The Sibenik Times, August 8th

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sibeniktimes THE

ISSUE 36 | saturday, august 8th 2009 | YEAR II

POWERED BY šibenskilist

A bird’s eye view To get a better idea of the beauty of the nature that surrounds you have to see it from a different angle. Žaborić is situated between Šibenik and Primošten and is well known for its clean seas and vineyards that cling to the rolling hills of the hinterland.


sibenik times


Mark Thomas [email protected] Welcome to our beautiful city and to the eighteenth edition of the second season of “The Sibenik Times”. I’ve always loved quotes, sayings, proverbs, phrases and words, well the history of words and where they come from. I think this passion goes all the way back to my old English teacher at school. Starting with my childhood I remember going to have my hair cut in an old style barbers. One phrase caught my attention but it wasn’t until years later that I realized what it meant. “Something for the weekend, Sir?” the barber would ask at the end of each haircut never mind what day of the week it was. The reason for this strange question was that in the past barbers shops used to sell condoms in fact they kept them in a small bowl on the counter and when I was young I thought that the brightly colored foiled wrapped objects were sweets. So the question “something for the weekend” was a subtle way of offering condoms to customers. Later on in my teenage years I fell in love with the game of golf, I’d play at least twice a week. It wasn’t until a trip to Scotland, the home of golf, that I saw where the word came from. “Gentlemen Only – Ladies Forbidden” or for short GOLF. Another word, and one that’s been accepted into Croatian, is posh. Posh stands for “Port Outwards, Starboard Home” and comes from the old British Empire days when people traveled between the UK and India via the Mediterranean and Suez. The most expensive cabins were the ones that faced north and avoided at least some of the and sun. It’s funny how words lose or change their meanings for country to country and from culture to culture. “A disaster never comes alone” or the English version “It never rains but it pours” or “The one who wakes up early, catches two fortunes” probably has a better feel to it than the English version “The early bird catches the worm”. I’d prefer to catch a fortune than a worm! One Croatian phrase that always makes me laugh is “God first created a beard for himself. Just the picture of God creating a beard for himself makes me laugh let alone the fact that where does this phrase fit in with the story of “on the first day God created the earth.” I guess that according to this phrase firstly he created a beard before he started worrying about the heavens and earth and the rest of Genesis 1:1.

saturday august 8th 2009.

Croatia and Slovenia expect to resolve border dispute this year Croatian Times Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and Slovene Prime Minister Borut Pahor have said their two countries may resolve their maritime border dispute by the end of the year. Slovenia has blocked the opening of more chapters in Croatia’s EU accession negotiations because of the dispute. The Croatian and Slovene prime ministers met last week at Trakoscan castle in northern Croatia. They agreed on a framework agreement according to which they would find a solution by the autumn and adopt it before the end of 2009. Kosor said: “We have found a way that we will follow. I am satisfied that we have finally started to negotiate about the issue.” Pahur said : “There is possibility we will find a way to resolve the problem this year so that Croatia’s EU accession negotiations can continue.” «

Croatia hosted 242,000 tourists over the weekend Croatia hosted 242,000 tourists this weekend, around 7,000 more than during the last weekend in July 2008. According to the Ministry of Interior, there were 986,000 foreign and 256,000 domestic tourists in a total of 454,000 vehicles over the weekend. At the same time, 1,144,000 million tourists left Croatia over the weekend. The number of vehicles and passengers crossing into and out of Croatia was the highest for a weekend this year. There were 88,000 passengers and 15,000 vehicles more than on the previous weekend. As usual, the most traffic occurred on Saturday when 474,000 passengers and 167,000 vehicles entered Croatia. On Sunday, 411,000 passengers arrived in Croatia, on Friday 357,000.«

Emails ‘cannot replace postcards’ Those jetting off on holiday this summer may wish to think twice before emailing friends and family. Research carried out by Abta – The Travel Association revealed that the majority of Britons (54 per cent) prefer to receive a traditional picture postcard rather than an email or text message. Holidaymakers from London are the most frequent senders of postcards, writing and average of 3.83 per year. Of those surveyed, 26 per cent said they keep any postcards they receive from loved ones. Commenting on the findings, psychologist Donna Dawson said: “Picture postcards will always beat emails, texts and messages, because they are something that you can hold in your hand and observe close up.” Postcards make a bigger impact because they utilise the senses of touch and vision, she added.«

Minister of tourism satisfied with summer season so far

Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs has said Croatia can be satisfied with its current situation in regard to tourism. According to Bajs, Croatia has fared better this summer season than many other Mediterranean countries. Bajs said this week the number of tourists had declined by seven per cent and the number of tourist overnights had declined by three per cent in the first six months of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008. Bajs added the past weekend, when the country hosted 85,000 more tourists than on the same weekend last year, had been very significant. Croatian tourism should benefit a lot from the traditional Italian vacation period called “feragosto” in August, Bajs said. Bajs added, however, that he was aware there would be fewer foreign tourists in Croatia this year and his goal was to make the decline in their numbers as small as possible.«

