Chapter_1 The Town Of Hommlet

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Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet

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Fantasy RPGs » Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil » Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 4, 2009, 1:20am The Temple of Elemental Evil, in all of the Flanaess few phrases conjure the images that this one does. First defeated in the Battle of Emridy Meadows, the temple lay dormant for years. Although superstitious locals spread rumors about it most people thought that was the end of the evil cult. It was not to be so. The temple rose again, and this time was defeated by a band of adventurers. But can evil of the temple's magnitude ever be truly defeated? Now rumors of a band of Hobgoblins operating in the vicinity of the town of Hommlit are spreading. Whether this band has anything to do with the Temple of Elemental evil or not is unsure. One thing is well known, however, Humanoids have traditionally been the temple's favored troops. Is the temple attempting to rise again ? Is evil trying to spread it's dark web over Hommlet once more ? These questions and others, no doubt, have attracted you to this sleepy little burg. You met several others like you, fellow adventurers, on the way to this small town and are now seeking rest in it's well known inn, The Welcome Wench. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 15, 2009, 8:26pm A humanoid that resembles a drow but yet it's not a drow. A male with silver hair and drow eyes with black marks on his eyes wearing a studded leather armor carrying a scythe and have a hand crossbow on his belt walking with a purpose on the road. He looks angry and there is an illusion of a panther trotting along besides him. He walks into town ignoring everyone and even bumps into some people but continues on along. He finds the inn and pushs open the door and steps into the doorway, looking into the room with a scrowl. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Mar 15, 2009, 10:12pm A large Humanoid black panther comes walking into town, fine chainmail armor sparkling in any light, stopping to look at various shops along the way, He eventually finds the Inn, walking in, He looks around, seeing the panther by the Elf, he walks to it, and starts making cat sounds, throaty sounds mixed with quick chirps. OOC Speaking Feline Catfolk can do that Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 17, 2009, 2:01am Meer A small [3'8:] figure makes his way into Hommlet. Hidden under a larger black, hooded cloak, it's impossible to say who or what he is. If one is close enough, they might see 3 eyes the color of hot steel peering out of the hood. The figure walks through town, looking from side to side, and finally heads to the Temple of Ehlonna. Once there, he is greeted by a cleric, "I must speak with the Temple's High Cleric. It is a matter of most urgency. I am Meer and i have come a long way. here is a letter of introduction." He never removes his hood and waits in the temple entrance as the cleric disappears inside. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 19, 2009, 9:47pm "Organized evil is the worst! They're insidious, powerful, they enslave and destroy so many lives. I hate it! Brigands acting alone are bad - they rape and pillage and murder, but it's when they organize that I really get worried. That's why I'm here." The wild looking woman with the tatoos and piercings seemed a little drunk. If you'd been in the Wench since she started drinking, you'd be surprised she wasn't on the floor passed out. But she could hold her ale, this one. That's what she drank, only ale. Truth be told, she ate a big meal, too, with bread, stew, some cheese and some fruits at the end, so perhaps that diluted the ale... If you were sitting on her left, you couldn't help but notice that part of her head was shaved clean, above her ear, which had three earrings to match other piercings on her face. And on the shaved skin around her ear was a long, intricate tattoo depicting, among other things, a familiar looking mask, a lustful, naked couple in embrace, and an ox; and the tatoo seemed to continue down to her shoulder. Her clothing was loose, but you might also notice a chain shirt on underneath, so that you couldn't see more of the tattoo. You might wonder or ask about the rest of the tattoo, for she seemed to be cheerful and relaxed enough, even (or especially) when off-color jokes were being told at the table. She made sure to include everyone in the conversation, including some that some other people avoided. If you were there before she started on the ale you may have seen her juggling a little, dancing around and concentrating on keeping five objects constantly in flight, making jokes the whole time. But she didn't put her helm out for donations, so perhaps she was just trying to elicit some positive response from others. That is, until she "accidentally" missed one ball and it careened off to bop the side of the head of someone not paying attention to her; after which she profusely apologized and offered the dour faced man an ale. "Good thing it's so soft, or that might've hurt more!" she joked. Later, while in her drunken rant, she told of what she'd heard. It seems a simple farming family, having dinner one night, was interrupted by a group of hobgoblins. The bastards committed unspeakable acts on every member of the family, including all the children, and eventually killed them all, except the mother. They forced her to watch everything. The poor woman went crazy but had some moments of stability in which she told her story. Shortly after that she hanged herself in the church she was taking refuge in.

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The hobgoblins were from around here. Disgust and hatred was visible on Absinthe's face - that was her name, Absinthe O'Mara. She stood up, nearly as tall as a man, and went to find the loo, stating obviously, "I gotta piss." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 24, 2009, 8:52pm The Welcome Wench: As you all enter the inn you find a well kept, but rather old, establishment. The food coming from the Kitchen smells heavenly and a couple of young girls circulate through the dinning hall taking orders. After a moment a young elf takes the stage with a lute. He begins to play and sing, but his musical talent is lacking, to say the least. Everyone else in the room seems to be ignoring him. For a map of the first floor go here. MENU

Templeof Ehlonna The temple is rather small. A golden haired Half-Elven female is comes to the door. " I am the only cleric here. My name is Jennithar Rhengold, how may I help you ?" She says to the stranger at her door. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 25, 2009, 10:37pm

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Mar 24, 2009, 8:52pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Templeof Ehlonna The temple is rather small. A golden haired Half-Elven female is comes to the door. " I am the only cleric here. My name is Jennithar Rhengold, how may I help you ?" She says to the stranger at her door. Meer "My name is Meer. My order has sent me here seeking to confirm or deny the rumors that the Temple is again active. Have there been any unusual activities around here lately?"

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 26, 2009, 7:58am The illusion moves to the other side of the drow-looking humanoid since he can mentally control his illusion, and the humanoid looks at the catfolk humanoid, "Stay away from us, fool." with a sneer. He walks away from him and walks down to the center of the room and continues to scan the room. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 27, 2009, 10:46pm Mar 24, 2009, 8:52pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The Welcome Wench: After a moment a young elf takes the stage with a lute. He begins to play and sing, but his musical talent is lacking, to say the least. Everyone else in the room seems to be ignoring him. Absinthe cheers loudly when the elf finishes, saying "Bravo!" in Elvish to him. Then she stands up and recites, "Play the lute, try the flute, if you're a brute the point is moot. I stamp my boot since you're so cute; You ought to shoot for lots of loot!" Then quietly to others at her table: "... then you can afford some singing lessons."

