The Village Of Hommlet

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The Village of Hommlet

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Game Play » T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil » The Village of Hommlet The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 6, 2008, 3:37pm

PLAYER'S BACKGROUND The Village of Hommlett—or merely "Hommlett," as it is commonly called—is situated in the central part of the Flanaess, that portion of western Oerik Continent which is known and 'civilized.' The hamlet-sized village (local parlance having distinguished it with the greater term) is located some 30 leagues southeast of the town of Verbobonc, or thereabouts, on the fringe of the territory controlled by the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc. It is at a crossroads. To the north is the mighty Velverdyva River, along whose south bank runs the Lowroad. Many days' travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv), is the great walled city of Dyvers. The village of Sobanwych lies about halfway along the route. Below that to the southeast and east are miles and miles of forest (the Gnarley), beyond which is the Wild Coast, Woolly Bay, and the Sea of Gearnat. The road south forks a league or so beyond the little community, one branch meandering off towards the Wild Coast, the other rolling through the lower Kron Hills to the village of Ostverk and then eventually turning southwards again into the elven kingdom of Celene. The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond. Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought a sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The resthouse became a thriving inn, and a wheel and wainwright settled in the thorp. More farmers and herdsmen followed, for grain was needed for the passing animals, and meat was in demand for the innfolk. Prosperity was great, for the lord of the district was mild and taxed but little. Trade was good, and the land was untroubled by war, outlaws, or ravaging beasts. The area was free, beautiful, and bountiful — too much so, in the eyes of some. Whether the evil came west from Dyvers (as is claimed by one faction) or crept up out of the forestlands bordering the Wild Coast (as others assert), come it did. At first it was only a few thieves and an odd group of bandits molesting the merchant caravans. Then came small bands of humanoids—kobolds or goblins—raiding the flocks and herds. Local militia and foresters of the Waldgraf of Ostverk apparently checked, but did not stop, the spread of outlawry and evil. A collection of hovels and their slovenly inhabitants formed the nucleus for the troubles which were to increase. A wicked cleric established a small chapel at this point. The folk of Hommlet tended to ignore this place, Nulb, even though it was but 6 miles distant. But its out-of-the-way position was ideal for the fell purposes planned for this settlement, as was its position on a small river flowing into the Velverdyva. The thickets and marshes around Nulb became the lair and hiding place for bandits, brigands, and all sorts of evil men and monsters alike. The chapel grew into a stone temple as its faithful brought in their illgotten tithes. Good folk were robbed, pillaged, enslaved, and worse. In but three years, a grim and forbidding fortress surrounded the evil place, and swarms of creatures worshipped and worked their wickedness therein. The servants of the Temple of Elemental Evil made Hommlet and the lands for leagues around a mockery of freedom and beauty. Commerce ceased, crops withered; pestilence was abroad. But the leaders of this cancer were full of hubris and, in their overweaning pride, sought to overthrow the good realms to the north, who were coming to the rescue of the land being crushed under the tyranny wrought by the evil temple. A great battle was fought. When the good people of Hommlet saw streams of ochre-robed men and humanoids fleeing south and west through their community, there was great rejoicing, for they knew that the murderous oppressors had been defeated and driven from the field in panic and rout. So great was the slaughter, so complete the victory of good, that the walled stronghold of the Temple of Elemental Evil fell within a fortnight, despite the aid of a terrible demon. The place was ruined and sealed against a further return of such abominations by powerful blessings and magic. Life in Hommlet quickly returned to a semblance of its former self, before the rise of the temple. For five years afterward, the village and the surrounding countryside have become richer and more prosperous than ever before. A monstrous troll which plagued the place for a time was hunted down by a party of passing adventurers. Carrying the ashes and a goodly fortune as well, the adventurers returned to the village. Before going elsewhere to seek their fortunes, the adventurers also returned a portion of the villagers' losses. Other adventurers, knowing of the evil that had once resided in the area, came to seek out similar caches, and several did find remote lairs and wealth—just as some never returned at all. After a time, adventurers stopped coming to the area. It seemed that no monsters were left to slay, and no evil existed here to be stamped out. The villagers heaved a collective sigh—some pained at the loss of income, but others relieved by the return to the quiet, normal life—and Hommlet continued its quiet existence for four years more. But then, a year ago, the bandits began to ride the roads again—not frequently, but to some effect. To the good folk of Hommlet, this seemed all too familiar, so they sent word to the Viscount that wicked forces might still lurk thereabouts. This information has been spread throughout the countryside, and the news has attracted outsiders to the village once again. Who and what these men are, no one can be quite sure. All claim to be bent on slaying monsters and bringing peace and security to Hommlet; but deeds speak more loudly than words, and lies cloak

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the true purposes of the malevolent. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 11, 2008, 2:10pm Having heard word of a villiage in need of help and a temple to search within and possibly evil to be vanishqued (sp?), A humanoid with a strange thing going around his head wearing chainmail with a sword on his hip and shield in hand is eager to test his skills that he has learned and studied but not yet mastered. He set out to go to Hommlet. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 11, 2008, 4:17pm Auggie receives word that some place called Hommlet is looking for help with Bandits. This 5' Chocolate colored, Humanoid, with small horny growths, where other creatures have hair, sets out on a mission, hopefully, a profitable one, but, it will make some people, at least, have good friendly thoughts about him, rather then being scared, and making odd signs in the air, as he passes by them. Word from the streets is the place has a history of bandits, and an Evil Temple in the area. but, thats all in the past. Its all been cleaned out by now they say. These Bandits must be looking to make a name for themselves, in an area that has had Bandits before. Auggie wraps a cloak over himself, "Witchknife" they call him, Auggie doesn't mind, as long as they treat him with respect, and, at least, be civil to him. Auggie will just get what he needs, sometimes, pay a little extra, that helps the Folk be nicer to him. I'll help get rid of these Bandits, then, people will see that I'm not going to Hex them, or steal their ugly babies. Auggie heads Southwest, towards this troubled village called Hommlett Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 11, 2008, 5:51pm Thomas and his group had continued to track the bandit leader through out the underground maze. The ranger, Thorne, had lost and picked up the trail several times, but the bandit was very crafty. He needed to be caught or he would just move further into the Kron Hills and attempt to begin again. If he made it to Greyhawk there would be plenty that would flock to his banner and once again the roads would become unsafe. They had been as careful as possible to see that he had no chance to double back, but none of the Pelorites were familiar with all the passages. Not for the first time Thomas cursed himself for not memorizing the spell to detect secret passages. Katrina was good, but as a beguiler rather than a rogue her ability to find secret doors was limited. The passage opened up into a large chamber. The floor here was crafted stone, as were the walls. Standing in the middle of the room was something quite unusual. It appeared to be some type of humanoid construct, although it was nothing Thomas was familiar with. Dungard, their dwarven fighter believed it might be partially constructed of adamantine. If so, it would be very valuable. It clutched a bastard sword in one hand and a heavy steel shield in the other. Around it's neck was a simple leather necklace with a stone attached. The stone shone with a light about as bright as a torch and it cast an eerie glow through out the room. Thomas hesitated to go in any farther less the guardian animate and attack. He had little choice since if the bandit had found a way to escape it would have been through this room. He turned to the group. "It appears we have no choice but to go this way. If there is a way out it has to be through here. I will go first, but everyone be prepared." Thomas had always been a bit headstrong for a wizard. Thomas started into the room and began to move around. The rest followed, but the construct remained unmoving. Thomas could see Thorne keeping an eye on the construct while Katrina checked the walls. She finally turned to Thomas. "If there is a secret door or passage here, I can't find it. I don't know what to suggest." She moved back towards the entrance." It was then Brother Wren, the Pelorite cleric that had brought them on this mission, made a suggestion. "It's a long shot, but I know you prepared the ability to detect thoughts to aid us in questioning the bandit leader when we captured him. Can you use that now to see if you can detect him? If he is hidden here, it might help." Thomas recognized this to be the futile effort it was, but he appeared to have no other choice. It took him several seconds to prepare and cast the spell. What he found so surprised him that he forgot all about the missing bandit leader. To his amazement he realized that there was some type of consciousness trapped in the construct. The mind appeared to be in a state of flux and reading it's surface thoughts was impossible, but when he informed Brother Wren of the situation, the priest became excited, but had Thomas search the room any way. With their quarry lost Brother Wren suggested that they try to move the construct. It was heavy and a bit bulky, but the group managed to drag it out of the maze and back to the surface. They loaded it in their cart and proceeded to take it back to the Abbey. It appeared to be quite a find. After several weeks of study and several auguries it was discovered that the creature responded to healing magic. Once it was given a touch of healing it awakened. It responded to questioning, but had little information. Apparently it was know as a Warforge. It had been created in a forge, by an unknown group to fight for House Cannith. The name was unfamiliar to everyone. It had been trained in the use of the bastard sword and shield, but before it could be sent out to fight in had become inert. How this had happened was unknown to it. The Pelorites were at a lost as to what to do. The construct was given a name, Fish Hook, after a symbol it had carved into it's chest and the Abbey set about teaching it about the world around it. Once they were satisfied that Fish Hook could function on it's own a great discussion began. Everyone had their own opinion on what should be done. It was then that Pelor smiled on them. A traveling cleric stopped at the Abbey for the night. He had been dispatched to check on reports of increases in banditry near the village of Hommlet, well south of the Abbey. Fish Hook was dispatched, wearing a tabard with the symbol of Pelor on it, to travel with the cleric to aid in his investigation. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 12, 2008, 5:51pm The current date is Starday the 1st of Harvester 579CY. ( had somebody ask so thought I should post what I told them so I

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don't forget lol. ) On the Way to Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 12, 2008, 6:32pm After leaving Sisl Neehard’s employ in Gradsul, Khesfrin Rhola signs on as a caravan guard for merchant Acanith Br’tola. The caravan follows the Sheldomar River north to Jarne in the County of Ulek. Khesfrin spends some time in the area before heading east into Celene to visit an old friend, Ceralliaeth Moondancer. Khesfrin and Ceralliaeth travel the woods of Celene for some months before they arrive in Enstad. Growing restless, Khesfrin signs on a a bodyguard to Stornova Kurachvna and accompanies him through the Kron Hills and into Devarnish. By sheer happenstance Khesfrin once again crosses paths with Minra Aloz, a childhood friend. As Minra in on his way to Verbobonc for employment, Khesfrin decides to tag along. The two head east to the Velverdyva River and follow it down to Verbobonc. While in Verbobonc the two hear many a tale in the taverns. One in particular catches Khesfrin’s ear. The locals talk of trouble near Hommlet. The poor villagers have sent word to the Viscount for aid – they are beset upon by bandits. “Come old friend, let’s venture down to this village and lend a hand. What say you?” “I’m sorry Khesfrin, but I’ve committed to a term of employment here. You go; and if needs be send word for me and I’ll save your tail again!” “My tail? I saved YOUR tail; have you forgotten?” The jovial banter continues into the night. Morning’s light sees the two friends part company, as Khesfrin travels the road south to Hommlet. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 13, 2008, 3:01pm Xavion had finally studied and spent his time happily in the Temple of Pelor in his hometown. He never imagined that the head of his order would call him and tell him that he's been chosen... chosen to go and spread the word of Pelor. To go and help those that could not help themselves. He was left dumbfounded but there were tears in his eyes for he could feel the radiance of Pelor fill him as a way of showing that he truly had been accepted. Hie heart was both heavy and light as he left to make his preparations. It seemed all too quickly that it was time to go and he was saying goodbye to his friends and family. He was sad to leave but happy to be put to use by his god. It wasn't long before he stopped at a local temple during his travels and acquired the strangest travelling companion. They called him Fish Hook but he looked like anything but something you'd use for fishing. In any case, he would not turn down a blessing from Pelor. So he has heard of the troubles in Hommlet, therefore he and his companion now travel there to see what can be done to assist them in this time of need. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 18, 2008, 11:49am After standing over his foes blood gleaming off of his battle axes Thellios pulls out this paper with news of the trouble in Hommlet. "Hmmmm........ it sounds like more fun to be my lord for I kill only for you.......HAHAHAHAHA............." Thellios cleans his blades sets them on his back nex to his great axe and starts heading North for Hommlet. Drinking his ale and singing merrily on his way...... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 18, 2008, 10:55pm The party was now approaching the Village of Hommlet, having ridden up from lands of the Wild Coast. They were poorly mounted, badly equipped, and had no large sums of cash. In fact, all they had was what they wore and what they rode, plus the few coins that were hidden in purses and pockets. What they did possess in quantity, though, was daring and desire to become wealthy and famous. Thus the group came to Hommlet to learn. Was this indeed a place for adventurers to seek their fortunes? They all hoped, of course, to gain riches and make names for themselves. The outcome of this was uncertain, but their skill and daring, along with a good measure of luck, would be the main ingredients of what followed, be it for weal or woe. The small community at the crossroads was a completely unknown quantity. What is there? Who will be encountered? Where should they go? These were their first explorations and encounters, so chance may dictate as much as intelligence. Will outsiders be shunned? Are the reports true — was the whole community engaged in evil practices? Were the folk here bumpkins, easily duped? Did a curse lay upon those who dare to venture into the lands which were once the Temple's? All of these questions would soon be answered. The dusty, rutted road was lined with closely-grown hedges of brambles and shrubs. Here and there it cut through a copse or crossed a rivulet. To either hand, forest and meadow had given way to field and orchard. A small herd of kine grazed nearby, and a distant hill was dotted with the wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke rising from them. A road angled west into the hill country, and to either side of the road ahead were barns and buildings — Hommlet at last! The adventure began... As they rode into town they noticed the sun was beginning to sink into the horizon and estimated that they had only about an hour of daylight left. Please see Village of Hommlit map in the maps and pics section. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 19, 2008, 1:32am upon arriving into town, thellios looks around at the community walking around looking at the various buildings seeing the inn, thirsty and hungry he enters the inn................... Previously, on the road .... Post by cybersavant on Aug 19, 2008, 3:00am

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Khesfrin travels from Verbobonc down the road to Hommlet and as dusk approaches and he begins to think of finding a good place to camp he spots some other travellers already setting up a camp. Approaching in a casual gait Khesfrin walks up to the camp, "Hail and well met fellows. Might i join your camp for the night?" After haveing been invited to stay, Khesfrin introduces himself to the others; an obviously human cleric of Pelor and what appears to be his golem, as well as two humanoids. "My name is Khesfrin Rhola. I'm on my way to Hommlet, as i hear they are in need of help. The area is being terrorized by bandits, as i hear tell. Shall we set a watch for the night?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 19, 2008, 1:29pm (OOC) Are we in town or outside somewhere in camp? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 19, 2008, 8:22pm I believe we are in Homlett. DM's post says we see buildings. Auggie will draw his cloak about him, and enter the Inn Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 19, 2008, 11:16pm upon entering the inn Thellios goes to the bar ordering a pint of ale and a meal, and then heads to a corner of the tavern siwhere the light is dim......waiting for his meal................. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 20, 2008, 1:34am (OOC) To demilitch: Thanks. (IC) The armored humanoid known now as Hautra enters the inn also. He goes to the bar and waits for the barkeep. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 20, 2008, 3:20am Xavion watched as the rest of his companions headed to the Inn. He frowned slightly as he looked from Fishhook to the inn and back again. This didn't look like this was going to be an easy situation but well.. there was only one way to find out. He thumped Fishhook on the shoulder and nodded his head to the Inn, "Come on, Fishhook. Let's check out the inn. And whatever you do, BE CAREFUL. Please try not to destroy any more of the furniture than absolutely necessary? Ok?" He looked to the remaining members and smiled, "I will be glad to get off of this road and sleep under a roof for at least one night." He laughed and headed into the inn to find a comfortable spot for him, Fishhook and any of the others who wished to join them. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 20, 2008, 11:16am [Khesfrin Rhola] Khesfrin takes note of the Church on their way into town, as ell as the Trader and Moneychanger. Following the road they come to an Inn. He follows Thellios, Auggie and Hautra inside, where he inquires about the price of a room and a meal.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Aug 20, 2008, 4:40pm Having arrived in the town of Hommlet, Syanna takes her time walking around, taking in all the activity as people go about their daily lives. She smiles as small children run about, mostly underfoot. Spotting the leather workers shop, Syanna makes note of its location and continues on until she reaches the inn. Once inside, her tummy growls at the smell of food and she quickly spots the strange one called Fishhook and his fellow companion. Taking a seat at the same table, Syanna calls the serving girl. "I have had my fill of cold rations for sure!" Ordering some meat and cheese, she pays the serving girl and waits impatiently to be served. "I have heard of some troubles in this area, any word on exactly what's going on?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 20, 2008, 7:12pm Auggie looks around, sits down at a table, when the serving girl comes by, Auggie looks at her, "Food, wine, pay for, I will" and sets his purse on the table. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 20, 2008, 9:44pm upon finishing his meal Thellios stands up, lets out a loud belch , stretches and yawns, "It's time to sleep after a long day of

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battle. I cant wait to come across these bandits tomarrow." Starts to move to the bar to rent a room for th night...... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 21, 2008, 1:12am The square wooden sign showed a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants made a point of stopping, as did many other sorts of wayfarers, and it was said that the place was always filled with patrons. The common room was bright and cheerful. It contained several rough-hewn tables and chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars supported the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age. A motley group of sixteen people were here. Of particular interest were a man wearing scale mail with a shield on his back and saddlebags on the table in front of him (A), a rather slight man sitting at a corner table nursing his drink (B), and a pair of men sitting at a table in center of the room talking to each other. One of these, a huge man, wore splint mail and had a shield on his back also, the other wore normal traveling clothes. (C) The man behind the bar introduced himself as Ostler Gundigoot, the proprietor of the Welcome Wench, and quickly rattled off the inn's food prices. He then went on to indicate what rooms he had open and how much they rented for. Boiled eggs,cheeses, and hard biscuits or crackers were atop the trestle. Serving girls carried the food from the bar to the common room. (See Welcome Wench map and Welcome Wench room and board. Please remember to deduct and purchases from your character sheet) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 21, 2008, 1:53am The man behind the bar introduced himself as Ostler Gundigoot, the proprietor of the Welcome Wench, and quickly rattled off the inn's food prices. He then went on to indicate what rooms he had open and how much they rented for. Khesfrin Rhola "I'll take a tiny private room, a plain supper and a small beer. Thanks. Where do i sign in?" Depositing the coins on the counter Khesfrin will sit with his new companions.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 21, 2008, 2:08pm Fish Hook was a bit uncertain about Xavion's comment about breaking furniture. Although it was heavier than a normal human most furniture supported its weight. Perhaps the cleric was making a joke. Fish Hook had little experience with such things. It was not like it had no emotions, it was just it saw little point in expressing them. As they made their way to the Inn it resisted the temptation to suggest that it might be better to find someone in charge to question about the situation, but perhaps Xavion was hungry. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 21, 2008, 2:29pm Xavion could see that his joke was totally lost on Fish Hook but that wouldn't stop him from trying. He just went in and joined the others. Some seemed solitary but at least a couple seemed to be friendly enough. He sat with the ones names Khesfrin and Syanna before ordering himself an ale and plain dinner. He knew it might be a while before he got another decent or semi-decent meal. As he waited for the waitress to bring his order, he answered Syanna's question. "Considering the time of day, perhaps we should all get some rest and start bright and early tomorrow. Maybe we can use tonight to see how the people are feeling in general?" He looks to all with them waiting to see how they feel about that. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 21, 2008, 8:18pm Fish Hook followed Xavion into the Inn. It had never been in such a place before, although the clerics of the temple had explained what it might find there. It moved to a place, out of the way, to watch the door. Once Xavion had found a place to sit Fish Hook moved to a position where it could observe what was going on, while watching for trouble. It's glowing green eyes scanned the room. It prepared to draw it's sword when a stranger sat at the table, but Xavion seemed unconcerned about the interuption. He even smiled at the newcomer when she sat down. Fish Hook realized for the first time that several of the people here were women. It had never actually seen a woman before. All the training in weaponry had been done by men. After it had reawakened, the clerics who had helped were men. Now that it was in the real world it would have to get use to women. It did not seemed to be a problem. It waited silently. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 21, 2008, 11:18pm It had been about a half hour before the serving wenches brought the food to the motley little band but when they had it had been piping hot and smelt absolutely divine. The rumors about the Welcome Wench had been true. Now, what about the other rumors. Just as the travellers had been getting ready to dig into their food the smaller of the men from the table in the center of the room came over to the table at which Xavion, Khesfrin, and syanna had sat. He sat down with them and said, " The food's really good here, some of the best in the area I think. So what brings you three to this blighted little burb. Oh, by the way, the

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name's Turuko." He then had smiled and extended a hand out. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 22, 2008, 7:19am Again Fish Hook was amazed at the boldness, or rudeness of the human race. Here was a man who without even asking permission had sat down at the table and began to ask questions that were of no concern to him. Fish Hook understood enough to remain silent on the matter, but marked this man as one not to be trusted. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 22, 2008, 12:29pm Auggie leaned a bit closer toward the table that the new person sat at, trying to listen to the conversation. But did not move over to the table, or say anything. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Aug 22, 2008, 1:33pm Syanna smiled and extended a hand in greeting to Turuko. "Pleased to meet you. I have heard of some troubles in the area from several travelers I have happened upon, something about bandits possibly." Unable to resist the good smelling food, she has a few bites before continuing on. "I have hope that I could be of some help." Syanna glances quickly at Fishhook, still curious about that one. Turning to Xavion she smiles. "A nights rest sounds like a good plan to me." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 22, 2008, 1:55pm Hautra finally gets his ale and puts down 1 GP for the ale and 1 SP for the dorm room. He leaves the bar and joins the table which Auggie is. He puts down 2 GP for his meal. He says to everyone at the table, "Well, lively place it is, aye?" and goes to eat his meal and wash it down with ale. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 22, 2008, 3:23pm setting the 3gp for the meal he traces over to the others freshly sitting and enjoying their meal. "You all look new in town as for am I. I've heard of the evil surrounding this town and am here to offer aide to bring peace again. May I sit with your party for I have been traveling and am quite lonely. I've also been keeping my eyes on those men over there especially the armed ones and the one with the satchels, they seem out of place..." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 22, 2008, 3:49pm Auggie looks over at the newcomers, "Help also, I will. Bandits here no good for anyone." stands up, goes over to the table that the others are sitting at, "Auggie, name, mine is. Help you fight Bandits I will." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 22, 2008, 5:45pm Xavion: As he waited for the waitress to bring his order, he answered Syanna's question. "Considering the time of day, perhaps we should all get some rest and start bright and early tomorrow. Maybe we can use tonight to see how the people are feeling in general?" He looks to all with them waiting to see how they feel about that. Syanna smiled and extended a hand in greeting to Turuko. "Pleased to meet you. I have heard of some troubles in the area from several travelers I have happened upon, something about bandits possibly." Unable to resist the good smelling food, she has a few bites before continuing on. "I have hope that I could be of some help." Syanna glances quickly at Fishhook, still curious about that one. Turning to Xavion she smiles. "A nights rest sounds like a good plan to me." =========== Khesfrin Rhola: Before Khesfrin can answer Xavion, he turns to Turuko, "I'm Khesfrin Rhola. I've just come from Verbobonc. Seems like a nice little town here." Khesfrin grabs a few bites while his listens to Turuko and Sayanna; glancing every now anf then around the room. OOC: Is anyone watching/staring at us? Khesfrin will try to gauge the mood of the clientele. sense motive roll [dice=20] [rand=452351544866550057551874323314777759458387203270528208580125667204] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 22, 2008, 5:57pm When his food arrived, Xavion bowed his head and said a prayer of thanks and blessing to Pelor. He smiled and began to eat the food, thrilled that it tasted so good. He was quite pleased that they had chosen to stop at this inn for the night. Who knows when they'd have a chance to savor such a meal again. When Turuko sat down, he places his utensil down and wiped his mouth before smiling. He shook the offered hand as well and nodded to the man. "My name is Xavion. Pleasure to meet you." He continued to eat as Syanna spoke, only speaking when she

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paused and after Khesfrin spoke, "Ahem... WE hope that WE can be of some help." He flashed a quick grin and continued to eat as he looked over at Fish Hook and was glad that so far, no one was making a big fuss about him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 22, 2008, 6:06pm If one such as Fish Hook could have been irked, in this case, it would have been. People seemed to crowd in all around Xavion. Some were those that had traveled with them along the road, others were strangers. Xavion did not seem to be the least bit upset by the attention. It then noticed the woman, who was currently at the table, glance over. Fish Hook was not surprised. It had been getting these looks even before it had stepped out of the monastery. The brothers had indicted that while there where constructs scattered through out the realms, few traveled and none seemed to have the same characteristics as Fish Hook. That was why they were well pleased to see Xavion arrive. Fish Hook was not certain if it was protecting Xavion, or the other way around. Not for the first time it clutched the tabbard that were it's only clothes. It felt comfortable with the feel and comforted by the symbol that proclaimed it a servant of Pelor. Fish Hook looked forward to making it's way in the world and perhaps some day finding a member of the Household it has been made to serve. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 22, 2008, 11:50pm Aug 22, 2008, 5:45pm, cybersavant wrote:

OOC: Is anyone watching/staring at us? Khesfrin will try to gauge the mood of the clientele. Khesfrin looked about the room attempting to judge the mood of the patrons. For the most part, however, they just seemed like locals having a good time after a long days work. The man with the saddle bags, even though he had gone through quite a bit of drink just since Khesfrin had arrived, seemed as if he was watching everything that went on at the inn. The small man siting by himself seemed to be worried and preparing for something. He would pull out a small book of some sort he had on him, flip through it a bit, then put it away. He would then pull out a small piece of paper he had, make a few notes then put it away. He would then turn his attention to his drink that he had been nursing ever since Khesfrin's arrival and repeat the whole routine again. Then there was the matter of this Turuko. He wasn't sure what it was about him, the fake smile, the overly friendly nature, or the beady eyes but something seemed dis-genuine about him. Turuko, after having shaken the hands presented to him had gone on to say, " Banditry, that there has been an increase in for sure. At least according to the locals. I suppose you all have heard of the Temple of Elemental evil and the war to put it down ? But did you know that the temple had at one time built an outpost, right here in Hommlet. Or at least not more than a half days ride away. The locals call it the Moat house. The army that destroyed the temple only took care of it as an after thought. If there are bandits operating around here I bet that is where they are hiding. Me and my friend Kobort would be glad to work as guides for you, for a modest fee of course." After Turuko had finished his spiel a wirey looking man in leather armour descended the stairs stretching his arms and yawning on the way down as if he had just woken up. He looked over the crowd and then made his way over to Fish Hook. He looked him up and down and then said, " Never seen nothin' like you before. Hope you don't mind the forwardness but you look a little lonely. Don't suppose you play dice?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 23, 2008, 2:04pm Hautra wonders about that guy as well. He finishes his meal and ale. He tells everyone to be careful and he is turning in early for the night. He gathers his gear and goes to his room. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 24, 2008, 12:14am Turuko, after having shaken the hands presented to him had gone on to say, " Banditry, that there has been an increase in for sure. At least according to the locals. I suppose you all have heard of the Temple of Elemental evil and the war to put it down ? But did you know that the temple had at one time built an outpost, right here in Hommlet. Or at least not more than a half days ride away. The locals call it the Moat house. The army that destroyed the temple only took care of it as an after thought. If there are bandits operating around here I bet that is where they are hiding. Me and my friend Kobort would be glad to work as guides for you, for a modest fee of course." Khesfrin Rhola "Well, Mister Turuko, that seems rather kind of you to offer, but i don't know that we'd need guides. I plan to shop in town tomorrow. But than you for the heads up about the bandits and this ... outpost." Khesfrin looks over to Xavion but says nothing else. bluff [dice=20+7] Diplomacy [dice=20+3] sense motive [dice=20] [rand=9740929853803338007450811103449584724855237250781517833930568313372] Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by demilich on Aug 24, 2008, 9:57pm Auggie flashes a brief smile after hearing that the "Guide" offer was turned down. then moves to stand by Turuko. "Moat house, show us general direction, you can. Find it we will, fun way, that is. Life risk ours, not yours. Home stay, you should" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 24, 2008, 10:31pm After having his offer rejected Turuko looked a bit saddened but went on to say," you really can't miss it, just take the road that leads east out of town. If you should change your minds however I'm staying here at the Welcome Wench." He then went back to his table and ordered another drink. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 25, 2008, 1:59am Xavion shrugged and finished eating his meal as the offer of a guide was turned down. He looked at Khesfrin, "Would a guide have been so bad? It'd help a lot if we had someone who knows the lay of the land." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 25, 2008, 10:55am Khesfrin Rhola: "Well, i think first we need to get the lay of the town. Besides, we don't know who he is. If he's a local guide, why is he staying here, at the Inn? Wouldn't he have his own place in town? We should visit the Temple and other places tomorrow before rushing off to this moathouse we know nothing about." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Aug 25, 2008, 1:18pm Finishing up her meal, Syanna nods in agreement with Khesfrin. "I have to say those are very good questions. This area is still new to me so I leave it to you all to decide if we need a guide or not. The more we know the better off we will be I would think." She looks around to see what everyone thinks. In any case I must check on my companion before turning in for the night. "I will be up at dawn and need to make some purchases myself. Shall we be meeting here tomorrow?." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 25, 2008, 2:43pm Xavion looked to Khesfrin, "You are right about us getting the lay of the town.. but, I'd say this place is a good spot for a guide to hang around... spot the non-locals ahead of the competition and try to get some business." He shrugs, "But I have not spent too much time adventuring, so I will go with your judgment in this case. Who knows what tomorrow will bring." He smiled at Khes and Syanna, "Checking on companions is a good idea..." He shot a quick glance over at Fish Hook and saw the man speaking to him, "Not sure how Fish Hook is handling being in the inn... but doesn't look like anyone is causing any problems..." He stretched, "I also have evening prayers to attend to before I retire." He went to stand but stopped, "Oh, I think that meeting here tomorrow is a good idea. Maybe after we have all had a chance to go about time and see what info we can get?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 25, 2008, 2:59pm thellios looks at the party "hmmm that sounds like good idea, meet here tomarrow and go kill bandits, sounds like fun." Thellios goes to leave to go sleep outside in a small patch of grass under the stars. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 25, 2008, 3:15pm Aug 25, 2008, 2:43pm, xavion wrote:

He smiled at Khes and Syanna, "Checking on companions is a good idea..." He shot a quick glance over at Fish Hook and saw the man speaking to him, "Not sure how Fish Hook is handling being in the inn... but doesn't look like anyone is causing any problems..." He stretched, "I also have evening prayers to attend to before I retire." He went to stand but stopped, "Oh, I think that meeting here tomorrow is a good idea. Maybe after we have all had a chance to go about time and see what info we can get?" Khesfrin Rhola : "Well, i'll turn in for tonight as well. I'll maybe see you after breakfast tomorrow, or at the evening meal. Good night all." With that, Khesfrin takes his few belongings and heads to his room for the night.

