The Year Is 2054

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  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 6
The year is 2054 •

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2054: In London, England, U.K., a rash of murders break out. The victims are all women with names identical to the victims of the 1888 "Jack the Ripper" slayings. All are prostitutes and all are found horribly mutilated. The media all but ignores these killings. 2054: In London, England, U.K., after the fourth London Ripper murder, the killer is revealed by Lord Geraint of Wales to be a clone of Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward Windsor, Duke of Clarence and one of the suspects of the original Ripper killings of 1888. The clone, created by the Transys Neuronet corporation and later killed by Lord Geraint, is the first recorded fully cloned human being. 2054: In Tir na nOg, Sean O'Brien and Patrick Robinson of the New Ulster Revolutionary Movement are arrested and convicted of 12 counts of murder. 2054: In Portland, Tir Tairngire, NuGene Corporation CEO Torin Silverstaff is killed in a street mugging. His son Tavis takes over the corporation as the new CEO. 2054: The CAS destroyer Garfish is found at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. No bodies are found onboard. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, rumors of a new assassin group spreads through the Seattle Metroplex criminal community. This group, called Chimera, is supposedly made up of ex members of a KGB hit squad called Kamera gone independent. 2054: In Tenochtitlan, Aztlan, Simon Xaltepec is elected for his third and final term as mayor. 2054: In MSP, Minnesota, UCAS, the Minneapolis blood slaughters, after one child killed a month for fifteen months, abruptly stop. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Robert "Doctor Bob" Khamdeng and his entire DocWagon crew is killed during a routine call that turns into a major gunfight. 2054: On March 13, in Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, a routine military training exercise is initiated using two pilots flying FB1680 attack jets against a Cheetah remote drone piloted by a ground tech. The two pilots are using an experimental simsense hook-up that allows them to access each other's senses. One of the pilots flies too close to Tir Tairngire territory and fires two Rattlesnake III air-to-air missiles at the drone. One missile destroys the drone but the other flies into Multnomah Falls Park and impacts with a tour bus containing the children of Tir Tairngire corporate executives. 200 children are killed. The two pilots, Jonathan Winger and Tamara Ny as well as the ground tech, Theodore Rico, are arrested and sentenced to five years in a military prison at Fairfax, North Virginia. 2054: Fuchi Industrial Electronics introduces its Put an Eye Out surveillance program to prevent trid broadcasting by unauthorized personnel of Fuchi employees. 2054: In UCAS, famed army General Franklin Yeats retires from military service. 2054: The NANA terrorist group shoots down three Lone Star helicopters. Lone Star responds by initiating a joint raid against NANA with the Salish Shidhe security forces. Eight terrorists are killed and four wounded. The NANA leader escapes.