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 28, 2009, 1:29am The priestess shakes her head and says, " Can't really tell you anything that's been going on. Town seems real quiet. If you want to know about unusual goin's on Jaroo, the old druid of the grove, would be the man to ask. He's been around here since before that party of adventurers cleared out the Moat House." Once he's done singing the elf heads straight for Absinthe, " Are you an adventurer ?" he says. " I bet you are, you look like one, especially the way you can hold your drink. I bet you're here to have a go at the Moat House. You know, no one's been in there for years." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 28, 2009, 8:16am Absinthe's ears perk up. "Adventurer? I suppose you could say that... Mostly I'm interested in drinking and gambling. But I heard there were some bad things happening around here. Is that at the Moat house? Is there an evil temple there or something?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 28, 2009, 7:57pm Sodil overhears them talking and goes towards the elf bard. He asks, "So, you know where this moathouse is then?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 29, 2009, 12:04am The elf stretches his hand out to Absinthe, " The neame's Redithidoor Halfmoon, I want to be an adventurer some day myself,

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like the ones that took down the Temple so many years ago. Every now and then, though not Very often I admit, I can sorta make people look at me different with my music." Looking at the strange half Drow he says, " I was just out there about a week and a half ago. Was thinking about exploring it. I heard some very strange noises coming out of the place, undead if you ask me. Well, anyway, since I'm not a holy man I decided to come back to town instead." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 29, 2009, 7:54am The half-drow sneers at the elvish bard and says, "Just take me there and I'll take care of it. When you take me there, you go home." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 29, 2009, 1:36pm Absinthe shakes the singer's hand and says, "I'm Absinthe. Well met, Redithidoor. And this brave Elf who is going to take on... whoever... by himself is...." holding out her hand to the half-drow, smiling and waiting for his name. "So, do you guys think there's a connection between the recent humanoid activity 'round here and this temple? Oh, like some ale? BARTENDER! I like Elvish wine best myself, but I don't think they have any here." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 29, 2009, 8:38pm When Absinthe offers her hand, the half-drow declines and he looks at her with a scrowl, "No ale for me or wine. It messes up your mind and your timing. So, no. Drink yourself to death for all I care." Then, he turns to the elvish bard, "I'm waiting." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 29, 2009, 9:00pm Absinthe laughs a big laugh, and when she stops she says to the bard, winking, "Take him! Wait till midnight, though, because that's the best time for that kind of thing." She turns to the darkish elf and smiles, "Mr. Cat, I sincerely hope I won't be 'turning' you in a few days' time." She grabs her holy symbol when she says 'turning'. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Mar 29, 2009, 9:27pm I'll stop talking to your cat. Apparently, it does not have much to say, anyways. Rorrlin says, as he looks around for a seat near the cat. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Mar 29, 2009, 11:26pm Mar 28, 2009, 1:29am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The priestess shakes her head and says, " Can't really tell you anything that's been going on. Town seems real quiet. If you want to know about unusual goin's on Jaroo, the old druid of the grove, would be the man to ask. He's been around here since before that party of adventurers cleared out the Moat House." Meer "Many thanks." Meer takes his leave and follows the directions to the old druid.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 30, 2009, 7:33am Mar 29, 2009, 9:27pm, dungeoneer wrote:

I'll stop talking to your cat. Apparently, it does not have much to say, anyways. Rorrlin says, as he looks around for a seat near the cat. Absinthe says to the newcomer, "Hi there. I'm Absinthe. We were just talking about the moat house. I was about to ask Redithidoor here about what he's heard, both first hand and from others. Ale? Girl, where's my ALE??" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 30, 2009, 10:16pm "I don't know if one thing is really connected to the other or not." Redithidor says. " a lot of people around here don't put a lot of stock in me, say I'm to eager for adventure. But, I'd be more than happy to take you out there so you can check the place

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out." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Mar 31, 2009, 2:19am The half-drow sneers at the female and grips his scrythe tightly and then says to the bard, "Okay. Let's go now." he waits for the bard to lead him there. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Mar 31, 2009, 7:48am OOC: What time of day is it now? "Redithidoor, if you want I can accompany you. But I'm not going to go inside, not with Mr. Cat. I'm sure he's capable of taking care of himself, but it's me and you I'm worried about. I'm curious about this place. How far is it?" Absinthe looks at the big cat man. "How about you, Cat Man, you coming?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Mar 31, 2009, 7:00pm The names Rorrlin, and, yes, I'll come along. This sounds like it might be fun, even with, All Attitude Elf of some sort here, tilts head in direction of half drow. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 1, 2009, 4:39pm The half-drow shoots a glance at the catman and the female, "I never ask you all to come with me and I'm sure don't need any of you. However, if you must follow me, just stay out of my way and we'll do fine." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 1, 2009, 8:44pm "I feel like going along just to bug you now. But no, I'm going to learn the way, scout the site from a distance, and protect my friend Redithidoor here. So don't worry, we won't get in your way." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 1, 2009, 11:42pm Meer arrives at at an old but well maintained grove near the south east part of the town. A path leads into the center of it. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by salvatoria on Apr 2, 2009, 10:35am She wears a blood red cloak, dark brown clothes. She carries a short bow and scimitar. Over her back she carries a large bag like item. A day earlier a stranger enters the town after many a days travel. She enters the town through the gate and asks a your guard, " Do you have a church and a nice inn?" He replies, "Sure, go 1/3 of a mile and you will see the temple if you need a rooms to rent to stay in or to just pray." "Thank you sir." When she arrives at the temple she rents a room for an hour to pray and ask god what he wants her to do next. Once finished she heads for the inn. After exploring the town and spending a little time at the church Thothethiollal returns to the inn and orders her dinner. She sits at a table in the corner where she can see everything going on in the inn. Theo, as her friends call her, chuckles at the goings on between the half-drow and the others in the dining room. Finally she gets up and moves over to the bard, " Hail and well met, may I ask what all of the action is about? Is anyone going to explore the temple outside of town if so can I join you?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 2, 2009, 4:28pm Apr 1, 2009, 11:42pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Meer arrives at at an old but well maintained grove near the south east part of the town. A path leads into the center of it. Meer Meer will enter the grove, calling out a greeting first in Sylvan, the n in common.

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 2, 2009, 9:02pm Apr 2, 2009, 10:35am, salvatoria wrote:

" Hail and well met, may I ask what all of the action is about? Is anyone going to explore the temple outside of town if so can I join you?"

"I'm thinking of going up to just scout it out. Mr. Cat here is planning on going inside and taking care of the baddies, I think. I'm Absinthe, and this is Redithidor the singer... and this is Rrorlin the... " she looks at him ... "warrior?. Redi - can I call you that? - Redi here says there were 'undead sounds' coming from there. I think it's interesting that the hero who's going to sort out all the ghosts and ghouls hasn't told us his name, so when Redi sings his history, he's going to have to call him 'The darkish elf with the scythe and the panther phantasm' or some such. Not to mention my limerick, should I compose one for him. Rrorlin's going to be a tough name to rhyme..." She turns to the newestcomer and says, "So you better tell us your name, lest you be sung as 'Little Red Riding Hood' or some equally silly moniker. I hope you have a short name..." She nods her head and takes a swig of her ale. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 3, 2009, 12:49am Well, at least you dont have an atittude like the Half Drow. He probably wont care, I dont mind if you join our merry band. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 3, 2009, 1:22am After calling out for some time an old human male wearing leather armor and carrying a staff steps out of the underbrush in the grove to meet Meer. " Can I help you somehow", he says. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 3, 2009, 8:31am The drow-looking elf gives out a loud sigh and says to the female bard, "Trust me. you don't want to know me or my history. However, if you must know. It's Sodil. That's all that all of you need to know. Now, let's get going!!" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by salvatoria on Apr 3, 2009, 10:09am She replies, " Name is Thothethiollal Natasha Spellweaver," smiling amusingly," you can call me Theo if you like." " I walked past the temple yesterday and even 5 miles away I could sense the evil radiating from the area. And no I am not a cleric, I am a spell caster and a fairly good fighter as well."