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Once in his his room he locks the door, and if there is a chair in the room he props it against the door, if not, he moves the bed partially across the door. He checks the window for a lock and any possible way to cover it or place an object in front that an intruder may knock over. search [dice=20+6] craft trapmaking [dice=20+3] [rand=9672338881047553670763293076786845454195761748618563781911038955] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 25, 2008, 7:37pm After Turuko had finished his spiel a wirey looking man in leather armour descended the stairs stretching his arms and yawning on the way down as if he had just woken up. He looked over the crowd and then made his way over to Fish Hook. He looked him up and down and then said, " Never seen nothin' like you before. Hope you don't mind the forwardness but you look a little lonely. Don't suppose you play dice?" Fish Hook looked at the man. "I am not surprised that you have never seen anything like me before. I do not believe that there are any like me in this place. As to my loneliness, I have spent little time in the company of others, so I do not miss it." Fish Hook looked the man up and down. He did not seem to be much of a threat. "I have never played dice before, but if you are willing to teach me, I will play." Turning to Xavion he spoke. "Since it appears you will not be exploring the town until tomorrow I will set myself as guard outside your room once I have learned to play this dice game." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 26, 2008, 1:56am As the group retired for the night Khesfrin went to his room and found it very clean. There was a small place for a fire in one wall as well as a fine bed, many covers, wash stand, chamber pot, towels, pegs for garments, and several chairs and stools. He then set about making it secure for the night locking the door and proping a chair up against it. He then turned to the window and noticed it did not lock... In the dormitory room Hautra found that he was sharing the room with eight other people. The place had a dozen pallets, and in the morning, he had found out from the others, the table in the center was loaded with hot tea and fresh loaves at no extra cost. Thelios went ouside and just a little to the north of the building found a tree with a nice grassy patch under it. There he bedded down for the night. Just a little further north of him was what looked to be a newly constructed building. The stranger had introduced himself to Fish hook as Furnok of Ferd, a treasure finder by profession. he had then gone on to say," What, never played dice! By the cudgel of St. Cuthbert,what kind of traveller are yah!" Furnok then reached into a purse on the side of his belt and pulled out a pair of dice, " One of the simplest games I know, and also one of my favorites is Knucklebones the object is to score the highest total on two dice." OOC: outside of the people I posted for I don't think any of the rest of you have picked out a sleeping arangement for the night. If you have and I missed it I'm sorry, just post it again or send me a PM. I posted the map of the Upper floor in the Hommlet maps section with the prices for each of the rooms marked on it. The rooms with a red X are unavailable. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Aug 26, 2008, 9:18am Sorry, Auggie will ask for the private suite As Auggie goes to his room, He will lock the door, if it has a lock, otherwise, stack a piece of furniture in front of it. then, light a candle, and meditate for awhile, then, go to sleep on the bed. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Aug 26, 2008, 2:05pm (OOC: Xavion would want to pay for a private room if one is left. If not, happily will stay in the dorm.) Xavion nodded to Fish Hook and placed a hand on his/it's... he still thought of Fish Hook as an it but slowly it seemed to be changing. "Alright. Remember, the point of the game is to have fun... at least I think that it is... never been much of a gamer myself." He then turned and retired to where he was sleeping. He carefully arranged his things and then he settled down for evening prayers to Pelor before he will go to sleep. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Aug 26, 2008, 2:21pm Hautra thanks the people for informing him of tea and leaves. "Oh boy. I love hot tea," he thinks to himself. He goes to get hot tea and have a sip. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Aug 26, 2008, 5:10pm Grabbing her backpack, Syanna wishes everyone a good evening and leaves the inn heading out of town in the direction she

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came in. As she walks, she wonders what new things she will encounter with this group and if she will make any lasting friends. Soon she leaves the road and moves through the trees to the spot where she left her companion. Finding a good spot, she drops her backpack and pulls out a bedroll. Settling down, she whistles twice and waits quietly. It is not long before Umbra appears. The sleek black mare approaches and lowers her head for a gentle pat and scratch behind the ears. "Bet you thought I would stay in town this night. I know you dislike stables, we will have to work on that. Tomorrow I will see about getting you some fruit." Syanna grins and continues to talk to the mare for a time before finally sleeping. The mare stays nearby, watching over her protectively. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 26, 2008, 10:33pm " One of the simplest games I know, and also one of my favorites is Knucklebones the object is to score the highest total on two dice." Fish Hook looked at the dice. "How is this any kind of game? You roll the dice and then I roll the dice. That is just a random situation. I always believed that a game required some type of skill. Is there something that I am missing?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 26, 2008, 10:59pm Aug 26, 2008, 1:56am, Dungeon Master wrote:

As the group retired for the night Khesfrin went to his room and found it very clean. There was a small place for a fire in one wall as well as a fine bed, many covers, wash stand, chamber pot, towels, pegs for garments, and several chairs and stools. He then set about making it secure for the night locking the door and proping a chair up against it. He then turned to the window and noticed it did not lock... OOC: Is there a desk in the room? What i'd like to do is stack something in front of the window, so that if someone enters they'll knock stuff over, thus waking me (hopefully)

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 27, 2008, 1:27am Furnok gave Fishook an incredulous look and then replied, " Well aren't you the smart one. You see, I usually make wagers on this game thats where the skill comes in. Tryin to figure the odds of beatin' the other players roll. But you bein' so unexperianced an' all I wouldn't want to take advantage of ya'." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 27, 2008, 3:14am Thellios is lookin up at the stars in the sky wondering where this adventure will take him, how his skills will be challenged. Thinking of the possibilities he smiles and sighs falling asleep... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 27, 2008, 12:09pm Just as he had fallen off to sleep Thellios was awoken by several Sharp blows to the ribs. Standing over him was a man in chain mail. He carried a flail in one hand and a shield in the other. On his back was a crossbow and tucked in his belt was a dagger.When Thellios had come around he said to him," Wake up and move on, you can't sleep here in the middle of town." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 27, 2008, 3:44pm Looking up at the figure poking him, Thellios stands up growling glaring at the armor clad figure, "I sleep where I like, I'm not hurting anything, and I wont sleep in an inn. I suggest you let me be I'm already angry enough with you poking me." Thellios reaches behind him grabbing his axes pulling them out, ready to fight. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 27, 2008, 11:59pm The man looked Thellios up and down then said, "First of all, son, if I were you I would put those things up before I got hurt. Secondly, maybe in the Wild Coast or the Pomarj you sleep where you want, but not in Hommlet. We're civilized people here." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 28, 2008, 12:22am "A civilized person wouldn't wake a man sleeping soundly. " Getting even angrier, "I suggest you let me be, or we'll see just wh will get hurt. If this is how you treat the people who come to help no wonder there are bandits all over this area......."

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Clutching his axes tighter, Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Aug 28, 2008, 1:11am Khesfrin Rhola:

Khesfrin grabs one of he stools in the room and places it on the washbasin stand. Then he takes the wash basin itself and sets that on top of the stacked stool in front of the window. He pauses, says a small prayer for the night, moves the bed so that a corner is slightly in front of the door. Once all that is done he climbs under the sheets and drifts off to sleep.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 28, 2008, 11:54pm The man now looked as if he was getting very annoyed and said to Thellios," Look you have three choices son. You can go stay at the inn, you can go out of town and sleep on the ground all you want and come back in the mornin', or you can sleep in the dungeon in the tower until the Justice of the Peace can see you. The choice is up to you." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Aug 29, 2008, 11:54am OOC: Sorry I thought I posted this awhile back, but I guess it never made it on the board. "You see, I usually make wagers on this game thats where the skill comes in. Tryin to figure the odds of beatin' the other players roll. But you bein' so unexperianced an' all I wouldn't want to take advantage of ya'." Fish Hook looked at the man. "I am not smart enough or wise enough to make the calculating of odds enjoyable for either of us, nor do I have the money to make wagers. I thank you for offering to teach me to play. I think it would be best if I took up my guard duty. An outspoken man such as yourself should have little trouble finding someone better suited for your game. I am certain a human with your experience will no doubt be very successful in earning extra money while he enjoys himself." With that said Fish Hook moved away, drawing it's sword and equipping it's shield as it moved to guard the door where it's companion slept. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Aug 29, 2008, 4:27pm Thellios moves to put his axes away, spouting off "I tire of you little man. The next time we cross paths I will not be so civil." Thellios leaves the area heading North out of Hommlet to look for a nice tree to lay under to go back to sleep being careful not to take his eyes off the armor clad human.......Thinking to himself (I should have killed for bothering my slumber.) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 30, 2008, 12:18am The rest of the night had gone uneventfully for the newly thrown together group, until near dawn. Just as the sun was beginning to break over the horizon with just a hint of pink beginning to lighten the dark sky Syanna was awakened by a gentle nudging from Umbra. She heard what appeared to be two people whispering in an unknown language not far from her. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Aug 31, 2008, 4:13pm When nudged by Umbra, Syanna eyes open quickly and she looks around without moving. Hearing voices she rises slowly being as quiet as possible and attempts to get a closer look. Not recognizing the language being spoken, she is instantly on guard. (Move Silently) [dice=20+1] (Spot roll) [dice=20+5] [rand=835300610971781474165261798753710723844305750310238424675424849236] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Aug 31, 2008, 4:45pm Opening her eyes and moving very quietly Syanna was surprised to find two goblins attempting to pillage her campsite while she was sleeping. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 1, 2008, 1:38am was wondering where Syanna is camped at........ Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 1, 2008, 10:43am

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Fish Hook had stood ready the whole night before Xavion's door. It waited patiently for him to awaken. It was aware that Xavion woke up to pray at the rising of the sun. It was a bit concerned that the comfort of a bed might cause the cleric to miss the sun rise. As people began to move about the Inn to begin preparing for the morning meal, Fish Hook kept an ear open for movement behind the door and watched for any indication that the sun was on the rise. Listen [dice=20] Spot [dice=20][rand=929183241762852881491310408993872064635755129379894243863222296] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 1, 2008, 11:27am Auggie wakes up, does a few stretches, loosening up his joints, and then does a few vocal exercises, saying various words, in different tones, and some repetatively, for about a half hour, then, heads downstairs for breakfast. Coming into the hallway, He sees Fish Hook standing by the door, walking by "It", Auggie says, "Sleep, do you not?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 1, 2008, 12:17pm Carefully examining the door Fish Hook saw but a faint sliver of pinkish light coming out from under it. He heard no noise coming from the room however Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 1, 2008, 8:24pm Thellios arises stretches and grabs his weapos to do his daily trainging. He looks aroung to see the beauty of the morning as he always does........ search [dice=20] spot [dice=20] [rand=1823073448496909172270277029441254022572775875481410524878296046736] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 1, 2008, 9:31pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin rises with the morning glow of the sun entering his window. He goes over to the window and removes the stack of furniture, then washes. Moving the bed back into its original place, he unlocks the door, grabs his belongings and heads downstairs. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 1, 2008, 10:30pm Having been trained to wake up before the dawn and be ready to greet it, Xavion will wake up and move silently about the room before dawn breaks. He grabs his holy symbol and when the rays of the sun begin to creep across the lands, he smiles with joy and begins his morning prayers to Pelor. When he has finished, he will set about putting his armor back on and his other accouterments before opening the door to look for Fish Hook. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 1, 2008, 10:40pm Sunday, 2nd Harvester 579CY Those who had spent the night at the Welcome Wench arose in the morning to the smell of food drifting up the staircase. Eggs, cured venison and fresh baked bread made the mouths of all descending to the second floor begin to water.The sky seemed to portent a good day with a few scattered clouds and a mild temperature. Downstairs the bustle of the serving wenches could be heard as they prepared to open the common room for the day. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 2, 2008, 10:01am Syanna was clearly surprised to find two goblins rummaging around her camping spot. She shouts at them.."Filthy little buggers!" Offering a quick prayer to Obad-Hai, she calls up a wolf to appear behind the goblins and directs it to attack. (Casting Summon Nature's Ally1) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 2, 2008, 11:13am The goblins, thinking Syanna still asleep, were taken by surprise by the appearance of her summoned wolf; dropping her belongings to prepare to face it. OOC: Syanna got the drop on them attack with the wolf ( Base attack/grapple: +1/+2,Attack: bite +3 melee (1d6+1),Full Attack: bite +3 melee (1d6+1),AC:14, HP:13 ,Special Attacks: Trip,Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, Saves: Fort +5,

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Ref +5, Will +1) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 2, 2008, 1:24pm Hautra is in the pub awaiting the rest of the party before he could head out to seek out the temple itself. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 2, 2008, 11:25pm Thellios is walking back into town to meet the others, still sore at the fellow who disturbed his slumber....."I hope I see him today, he'd make a great practice tool today." grinning to himself. He's now thinking of the food that might await him at he inn...... Re: monring in the Inn Post by cybersavant on Sept 2, 2008, 11:37pm Khesfrin Rhola : Khesfrin enters the common room and looks to see who else is around. If he sees anyone from the day before, he sits with them, if not he sits at an empty but large table and orders a simple breakfast. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 3, 2008, 1:35am Xavion opens the door and is a little surprised to find Fish Hook standing there.. almost as a guard. He raises an eyebrow slowly, "Fish Hook... did you stand outside my door all night?" He began to wait for him to answer but thought better of it, "Never mind... don't answer that. I don't even want to know... but next time, maybe we should get you a room." He smiled at the Warforged and smiled good-naturedly. He clapped a hand on Fish Hook's metal shoulder and inhaled, "Come on, I don't know about you but I'm famished! And the smells coming from below are a gift from Pelor. I need to break my fast." He waits a bit for Fish Hook to respond before heading down to the common room, glancing around. Seeing Khesfrin and Hautra, he smiles and nods over at the table at which they are seated, "Let's join them for our morning meal, Fish Hook." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 3, 2008, 2:10am Sept 2, 2008, 11:37pm, cybersavant wrote:

Khesfrin Rhola : Khesfrin enters the common room and looks to see who else is around. If he sees anyone from the day before, he sits with them, if not he sits at an empty but large table and orders a simple breakfast. As he looked about the common room Khesfrin noticed the Illumian who had called himself Hautra sitting at a table by himself. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 3, 2008, 6:57am (OOC) Hautra already had hot tea and bread so he'll not be eating anymore for right now. (IC) Hautra sees the dragon shaman, raises his hand and nods his head. When the shaman seats, Hautra begins to tell him of the great hot tea he had with excitement. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 3, 2008, 8:25am Sept 3, 2008, 6:57am, cpanthersfan wrote:

(IC) Hautra sees the dragon shaman, raises his hand and nods his head. When the shaman seats, Hautra begins to tell him of the great hot tea he had with excitement. Khesfrin Rhola: "Hmm, that's sounds good. So, how did you sleep?"

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After his breakfast arrives, Khesfrin will talk in between mouthfuls. "I guess we should get to know this village before we traipse off through the wilderness. Get a feel for the place. See if there are any commonly hit areas, or other strangers in town. That sort of thing." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 3, 2008, 2:31pm Thellios arrives in town and returns to the inn to eat a deserving breakfast, walking in he sees the dragon shaman and duskblade he comes over extends his greeting and orders his meal................."Hello fellow travelers are we ready to rid the land of evil today......." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 3, 2008, 6:17pm Xavion opened the door and was a little surprised to find Fish Hook standing there.. almost as a guard. He raised an eyebrow slowly, "Fish Hook... did you stand outside my door all night?" He began to wait for him to answer but thought better of it, "Never mind... don't answer that. I don't even want to know... but next time, maybe we should get you a room" Fish Hook looked at Xavion, it's face bearing no true expression. Why the cleric of Pelor would want to spend church money on a room for him made little sense? He looked at the Warforged and smiled good-naturedly. He clapped a hand on Fish Hook's metal shoulder and inhaled, "Come on, I don't know about you but I'm famished! And the smells coming from below are a gift from Pelor. I need to break my fast." Again Fish Hook was a bit puzzled. Since it did not eat any more than it slept, there was little chance that it was famished. They had not been on the road together for long, so perhaps the cleric had not noticed. Fish Hook did not feel that it was it's place to question it's charge on the matter. It did seem that Xavion was waiting for some type of reply so it provided one. "Feel free to lead the way." With that, they headed downstair. Xavion looked around and saw others from the night before seated at a table. "Let's join them for our morning meal, Fish Hook." As Xavion moved toward the table, Fish Hook motioned to one of the serving girls. As she approached reluctantly, it spoke to her. "My companion has need of food and drink. See that he wants for nothing." It's voice showed little emotion. It picked a silver coin from the pouch the brothers had given it. It was dwarfed in his palm. "It is only right you be properly paid for your service. Is this enough?" It waited for a reply. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 4, 2008, 12:58am After Hautra,Khesfrin,Fish Hook, Xavion,Auggie and Thellios had all gathered at the table their food and drink was soon delivered. The serving girl, replying to Fish Hook, said, " why, yes sir, that should be more than enough." noticebly absent howevr was the druidess from the night before, Syanna. The food was of course of the same excellent quality as the night before. There were fewer patrons but this would of course be easily accounted for by the fact that the work day had just begun. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 4, 2008, 11:09am Auggie speaks up, "Moathouse, We go, today?" looking around at the others, as he eats his breakfast. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 4, 2008, 2:55pm At first Fish Hook was going to take up it's place standing behind Xavion, but thought better of it. It would be more difficult to discuss the days plans if Xavion was forced to turn around every time he wished to speak to Fish Hook. The furniture did seem sturdy enough to bear it's extra weight, so it sat. When the waitress offered Fish Hook a plate, it spoke to her again. "I am a living construct. I do not require food, drink or sleep. As such, this food and drink would be better served to someone else." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 4, 2008, 4:51pm Hautra nods to Rhola and says, "I slept real good. You?" Hautra says to the half-ogre, "Greetings. Have a seat then, if you like." Hautra turns to Auggie, "Perhaps we are." He turns to the dragon shaman, "Is the moathouse part of the search?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 5, 2008, 12:16am

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Sept 4, 2008, 4:51pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

Hautra nods to Rhola and says, "I slept real good. You?" Hautra says to the half-ogre, "Greetings. Have a seat then, if you like." Hautra turns to Auggie, "Perhaps we are." He turns to the dragon shaman, "Is the moathouse part of the search?" Khesfrin Rhola : "I slept well. Morning to you all. Has anyone seen Sayanna since last night?" "I think it would be prudent to get acquainted with the village and the locals first, see if we can find out more details. I'd like to know who is new in town as well as recent visitors. I think the temple would be a good place to start. Should we stay together as a group or each pursue different areas to investigate?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 5, 2008, 2:26am Thellios stands and starts to leave, "I'm gonna look for the druidess she should have been here by now something isnt right, my gut is telling me so. If you guys want you can go inspect the moat houst and Ill meet you guys at the temple. No harm will come to her i as long as i have anything to say about it........" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 5, 2008, 9:38am Sept 5, 2008, 2:26am, ravenwoolf wrote:

Thellios stands and starts to leave, "I'm gonna look for the druidess she should have been here by now something isnt right, my gut is telling me so. If you guys want you can go inspect the moat houst and Ill meet you guys at the temple. No harm will come to her i as long as i have anything to say about it........" How does Thellios go about his search? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 5, 2008, 1:48pm Sept 5, 2008, 2:26am, ravenwoolf wrote:

Thellios stands and starts to leave, "I'm gonna look for the druidess she should have been here by now something isnt right, my gut is telling me so. If you guys want you can go inspect the moat houst and Ill meet you guys at the temple. No harm will come to her i as long as i have anything to say about it........" Khesfrin Rhola : "Wait up Thelllios, i'll accompany you. Do you know which way she went last night?" OOC: On the way out of town, Khesfrin will ask villagers they pass if they've seen her Information gather [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [rand=82022319837903352775882764998389742120443355424042601463290860848]

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 5, 2008, 5:22pm Walking with Khesfrin Thellios states "I dont have any idea where she could be, I know she's not north due to that's where I came from and I didn't see any signs of her anywhere. Ill bet hopefully some of the townfolk have seen her." Thellios also asks townfolk along the way..... Gather Information [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20][rand=700798720734434815631611742342605031569085626733668303534642909822] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 5, 2008, 5:48pm Auggie calmly finishes His breakfast, then heads out into the streets to check out the village Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 5, 2008, 8:27pm Hautra says, "Well, how about two groups?" When the ones go to find the druidess, he gets up and joins Auggie to stake out the villiage. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 5, 2008, 8:48pm As the goblins gibber at Syanna she bears her teeth and shifts into a fighting stance. Out of no where a wolf appears behind the goblins and she make a motion signaling the wolf to attack. (full attack) [dice=20+3][rand=780003908967447378498869182910780918900459383754147605673989179553] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 5, 2008, 10:28pm Khesfrin finds a man who appears to be one of the town watch, he is carrying a flail and a shield. When asked he replies,"Why yes i believe i saw someone matching that description heading out the east road last night. Wondered why a young lady like her was taveling alone at night." the wolf hits, taking a bite out of one of the goblins' backside. ooc: roll damage Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 6, 2008, 9:52am Upon hearing this Thellios starts running East out of town...............Looking back making sure Khesfrin is coming behind.... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 6, 2008, 10:56am Sept 6, 2008, 9:52am, ravenwoolf wrote:

Upon hearing this Thellios starts running East out of town...............Looking back making sure Khesfrin is coming behind.... Khesfrin Rhola : Khesfrin runs after Thellios after thanking the guard for his help. "Thellios, are you able to track?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 7, 2008, 12:57am Thellios replies "No I don't, but since its fairly early in the morning there should be some faint signs of a campfire or something like it....? Spot checks [dice=20] [dice=20] search checks [dice=20] [dice=20][rand=708235518832319549525164455280934821888260619810112260895037819458] Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by xavion on Sept 7, 2008, 1:19am Xavion was eating his meal when they noticed that Syanna had not joined them. He was going to volunteer to go with them but they were off quickly. He wasn't sure what he could do but he was fairly confidant that she could handle herself and if not, Pelor would watch over her and send his two compatriots to her in time. Looking around he quickly finished his meal, "Well Fish Hook, looks like we should also help out." He stood, "Come, let us visit the church. Perhaps we may find out more about the source of evil there." He waits for Fish Hook to stand and signal he is ready before he leaves the inn and heads to the church. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 7, 2008, 9:33am Hautra turns to Auggie, "Am I to assume you're to check out the moathouse?" as he walks along with him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 7, 2008, 2:36pm The wolf bears its teeth, growling and snaps at the goblin in front of it.. [dice=6+1] [rand=671494571096498190882967918162465222538918759424198076403861185] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 7, 2008, 10:32pm The wolf, summoned by Syanna, tore a huge gash in the back of the goblin in front of it. The wounded goblin immediately fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding. The other goblin, seeing his fallen comrade and that he was now outnumbered two to one, turned and began to flee. Thellios and Khesfrin rushed down the road leading east out of town, the very same one that the group had come to this town on. Glancing to the north Thellios noted just the slightest wisp of smoke making its way into the dawn sky. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 7, 2008, 11:22pm Thellios seeing the smoke in the air points up "Look over there Khesfrin, smoke, lets hurry."Thellios takes off on a full run towards the smoke hoping to find their lost comrade..... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 7, 2008, 11:43pm Fish Hook stood up and followed Xavion out the door and down the street to the temple. It did not know much about this St. Cuthbert, other than what it had heard from some of the brothers. It seemed this was a god of the law and appeared to have little regard for mercy. Fish Hook knew that rules were important so it looked forward to hearing the teachings of these priests. It also hoped they could give information on the area. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 8, 2008, 12:11pm Auggie to His companion, "Moat house, Bandits there be," motions with His hand, "Question these people, perhaps know of other trouble, they might." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 8, 2008, 2:28pm As the other goblin flees, the wolf looks back at Syanna. Nodding she smiles and says "Thank you my friend, your free to go and give chase." Realizing the morning is passing she clears up her camping area and checks the fallen goblins body to see if it was carrying anything of worth. (Search roll) [dice=20+2] Once done, she calls Umbra and heads out to the road at a quick pace. "I bet I have missed the gathering with the others... I hope I can find them. Goblins this close to town does not bode well." [rand=337381708078199452305736000837848352837300149067728522254685772236] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 8, 2008, 4:30pm on their way to the church Xavion and Fish Hook encountered what appeared to be a drunken man with a dagger stagering down the street leading from the church to the inn. He waved broadly to them, almost falling down, and said, " Shello, donsh think i've sheen you before. My name's Elmo, wash brings you to Hommlet." Syanna found nothing of interest except the morning star the goblin was carrying and her own belongings. Just as she was getting her stuff back together Thellios and Khesfrin came running into her campsite. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 8, 2008, 7:03pm Thellios sees the goblin on the ground, and kneels over to look at the body. He feels for a pulse. "He's still alive, I say we

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take him with us and question him as to where hes from and who is leader is." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 8, 2008, 7:36pm Auggie will head to the Blacksmith Shop, "Worker of metal, may have heard things, He has" to His companion Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 8, 2008, 8:31pm Hautra reponses to Auggie, "Sure. Let us do that." He has his shield on his back and his sword in its sleath on his hip. He'll use Aid Another action on Auggie. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 8, 2008, 9:34pm On their way to the church Xavion and Fish Hook encountered what appeared to be a drunken man with a dagger stagering down the street leading from the church to the inn. He waved broadly to them, almost falling down, and said, " Shello, donsh think i've sheen you before. My name's Elmo, wash brings you to Hommlet." If Fish Hook noticed the man's condition it chose not to mention it."My name is Fish Hook and this is Xavion. We are here to find out information about this place and the environment around it. If it is true, as we have heard, that you are having bandit trouble, we are here to help." It hesitated for a moment before continuing. "For the greater glory of Pelor and for the protection of all, as I have been told." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 8, 2008, 11:03pm he then looks at Syanna "Well it looks like your okay and didnt need saving after all." In a dissapointing tone "I was hoping to kill somebody." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 9, 2008, 4:54pm Sept 8, 2008, 7:03pm, ravenwoolf wrote:

Thellios sees the goblin on the ground, and kneels over to look at the body. He feels for a pulse. "He's still alive, I say we take him with us and question him as to where hes from and who is leader is." Khesfrin Rhola : "How are you? What happened here?" "Perhaps it's not wise to stay outside the village alone at night. I'm not healer, hopefully he'll make it to the village alive to be questioned. Syanna, can you bind his wounds? Do either of you speak goblin?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 9, 2008, 5:14pm Xavion had paused at the obviously drunken man. He was going to respond but when Fish Hook spoke up, he decided to remain quiet and see how he/it handled the situation. It was good that he/it was speaking and interacting more... so for now, he would let him continue for now. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 9, 2008, 5:50pm Elmo looked about nervously then put his finger to his lips," Shh, Nosh too loud, thersh spies." He then pulls his dagger and waving it in the air says, " But donsh you worry, Elmo of the Hommlit milisha will protect you. Well as mush as i can with jush a dagger anyway." Auggie arrived at the blacksmith's without any difficulty. Horseshoes are nailed to three faces of the post in front of this shed, and within sit a forge and bellows. A short but brawny man is vigorously pounding away at a piece of red-hot iron. He looks up at you and says," How can i help you stranger?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 9, 2008, 9:36pm Auggie walks up to him, "Rumors we seek, Bandits, bad people, anything You know" Gather Info 14 Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 10, 2008, 12:15am The blacksmith dunks the horseshoe he was working on into a barrel of rainwater beside the shack then turns to Auggie, sweat pouring off him. " Aye, banditry there has been going on, but not here close to Hommlet. Most of the attacks have taken place between Hommlet and Nulb. Some think that a new Darklord has taken up residence in the old Moat House. Most of the village folk shun the place though because of what happened there in the past." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 10, 2008, 12:39am Thellios riplies "I sure dont, but I'm sure somebody does." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 10, 2008, 1:11pm Hautra begins to look around the blacksmith's shop/forge. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 10, 2008, 2:53pm Hautra sees what one would usually expect in a blacksmith's shop. Horseshoes, tools, barrel hoops. There are a few simple weapons, spear tips, that sort of thing; but no armor. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 10, 2008, 3:25pm Thellios says, "We should get going to find the others befor that other orc brings back some of his friends......." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 10, 2008, 3:42pm Syanna was taken by surprise when Thellios and Khesfrin rushed into her camping area. Taking a moment to calm Umbra. "Easy, they are friends." She turns to Thellios with a slight grin. "Didn't mean to hog all the fun. I was just on my way to find you all. Goblins this close to town cant be good. There were two of them, but of course they are cowardly and the other one took off. I was awakened by Umbra here to find them going through my things. Sorry I don't speak goblin but I will see what I can do about that wound. (heal roll) [dice=20+4][rand=8516252698795284450284829695303672050037128947911040774738468161] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 10, 2008, 5:45pm Syanna examines the unconscious goblin and tends to it's wounds. The wound looked pretty bad; her summoned wolf had bit deep. The bleeding stopped and some of the goblin's color started to return to him but she estimated that he probably wouldn't come around until tomorrow and only then if she looked after him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 10, 2008, 6:04pm "Hmmmm I wonder if we can find some material to make some kind of cot so we cant drag him along he might have valuable information have you checked his clothing to see if he has any valuables or maps?...." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 10, 2008, 11:24pm Sept 10, 2008, 6:04pm, ravenwoolf wrote:

"Hmmmm I wonder if we can find some material to make some kind of cot so we cant drag him along he might have valuable information have you checked his clothing to see if he has any valuables or maps?...." Khesfrin Rhola : "Hmm, he's pretty small. I should be able to carry him, while you watch out for his compatriots as head back to town." Str roll [dice=20+1] or NOT!!! [rand=09292767883151729333369892412825245861109274666427469719398491826] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 11, 2008, 12:59am

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"If you want I can carry him since im bigger it would be easier for me." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 11, 2008, 12:12pm Sept 11, 2008, 12:59am, ravenwoolf wrote:

"If you want I can carry him since im bigger it would be easier for me." Khesfrin Rhola : "Sure, i'll keep a watch for others." Khesfrin draws his morningstar. Spot OOC: Posting from work - won't let me roll the die, so please add about 4 straight d20 spot rolls, thanks Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 11, 2008, 1:20pm (OOC) Sure, I'm at the library at the moment. I can roll for you assuming I'm rolling what you wanted to be rolled. [dice=20][dice=20][dice=20][dice=20] Sept 11, 2008, 12:12pm, cybersavant wrote:


OOC: Posting from work - won't let me roll the die, so please add about 4 straight d20 spot rolls, thanks [rand=230264923367674359982459425786568967439929241052415408262524259964] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 11, 2008, 2:20pm Auggie thinks for a moment, "History, repeating itself, it is. Appreciate information, I do, good day." Auggie turns to his companion, "Talking more, others, we do now." turns to head out of the shop. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 11, 2008, 7:03pm Syanna tends to the goblins wound. "Going to have to keep an eye on this, we should hurry though. Where are the others?" I hope I didn't delay us too much. After taking another look around to make sure she didn't leave anything, she says, Ok ready to go now." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 11, 2008, 7:23pm Khesfrin, Thellios and Syanna made it back to the village without any further difficulties. Upon arriving at the Welcome Wench, however, they saw none of their comrades in the common room. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 11, 2008, 9:20pm Elmo looked about nervously then put his finger to his lips," Shh, Nosh too loud, thersh spies." He then pulls his dagger and waving it in the air says, " But donsh you worry, Elmo of the Hommlit milisha will protect you. Well as mush as i can with jush a dagger anyway." Fish Hook looked at the man waving his dagger. "It appears your militia is not very well equipped." It reached around and pulled a javelin from it's quiver. "I do not have any money to give you for weaponry, but you may have one of my javelins. It will not make a very good melee weapon, but you can throw it at an enemy." With that said it handed Elmo the javelin. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 12, 2008, 12:58am

