The Veil Of Illusion

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  • June 2020
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The Veil of Illusion - by Randy George This document began as a collection of knowing, a way to allow information to pass from my greater being, so that I could easily read and digest the streams of knowing, since they all seemed so much larger than life. Having the information just for myself would be fine, but I had a deep feeling there must be others that would also find it helpful in their own quests to unlock the information streams inside themselves. And so I decided to organize this writing. It brings me peace to know that the information came from inside me, but it's even more inspiring to know it resonates with others. The confidence in what I know as Universal Truth is growing stronger every day and I found the journey in organizing this document was helpful in my own quest to find a state of balance in preparation for near future events.

What is The Veil of Illusion? One does not need to search very hard through the average perception of modern life to see that there is a very large, intricate force at work in the shadows of virtually every corner of reality. This in short hand can be simplified to two words. False Matrix. We ALL are a part of it whether we agree to acknowledge its presence or not. What is the False Matrix? Before getting to the answer, it would first help to examine the cross-section of our reality that we work to avoid the most. Here is a short list of some of the more striking clues. o Manipulation of World History and Literature to influence/control people o False or manipulated scripture and literary dogma to rule people by religion thereby influencing thought based on belief structure and or philosophy o Vatican's hoarding of the largest gold supply in the world. Why? o Government based entrapment by way of creating/regulating money supply and world economy/banking, essentially forcing people to work to stay alive o Elements of mind control in the Entertainment industry o Secret Space Programs and Black Operations programs o Capping and Suppression of scientific development and discovery o Health Care Industry - knowledge of natural medicine and holistic healing is either ridiculed or legally banished (by way of government administrations) o Poor Eyesight can be restored to 100% naturally. Why doesn't anyone know this!? o Government controlled and regulated "conspiracy theory" o Regulated Energy when free energy exists o Oil Industry existing to shut out all possibilities of efficient or free travel o Legalization of chemical pollutants to be used in processed foods o Political division and media propaganda to play off extreme opposites in cultures o Corporation sponsored war and Defense contracting business The above list could easily be found to be a collection of worldly paranoia, but there is a great relevance and sonority that simply begs to be understood with the group of topics. Most of the above falls under the category of the 'Dark' in the full spectrum of polarity in the lower universes. I intend to describe what this means to the best of my knowing.

The absolute most important thing to know about the illusion is that ALL of it must exist. There are beautiful and honest beings of Love and Light working on the dark side of the spectrum of reality. They are NOT evil, although they seem to contribute to a dark or hidden agenda. Another critical point to understand is that no malevolent force ruling the population would exist if we (the inhabitants of Earth) didn't want to have the experience to be as it is. We are being put through a test of sorts that compacts the extremes of polarity into a singularity which also can be defined as simply as "a return to balance". The task of each and every one of us is not to observe the "bad guys" and get on the side of the "good guys". It is our responsibility to identify with both sides and first find balance within ourselves internally to secondly meet with the divine course of events that will play out externally. Identifying the patterns of the illusion that we chose to live within is the first step. We CHOSE to be here. In order to fully understand that statement, we must first know (actually "remember" because the information is already within us) that parts of us exist elsewhere in the Universe. We are multidimensional beings. We can exist as we are now, a homo-sapien being, or we can exist as a planetary body, a star, or a galaxy in the Universe, with all parts existing simultaneously. Having many parts means that the greater parts of us can make decisions on behalf of the whole. The most difficult concept to grasp is why we would want to be here to experience life in the way we live. The answer is, of course, "To get to something better, to advance." ... But, how? And what are we advancing toward? Knowing that we chose to be here and experience the vast spectrum of possibilities from misery, pain, and suffering to joy, ecstasy, and euphoria, we also know that there must have been a plan in place to facilitate such an experience. There was indeed a plan. It has been long understood by many that this was God's divine plan. In the grand scheme of things, yes, it is God's plan… However, the jarring truth of the matter is that the divine plan is actually of our own construction. We, each and every single one of us that has incarnated here, is responsible for creating the experience that we are now living out. We exist inside God (The Universe) and we are living out life stories, dramas, tragedies, and joyful experiences, all of our own devising. The part of us that created the plan, however, is not the same part that's living out the experience. The greater part of us (the higher self or higher aspect or spirit) was the architect for each individual's life experience. This greater part is the multidimensional aspect of our being. It has full knowing, wisdom and is here to guide each individual physical being to return to balance. The illusion we live in is NOT a bad thing. It is a course of events and scenarios laid out to perfectly facilitate our return to back to the balanced state. If we were to consider illusion bad... How would we know what bad is? How does bad exist with out good? Bad can be defined by how strikingly different it is when compared to Good, and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other. The word "illusion" itself may have a negative connotation, but it is really an experience in perception, one that we must meet with the understanding of a greater plan (The Universal Divine Plan or God's Will) in order to truly understand its purpose.