________________________________________________________ Thothethiollal Natasha Spellweaver, Battle Sorceress, Wood elf Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 3, 2009, 2:01pm "Good to meet you Sodil and Theo. Let's go! I wanna be back in time for some dessert! How far is it? Are we going on foot?" OOC: What time is it? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 3, 2009, 2:18pm Sodil, well, thats better then atittude, hehe, and Theo. Lets get going then. Rorrlin says, softly purring to himself. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 4, 2009, 12:59pm

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Apr 3, 2009, 1:22am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

After calling out for some time an old human male wearing leather armor and carrying a staff steps out of the underbrush in the grove to meet Meer. " Can I help you somehow", he says. Meer "Greetings, i am Meer. My order sent me to investigate rumors of renewed humanoid activity in the area. They fear the Temple may have renewed interest." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 4, 2009, 10:09pm OOG:It is 7pm The Welcome Wench The bard tells you it takes over an hour to reach the place on horseback, or two to trudge along on foot. the old track is considerably overgrown so to take a group through it would take considerable hacking and clearing. The Grove The old man introduces himself as Jaroo and goes on to say," There's nothing going on at the Moathouse, or the Temple. Elmo makes regular inspections of it and has found nothing for quite some years now. Rest assured all is quiet as far as they go. The humanoids are probably a band who have moved into the area for fresher pickings. Burne's badgers should be more than enough to handle them." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 5, 2009, 1:32pm Apr 4, 2009, 10:09pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

OOG:It is 7pm The Grove The old man introduces himself as Jaroo and goes on to say," There's nothing going on at the Moathouse, or the Temple. Elmo makes regular inspections of it and has found nothing for quite some years now. Rest assured all is quiet as far as they go. The humanoids are probably a band who have moved into the area for fresher pickings. Burne's badgers should be more than enough to handle them." Meer "Thank you for the information and your time. May i take rest here tonight in your grove before returning to my order in the morning?"

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 5, 2009, 8:01pm Absinthe gets up from the table, asking, "Does everyone have a mount?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 6, 2009, 4:06am Jaroo tells Meer, " There is a very nice inn in town called the Welcome Wench, I'm sure the accommodations there would be much more to your liking than what I can provide here. If you are unable to afford a room they have a dormitory that they charge only a few coppers for." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 6, 2009, 7:00pm Sodil sighs and goes outside with his dark companion. He waits for the male elvish bard to get going. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet

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Post by cybersavant on Apr 7, 2009, 11:40am Apr 6, 2009, 4:06am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Jaroo tells Meer, " There is a very nice inn in town called the Welcome Wench, I'm sure the accommodations there would be much more to your liking than what I can provide here. If you are unable to afford a room they have a dormitory that they charge only a few coppers for." Meer Meer starts to reply, pauses, ans then "I thank you for your time. Good eve to you." The cloaked monk will head to the Welcome Wench Inn. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by tnay on Apr 7, 2009, 12:06pm Theo "I have no horse so i will walk. Anyone know how much light we have? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 7, 2009, 10:13pm To Theo: It's 7p now. the sun will be down before you get there probably. As Meer leaves the grove and heads to the Welcome Wench he runs into a young man in leather armor heading to the Grove. He is blond and bearded with a lean frame and has a wolf with him.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 7, 2009, 10:21pm I have a horse. You are welcome to hitch up with me, if you want to. As long as we dont go fast, it wont be a problem for the horse. looks at Theo, smiles, whiskers twitching. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 7, 2009, 11:11pm Apr 7, 2009, 10:13pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

As Meer leaves the grove and heads to the Welcome Wench he runs into a young man in leather armor heading to the Grove. He is blond and bearded with a lean frame and has a wolf with him. Meer "Excuse me, good sir. Oh, what a lovely wolf you've got." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by salvatoria on Apr 8, 2009, 9:54am Theo remarks, " Being that it is so late wouldn't it be wise to rest first than head out at first light? Than to Rorrlin , "Okay but I will sit behind you so you get no ideas,"smiling in amusement. ________________________________________________________ Thothethiollal Natasha Spellweaver, Battle Sorceress, Wood elf Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 8, 2009, 10:34am "Sodil wants to be there for midnight, I think. The rest of us are just going to check out the place. Given that it's going to be

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dark, I agree we should wait. We won't see too much in this light, especially me. We can bring the horses along in the morning to help carry back the body.

Besides, I haven't finished my ale, or had dessert yet!"

Since Sodil has gone outside to wait, Absinthe will side up to Redi the singer and suggest to him, "Why don't you tell the impatient fellow outside that you'll take him in the morning, when the birds are singing and the dew is fresh on the grass? You know, put an Elven spin on it. If you do that, you'll have time to sing more songs tonight, and the safety of some additional company tomorrow." She points to Theo and Rrorlin and herself. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 8, 2009, 10:26pm Rorrlin puts his hand on his chest in a feign of offense, Me? Dont you get any ideas either, hehe, especially after you find out how soft and cuddly I am, hehe Rorrlin says, looking at Theo. I dont see really well in dark places either, and I know my horse wont like walking around in the dark. So, first light sounds good to me to. Sodil can start walking by himself, if he wants to Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 9, 2009, 11:46am Sodil goes back in and asks the elven bard for directions and if received, he'll head off on his own. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 9, 2009, 10:45pm Apr 7, 2009, 11:11pm, cybersavant wrote:

Apr 7, 2009, 10:13pm, Elminster Aumar wrote: As Meer leaves the grove and heads to the Welcome Wench he runs into a young man in leather armor heading to the Grove. He is blond and bearded with a lean frame and has a wolf with him.


"Excuse me, good sir. Oh, what a lovely wolf you've got."

The young human looks around a bit then says, " Oh, you must be talking to me, I guess I'm the only one here with a wolf.", Then smiles a bit. " Can I help you somehow, stranger.", he adds a bit nervously. In response to Sodil the young elf responds, " I wouldn't go out there by myself but if you insist this is the route." He then describes to him how to find the Moathouse. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 10, 2009, 11:51pm "More ale!! More song, bard! Enjoy today, for tomorrow we may die!" Absinthe enjoys the rest of the evening. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 11, 2009, 6:02pm Apr 9, 2009, 10:45pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

[quote author=cybersavant board=rtttoee thread=264 post=1838 time=1239167485] The young human looks around a bit then says, " Oh, you must be talking to me, I guess I'm the only one here with a wolf.", Then smiles a bit. " Can I help you somehow, stranger.", he adds a bit nervously.


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"I was just conversing with the Druid. My order sent me here to check out the Temple because of the rumors on increased humanoid activity again. But since there isn't any, i'll leave to report back to my order. Oh, my name is Meer." The gruwaar peers a little farther forward than normal, exposing part of his furred face.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 11, 2009, 10:27pm Apr 11, 2009, 6:02pm, cybersavant wrote:

Apr 9, 2009, 10:45pm, Elminster Aumar wrote: [quote author=cybersavant board=rtttoee thread=264 post=1838 time=1239167485] The young human looks around a bit then says, " Oh, you must be talking to me, I guess I'm the only one here with a wolf.", Then smiles a bit. " Can I help you somehow, stranger.", he adds a bit nervously.

Meer "I was just conversing with the Druid. My order sent me here to check out the Temple because of the rumors on increased humanoid activity again. But since there isn't any, i'll leave to report back to my order. Oh, my name is Meer." The gruwaar peers a little farther forward than normal, exposing part of his furred face.

The young human stares at Meer for a moment then goes on, " My name is Yundi, glad to meet you. I help Jaroo tend the trees in the grove in exchanged for learning the lore of the Old Faith. Although lately... well, let's just put it this, I don't know If I would believe anything he says anymore. He's been kinda odd. I think he may be under the influence of some sort of spell or something. Even his companion has run off somewhere, and that old bear has been with forever." He reaches down and strokes the wolf's head. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 12, 2009, 6:29pm Sodil recieves the directions and goes off on his own using his darkvision to guide him. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 12, 2009, 11:37pm Yesterday at 10:27pm, Elminster Aumar wrote: The young human stares at Meer for a moment then goes on, " My name is Yundi, glad to meet you. I help Jaroo tend the trees in the grove in exchanged for learning the lore of the Old Faith. Although lately... well, let's just put it this, I don't know

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If I would believe anything he says anymore. He's been kinda odd. I think he may be under the influence of some sort of spell or something. Even his companion has run off somewhere, and that old bear has been with forever." He reaches down and strokes the wolf's head.

