The Sibenik Times, August 1st

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sibeniktimes THE

ISSUE 35 | saturday, august 1st 2009 | YEAR II

POWERED BY šibenskilist

The nautical heritage of Sibenik The Sibenik County has always had strong links with the sea. Along the county’s coastline are many examples of towns that have developed due to the benefits of the sea. Of course it was also necessary to defend yourself from seaborne attacks.


sibenik times


Mark Thomas [email protected] Welcome to our beautiful city and to the seventeenth edition of the second season of “The Sibenik Times”. I wonder how many people that travel to foreign shores learn to speak the basics of the local language before travelling. I know I do, even if it’s just ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’ I like to learn a few basic words just to help me on my travels – this has helped me a few times. Even if what you are attempting to say might come out completely wrong and almost certainly with a horrible accent the simple fact that you are trying will be meet with sympathetic ears. On a personal level I can remember the funny stories that my wife and her group of friends made in London whilst they were living there. There was the common one of walking into a pub and asking for “two bears please” instead of two beers. Another friend has just made herself something to eat when her boss walked into the room. Seeing him enter she wanted to be respectful and ask him if he wanted to join her. Instead she rather comically asked “would you enjoy me?” My wife also made some classically humorous mistakes. One of the funniest was actually on her first trip over Dubrovnik to London. As she was travelling to England for the first time she had packed several traditional presents, including a bag full of rogać. While waiting she feel into conversation with a UN solider travelling home to Canada and when he saw the “unusual fruit” she was carrying he wanted to taste it. With every bite he took he liked the fruit more and more and asked to try another. Whilst eating the second one my wife realised that if he ate too many he might have problems going to the toilet and desperately tried to explain this to him. She ended up saying to him that if he ate too many “your shit not go down!” Needless to say the Canadian laughed so much his blue helmet fell off. Of course making mistakes in a language is not unique to English and I myself have made and still make some great ones, and will probably make many more even funnier ones in the years to come. At the end of the day you learn from mistakes. It was the American writer Elbert Hubbard who said “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”

saturday august 1st 2009.

ECCLESTONE BACK IN CROATIA WITH A BRUNETTE Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone has returned to Croatia on holiday after his divorce from his wife Slavica, who is of Croatian descent. The Croatian daily Jutarnji List has reported he arrived accompanied by a good-looking brunette. The newspaper said Ecclestone had commented he had come to Croatia with car-racing business partners. The two were spotted in the southern town of Trogir, which Ecclestone had regularly visited with his former wife. The Formula 1 boss was reportedly spotted buying roses at a local market. He arrived in Trogir aboard the 60-metres-long yacht Petara, named after his daughters Petra and Tamara.

A 20 MILLIONTH PASSENGER ARRIVED WITH CROATIA AIRLINES Croatia Airlines had its 20 millionth passenger last Friday. Lucky Boris Jakopovic arrived on a flight from Amsterdam to Zagreb and was welcomed by Croatia Airlines’ representatives at the airport. The young student received a gift of two return tickets and hotel accommodations in the international destination of his choice. Croatia Airlines head Ivan Misetic said the company had transported 11.14 million passengers on regular international flights, 6.71 million passengers on domestic flights and 2.14 million passengers on special flights in the past 18 years.

CROATIA HOSTED 242,000 TOURISTS OVER THE WEEKEND Croatia hosted 242,000 tourists this weekend, around 7,000 more than during the last weekend in July 2008. According to the Ministry of Interior, there were 986,000 foreign and 256,000 domestic tourists in a total of 454,000 vehicles over the weekend. At the same time, 1,144,000 million tourists left Croatia over the weekend. The number of vehicles and passengers crossing into and out of Croatia was the highest for a weekend this year. There were 88,000 passengers and 15,000 vehicles more than on the previous weekend. As usual, the most traffic occurred on Saturday when 474,000 passengers and 167,000 vehicles entered Croatia. On Sunday, 411,000 passengers arrived in Croatia, on Friday 357,000.


The police have asked drivers to obey traffic regulations in the wake of recent accidents on the Zagreb-Split motorway. The police have asked drivers not to park and turn around or back up on the motorway. The Ministry of the Interior has said fines for violations or traffic regulations will range from 300 kunas (41 Euros) – 2,000 kunas (274 Euros). Two people died, and two were severely injured in an accident on 22 June caused by wrong-way driving on the motorway.

CROATIAN KUNA ‘AMONG FASTEST-GROWING CURRENCIES’ The Croatian kuna is one of the faster growing currencies there are, according to new research. In a list devised by the Post Office, Croatia came seventh, recording growth of 11 per cent, from January to June of this year. As of June 2009, it had recorded growth of 19 per cent and was ranked at number ten. Croatia was said to be the only Eastern European country whose currency was not struggling. The figures were part of the Post Office’s research into trends in currency purchasing, indicating

that for those going on holiday Croatia is an increasingly desirable destination. Head of travel Sarah Munro commented: “Confidence seems to be returning to the holiday market and our currency sales in recent weeks indicate that UK tourists are responding to the great-value deals available for overseas travel.” Top of the currency growing list for June was the South African rand with a 176 per cent increase. At the current time (July 21st), one British pound is worth around 8.5 Croatian kuna.

saturday august 1st 2009.

sibenik times



MORE JAPANESE CHOOSING CROATIA TRAVEL EXPERIENCE More Japanese people embarked on a Croatia travel trip last year than they did in 2007, it has been reported. According to the Croatian Times, there was a 66 per cent increase in the number of Japanese tourists heading to Croatian accommodation in 2008. Some 144,000 people from the eastern nation decided that a holiday Croatia style is what they were looking for. This news comes in the week that airlines across Europe have either launched or announced their intention to launch more flights to Croatia. Earlier this week, easyJet started up a Liverpool to Dubrovnik route - the first link-up between Croatia and the northwest English city. Moreover, at the start of July travellers will be able to reach Croatian villas and other accommodation from Madrid because Spain’s national airline Iberia will be running flights from the Spanish capital city to Zagreb.

