The Raging Storm English Translation.pdf

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WARRIORS: A VISION OF SHADOWS BOOK 6: THE RAGING STORM Translated from Norwegian Norwegian copy provided by R D

Allegiances​ ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat

ThunderClan Leader Bramblestar - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes Deputy Squirrelflight - dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white paw Medicine cats Leafpool - light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white fur on paws and chest Jayfeather - blind tom with gray striped fur and blue eyes Alderheart - dark ginger tom with amber eyes Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits) Brackenfur - golden brown tabby tom Cloudtail - long haired white tom with blue eyes Brightheart - white she-cat with ginger spots Thornclaw - golden brown tabby tom Whitewing - white she-cat with green eyes Birchfall - light brown tabby tom Berrynose - Milky white tom with a short, stumpy tail Mousewhisker - gray and white tom Apprentice: Plumpaw (black and ginger she-cat) Poppyfrost - Tortoiseshell she-cat Lionblaze - Golden tabby tom with amber eyes Rosepetal - yellow-white she-cat Apprentice: Stempaw (white and orange tom) Lilyheart - small blue-eyed she-cat with white spots Bumblestripe - very light gray tom with black stripes Apprentice: Shellpaw (tortoiseshell tom) Cherryfall - ginger she-cat Molewhisker - brown and milky white tom Ambermoon - pink she-cat Apprentice: Eaglepaw (ginger she-cat) Dewnose - gray and white tom Stormcloud - gray tabby tom (formerly Frankie) Hollytuft - black she-cat #LHtSF

Fernsong - yellow tabby tom Sorrelstripe - dark brown she-cat Leafshade - tortoiseshell she-cat Apprentice: Spotpaw (dappled she-cat) Larksong - black tom Honeyfur - white she-cat with yellow droplets Sparkpelt - flame-colored tabby she-cat Twigbranch - gray she-cat with green eyes Apprentice: Flypaw (tabby gray she-cat) Finleap - brown tom with dark ginger forelegs Apprentice: Snappaw (golden tabby tom) Cinderheart - gray tabby she-cat Blossomfall - tortoiseshell she-cat with white petal-shaped spots Queens (females who are pregnant or breastfeeding) Daisy - she-cat with long cream pelt. From the horseplace Ivypool - white and silver-colored tabby she-cat with blue eyes (mother of Bristlekit, a light gray she-cat, Thriftkit, a dark gray she-cat, and Flipkit, a tabby tom) Elders (former warriors and queens who have retired) Graystripe - long-haired gray tom Millie - tabby silver gray she-cat with blue eyes ShadowClan Leader Tigerstar - dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and broad shoulders Deputy Tawnypelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes Apprentice: Conepaw (white and gray tom) Medicine cat Puddleshine - brown tom with white spots Warriors Juniperclaw - black tom Whorlpelt - gray and white tom Strikestone - brown tabby tom Apprentice: Blazepaw (white and ginger tom) Stonewing - white tom Apprentice: Antpaw (tom with brown and black spots) Grassheart - light brown tabby she-cat Apprentice: Gullpaw Scorchfur - dark gray tom with flanges in both ears Flowerstalk - silver gray she-cat Snaketooth - honey-colored tabby she-cat Slatefur - tom with sleek gray coat <3 Apprentice: Frondpaw (gray tabby she-cat)

Cloverfoot - gray tabby she-cat Sparrowtail - big brown tom Apprentice: Cinnamonpaw (brown tabby she-cat with white paws) Snowbird - green-eyed she-cat with white fur Queens Dovewing - light gray she-cat with green eyes (mother of Pouncekit, a gray she-cat, Lightkit, a brown tabby she-cat, and Shadowkit, a gray tabby tom) Berryheart - black and white she-cat (mother of Hollowkit, a black tom, Sunkit, a brown and white tabby she-cat, and Spirekit, a black and white tom) Yarrowleaf - ginger she-cat with yellow eyes (mother of Hopkit, a white cat with black and brown spots, and Flaxkit, a brown tabby cat) Elders Oakfur - small brown tom Ratscar - brown tom with a long scar over his back SkyClan Leader Leafstar - brown and white tabby she-cat with amber eyes Deputy Hawkwing - dark gray tom with yellow eyes Medicine cats Frecklewish - a dappled, light brown she-cat with clear spots on her legs Fidgetcrow - black and white tom Mediator Tree - yellow tom with amber eyes Warriors Sparrowpelt - dark brown tabby tom Apprentice: Nectarpaw (brown she-cat) Macgyver - black and white tom Dewspring - powerful gray tom Plumwillow - dark gray she-cat Apprentice: Sunnypaw (ginger she-cat) Sagenose - light gray tom Apprentice: Gravelpaw (golden-brown tom) Harrybrook - gray tom Apprentice: Edgepaw (white she-cat with brown spots) Blossomheart - ginger and white she-cat Apprentice: Pigeonpaw (gray and white she-cat) Sandynose - strong, light brown tom with ginger forelegs Apprentice: Quailpaw (tom with crow-black ears) Rabbitleap - brown tom Apprentice: Palepaw (black and white she-cat) Bellaleaf - light orange she-cat with green eyes

Reedclaw - small light tabby she-cat Violetshine - black and white she-cat with yellow eyes) Mintfur - gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes Nettlesplash - light brown tom Tinycloud - small white she-cat Elders Fallowfern - light brown she-cat who has lost hearing WindClan Leader Harestar - brown and white tom Deputy Crowfeather - dark gray tom Medicine cat Kestrelflight - spotted gray tom with white spots as on falcon feathers Warriors Nightcloud - black she-cat Brindlewing - dull brown she-cat Gorsetail - very light gray and white she-cat with blue eyes Leaftail - dark tabby tom with amber eyes Emberfoot - gray tom with dark forepaws Smokehaze - gray she-cat Breezepelt - black tom with amber eyes Larkwing - light brown tabby she-cat Sedgewhisker - light brown tabby she-cat Slightfoot - black tom with white spot on his chest Oatclaw - light brown tabby tom Featherpelt - gray tabby she-cat Hoot whisker - dark gray tom Heathertail - light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes Fernstripe - gray brown she-cat Elders Whitetail - small white she-cat RiverClan Leader Mistystar - dark gray she-cat with blue eyes Deputy Reedwhisker - black tom Medicine cats Mothwing - golden, spotted she-cat Willowshine - gray tabby she-cat Warriors

Mintfur - light gray tabby tom Apprentice: Softpaw (gray she-cat) Duskfur - brown tabby she-cat Apprentice: Dapplepaw (gray and white tom) Minnowtail - dark gray she-cat Apprentice: Breezepaw (gray and white tabby tom with yellow eyes) Mallownose - light brown tabby tom Sneezecloud - gray and white she-cat Apprentice: Harepaw Curlfeather - light brown she-cat Podlight - gray and white tom Shimmerpelt - silver gray she-cat Apprentice: Nightpaw (dark gray she-cat with blue eyes) Lizardtail - light brown tom Havenpelt - black and white she-cat Brackenpelt - tortoiseshell she-cat Apprentice: Gorsepaw (white tom with gray ears) Jayclaw - gray tom Owlnose - brown tabby tom Icewing - white she-cat with blue eyes Elders Mosspelt - tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes

Prologue​ ​- translated by Anonymous As the darkness fell over the valley, the lake began to glitter with small patches of moonlight. Firestar paced restlessly back and forth by the edge of the island and looked out onto the water. The wind carried the scent of new leaf and a promise of different seasons that the clans might never experience. Blackstar shuddered a few tail lengths away while the ghostly leaders from the other clans stood around him with stars glittering in their pelts. “Why have you taken us here?” Tallstar’s black and white fur bristled. “What can you tell us here, that you can’t say in Starclan? It’s warmer there.” Firestar didn’t respond. He stood and felt a longing towards the oak forest that lay like a green pelt over the land on the opposite side. Bluestar brushed her tail against his flank. “You must tell them why we are here,” she mewed, mild in her tone. “Arguing won’t help.” Crookedstar sat down by the edge of the water and pulled his paws under his tail. “Firestar likes to think before he talks.” “He should’ve thought before he dragged us here,” Tallstar grumbled. Blackstar ficked his tail impatiently. “We don’t need to stand here in the dark to understand what awaits the Clans.” Firestar turned to him. “We know what’s coming. But I don’t think we have realized how badly prepared the clans are. They sleep while we worry.” While he talked, a shadow came towards them between the pine trees. Firestar turned his head towards it with a twitch. “Rowanclaw? What are you doing here?” The eyes of the ShadowClan cat glowed in the dark as he approached the others. He had stars in his pelt. “If you are here to discuss the future of the clans, I have a right to be here.” “You are no longer leader,” Blackstar said with a stern voice. Rowanclaw gruntled, “I gave up my nine lives so the clan would survive.” “You gave up your nine lives so ​you ​would survive,” Blackstar hissed. “That’s not true,” Rowanclaw flattened his ears. “It was I who died! The clan has once again become a clan. And it must get its territory back.” “But the Skyclan can’t lose their territory.” The stars reflected in Firestar’s emerald green eyes. It was as if his gaze passed through the other cats and wandered towards the trees that marked the Skyclan territory in the distance. “They belong by the lake.” “Of course they belong by the lake,” Tallstar mewed. Bluestar studied Rowanclaw with her gaze. “Will your son stay?” “Tigerstar must do what he must to strengthen ShadowClan,” Rowanclaw spat back. Firestar twitched his tail. “Rowanclaw is right in one thing; ShadowClan must be stronger. We can’t risk losing them again. All the Clans must be stronger, but not by stealing each other's territories. If all five Clans can’t live together as one, they will be crushed by the coming darkness.” “We have survived darkness before,” Crookedstar pointed out. “Not a darkness like this,” Firestar insisted. “The apprentices of all the Clans don’t understand the danger that’s lurking. They have fought rouges, they have survived heavy times, but they

don’t understand how fear can lure it’s wa into the clans like shadow, and that greed will make them fall apart.” The stars in Firestar’s fur shone as his fur bristled in worry. Blackstar snorted. “Do you think the Clans has learned nothing after Darktail?” “I don’t think they learned enough,” Firestar met his gaze. “Just look at how Darktail split them apart. RiverClan retreated. ShadowClan collapsed. They were depending on working together, but they instead split up.” “RiverClan is back amongst the clans now,” Crookedstar pointed out. “And ShadowClan have a new leader,” Rowanclaw argued. “A strong leader that will keep the Warriors in their pelts.” “A ​young l​ eader,” Firestar pointed out, “that more or less will prove their own and their clan’s strength. We don’t need fights and battles now. Skyclan still needs to dig their roots here. When they came back, everyone was tested. And our trials are not over. Skyclan must be accepted, fully and completely. If the Clans can’t leave peacefully side by side, how can they expect to be ready for what is to come?” his eyes darkened. Bluestar looked away. The others exchanged nervous glances between each other, sharing a common knowledge so terrible they didn’t want to say it out loud. Firestar continued,” Together the Clans are like a paw with five claws, that reaches deep into the ground. If each claw is strong, the paw is steady. But if only one claw loses its grip, all the claws will be washed away by the coming storm.” “And then it's not just the clans by the lake that are lost,” Bluestar closed her eyes while the new leaf breeze bristled through her fur. “Without anyone to remember us, Starclan will also disappear.” “Then we must warn them,” Tallstar said, slashing his tail from side to side. “We can’t warn them more than we already have,” Bluestar sighed. “How many times have we told them by now they have to meet the future together?” Firestar’s gaze narrowed. “We can point to the path they should take, but we can’t force them to walk it.” Bluestar looked out over the lake. “We can only hope they will find the right path. Otherwise there will be nothing left of us. Not even the Warrior Code.”

Chapter 1 ​- translated by Anonymous “Why do we have to clean all this?” Flypaw sat down. Her tabby fur twitched as she stared at the twigs scattered around the clearing. “We’ve been doing this for days!” Twigbranch dropped the twig she had been dragging, blinking impatiently towards her apprentice. “If you want to practice fight techniques, we need to clear the training area.” “Why can’t Spotpaw and Stempaw help?” Flypaw complained. “They will also train here. And Plumpaw is stronger than me. She will probably be better to drag twigs.” “Plumpaw is hunting with Eaglepaw, Shellpaw and their mentors today,” Twgbranch explained and swallowed her frustration. ​Did I whine so much as an apprentice? “Why can’t ​we h ​ unt?” Flypaw grunted. “You don’t know enough hunting techniques.” Flypaw lashed her tail. “If you had been teaching me techniques instead of making me clear twigs I would have known.” If you spent less time whining and more time learning, we would be finished by now. Twigbranch swallowed her own words. “Bramblestar wants the training area clear. The storm left a chaos, and he has asked us to take care of it.” She looked over at Sneppaw, who was helping Finleap pulling a twig towards the edge of the clearing. “Your brother isn’t complaining.” Flypaw mused at him. “Don’t be too strong, then Bramblestar will ask you to clean all the branches in the forest.” Finleap blinked sympathetically towards her. “You’ve worked hard since this morning.” He caught Twigbranchs gaze. “What if we teach them a couple of fight tricks?” Sneppaws ears shot up. “Will you?” “Please!” Flypaw hopped away from the twigs and bowed down. Her hind quarters shot into the air while baring her teeth and lashed her tail. “Look! I’m ready to attack.” Sneppaw purred and ran over to her. Twigbranch closed her eyes in defeat. With this speed they would never be done. What would Bramblestar think if she couldn’t even get her apprentice to complete even the simplest of tasks? Would he regret making her a mentor so young? She felt fur brush against her cheek. Finleap turned to her. “We can finish up later,” he mewed. “It won’t hurt to take a break and go through some techniques.” He seemed so eager she didn’t want to disappoint him, but she hadn’t made any plans to teach anything today. She hadn’t prepared. “I don’t know,” she frowned. “What are you so worried for?” Finleap blinked. “We are mentors! We won’t break the rules if we train our apprentices.” Twigbranch lowered her voice. “What if I do it wrong?” Finleaps eyes widened. “How could you do wrong? You were an apprentice for ages. You must know training through and through.” His big, yellow eyes gleamed of admiration. Twigbranch purred softly. She was calmer now. It was difficult to not like Finleap. He was clumsy and reckless sometimes, but he always had his heart at the right place. Everyone, especially Twigbranch herself, assumed they would be mates. He was almost always nearby,

always purred at her jokes, and each night he would come to her with prey from the fresh-kill pile. She was very lucky to have him. Regardless she wasn’t sure she was ready for a mate. She hadn’t been a warrior for very long, and she had an apprentice that needed training. ​A lot of training! What she wanted more than anything, was to show her place in ThunderClan. She had changed her mind so many times as an apprentice, travelled to Skyclan and then back again. She wanted Thunderclan to know she was loyal. And she was determined to earn the respect of her clan. She didn’t have ​time t​ o think of a mate now. “Come on!” Finleap walked towards Sneppaw and Flypaw. Sneppaw had flattened his stomach on the floor and hissed loudly at Flypaw. Flypaw lashed her tail back and forth and pretended to hiss back. Finleap stepped between them and signaled with his tail to stand up. “You won’t win a battle by making grimaces,” he mewed. “It wasn’t a grimace,” Sneppaw mewed angrily. “We were scary!” “I’ve seen hedgehogs that were scarier,” Twigbranch made her way through the branches and walked over to them. Flypaw blinked eagerly at her. “What will you teach us?” “Come,” Twigbranch led her apprentice away from Finleap and Sneppaw. She didn’t want anyone to see her first attempt at mentoring. She stopped by the edge of the clearing and swiped her paw at some small twigs to move it. “We’ll see how you handle an ambush attack.” Flypaws ears twitched nervously. “An ambush?” “Walk along the edge of the clearing. I will attack you from the side. Don’t lose your balance, don’t let me knock you over.” For Twigbranch this sounded easy. Why did Flypaw look so worried? “Will you give me a warning before you attack?” Twigbranch blinked. “The whole point of an ambush is that it’s a surprise.” “But I’m an apprentice.” “It’s the best way to learn,” Twigbranch shifted her weight from one paw to another and hoped she was right. Before Flypaw had the chance to ask more questions, she pressed herself into the ferns that surrounded the small clearing. She waited for Flypaw to start walking, but Flypaw remaned standing and watch Sneppaw and Finleap train. They rolled around in the sand before Sneppaw broke loose from his mentor and jumped clumsily up on his paws. “One more time!” “Flypaw!” Twigbranch called in annoyance and waved impatiently with her tail. Flypaw threw a guity glance towards the ferns and began to walk along the edge of the clearing. Twigbranch crouched towards the floor and began to follow. She was glad to see Flypaw had his ears perked and tail centered. The apprentice was clearly alert. Twigbranch stopped and prepared for attack. As she tensed, an alarm screech of a bird went off. Flypaw looked up just as Twigbranch tackled her. With a confused cry, Flypaw lost her balance and fell to the ground. Twigbranch sprung up to her feet. “That was easier than catching a sparrow!” she mused down at Fypaw but didn’t give her time to answer. “You knew I was coming! You should have been ready and stood your ground!” “I was distracted by the bird!” Flypaw slowly stood up. “You live in a ​forest!​ If you are distracted each time you hear a bird, you will never learn to fight or hunt!” Twigbranch shook her tail in annoyance. Flypaw was so distracted! How would she

teach her anything? While Sneppaw, Spotpaw and the other apprentices got their warrior names, she would still struggle with teaching Flypaw to hunt butterflies! ​Cats will think I am the worst mentor ever. “We’ll try one more time,” Flypaw mewed. “I will be ready then.” “Try to say that to a Shadowclan patrol when they steal your prey,” Twigbranch made her way back into the ferns again and once more waited for Flypaw to start walking. “Keep low and push your weight down through your paws while you walk,” she called through the undergrowth. Flypaw dropped her belly and began to wobble around the clearing. Twigbranch sighed. ​She looks like a duck.​ She followed her apprentice a few tail-lengths before she jumped. She exploded out of the ferns and hit Flypaw’s fank. Flypaw cried in surprise, threw her front paws up into the air and twisted her body, before she lost her balance and fell. Twigbranch stared at her. “That was maybe the worst defense I’ve ever seen.” Flypaw stood up and shook dust out of her fur. “I didn’t expect you to push so hard.” “I attacked you!” Twigbranch snapped. “You aren’t in the nursery anymore. This isn’t playfighting.” Flypaw mused at her. “You want me to fail,” she accused. “That’s why you’re making it so difficult. How should I know what to do when you just push me over again and again?” Twigbranch bit through her frustration and tried to remember when she started as an apprentice. It felt so long ago. “Okay,” she forced herself to be mild in her tone and looked at Flypaw. “Put your paws here.” She stretched out and moved Flypaws paws until the young tabby cat stood steady and straight with her feet. “Let your weight sink down through your pads, like you’re a heavy badger.” She watched Flypaw tense her muscles and found the heaviest and strongest position. “This time I won’t come from the branches. You will see me jump. Just try and stay balanced.” Flyaw nodded, so concentrated her eyes were dark. She’s at least trying.​ Twigbranch took a few steps back before she leaped at Flypaw’s flank. It was a soft but determined attack, and she pressed herself firmly against Flypaw and was relieved to meet resistance when she pushed her weight against the young she-cat. Flypaw staggered but she kept her body low, and didn’t fall. Twigbarnch let go and jumped down on all four again. “Not bad,” she mewed. “Even if you knew the attack was coming. I don’t think you have enough strength in your legs to stand against a real ambush, but we will work on that.” “I thought she did well,” Finleaps voice came as a surprise to Twigbranch. The brown tom walked towards them with Sneppaw hopping along beside him. “She stood steady. And she’s smaller than you, but kept on her feet.” Twigbranch’s brow twitched. “I don’t think she deserves ​that ​much praise,” she mewed. “She has a lot to learn.” “We have both much to learn,” Sneppaw twsted happily around his sister. “It’ll be so much fun! Finleap has already taught me to dive under the belly of my opponent. You should teach Flypaw the same. Finleap says its a usefl technique for smaller cats. He says I’m a natural talent.” “I don't think I am a natural talent,” Flypaws ears twitched in annoyance. “Of course you are!” Finleap assured her. “Why would you be anything else, you who have Lionblaze and Cinderheart as parents?”

Flypaws eyes gleamed, and Twigbranch felt a winge of annoyance. If Finleap kept praising her, would she even try to become better? “No warriors have natural talent,” she mewed firmly. “Talent requires a lot of hard work and training.” “Then you must have a lot of talent. You trained for ​moons​,” Flypaw mused. The apprentice’s words hurt. Twigbranch flattened her ears. It was just because she had moved from one clan to another she had been an apprentice for so long. It wasn’t because she hadn’t been ​ready​. “The first thing a warrior must learn, is ​respect.​” Flypaw stared at the ground. Fineap flicked his tail. “Can you two finish up clearing the area?” he nodded towards Flypaw and Sneppaw. “Twigbranch and I will check the border. Meet us there when you are done. We’ll show you how to scent mark. Is that fine by you, Twigbranch?” he didn’t give her a chance to reply, before he pushed her out of the clearing and along the bunny trail that lead towards Shadowclan border. “Did you hear what she said to me?” Twigbranch was annoyed. “That’s what happens when you praise them too much. Rude as a fox! I should’ve clawed her ears off of her.” “Do you want her to be afraid of you?” Finleap didn’t look at Twigbranch as he walked by her side. “She might listen better if I she was.” “You don’t mean that do you?” “Her thoughts flicker like a butterfly! And she always wants to do something else than what she’s supposed to.” “You have only been her mentor for three days,” Finleap mewed “She has abilities you haven’t seen yet.” “I’ll never see them if you keep telling her she’s a natural talent!” Twigbranch snorted. “Then she won’t even bother learning anything.” “I just wanted to encourage her.” “You can encourage your ​own a ​ pprentice,” Twigbranch snapped. “Leave mine be,” Finleap stopped and looked firmly at Twigbranch. “I am just worried you’re too strict. You shouldn’t take all of Flypaws’s courage before she has learned anything. Don’t you remember how unhappy you were when Sparkpelt was strict with you?” “That was different,” Twigbranch’s fur bristled. Sparkpelt had been judgemental and implacable when Twigbranch had returned to Thunderclan. It had made her miserable. “Sparkpelt always tested my loyalty.” “Was it necessary?” “No!” Twigbranch turned away. Being a mentor was challenging enough if Finleap didn’t criticize her as well. “I just do what I think is right!” “I know,” Finleap replied softly. “It's scary to have so much responsibility. And these are our first apprentices. But we are allowed to make mistakes, and so do they. We learn together.” “But I should know how it’s done.” Twigbranch got a lump in her throat. “Why?” Finleap twisted around her and stopped when he met her eyes. “You are a great warrior, Twigbranch. And you are kind. You shouldn’t stop being kind just because you have become a mentor. Follow your instinct. Push her when she needs to be pushed, but give her

encouragement. You yourself knows how good it feels with some encouraging wods when you are facing something new and difficult.” The warm look in his eyes hit Twigbranch right in her heart. He truly cared if she was a good mentor or not. He just wanted her to succeed. She purred and pressed her nose against his. “Besides,” he continued. “We’ll practice being patient while being mentors. Think of how good parents we’ll be when we have kits.” When we have kits! T ​ wigbranch pulled back. Finleaps eyes were blank. Did he truly think about kits already? They weren’t even mates yet. Twigbranch wasn’t ready to be bound to the nursery. She wasn’t ready to have a mate yet. She wanted to talk about something else. “Let’s check the border.” She didn’t want to hurt Finleap. “Flypaw! Sneppaw! This way!” she called after the apprentices while she let her gaze glide over the ferns till she spotted them and turned away to continue down the path towards Shadowclan territory. Flypaw caught up with her when she reached the scent line. “Is this the border?” “Don’t you smell it?” Twigbranch opened her mouth and felt the stench of Shadowclan mix with the scent of Thunderclan. Flypaw mimicked her and frowned his brow in concentration. “Is it the humid smell that’ from Shadowclan?” “Yes,” Twigbranch followed the scent line. The marks were fresh. She stopped by the root of a pine tree and placed a marking herself. “Leave your scent on the next tree,” she mewed to Flypaw. While Flypaw leaned over the roots, Finleap and Sneppaw smelled the trees a few tail-lengths away. Finleaps nose twitched. “It smells like Shadowclan leaves scent trails twice a day.” Twigbranch shrugged. “They are probably just happy having their territory back.” “I suppose they are.” Finleap walked beside her, while Sneppaw ran ahead together with Flypaw. “Can we mark all the trees?” Sneppaw asked. “Its a long borer,” Twigbranch explained. “Save some of your scent for later.” Flypaw smelled a bush of ferns. Coiled stilks stood up from the humid floor. “There are so many smells out here.” She turned to scent between some roots of a tree where new grass had begun to grow. She dug her way through a pile of rotten leaves, smelling and smelling, until she sneezed. “What does a mouse smell like?” Sneppaw walked past her. “You’ve smelled a mouse before!” she mewed. “We ate them in the camp.” “I never smelled a live mouse,” Flewpaw blinked towards Twigbranch. “Do they smell different than a dead mouse?” “Good question!” Finleap commented before Twigbranch got a chance to reply. She gave him a stern look. ​Let me teach my own apprentice.​ “Living mice smells stronger than the dead ones,” she explained. “Stronger?” Flypaw looked curious.

“They have a..” Twigbranch searched for the right word. “Whiff. You’ll know what mean when you smell one.” But Flypaw had turned away. Twigbranch dug her claws in and out in annoyance. Would it always be this difficult to keep her apprentice’s attention? The tabby cat pointed her ears. “I smell something else,” Flypaw mewed. “Is it a whiff?” Sneppaw lifted his nose. “Is there a mouse nearby?” Twigbranch tasted the air. The scent marks were so strong here it was difficult to smell anything else. But Flypaw was right. There was a moist, earthly smel in the air. “It smells like Shadowclan cat,” Finleap mewed. Twigbranch felt her fur stand up. Was a patrol heading towards the border? Finleap scented along the border. “This way,” he whispered. “Follow me, but be quiet.” Sneppaw and Flyaw hurried after him and were so eager to follow him as closely as they could that they kept bumping into each other. Twigbranch brought up the rear. Shadowclan stench was mixed with another smell. Blood. She quickened her pace and passed Finleap, Flypaw and Sneppaw and took the lead. She mused between the trees, before she pointed her ears forward, hearing a moan. She began running towards the sound. A large ball of silvery netting lay between two trees. Under the thorns tangle she saw brown and white fur. It was Puddleshine, Shadowclan’s medicine cat, that lay and floundered and moaned in pain. The smell of blood was strong. “Puddleshine!” she hurried towards him and made sure she didn’t touch the strings that twisted and curled like thorns between the trees. Cucumber flowers stood around him. Was that what he had been after? She noticed his fur had tangled up in the sharp thorns in the net. Blood swelled up from all the wounds. “Don’t move. You’ll make it worse.” Panic fluttered her chest as she met the medicine’s cats agonizing gaze. “We’ll get you out,” she promised. “Just stay still.” Finleap caught up to her, together with Flypaw and Sneppaw by his heels. “What is that?” Flypaw stared at the net with eyes filled with fear. “That’s silverthorn. A two-leg string.” Finleap explained. “They use it to mark the border around their territory. The thorns keep animals trapped inside on the meadows. Starclan knows why they threw a pile of it here.” “I can get to him,” Sneppaw flattened himself and weaseled his way in under the silverthorn. “Be careful!” Finpaw warned. Sneppaw ealed closer to Puddleshine. “We’ll get you out.” He mewed to the medicine cat. “I get more stuck each time I move,” Puddleshine was exhausted from pain. Finleap looked at Flypaw. “Do you know your way back to the camp?” Flypaw nodded. “Run back and get help. Tell Bramblestar we need as many paws as we ca get to get Puddleshine out. And tell him we need a medicine cat. He’s bleeding heavily.” Twigbranch called to Sneppaw. “Go with her. We’ll stay here with Puddleshine.” She didn’t turst Flypaw to get help on her own. What if she forgot the message, or got distracted on the way? Sneppaw weaseled his way out again from the silverthorns, and together the two apprentices ran into the trees. Twigbrach crouched against the floor and looked under the silverthorns towards Puddleshine. “Help is on the way.”

Puddleshine looked at her with eyes shining of pain. “The thorns are hurting me everywhere,” he mowed weakly. The cucumber herb around him was covered in blood. Twigbranch saw the thorns had pushed through his fur and scraped up his skin along his spine and on both flanks. One had hooked itself into his neck, so his cheek was pressed against the ground. She forced herself to not shudder, and blinked encouragingly to him. “Our Clanmates will figure out a way to get you out.” Finleap paced the edges of the curled netting and searched for an opening that would allow him to reach Puddleshine. He reached out with his paw under a tread and carefully lifted it up. The whole pile moved, and Puddleshine moaned in pain. Finleap frowned his brow. “It’ll be difficult to get him out without hurting him.” “If we work together, we’ll do it,” Twigbranch didn’t look away from Puddleshine. Above them the birds chirped eagerly. The new leaf sun stretched through the leaves with its’ warm claws and made the fresh leaves glow, as if an emerald green haze lay over the forest. Twigbranch circled the silverthorn. Finally, the sound of running paws was heard through the forest. “Here they come!” Finleap lifted his head towards the bristling undergrowth as Bramblestar emerged first through the ferns. Blossomfall, Thornclaw and Bumblestrip skidded to a halt next to him. Alderheart followed behind them with a large lump of spiderweb between his teeth. He put it down as Molewhisker and Larksong caught up with them. Bramblestar paced the tangle of silverthorn with raging anger in his eyes. “Don’t the two-legs have enough territory as it is to not throw their waste on our lands?” while he spoke, his gaze flicked back and forth over the silverthorn. Twigbranch guessed he tried to find the best solution to lift it off the Shadowclan cat. Alderheart lowered down and blinked towards Puddleshine. “Do you know how many wounds you have?” “I lost count. It hurts,” Puddleshine stared desperately at him. “I brought poppy seeds.” Alderheart searched through the spiderweb and picked out some seeds with his teeth. He flattened himself down next to Twigbranch and dropped the seeds onto his paw and reached in under the silverthorn. With a moan, Puddleshine stretched his neck and licked them up. Bramblestar waved Thornclaw closer with his tail. “You lift here. Larksong, lift there.” He nodded for the black tom towards a tread further back, before he walked around the silverthorn again. “Bumblestripe, you take this thread. Blossomfall, you take that one, and Molewhisker, can you pick up the thread laying over Puddleshine’s back with your paw?” Molewhiker nodded and moved his paw through the opening Bramblestar had pointed to. when the patrol had taken their positions, Bramblestar hooked his paw under the tread that twisted right in front of Puddleshine’s nose. He looked at Finleap. “When I say when, we will lift the silverthorn. Can you pull Puddleshine out?” Finleap nodded. Twigbranch saw the determination in the young tom’s eyes. Was he not afraid? She felt sick by the thought of ripping the medicine cat loose. Bramblestar turned towards her. “I want you to loosen the thorns that may be stuck in Puddleshine’s fur when Finleap drags him.” Twigbranch swallowed. “Okay.” She felt sick. “Alderheart, have the web ready,” Bramblstar ordered.

Alderheart crawled over to the web and began to rip it to smaller pieces. “When I say ‘now’, you all lift.” Bramblestar looked at his warriors in turn. They nodded. “Now!” Bramblestar grunted in effort and lifted the tread with his paws. All around the silverthorn the warriors did the same. The tangled mass shivered when they moved it. Puddleshine cried. “Get him!” Bramblestar ordered. Finleap hurried through the opening the warriors had made. Twigbranch followed him close behind and quickly looked over Puddleshine’s fur as Finleap grabbed the medicine cat’s shoulders between his front paws and pulled. Twigbranch saw a thorn lift his fur. She leaned forwards and got it loose with her paw. Another thorn grabbed him, and she pawed it away. Slowly, but surely Finleap dragged Puddlesine out. Twigbranch loosened thorn after thorn as they caught his fur. She saw the effort the Warriors were giving while holding up the silverthorn. “Is he out?” Bramblestar was tense. “Yes!” Finleap pulled Puddleshine away from the thorns. Twigbranch weaseled her way out with her heart in her throat. “Let go!” Bramblestar yowled. The warriors let go and the tangle of thorns fell onto the ground. One of the treads loosened and bent out next to Bumblestripe before it slammed into the ground a whisker-length away from him. “Is everyone alright?” Brambestar looked over the warriors. Molewhisker nodded. Larksong licked her paw to ease the pain from a wound. Thornclaw’s ears twitched. “No wounds here.” Bumblestripe looked at Puddleshine. “It's only him who is injured.” Alderheat was already pressing web against a wound on the medicine cat’s flank. He rolled together another bundle and pressed it against a wound on his neck. Twigbranch froze when she saw the blood that came from the tom’s fur. He had more wounds than she could count. Bramblestar looked worried down at Puddleshine. “Will he make it?” Alderheart laid another webbing over a wound. “None of the wounds are deep, but there are many of them and could be infected. We need to get him to a medicine cat den, where I can treat his injuries properly.” Bramblstar looked over the border. “No point taking him to Shadowclan. He is the only medicine cat they have, nobody can take care of him there.” “Then we will take him to our camp,” Alderheart pressed more web into another wound. Puddleshine’s eyes were bank. He lay motionless while Alderheart did his thing. “Are you sure he will be alright?” Twigbranch asked nervously. “He’s barely moving.” “The poppy seeds has begun to work,” Alderheart explained. “I gave him many.” “Let us know when he’s ready to move to the camp,” Bramblestar mewed. Alderheart nodded without looking away from his work. “We should tell Tigerstar what happened,” Finleap mewed. “Yes,” Bramblestar nodded. “Take Twigbranch and go to the Shadowclan camp.” Finleap glanced towards the border. “Should we wait for a patrol to escort us?” “No.” Bramblestar waved his tail. “Cross the border. Tigerstar will understand why you are on Shadowclan territory as soon as he knows what has happened. Tell him we’ll take care of Puddleshine until he’s able to travel home. He may send a patrol to see hm.”