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Elmo put away his dagger and took the javelin. After studying it for a moment he then handed it back to Fish Hook saying, " Thank shoe but I'm not very good with these." He then spread his arms wide and continued by saying, " Now if you had a really big axe. o shwell." He then continued stumbling down the road in the direction of the Welcome Wench after a few steps he turned back around again and said to Fish Hook and Xavion, " Hey , why donsh you fellas join me for a few pints when you get done wish your buisnesh?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 12, 2008, 12:15pm Hautra nods at him and heads out the shop with him. He asks, "So, what did you learnt?" Sept 11, 2008, 2:20pm, demilich wrote:

Auggie thinks for a moment, "History, repeating itself, it is. Appreciate information, I do, good day." Auggie turns to his companion, "Talking more, others, we do now." turns to head out of the shop. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 12, 2008, 12:49pm Auggie turns to Hautra, "Moat house, trouble it was, in past, trouble, it is, again." Auggie will head for the Leather Worker shop. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 13, 2008, 2:13am Auggie and Hautra arrived at a house with a Leather hide nailed to the front door. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 13, 2008, 11:29am Auggie knocks on the door, and waits for a response. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 13, 2008, 12:56pm Elmo put away his dagger and took the javelin. After studying it for a moment he then handed it back to Fish Hook saying, " Thank shoe but I'm not very good with these." He then spread his arms wide and continued by saying, " Now if you had a really big axe. o shwell." He then continued stumbling down the road in the direction of the Welcome Wench after a few steps he turned back around again and said to Fish Hook and Xavion, " Hey , why donsh you fellas join me for a few pints when you get done wish your buisnesh?" Fish Hook took back the javelin. "As you can plainly see I have no really big axe. I will look for one on my travels, since I believe we will be returning here upon the completion of our work in the area. As to the invitation, I do not eat or drink." It then turned to Xavion, "Perhaps we should be on our way to the Temple?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 13, 2008, 5:07pm Xavion smiled, pleased at the way Fish Hook handled the situation. He looked at Elmo, "Thank you for the offer my friend but we have pressing business. If there is time, perhaps we can join you. If not, may Pelor shine on you always." He turned to Fish Hook, "Yes, we really should be going." With a wave to Elmo, he turns and heads on to the Temple. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 13, 2008, 5:20pm "hmmmmmm I'll bet they went to the temple, I told the others we'd catch up to them after we found you. If you guys are ready Id like to meet up with our comrades." Thellios picks up the goblin and throws him over his shoulder Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 13, 2008, 7:30pm Fish Hook and Xavion arrived at the church of St. Cuthbert and entered through a double door on the south side of the building. Once inside they stood in a large 20'x30' hall. The place was floored in well-polished wood, with wooden ceiling and pillars extending all the way to the roof high overhead. The walls were painted in pastoral scenes, and tinted glass mosaic windows of many shades of color allowed light into the hall. There were no benches, pews or stools. After a moment a young man in plate mail approached them and said, " Can I help you ? Have you come to pay your tithes or offerings today ?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 13, 2008, 9:34pm Sept 13, 2008, 5:20pm, ravenwoolf wrote:

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"hmmmmmm I'll bet they went to the temple, I told the others we'd catch up to them after we found you. If you guys are ready Id like to meet up with our comrades." Thellios picks up the goblin and throws him over his shoulder Khesfrin Rhola "Well, i'm sure Xavion has gone to the temple. Mayhaps we should first deal with our prisoner - see if the local guard has a holding facility; then we should look for someone who can speak goblin, in order to interrogate him." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 13, 2008, 9:46pm Xavion smiled and bowed politely to the man in plate mail. "Good day to you, I am Xavion, acolyte of Pelor and I come bringing a tithe to St. Cuthbert and seeking wisdom and guidance. My companion, Fish Hook, and I have come to help out with the rumored troubles in the area and we hope that we may gain some insight as to what is going on and where to find the source of the troubles." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 13, 2008, 11:29pm As Khesfrin, Thellios, and Syanna stood talking about what to do with the goblin Ostler ( the barkeep) yelled at the," Hey, what you doin' bringin' that thing in here." Upon bringing the subject of a tithe up the cleric begins to beam. " Why, thank you son, The collection box is over on that wall. May St. Cuthebert be with you and watch over you. ", He said pointing toward a locked box on the wall. He then began to walk into the sanctuary, " Now, you were saying something about troubles ?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 14, 2008, 12:35pm Hautra waits as well, as he scans around. Sept 13, 2008, 11:29am, demilich wrote:

Auggie knocks on the door, and waits for a response. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 14, 2008, 2:16pm Sept 13, 2008, 11:29pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

As Khesfrin, Thellios, and Syanna stood talking about what to do with the goblin Ostler ( the barkeep) yelled at the," Hey, what you doin' bringin' that thing in here." Khesfrin Rhola "My good sir, we are merely looking for our companions. Is there a guard quarters or gaoler in town?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 15, 2008, 12:15am Augie heard a male voice through the door say ," Come on in, it is a shop after all." Then he heard, "Eustice don't be rude. You'll scare away the customers", as the door opened. Inside it was a round middle age woman wearing an apron. She looked at Auggie warmly and said, "come on in. my name's Muriel." beyond her Auggie could see a slightly older man working some leather behind a counter he looked at the woman and said, " Got work to do. Can't go runin' to the door every time somebody knocks." Also behind the counter Auggie could what appeared to be a man slightly younger than the woman sweeping up some scraps. The man looked of " below average intelligence". Eustace turned to the man and said you ain't got that cleaned u[p yet what's the matter can't you figure out how to use a broom." Ostler replied back to Khesfrin, " Things like that caused enough trouble not so many years back. Don't like them in my inn. I'm sure if you take it to the tower Rufus and Burne will be more than happy to lock it up there.," Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 15, 2008, 12:31am Upon bringing the subject of a tithe up the cleric begins to beam. " Why, thank you son, The collection box is over on that wall. May St. Cuthebert be with you and watch over you. ", He said pointing toward a locked box on the wall. He then began to walk into the sanctuary, " Now, you were saying something about troubles ?"

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Fish Hook looked over at the offering box, but made no move to put any money in. It understood about tithing, but has no wish to give what little money it had to every god on this world. Instead, it speaks. "We have been told that there are bandits in the area causing trouble for local farmers, travelers and towns people. We are here, along with several others, to help find these bandits and kill them. Will you help us find them or tell us of someone who might have more information on this?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 15, 2008, 1:01pm Auggie walks in, wrinkles his nose a bit from the smell, "Information we seek, Bandits, we have heard about, help us, perhaps, you can.?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 15, 2008, 5:20pm "Thank you sir." Grumbles Thellios, he puts the goblin over his shoulder with one arm and heads off to the tower to drop the goblen............ Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 15, 2008, 7:13pm Xavion smiles and goes to the collection box and drops in 2 silver, along with a small prayer. He then turned back and rejoined Fish Hook and cleric as Fish Hook explained the situation. He seemed to sum it up nicely enough, there was no need to interrupt at this moment. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 15, 2008, 8:41pm Quote:

"Thank you sir." Grumbles Thellios, he puts the goblin over his shoulder with one arm and heads off to the tower to drop the goblen............ Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin heads to the tower with Thellios. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 15, 2008, 9:51pm The cleric introduced himself as Calmer then went on to tell Fish Hook and Xavier that the church had only been built since after the war with the temple by the viscount,in honor of the aid rendered to him by the Archcleric of Veluna during the war against the Temple of Elemental Evil. He then leaned over as if telling a secret and said," There has been some talk of bandits in the area. They never come close to Hommlit though staying between Hommlit and Nulb mostly. What has me worried though is that the old Cannoness, Canoness Y'dey left suddenly on some sort of trip and hasn't returned yet. I fear for her. Since then the church has sent a new cannon, Canon Terjon. He does his job well enough I suppose but he has no knack for dealing with the people. I think he resents being posted at such a " rural " church. The leather worker looked up and said to Auggie, "Aye tell you about bandits I can. If there are any lurkin' about here they're probably in the Moat House. The place is cursed. All it has attracted since it was built is evil. By slave labor it was built, people that the cult had kidnapped. They intended to do the same to the people in this village but we stooped them. When the army came by after laying the Temple low we Joined them and reduced the place to rubble. I'd stay away from it if I were you." After passing by what looks like the beginnings of a new castle Thellios and Khesfrin arrive at the tower. This structure is some 55 feet tall, a smaller tower rising inside the greater at about 35 feet above the ground. Its entrance is accessible only by going up a curving flight of stone stairs which terminate in a landing about 10 feet above the ground. The outer door of the tower lowers to form a bridge to the stone landing. There are numbers of arrow slits around the tower, and it has a splay around the base to about 6 feet in height. The lower and upper battlements are machicolated, the merlons being pierced for archery as well. Two men-at-arms watch from its roof. There are also two men standing outside it apparently supervising the new construction. one of them wears armor. The other is in robes leaning on a staff.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 15, 2008, 11:30pm Sept 15, 2008, 9:51pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

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After passing by what looks like the beginnings of a new castle Thellios and Khesfrin arrive at the tower. This structure is some 55 feet tall, a smaller tower rising inside the greater at about 35 feet above the ground. Its entrance is accessible only by going up a curving flight of stone stairs which terminate in a landing about 10 feet above the ground. The outer door of the tower lowers to form a bridge to the stone landing. There are numbers of arrow slits around the tower, and it has a splay around the base to about 6 feet in height. The lower and upper battlements are machicolated, the merlons being pierced for archery as well. Two men-at-arms watch from its roof. There are also two men standing outside it apparently supervising the new construction. one of them wears armor. The other is in robes leaning on a staff.

Khesfrin Rhola "Hail and well-met. I'm Khesfrin Rhola, my friend here is Tellios. Who's in charge here? We caught this goblin just outside of town, robbing a friend of ours. We think he may know something of the bandits. We're looking for someone who can speak goblin and a place to incarcerate him." Gather Information check [dice=20+7] Diplomacy check [dice=20+3] [rand=283668228466352658785216723073322744518825274348905258712050189873] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 3:47am For some reason the dieroller isn't working in this thred anymore. I can't figure out why. It works fine everywhere else. So I've started a new thread called Village of Hommlet 2. Continue in it. Sorry Khesfrin but you will have to reroll in it. [dice=20+7][rand=82852279522434879152612901335889982191181728888226236030695551] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am Sept 16, 2008, 3:47am, Dungeon Master wrote:

For some reason the dieroller isn't working in this thred anymore. I can't figure out why. It works fine everywhere else. So I've started a new thread called Village of Hommlet 2. Continue in it. Sorry Khesfrin but you will have to reroll in it. [dice=20+7] [rand=84339615349582393397605038380744090652846571113332549645414531143] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Sept 16, 2008, 3:47am, Dungeon Master wrote: For some reason the dieroller isn't working in this thred anymore. I can't figure out why. It works fine everywhere else. So I've started a new thread called Village of Hommlet 2. Continue in it. Sorry Khesfrin but you will have to reroll in it. [dice=20+7] [rand=5062943533741777636534407708361867260992446430384501875630727087] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:49am

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Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am, Dungeon Master wrote: Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:49am Sept 16, 2008, 11:49am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Sept 16, 2008, 11:48am, Dungeon Master wrote: Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:50am Sept 16, 2008, 11:49am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Sept 16, 2008, 11:49am, Dungeon Master wrote: Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:50am ok 1 more post Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 16, 2008, 11:51am [dice=20+7] [dice=20+3] [dice=10][dice=6][dice=6][dice=6][dice=6][dice=6][dice=6+1] Never mind it was just that page. Sorry for all the filler post. let's Just continue here.[rand=282200682693240559100776825041723340255170355753141275558168573211] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 17, 2008, 2:03pm Auggie thinks for a moment, "Cursed, you say, Stay away from here, they do, interesting, it is. Appreciate it, I do, Thanks, I do say." Auggie turns to leave, Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 17, 2008, 4:14pm Sept 15, 2008, 9:51pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

The cleric introduced himself as Calmer then went on to tell Fish Hook and Xavier that the church had only been built since after the war with the temple by the viscount,in honor of the aid rendered to him by the Archcleric of Veluna during the war against the Temple of Elemental Evil. He then leaned over as if telling a secret and said," There has been some talk of bandits in the area. They never come close to Hommlit though staying between Hommlit and Nulb mostly. What has me worried though is that the old Cannoness, Canoness Y'dey left suddenly on some sort of trip and hasn't returned yet. I fear for her. Since then the church has sent a new cannon, Canon Terjon. He does his job well enough I suppose but he has no knack for dealing with the people. I think he resents being posted at such a " rural " church. Xavion nodded and looked thoughtful, "Hmmmm.... while it is good that they have not been coming here directly, it's still a possibility. Perhaps we should get the others to look into this, after hearing what they have to say." He looked to the cleric, "I am concerned about the missing Cannoness... Can you tell me more about what she was supposed to be going to do or where?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 17, 2008, 4:18pm Syanna stays at the inn long enough to grab a quick simple meal and slips the barkeep a few extra coins. "We meant no

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disrespect to you good sir. Being that we are new to town we had hopes of finding our comrades here." She smiles politely. "Thank you for the meal." Syanna leaves the inn and heads in the direction she saw Khesfrin and Thellios going. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 17, 2008, 4:46pm Hautra nods at the leatherworker and leaves with Auggie. He says to Auggie, "What do you think about that worker, the one who was sweeping the floor? I think something's amiss." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 17, 2008, 6:47pm Auggie turns to Hautra, "In league with our over friendly guide, he could be. Watch him we should. Stealthy are you? If not, questions, we keep asking, friends many, that way, we make. Friends they are, that put knife in back, they be." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 18, 2008, 12:12am The man in armor stepped forward towards khesfrin, " I'm Rufus and this is my friend Burne, We're in charge of this tower and the project here. Looks like your friend the goblin here took a pretty fair bite to the behind. Bandits huh. there's been some fair amount of banditry going on between hommlit and nulb but nothing to terribly bad. As for someone to talk to him Burne might have a spell to do it." Burne, who had been leaning on his staff listening to Rufus, interupted at that moment saying, " Nope, don't usually memorize that one. Would take me a day to get it ready. You might go talk to that old Druid, whats his name ? Jaroo, Jaroo Ashstaff! He has a grove over by the inn. watch out for that bear of his though. " Rufus then added, " We have some cells in the tower. If you want we can take the goblin off your hands." Just then Syanna walked up. Calmer turned to Xavion and said, " She didn't say where she was headed only that she had to make a trip. After she was gone for some time i notified the church that she was missing and they sent the new cannon." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 18, 2008, 1:46am "Hi Syanna, we got our goblin friend taken care of, the problem is we are lacking on the goblin language part. We heard there's a druid's grove over by the inn. I'm gonna go over and see if we can inlist his aid. I wonder what the others are doing." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 18, 2008, 2:59am Sept 18, 2008, 12:12am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Calmer turned to Xavion and said, " She didn't say where she was headed only that she had to make a trip. After she was gone for some time i notified the church that she was missing and they sent the new cannon."

Xavion nodded his understanding, "I see. Well, perhaps in time, he will come to see that bringing one's message is just as important here as it is anywhere. I admit to being fairly new in my position. I was only recently chosen to go out and spread the message of Pelor. In time, maybe we will both grow into our roles." He looked out the nearest window to gauge how long that had been speaking, then looked to Fish Hook, "If you have something to say, please do. We have taken enough of Priest Calmer's time and we should perhaps go find our comrades and decide our next step." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 18, 2008, 12:21pm Hautra nods thoughtfully at what Auggie said. He continues walking with Auggie. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 18, 2008, 2:15pm [quote author=admin board=t14 thread=8 post=400 time=1221718354] The man in armor stepped forward towards khesfrin, " I'm Rufus and this is my friend Burne, We're in charge of this tower and the project here. Looks like your friend the goblin here took a pretty fair bite to the behind. Bandits huh. there's been some fair amount of banditry going on between hommlit and nulb but nothing to terribly bad. As for someone to talk to him Burne might have a spell to do it." Burne, who had been leaning on his staff listening to Rufus, interupted at that moment saying, " Nope, don't usually memorize that one. Would take me a day to get it ready. You might go talk to that old Druid, whats his name ? Jaroo, Jaroo Ashstaff! He has a grove over by the inn. watch out for that bear of his though. " Rufus then added, " We have some cells in the tower. If you want we can take the goblin off your hands." Just then Syanna walked up. Khesfrin Rhola

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"I'll stay here while you visit the Druid. If you'll show me to the cells i'll pace tha goblin inside one with some water. What can you tell me of the village. Are there many new faces in town? Last night we were approached by someone purpoting to be guide and offering to show us to the moat house. I'd like to get to know the lay of the area before rushing off into the wilderness to deal with bandits." Information gather [dice=20+7]

[rand=302472962316792552780607704819114766321981873298340787304787309051] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 18, 2008, 2:16pm Sept 15, 2008, 9:51pm, DM wrote: After passing by what looks like the beginnings of a new castle Thellios and Khesfrin arrive at the tower. This structure is some 55 feet tall, a smaller tower rising inside the greater at about 35 feet above the ground. Its entrance is accessible only by going up a curving flight of stone stairs which terminate in a landing about 10 feet above the ground. The outer door of the tower lowers to form a bridge to the stone landing. There are numbers of arrow slits around the tower, and it has a splay around the base to about 6 feet in height. The lower and upper battlements are machicolated, the merlons being pierced for archery as well. Two men-at-arms watch from its roof. There are also two men standing outside it apparently supervising the new construction. one of them wears armor. The other is in robes leaning on a staff.

Khesfrin Rhola "Hail and well-met. I'm Khesfrin Rhola, my friend here is Tellios. Who's in charge here? We caught this goblin just outside of town, robbing a friend of ours. We think he may know something of the bandits. We're looking for someone who can speak goblin and a place to incarcerate him." Gather Information check [dice=20+7] Diplomacy check [dice=20+3] [rand=132670588641919777049658937752705381440244110711875936035064189031] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 18, 2008, 8:50pm Syanna waves in greeting to Khesfrin and Thellios. Turning to Thellios Syanna ask if may accompany him to meet the druid. "I slipped the innkeeper a few extra coins to smooth his ruffled feathers. Im glad we have someplace to leave the goblin and do not have to cart him around. Have you come across any of the others yet?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 18, 2008, 11:57pm "Hmmmm. yes you may join me but we must be careful as there is supposed to be a bear in the grove and with your help we should have no problem with the bear and thank you for sohing the bar keep ill make it up to you some how....." Thellios continues heading to the grove with Syanna Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 18, 2008, 11:59pm Rufus signaled the tower and a drawbridge droped to allow entrance. It was one foot thick and bound with iron. Past that a small entryway could be seen with an iron door. A guard is on duty there also.Rufus said to Kesfrin, " If you'll follow me then." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 19, 2008, 1:26am Fish Hook nods at Xavion's suggestion. Before it went however, it got a description of the missing woman, just in case. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 19, 2008, 7:49am Sept 18, 2008, 11:59pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus signaled the tower and a drawbridge droped to allow entrance. It was one foot thick and bound with iron. Past that a small entryway could be seen with an iron door. A guard is on duty

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there also.Rufus said to Kesfrin, " If you'll follow me then." Khesfrin Rhola "By all means," Khesfrin replies, indicating the entrance with a free hand. Khesfrin carries/drags the goblin inside the tower, following Rufus. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 19, 2008, 9:33am

Rufus leads Khesfrin over the drawbridge and into the tower. They enter a large room. Flanking the inner portal are two fireplaces, where most of the cooking is done by two to three servants. The lords of the place sit in judgement either here or at a table in the curved alcove. Trestle tables can be extended down and across to accommodate about 40 people when a feast or revel is held. Several comfortable chairs are placed along the walls, and the walls themselves are hung with tapestries and decorated with shields, arms, and hunting trophies—12 shields, four long swords, two broad swords, four spears, two battle axes, and the heads and horns of various creatures. Ramps curving upwards and downwards lead to other levels. ( see maps The Guard Tower room 1 ) As he walks towards the ramp leading down Rufus tells Khesfrin, " If you spent the night at the Welcome Wench then you probably met any new people in town. I have my suspicions about a few people here but they are just that, suspicions. As for your guide friend there are very few locals who would willingly go to the Moat House, most tend to avoid it so I would be cautious of him." Syanna and Thellios arrive at the druid grove. This is obviously a place of worship. The trees are neatly pruned, and the grass is well tended. A carefully placed line of bluish stones sets off the path leading to a rock cairn where flowers, nuts, berries, and garlands of leaves are placed. A small path leads beyond the shrine to a low-roofed wooden building placed under the great boughs of the central oaks of the copse. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 19, 2008, 10:55am Auggie will also head for the Druid grove. Seeing the others approaching, He pauses, "Much, we have learned. Suspicious people, spies for moat house, they may be." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 19, 2008, 2:08pm Xavion nods, "That is a good idea, Fish Hook." He looked at the cleric, "In case we ever happent o run across your previous Cannoness, we can pass along your concern to her." He will then wait for the description of her before they leave. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 19, 2008, 3:09pm Sept 19, 2008, 9:33am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus leads Khesfrin over the drawbridge and into the tower. As he walks towards the ramp leading down Rufus tells Khesfrin, " If you spent the night at the

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Welcome Wench then you probably met any new people in town. I have my suspicions about a few people here but they are just that, suspicions. As for your guide friend there are very few locals who would willingly go to the Moat House, most tend to avoid it so I would be cautious of him."

Khesfrin Rhola "That was my opnion also. I figured that any local guide wouldn't be staying in the Inn, but have a place in town. It's easy to see newcomers who arrive after you do. My companions are familiarizing themselves with the village as we speak. Once we decide to check out the moat house, i'll report back what we find. I'm wondering though if it would be possible to stage a merchnt caravan as a trap for the bandits - using us as the merchant, et al. Are there any carts or wagons available in town?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 19, 2008, 8:25pm Calmer told Xavion and Fish Hook,"The cannoness Y'day is old and bent, with scraggly gray locks sticking out from beneath an aged shawl she wears the year 'round." After going down the ramp Rufus and Khesfrin reached another large room (area 2 on the map ) Here were all sorts of supplies —food, ale, beer, wine, oil, and so forth. This place is not pierced with slits or windows. Ramps lead up and down to other levels of the tower. Rufus thought for a moment. "It's beginning to get late in the season and most of the people need their wagons and carts for the harvest. The only people I could think of that might have any to spare would be Rannos and Gremag at the trading post. They handle most of the caravans in and out of town." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 19, 2008, 10:22pm "Hey Auggie, we need to tread softly as there is a bear that the druid has befriended, we need to see if he speaks goblin as we caught one and need to interrogate him, khesfrin took him to the tower, if the bear attacks ill handle the bear as not to harm it.,....." Thellios starts along the path in the grove Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 19, 2008, 11:19pm Sept 19, 2008, 8:25pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus thought for a moment. "It's beginning to get late in the season and most of the people need their wagons and carts for the harvest. The only people I could think of that might have any to spare would be Rannos and Gremag at the trading post. They handle most of the caravans in and out of town." Khesfrin Rhola "hmm, i'll talk with them later. I hope that Druid can speak goblin. They were awfully close to the village. It was lucky that we knew which direction to go look for our Druid friend, though she had bested the goblins before we arrived. I doubt there were only 2, however." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 20, 2008, 10:09pm Rufus went down yet another ramp to another large room it would appear that Horses were sometimes stabled here, and there are heaps of straw, hay and oats to provide for their needs. Four cells along the southeast wall are for prisoner retention. Each is closed by an oakendoor, barred, locked, and chained. In each cell are fetters and chains. Rufus pointed to the cells. "There you go, take your pick. The Folk of Hommlit are generally law abiding so we really don't have much use for these." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 20, 2008, 10:30pm Sept 20, 2008, 10:09pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus went down yet another ramp to another large room it would appear that Horses were sometimes stabled here, and there are heaps of straw, hay and oats to provide for their needs. Four cells along the southeast wall are for prisoner retention. Each is closed by an

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oakendoor, barred, locked, and chained. In each cell are fetters and chains. Rufus pointed to the cells. "There you go, take your pick. The Folk of Hommlit are generally law abiding so we really don't have much use for these." Khesfrin Rhola "I'll just take the one on the far left here. Nice outpost you're building here. How long have you been in town?" Gather Information [dice=20+7] [rand=472853104378399561122949709414818912407632868622154010879300805150316] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 20, 2008, 11:18pm "Burne and I have lived here for three years",Rufus said answering Khesfrin's question. " Originally we came from Verbobonc as adventurers but have since grown quite found of the place, especially Burne. I shall soon have to return to Verbobonc for special service to the Viscount." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 21, 2008, 7:25am Hatura goes with Auggie to the grove as well. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 21, 2008, 2:07pm Thellios is trying to silently move through the grove carefully looking around search check [dice=20] spot check [dice=20][rand=68330697382919552829613346294038797562999236492525701016911262882] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 21, 2008, 2:08pm and i forgot move silently check [dice=20][rand=4337860276605946718722090519484279302988377381437359890457368332] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 21, 2008, 3:05pm Xavion committed the description to memory before speaking, "We thank you for your time today, I guess that it is best that we take our leave of you." He turned and headed out of the temple, slowly walking through the town. As they walked he sighed softly, "Well, Fish Hook, I suppose that wasn't AS helpful as I had thought but at least we know that the town hasn't been directly attacked." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 21, 2008, 9:27pm Sept 20, 2008, 11:18pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

"Burne and I have lived here for three years",Rufus said answering Khesfrin's question. " Originally we came from Verbobonc as adventurers but have since grown quite found of the place, especially Burne. I shall soon have to return to Verbobonc for special service to the Viscount." Khesfrin Rhola "it seems to be a nice, peaceful little village. Is this tower part of the Viscount's defenses? " Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 22, 2008, 12:04am Rufus replied to khesfrin, " Yes it is. The Viscount and the Archcleric of Veluna helped finance it's constuction in return for several favors Burne and I did for them."

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As Thellios was trying to silently explore the Druids grove he heard a rustling in the trees behind him then a large black bear and an older man in leather armor emerged from them. The man carries a staff with twined serpent heads at the top and a scimitar. Around his neck you see a silver pendant in the shape of a sickle. He looks Thellios up and down and asks him, " What do you think you are doing sneaking around my home? Have you ever caught me sneaking around in yours?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 22, 2008, 1:21am Thellios grumbles "Listen old man I mean no disrespect I simply came to ask a favor, but if you insist on being rude ill cut you down where you stand" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 22, 2008, 1:59am time=1222063454]Rufus replied to khesfrin, " Yes it is. The Viscount and the Archcleric of Veluna helped finance it's constuction in return for several favors Burne and I did for them."[/quote] Khesfrin Rhola "Oh, may i ask what those favors were? Sounds like you two are quite the heroes." Diplomacy [dice=20+3] Gather Information [dice=20+7] Sense Motive [dice=20] [rand=97393679393371633413063981773369958004749447179622179318375829604] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 22, 2008, 2:11am The man looks Thellios up and down again then says," Rude is often a matter of perspective. For instance, here it is usually customary to announce yourself before entering a person's home and favors can often prove to be costly. As for cutting me down where I stand; it is usually considered best not to cut off more than you can chew. No disrespect intended." Rufus smiled. "No, I don't mind at all. If you can't blow your own horn what's the point of being an adventurer. Among other thing Burne and I slew a dragon in the Kron Hills and defeated a group of bandits that had been plaguing verbobonc for some time. We later converted these bandits and they are now known as Burne's badgers. They help defend Hommlit now and this tower." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 22, 2008, 8:38am "If there had been a door I would have knocked, but I'm not about to yell my presence. All I wanted to know is if you can speak goblin we have captured one and want to interrogate him but if it too much to ask then nevermind." turns to leave Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 22, 2008, 11:29am As Thellios turned to leave the man said, " My name is Jaroo and yes I speak goblin." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 22, 2008, 3:09pm Thellios turns his head. "I would appreciate it greatly if you would be a link between us and the goblin so my friends and I can put a stop to the banditry." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 22, 2008, 4:57pm Auggie steps forward, "Druid, Honored to meet you, I be. Goblins, not only problem, they be. Suspiscions, I have, more intelligent, better organized, criminals, moat house, they be at." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 22, 2008, 8:06pm Sept 22, 2008, 2:11am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus smiled. "No, I don't mind at all. If you can't blow your own horn what's the point of being an adventurer. Among other thing Burne and I slew a dragon in the Kron Hills and defeated a group of bandits that had been plaguing verbobonc for some time. We later converted these bandits and they are now known as Burne's badgers. They help defend Hommlit now and this

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tower." Khesfrin Rhola "That sounds like quite a story. May i ask what kind of Dragon? Do you know what it's name was? I would like to hear it sometime. I wonder if the banditry at Verbobonc is related to that going on now between here and Nulb." Diplomacy [dice=20+3] Knowledge [Dragons] [dice=20+4][rand=783516680873230750813004362225231084393117463646509679653877671] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 22, 2008, 11:36pm Jaroo told the assembled group, " I will accompany you to see this goblin. If the evil of the Moat House has revived I need to know." On the way out Jaroo, Indicating a small container near the alter by the entrance said,"If you don't mind, I collect for the poor and needy of this community. " Then noticing Syanna he added, " Are you also of the Old Faith child ?" On their way back to the inn Xavion and Fish Hook saw Syanna, Thellios, Auggie, and Hautra leaving the Druidic grove with an older man accompanying them " Believe me the tale of the dragon has grown to a size much larger than the dragon itself. We didn't bother to ask it it's name" Rufus said with a smile " The thing wasn't quite mature yet and it was a green dragon. Not the most ferocious of the breeds of dragon kind. As far as the badgers having something to do with the renewed banditry I really doubt it. They seem perfectly content to sit here and get paid for " defending " Hommlit without putting themselves at risk" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 23, 2008, 7:25am Thellios throws a few gold coins in the box leading the way back to the tower. "Hello Xavion and Fish Hook were this is Jaroo a druid who can speak goblin, we caught on when we went to find Syanna, her wold bit him in the butt, lol, but any were going to interrogate wanna come ." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 23, 2008, 12:58pm Hautra says, "Goblin? What's going on?" He looks around and then says, "Say, where is the cleric and his...uh...friend?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 23, 2008, 2:42pm Syanna nods and introduces herself to Jaroo. Turning she too drops several gold pieces into the donation box. "This is a beautiful place, I apologize for the intrusion and thank you for your help. We fear there is danger to this community. I was camping just outside of town and found the goblin rummaging through my things. there was two of them, but i managed to scare the other one off. Im concerned because they were so close to town. We are here to offer our help as it seems the bandit problem is getting worse. How long have you been in this town if i may ask?" Noting the arrival of Xavion and Fishhook she smiles and waves at them. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 23, 2008, 6:14pm Sept 22, 2008, 11:36pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

" Believe me the tale of the dragon has grown to a size much larger than the dragon itself. We didn't bother to ask it it's name" Rufus said with a smile " The thing wasn't quite mature yet and it was a green dragon. Not the most ferocious of the breeds of dragon kind. As far as the badgers having something to do with the renewed banditry I really doubt it. They seem perfectly content to sit here and get paid for " defending " Hommlit without putting themselves at risk" Khesfrin Rhola "I have more than a passing interest in dragons. I'd like to hear your whole tale sometime. And i didn't mean to suggest that anyone here is behind the bandits. I was merely wondering if there may be someone that used to associate with them or that they may know, who could be behind the banditry. From the stories i've heard in Verbobonc, the bandits seem to be pretty organized."