SEA WATER QUALITY - ANOTHER REASON FOR CROATIA For those looking to take a summer holiday, Croatia has always offered a number of attractions. Now, the country’s Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction have revealed that the sea water along the nation’s Adriatic coastline is of excellent quality. Reporting the findings, the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies said that bathing conditions are deemed “good” at 16 of the beaches along the coast and “satisfactory” at nine. All testing was conducted during the course of May and it will offer encouragement to Europeans planning a vacation Croatia style in the coming months. Other reasons for choosing a Croatia travel experience above other European destinations include the fact that it is home to the beautiful city of Dubrovnik and thousands of islands in the Dalmatia region. Holidaymakers looking for culture, a hot climate or fantastic scenery are likely to find Croatia meets their requirements.

• Sibenik celebrates its day of the city on the 29th of September. • St. Jacob Cathedral in Sibenik was recognised by UNESCO on the 30th of November 2000 when it was placed on the list of protected world monuments. • The Sibenik-Knin County has 806 kilometres of coastline, five rivers, three big and ten small lakes. • The readers of the English newspaper “The Sunday Times” voted in 2003 that Croatia was the most sought after tourist destination. • The editors of one of the most well known tourist guides, The Lonely Planet, placed Croatia in fourth place as the most popular destination for 2004. • The Sibenik International Children’s Festival, which is held at the end of June and beginning of July, has been held for the last 50 years. • Dolphins are often seen swimming in the seas around the Sibenik County. • One of the oldest and most popular meals in Dalmatia and in Sibenik is sardines in olive oil. • ACI Marina in Vodice has 415 berths and 90 dry berths. • The city of Knin is 56 kilometres from Sibenik.


sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.

ty n u o c e h t d n u o Ar

n e t š o m i pr Primošten is certainly one the most beautiful places on the Adriatic coastline. It gets its name from the peninsular on which it is situated and which until the 16th century was detached from the mainland. In 1542, in the days when the Turkish were conquering the area, the local inhabitants built a movable bridge together with towers and fortifications so they could defend themselves from enemies. When the Turkish retreated and the threat of invasion ceased the bridge was destroyed and in its place an embankment was constructed which is still in place today. Today a network of narrow side streets criss-cross the peninsular with typical Dalmatian walls, buildings and architecture. The town’s skyline is dominated by the church St.

Jurja, whose foundations were laid in 1760. Inside this beautiful church are kept precious paintings such as The Virgin Mary (which has a solid silver frame) and St. Maria with St. Luke (painted in 1719) as well as a graveyard with a spectacular panorama. This, however, isn’t the oldest church in the area. This honour goes to St. Jere which was constructed in 1460 and is located in Široke near to Primošten. Due to the location and climate, Primošten has been recognised as a tourist destination for a long time. In fact tourist development goes back at least fifty years. The symbol of tourism in the area is the hotel complex Primošten, which despite being damaged in the Homeland War and losing some of its capacity, has kept its image and has been

renovated in the last few years. Primošten also has a strong history with wine production and olive growing and with these roots has developed “rural” tourism recently in the surrounding countryside. Apart from the already established production of domestic smoked ham (pršut) and cheese, the area is also now famous for the development of ecologically friendly foods including chick peas, lentils, beans and of course the unmistakeable olive oils. The most well known product of this area is almost certainly the red wine “Babić”, which is produced from grapes grown in the Bucavac region. These vineyards have the official status of a monument to “peoples work” and a painting depicting them hangs from a reception hall in the UN headquarters in

New York. In close proximity to Primošten lies the marina Kremik. The beauty of this marina is unique on the Adriatic Sea and it is certainly one of the safest and most well protected marinas in the region. It is defended from winds from all four points of the compass and is well used by mariners from all over the world, there are also an organised diving and surfing clubs. It is also possible to anchor yachts, with a draft up to 3.5 meters, close to the town of Primošten. But care must be taken because the port is open to winds from the south and west and good attention must be taken when mooring and anchoring. Apart from the rich gastronomic offer the town has to offer there are a number of other interesting activities for guests. For younger guests and

the “young at heart” a disco, “Aurora” is situated on the hill overlooking the town, which is in fact the largest in this part of the Adriatic. Two important events for the area are the traditional “Primošten Festival” and the “Primošten delicacies” which are held in the first week of August. Also mention must be made of the art gallery “Sfere” as well as the ambient gallery “Kamene Sfere”. In Primošten there is also a ballet school, run by the famous ballet experts Ane Roje and Oskar Harmoš. There are also plans to turn the Orson Welles’s former villa into a museum. The world famous actor fell in love with the area so much that he planned to live here permanently; unfortunately his premature death ended his dream of enjoying his Primošten vision.

saturday august 1st 2009.

Operation “Storm” teristic support that the army has. In total, in Storm, between 150,000 and 200,000 soldiers were involved on the Croatian side. The army also had 400 tanks and around 350 artillery weapons. The military power of the Serbian side was organized into six land divisions as well as the air force. In operation Storm 40,000 Serbian soldiers, 200 tanks and 250 artillery weapons were involved. Operation Storm started at dawn on the 4th of August 1995 with a heavy bombardment by the Croatian artillery on Serbian positions over a 630 kilometer long front, which was the largest in Europe since the end of World War II. In comparison, the front line in the Ardennes in 1994 was 110 kilometers long. The peace keeping forces of the UN who were situated on the front line (UNCRO) were informed in advance that the operation would begin. The Croatian President Dr. Frano Tuđman publicly invited the Serbian Army Krajine (SVK) to surrender and guaranteed them complete amnesty to Croatian law.