Twigbranch looked at Finleap. What if a Shadowclan patrol attacked them before they could explain why they were there? He blinked to her. “Come.” Before he ran around the silverthorn towards the border. Twigbranch followed after him, and when she crossed the Shadowclan border, she felt her heart beat faster. “Do you know the way to the Shadowclan camp?” “No, but you do.” Finleap slowed down and let her take the lead. She hurried past him and lead the way up a hill. She knew the way well. She had gone to the Shadowclan camp many times - often in secret - to meet her sister, Violetshine, when they were kits. She had been worried then, but she was more worried now. After Tigerstar cme back, she hadn’t heard much from Shadowclan. What kind of leader he was, nobody knew. She looked nervously around the pine trees. “What if Tigerstar gets angry because we took Puddleshine to our camp?” she asked Finleap with a low voice. Finleap walked up next to her so they had the same pace. “Why would he be angry when we’re helping them?” She felt calmer by his confidence. He seemed so sure. Even when he was ripping Puddleshine loose from the thorns, he had known he could do it. He was also so sure they would be mates and have kits one day. And that thought didn’t scare him. Twigbranch felt the unrest twist under her fur. ​Why am I so scared then?

Chapter 2 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine entered the glen, the fresh green sun dancing over the branches and white snowdrops. Mintfur padded alongside her while Sandynose walked in front and sniffed the air with quivering whiskers as a faint wind bore the smell of the lake through the woods. "Look, Fidgetcrow!" Frecklewish stopped at an area where dark green leaves stacked between the roots of an orchard. The young medicine cat hurried toward her, his black and white pelt rippling eagerly. "Is that comfrey?" "It's sorrel," explained Frecklewish, picking some leaves with her claws. She lifted them up so he could smell them. Fidgetcrow frowned on his nose and backed. "I know how it smells. Terrible and sour. " "It tastes even worse," said Frecklewish. "But, in a poultice, it works well against bruises and infected wounds. It draws works and wipes out wounds. " She took a leaf from the nearest shrub and began to roll the herb in it. "We'll take these to the herb stores." She sounded pleased. Frecklewish had eager to be with the border patrol. The herbs were depleted after the long, cold leaf-bare, and she wanted to gather new leaves. "The freshest growths are the strongest", she had told Fidgetcrow when they joined Sandynose, Violetshine and Mintfur outside the camp. Now Violetshine stopped in the middle of the glow and enjoyed the sun on the fur. While she was waiting for Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow to roll the herbs, Sandynose walked around her and studied the trees with his eyes. Mintfur lay down and rolled around in the warm dry leaves. It was clear that she enjoyed the fresh green herbs. "It's good to have the territory for herself again," she mused when she sat up and shook dust from the gray coat. "It's good to have the camp for yourself," grunted Sandynose. "I do not understand how Leafstar could think ShadowClan would fit in with us. They are too different." “Not so different." Frecklewish lifted his eyes from her herbs. "They are warriors, after all. They follow warrior code. And they eat, sleep and hunt, just like us. " "They hunt like foxes and snore like badgers," grunted Sandynose. Mintfur licked her paw and pulled it over her ear. "Anyway, they're gone now. We do not have to stumble into them anymore. " "It was kind of Leafstar to give them the land area back without battle," said Sandynose. "After all, ShadowClan had given it to us. Before they slept in our dens and ate our prey for a whole moon. " "Tigerstar thanked her for the generosity," Violetshine reminded him. "We should have received more than one thank you," snorted Sandynose. Frecklewish went to Mintfur. "Now everything is going to be left," she said. "Five clans by the lake. It's the best solution for all of us. " Sandynose narrowed his eyes. "I just hope Tigerstar agrees." The warriors’ skepticism made Violetshine uneasy. "Why should not he be? "Tigerstar just cares about what's best for Tigerstar." Sandynose looked up the slope and flattened his ears. "He left his clan and his kin when they needed him. Then he came back again when he found it too good. His mate is the same way. Dovewing broke the warrior code and had

kits with a warrior from another clan before she left her clan to be with him and took the kits with her.” The light brown male cat blinked at Violetshine. "Leaders should be a model for the clan. What kind of model has Tigerstar been?" Frecklewish shook her coat. "He has made mistakes. But StarClan led his paws back to ShadowClan and made him a leader. He understands how important it is that we are five clans by the lake. " "It may also be that he just finds it important that ShadowClan is by the lake," Sandy said miserably. Mintfur rose and walked up the hill against the pine trees, where a ditch stretched against the ShadowClan border. "There is no need to worry. We've been through enough problems in the last few months, unless we're going to want even more. " Violetshine walked after her and was reassured by her light tone. They had survived the storm. Now there were no more problems waiting for the clans? The leaves rustled behind her as Frecklewish and Fidgetpaw followed. "I do not want trouble," grunted Sandynose when he reached them again. "But ignoring the rain does not mean that the drops do not fall." At the top of the hill, Mintfur stopped. She stiffened and lifted her nose in the wind. Violetshine saw that she tasted the air. She got a tingling turmoil in her fur. "What is it?" The eyes of Mintfur sparkled. "Do not you know? Mouse!" Sandynose was already in a hunting crouch. He crawled down a ditch in the multi-layered forest floor like a shadow. Violetshine pricked her ears. She heard leaves rustling at the bottom of the ditch. The damp smell of mice struck her nose. She licked her lips. She had not eaten yet and although she knew that this prey was taken home to the camp and the fresh-kill pile, she was pleased to see that the prey was on its way back after leaf-bare. She stayed in the background along with Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow, and allowed the others to take the catch. Sandynose sneaked along the ditch. Mintfur had jumped lightly over it and lay a little further down with the eye attached to the leaves at the bottom. When it broke in them again, Sandynose jumped. He landed in the ditch and smashed the forepot in the ground. Mintfur slammed down in front of him, to block the way of the mouse if it escaped. But she had not had to worry. Sandynose took it with no problem and killed it with a simple bite. "I thank StarClan for this catch," whispered Frecklewish next to Violetshine. Sandynose jumped off the ditch with the fat mouse dangling from his mouth. Fidgetcrow dropped the herb bundle he had held between his teeth and sniffed the mouse. "It's even bigger than the one Macgyver came home with yesterday." Mintfur crawled next to Sandynose. "It is nice to see that the fresh-kill pile is filled again. There is enough food for everyone. " Sandynose let go of the mouse. "Even if we have an extra mouth to fill." He changed his mind with Mintfur. The gray female cat’s eyes clouded. "Tree, you mean?" "He would really help with patrolling, but I've noticed that Leafstar never asks him to attend and never volunteer." Sandynose looked indignant. "Eating from the fresh-kill pile, he is more than willing to volunteer," pointed out Mintfur.

Violetshine spoke up. "He can take what he wants from the fresh-kill pile. He is a part of the clan now. " "How can he be?" Mintfur asked. "He doesn’t even know the warrior code." "He did not join as a warrior," said Violetshine in his defense. "He joined as a mediator." "I have never seen him mediate," replied Mintfur. "It's because there has been nothing to talk about yet." Violetshine scowled at her. Frecklewish walked along the ditch and looked thoughtful. "It's strange to have a cat in the clan that does not behave like a warrior. But his role is new and he needs time to find his place. I mean that Leafstar did right to ask him to stay. Tree is good at making cats relax. " "He had made me relax if he spent less time napping in the camp, and more time helping", muttered Sandynose. "If he does not want to patrol, he can help to repair the dens. There are still some walls and ceilings that must be sealed after the storm. And with so many apprentices in the clan we could use more space in the apprentices’ den." The rage broke through Violetshine. She stuck her chin in the air. "If you have so many problems with Tree, why do not you talk to him instead of sulking?" "I've tried, believe me," replied Sandynose. "But you know how he is. Quiet and friendly all the time. It's hard to criticize him. He always has an answer. He says he will not 'be in the way' or that he 'learns by observing'. And he seems so sincere that it's hard to contradict him. " "Violetshine pushed her chest out. "He is sincere. He is good-hearted and the fact that he does not behave like a warrior does not mean he is not important to the clan. Wait and see. Frecklewish is right. He is good with other cats. Sometimes there is more power in words than claws, and words give far less bloodshed." Mintfur’s whiskers sparkled with joy. "You're getting excited, Violetshine." Violetshine became hot in the fur. "What?" She and Tree had a special bond. It was she who had found him, and he was more attached to her than to anyone else in SkyClan. Her paws tingled with happiness at the thought of him. "Sandynose." Fidgetcrow's anxious voice caused the others to turn around. The medicine cat apprentice had crossed the ditch and stood and sniffed on the ground beyond. "Come and smell here." Sandynose leapt over the ditch and sniffed the ground next to Fidgetcrow. "Do you smell ShadowClan?" asked Fidgetcrow. " "Yes." Sandynose's fur rose along his spine. He rushed forward and smelled the ground once more. Then he went back and forth as he sniffed all the way. "There have been ShadowClan cats here." When Mintfur hurried to him, Violetshine followed. Her stomach sank. There was ShadowClan's scent in the air. "They have crossed the border and into our territory," she whispered. Sandynose had already begun to follow the trail to the border. He stopped by a bush and flattened his ears. "They crossed the border here." "Do you recognize the smells?" Mintfur asked. He shook his head. "It does not smell like some of those who lived in our camp." "Violetshine felt fear press against her throat. "There are some cats in ShadowClan who have grown up outside the territories," she murmured and recalled the rumors she had heard of a journey Tigerstar and Dovewing had been on, far away from the lake. "They may have been

confused about the scent line without knowing it. They have not stayed here for so long, so they may not know the borders yet. " Mintfur snowed. "Even they must know what a scent mark means." Sandynose raised the bust. "We are going back to the camp. Leafstar must be told." The sun rays penetrated between the branches crossing and across the SkyClan camp. "Are you sure the smells were on our side of the border?" Leafstar's amber eyes narrowed. "I know where the boundary is, even if ShadowClan does not," said Sandynose briskly. Leafstar moved the weight from one side to the other to the back of the body. The returning patrol had woken the SkyClan leader from a nap. Violetshine felt that it was in her stomach where she was sitting next to Sandynose. The warrior had gotten more and more agitated on the trip home to the camp, and Mintfur agreed with him that ShadowClan would have crossed the SkyClan border on purpose. Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow had tried to make them calm. It could have been an accident. But Sandynose was convinced that a ShadowClan patrol had planned to cross SkyClan's scent marks. Hawkwing, who stood and cleaned weeds from the stream that ran through the camp, continued working, but pricked his ears while Leafstar considered how she should react. Thee, lying elongated and grooming himself in the sun, lifted his head sleepily and looked at them. Macgyver, Nettlesplash and Bellaleaf took a break in the work of sealing holes in the dens, and came closer, while Blossomheart and Harrybook looked up from the mouse they shared at the fresh-kill pile. Pigeonpaw and Nectarpaw ended the match training in the clearing, including those to accompany. "I do not think we should draw hasty conclusions," Leafstar said finally. Plumwillow came out of the den with her fur spiked. "What were ShadowClan cats doing here?" Leafstar rose. "That's what we must try to figure out." "There may not have been any positive", Macjawe said. Nettlesplash and Bellaleaf murmured in agreement. "It was probably an accident." Blossomheart left the mouse and came closer. Harrybrook rose. "Maybe it was a awkward apprentice with bad sense of direction." "That's what I said." Violetshine would happily avoid a conflict. Would not StarClan want all of them to live peacefully together around the lake? "Do not forget that they have new warriors who are not clanborn." "Exactly," said Blossomheart. "One of them may have crossed the border without even noticing it." "Nonsense!" sniffed Mintfur. "The border was clearly marked. Any cat could smell it. Even one who is not clanborn. " "Quiet." Leafstar lashed her tail. "We do not know why ShadowClan crossed the border. I will not accuse them of aggression before we know everything. " "You must protect SkyClan, not defend ShadowClan," muttered Sandynose. Violetshine saw that the hairs of Leafstar rose. It was clear that the criticism made the leader irritated. "I'm going to protect SkyClan. We'll mark the border again. "She nodded towards Hawkwing. "Tomorrow you organize three border patrols instead of two."

"Ok." Hawkwing raised a lump of dripping wet weeds from the stream and laid it in the pile he had gathered. He met Leafstar's eyes. "And I'll make sure that the border is marked again before sunset today." "Wait." Sandynose’s fur rustled. "If ShadowClan does not respect borders, it will not make any difference to mark them again." Leafstar wrinkled the brows. "ShadowClan is building up again. Have you thought Tigerstar may not have full control over their warriors yet? They may cross the border without knowing it. I do not want to risk undermining him by blowing up a single event. We should let ShadowClan remain in peace until we know they have become strong again. " Macgyver had become darker in the eyes. "Imagine if they have already become strong? This may be the first sign that they have become a threat. Are you going to ignore it? " "He has a point." Hawkwing shook water from his feet and came closer. He stopped in front of Leafstar. "We do not know what intentions Tigerstar has. Who knows how he has changed since he left the clans. That he supported us when we claimed this territory does not mean he still agrees. He is a leader now, and ShadowClan is stronger than it has been since we came to the lake. It may make sense to find out what he thinks before we let the event pass. " Leafstar's eyes flicked through the crowd. Violetshine saw in her face that she was thinking. Bellaleaf and Macgyver exchanged a glance. Harrybrook whispered something to Blossomheart. Hawkwing looked at his leader with a glance that was impossible to interpret. “Tree.” Leafstar's eyes found the yellow male cat. "You are here to mediate between the clans. What do you think?" Violetshine leaned forward as Tree got on his legs. He knew what to do. He always knew instinctively know what other cats thought. Thee padded toward the SkyClan leader with thoughtful eyesight. When he reached her he coughed. "I think you're doing right to walk carefully," he said. "I do not doubt Tigerstar is already a strong leader. It does not mean that he is dangerous, but if these scents are the first signs of aggression, he may hope for a reaction from you. It could give him an excuse to raise the conflict level. " Violetshine stared at Tree. He was so smart. Perhaps not all that time he spent lying in the sun was a wasted. Maybe he did not sleep, but thought. Leafstar narrowed her eyes. "You agree that we should not respond." "I agree that you need more information before you do it," said Tree. "Can you go to ShadowClan and talk to Tigerstar?" Leafstar asked. Thee shook his head. "It would be too direct. At the moment, Tigerstar does not know you're worried. The smell marks may after all have been a mistake. If so, there's no point in provoking Tigerstar with our suspicions." Sandynose grunted impatiently. "What do you suggest, then?" "I can walk to their territory," he suggested. "Hang on the border until I encounter a ShadowClan warrior that I can talk with. It's not hard to get information with some innocent chats." Leafstar's eyes brightened. "Good idea." She looked at Sandynose. " The male cat nodded. "It could work."

Mintfur’s flicked his ears, irritated. "I think we should send a patrol. We should begin to show strength so Tigerstar understands what he is facing." "We show strength if we must," Leafstar said. "For now, Thee will find out as much as possible." Her glance went to Violetshine. Violetshine's heart made a jump. "You can join him," Leafstar said. "You've grown up in ShadowClan so you understand how they think." Do I?​ Violetshine was not so sure, but she did not intend to protest. It was exciting to get on Tree's mission. She bent her head towards Leafstar. "I will do my best." Leafstar stretched out. It told the others that the conversation was over. She walked through the camp before she stopped by the stream and looked back and forth along the shore. "Good work with the weeds, Hawkwing." Violetshine blinked at Tree. The yellow tom was already on the way. His eyes shone as he approached. "Ready?" "Yes." Violetshine said. "Good." He brushed her flank on their way out of the camp, making her wonder if it was on purpose. His pelt was soft against her flank, and when she appeared in the tunnel, she felt a tingling happiness in her legs. Well outside, Tree stopped and looked around the forest. "Where did you find the ShadowClan scent?" Violetshine nodded in the direction of the ditch. Tree turned and went in the opposite direction. She hurried after him. "Why do we go this way?" "If we want avoids suspicion, it's best not to start the conversation with a ShadowClan cat while we are standing near the scent mark. Violetshine looked at him. "Of course! We do not want them to know that we have discovered the smell in our area. " He whipped his shoulder against her as they continued. "You are smarter than you look." "You!" She threw him back. "I look as smart as you." "Almost." He looked obliquely at her before he jumped. She looked after him and was happy to be alone with him in the woods. With the warm wind on her fur she ran into a zigzag between the trees and the pants over branches that lay scattered on the ground after the storm. He was on his way to the border that went down to the lake. As he approached, she thought he should slow down. But he ran on and it was clear that he enjoyed the fresh air as much as her. "Look up!" She smelled the markings further down. He looked back without slowing down. "For what?" "The limit!" Anxiety sparkled under her fur. If they entered the territory of ShadowClan, they could make everything worse. "Stop!" Tree stopped a halftone from the scent line. He tasted the air, and his hair rose by surprise. "I did not know we were so close." "Did not you smell it?" "Not before now." Tree waved with their tail. "I'm still learning the different clan scents. To me, every clan cat smells the same. " "But you knew the border was here?" She could find clan borders even if she were blind. "Now I know."

"You have not patrolled as much as I have." She looked at him. "You might have to start with it." If he participated in clan patrols, clanmates might accept him more easily. He shrugged his shoulders. "I should. But it seems tiresome. It's as if you're looking for trouble. I've always meant to wait and see if the problems find you, do not seek them out. " "It does not hurt to be prepared." Did Tree ever get clan life? Suddenly it struck her that he might not even have plans to do it. Perhaps he temporarily stayed with SkyClan before moving on to something new. The thought gave her pine needles through the heart. Should she ask what he was thinking about the future? She looked at her legs and felt warm in her coat. He could figure out to make fun of her because she cared. "Look." The muted voice made her lift her head. She followed his gaze. Cloverfoot, a ShadowClan warrior, walked between the bushes on the opposite side of the border. The gray tabby cat's eyes were targeted from one shrub to the other. She had the ears tip excitedly, and it was clear that she was looking for prey. Tree looked at Violetshine. "I told Hawkwing that it's always by the lake one finds the best prey, but he said the prey is good everywhere when it's newleaf." He spoke loudly and Violetshine guessed he tried to catch Cloverfoot's attention. "They are even better when it's greenleaf." She mimicked him and looked at Cloverfoot. The ShadowClan warrior had heard them, and was on their way to the border. "Why are you shouting like that?" She grunted over the smell line. "I'm trying to hunt, and you're scaring the prey." Tree turned toward her with big, round eyes and innocent eyes. "Sorry." It sounded like he actually regretted. "Had I seen you, I would lower my voice." "M-m, excuse me," mumbled Violetshine. Tree so admiring at the ShadowClan warrior, as if he did not even realize she had busted. "A warrior who is so good in shape like you, never having trouble catching up? But we will leave you alone. Sorry for the disturbance.” He turned to go, but stopped again. "The hunt must go well with ShadowClan too," he spoke with neutral voice. "With us, the fresh-kill pile is so well-stocked that the apprentices grow faster than nettles." Cloverfoot waved with her tail. "We have a lot of prey." "Good." Tree blinked at her. "Otherwise, is everything well with ShadowClan? It must be nice to be back with yourself again. " "That's true." Cloverfoot was happy in her pelt again. "We have built the dens again and reinforced the camp. The camp is better than ever. " Tree looked eagerly at Cloverfoot with his ears pricked as if he was happy to hear each word. Violetshine felt a bit of jealousy. "Tigerstar seems like a good leader," said Tree. Cloverfoot pushed the chest forward. "He is an excellent leader." "Stricter than his father, can I imagine?" "Much stricter than Rowanclaw. Everyone respects him. He makes sure everyone is satisfied that there is order in the camp and that the apprentices get proper training. He says that ShadowClan will grow again. We were strong before and will be strong again. " "It's good to hear that after everything ShadowClan has been through." Tree looked round and compassionate. "It feels right," Cloverfoot said.

"Hawkwing says you've kept the boundaries well marked," mewed Tree. "He says that strong borders provide a strong neighbor." He shot a glance at Violetshine, as if to ask her something. She hesitated. What was he wanting her to say? "It's hard to stray over a well-defined boundary," she said uncertainly. Had she guessed correctly? "Is that it?" Cloverfoot shook her head as if she were wondering what Violetshine meant with the comment. Tree hurried to talk about something else. "Have the cats from the Twoleg place been found? It must be a big change for them. " "They love warrior life. Especially Blazepaw. He is a born warrior.” The eyes of Cloverfoot brightened when she talked about him. "It must be difficult for them to get used to all the new smells," violated Violetshine. "Limits, for example. They must be confused by all the scent markers. " Cloverfoot got a glimpse of suspicion in her eyes. "I think they are doing well." Tree scratched his ear to try not to seem too interested. "I just said to Violetshine that I find it difficult to detect the borders. It was just before I ran straight over this one without noticing. Fortunately, Violetshine stopped before it was too late. I know that clan cats take this crossing borders very seriously.” He met Cloverfoot's eyes and was very serious. "There are no ShadowClan cats that would have gone into another clan's territory if they did not have to?" "No." Cloverfoot stared at him with eyes sparkled by sudden skepticism. She backed up. "I have to get back to the hunt. I promised Blazepaw that I should take a shrew home if I found one.” She turned and disappeared between the bushes. Violetshine looked worried at Tree. "Did we reveal too much?" ShadowClan was not supposed to know that they had discovered the smells. Had they been too direct? Tree lifted the tail. "I think we just learned a lot." He started walking towards the camp again.” We learned that Tigerstar is a strong leader and that he has plans for ShadowClan. We had to let him know that we found ShadowClan scent on our side without accusing him of anything directly. He must understand that SkyClan cannot be taken by surprise.” Violetshine hurried after him. "Do you think ShadowClan is a threat?" Tree hesitated. The silence seemed awkward and she felt her legs tingle. Then he looked over his shoulder. "I do not know. But SkyClan has to face the future with open eyes. "

Chapter 3​ ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart sat down heavily down the road to Puddleshine. There had been two sunrises since Bramblestar's patrol came to medicine cat it with the ShadowClan cat and he was not that track better. Alderheart wrinkled the brows. The puddleshine was sick. There was still infection in many of the wounds, although Alderheart had washed and brushed them with porridge wrappers around the clock. It was completely incomprehensible. "I can not fight the infections," he whispered. Puddleshine raised his head rigidly and blinked at him with eyes blurred by pain. "You've treated my wounds just as I would. I also do not understand why they are not getting better. " "How are the pain today?" "The poppy seeds you gave me have helped a little." Alderheart laid his nose against Puddleshine's ear. It was hot. "You have fever too." "It must be because of the infections," said Puddleshine. "Maybe you have another disease in the body that makes you vulnerable to infection. You smell nice. " "I felt pretty fine before I got stuck in the silver thorn." Puddleshine got darker in the eyes. "That I could be so stupid! I should keep away. " "There is no point in thinking about it now." Alderheart was more concerned with tackling Puddleshine's injuries than thinking about the way he had received them. "Do you have any other symptoms? Sore throat? Abdominal pain? " "No." The puddleshine moved a little bit with weary movements. "It's just pain in the wounds." Alderheart threw a glance at the den opening. He felt he was not tight. It was so unfamiliar to not know the cause of the plagues. That neither Leafpool nor Jayfeather knew advice was no comfort. "Do what you can," Jayfeather said. "You'll find a solution." The blind medicine cat was in the nursery to look for kits for Ivypool now. Leafpool had been out since dawn to sanitize herbs. Alderheart turned to Puddleshine again. "Are you on any other herbs I can try?" "Frecklewish mentioned the crustacean when we met at the Moon Last," said Puddleshine. "They have started to germinate now." "I do not know if it's growing on the ThunderClan Territory." "Someone stands at the ShadowClan border." Puddleshine shrank. "They are dark green and smell bad." "I find them. We will hope that it works. " As he spoke, voices heard in the clearing. He pointed his ears. It sounded like they belonged to ShadowClan. There was a mess in him. Tigerstar told Twigbranch he was sending a patrol to pick up Puddleshine in a few days. Were they? Alderheart moved the weight from one side to the other. How would he explain that Puddleshine was not in shape to go home? He noticed that the Puddleshine looked troubled at the entrance. "Rest, you," said Alderheart. "I'm going to see what's going on." He turned and went out of the den. In the clearing Tawnypelt and Scorchfur were flanked by Brackenfur and Fernsong. "We found them on the border," Fernsong explained to clanmates, who were so skeptical of ShadowClan cats while Bramblestar took down the rock. Only then did Alderheart notice that Dovewing was behind Tawnypelt. The former ThunderClan warrior light gray coat ripped with anxiety.

Alderheart narrowed his eyes. Why was she here? Dovewing had visited the camp when she first returned with Tigerstar. Everyone had been so relieved to see her alive that they had almost failed to blink when she said she would leave the clan and take kits with the father in ShadowClan. But it was more than a month ago. He wondered what ThunderClan meant now when they saw Dovewing as part of a ShadowClan patrols. Squirrelflight went forward to greet her, but a scorching look from Scorchfur made her hesitate. Lionblaze wrinkled the brows where he stood by the pile of fresh meat. Graystripe and Millie came out of the elders’ den and changed their eyes when they saw Dovewing. Cherryfall and Bumblestripe hid at his former clan mate with an obvious hostility as Bramblestar reached the ShadowClan cats. "Have you come to pick up Puddleshine?" Asked the ThunderClan leader. Tawnypelt met his eyes stiff. "Tigerstar said to the two young cats you sent, that the wisdom came and brought him with us in two days. Is he ready? " Scorchfur let the glance slip through the camp, obviously looking for medicine cat from ShadowClan. Dovewing's eyes had landed on the nursery. "Now?" Continued Tawnypelt when Bramblestar did not answer. ThunderClan leader stared at Dovewing. "It surprises me that you brought her with him," he said. "Here are the strong feelings about leaving her." He looked at Cherryfall and Bumblestripe. The light gray male had raised the bust. "She's a member of ShadowClan now," said Tawnypelt, simply and simply. "She participates in patrols, whether they hunt or escort the clan members home." Bramblestar narrowed his eyes. "She should have been in the nursery to take care of her kits?" Dovewing took a step forward. "I asked to join," she said lowly. "I was hoping to meet Ivypool." Bumblestripe hit his tail. "You visited Ivypool and kits for a month ago. Before going to ShadowClan. When you left your clan, you also left your family. I thought that you understood. " "I did what I thought was best for everyone," said Dovewing. Alderheart felt a tingling turmoil in the fur. It was clear that Bumblestripe had become even more bitter since last time he saw Dovewing. He looked at the nursery. Ivypool stood and hesitated in the shady den opening with insecure eyes. Bristlekit squeezed out past her mother and was so excited that the light gray coat broke. "Is that her?" She asked and jumped into the shining while staring at Dovewing. Flipkit and Thriftkit stood between Reservina on Ivypool and pushed his head against her mother's chest. They were huge of curiosity. "Are we allowed to talk to her?" Asked Thriftkit. "Why should not we be allowed?" Bristlekit went all the way to Dovewing and stared at her fearlessly."Ivypool says you have been here for a visit. But I do not remember you. We had just opened our eyes. You look like Ivypool, just you do not have white spots. " Dovewing looked past the kit against Ivypool, with a sparkling hope in the eyes. Ivypool did not get upset. Daisy came out of the nursery and squeezed past the silver gray and white queen. "I do not understand what you're talking about. Relatives are related, no matter the clan. » "Clan is more important than family!" Cherryfall moved closer to Bumblestripe.

Lionblaze waved on his ears. "Loyalty is more important than anything else," he grunted. "Bumblestripe is right. When you leave the clan, you leave your family. " Alderheart visualized a movement at the heels of fire. It was Graystripe, who moved the weight troubled from one side to the other and pretended he did not listen. Once, long before Alderheart was born, Graystripe had left ThunderClan for a period of time to be with the kits he had joined with a RiverClan warrior. ThunderClan had eventually brought him back into the heat, but Alderheart had heard that not all clanmates had trusted him immediately. Bramblestar came trampling out of the nursery and walked towards the medicine cat while it hurried in his fur of irritation. "If no warriors had fallen in love with the wrong cat's ability, we could avoid a lot of trouble." The blind, blue gaze turned towards Squirrelflight, as if he could see her. Squirrelflight rose bust. "Do not blame me for what your mother did," she said. "I just tried to help her." "And it worked great." With a snowy press he passed Alderheart and disappeared into the medicine cat. Alderheart was hurt by Dovewing. She looked at Ivypool with such a longing that he did not understand how Ivypool could stay away. But ThunderClan queen looked empty back on the sister with eyes round of indecision. Flipkit went into the clearing and stopped next to Bristlekit. He looked shyly at Dovewing. "Ivypool says that you also have kits. Are they similar to us? " "Shadowkit does. A little. "Dovewing was porous in the voice of emotion. «Lightkit and Pouncekit are more similar to their father.» Graystripe went to Dovewing. He had compassion in the warm, ravaged look. "They are very fine," he said with a mild voice. "They are." Dovewing blinked gratefully to him before she looked at Ivypool again and the tail sank to the ground. "Do not you want to come and say goodbye? I thought you understood me. I took the choice I thought was best. " Ivypool eyes shone with compassion. The two sisters stared at each other for a little while before Ivypool bent his head, ran toward Dovewing and squeezed his cheek on her cheek. "Obviously I understand," she said. "It's just so strange to think that you're living with another clan now, and that our kits are going to grow up without knowing each other." She pulled her cheek. "How are your kits?" "Good," Dovewing purred. "I wish you could come to visit." Scorchfur hit his tail. "It does not matter with the first one. Tigerstar does not accept visits from other clans. " Alderheart moved the weight uneasy from one side to the other. It explained the ice-cold reception Twigbranch had told when she and Finleap came home from ShadowClan. Scorchfur stood and hid at Bramblestar. "Where is Puddleshine?" It was in the stomach of Alderheart. He took a step forward. "He's too sick to move on." Scorchfur traveled bust. "Have you not treated the wounds?" "Of course he has it." Bramblestar looked at ShadowClan warrior with a calm look. "But Puddleshine's damage grows slower than expected."

"I've covered them with ringflower and faster, but the infection does not leave the ceiling." Alderheart fought the fear while trying to explain. "I do not get it. I'm trying to fight it, but I have not found the right herbs yet. " Tawynpelt was scratching in the eyes. "You have three medicine cats!" She snapped. "One of you has enough skills to cure a silver wound?" She did not wait for a response, but marched against the medicine cat it. Bramblestar hurried after her as she pushed past Alderheart and into the den. Scorchfur sat down in the clearing with suspicion in the eyes. Dovewing looked at Ivypool's kits, and it was fond of her hairs as they trembled back and forth under her belly and purred while her mom was happy. Alderheart straightened up the ice cubes and followed Tawynpelt and Bramblestar into the den. Tawnypelt had already started to snuggle on Puddleshine while Jayfeather was busy dusting noses in the little pit they had at the bottom of the den. "He smells terrible. Have not you taken him from him? " Puddleshine looked at her with feverish eyes. "Alderheart has done everything I would do," he said. "The smell has to do with the wounds." Alderheart hurried to Puddleshine's ranks. "It's a type of infection I have not seen before." "Infection is infection", snapped Tawnypelt. Puddleshine is grimaceing as he tried to move. "Alderheart does his best." Jayfeather looked up from work. "Not all can be cried with porridge cover and a prayer to StarClan," he added to Tawnypelts. "Blisint also helps nothing. It is clear that Puddleshine can not go home. Besides, no one can fix his wounds. " "Alderheart can join him," said Tawnypelt. "I refuse to take Alderheart away from his clan," said Puddleshine. "I stay here for a few days until Alderheart has managed to treat the infection. Then I'll come home. " "Who will take care of ShadowClan in the meantime?" Tawnypelt asked. "Is there anyone who is sick?" Puddleshine asked with a spark of concern in his eyes. "No," admitted Tawnypelt. Bramblestar shadowed ShadowClan warriors gently away from Puddleshine's ranks. "Let him rest," he murmured with a mild voice and comfortably put her tail over her back. Tawnypelt relaxed some of the touch and suddenly it hit Alderheart how strange it was that he sometimes forgot that his father had a sister in ShadowClan. "We escort him home as soon as he is healthy enough. We know that he needs to be there at home, but in the meantime, if there are illnesses or injuries in ShadowClan, send us a message, and I will send Alderheart or Leafpool to help. " Tawnypelt's wrinkled brows before she nodded short. "Ok." She became milder when she looked back at Puddleshine. "Good recovery," she said. "We miss you." Puddleshine blinked gratefully to her, and she continued toward the den opening. Jayfeather left the nests in the pit as Tawnypelt and Bramblestar disappeared. He went to Puddleshine's Reed. "This is an infection I have never experienced," he admitted. "And saw that smell!" He rubbed his nose. Alderheart knew it too. It had become worse day by day, and now it was a bit of indignation in it. The fear echoed through the body. "It must be the work of the ice age," he worried.