British holidaymakers determined to holiday abroad Fears that British tourists will stay at home this summer rather than venture to popular tourist spots such as Spain and Croatia are unfounded, a prominent travel provider suggests. PricewaterhouseCoopers recently suggested that the UK tourism industry would suffer a slump in the autumn. However, this is not a view shared by Thomson and First Choice holidays, which believes that Britons are more determined to go away than ever. A spokeswoman for the group said: “We believe that there will always be a mar-

ket for short and mid-haul holidays, as well as longer haul offerings, not only for the great value for money you get, but also for the simple fact that you’re not susceptible to the unreliable Great British weather. “Whatever people are giving up – be it moving house, or a new car – they are not giving up their summer holiday abroad to the sun.” Among the most interesting locations to visit this summer is Zagreb, which is “blossoming into a vibrant and colourful capital city,” according to the Los Angeles Times.«

saturday august 8th 2009.

sibenik times



North Dalmatia islands recommended A Croatia travel destination that holidaymakers may wish to consider this summer is the Kornati Islands. The Croatian National Tourist Board has highlighted the region as somewhere those looking for accommodation in Croatia might want to stay. It described the Kornati Islands as the “most indented island group in the Mediterranean” and detailed a number of its attractions to tourists. People visiting can head to the Kornati National Park or the Telascica Natural Park, which offers tourists a deep bay in which they can relax and really enjoy their holiday in Croatia. Elsewhere in the country, people heading to Croatia can enjoy the Zadar Summer of Theatre on the Adriatic coast from today until the start of August. According to the tourist board, the festival gives guests to Croatia a chance to “add a special touch of culture” to their summer holiday by watching various theatre productions and dance displays.«

Pope hints at Croatia trip Pope Benedict XVI could soon be set to take a trip to Croatia, it has emerged. At a meeting with Croatian foreign minister Gordan Jandrokovic at the Vatican, the Pope stated: “Croatia has always been in my heart and I hope to visit your country in the near future.” Indeed, Mr Jandrokovic has invited the head of the Catholic church to visit Croatia, as he thanked him for the work that the Vatican has done for the country, in particular supporting its accession to the European Union, the Croatian Times reports. During the meeting Jandrokovic gave the Pope a special lace work crafted by nuns at the Benedict Monastery on Hvar Island. The foreign minister also took the time to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone who himself went on a trip to Croatia in 2009. Should the Pope wish to visit the place where his gift was produced, he will find - among other things - the oldest communal theatre in Europe.«

• The Day of the City of Knin is celebrated on the 13th of June on the holiday St. Ante • Knin was first mentioned by the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin Porfirogenet in 950 in his work “Administration of the Empire” • Croatians settled in Knin at the end of the 6th century and was established as one of the twelve noble counties. • During the rule of the Croatian King Zvonimir Knin became a metropolis of the ancient Croatian state. • After the occupation by the Yugoslavian army in 1991 Knin was liberated by the military action “Storm” in August 1995. • In 2005, Britain had moved up from 12th place to 8th place in the list of countries with the most tourists visiting Croatia. The numbers of visitors has been rising steadily every year. Britons are top of the table of highestspending tourists. • In the summer of 1936 King Edward VIII came to Croatia on the yacht Nahlin, with Wallis Simpson, whom he later abdicated to marry. The 90.2m yacht has now been restored. • The summer sea temperature reaches 26 ºc.


sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.

Around the county: Sibenik

Šibenik was mentioned for the first time under its present name in 1066 in a Charter of the Croatian King Petar Krešimir IV. For a period of time, it was a seat of the Croatian King. For that reason, Šibenik is also called "Krešimirov grad" (Krešimir's city). Through history the city has experienced many highs and lows, from the Black Plague in the 17th century to the end of the Homeland War in 1995 when the city virtually defended the whole of Croatia, to modern day where the city is an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world. Its many

cultural monuments will amaze you and the ideal approach to the city is via the sea. This is one of the reasons that more and more nautical tourists decide to visit the city. The coast as the crow flies is only 56 kilometers long but thanks to an especially rugged coast has in fact a total coastline of 806 kilometers. There are in fact two national parks in the county. One is the Krka National Park, which is famous for its waterfalls. Unlike other Dalmatian towns that were founded by the Illyrians, Greeks, and Romans, it is the oldest native Croatian town on the eastern

shores of the Adriatic. Šibenik was given the status of a town and its own diocese in 1298. Excavations of the castle of Saint Michael have since proven that the place was inhabited long before the actual arrival of the Croats. The city, like the rest of Dalmatia, resisted the Venetians up to 1412. The Ottoman Empire started to threaten Šibenik at the end of the 15th century, but they never succeeded in conquering it. In the 16th century, the fortress of St. Nicholas was built and, by the 17th century, its fortifications were improved again by the fortresses of St. John and

Šubićevac. The fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 brought Šibenik under the authority of the Habsburg Monarchy. After World War I, Šibenik became a part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while during World War II it was occupied by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. After WWII it became a part of the SFR Yugoslavia until Croatia declared independence in 1991. During the Croatian War of Independence, Šibenik was heavily attacked by the Yugoslav National Army and Serbian paramilitary troops. Although under-armed, the nascent Croatian army and

the people of Šibenik managed to defend the city. The battle lasted for six days (September 16-22) is often referred to as the "September battle". The bombings damaged numerous buildings and monuments, including the dome of the cathedral and the 1870-built theatre building. In an August 1995 military operation, the Croatian army defeated Serbian forces and freed the occupied areas, which created the basic conditions for its postwar recovery and allowed the region to continue to develop as the centre of Šibenik-Knin County.«

saturday august 8th 2009.

