the code. Remember, single letter and two-letter words are the easiest. Letters don’t change. If “Z” represents “A” in one word, it will do so in all words! Answer is at bottom of page. Don’t peek unless you absolutely have to!


Word Search


Cryptogram answer:


Appointment Curl Rinse Bleach Cut Rollers Blow Dryer Salon Brush Lift Shampoo Clean Lotion Spray Color Manicure Style Comb Mirror Sweep Condition Nails Tint Cover Permanent Trim Cream Polish Wash


exercise your numbers side Here’s how to do a sudoku puzzle: Each puzzle is separated into 9 squares with 9 spaces in each square. Solve the puzzle by filling in the open spaces with “missing” numbers so that when you finish, each column and row contains every number from 1 to 9. (In column 1 for instance you see the numbers 1, 2, 7 & 9) Each number 1 to 9 can only appear one time in each column, and only 1 time in each row, AND only one time in each of the 9 squares. Have fun.

Meet your next Central Florida’s Job Fair. “Hundreds of upper, mid, and entry level career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries!” Presented by Central Florida Employment Council & Christian HELP. Matching People, Jobs, Education & Community since 1994! March 25, 2009 12Noon - 4:00pm. Central Florida Fair Exposition Park, 4603 W Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808 (located on W. Colonial Dr. (SR 50) between Kirkman Rd. & John Young Parkway). Free Admission and Free Parking. Open to all Job Seekers with Career openings in all types of Central Florida Industries.

BackPage the Orlando Advocate


ORLANDO, Fla., March 18, 2009 — Construct Two Group has secured a $1.88 million contract from Panama City Beach City Council for construction management services for a new library in the North Florida community. The scope of services under Construct Two Group’s contract includes site work, build-

Economic Stimulus Summit: How to Access Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Hosted by Congresswoman Corrine Brown Monday, March 30, 2009 Educational Leadership Center Board Room, 445 W. Amelia Street Orlando, FL 1:00-3:30 P.M.: Area nonprofits and private businesses, school board members, college and university administrators, law enforcement agency heads, as well as city and county governments will be briefed by various federal agency officials, including the Department of Health and Human Services, Transportation, Education, Energy, Small Business, and Housing and Urban Development about how to access funding based on this new law.

ing construction and landscaping for a new 10,632-square-foot facility with 209 parking spaces. According to President Keith Williams, work will be performed by Construct Two Group’s Tallahassee office. Construction is scheduled for completion in February 2010. Features of the new library include a children’s program room, young adult reading area, and a literacy/meeting room. The new building more than doubles the space of the old 4,500-square-foot library, which the City plans to convert into needed office space. Keith Williams Collins & Associates Inc. Architecture & Planning is the Architect of Record for the new library that features a tapered column entry, threequarter stone façade walls, clearstory windows for daylighting and a standing seam roof. A state grant, projected library impact Derrick Wallace fees and private donations are funding the design and construction of the new library. Construct Two Group provides construction management, design-build and program management services to public and private sector clients. Having completed more than $500 million in projects since its founding in 1990, Construct Two Group is the largest African-American-owned construction management company in Florida. The Company employs a professional and support staff of 31 from offices in Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee, Fla. Visit for additional information.

5:00-7:00 P.M.: Designed for minority and women-owned business owners to explain and provide an overview on grant funding.

FAMU Essential Theatre Closes the Season with “Blue” TALLAHASSEE-- Blue, a comedy written by Charles Randolph-Wright and music by Nona Hendryx, is about an affluent African-American family, the Clarks, in the fictional small town of Kent, South Carolina. As the Clarks work to build a funeral home empire, the play unfolds a family secret. With the antics of a mother-in-law who tells it like it is, a rebellious teenage son and his “country” girlfriend, and a mama’s boy gone bohemian, coupled with a soundtrack of soft jazz by an ever-present crooner, Blue is sure to entertain. Blue runs March 25 to 29, at the Charles Winter Wood Theatre located in Tucker Hall. Performances are Wednesday through Saturday at 8 p.m. with 2 p.m. matinees on Saturday and Sunday. Ticket prices are $12 for adults, $9 for senior citizens and $7 for students. FAMU students are admitted free with valid ID. The show contains mild profanity and parental guidance is suggested. 850-561-2425.

Grayson Grills AIG Chairman Congressman Demands Names Of People Who Ran Company Into The Ground Washington, D.C.-- Congressman Alan Grayson (FL-8) today expressed the outrage many American feel about the waste and egregious abuse of taxpayers dollars by AIG. The Congressman repeatedly demanded to know the names of the people who directly led to the destruction of the company. At the beginning of a hearing of the House Financial Service Committee, AIG Chairman and CEO Edward Liddy blamed “20-25 employees” for the collapse of the financial products division of the company, which led to the crash of AIG. Liddy provided only one name. “These same people could now be working today at Citibank.” Grayson told Liddy. “Is it more important to protect them-- the ones who caused a $100 billion loss-- or protect us?” Liddy then told Grayson and the rest of the Committee that he did not know the other names, causing Grayson to retort: “How can you propose to solve the problems of the company that you are now running, if you don’t know the names of the people who caused that problem?” Liddy eventually promised to provide Grayson what he wanted, but only after consulting with AIG’s general counsel. The U.S. Government spent $170 billion to stabilize AIG. It now controls 80% of the insurance and financial services company. Most recently, AIG came under fire for paying out more than $165 million in bonuses to 73 employees after the government rescued the company. See the exchange between Grayson and Libby on our website.


Sunday March 22, 2009


Big Hat Day Presented by

Antioch Zion Orthodox Matron’s & Women of Church Ministries


Construct Two Group wins library construction contract

March 20, 2009

t rea


m tertain ent

Door Prizes


Sing-Along Music World 222 S. Semoran Blvd Orlando, FL 32807 Tickets Women - $10 * Girls - $5

o r l a n d o a d v o c a t e . c o m

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