Jayfeather snuggles on Puddleshine. "It comes from all of him," he said. "As if the infection has pulled into the fur. It even smells of his spirit. " "We must find an herb that can fight the infection from within," concluded Alderheart. Jayfeather thought about. "Have you tried ring flower and gold rice?" "As a porridge," Alderheart replied. "He could eat some of them," suggested Jayfeather. "Does not he just throw them back?" Alderheart wrinkled his brows. "How about faster?" Puddleshine looked at the crack where the herbs were stored. "It's good against infections." "But we use the only ice cream", Alderheart reminded him. It moved into the ears of Puddleshine. "Jayfeather may be right. I may have to swallow my herbs for them to work. Placing them right on the wound does not help. " "Okay." Jayfeather went to the barracks. "We begin with ring flower. I'm sure you will not waste it. " "Puddleshine mentioned an herb I do not know which can cause the wounds to stop aching. It's called coconut acid. He has explained how it smells. I can go out and see if I find a bit, "Alderheart offered. "Do it now while I try this." Jayfeather stretched his pot into the ice cube and drew a bundle of dried ring flower. Alderheart blinked against Puddleshine. "Do not be afraid," he said. "We'll figure out what's wrong and how the wisdom treats it." Puddleshine purred patty. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Alderheart turned to the den opening. He was going to pick up the guinea-pig, but he also had another goal of the trip. He was going back to the Silver thorn where Puddleshine had been injured. Perhaps he found something that could tell him why the ShadowClan medicine cat was so bad. Had Puddleshine got something strange into the ice age? If he could study what had infected Puddleshine, he might find out how to cure him. He hurried through the clearing. Dovewing had collapsed with his clanmates, but the smell of ShadowClan patrol remained strong at the camp entrance. Ivypool's kits were excited. "We're related to ShadowClan!" Bristlekit worked proudly. "Can we also go to sleep in ShadowClan one day?" Flipkit asked his mother. "Hey!" Ivypool's fur is a matter of concern. She looked nervously around. "There you'll have to age again. A warrior is loyal to his birthright. " "But Dovewing was not loyal", said Bristlekit. Alderheart was hurt by Ivypool when he appeared from the camp. How would she defend her sister, while learning kits that loyalty means everything that warrior code just becomes empty words without? He walked the same way, ShadowClan cats had crossed the border, but swung off as he reached a deepening in the forest floor. He crossed it and went further into the oak forest along a long line of nesles growing lush where the trees opened in a strip toward the sky. This trail should take him straight to the silver thorn. He could examine it carefully and find the goose acid on the way home. The sun shone through the leaf over him. Fresh smells filled the air. Alderheart wondered if Leafpool had sank many herbs. It would be nice to have fresh herbs to work with again. He

crossed the light where the apprentices used to work. The wings that had been spread out were cleaned together at one end. As he squeezed between the driers on the opposite side, he felt shadow clues coming sailing from the border. The smells were fresh. He skipped the knotted roots on an oak tree and ran up the little hill that went to the smell limit. The silver thorn glistened the rays of isolation that cut down through the foliage. Alderheart stopped some halves and sniffed into the air. He knew no strange smells, nothing that could explain Puddleshine's infection. He smelled of rabbit. There had to be a rabbit like that. He continued to sniff into the air as he approached the silver thorn and studied the ground in front of him looking for hints. A dead-berry bush grew under a roe that had some trees beyond. The berries that had survived foliage hung in clusters at the very extremities of the branches. Alderheart wrinkled the brows. Could the deathbear juice have caused Puddleshine's ailments? He let the glance glide over the hill where the medicine cat had been caught. There was no berry to see there. He stretched his pot gently between the silver threads and rubbed it to the ground before sniffing it. He knew nothing but woods and a weakness of Puddleshine's blood. Then thundering potato sounded behind him. It was raging in the undershoot. He turned around as the smell of Sparkpelt, Berrynose and Ambermoon sprang over him. The three ThunderClan warriors slipped and stopped on the trail in front of him. They had been hunting that morning. Berrynose carried two dead tips after the tail while the Ambermoon held a squirrel between the teeth. «Hello, Alderheart!» Sparkpelt purred with regards. "What are you doing here?" "I'm looking for something that can explain why Puddleshine is so sick," said Alderheart. Ambermoon abandoned the squirrel. "Has he got worse?" "Yes." Alderheart looked at the silver thorn. "I wonder if he may have had an infection here, which makes it difficult for the wounds to grow." Sparkpelt was angry with the tail against the silver thorn. "Who knows what Twolegs uses to make the stuff there? It was not surprising if it was poisonous. " Berrynose dropped the muzzle on the ground. "We considered covering it with sticks, but I think it's better to leave it visible so cats see it and stay away." Alderheart sniffed the threads once more. "If there is twoleg poison that makes Puddleshine bad, it may not be that herbs are enough to make him healthy." He felt a sting in the stomach of concern. "You'll find out," said Sparkpelt encouragingly. "I hope so." At the same moment Alderheart saw a movement in the eye. A rabbit came bouncing beneath a thorn cliff a few inches from them. Had it not smelled the cats? Sparkpelt had already seen the swap. She lay down in the hunting position, and the eyes were fastened to the rabbit as it stumbled. "It's hurt," whispered Alderheart. He saw solid blood on one back bone, which was also swollen. "It makes it easier to catch." Sparkpelt's tail roared with eagerness while Berrynose and Ambermoon stood untouched as stones behind her. "Wait!" Alderheart discovered a familiar smell from the rabbit - the same sweet sweet smell of indignation that came from Puddleshine. "It's not just hurt, it's infected." Sparkpelt so quivering at him. "Are you sure?" "Do not you smell it?"

It moved in the nose to Ambermoon. "He is right. It smelles sour. We do not want to poison the clan. " Sparkpelt's got up with disappointment in the eyes. "We'll try somewhere else." Berrynose nodded against the rabbit as it jumped heavily towards the death bush with eyes dulled with pain. "Look, it's so sick that it does not even notice we're here." "Come." Sparkpelt threw his head in the direction of the slope. "We are going to the beech trees. There are probably fresh rabbits. "Berrynose picked up his mice again, and Ambermoon caught the squirrel. "Are you ready?" Sparkpelt asked Alderheart. "Clearly," he said. "I'm leaving home soon. There are some herbs I have to pick on my hometown. " Sparkpelt bowed his head politely before she left her way. Berrynose and Ambermoon followed and nodded as they passed by. Alderheart looked back at the rabbit. Why did it go and sniff around the deathbush bush? The fear hurled through him when the rabbit stopped, stretched his neck and opened his mouth to pick a dead berry from the branch. What is it doing? Alderheart looked terrified while the rabbit slipped the berry down in front of the legs and began to take careful care of it. Does not it know that the berry is poisonous? He thought all forest animals knew that they had to stay away from the deadbears. The bitter taste revealed the poison. Perhaps it knows that it is deadly and will end the suffering. It had to have strong pain if it chose death. For the first time ever Alderheart seemed sorry for a prey. Maybe he should kill the rabbit himself. Then it died quickly. But Alderheart did not trust his own skills. He had started as a warrior learning before he had become a medicine cat apprentice, but he had never been very good at all. He could hunt if he had to, but he could not be sure that his bite was as fast and painless as it should be. And the thought of putting his teeth into an infected swap caused him to hesitate. He turned away. If the bunny would die, he would leave it alone. In addition, he had promised Puddleshine that he should provide gingerbread as quickly as he could. He left the silver thorn and tried not to think that the bunny was hurt. No matter what poison the silver thorn was wearing it was obvious that it was deadly. He got up. The sooner he treated Puddleshine, the better. He just hoped that the guinea pig was enough to cure him.

Chapter 4 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart dreamed that he went through an unknown forest. He stumbled in sticks lashed on the ground. The uneven earth had cracked and he had to swing between them. There were trees around him, tightly closed, with twisted branches covered by knotted bark. A foggy light sifted between them, and the air was so tight that it was difficult to breathe. The coat broke and he looked over his shoulder with the feeling that something dangerous threatened him from behind. He got up. Then he heard a slight twist ring that rose and became a violent roar, as if a wind had caught the pursuit of him. With the heart in his throat he jumped. He had a shadow behind him, which turned the light all the way to a very dark pressure from behind him. The fear broke through the body when he felt a life-threatening smell. Smoke! Striking clouds rolled over him, and he felt a burning fire on his tail. When he looked over his shoulder, he saw flames penetrate through the smoke. They chased him, as when a reef chases swap. Alderheart spurted between the trees and the trunk over ditches and branches. The fear broke through the fur as the roar from the flames exaggerated the sound of the blood pumped in the ears. He saw stones further down. A steep mountain wall rose from the forest floor, and the surface was covered with shelves and cracks. He would be able to get up. The hope was lit in his chest. He threw himself to the first shelf and climbed on, stretched his legs blindly after paws and stood upward until he got fresh air in his face. He stood up to the top of the cliff. The flames broke through the forest below. Smoke swirled up and rolled through the air while the fire ran out. Alderheart was safely placed on the mountain and waited for the smoke to ease. The forest was certainly coal black. Nothing could have survived such a fire. A wind took on the still thinner smoke and swirled it outward, so it was just a light mist again. When it disappeared, Alderheart winked surprised. Where there would be coal-black tree bushes, he saw a green and lush meadow. The tall grass dotted with life and shone in the light of the sun. The fresh fragrances enveloped Alderheart and were so strong that they woke him up. He opened his eyes where he was lying in his medicine cat, and with the dream still fresh in memory he stared into the darkness. A slight morning light was poured into the den both through the entrance and the small opening where fresh water ran into the pond. Leafpool's reason was empty. The same was Jayfeather's. Alderheart lifted his head. The angel stabbed his stomach. Something was wrong. "Jayfeather?" As he shouted through the midnight, he saw the blind medicine cat lying next to Puddleshine's nest. Leafpool was with him and stood bent over the sick male cats. The panic sparkled through his coat as he crawled out of the way. "Is he okay?" Jayfeather straightened the blind eye towards him. "He's in the middle of an attack." Puddleshine threw himself under the feet of Leafpool, who stood and held him down. "Keep his backbeat," ordered Jayfeather. Alderheart pushed his paws into Puddleshine's ranks. The hind leg of the male cat sprang stiffly. Alderheart struggled to keep them calm while Jayfeather grabbed the unconscious male cat's moving head between the forepots. Leafpool squeezed down on the shoulders of the male cat while the cramps continued. Please, StarClan, do not let him die! Alderheart had taken guinea-pig acid from the forest the day before. He had chewed the leaves to porridge and put them gently on all wounds. He had

stuck with the half unconscious medicine cat throughout the afternoon and had hoped that the cuckoo would have a hint on the infection. It obviously did not make it. Then Puddleshine's attack gradually became milder. The legs were relaxed under the feet of Alderheart. "Does he live?" Alderheart looked at Jayfeather with a lump in his throat. "He's still breathing." Jayfeather let Puddleshine's head gently on the edge of the ride. Leafpool sat up on the hind legs. "We must notify Tigerstar." "No!" Alderheart stiffened to. "He can still get well." They behaved as if all hope was out. "Tigerstar must be told," said Jayfeather. "Not yet." Alderheart went to the den opening. "We're going to save Puddleshine. Give him a strap to cool him down and thaw against the attacks. I'll be back as soon as I can. " "Where are you going?" Leafpool winked at him. "Out." Alderheart left the den and hurried through the clearing. The solution to Puddleshine's ailments must lie with the silver thorn. Alderheart had to go back there. The camp was blue in the soft morning light. Squirrelflight stood and stretched under Highrock. Alderheart guessed she was getting ready to organize today's patrols. Graystripe washed outside the elders’ den. Molewhisker leaned through the remains of the pile of fresh meat, while Cheryfall sat in the shade and threw sleepily. Alderheart nodded to them, but said nothing. He went on target, and nobody asked where he was going. He ran through the camp entrance and put the icecream in the course. The instinct led him as if StarClan showed his way. Then he remembered the dream. He must have forgotten it in the chaos when he woke up and saw Puddleshine's attack, but now it came back to him. He smelled the smoke from the fire and saw the lush meadow that flourished when it was over. Was there a sign from StarClan? Did they try to give him the solution? He shook his coat. Do not be stupid. What had a forest fire with Puddleshine's plagues to do? It was just a dream. Not all dreams were messages. He followed the trail over the apprentices' training area and through the forest, towards the hill that went up to the silver thorn. The sun was rising over the horizon when he reached it, and the rays intersected between the trees. Alderheart stopped at the silver thorn. He went in a ring, tasted on the air and sniffed on the ground. But if it was Twoleg Silver thorn - what should it be good for? He frustrated with his tail. He had to find something! As he walked back and forth, he saw the deathberry bush tremble. A rabbit jumped under it. Alderheart blinked surprised. It was the injured rabbit he had seen the day before. It still stopped, but had become clear in the eyes. The stench from the infection was not as strong. It jumped into the sunlight before it lifted its ears scared and looked at Alderheart. There was a panic in his eyes and ran on. Alderheart stared at it. The day before, it could hardly jump. Hope hurled up in him. If the rabbit had begun to recover, Puddleshine could also do that. Suddenly it struck him that the rabbit had eaten on deathberries. It should have been dead! He walked towards the bush while watching so he did not stomp on berries that fell on the ground. He would not get married on his feet. As he peered between the lower branches, he saw that the rabbit had made a temporary red among the faded leaves under the bush. He leaned in and studied it. There were deadberry seeds in a bunch in there.

Alderheart pulled out again and thought it was broken. Had deathberry seeds made the rabbit fresh? Eating the meat, but letting the seeds lie, might have given it just poisonous enough to kill the infection, but not the rabbit itself. Could it vote? He thought about the dream again. The fire had not killed the forest - it had left a flower bed. There was a sign anyway! thought Alderheart elated. If I give Puddleshine deathberries, it does not take life off him. It saves him! Alderheart hurried to look for a petal plant, and found one standing at the foot of an oak tree. He tore the largest leaf and carried it to the deathberry bush. Carefully, he loosened berries with his claws and let them down on the blade. Then he rolled the leaf together and folded the edges in so the deathberries were safely wrapped. With the leaf pack carefully positioned between the teeth, he returned to the camp. How would he convince Jayfeather and Leafpool that the desperate method was the solution? The heart thundered in the chest. He just had to make it. Deathberries could be Puddleshine's only hope.

Chapter 5 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Twigbranch stretched the stem of an oak tree and enjoyed the powerful bark napping in the fur. It was soothing. "You're like that!" In front of her, Finleap was happy somewhere between the trees. "We came to hunt, do not scratch us." "Come." Twigbranch hurried after him. She had taken Flypaw out at dawn to try to find prey, but the apprentice had been so tired that she had barely heard a word from Twigbranch said. When she was to sniff after racing, she had just thrown, and for each time Twigbranch had tried to make her run along with her to the next moped, she had a subtlety slowly. The times Twigbranch had shrouded, Flypaw had moved even slower, as if Twigbranch's criticism had done more harm than benefit. Finally, she had sent Flypaw home to the camp to clear the elders’ den. Early morning exercise seemed wasted on the apprentice. Instead, she had asked Finleap if he wanted to hunt. They were on their way into the ice cube now. A dim sunlight danced between the trees. With Finleap next to her she caught the slope where there was growing beech trees between the oaks. Twigbranch looked at him. "Did you find it difficult to get up early to work out when you were an apprentice?" She asked. "No." He winked at her. "I was impatient after getting the day off." "Same here." Twigbranch faned her tail as she thought about apprenticeship. "A few days I was waiting outside the den of Ivypool when she woke up. There was nothing I would rather than be a warrior. " Finleap slowed down speed. "Is it still difficult with Flypaw?" "She just does not want to," said Twigbranch worried. "Or maybe she does. Perhaps I expect too much of her. " "She's still fresh," pointed out Finleap. "Give her time to adapt." "I'm trying to give her time, but I do not think we understand each other." The angel stabbed Twigbranch in her stomach. "When I touch her or criticize her technique, she takes it personally, as if I criticize her." It crept in her coat of frustration. "It feels like I can not say anything, because it may end up hurting me. I have to act carefully as if I hunt for a change. That's what I'm wondering if I'm training her to be a warrior, or if she's training me to become a mouse. " "You find out," he said. "It takes time to build a relationship." "Do you agree with Snappaw?" Finleap purred. "He is funny. He may be slow, but he listens and works hard. He will be a good warrior. " Twigbranch felt a blow of jealousy. Why did Finleap have the easiest apprentice? Maybe I'm just a bad mentor. Should she make a greater effort to adapt to the apprentice, or should she become stricter and expect more of her? Finleap woven with tail. "I smell squirrels." Twigbranch froze as he stopped and let his eyes glide over the woods. She saw a gray tail tilting up and down over the forest floor a tree-length away. "There!" She lay down in the hunting position. Finleap lay next to her. Together they saw the squirrel stop at the roots of an oaks tree. The mess in the lion that lay between the roots, and began to pick out the buns.

Finleap landed over the forest floor. Twigbranch crawled after him and lifted his stomach up from the ground so it did not brush the leaves. Silently they approached the squirrel. It concentrated on the beech roots, rubbed the shell and pulled the seeds before stuffing them into the mouth. When Twigbranch approached, she looked at Finleap waiting for signs of jumping. He caught her eyes and nodded her to one side. They split, and with their bodies even lower to the ground they moved forward to get on either side of the squirrel. Twigbranch stopped and waited for characters from Finleap. His eyes shone with excitement. He looked at her and waved her tail. Now! They are on the same side. But the squirrel was quick. Blurredly, it glanced, put the claws in the bark on the beech tree and crawled against the branches. Twigbranch stared at it, but Finleap did not hesitate. He jumped towards the trunk, hooked the claws and stopped after the squirrel. "Come on!" He shouted down. Twigbranch followed and squeezed out with his back legs. The bark squeezed under her feet and sprinkled down. It felt strange to hunt above the ground, even though she had received training at SkyClan. Finnhopp crawled for the squirrel as though he were born in a tree. The squirrel jumped on an article and spurt along it, and Finleap followed. Effortlessly, he balanced after the squirrel to the tip of the branch. Twigbranch reached the industry ponderende and watched while the squirrel jumped from the end to the next three. It was as though the heart stopped when Finleap was following. He landed in the next three and sank dangerously while looking for potefeste. The short tail waved here and there as he fought to stay upright. Twigbranch looked on the forest floor below. Do not fall down! Just after Finleap had found the balance and jumped after the squirrel. As it tried to jump to the next article, he got up on his hind legs and hooked his claws. Twigbranch's famous pride flows on. Even with a short tail, Finleap managed to keep the balance and hunt for one and the same time. Did he get on with SkyClan skills for their ThunderClan kits? She stiffened to. Kits! What was she thinking of? They were both for young people to establish a family. She shook her fur and sat down on the ground. She rushed to Finleap's tree and waited as he climbed down the trunk with his tail first and the squirrel dangling from his mouth. He laid it on the ground. "It was good to hunt trees again," he cheered cheerfully. Twigbranch stroked his cheek with his cheek. "A bit of a catch!" He purred. "Now, we'll take it to the camp." He lifted the squirrel and started walking. Twigbranch followed, pleased both with the catch and seeing Finleap so happy. When they came to the camp, Finleap went to the pond with fresh meat to let go of the catch. Twigbranch began to go after him, but loud voices from the medicine cats that made her stop. An angry call was heard through the den opening. "Have you got bees in your brain?" Asked Jayfeather. "But I've seen it work! Nothing else has helped. "Alderheart sounded desperate. Twigbranch hurried to the medicine cat and walked through the thorn branches that hung in front of the entrance. Nobody was alone that she was there. Jayfeather was well spaced from a small bunch of dark berries, lying on a leaf of Alderheart's paws. Leafpool stood with the coat in the weather and pushed itself to the shelter until the puddleshine lay. The ShadowClan cat was shiny and blunt in the eyes.

"That you can take deathberries into the camp!" Leafpool stared at them. "Imagine if one of the kits finds them?" "I hide them somewhere where no kits see them," promised Alderheart. "Imagine if you get juice on your paws and trample it through the camp?" Jayfeather argued. "A kit can get ice poison without knowing it." "It's not going to happen!" Alderheart shot back. "I know the dangers. I will not put anyone's life at risk. " "Except Puddleshine's!" Jayfeather hit his tail. Twigbranch blocked his eyes. Had Alderheart really thought to give Puddleshine deathberries? Leaf pool waved with ears. "Where did you get that wild idea?" "I have said that! I saw the rabbit, "said Alderheart, impatiently. "One day it was sick and smelled the same as Puddleshine, and the next one was on the road. I saw that it ate the berries. " "Are you sure it was deathberries?" Leafpool asked. "It was berry from the same shrub like these," Mjauet Alderheart. Jayfeather's blind look was hard of fury. "You can not feed Puddleshine with those there." Twigbranch stiffened to. She knew that Jayfeather could be in a bad mood, but she had never seen him so angry before. Alderheart met Jayfeather's eyes without blinking. "I have to try. If not, he'll die. " Twigbranch looked down on the road where Puddleshine lay. Did he hear them? Did he know he was dying? Medicine cat from ShadowClan moved so far. She saw the eye focusing for a moment and he moaned as he tried to lift his head. "Let him try", Grunted Puddleshine. Jayfeather straightened his face to the sick male cat. "It can kill you." "I'm dying." The pain was clear in Puddleshine's eyes. "If Alderheart is wrong, I'll die at least quickly. If he is right, I have a chance. "Then he was left with a moan. Alderheart stared eagerly at Jayfeather. "We have no choice." Jayfeather curled his lips. "Then it's your choice. Do it if you absolutely have to. "With a grunt, he walked past Twigbranch, squeezed between the thorns and went out of the den. Leafpool looked worried at Alderheart. "Do what you think is best," she said. "But be careful. If this hurts Puddleshine, you will never forgive yourself. "With the worry clearly in her face, she went to Jayfeather. Twigbranch stared at Alderheart. "Are you really going to do that?" "Clearly." He lay down and began to open the berries carefully. "Imagine if he dies?" Whispered Twigbranch with the heart in his throat. "Then I know that at least I've tried everything." It was dark in the den, and he rubbed the berries while picking the seeds and putting them on the leaf. "I'm getting worse if he dies without trying." He did not look up, but concentrated in a single berry. Twigbranch broke out between the thorn branches and stopped at the edge of the clearing. Jayfeather was on his way into elders’ den. Leafpool lay by the pile of fresh meat and so worried in the air. Alderheart trusts the stomach feeling. The energy flowed through the pots of Twigbranch. I have to do the same with Flypaw. She had to get the young female to understand how important the education was. The months they had

in front of them should not be wasted. Flypaw could learn so much. She was young and fast, and the technique she learned now should form the basis for which all future skills are built. She could not take it easy. Twigbranch realized she had to be strict. What if I'm wrong? There was a chance it was worth taking. Suddenly she knew that she, like Alderheart, had to trust the instinct. She hurried to the elders’ den and slammed her head. Flypaw should have been there and cleared up, but Twigbranch just saw Jayfeather, who snatched Millie in his ear while Graystripe followed anxiously. Medicine cat took a step back. "Do you hear birdwatches in the morning?" He asked. "Yes," answered Millie. "Do you hear Graystripe snore?" Asked Jayfeather. "Everyone hears Graystripe snore," Millie said. Graystripe grunted with glimpses in the eye. "If so, your hearing is straight," declared Jayfeather. "It may not be as good as it once was. It can be a blessing. You say you do not hear the kits whining in the nursery anymore. Enjoy the silence. "He turned his head towards Twigbranch, as if he could see her. "Are you going to follow me into all the dens today?" She got hot on her ears. "I'm looking for Flypaw." "She's not here," said Jayfeather short. "Try somewhere else." "Did she change your moss this morning?" Twigbranch asked Graystripe. "She took half." Graystripe nappet molefonkent in the thin rack he had in his way. "Since we have not seen her." "She's sure she's cleaning new mice," suggested Millie. Twigbranch felt the annoyance of the fur in the fur. "She is confident and watches that tisteldun hovering between the trees as she imagines she is LazyClan's leader." She saw Graystripe and Millie changing eyes as she emerged from the den and let her glance through the camp. Flypaw could not even clear the redeem without being distracted. With a grunt, Twigbranch decided that she should go to find her apprentice. She walked towards the camp entrance. "Twigbranch!" Finleap shouted at her from where he stood at the warriors’ den, at Rosepetal and Blossomfall, who shared a mouse. Twigbranch looked at him. "Not now," she shouted. "I am busy." Finleap came running. The frustration clenched her stomach. She would find Flypaw. They had already wasted enough valuable training time already. Reluctantly, she waited for Finleap to take her back. "What is that?" She snapped. He blinked at her with a slight sore throat. "Sorry, I'm disturbing, but it's important." "Excuse me." Twigbranch tried to push impatience away, but it eel through the fur. "What is it?" "Reedclaw is sick. Rosepetal told me just now. She and Blossomfall met Plumwillow on the border when they were out on patrol. It's just a green cough, but when she was a kit, she always had breathing difficulties with green coughs. I am worried." "It was a pain to hear." The thorn blunted, and Twigbranch looked at it in the hope that Flypaw had returned home. Hope hurled when she saw Molewhisker enter the camp. "Have you seen Flypaw in the forest?" She asked.

"No," replied Molewhisker as he passed by. "Are you okay with her? Do you want help finding her?" "No thanks. I’ll find her.” Twigbranch moved the weight from one side to the other. How far from the camp had Flypaw gone? "Listen, then!" Finleap stood still and looked at her. "What?" Twigbranch drew attention back to Finleap. "Reedclaw is my sister", said Finleap upset. "I know." What was he wanting? "I must visit her." Finleap studied her gaze. Twigbranch stared at him. "She lives in SkyClan." "So what?" "You're a ThunderClan warrior now," she reminded him. "You can not just visit SkyClan when you feel like it." "You visited Violetshine." "When we were apprentices," she admitted. "We were young. We did not care about the rules." "But Reedclaw is sick." "I hear that." The conversation took too long. Flypaw could have reached the other side of the ThunderClan territory now. "And it hurts me. But SkyClan has medicine cats. Frecklewish takes care of her. She's doing it. " "Imagine if she does not?" "You have to stop worrying about the genre in SkyClan," said Twigbranch. "There's nothing you can do to help them. You left them when you joined ThunderClan. " A mind sparked in Finleap's eyes. "I joined ThunderClan to be with you." Twigbranch traveled bust. "Do you regret?" "No!" Finleap's eyes shine. "But I had thought we were mates now. I thought we were going to have a family." It tightened in the chest of Twigbranch. She struggled to breathe calmly. Had he planned to push her to enter into a relationship before she was ready? "Why are you in such a hurry?" "I'm not in a ​hurry​," he said. "I just thought it was what you wanted. That's why I left SkyClan. I thought that's what we ​both​ wanted, but you'll need more time to think. " Twigbranch became hollow in the stomach of bad conscience when he turned and marched away. ​I should go after him and say I'm sure. That I do not need more time.​ The shame plummeted over her where she was stuck on the ground and saw him walking his way.​ I'm sure I'm not, then?

Chapter 6 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine's heart set the speed where she walked over Tree across the bridge towards the island. Did Twigbranch come to a meeting? It would be nice to share heavy with the sister again. The smooth bark was cold against the paws. The moonlight glittered on the water below. In front of her, clanmates were already on their way through the high grass towards clearing. She knew ShadowClan scent. Tigerstar and the warriors were already there. ThunderClan cats went back and forth over the beach behind them and waited for SkyClan to cross the bridge. She looked back and saw her sister's fur, which was pale in the light of the moon. Twigbranch did not see her. She seemed distracted as she sat so worried about the young, striped cat sitting next to her. "Hurry up!" fussed Sagenose just behind Violetshine. His apprentice, Gravelpaw, tried to squeeze past. "Sorry!" Violetshine ran along the trunk and jumped down on the stones on the beach. She reached Tree as he accelerated through the high grass. "Are you nervous?" "Why should I be?" "Imagine if they're asking you to mediate?" He pulled his shoulders. "I'll do that," he said. "That's why I'm here, is not it?" She did not understand how he could calm down to speak for the clans. Did he know how many cats it was? When she got out of the grass, clanmates were already on their way across the moonlit clearing. The ShadowClan scent was stronger here, and Violetshine's fur was scarred by anxiety when she saw the clan walking under the trees. The moonlight danced over the thick pels. They moved confidently, with their muscles bulging under the fur. There were so many of them! She remembered last time she had seen ShadowClan cats on collection. With their heads bent they had avoided the eyes of other clans, and barely said a word. So different they worked now. Violetshine met Tawnypelt's eyes at random. The turtle-shaped cat stared coolly as if she did not remember that they had shared camp for a month ago. Grassheart and Strikestone looked at the clans that arrived, with a look that did not reveal anything. Violetshine grew and pulled closer to clanmates. When ThunderClan came into clearing, they kindly nodded to ShadowClan and SkyClan. Only SkyClan greeted you back. "Hi!" Called Pigeonpaw to a ThunderClan apprentice. The black and red apprentice blinked reverberated back. Violetshine guessed that it might be her first Gathering. Leafpool and Jayfeather went to the big oak and sat down without saying a word. When Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow came to them, ThunderClan cats nodded briefly, without looking at them. Violetshine narrowed the eyes. They seemed anxious. Was there a disease in the ThunderClan? WindClan and RiverClan came into clearing. The apprentices ran away to the ThunderClan apprentices and began to showcase their new fighting technique. Gravelpaw looked expectantly on Sagenose. "Can we get away to them?"

"I do not know." Sagenose looked at Blossomheart. Gravelpaw and the other apprentices, Pigeonpaw, Quailpaw and Sunnypaw, sat troubled next to her. "Should they mingle with other 'paws?" "They must be able to do that." Blossomheart waved his tail, and the young cats ran away to the others. All around in clearing the warriors stopped to talk to each other, or nod politely as regards. Hawkwing spoke with Squirrelflight and Berrynose. Plumwillow with Sandynose and Podlight, while Harrybrook exchanged gossip with Emberfoot and Oatclaw. It was just ShadowClan who kept it for itself. The apprentices were sitting at the mentors and watching with narrow eyes. Violetshine moved the weight uneasy from one pot to the other. Twigbranch was with Lionblaze, who spoke with Reedwhisker and Minnowtail. The sister's eyes left RiverClan cats and found Violetshine. Violetshine blinked at her and was glad to feel that the old bond was again attached. She began crossing the light as she wondered what the sister had to tell her. Were she and Finleap mates? As she approached, the clans became silent. There was a silence over clearing, and she looked around. Tigerstar was heading for big oak. Bramblestar followed. Harestar, Mistystar and Leafstar went after. When Tigerstar jumped on the lower branch, Tawnypelt, Hawkwing, Reed whisker, Squirrelflight and Crowfeather took place on the arched roots below. Violetshine looked at Twigbranch. The sister bowed her head apologetically and turned to the clan again. Disappointed, Violetshine returned to her own clanmates and looked up at big oak as Bramblestar brushed. "With green, there has been a new change to ThunderClan." He looked out over the clans. "We have met skinny and the warm weather has given us the chance to reinforce the dens and begin to fill the herb stores again." He turned to Tigerstar. “Alderheart is currently busy taking care of Puddleshine. ShadowClan's medicine cat has been injured on a floke with Twoleg thorns and is being treated for infections in the ThunderClan camp. " "I suppose he's ready to come home soon." Tigerstar met Bramblestar's eyes. "Of course." Bramblestar did not hesitate, but Violetshine saw Leafpool look nervously at Jayfeather. Is there any more behind this with Puddleshine's disease than the two leaders expressed? Tigerstar lifted the snout. "We are almost finished rebuilding the camp. And we have new apprentices to learn from experienced ShadowClan warriors. Before long, they will have warrior names. "He nodded to a white and ginger tom, one of the cats Tigerstar had brought from the journey outside the territories. "Blazepaw ..." the young male cat pushed his chest "... Cinnamonpaw and Antpaw." Cinnamonpaw. The name seemed nice to Violetshine. It must be a Twoleg word. She followed Tigerstar's eyes when they went from one cat to another. They seemed too old to be apprentices, but their eyes shone with pride when the leader said their names. "We have more to tell." While Tigerstar talked, Violetshine saw Juniperclaw leave his clanmates and move to the forefront. Tawnypelt jumped down from the roots on the big oak, and Juniperclaw took her place. Tigerstar blinked recognition against the black male cat before he spoke to the clans again. "Tawnypelt will step down. Juniperclaw becomes our new deputy.” Surprised murmur wavy through Gathering.

"Didn’t Juniperclaw leave ShadowClan to follow Darktail?" Brackenfur shouted from where he was among ThunderClan cats. Macgyver stared at Tigerstar. "How can you trust a cat who once betrayed your clan?" "A deputy must be loyal!" shouted Sandynose. "He could be leader one day!" Brackenfur was so indignant that his coat was broken. Tigerstar hit hard to pray the clans were quiet. "I have chosen my deputy and the decision is nobody other than ShadowClan who has something to do!" Strikestone raised his voice to take the lead in defense. “ShadowClan makes their own choices!” Sparrowtail joined in. "No one decides for ShadowClan!" Tigerstar's glow glowed over the Gathering. “ShadowClan is born again. We have put the mistakes of the past behind us. " ShadowClan cats yowled highly and supportive. Violetshine shrunk. How did ShadowClan manage to be self-confident in just a moon? She noticed that Tree looked at Tigerstar with a sparkling interest in the amber eyes. “The hunt goes well---” "So good that they may continue hunting into SkyClan's area!" Sandynose shot his back as he cut off the ShadowClan leader. Tigerstar saw the SkyClan warrior quietly into the eyes. "No borders have been crossed," he said slowly. "My warriors have assured me." It hurled in the tail to Leafstar of irritation. "If that's true, why did my warriors tell me about the ShadowClan scent on SkyClan's territory?" "They are perhaps unsure of where the boundaries are." Tigerstar met her gaze without blinking. "They are very sure," grunted Leafstar. Tigerstar did not answer. Instead, he turned around and talked to the clan again. "ShadowClan was weakened when Rowanclaw handed the territory to SkyClan. My father had many noble moves, but not all leaders would make the decision he took. When he gave our area to SkyClan, he protected the clan we were then. He did not think about that clan we would eventually be. " Bramblestar blinked surprised. "It was your suggestion to give SkyClan the territory!" Tigerstar overlook him. "ShadowClan is strong again now. We need a larger territory to meet a growing clan. "ShadowClan leader had a dangerous tone instead. Violetshine looked uneasy at Hawkwing. She needed comfort, but her father's eyes were dark of concern, and Violetshine's fur rose when Tigerstar continued. "We allow SkyClan to keep the territory that Rowanclaw gave them if they agree to let our warriors hunt there." Harrybrook grunted. Sagenose lay the ears flat. Plumwillow and Macgyver spotted teeth. Up in the big oak Leafstar stole disbelief on Tigerstar. "Have you decided which part of our territory you want to hunt?" She sarcastically mocked. Tigerstar blinked against her. "All. It was after all our area once. " "And now it's ours!" Leafstar raised the bust. "We refuse to share." "ShadowClan is strong again now." Violetshine grew when Tigerstar repeated himself. It sounded like a threat.

"Strong!" hissed Leafstar. "ShadowClan might never have become weak if you had not let them down!" "I was led by StarClan", said Tigerstar solemnly. "They have led me to where I am now." He looked at Leafstar, and shrugged his shoulder muscles. Violetshine became a hole in the stomach of horror. Should leaders fight at the Gathering? She looked up in the sky. Clouds lay around the bright, round moon. "There must be a way to solve this." Violetshine shook so she moved to when Tree raised her voice next to her. She became hot about her ears when Tigerstar overlooked him and continued to glare at Leafstar with amber eyes. "Do you reject StarClan's will?" "We do not know that this was StarClan," Leafstar returns to him. Harestar moved the weight from one pot to the other on the branch. "We must solve this. We must listen to Tigerstar's requirements. Rowanclaw abandoned the area when ShadowClan was too weak to patrol. But ShadowClan has risen again.” Leafstar hissed at WindClan leader. "Do you say we should give the territory to ShadowClan?" "No." Harestar's eyes went from Leafstar to Tigerstar. "There will be five clans by the lake, and all clans need a territory. We need to find a peaceful solution. " Tigerstar looked threatening at Leafstar. "I know about a solution that is not so peaceful. We can decide now and now. Bramblestar slipped past Leafstar and stood between the leaders. "There is no quick and easy solution to this." The clans sat still and looked at him with round eyes. "It was not because they wanted bloodshed that StarClan led SkyClan to the lake." Tigerstar let the coat lie down, and suddenly he became milder in his eyes. "It seems strange that StarClan should lead a clan to the lake, but just ask one of the clans to sacrifice territory to keep them here. StarClan must have thought that all the clans, not just ShadowClan, should give up land. Why do not we move all the limits to give SkyClan space? Why should ShadowClan be alone in giving birth to other cats? " Clanmates mumbled between themselves. Violetshine looked at them. Did they agree with Tigerstar? The ShadowClan leader's argument, after all, sounded sensible. "What advantage would RiverClan territory have for SkyClan? Or some of you others?” Mistystar's voice surprised Violetshine. "Who other than us can use the lake and the river for something useful? No other clan likes to get wet on the legs. " "And no other clans can hunt for the hill," Harestar shot. "Why would SkyClan want to stand ice snow and ice when it's leafy?" "They can learn", said the ShadowClan leader. "They have learned to live in both gorges and pine forests. Why not learn to live on an lake or a river? " Leafstar traveled bust. "You're talking about us as if we're a bunch of unaccompanied people without a rightful home!" She let a furious glance glide over the other leaders. "We belong here. StarClan brought us here. Why should we have to move on each time one of you finds that you need more territory?" Mistystar shook her fur. "This is ShadowClan's problem, not ours. If they want the territory back, they must fight for it. " "ShadowClan and SkyClan must settle this in between," said Harestar.