sibenik times

Kornati National Park In the central part of Croatian Adriatic Sea, about 15 Nm to the west from Sibenik town, 7 Nm to the southwest from Murter, or 15 Nm to the south from Zadar town, there is amazing group of islands named Kornati archipelago. Beauty and singularity of the archipelago moved authorities in 1980 to proclaim a bigger part of that area national park. Since then certain modifications of its borders were made, so that nowadays Kornati National Park occupies the area of about 220 km2 (54.000 acres). There are 89 islands, islets and reefs within the area of Kornati National Park (238 km of the coastline), what makes it the most indented group of islands in the Mediterranean. The land part of Kornati National Park covers less than 1/4 of its total area, but the values of its landscapes, the "crowns" (cliffs) on the islands facing the open sea, and interesting relief structures, make this part of Kornati National Park unique. There are no permanent settlements in Kornati. Simple houses in well-protected coves such as Vruje, Kravjačica, Lavsa and others are used by land owners as temporary shelters. There are around 20 restaurants and taverns within the Kornati National Park. They offer quality domestic cuisine that mostly includes seafood specialties (fish and crabs) and domestic lamb from the Kornati area. Some restaurants also offer “international” food for those who are not very fond of the Kornati cuisine. Most of the land owners are from the island of Murter Besides, the Kornati submarine area, whose biocenosis are considered to be the richest in the Adriatic Sea, and also the magnificent geomorphology of the sea bed attracts divers from all over Europe to come and enjoy in unforgettable submarine adventures. Diving visits to the Kornati National Park are allowed only in organized and approved diving groups. Therefore, if you intend to dive in the Park (which we highly recommend), please contact one of the diving centers authorized to perform this activity within the Kornati National Park. Within the Park there are seven zones set aside for diving visits. It is hard to recommend which one you should use. Kornati truly is a wonder of nature and well worth a day out of your holiday schedule to experience, whether you prefer an active day of water sports, hiking and diving or just to enjoy the views and try the local cuisine its truly a day that you’ll never forget.«

“On the last day of the Creation God desired to crown His work and thus created Kornati Islands out of tears, stars and breath” George Bernard Shaw (26th July 1856 – 2nd November 1950)



sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.

National Park Kornati – Mrs. Bi The Kornati National Park is a gem of nature a true wonder of the natural world in Croatia. This week I caught up with a lady who has, as she says, Kornati in her heart and soul. Mrs. Biserka Turcinov, head of tourism and marketing, is doing a job that she loves in surroundings that she adores, the perfect combination. As the height of the tourist season is here I spoke to Mrs. Turcinov to find her feelings as to how the season is going and exactly what the national park means to her. ••How pleased are you with the current tourist season? I have to say that in spite of the fact that tourism in general has been hit by the current financial crisis we are more than satisfied with our results so far. Our statistics show that in April and May the number of visitors to the park was up on last year, however June was a little down on last year which meant that for those first three months of the tourist season we broke even with the number of visitors. The early figures that I have for July look positive and will possibly show a slight increase on last year. Like I said all in all we are satisfied with the results so far and if we continue in the same form we should reach the figures from last year or maybe even a slight increase. As most of our tourists are nautical tourists that means a lot depends on the weather, if we have good weather through the next two months and then maybe an Indian summer then we could definitely see good overall results for the year. ••What does Kornati mean to you personally? The simple answer would be it means everything to me. I’ve grown up with the National Park and I feel that Kornati is mine in many ways. You could say that National Park Kornati is my heart and soul. ••How long have you been involved with the Kornati National Park and what are some of your fondest memories? I have been working in the Naional Park Kornati, in one position or another, for twelve years. But I’ve actually been involved with the park since 1980 when Kornati was declared a national park. As I have already said the park and Kornati are my life and mean everything to me. Most of the fondest memories I have from working in the park involve people, either people that have worked with me through my career or tourists to the park who have touched me with their kind comments about the nature and the park in general. I think it’s these memories that will stay with

me forever. ••What is your position in the National Park? My official function is head of tourism and marketing for the national park, but we are like a big family here so I end up doing many different things. ••How would you recommend Kornati to tourists? I could probably talk for three hours about the beauties of the national park. In fact turning the question around I wouldn’t recommend the park but instead I would recommend how to visit the park. To visit the park in a way that you experience the soul of the park, to feel at one with the sea, stone and nature, as that is the real Kornati. The park isn’t just sun, sea and swimming there is a lot more to the park. In fact Kornati wasn’t declared a national park just because of the natural beauties but also because of the human work that has gone on inside Kornati for centuries. From the dry stone walls that stretch from one side of an island to the other plus many more objects that have to be seen. ••How would you describe the National Park in a few words? Not an easy question to answer! I think the best description I could think of would be – the pearl on the necklace of Croatia. ••What reactions have you had from visitors this year? The vast majority of guests are more than satisfied when they see the park for the first time. In fact I love seeing peoples faces when they see Kornati for the first time, its true that a picture tells a thousand words. Of course there are a very small percentage of visitors that are unhappy for a few reasons. The most common complaint is that a guest to the park can’t find a place to moor his/her boat in the place where they wanted to. In many ways this is understandable but we have to take into account that there are a limited number of moorings inside the national park and to just add more would cause the park to lose its peaceful and calm atmosphere. In general I have to say that sailors are thankful visitors and they are always willing to find a compromise so the overall reactions are positive. ••What are the plans for the future? There are always new ideas and projects in plan and this year is no different. However we are a public body and we are linked to the state budget which means that we are limited with our funding. The national park is 8 nautical miles from the coastline which means that we are a relatively expensive park to run and supervise. We are