So why is all this crooked and occult business happening in the background in such a top secret 'conspiracy-like' way? The short answer is simply because it needs to, in order to facilitate the experiences we are currently going through. The long answer is of course more complex and outlining it even with the best use of language is not an easy task. A few key points must be recalled into our field of perception before the complexity can begin to enter a comprehensible form. <> Our linear time-line based existence goes back trillions of years, earth-time equivalent. From our limited perception, we only have immediate access to a tiny slither of that timeline, which is basically the time span of our current incarnation's lifetime. (approx. 0- 100 years) We currently reside in vibratory sub-division of the universe called the "Zone of Free Will". Within this reality, ALL things are allowed. This includes but is not limited to the brightest love and the darkest torture-stricken realities. Death and Destruction are as significant as Life and Creativity here in the Zone of Free Will. <> This subdivision is also made up of a huge collection of realities, a reality for every soul and group of consciousness. We live here on Earth in an even smaller pocket of that subdivision and within that 'pocket' there are even more realities. On Earth we each experience our own reality (based on our individual auditory and visual perception of our experiences in the body we each occupy). And finally a larger aggregate reality exists that we all experience, which is the reality we collectively "think" exists, based on events, history, and what is considered “common knowledge”. <> Karma is the Law of the Universe (created by the Universal Consciousness, or God) that keeps things in check. In a universe where ‘free will’ is allowed, destruction and creation must be kept in order. The answer is Karma. It is quite simply a fail-safe mechanism to maintain order and balance. <> The 'reality' we occupy on Earth is a fractal of the Universe. The reality on the Earth Level is a Microcosm of the Macrocosm of the Universal Level. This knowing is the most important concept to understand and come to terms with. It is in my opinion the golden key to begin understanding the bigger picture of Existence. This is mainly because it can be logically understood by our limited thoughtform based consciousness. When we know these three things: our reality being a fractal of the Universe, that we are multidimensional beings, and that Karmic Law balances the polarity based existence, we can then use 'logic' to conclude that ALL the experiences that are occurring in our lives are actually micro-representations of scenarios that occur in the Universe on a larger scale. By far the best example I can recall of this is: When a father and a son are living out a drama (and finding peace) here on Earth, Karmic Balance is being restored between two galaxies that were once at war with one another some trillions of years ago somewhere out in the Universe. This is only, but a single example. If we considered the billions and trillions or more scenarios that resolved with peace here on earth, the repercussions on the Universal Level would be ridiculously beyond description. The scale is so immense that our limited consciousness simply cannot comprehend. What is occurring here on Earth now, in every moment of our individual lives is so miraculous, beautiful and honorable. Words can't possibly do it justice. Every single personality and being that has incarnated here is so Loved, Honored and Revered more than we can possibly imagine.

But what does this have to do with us and the strange goings on from the list of "clues"? The items we file under the category of "Dark" are quite simply: One side of the spectrum, One half of the big picture. The full scope of the polarity-based reality we occupy can only begin to be understood when both sides (Light and Dark) are firstly Considered, then Respected, Honored and finally Balanced within each individual incarnation. When we begin to see both sides of the spectrum equally, we can then understand that both are very much needed. The process of bringing Peace to the Universe can only occur if both sides work in harmony. That is where we come in as individual incarnations. Every one of us chose to be here, to experience life in physical form, to take responsibility for everything that we are and everything that we have done in the past, (in the trillions upon trillions of years of existence) and to ultimately bring peace to the Universe. Then what exactly is the Veil and False Matrix? The Veil of Illusion is a thick blanket covering our full perception (of the full spectrum of Universal reality) so that we could live in a reality based on Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch and Taste to carry out the experiences we each planned as our individual incarnations' journeys. It was created for us by us, to lock us into a reality, so convincingly real, (absolutely real) that we could see the experiences all the way through to the end of the plan. The False Matrix is the reality we currently occupy and it is rapidly crumbling (the veil being lifted) so that the Truth of the Light of the Universe can finally be revealed. Our 'finding peace' with nature of the False Matrix is the vehicle by which each of us is actively helping to bring the matrix down. The work of the souls operating on the Dark side of the spectrum of reality have been vital in orchestrating events that will eventually bring each of us to a new state of balance, to an evolved and ascended state of being on the ascended planetary body of Gaia (the Earth Star). I would like to conclude with the following knowing that came through me in July '09 as I find it very relevant and a wonderful way to summarize the miraculous experience we are all a part of: <> Inside your body, you have all the Love, All of the Lightness of the Universe, All of the Darkness of the Universe, All of the Infinite Wisdom of God, Infinite Knowledge of the Universe, All its history, All of the Infinite Power of the Universe and God in all Its glory. All of it is contained within the human body and the only way it could be responsibly contained was to go through this experience on Earth, of completely forgetting who and what we as individuals are, to forget ALL of it... to basically separate as far from God as possible, so that when we finally awakened to that knowledge, we would truly be in awe and respect of that truth and finally live it as examples... as the greatest beings that would ever grace this Universe... the stewards of this Universe and a new race of creators based on God and Its own Universe. I send my deepest Love and Blessings to everyone taking part in this wonderful and massive operation, The Universal Divine Plan. It is in my understanding there will be huge celebrations when the final stage of events concludes. I look forward to meeting you all there. Thank you for reading (and remembering). -Randy George

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