Violetshine felt a bit of sadness. The clans would not even consider giving away land. She sank into her shoulders when Bramblestar nodded. "We must not let this war lead to conflict between all clans." ThunderClan leader looked at Tree. "We all became, with StarClan as witnesses, agreeing that you should be a mediator, who is looking for compromises where they are not to be seen. Perhaps you can meet Tigerstar and Leafstar and find a solution before we all get into a battle for territories. I'm sure there must be a solution that fits both SkyClan and ShadowClan." Leafstar grunted. "I do not think there is a solution that fits ShadowClan," she snarled. "First stray, then Rowanclaw, and now this. It is certainly Shadowclan's destiny that they scramble trouble for us others." Tree blinked calmly. "I can try." He walked through the Gathering. "With a meeting between the leaders of SkyClan and ShadowClan we can figure out what each of the clans needs. There must be enough space for all, because no one has starved so far. I'll help you find a solution. " Bramblestar bent his head. "Thanks, Tree. This is in your paws now. "He looked at Mistystar. "It might be time to move on with the Gathering and hear the latest news from RiverClan and WindClan." Mistystar snorted. "The longer we stay here, the more chances are you will find an excuse to take our land." She waved his tail, jumped down from the big oak and walked towards the high grass. While clanmates hurried after her, Harestar took the word. "It seems that Gathering is over." He nodded to Bramblestar, Tigerstar and Leafstar, before he jumped into clearing. Violetshine followed WindClan with her eyes. ThunderClan was right after. They murmured between where they went toward the high grass. Violetshine blinked at Twigbranch when she passed by. Twigbranch bent her head excusingly. They would not have the chance to share news tonight. Tree stood waiting for Leafstar when the SkyClan leader crawled down from the oak. Was he sure he could help Leafstar and Tigerstar agree? How would talks stop Tigerstar's hunger for territory? Violetshine ran his father in the face of a stinging upset stomach. "Will Tigerstar force Leafstar to let him hunt for our area?" The idea of ​having the ShadowClan warriors in the forest made her nervous. "We'll hope that Tree finds a solution." Hawkwing looked at the yellow male cat, but did not approach him. It tightened in the chest. "Do you think we'll have to leave the lake?" What else could they do if Tigerstar did not pull his claim? Hawkwing laid her nose on her head. "It will be okay," he promised low. "StarClan led me here, so you, Twigbranch and I could be close to each other. They will not force us to leave. " As he spoke, freshing sounded from the outskirts of clearing. Macgyver and Strikestone stood face to face with the coat of the weather. The two cats had tried to take the same path through the grass. Now nobody wanted to get out of the way. "Let him pass," Leafstar shouted about clearing. "We can wait." Macgyver laid his ears flat and took a step back. Strikestone broke past him with Blazepaw just behind. ShadowClan cats poured past SkyClan with its isky heads. Sagenose and Nettlesplash shrunk, but allowed them to pass.

When ShadowClan disappeared into the high grass, there was a glow through Violetshine fur. Was this how it should be? Could SkyClan turn away from ShadowClan to avoid battle? Her paws felt heavy like stones. She had thought StarClan led SkyClan home by taking them to the lake. But if the other clans always threatened to take it from them, was that a real home?

Chapter 7 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart felt a nagging fear in his stomach when he saw Cloudtail and Molewhisker asked out of the camp. He wish they had better news. Bramblestar moved the weight from one paw to the other. "We hope Tigerstar will not overreact when they tell it." ThunderClan leader was dark in his eyes. With a little nod, he turned and went up to Highrock again. Alderheart approached the medicine cat with heavy steps, and the famous thorns nailed into the spine when he entered the shady den. Jayfeather lifted his face against him when he entered. "Now?" The light blue eyes searched for Alderheart. "What did Bramblestar say?" "What do you think he said?" Alderheart felt the irritation burn in his coat. Why should I ever explain to me? I'm doing my best! "Did you tell him about deathberries?" Jayfeather had not moved his eyes. "Yes." The doubt lay like a rock in the stomach of Alderheart. After all, the effort to convince the denmates that treatment with deathberries was Puddleshine's only hope, it did not seem like the berries made any difference. Puddleshine was still sick, he slid in and out of consciousness and had a fever so high that it threatened to give him new spasms every moment. The doubt had grown when he had told Bramblestar about the drastic treatment. The eyes of his father had become great of disbelief, and Alderheart had shrunk inwardly. "You should have consulted me before giving him the berries," Bramblestar had grunted. "I discussed it with Leafpool and Jayfeather," Alderheart had black. Bramblestar had raised the bust. "They are not your clan leader!" "You're not a medicine cat," Alderheart had snapped back. "But yesterday I told Tigerstar that Puddleshine was ready to go home soon." "I had to do something." Alderheart had felt helpless. Bramblestar could never ever understand what it was like to be a medicine cat and make decisions about life or death? "It could kill him." "He is already dying." He had looked unhappy into Bramblestar's angry eyes. "This is the only thing that might save him." "You say a dream asked you to use the berries," grunted Bramblestar. "Are you sure it came from StarClan?" "As sure as I can be. And I saw the rabbit eat the berries and get better. It was real. Not a dream. " Bramblestar wound his tail impatiently. "ShadowClan must be notified." Alderheart had known fear growing in the stomach when the ThunderClan leader had given Molewhisker and Cloudtail orders to go to ShadowClan camp and inform Tigerstar that Puddleshine's condition was critical. A whining from Puddleshine's nest brought Alderheart back to the den with a jerk. He hurried to where Jayfeather was already next to the sick medicine cat, and laid his nose against Puddleshine's head. The fever had not released the roof, despite the berries Alderheart had given him through the night. For each piece, he had hoped that this was the one who was supposed to bring the male cat back from the brink of death. It worked for the rabbit. Alderheart shakes of exhaustion and sat down. "I was so sure it would work," he whispered.

"It has not killed him," said Jayfeather, supportive. "And where there is life---" "There is hope. I know! You have said so many times. " "In death there is no hope, but he is not dead yet." It was uplifting words, but Alderheart understood from his stiff fur that the blind male cats were still not convinced that deathberries could save Puddleshine. At least he tries to be supportive. Alderheart felt a glimpse of gratitude to his former mentor. Jayfeather rose. “Leafpool is coming back soon with more straps. We must at least be glad that fresh green has given us fresh herbs.” Alderheart stiffened when Jayfeather's eyes flickered towards the entrance. "We've got a visit," he mewed ominously. Fear stabbed Alderheart's pelt. "Shadowclan? Already? "Molewhisker and Cloudtail just got out with the message.” "Go out and see for yourself." Jayfeather nodded against the veil of thorn segments. Alderheart ran against it, threw through and thirsted against the sun. He smelled ShadowClan, and when his eyes adapted to the bright light, he saw Tigerstar standing in clearing together with Juniperclaw and Sparrowtail. Molewhisker and Cloudtail flanked ShadowClan cats. He felt his heart in his throat. Ivypool came from where she lay outside the nursery with her kits crawling over her. Whitewing and Birchfall blinked from the shadow by the warriors' den while clanmates tripped troubled along the edge of the camp. "They were waiting at the scent line," Molewhisker shouted to Bramblestar. ThunderClan leader looked down from Highrock before he jumped into clearing. “Tigerstar.” He nodded to the broad-shoulder tabby. Alderheart’s breaths came quick and shallow. Tigerstar's fur burned the insulator. A wrinkle lay like a shadow over his broad forehead as he bowed his head politely to Bramblestar. Cloudtail caught Bramblestar's eyes. "Tigerstar wants to talk to you under four eyes." Alderheart saw how to get around the camp. Bramblestar glanced quietly at Cloudtail with a question in the eye. Alderheart saw that the white male moved the weight from one paw to the other while staring in the ground. "We have not talked to him," he said briefly. Molewhisker nodded. "We found them on the border, waiting for a patrol that could escort them, so we brought them right here." The nervousness made it go to Alderheart's tail when he realized what the two warriors tried to tell their leader. ​They have not told Tigerstar how sick Puddleshine is. Should he be relieved? The ShadowClan leader would soon find out anyway. Bramblestar led Tigerstar against the shadow of Highrock, while Sparrowtail and Juniperclaw were standing in clearing. With a crazy look, he asked the clan to go back to what they were doing before the visit came. While the warriors began to find things, Tigerstar suspiciously looked at Alderheart with narrow eyes, and his eyes were like ice-patches that broke through the coat of Alderheart. "Must the medicine cat in ThunderClan hear everything the leader says?" It was moving to Alderheart's leg, and for a moment he thought he should return to the den, but by the way Bramblestar obviously ignored Tigerstar's question, he realized that the manager thought he should stay. He will need a medicine cat to explain certain things ... "What are you going to discuss?" Bramblestar asked Tigerstar.

The ShadowClan leader was cool in the eyes. "I will meet Leafstar soon to resolve the issue of the territories. I want something to offer her, but I do not know what it can be. " "What does this have to do with me?" Bramblestar's muscles stretched under his coat. Tigerstar fan irritated on his tail. "Do you really expect ShadowClan and SkyClan to solve the borderline alone? I know you think that this Tree cat can help, but can an individual understand his clan border?” "He understands how other cats think," replied Bramblestar. Tigerstar became narrow in the eyes. "Does he understand how clan cats think?" Bramblestar shifted impatiently from one paw to the other. "Why are you coming to me, Tigerstar? I'm not going to join with anyone.” "I come to you because we have a common boundary. I'm coming because you can help. If SkyClan and ShadowClan have to solve the warfare alone, there are only two possible outcomes. SkyClan can either give the site back to us without a match…” The ShadowClan leader put his dark eyes in Bramblestar “... or they can fight to keep it.” Bramblestar stared back without blinking. "Are you really willing to chase SkyClan from the lake, after all we have sacrificed to get them here?" "We do not chase them from the lake." Tigerstar was neutral istemmen. "But we're going to chase them from our area." "The pine forest is huge," argued Bramblestar. "There must be enough space for two clans?" Tigerstar looked toward the camp as if he could see the forest outside. "Yes, you may be right if other clans give away some of their areas. It should not just be ShadowClan that moves the boundaries. If ThunderClan also moved the border, there could be more than enough space---” Bramblestar interrupted him. "We decided at the Gathering that Tree was going to mediate between you and SkyClan. There's nothing else about us to do. And Leafstar will not be happy if she hears you've talked to others behind her back. She's going to interpret it as a lack of respect.” There was a warning in his eyes. Tigerstar wrinkled the brows. Alderheart felt a foul whining in his coat when the dark tabby tom stared at Bramblestar. "Okay." Tigerstar waved his tail. "But do not say I was seeking a peaceful solution." He looked around the camp. "And now when I'm still here, I can take my medicine cat home." Alderheart stiffened to. "He's not healthy enough to travel." Fear stuck in his stomach. "Not even now?" Tigerstar shot an unbelieving look at Alderheart. Alderheart looked in the ground. "We are having trouble with the infection he received from Twoleg thorns." The suspense sparkled in the ShadowClan leader's eyes. "Let me see." Tigerstar squeezed past him and hurled into the medicine cat den. Alderheart hurried after him. Inside Tigerstar had stopped. He stared scared at Puddleshine's nest. "He looks half dead!" "Calm yourself!" Jayfeather burst in. "If yelling helped, we could have cured him a long time ago." "What's wrong with him?" Tigerstar asked. "I have said." Alderheart slipped between Tigerstar and Puddleshine's ranks. "We cannot cure the infection."

"Why not?" Tigerstar was wearing the coat. "You've had more than a quarter of a month on you." "No one of the herbs works." As he spoke, Alderheart saw deathberries he had laid down on a petal leaf next to Puddleshine's nest. Fear filled the stomach like ice when Tigerstar followed his gaze. Tigerstar stared at the berries. Slowly he walked through the den and sniffed them. "Are these deathberries?" Miss dropped over his gaze when he looked at Alderheart again. "In a ​medicine cat den​?" Alderheart nodded, and got his heart in the neck when Tigerstar's eyes became harsh. "Are you trying to poison him?" It was as though his fury raged like a storm through the den. Bramblestar pushed through the den opening. "Nobody is trying to poison anyone." He pushed Alderheart aside and stood in front of ShadowClan leader. "In fact, I had sent Molewhisker and Cloudtail to alert you that Puddleshine is seriously ill when you met them on the border. Alderheart, Jayfeather and Leafpool have done everything they can to make Puddleshine well. Alderheart has almost not slept lately. Look!” He nodded towards Puddleshine's nest. "He is washed and is on fresh moss. We have treated him in the best possible way. But we are unable to fight Twoleg poisoning.” Tigerstar's eyes were fixed on Alderheart. "So you decided to put an end to his suffering instead!" He cried with angry voice. Alderheart stood rigid, with trembling bones. Would the plan he had to save Puddleshine end in war between ThunderClan and ShadowClan? Jayfeather lifted the snout. "Puddleshine was close to death," he said calmly. "Alderheart saw a rabbit that had been cured from the same infection by eating deathberries. He wanted to see if the cure could work on Puddleshine. We had tried everything else. This was our only chance.” Tigerstar scowled at Jayfeather. "It obviously did not work." He narrowed his eyes blamingly. "But then I know how little you value a ShadowClan life." It was as if Jayfeather was hit in the face and he moved backwards. Alderheart wrinkled his brow. "What do you mean? Jayfeather appreciates all life.” "What about my brother, Flametail?" Tigerstar showed his teeth. Bramblestar lashed his tail. "No one ever thought that Jayfeather killed your brother. Nobody except Dawnpelt, and that was out of grief!” Tigerstar still looked at Jayfeather. "But you could not save him, did you?" Jayfeather got a touch of guilt in his blind, blue eyes. "I had to let him die," he whispered. "And now you try to let Puddleshine die too," grunted Tigerstar. "No!" The rage burned in Alderheart's chest as he stood before the ShadowClan leader. "We will not let him die. We shall continues to treat him until he gets well. StarClan gave me a vision where flowers rose from the ground after a fire. They showed me that deathberries could cure Puddleshine, that they could make him stronger. I only give him the skin, not the seeds. It will cleanse the Twoleg poison from his body, I'm sure!” Certainty flowed through the coat, stronger than ever since he began the potentially lethal treatment. He held Tigerstar's eyes and shook his paws while ShadowClan's leader scowled back. "Puddleshine approved treatment," whispered Jayfeather. "We all knew how dangerous it was, but nothing else worked, and Puddleshine was willing to try."

Tigerstar turned his head. "Puddleshine agreed?" Jayfeather nodded. "He knew we would give him deathberries and understand why. He asked Alderheart to get started. " Tigerstar studied Puddleshine's untouchable body for a moment before he narrowed his eyes. "Does the treatment work?" "He has not died," grunted Jayfeather. "But it can happen?" Tigerstar got a glimpse of uncertainty in the eyes. "It can," said Jayfeather. Tigerstar became silent. The tail sank calmly behind him. "Then I will take him home with me," he concluded. "If he is to die, he shall die among his own clanmates." "But he's too sick to go," pointed out Jayfeather. "Juniperclaw and Sparrowtail can carry him," replied Tigerstar. Alderheart's paws creaked with horror. "But who will take care of him when he comes?" Tigerstar looked round and looked at Alderheart with an innocent eye. "Do you want to join us to stay with your patient?" Alderheart hesitated. What if Puddleshine died? ​Then I stand there alone in a hostile camp.​ His stomach twisted with fear. "Alderheart will stay here." Bramblestar lifted his muzzle defiantly. "But Alderheart has already pointed out that Puddleshine will need treatment," said Tigerstar, honey soft. "Then Puddleshine must stay with us," grunted Bramblestar. The leaders kept each other's gaze. Neither of them moved, but Alderheart saw that the muscles tensed under the fur. Bramblestar began to raise his chest. ​Should they fight? I chose to use deathberries.​ Alderheart swallowed hard. ​My choice can not cause war. "I'm coming," he said, low. He became a hole in the chest of turmoil. "Good to see that you have such confidence in your treatment," said Tigerstar. "If Puddleshine lives, everything will go well." Bramblestar waved on his ears. "And if he does not?" Tigerstar met the ThunderClan leader's eyes. "Then there is a lot of evidence that Alderheart has poisoned him. A cat killing another cat should be punished? " "Do not be rabbit-brained!" snapped Jayfeather. "Alderheart tried to save him!" "If that's right, he should gladly join ShadowClan to help Puddleshine while he gets fresher." Tigerstar stared challengingly at Jayfeather. "You would take him hostage," grunted Bramblestar. "I do not care to discuss this anymore." Tigerstar lashed his tail. "We will take Puddleshine home, and Alderheart will join us. Unless you do not trust your medicine cat, obviously. Maybe you want to keep Alderheart here so you can protect him because you know the treatment is just nonsense.” The rage has fallen through Alderheart. "It's not nonsense. Deathberries is the best hope he has. I'll go with you and I'll prove it. " "Alderheart, are you sure?" Bramblestar stared at him with concern in his eyes. "Absolutely sure." Alderheart raised his chin. "It was up to me to use deathberries, and I'm still standing by that choice. No one else will suffer because of it.”

Tigerstar went out of the den and shouted at his clanmates. "Juniperclaw! Sparrowtail! Come here.” He nodded at Bramblestar. "If Puddleshine gets healthy, I'll send Alderheart back home again." Alderheart’s chest tightened. ​What happens if he does not get well?

Chapter 8​ ​- translated by Basement Cat “Keep your snout down.” Twigbranch went with Flypaw further down the hill asking for the young cat to hold her mouth. A wooden log concealed them for a cool chaffinch, like a mess in a leafy bush looking for insects. "Birds are the most difficult prey to catch”, she whispered. The hairs stretched out the moist moss. "The bird listens for all movements and eases of the slightest sound. You must be quick. " "If they are so difficult to catch why don’t we just hunt for mice and squirrels instead? " Flypaw whispered back. Twigbranch blinked at her. "Because warriors must be able to catch a bird as well." “Why?” Twigbranch betrayed the her? frustration. "Because they are warriors!" Flypaw usually missed the point. Twigbranch heard the chaffinch pick in the leaves. She was so impatient that she clenched her legs. She straightened her nose against the slope. Flypaw lifted her head over the log to follow her gaze when she continued. "When you're lurking after a bird, you have to be patient. You have to wait until it's distracted and do not jump until you're sure – “ Flypaw did not want to hear the rest. With a mrrrow of delight she crawled over the log and threw herself against the chaffinch. Twigbranch stared at her as the chaffinch (?) up to the sky in a whirl of wings and feathers. Flypaw turned in the air, stretcheding for the flying bird and landed again with a thud. "What did I just say?" Twigbranch was so angry that her fur burned as she jumped over the log and marched away until Flypaw stood and shook her coat. Flypaw blinked at her. "You said I had to be quick." "I said you had to be patient!" Why did Flypaw never get the most important thing? "But you also said I had to be fast." She raised her leg and had feathers between the claws. "See. I almost took it. " "Almost does not fill the clan!” (Metter means ‘saturate’, so I think it means ‘does not fill the clan’.) If you had been waiting for the chaffinch and weren’t more concerned with the insects than by the woods around, you would have taken it.”

Twigbranch’s fur clung around her spine. She had begun to follow her instinct and be strict with Flypaw, but the young, striped apprentice still messed it up. Maybe it’s me.​ The doubt stuck in her stomach. ​It's true that I told her to be fast. S ​ he grunted, irritated to herself. ​How precise can I really be? F ​ lypaw stared at her, and Twigbranch became even more annoyed. "Why do you not understand what's important and what's not? If you followed better, you might not have done so many mistakes.” "I like to follow instincts", mewed Flypaw, discouraged. “Instinct is not enough!” Twigbranch scowled at her. "If it had been, kittypets and loners would rule the forest. You need skills that have been learned and refined by cats for many generations. Instinct is what you start with. Training is what makes you a warrior. " "But there is so much to learn." Flypaw’s tail hung. "You only need to learn it once!" Was there too much to ask for? "These training classes (exercises) will teach you everything you need to know to be a warrior. Once you've learned all you need to learn, you can do as you please. Before that time, I expect you to be committed. I refuse to be the first mentor for months with an apprentice that does not include her evaluation!" Flypaw looked around. "Don’t you think I can handle it?" "Not if you continue this way!" Specifically, Twigbranch turned away from the apprentice and stepped back towards the camp. "Should not we hunt for a bird?" Flypaw shouted at her. “No.” Twigbranch could not bear the thought of seeing Flypaw fail again today. “We’re going home. You can spend the rest of the afternoon practicing hunting techniques in the clearing. You can think of what kind of warrior you want to be. Then you may become more aware tomorrow." Twigbranch stomped between the trees with her stomach tight in anger. She heard Flypaw shuffling after on some pawsteps distance. (I think it means ‘shuffling distantly some pawsteps away’). Twigbranch did not look back. The silence between them told her where the wounded Flypaw was. Her bad conscience began to eat through her body as the rage lay (la seg means ‘lay down’, so I believe it means ‘as the rage died down’). Flypaw was not bad. She only had difficulty concentrating on what was important. ​Maybe I should be more patient. Being strict may not be enough. H ​ er paws felt heavy of defeat when she reached the camp and appeared through the opening.

Flypaw slipped past and caught her eyes. "Sorry, I didn’t catch the chaffinch", she muttered. "I'll try harder tomorrow." She hurried away before Twigbranch responded, and sprinted across the clearing towards her mother, Cinderheart, stood and patched the elder den. (I believe it’s trying to say that Cinderheart is patching up the elder’s den.) Cinderheart relaxed the honeysuckle stalk she was about to merge into the den and blinked in surprise when Flypaw pushed herself up to her. Twigbranch’s ears became hot when Cinderheart looked over the clearing and caught her eyes anxiously before she put her tail over the back of Flypaw. Twigbranch turned away. ​It must be nice to have a mother you can run for comfort.​ She pushed away the bitterness. Lilyheart had taken care of Twigbranch when she had first come to the Thunderclan as a kit. Lilyheart had been gentle and kind, but Twigbranch had always realized that she was not one of Lilyheart's true kits. How would her life be if Pebbleshine was still alive? With a real mother to take care of her, she might have known where she belonged to, and wouldn’t switch between SkyClan and ThunderClan in search of a home that felt right. And with a strict, but devoted love from her own mother, she might have learned to become a better mentor. "Do you think Tigerstar is gonna kill him if Puddleshine dies?" Daisy's voice tore Twigbranch loose from her thoughts. The queen sat next to Ivypool while the silver-gray-and-white she-cat washed Bristlekit between the ears. Bristlekit turned away from her mother's tongue. “Graystripe says the previous Tigerstar killed Firestar. Perhaps all Tigerstars kill cats. " "Don’t be foolish." Ivypool pulled the kit closer and continued washing. “Tigerstar and Firestar died in the same kind”, she mewed between licks. "And Tigerstar does not resemble a trace of the previous Tigerstar." “How do you know that? You have never met the previous one.” Bristlekit blinked toward her. "Graystripe knew him from he was a young kit." “Graystripe likes to make all stories a fairytale,” mewed Ivypool reflective, but she looked worried at Daisy. Who would Tigerstar kill? Twigbranch hurried to the nursery and blinked at the queen when she reached them. "What are you talking about?" Ivypool shooed Bristlekit away. “Go play with Flipkit and Thriftkit.” The kit crawled away, and Ivypool looked Twigbranch seriously into the eyes.

"Tigerstar came to the camp with a patrol while you were gone. They took Puddleshine back to ShadowClan and forced Alderheart to join them. "

Twigbranch knew that Puddleshine had to go back to the ShadowClan camp at some point. ​That Alderheart was with him to care for the sick, but also to be a medicine cat for the rest of ShadowClan while Puddleshine was ill, maybe not so strange, s​ he thought. "Wouldn’t Alderheart be with him?" Daisy’s eyes were full of concern. "Bramblestar says he volunteered, but it was clear that Alderheart was afraid. " "But Bramblestar would never let him go if he thought he was in danger", mewed Ivypool. "I don’t think he had any choice,” Daisy answered. “Molewhisker says he overheard the whole conversation. Alderheart gave Puddleshine deathberries. " Ivypool nervously waved her tail. "Tigerstar discovered it and accused Alderheart of trying to poison Puddleshine, and now he has forced him to join ShadowClan and prove that the treatment works. " Twigbranch looked at the camp entrance and felt her heart beat faster at the thought of Alderheart alone in ShadowClan. "And you think that Tigerstar will kill him if Puddleshine dies?" “He said so,” whispered Daisy. "He said that Alderheart should get his punishment", directed Ivypool. "But he cannot possibly believe that Alderheart would actually hurt Puddleshine. He just said so to get Bramblestar to send Alderheart to their camp. They certainly need a medicine cat, and then Tigerstar is too much of a ShadowClan cat to ask for help. ShadowClan cats love to feel that they decide. For them, manners are something rabbits do. (couldn’t quite translate it out, but I think it equates to ‘manners are something they don’t do.’)" A whimper was heard behind the nursery. It was Flipkit who took it. (I think the English equivalent is ‘It was Flipkit who made the sound.) “I want to be a hunter now. I was swapped last! (No idea what this can be. I think it refers to a game they might be playing). Ivypool rose. "I can go." Twigbranch gave a sign with her tail that the queen could stay. "Relax a little, you. I can show them some hunting techniques. "

Ivypool blinked gratefully to her. "Don’t let them wear you completely out." "I won’t." Twigbranch walked around the nursery. The news about Alderheart was scary, but her concern for Flypaw was not forgotten for that reason. Maybe she could teach the kits to chase to cheer her up. Perhaps she should discover that she was not so bad a mentor anyway. The moonlight penetrated between the torn branches and lay around Twigbranch's nest. She had pain in her legs after playing with the kits. The attempt to teach them hunting techniques had quickly slipped into enjoyable games, and she spent the afternoon chasing them around the camp, and gave them badger rides through the clearing. Perhaps all cats were easily distracted. ​Or maybe I'm just not good at learning.​ She tried to push the idea away. Had she only been able to talk to Finleap. She looked over at his empty nest. He had not returned home after training with Snappaw. Snappaw said that Finleap had something he would do before returning home. Twigbranch had been waiting for him while the rest of the clan was allowed to share tongues at dusk. She had saved him a shrew from the freshkill pile. Now his nest was empty and while the other warriors began to snore around her, she wondered where he was. She felt a stinging anxiety in her paws. Maybe he was hurt and failed to go home. Should she notify Squirreflight or Bramblestar that he was gone? Her chest tightened. Imagine if he stayed away on purpose? Maybe he would try out a night hunt? Or he could be on his own, secret mission to spy on ShadowClan. Finleap was still quite new in ThunderClan. She wouldn’t give him any problems. But if he is out hunting or spying, why didnt he tell me? ​It seemed strange that Finleap would go out alone without asking Twigbranch if she wanted to join him. They did everything together. ​He’ll be coming soon, she said to herself. StarClan suits him. (​ I think it means ‘StarClan covers him?’) She pushed her nose between her legs and closed her eyes. Gradually, fatigue began to dampen the anxiety in her stomach, and eventually she fell asleep. The next morning, she woke up with birdsong. “Finleap?” She whispered his name before she opened her eyes. She had seen him in her dreams, time after time - in some of them he had come home safely, in others he had been alone in the woods, with danger threatening on all sides. A pale light filled the den when she raised her head. She turned to his nest and felt sadness in her body when she saw that it was still empty. She hurriedly sniffed it. ​Cold!​ He had not come home. Panic grabbed her. He had never been out all night before. Where is he?

Chapter 9 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine stopped the edge of the meadow and pulled the cold, fresh air. The sun was on its way down the dark heather hill, and long shadows stretched across the grass. She could see the lake from where she stood, where the terrain rose up against the mountains and the forest opened and gave room for the bones to build their skins when it was leafy green. There were no dens there yet, but the smell of bones was fresh, and she guessed that they still came without her dens, even though she could not understand why. Patrolled those borders, just like the clans, or were they looking for prey? Cold air warned that the night was approaching. She was damp on the legs of dew. Why had Tree arranged the meeting so far from the camp? The yellow male cat walked back and forth on the hill, while Leafstar was sheltered under the trees. The SkyClan leader's eyes sparkled, partly out of concern and partly from fighting spirit. Was she nervous about meeting Tigerstar, or for what the meeting could lead to? "Could not we have met closer to the camp?" Leafstar exclaimed. Tree stopped looking at her. "This is neutral ground. Neither ShadowClan nor SkyClan own to this.” "We could meet at the edge of the lake," grunted Leafstar and blew up her coat against the cold. Violetshine shook fools from the fur. "It's undisturbed." She knew how hard Tree had worked, how many times he had walked back and forth between the camps to get the leaders of SkyClan and ShadowClan to meet. "Here we do not let cats from the other clans come and mix." Leafstar scowled. "Why should they do that? The other clans have been clear that they do not want anything about this arguing to do. That we have to deal with ShadowClan itself. " "They will at least take part." Tree peered into the woods, obviously looking for Tigerstar's patrol. Violetshine wondered how many warriors the ShadowClan leader was bringing. She was proud that Leafstar had chosen her to join the patrol, along with Bellaleaf, Sandynose, Harrybrook and Sagenose. The older warriors clustered a little further up in the hill, as if they were unsure of where to go. They had been trained to fight for the clan, not negotiating. Leafstar looked impatiently at them. "Can you spread out a little? You look like a bunch of apprentices at their first Gathering." Bellaleaf and Sandynose exchanged a glance before spreading out of their way next to Harrybrook and Sagenose. "Do you see him?" Leafstar asked Tree. "Not yet." It shook his tail. "He's late." Leafstar sat down and stared staring over the meadow. "Not that I know what we have to discuss. I refuse to give away SkyClan's land. We are entitled to hunt there. " "If we can find out what each of the clans needs, we may find a compromise," said Tree cautiously. "I'm not going to let the ShadowClan warriors cross our border whenever they feel like it." Leafstar hissed at him. "If I can get ShadowClan to understand that this may be the first step towards a new version of the Great Battle, Tigerstar may give up," said Tree. "After all, SkyClan was led by StarClan. Not even Tigerstar would like to defy their will. "

A sharp wind from the hill above them reminded Violetshine that the greenery had only claimed the lower part of the valley. She wanted to shiver, but took care of it so that she would not look nervous. Harrybrook flicked his ears. Bellaleaf eyes flickered against the shady forest. A thorn trembled between the trees, and Leafstar turned expectantly. Tigerstar?​ Violetshine stretched her neck to look better as a dark male cat slipped out of the woods. “Juniperclaw!” Leafstar looked freaked out. Her glance went from ShadowClan's deputy to the empty area behind him. “Where is Tigerstar?” Juniperclaw did not answer. Instead, he studied Harrybrook, Bellaleaf, Sagenose and Sandynose with his eyes. "Are you going to attack?" He grunted. Tree hurried up. "Of course not!" Juniperclaw curled lips. "But you show strength." He looked accusingly at Leafstar. "Did you hope to scare ShadowClan to meet your requirements?" "It's not wise coming with demands," answered Leafstar. Tree entered between them. "Where is Tigerstar?" He asked politely. "Tigerstar had other duties to take care of." Leafstar traveled bust. "What was more important than this?" "I'm his deputy." Juniperclaw lifted his muzzle. "I'm talking to Tigerstar when it comes to clan issues." "I did not come here to talk to a deputy!" Leafstar scowled at him scornfully. "Am I not important enough for you?" grunted Juniperclaw. Violetshine shifted anxiously from one paw to the other. Should the meeting end before it had begun? She looked hopefully at Tree. The yellow male cat had already started ringing around Leafstar and Juniperclaw with his tail raised and the fur smoothly. "All are important," he spoke with neutral voice. "Since we are all here, it would be a shame not to discuss what bothers you both." Juniperclaw narrowed his eyes and looked at Leafstar. Leafstar pushed her claws in and out. "It does not hurt to talk together," continued Tree. "What is there to talk about?" snapped Leafstar. "Except that we can remind ShadowClan that getting into another clan's territory is against the warrior code." She was scowling at Juniperclaw. "You can tell Tigerstar, even though he should know that already. But he may have forgotten the rules when he was away from his clan. " Tree raised his eyes. "He is enough of a warrior ..." Juniperclaw interrupted him while hissing back at Leafstar. "I knew you were unreasonable!" "Is it unreasonable to expect to keep an area we have just received?" “Fair?” It moved in Juniperclaw's ears. "ShadowClan had been weakened by intruders and betrayal. Some would say that you took advantage of the situation to strengthen your own clan at our expense.” "SkyClan did not mean -" Tree tried to protest. Leafstar ignored him. "It was Tigerstar's idea to offer us land," she sputtered to Juniperclaw. "He was not even your leader at the time, but he fought to convince clanmates that it was the right choice. And now he has decided that he wants it back? "

"ShadowClan has more cats now." Juniperclaw stood on his head. "We need a larger area." "SkyClan also has more cats!" Tree opened his mouth, but this time there was no word. ​He does not know what to do! Violetshine kept his breath. Tree had to say something, anything, to curb the ever-expanding mind. The yellow male cat met her gaze. It was a horror to see in his eyes. Leafstar's and Juniperclaw's violent intensity had clearly tipped him off the stick. He held Violetshine's eyes for a moment before he seemed to get along. He pushed his chest forward and turned to Leafstar and Juniperclaw again. "It is clear that both clans are larger than they once were and that both clans need a land area. The pine forest can be large enough to satisfy all cats. How about selecting new borders?” Leafstar looked skeptical about Juniperclaw, as though she waited for his reaction before she showed her. “New borders?” Juniperclaw waved his tail. "ShadowClan has already given up more than any other clan. We have given you land that belonged to us for many months before we even knew that SkyClan existed. Why is it only wise to sacrifice anything to keep SkyClan by the lake? " "Why are we chased from our new home?" While Leafstar hissed to ShadowClan's deputy, an elated bark heard from the top of the meadow. A dog ran over the hilltop. Violetshine rose busty when she saw three twin bones running after it with eyes shining as much as the dog's. Sagenose lay the ears flat. "We must get away from here before it gets a scent of us." Bellaleaf and Sandynose had already turned to the dog where he came down the hill. They shot back and stood up in the defensive position. Leafstar stared at Juniperclaw with narrow eyes for a little while before she hit her tail. "We must come home to the camp." She waved clanmates with a nod and stepped past Juniperclaw. "This is a waste of time." Violetshine hurried after her. She was relieved to get into the ice skies of the forest. Behind her lied the barking over the meadow. Sagenose, Bellaleaf and Sandynose set aside as Leafstar paved his way past the thorn and disappeared into the undercoat. As she followed, Violetshine looked Juniperclaw in the eye. The black male cat moved like a shadow downward, the ice pack between the pine trees along its own path. When she lost sight of her, she knew Tree's fur against the flank. He walked beside her with a heavy gaze. "I do not think it could go so bad." "We knew it was going to be difficult." Violetshine was hurt by him. "But I hardly got a word." Tree wrinkled brows. "I wish they should begin to see the matter with each other's eyes, but now the distance is greater than ever." "I think both had already decided to be angrier than the other," comforted Violetshine. "There was nothing you could do." "I should have made them listen to me." "How would you finish it when they're both so stubborn?" Violetshine drew closer to the yellow male cat, hoping that the heat from her flank could comfort him, but he was immersed in his own thoughts. Then voices heard behind the hilltop further. Leafstar and the others had stopped, and stood and spoke excitedly. Violetshine ran up the hill.