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 23, 2008, 6:49pm Auggie drops a couple gold in the box, after quickly glancing in it, if its open, otherwise, just dropping the two gold into the box. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 24, 2008, 1:03am Jaroo thanked everyone for their donations then turned to Syanna," I have lived here now for five years. I was sent, originally, by the circle of the Old Faith in the Gnarly Wood to make sure that the Temple of Elemental Evil has, in fact, been destroyed and to help repress any rise of evil of that sort. You see while the forces that fought in the war against the Temple were satisfied they had eradicated it many others were not so sure. It is thought by many, including those of my group, that some of their members may have escaped and are lying in wait for an opportunity to strike again. This news you bring of goblins straying so close to Hommlit has me concerned. Humanoids and their ilk were a large part of the Temple's forces. The banditry also worries me because that is how the Temple and its forces at the Moat House financed itself and " recruited " labor." Rufus shook his head," With supervising the construction of the new keep Burne and I haven't had much of a chance to investigate the bandit problem so I'm afraid I can't tell you much more than I have already. If you don't mind, I better get back to the construction site. While Burne is a good and loyal friend, and an excellent adventurer being a wizard, however, he doesn't know squat about building fortifications." Rufus then smiled broadly. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 24, 2008, 7:00am "Hmmmmmm. we best get back to the goblin Im really interested in what he has to say willingly or not I dont really care, I definetely dont mind getting him to talk the hard way." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Sept 24, 2008, 10:29am Sept 24, 2008, 1:03am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus shook his head," With supervising the construction of the new keep Burne and I haven't had much of a chance to investigate the bandit problem so I'm afraid I can't tell you much more than I have already. If you don't mind, I better get back to the construction site. While Burne is a good and loyal friend, and an excellent adventurer being a wizard, however, he doesn't know squat about building fortifications." Rufus then smiled broadly. Khesfrin Rhola "By all means. I'll just wait here and watch the prisoner until my companions return with an interpreter. Perhaps we could sup together and i could hear more of your dragon tale?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 24, 2008, 3:49pm Xavion smiled and waved back at Syanna before motioning to Fish Hook that they should join them. He will then silently walk to join the companions. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 25, 2008, 10:57am Jaroo looked to the assembled group and asked," So, shall we be off to talk to this Goblin friend of yours?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 25, 2008, 2:09pm "He is by no means a friend, if we didnt think he was worth something we would have left him to die, but yes lets be on our way...." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 25, 2008, 2:20pm Hautra hears his answer from the female druid and now sees the cleric and his friend. He says, "Ah, looks like we better get going and fix the problem." He puts his shield in his off-hand and waits for the others to be ready so they can get going. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 25, 2008, 4:03pm

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Xavion looks around, confused. "Goblin friend? Huh? What? Ok, so apparently you have been more productive than we have. What's this about a goblin?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Sept 25, 2008, 9:15pm Fish Hook, who had followed Xavion from the church in silence, felt it best to remain silent on this discuss as well. It found that listening to the others made forming it's own opinion easier. When Xavion looked to it for comment, it was more likely to nod rather than join in on the conversation. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 25, 2008, 11:21pm Thellios looks a Xavion "Syanna was attacked in the early morning by goblins, she dispatched one and another fled being outnumbered. We need to question him to see what he knows so we can get info on the banditry......? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 26, 2008, 11:30am A look of shock registered on Xavion's face. He turned to Syanna, "Well, you certainly have been VERY busy. Are you well, Syanna?" He looked her up and down, "You seem well... any injuries that need to be tended?" For the moment, he forgot the goblin, the healing training he has received kicking in over other concerns. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 26, 2008, 2:41pm "Goblins may be scouts, other creatures, more intelligent, better organized, using them, they may." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Sept 27, 2008, 9:48am Turning to Xavion, Syanna smiles and reply's, "I am fine thank you. I choose to camp outside of town because Umbra doesn't like to be left in the stables. She is still somewhat untrusting of other people. I do apologize for worrying anyone. I am curious to see what the goblin has to say. It seems my choice to stay with Umbra will possibly give us some much needed information. Have you found anything out?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 27, 2008, 1:37pm Xavion nods, "I'm glad that you are well. And yes, it perhaps good that you decided to stay there... so, perhaps you should go on and question the goblin without me. I will not be of much use there... my talents lay in other places. I shall go to the inn and you can tell me if you find anything..." He looks to Fish Hook, "Feel free to accompany them, you may be able to help them." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 27, 2008, 1:42pm Auggie speaks up after Syanna, "Guide, over eager he was, take us to the Moat house, he wanted to. Shopkeepers, wary of Moat House, keep away, they say, trouble, there is, Moat House, center of it, they say. Hire Guide, I say, wary, we be, perhaps have close up talk, dagger at throat of Guide, information we gain, " chuckles quietly Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 27, 2008, 2:24pm "hmmmmm......Ive got an idea, let me hire the guide to take me to the moat house and you guys trail behind as to not be seen and if something happens you can come from behind and attack from behind.......hahaha, i like the danger....." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 27, 2008, 4:04pm After the group's chatter had died down Jaroo asked, " By the way, where did you take this goblin for safe keeping. I hope it wasn't the inn, Ostler doesn't care much for demi-humans since the war." He then surveyed the group, " Who is accompanying me to where ever you have locked the little blighter up?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Sept 28, 2008, 6:34pm Hautra looks to the party before he makes his decision. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Sept 28, 2008, 8:57pm Xavion looked at Thellios, "Hmmmm.... that might not be a bad idea but, I have a few problems. First off, we seem to be assuming the worst of the guide. We all are new here and we looked like it. I mean, covered in trail dust, I would have pegged us for new to town as well. Second, looking at our... accouterments, I would have guessed us being adventurers and if I was looking to make a copper, I would have offered to be a guide as well, if I lived here. Finally, we have all been seen together and well, anyone around here would think we are a group. So if only one of us goes off with him, if he's up to no good, wouldn't he be suspicious of the rest of us following?"

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 29, 2008, 9:21pm "Hmph, its easier to prepare for a threat than not, and its easier to pray on strangers in a new area than it is its inhabitants, and a single target is always easier to deal with than multiple targets. I think I'm gonna have a little chat with this guide myself and see what I er my axe can get out of him. Of corse Ill let him lead me out of the city first........." Thellios turns to leave torward the inn, looks back, "If you couldnt tell nobode seems to like the guide. All you had to do was see how the patrons acted around him." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Sept 29, 2008, 10:54pm After Thellios headed back to the inn Jaroo Looked around at the others then said " So, Syanna is it, can you lead me to where this goblin has been secured? " Thellios and Auggie arrived at the bar and after waiting about an hour the man who had offered his services as a guide came down the stairs from the rooms OOC did anyone else go with Thellios Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 30, 2008, 5:56am Auggie would have gone with Thellios, since they both have the same idea. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Sept 30, 2008, 12:54pm Thellios walks up to the man. "I hear around town that you know the area pretty well. I'm interested in checking out the moat house how much would it be for your services, and when would you be able to take us there?" Thellios calls the barkeep over and orders a round of ale for all three and motions the other for Auggie and the other gentleman to sit down. "I like to have a drink when discussing business." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Sept 30, 2008, 2:42pm Auggie sits down, slight smile on his face, but, not saying anything Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 1, 2008, 12:51am The man reintroduces himself as Turuko then goes on to say, " If I'm going to have to work then I would rather not cloud my head, but thank you very much for the offer. I would be glad to accompany you to the moat house and would do it for an equal share of whatever we find inside. What happened to the rest of your friends? Did they decide to adventure elsewhere?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 1, 2008, 11:11am [dice=20+2] Bluff Check(They did go somewhere else tho)[rand=7226936275896892312552759406506695897548491308299179981280479212] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 1, 2008, 12:10pm Hatura shakes his head at the half-ogre and decides to let him go but is not happy about it. He waits with the others to see what is the next course of action will be. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 1, 2008, 12:15pm Xavion having nothing to offer at this point decides to follow through with his earlier plan. He tells the others that he will await them at the inn and goes off to the inn to just relax, allowing Fish Hook to decide which he will do on his own. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Oct 1, 2008, 12:37pm [After Thellios headed back to the inn Jaroo Looked around at the others then said " So, Syanna is it, can you lead me to where this goblin has been secured? "] Syanna nods and leads Jaroo and the others back to the tower. Once there she will asked the guards where the goblin was being held. "I hope we can get some information from it, in any case i will leave the interrogating to someone with more skill at such things." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 2, 2008, 12:51am

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Xavion adn Fish Hook arrived back at the inn in time to see Thellios striking up a conversation with Taruko. Syanna and Jaroo traveled to the tower. Upon arriving Rufus hailed them, " Hello Jaroo, didn't think I'd ever see you here." Then turning to Syanna he said, " What happened to your large friend ?" Jaroo gave a low grumble about, " cutting down perfectly good trees and digging up perfectly good sod." Then Rufus went on, " Here, let me show you to your friend.", and he lead them to the dungeon where khesfrin had been waiting. Need to know what Hautra and Fish Hook are doing. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Oct 2, 2008, 1:26am Xavion having nothing to offer at this point decided to follow through with his earlier plan. He told the others that he would await them at the inn and went off to the inn to just relax. Fish Hook followed along, saying nothing, but keeping an eye on things around it. Once they arrived at the Inn, it waits for Xavion to sit and then stationed itself in a position where it could watch Xavion's back in case of trouble. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Oct 2, 2008, 2:29pm Syanna nods and follows Rufus. Greeting Khesfrin she says, "We were lucky enough to find someone who speaks goblin." She then introduces Khesfrin to Jaroo. "Has the goblin come to yet? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 2, 2008, 3:00pm Oct 2, 2008, 2:29pm, syanna wrote:

Syanna nods and follows Rufus. Greeting Khesfrin she says, "We were lucky enough to find someone who speaks goblin." She then introduces Khesfrin to Jaroo. "Has the goblin come to yet? Khesfrin Rhola "Greetings. He's in that cell, " Khesfrin replies pointing to the cell. I haven't looked in on him since i put him in there." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 2, 2008, 5:21pm Jaroo looked in on the goblin, " Your friend still seems to be unconscious, Rufus unlock this blasted cell." Rufus then stepped forward and unlocked the cell. Jaroo went inside and, laying his staff down, began to chant a prayer, " Beory, mother of the Oerth, lend me your power so that one of your children may be healed." A soft white light filled the cell and the goblin came too. Jaroo quickly grabbed his staff back up and held it in front of him, " I think he is more than ready to answer your questions now." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 3, 2008, 9:20pm Oct 2, 2008, 5:21pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Jaroo looked in on the goblin, " Your friend still seems to be unconscious, Rufus unlock this blasted cell." Rufus then stepped forward and unlocked the cell. Jaroo went inside and, laying his staff down, began to chant a prayer, " Beory, mother of the Oerth, lend me your power so that one of your children may be healed." A soft white light filled the cell and the goblin came too. Jaroo quickly grabbed his staff back up and held it in front of him, " I think he is more than ready to answer your questions now." Khesfrin Rhola "Greetings Brave One. You come close to village, why? You're clan is very organized, who is the leader? What do you know of the moathouse?" Khesfrin doesn't look to Jaroo as he translates, but maintains a fixed gaze with the goblin. intimidate [dice=20+7] gather information

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[dice=20+7] sense motive [dice=20] [rand=49854571986109253291753880700551977627034866965018947420215060727] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 4, 2008, 12:06am The goblin lets out what seems to be a rather long story, in goblin. Then Jaroo translates. " Mekt the goblin speaking and Xezasg's tribe is in wild coast but there is fight. Mekt's side loose so we move to Gnarly Woods but fight there with elves all times. One day strange man come to tribe's camp say new master in moat house needs troops. No one but Mekt and Xezasg believe him so we go with. We help with many raids but never see new master only man who gives orders for. Man say never to raid near Moat house or Hommlit so no one get suspicious. But one day Mekt and Xezasg leave raiding party to see what we can get by selves; find her sleeping. Try to raid camp but horse wake her and she call wolf to fight Mekt, Xezasg run away. Now Mekt in cell." Jaroo gets a very serious look on his face, "If indeed the evil in the Moat House is trying to revive itself I need someone to investigate it." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 4, 2008, 1:13am With Thellios downing a glass of ale the looks at Taruko, *Hicups* "That seems like a fair deal to me, I'd be more than happy to share what I find. Shall we be off." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 4, 2008, 9:28am Auggie nods in agreement to the deal Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 4, 2008, 10:29am Hautra joins the others to the goblin's cell. He responses to the male druid, "Of course. We'll do it at once." He heads for the exit and waits. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 4, 2008, 2:23pm Oct 4, 2008, 12:06am, Dungeon Master wrote:

The goblin lets out what seems to be a rather long story, in goblin. Then Jaroo translates. " Mekt the goblin speaking and Xezasg's tribe is in wild coast but there is fight. One day strange man come to tribe's camp say new master in moat house needs troops. We help with many raids but never see new master only man who gives orders for. Man say never to raid near Moat house or Hommlit so no one get suspicious. " Jaroo gets a very serious look on his face, "If indeed the evil in the Moat House is trying to revive itself I need someone to investigate it." Khesfrin Rhola "Master Druid, we will help you, but first i'd like some more information. Do you know of a guide staying at the Inn? Ask the goblin if the man who hired him ever comes to Hommlet." Turning to the rest of the group, "The bandits are obviously organized, and told not to bring attention to themselves. I'm sure there will be spies in town, looking for people like us. Better forewarned than sorry later. If i was the leader, that's what i'd do - watch for those who could cause me trouble, lure them out into the countryside and waylay them." "Master Jaroo, who do you trust in town?" Information Gathering [dice=20+7]

[rand=77081182695250082214990610416022760689840700117768021080919474071] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 5, 2008, 12:44am

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Taruko replied, " We had better be on our way then it is some distance to the Moat house." Jaroo asked the goblin Khesfrin's question, " He says man never leave Moat House except to lead raids and to gather new troops." In reply to the question about who he trusted Jaroo replied, " I trust most of the people of the town. They are mostly just your ordinary, hard working, people. The exceptional ones though are the village elder, Segold;Terjon, chief cleric of the church;Leo,Captain of the militia,Ostler, the Innkeeper;Mytch, the Miller;Burne, the magic-user and Rufus, Burne's associate. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 5, 2008, 9:13pm Oct 5, 2008, 12:44am, Dungeon Master wrote:

He says man never leave Moat House except to lead raids and to gather new troops." In reply to the question about who he trusted Jaroo replied, " I trust most of the people of the town. They are mostly just your ordinary, hard working, people. The exceptional ones though are the village elder, Segold;Terjon, chief cleric of the church;Leo,Captain of the militia,Ostler, the Innkeeper;Mytch, the Miller;Burne, the magic-user and Rufus, Burne's associate.[/color] Khesfrin Rhola "So none of them would be a guide, staying at the Inn. Ask the goblin how many are at the moat house, and if they have lookouts laying in ambush on the way." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 6, 2008, 12:51am " No, there are no guides as far as I know that live here." Once again Jaroo translated for Khesfrin, " He says; I not sure how many are at Moat House. There small force of men but many nasties live there also. It not safe to move around in by self." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 7, 2008, 12:14am "Well then lets get going, I'm anxious to see what treasure lies ahead of about you my friend?" looks over at Auggie Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Oct 7, 2008, 11:36am Syanna listens to Jaroo speaking and translating for the goblin. "Well, it seems the moathouse is where we begin." Thanking Jaroo once again, Syanna turns to Khesfrin "Shall we meet up with the others at the inn and see what they have discovered? We can then make any necessary plans and go see for ourselves whats going on." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 7, 2008, 12:59pm Auggie simply nods, smiles, gets up, grabs his stuff and heads for the door. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 7, 2008, 4:45pm Oct 7, 2008, 11:36am, syanna wrote:

Syanna listens to Jaroo speaking and translating for the goblin. "Well, it seems the moathouse is where we begin." Thanking Jaroo once again, Syanna turns to Khesfrin "Shall we meet up with the others at the inn and see what they have discovered? We can then make any necessary plans and go see for ourselves whats going on." Khesfrin Rhola "That sounds good. Is it all right if we leave the goblin here in your care?", Khesfrin asks Rufus. "Thank you Master Druid for your help." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 7, 2008, 11:05pm

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Taruko says, "let me grab my stuff real quick", then heads quickly up the stairs. he is gone about 10 minutes and comes back down stairs with a backpack. " Shall we be off then ?" He says to Thellios and Auggie. He then heads towards the Welcome Wench's sables. Jaroo told Khesfrin he was more than welcome, " And keep me posted on what you find there if you decide to take this up. And if you are in need of healing sometime I would more than happy to oblige, for a small donation to the needy of Hommlet of course." he said with a grin. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 8, 2008, 1:46pm Auggie is quiet, but, smiling, almost giddy, a quiet giggle coming from his lips. He paces back and forth, anxious to get going. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 8, 2008, 10:57pm Thellios looks at Auggie "Calm down my friend we'll be waist deep in treasure in no time." smiles at Auggie. Thellios picks up his gear, tightens his axes waiting for the guide to lead the way Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 8, 2008, 11:14pm Taruko saddled up his horse and lead the way out of town to the east. once you pass the area where Rufus and Burne are building the new keep Taruko turns left down a small unused track that heads north east. he turns and says, " It's about 2-3 miles down this trail." Rufus told khesfrin he would be more than glad to keep an eye on the little bugger. khesfrin, Syanna, and Hautra arrived back at the welcome wench without further incidence. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 8, 2008, 11:47pm Oct 1, 2008, 12:15pm, xavion wrote:

Xavion having nothing to offer at this point decides to follow through with his earlier plan. He tells the others that he will await them at the inn and goes off to the inn to just relax, allowing Fish Hook to decide which he will do on his own. OOC: not sure if Fish Hook is at the inn also. Oct 8, 2008, 11:14pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Rufus told khesfrin he would be more than glad to keep an eye on the little bugger. khesfrin, Syanna, and Hautra arrived back at the welcome wench without further incidence. Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin looks about to see if any of their companions about and tell them of what he learned at the tower. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 9, 2008, 3:21pm Auggie rides up along side Turuko, Rumors have heard, Bandits at Moat house, know anything about them, do you? [dice=20] Sense Motive Roll[rand=501522020065172924146355631398664182378775551704675248224265892993] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 9, 2008, 11:29pm Oct 9, 2008, 3:21pm, demilich wrote:

Auggie rides up along side Turuko, Rumors have heard, Bandits at Moat house, know anything about them, do you?

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Sense Motive Roll Taruko tells Auggie, " I've heard there is some banditry going on, not sure where they hide out though. That scribe fella that was in the bar last night said the place is full of monsters though, should be a lot of treasure to be had." Auggie gets no sense that he is being lied to. Those in the common room see the fighter that was with Taruko last night come down stairs and leave just moments after Taruko leaves with Auggie and Thellios. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 10, 2008, 1:54am Thellios is behind Taruko, he looks at Auggie signaling to see if he'll watch our back while he talks to the guide. " So why do you live at the inn my friend." Quietly Thellios slips an axe to his side Move silently check [dice=20+1][rand=0983932369421080564258604032237448844660858883052859815386368414] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 10, 2008, 7:03pm Oct 9, 2008, 11:29pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Those in the common room see the fighter that was with Taruko last night come down stairs and leave just moments after Taruko leaves with Auggie and Thellios. OOC: Clarification: where everyone is at this moment Thellios, Auggie, w/guide Turuko on the road Xavion, Fish Hook in the inn as the fighter leaves Khesfrin, Hautra, Sayanna heading to the inn did i miss anyone? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 11, 2008, 12:26am Auggie watches the back, Spot Roll[dice=20][rand=9525580467374067902706681521863855155941827971086840388753880084] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 11, 2008, 2:52am Oct 10, 2008, 7:03pm, cybersavant wrote:

Oct 9, 2008, 11:29pm, Dungeon Master wrote: Those in the common room see the fighter that was with Taruko last night come down stairs and leave just moments after Taruko leaves with Auggie and Thellios.


Clarification: where everyone is at this moment

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Thellios, Auggie, w/guide Turuko on the road Xavion, Fish Hook in the inn as the fighter leaves Khesfrin, Hautra, Sayanna heading to the inn did i miss anyone?

That's pretty much where I have everyone. With the exception that since it took Taruko an hour to come down the stairs after Auggie and Thellios arrived khesfrin and company may already be at the bar also or arrived just shortly after Thellios and Auggie left. Taruko replied to Thellios, " Well, I'm not really from around here. I heard about the banditry and came down here to see if there was any gold to be made. Unfortunately the only person I've had the good fortune to meet up with is that good hearted but slightly dimwitted gentleman you saw me with last night. After i found out about the Moathouse I decided to scout it out." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 11, 2008, 7:33am Hautra is at the stables (to my understanding) and awaits to see and hear what happens next. He has his shield in his off-hand still. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 11, 2008, 12:55pm (OOC: Yep, that is where Fish Hook and Xavion are awaiting the others.) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 12, 2008, 12:48am Oct 11, 2008, 12:55pm, xavion wrote:

(OOC: Yep, that is where Fish Hook and Xavion are awaiting the others.) OOC: Just waiting for the GM to officially announce our arrival at the inn before posting. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 13, 2008, 3:41am Khesfrin and party arrive at the inn in time to see the fighter that was with Taruko leave the stables. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 13, 2008, 1:49pm Oct 13, 2008, 3:41am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Khesfrin and party arrive at the inn in time to see the fighter that was with Taruko leave the stables.

Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin enters the inn and looks to see if any of their companions are inside. Upon seeing Xavion and Fish Hook, he heads over to them to let them know what they found out from the goblin. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 13, 2008, 8:11pm Auggie moves back up next to Taruko, after not seeing anything coming from behind. Taruko, Sleep!! OOC Psionic Command DC 16 Will save Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 13, 2008, 10:21pm

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Taruko's save [dice=20+7][rand=65241065652384074113276998181016946573129739515817936828936215188] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 13, 2008, 10:26pm Taruko dismounts his horse and says to Auggie, " I don't particularly care to sleep, I thought we had a ruin to explore." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 14, 2008, 11:18am Hautra is still at the stables waiting. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 14, 2008, 2:28pm Thellios glares at Auggie and growles, turning to look at his surroundings, Then at Taruko Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 15, 2008, 1:46am Taruko assumes a guarded stance his hands in front of him ( think like a Kung Fu fighter ) then says, " So gentlemen, what have we going on here. I come out here to help you explore a ruin and what do I receive in return, betrayal apparently." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 15, 2008, 12:53pm Oct 5, 2008, 12:44am, Dungeon Master wrote:

One day strange man come to tribe's camp say new master in moat house needs troops. No one but Mekt and Xezasg believe him so we go with. Man say never to raid near Moat house or Hommlit so no one get suspicious. He says man never leave Moat House except to lead raids and to gather new troops. Small force of men but nasties live there too. In reply to the question about who he trusted Jaroo replied, "I trust most of the people of the town. They are mostly just your ordinary, hard working, people. The exceptional ones though are the village elder, Segold;Terjon, chief cleric of the church;Leo,Captain of the militia,Ostler, the Innkeeper;Mytch, the Miller;Burne, the magic-user and Rufus, Burne's associate.

Khesfrin Rhola Entering the Inn Khesfrin looks about, and spying Xavion & Fish Hook he goes over and sits with them [joined by Syanna i assume]. "We've spoken with the goblin, seems there is a man organizing the bandits and recruiting whatever he can to use as troops. The man never leaves the moat house except to recruit more bandits. The two goblins disobeyed orders and came near Hommlet. There is a force of men, as well as 'nasties', according to the goblin. Jaroo the Druid knows of no guides staying here at the inn. Do you know where the others are?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 15, 2008, 1:05pm Thellios laughs mockingly at the Taruko, "If I really wanted any harm done to you I would have killed back at the inn. Don't think that life has any meaning to me cuz it dont. I'll take life at any time I choose." Glaring at Taruko now. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 16, 2008, 12:37am Taruko, his eyes darting between Auggie and Thellios asks, " Well then, how much does you own life mean to you." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 16, 2008, 5:32pm Khesfrin Rhola

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Entering the Inn Khesfrin looks about, and spying Xavion & Fish Hook he goes over and sits with them [joined by Syanna i assume]. "We've spoken with the goblin, seems there is a man organizing the bandits and recruiting whatever he can to use as troops. The man never leaves the moat house except to recruit more bandits. The two goblins disobeyed orders and came near Hommlet. There is a force of men, as well as 'nasties', according to the goblin. Jaroo the Druid knows of no guides staying here at the inn. Do you know where the others are?" [/quote] Xavion puts down the prayer book he was reading as the others join him and Fish Hook. He looked up and nodded to the ones sitting down and listened intently to what was said. After Khes finished, Xavion looked around. "Ummm.. they were hear a little while ago. They were talking with the guide. I didn't realize that they had left. So, do we know where they are being organized? Maybe we should go check this out?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Oct 17, 2008, 11:16am Xavion puts down the prayer book he was reading as the others join him and Fish Hook. He looked up and nodded to the ones sitting down and listened intently to what was said. After Khes finished, Xavion looked around. "Ummm.. they were hear a little while ago. They were talking with the guide. I didn't realize that they had left. So, do we know where they are being organized? Maybe we should go check this out?" Fish Hook, who had been standing quietly behind Xavion while he read, speaks up. "Perhaps we should get everyone that is still in the area together and see if we can find the others. It would be best to travel as a group. Perhaps we could make plans and send scouts to see what is happening in the area before we arrive in force. They do have advantage of area knowledge over us. We need to neutralize that advantage if we can." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 17, 2008, 7:39pm Auggie merely grins, Betrayal, ha, trust you, we do not, over eager, you are, hidden motivations, you have, truth, we seek, deal, we can make, convincing, you must be Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 17, 2008, 11:16pm Tarko starts out, " Look me and my budy are about flat broke thought we could make some cash if I suckered some poor people into going into that place with me..." about that time you hear horse hoves coming up the trail behind you. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 18, 2008, 12:29am Oct 17, 2008, 11:16am, shdwrnnr wrote:

They were talking with the guide. I didn't realize that they had left. So, do we know where they are being organized? Maybe we should go check this out?" Fish Hook, who had been standing quietly behind Xavion while he read, speaks up. "Perhaps we should get everyone that is still in the area together and see if we can find the others. It would be best to travel as a group. Perhaps we could make plans and send scouts to see what is happening in the area before we arrive in force. They do have advantage of area knowledge over us. We need to neutralize that advantage if we can." Khesfrin Rhola "Well, i hope they didn't already go to the moathouse. Thellios is a little too impulsive. Let's check outside, see if anyone in town has seen them."

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Oct 19, 2008, 9:57am Syanna seems worried and looks to Xavion..." but I thought they were suspicious of the guide and yet they left with him? I too hope they have not decided to go to the moat house without us. I have a bad feeling about this whole situation. Lets hurry and find them. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 19, 2008, 4:23pm Thellios dismounts the horse pulls out his axes, glancing back to see the riders and looking back at Taruko. Thellios shouting,

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"My life, HA!!!!!! I was bred for fighting. When your ready to die let me know and I'll be ready to help you!!! Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 19, 2008, 10:47pm Thellios roll initiative. Turuko init [dice=20+2][rand=8215661424743597833272671067559129204319702450942109260183128464] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 20, 2008, 12:38pm Auggie steps back, puts his Short Swords away, watches the Newcomer to the area, to see what their reaction is. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 20, 2008, 11:34pm The group ( minus Auggie and Thellios ) leaves the Welcome Wench. Just outside the inn they can see the stable boy carrying some feed into the stables The man in splint mail who was sitting with Turuko the night before rides up. He yells at the alleged guide, " Hey, TUruko thought you said we was gonna ambush them after they got out of the moat house? You said we would get lots of loot that way. " Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 21, 2008, 8:17pm Auggie pulls his Daggers back out, turns to Thellios, Deal with Turuko you will, Deal with newcomer, I will turns to face the new arrival. [dice=20+3] INIT ROLL[rand=1298033532009236294308102647600352354523728446465577079912801661] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 21, 2008, 11:41pm Kobort's Initiative ( the fighter ) [dice=20+3][rand=508447712710757621533015650163567276423226810529443768775205382452] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 22, 2008, 1:24am Oct 20, 2008, 11:34pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

The group ( minus Auggie and Thellios ) leaves the Welcome Wench. Just outside the inn they can see the stable boy carrying some feed into the stables Khesfrin Rhola "Hoy, stableboy. Have you seen a Half-Orc around this morning?" Info Gather [dice=20+7] [rand=33107228341822026250313869311094848919908742833843547617534533072] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 22, 2008, 3:27pm Initiative Roll [dice=20+1] Here we go!!!!!!!!!![rand=8828941793488505505508987463232677000229788233089691739155900361] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 22, 2008, 10:42pm Xavion follows the others and listens while Khesfrin talks to the stable boy. He had a bad feeling about Auggie and Thellios... Auggie really was wanting to "talk" to that guide... he wouldn't try anything... would he? Hmmmm.....

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 22, 2008, 11:50pm The stable boy answered khesfrin, " Saw sumpin' like that. He was with an, I don't know what it was, it had a mean lookin' face and a bunch of bumps and spikey things on it's head they took off east out of town with that monk fella that's been here the past couple of days. Turuko i think he calls himself. Initiative order Thellios/Turuko=19 Kobort=14 Auggie=6 Thellios and Turuko have simultaneous init. Turuko strikes out at thellios with his fist [dice=20+7] hiting him squarely in the chest for [dice=8+2] 3 points of damage, Thellios go[rand=7006335343524135310082315990456662658711246148344557080349895983] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 23, 2008, 1:55pm a monk I see, such a shame to dishonor yourself, Thellios attacks, with his battle axes, my first attack [dice=20+5] damage [dice=6][dice=6+6] second attack [dice=20+1] damage [dice=6][dice=6+6] [rand=138993748933265157747834909969240621378068159910159099721075632606] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 23, 2008, 1:57pm possible crit right if so rolling to confirm [dice=20+1] how do ya want to do extra damage [rand=308863232684107537421269388587617725597836350859828497402783611] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 23, 2008, 4:38pm Hautra hears the others approach the stables, he gets out of the stables to join them. He says, "At last, you all have come. Should we move out now?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 23, 2008, 6:43pm Oct 23, 2008, 1:57pm, ravenwoolf wrote:

how do ya want to do extra damage Critical Hits When you make an attack roll and get a natural 20 (the d20 shows 20), you hit regardless of your target’s Armor Class, and you have scored a threat. The hit might be a critical hit (or "crit"). To find out if it’s a critical hit, you immediately make a critical roll—another attack roll with all the same modifiers as the attack roll you just made. If the critical roll also results in a hit against the target’s AC, your original hit is a critical hit. (The critical roll just needs to hit to give you a crit. It doesn’t need to come up 20 again.) If the critical roll is a miss, then your hit is just a regular hit. A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses, and add the rolls together. Unless otherwise specified, the threat range for a critical hit on an attack roll is 20, and the multiplier is ×2. Exception: Extra damage over and above a weapon’s normal damage is not multiplied when you score a critical hit. Increased Threat Range: Sometimes your threat range is greater than 20. That is, you can score a threat on a lower number.