Meer "So, is there new activity in the area? I went to the church in town and they said the Druid would know better; but if he's not been acting himself lately, hmm." sense motive [dice=20+6] "How long have you been learning from master Druid Jaroo?" "Well, thank you. I'll go to the Inn as directed, Master Jaroo did not want me to sleep here in the grove. I'll make a show of returning home, but i will instead check out the area. Any suggestions of where to start?"

[rand=20168898826685715022595358465223094800011876256648146957908062908] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 12, 2009, 11:37pm [dice=20+4][rand=4964730234524627188955420718483683025113152212066490339752159694] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 12, 2009, 11:43pm page glitch adding padding to get to a new page Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 12, 2009, 11:44pm 5 posts to go [dice=6] [rand=01891301860079142960874043334033863607721738132653041726768780314] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 12, 2009, 11:45pm Sometimes the die roller doesn't want to work on a particular page for some reason let's check it on this new one. [dice=20+4][rand=471212701842034742922194879049125142912324094771069633300203546601] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 12, 2009, 11:48pm Quote:

Yesterday at 10:27pm, Elminster Aumar wrote: The young human stares at Meer for a moment then goes on, " My name is Yundi, glad to meet you. I help Jaroo tend the trees in the grove in exchanged for learning the lore of the Old Faith. Although lately... well, let's just put it this, I don't know If I would believe anything he says anymore. He's been kinda odd. I think he may be under the influence of some sort of spell or something. Even his companion has run off somewhere, and that old bear has been with forever." He reaches down and strokes the wolf's head.

Meer "So, is there new activity in the area? I went to the church in town and they said the Druid would know better; but if he's not been acting himself lately, hmm." sense motive

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[dice=20+6] "How long have you been learning from master Druid Jaroo?" "Well, thank you. I'll go to the Inn as directed, Master Jaroo did not want me to sleep here in the grove. I'll make a show of returning home, but i will instead check out the area. Any suggestions of where to start?" [rand=23946073746288876750512217181217268465744588963966975991033909532] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 14, 2009, 11:12pm As far as Meer can discern the young man has no hidden motives, he seems to honestly believe there is something wrong with Jaroo. he answers his question, " I have been studying under master Jaroo for about a year and a half now." Sodil heads out for the Moat House. shortly after turning onto the side track as the elf at the Inn indicated he should do he runs across an old human walking up the trail pushing a hand cart. Several tools seem to poke out of it. The sun is now setting in the west and it seems to be about 8pm. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 15, 2009, 2:51pm Sodil looks at the old man and the cart. Spot check: [dice=20+2] Listen check: [dice=20+1][rand=171269261800966241108617981593198589326517502925235063852167593337] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 15, 2009, 11:12pm Sodil just sees an old man and a cart, nothing unusual. The man stops and says, " Can I help ya stranger. Ya seem a might lost all the way out here by yerself." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 16, 2009, 3:23pm Sodil braces himself with his scryte knowing not to trust anyone, anyone at all. "Just tell me or point to me the way to the moathouse." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 16, 2009, 4:10pm Apr 14, 2009, 11:12pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

As far as Meer can discern the young man has no hidden motives, he seems to honestly believe there is something wrong with Jaroo. he answers his question, " I have been studying under master Jaroo for about a year and a half now." Meer "Have you noticed any humanoids in the area or have you gone to the temple area?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 16, 2009, 8:39pm Absinthe, a little tipsy, is asking people in the Wench if they want to come check out the old Moat House tomorrow. She offers up various reasons why they should go. "Some say there's diamonds there now. Big red diamonds!" She juggles a few red juggling sacks at the same time. "After the great Half Drow Destroyer and his giant kittycat clean up, there'll be easy pickings on the treasure." "There may be evil brewing there, and it's our solemn duty to investigate any... brewing!" and "Tho-the-thiollal, behold! She's a fighting sorcerer, bold! Her blade thin and surgical, Her mind Thaumaturgical,

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And her red riding hood knocks 'em cold!" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 17, 2009, 1:55am The Old man says to Sodil, " If'n that's where ya be goin' yer on the right track son, but, if'n it were me I wouldn' be a goin' there, at least not by myself. There's a dragon liv'n there now." The young druid tells Meer, " aye i heard of a few raids but I seldom leave the town. The old hag behind the bar, who has been watching Absinthe's drunken revelry for some time now speeks up, " You drunken fool, everyone knows there's been no treasure, or monsters, in the moathouse since that band raided it over a decade ago." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 17, 2009, 2:03am Rorrlin who has been watching Absinthe, smiles broadly when the Woman berates him. Guess the impatient Elf will probably find nothing there and sleep for the night. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 17, 2009, 11:22pm Apr 17, 2009, 1:55am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The young druid tells Meer, " aye i heard of a few raids but I seldom leave the town. Meer "Thank you for your time. If you'll point me in the direction of the Inn?" Meer leaves the Grove and heads to the Inn. Entering the Inn he goes to the bar and asks, "Do you have any rooms for the night?" [a short cloaked figure enters and goes to the barkeep, talking in a low voice. The cloak is so large that it is not possible to tell what the character is wearing, or even looks like, as the hood shadows his face] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 18, 2009, 12:37am The barkeep answers Meer, " Yup, if'n ya got the cash. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 18, 2009, 12:33pm Apr 17, 2009, 1:55am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The old hag behind the bar, who has been watching Absinthe's drunken revelry for some time now speeks up, " You drunken fool, everyone knows there's been no treasure, or monsters, in the moathouse since that band raided it over a decade ago." Absinthe says, "Not what I heard. Anyhoo, it can't hurt to go check it out, can it?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 18, 2009, 1:25pm Sodil scroffs at the old man and jogs on along with his see-thru panther. Then, if he finds the moathouse, she stays hidden in the trees and brushes and watches the house. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 19, 2009, 2:28am The woman tells Absynthe, " I suppose not, if ya wanna go on fools errands. Sodil arrives at the Moat House. It lies in swampy terrain so there isn't much in the way of trees and bushes to hide behind. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 19, 2009, 8:35pm

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(Darkvision 90 feet) Sodil is careful not to get too close to the moathouse yet. He stands about 60 feet away from the structure (sp?) And looks around him without moving. Spot check: [dice=20+2] Listen check: [dice=20+1][rand=23567253303518598310946902101454048270113025600583031139337319023186] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 20, 2009, 2:08am OOC: are you ready for this one. IG: As sodil is trying to sneak up on the Moat House he hears a splash and a Giant frog jumps into view. Init [dice=20] [rand=174916267052298125475605552663682679280062524462603736806965983053] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 21, 2009, 12:45am Apr 18, 2009, 12:37am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The barkeep answers Meer, " Yup, if'n ya got the cash. Meer "How much for the night?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 23, 2009, 7:01am (OOC) Of course. (IC) Sodil jumps back and brings forth his scrtye upfront holding it with both hands and the dark companion moves 10 feet to his left and stays there. Initiative: [dice=20+4] (OOC) Don't have the sheet on me again (sighs) I better have it printed out today! I think it's a +4 for his Initiative. Apr 20, 2009, 2:08am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

OOC: are you ready for this one. IG: As sodil is trying to sneak up on the Moat House he hears a splash and a Giant frog jumps into view. Init [rand=243420818766932450653370766329586243291014947442535370354059293719] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 23, 2009, 10:37am In response to Meer the old woman at the bar gruffly tells him the following.