"It does not stop talking anymore now." Leafstar went back and forth in front of Bellaleaf and Sandynose, while Harrybrook and Sagenose followed. They were all tight in the eyes of irritation. "Imagine sending the deputy to such an important meeting!" grunted Sagenose. Harrybrook raised the bust. "He had no plans to try to find a solution." Leafstar pushed her claws forward. "Now is the end of the talk. I want twice as many border patrols, and if any of the ShadowClan cats cross the border, we'll get back at them right away." Tree stopped next to Violetshine and stared at the warriors. "Give me some more time. I am sure we can solve this without claws,” he said. Leafstar looked at him with a fight in her eyes. "We do not have time. For every ShadowClan patrol that crosses our border, it seems more alert and weaker. " Tree fans frustrated on their ears. "It was your idea to make me a mediator for the clans," he reminded her. "What's the point of giving me the role if you do not let me do it?" "I overestimated the other clans," grunted Leafstar. "They are so used to fighting that they have forgotten the art of talking together. It is obvious that Tigerstar wants to fight. When we first came to the lake, I thought what the other clans said about ShadowClan was malicious gossip ... But I now understand that ShadowClan is a bunch of troublemakers. I understand why Rowanclaw gave up. And why some of their warriors chose to follow Darktail. They are fox-hearts throughout. If it is war they want, they shall have it." "Fighting is not the solution," insisted Tree. Leafstar shook his head. "But that's it, do not you understand? To fight is the way they do it here, Tree. Not just ShadowClan - none of the clans think like us. They train the warriors up to fight, not to talk together. Should we keep our territory, we must be like them. If we do not fight for what we believe in, we will never get respect from the other clans, and then it will not only be ShadowClan who is ruling us. Do you understand?" Violetshine knew that Tree fell together with disappointment next to her. "What about the plan Tigerstar suggested at the Gathering?" She shot in. "Where all the clans give up a smaller part of their territory." She looked hopefully at Leafstar. Leafstar grunted. "Did not you see how the other clans reacted to that idea? They hurried to leave the island." Sandynose blinked compassionately at Violetshine. "We just have to realize that the other clans will not help us." Bellaleaf sat down heavily. "Stay alone, as we have always done." Tree waved his tail angrily. "Why do I waste my time here?" It moved in the ears of the yellow male cat as he stepped off. Violetshine saw how wounded he was. The coat was over his shoulders as he sat down at the roots on a furrow with his back against the sky sounds. ​Does he wonder if he has chosen wrong, believe? He might wish that he had never stayed with us. ​The thought gave Violetshine a tingling turmoil in the fur. Tree had renounced his peaceful solo life to offer help that was not desired. Tree were not a proud cat, but that the clans dismissed his skills, had to be hard, even for him. Would he return to life as an individual?

Leafstar waved Violetshine adds to the tail. "Leave him alone." The SkyClan leader had noticed that she looked at the yellow male. "He seems to need some time. He will realize in time that we have no choice.” Violetshine blinked at the SkyClan leader. She felt sorry for Tree. Never in the world if he would give up so easily. At the same time, even though she felt sorry for Tree, she understood Leafstar's view. Tigerstar had not offered SkyClan anything but insults, and the other clans had not taken their side in defense. It seemed that SkyClan was as isolated as they were in the gorge, and that if they wanted to keep the territory by the lake, they had to fight for it. "Come." Leafstar began to go down the hill. "Now we are going home." Violetshine followed Harrybook and Bellaleaf into the camp. The sun had gone down, and the dusk made the shadows under the camp walls even darker. Their clanmates shared heavy around in the clearing. Suddenly she felt a slight smell of ThunderClan. She pointed her ears and immediately thought about Twigbranch. Had the sister found an excuse to come to visit? It was clear that Leafstar had also known the smell. While Sagenose and Sandynose walked towards the fresh-kill pile, the SkyClan leader stopped and looked around the camp while she was shaking her nose. Hawkwing walked away to her from the fresh-kill pile. "How did it go?" He asked with a soft voice. Leafstar had not told the whole clan about the meeting. It moved in the tail to Leafstar. "Tiger star did not come." "He sent Juniperclaw." Bellaleaf stopped next to the leader. Harrybrook waved his tail. "He was not interested in talking. He just wanted to repeat what Tigerstar said on the collection. " Hawkwing wrinkled the brows. "Tigerstar has decided to make life sick for us." "It's disrespectful! Especially after all we have done for them. We let them live with us for StarClan's sake! "The irritation waved through Leafstar's fur. She rubbed her nose again and looked at the medicine cat it. "Is there a ThunderClan cat here?" Violetshine followed her eyes eagerly. ThunderClan scent was undoubtedly stronger there. The heart started to beat faster, but when she tasted the air, she realized that it was not Twigbranch. "Finleap is back," said Hawkwing. Violetshine opened his eyes. “Back?” Had he left ThunderClan for good? "He has come to visit Reedclaw," explained Hawkwing. "He had heard that she was sick." At the same moment it shook in the medicine cat, and Finleap squeezed out. His eyes brightened when he saw Violetshine. "Hi!" Leafstar looked angry at the young male cat when he smashed the patrol. "How is Reedclaw doing?" she asked briskly. Finleap seemed amazed at her crass tone. He stopped and waved his ears. "She's almost healthy," he said. "Has Bramblestar given you permission to go here?" The pelt of Leafstar stretched. He looked down. "He does not know I'm here." "You sneak out without giving the leader a message and crossed the border to another clan's territory?" Leafstar sounded angry. Violetshine stood closer to Finleap. "He's just here to visit his family."

"He left his family when he left SkyClan," snapped Leafstar. Harrybrook and Bellaleaf exchanged a glance, and the annoyance flowed through Violetshine. "He can not stop caring for them just because he lives somewhere else!" Did Leafstar believe she and Hawkwing had stopped caring for Twigbranch? She blinked at Hawkwing in hopes of receiving support. Hawkwing answered his eyes compassionately. "Obviously he still cares. But he lives in another clan now. He must respect his new leader and our limits. " The soreness made Finleap scratch in the eyes. "Of course I respect Bramblestar." He blinked at Leafstar. "I will always respect you too. But I was worried about Reedclaw. I've never been away while she has been sick before. " Leafstar seemed untouched by the explanation. "Being worried is no excuse for breaking warrior code." Finleap’s shoulders sank. "Then I will go home." "Oh no, you. Not now,” said Leafstar certainly. "You have to wait until tomorrow. Then a patrol will escort you back to ThunderClan and explain what has happened.” It was in the stomach of Violetshine. Why did Leafstar have to make so much of it? If a patrol escorted him home and reported him to Bramblestar, Finleap ended up in trouble with his new clan. "I can take him over the border now," she offered quietly. "He can sneak home again without anyone noticing it." Leafstar was hiding at her. "Do you want to trick ThunderClan? What if you are discovered by a patrol? Do you not think we're having enough trouble with ShadowClan that we want ThunderClan to bother us too? "She waved decisively with her tail. "Finleap will be here tonight. You can both sleep in the apprentices' den. I expect you to keep an eye on him, Violetshine. If he sneaks out during the night, it's your responsibility. " Finleap so apologetic at Violetshine. It was clear that he was little desire to give her trouble. "Sorry," he whispered. But Violetshine would not go wrong. "His new clanmates will be worried if he's out all night." "He should have thought of it before he came!" Leafstar turned away with his coat stretched along the spine. Then she grunted and went to the fresh-kill pile. Bellaleaf blinked friendly towards Finleap and followed the SkyClan leader. "​I’m​ at least happy to see you," Harrybrook whispered before he left his way. Hawkwing shook his head. "Leafstar has had a bad day, unfortunately," he reported to Finleap. "But she's right. You cannot just visit whenever you want. Next time you have to tell Bramblestar what you think about. If you are lucky, he sends you out with a patrol to ask for permission to come to our camp. " Finleap bent his head. "Ok," he muttered. When Hawkwing went its way, Violetshine gave Finleap a nudge in his shoulder. "We will at least share a den tonight," she said. "It will be like in the old days. And you can tell me some gossip.” She blinked at Finleap and hoped she'd cheered him up. But his eyes were dark with concern. "Twigbranch does not know where I am." "She'll get to know tomorrow." Were Finleap and her sister becoming mates? Cautioned, she led him through the clearing. "Are you hungry? There’s more than enough caught in the fresh-kill pile"

Finleap shook his head. "No thanks," he muttered. Gravelpaw and Fringepaw stood at the apprentices’ den and practiced combat techniques. Palepaw and Pigeonpaw shared a mouse beside them, and Sunnypaw watched while Fringepaw prepared an assault attack on Gravelpaw. "Aim for the forepaws, not the backpaws!" said Sunnypaw as Gravelpaw easily hit Fringepaw away. Blossomheart lay by the stream and shared a shrew with Mintfur. She shouted at the apprentices: "You should rest after food, not fight! You're going to have a stomachache." "There are warriors who get hurt in the stomach, not apprentices!" cried Pigeonpaw back. "Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you." It was moving in Blossomheart's hair as she walked back to the muzzle. Palepaw looked up when Finleap and Violetshine came by. "Are you going home to ThunderClan tonight?" she asked Finleap. Violetshine answered him. "He's going home tomorrow." "How is it to be a ThunderClan warrior?" Gravelpaw stopped down in the attacking position and blinked at Finleap. "Nice," said Finleap. "It's good to be a SkyClan warrior, I hope." Gruslabb let his head thoughtfully askew. "What about ThunderClan and SkyClan meeting in battle?" He asked. "Are we allowed to fight you then?" It drove hard in the tail to Violetshine. "We're not going to fight ThunderClan. Not now, as we have Tree here to mediate. "She became silent. ​Do I still think that myself?​ Even though Tree would stay with the clans, she was no longer so sure he could safeguard peace. She saw him alone in the woods, wondering if he had begun walking towards the camp or one. She had a bad conscience for getting away from him. She might have stayed. Imagine if he never came back? Was anyone who cared, except her? Concerned clutched her heart, but she could not leave the camp now. She had to keep an eye on Finleap. Before the apprentices could ask more difficult questions, Violetshine pushed pushed into the den of the thorns. "Over here tonight," she appealed to the apprentices as she appeared after him. "Do not keep us awake by screaming like little starlings." Finleap studied the rows that lay in the ring around the trunk in the middle. "Where do I sleep?" Violetshine went from nest to nest and sneaked in until she found two who smelled old. "These have not been used for a while." With a sting it seemed to her that one of them was Twigbranch's old nest and suddenly she missed her sister with a longing she thought was faded. "Is Twigbranch happy in the ThunderClan?" She asked as she climbed into it. "Yes." Finleap jumped up the road next door and sat down. "It seems she feels at home." "Do you?" "I have not quite been waiting for it yet," Finleap said. "But I like to be near Twigbranch." He was quiet and so forth with a glimpse it was impossible to interpret while the night swallowed the den. "But I think it was wrong for me to assume she wanted the same as me." "What do you mean?" Violetshine winked at him. "Are not you close friends anymore?" "We're still close." It was sadness in his place. Violetshine was amazed. "I thought you were mates now."

"I thought so too." Finleap moved on the road. Violetshine saw him barely in the dark. "Twigbranch is so focused on her apprentice. She does not want a mate.” It creaked in the showers as he made up his mind. "It's certainly selfish of me. I might also need to concentrate on my apprentice. " "Twigbranch has always taken the warrior life very seriously." Violetshine remained cheerful in his place. "I'm sure she loves you." "M-M." As her eyes adjusted to the ever darker den she saw the silhouettes of his ears. "Was Reedclaw happy to see you?" "Yes." He sounded happier. "She's almost healthy enough to leave the medicine cat." "I did not think Leafstar would be angry for coming in." "Harrybrook and Bellaleaf also seemed upset, but I think I was not because I was here. What was Hawkwing meant when he said Leafstar had a bad day?" Concerns creep up the backbone of Violetshine when she thought about how bad the meeting had gone. They were closer to a war against ShadowClan than ever before. And Tree had been humiliated. Imagine if he left his way? The thought made her sick. "Violetshine?" Finleap's voice freaked her loose from her mind. "Is something wrong with SkyClan?" "No," she hurried to answer. It felt unfair to reveal SkyClan's problems to a ThunderClan warrior, even though it was Finleap. "Everything is good." She winked out in the darkness and felt anxiously kidding in her feet. She hoped she spoke true.

Chapter 10 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart felt his hair rise. He still felt uncomfortable in ShadowClan camp. Not even here, alone in the medicine cat, along with Puddleshine, he managed to shake off the feeling of being observed. He pushed a small deathberry against Puddleshine's lips. When the unconscious male cat did not give signs of waking, he carefully peeled the jaws apart and let the dark bite into the mouth. Puddleshine did not match it. His head felt heavy and sluggish against Alderheart's paws as he dropped it down to the red edge again. The sun had gone down and the night drew near to night. The dark pressed on the edge of the medicine cat den. Puddleshine had not been awake since Juniperclaw and Sparrowtail had carried him back to ShadowClan camp that morning. He breathed more shallowly than before and was wet in the coat. The heat radiated from his skin and filled Alderheart with fear. Would Puddleshine make it through the night? What would Tigerstar do if ShadowClan's medicine cat died? Alderheart threw his mind away. The deathberries had to work. The dream had promised that they should. Fire had given new, fresh growths. StarClan would not mislead him? He pushed the thought away. He did not doubt StarClan. They had always been with him, he was sure even before they had given him his first sight, which had sent him out in search of SkyClan. Nevertheless, the concern was like a stone in the stomach while he rough the seeds he had removed from the berry, into the ground. When he was sure that they were lying safely, he brushed away from a small earth spot he had scratched with his claws, opposite the den. He pulled the claws to the loose soil until they were clean before gently brushing the leaves back in place to cover the poisoned stain. Finally, he put the berries back on the leaf and packed them under Puddleshine's nest. He had carried the berries to ShadowClan camp, hidden in a bundle of reinfann and ringblom. Tigerstar had not forbidden Alderheart to continue treatment, but he had not given permission either. Alderheart did not dare to ask. He could not risk Tigerstar saying no. The deathberries were his last hope. But he saw no signs that they worked. He just had to wait and pray for StarClan. The frustration clenched the fur. He felt powerless, and Tigerstar's threats had made it worse. Did he not know that any cat's death was punishment for a medicine cat? The warriors were so rabbit-brained. They did not think of anything but power and territory, and were blind to what was really important. Outside, he heard Cloverfoot and Scorchfur talking lowly between themselves where they stood guard at the entrance. Tigerstar had sworn that he should keep the medicine cat den guarded around the clock, and had announced that they should not leave his post. ​As if I'd abandon a sick cat who needs treatment! Alderheart grinned for himself and walked in the torn-cliff wall where Puddleshine had taken his place. He might as well benefit and sort Puddleshine's herbs. He stretched his pot and brushed out the dry bundles before separating the leaves from each other and laying piles for each herb. Some of them were dissolved in his pot, others were dry and stiff. It was clear that it was a while since Puddleshine had recently sown herbs even before he got the infection. Caution Alderheart began to remove the dourest herbs - herbs that no longer had healing properties - and put them aside.

"What are you doing?" Cloverfoot stabbed her head into the den. She frowned on her nose. "Do you need them there?" Her eyes sparkled with irritation when she saw the leaves that were scattered in front of Alderheart. He met her eyes calmly. "I am removing useless herbs." "How do I know you're not just breaking the warehouse for Puddleshine?" She snapped. "Why should I do that?" Alderheart scowled at her. "I'm a medicine cat, not a warrior. I do not want to hurt anyone.” Cloverfoot's eyes went to Puddleshine. "What about him? You gave him deathberries. " "To make him fresh." Alderheart snorted. "Do you really think I would try to kill your medicine cat?" She narrowed her eyes. "If we lose him, all of ShadowClan will suffer." "That's why I'm trying to save him", hissed Alderheart. "And because he's a friend. But you're not a medicine cat. You do not understand the bond we have. " She studied him for a while before she got into the den. "No, I may not understand," she said, "but I intend to keep an eye on you as you sort the herbs, just to make sure you do not destroy them." Scorchfur peeked through the den opening. "Is everything okay in here?" "Yes," said Cloverfoot. "I'll just monitor while Alderheart sorts herbs." Alderheart forced his pelt to lie flat while Scorchfur pulled out again and Cloverfoot sat down on the edge of the den and stared at him. He continued to pick out the useless herbs. "You must gather more thyme," he said to Cloverfoot without lifting his eyes. "These are so dry that there can not be much power left in them." "How do I know how the thyme looks?" said Cloverfoot irritably. "They look like this." He pushed a stalk against her. "Smell it. The smell is not going to be wrong. "He turned to the other leaves. "Coat of sprouts is growing soon. You should clean some of it too. And cucumber and nesles ... "He met her eyes. "I suppose you know how nesles look?" "Of course I'll do that," she snapped. "But I'm a warrior! I do not gather herbs. " "As soon as Puddleshine has got rid of the fever, you can escort me out into the woods, so I can gather some herbs for you." Alderheart opened a petal and snatched the old poppy seeds that lay inside. "Puddleshine will be weakened for a while, even when the disease vanishes." As he spoke, it broke in the entrance. Stonewing came halting into the shady den. "Scorchfur said it was okay to go in." He looked nervously at Puddleshine. "Is he okay?" "Does it look like he is?" said Alderheart briskly. Stonewing blinked uncomfortably. He lifted his forepaw. "I've got a thorn in my leg." Cloverfoot was hiding on the white male cat. "Can’t you get it out yourself?" "It's deep." Stonewing shuddered. Alderheart proceeded. He sniffed the wound. The thorn was firmly attached to Stonewing's paw skin. "We will need herbs to prevent it from being infected." He stroked his tongue over the hardest end of the thorn and felt the blood flowing around it. "I can pull it out", he went to Stonewing, "but it's going to hurt." Stonewing's whiskers trembled. "When it's gone, you'll get a lot better." Alderheart met Cloverfoot's eyes. She looked suspicious. "I think I can get it out if you let me try?"

Cloverfoot hesitated. "I want to use my paw," Stonewing said to her. "Besides, it's my paw. I mean he must have a try." Cloverfoot drew back her shoulders. "Okay," she said. "We just hope you will not end up like Puddleshine." Alderheart ignored her and felt carefully after the thorn with his teeth. He grabbed it and went, first gently and then when he felt it took a bit harder. The thorn slipped out of Stonewing's paw pillow with a stream of blood. Alderheart put the thorn on the ground. "Wash your paw well while I find some ring flower," he said to the white male cat. Stonewing had already begun licking the potion, and the fur began to lie as the pain went over for relief. Alderheart licked a few faded ring petals and chewed them. Then he returned to Stonewing and licked the porridge wrapped into the wound. “Leave the ring flowers in a day. Then you must keep the wound clean.” Steinvinge nodded and was bright and grateful in his eyes. Cloverfoot shifted from one paw to the other where she stood on the edge of the den. "It's okay to take Puddleshine's duties while you're here," she grunted, as Stonewing limped out. Alderheart did not answer, but went to see how it was with Puddleshine. The sick medicine cat was still untouched. Alderheart washed the damp coat around his neck. Get better, please. The deathberries might have to start working soon? He could not lose Puddleshine. Even without Tigerstar's threat it was too horrible to think about it. What he had said to Cloverfoot was true: the ShadowClan medicine cat was his friend. But how long could Puddleshine withstand the tall fever? "Cloverfoot?" Scorchpelt's voice was heard at the entrance. “Berryheart is outside with Hollowkit. She says Hollowkit is coughing. Should I let them in? " Cloverfoot blinked against Alderheart. "Is it safe for a kit in here?" Alderheart rose bust. "Do you think I would hurt a kit?" Cloverfoot nodded towards Puddleshine. "I mean he's not contagious, is he right?" "Of course not." Alderheart snorted. "They can come in." Cloverfoot moved to the side when Berryheart slipped Hollowkit into the den. The black and white queen blinked vigorously towards Alderheart as Hollowkit coughed beside her. "He has been sick for a few days," she said. The cough of the black kit sounded dry. "Do you have a sore throat?" Alderheart asked with a mild voice. "Only when I swallow." Hollowkit pulled closer to his mother and looked down at Puddleshine. "Will he die? Yarrowleaf says you tried to poison him. " Alderheart blinked at the kit. "A medication cat would never risk another cat." He turned, took a reinfann between his teeth and put it in front of Berryheart’s legs. "This should help," he said. "Make him chew a mouthful before he goes to sleep, and a new one when he wakes." He sniffed the kit’s head. Hollowkit was not hot. "Has he had a fever?" "No." Berryheart pulled the reinfann stalk to herself. "Just cough."

"Good." Alderheart saw Hollowkit into his eyes. He was held his gaze. "It is probably only a leaf-bare cough that hung around. It disappears in a day or two. Keep him away from the other kits, but if they have not been infected yet, it's probably going well.” “Spirekit and Sunkit are already sleeping with Yarrowleaf's kits”, said Berryheart. Alderheart blinked acknowledging. Berryheart bent his head. "Thanks for the reinfannen." She picked up the stem and led the Hollowkit out of the den. As she passed Cloverfoot, Alderheart saw that the two exchanged glances. Then Cloverfoot's eyes went back to him. For the first time he saw respect in the eyes of the female cat. He nodded to her and went back to the herb garden. "Alderheart!" He woke up with a shout that someone shouted at him and opened his eyes to the darkness. It took a while before he remembered where he was. The sour smell of Puddleshine told him he was in medicine cat at ShadowClan. It was not meant to fall asleep! He hurried to look at Puddleshine, and was relieved to see that the male cat still breathed, although the breath was superficial. He had plans to follow him all night. Cloverfoot had fallen for eternity since. Now she woke up so much and blinked. "What is it?" As she spelled herself, Yarrowleaf ran continuously into the den. "Bring Alderheart!" The ginger she-cat's eyes were big with concern. Scorchfur stumbled after her while he blew sleep from his eyes. "What's happened?" "It's Shadowkit ..." She stared desperately at Alderheart. "Come." He asked by her in the glow. The shadows lay like stripes over the camp. Tigerstar stood outside the nursery with his fur fiercely afraid. "He's in there." Alderheart piled past him and broke into the thorn thicket den. Moonlight sifted in through the roof, and was just enough for him to distinguish Dovewing's nest from the others. The light gray female cat lay staring at a small figure below. Pouncekit and Lightkit had clustered with the other kits at one end of the den. When Alderheart leaned over the edge of Dovewing's nest, Berryheart shooed them out. Shadowkit was at the bottom of the nest. He threw his head back and forth and there was a ripple through his body. "How long has he been like that?" Alderheart asked Dovewing. "Not long. I asked Yarrowleaf to pick you up as soon as it started. " "We must keep him calm until it passes." He straightened down into the nest and placed his paws on the kit. "Keep his head hard so it does not move," he explained Dovewing. Tigerstar pressed in beside him. The coat of the dark, striped male cat stretched against Alderheart's own, and he felt that ShadowClan's leader was shaking. "Hold him on his shoulders," he asked Tigerstar. As Tigerstar stretched down, Alderheart saw a glimpse of Cloverfoot, who looked into the nursery. Relief washed over him. "Do you remember I showed you the thyme?" He shouted to her. She nodded wide-eyed

"Get it," he ordered. "Bring the freshest stems with you." He turned to Dovewing again. "Has he been ill? Got a fever? Cough?” What could explain spasms like this? Dovewing shook her head. "He has had an attack before," grunted Tigerstar. Shadowkit threw himself under the feet of Alderheart. "We've seen it before." Dovewing did not take her eyes off the kit. "When we were on our way back to the lake, it happened that he saw. They came attacking this. We thought it would get better.” She muted the voice and murmur worried: “But instead he got worse…” Under the tight legs, Shadowkit's spasms began to shed. Alderheart stuck his snout to him and was relieved to feel a kit breathing on his nose. The heat pumped from the thin pelt. "When he stops jumping, you can wash him to cool him down." Alderheart felt that Shadowkit was calm in his legs. He sat up on his hips. "I do not know how the wisdom prevents him from being attacked, but the thyme makes the shock less for him." The entrance rustled as Cloverfoot entered. She laid two timber styles next to Alderheart. Alderheart bent down to bite the leaves from the stalks, so he could chew them to a moss that Shadowkit could swallow. "Wait." Tigerstar pushed him away and smelled of the leaves. Dovewing stared unbelief at Tigerstar. "Do not you trust him?" Cloverfoot looked forward. "You can trust him," she cautiously warned. "He has already treated Stonewing and Hollowkit. It seems like he knows what he's doing. I have watched him. He just wants to help.” Tigerstar threw his eyes skeptically. Alderheart ignored him. "The thyme seems calming," he explained Dovewing. "When he wakes, chew some of the leaves -" "And make him swallow them," said Dovewing. "I remember that Puddleshine has given him the hour before." Alderheart nodded. "If he gets an attack in the future, hold him down so he's safe and do the best you can to keep him cool." It moved a last time in Shadowkit before he lay still at the bottom of the nest, like a leaf landing and resting after a storm. Dovewing bent down to lick him while Tigerstar groomed himself. The ShadowClan leader smoothed his sharpened coat with some lick, but Alderheart could still feel fear of the brown tabby tom. Alderheart felt the frustration stinging in the fur. ​Before I know what causes the kit's cramps, I can only treat the symptoms. A spotted meow was heard from the road. "Dovewing?" Shadowkit slowly opened his eyes and looked at his mother. Her rough nose into the soft coat behind his ear. "Are you okay?" She asked in a voice. "You scared us." "I can handle." Shadowkit rolled over his legs and pushed himself up. Then he nodded against Tigerstar. "I've got a new vision." Dovewing stretched after the thyme leaves and began chewing them to moss. "Eat this." She held her snout close to Shadowkit. He turned away. "Not until I've told you about the vision." Dovewing and Tigerstar exchanged anxious eyes.

“Go and see kits”, mewed Tigerstar to Cloverfoot. He waved his tail and she bent her head and walked. Alderheart known curiosity burn. Had StarClan sent a message via Shadowkit? Tigerstar looked at him. "You should also go." Alderheart dug his claws into the pine needle-covered floor. "I'm a medicine cat. I should hear what he has to say. " Tigerstar grunted. "You're a ​ThunderClan---"​ Shadowkit interrupted him. "Can he stay? He is a medicine cat, so he may understand what that means. " Dovewing nodded. "He should stay," she said. Tigerstar shifted from one paw to the other. "Ok." He put the dark glance in Shadowkit. "What did you see?" "It was raining on the RiverClan area." The kit was slim in the voice. Dovewing squeezed herself to him and supported him with the flank as he continued. "I stood on one of the marshes there, and the rain was getting closer. The sky was black with clouds, and I could barely see the trees for all the rain. It got worse and worse till I felt the water squeezing my coat, it filled my ears and my nose.” The kit shuddered and fear was visible in his eyes. "It filled my mouth. I did not breathe. Then…” When he took a break, Dovewing caught his tail with a hiccups "everything went wrong.” Fear went like ice cold water along the spine of Alderheart. He was dry in his mouth and stared at the kit. "What does that mean?" Shadowkit blinked at him. "I do not know completely." Alderheart shifted from one paw to the other. "It may have been a nightmare caused by the attack.” "Clearly," Dovewing muttered cheerfully. She got in the nest and brought Shadowkit. "It was just a nightmare." "It did not feel like a nightmare," whined Shadowkit. "Eat thyme moss," mewed Alderheart. "And rest with Dovewing. Tomorrow you will be much better. " "I have a headache." Shadowkit was dark in the eyes. "I'm going to pick some poppy seeds. They probably relieve the pain.” Alderheart stumbled out of the den with his head full of thoughts and bones shaking so they almost failed to hold him up. He found only one possible meaning of Shadowkit's vision, and filled him with terror. The kit was going to die. "Was it just a nightmare?" Tigerstar's voice made Alderheart swallow. The ShadowClan leader had followed him and stared at him in the light of the moon. Alderheart stiffened to. "I hope so." Tigerstar narrowed his eyes. "But you think there was something else." Alderheart looked down. How do you tell a father that his kit has seen his own death? "I-I do not know," he murmured. "Will he drown, just like Flametail?" The sorrow glittered in the ShadowClan leader's eyes, and the coat around the neck and neck stretched. Alderheart realized that Tigerstar could be difficult to remember his brother, who fell through the ice on the lake and was caught there.

"I can not see in the future." It was related to Alderheart's stomach. "But he looked something gloomy. Something that must not happen. " "His own death?" Alderheart tore his eyes away from the desperate leader. It was the nicest to see as strong a cat be afraid. "I do not know." How could he tell Tigerstar that he might be right? And imagine if Shadowkit's vision came true? Tigerstar had already threatened to destabilize the clans by pushing SkyClan. With a chill he wondered what a sorrowing father would do in order to take revenge on the forest. Chapter 11​ ​- translated by Lightflame Twigbranch looked anxiously around the forest in the hope of getting a glimpse of Finleap's pelt. Over her the sunlight flickered between the branches. She smelled the earthy scents of the woods, and a faint wind swirled withered leaves around her legs. "Did you see any sign of Finleap?" Flypaw looked eagerly at her. "He went out early." Twigbranch flicked her ears uneasily. It was morning, and Finleap had not yet come home. But Flypaw seemed worried. Her glance flickered around the forest, lighting up when it landed for a moment on a leaf that fluttered in the morning wind, and and next to a bird that hopped on a branch over their heads. "Snappaw said he was going to practice fighting techniques with Finleap this morning, but Finleap was not in his nest." Flypaw jumped forward and slammed her paws on the ground to catch a shaking fern. "He went out before dawn." Twigbranch did not like lying, but she wanted to protect Finleap until she discovered what had become of him. She had taken Flypaw along the beech path today early because it still smelled of Finleap. He must have gone this way yesterday before he disappeared. Her paws shook with sorry Should she report him as missing? Maybe he needed help. ​If we can not find him before sunhigh, I must tell Bramblestar that he is gone. She tasted the air, and recognized Finleap’s scent, but it was old. She squinted through sun's rays that shone slanted between the trees and studied the forest. She would like to see a glimpse of his brown coat. ​Where is he? "Twigbranch?" Flypaw looked up from the fern she had caught. "Yes?" Twigbranch drew her attention back to the apprentice. "​Should​ we practice hunting today?" "Of course." Twigbranch had promised her that. "We are heading for the beech trees. There may be mice.” ​Or more recent traces of Finleap. "What are you scouting for all the time?" Twigbranch hesitated. Flypaw was sharper than she had thought. "I'm just looking for squirrels," she mewed casually. Flypaw got up and looked between the trees. "There is one over there," she mewed and nodded toward a tall oak tree on the other side of a recess in the forest floor. Twigbranch so gray fur move between the leaves of an branch high up. "It's too high to climb up there."