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In such cases, a roll of lower than 20 is not an automatic hit. Any attack roll that doesn’t result in a hit is not a threat. Increased Critical Multiplier: Some weapons deal better than double damage on a critical hit. Spells and Critical Hits: A spell that requires an attack roll can score a critical hit. A spell attack that requires no attack roll cannot score a critical hit. Turuko has an ac of 15. He takes 15pts damage Turuko looks surprised by the ferocity of Thellios' attack and seems to redouble his guard. The new arrival draws a longsword and attacks Auggie missing [dice=20+6] Auggie your up[rand=24961162672838518611727571462472914197138792049602312514208197536] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 23, 2008, 7:35pm Auggie will try to put this guy to sleep Psionic Command DC 16 Will Save Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 23, 2008, 10:35pm Kobort's will save. There is a -1 modifier to this roll [dice=20][rand=00749947890783886359228253380604327437662178747579965518286299864679] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 23, 2008, 11:59pm Seeing the Man fall asleep, Auggie will run up to the sleeper, and calmly slit his throat, Coup de grace Attack on the Fighter, He is denied his Dex Bonus, so Auggie does an extra 2d6 damage 1d4 for the Dagger, + 2d6 sneak attack = 16 pts of damage If this does not kill him, then he has to make a FORT Save DC 10 + 16= 26 or die Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 24, 2008, 7:01pm ROund 2 ( back to the top of the init order ) Turuko rolling to hit. Using stuning fist [dice=20+7] and barely misse his target Thellios your up[rand=48810350683821346458941705854030296538749183915076521572981831174] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 24, 2008, 9:27pm Just as khesfrin had finished talking to the stable boy a man in splintmail rode up to the stables. He carried a wooden shield and a warhammer. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 25, 2008, 2:16am attack 1 [dice=20+5] damage [dice=6][dice=6+6] attack 2 [dice=20+1] damage [dice=6][dice=6+6][rand=85642205073944478613016191875786345168450586724967017388347306408] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by atrus on Oct 25, 2008, 5:59pm [spoiler]OOC: First off... as dramatic as riding up would be Raen has no horse. And second, just to clarify, Raen is a woman[/spoiler]

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The figure in splintmail strolls up to the edge of the skirmish, warhammer slung over one shoulder. You two seem to have a bit of an advantage. Any chance you'd like to explain the situation before making things worse? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 26, 2008, 12:02am Turuko looking very shaken says " well aren't you the stout little halfbreed." Auggie it is your turn. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 26, 2008, 9:24am Coup de grace on the Sleeping Fighter 20 points of damage, forgot to double the dagger 20 pts + 10= DC 30 FORT Save If the 20 pts dont kill him Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 26, 2008, 4:57pm Oct 24, 2008, 9:27pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Just as khesfrin had finished talking to the stable boy a man in splintmail rode up to the stables. He carried a wooden shield and a warhammer. Khesfrin Rhola Is there any thing noteworthy about the rider?

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 26, 2008, 5:06pm Oct 22, 2008, 11:50pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

The stable boy answered khesfrin, " Saw sumpin' like that. He was with an, I don't know what it was, it had a mean lookin' face and a bunch of bumps and spikey things on it's head they took off east out of town with that monk fella that's been here the past couple of days. Turuko i think he calls himself. Khesfrin Rhola If there is nothing noteworthy about the new rider at the stables then Khesfrin will turn to the others, "We'd better get after them, then." Khesdfrin will throw a copper coin to the stable boy, "Tell Jaroo the Druid 2 of our companions have already run off to the moathouse and that we're following."

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 26, 2008, 10:51pm Oct 26, 2008, 9:24am, demilich wrote:

Coup de grace on the Sleeping Fighter 20 points of damage, forgot to double the dagger 20 pts + 10= DC 30 FORT Save If the 20 pts dont kill him Kobort is unconscious and bleeding profusely from the wound Auggie gave him. Turuko abandons the fight and ducks quickly into the underbrush beside the road. Thellios, your up.

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Oct 26, 2008, 11:22pm Just outside the town arrives a 5'5" creature....she has chestnut hair with horns and hooves. She says to the guards, " Do not fear I mean to cause no trouble I am looking for work anything available?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 27, 2008, 3:23am Thellios move to the underbrush to attack again, screaming, "COME BACK HERE YOU BANDIT" Attack 1 [dice=20+5] Damage [dice=6][dice=6+6] attack 2 [dice=20+1] damage [dice=6][dice=6+6] [rand=6978900317969054719784248306168727430253372068875145126180922303] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 27, 2008, 10:07am Auggie cleans off his Daggers, sheathes them Meet him again, we will. Worry not, dispose of body we should Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 27, 2008, 4:25pm Hautra rejoins the current party and goes along with them. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 28, 2008, 1:54am Turuko seems to have disappeared. Gilraen sees a very odd assortment of people leaving the stable at the inn that he just pulled up to. They are asking about some missing friends of theirs. Shantillie sees a rather mixed group of people heading out of town to the east. To her they look like they could be adventurers for surely nothing else could bring such a diverse group together. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Oct 28, 2008, 11:14am After speaking with the guards Shantillie follows their directions and goes towards the Inn. When she sees the little church she decides that a short prayer to Pelor for him allowing her safe passage to her destination is in order. After doing so she goes to the inn, as she enters, she stops just inside the entrance and looks around. Finally she notices the only person in the room with the armor that marks him as a Pelor worshiper and walks to him. "Greetings fellow believer in Pelor I am Shantillie Pansong. I am happy to meet you." She bows politely to him. She is 5'5" tall and anyone who knows about different races would know she was a Satyr. After they have a chance to talk she goes to the bar and orders something to eat. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 28, 2008, 4:14pm (OOC: I am assuming that Shantille was speaking to Xavion. If not.. lemme know.) Xavion had straggled behind the others and when he was stopped, he paused and smiled. He was relived when she said, "Greetings fellow believer in Pelor I am Shantillie Pansong. I am happy to meet you." He bowed slightly to her, "Greetings and may the light of Pelor always shine on you. I am Xavion, a simple servant of Pelor. I do not mean to be brash but I believe that I must hurry to not get left behind by my compatriots..." He looks around, trying to not seem to be too impatient. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Oct 28, 2008, 5:48pm Khesfrin Rhola

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Khesfrin addresses the group as they leave town, "Can anyone track? In case they left the road." OOC: we need a marching order, correct? P.S. - i will have intermittent access thorugh the library for the next week or so as my hard drive died Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Oct 28, 2008, 8:42pm Hearing Khesfrin's comment she turns to him, "you guys the adventures I heard about, can i join you?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 29, 2008, 7:31am Thellios searches the body. "Yes, let's dispose of the body. Can you track I don't want to let him get away." This bastard deserves to meet my lord Erythnul. Death will welcome him pleasantly." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 29, 2008, 12:03pm Track, I cannot, Wilderness not my kind. Meet him again, we will, certain, I am Auggie says, as he trys to cover up the body. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 30, 2008, 6:10am (OOC) To cybersavant: Yeah, that'll be a good idea. Hautra will be at the front if possible. Sorry to hear about your hard drive. (IC) Hautra speaks up, "Sorry. I'm not a tracker. Not a scout either." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Oct 30, 2008, 1:03pm Syanna admits, "Sorry, i'm not much of a tracker." She looks to the rest of the party hoping someone can track, if not, it will take that much longer to find their other companions. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 30, 2008, 1:57pm While searching the body Thellios says to Auggie "What will we do now, continue on to the Moat House or go back to town." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Oct 30, 2008, 3:19pm ((OOC: Xavion will be somewhere near the middle to the front... not sure about the rest of you but he is nicely armored for a cleric. LOL)) Xavion shakes his head, "Tracking people... not my strong suit. But I do think that if they went to the moat house, we could use more people because we don't know what is in store for us there..." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 30, 2008, 4:20pm Auggie looks at Thellios, Fools, we are not. Comrades in arms, we need. Tell them not of the dead one here, I say, question us, they will. Suggest we tell them disagreement we had, ran off they did. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 30, 2008, 11:15pm Thellios looks up"Hmmmmmm I agree that we'll need help to advance, but if there is to be trust between us we'll need to tell the truth about our skirmish or at least some of the truth. We'll just tell them that we we're ambushed and were able to take out one of them and that the so-called guide ran off." The more secrets we hide will end up biting us in the arse." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 30, 2008, 11:23pm As Xavion and the group travel down the road they see an old,disused, side track branching off to the left. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Oct 30, 2008, 11:24pm Fish Hook turned to the new arrivals. "My name is Fish Hook and I am the traveling companion to this servant of Pelor. Together with the rest of these individuals and two more whom have gone missing, we are traveling to a place called the Moat House. Several goblins that were captured near here have confessed that there is where a local bandit group is currently hiding out. Although it is not my decision to make alone, I would not mind more traveling companions, for I go to fight for Pelor, rather than concern myself with treasure and such." It then turned to look to Xavion for confirmation.

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 31, 2008, 9:29am Thellios looks at Auggie. "What do you think my friend. Should we camp and wait for the others or should we carry on?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 31, 2008, 9:30am What time of day is it? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Oct 31, 2008, 12:12pm (OOC) Hautra will be in front in the marching order. If no one is to scout, then he will but he's no scout or rogue. He's a duskblade after all... (IC) Hautra speaks up, "Okay...where to next?" Oct 30, 2008, 11:23pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

As Xavion and the group travel down the road they see an old,disused, side track branching off to the left. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Oct 31, 2008, 1:02pm Auggie thinks for a moment, Return to the village best course of action it is Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Oct 31, 2008, 2:27pm "That's not a bad idea my friend. I could use some healing anyways." Grimacing as he touches the bruise on his chest. "When I see him again him again he will definitely meet my ord." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Oct 31, 2008, 8:30pm It's around noon,game time. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 1, 2008, 3:48pm OOC: OKAYmarching order Fish Hook Thellios ? Xavion Hautra Auggie ? Khesfrin Syanna? Shantillie? IC: Khesfrin Rhola "I say we stop here for a bit, eat a little and then try the side track. This moat house probably isn't on the main road, afterall." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 2, 2008, 12:27am As Fish Hook, Hautra, Xavion, Khesfrin, Syanna, and Shantillie. prepare to rest and eat their meal Auggie and Thellios are seen coming down the side track heading towards the main road. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 2, 2008, 2:19pm Nov 2, 2008, 12:27am, Dungeon Master wrote:

As Fish Hook, Hautra, Xavion, Khesfrin, Syanna, and Shantillie. prepare to rest and eat their meal Auggie and Thellios are seen coming down the side track heading towards the main road. Khesfrin Rhola

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"Hail friends. We have infprmation we need to share. Come, join us." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 2, 2008, 7:57pm Auggie waves back, rides up, gets to the others. gets off his horse, ties it up, joins the others in the camp. Information have you, good, we have learned little from our trip, glad to be back with you, we are. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 3, 2008, 6:14pm Hautra nods at the half-orge and Auggie as they rejoins the party he is in. He then eats his ration and drinks from his waterskin. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 3, 2008, 9:28pm "Greetings my friends as we thought the so called guide was not a guide at all. We will need to be cautious from now on as the guide knows he's not safe now. I can't wait to get my hands on that little bastard." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 4, 2008, 11:41pm The party's rest break goes smoothly without any encounters. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 5, 2008, 11:49pm Auggie gets up after a short rest, ready to go Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 6, 2008, 8:15am "Yes, on to the moat house." agrees Thellios Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 6, 2008, 9:40am Xavion rested with the others, silent but thinking. He finally breaks his silence, "It's good that you are safe from the treachery of the false guide. I know that we should probably go on to the moat house but I do not like the idea of him possibly shadowing us and coming after us at a later date. Is there anyway we can stop this from happening? Is it possible he went there to warn whoever is there we are coming?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 6, 2008, 10:15am Nov 6, 2008, 9:40am, xavion wrote:

Xavion rested with the others, silent but thinking. He finally breaks his silence, "It's good that you are safe from the treachery of the false guide. I know that we should probably go on to the moat house but I do not like the idea of him possibly shadowing us and coming after us at a later date. Is there anyway we can stop this from happening? Is it possible he went there to warn whoever is there we are coming?" Khesfrin Rhola "Xavion makes a good point."

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 7, 2008, 1:21pm Xavion rested with the others, silent but thinking. He finally breaks his silence, "It's good that you are safe from the treachery of the false guide. I know that we should probably go on to the moat house but I do not like the idea of him possibly shadowing us and coming after us at a later date. Is there anyway we can stop this from happening? Is it possible he went there to warn whoever is there we are coming?" Fish Hook looked at Xavion before replying. "Since we have no way to track the individual, there appears to be little we can do. As to the possibility that he will warn the bandits that we are coming, again there is little to be done. If we wait the group

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might leave the area and set up in a new place. Care must be taken, but we have many strong arms and a wise man to lead us." Fish Hook felt no need to continue the conversation, but remained close by in case Xavion had need of it's protection. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 7, 2008, 1:25pm Auggie nodded in agreement to Fish Hook, went to get his horse ready to ride. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Nov 7, 2008, 1:59pm Syanna uses the rest period to eat a small bit. She sighs with relief when their other companions appear and listens to the information they have returned with. It seems there is little choice but to continue on. She offers to share her rations with anyone who might need some. Turning to Fishhook, she asks quietly "Do you not require food? I havent seen you eat anything since we joined together?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 7, 2008, 3:03pm Hautra is rested and get him ready to go. He is now ready to go and hears all this, "Agreed. Let's get going." He gets on his horse and gets in the lead and waits for someone to help him lead the party to find the moathouse since he doesn't know where it is. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 7, 2008, 5:19pm Auggie goes up next to Hautra, False guide said Moat house this way. Suggest we travel it for awhile, moat house not in view, try other way He indicates the side trail he and Thellios had come down as the suggested way to the Moat House. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 7, 2008, 6:43pm A scrub of thorns, thistles, weeds, and shrubs grows thickly along the edge of the track which leads to the ruins. Even the track is mostly overgrown and cluttered with fallen branches and trees. Here and there it is washed out, in other places a mire. Some game evidently still follows the pathway, however, for after a mile or so faint traces can be seen. But even considering this, going is slow, and it takes over an hour to reach the place on horseback, or two to trudge along on foot. Considerable hacking and clearing is necessary to make the way passable, so double the time required for the first trip. After two miles, as the track turns more northerly, the land begins to sink and become boggy. Tall marsh plants grow thickly where cattails and tamaracks do not. Off to the left can be seen the jagged silhouette of the moathouse. A side path, banked high to cross over the wetland to either side, just north to the entrance of the ruin. The track here is only about 15 feet wide or so, with crumbling embankments making travel near the edge dangerous. The bogs stink. The vegetation appears dense and prolific, but somehow sickly and unhealthy, creepers and vines throwing their strangling loops over the skeletons of dead saplings and living bushes alike. The rushes and cattails rustle and bend even to a slight zephyr, and weird birdcalls, croakings, and other unwholesome sounds come faintly across the fen.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 8, 2008, 1:26am Nov 7, 2008, 6:43pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Off to the left can be seen the jagged silhouette of the moathouse. A side path, banked high to cross over the wetland to either side, just north to the entrance of the ruin. The track here is only about 15 feet wide or so, with crumbling embankments making travel near the edge dangerous.

Khesfrin Rhola "So, how should we proceed from here?"

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OOC: Ok, are we using the marching order i posted a while back, or what?

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 8, 2008, 1:53am OOC: Just so we have it where everyone can see it. marching order Fish Hook Thellios ? Xavion Hautra Auggie ? Khesfrin Syanna? Shantillie? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 8, 2008, 9:16am Thellios will stay near the front. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 8, 2008, 9:46pm ((OOC: That marching order works for me.)) Xavion tried to not make a face at the smell of the place but he failed slightly. He waved his hand in front of his face to swat away the annoying gnats and sweat beads moved down his face as they rode and made their way closer to the moat house. His eyes carefully moved over the dilapidated building, "Well, it looks like we don't have too much of a choice... There appears to be only one way in... and chances are, if there is someone in there, they will be watching." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 9, 2008, 12:08am looks over the entrance looking at auggie, "Hey friend, would you mind checking for traps." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 9, 2008, 12:59am Auggie's eyes widen briefly at Thellios's request, but, he gets off his horse and slowly approaches the drawbridge, looking it over, carefully. [dice=20][rand=86292255117422211025969732081799348802969185234723080645622556328] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 9, 2008, 1:23am Auggie begins to examine the bridge. He sees no traps right off the bat, but does notice a leather bound book lying on the drawbridge. Before he has time to examine the book further he hears a splash from behind as a monstrous frog jumps onto the drawbridge from the moat, five more follow it, two larger than the rest. Some come from the moat, others from the marshy areas surrounding the moat. Roll for initiative. Frogs four smaller ones [dice=20] two larger ones [dice=20+1][rand=03080199087715740459946338470298883091422026613099541651682131823] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 9, 2008, 12:49pm Seeing the frogs, Xavion knew that it wouldn't even be easy to just get in there.. but by the grace of Pelor, they would prevail. [dice=20+1][rand=70674923050927496657425019128719325833040350855037286630472910787] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 9, 2008, 1:40pm [dice=20] Nov 9, 2008, 1:23am, Dungeon Master wrote:

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Roll for initiative. [rand=119696330827340327281368706464351050281496332459265006393552606364] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 9, 2008, 6:59pm [dice=20][rand=9779059436496052673593091951590549919366866054145381433594063726] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 9, 2008, 7:04pm Shantille readies her sling to attack when they are close enough for her to fire. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 9, 2008, 9:16pm Auggie Init roll [dice=20+3][rand=654883642340345092182759156150932922546032090627709955739925771029] Frog Fight initiative Post by cybersavant on Nov 9, 2008, 11:00pm Khesfrin Rhola Initiative [dice=20+0] Morningstar [dice=20+1] [dice=8+1] or dagger thrown [dice=20+0][dice=4+1] [rand=75711047551053127262317710833219231316191645327688069135754253257] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Nov 10, 2008, 11:52am Syanna's eye widen in surprise when the giant frogs leap out. [dice=20+1][rand=6635121291523005728655380517505349712681578785452108098735682143] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 10, 2008, 12:22pm Initiative order Shantille=20 Auggie, Fish Hook=16 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna=15 Thellios=13 Large Frogs=8 Hautra=3 Smaller frogs=2 Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 10, 2008, 7:35pm Fish Hook drew his large sword and prepared to attack one of the larger frogs if he could reach one of them. [dice=20+1][rand=7612136098820137268624786185918133283509198068837672204430791334] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 10, 2008, 8:58pm Thellios smiles at the sight of the challenge pulling out his battle axes Initiative Roll [dice=20+1][rand=555476604114746739229486116248297348690997417044411205309351415] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 10, 2008, 11:40pm Nov 10, 2008, 12:22pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Initiative order Shantille=20

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Auggie, Fish Hook=16 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna=15 Thellios=13 Large Frogs=8 Hautra=3 Smaller frogs=2 Just a brief run over again of how I want to do combat. I'm only going to do initive once/encounter and then run through the cycle each round. if this were a table top I'd do it every round but in the intrest of keeping things " lively" I do it this way for PBP. Please don't post until it is your turn, to avoid confusion. Also,at the top of you post, put your current condition in regards to HP eg (10/5) any conditions you have going, eg ( Held ) and any spell effects you have going eg (blessed). So that it might look like this. Auggie: (10/5)(held)(blessed)

Shantille, your action Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 11, 2008, 12:38am She quickly pulls out sword and swings at the nearest frog.[dice=20+3] [rand=648589940725299809722749026290764973400619290826955057440254468] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 11, 2008, 2:15am OOC:1-2 it is one of the larger frogs, any other, it is one of the smaller. [dice=6] IC:Shantille draws her sword and attacks one of the smaller frogs, catching it in the body and opening a wound. OOC:Shantille roll damage.[rand=35721911623163377043564373568474168455891300733356432333339460237] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 11, 2008, 2:30am [dice=6] [rand=7381817070885077525663634817978791092163035442798707189030014788] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 11, 2008, 1:05pm Auggie, Fish Hook: Your action. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 11, 2008, 7:53pm Auggie will move to attack a Large Frog Attack Roll [dice=20+1] Damage Roll [dice=4+1][rand=33776559598042194568663801437613145083289874622034394139723422608] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 11, 2008, 11:59pm Attack Roll [dice=20+4] Damage Roll [dice=10+4][rand=671007058763906146426317743857641524858549608245634002611926945486] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 12, 2008, 12:19am

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Auggie takes a swing at one of the larger frogs missing it badly. Fish Hook's attack, however, strikes home opening a rather large gash in the amphibian. OOC: I put Fish hook on the same opponent as Auggie. If this isn't what you wanted let me know. xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna: your up ( khesfrin, I know you already rolled, which weapon did you want to use ? ) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 12, 2008, 12:28am Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin defaults to the morningstar whenever possbile Khesfrin (12/12)

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 12, 2008, 10:26pm Xavion (16/16) Xavion takes his heavy mace and strides forward to the closest smaller frog not occupied and swings to bash the creature. TO HIT: [dice=20+1] DMG (if I hit) [dice=8+1][rand=5650991127803866297006592042543456415282498911859852653881407734] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 13, 2008, 8:32pm Khesfrin and Xavion both swing at the same time and both make contact with an opponent. (OOC: I will wait one more day on syanna then we will move on ) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Nov 14, 2008, 9:42am Syanna 10/10 Syanna casts [Produce flame] and hurls it at one of the smaller frogs [dice=20+1][rand=060036101627718111608778091703999105064238966384456436508868858251] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 14, 2008, 12:55pm Syanna casts produce flame and hurls a ball of fire at one of the frogs, but misses. Thellios your turn Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 14, 2008, 10:37pm Thellios eagerly goes up to one of the bigger frogs and swings with his axes. First attack [dice=20+5] Damage [dice=6][dice=6+6]\ Second attack [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=6][dice=6+6][rand=08139107078307167869516246656456258704749976737876058840777800611] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 15, 2008, 12:53am Thellios swings at the monstrous amphibian with both axes and misses completely. Now the bigger frogs attack.

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The one that Auggie and Fish hook is on : even it attacks Auggie, odd well then it's Fish Hook [dice=6] Roll to hit [dice=20+7] Damage if hits [dice=6][dice=6+5] The frog attacks Fish Hook but misses Thellios's frog Roll to hit [dice=20+7] Roll to confirm crit [dice=20+7] Damage [dice=6][dice=6+5] [dice=6][dice=6] Thellios's frog leaps at him and bites him in the throat doing 16 points of damage and bringing the half ogre to the ground unconcious !!! Hautra, Your up.[rand=429898920174372159260292613792529796007224082438834958705497340403] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 16, 2008, 10:53am Hautra steps up and casts Color Spray on the frogs, big and small. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 17, 2008, 12:08am The frogs need a 14 to save against Hautra's spell, any of the small frogs that don't save will be unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round, any of the larger frogs who fail will be blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round. small frogs ( save is at -1 ) [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20] unconscious, blinded, and stunned for[dice=4][dice=4] rounds larger frogs [dice=20] [dice=20] blinded and stunned for [dice=4] rounds[rand=4323023427458662274455216525777161964895785658945155710018174083] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 17, 2008, 12:56pm since the smaller frogs are unconscious Shantille your up. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 17, 2008, 3:18pm Shantillie attacks the frog she injured last time if its not up she attacks the next one closest to her. attack [dice=20+8] Damage [dice=8+4] [rand=1020360719915474707879767537990492924215621378317468808664840975] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 18, 2008, 12:08am All the smaller frogs are unconcious, all the big frogs are stunned. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 18, 2008, 8:09am Fish Hook spoke. "The small ones are down. Concentrate on finishing the larger ones first." With that said he continued to attack. Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 19, 2008, 4:52am With all the small frogs unconscious, Alannia attacks one of the large ones but still misses. Auggie, Fish Hook Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 19, 2008, 6:10pm Fish Hook reeled back and attempted to cleave the large frog in two. [dice=20+4] [dice=10+4][rand=144982830553580021247581606591587367552844366624583683501453237687] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 19, 2008, 9:03pm Auggie will attack one of the Larger Frogs Attack Roll [dice=20+1] Damage Roll [dice=4][rand=62266570469676966351867873327341203062459819123312048230400802717] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 19, 2008, 11:46pm Initiative order Shantille=20 Auggie, Fish Hook=16 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna=15 Thellios=13 Large Frogs=8 Hautra=3 Smaller frogs=2 Fish Hook misses his cleave but Auggie nicks one with his weapon. xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna Your up Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 19, 2008, 11:57pm Xavion: (10/10) Xavion sees Thellios drop to the ground and immediately takes this opportunity to move to him and place a hand on his chest while uttering a prayer to Pelor. (Casting Cure Light Wounds) [dice=8+1][rand=63828726219897885266119927250074368137164041476676992159882468751] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 20, 2008, 11:04am Nov 19, 2008, 11:46pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Initiative order Shantille=20 Auggie, Fish Hook=16 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna=15 Thellios=13 Large Frogs=8 Hautra=3 Smaller frogs=2 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna Your up Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin will attack one of the larger frogs with his morningstar

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[dice=20+1] to hit [dice=8+1] damage[rand=5534595458850584201735364981555699341365640908033000603450775994] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Nov 20, 2008, 11:06am Syanna 10/10 Moves to attack the closest large frog swinging her Scimitar... [dice=20+1][rand=015073943940230039265507973188566163254378797396386862969023458669] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 21, 2008, 1:02am Xavion heals Thellios for 6 points bringing him to 0 ( I believe ), Khesfrin smashes one of the larger frogs with his mace, and Syanna takes a swing at one of the frogs, but misses. Thellios, your action ( you can move but anything strenuous will injure you again) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Nov 21, 2008, 1:24am Thellios stands up dazed and guardedly and withdraws from the battle..... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 21, 2008, 1:47am The blinded and stunned frogs lash out randomly, hoping to stop their attackers. ( going by init order ) Shantille=20 Auggie, Fish Hook=16 xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna=15 Thellios=13 Large Frogs=8 Hautra=3 Smaller frogs=2 first frog attacks ( or attempts to ) [dice=7] Shantillie the second [dice=7] Auggie Frog1 to hit [dice=20+7] Frog 2 [dice=20+7] damage [dice=6][dice=6+5] [dice=6][dice=6] The first frog misses Shantillie but the second one manages to get a vicious attack in on Auggie, killing him. Hautra, your turn[rand=0209973751731702488043286792824932103714030302666005456936980970717] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 23, 2008, 8:40am Hautra moves up to a big frog with his shield at the ready and draws his longsword. He attacks it. OOC: Can any player please roll for me? Attack: 1d20+3 Damage: 1d8+2 Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 23, 2008, 8:49am Hautra's Rolls Attack[dice=20+3] Damage [dice=8+2][rand=39576810623135474439391740687597617246776135035402010573890737666402]

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 23, 2008, 1:30pm Hautra just barely hits the frog, but his blade bites deep, bringing the frog down.

Shantille your up again Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 23, 2008, 9:42pm OOC: To demilich: Thank you! Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Nov 24, 2008, 9:24pm Shantille attacks nearest, still moving lizard. [dice=20+8] [dice=8+4] [rand=08862702385040488221489106385547537526692147675575059237227444003615] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 25, 2008, 12:17am Shantillie attacks the remaining large frog, just barely missing it. Fish Hook, your turn. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 26, 2008, 1:37am Fish Hook does its best to finish the last large frog. To Hit [dice=20+4] To damage [dice=10+4][rand=830831141573369275048716849995196141440897478954579673377612546] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 26, 2008, 2:17am Fish Hook takes a mighty swing at the last large frog and opens a wound in it's flank. xavion,Khesfrin,Syanna Your up. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 26, 2008, 10:26am Khesfrin Rhola

Attack the large frog [dice=20+1] to hit [dice=8+1] damage[rand=7079155953709695868388032529230478235816871151019164410473823284] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Nov 27, 2008, 11:16am Syanna will attempt to strike the large frog as well (To hit roll) [dice=20+1] (Damage roll) [dice=6+1][rand=0193592503540357951732832821812202415835779795631245200150760369206] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 27, 2008, 1:06pm Xavion offers a prayer to Pelor for their fallen comrade but that was all he had time to do right now... he would offer last rites later if needed. He had to focus on the task at had, the Pelor d**ned frogs! He moved to the closest one to him and swung at it!

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To-Hit: [dice=20+1] Damage: [dice=8+1][rand=287931194550945562076430593897383578532132883257612289395448064844] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 28, 2008, 1:31am Khesfrin's attack strikes home wounding the frog, Syanna however swings wildly missing, and Xavion misses also. The last of the large frogs lashes out again at [dice=6] Syanna [dice=20+7] 50% miss chance ( 50 or lower ) [dice=100] doing [dice=6][dice=6+5] 12 points of damage and dropping the druidess. Hautra your up.[rand=875173646368589112540743296686574549023516782715720883925152906624] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 29, 2008, 3:35pm (OOC) (IC) Hautra moves up to the next large frog and attacks. Attack: [dice=20+3]1d20+3 Damage: [dice=8+2]1d8+2 Nov 28, 2008, 1:31am, Dungeon Master wrote:

Hautra your up. [rand=7111453106936102512884024738718929503084591194943872672680214839] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Nov 29, 2008, 11:59pm Hautra drops the last large frog. The smaller ones are still unconscious. So you have a free round. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Nov 30, 2008, 12:28am Xavion usually finds doing what he is about to do distasteful but he sees no choice, he will use his free action to deliver a coup de grace to one of the small frogs. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Nov 30, 2008, 12:38am Seeing Xavion move to kill one small frog, Fish Hook moved to another to dispatch it. [dice=20+4] [dice=10+4][rand=08377408830904759693456702269883415484567436400154995142234299716] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Nov 30, 2008, 10:01pm Hautra attempts to hit a smaller frog. (OOC) Can someone please roll for me?

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Attack: 1d20+3 Damage: 1d8+2 Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Nov 30, 2008, 10:27pm Hautra's Rolls on a small frog Attack [dice=20+3] Damage [dice=8+2][rand=5375702625270238143135914430330469377345853322873642141583768412] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Nov 30, 2008, 11:22pm Small frogs - if any are still alive Khesfrin will smack one as well [dice=20+1] to hit [dice=8+1] damage [rand=60232492310187688889631205606885186854891572680985405665194830667] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 1, 2008, 12:33am The smaller frogs are easily dispatched since they are unconscious and helpless. Syanna still needs healed, she is lying unconscious also. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 1, 2008, 12:38pm Now that the frogs are dispatched, Xavion hurries over to the 2 that are downed... he sees he can't do anything for one but for now, can save Syanna. He places a hand on her and offers a prayer to Pelor. (casting Cure Light Wounds) [dice=8+1][rand=676285032326491132010368844018813726685064871404539241219002001015] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 2, 2008, 4:22pm Hautra scans the area. (OOC) Thanks, demilich. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 2, 2008, 8:39pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin will look about while the rest re-group. "How fares everyone else? What shall we do with Auggie- bury him here or return him to the village? And has our battle alerted the bandits?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Dec 2, 2008, 11:08pm Alannia "We need to take his body to the church and see if they can Resurrection him." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Dec 3, 2008, 1:05am Thellios on the ground still severely wounded from the battle Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 3, 2008, 5:13pm Hautra speaks, " I agree with Alannia. And Xavion, how is Thellios?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 3, 2008, 6:00pm Xavion hadn't spoken after they dispatched the frogs. He silently moved over to Thellios and checked him. He sighed softly in relief.. slight relief, "He's alive..." He began to do what he could to administer first aid on Thellios so that they could move him

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back to town as well. (Heal Check) [dice=20+5] Once he had done what he could he stood, "I do not like leaving once we have started because that could give whoever is in there more time to prepare but I will not leave our companions like this. I agree and we should take them both back to see what can be done."[rand=92363961548679964792967381646543753701619519752613294316718001276] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 3, 2008, 11:51pm Dec 2, 2008, 4:22pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

Hautra scans the area. (OOC) Thanks, demilich. Outside of dead frog parts you see nothing right now. Quote:

Xavion hadn't spoken after they dispatched the frogs. He silently moved over to Thellios and checked him. He sighed softly in relief.. slight relief, "He's alive..." He began to do what he could to administer first aid on Thellios so that they could move him back to town as well.

