The Year Is 2057

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The year is 2057 •

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2057: In UCAS, on the eve of his inauguration, President Steele is accused of election fraud. Speaker of the House Betty Jo Pritchard declares the election invalid and a new election is scheduled for August of this year. Pritchard becomes President by default. This ironically makes her the first woman to hold this office. Soon after, Democratic "One World" party member Arthur Vogel, New Century Party member Dr. Rozilyn Hernandez, Technocratic Party member and former Vice-President James Booth, Republican Party member, General Franklin Yeats, and Archconservative Party member Kenneth Brackhaven declare their candidacies. 2057: In on February 28, in Claremont, New Hampshire, UCAS, presidential candidates James Booth and Franklin Yeats hold a nationally televised debate. 2057: On March 15, on his show Wyrm Talk, Dunkelzahn the dragon stuns the world by announcing his intention to run for UCAS President as an Independent. 2057: In Sacremento, CFS, Knight Errant Security replaces Renraku Security to patrol the Sacremento Matrix. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, The Capitol night club is opened. 2057: In the UCAS, rumors persist that Ares Macrotechnology is trying to get government officials to authorize the use of the Chicago Containment Zone as a test range for new weapons. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, presidential candidate General Franklin Yeats declares his intention, if elected, to reunify CFS with the UCAS. 2057: In Big Sur Coast, CFS, 10 workers are killed by unexplained accidents in various aquaculture facilities. 2057: In the UCAS, it is revealed that presidential candidate Kenneth Brackhaven is not really the son of Charles Brackhaven. The real Kenneth Brackhaven is revealed to have goblinized and died in 2032. The man currently known as Kenneth Brackhaven is an orphan Charles Brackhaven adopted to replace his son. This causes a drastic, if short lived, drop in Brackhaven's standing in the polls. 2057: In Oroville, CFS, the body of shadowrunner Fred Lister, aka Listerman, is found in pieces among several city dumpsters. 2057: In the UCAS, several companies nationwide report the theft of chemicals and virus samples that could theoretically be made into weapons. No group claims responsibility for these thefts. 2057: In Venice, Italy, the government reports that, due to an ongoing project, the amount of toxins in the surrounding water has decreased dramatically. 2057: In France, the Rennes-le-Chateau is destroyed by an unidentified mercenary team. 2057: In Venice, Italy, the Doge announces that his wife has given birth to twins. A day of celebration is declared. At the celebration, unexplained visions of blood spirits and the Magdalene bearing the head of John the Baptist result in massive rioting. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, shadowrunner Rodney James Goodhue, also known as Roderigo is found dead at his cyberdeck from unexplained causes. 2057: On May 2, Worldwide, four executives among the eight major megacorporations suffer heart attacks at 12 midnight.

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2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Brigadier General Lucius Harding murders his wife and four children. He then enters his office at the Pentagon and detonates an explosive device, killing himself. No reason is given for this action. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, DocWagon initiates its Temporary Response Personnel program on a test basis using mercenaries to protect DocWagon High Threat Response Teams. 2057: In the UCAS, all major cities suffer an increase in shadowrun-related violence. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Dynamic Systems Corporations opens its doors as a manufacturer of logistical analysis software. It rises quickly in the field making sales of over 35 million nuyen. 2057: In Tir Tairngire, the Rite of Progression is postponed indefinitely. No reason is given. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, a new disease appears called laughing death. The disease causes insanity in the victim causing him/her to perform cannibalism on the nearest (meta)human. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the Tir Tairngire freighter ship Sapphire Seahawk explodes in bordering international waters. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, NuGene corporation CEO announces his intention to open a corporate facility in the city. He soon after announces a new breakthrough by his company in artificial transplant tissue. 2057: In Tir Tairngire, an arms smuggling plane is shot down trying to cross the border. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Ariadne and Tavis Silverstaff announce the birth of their new daughter. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the laughing death disease is traced to faulty vat tissue at Doc Wagon facilities. As a result, Governor Schultz tries to suspend Doc Wagon activity in the city. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, a monorail car derails resulting in its explosion. Noted mafia boss Conrad McKenzie is killed in the blast. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Doris Chan, senior VP of Tangent Technologies, Seattle, is killed when a car bomb explodes at her home. No reason is ever given. 2057: In the UCAS, a new national flag is finally agreed upon. 2057: In Aztlan, Aztechnology cordons off an area 35 kilometers south of Austin, Texas, CAS, for what appears to be an archaeological dig. The site is heavily patrolled by Jaguar Guards and no comment is forthcoming from Aztechnology. 2057: On July 18, in Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Republican Presidential candidate General Franklin Yeats is murdered by a wasp spirit who possessed one of his FBI guards. His running-mate Anne Penchyk plans to run in his place. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, local businesswoman Ingrid Hatlelid dies of a massive heart attack in her apartment. 2057: On August 1, in the UCAS, the deadline for receipt of absentee election ballots is reached. 2057: On August 7, in the UCAS, Dunkelzahn the dragon wins the 2057 Presidential election by a narrow margin of votes. He is the first nonhuman elected to the office in either U.S., Canadian, or UCAS history.