"But you were a SkyClan..." Flypaw got quiet. Something else had caught her attention. The gray-striped she-cat sharpened her ears excitedly. "See! A border patrol! They have more cats with them. It smells like SkyClan. " Twigbranch followed Flypaw's eyes. Brackenfur, Lionblaze and Cherryfall were heading for them. The patrol escorted a group of SkyClan cats through ThunderClan territory. It was hard to see who they were between the trees. She got a glimpse of Sagenose and Macgyver, and felt the excitement sizzle in her paws when she was recognized Violetshine's scent. As they approached, she saw that her sister walked between them with Hawkwing beside her. Her father was here too! She rushed to run to meet them, and felt her happiness blossom in her chest when she saw that Finleap walked behind the others. He's in one piecel! She tried to meet his gaze, but he avoided her eyes. An uncertainty spread throughout her body. She wanted to greet him and ask how it went, but she was unsure whether her clanmates had discovered that he had been missing. "Hi." She greeted Lionblaze relaxed. Finleap could have met up with the patrol without mentioning that he had gone away. "What happened? Why are SkyClan cats here?" "We met them at the border," he explained. "Finleap was with them." He stared at her with a narrow and suspicious look. "But they refuse to say why. They only want to talk to Bramblestar. " Her stomach sank. What did Finleap do with SkyClan? "Is everything ok?" She risked a glance at his eyes, but was disappointed when she did not find answers in his gaze. "We are waiting to explain ourselves until we stand before Bramblestar," he said. He was so cool that Twigbranch was in the heart. Are not we in family anymore? Am I just any warrior in his eyes? She looked expectantly on her sister. Violetshine blinked comfortably to her as Flypaw reached them again. "What's SkyClan want?" the young tabby asked Lionblaze. "Finleap knows more about it than me," he answered. Flypaw blinked against Fileap. "There you are! Snappaw has been looking for you. " Hawkwing fan irritated on the tail. "Can we speed up?" "Please for me." Lionblaze snorted and went between the trees. Twigbranch hurried to Finleap. "Are you OK?" "Yes." He looked away. She noticed that he was so uncomfortable that the fur was wrinkled. Had he planned to explain why he had been out all night? "Where have you been?" "Now we are going home to the camp," he grinned. Then he squeezed past her and followed the patrol. Flypaw jumped and popped at him and waved pleased with the tail as if she were on her way home with a juicy mice in her mouth. Violetshine let the others go ahead and lay in beside Twigbranch. "Hi." She rubbed her cheek along Twigbranch's jaw. Twigbranch purred when the sister's scent wrapped her. That she could think, if only in a little moment, that Violetshine could stop loving her! They had been separated for much of life, but were as closely related as other siblings. While the relief was pouring, the questions rolled out of her. "What's up? Why did Finleap come with you? "

Violetshine saw the warriors disappear through a fog wall. "I have been asked not to say anything before Hawkwing has talked to Bramblestar. But do not be afraid. It's nothing serious. Warriors just like to show claws sometimes. " Show claws? Twigbranch stiffened to. "Does it end in battle?" Violetshine suddenly became dark in the eyes. "Not against ThunderClan." Before Twigbranch was asked more, let Violetshine run after the sound comrades. Twigbranch hurried. What was happening? The heart thundered in the chest when she reached Violetshine, but her sister's eyes were fastened to the cats further. It was clear that she did not want to talk about why SkyClan had come to ThunderClan territory. "Is everything good with you?" Twigbranch asked. "Yes." Violetshine looked obliquely at her. "And Hawkwing?" Twigbranch skipped a stick that was on the trail. "He looked at me as if he barely knew who I was." "Do not think about it", mjauet Violetshine. "He has not told me a word since we left the camp. He is just concentrated on the assignment. As soon as he has handed over the message to Bramblestar, he will be himself again. " Twigbranch threw a glance at the camp wall further ahead. The patrol was almost over. What was so important that Hawkwing had barely seen her? And what did Violetshine mean when she said it would not end in battle with ThunderClan? The thorn cliff wall roared as the thunderstorms escorted SkyClan patrol into the camp. Twigbranch entered after them with Violetshine notch in paws. "What do you think he's going to say?" Flypaw strangled over her as the thunderstorms around the camp rose. "I do not know." Twigbranch pushed Flyoaw gently towards the apprentice cavity, where Snappaw and Spotpaw stretched their throats to look over the heads of the sound comrades. "You can look along with your siblings." She slammed beside Violetshine. Bramblestar was already on the way down the stone road. Tiny little stones slammed under his feet and sprinkled into the clearing. Lionblaze stopped in front of him and nodded against the sky clan patrol. "We met them on the border." As the thunder leader bowed his head towards Hawkwing, Bramblestar came out of the drug cathole while he sniffed expectantly into the air. He hoped to hear new about Alderheart? Twigbranch knew that he had been worried about him. Bramblestar's blind eye rested on the sky patrol for a moment before turning and walking in again. Outside the war cage, Poppyfrost looked past Bumblestripe and Molewhisker. Cinderheart narrowed his eyes. "Why is Finleap with them? I thought he was going to train Snappaw today.” Graystripe stabbed his head out of the elderly. "Who is that?" Mille shouted from within. "SkyClan has sent a patrol," shouted Gray Strip. "What?" Mille sounded annoyed. "I can not hear what you're saying." Grabbed the sky with his eyes and walked in again.

Hawkwing met Bramblestar's eyes calmly. "One of your warriors appeared in our camp without permission." Bramblestar raised the bust. "Who?" Hawkwing nodded towards Finleap. Sagenose pushed the warrior hard forward with the snout, and the Finleap labed molefonkent through the light while Hawkwing continued. "Did you send him out to spy?" Finleap raised his head with a jerk. "It was not -" "You're in trouble as it is." Hawkwing looked angry at him. "Do not Worry For Yourself." Twigbranch got hurt in the heart when Finleap shrank. Why was Hawkwing so strict against him? He had known him since he was a kit. They had been sound comrades. How could he think that Finleap would spy on his former clan? She looked at Sagenose and MacGyver. They stood rigid and watched with strict eyesight. They were in the defensive position, as if it were a campaigning they were facing, not a peaceful clan. Did anything happen in SkyClan that made them nervous? She was looking for a hint at the sister, but Violetshine stood still like a rock, with the eyes attached to Hawkwing. Bramblestar raised his chin. "If Finleap came to SkyClan, he did it without knowing or approving it. I would never send a spy to their camp, and at least not Finleap. Finleap is honestly honest. He would certainly never betray anyone, and especially not his former audio cameras. " Finleap opened his eyes, as if he was surprised by Bramblestar's praise. Haukvinge nodded, and at last he smoothed his coat. He understands that Bramblestar speaks true. The relief filled Twigbranch. Whatever it's like SkyClan, he knows that Finleap is a good cat. Bramblestar so strictly at Finleap. "When did you go?" "Last night." Finleap stared at his feet. "Yesterday?" Bramblestar gave Twigbranch an accusing eye. She shrunk inwardly. He guessed that she had known Finnhopp was gone. "I'd come home right back, but Leafstar refused to go," muttered Finleap. "Do not blame Leafstar for your own mistakes," snapped Bramblestar. "You should never cross the border without permission, not to talk about getting into another clay camp." "Excuse me." Finleap hung with her shoulders. Bramblestar wrinkled the brows. "I'm surprised that no one has missed you." Twigbranch stared at the ground with guilty eyes. "It's my fault," Finleap hurried to say. "I had to visit Reedclaw. I was told she was sick and worried about her. I'm really sorry for that. " Bramblestar did not get upset. He was strict in the eyes. "It's natural that you miss your family. But you can not sneak around behind your back on your clamates for that reason. We must be able to count on you and we need to know that nothing has happened to you. You have to clean the elderly in a moon. And Twigbranch can help you. She should notify you as soon as she discovered it. You could be in danger. " Clanmates looked at Twigbranch and she got hot on her ears. "Did you know he was going to go?" Whispered Violetshine. "I knew he would meet Sivklo" whispered

Twigbranch back. "But I did not think he'd go without telling anyone. I should have reported it when I saw he was pulled, but I would not give him any trouble. " Violetshine quenched Twigbranch in his shoulder with his nose. "You must be very fond of him." Twigbranch moved the weight unattended from one pot to the other. "I'm fine." "Why did not you join? You could have visited me and Hawkwing. " The bad conscience scratched the fur. "I would not break the rules. I have an apprentice now and can not behave like a kit anymore. I have a duty here. "She looked down. "Besides, he did not ask me," she laughed sadly. She looked up at Finleap. Would she join if he had asked? Violetshine stroked her coat against her. "We still miss you." "I miss you too." Twigbranch leaned closer. "Violetshine!" Hawkwing shouted at the slight. "Now we go." Twigbranch so expectant of his father. Did he come to tell her something? He winked at her with eyes filled to the verge of emotion, but Sagenose and MacGyver stood and tripped impatiently next to him. He bent his head and started walking. Violetshine coats Twignbranch along the spine with the tail. "Maybe we'll be at the next gathering," she admitted. "Then we can talk well together." "M-m." The sadness filled Twigbranch when she saw Violetshine hurry out of the camp after Hawkwing and Sagenose. She had forgotten how comfortable it was to have family nearby. Bramblestar took the stone road towards Høyhyllen, while the rest of the clan went on its own. When the country looked at Finleap. He apologized as he walked. "Excuse me," he said. It was the first time they talked together since the war. "You must have been worried." "It was me, but it's fine." She ran him into a meeting and squeezed his snout against him. "I should have realized how important it was for you to meet Reedclaw." She still had Violetshine fragrance in her nose. "Family does not end up being related just because they live in another clan." Finleap pulled the muzzle. "But you got punished because of me." "It's no big deal." Twigbranch looked at him. It was so nice to have him back home. "Additionally, it may be fun to clean the elderly if we do it together." "Maybe that." He looked uncertain about her. She wrinkled her brows. Was he not happy to be home? "Have you missed me?" "Of course." "I've missed you. I was wondering where you were." "I said so," he protested. "You said you were worried about Reedclaw. You said nothing about sneaking out and getting lost all night! " "I had not thought -" He got quiet and breathed. "I do not want to argue more. To hit the old clan and my family made me think. " "Think?" Twigbranch moved the weight uneasy from one side to the other by Finleap's sudden seriousness.

"You're the only one in ThunderClan I feel close to," he explained. "I miss being with cats I've known all my life." Her heart began to thunder. Would he say he would go his way? "But you'll find yourself right soon. In a few months, it feels like you've known ThunderClan throughout your life. You heard how high thoughts the Bushman has about you. "You can not go. Twigbranch did not even say it high. Was not Finleap fond of her anyway? "I like it, but it does not feel like I'm listening home here. "Finleap looked down on his legs. "That's the reason I want to make a family. Here, in ThunderClan. Then I will feel like part of the clan. Then I get something that is completely my own. I want kits. " "Kits?" Twigbranch was so dry in her mouth that she could hardly get a word. Finleap looked at her with an expectant look. "But you know what I mean about kits," exclaimed Twigbranch. "I'm not ready. I want to concentrate on the mentor role. I have said that. " "I know." Finleap held her eyes. "But I need you to rethink it. I need to feel like I belong to you that you want me. If you never want kits with me, I'm unsure if I'll ever feel at home in ThunderClan. "

Chapter 12 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine’s legs shook. The furrow's smooth bark felt slippery against the paw pads. As she tried not to look at the forest floor below, she echoed closer to Hawkwing. Think about her timed jump wrong? Imagine if she landed and wrecked her leg? This would be the first time she fought since Darktail infiltrated the clans. Was she ready to fight again? "Hawkwing?" She whispered. "How long will we have to wait?" The wait just made her nervous. He looked over his shoulder with a soothing look. "When you see a ShadowClan patrol, get ready. But do not jump until Leafstar gives the order. " The SkyClan leader lay in the tree next to, on the same article as Macgyver. The droplet, brown and milky coat gave good camouflage to the shadows playing among the branches. Bellaleaf and Harrybrook collided in a pine tree on the other side of the trail. In the long run it was sunny. ShadowClan might come soon? ShadowClan had entered the territory of SkyClan every day since the Gathering. Each time they had used this trail to get farther into the SkyClan area. Leafstar had become angrier and angrier with each invasion. "We must show resistance," she had said to clanmates the night before. "In the gorge we were alone as a clan. We did not have to fight to maintain borders, but here it is different. We must defend ourselves." No one had protested. After the encounter with Juniperclaw, less than a quarter of a month earlier, ShadowClan invasions had become bolder and bolder. They had even left odor traces to show that they had been there. "We must show them that intruders can not feel safe somewhere. After tomorrow they will not dare to put their paws here again! " Violetshine felt her heart thundering. She was proud that Leafstar had chosen her to participate in the attack, but she was afraid to disappoint the clan. Nervously she let her glance over the path. She saw a bird's eye skipping some leaves. It froze before it flares up into the air and flies in between the treetops. Hawkwing stiffened until ShadowClan's scent came against them between the trees. Violetshine pointed the ears and heard rustling in the leaves, and then paw steps. Now they came. She stared along the path and barely breathed when Snaketooth appeared. Strikestone went with her, with Blazepaw tripping next to him. Grassheart came after them with the bright, striped tail wandering like a snake behind them. The guilty feeling stuck Violetshine in the stomach. Grassheart had been one of the queens in the nursery when Violetshine was a kit in ShadowClan. She had been fine enough - not very motherly, but more thoughtful than Pinenose, who was her foster mother. It felt strange that they were enemies now, but what else could they do when ShadowClan tried to take land from SkyClan? She had to defend the clan. ShadowClan cats looked as relaxed as if they were patrolling their own territory. How dare they! She looked at Leafstar and waited for signs to attack. Leafstar stared at ShadowClan cats and shot back as they approached. Stiff like a snake just before it hit, she followed them with the gaze until they stood just below her. Then she said, "Attack!" Violetshine's heart made a jump when Hawkwing plunged down against the ShadowClan patrol. The air exploded with surprise when Harrybrook, Macgyver, Bellaleaf and Leafstar launched onto their opponents. Violetshine froze, pushed her claws forward and jumped down from the tree. She landed right on the back of Strikestone. The male cat collapsed under her. Violetshine

coarsely claws down and clamped as Strikestone fell before she rolled with an inspired movement. She grunted when Strikestone rolled over her, but she did not release her grip. She remembered her training. ​Never let your stomach be unprotected.​ With tight grip, she clamped while Strikestone spelled herself on her legs. Then she put his teeth in his neck and began to thump his back paws against his spine. He yowled and bowed down again. Next to them, Blazepaw screamed in pain as Harrybrook hit the young tom on his nose time after time. Bellaleaf hooked her claws in the shoulders of Snaketooth and slammed the ShadowClan tom in the ground. Leafstar hissed at Grassheart: "Did you think you could get in here whenever you felt like it?" As the SkyClan leader clawed Grassheart on the nose, Strikestone rose up on his back, still with Violetshine on his back. She grogged her claws further when he shuffled backwards. ​I have you! ​The triumph broke in the chest. Suddenly she felt her spine smack against hard wood. Stars appeared in front of the eyes and became dazzling clearing. Stonewing had pushed her against a tree. With a moan she relaxed her grip and slid to the ground. Stonewing turned to her with an enraged look. Panic flowed through her when the ShadowClan tom suddenly raised his forehead. He curled his lips and swung his claws toward her, but in a moment a flash of gray fur entered her eyesight. Hawkwing threw himself against the ShadowClan tom and pushed him away before the claws reached Violetshine’s nose. Stonewing's blood sprung over the forest floor. Violetshine was overwhelmed by shock, but she knew that their fear smell mixed with the iron smell of blood. The ShadowClan cats were in the minority and fought for their life. "Retreat!" Grassheart’s eyes were wild with fear as Leafstar kept the she-cat in the ground. Leafstar's eyes burned. "Show Tigerstar this!" She tore fur from Grassheart's flank, so that the ShadowClan cat got deep red scratches. Grassheart got loose and sprang away. Blazepaw turned away from Harrybrook and spurted out between the trees. Stonewing grabbed Snaketooth, and together they ran into a fence. They broke into it and disappeared. "Should we chase them across the border?" Hawkwing looked at Leafstar. "They can only run", grunted the SkyClan leader. "I think they've understood the meaninng." Violetshine rose and was still breathing. She stared at the bloodstream the ShadowClan warrior had left behind. "Are you doing well?" Leafstar looked at her. "Just breathless," she panted. Leafstar looked at the others. "Some injuries?" "Almost not a scratch." Harrybrook waved his tail. "I think it was only ShadowClan cats that were injured," grunted Bellaleaf. Hawkwing shone proudly against Violetshine. "You did well." She lowered her eyes shyly. "I should have held on even longer." "Stonewing fought hard." Hawkwing laid his head on her head. "No one else would hold on anymore." Violetshine was warm in the coat of pride as Leafstar turned and walked toward the camp. "We won’t see ShadowClan for a while now," said SkyClan leader.

Violetshine lay dazed by sleep and allowed herself to purr as much of relief that she knew Tree's fur against her -over he was still in SkyClan and had not been so frustrated by the mediation between the clans that he had taken his food. He lay asleep as he had done every night since the disastrous encounter with Juniperclaw. But the quick move he made now was more than just restlessness. It woke her up with a jerk. "Is there anything wrong?" Fear sparked under her pelt. He sat upright in the back with a tense body staring out into the darkness. As she got up, a furious yowl cut through the cold night sky. Then the den shook, as if someone tore into the walls. Outside sounded thundering paw steps. "ShadowClan!" Hawkwing yowled a warning through the dark. He sprinted towards the hollow opening. It was in the stomach of Violetshine. She had assumed that ShadowClan would return, but she had never thought they were going to attack the camp in the middle of the night. Sparrowpelt, Bellaleaf and Plumwillow ran out of their nests. Blossomheart and Nettlesplash were already on their way out. With her heart in her throat, Violetshine followed. "Are you coming?" She looked back at Tree. He froze. "How can I mediate between clans if I choose a side?" Violetshine nodded. He was right. If he was the only chance they had for achieving peace, he could not blow it in battle against ShadowClan. The ShadowClan stench lay over her tongue when she got into the moonlight night. The dens were emptied and SkyClan filled the clearing. Two ShadowClan warriors spun through the camp. She recognized Snowbird's shiny white fur. Sandynose and Nettlesplash bounced after her, but Snowbird was smooth and easily slipped away before she pushed forward toward the entrance. Scorchfur burst between Cherrytail and Mintfur as they tried to grab his coat, he appeared under the stomach of Macgyver and waved his tail away when Hawkwing threw himself after him. They fled, for now the damage was done. The den walls were punctured and the branches lay scattered outwards. "Do not let them escape!" ordered Hawkwing as Snowbird and Scorchfur were heading towards the entrance. Macgyver directed Bellaleaf, Nettlesplash and several of their clanmates after them. Violetshine let the glance glide over clearing. Were there any more ShadowClan cats in the camp? As the others disappeared into the forest, Violetshine saw a movement at the fresh-kill pile. Juniperclaw!​ The deputy from ShadowClan pulled a vole from the hill. He was stealing SkyClan's prey! With an uproar Violetshine charged through the clearing. "Drop it!" She slid to a stop in front of him and felt the rage sparkle in the fur. Juniperclaw froze and looked outraged at her with narrow eyes like streaks. She threw herself against him and put her claws on his flank. With a grunt he tore himself away and fled through the shadows on the edge of the clearing. She sprinted after him, but he was quick. He flew like a bird, bumped out of the camp and disappeared into the shrubs a fox-length from the entrance. Violetshine stopped and recovered her breath. There were enough SkyClan cats in the woods. She should stay in the camp and make sure there were no more ShadowClan cats sneaking around the den. She appeared again.

Leafstar was in the clearing with Hawkwing and Sandynose next to her. The SkyClan leader looked round with her amber eyes wide open. There were leaves spread on the ground, and stems hung from the den walls where ShadowClan cats had tore them apart. "Why were they coming?" She blinked at the injuries with confusion in her eyes. "To destroy the dens?" Hawkwing wrinkled the brows. "What's the point? Dens can be rebuilt. " Sandynose lashed his tail. "The thought was perhaps to give us a warning." Violetshine forced her coat to lie flat as she walked away to Hawkwing. The idea that ShadowClan could invade the camp while they were sleeping made her nervous. "We should have guards at night," she tried and looked at Leafstar. It did not seem like the leader heard her. She stared at the entrance. Nettlesplash came into the camp with the fur busty after the hunt through the woods. Blossomheart and Sparrowpelt came chop in paws. "We lost sight of them," said Nettlesplash. "They were on their way to the border. Macgyver has taken a patrol to follow their smell, so we're sure they're not turning. " Blossomheart stared at the fallen camp. "What a mess!" It moved in Leafstar's fur. "We'll make it tomorrow." She nodded at Sparrowpelt. "You and I stand guard in front of the camp entrance. You others - get some sleep. " Hawkwing waved with his tail. "I can also stand guard." He pushed Violetshine towards the war den and went his way. Tree stood at the den opening. His eyes were round of despair. Violetshine stopped at the yellow male cat and grazed. "That they invaded our camp is not believing," she admitted. "They're as bad as the straits." Tree blinked against her in the dark. "I actually thought I could help maintain peace between the clans." He sounded like a beaten cat. "But they seem determined to fight and I do not know what to do. I cannot stand on the sidelines and watch ShadowClan crush you, but I do not know if I can stop them. " I cannot stand on the sidelines and watch ShadowClan crush you.​ Violetshine felt as if her heart burst. He had said ​you​, not ​us​. He spoke as if he did not belong to SkyClan. She sat down beside him. "You can still make them see sense." It felt like empty words. ShadowClan had crossed the border many times already. And now they had come straight into the SkyClan camp. She did not understand how SkyClan and ShadowClan were able to make peace now. But she had to make Tree believe that he still had his place with SkyClan. Tree did not answer. Instead, he shoved his muzzle into her neck fur. For her, his warm breath was soothing, but she knew he had lost the courage. She felt her heavy body when he leaned to her. Had the clan beat him? She was hurt in the heart of sadness. If he failed to make peace, did he go? He had entered SkyClan as a mediator. If he could not mediate, why would he stay? As she woke up, Violetshine felt that the hot freshgrilled sun penetrated the den. She opened her eyes. The den was light where the torn walls let the sun in. The heart set aside when she saw Tree's empty nest. Where was he She jumped out of the wheel and hurried out of the den. Outside she let her glance through the rampant camp before she looked for relief, see Tree. He helped Harrybrook to assemble thorn segments outside the apprentices’ den. If he had plans to leave, would he not care to help the

clan now? Palepaw and Pigeonpaw piled around them and competed to pick up the most used branches, while Sunnypaw and Nectarpaw braided loosening wires into the den again. Around the lights, restless warriors went back and forth, while Hawkwing whispered something to Sandynose. Sparrowpelt snapped hungrily into a crouch at the fresh-kill pile. Leafstar stalked around at the edge of the camp. She was dark in the gaze where she walked and sniffed on the thorn dens. Would she announce a new attack on ShadowClan? It had undoubtedly been in place after the raging of SkyClan camp. The SkyClan leader stopped at the medicine cat den, where Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow stood looking at a crack in the wall with many worries. "Did the herb stores get damaged?" "No, thank StarClan," mewed Frecklewish. Hawkwing lifted his muzzle and looked out over the warriors. They turned expectantly toward him. "Bellaleaf." He nodded towards the orange female cat. "Bring three warriors and repair the elders’ den." He waved his tail to the ferns where Fallowfern slept. The deaf older cat sat among the bent stalks, but had lost the hollow roof. Hawkwing continued. “Nettlesplash, take a patrol of apprentices to the woods. Take as many stems as you manage to carry. Ferns are okay. Thorn branches are even better if you manage to get them home without stabbing your legs.” As Nettlesplash gave signs to Sunnypaw and Nectarpaw, Leafstar lifted her glance from the shredded medicine cat. "Waste of time, Hawkwing," she grunted. Hawkwing looked at her. "What do you mean?" "What's the point of rebuilding them?" Leafstar sat down heavily. "Whatever we build, ShadowClan will tear it down again. And the other clans are not going to lift a claw to help us. " Violetshine stiffened. What did their leader mean? They could not succumb to ShadowClan! Bellaleaf stared at the SkyClan leader. "We cannot give in!” "We must fight." Harrybrook pushed his claws forward. Hawkwing spoke calmly at Leafstar. "We must rebuild the camp over and over until they realize we have come to stay." "What's the point?" Leafstar stared drearily at him. "Why did we really come here? It is obvious that the clans do not want us here. We had a nice home in the gorge, and now that Darktail is gone, we can go back and make it even better. Why should we be locked into staying at the lake when nobody will fight alongside us? If we have to stand alone, we may as well do what there are no limits to defend and no other clans are jealous in our area." Nettlesplash blinked at her, and it rippled in his brown coat. Sagenose and Mintfur exchanged anxious glances. "Is the gorge far away?" whispered Palepaw to Pigeonpaw. Frecklewish waved with his tail. "You're just a little discouraged," she mewed to the SkyClan leader. "You're probably sleepy. What if you sleep now and think about it again when you're refreshed?" At the same time Sparrowpelt began to retch. Violetshine turned sharply to face the warrior, who lay a tail-length from the fresh-kill pile. His flanks pumped in and out, and cramps took him. With eyes round of pain he threw up a mucous lump of half-thick vole. Frecklewish hurried to him. She sniffed the soil while Sparrowpelt retched again. She raised her chest in concern when he threw up again and collapsed with a moan.

Leafstar hurried to him. "Stay away." Frecklewish waved her back by tossing her muzzle. "I do not know what's causing it yet." "Was the vole rotten?" Hawkwing shouted over clearing. Frecklewish shook her head. Sparrowpelt gave off a low and trembling moan. Violetshine felt her hairs arise from the sound. He had to have terrible pain. What could make him so painful? She cried when it suddenly hit her. Sparrowpelt had eaten the vole that she had seen Juniperclaw try to take the night before. So strange.​ The ShadowClan tom might not have tried to steal SkyClan prey after all. Did he have a more malicious plan? Had Juniperclaw done something with the vole, was that why it injured Sparrowpelt? Her chest tightened. Destroying the dens could have been a diversion. Had the plan been for Snowbird and Scorchfur to distract SkyClan while Juniperclaw poisoned their prey? Could ShadowClan really do something so fox-hearted? Chapter 13​ ​- translated by Lightflame - revised by Streamflower Alderheart placed the deathberries inside the wall of the medicine den. He threw a hopeful look at the den opening. Tonight was half-moon; would Tigerstar let him go? He wanted to participate. He had important news to share. Puddleshine was on the road to recovery and lay asleep in his nest. The fever of Shadowclan Medicine Cat had gone down that night. Alderheart still felt dizzy with relief. The treatment had finally worked! The deathberry he had given Puddleshine today early was the last dose. He washed the paws in the loose earth on the outskirts of the medicine den. Then he carefully covered the soil with leaves and looked over his shoulder to see Shadowkit. "You must stay away from this part of the den, you remember it?" The gray kit nodded seriously. After the attack, Shadowkit had helped Alderheart with the medicine cat duties. Alderheart could hardly turn around without stumbling on him. Was that how he was when he helped Jayfeather? The thought made him laugh. He had normally found kits to be hard work--but now Shadowkit cleared the roots, picked herbs and brought cobwebs often without Alderheart asking him to do it. ​He seems to know what to do.​ Alderheart was pleased that Tigerstar had let the kit spend so much time in the den. The Shadowclan leader had also stopped putting guards outside. It was clear that Tigerstar had begun to trust him. The pounding of paws sounded at the entrance; Lightkit and Pouncekit looked in with eager, shining eyes. "Shadowkit!" Pouncekit barely managed to stand still. "Strikestone and Blazepaw have promised to give us a tour of the lake at night!" "They're going to give us badger rides by the shore!" Pep Lightkit. "Imagine the fun it’ll be!" "You must come!" Pouncekit looked somberly at Shadowkit. "You've missed all the fun after you started helping Alderheart."

"I'm having fun here," Mewed Shadowkit. Lightkit didn’t seem convinced. "How can care for sick cats be as fun as a badger ride from a warrior?" "I have a lot to learn", Mewed Shadowkit. "I'll be a medicine cat one day." Alderheart's chest tightened. ​He may not live long enough.​ He remembered what the kit had said about his vision. About the water squeezing his coat, it filling his ears and nose …his mouth ... And yet Shadowkit had plans for the future. The vision did not fill the kit with horror. If it was Shadowkit's destiny to be a medicine cat, his vision might just be that, not something that would definitely happen, but a warning to be careful instead. Alderheart shook his coat and thought to himself that he would have time to think about it later. He hoped he was right. "One day you're suddenly too old for badger rides," he added to Shadowkit. "I do not care." The gray male cat pushed the chest forward. "I want to be here and help you." Pouncekit rolled his eyes and pushed Lightkit out of the den. "We’re wasting time. Now let’s go and have fun! " "Are you sure you don’t want to play?" Continued Alderheart. "You can help me again afterwards." "I want to be here", Mewed Shadowkit, his choice decided. "If so, can you ask Cloverfoot to pick some marigold for me?" Alderheart asked. "It'll soon time to treat Grassheart wounds." "It's the light green that smells like sore nuts, right?" Shadowkit asked. "That’s correct. Replied Alderheart." While Shadowkit tripped out of the medicine cat den, Alderheart took a look at Grassheart. She was asleep in a nest in the medicine denl, where the early morning sun flowed through the den opening. Alderheart had treated her since she came home the day before with a wound on her flank. He had also treated Blazepaw, Strikestone and Snaketooth. They had only small scratches on their skin, but Grassheart's wounds were so deep that he had kept her in the medicine cat den. The patrol had told him that they had been attacked by SkyClan. Alderheart thought it was strange and wondered why SkyClan had provoked ShadowClan with such a daring attack. How would it help the tension between the two clans?

"Is this this?" Shadowkit used his nose to push a bundle of fresh green stems forward. "Yes." Alderheart blinked acknowledging. "Carry two of the stalks over to Grassheart while I take a look at Puddleshine." At the same moment, Puddleshine woke up and blinked sleepily at him over the edge of his nest. The medicine cat was still groggy, and his coat needed a proper wash, but it was good to see him awake again. "Are you getting enough to eat?" Alderheart crossed the floor and pushed a mouse closer to his patient's muzzle. Puddleshine licked it skeptically. "It may take some time before I start eating whole mice again." "You need your strength", Mewed Alderheart. "I’m strong enough to be awake," muttered Puddleshine. Alderheart checked his wounds once again. The sour smell was gone, and the wounds finally seemed to healing. For the first time in many days, Alderheart felt joy. He sat up let out a sigh of relief as Shadowkit came tripping past him with marigold dangling from his mouth on his way to see Grassheart. Puddleshine blinked against the fresh herbs and wrinkled on his nose. "Those who are too fresh to come from my store. Is that something you've brought with you? " "Cloverfoot found them," said Alderheart. Puddleshine opened his eyes wide. "It’s not like Cloverfoot to help with medicine cat duties. Was she ordered by Tigerstar? " "She volunteered." Puddlshine’s laughter was hoarse. "You must have become popular here," he said. "I'm getting even more popular when I tell Tigerstar that you're on the mend." Alderheart had not had the chance to share the news with the Shadowclan leader yet. A moan was heard from Grassheart at the other end of the den. "She woke up!" Mewed Shadowkit, elated. "I think you should go and help your apprentice," panted Puddleshine. "He will be your apprentice soon." Alderheart crossed the den. "Should I chew the marigold?" Shadowkit picked up a stalk with his teeth. "You're too young to chew herbs." Alderheart took it carefully from him. "Marigold is quite strong. You can get sick from it. "

"Can I help rub the ointment into her wound, then?" Alderheart did not answer. Grassheart had lifted his head. She looked dully at him with a veil of pain in front of her eyes. "I'm in pain." Alderheart checked the wound. "It's not infected," he said. "It will get better when I put marigold on it." Shadowkit fluffed up his fur. "I'll help," he told the striped female cat proudly. Alderheart purred. "I actually have a more important job for you to take care of." "What’s that?" Shadowkit stared at him. “Grassheart and Puddleshine need water. You're gonna take that moss there ... "He straightened his head to a ball at the entrance…”Carry it to the elders den, and then dip it in water. Then, just hurry back here with it before the water runs out. " "Ok!" Shadowkit spotted the moss, took it between his teeth, and ran out of the den. Alderheart hurried to chew the marigold. Then he licked the poultice gently into the Grassheart’s wound. She closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep again. It felt strange to treat another clan's battle injury. What would SkyClan say if they knew that a ThunderClan medicine cat was helping Shadowclan? Would they say he was a traitor? ​It's not my fight. Also, medication cats should not have to choose a side. They should save lives and relieve pain​. If the warriors wanted to fight, then fine, but the injured ones had to wait. Alderheart would never deny any cats treatment. Rustling at the entrance tore him loose from his thoughts. Was Shadowkit back already? He turned and saw Tigerstar getting into the den. "I just saw Shadowkit soaking moss in the puddle in the elders den. It's nice to see him so happy.” The shadow leader became silent when he saw Puddleshine sitting upright in the ride. Then his eyes brightened. "Why didn’t you say anything?" "I wanted to make sure he managed to eat first." Alderheart went to Puddleshine’s nest. "If he eats food, he is undoubtedly on the way to recovery." Satisfied, he noticed that the other piece of prey was gone. Puddleshine licked around his mouth and blinked at Tigerstar. "I'm sorry you've had to worry. It was stupid of me to get stuck in the two-leg trap. But I couldn’t resist the temptation, I had to try to get hold of the prey that was inside. " "I'm just glad you're better." Tigerstar lifted his tail. "Do you see?" He turned to Alderheart. "He just needed some decent care in his own den." Alderheart glanced at the crack below Puddleshine's ridge, where the death berries were hidden. Should he tell Tigerstar that he still had to give Puddleshine more deathberries? He hesitated and felt anxiety rising up in his fur. But still - if he had found a new cure, he should share it. Another medication cat could have to use it one day.

He looked Tigerstar in his eyes. "I brought the deathberries from ThunderClan. I've fed them to Puddleshine since I came here. He still needs more " The shadowclan leader revealed a glimpse of surprise at Alderheart’s words. Alderheart stiffened and expected the worst. But Tigerstar just relaxed and calmly spoke. "You've not a warrior," he finally said. "What if the deadbears had killed him?" "There was a risk I had to take," Mewed Alderheart. "Had I not given them to him, he would definitely have died." Puddleshine stretched out his body and responded, "He saved my life." Tigerstar narrowed his eyes. "Then we have to thank you, Alderheart. ShadowClan honors your courage." Alderheart bent his head. Tigerstar praise warmed. "I'm a medicine cat," he said. "Healing is what I do." "What can I do in return? Do you want to go home? " "I'll go as soon as Puddleshine is healthy enough to take care of his duties here," Mewed Alderheart. "ThunderClan is doing fine without me for now." Tigerstar nodded, and he continued. "But tonight I would like to go to the Moonpool to share with StarClan." "It's the half-moon tonight!" It seemed like Tigerstar had forgotten it. He bent his head. "I do not want to prevent a medicine cat from sharing with StarClan. You can tell the others that Puddleshine is getting better. ShadowClan is whole again. " And I'm no longer your prisoner.​ Alderheart blinked politely at the shadowclan leader. "Thanks." At the same moment, Shadowkit came running into the den. He dropped the dripping wet moss over the edge of Grassheart's nest and hurried to his father. "Why did Alderheart thank you?" "I've said he can go to the Moonpool tonight." Shadowkit excitedly puffed up his soft fur. "Can I join?" Alderheart shook his head. "Unfortunately," he gently mewed to the kit, "It's a meeting for medicine cats. We're going to share with StarClan. " "I also share with Starclan." Shadowkit raised his muzzle. "I’d really like to see them at the Moonpool." Alderheart saw Tigerstar's eyes become dark of concern. Did he also remember Shadowkit's dream?