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She then says to the rest, " It's time fer the bar to close, either get a room or get out." There are [dice=4] rooms already taken. Here is a map of the upper floor. Rooms 18,19,and 20 are the owner's dwelling, so of course they aren't available.

Sodil, you won init so attack. [rand=9377992823383368554150121048609470022899278919513639784520799406] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 23, 2009, 10:43am Meer "I'll take a common room bunk." He places 5sp on the counter, "Which room am i in? Are the bunks assigned or first come first served?" Meer will plave his nunchuk under the pillow. If he is disturbed during the night he will wake up claws first! Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 23, 2009, 10:47am Apr 23, 2009, 10:43am, cybersavant wrote:

Meer "I'll take a common room bunk." He places 5sp on the counter, "Which room am i in? Are the bunks assigned or first come first served?" Meer will plave his nunchuk under the pillow. If he is disturbed during the night he will wake up

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claws first!

#15 is the common room. Bunks are first come, first serve. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 23, 2009, 10:54am Apr 23, 2009, 10:37am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

common room = 15 Meer takes the bed in the corner by the door, just below the 15 where there are 2 beside the fireplace

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 23, 2009, 12:08pm Apr 23, 2009, 10:37am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

She then says to the rest, " It's time fer the bar to close, either get a room or get out."

"Welcome Wench, indeed!" notes Absinthe to those around her. But she'll take room #6 if it's available. Otherwise, another private room is okay. She'll shout out to the room, before the Jawa goes to his room, "Hey, anyone who's coming to the moathouse tomorrow, let's take a hearty breakfast at dawn and head out after that. Okay?" She looks at Redi the singer and asks him, "You're coming along, right? To show us the way and sing the tales that will follow?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 23, 2009, 12:21pm OOC: Any sign of Argh the Barbarian?

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 23, 2009, 1:28pm (Cleave) (OOC) To the DM: I want to correct a couple of things. Darkvision is 60ft not 90ft. Initiative is +3, not +4 and it is 9 and looks like he still won. (IC) The dark companion moves to face the gaint frog adlacenting it, therefore the giant frog gets a -2 penatly to its saves and its AC. Sodil attacks the giant frog with his weapon. Attack with Power Attack: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=4] [dice=4+3][rand=2636756917005483957879196622312840267600443939023495341158040026] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 23, 2009, 3:10pm Apr 23, 2009, 12:08pm, noozoo wrote:

[quote author=admin board=rtttoee thread=264 post=2015 time=1240504662] She'll shout out to the room, before the Jawa goes to his room, "Hey, anyone who's coming to the moathouse tomorrow, let's take a hearty breakfast at dawn and head out after that. Okay?" She looks at Redi the singer and asks him, "You're coming along, right? To show us the way and sing the tales that will follow?" Meer As he starts to the common room a woman complains of the closing hour. Pausing, he turns "What's that you say?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 23, 2009, 7:45pm

Absinthe addresses the diminitive cloaked fellow: "A few of us have heard of strange goings on at the old moat house and around the area. Redi said he heard undead sounds up there, and Theo says she could feel the evil while she walked past. So we're heading up there in the morning to poke around. You're welcome to come, but it won't be for the faint of heart.". She nods toward Redi and Theo as she says their names. "One, um, brave Elf went up there tonight, alone. He didn't want to wait." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Apr 23, 2009, 9:04pm We will give him a decent burial, if needed, or, beat him up, and take a share of any treasure he has found, haha Rorrlin says, laughing heartily. Sorry, I'm just joking, he says, after laughing a bit. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 23, 2009, 9:18pm Absinthe: "Oh, I'm sure he'll take care of the bad guys. We'll just need to clean up and collect the loot! going to bed."

But right now I'm tired and

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on Apr 23, 2009, 11:06pm Apr 23, 2009, 7:45pm, noozoo wrote:

Absinthe addresses the diminitive cloaked fellow: "A few of us have heard of strange goings on at the old moat house and around the area. Redi said he heard undead sounds up there, and Theo says she could feel the evil while she walked past. So we're heading up there in the

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morning to poke around. You're welcome to come, but it won't be for the faint of heart.". She nods toward Redi and Theo as she says their names. "One, um, brave Elf went up there tonight, alone. He didn't want to wait." Meer "I've heard that nothing unusual is going on in the area; but to satisfy your curiosity i will tag along in the morning. Goodnight." Meer then heads to his room.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 24, 2009, 12:02am Sodil takes a might swing with his Scythe, and barely misses. The frog attempts to retaliate with a bite. [dice=20+6] doing [dice=6] [dice=6+6] damage[rand=8103470706904177589836186792973488536817155301854834803379093794] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 24, 2009, 8:29am Hopefully Sodil's funeral dirge, as sung by a mediocre bard, won't be entitled, "Sodil and the Midnight Frog." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 24, 2009, 12:28pm OOC: whoops, got so caught up in the frog forgot about Absinthe's question. IC: Redi says he'd love to come along," WOW, A REAL CHANCE AT AN ADVENTURE !" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by salvatoria on Apr 24, 2009, 9:40pm Theo shakes her head in agreement, "I will take a cheep room as well." Than to Absinthe she replies, " That's a good idea be sure to wake me up to join you for breakfast." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 25, 2009, 1:29am Sodil, you're up. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 25, 2009, 3:37pm (20/29 HP) Sodil attacks again and the dark companion attempts to distract the giant frog and it still makes the frog takes a -2 penalty to its AC and saves. Attack with Power attack: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=4][dice=4+3] Apr 25, 2009, 1:29am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Sodil, you're up. [rand=8965204487896535337623289661022061541871372513640133494582760374947] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 25, 2009, 10:50pm Sodil deals a grievous wound to the Frog, but it's still hanging in there.

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attack [dice=20+6] damage [dice=6] [dice=6+6] The frog bites Sodil again.[rand=79850017867674295352823959549505261246195313692422832797139415673] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 26, 2009, 1:22pm (3/29 HP) Sodil gets back 30 feet from the giant frog, puts down his scyrte and pulls out his loaded handcrossbow and levels it at the giant frog. Sodil then unleashes a curse on the giant frog and the frog must make a Will saving throw of DC 13. If the frog fails, it takes a -2 penalty on its attack and damage rolls, saves, ability and skill checks for one hour thereafter. Lastly, he fires the bolt at the giant frog. The dark companion gets in front of the giant frog, continuing to have its AC and saves a -2 penalty. It stands on its hind legs and clawing at it to keep the frog occupied. Attack: [dice=20+8] Damage: [dice=4][rand=5880642500161063060761370472245835959683443283963504494865895162925] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 26, 2009, 11:48pm Sodil hits the frog with his crossbow. will save [dice=20] attack [dice=20+6] damage, if needed [dice=6] [dice=6+6] Sodil is now unconcious roll %[rand=77338827040283229573457188120174368894924803865769787703786973686] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 27, 2009, 3:09pm (Ooc) To the DM: How is Sodil knocked out? He is 30 ft away from the giant frog. The dark companion is in front of the frog. The giant frog attacked but didn"t move. If you're not sure about what the dark companion do, either look at my sheet or go to PHB2 and you'll see it. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 27, 2009, 4:13pm Apr 27, 2009, 3:09pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