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2054: In the North Sea, the luxury liner Pride of Ulster, carrying 342 crewmembers and 1,052 passengers, sinks at 12:29 am GMT when all routine contact with the vessel fails. The New Ulster Revolutionary Movement claims responsibility for the act. Their statement says "You'll not find survivors, unless you look in the hereafter." 2054: In the MSP, Minnesota, UCAS, New Age Arms facilities are struck by chemical fires for four days straight. It is speculated that the fires are caused by plasma shock weapon testing. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the city is lit by strange lights in the sky similar to the Aurora Borealis. The lights cause is unknown but they are reported to originate in southern NAN territory. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the Haversby theater for elven-style theater opens to an enthusiastic crowd. The opening show is considered a huge success. 2054: In the CFS, a military observation post just south of Redding explodes. Tir Tairngire involvement is suspected. 2054: In Australasia, the ANZAC strike ends. 2054: The Seattle-Brisbane Trade Agreement is signed. 2054: In the NAN, a chartered plane carrying 13 members of the Tacoma Wings urban brawl team crashes over Sioux territory. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, Count Gerard McCoy, a civilian member of the Board of Military Advisors with which the Council of Princes consults on Military matters and frequent companion of Prince Jenna Ni'Fairra, disappears from public view. 2054: In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, UCAS, there is a rash of serial murders characterized by the extreme mutilation of the bodies to the extent that gender cannot immediately be identified. The media dubs them the cannibal killings. 2054: In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, UCAS, Robert Neiman, Steven Jorge, and Thomas Harris, three of the survivors of the KFK Special Projects research lab fire of the previous year, as well as Bernard Ohara, head of KFK, are killed execution style. Robert Malik, the last survivor is suspected but never found by Minuteman Security. Another suspect, a female assassin known worldwide as Striper, escapes Philadelphia in the company of a local street mercenary known as Ripsaw. Both disappear. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, Lacrima, a self-styled "mage-historian", declares that the exact date of the volcanic eruption that formed Crater Lake in Tir Tairngire is 3454 B.C., July 22, 09:35 hours. The scientific community, known for denouncing Lacrima's theories, responds with total silence. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, the military seals off Crater Lake for unrevealed reasons. Access is completely restricted and secured by land vehicles, combat drones, jet patrols, and magical security. 2054: In FRFZ, a Tir Tairngire commando team initiates a raid against Data Haven, the home base of the Shadowland computer network, in order to prevent information on Tir Tairngire from being released. The team accidentally strays into Sioux territory and is attacked by a group of the Sioux Special Forces Wildcats. The event causes a large, yet short lived, diplomatic incident and is unsuccessful at preventing the Tir Tairngire files from being broadcasted. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, a terrorist smuggles a bomb into the Telestrian Habitat in Portland. The bomb detonates killing both the terrorist and twelve inhabitants. Hard Green, Alamos 20,000, the Muslim Ork Army, TerraFirst!,

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the Nuevo Kachinas, and half a dozen other terrorist groups claim responsibility. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, Aiden FitzGerald, President/CEO of Matsushima Computer Technologies (Tir Tairngire) is arrested for espionage against NeuroTech and Willamette Compustat. The Matsushima's Tir Tairngire assets are all confiscated by the Tir Tairngire government. 2054: In Tir Tairngire, a Sioux-registered airbus suffers engine and servo systems failure and crashes into the Crater Lake area of Tir Tairngire. There are no survivors. 2054: The luxury vessel Gilded Hope is lost while trying to cross through the security veil of Tir Na nOg. All 8 crew and passengers are lost. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, radical ork activist Preacher holds a rally attended by seven thousand orks and trolls. Preacher encourages all listeners to "take up the torch" and fight back against metahuman racism "at all times, and with due force." Soon after the rally, supporters of Preacher begin a policy of active resistance against Lone Star Security. 2054: In Boston, Massachusetts, UCAS, a team of scholars and archaeologists report a major archaeological find 130 miles off the coast of Crete, Greece. The expedition, funded by the Atlantean Foundation, discovers a major treasure trove of artifacts in an area reported by historical records to be the former location of an island called Thera. Thera is known as a possible location of the legendary lost city of Atlantis. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Janie Lamet, a young human child, is rescued by Solista, a sasquatch, from a cave-in after two days of being trapped. The media immediately cashes in on the event with made-for-trideo features. 2054: The Banco Euro Internationale is discovered to be forging accounts. Bank President Fellipe Tolonka and fourteen bank officers are arrested after a week-long undercover investigation. The initial tip given from a clerk who noticed a discrepancy in one of the accounts of which the only possible cause could be a bank officer. The financial damage to the European Economic Community is estimated to be in the billions, possibly trillions. Over one hundred corporations face financial collapse due to the scheme. 2054: In the Salish Shidhe Council, NAN, a Sea Drake that has been attacking shipping lanes resulting in destroyed property and many deaths, is caught. The creature is discovered to have been cybernetically altered by unknown parties. 2054: In the UCAS, AWS announces the field testing of new powered military armor. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Flex Lenard, a popular trideo interviewer known for extreme ultra-conservative views, is abducted after a gunfight leaving his four bodyguards dead. 2054: In Japan, a semibalistic flight to Tokyo crashes just short of Narita Airport. All 109 passengers plus a flight and cabin crew of ten are killed. Among the passengers are Martha S. Grimes, chairman of the Board of the Highstar Corporation, and 17 members of her personal security party. 2054: In Gilroy, CFS, Valerie Stupnikov, a known shadowrunner, is found murdered execution-style. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Farazad Samji is found dead in an alley. His body has been burned from the inside out. No explanation can initially be found. But a film of the incident provided by KKRU shows Samji being killed by a previously unknown type of magical spirit composed entirely of light.