"You must stay in camp", Mewed Tigerstar to the son. "We need someone to take care of Puddleshine and Grassheart while Alderheart is gone." Shadowkit pointed ears. "I'm in charge of the medicine cat den!" "Yes." Tigerstar mewed proudly. "And Puddleshine can help you in case you get tired. " "I'm not going to get tired," promised Shadowkit. He blinked eagerly towards Alderheart. "I'll make sure Puddleshine and Grassheart get the best care while you're gone." "Thank you." Alderheart put his nose on the head of the kit. "That would be very helpful."

The half moon was shining white in the night sky. The high walls around the moonpool reflected the light from the moon and sparkled where the quartz crossed the granite. Alderheart followed the path that was characterized by the faded steps down to the bottom of the den. Frecklewish sat in the water's edge along with Willowshine. When Alderheart approached he bowed his head with regards to the others, & SkyClan rose. Alderheart felt the worry sting in his ears. It was not long ago that he had treated wounds inflicted by Frecklewish clanmates. Did it make him biased? And if so - against whom​? This is not my fight.​ He pushed the thought away. Leafpool was already pressed up against him, and Jayfeather blinked with anticipation in the blue eyes. "Are you good?" Jayfeather sounded anxiously. "We feared you would never come home." Leafpool pressed her cheek eagerly against his cheek. "I'm fine," ensured Alderheart. "How is Puddleshine doing?" Anxiety rippled through Jayfeather's fur. "He's coming along just fine. His fever broke yesterday. " "Thanks StarClan!" Leafpool lifted his eyes to the sparkling sky. Jayfeather went closer. "So the deathberries worked?" "I told you they were going to work." Alderheart rested his tail on the ground and was relieved to finally feel right. "You took a risk," grinned Jayfeather "Had it been your idea, you would have taken it too," said Alderheart. "Maybe so." Jayfeather settled down the water's edge. The calm surface of the water rippled against the paws of the blind cat. "Congratulations, Alderheart." Leafpool's eyes shone with relief. "So when are you coming home?"

"I promised Tigerstar that I'll be there until Puddleshine is healthy enough to fulfill his duties." ShadowClan still needed him. "Hello." Kestrelflight reached the pond breathing and nodded to the others. He seemed to have run the last part of the trip. Alderheart had not seen him on the path. "Is everything good in the Windclan?" Leafpool asked. "Yes, thank you for asking." Kestrelflight replied. “How about ThunderClan?” Asked Willowshine. "Anyone sick?" "A little cough and a stomachache, as usual," replied Leafpool. “How about Riverclan?” "RiverClan is doing well," reported Willowshine. "Softpaw was carried by a strong stream that almost took her into the lake. Dapplepaw managed to pull her up on time, but she had swallowed a lot of water. " "Is she alright?" Leafpool asked. "She's better now." Willowshine sounded relieved. "Mothwing is in the camp keeping an eye on her." She looked at Frecklewish. The SkyClan cat had not said anything. "Where is Fidgetcrow?" Frecklewish looked down into the water. "He stayed at home," she said. Alderheart changed his eyes with Leafpool. The SkyClan cat was unusually quiet. Alderheart wondered if he would ask if everything was good, but Frecklewish turned to the Moonpool and lay down. "Now we will share with StarClan," she said. Alderheart walked away and lay down at the water's edge. While the others took place around the pool, he closed his eyes and bent his head. The moment the water met his nose, he was hit by a roaring. Wind whipped through his fur, and he was lifted by a storm that threw him around like a dead leaves. Rain whipped his face, and he to find the ground until the wind suddenly let go of him and he fell down on a damp grass. He bowed his head while the storm rolled over him. Then he saw five young trees against the cloudy sky. They stretched out like claws while the wind around them sailed through the marshy grass, and broke like a wave around the roots of the trees. The small trees roared in the wind, and the branches twisted together. They clenched against the wind without bending. Alderheart narrowed his eyes. The hope grew in his heart when he saw the little trees fighting. Then a huge gust of wind came, and with his heart in his throat he saw that one of the little trees was ripped out of the ground. It broke at the roots, was lifted out of the ground, and it rolled over the grass like a twig. The rain became stronger, and the wind roared even higher. The other little trees broke out again, and one after another they were torn out of the ground and thrown away with the storm. With a look of shock, Alderheart stared at an empty meadow, where there was nothing else to see but an infinite sea of ​grass.

He opened his eyes, tore his nose from the pool and brushed water from his nose tip. He sat up as the other medication cats got up and stared at each other while they were blinking. "The five clans must stand together!" He exclaimed. "I saw little trees," said Willowshine. "When one was torn up with the root, the others were blown away" Kestrelflight exclaimed. Alderheart felt the fur rise along the spine. “We had the same vision!” Jayfeather sat up and let his blind gaze glide around the pond. "It sounds like we all saw the same thing. If that's right, StarClan is trying to tell us that none of the clans must fail. If one does we all will. " "But which clan is going to bend?" Kestrelflight looked confused. “ThunderClan and WindClan are stronger than ever. ShadowClan has got a leader and is back in place, and RiverClan has again become one of the five." Frecklewish shot back. "How dare you! You are so ignorant of what's going on!” Her light-green eyes sparkled with anger. “ShadowClan is going to chase SkyClan from the lake! Did not you hear Tigerstar’s threat at the previous gathering? " "We heard it," Mewed Leafpool, "but it's only a quarrel about territory? Clans have them all the time. We thought you and ShadowClan would figure it out. " "How then?" Frecklewish stared at them. "Did you think Skyclan would just cough up a new territory? Or that Tigerstar would be persuaded to leave us be?” "Tree said he would help you," said Kestrelflight. Frecklewish hit his tail. "Do you really believe that an outsider can create peace within the clans?" She did not wait for answers. "You behave like this is not your problem. But StarClan has sent us this vision to show that it is! If the clans are not ready to help resolve this conflict, SkyClan will be chased from the lake. " Alderheart stared at the SkyClan cat. She was right. They had overlooked the war between SkyClan and ShadowClan. ​It's not my fight​. The shame washed over him. He had behaved like the problem would disappear if he ignored it. Now, StarClan had been clear that they had to intervene. Leafpool got quiet and asked Frecklewish. "Is it really that bad?" "ShadowClan attacked our camp last night," she told. Alderheart stiffened. He had not heard anything about an attack on SkyClan. It did not surprise him that Tigerstar had not told him, but he had been awake last night and took care of Puddleshine. Why did not he hear the cats coming back? Were none of them injured?

"They tore our dens up while we were sleeping," continued Frecklewish. "And even worse: Leafstar will not build them up again. She wants to go back to the gorge. " "Leave the lake?" Kestrelflight fur was prickling with nervousness. "You can’t! Not everything we've done to get you here. " "Why can’t we?" Asked Frecklewish. "You do nothing to keep us here." Alderheart shifted uncomfortably on his paws. It was possible for SkyClan to return to the gorge. Darktail had chased them out, but Darktail was dead now, and his group, The Kin, was dissolved. There was nothing that prevented SkyClan from returning to the home they had created for so many months ago. "We have to talk to the leaders", Mewed Leafpool. "We need to find a solution." Frecklewish eyes darkened. "No solution can fix what ShadowClan has done." Jayfeather narrowed his eyes. "If you need help building the camp again, I'm sure Bramblestar can send a group that can help." "I'm not talking about the damage at the camp. ShadowClan poisoned our fresh-kill. They will kill us! Sparrowpelt was poisoned.” "Poisoned?" Fear twisted through Alderheart. "What do you mean?" "The ShadowClan cats were in our camp last night, and Violetshine saw Juniperclaw at the fresh-kill pile. She chased him away, but when Sparrowpelt ate the vole Juniperclaw touched from the pile he became ill. " "It might be an old piece of fresh-kill," Willowshine said hopefully. "He’s very ill", grimaced Frecklewish. "He had horrible pain. I tried to get him to throw up whatever it was that hurt him, and he threw up seeds. "She sent an ice cold look towards Alderheart. "Deathberries." The cold penetrated Alderheart's the fur as the other medicine cats turned and stared at him. "Did not you bring deathberries to ShadowClan to treat Puddleshine?" Mewed Frecklewish accusingly. Alderheart thought it was strange that she knwe. He had a stock of deathberries, but they were hidden. There was no one who knew about them. But it was strange that Sparrowpelt would get sick so soon after ShadowClan's attack. Did poisoning SkyClan become part of Shadowclan’s plan? Alderheart shivered. "Do you claim that Alderheart is behind poisoning?" "I claim that ShadowClan had access to the deathberries because of him." "That's not true!" Alderheart blew his coat up. "I kept the berries hidden. Not even Tigerstar knew they were there. "He hoped it was true. "Was there anyone who saw you give the deathberries to Puddleshine?" Leafpool asked.

Alderheart thought about it. Could Cloverfoot or Scorchfur have seen him as they stood guard outside the medicine cat den? "I don’t know! But I know how many berries I had in the leaf, and none of them were missing. " He was sure there were none left when he had given Puddleshine the last dose this morning. "None were missing," he repeated and met Frecklewish’s gaze. "If Juniperclaw actually poisoned their fresh-kill with deathberries, they did not come from me." Leafpool thumped the ground impatiently with her tail. "Who cares where the berries came from? All cats know what deathberries are. We have all been told to keep us away from them as 'paws'. What is important is that the conflict between ShadowClan and SkyClan has become worse. We must put an end to it before Leafstar decides that SkyClan will leave the lake. " Jayfeather nodded. "We saw the vision. If SkyClan leaves, we'll all fall. " "We must notify our leaders," Mewed Kestrelflight. "They must hold an emergency gathering," said Willowshine. Alderheart moved the weight uneasy from one side to the other. "The previous gathering did not solve the problem. Another gathering could make everything worse. " Leafpool stared at him. "If Bramblestar knows what's at stake, he'll do whatever it takes to keep SkyClan on the lake." "Harestar respects StarClan's wishes, and StarClan has revealed that SkyClan should stay", agreed Kestrelflight. "What about Mistystar?" Alderheart looked at Willowshine. The gray striped female cat hesitated. "She does not have much confidence in StarClan's wisdom after Darktail almost broke us. But I will do my best to persuade her to stand together to prevent SkyClan from leaving. " Alderheart saw a glimpse of anxiety in Willowshine's eyes. Did she doubt what Mistystar was willing to do for the clans? It was not long ago that she had closed RiverClan's borders, even for medicine cats, and she refused to communicate with the other clans. In her eyes it might not be so bad if SkyClan did the same. "How about Tigerstar?" Jayfeather stared at Alderheart, the milky white look more penetrating than the eyes of every other cat there. "You've lived in their camp for a while now. Do you think Tigerstar can be persuaded to cooperate?” "I-I-I don’t know." What would he say? Tigerstar had not talked to him about the conflict with SkyClan, but now that one of his warriors was injured in the medicine cat den, Alderheart doubted that the Shadowclan leader had much compassion for his neighbors. In addition, Tigerstar had started the conflict by claiming Skyclan’s territory. He had also actively encouraged his warriors to cross the border time and time again. The ShadowClan leader never

responded to the idea of Skyclan keeping their territory private, even though StarClan wanted SkyClan to stay at the lake. Jayfeather rose. "We must try to persuade him." He nodded to the others. "Tell your leaders that a meeting must be held. The clans must keep the peace and stand together. "A cool wind swirled around them in the den when he continued. "Otherwise, we will all be torn away by the storm that’s to come."

Chapter 14 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Stones stuck in Twigbranch’s paw pads where she walked behind Sparkpelt and Larksong along the water's edge. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight led the patrol. Flypaw, Snappaw and Eaglepaw scratched all the way back. It was strange to go to the island when the moon was almost no more than half, but after Jayfeather and Leafpool returned from Moonpool, Bramblestar had called the other clans to an extraordinary collection. Twigbranch brushed against Finleap's pelt on the flank and looked at him. She needed some reassuring words. "You do not think that SkyClan can decide to leave the lake?" "I do not know." Finleap would not meet her eyes. "But if StarClan has sent a message that we have to be five clans, are the other clans going to try to persuade them to become?" "I do not think ​ShadowClan​ wants them to be." He sounded tired as if he thought it was hopeless for ShadowClan to speak reason. "But if the other clans want them here ..." Twigbranch mewed hopefully. "Who has said they want it?" Finleap stared straight ahead. It was linked to Twigbranch. Did the other clans come to refuse to support SkyClan? After all, they had not given them land areas. ​Imagine if they actually leave?​ Then Violetshine and Hawkwing disappeared forever! The thoughts swirled. Would Finleap go with them? She had not decided if she wanted kits yet. The other clans are not going to let them go! They cannot!​ Twigbranch knew that Bramblestar took Leafstar's threat seriously. It was clear that he was determined to stop her, he had said to Squirrelflight and Lionblaze that morning. He had also been dark at the time when he chose warriors for the patrol. She looked at Finleap, wishing he could say something uplifting. "I'm glad that Bramblestar chose us. Imagine if this is the last time I see Violetshine and Hawkwing?” ​Say everything will be fine, please. "I thought family was unimportant." It was bitterness in his place. Twigbranch shrank. Ever since Finleap had said he wanted kits, he had been removed. It was always the one who took the initiative for the conversations while just answering briefly and vigilantly. It hurt in the heart, but what should she do? Love to be his mate? Stop as a mentor for Flypaw so she could have kits? It stuck in the stomach of anger. He tried to persuade her for something she was not ready for. But she loved him and she could understand that he did what he did because he was unhappy. If he could only find out about ThunderClan. She had planned to wait to answer - refuse to give him a clear answer - until he had adapted. Think about SkyClan? Then he was forced to decide. Clan or family? She would talk about something else. "I hope Reedclaw has recovered." Finleap did not answer. In front of them, Lilyheart stopped at the water to catch a sip. As Twigbranch passed her, she saw ShadowClan walking on the opposite side of the lake. Sparkpelt also had to notice them. "ShadowClan will be happy if SkyClan goes," she added to Larksong. Larksong followed her eyes. "They must have had a hard leaf-bare. How could they really hunt when SkyClan had taken half their territory? "

"I hope they'll get it back." Sparkpelt puffed up up fur. "If ShadowClan goes hungry, it means trouble for all of us." "No one wants a hungry clan on the border," mewed Larksong. Sparkpelt waved on the tail. "If SkyClan goes, everything can be peaceful like before." Twigbranch could barely believe her own ears. Sparkpelt ​wanted​ SkyClan to go. What about StarClan? Did she not agree that the five clans were supposed to be together? She blinked at Finleap. "Did you hear that?" Finleap’s pelt had risen so far. "She is probably worried that the conflict between ShadowClan and SkyClan is getting worse." Twigbranch was task aback. Sparkpelt had been her mentor. Had she ​always​ wanted SkyClan to go away? ​Why did not I understand?​ "Do you think the other clans mean the same?" Finleap pulled his shoulders. "In that case, SkyClan will ​have​ to leave." She got dry in her mouth. When she heard Finleap say it loud, she realized that she had not really thought it was possible until now. But he was right - SkyClan could do nothing but drag if none of the clans supported them. "If that happens, I can never see Hawkwing and Violetshine again." Finleap said nothing. Did not he care? "Are you going to go with them?" She stared at him with the heart thundering. "I do not know." He avoided her eyes. Would she lose both the family and him she was in love with at one and the same time? What was left here if they left? Twigbranch was nauseous as she walked behind clanmates away to the wooden bridge. She crossed it without saying a word, and when she reached land on the opposite side, she pulled away from Finleap and ran to catch Flypaw. Flypaw looked at her. "I hope Harepaw and Dapplepaw are at the Gathering. I have so many new tricks to show them. " Snappaw stroked through the grass next to them. "Just wait till they see all the fighting techniques we've learned." When they got out of the grass, Flypaw waved his tail. "They've come!" Cats from WindClan and RiverClan moved around in clearing with a flickering moonlight in the fur. Flypaw let out on a cluster of apprentices at the other end. While Snappaw ran for her, Twigbranch was standing. Clanmates nodded to the other warriors. She let her glance over clearing. SkyClan and ShadowClan had not arrived yet. Sparkpelt spoke with Breezepelt and Mallownose. Twigbranch narrowed his eyes. Did she say she wanted SkyClan to go? Did they agree with her? Twigbranch ran nervously against the shadow under the big oak. Bramblestar was already waiting for the big knot tribe. It was impossible to interpret his gaze. Then it twisted in the paws of Twigbranch as she knew SkyClan's scent. It sighed in the high grass, and SkyClan poured into clearing. Leafstar and Bellaleaf flanked Frecklewish. Sandynose and Plumwillow came right behind. ​Hawkwing! Violetshine!​ The relief filled her when she saw her father and sister treading in the light of the moon. She ran into them. "Is it true?" She blinked at Hawkwing with her heart thundering. "Does SkyClan plan to go?" Hawkwing was serious in the eyes. "We do not know yet." He looked at Leafstar, who was heading for an oak.

Violetshine pressed her muzzle against Twigbranch’s cheek. "I hope this Gathering makes us stay." She stiffened as it sighed in the high grass again, and Tigerstar strode into the clearing. Juniperclaw came with narrow, alert eyes. Stonewing, Cloverfoot and Scorchfur came behind the thin deputy in a row. Strikestone and Tawnypelt formed the backbone. Without a word, ShadowClan warriors moved around the edge of clearing, well-off to the other clans. "They have no apprentices with them," whispered Violetshine. Twigbranch swallowed. "It's not a regular Gathering either." Tigerstar went to the big oak. He nodded shortly to Bramblestar before he jumped on the lower branch. "You should go to your clanmates," whispered Hawkwing to Twigbranch. "The meeting begins immediately." "Will we meet after?" Twigbranch blinked expectantly against him. "You will not go without talking together, right?" "Of course not." He laid his nose against her ear. Violetshine brushed Twigbranch’s pelt along the spine with her tail. "Whatever happens, we'll see you before we leave." She rushed to Hawkwing as he joined the SkyClan cluster under the big oak. ​Before we leave.​ There was a glow over the backbone of Twigbranch. Did she mean before they left the Gathering, or from the forest? ​Do not be rabbit-brained!​ She shook her pelt. Everything should go well.​ She saw Bramblestar jumping up into the big oak and taking his place next to Tigerstar. Leafstar, Mistystar and Harestar followed. The leaders ​had​ to come to an agreement. That was what StarClan wanted. From the other side of clearing, she heard Flypaw mjaue acclaimed to Harepaw: "Twigbranch is going to teach me to catch a mouse watch one day." Dapplepaw lay next to them and copied a hunting position that Snappaw demonstrated. "Hurry up!" Twigbranch waved them with their tail. They came running as she slammed between clanmates and stopped next to Finleap. Bramblestar lifted the snout. "You've all heard that medicine cats have been notified by StarClan." He looked down to the place where Jayfeather stood next to the other medicine cats, nodding to Leafpool. Leafpool looked out over the Gathering with eyes like a flash in the light of the moon. "Tonight, at Moonpool, we all got the same view." A wind sighed through the branches over them as she continued. «We saw five small trees stand assembled. A powerful wind whipped around them, but all five broke into each other's branches. The wind failed to break them. But when one of them got lost, the storm whipped them all up after the root.” Kestrelflight leaned forward. "The message seems clear and clear: the five clans must support each other." "Otherwise, all clans are lost", Willowshine shot. Alderheart lashed his tail. "We must end the conflict." "How?" yowled Mallownose. "There have always been conflicts between the clans!" "And so always will be," shouted Breezepelt from the other side of the clearing. "We are five clans, not one." Brackenfur's eyes flashed in the moonlight. "It's only at the Gathering that we have honored the peace promise."

"We must protect our borders," grunted Cloverfoot. Twigbranch shifted uneasily from one paw to the other. She looked out over the sea of pels stricken under the starry sky. Alderheart lashed his tail. "You speak like peace is impossible!" "We are warriors!" Tigerstar's grunt sounded over them. "We are warriors!" shouted Stonewing, repeating himself over and over again, like a crow: "We are warriors! We are warriors!” Clanmates around him raised his voice, and the cry spread throughout the clans. Twigbranch knew that the hair rose when she saw all the yowling cats. It was not this StarClan wanted. "Well, we are warriors," shouted Bramblestar from where he sat next to Tigerstar, "but idiots we are not! Are we seeking conflict for the sake of conflict? You're going to sacrifice life for the clan, but do not sacrifice the clan for the sake of tradition!" The shouting went into an anxious silence. "Bramblestar." Tigerstar curled his lips in disgust. "You've always been good with words. You want us to get rid of the conflicts, but what else can we give up for peace?” Stonewing lay the ears flat. "He wants ShadowClan to give up land." Bramblestar lashed his tail, staring back at Stonewing. Tigerstar’s eyes narrowed. "This peace would suit ThunderClan well. You keep the territory and we lose ours. You get fat while we become thin.” Below, Juniperclaw laid his ears flat. "Why is it just ShadowClan that suffers?" It glowed by Leafstar's eyes. "You dare to say that it's only ShadowClan who suffers! We've suffered as much as all other clans and continue to suffer because of ShadowClan." She nodded towards Frecklewish. "Tell them what ShadowClan has done!" The medicine cat from SkyClan narrowed the look. "Sparrowpelt is poisoned." "So what?" Scorchfur stared at her from the crowd. "What's that got to do with us?" "He threw up deathberry seeds," Frecklewish replied calmly. "I recognized them right away. Someone must have given them to him.” The unrest spread among the clans, and Tigerstar looked down at them from the big oak. "Do you accuse ShadowClan of giving deathberries to your clanmate?" He whipped his head around scornfully. "He must have eaten them by mistake." Harestar narrowed his eyes. "Would anyone eat deathberries by mistake?" Mistystar put her head askew. "Had SkyClan seen deathberries before they came to the forest?" She looked at Frecklewish with interest in her eyes. Frecklewish shifted from one paw to the other. "No. There were no deathberries at the gorge. " "Is it not possible for a SkyClan cat to eat deathberries by mistake?" Hawkwing traveled bust next to Juniperclaw. "Why should anyone eat berries when there’s hot, juicy prey on all sides?" Tigerstar met his indignant look. "Sparrowpelt must have done it. How else would he have gotten the seeds?” "He was poisoned!" Sandynose lashed his tail. Plumwillow sat next to him. "We know Alderheart treated Puddleshine with deathberries. There were deathberries in the ShadowClan camp. And now one of our warriors has been poisoned by the same berries.”

Around her, SkyClan cats began to murmur angry. "A pure coincidence!" Tigerstar's eyes went to Alderheart. "Did the berry disappear from your stores?" "No ..." The pelt of Alderheart rose along the spine and his eyes fluttered. It was clear that he was easing through the memory. "I looked good at all of them, but ..." He began to shift from one side to the other while he was roughly digging into the ground. Leafstar bent down at him from where she was sitting. "But what then?" "I cannot be sure neither of the seeds I fell down was taken." Tigerstar shot back. "Do you accuse ShadowClan of using your seeds to poison Sparrowpelt?" While the clan cats whispered nervously between themselves, a small voice was heard from the outskirts of the assembly. "I saw Juniperclaw at our prey heap." Twigbranch was so surprised that it broke in her hair when she saw Violetshine face Tigerstar's gaze. "He was there the night before Sparrowpelt became ill." Violetshine trembled in her place as she shouted over the heads of her clanmates. "But you can not prove that Juniperclaw poisoned him!" Tigerstar's voice was tense of rage. He gave Violetshine a poisonous look. Twigbranch sat in the throat when Tigerstar continued: "A cat gets sick and you're blaming us? Grassheart is in the medicine cat den now, with a wound inflicted on her by SkyClan. She was attacked! She did not just happen to be sick after one of their patrols had passed.” "Passed by?" Leafstar’s voice cracked in anger. "You invaded our camp!" "And you attacked our patrol!" Tigerstar threw back. "It went on our territory!" Leafstar showed her teeth to the ShadowClan leader. Bramblestar stood between them. He looked at Tree. "Can not you mediate between them?" The yellow tom moved on as he sat in the shadow right behind the crowd. He entered the light from the moon and met Bramblestar's eyes. "How can I mediate? No one is listening to me. I have tried to achieve peace between ShadowClan and SkyClan, but nobody will compromise.” He let the glance glide over the cats standing in front of him. "Tigerstar is right that you are warriors. I do not think there can ever be peace between you.” Twigbranch saw defeat in his eyes. Had he given up? Violetshine stared at Tree with eyes shining with fear. ​She is afraid that he will leave the lake.​ He had admitted that he was unable to bring peace to the clans. Then he did not care to be here any longer? Leafstar snarled at Bramblestar. "I do not understand why we came here at all! We experienced sufferings because of Darktail and his rogues. We should realize that you are not much better. You lake clans are just loyal to their own hunger, and the hunger for territory is more important than the entire warrior code.” Bramblestar waved indignantly on the ears, but Leafstar continued: “You all act as if you are helping SkyClan by hunting by the lake. We have done nothing but help the clans. We placed our camp where you wanted it and have kept the borders you marked. We took ShadowClan in and even offered them SkyClan warriors. Then, without mocking, we let them go back to rebuild their own clan. And now they steal our prey and put scents on our territory as if it was their own. Without protests from you others. You are so afraid of sharing your own territory that you allow ShadowClan to treat us as strangers. And now, when ShadowClan has tried to kill one of our clanmates, you are looking for explanations.

ShadowClan can steal our area and kill us one after another without any of you else lifting as much as a claw.” The SkyClan leader curled her lips in disgust while the assembly stared at her. "That's the reason why the we shall leave the lake and go home to the gorge." Twigbranch gasped. ​They're leaving ... They're really going to go!​ She looked over the Gathering, towards Violetshine, and felt the sorrow tearing and struggling in the heart. "You belong beside the lake," insisted Bramblestar. "You cannot go." Harestar rose. "You were expelled from the clans once before, long ago. It cannot happen again.” Mistystar narrowed her eyes. "Why not? Everything has become so complicated after they arrived. Wouldn't it be easier if they went back to the gorge?” She blinked apologetically at Leafstar. "You will still be one of the clans, even if you live far away. You can still follow the warrior code and honor StarClan. And maybe you'll have it better there.” Leafstar stared at her before bending her head. "You are at least honest." Tigerstar snorted. "ShadowClan has been nothing but honest. We have said we want you to return the territory. What is more honest than that? If you’re going to go, go.” "But what about the vision?" Jayfeather's panicked voice was heard down at the roots. He walked up and stared blindly at the leaders. "StarClan has shown us that the five clans must stand together. How can you stay together if SkyClan lives in the gorge?” Frecklewish waved worried with her tail. "StarClan showed us all the same vision." "They know that a storm is on its way." Leafpool stood shoulder to shoulder with SkyClan's medicine cat. "We must meet it together!" shouted Kestrelflight. Alderheart stared at Bramblestar. "You can not let SkyClan leave. Then it's out with all of us.” Twigbranch trembled. She could hardly understand what was happening. How could the clans allow it? It spread a nervous turmoil among the cats from WindClan and ThunderClan, and they looked at each other with fear in the eyes. SkyClan pulled closer together, like endangered prey, while RiverClan looked anxiously at Mistystar. ShadowClan sat with tense muscles and followed without saying a word. Bramblestar raised his chin. "ThunderClan can give SkyClan territory!" Squirrelflight rubbed her muzzle against him. Lionblaze shot back while clanmates blinked surprised at each other. Hope fired up in Twigbranch. "Do you think he will actually give up an area?" She whispered to Finleap. "I hope so." He looked at Bramblestar with narrow eyes. “SkyClan can not go.” Bramblestar looked at Harestar with an intense look. "Is WindClan willing to sacrifice land to keep SkyClan by the lake?” Harestar hesitated. He looked towards the clanmates who stared back with piles like the stretcher. "We give away from us territory if the other clans do the same. If SkyClan needs land, either must give, or none. One clan can not get better out of it than the others. That's the only way we can maintain peace.” Bramblestar looked at Mistystar with hope in his eyes. She stared coldly back at him. "I've been clear on where RiverClan stands. We think it's better for all of us that SkyClan goes back to the gorge. " "What about the vision?" It strung in the tail to Bramblestar.

Tigerstar grunted. "We have survived prophecies before. We will survive this. ShadowClan will take back our territory. SkyClan can continue to live there at their own risk or they can leave.” Leafstar curled lips. "None of the clans are willing to accommodate SkyClan?” Around the clearing, heads began to hang and paws to scratch unmatched to the ground. The SkyClan leader's amber eyes glowed like flames. "That's the way it is ... Everybody wants someone else to help. Some of you are still talking about how much you want us all to live side by side in peace and tolerance, as if you care as much about other clans as your own. But I now understand that everything is just a lie! That StarClan thinks it's a storm awaiting you, it's no wonder not nice. We have seen and heard enough. We are not one of the lake clans, I think we can all agree now. SkyClan does not belong here. We will never do that.” "Please," said Bramblestar, "wait a little before you decide. We can still find a solution, I'm sure." Leafstar looked coldly at him. "I can consult with my warriors tonight and make my decision tomorrow if you want." She jumped down from the branch, and the Gathering opened to let her come to her clanmates. Sagenose and Bellaleaf met her with silent eyes. Twigbranch felt Finleap tremble next to her. "They really are going to go," he murmured. She hardly heard him, because her heart ran runaway. ​I have to talk to Hawkwing and Violetshine before they leave.​ As she peered through clearing, zigzagging between clanmates, she heard Finleap shout: "Twigbranch!” She ignored him. Did he not understand? This could be the last chance she got to talk to her family. "Hawkwing!" She reached her father, breathless. He squeezed his head on her head. Violetshine stared at her. "We have to go." The sorrow shone in the eyes. "You can not go!" Twigbranch looked desperately at them. "We must follow our clan", mewed Hawkwing. "I'm sure Bramblestar would take you into ThunderClan. Then you can stay by the lake with me.” Twigbranch stared wildly at her father. "You cannot go. Then I'll be alone here! " Violetshine looked uncertainly at Hawkwing. He blinked back at her and turned to Twigbranch. "We're following SkyClan," he said. "SkyClan is leaving, we'll go." "You could be with us," eagerly volunteered Violetshine. "Leafstar would take you back in. Finleap too. Then we could all be together. "Twigbranch hesitated. Maybe she ​should​ join them. "You've been a SkyClan cat before and could become a SkyClan cat again," continued Violetshine. "You have your whole family in SkyClan." It twisted in Twigbranch’s pelt. What about ThunderClan? She had spent so long to find out that she really belonged there. But ThunderClan clanmates were not her family. How could she live without family? Her thoughts swirled, but then it was as if her heart was breaking. She breathed deeply and met Violetshine's hopeful eyesight. She knew what to do. "I belong to ThunderClan now." Twigbranch looked down. "I never belonged to SkyClan. I could never have done that.” She felt Hawkwing's breathing when he leaned closer. "You must do what you think is right. We must do that too. " She looked up with a lump in her throat. "Don’t leave me, please." Hawkwing's eyes were round with sadness. "I can’t do anything about it. I'm the deputy of SkyClan. My clan needs me. I can’t leave them. "

The rage broke up in Twigbranch. "But you can leave me!" She was hiding at Violetshine. "That you can leave me for everything we've been through?" Violetshine stared surprised at her again. "But you've left me behind time after time." Twigbranch froze to. That was true. She had left her sister, first at ShadowClan and then at SkyClan. The sense of guilt struck over her. Was it like this for Violetshine? “SkyClan!” Leafstar shouted at her clanmates from the high grass. Harrybrook and Macgyver hurried after her. "We must go", mewed Hawkwing with a fuzzy voice. He turned and went. Twigbranch stared desperately at Violetshine. "Is this the last time I’ll see you?" "I do not know." Violetshine touched her muzzle to Twigbranch's. Her breath was warm in the cold night air. "It's up to Leafstar now." "Goodbye." Twigbranch barely produced the word. It tightened in her throat as Violetshine pulled away and looked for Hawkwing. When she turned to clanmates again, she saw Finleap. He followed Plumwillow and Sandynose with the eyes as they disappeared into the grass. She ran away to him. "Did you say goodbye?" He did not answer, but the grief in his eyes was like thorns in her heart. "Are you going to join them if they go?" She was completely numb. He stared at her. "I love you, Twigbranch, but if you do not want kits, I should go with my family. Then I'm at least somewhere where I belong and not forever looking for a dream that may never come true.” Twigbranch stared at him. "Do not you care what I want?" The rage offended sorrow. "Getting kits is not just your choice. It is ours. And that I do not want kits now does not mean I never want it.” Finleap flicked his ears. She did not wait for a response. "It's me you'll love," she mewed briskly. "Not the family I might give you. If you do not want to wait till I'm ready, then maybe you're not the cat I thought you were. Then you might want to go.” She squeezed past him and went into the high grass.

Chapter 15 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine followed Hawkwing over the wooden bridge and jumped down on the other side. They were on their way home to the pine forest, probably for the very last time. There were clouds on the way across the moon, and the wind shattered the surface of the lake. There was a change of weather going on. She landed next to her father, on a gravel that gave a little bit under her feet. "Will Twigbranch be okay without us?" Hawkwing hesitated. "She has ThunderClan. They are her family now. " "Maybe she also has Finleap," mewed Violetshine hopefully. "Yes." She heard that Hawkwing's voice broke as he turned and ran back to his clanmates. She tried not to look at Twigbranch's facial expressions when they had said goodbye. ​I'm sorry for leaving you.​ Twigbranch was the only cat in the world she had known throughout her life, ever since she was born. Separating clans again now opened old wounds from when she was a kit and ShadowClan had taken her to the dark pine forest while her sister lived in ThunderClan. That work in the heart when Tree lay in beside her. She felt his heat against her flank. "Twigbranch will manage," he mewed low as they continued along the water’s edge. "I'm gonna miss her." "I know." Tree looked at the SkyClans cat further ahead. An owl hooted in the woods on the other side of the lake, and the shriek went echoing on the water before a windshield lifted the sound with it. The wind brought the smell of rain. Violetshine puffed up her fur. "If we go to the gorge, do you think I'll ever see Twigbranch again?" She looked at Tree, but he seemed distracted. He had become distant in sight. What was he thinking of? In front of them, Macgyver went to Leafstar. Hawkwing fell down to the rest of the group, and began to go side by side with Plumwillow. Macgyver fan irritated on the tail. "I do not hope Bramblestar has made you change your mind." "I've promised to think about it tomorrow." The SkyClan leader steered the patrol closer to the trees to get sheltered. "We have to go." Harrybrook hurried closer to Leafstar. Behind him waved Bellaleaf on his ears. "We do not need anything." "We should not let the other clans bully with us." Sagenose curled his neck toward the wind. "If we go, we will always be remembered as the weak clan." "We should stay here and fight for our place by the lake," insisted Bellaleaf. "That's what StarClan wants to do wisdom." Leafstar snorted. "StarClan has always made life difficult for us." The ears of Frecklewish rose. "StarClan looks beyond what we can. Perhaps we must withstand some resistance before we can get peace." "We will get peace in the gorge," mewed Macgyver. "We’ll get to meet old friends," Harrybrook agreed. "The daytime warriors will be happy to see us." "We do not need daytime warriors," said Dewspring. "We have become a real clan. I like to live in the woods. I do not want to live in a strange place.” "It's not strange when you've used to it," mewed Macgyver.