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2057: In the UCAS, the Ohio chapter of the New Century Party files a law suit against the main branch on allegations of violating the party chapter and mismanagement of funds. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, former presidential candidate Anne Penchyk forms the Empowerment Coalition, a group intended to raising funds for female candidates in all branches of government. 2057: On August 8, in the UCAS, metahumans and their supporters around the country celebrate the victory of Dunkelzahn. 2057: On August 9, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Dunkelzahn and his VP Kyle Haeffner are sworn into office. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the night of his inauguration, President Dunkelzahn attends the Mrs. Grundland's Peanut Butter Cookie Inaugural Ball at the Watergate Hotel. The event is a huge success and many influential people in the political, industrial, and entertainment fields attend. While at the ball, he receives a phone call that apparently disturbs him. He leaves the ball twenty one minutes earlier than he had planned. He enters his limousine which begins to drive away. Witnesses claim that he is talking to someone they can't see. Seconds after the limousine leaves, an explosion erupts from the street and completely destroys the car. One witness claims that there are actually two explosions: One which simply threw the heavily armored limousine in the air, and another which originated inside the car and exploded outward in a dark cloud of worm like creatures. Although the bodies of the five-man security detail escorting President Dunkelzahn are found, neither President Dunkelzahn's body nor that of the driver are recovered from the blast site. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, a minute after the explosion, a huge rift in astral space opens over the site of the blast. A witness claims she sees President Dunkelzahn's astral form fly into the rift. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the FBI receives over five hundred claims of responsibility for the assassination. The first of these claims, from the Red Dawn terrorist group, is declared a hoax due to their referring to having "fired the fatal bullet". Most other claims are also declared hoaxes. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the UCAS military sends a group of mages to examine the astral rift. One of them, Tanya Reilly, goes into astral space to get a closer look. Her astral form is then sucked into the rift without a trace. Her physical body remains catatonic. As a result the government cordons off the entire area and posts astral warning signs for any mage who gets too close. 2057: On August 10, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Vice President Kyle Haeffner is sworn in as President. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, President Haeffner meets with Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Richard Scott and forms the Scott Commission on the Assassination of President Dunkelzahn. 2057: In Tir Tairngire, the Council of Princes, in response to the assassination of President Dunkelzahn, tightens border security and begins censoring incoming and outgoing news broadcasts for content that could be "threatening to the security of Tir Tairngire." 2057: In the UCAS, civil unrest grows in all UCAS cities. Due to fear of another Night of Rage the UCAS military as well as local police and, it is rumored, Ares Macrotechnology security forces are mobilized and put on Red Alert status. Although the riots don't get any worse, they show no signs of ending.

