The Rock - Foundation Academy - Sept 09

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ATTENTION What are your students grades? Is your student attending class? Have they turned in their homework? Find out this and more on (See page 2 for details)

Calendar of Events SACS CASI Accreditation

September 7th School Closed Home School Day # 1

September 24th Progress Reports to Edline September 28th Names for Student Council 1. How did the Internet Start and Why? It all started with the time-sharing of IBM computers in the early 1960s at universities such as Dartmouth and Berkeley. People would share the same computer for their computing tasks. The Internet also received help from Sputnik! After this Russian Satellite was launched in 1957, President Eisenhower formed ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to advance computer networking and communication.

October 2009

Juniors + October 21st - 22nd School Pictures October 23rd School Closed 2nd Home School Day October 30th Festival October 30th End of Reporting Period

6. What does HTTP stand for? Hypertext Transfer Protocol - it's the protocol for moving files across the net; it requires two client programs. The HTTP client and the server. 7. What is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language - it's the coded format language for transmitting and creating hypertext web pages.

3675 San Pablo Road S. , Jacksonville FL 32224 Phone: (904) 493-7300

Fax: (904) 821-1247


Welcome Back

conducting active fever and flu symptom screening of students and staff as they arrive at school, making changes to increase the space between people such as moving desks farther apart and postponing class trips, and dismissing students everything we can to keep our school functioning as usual. Here are a few things

October 14th PSAT for

5. How fast is the Internet growing? Very fast! It took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TV, and only 5 years for the Internet. Source:

September 2009

Dear Parent, As you may know, flu can be easily spread from person to person. Therefore, we are taking steps to reduce the spread of flu in The Foundation Academy. We want to keep the school open to students and functioning in a normal manner during this flu season. But, we need your help to do this. If the flu becomes more severe, we may take additional steps to prevent the spread such as:

from school for at least 7 days if they become sick. For now we are doing

2. Who coined the phrase 'World Wide Web'? Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. He's also considered by most people as the person who started the whole thing rolling.

4. Which decade really saw the explosion of the net? The 1990s. The Internet exploded into the mainstream with the release of the first popular web browser Mosaic in 1993.

NIPSA Accreditation

September 2009

September 11th School Picnic

3. When was the first mouse introduced? The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at the Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.


you can do to help. Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. You can set a good example by doing this yourself. Teach your children not to share personal items like drinks, food or unwashed utensils, and to cover their coughs and sneezes with tissues. Covering up their coughs or sneezes using the elbow, arm or sleeve instead of the hand when a tissue is unavailable. Know the signs and symptoms of the flu. Symptoms of the flu include fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit, 37.8 degrees Celsius or greater), cough, sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, and feeling very tired. Some people may also vomit or have diarrhea. Keep sick children at home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have fever or do not have signs of fever, without using fever-reducing drugs. Keeping children with a fever at home will reduce the number of people who may get infected. Do not send children to school if they are sick. Any children who are determined to be sick while at school will be sent home. For more information, [see the attached flyer/additional information and] and visit, or call 1-800-CDC-INFO for the most current information about the flu. We will notify you of any additional changes to our school’’s strategy to prevent the spread of flu. Sincerely, Nadia Hionides Principal

School has started off with big smiles and warm greetings. We are busy reviewing procedures and have begun our first projects. Our picnic is September eleventh. I hope you can join us for food and fun. The seniors have organized field day games for all. I hope you have gone over the school planner and marked your calendars with all the great events planned for the school year. It is so stimulating to be learning together. Cans, can, cans. Please remember to buy one can a week to donate at school. This is our collective community outreach to the hungry. Welcome back to all! " Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonders he has done..." Psalm 105: 4&5

3675 San Pablo Road S., Jacksonville, FL 32224 4

Phone: (904) 493-7300

Fax: (904) 821-1247 1


Welcome to Edline! Congratulations! Your school has signed up to use Edline. Edline is an easy way for you to keep-up-todate online. Once you have activated your account, and your school has posted information, you can use Edline to: Check your child’’s latest grades