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Around 10,400 kilometers squared or 18,4% of the total surface area of the Republic of Croatia was liberated in the action. The two opposing military parties in Storm were the Croatian army (HV) and the Serbian army Krajine (SVK). The Croatian army was also assisted by the 5th army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Yugoslavian army didn’t react to the Croatian attack, while the Republic of Serbia army only really got actively involved on the 7th of August when they attacked the Croatian army with airplanes in Kutina, Virovitica, Požega and Županja. On the eve of operation Storm the military forces of Croatian composed of three forces: the Croatian Army, the Croatian Navy and the Croatian Air force. The largest force was the Croatian army which was made up of six areas. Every area composed of one or two infantry guard deployments, a few brigades and regiments. The Croatian police forces were also strong, as an infantry brigade, but without the charac-



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The military action “Storm” took place between the 4th and 7th of August 1995 and was the biggest and most significant operation of the Croatian army and a symbol of the Homeland War (1991-1995). Even though this large military operation didn’t liberate the whole county, Storm signaled the end of the war in Croatia. Liberating the area around the city of Bihać, Storm also played a key role in the liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The action changed the strategic relations in the whole region and the military forces of Croatia proved themselves as a powerful military power. The most important result of Storm was the defeat of the concept of Great Serbia on Croatian land as well as developing conditions for the end of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Croatian army and police freed occupied areas under control of the Serbian forces. The whole of the legally formed Croatian land was returned from being occupied apart from the eastern area of Slavonia.


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sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.

INTERVIEW Mr. David Lambasa

200 years of Croati We all know that Croatia is a country that has strong links with sports. In fact you could quite easily say that Croatians are sports mad. However one sport that you wouldn’t in a million years associate with Croatia is cricket. Believe it or not there is a long history of cricket in Croatia and this year the country is celebrating 200 years of cricket. The heritage of the game go all the way back to the time when an English naval captain in the times of the Napoleonic Wars was stationed on the island of Vis and being a cricket lover ordered his troops to build a cricket pitch. Since those early beginnings Croatian cricket has slowly developed and there are now three cricket clubs in the country, in Zagreb, on Vis and in Sibenik. This week I spoke to a member of the Croatian National Cricket Team, Mr. David Lambasa, who although born and breed in Western Australia has strong roots in Sibenik. •• How did you end up in Sibenik? My parents are originally from Sibenik but I was born and breed in Fremantle, Western Australia and in fact I lived most of my early adult life there. I have also lived in a number of different places all over the world but it seems I have constantly ended up in Croatia at one time or another. Basically my plan is to live on a permanent basis in Sibenik, but the businesses I run in Australia means that I have to go back there now and then. But now you could say that home is

Sibenik. •• What do you miss about Australia? I would have to say the first thing that I miss is my family. On a lighter note I also miss things connected with the sea such as fishing and surfing. •• How often do you get back to Australia? I need to get back at least once a year and normally I go over the Christmas period. In that way I get to see my family and do the work I need to do there. Of course, due to the distance and the flights involved, I tend to go back for a month or even longer. •• How have you been accepted by the local community? I have been welcomed with open arms. In fact my surname, Lambasa, is a popular local surname so I tend to fit in immediately. Don’t forget I’ve been coming to Croatia since I was a child, so I was accepted from an early age. •• How good is your Croatian? I speak pretty much fluent Croatian; of course due to my accent they can tell that I’m not actually a local. •• What was a cultural shock for you when you came to live in Croatia? To be honest it’s a completely different way of life than in Australia. Croatia and Croatians have a very laid back way of life. Here people work to live and not live to work. In Australia the life style tends to be a very much Western way, when I’m in Australia I work twelve hours a day but here it’s a different story. to

tell you the truth I actually think that the Croatian life style is a much better way of living. •• You are a member of the Croatian National Cricket team. Yes, that’s right I play for the national cricket team in Croatia. When you look at the national team as a whole there is probably a 50/50 breakdown of local players and ex-pats. It’s great that so many locally born players have got involved. There are three established cricket clubs in Croatia, one in Zagreb, one on the island of Vis and the third here in Sibenik. The oldest is the one on the island of Vis and has a very interesting history. In 1809 an English admiral, William Hoste, was stationed on the island and was a keen cricket player and he ordered his troops to construct a cricket ground there. In fact it’s one of the oldest cricket grounds in Europe and has been recognised by the MCC and by Lords. This year the MCC will travel to Vis and play a tournament to celebrate the bicentenary of cricket in Croatia. It is a great honour for us that the MCC and Lords to come here. •• How difficult has it been to raise interest for the sport in Sibenik? As you probably know cricket is not a main stream sport in Croatia, however Croatians really do love their sports. In the last ten years Croatian cricket has risen from division six in Europe to division two. So over a relatively short period of time we’ve moved on in leaps and bo-

unds. Now we are in the same division as countries like Germany and France. The plan in Sibenik is to set up a cricket ground so that the locals can become more involved. It’s not that easy to find coastal land that is suitable for a cricket pitch so we’re having a battle at the moment. We are trying hard to work with the local population to find an area that we would use not only for cricket but for all sports. At the same time it would be nice to offer the local children a piece of grass where they could play as there is a great deficit of grass areas. At the moment we play all our matches in Split. The three clubs in Croatia play each other on a regular basis and have their own league. The club from Zagreb is pretty much made up of all local players; whilst on the island of Vis there are a couple of excellent English players. The recent 20 – 20 world cup in England was shown on Eurosport 2 and had great interest here, apparently the TV ratings were great in Croatia. •• What are your plans for the future? I’m here to stay, so my plans are to settle down in Sibenik. I’m single and unmarried so maybe that could be one plan for the future. Cricket will of course be a large part of my life here. I love Croatia and I love cricket so the fact that I have been able to combine the two is ideal. Playing for the national team is a great honour. I’m also motivated to get more children involved in the game here at grass roots level.

The Croatian National Cricket Team

ian cricket

saturday august 1st 2009.

sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.

Protect yourself from the sun Summer is a great time to have fun outdoors. It’s also a time to take precautions to avoid sunburns, which can increase your risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common form of cancer. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays appears to be the most important environmental factor involved with developing skin cancer. During the summer months, UV radiation tends to be greater. It’s always wise to choose more than one way to cover up when you’re in the sun. Use sunscreen and put on a shirt.