(Ooc) To the DM: How is Sodil knocked out? He is 30 ft away from the giant frog. The dark companion is in front of the frog. The giant frog attacked but didn"t move. If you're not sure about what the dark companion do, either look at my sheet or go to PHB2 and you'll see it. OOC: OOPS frog can only move 20 IC: The frog ignores the panther illusion in front of him and begins to lumber towards Sodil, ignore the attack in previous post. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 27, 2009, 6:37pm (3/29 HP) Sodil moves back another 30 feet from the giant frog,and loads his hand crossbow. He fires it at the frog. The dark companion gets in front of the frog again. Attack: [dice=20+8]

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Damage: [dice=4] Giant Frog: -2 penalty on its attack and damage rolls, saves, ability and skill checks for one hour thereafter from the curse. continuing to have its AC and saves a -2 penalty from the dark companion. [rand=5324285953584452253339566343896362405483310188815410950438716343] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 27, 2009, 11:40pm Sodil hits the frog for two more points damage. The frog, seeing it's prey getting further and further away, and also having taken considerable damage, turns and begins to head back towards the water. OOC to CPanthers fan: you need to use a little d in the word dice when you roll. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 28, 2009, 2:01pm (3/29 HP) Sodil moves forward 15 feet towards the giant frog,and loads his hand crossbow. He fires it at the frog. The dark companion gets in front of the frog again, if possible. If not, it'll get behind it. Attack: [dice=20+8] Damage: [dice=4] Giant Frog: -2 penalty on its attack and damage rolls, saves, ability and skill checks for one hour thereafter from the curse. continuing to have its AC and saves a -2 penalty from the dark companion. (OOC) Oh ok. My bad.


Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 28, 2009, 2:06pm Rolling to confirm crictial: [dice=20+8] Damage if successful: [dice=4] [dice=4][rand=25590167387626106585209973803650998946115690739235232670212408592] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Apr 28, 2009, 2:51pm Yay, now we can sleep. And break our fasts. Do they serve coffee or a coffee-like beverage? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 30, 2009, 1:24am Sodil hits the frog in the head with his crossbow bolt as it is about to jump in the water. It falls dead on the ground. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on Apr 30, 2009, 5:08pm (3/29)(Critcal Low Health) Sodil smirks and then scans the area again. Then, he attempts to find a place to make camp to regain hit points. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 30, 2009, 10:54pm Sodil finds a nice place to camp just outside the marshy area around the Moat House. Just as he is about to drift off to sleep he hears a loud roar and some thumping around coming the building. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 1, 2009, 5:41am (3/29 HP)(Critcal Low Health)(Darkvision 60 feet) Sodil then looks toward the building to see if anything or anyone is/are out of the building.

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 1, 2009, 9:13am No one is coming in or out of the building. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 2, 2009, 8:43pm (3/29 HP)(Low Critical Health) Sodil then goes into trance with one hand on his srythe. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 2, 2009, 10:15pm The night passes quietly at both The Welcome Wench, and The Moat House. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 3, 2009, 8:07pm Meer Meer rises early, gathers his things, dons his oversize cloak and heads down to the common room to wait for the others.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 4, 2009, 6:31am Absinthe gets up early and prays. Then she'll head down for some breakfast. She'll go up to the shortish cloaked fellow from last night and say, "Good morning, I'm Absinthe. I didn't catch your name last night." Before breakfast she'll offer a prayer to Olidammara for our success and safety, so that we may "live and laugh again tonight." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 4, 2009, 7:51pm Rorrlin will wake up, get dressed, go downstairs, seeing the others, he waves, Morning people, mind if I join you for breakfast? Anyone want to make bets on whether that fool Elf is alive, or dead? comes over to the table. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 4, 2009, 9:09pm Absinthe says, "Let me think.... hmm. Actually, I would but I guess it's not really good form to bet on someone's life. I will consider betting on just about anything else, though. What are the odds that breakfast is good? Pretty high, I'd say!" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 4, 2009, 11:22pm May 4, 2009, 6:31am, noozoo wrote:

She'll go up to the shortish cloaked fellow from last night and say, "Good morning, I'm Absinthe. I didn't catch your name last night." Meer "You can call me Meer. It's nice to meet you Absinthe." In a whisper he adds, "We cannot freely talk here." May 4, 2009, 7:51pm, dungeoneer wrote:

Rorrlin , Anyone want to make bets on whether that fool Elf is alive, or dead? Sitting at the table, "He looks not like any elf i have ever known."

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 5, 2009, 1:41am As the group gathers in the common room they can smell the most delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Soon the barmaids begin to deliver food to the tables. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 5, 2009, 11:23am May 4, 2009, 11:22pm, cybersavant wrote:

Sitting at the table, "He looks not like any elf i have ever known."

"You came in late last night. Did you see him?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 5, 2009, 5:16pm Names Rorrlin, by the way. You people want to go see if we can find the half breed, of some Elf kind? I think we will find his body lying some where, dead, but, maybe, He is alive shrugs, sips his coffee. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 5, 2009, 8:27pm Is the Elven bard here? "If he's not here by the time we've finished breakfast, should we go find him, or does someone else know the way?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 6, 2009, 12:10am May 5, 2009, 11:23am, noozoo wrote:

[quote author=cybersavant board=rtttoee thread=264 post=2127 time=1241500937]

"You came in late last night. Did you see him?" Meer "I saw him leaving town, at least i think i did. Only one other was about last night, so i assume it was your friend. Dark skinnned, was he?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 6, 2009, 12:32am Redi enters the Welcome Wench, looks around a bit, smiles, and says, " Oh, good you all are already up. Ready to go on our adventure ?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 6, 2009, 7:33am Abisnthe replies to Meer, "Yes, that was probably him. He insisted on going out there alone, at night." When Redi arrives, she replies to him, "Ready Redi! Let's go!" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 6, 2009, 10:59pm If everyone is ready Redi asks if anyone has a mount he can share, he has none of his own.

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 7, 2009, 7:32am Absinthe says, "I have a horse. But I'd rather bring up the back. Perhaps Theo can ride with me, on Double, and Redi can ride with Rrorlin? Meer, what about you, do you have a mount?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 7, 2009, 12:41pm Meer "No i don't. Do we need to take mounts? If there's nothing out there, it's a nice walk, but if there is then who's going to watch the mounts?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 7, 2009, 1:12pm May 7, 2009, 12:41pm, cybersavant wrote:

Meer "No i don't. Do we need to take mounts? If there's nothing out there, it's a nice walk, but ifthere is then who's going to watch the mounts?"

Absinthe: Good point. I'm carrying everything I need. The only thing was whether we would need to bring back a body. On the other hand, I don't think any of us know who he is or where he's from, so we might just have to bury him out here. I'm fine just walking if everyone else is. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 8, 2009, 10:44pm Redi says "It'll take quite a bit longer that way so we better be off". He leads you east out of town. After a while you come across a disused track that leads off to the north, Redi then turns up it. The weeds and brush keep getting thicker as you go, eventually you would have to start cutting a path, but it looks as if someone already has. After a while on this track you encounter an old man, pushing a handcart full of farming tools, he is making his way out to some fields in the area. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 9, 2009, 7:16am "Good morning good farmer. Have you seen the body of a thin, dark, sighing fellow around here this morning?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 9, 2009, 9:32am The farmer replies to Absinthe,"Don't rightly know 'bought his body, but I did see a fellow looked somethin' like that last night. He was all excited about gettin' to the Moat House. I told him there were all kinds of creepy crawlies lurkin' 'bout there, but he didn't want to seem to listen. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 9, 2009, 7:30pm Rrorlin smiles, Thats the one, Fool Elf, Thank you good Sir He says, leading his good size, lightly armored, horse, that he nevr mentioned, through the tall grass. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 9, 2009, 8:33pm Meer "Sir, if there are such dangers about, why are you out here alone?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 9, 2009, 9:46pm "Well", he says, " This is all I know how ta do and a man has ta eat. I keep my eyes open and try to avoid the spooks."