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2057: On August 11, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, witnesses report seeing a flight of at least a dozen dragons (one of which tentatively is identified as Lofwyr) performing a complicated aerial dance over the site of former President Dunkelzahn's assassination. This performance lasts for about an hour and has security agents in near panic. Many news reporters attempt to film the event but no sign of the dragons appear on any video shot. 2057: On August 11, at Lake Louise, Athabascan Council, NAN, President Dunkelzahn's funeral is held. Hundreds of people of all types attend. Each person is given a chance to speak about President Dunkelzahn and what he meant to them. Holly Brighton sings "Ave Maria" while Nadja Daviar plays the harp. The pinnacle event is when a group of centaurs, long thought to be nonsentient, sings a beautiful version of "Amazing Grace". 2057: On August 12, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, President Haefner goes before Congress and names Nadja Daviar as his Vice Presidential nominee. This is a great shock to the nation due to Daviar's status as former President Dunkelzahn's interpreter. President Haefner responds by saying, "Daviar was the voice of Dunkelzahn, and now must serve to speak to us of his heart and soul." Congress decides to delay the vote on Daviar's appointment until the Scott Commission can begin hearings. 2057: On August 15, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Nadja Daviar reads former President Dunkelzahn's will at the Watergate Hotel. The will is 12 pages long and leaves inheritances to 216 different parties. Some are specific people of varying social classes. Others are groups. The will indicates that former President Dunkelzahn's financial holdings reached trillions of nuyen and only covers a portion of what he owned. In the will Daviar herself is named as the executor of former President Dunkelzahn's estate and head of the Draco Foundation, an organization to be established to help oversee the last wishes of former President Dunkelzahn and to finance exploration in the fields of technology, science, magic, and social enterprises for the betterment of all races. Although some parties receive their inheritances immediately, the majority will receive their bequests beginning in September. 2057: Copies of the will are distributed across the matrix almost immediately after the reading . No hints are given as to where or how the various matrix groups got their hands on it. 2057: In Sacramento, CFS, former UCAS presidential candidate Arthur Vogel takes over as chairman of Sierra, Incorporated. 2057: In Eugene, Tir Tairngire, a research facility owned by the Atlantean Foundation is severely damaged by a massive explosion. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Nadja Daviar issues her first press release as Chairperson of the Draco Foundation. In it she swears to uphold the former President Dunkelzahn's wishes in both the distribution of his possessions and the administration of the Draco Foundation. 2057: On August 18, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, President Haefner submits a complete list of names to fill Cabinet positions. This is surprising because it is traditional to submit the names one at a time. The list contains many metahumans and magically active people. Congress decides to hold off on voting on the list until after the Scott Commission can question both President Haefner and Daviar. 2057: On August 22, "shadow information" on former President Dunkelzahn's will is uploaded onto the matrix by the Shadowland BBS sysop Captain Chaos. 2057: In DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Aztlan doubles its guard at their embassy and recalls their ambassador.

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2057: In the UCAS, Anne Penchyk moves her Empowerment Coalition under the banner of the John Timmons Memorial Fund, of which she was granted the chairmanship in former President Dunkelzahn's will. 2057: On August 25, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the names of the Scott Commission are released. Headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Richard Scott, they are: Sen. David Ralph (Dem., Illinois), Sen. Melissa Washington (Rep., Maine), Rep. Jess Summers (Tech., Iowa), Rep. Sarah Lynn (Independent, Vermont), Carla Brooks, advisor to former President Dunkelzahn and President Haefner, Dr. Frazer Williams, Director of Magic and Occult Studies , Georgetown University, and General Steven Coe Bowling, former director of the CIA. 2057: On August 31, a file entitled The Players is posted onto the matrix by Shadowland BBS sysop Captain Chaos. The file details several power brokers in the awakened world that had involvement with former President Dunkelzahn. 2057: On September 1, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Nadja Daviar releases the list of the Board of Directors of the Draco Foundation. Headed by Chairperson Nadja Daviar, they are: Vice Chairperson Aina Dupree, and Chairpersons Frank Hardy, Milo Czerda, Midori Kanematsu, Manuel Torres, and Grace Friel. None of these individuals have any previous reputation or history with this sort of work. 2057: On September 3, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the Draco Foundation opens its doors to its new headquarters. People from across the world converge on the building to claim their inheritances. 2057: On September 5, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the Scott Commission begins its hearings with the interview of President Haefner. Chief Justice Scott announces that copies of the hearings will be released after each witness is interviewed and the commission reaches a majority decision. 2057: In Hong Kong, Daniel Kwan, an executive with Minh-Pao Imports, is killed in a chemical explosion at a company warehouse. 2057: In Hong Kong, Sun Yat-sun, a local fisherman and the recipient of the First Coin of Luck from former President Dunkelzahn, is found shot to death on his boat. 2057: On October 2, a series of investigations on the objects bequeathed by former President Dunkelzahn is released on the Shadowland BBS by sysop Captain Chaos. The files indicate a high level of magic in some of the items. (Portfolio of a Dragon) 2057: In Boston, Massachusetts, UCAS, local businessman Xander Brand is found murdered in his home. Police seek a shadowrunner named Hawke in connection with the killing. 2057: On November 8, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the Scott Commission releases its first official statement entitled Alpha Interview #1. This document clears President Haefner of any involvement in the assassination of former President Dunkelzahn. 2057: On November 11, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, the Draco Foundation closes its doors to claimants of inheritances. They will reopen their doors on the 3rd of every month for seven days to deal with further claims and other business. 2057: On November 12, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Scott Commission questioning of Nadja Daviar begins. 2057: On November 14, in DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, Congress begins its approval process on President Haefner's Cabinet list.