forced, due to the surroundings, to have boats that take care of the park as well as act as a reception for visitors. This all means that we have extra costs that a national park inside the country doesn’t have. However, like I mentioned, we have many various plans for the future, from redeveloping our main building which would then include a visitor’s centre to planting trees in the national park. We would also like to construct new objects on the islands such as toilet blocks and a new visitor’s centre. ••How do you control entrance fees into Kornati? As a national park 8 nautical miles from the coastline we are a little different from others in Croatia. We don’t have an entrance fee for individual guests; instead we have a fee for yachts that enter the park. This works on a system connected to the length of the visitors boat, for example up to 11 metres, then from 11 metres to 18 metres and finally over 18 metres. And then we have two different types of tickets, those are tickets that are bought inside the national park and tickets that are purchased outside of the park before entry. We sell tickets at various places outside of the park such as in marinas, tourist offices and travel agencies. For example one ticket for a yacht up to 11 metres costs 150 Kunas if you buy it outside the park but if you buy the same ticket inside the park it costs 250 Kunas. As you can see there is quiet a difference, what we are trying to do is to get visitors to buy their tickets before entering into the park. Of course when we are talking about high category yachts the prices are higher as is the difference. One ticket purchased outside the park cost 450 Kuna but the same ticket bought inside the national park costs 750 Kuna. The national park doesn’t have its own boats for excursions instead we sign contracts with travel agencies and boat owners. ••How do you organise marketing for the national park? In various different methods, firstly we have our own website and that has proved extremely popular since we launched it. Then we advertise over local radio stations and of course we work very closely with the Croatian Tourist Board, both on a local level in Murter and on a national level with exhibitions all over the world. In fact when we attend a tourist fair or exhibition we tend to co-operate with the other national parks in Croatia and present ourselves together. This has worked very successfully so far. As you can see Kornati in many ways advertises itself. «

iserka Turcinov

saturday august 8th 2009.

sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.

Croatian currency The Croatian currency is the Kuna (local abbreviation kn, international abbreviation HRK), which is divided into 100 lipas (lp). The Kuna, contrary to popular belief, holds no relation to the various currencies entitled "koruna". The word "Kuna" means marten, a weasel-like animal, whose fur Croats used for payment many centuries ago. The lipa is a lime tree, but there isn't any connection with the coins. During Roman times, in the provinces of upper and lower Pannonia (today Hungary and Slavonia) taxes were collected in the then highly valued marten skins. Hence the Croatian word

"marturina" or tax, derived from the Latin word "martus" (Croatian: "Kuna"). The Kuna was a currency unit in several Slavic states, most notably Kievan Rus and its successors until the early 15th century. It was equal to 1/25 (later 1/50) gryvna of silver. In the Middle Ages many foreign monies were used in Croatia, but since at least 1018 a home currency was in use. Between 1260 and 1380 the Croatian Viceroys were making a marten-adorned silver coin called banovac. However, the diminishing autonomy of Croatia within the Croatia-Hungarian Kingdom led to the gradual

disappearance of that currency. When visiting Croatia, you can exchange most currencies and most credit cards are accepted. Notes consist of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 Kuna. Each bears a likeness to a Croatian hero. Each Kuna is divided into 100 lipa. There are silver colored 50 and 20 lipa coins and bronze 10 lipa coins. The value of the Kuna is tied to the value of the euro. It is quite common for accommodation to be priced in euros however you will pay in Kuna. Also many more expensive items like houses, cars and boats will be sold in Euros even though payment is expected in Kuna. «

GET TO KNOW YOUR NOTES 10 kn - Juraj Dobrila - noted Croatian bishop who promoted Croatian cultural rights and advanced the Croatian language; landmark: Amphitheater in Pula. 20 kn - Ban (Viceroy) Josip Jelacic - military hero of revolution in 1848; landmark: Eltz Castle in Vukovar, and Vucedol Dove. 50 kn - Ivan Gundulic - greatest Croatian poet of the 17th Century; landmark: City of Dubrovnik. 100 kn - Ivan Mazuranic - first non-aristocrat to be named Ban (Viceroy); landmark: Church of St. Vitus in Rijeka.