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 11, 2009, 7:29am "What kind of 'spooks' have you seen around here?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 11, 2009, 10:02pm The old man introduces himself as Delian," But most folk just call me Ol' Del", he continues. He goes on to say, "I don' know what kinda' spook they are, jus' that they have a terrible hunger for flesh. I use to trap around here, but they come out and night and eat anything in my traps. They look like dead people, still a walkin around." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 11, 2009, 10:05pm "Hmm, I know a few people like that. These ones are likely zombies. But someone or something made them that way. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 11, 2009, 10:10pm "Oh, how long have these zombies been eating your trapped food?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 12, 2009, 12:48am "They've always been around here, jus not so d**n many of them", Ol' Del answers back Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 13, 2009, 11:51am If no-one has more questions for the farmer in the Del, we should get going. "Redi, lead us on to the zombies! Hopefully their number have not increase recently." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 13, 2009, 12:03pm Once they're walking, Absinthe says: "I think zombies are less affected by arrows and rapiers. Does anyone have a spare dagger they can lend me?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 13, 2009, 3:51pm After walking for quite some time more you arrive at a derelict building. The building appears to have, at one time, been a small keep or fortified mansion. it is surrounded by a moat, but it is hard to tell where the moat ends and the surrounding swampy terrain begins. Lying near the moat is the corpse of a giant frog.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 13, 2009, 5:36pm (3/29)(Critcal Low Health) Sodil wakes up and then goes find the corpse of the frog and if found, looks it over. (OOC) Not sure if he is fully healed or healed at all. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 13, 2009, 6:55pm OOC If we come upon Sodil first, Rrorlin will wave, Hey, your alive. Wheres the treasure? hehe If not, Rrorlin will be quiet. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 13, 2009, 7:03pm May 13, 2009, 5:36pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

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(3/29)(Critcal Low Health) Sodil wakes up and then goes find the corpse of the frog and if found, looks it over. (OOC) Not sure if he is fully healed or healed at all. Natural Healing With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night. If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, you recover twice your character level in hit points. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 13, 2009, 9:14pm So, do we find Sodil near the dead giant frog? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 13, 2009, 10:59pm May 13, 2009, 9:14pm, noozoo wrote:

So, do we find Sodil near the dead giant frog? Yeah, sounds good as anything to me. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 14, 2009, 5:29am "Look, it's a zombie! Oh wait, that's blood, and zombies don't bleed. So, Sodil, did the frog mistake you for a giant mosquito? If you are going to join us you may need some healing, no?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 14, 2009, 7:13am (7/29 HP)(Critcal low health) Sodil turns to see the approaching party and ignores the wave from the catfolk. He turns his attention to the giant frog. He gets up since nothing of value (information or treasure) is found. He says to the cleric/bard, "I have to admit, I'll need some healing. Let's make this quick. I heard some noise from that place. Seems to be quite some activity." Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 14, 2009, 7:50am Absinthe pulls a wand out of her backpack. "This will hurt a bit. Just kidding!" She'll point it at Sodil and touch him with it. I assume I need to touch him with it (it's a wand of CLW)? [dice=8+1] "Maybe it should... I would normally cast this myself, but I want to save my spells for today. Hmm, looks like you need more..." One more time: [dice=8+1] "You wouldn't happen to have a dagger I could borrow, would you? In case there are real zombies." Absinthe looks around. The moat house is surrounded by water? Beyond that, does the ground look like it can be walked on? Would it be possible to walk around the moat to get a better look at the structure, or is it just swamp? What about our path to get here?

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[rand=186826187884435064308564343955368316157671157270679620203329250216] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 14, 2009, 7:54am

Okay, one more... Absinthe waves her magic wand: [dice=8+1] [rand=989258460933342665718667255714543477204893715679618080983823165298] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 14, 2009, 3:32pm (27/29 HP) Sodil murmurs a thanks to the cleric/bard. He goes to the end of the moatbridge as his dark companion follows along. He looks on and tries to determine if it is safe to proceed. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 14, 2009, 8:15pm May 14, 2009, 3:32pm, cpanthersfan wrote:

(27/29 HP) Sodil murmurs a thanks to the cleric/bard. He goes to the end of the moatbridge as his dark companion follows along. He looks on and tries to determine if it is safe to proceed. OOC: Not a bard; cleric mainly... Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 14, 2009, 10:58pm OOG: I don't really know why they called it "The Moat House" It is really a fortified mansion with an enclosed courtyard surrounded by a moat. IG: yes, you can walk around the moat. On the north side, however, there are two streams that feed the moat and the outlet is on the southwest corner of the structure. Here is a better pic, it's a clickable thumbnail so just click on it to get a bigger view. I always find pictures are better. itself and you can cross there also.

In some places some of the debris from the Moathouse has landed in the moat

The drawbridge looks old, and bowed, but some new planks have been added to reinforce it. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 15, 2009, 6:58am Do the streams look like they can be crossed easily? Aside from the new boards, are there any signs of life or habitation? "Anybody want to scout around a bit before going in? Whatever we do, we should stick together." the last two words are directed at Sodil walking toward the bridge. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 15, 2009, 3:05pm Sodil hisses at the cleric, "Fine, make it quickly." He keeps his attention on the drawbridge for now.

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 15, 2009, 3:46pm Absinthe will walk quietly over to the runoff stream in the SW corner, looking in the water. Any bodies or anything else there of note? Does it look hard to cross, or to jump? She'll scan the other side for danger. Scan the structure too, the area around it, and the air for flying things. Spot check? [dice=20+2] [rand=73833882575854666332118131686002814569826005026740799484262242913] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 15, 2009, 3:55pm You know Sodil, with your atttitude, you may not live long enough to see it corrected. Rrorlin says, looking at Sodil. Personally, I dont care if you want to go on by yourself. Dont let me keep you here, I'll be with my companions, alive, unless, we meet something that takes us all out. Sighing, looks around. I'd be willing to scout around a bit. starts walking off, looking around. Spot Check [dice=20] Listen [dice=20+2] OOC Just being a Cat,

Dont mind me[rand=8843709746407475812716696063123677932178914997718444776399360265]

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 15, 2009, 10:57pm Absinthe estimates the runoff stream to be 11' across, give or take and about 3' deep. Although, as with any other stream, parts are deeper and wider. She sees no bodies in the stream. Rrorlin finds tracks around the place, many of them. Most look human, however one set is definitely not human. Where the southeast tower must have once been, and near the northwest corner of the structure areas of wall have fallen into the moat providing area where you could cross the moat on the rubble ( The distance between the shore and nearest stone is marked in red on the map below. )

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 16, 2009, 7:18am Absinthe walks along the south side and up the east side, inspecting the structure. Anybody going to join her? "Let's try to be fairly quiet.." It looks like the entrance to the tower might be another way in, or out. When she reaches the NE stream, she looks in the water and checks out how wide and deep it is. On the way back, she looks to the other side, to see if, the next time, there is a path she can take, unseen, from the SW corner to the NW corner. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 16, 2009, 7:14pm Sodil looks at the catfolk and sneers but says nothing. He jogs on down the drawbridge with the dark companion in tow. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 16, 2009, 10:17pm [color=Green]Absinthe notices the streams are all about the same width and depth.