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2054: In the Yucatan, Aztlan, Rebel forces blow up an oil refinery killing 127 technicians. The government promises swift and brutal retribution. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, various nodes of the matrix are inexplicably burnt out entirely. The destruction seems to be limited to nodes pertaining to religion. Many deckers begin to panic noting the similarity between this destruction and the Computer Crash of 2029. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the magical shop of Aziz, a known mageresearcher is destroyed in a fire. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the ORC, having tried numerous times to arrange a meeting with Governor Schultz over the treatment of orks and trolls by Lone Star officers, stages a massive demonstration in front of the Metroplex Hall. The demonstration quickly gets out of control when Lone Star officers try to break it up. Hundreds are arrested, hurt, or killed. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, an out-of-town shadowrunner by the name of Raven and his elven partner try to force Miyuki Kishi, a low-level corporate executive, and her boyfriend Akira Hirota to talk with him. The confrontation swiftly becomes a fight. Raven, Kishi, and Hirota are all killed instantly. The unidentified elf dies on the way to the hospital. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Yao Wah, a known Ork Underground journalist, is killed in a supposed robbery attempt. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Gus Deighton, an employee with Renraku Computer Technologies, is killed in a lab fire of supposed magical origin. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, two Lone Star officers, Corporal Larry Torno and Private Renny "Reno" Mellor are attacked in their vehicle by the light spirit that killed Farazad Samji. Both officers barely survive the attack and deny that the spirit was involved. However, both officers are later implicated and arrested for the murder of three homeless ork children. The children were gunned down in cold blood and the officer's vehicle computer log shows that it has been tampered with. Lone Star Chief William Louden calls the officers actions isolated incidents and denies that Lone Star has a problem with racist officers. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, an Orks First! pirate broadcast identifies the cause of the matrix attacks as the light spirit that killed Farazad Samji. Apparently the spirit is capable of traveling through fiber optic networks and destroying matrix sites. With the help of Renraku Computer Systems and Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, a young ork shaman by the name of Patti Dewar is able to contain and banish the spirit forever. In gratitude, both companies pay her 30,000 nuyen which she then donates to the Street Savers shelter for homeless children. 2054: In Sioux Nation, NAN, the Fuchi Lawsuit against FTL Technologies ends inconclusively but with FTL Technologies in shambles. Fuchi Industrial Electronics initiates a hostile takeover of FTL Technologies. 2054: Alamais, the western dragon leader of Der Nachtmachen is rumored killed. 2054: In the former Yugoslavia, Serbian and Croatian hostilities flare up again. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, a minor breakout of a new retrovirus, inaccurately labeled VITAS 4, strikes in contained areas. For some unknown reason it seems to primarily strike members of the street gang subculture. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, Lone Star corporation executives Sarah Layton, Vince McMartin, and Marcus Drummond are killed in an automobile accident.