200 kn - Stjepan Radic - political leader and founder of Croatian Peasant's Party, assassinated in the Belgrade Parliament in 1928; landmark: Town Command in Osijek. 500 kn - Marko Marulic - greatest Croatian poet of the 15th and 16th centuries; landmark: Diocletian Palace in Split and figure of Croatian King. 1,000 kn - Ante Starcevic - political leader, ideologist and founder of the Croatian Party of the Right; landmark: monument to King Tomislav and Zagreb Cathedral.

saturday august 8th 2009.

sibenik times


Euromediterranean meeting Croatia 2009 Summer school of urban and regional development The project is being held in Croatia for the first time after 7 successful editions in Italy. The Summer school lasts for 10 days, from 6th to 16th August. Out of the 35 offered scholarships a minimum of 4 scholarships has been offered to students with disabilities, 3 to the Croatian students and 5 to students from the town of Cariati in Italy, where the Summer schools have been traditionally held for 7 years. In the course of the 10 days of the Summer school 3 types of activities constantly alternate: 1. lectures of renowned professors, 2. guided tours (from cultural heritage to educational centres and institutions, to entrepreneurial areas) 3. witnessing of people who have contributed to the development of the Sibenik region in various ways. The final workshop of the Summer school will gather the participants to set up a website where all knowledge and

experiences acquired during the Summer school will be transferred. The website is going to be divided into 3 categories: cultural heritage, education and entrepreneurship, all in the context of how they were/are/could be used in the context of urban and regional development. This approach promotes the new era of the individual, post-modern tourist who plans his/her vacation autonomously, surfing the Internet. Giving a crosssection of the region in more aspects will for sure attract and awaken additional tourist interest in more than just a short tourist visit. The Summer school is held under the patronage of the President of the European Parliament and Croatian Ministry of Health and Social care. It is supported by the local communities, towns and tourist offices of Šibenik, Vodice, Tisno and Pirovac and partners: Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank, Zagrebmontaža Grupa, Croatia Osiguranje, Halpet business communication, Vinoplod Vinarija d.d. Šibenik, Ledo d.d. and others. «


sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.

saturday august 8th 2009.

tures c i p n i k e e w t s La

sibenik times




1. On the Solaris hotel beach a somewhat unusual photo session was held last week. The “water-balloon” has proved a hit for this summer season. Photo: Marija Mihic / CROPIX 02

2. One of the most luxurious cruisers in the world, Seaborne Odyssey, overall length 190m, carrying only 450 passengers anchored up in the Sibenik harbour last week. Photo: Niksa Stipanicev / CROPIX 03

4. The “library boat” sailed into Sibenik harbour last week and brought with it great interest from the locals and tourists alike. Photo: Marija Mihic / CROPIX 04

5. In the Hacienda club DJ Miss Nine entertained the public with her attractive show. Photo: Marija Mihic / CROPIX





sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.

EVENTS August 2009. ŠIBENIK svakog četvrtka 03.07-28.07. 01.08.-18.08 21.08.-22.08.

Klapske večeri – Every Thursday through July – Vocal choir concerts svakog petka - Šibensko lito – Every Friday – Sibenik summer Festival šibenskih trgova – Festival of Sibenik squares Dalmatinska šansona – Dalmatian Chanson

ROGOZNICA 01.08. Ribarska noć – Fisherman’s night


International live Music, dj & dance shows Cocktail & pool club 21:00 – 00:01 Disco – night club „admiral“ 24:00 – 04:00

ZLARIN 01.07.-01.09. 01.08.-14.08. 05.08. 09.08. 12.08.

Festival svjetla na Zlarinu – Festival of Light in Zlarin Lutkarski festival “Vesna Parun” – Puppet festival “Vesna Parun” Zabavna grupa “Orange” Šibenik – Entertainment group “Orange” Koncert “Raspjevani violoncello” – Concert “Raspjevani violoncello” Zabavna grupa “Feniks” – Entertainment group “Feniks”

PRIMOŠTEN 09.08. povratak Gospe od Porta, Sv. Misa i procesija u pratnji brodica Return of the Lady of Porta – procession

VODICE 02.08.-04.08. 13.08. 16.08.

Vodičke noći – Night of Vodice Večer dalmatinskih klapa – An evening of Dalmatian vocal choirs Tradicionalni vodički običaji – Traditional customs of Vodice

GREBAŠTICA 01.08. 08.08. 15.08.

Klapske večeri – Vocal choir evenings Večer folklora (smotra folklora s gostima iz cijele Hrvatske) An evening of folklore with groups from all over Croatia Klapske večeri- Vocal choir evenings

PIROVAC 08.08. 12.08. 14.08. 23.08.

Folklorna večer i domaći običaji – Folklore evenings and local customs Susret klapa – Vocal choirs Ribarska večer – Fisherman’s night Večer domaće kužine – An evening of local cuisines

Tisno 08.08. Međunarodna trka tovara – International donkey race 14.08. Koncert pučkih napjeva u crkvi Sv. Duha – Concert in St Soul church

TRIBUNJ 01.08. Tradicionalne magareće trke – Traditional donkey race 07.08 Koncert Đani Stipaničev – Concert Đani Stipaničev

BETINA 01.08. - 01.09. 08.08.-09.08. 16.08.

svaka treća večer - Večer betinske kuhinje – Every third evening – An evening of Betina cuisine Tradicionalna betinska regata Optimist-Laser – Betina regatta – Optimist class Regata za dušu i tilo – Regatta for the body and soul