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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 17, 2009, 8:18am Absinthe comes back and reports that the other streams look the same, and that she didn't see anything else. "We could try to go in the northeast tower, or the southeast corner. But the way our giant fly friend has gone seems easier. Shall we follow him?" Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 18, 2009, 12:10am Meer "We may as well follow him, only not too close. If there is a trap or an ambush, we'd be better served to let him trigger it first. Maybe he'll learn a lesson. Obviously he hasn't learnt it yet." Meer will try to be stealthy, keeping close to whatever shadows there are. hide [dice=20+15] move silent [dice=20+11] balance [dice=20+7] if i need it - tumble [dice=20+9] [rand=59329195724537569116512753213277285264289457653369569259866755152] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 18, 2009, 7:21am "Let's see, we have a small furry.... dude, a big cat, two elves, and a human, me who's a lot more sneaky than she looks. So we should be able to move in pretty quietly." Absinthe follows Meer, quietly: Move Silently: [dice=20+8] [rand=8206681464798748328877964289858945028204112313688048259286442771554] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 18, 2009, 10:55pm Area: 5 The wide courtyard is paved in cobblestones, although over the years grass and weeds have grown throughout the area. Rubble from the collapsed wall and destroyed upper area still litter the open space. A brown smear spreads across the middle of the courtyard, up the stairs, and into the open doorway at their top. A curved dagger lies near where the smear begins. Please try to state where you are on the map below. the large squares are 10', the small ones 5'

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 19, 2009, 11:13am Absinthe heads over to the tower door (x,y = 1, 3). Is the door open? What's the big grey trapezoid just to the inside right of the gate? Is it a building? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 19, 2009, 1:26pm (OOC) Since I can't see it on here at the library for some reason and from what I can tell from my blackberry, Sodil is somewhere on the right side to the North. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 19, 2009, 10:57pm May 19, 2009, 11:13am, noozoo wrote:

Absinthe heads over to the tower door (x,y = 1, 3). Is the door open? What's the big grey trapezoid just to the inside right of the gate? Is it a building?

Yes, the door is open. As near as I can tell, that is part of the wall. The walls are crenelated so there is an inside walkway along the wall. I would assume that notch in it is a part of the walkway that has collapsed. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 20, 2009, 12:57am May 18, 2009, 10:55pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

[color=green] Area: 5

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Meer's at 2,3 Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 20, 2009, 12:38pm Sodil is at 7,8. Going towards 10,10. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 20, 2009, 3:43pm Absinthe peeks inside the open door of the tower.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 20, 2009, 10:32pm Rorlin will stay by Absinthe for now. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 20, 2009, 10:53pm AREA 4 The interior of this old tower appears to have once sported a wooden staircase, an upper floor and a roof. Now, each of these is mostly gone, leaving only a hollow cylinder, blackened on the inside by a fire from long ago. The ground is covered in wooden, stone, and twisted iron debris, most of it at least a little charred. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 21, 2009, 7:52am Absinthe quickly looks for a place she could hide should the need arise, and then focuses on the courtyard. Where is Redi? If he's nearby, Absinthe quietly suggests he go pick up the dagger. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 22, 2009, 2:35am

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Just want to make sure I have everyone where they want to be. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 22, 2009, 5:30am Theo, are you there? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 24, 2009, 12:22am OOC: yep. Meer is where's he's supposed to be Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 25, 2009, 1:53am As everyone is preoccupied at the tower, save Sodil, a dragon comes stomping down the stairs from area 6 towards him

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 25, 2009, 9:26am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absinthes whispers to Rrorlin, "this way" and points to the door of the tower. Absinthe gets a determined look on her face as

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she tries to escape, QUIETLY and quickly. Here is Absinthe's escape route. (trying the image include for the first time) And if she can reach her destination at the top of the left wall, she'll stay down and listen first. She will not poke her head up yet, or let herself be visible from any part of inside the moat house. And she'll hold her shield above her like an umbrella in case she encounters some acid rain or liquid fire or dragon pee or something like that.

Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 25, 2009, 12:11pm Actually, if she can reach the top of the lowest part of the tower wall, she'll first check to see 1) if the angled remains of the wall going left or right look scalable (they look almost like steps, in the picture), and 2) if the boards on top of the tower look like they could support her weight if she was right against the north side. Also, how high is the tower? Looks like about 35 feet from the picture, but I'd like a second opinion. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cpanthersfan on May 25, 2009, 6:10pm (Light sensitivity)(AC: 17)(29/29 HP)(dark companion) Sodil grips his scythe tightly as his dark companion gets in front of the dragon. Initiaitive with light sensitivity: [dice=20+2][rand=34396633296273654999365794938057746801790781319146271854816004634] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by cybersavant on May 25, 2009, 8:27pm Meer Meer will hide and wait for now to see what happens. initiative [dice=20+4] hide [dice=20+15] should i need/have the opportunity to move behind it move silent [dice=20+11] hide [dice=20+15][rand=926150302564328570497699931145473273089099189559545801159518901213]

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Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on May 26, 2009, 2:04am Rrorlin draws his long sword and prepares to cast True Strike Init Roll [dice=20+6] Attack Roll +20 from True Strike [dice=20+27] Damage [dice=8+3] Concentration Check for Casting on Defensive [dice=20+13][rand=0898943131805998108356805731504463458199289355082724111019204873751] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 11:23pm Local knowledge check: any blue dragons killed in this area recently? (+3) Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 26, 2009, 11:44pm Dragon init [dice=20] Qaz will want an init roll from you, just so can establish what order everything happens in.[rand=110269373944406171085098146555844402825086634239666311362095281535] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on May 27, 2009, 9:04am Qaz - "Not me, I'm busy!" Absinthe - "I think he means me, Qaz." Absinthe's Init: [dice=20+4] [rand=21051482786424458672217558138072503522218298166998136235708370805] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 27, 2009, 6:13pm Doo Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on May 27, 2009, 6:40pm Init order Meer=23 Hides, waits to see what happens Sodil=10 ( Sodil, do you attack this round ?) Sodil grips his scythe tightly as his dark companion gets in front of the dragon. Absinthe & Rrorlin=9 Absinthe scales the tower and takes up position there. Rrorlin draws his long sword and prepares to cast True Strike Dragon=3 Launches into the air and begins hovering over the courtyard. Kicking up the dust and debris, causing a blinding effect for those on the ground. Blinded The character cannot see. He takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blinded character. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet

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Post by cpanthersfan on May 27, 2009, 9:34pm The dark companion gives the dragon a -2 penalty to its AC. Sodil then takes a thunderstone out and throws it at the dragon. Attack (not sure if it's right; I put in the Dex modifier and BAB): [dice=20+7][rand=280540563166141545973695605061957456863888073713009978932561352849] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Yesterday at 8:27am So, Absinthe managed to get to the top of the tower? She'll stay hidden behind the crenellations. How high did she climb? And how big is that damned dragon, and how high up in the air? What do I smell, aside from dust? Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by dungeoneer on Yesterday at 8:39pm OOC You had to play a Smart Dragon didn't you? Rrorlin will wait until the dragon comes lower, trying to shield his eyes from the dust with his free hand. Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Today at 1:12am Absinthe made it to the top of the tower, the boards look a little rickety, but they are holding for now. The dragon is hovering just above where the second story would be, say about 18' off the ground and is man sized. It's hide is a medium blue color and seems to be giving off a hum and crackling sound. You can smell the smell lightning makes when it strikes. ( ozone ). A little round one business to finish up, the dragon's save against the thunder stone [dice=20+10] [rand=780858915139138525915220818892471574746502108712646918610965534124] Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by Elminster Aumar on Today at 1:14am Round 2 Re: Chapter:1 The town of Hommlet Post by noozoo on Today at 9:58am How far is Baby Blue away from Absinthe?

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