Seek shade and grab your sunglasses. Wear a hat, but rub on sunscreen too. Combining these sun protective actions helps protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays. UV rays reach you on cloudy and hazy days, as well as bright and sunny days. UV rays will also reflect off any surface like water, cement, sand, and snow. Additionally, UV rays from artificial sources of light, like tanning beds, cause skin cancer and should be avoided. Most forms of skin cancer can be cured. However, the best way to avoid skin cancer is to protect your skin from the sun.

saturday august 1st 2009.

Sibenik Cuisine

The cuisine of Sibenik and the islands follows the trend of modern nutritional cooking. The brief thermal preparation of foodstuffs (mainly boiling or grilling) and plenty of fish, olive oil, vegetables and home-grown herbs found near the sea is why this cuisine is considered to be very healthy. Meals along the Dalmatian coast are heavily influenced by their Italian ancestry which is why the coastal resorts tend to fill up with Italians in summer. Often the meals begin with a nice plate of pasta; black risotto or spaghetti in squid ink sauce is especially popular. Dalmatian cuisine relies heavily on the fresh fish and seafood that are caught (or farmed) offshore. Look for sea bass, grouper, scorpion fish, pilchards, mackerel, squid and sea bream. Fish is usually grilled with local olive oil, garlic and lemon. Regions with an abundance of fresh water are famous for their frog, eel and river crab dishes. Meat isn't forgotten either. Thin slices of smoked Dalmatian ham (pršut) are often on the appetizer list. Lamb is popular either boiled

or baked. Dalmatian pasticada is a meat stew (beef stuffed with lard and roasted in wine and spices) often served with gnocchi. One local delicacy is dishes baked under an iron bell this is a traditional method of cooking meat and vegetable dishes in a metal dome buried in glowing embers. If you plan on trying this style of cooking then restaurants will normally need up to 3 hours notice in advance to prepare the food, although it is well worth the wait. Connoisseurs of cheese must try all the different cheeses on offer. In the markets one finds a thick white cheese sold in little plastic sacks and usually eaten, as an accompaniment to a salad, with salt and pepper. Paski sir, a hard cheese from the isle of Pag, is an excellent cheese and one of the most reputed. Typical Dalmatian desserts win the heart with their simplicity. The most usual ingredients include Mediterranean fruit, dried figs and raisins, almonds, honey, egg. Famous wines include Dingac and Postup then there are Posip and Grk, etc. And also Prosecco

(a sweet dessert wine), the very strong grape (loza) and herbal brandies (travarica, grapes with medicinal herbs) and liqueurs. The Croatian beers most frequently drunk are Ozujsko beer and Kariovacko beer, both of which are excellent. Foreign beers tend to be more expensive, so unless you have a preference for a particular foreign beer you’ll do no wrong choosing Croatian. The Sibenik County offers a wide range of places to dine. They range from rustic charm to silver service, catering for all manner of special occasions. The menus of restaurants in Sibenik are mainly based on local specialties. Although recently a wider variety of cuisines has emerged. The working hours of most restaurants are from 11.00 - 24.00, although it is normally never a problem if you wish to stay longer. The price includes taxes, but the service charge is almost never included and is not mandatory. It is a customary, however, that if you are satisfied with the service a 10% tip of the total amount is usually a fair tip.

sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.

ing h t y r e v e f o t i b Little The Sibenik – Knin County is full of interesting sights and sounds. Its history and tradition are rich, complicated and fascinating. Its nature and wildlife, including two national parks, are unique and breathtaking. Its cuisine and wine are world class. The connection to the sea

Fact files

is unbreakable. And finally its people are friendly, generous and warm. Every week we’ll bring you a few short fact files of different areas of life in the county so that you can better comprehend the culture that surrounds you.


sibenik cathedral The city of Sibenik is best known for its magnificent cathedral St. Jacob. The cathedral is constructed entirely of stone. Not only according to beauty, construction and the significance of its style is it the most important building in the city but it is also recognized by the more eminent world organizations.

ISLANDS AND COASTLINE Sibenik Rivera has a very indented coastline with numerous bays, ports, more than 240 islands, reefs and points including the national park of Kornati. The direct airline length of the coastline is 56.2 kilometers but in reality it is 806 kilometers long due to the amount of inlets, rivers, bays and coves. The largest island in the Sibenik County is Kornat which has a surface area of 32,525,315

When speaking about the 6000 year long existence of the Skradin area, historians endowed with wisdom search for the reasons of that continuity in its location and geo-strategic position. History always looks for great and sensible reasons. However, the truth is often much simpler since people and everyday life are smarter than history. Skradin is simply magical in its each and every detail. In the

loud morning silence that gets under your skin and the stentorian traditional folk klapa singing that touches your heart. In the peace and quiet of the Visovac monastery and the burst of water drops of the Skradinski Buk waterfall. In each moment of enjoyment of food which has skilfully managed to escape both fridges and freezers which would rob it of its natural aromas and has arrived thoroughly fresh at your table.

On the 30th of November 200 the cathedral was added to the list of protected cultural monuments of UNESCO. The idea to build such a cathedral began in 1298 when Sibenik received the title of “city”. The construction started in 1431 and was finally completed in 1536.

meters squared. The inhabited islands include Kopara, Gola Glava, Krapanj, Zlarin, Prvić, Tribunj, Kaprije, Žirje and Murter. On the island of Visovcu on the river Krka live Franciscan monks. The island with the highest peak is Kornat with 237 meters, while the lowest inhabited islands are Krapanj, seven meters above sea level and Tribunj only two meters above sea level.