Once he had done what he could he stood, "I do not like leaving once we have started because that could give whoever is in there more time to prepare but I will not leave our companions like this. I agree and we should take them both back to see what can be done." Thellios is easily stabilized for transport and you return to town. Who do you wish to go see ? [rand=36860252829101847932642458696110486285432949623412351974151819889] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 4, 2008, 12:26am Before they prepare to head for town, Xavion wants to go over and actually check and see if there is anything he can do for Auggie. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 4, 2008, 12:44am Auggie is definitely dead. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 4, 2008, 9:23am Hautra nods at Thellios and the druid for being all right. He goes to Auggie and sighs. He walks over to Xavion and pulls him away from the party and asks, "Sorry, but is there a way we could combine our powers and attempt to bring this Auggie back to the Realm of the Living from the Realm of the Dead? I mean, I know I practice in sorcery and the magic I use is chaotic at best. I use it for the purpose of good. With your divine power and my arcane power, is there a way?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 4, 2008, 10:04am Fish Hook looked down at Auggie's body. Death had not really been much a part of it's life, despite being a warrior. It had to this time been training. Now it was real. "I will carry the body back to the town." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 4, 2008, 5:13pm Dec 4, 2008, 9:23am, cpanthersfan wrote:

Sorry, but is there a way we could combine our powers and attempt to bring this Auggie back to the Realm of the Living from the Realm of the Dead? I mean, I know I practice in sorcery

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and the magic I use is chaotic at best. I use it for the purpose of good. With your divine power and my arcane power, is there a way?" Xavion stood and went over to speak with Hautra. He listened to him speak before shaking his head, "Not that I am aware of... if there is, it is beyond my meager knowledge... perhaps one of the more knowledgeable priests of my order would know of something. Perhaps the priest back in town may be able to help us. I was about to suggest we take him there. If we are going to have any chance of reviving him, we can't delay too long." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 4, 2008, 8:37pm Hautra responses to Xavion, "All right. Let's do that." He waits for the rest of the party to move along and for Fish Hook to pick up Auggie. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 4, 2008, 10:15pm You arrive at the church of St. Cuthbert without any further encounters along the way. Calmer, the low level cleric who assists the Cannon, takes one look at your bedraggled group and says, " Just a moment, I will get the Cannon. " Soon Cannon Terjon arrives. Without affecting much emotion he begins to take a look at your wounded. After looking over Syanna and Thellios he says, "I can help them, but the dead one is beyond my power. Perhaps if you went to see the practitioner of the Old Faith, Jaroo, he might be able to help him somehow." He then added, almost as an afterthought, "I suppose you have very little money to pay for this service ?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Dec 5, 2008, 8:51am OOC: can we roll divine intervention for the downed Auggie? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 5, 2008, 9:29pm Xavion spoke respectfully to the Canon, "Sadly, we do not but I am willing to offer whatever I can to pay for this service. This man died while fighting by my side and I feel obligated to do what I can for him IF it is within my power." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 5, 2008, 9:35pm Dec 5, 2008, 8:51am, melileaya wrote:

OOC: can we roll divine intervention for the downed Auggie? OOC:Because of the fact that you are all so low level, and have yet to do anything that would attract a deity's attention, the chances are slim to none that would actually work. Plus, of the surviving characters who could garner divine attention, eg the cleric, Auggie is of a considerably different alignment. IC: The Cannon looks a little startled, " Oh, I wasn't speaking of raising the dead creature, I'm simply not powerful enough to do that. Normally healing just these two, however, would require, at least, an 120gp donation to the church. But I see you are a priest of Pelor, who's church has mediated several disputes for mine." He then leaned closely to Xavion and whispered something to him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 6, 2008, 2:01am Xavion leaned forward slightly and listened to the Cannon. Once he finished speaking, Xavion smiled and nodded. "I would be most honored to do as you ask, sir." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 6, 2008, 1:27pm Hautra looks around and then he steps outside the church to wait on the others, taking in the scene he sees before him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 7, 2008, 12:56am The cannon goes over to Thellios and , after asking St. Cuthbert's blessing touches him and he is healed of some of his wounds [dice=8+5] Then does the same for Syanna [dice=8+5] This leaves Thellios down one HP and Syanna at full.[rand=474412060789455250004522078321756137408423493429722967069496707]

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 7, 2008, 11:28pm Whatever Xavion had agreed to do for the follower of St Cuthbert, Fish Hook hoped it would not be too dangerous. The Pelorites were a group that were not afraid to get involved, even when it was dangerous. That was one of the reasons it had sworn fealty to the followers of this divine being. It did not remember anything before it had been awakened in the tomb, but Fish Hook was acutely aware that it was a stranger in a strange land and these Pelorites, despite there faults gave it a sense of purpose. A cause, as it were and that was something a warrior like it needed. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 10, 2008, 1:37am OOG: Where would you like to go next? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 10, 2008, 11:07am OOC: what time of day is it? IC: Khesfrin Rhola "So, off to see the druid, then?" OOC: i was SSOOOOOOOOO tempted to insert wizard Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 10, 2008, 6:14pm (OOC) To cybersavant: Lol. (IC) Hautra nods and says, "Let's do that." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 10, 2008, 10:34pm Xavion nods and bows slightly to the Cannon, "Thank you very much for all you have done..." He turns and looks to the others and nods, "Yes. Let's hope that he can do something for our fallen comrade." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 11, 2008, 5:50am Dec 10, 2008, 10:34pm, xavion wrote:

Xavion nods and bows slightly to the Cannon, "Thank you very much for all you have done..." He turns and looks to the others and nods, "Yes. Let's hope that he can do something for our fallen comrade." You head to the grove. After calling out a few times Jaroo appears. he takes one look at the group and says, " Oh my, what did that to ya." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 11, 2008, 5:27pm Hautra says, "A frog jumped on him and bit him good." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 11, 2008, 9:04pm Dec 11, 2008, 5:27pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

Hautra says, "A frog jumped on him and bit him good."

Jaroo looks at Hautra and says, " That must have been some frog my friend." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 11, 2008, 11:22pm Khesfrin Rhola

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"Can you do anything to revive him? It looks like we'll need all the help we can get." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 11, 2008, 11:51pm Fish Hook looked at the druid. "It was actually more than one frog and they were all much larger than I was lead to believe frogs became. I am a bit inexperienced about such things though. Any assistance, magic or otherwise would be appreciated." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 12, 2008, 1:41am Jaroo looked at the party before him, " I can bring him back, in a sense. While he should retain most of his memories, he more than likely will not be the same creature you have come to know." He takes his staff and draws a circle on the ground, " We believe that life is a circle. Your born, grow old, die, and are born again. Souls are often reborn in a form different than that which they inhabited in the previous life, depending on what the oerth mother wishes to teach them in the new life. We are loath to break this circle, as it is a fundamental part of nature. We can, however, greatly accelerate it." He said with a smile. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by ravenwoolf on Dec 13, 2008, 3:54pm "That would be good druid, for he has been taken to early." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 13, 2008, 4:35pm OOC With the permission of the DM, I will roll for what Auggie comes back as, using this table: 1-3 Orc 4-8 Pixie 9-12 Kobold 13-16 Goblin 17-19 Centaur 20-23 Dryad 24-28 Troglodyte 29-31 Elf 32-34 Satyr 35-36 Bugbear 37-40 Gnome 41-44 Hobgoblin 45-58 Human 59-61 Doppelganger 62-64 Half-Orc 65-68 Dwarf 69-70 Half-Ogre 71-75 Gnoll 76-80 Lizardfolk 81-85 Half-Elf 86-90 Halfling 91-94 Drow 95-97 Ogre 98-100 Other(Witchknife, in this case) [dice=100] [rand=83928272485709958502587060281457371776522531848114195186762887263] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 13, 2008, 10:00pm Auggie the Half Elf opens his eyes, looks around, sits up, I hate frogs Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 14, 2008, 2:43am Jaroo, looking a bit tired after casting the spell looks at " Auggie" and says, with a grin," Well, if you don't mind me saying, that's a definite improvement over the spiky thing-a-ma-jig you were before." He then gets a slightly serious look on his face," Normally I would ask for around a 300gp donation to the poor of Hommlit for this service, but I did offer you my healing services before you left. So, if you could but dig deeply, for these raids have not been kind to those farmers trying to get their products to the markets in Verbobonc." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 14, 2008, 12:54pm Hautra steps up and speaks to the druid, "I am just a poor traveler. However, any gold I find in the moathouse will be yours. That'll be my oath to you." with a semibow. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 14, 2008, 9:47pm Fish Hook looked at the half elf and then at the druid. "I have little need for money, but I will do what I can to see you are

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paid so that those in need may have money." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 14, 2008, 11:57pm Khesfrin Rhola "I have little money at this time, but if we are able to deal with the bandits, i will donate a portion of my share to your shrine." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 15, 2008, 1:09am Auggie turns to the Druid, Donate, I will, stops, not recognizing his voice. Bandits have much to spare, sure of this, I am. looking over his new body. Much to learn, have I. Appreciate it, very much, I do Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Dec 15, 2008, 2:56pm Syanna, who has been silent since being revived by the Cannon, waits for the druid and the others to deal with their fallen companion. She then pulls the druid aside to speak with him. "I like the others in the party have little in the way of gold at the moment, i am willing to offer half of anything i receive from this adventure as well as helping you in the future in whatever way possible. Would that be acceptable to you?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 15, 2008, 10:40pm Xavion had remained silent since leaving the Cannon. He knew the others had dealt with the druid more than he had, so he let them lead the conversation. When Auggie was brought back, he couldn't entirely believe his eyes. He had studied about what had happened but had never experienced. He had only met them fairly recently, but already he was experiencing so many new things... this was already proving to be an interesting venture. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 17, 2008, 4:34pm Hautra turns to Auggie and says, "Welcome back." and then to the group, "So, ready to venture on?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 18, 2008, 3:42pm Fish Hook looked at the group. "Depending on how late it is, we might want to wait till the morning. It will be more difficult if we have to move through the dark." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 18, 2008, 8:25pm OOG: It's about 3:00pm now. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 18, 2008, 11:45pm Xavion looked up at the sun, "I think that we should have time to get there. I'd hate to give anyone there more time to prepare... they already know we have had to retreat once." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 19, 2008, 10:42am Khesfrin Rhola "Alright, let's follow our fearless leader." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 20, 2008, 2:30am Your return to the Moathouse. It doesn't take quite as long this time becuse you have already cleared the underbrush from the disused sidetrack. Once there you see the dead frogs and the damaged "drawbridge " with the book on it. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 20, 2008, 11:54am Hautra goes to the book to look at it but not touching it. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 20, 2008, 9:51pm

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Hautra goes to the book to look at it but not touching it. Before Hautra can walk out into the open where any one watching can see him, there by bringing attention to the group and letting everyone know they are here, Fish Hook tries to grab him and pull him back out of sight. [dice=20+3][rand=7143041678954263952671656084961728161722090913187990512287415685] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 20, 2008, 11:37pm Fish hook manages to get a hold of Hautra. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 21, 2008, 12:07am Khesfrin Rhola From cover Khesfrin will try to see if there is any movement in or near the moathouse. Spot check Kn Nature Listen [dice=20] [dice=20+3] [dice=20]

[rand=832531079297875403569072648212457801865804761605807885643379717033] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 21, 2008, 12:08am

OOC this time the dice rolls stayed the same as when i previewed my post Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 21, 2008, 8:56am Hautra looks around and then realizes why Fishhook grabbed him. He nods thanks to it and waits with the others for the next course of action. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 21, 2008, 2:51pm I can try sneaking up, and scouting around the outside. They have not seen me, well, not in this form, anyways. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 22, 2008, 2:05am Dec 21, 2008, 12:07am, cybersavant wrote:

Khesfrin Rhola

From cover Khesfrin will try to see if there is any movement in or near the moathouse.

Spot check Kn Nature Listen [dice=20+3]

Khesfrin spies no movement. [rand=2423450513854938884722027863967138077103407553975689739247969626] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Dec 22, 2008, 11:22pm Xavion looks thoughtful for a moment and then nods, "It seems that this is your area of knowledge, Auggie. Go ahead and

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scout." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 23, 2008, 9:42pm Auggie will try to be sneaky, moving around from the leftside(Facing the Doorway) and work his way around the exterior wall. Hide [dice=20+2] Move Silently [dice=20+2] Search [dice=20] Spot [dice=20][rand=50675199370101914087102529874192577519164187050125150182897963373] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Dec 25, 2008, 12:37am The door is hanging open on one great hinge, the other is splintered and holed but still in position, wedged and shored closed from the inside. A careful examination of the ground here reveals boot prints in the ground, heading for the building steps at area 5. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 29, 2008, 5:44pm Hautra whispers, "So, do we go to the moathouse now?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Dec 29, 2008, 11:36pm Auggie returns after looking around. "Tracks I found, leading to another part they do. Other signs found not, seems safe to walk in." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Dec 30, 2008, 6:19pm Fish Hook looked at the group. "Should we cross the front or look for another way through the wall? Something this old might have a collapsed section we can sneak through?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Dec 31, 2008, 12:51pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin looks to Xavion, but remains silent. cybersavant Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Dec 31, 2008, 5:34pm Hautra nods and says, "Sounds like a plan." Dec 30, 2008, 6:19pm, shdwrnnr wrote:

Something this old might have a collapsed section we can sneak through?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 2, 2009, 8:37pm After circling the moat you see three areas where the walls have collapsed allowing access to the interior by climbing over the rubble. The first area, on the western wall, would lead into the courtyard area that Auggie already checked out. The second breach leads into area 12. Both of these would also require you to cross the moat somehow. The last breach, which leads into area 7, has collapsed in such a way as to provide stepping stones across the moat. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 2, 2009, 11:33pm Jan 2, 2009, 8:37pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

After circling the moat you see three areas where the walls have collapsed allowing access to the interior by climbing over the rubble. The first area, on the western wall, would lead into the

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courtyard area that Auggie already checked out. The second breach leads into area 12. Both of these would also require you to cross the moat somehow. The last breach, which leads into area 7, has collapsed in such a way as to provide stepping stones across the moat. Khesfrin OOC: Area 7 seems to be the choice, can we try to see if there is anyone watching/guarding there? spot check [dice=20+0] [rand=401991895828825442984102680592376552589978495255225570468314906284] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 3, 2009, 2:53pm Spot Check: [dice=20+1][rand=8331523856824826063136800605879124217538718266563647088734427286927] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 3, 2009, 11:20pm Hautra sees a lone figure trying to obscure himself beside the rubble. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 4, 2009, 6:56pm (sorry for the delay in being around. with the holidays, i was not able to get my websites like normal but I'm gonna get back to posting.) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 4, 2009, 7:33pm Xavion was uncomfortably silent because he had nothing to add but just let the others do their jobs and offer suggestions. It looks like the way Fish Hook suggested would be a safer way but he was waiting to see if anyone saw anything in that direction. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 4, 2009, 11:38pm OOG: I figured it was probably something like that, this time of year is usually pretty hectic for everyone. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 5, 2009, 6:02pm Hautra silently lets the party knows of the lone figure. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 6, 2009, 3:18am Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin whispers to the group, "Anyone have a silent way to take him out from here?" http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 6, 2009, 2:23pm "I do not. I have these javelins, but it is unlikely that I would be able to kill someone with one toss. If we have no one that has the ability to do so, I suggest we all attempt to attack at the same time." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 6, 2009, 10:06pm Hautra rubs his chin for a moment and then shakes his head no. He shrugs and prepares himself for a possible battle.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 7, 2009, 6:41pm Xavion whispers, "Do we not have anyone here who dabbles in the arcane? While I can call on my faith to assist us, I have heard stories that there are those that can put one of their enemies to sleep that way."

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 8, 2009, 5:03pm Haura replies, "I 'dabble' in the arcane. I don't have sleep learnt yet. I hope to do one day." OOC: Sorry, all I got avialable right now are: acid splash, dispurt undead, ray of frost, touch of fatigue, and lesser deflect. Spell-like abilites: dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound and read magic. Any ideas on them? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 9, 2009, 11:55am OOC: i have been using the wrong character...mine is actually a Satyr. IC: Shantillie says," Can someone invise me than i can get close enough to use my pipes. That way i can use them to put the others asleep." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 12, 2009, 12:00am Hautra shows the styr where he saw the figure. Jan 9, 2009, 11:55am, melileaya wrote:

Shantillie says," Can someone invise me than i can get close enough to use my pipes. That way i can use them to put the others asleep." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 14, 2009, 11:28am Xavion was silent as he studied their options. How he wished that he had took the opportunity to study more with the tacticians who had sometimes came by the abbey where he was trained. He finally nodded as he came to a decision within himself, "Looks like there is no other way about it. After that fight with the frogs and the time that we took, they are probably still expecting us to come back. So, let's do this. They were counting on us having to use this way to cross, so let's give them what they expected." He paused and readied his crossbow, "If you have a way to attack from a distance, use it. We do it as Fish Hook suggested. All at once and hopefully, we will be able to take him down before he can alert others." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 14, 2009, 6:57pm SHantillie will move towards the figure trying to sneak up behind. Move Silently [dice=20+9][rand=52611965732771526929440653057587556666055207051640826118080822693] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 14, 2009, 8:49pm Hautra pulls out one of his javelins and is prepared to throw it if needed. He waits as he watches the styr do its thing. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Jan 14, 2009, 8:58pm Auggie puls out his Daggers and rushes in, watching the doorway, rather then the guy who crouched down.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 14, 2009, 11:36pm Guard listen role [dice=20] He doesn't hear a thing Shantillie


Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 15, 2009, 11:11am As she moves forward the Satyr pulls out her pipes when she is far enough away from the party she begins to play her pipes, a sleep tune. Any hiding person with in a 60-food spread must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be affected.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 15, 2009, 10:03pm Fish Hook drew a javelin, ready to throw if the saytr's pipes failed.http

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 15, 2009, 11:44pm save for guard [dice=20] he's a snoozin'[rand=53687186737730216631897174382126797596317956352128004306033432] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 16, 2009, 11:43am Shantillie motions for the rest to come slowly as she quietly enters the room to investigate. Listen [dice=20+10] move Silently [dice=20+9] Hide [dice=20+10][rand=4122016341468092771852136790636974459633129633851526655939259487] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 16, 2009, 4:46pm The guard was standing at the end of a pile of ruble where part of the Moathouse wall had collapsed. It's built like a castle and in this portion of it they built rooms against the outer wall. What you will have to do is climb up over the pile of ruble to get into the building. The roof is still intact however. I'm gonna draw a pic, as best as I can with the software I have, to better show what is going on.

http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 16, 2009, 7:20pm Hautra puts away his javelin and walks carefully with the party. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 16, 2009, 7:35pm Khesfrin Rhola Moving to the wall and whispering, "What do we do with him?" "Who's going in first?" OOC: how large is the hole? Some of us are pretty big yow know.http

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 16, 2009, 11:03pm Xavion will release his crossbow and put it away, then he readies his mace and shield as he walks over. He looks at the sleeping guard and whispers, "Tie him up and put him some place inconspicuous. Make sure to gag him, we don't want him warning those in there we got by him." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Jan 18, 2009, 10:09am Syanna assists with tying up the guard and making sure he is gagged. She then follows after Xavion, being careful and moving slowly over the rubble. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 18, 2009, 6:03pm

OOC: HAS Xavion gone inside? If not, we need an order, if so, then Khesfrin will follow Syanna in. http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 19, 2009, 1:07pm Shantillie: Let me go over the hole first since I can hide better. Once I get over I will once again use my pipes just in case there are others in the area. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Jan 19, 2009, 5:24pm Follow you, I will, skilled also in hiding, Auggie moves up by the hole, waiting for the satyr to go in first.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 19, 2009, 9:12pm Hautra stands by with shield at the ready as usual. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 20, 2009, 12:15pm (OOC: I don't recall if we came up with a marching order. I recommend we have our 2 scouting folks in or near the front, Xav will be in the middle so he is close to everyone in case his abilities or skills are needed. All things considered, I think he is probably one of the more heavily armored, so he should be ready to head into combat as needed.) Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 20, 2009, 3:17pm OOC: Fish Hook will want to be besided or in front of Xavion.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 20, 2009, 4:09pm (OOC: it might be wise to have one that has a good spot/search ability in the back or near back of the order to watch for anything that might be following the group.)http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 20, 2009, 4:43pm (OOC) If no one wants to be in the rear, Hatura will be in the rear. Jan 20, 2009, 12:15pm, xavion wrote:

(OOC: I don't recall if we came up with a marching order. I recommend we have our 2 scouting folks in or near the front, Xav will be in the middle so he is close to everyone in case his abilities or skills are needed. All things considered, I think he is probably one of the more heavily armored, so he should be ready to head into combat as needed.) Marching Order Post by cybersavant on Jan 20, 2009, 10:46pm OK, so we have Syanna, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, Khesfrin, Hautra Thelllios?http Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 20, 2009, 11:46pm I never did answer exactly how big the hole is

. It's about 10" wide.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 20, 2009, 11:49pm OK, so we have Syanna, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, Khesfrin, Hautra, Shantillie Thelllios? the player who plays Thellios is missing in almost every game that I know he is in. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 21, 2009, 12:08pm OOC:Shantillie should be 1st since she might be able to use pipes to keep those they can't see down.

Jan 20, 2009, 11:49pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

OK, so we have Syanna, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, Khesfrin, Hautra, Shantillie Thelllios?

the player who plays Thellios is missing in almost every game that I know he is in. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 22, 2009, 8:06pm SO, whats the "marching" order through the hole? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Jan 22, 2009, 8:21pm Marching order: Shantille, Auggie Fish Hook Xavion Khesfrin, Hautra Think thats everyonehttp Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 22, 2009, 10:26pm Marching order: Shantille, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, Khesfrin, Hautra Forgot Syanna. Syanna where do you want to be. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 24, 2009, 12:16pm Shantillie begins her climb up the rubble to the hole in the wall. ( Shantillie, if you are going to use hide or move silently, please make your roles.


Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 24, 2009, 10:15pm movr silently [dice=20+9] Hide [dice=20+10][rand=52251187169482324332448205956590562908831770206256434957867538816] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 24, 2009, 11:48pm spot [dice=20] listen [dice=20]

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Climbing to the hole completely unnoticed Shantillie makes her way through to the inside of the Moat House. Peering inside she sees nine men. One is wearing chain mail and carrying a shield, one is wearing splint mail and also carrying a shield. The others are in various types of leather and padded armor. They seem to have made a home for themselves in this room.[rand=3472733859407620746842102197151163915069696604860414022787084968535] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Jan 25, 2009, 7:37pm Syanna will position herself behind Xavion, waiting to follow him up the rubble pile. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 26, 2009, 12:38am Just to re-cap: Jan 22, 2009, 8:21pm, demilich wrote:

Marching order: Shantille, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, Syanna, Khesfrin, Hautra

Jan 16, 2009, 4:46pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

http ...........................9 bandits......................Shantille on top hidden, waiting for Auggie to move httphttphttp Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 26, 2009, 1:39am Motioning for those right behind not to move forwards she once again plays pipes Charm person DC 13 Willhttp Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 26, 2009, 3:00am leader [dice=20] Lieutenant

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[dice=20] others [dice=20][dice=20][dice=20][dice=20] [dice=20][dice=20][dice=20] The lieutenant, and three of the men remain. the others have fallen asleep. The lieutenant starts looking around for the source of the strange music.[rand=06950853659970802606509698349570982370707251267873828829205234753] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Jan 26, 2009, 4:38am Auggie stays back, smiling as he sees the Satyr pull out her pipes.http Auggie draws his daggers, seeing that not all were affected Init roll [dice=20+3][rand=71566085113188596548746610235916078969895762248777070523734881811] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 26, 2009, 6:12pm When he could Fish Hook moved in to attack the lieutenant, being careful to avoid being flanked. Intiative [dice=20+1][rand=466657403925270557774913810689616977421963085519615727546918320845] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 26, 2009, 11:26pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin will move forward once those ahead of him have moved in, then attack who he can. Initiaive [dice=20+0][rand=599674650356738318632682535202338119702609606523128158835189317446] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 27, 2009, 4:59pm Xavion readies his mace and is prepared to move in to support the others once the fracas begins... Init: [dice=20+1][rand=0506494168613042808253881229959796484151982045746174972190968377] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Jan 28, 2009, 8:23pm Syanna is ready, and once Xavion moves she climbs quickly up behind him. Init [dice=20+1][rand=15214300730598512614142386274915687720288773625457371090370204493] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 28, 2009, 8:25pm Initiative: 13 (OOC) Roll emailed to the DM. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Jan 29, 2009, 12:03am Inititive [dice=20] Readies her sling and fires at the leader still up. [dice=20+2] Attack [dice=4] Damagehttp[rand=727852891912951449079094151291003451247716335237752410309928223704] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Jan 29, 2009, 12:34am At first the men in the room look a bit amazed as half their compliment suddenly fall asleep. This allows the first few people in the marching order to make it into the room before they actually realize they have intruders.[dice=7]

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Shantille, Auggie, Fish Hook, Xavion, and, Syanna make it into the room before fighting actually breaks out. Khesfrin and Hautra are still climbing through ( although the hole is 10' wide so if you have a spell or missile weapon you could both use them from there this round). You are in Area 7

This 'Black Chamber' is the quarters of the former Lord of the castle. The heavy door has been repaired by the outlaws. The chamber is floored in black flagstones, and has ebon-colored wall hangings (now burnt and tattered) in addition to the jumbled wreckage noted. The brigands pitch bedrolls in odd corners, and the remains of fires can be noted in the northern fireplace. Lieutenant's init [dice=20] others [dice=20] Initiative order Auggie=18 Shantille=15 Hautra=13 Khesfrin=12 Fish Hook=11 Syanna=5 Xavion & Lieutenant=3 thugs=2 Everyone declare actions roll attacks and damage. Gonna do things a little different this time to see if it speeds things up.

[rand=710622254466997331202025372715062550324174202245329453833704997345] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 29, 2009, 1:53am Fish Hook attacked the lieutenant To Hit [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=10+4][rand=5803641097326944439714691840606948140099248019535013811941181612386] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Jan 29, 2009, 2:05am Auggie will move to flank the Boss guy that Fish hook attacked Attack +1, +2 for Flanking [dice=20+3] Dagger [dice=4] Sneak Attack

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[dice=6]http[rand=49758813171818653042255344548272584695373572103686503350920211066] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Jan 29, 2009, 2:08pm Khesfrin Rhola initiative 12 Khesfrin will make his way through the hole and into melee range. [however long that takes] Once there here are my rolls Morningstar BAB [dice=20+1] second round Dragon Aura I - Power, +1damage [dice=8+1] round 2 rolls: BAB [dice=20+1] damage [dice=8+2] filler in case of you know what [rand=281759334572178063481473055736575152364364045232137778903239227628] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Jan 29, 2009, 4:06pm Xavion will move to attempt to flank one of the men tthat is fighting one of his companions, if possible. If flanking is not available, he will just more to double team on one of the men with a companion. Attack: [dice=20+1] Dmg if I hit: [dice=8+1][rand=1877563083802524803395000941489223562763022178100466728443430157622] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Jan 30, 2009, 9:30pm Hautra uses his Ghost Sound spell-like ability on the boss of the enemy group hoping to make him turn around to make him an easier target. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Jan 31, 2009, 7:14pm Once over the rubble, Syanna will attempt to get close enough to the lieutenant to touch him using Produce Flame... [dice=20+1] damage [dice=6+1]http [rand=375579834634664862172389217575983867355331157482646237029399167256] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 6, 2009, 5:13am OOC: sorry for the delay was waiting to see if Shantillie would post. IG: Auggie's attack misses. Hautra uses ghost sound [dice=20] Which causes the Lieutenant to turn towards the sound. Khesfrin's attack also misses Fishhook caves in the side of the lieutenants head. Syanna and Xavions attacks also both miss Thugs [dice=20][dice=20][dice=20] The thugs all miss Next round actions all[rand=002367426734047439804238739787064294486637249125274618153324230335277] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 6, 2009, 11:30am

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Hautra then moves up to the LT if possible and if he does, he'll attack him with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2][rand=294433937197586689485478231116379701803716758695238907077038815] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Feb 6, 2009, 11:52am Shantillie will pull out her Scimitarand attack the closest enemy by her trying not to give any a Ao.http Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 6, 2009, 3:13pm Having dispatched his current target, Fish Hook reoriented on the nearest thug, attempting, if possible, to attack one that was not currently engaged with another member of the party. To Hit [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=10+4][rand=6891825423789377409902015377143649294281650903442822628400850255] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 6, 2009, 5:16pm Auggie will try to flank someone who is being attacked already Another +2 if hes able to Flank someone [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=4] Sneak Attack [dice=6]http[rand=2067851863528162398720430377173572994839556550979445962525873194026] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 7, 2009, 1:11am Feb 6, 2009, 11:52am, melileaya wrote:

Shantillie will pull out her Scimitarand attack the closest enemy by her trying not to give any a Ao.http Role your attack and damage. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 7, 2009, 5:12pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin will attack the closest bandit [dice=20+1] [dice=8+2] [rand=9561173835642047313351215508592453110160604433332703134282452706] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Feb 8, 2009, 8:05pm Xavion will attack again. Attack: [dice=20+1] Dmg: [dice=8+1][rand=89684351887891068727160749100918313680573830198436419586173817017] Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 9, 2009, 12:47am OOG: I know everyone hasn't posted yet but between Fish Hook, Khesfrin, and Xavion; the remaining thugs are dead or asleep. SO, in the interest of moving the game on I'm going to wrap this up. IG: Fish Hook lands another mighty blow sending the thug to the floor with a shiver. Khesfrin slices one from navel to chop and Xavion lays the remaining thug unconscious on the floor. What do you do with the sleeping people? What else do you do in this room? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 9, 2009, 4:11pm Hautra keeps a lookout at the hole. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by xavion on Feb 9, 2009, 7:12pm Xavion looks at the grim business they had before them before speaking, "Syanna, you and fish hook see if you can find something to tie up the sleeping ones. Auggie, go to the door and see if you can tell if anyone heard us or if there are any guards out there." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 10, 2009, 2:21am OOC: Be sure to check the XP board after every encounter. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by syanna on Feb 10, 2009, 7:04pm Syanna nods quickly at Xavions instructions and sets about securing the sleeping ones with Fish hooks help. She is careful to make sure they wont wake up and call for help. After securing them, she waits to see what happens next. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 11, 2009, 9:59pm Auggie will move to the door, first, checking if its locked, then any traps on it, then, listening at it for any sounds beyond it. Search Check [dice=20] Listen Check at -1 [dice=20][rand=54671915214674912283642827478204528315477000427444080584638881446] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 11, 2009, 11:31pm Auggie sees no traps on the door. The brigands have repaired it and slid a bar across it on the inside. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Feb 12, 2009, 11:55am OOC: has anyone gagged those sleeping? Shantille waits until all sleeping bad guys are gagged and secured, than very carefully wakes up the captain so they can drill him. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 14, 2009, 1:12am The captain wakes up with a little prodding, looking rather surprised. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 15, 2009, 11:39pm So,what do you do with the hostages? Are you finished in this room? Where are you going from here? There is only one apparent door out. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 16, 2009, 4:34pm Hatura is keeping a lookout at the hole of the wall while he lets the others handle the suspects. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 17, 2009, 12:23am Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin waits to see what the others are doing, or learning from the interrogation.