KNIN 05.08. Dan Domovinske zahvalnosti – Day of Independence krajem kolovoza Festival ruralne culture – End of August – festival of rural culture

SKRADIN 01.08. Tradicionalni susret klapa – Traditional vocal choirs

ZATON, RASLINA 16.08. Sv. Roko – Fešta – St Roko Festival

KRAPANJ 02.08. Krapanjska fešta – Festival of Krapanj 09.08. Smotra folklora, pisme i pjesništva – An evening of folklore, songs and poems

PRVIĆ ŠEPURINE 16.08. Fešta, Sv. Roko – Festival St Roko

PRVIĆ LUKA 02.08. Fešta – Festival

SRIMA 03.08. Srimarska fešta – Festival of Srima

saturday august 8th 2009.

past e h t o t e l o h t r o P

sibenik times

The core of the old city



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It consists of three parts: Grad, Dolac and Gorica. The historical town centre can be accessed from all sides. The main entrance is the one from Poljan and it represents the central area of the total Sibenik agglomeration. The main city door stood on Poljana's southwest side up to 1864. On the left side of the entrance there are the remains of the city walls with the sculpture of St Mihovil, the city's patron There is also a neorenaissance theatre building opened for public form 1870. In this largest part of the city centre there are several areas of various sizes that reflect a peculiar unity of ambient values and living areas ( Trg Ivana Pavla II, Dobric, Square of the Croatian Republic etc.). The palaces of local noblemen0 stand out in Sibenik's urban architecture. The central Town Square, the square of the Croatian Republic , former Plahtea communis, has been the heart of medieval Sibenik's public and social life. It’s planning and construction was finished in XVI ct. Some of the finest examples of Sibenik's architecture can be seen around the square; the cathedral, the City Hall, the Little Loggia, Bishop's and City Prince's palaces as well as the stone palaces of influential citizens.«



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Below the fortress, on a stony rise in the area between today's double city walls in Dolac and the cathedral, the first urban habitat emerged. It is the IX century Sibenik, mentioned in documents of Croatian kings. The city area defined by the city wall perimeter in XIV century started to grow in population density during the time of communal free development (1358-1409). In the XVI century construction, led by Juraj Dalmatinac and the renaissance builder Nikola Firentinac, started to develop. Wood exploitation in the construction industry had been limited by statutory resolutions and more and more stone was being used. Beside the grand cathedral rose other churches, palaces, streets and town squares. In the XVI century Sibenik received a defined urbanism plan. From 1540 to 1650 the building of the three fortresses - St Nikola, St Ivan and Šubićevac strengthened Sibenik fortification system. The Baroque (XVII and XVIII) did not significantly influence the city structure, though it did leave traces in sacral and other buildings. Under the Austrian government in XIX ct a part of the city walls got torn down. However the wholeness of the old urban agglomeration has been preserved.


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sibenik times

saturday august 8th 2009.



Health DAILY PHARMACY Centrala (until August 8.); PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radića 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radića bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROŠ, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212539; PHARMACY PLENČA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONACIJSKA PHARMACY, Braće Polića bb, tel. 333-437, VITA- SPECIJALIZIRANA PRODAVAONICA LIJEKOVIMA AND MEDICINSKIM PROIZVODIMA, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIĆPETKOVIĆ, Stjepana Radića 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY ČOBANOV, Square Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radića 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radića 12, tel. 336-116.

Banks JADRANSKA BANK: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANK: Square Pavla Šubića br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANK: A. Starčevića bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANK: Ante Šupuka 22, tel. 062/201-555; PRIVREDNA BANK ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBAČKA BANK: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANK d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radića 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 668-100; KRIŽEVAČKA BANK: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

Buses Departure buses from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Biograd–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

day and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday) 19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploče–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00, 7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00 (motorway), 23.00; Sibenik-Karlovac at 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30, 19.10, 21.40, 23.00; Sibenik–Varaždin at 13.45; Sibenik–Osijek at 21.40; Sibenik–Požega at 7.45 (tuesday and friday); Sibenik–Slavonski Brod at 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and 21.40 (everyday); Sibenik–Vinkovci at 19.10 (thursday and sunday); Sibenik–Imotski at 3.45; Sibenik–Pula at 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00; Sibenik– Rovinj at 22.00; Sibenik-Gospić at 9.15; Sibenik–Pag at 9.15. LOCAL LINE - work day Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić); 9.30(Čupić); 15.15 (Čupić); Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; SibenikTisno-Jezera at 10.00 (Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-GrabovciStankovci-Budak-Banjevci at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-GrabovciVelim-Stankovci-Dobra Voda-Banjevci-Benkovac at 14.00, 20.00 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-JezeraMurter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30, 19.30; Sibenik-Srima-VodicePirovac-Kašić at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Vodice-Pirovac-KašićBanjevci at 15.20; Sibenik-SkradinPiramatovci-Krković-Žažvić-Lišani at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Vodice-Čista Velika-Prović-Vukšić at 11.15, 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Grabovci-CrljenikStankovci-Budak-RadašinovciBanjevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Čista VelikaLađevci-Krković-BilostanoviŽažvić-Lišani-Vukšić-Prović at 15.30; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinD u b rav i ce - R u p e - L a š kov i ca Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinLaškovica-Rupe at 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-SkradinSonković-Piramatovci at 12.45, 15.20; Sibenik-Skradin-SonkovićPiramatovci-Lađevci-Lišani at 11.00, 20.15; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Graovo-Plastovo-IćevoLaškovica-Rupe-Sonković at 9.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 10.15, 15.10, 20.30; Sibenik-Boraja-Lepanica-Vrsno at 12.00, 14.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-