DONKEYS The donkey is a symbol of Dalmatia. Without this noble, timid, stubborn and very hardworking animal life would have been very different in Dalmatia. People wouldn’t have been able to move so much stone, harvest so many grapes, make roads and paths or build so many houses, villages or towns. Men brought water by donkey, climbed hills and mountains, for people the donkey was the

key to success and hope for the future. And more importantly the donkey became man’s best friend and companion. In a sign of gratitude for this unique animal the towns of Tribunj and Primošten have both placed a statue to the donkey in the centre of the town. In Tribunj on the first Saturday in August is held the biggest and most well known “race of the donkeys” along the coast of the Adriatic.

THE SIBENIK BUTTON The Sibenik Bridge is one of the most attractive spots in the world for free falling connected to a line of elastic, popularly known as bungee jumping. In the summer months a real crowd forms on the bridge, both of jumpers and specta-

tors. The brave among them throw themselves off the bridge over the Krka river and fall 40 meters down before being catapulted by the nylon cord back up again. Bungee jumping is open everyday during the season and costs around 220 Kunas.

saturday august 1st 2009.

tures c i p n i k e e w t s La

sibenik times




A contract was signed to construct a marina and hotel complex in NCP marina last week. The contract is worth 80 million Euros and Croatian President, Mr. Stipe Mesic, was on hand to follow events 02

Tourists on Vodice beach enjoyed the warmer weather in many different ways 03

The American office for military co-operation has funded development of the Knin hospital with a donation of 130 thousand dollars 04

Bungee jumping from a height of 40 meters off the Sibenik Bridge 05

What could be better than a dip in the Adriatic Sea to cool you down

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sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.

EVENTS August 2009. ŠIBENIK svakog četvrtka 03.07-28.07. 01.08.-18.08 21.08.-22.08.

Klapske večeri – Every Thursday through July – Vocal choir concerts svakog petka - Šibensko lito – Every Friday – Sibenik summer Festival šibenskih trgova – Festival of Sibenik squares Dalmatinska šansona – Dalmatian Chanson


ROGOZNICA 01.08. Ribarska noć – Fisherman’s night


International live Music, dj & dance shows Cocktail & pool club 21:00 – 00:01 Disco – night club „admiral“ 24:00 – 04:00

ZLARIN 01.07.-01.09. 01.08.-14.08. 05.08. 09.08. 12.08.

Festival svjetla na Zlarinu – Festival of Light in Zlarin Lutkarski festival “Vesna Parun” – Puppet festival “Vesna Parun” Zabavna grupa “Orange” Šibenik – Entertainment group “Orange” Koncert “Raspjevani violoncello” – Concert “Raspjevani violoncello” Zabavna grupa “Feniks” – Entertainment group “Feniks”

PRIMOŠTEN 09.08. povratak Gospe od Porta, Sv. Misa i procesija u pratnji brodica Return of the Lady of Porta – procession

VODICE 02.08.-04.08. 13.08. 16.08.

Vodičke noći – Night of Vodice Večer dalmatinskih klapa – An evening of Dalmatian vocal choirs Tradicionalni vodički običaji – Traditional customs of Vodice

GREBAŠTICA 01.08. 08.08. 15.08.

Klapske večeri – Vocal choir evenings Večer folklora (smotra folklora s gostima iz cijele Hrvatske) An evening of folklore with groups from all over Croatia Klapske večeri- Vocal choir evenings

PIROVAC 08.08. 12.08. 14.08. 23.08.

Folklorna večer i domaći običaji – Folklore evenings and local customs Susret klapa – Vocal choirs Ribarska večer – Fisherman’s night Večer domaće kužine – An evening of local cuisines

Tisno 10.08. Međunarodna trka tovara – International donkey race 14.08. Koncert pučkih napjeva u crkvi Sv. Duha – Concert in St Soul church

TRIBUNJ 01.08. Tradicionalne magareće trke – Traditional donkey race 07.08 Koncert Đani Stipaničev – Concert Đani Stipaničev

BETINA 01.08. - 01.09. 08.08.-09.08. 16.08.

svaka treća večer - Večer betinske kuhinje – Every third evening – An evening of Betina cuisine Tradicionalna betinska regata Optimist-Laser – Betina regatta – Optimist class Regata za dušu i tilo – Regatta for the body and soul

KNIN 05.08. Dan Domovinske zahvalnosti – Day of Independence krajem kolovoza Festival ruralne culture – End of August – festival of rural culture

SKRADIN 01.08. Tradicionalni susret klapa – Traditional vocal choirs

ZATON, RASLINA 16.08. Sv. Roko – Fešta – St Roko Festival

KRAPANJ 02.08. Krapanjska fešta – Festival of Krapanj 09.08. Smotra folklora, pisme i pjesništva – An evening of folklore, songs and poems

PRVIĆ ŠEPURINE 16.08. Fešta, Sv. Roko – Festival St Roko

PRVIĆ LUKA 02.08. Fešta – Festival

SRIMA 03.08. Srimarska fešta – Festival of Srima

01.08 02.08. at 9:30 pm 04.08. at 9:30 pm 05.08 at 9 pm

“Traditional games” - the cove of Jezera and Lokva Jägermeister Adriatic tour 2009 – Jezerana's square “How did our ancestors live and enjoy” - Jezerana's square an evening of Dalmatian songs (klapa mela) – Jezerana's square

saturday august 1st 2009.