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 17, 2009, 12:42am Wake them we must. looks at the door. Barred it is, keeping out, keeping in is a question to be asked. moves over by the Leader of guards. Barred door, keeping out something? He asks Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 17, 2009, 1:19am The captain looks at Auggie and gives out a hmph, " We thought we'd be keeping you guys out, that worked real good huh?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 17, 2009, 8:01pm Khesfrin Rhola "So, you were expecting us, then?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 18, 2009, 2:38am "I had a couple boys standin' guard out in the courtyard, Thought you might be gone for good after your little tiff with the frogs, but gotta give it to ya, you came back. When you friend there", nods at Auggie, " Came scoutin' out the courtyard, the boys came runnin' back here so we got ready. Or so we thought." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 18, 2009, 3:36pm Thellios clambers over the rubble following behind everyone else and making quite a lot of noise as he has to squeeze his large body through the gap. Looking disappointed he says, "Is the fight all over?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 18, 2009, 6:00pm Hautra laughs at the half-ogre and says, "Nay. Something tells me, it's the start of more fights to come. No need to worry, you made it at last. There should be more battles to come." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 19, 2009, 10:29am Khesfrin Rhola "Well, should we haul these bandits back to town and the authorities?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 19, 2009, 11:50am Thellios thinks to himself that Lord Erythnul wouldn't want the authorities involved too much. Besides bandits would probably just be hanged and then what's the point wasting all that time keeping them alive? Better to kill them here and now.... although it ain't good to kill people with their hands tied. That isn't right. But that's what civilized folks do.... "Wait friend, we haven't had a chance to play with them yet. Lord Erythnul would not approve. Let me show you how to rip a man's arms out of their sockets." Thellios winks at Khesfrin. The half-ogre grips his hands together to show off his muscles for the benefit of the captive. "Unless you can tell us where all your treasure is of course. Lord Erythnul will understand. Everyone needs money." attempt to intimidate: [dice=20+5] ================================= EDITED: make that an 18 since the DM has ruled Thellios can base his intimidation rolls on his huge strength instead of his wimpy charisma.[rand=3524279599687107794639289121104241325257813753273650835492352025] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 19, 2009, 5:56pm [dice=20+2] Leader's check

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The leader says," Look, I know brains ain't the strong suit of your type but, if we had a bunch of loot do you think we would be hiding out in this old ruin."[rand=816022706043949136249444109529352883157644134445322363597959162407] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 19, 2009, 6:36pm Thellios is embarrassed, angry and shouting.

Don't call me stupid, you... you stupid!"


Thellios attempts to grapple the bandit leader. He tries to roughly throw him on his face on the ground while pulling his tied arms back into a painful position. If that works he'll put his foot on the man's shoulder and generally proceed with the intention of carrying out his threat to rip an arm out of joint or actually out of the socket. With both hands tied together though, this may prove more difficult but he's going to try anyway. [spoiler]Obviously events may happen to interrupt what Thellios is attempting. Anyone else want to try? Maybe get some good cop / bad cop stuff going on? Btw, I assume that Khesfrin told Thellios and Auggie about what the captured goblin said when the two groups met up? Khesfrin sad something like, "Oh have we got news for you".[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 19, 2009, 11:24pm Hautra goes to the half-ogre, "Hey now, no need for that. There are other means of getting information in a non-violet manner." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 20, 2009, 12:42am Auggie merely shrugs at Thellios efforts to get information from the Man. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 20, 2009, 7:58am Thellios allows Hautra to intervene.

He called me stupid!"


But not before he gives the prisoner one last hard kick. "And I'm not." "Not stupid as a bandit with no money!" Thellios looks for a corner to go and mope in. This is not easy in a small room with over a dozen people in it. He sits himself down near to the hole in the wall they all entered by. Then he gets up again, jabs his finger in the air towards the prisoner. "Not as stupid as someone who's gonna have their arms pulled out!" Clamping and unclamping his big hands, he turns round and watches through the hole in the wall for anything coming. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 20, 2009, 9:19pm Hautra smiles at the prisoner and then turns to the half-ogre, "No. You're not stupid." He turns back to the prisoner and says, "He does have a point. If you want to keep your arms, I suggest you tell us the information we seek." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 20, 2009, 11:15pm The prisoner, face down in the dirt says,"Mmph mumph flumph." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 21, 2009, 2:12am Quote:

Btw, I assume that Khesfrin told Thellios and Auggie about what the captured goblin said when the two groups met up? Khesfrin sad something like, "Oh have we got news for you". Of course he did.

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Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin roughly grabs the leader by the shirt and hauls him to a sitting position again. "What was that?"

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 22, 2009, 12:06am Still using a sarcastic tone the captive says," I said, apparently the guy with the thing flying around his head isn't much brighter than the Half Ogre. If I was treasure, where would I hide. the sleeping bags, no. The busted up furniture, no. Wait, I know! How bought that little pile of rubble you guys climbed in from that hole on over there?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 22, 2009, 1:22am Khesfrin Rhola "Apparently you are not much smarter. Considering the position you're in, i'd think you'd be begging for mercy at the least. No sense of self preservation. Hey, Thellios. want to play?" [dice=20+7] Bluff [rand=2711757082550381917548449269071551800749406405336900973605684446] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 22, 2009, 2:18am Thellios continued to quietly keep his back to the prisoner. That way it was easy to keep up his charade of pretending to be petty, angry and vengeful. On the inside though, "Hahaha! This bandit is a brave man indeed! I admire his spirit!" Still the whole thing seemed a bit fishy. If these bandits had been attacking people they ought to have had stores of cargo, just as the bandit captain had said. When Thellios was growing up his mother had a lot of bandits coming to her to sell their goods. What an amazing array of things they brought in. One day it would be bolts of cloth, satins and silks, fine gowns and spindles with costly thread. Another day it might be chickens, pigs and cows. And anything in between (including, often enough, barrels of ale and jars of wine). "So where's his chickens and stuff?" Hard to hide crates and barrels and so on. Of course they had hardly even begun to search through the fort but why would the captain bother to lie if he knew the adventurers would find it all shortly with or without him? "Maybe it's all at the temple? With this guy's boss, the big boss? And he's more afraid of his boss than he is of me. I bet that's it." In response to the bandit captain's comment Thellios kicks in fake anger at the pile of rubble and makes an angry grunty noise as if searching it very badly. Then in reply to Khesfrin: "Ha! All done being nice then?" But what Thellios really thinks is, "I bet there's going to be a ton of fighting before the end of this. What a piece of luck!" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 22, 2009, 10:37am Hautra tries not to be bothered by the guy's comment, "It's a sigil. No need to be rude." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 22, 2009, 11:10am Fish Hook spoke up. "There appears to be no further point in questioning this man. Secure him and let us find any other bandits and dispatch them. If you wish to search for treasure after that, then we will have time and the situation will be far less dangerous." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 22, 2009, 8:12pm Search we will, later. Bandits poor, I think not takes the bar off the door, if its fairly easy to do. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 23, 2009, 12:28am The bar is easily removed. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 23, 2009, 8:35am Seeing that Auggie is ready to open the door, Thellios moves over to the other side of it so that they are flanking the doorway. "I'm NOT going to be late for the next fight", he thinks. Thellios nods to Auggie. "Yeah, Auggie knows how to get himself in trouble. I like this one."

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 23, 2009, 5:40pm Feb 22, 2009, 11:10am, shdwrnnr wrote:

In response to the bandit captain's comment Thellios kicks in fake anger at the pile of rubble and makes an angry grunty noise as if searching it very badly. Then in reply to Khesfrin: "Ha! All done being nice then?" Fish Hook spoke up. "There appears to be no further point in questioning this man. Secure him and let us find any other bandits and dispatch them. If you wish to search for treasure after that, then we will have time and the situation will be far less dangerous." Khesfrin Rhola

Khesfrin bends down and whispers to the leader so that only he can hear, "We'll just leave you here, all nicely tied up. Once the goody-goodies are busy, me'n my friend'l come back to play with you, ok?" Khesfrin replaces his gag and makes sure the ropes are tight. Then he proceeds to tie all the bandits together and then to anything solid in the room in order to lessen the probability of escape. "We might as well check out the rest of the complex, then we can return to deal with these scum!"

Intimidate [dice=20+7] [rand=3923826764967284360750275970350364064019342555318405175773234623293] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 23, 2009, 5:41pm Intimidate [dice=20+7][rand=45146917793153235501817138533343849794307767761997210442705936] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 24, 2009, 8:45am Thellios waits until everyone is ready and then pulls open the door. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 24, 2009, 10:09pm [image] This was once a great audience chamber, as shown by the tattered banners and tapestries on the walls, destroyed furniture, and heaps of rotting cloth thrown into corners. Once richly appointed, it has been thoroughly searched, sacked, and despoiled. Leaves and dirt cover the floor, and cobwebs hang from walls and the ceiling above. Looking up, you see that pieces of beams and chunks of stone poke through, indicating that the upper stories of the place are totally destroyed and likely to be impassable to anything larger than a rat. There are two doorways along the western wall. One along the southern. There is also a stairwell along the southern wall that used to lead up. In the southwest corner is the main entrance to the building. The door there leads back out to the courtyard Forgot to put this in

You're coming in through the door in the north east corner.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 25, 2009, 12:21am

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[spoiler]So the door we just opened is the one in the NE? Btw I think someone said the die roller doesn't like negatives? the Move Silently ought to be d20-1[/spoiler] Thellios tries to keep quiet in case Auggie wants to do some sneaky stuff. "Now where would I be standing if I was a bandit guard?" He also keeps a sharp look out (or tries to) for anything suspicious or any nice looking stones he could throw at a guard if he sees one. Or a nice piece of wood might do. If it's a good shape you know. Moves Silently: [dice=20]-1 Spot: [dice=20] Listen: [dice=20+4][rand=65994874722639130854454546515608497423405409277777877520699217818] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Feb 25, 2009, 8:23am Hautra follows on to the next room and takes in the room. INT check if needed: 19 Spot check: 17 Listen check: 8 (OOC) emailed the rolls to the DM. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 25, 2009, 6:38pm Feb 25, 2009, 12:21am, david wrote:

Thellios tries to keep quiet in case Auggie wants to do some sneaky stuff. "Now where would I be standing if I was a bandit guard?" He also keeps a sharp look out (or tries to) for anything suspicious or any nice looking stones he could throw at a guard if he sees one. Or a nice piece of wood might do. If it's a good shape you know. Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin moves up to Thellios and puts a hand on his shoulder. He motions with his other hand to wait, and nods toward the rest of the party.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 26, 2009, 12:35am Feb 25, 2009, 12:21am, david wrote:

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[spoiler]So the door we just opened is the one in the NE? Btw I think someone said the die roller doesn't like negatives? the Move Silently ought to be d20-1[/spoiler] Thellios tries to keep quiet in case Auggie wants to do some sneaky stuff. "Now where would I be standing if I was a bandit guard?" He also keeps a sharp look out (or tries to) for anything suspicious or any nice looking stones he could throw at a guard if he sees one. Or a nice piece of wood might do. If it's a good shape you know. Moves Silently: -1 Spot: Listen: [dice=20+4] OOG:yes, you are going from area seven into area six. The maps for the two rooms aren't to the same scale. ( I blew up the one for area 7 ) but they fit together something like this.

Does this help any ? IG: After waiting a moment you see what appears to be some sort of gnome making his way into area 6 via the large hanging front doors.[rand=15451287054203977827255514203148682092360624147046973630069617988] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 26, 2009, 1:49am The gnome is wearing no armor. Thellios is about to run out and hit it when Khesfrin warns him to hold back for some reason. The gnome is a little way off so Thellios ducks back around the door and hopes he hasn't been seen yet. He whispers, "Some kind of wizard I think. We should take it down fast." Thellios' dad had always said you should take down wizards fast. Of course he had said that about almost everything..... [spoiler]Are those 5x5' squares or 1st/2nd edition 10x10' squares? Is the gnome 30' away or about 60' away?[/spoiler]

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 26, 2009, 2:13am It's strait out of the original Temple of Elemental evil so they would be 10' squares. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Feb 26, 2009, 8:14am If the tiny creature walking slowly in through the sundered double doors is a gnome, then it is a gnome that was probably run over by a wagon drawn by a team of angry goats. Though only his knuckles and face are visible, his brownish-gray skin is wrinkled and knobby. He seems a bit bent over, though even if he stood up straight, he would still be less than half as tall as Thellios, one would guess. The gnomish creature wears brown and gray robes, and wears a hooded pale green cloak. A pack is slung over his back and his belt seems to bear many pouches and such. A small crossbow is hanging over his left shoulder by a leather strap, so he is not totally defenseless. His right hand holds a walking stick -- knotted and crooked like him -- and he uses it to tap the floor and the crumbling door-frame of the entrance. He seems to be examining it. tap-tap-tap... "Hmph!" The creature walks a bit further into the chamber and immediately sticks a knobby finger into his nostril. He mutters seemingly to himself in a low voice, "y'can't tell me that the dish was clean! Can ye? No! I know yer a busy man, but grandma's only wearin' one shoe!" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Feb 27, 2009, 9:07am Thellios thinks, "Sounds like a wizard too". He considers his options and silently puts his greataxe down ready to run out from behind the open door sprint up to the wizard and pounce on him / it. One of Thellios' "uncles" had suggested that the best thing when fighting a wizard by themselves is to stop them talking so they can't cast their spells. Although Thellios had never had a chance to put this advice into practice it sounded like a good plan. Behind the door Thellios listens to the gnome tapping with his staff and muttering strange words. Just a little bit closer. [spoiler]when he thinks the gnome is within 30' Thellios will move to grapple the gnome and try to pin him, preventing him from speaking.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Feb 27, 2009, 5:52pm Auggie looks at the newcomer, Know not what, or who, you are. Innocent, or brave, I say, is question to ask Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Feb 27, 2009, 8:57pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin looks at the bandits, trying to see if they heard the newcomer at all and if so, what their reactions are. Spot [dice=20+0]not sure about the range Sense Motive [dice=20]

[rand=3835567478456887408718217752553790134128425237618008222735789458] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 27, 2009, 11:38pm The brigands seem as indifferent as ever. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Feb 28, 2009, 4:32am I got to feeling a little artistic tonight. This is what you have explored so far. It's a clickable thumbnail. Wasn't exactly sure how big it would be and we have to keep things purty around here.


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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Feb 28, 2009, 11:53am The small, wrinkly creature shuffles across the floor towards the center of the room. He occasionally sifts through some of the junk scattered around with the butt of his staff, but seems to see little that interests him. In a few moments, he has reached the middle of the chamber. He looks this way and that, first to the two exits on his left, then to the archway and staircase along the south wall. He examines the ceiling above for a moment, then he starts to weave his way through the garbage towards the stairs (though they seem to go nowhere). Search check: [dice=20+5] Examining chamber for unusual features in the stonework: [dice=20+7][rand=489560065227484519144113791317463252946554219297741645671714034704] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 1, 2009, 2:42am Roxx's search check reveals nothing. The stone cunning check only reveals that although once well constructed this place has fallen into severe disrepair due to abuse ( the siege ) and neglect. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 1, 2009, 10:17am Thellios rushes out from behind the door and tries to grab/pin the gnome and put a hand over its mouth. [spoiler]If Roxx is within 30' move then attack / grapple. the to hit roll: [dice=20+5] then I think there's the possibility of an AOO vs Thellios AC of 16. However if Roxx is flat footed he gets no AOO. Assuming the AOO, if any, fails to hit the next step is a grapple check. Thellios grapple:[dice=20+5] Roxx would have a -4 for small size and a -2 for strength. If the gnome is over 30' away Thellios will close the distance. If I need an initiative its: [dice=20+1] OK... if anyone wanted to handle joining the groups some other way than having a rumble... well they haven't said anything in the last few days.... EDITED: If Roxx is considered flat footed then his AC is 11, he can't make the AOO and can't possibly match Thellios' grapple roll. If he's not flat footed then Thellios misses. [/spoiler][rand=554205714411128856684967943107258844243947272239873924489585355] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 1, 2009, 5:23pm Hautra then keep an eye on things. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 2, 2009, 3:13am Roxx, a large,hulking, Half Ogre comes barreling out of area 7. He grabs you and covers your mouth Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 2, 2009, 3:59pm [spoiler]OK Roxx has decided not to to try and Blind Thellios so I assume I'm good to move this along.[/spoiler] "I caught another one!" Seeing that the deep gnome doesn't seem to be putting up a fight, or struggling much, Thellios drags the deep him into the room with all the tied up bandits and the rest of the party.

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"Lets see if this one will talk!" He takes his hand away from the gnomes mouth. "No tricks now. Where's all your bandit treasure?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 2, 2009, 6:12pm OOC: Thank you for the excellent explanations. Very well handled. Now let's get back to the matters at hand, shall we? BIC: Since the gnomish creature seemed rather occupied exploring the rubbish all around the room and muttering strange things to himself, he didn't seem to notice the gigantic lummox bearing down upon him until it was much too late. After some initial surprise, the creature says beneath Thellio's meaty fingers, "mrph-phf! Mg-guph mruph-feeph uph!" When the half-ogre removes his hand warily, the tiny, wrinkled fellow says, "my, you're a big ol' brute, ain't ye? An' almost as ugly as me! I'm no bandit, mister, but I can see you are one o' the fellers I been lookin' fer -- see, I spent my last copper buyin' drinks for everybody at The Welcome Wench t'try to find out where you an' yer friends gone to. Looks like I found ye. Now get off'n me, ye galloot! Ye smell like dead frogs!" Whether the half-ogre lets him up or not, he continues, "name's Roxx -- Roxx Peridot... that's pear-ee-doe! I'm a traveling conjurer comin' from yonder Kron Hills to find out what all this bandit fuss is about. The gnomes there have had some goin's on, too, an' they wanna find out if the troubles is risin' again like in the ol' times." "If'n ye wouldn't mind, I'd be likin' to join ye... if ye keep m'robes clean, I can be mighty useful. 'Specially to a big whomper like yerself!" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 2, 2009, 9:10pm Shantillie stands at the door they enter and watches the group from behind smiling at them trying to capture the small creature. Once they capture it and it tells them its name she chuckles and joins them. " A very funny why to introduce yourselves to a creature smaller than you. He seems harmless enough," grinning widely at the gnome. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 2, 2009, 9:12pm Mar 2, 2009, 9:10pm, melileaya wrote:

Shantillie stands at the door they enter and watches the group from behind smiling at them trying to capture the small creature. Once they capture it and it tells them its name she chuckles and joins them. " A very funny why to introduce yourselves to a creature smaller than you. He seems harmless enough," grinning widely at the gnome. In gnome, "They are quite harmless but like to over react to things." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 2, 2009, 9:55pm Thellios is not inclined to be suspicious of strangers and is easily convinced by the mention of The Welcome Wench and by Shantillie's comment. At the least it seems the newcomer is not a bandit. "Haha. All in good fun, eh?" Thellios puts the gnome down on any spot not occupied by a tied up bandit. "I'm Thellios. I'm from the Shield Lands."

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 2, 2009, 11:24pm Auggie, my name is. Long story from my home it is. Auggie comes over to the newcomer, looking him over. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 3, 2009, 2:19am

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Khesfrin Rhola "Welcome Roxx. I'm Khesfrin. How did you know to ask about us, then?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 3, 2009, 8:45am Thellios plops the small robed creature down on the floor, and he dusts off his robes a bit before saying to Shantillie in the gnomish tongue, "I assure you, that I am not harmless! I am a great wizard -- or will be, soon enough." Then he begins talking in the common speech once more. "This walking wall, Thellios, here, was wise to incapacitate me quickly!" As some of the companions introduce themselves, he nods and offers his greetings, but in a very terse manner with a seemingly permanent scowl etched on his face. As Khesfrin asks his question, the tiny wizard turns to him and says, "a good question, Khesfrin, yep... all the best answers come from good questions. Suffice it to say, that you cannot expect a crew such as this," he waves his hand towards Thellios, Fish Hook and the centauress, "to avoid notice! Luckily for all of you, that notice, s'far as I knows it, has come from friends among the gnomes of the Kron Hills. I don't suspect it'll stay that way fer long, if the trouble's on its way back again." He begins to shuffle around the room again, tapping his staff on rocks here and there (and even taking a few moments to look the metallic Fish Hook over with a crotchety sort of wonderment on his withered face). "Now let's not waste any more time, I say. What is the situation as all u'you see it? Are these raggedy mongrels," he turns a squinty eye to the bandit chief, "and those unfortunate amphibians outside, the extent of the problems you have faced s'far? Have you learned anything of the brigands' organization or leadership?" He continues to wander around as he talks. One cannot be sure if he is addressing the group, or just mumbling to himself. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 3, 2009, 9:34am OOC: Shantillie is a Centaur. Shantillie bows with zest at the small gnome, " I am Shantillie Pansong and my pipes are my best friend. So what brings you to our little space in the world?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 3, 2009, 10:00am Roxx bows honorably in return to Shantillie, but still with the immovable grumpy look on his face. "My journey has been a long one, forest-lady, but no doubt we all are a long way from home. I come 'ere on behalf of my adopted kinsmen, the gnomes of the Kron Hills, to investigate the alarmin' goin's on hereabouts. But, my journey gettin' here in'it important now... it's wheres we's goin' from here!" He sits himself down on a pile of rock, and looks up at the rest of the group. "So what have ye learnt so far? These bandits give you any useful information?" OOC: Thank you, Shantillie. Well met. We're in Room #7 now, correct? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 3, 2009, 11:58am [spoiler]Room 7, yes. Isn't Shantillie is a SATYR not a Centaur? Here's a list of the PCs character sheet links: And two more that haven't been seen at the site for a little while: EDITED: Thellios' last comment is based on hearing only about 50% of what the bandit leader said because Thellios arrived late. The

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leader said, "I had a couple boys standin' guard out in the courtyard" but then went on to say those guards had come into room 7 when they saw Auggie scouting. Thellios seemed to miss that part. [/spoiler] Thellios says, "This lot aren't talking but we caught one before that did, back at Hommlett. Khesfrin was there. He got lots of good stuff. Sounds like its going to be a big fight!" Thellios picks up his greataxe again. He'll go over to the opening in the wall again and keep an eye out over the marshy land and the moat leading to the breach in the wall the party came through. While he's there he'll look for a nice sized stone for throwing. Something about half the size of his large hand and fairly smooth. And then as an after thought, pointing at the bandit leader, he adds, "Hey! This one said something about some more guards in the courtyard --- did you see any?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 3, 2009, 11:28pm If your sittin' on rubble looking at tied up brigands, your in room 7.

I thought Shantillie was a Satyr too.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 4, 2009, 9:55am What Roxx sees as Hautra approaches him, he sees a humanoid clad in chainshirt and carries a shied in his off-hand. He sees an orb orbiting his head. Hautra turns to the sytr? and smiles saying in gmonish, "Precisely. Eh, maybe." He turns back to Roxx and speaks in gnomish, "Well met, my name is Hautra. I studied in the arcane arts and learnt the way of the sword and the shield. I have come to test my skills and knowledge." He then goes to the half-ogre, and looks outside with him, "I don't remember. Let's ask Auggie." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 4, 2009, 11:51am Mar 3, 2009, 11:28pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

If your sittin' on rubble looking at tied up brigands, your in room 7. Satyr too.

I thought Shantillie was a

She is a Satyr sorry about that.... Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 4, 2009, 1:01pm If the gnome didn't see any other guards they must have run away, thinks Thellios, "the courtyard must be clear." Suddenly it seemed like everyone was talking in gnomish. "I wish you lot would quit jibbering away like that", says Thellios, perhaps a little annoyed sounding, although he seems in good humor, so its hard to tell if he's really upset or not. "Enough talk. Come on; let's check out the rest of this place. Before any more bad guys slip away." Saying this he makes up his mind and walks back out through door this time making no attempt to be quiet. To his right the fort seems to be less damaged than to the left. There are two doorways on the right and Thellios has a look at the first while waiting for Auggie, Hautra, Khesfrin or Fish-hook to catch up. [spoiler]ie the NW doorway in room 6. Thellios has darkvision 60' Do we need a new marching order? Do we need a new caller?[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 4, 2009, 1:29pm A new marching order would be good, since we have new members. I'm not sure what a caller is, unless you're talking about someone who puts everyone's actions in order for the DM, I've seen that on a few boards. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 5, 2009, 7:51am "Nope, din't see no other guards r'anything out there... jus' lots o'dead frogs. Which happened to remind me o'ol uncle Vrag, who made the best frog-leg stew. Hm! Hm! Make ye drool like a camel it would. O'course lil' cousin Drimp would never wash the dishes like he should. Grandma was so hungry fer that stew, she went right ahead an' ate that stew outa her shoe! Woman ate her shoe! That's how good it was... no lie. But I agree with the big, pile o' ugly here -- let's get movin' on our way. If there are other bandits hol' up here, as surely there are, then they may have dashed off to prepare a ambush elsewhere

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roun' these parts." The gnome hops off the jumble of ruined stones he was perched upon. "I can travel in the middle of the bunch o'ye if'n you don't trust me yet -- can't say I rightfully trust all o'you yet! But then you can keep an eye on me and I can cast my magic conjurations from behind the front rank. How's that sound to you? If ye kin gimmie a little space between, I can do what I do right between ye!" Roxx appears ready to proceed onward and explore. He looks a bit concerned about the bound captive(s), however. "They might be a liability down the road." Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 5, 2009, 8:50am Hautra catchs up with the rest and adjusts his shield in his off-hand. If the half-ogre opens the door and it is pitch black, Hautra will gets out one of his torches and lit it up, therefore stepping in the room behind the half-ogre. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 5, 2009, 9:37am [spoiler]Not sure if the doorway in the NW of room 6 is a door or just an open space nor if it leads to a room or a corridor... [/spoiler] Thellios advances through the doorway. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 5, 2009, 12:43pm Khesfrin Rhola Khesfrin will follow along. Activates: Dragon Aura Toughness Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 5, 2009, 2:02pm As the half-ogre and Hautra move through the doorway back out into the larger chamber beyond, Roxx says in a low voice (but loud enough for the party to hear), "now, listen, let's get in some sort of organized pattern! Shantillie, you keep careful watch in back with your keen forest-senses... Fish Hook -- whatever you are -- move up ahead. Next to Hautra there, that's it. Hey, big guy! Where you goin'? You're walkin' with me... we fuglies hav'ta stick together! Khesfrin, Auggie... fall in behind us, and Syanna, you an' Xavion are behind them! Okay, now we're ready!" The group files out through the doorway in something that resembles a formation. The gnome suggests that the group hug one wall -- the right-hand, let's say -- and continue along that wall exploring as they go. As the group moves forward, Roxx continues to be fascinated by the stoney structure of this place, even though it is falling apart. OOC: I will Search as we go, using my Stonecunning to examine the walls for anything unusual. Let me know how many more rolls you need... [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] Here's the tentative order as I described above: Fish Hook / Hautra Roxx / Thellios Khesfrin / Auggie Syanna / Xavion Shantillie[rand=29406112383100347680726975133826594833829863790049469412454518354] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 6, 2009, 1:52am The doorway leads to a set of stairs going down, which I have added to the map.

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 6, 2009, 8:10am If all seems quiet down the steps... Listen check: [dice=20+2] ...then Roxx will whisper to the group, "enemies could potentially come at us from below. I don't like leavin' this at our backs, but per'aps we can leave a sentry 'r two here. But if there aren't any volunteers, I say we keep goin' along the right-hand wall, and investigate that passageway leading west." Then Roxx will accompany the group (minus any willing rear-guards) out of the tiny alcove with the steps and towards the western corridor leading out of the huge chamber. OOC: If I do hear something down the steps (or notice anything unusual about the stonework), then that is a different thing altogether... Also, how is lighting? Does Hautra need to be carrying that torch? [rand=225075890723293486499168886520331216952002391261225324965936299413] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 6, 2009, 8:49am Thellios is amused by the way the diminuative new-comer is pushing everyone onwards, but whatever gets everyone moving faster on to the next fight is good with him. Listen: [dice=20+4] "They always have the best stuff deeper down, but yeah, everyone knows you got to finish your meat before you have your pudding." [spoiler]How about we just leave the two absent PCs, Syanna and Xavion, in room 7 with the tied up guards and they can see the entrance to this tiny room with the stairs from there if they leave the door open? If anything comes up they can shout out and lock themselves in.[/spoiler][rand=0984061041935060402602458037324795229819847694287455459836308894661] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 6, 2009, 11:47am Everyone hears scuttering and squeeking coming first from the stairs, then the alcove behind you. The lighting is beginning to fail as the sun is now setting. In the shadow in front of you on the stairs you can make out several sets of beady Red eyes. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 6, 2009, 12:54pm OOC: I agree whole-heartedly that we can should leave Syanna & Xavion back with the bandit(s). And, if they stay near the door, they can see/hear where the rest of us are much better as we explore. They can hook back up with us in no time should they return. Good call, T. IC: Roxx backs away from the glaring red eyes and in a hushed voice, points them out to the others (in case they don't notice). "Fishy, you an' Hautra keep an' eye on those buggers... Xavion, Syanna... I don't like how those captives o' ours are left all to their lonesome. How 'bout you two hike back to the other room an' keep 'em company? One o' you can keep a look-out through the door as the rest of us have a lookee-see around." The tiny wizard turns his attention back to the steps and the shadowy creatures perched there. He slowly eases his hand into one of his pouches. "Let's back out fer now, if'n they let us... we'll deal with'em soon enough..." Roxx tries to pull the group back out into the open chamber but makes sure Fish Hook & Hautra watch the party's back and the eyes on the stairs. The gnome gets a few pinches of colored sand ready just in case the creatures spring from the alcove. The party slowly tries to move towards the western corridor. OOC: My bossiness is a part of my 4 Charisma... I'm not like that in real life. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 6, 2009, 4:15pm

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Thellios' own eyes are also red. He peers through the darkness and shrugs. "Just some animals." Must be disturbing some little critters' home., he thinks following the others back into the large hall (room 6). Just in case the critters are thinking of following the party Thellios will try to get them to back down with a technique that often works with animals in his experience. Thellios pulls himself up to his full height waving the greataxe threateningly and bellows back into the room.