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2054: On May, 16, in Osaka, Japan, a series of unexplained explosions set off massive fires. The fires gut the city's downtown area. 2054: On June 5, in FRFZ, the home of Yakuza Oyabun Kasigi Toda is bombed, although Toda is not home during the explosion, his wife and two children are killed. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Dr. Theodore Drumming Bear, a beloved magical physician known for his low cost treatment of street people, is found murdered. 2054: In Tir na nOg, government officials announce a relaxation of their strict policy of isolation and separatism. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, trideo personality Flex Lenard is rescued from his kidnappers after over 150 days in captivity. He is slightly injured during the rescue attempt in which 3 members of the Knight Errant strike team leading the rescue are injured. All 7 of the kidnappers are killed. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, two inmates, Ironhead Tiamartz and Wilson Gressman, escape from the Hollywood Correctional Facility. After an intense three-week manhunt, they are recaptured and sent back to prison. 2054: In the CFS, the "Ghostman" simsense chip is released to massive riots of people waiting to buy it. 2054: A computer virus infects the stock market computer causing a massive economic crash. The event is later called Black Friday and results in the market being closed until the virus can be purged from the system. 2054: In Yokohama, Japan, several unexplained fires break out at 9 industrial sites. 6 of the destroyed complexes are owned by Ares Macrotechnology. Witnesses near the scene of the fires report seeing a dragon flying in the area several minutes prior to the fire. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, grunge rock star Fetid Nikky is found dead in a dumpster behind the Viper Club by Rikki Ratman, a bartender at the club. Reports indicate that the body is drained of all fluids and severely beaten. 2054: In the UCAS, Mycroft Tek, a small adult simsense company enters the arms business with the AWX-11 Terminator Pistol. 2054: In Germany, the popular clothing style changes to an emphasis on disquieting natural colors. 2054: In FRFZ, a fight between two shamanic adepts at the Raintree Inn leads to one of them spontaneously combusting. 2054: In Austin, Texas, CAS, an explosion occurs over Duval Street. No explanation is given for the cause. 2054: In the Midwest UCAS, an unbroken series of torrential downpours causes massive flooding. These floods, larger than any experienced in the area, causes massive destruction to the grain belt. This gives rise to fierce commodities trading. 2054: Keno Spandeau, President and Chairman of the Floundering Karriko conglomerate, is found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This causes the Karriko conglomerate to suffer even greater losses. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, during the Battle of the Bands in Kowalins park, the second place winners, the band Iguana, opens fire on both the judges and the spectators for not winning first place. Several deaths result from the attack. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, the Church of Devine Truth and Light gain a reputation for feeding an housing the poor, as well as renewing Redmond Barren neighborhoods.

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2054: In New Orleans, Louisiana, CAS, two local shadowrunners, Ennio Franzetti and Jackie Forester are found dead floating in Lake Pontchartrain. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, construction on the Renraku Arcology is completed. 2054: In Chicago, Illinois, UCAS, Eagle Security forces encounter serial murderer Corey Martin. Although they shoot him more than 60 times, Martin escapes, indicating that he is somehow magically active. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, a Renraku Computer Technologies facility is bombed. An anarchist group called the Apostles of the Apocalypse claims responsibility. 2054: In FRFZ, the Ute sector inexplicably cuts off all transport in or out except for approved trips to the Ute Nation. The close-out is short lived. 2054: Rumors begin to spread of a new matrix utility called Black Hammer. This program is alleged to mimic the lethal properties of black IC. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, Seattle Timberwolves player "Scratch" Potter is named as one of three defendants in a grand jury indictment involving charges of racketeering and points-fixing. 2054: In Seattle Metroplex, UCAS, the terrorist group Apostles of the Apocalypse are killed in a raid by Lone Star Security Services. Their leader, Solomon Kane, is identified as Anjiro Torii, whose father was an executive for Renraku Computer Technologies until six months ago. Detective Sergeant Jordan Hallis, who discovered their location, is killed in the raid. He is awarded the department's Medal of Honor. 2054: In San Francisco, CFS, the terrorist group Burakumin get into a shootout with the SFPD. Seven officers are killed in the fight. 2054: The band Anhedonia releases its album, "Sad Eyed Angel Falls". 2054: In Chicago, Illinois, UCAS, Sunito Hiroshige, wife of Yakuza boss Keiji Hiroshige, dies.

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