History of the city Sibenik excels among all Croatian towns at the Adriatic coast by its unique location in a picturesque and large bay, at the mouth of the Krka. Created initially as a castrum, a fortification or a campus, beneath the St. Michael’s Fortress that still dominates the town, Sibenik was mentioned for the first time in 1606, in a document issued by the most important of Croatian rulers - the king, Petar Krešimir IV. Šibenik obtained its status of a town in 1298, when the Diocese of Šibenik was established. A view of Sibenik reveals the unique harmony of urban poetics of the town and its natural surroundings. The harbor, connected with the open sea by the St. Anthony Strait, has been the initiator of development of sailing, trading and the overall economic prosperity of the town for centuries. At the entrance into the straight, there is the fortress of St. Nicholas, the most important renaissance fortress at the eastern coast of the Adriatic.The town is surrounded by the fortresses of St. Michael, St. John and Šubićevac that, together with the fortress of St. Nicholas, make the symbol of the centuries long no subjugation of Šibenik, confirmed in the recent Fatherland War. The St. Jacob’s, the cathedral of Šibenik, built for over a century, is a testimony of persistency, sacrifice and belief of the generations of inhabitants of Šibenik. By many things it is

unique not only in the Croatian architecture, but in the European as well: it is entirely built of stone, no other material being used; it is unique by the brave structure of stone slabs and ribs, with no binding material; it is also unique among renaissance churches by its trefoil front facade; finally, it is unique by the harmony of its architecture and the row of 71 realistic sculptural portraits around the apses. Documents preserved from the time of building of the cathedral evidence contributions from the entire community to its building, but from many individuals as well, including large number of domestic stone-dressers, builders and artisans. The most important among them is Juraj Matejev Dalmatinac, who came from Zadar and who the town of Šibenik commissioned in 1441 to take over the job of the proto-master of the cathedral of Šibenik. The cathedral and the nearby renaissance town hall, other churches, palaces, and the Prince’s Palace presently housing the County Museum, make probably the most beautiful town square of the Croatian urban heritage. In the 15th, and the 16th century Šibenik was among the Croatia’s most important centers of humanism and renaissance. They're lived and worked writers Juraj Šižgorić, Antun and Faust Vrančić, Petar Divnić and Ivan Polikarp Severi-

tan, composers Ivan Šibenčanin, Julije Skjavetić and Ivan Lukačić, historian Dinko Zavorović, painters Nikola Vladanov and Juraj Čulinović, printers Martin Kolunić - Rota, Horacije Fortezza and Natal Bonifacij, and many sculptors and builders of the Juraj Matejev Dalmatian's circle. The scientist and visionary, lexicographer and writer, philosopher and teologist, Faust Vrancic, is the best known figure of the Croatian renaissance. The writer of the first Croatian dictionary, as well as the author of the famous book of inventions, Machinae novae. Among many ideas, there outstands the drawing of homo volans, the flying man, the first printed picture of a parachute fly in the history. The 14th century church and monastery of St. Francis, the first Croatian national shrine of St. Nikola Tavelić, has been an important ecclesiastical and cultural center for centuries. In the monastery collection, there are over 150 incunabula and that many valuable manuscript codexes, including the famous Sibenska molitva , the first Croatian poetry text written in the Latinism script. In the church, there are organs made by wellknown Croatian organ designer of the 18th century, Petar Nakić, preserved in the original form. The present vivid cultural life of Sibenik is evident in the traditional International Children Festival of Šibenik.

sibenik times



sibenik times

saturday august 1st 2009.



Health DAILY PHARMACY Centrala (until August 8.); PHARMACY BALDEKIN, Stjepana Radića 56a, tel. 332-068; PHARMACY CENTRALA, Stjepana Radića bb, tel. 213-539; PHARMACY VAROŠ, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212539; PHARMACY PLENČA, Karla Vipauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmatinske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022; DONACIJSKA PHARMACY, Braće Polića bb, tel. 333-437, VITA- SPECIJALIZIRANA PRODAVAONICA LIJEKOVIMA AND MEDICINSKIM PROIZVODIMA, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel. 215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel. 310-525; PHARMACY BARANOVIĆPETKOVIĆ, Stjepana Radića 1, tel. 212-061; PHARMACY RADIN, Kralja Zvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PHARMACY ČOBANOV, Square Ivana Pavla II, tel-fax: 331-255; HERBAL PHARMACY GOSPINA TRAVA, Stjepana Radića 27, tel. 219-245; HERBAL PHARMACY NATURA, Stjepana Radića 12, tel. 336-116.

Banks JADRANSKA BANK: tel. 242-242; CROATIA BANK: Square Pavla Šubića br. 1, tel. 212-033; HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANK: A. Starčevića bb, tel. 337-345; OTP BANK: Ante Šupuka 22, tel. 062/201-555; PRIVREDNA BANK ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora 1, tel. 322-150; RAIFFEISEN BANK AUSTRIA: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 348-800; HVB - SPLITSKA BANK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663; ZAGREBAČKA BANK: Biskupa Milete 2a, tel. 022/201-370; ERSTE BANK d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540; HYPO-GROUP ALPE ADRIA: Stjepana Radića 77a, tel. 311-940; VOLKSBANK: Square Dražena Petrovića bb, tel. 668-100; KRIŽEVAČKA BANK: Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

Buses Departure buses from Sibenik Sibenik–Trogir–Split at 00.00, 00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15, 6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday), 13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15, 18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15 (not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Pirovac–Biograd–Zadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

day and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00, 13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday) 19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Rijeka at 6.30, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37, 16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibenik–Makarska–Ploče–Dubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.20 and 15.10; Sibenik–Zagreb at 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00, 7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00, 9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50, 15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00 (motorway), 23.00; Sibenik-Karlovac at 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30, 19.10, 21.40, 23.00; Sibenik–Varaždin at 13.45; Sibenik–Osijek at 21.40; Sibenik–Požega at 7.45 (tuesday and friday); Sibenik–Slavonski Brod at 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and 21.40 (everyday); Sibenik–Vinkovci at 19.10 (thursday and sunday); Sibenik–Imotski at 3.45; Sibenik–Pula at 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00; Sibenik– Rovinj at 22.00; Sibenik-Gospić at 9.15; Sibenik–Pag at 9.15. LOCAL LINE - work day Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić); 9.30(Čupić); 15.15 (Čupić); Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30; 10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; SibenikTisno-Jezera at 10.00 (Jezera bus); Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30 (Murter trade); Sibenik-GrabovciStankovci-Budak-Banjevci at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-GrabovciVelim-Stankovci-Dobra Voda-Banjevci-Benkovac at 14.00, 20.00 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-JezeraMurter at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20, 13.30, 19.30; Sibenik-Srima-VodicePirovac-Kašić at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Vodice-Pirovac-KašićBanjevci at 15.20; Sibenik-SkradinPiramatovci-Krković-Žažvić-Lišani at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Vodice-Čista Velika-Prović-Vukšić at 11.15, 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Grabovci-CrljenikStankovci-Budak-RadašinovciBanjevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Vodice-Čista VelikaLađevci-Krković-BilostanoviŽažvić-Lišani-Vukšić-Prović at 15.30; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinD u b rav i ce - R u p e - L a š kov i ca Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinLaškovica-Rupe at 11.15, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-SkradinSonković-Piramatovci at 12.45, 15.20; Sibenik-Skradin-SonkovićPiramatovci-Lađevci-Lišani at 11.00, 20.15; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Graovo-Plastovo-IćevoLaškovica-Rupe-Sonković at 9.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 10.15, 15.10, 20.30; Sibenik-Boraja-Lepanica-Vrsno at 12.00, 14.00; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-