Verify attendance View your ‘‘Combined Calendar’’ to see all the events from the school calendar and your child’’s own classes and activities automatically collected and personalized

Receive email alerts when new grades are posted Receive emails with school or class information See what homework is not turned in and read notes from your child’’s teachers

Read daily announcements, lunch menus, school policies, and classroom news

View team and club activities

And much more……

How to Set Up your Edline Account

TFA OPEN HOUSE Everyone was delighted with the turnout for the first orientation for parents and students on August 26. While originally planned with new families in mind, many former families attended as well. Additionally, throughout the week most students and family members were able to come in for goal setting with their advisors. If you missed either the orientation or the goal setting meetings, be sure to contact your student’’s advisor. And remember, all kinds of information are available on the Edline program. Contact advisor or teacher for set up information. Our next event to which all are invited is our school picnic on the 11th of September. We hope to see everyone there.

Parents Love & Logic Kids seem to have a repertoire of "hooks" they use to get their parents to argue with them. Here are some Love and Logic OneLiners that will get parents off the hook and cause children to do more of the thinking. Remember: The "one-liners" are only effective when said with genuine compassion and understanding. These are never intended to be flippant remarks that discount the feelings of the child. If an adult uses these responses to try to get the better of a child, the problem will only become worse. The adult’’s own attitude at these times is crucial to success. "Probably so." "I know." "Nice try." "I bet it feels that way."

Make sure you have your personal Edline Activation Code. You can get this code from the office (904) 241-3515) or from your child

"What do you think you’’re going to do?" "I don’’t know. What do you think?" "Bummer. How sad." "Thanks for sharing that." "Don’’t worry about it now."

To see pictures and directions of steps 3 and 4, click the Help button at the top of the Edline page. Follow instructions, or for more information click the ‘‘Print an account setup guide’’ link.

"That’’s an option." "I bet that’’s true." "Maybe you’’ll like what we have for the next meal better." "What do you think I think about that?"

Fill in your Activation Code. Your school may give you one parent code for each child. If you receive several parent codes because you have several children, enter each parent code one after the other. Then you can view all your children’’s information from the same login account. If you happen to receive the same code for the same child twice you do not have to enter it again. Click "Activate This Code" once you have entered all codes. Follow the remaining steps to create your Edline Screen Name and Password. When asked if you already have an account, click "New Account" if this is your first time using Edline. If you already have an Edline account, click "Combine Accounts" to add this child to your existing account.

3. On the last account activation page, print the "Student/Parent Quick-Start Guide" so you can make

the most of Edline. After this, you no longer need your Activation Code - you will always use your Screen Name and Password to access Edline. Don't share this information with anyone!

Whenever you login to Edline, click on your child’’s name in the yellow Shortcuts box. You will then see shortcuts to his or her classes, activities, calendar and reports. Be sure to click the Help button and read or print the ‘‘Student/Parent Quick-Start Guide’’ to take advantage of Edline features 2

"I’’m not sure how to react to that. I’’ll have to get back to you on it." "I’’ll let you know what will work for me." "I’’ll love you wherever you live."

Welcome back to all TFA Students! This is my second year at TFA teaching and learning from my 11th and 12th grade students. And welcome to all our new students this year! It has been a hectic first week in which we have covered procedures, met each other, talked about what we like and don’’t like about being in school, and shared some exciting ideas about what students would like to study this year along side their core curriculum. We have set some personal goals and class goals. Most enjoyable to me was the student’’s discussion of our essential question this year, ““How much is enough?”” It was good to meet parents last week, and I look forward to meeting many more of you as the year develops. I hope to work closely with each of you to help guide your student to reach his/her full potential. A favorite quote of mine: ““It is our dream that students will ...experience their classrooms as invigorating, even inspiring environments - places they look forward to going to and places they hate to leave. It is our dream that they will come to know themselves as masters of various skills...It is our dream that ...they will come to love the process of learning itself... by making it their own.”” Paideia Schools I’’m looking forward to an enjoyable year filled with interesting learning experiences! ¡Espero que este nuevo año escolar os traiga el júbilo de nuevas experiencias de aprendizaje! Sincerely, Sra. Valdés


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