Health Centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus station, tel. 661-005; PHARMACY, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Caritas, tel. 661-700; HVIDRA, tel. 661-612; Library tel. 660-010


PHARMACY tel. 434-129; Dentist tel. 436-026; NP Kornati tel. 435740; Borough of Murter tel. 435599; Jadranska BANK tel. 443137; Port Authority tel. 435-190


PHARMACY tel. 467-099, open from 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12; Doctor surgery tel. 467-080; Borough of Pirovac tel. 467-077; Post tel. 467-000; Jadranska BANK tel. 466-622; Firebrigade tel. 467-090.


Borough of Primošten tel. 571-900; Police tel. 570-092; PHARMACY tel. 570-305, Jadranska BANK tel. 570-351; Privredna BANK tel. 571160; Post tel. 571-039; Firebrigade tel. 570-097; Libary 570-259


Borough of Rogoznica tel. 559040; Firebrigade tel. 559-294; Doctors Surgery tel. 559-032; Dentist tel. 558-392; PHARMACY tel. 558330, Jadranska BANK tel. 559-540;


PHARMACY – open mon, wed and fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tue and thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049


Borough of Tisno tel. 439-262, 439-264, 439-268; PHARMACY tel. 438-512, Jadranska BANK tel. 438-486; FINA tel. 438-499; Post tel. 439-250; Port Authority tel. 439-313; ACI marina, tel. 439 295 .


Borough of Tribunj tel. 446-357, fax. 446-830; Tourist board of Tribunj tel./fax. 446-143; Jadranska BANK tel. 446-992; Croatian Post Office Tribunj tel. 446-855, fax. 446-830.


Doctors Surgery tel. 022/443-169; Dentist tel. 022/443-624; PHARMACY 022/ 443-168; Vet surgery 022/443-355 Bus station, 022/443627; Port Authority, tel. 022/443055; Post, tel. 022/442-145.

Grebaštica-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 11.45; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-ŽaborićGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapini Doci at 15.10; SibenikPrimošten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primošten-RogoznicaRažanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primošten BIS at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-DubravaBiranj-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15; SibenikDubrava-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00; SibenikKraljice-Mirlović-Nakići-Radonić at 15.10; Sibenik-Konjevrate-MirlovićUnešić at 11.30; Sibenik-VrpoljeKraljice-Mirlović-Unešić-Sedramić at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-ŽivkovićPokrovnik-Pakovo Selo-Miljevci at 11.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-NakićŽivković-Pokrovnik-Miljevci at 14.00 (Čupić), 20.15 (Čupić); SibenikBilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.30, 10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30, 19.15, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. LOCAL LINE - saturday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić), 11.30; Sibenik-Drniš-KosovoKnin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00; SibenikSrima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-TribunjSovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-LepenicaVrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.30; SibenikJužna Dubrava-Danilo-PerkovićSitno at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Konjevrate-Nakić-Mirlović at 15.20; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoBratiškovci-Laškovica-SkradinSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Sonković-DubraviceGraovo-Plastovo-Ićevo-LaškovicaRupe at 13.00; Sibenik-LozovacDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoIćevo-Laškovica-Rupe at 15.30; Sibenik-Skradin-Sonković-GračacVaćani-Piramatovci at 15.20; Sibenik Lozovac-Skradin-DubraviceRupe-Laškovica-Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); SibenikVodice-Čista Velika-LađevciKrković-Bilostanovi-Lišani-Vukšić (end of village)-Prović at 12.00 (and Piramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova); Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

LOCAL LINE - sunday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 8.30; Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 14.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-Srima-VodiceTribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 20.00, 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; SibenikJadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 15.10; Sibenik-Južna DubravaDanilo-Perković-Sitno at 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacS k ra d i n - D u b rav i ce - G ra ovo Plastovo-Bratiškovci (to Gračac playground) at 15.30; Sibenik-BiliceStubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 14.00; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablaće at 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

Trains Departure from Sibenik: 4.26 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 7.42 : for Perković, Knin, Split, Zagreb; 10.56 : for Perković, Split and Zagreb; 12.25 : for Perković and Split; 15.10 : for Perković and Zagreb; 15.37 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 17.43 : for Perković; 20.l0 : for Perković, Knin and Split; Zagreb, Osijek, Vinkovci; 22.50 : for Perković and Zagreb (direct). Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : from Knin, Split, Perković and Zagreb (direct wagon); at 7.33 : from Perković; 8.54 : from Knin, Split and Perković; 12.07 : from Zagreb and Perković; 13.34 : from Perković; 16.37 : from Zagreb and Perković; 17.33 : from Knin, Split and Perković; at 18.48 : from Perković; 21.20 : from Knin, Split, Perkovića and Zagreb (fast train).