Health Centre, tel. 660-552; General Hospital, tel. 663-732; Bus station, tel. 661-005; PHARMACY, tel. 660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019; Caritas, tel. 661-700; HVIDRA, tel. 661-612; Library tel. 660-010


PHARMACY tel. 434-129; Dentist tel. 436-026; NP Kornati tel. 435740; Borough of Murter tel. 435599; Jadranska BANK tel. 443137; Port Authority tel. 435-190


PHARMACY tel. 467-099, open from 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12; Doctor surgery tel. 467-080; Borough of Pirovac tel. 467-077; Post tel. 467-000; Jadranska BANK tel. 466-622; Firebrigade tel. 467-090.


Borough of Primošten tel. 571-900; Police tel. 570-092; PHARMACY tel. 570-305, Jadranska BANK tel. 570-351; Privredna BANK tel. 571160; Post tel. 571-039; Firebrigade tel. 570-097; Libary 570-259


Borough of Rogoznica tel. 559040; Firebrigade tel. 559-294; Doctors Surgery tel. 559-032; Dentist tel. 558-392; PHARMACY tel. 558330, Jadranska BANK tel. 559-540;


PHARMACY – open mon, wed and fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tue and thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel. 771-099, 771-049


Borough of Tisno tel. 439-262, 439-264, 439-268; PHARMACY tel. 438-512, Jadranska BANK tel. 438-486; FINA tel. 438-499; Post tel. 439-250; Port Authority tel. 439-313; ACI marina, tel. 439 295 .


Borough of Tribunj tel. 446-357, fax. 446-830; Tourist board of Tribunj tel./fax. 446-143; Jadranska BANK tel. 446-992; Croatian Post Office Tribunj tel. 446-855, fax. 446-830.


Doctors Surgery tel. 022/443-169; Dentist tel. 022/443-624; PHARMACY 022/ 443-168; Vet surgery 022/443-355 Bus station, 022/443627; Port Authority, tel. 022/443055; Post, tel. 022/442-145.

Grebaštica-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 11.45; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-ŽaborićGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Brodarica at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05, 17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac at 14.00, 20.00; SibenikGrebaštica-Brnjača-Drage-Bratski Dolac-Sapini Doci at 15.10; SibenikPrimošten-Rogoznica at 9.45; Sibenik-Primošten-RogoznicaRažanj at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Primošten BIS at 12.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-DubravaBiranj-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15; SibenikDubrava-Danilo-Perković-Sitno at 11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00; SibenikKraljice-Mirlović-Nakići-Radonić at 15.10; Sibenik-Konjevrate-MirlovićUnešić at 11.30; Sibenik-VrpoljeKraljice-Mirlović-Unešić-Sedramić at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-ŽivkovićPokrovnik-Pakovo Selo-Miljevci at 11.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-NakićŽivković-Pokrovnik-Miljevci at 14.00 (Čupić), 20.15 (Čupić); SibenikBilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.30, 10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30, 19.15, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10, 20.15. LOCAL LINE - saturday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 6.15 (Čupić), 11.30; Sibenik-Drniš-KosovoKnin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00; SibenikSrima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-TribunjSovlje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.00 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice at 8.00, 9.20; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-LepenicaVrsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.30; SibenikJužna Dubrava-Danilo-PerkovićSitno at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Konjevrate-Nakić-Mirlović at 15.20; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoBratiškovci-Laškovica-SkradinSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacSkradin-Sonković-DubraviceGraovo-Plastovo-Ićevo-LaškovicaRupe at 13.00; Sibenik-LozovacDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoIćevo-Laškovica-Rupe at 15.30; Sibenik-Skradin-Sonković-GračacVaćani-Piramatovci at 15.20; Sibenik Lozovac-Skradin-DubraviceRupe-Laškovica-Đevrske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); SibenikVodice-Čista Velika-LađevciKrković-Bilostanovi-Lišani-Vukšić (end of village)-Prović at 12.00 (and Piramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova); Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak at 10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-SolarisZablaće at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

LOCAL LINE - sunday Sibenik-Drniš-Oklaj-Knin at 8.30; Sibenik-Drniš-Kosovo-Knin at 14.00 (Čupić); Sibenik-Srima-VodiceTribunj-Sovlje at 6.30, 20.00, 21.00; Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murter at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Sibenik-Zaton-Raslina at 7.00, 10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; SibenikJadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 15.10; Sibenik-Južna DubravaDanilo-Perković-Sitno at 15.20, 21.15; Sibenik-Lozovac-SkradinDubravice-Graovo-PlastovoSonković at 9.00; Sibenik-LozovacS k ra d i n - D u b rav i ce - G ra ovo Plastovo-Bratiškovci (to Gračac playground) at 15.30; Sibenik-BiliceStubalj-Vrulje at 7.00, 10.30, 14.00; Sibenik-Solaris-Zablaće at 9.00, 10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

Trains Departure from Sibenik: 4.26 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 7.42 : for Perković, Knin, Split, Zagreb; 10.56 : for Perković, Split and Zagreb; 12.25 : for Perković and Split; 15.10 : for Perković and Zagreb; 15.37 : for Perković, Knin and Split; 17.43 : for Perković; 20.l0 : for Perković, Knin and Split; Zagreb, Osijek, Vinkovci; 22.50 : for Perković and Zagreb (direct). Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : from Knin, Split, Perković and Zagreb (direct wagon); at 7.33 : from Perković; 8.54 : from Knin, Split and Perković; 12.07 : from Zagreb and Perković; 13.34 : from Perković; 16.37 : from Zagreb and Perković; 17.33 : from Knin, Split and Perković; at 18.48 : from Perković; 21.20 : from Knin, Split, Perkovića and Zagreb (fast train).