"ROOAAWWWRR!!!!" Intimidate = [dice=20+10] [spoiler]Possibly with a bonus if Thellios is a bigger size. Wait until we're out of the tiny room to do it, if possible, since I doubt they'd be intimidated in their lair. But if not do it anyway. Intimidate doesn't work on "mindless" stuff including vermin (Int zero) but if it is an animal (Int 1 or 2) it should be worth a try.[/spoiler] [rand=453705478240277535100250783359739815764554260158007485320649786353] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 6, 2009, 10:23pm Hautra nods and keeps watch at the rear as they back up to the room they came from with the lit torch in hand. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 7, 2009, 12:38pm The beady red eyes come pouring up the steps and out of the alcove as you retreat to the main hall revealing 13 dire rats. They appear slightly emaciated, as if they have had very slim pickins for some time. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 7, 2009, 1:00pm Khesfrin Rhola [dice=20+0] initiative [dice=20+1] morningstar attack [dice=8+1]morningstar damage [rand=775268707614216836422086288077970465760807638469897782822489595] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 7, 2009, 5:56pm Thellios: (11/11)(DR 1/magic from Khesfrin's aura) Initiative:[dice=20+1][rand=41128512803814613549177141840607267669067144498348361042260607376] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Mar 8, 2009, 10:11am Fish Hook's Intiative [dice=20+5] [rand=43230670078690740845977608169269932915764964269421296911323440752] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 8, 2009, 8:20pm Auggie Init Roll [dice=20+2] Attack with a dagger [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=4][rand=4606583685146316195209779678323725484431968159048507072770266149]

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 9, 2009, 11:06pm Yes, roll init everyone that hasn't. Rats [dice=20+3] [rand=513143589327986918205384715686335434130252061739729559806709306846] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 10, 2009, 3:31pm Hautra drops the torch and pulls out his longsword and stands by with his shield at the ready. Initiative: 4 (OOC) Emailed the roll to the DM. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 13, 2009, 11:08am Initiative (1d20+0): 2 Scimitar Attack: (1d20+4)+3= 7 Damage: (1d6+0)=4 Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 13, 2009, 11:45am If I count correctly Roxx is the only one who hasn't posted init yet, I'll wait till tomorrow on him then get this rolling. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 13, 2009, 3:29pm OOC: I apologise my friends. My wife gave birth to our first child on Tuesday. I may be slow to post for a little while, but expect to hear from me on Monday. Here's my 'nish: [dice=20+3] I will utilize total defense and cast blur if any of the rodent fiends reach me.[rand=8625443871675269429279093386589000103161286049591186870440570304001] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 13, 2009, 7:37pm Congrats to your new addition to your family Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 13, 2009, 11:24pm Yes, congratulations. Better hope he/she likes to sleep at night. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 14, 2009, 10:32am (OOC) Yup, congrats! Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 14, 2009, 10:01pm [spoiler]So it's: Roxx - 20 Khesfrin - 16 Fish-hook - 14 (+5) Rats - 14 (+3) Auggie - 12 Thellios - 10 Hautra - 4 Shantillie - 2 Since Roxx' action is total defence that makes it Khesfrin's action next?[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 14, 2009, 11:52pm OOG: Mythweavers is offline for an upgrade until at least Wednesday. Which means the sheets there are inaccessible till the

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upgrade is over. I have two questions for the party. Does everyone have a hardcopy of their character or have it backed up on their comp. If you do, I have a code that I can put into a particular board, preferably a new one or a subboard of the characters board that will produce a form when you click the button for a new thread. This code can be edited, of course, to make a character sheet. It won't be a pretty character sheet because the code will do one entry per line for example. Name: Jaroo Ashstaff Race: Human Class: Druid Level: ? Alignment: Neutral That is an example of what it would look like. but I think it is good enough for a back up. Thoughts, Opinions. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 15, 2009, 12:28am [spoiler]Thellios and Khesfrin are not on Myth Weavers. As for melee stuff a lot of it is in the die rolls from the frog fight (to hit rolls and damage rolls). Fish-hook is d20+4 and 1d10+4 damage. By the time we need more data the Myth Weavers may be back up. If you want a back-up character sheet data maybe it would be easiest to use another site like the tangled web. [/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 15, 2009, 8:12pm (OOC) Yeah, I have two backups. One on paper and the other on my PDA/phone. So, I'm good. I'd suggest to do the same as I do or at least a paper copy. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 15, 2009, 10:24pm Khesfrin is on Myth-Weavers i print out a copy once i've typed in my character so i have a ready reference with me. I think i have a copy on tangled web as well Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 15, 2009, 10:25pm I stated my action back on Mar 7th.

Mar 7, 2009, 1:00pm, cybersavant wrote:

Khesfrin Rhola [dice=20+0] initiative [dice=20+1] morningstar attack [dice=8+1]morningstar damage [rand=63239289943159528338321855460922493255744831543557781535168161239] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 15, 2009, 11:39pm [spoiler]Those rolls looked better the first time around; a 16 to-hit and a 6 damage. Quoting dice seems to re-roll them.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 15, 2009, 11:53pm Khesfrin hits one of the beady eyed buggers smashing it flat with his morningstar

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Fish Hook, your up OOG:The main things I'm mainly worried about, from my end, are ACs and fort saves for this encounter Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 16, 2009, 8:23am OOC: I don't have a back up of my sheet, but I can get one established when I next get the chance. Many of my most often used stats are in my signature line. Yes, I'm using total defense, making my AC 22 (so long as I'm not flat-footed). IC: Roxx recoils away from the onslaught of the incisor-wielding vermin. He keeps his staff out in front of him to be sure the attackers stay at a safe distance as he considers his next move. The withered, bent, old gnome seems to dart around pretty quickly for somebody of his size and apparent age. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 18, 2009, 10:39pm Fish Hook is off on vacation so I'm posting an action for him to move things along. Fish Hook takes a swipe at one of the rats with his Bastard Sword to hit. [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=10+4][rand=55535291416455607748900706137135598070865032837596849436571956] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 18, 2009, 10:52pm Fish Hook cleaves one of the rats in half, now it's their turn. The rats swarm around the group nipping and clawing wherever they get a chance. One tries to attack Roxx [dice=20+4] One attacks Khesfrin [dice=20+4] Two attack Fish Hook [dice=20+4] [dice=20+4] Two attack Auggie [dice=20+4][dice=20+4] One attacks Thellios [dice=20+4] Two attack Hautra [dice=20+4][dice=20+4] Two attack Shantillie [dice=20+4][dice=20+4] Roxx easily parries the one attacking him off with his staff, the one attacking Khesfrin also misses. The two attacking Fish Hook are unable to penatrate the War Forged's thick armor. One of the rats manages to get a viscious bite in on Auggie doing [dice=4] -1 for Khesfrin's aura damage, I will also need a fort save from Auggie. One also hits Thellios doing [dice=4] -1 damage, will also need a fort save from Thellios. Neither of the rats attacking Hautra manages to get through his defenses. One of the rats attacking Shantillie hits her doing [dice=4] -1 damage, I will also need a fort save from Shantillie. Auggie it is your attack.[rand=01469294137611609882935060820352790670753578020032423409161064039952] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 18, 2009, 11:26pm Thellios (11/11)(DR 1/magic from Khesfrin's aura) [spoiler]I believe when the damage is reduced to zero by the Dragon Shaman aura then no "carried effects" are suffered hence no need for Thallios to save. Here's the rule: Quote:

Whenever damage reduction completely negates the damage from an attack, it also negates most special effects that accompany the attack, such as injury type poison, a monk’s stunning, and injury type disease. Damage reduction does not negate touch attacks, energy damage

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dealt along with an attack, or energy drains. Nor does it affect poisons or diseases delivered by inhalation, ingestion, or contact. But if he still needs to roll the fort save here it is: [dice=20+5] Also since I will have limited or no internet access for the next 4 days if you don't mind I'll post my action just ahead of Auggie, who is before Thellios in initiative order. [/spoiler] Thellios is bit by the rat he is facing but for some reason the bite doesn't seem to break his skin. "Odd", he thinks, before striking back. Attack = [dice=20+5], Damage = [dice=12+7] [rand=91036627879321901725864097695495312106482025302793169489253519584] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 18, 2009, 11:29pm I stand corrected, Shantillie then will also not need to make a fort save. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 19, 2009, 10:27am (18/19)(DR 1/magic from Khesfrin's aura)(5/cold Iron) Shantille once again swings her weapon at the rat that attacked her [dice=20+3] [dice=6]

Fort=+3,Reflex +4, will=+6, FF=18, Touch=10,Damaged ( 5/cold iron), HP=18[rand=789925680090502574301563541837024526119106998870423361059559754926] Initiative Post by cybersavant on Mar 19, 2009, 10:45am Not to step on any feet, justing posting for my own info Initiative Roxx 20 Khesfrin 16 Fish Hook 14 Dire Rats 14 Auggie 12 Thellios 10 Hautra 4 Shantille 2 Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 19, 2009, 4:37pm Auggie FORT Save [dice=20+1][rand=30924616686394846573215469526419505359027516341129437562668227923] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 20, 2009, 1:09am Hautra, Auggie, Thellios go ahead and make your attacks and I'll sift it out Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 20, 2009, 7:10am (DR1/Magic) Hautra swings with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2][rand=64341026684269315388264302164316810240230290219227054615574888885] Re: The Village of Hommlet

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Post by david on Mar 22, 2009, 9:32pm [spoiler]I already rolled and missed, so it's just Auggie's roll to go.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 22, 2009, 10:07pm Auggie attack with a dagger [dice=20] Damage [dice=4][rand=06562942441215941749785840998392841304928558999124499246915031671] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 23, 2009, 12:24am Auggie attacks and misses, Thellios swings and misses also. Hautra attacks one of the rats, killing it, as does Shantillie. Ok, now it's time for the first half of the init order again Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 23, 2009, 1:17am Khesfrin Rhola Morningstar attack [dice=20+1] Morningstar damage [dice=8+1] [rand=995344279704466499678597928017520879943406396236442574903953933463] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 23, 2009, 1:18am looks like a crit, so crit confirm [dice=20+1] double damage if success [dice=8+1]

[rand=57118681003625527129483597869671134960274437281424756204673248484] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 23, 2009, 6:52am Roxx backpedals away from his attacker, continuing to keep his staff between the rat and himself. "Ne'ow, git! Ye gap toothed lil' cretin! Keep uh'yur grimy lil' paws offn' me!" He shouts at Thellios, "what n' the name o' Urlden's white hinder are you thinkin'? I hope yer prepared tuh clean up this mess, ye doofus!" OOC: Fear not, my friends, when I get quickened chain lightning, I'll be much more active. Keep going with total defense. AC 22. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 23, 2009, 9:59am Thellios (11/11)(DR 1/magic) [spoiler]So its: PCs; Roxx, Khesfrin DM: Fish Hook, Dire Rats PCs: Auggie, Thellios, Hautra, Shantille This seems to have ended up quite similar to the way I tend to do combat for larger groups with PBP. As DM I post first with the description of and initiative of the monster and then tell the PCs to roll their initiatives and if they beat or equal the monster they also get a bonus action. Then after everyone's rolled initiative and taken that possible first action the monsters have a go and then its all PCs / monsters / all PCs alternately. If the monsters have surprise I don't bother with initiative and just start with the monsters action and start alternating all PCs / monsters / all PCs. [/spoiler] Thellios glances down at Roxx who is hopping about like a little wrinkled jumping bean instead of hitting his rat. "That looks like a fair fight for such a little guy, if he quit dancing about like that." "Hey! What you trying to blame me for?" "Hmph. He talks too much in a fight."

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Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 23, 2009, 11:55am (HP=18/19)(DR 1/magic from Khesfrin's aura)(5/cold Iron) (AC=18) (Touch=10) (Flatfooted=18)(Low Light Vision) Shantille once again swings her Scimitar, "come on let's get these finished and no debating on how to do it."

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 23, 2009, 4:36pm (DR1/Magic) Hautra swings again with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2][rand=069794344096462943016919572343891357267282509544407700824514025162] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 23, 2009, 6:50pm Roxx continues to backpedal away from the rats, using his staff to fend them off. Khesfrin smashes one flat. Fish Hook attacks one of the rats on him [dice=20+4] Damage[dice=10+4] But misses: ____________________________________________________________ The rats attackRoxx: His runs up and tries to take a bit out of him again [dice=20+4] Khesfrin: Killed the one that was on him Fish Hook: [dice=20+4][dice=20+4] Auggie: The two rats on him both try to get a nibble [dice=20+4][dice=20+4] Thellios: [dice=20+4] Hautra:[dice=20+4] Shantille: [dice=20+4] Thellios is hit for [dice=4] -1 damage Hautra is hit for [dice=4] -1 damage Hautra, I will need a FORT save OK, bottom half of the order go.[rand=24822126800869537018398749802696299535708686004496317285295354802] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 23, 2009, 7:14pm Auggie will attack a rat with his dagger [dice=20] [dice=4][rand=42052432007277945479664066431987751484669586450446094803623823131] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 23, 2009, 7:20pm Thellios (11/11)(DR 1/magic) Thellios is bit again and again takes no damage. "It happened again; it's like this rat has no teeth." Thellios ignores his "toothless" rat and attempts to kill one of the rats fighting Auggie instead.

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Attack: [dice=20+5], damage: [dice=12+7] [rand=9152432669012429010385688221588696334690342389714410840741471360904] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 24, 2009, 10:55am [dice=20+5] Mar 23, 2009, 6:50pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

Hautra is hit for -1 damage Hautra, I will need a FORT save [rand=70751356486559711619964202608679481298773546467815113093800929372] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 25, 2009, 7:44am [spoiler]So we're waiting on Hautra and Shantille to take actions for this, the second round of the fight? I say this because they've both been viewing the forum and neither posted an action, although Hautra posted a fort save. [/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 25, 2009, 7:39pm (13/14 HP)(DR 1/magic) Hautra attacks again with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2][rand=6946990401484072978926265845075263120359880849727550246859900653] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 25, 2009, 10:45pm Thellios cleaves one of the rats attacking Auggie in half while Hautra dispatches another one also. Shantillie I need you too actually roll your too hit and damage. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 26, 2009, 9:11am Shantille swings weapon at nearest monster [dice=20+3] [dice=6][rand=8178693162385807281637642235750584846164328678959324114977766137] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Mar 26, 2009, 9:16am Roll to prove crit [dice=20+3][rand=4820306084210234635501660130506981307390919091830305223968302497] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 27, 2009, 12:43am Shantillie hits one of the rats giving it a nasty gash, but it's still kickin'. Top of the order again. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 27, 2009, 12:58am Mar 19, 2009, 10:45am, cybersavant wrote:

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Initiative Roxx 20 Khesfrin 16

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Fish Hook 14 Dire Rats 14 Auggie 12 Thellios 10 Hautra 4 Shantille 2

Khesfrin Rhola Morningstar attack [dice=20+1] Morningstar damage [dice=8+1] [rand=165853986372045747017728711403025712810636230238912019259639306579] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 27, 2009, 1:00am swing and a miss !! Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Mar 27, 2009, 6:21am With a resounding, "nyeeaaahh!" Roxx jabs at the rat attacking him with the end of his knotty staff. He still tries his best to keep the vermin at a safe distance, however. OOC: Fighting Defensively and attacking with staff (AC 20): Attack Roll [dice=20]-5 Damage Roll [dice=4]-1 (Using staff two-handed).[rand=1893137260461694710611724076184748806138755652383704480157497262938] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 27, 2009, 8:12am Thellios, laughing at Roxx trying to hit the rat: "Haha, that was awful. You better stick to dancing about." Ooop! I probably jinxed myself now! Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Mar 27, 2009, 8:43pm Fish Hook swung with his weapon. To Hit [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=10+4][rand=254127195899265130928649537051494116908411959085742634721476472941] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 28, 2009, 10:43pm Fish Hook, Khesfrin, and Roxx all miss their attacks Now it's the rat's turn Roxx [dice=20+4] Khesfrin Fish Hook [dice=20+4][dice=20+4]

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Auggie [dice=20+4] Thellios [dice=20+4] Hautra Shantille [dice=20+4] Auggie is hit for [dice=4] -1 damage Thellios is hit for [dice=4] -1 damage[rand=00049481738621448567214510298813845379807443150628758394544383224263] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 28, 2009, 10:53pm Forgot to add, bottom half of the init, go. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 29, 2009, 7:37am (13/14 HP)(DR 1/magic) Hautra attacks again with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2] (OOC) How many rats left?[rand=671111135976389941433527506887981559648108668635716794037725776] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 29, 2009, 9:09am Thellios (10/11)(DR 1/magic) Thellios makes a fort save: [dice=20+5] Well then, you had some teeth after all, little fella. Not for long. [spoiler]There were six rats left, attacking the following PCs: Roxx - one Fish Hook - two Auggie - one Thellios - one Shantille - one Since Hautra had none attacking him he would have hit a rat attacking someone else -- if you want to specify. Shantillie is almost "immune" to rats because of her DR 5/cold iron and Roxx and Fish Hook have AC over 20. Roxx only has 6 hp, whereas Fish Hook has issues healing any daamge he does take because he's warforged. Auggie is the most vulnerable; 8 hp at the start of this fight I think but has taken 4 hp damage from rats so far. OTOH if Auggie does lose more health he can be healed for free up to his present state of half damage just by Khesfrin switching his aura over to his half-hp-heal aura after the fight ends and I believe that would work even if poor Auggie was taken to below 0 hp (ie unconscious) although that seems very unlikely to happen before the last rat is killed. So anyway there are 5 left assuming Hautra just killed one. EDITED: And now four left assuming Thellios just killed his. ------------------------------------------------------------------------[/spoiler] Thellios tries to hit the rat attacking him. Attack = [dice=20+5], damage = [dice=12+7] "That's one more down." Thellios glances around to assess how the fight is going. With his rat dead he tries to move to give someone else a flank (Auggie or Fish Hook if Auggie isn't being attacked). [rand=99063214490851523993865961628702952194442865424816237825771699355] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 29, 2009, 7:17pm (OOC) To thellios: Ok, thanks for the information. I'm glad I saved my spells and spell-like abilities.


Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 29, 2009, 9:47pm

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Auggie will attack the Rat that bit him [dice=20] [dice=4][rand=989664592439367528475487993253595450542582099528468509534257388199] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Mar 29, 2009, 9:47pm Confirm Critical [dice=20][rand=38759467875283489480635690963032690223077128336612849743263484614] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Mar 29, 2009, 11:54pm [spoiler]Looks like Auggie didn't need the +2 to hit from the flank but the sneak attack damage might be useful -- assuming DM rules the rats are thinned out enough to get a flank going.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Mar 30, 2009, 12:21pm Hautra kills the rat that is on Shantillie, and Auggie finishes off the last one that is on him. Thellios makes a mess of the poor rat that has been anoying him for so long. Waiting on Shantillie Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Apr 1, 2009, 9:58am Shantillie pulls out a rag and wipes her weapon off. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 1, 2009, 12:12pm Top half of the order. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by melileaya on Apr 1, 2009, 9:15pm Question: we have all of the rats down? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 1, 2009, 9:57pm OOC: can everyone see the message inside the "Show" tag here? [spoiler] There are three rats left, attacking the following PCs: Roxx - one rat Fish Hook - two rats There were originally 13 rats. It's now Roxx, Khesfrin and Fish-hook to go. [/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Apr 2, 2009, 2:01am Fish Hook was by no means a master of emotion, but right now it seemed more than a bit annoyed at the attacks of these small furry creatures that were apparently in no hurry to die. To Hit [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=10+4][rand=746740041837160269762335824782293018777912973078360486148403891] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Apr 2, 2009, 6:49am "If you don't mind," the gnome says to nobody in particular, "I would appreciate it if somebody would please SQUASH THIS GNAT-TOOTHED LITTLE BASTARD!!" The slavering rodent continues to try to make a meal of the tiny wizard, but Roxx again does his best to keep the tip of his staff in the beast's jaws (instead of his right leg). OOC: Back to Total Defense and AC 22.

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The Village of Hommlet

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 2, 2009, 3:39pm Mar 19, 2009, 10:45am, cybersavant wrote:

Initiative Roxx 20 Khesfrin 16 Fish Hook 14 Dire Rats 14 Auggie 12 Thellios 10 Hautra 4 Shantille 2

Khesfrin Rhola Morningstar attack [dice=20+1] Morningstar damage [dice=8+1] [rand=01283173939181623590903222010543817394759363241308822685411896192] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 2, 2009, 4:28pm (OOC) Yes I can. Apr 1, 2009, 9:57pm, david wrote:

OOC: can everyone see the message inside the "Show" tag here? [spoiler] There are three rats left, attacking the following PCs: Roxx - one rat Fish Hook - two rats There were originally 13 rats. It's now Roxx, Khesfrin and Fish-hook to go. [/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Apr 2, 2009, 4:48pm Auggie will move to help Roxx with his rat [dice=20+1] [dice=4][rand=2881070875672653331164450755723646911082731971314851630831976423] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 3, 2009, 12:49am Fish Hook hits one of the rats on him, killing it. Khesfrin misses Rats Roxx [dice=20+4] Fish Hook [dice=20+4]

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The Village of Hommlet

Well, I'm pretty sure those are both misses Bottom half of the order, go.[rand=3012903641409509284860442303016372928008807201824908457508816007] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 3, 2009, 7:53am Thellios (10/11)(DR 1/magic) Thellios thinks, with some admiration, These little critters don't know when to quit. He walks round to flank the rat attacking Roxx and calmly swings at it. Attack:[dice=20+7](includes flank), Damage:[dice=12+7] [rand=9415293865277965628321850038669750776825455301087514050348434912] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 3, 2009, 8:44pm (13/14 HP)(DR 1/magic) Hautra moves on and attacks a new rat with his sword. Attack: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8+2] [rand=604146863799542218873036419972777364455972099676735484907552599907] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 4, 2009, 4:23am Auggie misses his attack, Thellios hits, splattering rat parts everywhere, Hautra also hits, but doesn't quite kill, his rat. Shantillie, are you going to attack this round ? Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 4, 2009, 11:48am Seeing the last rat narrowly survive a deadly slash by the knight with the funny thing floating round his head, Thellios says, "Ha! Let the critter go if it will. It fought well." But his suggestion is tinged with jealousy. The knight seems like the heavy hitter of the party so far and Thellios' competition. Thellios is secretly happy the knight didn't manage to get one more kill this battle. Now what's my kill score today? Three rats and ... those darn frogs got the best of me. If rats had a god they would have Erythnul no doubt about it. Will the little fella run? [spoiler]referring to Hautra the Illumian Duskblade.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 4, 2009, 8:47pm Hautra turns to the half-ogre and says, "Yes. Let the rat go. What harm would that comes to? So, you got three. That's good. I don't know how many I have got. I didn't count. I'm just glad we were able to get rid of the rat problem this moment." He scans the area. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 4, 2009, 9:20pm [spoiler]Ooops! Sorry if this was not clear, but a lot of the stuff I type for Thellios isn't said out loud. Hardly any of it is. The stuff in the red-brown colour is said out loud, the stuff in white italics and bold is what he's thinking and the rest is narration about how he might be acting or whatever. I like to write a lot of stuff but the character is a sort of "strong and silent" type so this is my compromise. Thellios is small minded enough to keep score, yes, but he's not small minded enough to tell everybody that he's keeping score. I mean he really lives for this stuff and Hautra is beating him at his own game. I'll try to remember to put in more "Thellios says" and "Thellios thinks"[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 5, 2009, 12:09pm

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The Village of Hommlet

I was thinking of having the last little bugger run off myself The last rat, wounded and seeing his packmates dead all around him, takes off for greener pastures Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 5, 2009, 1:22pm (OOC) I can't see your spoiler, though. Apr 5, 2009, 12:09pm, Dungeon Master wrote:

[spoiler]I was thinking of having the last little bugger run off myself


The last rat, wounded and seeing his packmates dead all around him, takes off for greener pastures Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 5, 2009, 4:58pm Thellios looks around and listens for sign that the fight might have drawn the attention of other creatures. Spot=[dice=20] Listen=[dice=20+4] Of the six exits from the big hallway most are accounted for. The door back to the room where Xavier and Shannon are guarding the bandit prisoners [7], the way out into the courtyard that Roxx just came by [5], the way to the rats room and the stairs down, a bust set of stairs in the SE might possibly lead somewhere, but only with the greatest difficulty. Basically its down to two corridors one leading West and the other South. Thellios stands guard at the entrance to the corridor that leads West and waits for someone else to take charge. His eyes can see clearly about 60 feet into the darkness. [image] [rand=41610465342800723620646209559115291417511510235334056956112463965] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Apr 6, 2009, 7:02am Roxx gingerly scoops splattered rat innards from his right eye socket with two stubby fingers. "Ahem! That went well, I'd say. Wasn't altogether necessary," he glares at Thellios, "but we were successful. Everybody in one piece, eh?" As the group begins to resume their explorations of the moathouse ruins, the gnome quietly goes up to the half-ogre and jabs him in the leg with his staff, "hey, knot-head! Thanks for the assist back there... but let me tell ye -- try that bellowing number again, and ye better hope owlbears or hell hounds don't rush out instead! Try t'keep that meat-hole shut unless we need it!" After that the crotchety, wrinkled gnome continues examining the stonework of the westward corridor... OOC: Search check (with Stonecunning bonus): [dice=20+7][rand=505986567790689149067317742515415402380647204139921844471624534367] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 6, 2009, 4:06pm Thellios defends himself against Roxx' criticism, "That often works to frighten little animals." Hmmm. Maybe next time I should just go with the silent stare-down, he thinks to himself. "Oh well. At least we know the rest of the monsters are either cowards or deaf!" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 6, 2009, 6:20pm Hautra applies Aid Another action on Thellios on his Spot and Listen checks. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by shdwrnnr on Apr 8, 2009, 8:48pm Fish Hook remained at the ready should there prove to be any more problems. Things had gone well in the fights so far and they had met far less resistance than it imagined they would.

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The Village of Hommlet

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Apr 8, 2009, 10:02pm Auggie looks around warily, expecting more trouble to come at the party. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 9, 2009, 12:48am Perhaps this is a better way of doing it, since on a second inspection my nice pretty map is all fracked up. You have not been in 14,15,or 16 and at the endof the hall is a set of double doors.

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 9, 2009, 1:26am Thellios walks down the corridor and listens at the first door on the left [14]. Listen = [dice=20+4][rand=911000809984151189853060386248446323180939186936023304182082904634] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Apr 9, 2009, 8:17am Auggie will walk along behind Thellios, then Search the door for any traps, and if it is locked/unlocked [dice=20+4][rand=035526318264641366835104201034108394012873805869729653495126929357] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Apr 9, 2009, 10:31am Roxx mumbles, barely audible to all but himself, "per'apps this time we can be a little more discreet, yuh big mouth..." The gnome continues to curiously examine his surroundings, paying particular attention to the stone areas immediately around, in front, and above the first door on the left. His sparkling eyes dart this way and that. OOC: Use Stonecunning around the doorway. Looking for unsafe stonework or traps. [dice=20+7][rand=5040689274473549371777558300704769375878112407514033491793464973] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 9, 2009, 11:39am

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The Village of Hommlet

Hautra takes up the rear of the party for now until Theollis is ready to go in and he'll go in after him with shield at the ready always. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 9, 2009, 12:21pm Thellios hears nothing in the room. Inspection of the doorway also reveals nothing unusual. The door is unlocked. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 9, 2009, 12:52pm Khesfrin Rhola "Just a minute. I'll take a quick boo around the corner, just to make sure nothing's ready to come at us from behind." Khesfrin will move to the corner, peak around the corner, and if he sees nothing, step out for a better view past 8&9. Then he returns to the group Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 9, 2009, 2:34pm Thellios is about to boot the door open when Khesfrin stops him. As the Suel dragon shaman goes off to check on something Thellios glances around as usual, keeping a look out. He sees the door to the bandits room is still open, thinking, "The druidess and that Pelor priest would shout out if there was danger. I guess its good to keep the healers at the back where its safe." To Auggie: "Hey maybe the priests could help with that wound." [spoiler]Not sure if we can use Xavion / Syanna while they are effectively NPCs. We have no active PC healers. Xavion used up a CLW on Thellios and another on Syanna after the frog fight. I suppose that's it for him although I don't know what his domains were. Syanna doesn't have her spells recorded; she might have taken a CLW. Between the two they ought to have some 1hp Cure Minor Wounds spells - at least 3. I actually like the idea of using the dragon shaman heal aura but its dangerous exploring while on half hps. Of course as Thellios would say, "I like the danger."[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 9, 2009, 10:54pm Khesfrin, make spot and listen checks

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The Village of Hommlet

Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 12, 2009, 11:55pm Khesfrin Rhola spot [dice=20+0] listen [dice=20] spot [dice=20] listen [dice=20] spot [dice=20] listen [dice=20] [rand=0198402558636801243418997752783863443736610314578335514981417326585] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 13, 2009, 10:40am After standing at the end of the hallway a moment the dragon shaman thinks he hears a low hiss and sees something large and shiny moving moving in the room at the end of the hall. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 14, 2009, 2:05am Khesfrin Rhola Quietly rejoin the others and tell them what i saw. move silent [dice=20+0][rand=34032520604657635250756986469675370068870143606961644795040023577025] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 14, 2009, 7:31am Thellios says, "What's wrong with my door? We're all ready here. Now you want to go after some hissing sound?" Thinks, "I got nothing here. It's probably empty. Let's have a quick look anyway." Thellios boots the door [14] open quickly, ready for anything (hopefully). Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 14, 2009, 10:14pm Apr 14, 2009, 7:31am, david wrote:

Thellios says, "What's wrong with my door? We're all ready here. Now you want to go after some hissing sound?" Thinks, "I got nothing here. It's probably empty. Let's have a quick look anyway." Thellios boots the door [14] open quickly, ready for anything (hopefully).

Only a few mangy pelts, stuffed heads, and shattered antlers indicate the former status of the chamber. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 15, 2009, 6:47am Hautra steps into the room and looks at the stuffed heads hoping they're just animals. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 15, 2009, 11:13pm Hautra finds nothing in the room but the decaying remains of hunting trophies. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 16, 2009, 12:59am

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The Village of Hommlet

Thellios thinks about stories he's heard of adventurers finding treasures cunningly hidden in statues and furniture or secret compartments in the floor or walls. Nothing about stuffed trophies comes to mind. "Hmph. Hissing huh?" Thellios walks back to the main hall where the dead rats are. Keeping an eye out to the South he grabs hold of a small one with a view to being able to throw it a good thirty or forty feet. Assuming he is not interrupted he will then walk South to the head of the corridor where Khesfrin heard something. He stops there waiting for the others and listening and watching. Spot = [dice=20], Listen = [dice=20+4] Spot = [dice=20], Listen = [dice=20+4] Spot = [dice=20], Listen = [dice=20+4][rand=7544224960097882906119088009177879282400323026616182074060443] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Apr 16, 2009, 2:45am After Thellios throws the Rat down the hallway he hears the hissing also. Then a monstrously sized snake comes slithering out of the room, Thellios would swear it is every bit of 20' long. It stops, eyes the rat, then Thellios, then looks as if it has decide which one would make the better meal. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Apr 16, 2009, 7:51am Thellios thinks, "Maybe I should have thrown a bandit!" [spoiler]Just a quick reaction thought; since we're not in "roll initiative" yet I figure Thellios can perform an action now but lets see what everyone else has been doing first.[/spoiler] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 16, 2009, 3:45pm Hautra steps out of the room letting everyone knows nothing's up with the room. He asks, "Where's Theollis?" Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by roxxperidot on Apr 17, 2009, 10:33am "Ahgh!" Roxx grunts, "whaddiya think? He's off makin' trouble again!" The gnome places his staff on the floor and loads his light crossbow. Though he has only just met the half-ogre, he has already learned to cynically dislike the outcomes of things Thellios has gone off to handle. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by demilich on Apr 18, 2009, 6:54pm Auggie looks around, turns, heads off after Thellios, walking Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by Dungeon Master on Yesterday at 12:14am SO, are we ready for roll init. Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by david on Yesterday at 2:29am A thought strikes Thellios that maybe someone in the party could handle animals better but in the end the only thing he says is, "SNAKE!" Initiative = [dice=20+1][rand=72286870016392924332388182573403475247381317028448822721642291808] Re: The Village of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Yesterday at 8:16pm Initiative: [dice=20][rand=6596698029898107960129434010013955776349338702861561176236718893]

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