Boats SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): tuesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10. SIBENIK – ŽIRJE (ferry): tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 17.45. Monday, friday and saturday at 10.30, return friday at 15, monday and saturday at 15.30 , return at 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidays at 11.00, return at 17.45. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE (hydrofoil Mislav): monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday at 18.45, friday at 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50, friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holidays at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and 11.20 . SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIĆ – ŠEPURINE - VODICE: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 .

saturday august 8th 2009.


impressum Osnivač i izdavač | Publisher: Šibenski list d.o.o. Adresa | Address: Božidara Petranovića 3, Šibenik Telefoni | Telephones: 022/311-300; 022/311-399 Fax: 022/330-100; 022/311-302


Direktor | Director: Srđan Bužančić ([email protected]) Glavni urednik | Editor in chief: Zdravko Pilić ([email protected]) Urednik | Editor: Mark Thomas ([email protected])


Fotoreporteri | Photography: ([email protected]) Vilson Polić Nikolina Vuković Stipaničev CROPIX Grafička priprema | Graphics: ([email protected]) Orsat Lasić Luka Čanković | Nino Milin


Marketing: • Elida Slavica • ([email protected]) Mobitel: 091/30 20 106

U suradnji s | In association with:

Primosten Turistička zajednica Grada Šibenika Tourist board Sibenik Director: Goran Bulat Tel: 022/212-075 |

sibenik times



International dialling code for Croatia 00385 Dialling code for Sibenik 022 International enquires 901 Post office 214 991 Telegram 96 Police 92 Harbour Master Sibenik 217 217 Harbour Master Vodice 443 055 Harbour Master Primosten 570 266 Harbour Master Rogoznica 559 045 Harbour Master Murter 435 190 Harbour Master Tisno 439 313 Emergency services 112 Ambulance 94 Fire brigade 93 Assistance on the sea 9155 Roadside assistance 987 Sibenik Hospital 246 246 Sibenik bus station 060 368 368 Sibenik train station 333 696 Jadrolinija local ferry service 213 468 Taxi 212 121 Split airport 021 203 507 Zadar airport 023 205 800 Information 981 Tourist Guide society “St. Michael” 091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116 Sibenik – Knin County tourist Board 219 072 Sibenik tourist information centre 022 214 448 022 214 411

Predbroj Za Hrvatsku 00385 Predbroj Za Šibensku Regiju 022 Međunarodna Centrala 901 Pošta 214 991 Telegram 96 Policija 92 Lučka Kapetanija Šibenik 217 217 Lučka Kapetanija Vodice 443 055 Lučka Kapetanija Primošten 570 266 Lučka Kapetanija Rogoznica 559 045 Lučka Kapetanija Murter 435 190 Lučka Kapetanija Tisno 439 313 Hitna Služba 112 Prva Pomoć 94 Vatrogasci 93 Pomoć Na Moru 9155 Pomoć Na Cesti 987 Bolnica Šibenik 246 246 Autobusni Kolodvor Šibenik 060 368 368 Željeznički Kolodvor Šibenik 333 696 Jadrolinija Lokalni Brodski Prijevoz 213 468 Taxi 212 121 Zračna Luka Split 021 203 507 Zračna Luka Zadar 023 205 800 Opće Informacije 981 Udruga Turističkih Vodiča “Sv. Mihovil“ 091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116 TZ Šibensko-Kninske Županije 219 072 Turističko - informativni centar Šibenik 022 214 448 022 214 411

Tourist board Jezera Director: Nenad Milin Tel: 022/439-120 |


Tourist board Knin Director: Ante Šimić Tel: 022/664-819 | Tourist board Murter Director: Željana Šikić Tel: 022/434-995 | Tourist board Pirovac Director: Marija Šparica Tel: 022/466-770 |


Tourist board Primosten Director: Jere Bakotić Tel: 022/571-111 | Tourist board Rogoznica Director: Ante Karabatić Tel: 022/559-253 Tourist board Skradin Director: Karmen Bičanić Španjol Tel: 022/771-329 |

Tisno / Jezera

Tourist board Tisno Director: Milena Obratov Tel: 022/438-604 | Tourist board Tribunj President: Ivan Zadro Tel: 022/446-143 Tourist board Vodice Director: Anita Franin Pečarica Tel: 022/443-888 |


All text and photos are exclusive content of Sibenik Times and without authorization can’t be reproduced! Transcripts and photos are not returned. Sibenik Times is free of charge and is published once a week. Žiro račun broj | Bank account: 2411006-1100004846


Tisak | Print: Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split




sibenik times



Mostly Sunny High 29°c/Low 17°c Chance of rain 0%


Plenty of sunshine High 29°c/Low 18°c Chance of rain 0%


Seven day weather forecast

Sunshine and warm High 30°c/Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%

saturday august 8th 2009.

Now & Then


Partly cloudy High 32°c/Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%


Partly cloudy High 29°c/Low 19°c Chance of rain 10%


A view along the portside of Sibenik taken in 1929. As you can see from the photo the harbor wall has been built up and widened since those times.


Sunny with scattered clouds High 32°c/Low 20°c Chance of rain 0%

Clouds and sunshine High 30°c/Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%

The same scene taken today. Although the architecture has changed over the years the hotel in the background and the church spire can are still recognizable from 80 years ago.

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