Boats SIBENIK – ZLARIN (ferry): tuesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10. SIBENIK – ŽIRJE (ferry): tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 12.30, return at 17.45. Monday, friday and saturday at 10.30, return friday at 15, monday and saturday at 15.30 , return at 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidays at 11.00, return at 17.45. SIBENIK – KAPRIJE (hydrofoil Mislav): monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday at 18.45, friday at 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50, friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holidays at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and 11.20 . SIBENIK – ZLARIN – PRVIĆ – ŠEPURINE - VODICE: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30 and 19.30 .

saturday august 1st 2009.


impressum Osnivač i izdavač | Publisher: Šibenski list d.o.o. Adresa | Address: Božidara Petranovića 3, Šibenik Telefoni | Telephones: 022/311-300; 022/311-399 Fax: 022/330-100; 022/311-302

Jezera / Tisno

Direktor | Director: Srđan Bužančić ([email protected]) Glavni urednik | Editor in chief: Zdravko Pilić ([email protected]) Urednik | Editor: Mark Thomas ([email protected])


Fotoreporteri | Photography: ([email protected]) Vilson Polić Nikolina Vuković Stipaničev CROPIX Grafička priprema | Graphics: ([email protected]) Orsat Lasić Luka Čanković | Nino Milin


Marketing: • Elida Slavica • ([email protected]) Mobitel: 091/30 20 106

U suradnji s | In association with:

Pirovac Turistička zajednica Grada Šibenika Tourist board Sibenik Director: Goran Bulat Tel: 022/212-075 |

sibenik times




International dialling code for Croatia 00385 Dialling code for Sibenik 022 International enquires 901 Post office 214 991 Telegram 96 Police 92 Harbour Master Sibenik 217 217 Harbour Master Vodice 443 055 Harbour Master Primosten 570 266 Harbour Master Rogoznica 559 045 Harbour Master Murter 435 190 Harbour Master Tisno 439 313 Emergency services 112 Ambulance 94 Fire brigade 93 Assistance on the sea 9155 Roadside assistance 987 Sibenik Hospital 246 246 Sibenik bus station 060 368 368 Sibenik train station 333 696 Jadrolinija local ferry service 213 468 Taxi 212 121 Split airport 021 203 507 Zadar airport 023 205 800 Information 981 Tourist Guide society “St. Michael” 091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116 Sibenik – Knin County tourist Board 219 072 Sibenik tourist information centre 022 214 448 022 214 411

Predbroj Za Hrvatsku 00385 Predbroj Za Šibensku Regiju 022 Međunarodna Centrala 901 Pošta 214 991 Telegram 96 Policija 92 Lučka Kapetanija Šibenik 217 217 Lučka Kapetanija Vodice 443 055 Lučka Kapetanija Primošten 570 266 Lučka Kapetanija Rogoznica 559 045 Lučka Kapetanija Murter 435 190 Lučka Kapetanija Tisno 439 313 Hitna Služba 112 Prva Pomoć 94 Vatrogasci 93 Pomoć Na Moru 9155 Pomoć Na Cesti 987 Bolnica Šibenik 246 246 Autobusni Kolodvor Šibenik 060 368 368 Željeznički Kolodvor Šibenik 333 696 Jadrolinija Lokalni Brodski Prijevoz 213 468 Taxi 212 121 Zračna Luka Split 021 203 507 Zračna Luka Zadar 023 205 800 Opće Informacije 981 Udruga Turističkih Vodiča “Sv. Mihovil“ 091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116 TZ Šibensko-Kninske Županije 219 072 Turističko - informativni centar Šibenik 022 214 448 022 214 411

Tourist board Jezera Director: Nenad Milin Tel: 022/439-120 |


Tourist board Knin Director: Ante Šimić Tel: 022/664-819 | Tourist board Murter Director: Željana Šikić Tel: 022/434-995 | Tourist board Pirovac Director: Marija Šparica Tel: 022/466-770 |


Tourist board Primosten Director: Jere Bakotić Tel: 022/571-111 | Tourist board Rogoznica Director: Ante Karabatić Tel: 022/559-253 Tourist board Skradin Director: Karmen Bičanić Španjol Tel: 022/771-329 |


Tourist board Tisno Director: Milena Obratov Tel: 022/438-604 | Tourist board Tribunj President: Ivan Zadro Tel: 022/446-143 Tourist board Vodice Director: Anita Franin Pečarica Tel: 022/443-888 |


All text and photos are exclusive content of Sibenik Times and without authorization can’t be reproduced! Transcripts and photos are not returned. Sibenik Times is free of charge and is published once a week. Žiro račun broj | Bank account: 2411006-1100004846


Tisak | Print: Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split



sibenik times


Very sunny High 31°c / Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%


Plenty of sunshine High 31°c / Low 18°c Chance of rain 0%


Seven day weather forecast

Brilliant sunshine High 30°c / Low 18°c Chance of rain 0%

saturday august 1st 2009.

Now & Then


Warm and sunny High 31°c / Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%


Mostly sunny High 32°c / Low 21°c Chance of rain 0%


Sunshine and very warm High 32°c / Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%


The Sibenik port taken at the turn of the century with St. Jacob’s Cathedral and the Fortress of St. Michael in the background

Warm with scattered clouds High 32°c / Low 19°c Chance of rain 0%

The same view today but with a very different architectural look along the portside

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