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2057: In Seattle DeeCee Sprawl, UCAS, David Emerson, a minor functionary in President Dunkelzahn's campain, begins preaching at the site of the explosion. He claims that President Dunkelzahn was a divine incarnation sent to save metahumanity. He further claims that he receives visions from the dead president. Two months later he gathers up his few followers and leaves. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, an apartment building is completely gutted by fire. Witnesses claim that a devil started the fire. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Professor Miles Swinburne, considered the father of hermetic magic, takes a leave of absence from his teaching position at the University of Seattle to begin a new project of magical research. Long believed to have lost his magic during the Euro-Wars, Swinburne apparently has been able to use magic all along and has been subconsciously summoning spirits in the form of arcana from the tarot deck. The UCAS Journal of Thaumaturgy asks Professor Swinburne to write a series of articles on his experiences and The University of Seattle funds his research on the subject. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Joe Two Feathers, a high-up member of the ORC, is shot through the head while walking down the street. The murderer is never caught. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, The Victory night club is opened. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, during a combat biker match between the Los Angeles Sabers and the New Orleans Buzzsaws famed Sabers member Tamara Ny is killed when veteran Buzzsaws linebacker Dougan Rose illegally uses cyberspurs against Ny and accidentally cuts her throat Ny's close friend Jonathan Winger, a known rival of Rose, attacks and seriously injures him. Rose is charged with illegal use of cyberspurs and grounded for part of the game but suffers no further penalties. His injuries at Winger's hands are not severe enough to ground him for their next game. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, soon after her death, the home of Tamara Ny is bombed by unknown parties. Two people are killed in the explosion. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, the helicopter pad and penthouse of the Venice Hilton is destroyed in an explosion. The cause of the explosion is unknown. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, Luc Tashika, executive vice president of Mitsuhama Computer Technologies' entertainment division, is killed by the Steppin' Wulf street gang during a war with a rival gang. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, Andreas Michaelson, senior executive vice president at Saeder-Krupp, disappears without a trace. 2057: In Los Angeles, CFS, during a combat biker game between the Los Angeles Sabers and the New Orleans Buzzsaws, Jonathan Winger, in a fit of vengeance for the death of his friend Tamara Ny during a previous game, straps a bomb to his cycle and drives it straight into the bike of his rival Dougan Rose. The bomb explodes and kills Winger almost immediately. Rose miraculously survives the explosion. 2057: In the UCAS, David Emerson reappears in public on the show UCAS Today. He claims that his new name is David Dragonson and announces the formation of the Children of the Dragon. This organization, he claims, is a society dedicated to spreading the word of Dunkelzahn. He further displays new magical power that he supposedly did not have before. The group begins to swiftly attract followers. 2057: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Van Roggen is killed by some sort of poison by an unknown assassin.

2057: In Prince Edward Island, Maine, UCAS, the Children of the Dragon purchase a large parcel of land intended to be the site of their first temple to President Dunkelzahn.

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