Sagenose grunted. "We can not go back to the gorge. We have our life here now. There is more than enough change in the woods, and the streams do not bother us anymore. When we show the clans that we will not go, SkyClan can grow and grow by the lake. " "I do not want to leave Finleap." Plumwillow grabbed nervously over the rocks. "How will he go with him without the family nearby?" "He has Twigbranch," mewed Macgyver. "If not, he'll have his own family." Harrybrook crawled over a rock that stood up between the trees. "You have promised that we shall go home to the gorge, Leafstar. You cannot change your mind. You saw how hostile the other clans were. They just think about themselves. They do not care about us. Why should we care about them? " Leafstar continued to walk, with her eyes fixed before her, while the warriors argued between themselves. Violetshine looked at her father where he walked behind them. Did he intend to say something? Suddenly she felt that the fur of Tree rose against her. She looked at him and discovered that his pelt was stretched. Did he smell a threat? She stopped and tasted the air. There was nothing but prey scents from the forest. Then she discovered that the ears of Tree were pointed and that he listened concentrated. He had his eyes fixed to the side, as if someone were walking next to him, but nobody was there. Violetshine was cold across as she recognized the blurred gaze in his eyes. He saw a dead cat! Her heart kicked off. Was she surrounded by ghosts? Soon, Tree set up. She ran after him as he reached the others. "Leafstar!" He had a rush instead. The SkyClan leader stopped and looked at him. There was a glimpse of concern in her eyes. "What is it?" "There's a dead cat among us." Three bent his head respectfully against the void next to him. Harrybrook and Sagenose rose bust and retired. Hawkwing narrowed his eyes. "Who is that?" Leafstar put her head on the shelf. "I do not know what she's called." Tree talked fast, as if he had something important to say. "But I've seen her before. She says I have to remind you of Echosong's vision. That was what led you to the lake. She says you belong here. That you must stay. " Macgyver waved with his tail. "It's just imitation! He is just afraid to leave the forest. " Tree did not take sight of Leafstar's eyes. "She says you must stay here." Leafstar was hiding at him. "Echosong's vision might have led us, but it's not going to stay here. I have to do what's right for SkyClan here and now, not what was right for us when Echosong was still alive. " Tree looked angry at the empty area next to him. "She says SkyClan must be", he mewed to Leafstar. He sounded desperate. Leafstar shifted from one paw to the other. "I've heard from all the cats alive and dead." She bent her head toward Tree. "Thank you for caring, but I can not put the clan on my mind because an individual has got a vision. You do not know what it's like to be a clan cat deep inside. One single voice cannot be higher than another. The only thing that matters is the clan's best interests.” Leafstar turned and began to go further along the water. Her clanmates followed in silence this time. Violetshine stopped next to Tree and looked nervously at him. "Is the dead cat still here?"

"She has gone." The yellow male cat looked at her despairingly. "I'm sorry that Leafstar did not listen to you." Had she done that, SkyClan would not leave the lake. Then Violetshine would not have to leave Twigbranch. "The clans will never listen to me," mewed Tree. "They do not want my help." "I'm listening to you!" Fear sifted through Violetshine’s pelt. Had he planned to leave? "I will always listen to you. You are wise and kind and good. " He blinked at her quietly. "I wish things had been different. I wish I managed to settle down among the clans. But I do not matter here.” Desperation clenched her chest when she realized what he was saying. "You can be a warrior. I can teach you.” Tree shook his head. "I must stay here by the lake. The dead cat was so sure we should stay. Besides, I'm meant to be unique. Living with your clan made me realize it. I do not belong in SkyClan, or any other clan, for that part. If SkyClan goes, it will be without me.” She did not breathe. That's what she had feared all the time. How could she be happy without him? "Do not you want to be with me?” "Of course I want it." He was full of warmth in his eyes. "We belong together. But I cannot be a clan cat.” He stretched out his cheek toward her. "What if you become a loner with me? We will not need any clan. We can do well on our own paws.” Violetshine swallowed. She had been afraid that he would suggest it because she knew she would be tempted to join him. Should she do it? The idea of ​spending every single day with Tree was alluring. But could she turn her back on her father and her clan? They meant everything to her. But Tree loved her. Not because she was a relative, but because she meant something special to him. She realized that the way he looked at her, with eyes shining with hope. ​He really wants me to stay here again. "We can live by the lake," continued Tree. "Then you'll be near Twigbranch, and with me." Violetshine almost dug her nose into his pelt and said yes. She could let go of the lake and depart from her sister, and she could stay with the one who she loved. But she could not imagine a life without Hawkwing. She had grown up without him and could not risk losing him again. Not this way. In addition, she understood, from the claws she felt in her stomach when she thought of turning the clan back that SkyClan was where she belonged. She soothed her breath. The patrol was about to disappear into the woods. "Come," she said casually. "We must catch up to the others. It's late and I'm tired. Perhaps Leafstar won’t be so sure about her decision.” She hurried past Tree in the direction of clanmates. The wind roared. Did Leafstar really plan to take SkyClan away from the lake? ​I can not leave Tree and Twigbranch. I​ t was as if every hair in her pelt sparkled with horror. ​But I'll have to!​ How would she be able to choose? The only hope she had was that Leafstar decided to stay. As she walked into the woods, she looked up. There the trees met the sky, so that her stars shine like dewdrops. ​Please, StarClan, let Leafstar make the right choice. Violetshine opened her eyes. An early morning light was poured into the den. She sat up, relieved to know that Tree was still crumpled in his nest. Only the two were left in the den, and

she heard pawsteps outside. She gently pushed him with her nose. "The clan is awake." He got up with a yawn. "Did Leafstar decide?" "I do not know." As Violetshine jumped out of the nest, she felt hope in her stomach. Did Leafstar change her mind during the night? Would she announce that they were here to fight for a place by the lake? She walked out of the den and waited for Tree to come after. Leafstar was already in the clearing. Dewspring and Reedclaw were also out there, close in tightly. Around them warriors took over the scattered dens. A cold wind chilled Violetshine in the fur. She drew closer to Tree as rain dropped from the branches above them. Hawkwing sat at the other end of clearing with his paws beneath his tail while Sandynose went back and forth beside him. Palepaw, Gravelpaw and Nectarpaw sat in a cluster outside the den with the fur torn by tension. Dewspring leaned towards Reedclaw. "Are we going?" "Leafstar has not said anything yet," Reedclaw whispered. Frecklewish stuck her head out of her den and squinted in the wind. Leafstar looked around in the broken camp with determination in her eyes. Violetshine held her breath. ​Do not make us leave.​ A strong wind shone in the fresh leaves over them as Leafstar took the floor. "I've been thinking for a long time," she said calmly. "I've decided that SkyClan will leave the lake. We are going home to the gorge.” The words were like a kick in the stomach. Violetshine stared at Leafstar in the hope that she had heard a mistake, or that the despair in her eyes would make the SkyClan leader change her mind. But Leafstar stared strictly at her clanmates. She was strong, while it was obvious that she needed the clan's support. There and then, Violetshine understood that she could not stay if her clan left. She turned to Tree and then sorrow sparkled in his gaze. He knew what she was going to say. She swallowed. "I must stay with them." It was just a slight whisper that came out. "I know." Tree squeezed up to her. "I will miss you. But I must stay here. " Hawkwing bent his head in respect of Leafstar. "When do we leave?" "Now." The SkyClan leader waved her tail. "There is no point in hesitating. Get what you need. We'll be going right away. " Frecklewish lowered her eyes. "I do not know if Sparrowpelt has the strength to travel." "His clanmates can help him," mewed Leafstar. "The injury has left his stomach. He will get stronger along the way.” Frecklewish hesitated. "If he gets tired, we must rest." Leafstar nodded. "Okay." Frecklewish appeared in the den and started throwing herbs into the shade. They were well wrapped in leaves that were tied together by grasses. Fidgetcrow came running out and picked up a bundle. "Carry this, please." He dropped it in front of Harrybrook and drove back to fetch one to Frecklewish helping Sparrowpelt out of the den. The dark brown cat's amber eyes were matte, and he moved slowly. Mintfur and Macgyver came on to help, and slipped into each side of him to support him where he went to the camp opening. Plumwillow went to the fresh-kill pile. She was sad and dark in her eyes, but picked up a mouse lying back from the night before, and began to walk towards the entrance. Sagenose took a sparrow and followed her.

Violetshine was as frozen to the ground. She squeezed her cheek on the cheek to Tree. "Can you keep an eye on Twigbranch for me?" "I'll try," he promised. "We will remember each other forever and ever." "I could never forget you." His eyes were shining. "I love you." When she left him, it was as though her heart cracked. She hurried after her clanmates who were on their way out of the camp. Hawkwing took a mouse carefully from Plumwillow. She nodded and went to take Sandynose back. "No dawdling, now." Reedclaw pushed Quailpaw and Sunnypaw on as they stopped looking back at the camp. Nectarpaw jumped and jumped around Harrybrook. "Is it far to go?" she mewed excitedly. "Far enough," he said. "Calm down. You will need your strength for the journey. " Violetshine blinked sorrow away. She followed her clan, away from the two cats she loved most. She got a lump in her throat to imagine Tree alone in the abandoned camp, but she did not look back. She had made her choice. SkyClan would leave the lake.

Chapter 16 ​- translated by Neil and DuplexBeGreat The wind had turned. It was not long since dawn, but the sky was already darker. Rain splashed lightly on the roof of the medicine cat den. Alderheart stuck his head out of the opening and stared through the gray weather against the empty clearing. The ShadowClan cats had sought shelter in the dens. With the smell of damp pine in his nose he saw the rainwater sit in streams along the clay walls. The puddle at the elders' den had grown bigger. He fluffed up his coat against the cold and walked in again. On his way through the den he stopped to sniff at the place where he had buried deathberries in the ground. He had walked through it while Puddleshine and Grassheart slept, and had found seeds blended into the ground, but it was impossible to see if there were any missing. "Are you still worried?" Puddleshine sat up on the ground. His pelt was smooth after a thorough wash. Alderheart had told him about the gathering. “Frecklewish said they had poisoned Sparrowpelt.” Grassheart moved stiffly in her nest. “A ShadowClan warrior would never have poisoned another cat. We are warriors, not foxhearts. We solve disagreements with our claws.” “I know that.” Alderheart couldn’t believe that ShadowClan would have used poison to harm another Clan. The Warrior Code didn’t allow those kinds of nasty tricks, and he had spent enough time in the ShadowClan camp to realize that they were just as honorable as other Clans. Still, the coincidence bothered him. “Is SkyClan really going to leave?” Grassheart’s question distracted him from his thoughts. “Leafstar promised to think about it, but the Clans said nothing to convince her to stay.” His stomach tightened. Please, StarClan. She must decide to stay. “I can’t believe the leaders took their vision seriously.” Puddleshine got out of her nest. “Me neither.” Alderheart sniffed the ShadowClan medicine cat’s wounds. They healed quickly and he had no signs of fever. "Five medicine cats got the same vision. What other kinds of proof would they need before they do anything?” “What should they have done?” Grassheart looked at them, puzzled. “Tigerstar can’t retract his demand on territory. We need more space to hunt on. As long as SkyClan keeps our territory, hunger is a looming threat for ShadowClan.” “Someone has to give SkyClan territory.” Puddleshine mewed. “Is it too much to ask that each of the Clans donate a little bit? Then we share the burden, at least.” Alderstar wasn’t so sure that Leafstar would like to hear that her Clan was seen as a burden, but he agreed that it was unfair to ask ShadowClan to be the only Clan to give SkyClan land. “Had the other leaders been willing to negotiate.” “Leafstar could have negotiated.” Grassheart pointed out. “She could have let ShadowClan hunt on SkyClan’s terriory.” Puddleshine wrinkled her eyebrows. “Two Clans hunting for the same prey would never work.” Alderpaw’s paws became as heavy as stone. It seemed impossible to find a place for SkyClan by the lake while keeping peace between the Clans. A shadow moved by the entrance. Alderheart felt anxiety spark in his paws when Tigerstar entered the den. Are you accusing ShadowClan of using your seeds to poison Sparrowpelt? He could hear Tigerstar’s voice clearly in his head as he bowed to greet him. “Hi.” Was the ShadowClan leader this mad at him? “Hey.” Tigerstar shook rain from his fur and looked around the den. “How are the patients doing today?” Alderheart moved the weight from one paw to the other. “Grassheart’s wound is healing quickly. She has no signs of infection, and Puddleshine-”

Tigerstar interrupted him. “I see Puddleshine has gotten much better. You have done a great job here, Alderheart. ShadowClan is forever thankful that you have treated our medicine cat and taken this good care of our Clanmates while he’s been sick.” Tigerstar’s eyes gazed into his. There was no anger to see in his eyes, but the dark, tabby tom was rough in his voice when continuing. “I think it’s about time that you go home. Puddleshine seems healthy enough to continue his duties.” “I am.” Puddleshine raised his chin. “Good.” Tigerstar kept his gaze focused on Alderheart. “Are you ready to leave?” “Yes.” Alderheart blinked at him. Did he get thrown out? “Your Clan probably missing you. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you home again.” Tigerstar glanced towards the den entrance, where the rain was dripping from the thorny branches. “You can wait until the rain has stopped, if you wish.” “Thanks, but I want to get home as soon as possible.” Alderheart didn’t care if Tigerstar wanted to get rid of him or not, now he was suddenly lighter at heart. He wasn’t responsible for ShadowClan anymore. He was going home. He nodded towards Puddleshine. “Take care.” Puddleshine dipped his head. “Thank you, Alderheart. You saved my life.” “You would have done the same for me.” Puddleshine gazed warmly at him, and Grassheart sat up. “Thank you for taking care of me.” “Glad I could help.” Alderheart looked at Puddleshine and pointed with his tail. “I put marigold on her wound this morning. She’s going to need more tonight.” “I’ll take care of that.” Tigerstar hadn’t moved at all as Alderheart walked towards the entrance. “Do you wish to be escorted out by a patrol?” “No, thanks.” Alderheart slipped out. There was a place he wanted to visit before he went home, and he didn’t want a ShadowClan patrol following him to that place. He ran out through the rain, surprised when he saw Berryheart walk out of the nursery den. “You’re leaving?” she blinked at hi. Raindrops sticking to her whiskers. “Yes.” Alderheart stopped. “Puddleshine has gotten better.” Dovewing came out. “Thank you for taking care of Shadowkit.” “And Hollowkit.” Berryheart added. “Keep him away from the rain.” Alderheart mewed. “I will.” At the same moment Shadowkit came running out of the den. “Are you leaving?” he stared at Alderheart with round eyes. “Yes.” Alderheart tilted his head. He felt regretful having to leave the tiny tomcat. “But I was gonna help you in the medicine den later today.” Alderheart was so sad it felt his stomach got stabbed when he saw the kit’s eyes darken. He didn’t want to disappoint Shadowkit. “You can help Puddleshine.” He mewed. “He would probably appreciate it.” Shadowkit looked crestfallen. “But I like helping you.” Dovewing pulled the kit towards her with her tail. “Alderheart has to leave. His Clan needs him.” “What if I get a new prophecy?” Alderheart saw Dovewing’s gaze turn dark. “Your mother knows what to do.” He comforted, and heard he was secure in his voice, while he felt a pang of uncertainty in his stomach. He still hadn’t figured out Shadowkit’s last prophecy. But it was undoubtedly a warning. “Be careful!” he yelled as he walked towards the clearing. “Stay in camp. And don’t forget that the prophecies

are here to guide us.” He ducked out through the tunnel and hurried into the forest. If that young tomcat had gotten a connection with StarClan, everything had to be okay. Why am I not calmer, then? He asked himself as he walked towards the SkyClan border. By the time he had crossed the border, the rain had soaked through his fur. Rain drops stuck to his whiskers as he followed a path towards the SkyClan camp. He needed to know what Leafstar had decided. No one could stop him. It wouldn’t be too hard to convince a patrol that he was going to visit Frecklewish. Even the toughest of warriors thought twice before chasing out a medicine cat. The SkyClan scent was weak. Maybe the rain had washed away the scent markings. He tasted the air as the thorny walls of the camp became visible, hoping to find stronger SkyClan scents there, he could barely get a whiff of their earthly scent through the smell of damp forest. Worry raced through his body. They couldn’t have just left without a goodbye? He had known Violetshine longer than anyone else. He had found her as a kit and brought her to the Clans. He didn’t want to believe that she’d leave without saying goodbye. He pushed his sorrow away and sharpened his ears, hoping to hear the sound of Clanlife. He heart pawsteps. An apprentice? He stopped and looked around. A squirrel ran across the trail and disappeared in the bushes. He wrinkled his eyebrows. It was rare to find a single prey so near a Clan camp. He ran towards the entrance and squeezed himself inside. The clearing was empty. Had the SkyClan cats taken shelter from the rain? He walked towards the warriors’ den with fast steps and peeked inside. Old scents hit his nose. He pulled his head again and let his gaze slide through their camp as he felt his anxiety rise. The dens were ripped open. There were thorny branches spread everywhere. There was nothing, but ruins left of the camp. The ShadowClan attack had been throughout. The prophecy with the small trees collected against the storm popped up in his head. SkyClan hadn’t taken shelter from the rain. They were gone. He felt a sting in the heart. The vision would be fulfilled. Fear crept through her fur. He remembered how angry Leafstar had been at the Gathering. ​And now, when ShadowClan has tried to kill one of our clanmates, you are looking for explanations.​ Had ShadowClan really tried to kill a SkyClan cat? That could not be possible. They were honorable warriors, not fox-hearts. But Frecklewish had found deathberry seeds in the vomit of Sparrowpelt. And Violetshine had seen Juniperclaw tamper with a SkyClan prey. Neither Frecklewish nor Violetshine would lied. As his mind swirled, he ran through the rain towards the medicine cat den and entered. Herbs mixed with the old smell of disease. He looked around, but was not sure what he was looking for. Violetshine had seen Juniperclaw at the fresh-kill pile. Alderheart curled his neck towards the rain and walked along the edge of clearing. He sniffed the ground, looked for the smell of meat, and stopped where he found traces of mice. They were weak and partly washed away by the rain, but there were also blood patches on the ground, and from the ground there was a stronger whiff of meat. It must have been where SkyClan saved fresh-kill. He messed up the ground around the spot looking for hints. ​ShadowClan scent?​ He stopped and opened his mouth to pull the smell over his tongue. Then he concentrated and followed the weak smell toward the camp. There, in the shelter of the rain, the smell was stronger. It was undoubtedly ShadowClan scent. He pulled his paw over the wet earth. It smoothed out the pawsteps. He bent down and looked under the interlaced Twoleg threads. His paws tingled when he saw

seeds lying scattered on the ground. He stretched his paw and pulled them out. He recognized them immediately. ​Deathberry seeds.​ He smelled ShadowClan scent on them. His fur rose. It was true. ShadowClan had taken deathberry seeds to SkyClan camp! Juniperclaw?​ No, that could not be... He was the deputy of ShadowClan. Violetshine must have been mistaken. Or maybe she had seen Juniperclaw after another warrior had placed the seeds in the fresh-kill. He felt cold inside. Had Tigerstar ordered one of his clanmates to lay deathberries here? Was that the way he would get rid of SkyClan? Alderheart straightened up. Shock pumped through his body. Tigerstar would not have done anything so bad. He was intense, but he was also a ​warrior.​ But they are all warriors.​ Alderheart had lived with ShadowClan. They were no different than ThunderClan. He could not believe that any of them could be so malicious. But some cat had taken deadly berries to SkyClan. He hurried to dig them down so that no animals would get them badly by accident and turned their noses back home. Bramblestar had to know what he had discovered. "Alderheart!" It was Sparkpelt who saw him first when he entered the ThunderClan camp. She sprinted through the clearing so the mud spray stood and brushed his cheek with her muzzle. "Are you home again for good?" "Yes." Alderheart blinked distractedly at his sister, but barely saw her. He had to notify Bramblestar about SkyClan and the seeds. She stiffened. "What's happened?" “SkyClan has gone.” Sparkpelt relaxed her shoulders. "Leafstar said they would go." Had she forgotten the vision? Why was she not upset? "Do not you know what that means?" "Peace, of course." She shook her head as if she did not understand why he was taking it this way. "There you are!" exclaimed Jayfeather from the medicine cat den before Alderheart was able to answer Sparkpelt. He waved Alderheart in from the rain with his tail. "I will be there soon. I have to talk to Bramblestar first!” mewed Alderheart. "Alderheart!" Molewhisker stabbed his head out of the warriors' den. "So good to see you!" Thriftkit, Bristlekit and Flipkit came crawling out of the nursery, and raindrops glittered in their fluffed-up pelts Bristlekit pushed against Alderheart. "How was ShadowClan?" "Was Tigerstar scary?" Flykit joined in. Alderheart pushed them gently away with hise nose as they gathered around his paws. "I can tell you about it later." He began to walk toward the rock. "Come back at once!" yowled Ivypool from nursery. "You’ll get greencough out there." "Not fair." Thriftkit scowled at her. "Cats on hunting patrol do not think about greencough", grunted Bristlekit. When they went to the nursery again, Alderheart went up to Highrock and stood outside Bramblestar's den. He tasted the air. Bramblestar was inside, and Squirrelflight was with him. He walked in between the ferns and shook the rain from the fur.

"Have you come home?" Bramblestar blinked at him. Squirrelflight pushed her muzzle into his cheek. "So nice to see you." "I have to talk to you." Alderheart stared anxiously at them. "SkyClan has left." Squirrelflight and Bramblestar looked at each other as if they were reminded of a previous conversation. "You do not seem surprised." Alderheart studied Bramblestar's eyes. Bramblestar pulled his shoulders. "Well, Leafstar seemed pretty certain tonight." Frustration burned in his chest. Why was neither of the others as upset as him? "But she said she should think about it!" Squirrelflight’s eyes were round with sympathy. "It was just to be polite." "We, of course, wish it did not end like that," Bramblestar seriously said, "but there was no more we could do.” Squirrelflight pulled closer to him. "Your father did what he could. He offered them territory.” It moved into the ears of Bramblestar. "Without support from the other clans, we could not keep SkyClan." Alderheart stared at them. Would they just accept that SkyClan was lost? Did not they remember the vision? "What's will happen with the rest of the clans?" "StarClan is going to show us a way," mewed Bramblestar. "Why should they bother when nobody listens to them?" The rage stuck Alderheart in the stomach. Squirrelflight pulled her tail along Alderheart’s spine. "We will listen to them," she mewed. "But we cannot change anything that has already happened." "You can tell the other clans the truth!" Alderheart shook off his mother. "Truth?" repeated Bramblestar. "That it’s ShadowClan's fault that SkyClan went." Alderheart shook in his anger. "When they invaded SkyClan camp, they laid deathberries in their prey." "I know that was what Frecklewish said at the Gathering," mewed Bramblestar to calm him down. "But we have no evidence. Sparrowpelt might found picked the berries anywhere. " Alderheart lashed his tail. "I have proof! I found seeds in SkyClan camp, at the fresh-kill pile. There was ShadowClan scent on them.” He stared triumphantly at his father. Bramblestar blocked his eyes for a moment. Then he became dark in the eyes of concern. "You must do something!" insisted Alderheart. "What do you think we should do?" Bramblestar shook his pelt. “Sparrowpelt survived. And SkyClan has gone. To accuse ShadowClan of poisoning their prey does not change it.” "More importantly, it would make a big mess," Squirrelflight commented. "We are four little trees now," Bramblestar added. "But we can still stand together." "It's more important than ever that the remaining clans stand together," mewed Squirrelflight. Alderheart stared shocked at them. "But the vision told us that if a little tree disappears, we will all be destroyed by the storm." "We've done what we could!" snapped Bramblestar before adding, with a milder voice, "StarClan will not let us down." He looked away and glanced at the shadows on the edge of the den. Alderheart saw that the hair rose on his father’s pelt. ​He is scared. Fear grew far into Alderheart’s stomach. ​The clans are in danger and he is powerless.

Chapter 17 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat "Hurry up!" With her eyes almost closed in the rain, Twigbranch stopped at the top of the hill and waited for Flypaw to catch up again. She wanted to take the apprentice in search of prey by the borders furthest from the camp. Finleap and Snappaw were at the bottom of the slope. They had decided to stay in the training pit and practice combat techniques. "Is Finleap alright?" Flypaw looked back at the brown tom as she came to Twigbranch. "He probably misses his family." She knew it was more than that, but she did not want to talk about Finleap. Especially not with her apprentice. Twigbranch began to follow the trail further into the ThunderClan territory. Flypaw came after. "It's as if he gets nervous when he's near you. Have you argued?” "No." Twigbranch ducked under a branch. On the other side there was fresh mouse-scent. The smell of it might distract Flypaw from asking more questions? After SkyClan had left a few days earlier, Finleap seemed uneasy. They had spoken together after the Gathering, and he decided to stay with ThunderClan. Twigbranch had been relieved. Finleap, of course, was sad because he had lost his family, and at first she tried to support him, but it was as though he clung to the grief. He had begun behaving as if he regretted his choice. He had started eating alone and getting up early instead of sharing tongues with the clan. He distanced himself from the others. Twigbranch felt a stinging frustration that became stronger and stronger for every day that went by. How would Finleap ever feel at home in ThunderClan if he did not even try to fit in? At least he had stopped talking about getting kits. But did he really realize that they should not get kits until they both were ready? Twigbranch was not so sure that the last words were said. Some of her wondered if Finnhopp would like him to go with SkyClan. Flypaw stopped to sniff the mice. "Shall we hunt here?" she said. "I want to show you a new place." Twigbranch felt a glimpse of delight when she saw Flypaw's eyes light up. She had learned that the apprentice worked better when in unusual parts of the forest. It was as though new impressions made her more concentrated. That's why Twigbranch used to challenge Flypaw with difficult bumps or a prey that was difficult to catch. She swung away from SkyClan border. The rain had almost washed away the scent line, and the weak smell aroused her longing for Hawkwing and Violetshine. She pushed it away and jumped. "Come," she shouted at Flypaw. "I want you to see the outermost part of the territory. It's a long trip.” She fluffed up her pelt and followed the path that swung away. She jumped in zigzags between the trees and slipped through openings in the bushes so her legs slipped against the wet surface. When they approached the border, Twigbranch was breathless. Flypaw sprinted past her. "Is this the right way?" She disappeared over a hilltop. "Slow down!" The trail was slippery where the soil had become muddy. She followed Flypaw over the hilltop and thundered through the rain towards the forest beyond. A damp fog hiding border. Behind it lay a world that belonged to uniqueness and twinkling. The warriors rarely went so far, so the forest was full of prey. Flypaw already went and sniffed around the roots of a boulder. She was so excited that the wet coat stood in spikes where she was circling around the trunk. "I smell mice." She backed and lay down.

Twigbranch was impressed. Flypaw had found the smell even though it was raining. Besides, she kept her distance from the hay. Twigbranch lay next to her and followed the young cat's eyes against the shadow between the roots. "A hole" whispered Flypaw. "Should we wait until a mouse is coming out, or are we going to try to dig ourselves down?" "What do you think?" She tested Flypaw. Flypaw shrugged the brows. "The mouse is probably sleepy. We should dig. If it tries to get rid of it, it's nevertheless sad. " "We try." Twigbranch knew Flypaw learned more if she had to do it herself. She let the striped young cat start scratching against the ground that lay in front of the hole, before she jumped on the root next door and helped. The rain had made the ground soft, it was easy to dig, and the mud swallowed between the claws. "I smell it!" Flypaw roughly wandered around the hole. Suddenly the paw broke down and down into a small den under the roots. A mouse appeared and slipped out between the legs of the apprentice. Flypaw hesitated before lifting herself on her back and turning around. In a single, steady motion, she threw herself over the mouse and caught it between her forepaws. She pulled it and killed it with a single bite. Twigbranch roasted mud from the paws. "Good catch." Pride ran on. Flypaw blinked happily. "Can we eat it now?" Twigbranch shook his head. "Save it for the fresh-kill pile." "But I'm hungry." "It's your clan o ..." Twigbranch became silent. There was a familiar smell from the forest on the other side of the border. Flypaw narrowed her eyes. "It moved in your nose. Are you smelling something? " "Put the mouse under some leaves and stay with me." She reached the border through an area of ivory. Flypaw hurried to push the catch under a mess and covered it with leaves. "Are we allowed to go outside the clan territory?" She came running after Twigbranch. "Of course." Twigbranch looked at her, but did not really listen to it. It was Tree she smelled, she was sure. But what did he do here? Had he not left with SkyClan? Hope hurled in her stomach. If he had stayed here, Violetshine might have done the same thing. She set off, crossed the odor and walked into the forest beyond. The thorn cliff became denser here, and pine trees stuck up between the oaks. She knew that the area stretched all the way to the mountains, that it was too big to patrol and too wild to hunt. Lillyheart had told nursery stories about foxes and badgers that sneaked around out there. Twigbranch tasted nervous on the air as the forest floor began to slope upwards. A blood smell blended with the smell of Tree. Was he hurt? As she crawled up the slope she slid on some wet leaves. There were big stones rising from the ground. She squeezed between them and followed the ever steeper hill upward. "What are we looking for?" Flypaw went right behind. "I just want to check one thing." The smell of Tree became stronger. He must have been there for several days. The heart set aside as she looked for her sister's smell. Tree would not have left there without Violetshine? Her sister had to be with him. She crawled over the last stone as

the ground flattened out. A holly bush stuck up between the trees. Twigbranch ran around it and sniffed on the ground. The muddy earth was trampled flat by paws. "Tree?" She murmured. The sound of fur against leaves was heard from within. She visualized the movement between the branches. "It’s me. Twigbranch. " "Tree?" Flypaw sounded surprised. "Did he not go with SkyClan?" She slipped past Twigbranch and began to sniff on the bush. "Careful." Twigbranch pushed her away with her nose. "Do not you know the blood scent?" "It's just fresh-kill." Tree squeezed out of the bush and stopped in front of her. The thick yellow pelt was blown up against the rain. Twigbranch's heart made a jump when she met the gaze of the male cat. "Is Violetshine with you?" He was dark in the eyes. "She's with SkyClan." The disappointment struck like a stone in her stomach. "Come in shelter for the rain." Tree showed way through the branches. She hugged herself. The stinging leaves scraped rainwater from her fur. Flypaw squeezed in after her. There was a half-eaten rabbit next to a fern at one end of the temporary den. It dripped rain from the ceiling, but the den was warm. "What are you doing here?" Twigbranch studied his gaze. Had SkyClan refused to take him to the gorge? "I wanted to stay here by the lake." Tree sat down and Flypaw sniffed the rabbit. "Why?" Twigbranch wrinkled her brows. "I do not belong at SkyClan. Besides, I think the lake is important. A dead warrior made me tell Leafstar to stay here.” Twigbranch blinked at him. “What about Violetshine? I thought you were mates!” "I asked if she would stay here with me," said Tree. "But she wanted to go with the clan." Twigbranch knew how much her sister loved Tree. But what was the point of love, did she think, if it was not strong enough to keep cats together? Suddenly, her mind went to Finleap. Love had kept them together, but were they happy? With a sting in her heart she pushed the thought away. Flypaw prodded the rabbit. "Can I have a piece?" She asked Tree. Tree shrugged his shoulders. “Eat as much as you want. Here, there is more prey than I can catch.” Flypaw raised the bust of joy and took a bite. I do not belong with SkyClan. T ​ wigbranch was curious about Tree. "So you have become a loner again?" "Well." Tree shifted from one paw to the other. "But I thought you were a mediator for the clans." Did he give up on the clans completely? "The clans never listened to me." Tree shrugged his shoulders. "I just wasted my time." "Wasted time?" Twigbranch could not understand that spending time with clans could be wasted. But then, she had never lived any other way. "Is it better to sleep under a bush alone?" "Not really." Tree looked sadly at her. "I thought it would be good to live as before. But it's not the same anymore. I miss Violetshine. I miss having other cats around me. Hunting alone is not as fun as it once was.”

Twigbranch blinked compassionately. He did not feel that he belonged anywhere. "This weather does not help either." Tree wrinkled brows. "It's been raining since SkyClan left. The wind has become stronger as well. Have you noticed? " Twigbranch pointed her ears. The weak murmur of the trunks had become a powerful roar. "It's like in the vision," continued Tree. "The medicine cats said that the little trees were crushed by a storm." Twigbranch felt anxiety sting in her fur. "Do you think this is the storm they saw?" "I do not know. But if that is it, SkyClan should have been here. They're the fifth tree, right? "Tree’s amber eyes glittered with concern. "If they are not here, the storm will destroy all the clans." Flypaw sat up and licked around her mouth. "Maybe SkyClan will turn around when they see how bad it will be." Twigbranch looked at her. Could the storm make Leafstar change her minnd? Her paws tingled. It might be enough to get the SkyClan leader to understand that the clan belonged to the lake. "We could go after them." She looked at Tree. "We could make her change her mind." "How then?" Tree narrowed his eyes. “SkyClan still does not have a home by the lake.” "Look at the storm," insisted Twigbranch. "Now, the leaders will understand that SkyClan has to live here. I will bet that the water has already begun to rise on the RiverClan territory. Mistystar is wondering if she may have chosen a mistake. All the leaders will have to change their minds if the rain only gets worse. Perhaps they will realize that they must sacrifice a piece of their territory. " Tree did not seem convinced. "It may not be enough for the weather to change. They were quite stubborn at the Gathering, despite the vision.” "We must have some other cats say what they mean. There must be cats in all the five clans who are worried because of the vision and want SkyClan to live.” "Plumpaw and Eaglepaw believe that SkyClan should have left here," mewed Flypaw. "So do Brindlepaw and Harepaw in RiverClan as well. Only the leaders want them gone.” Hope fired up in Twigbranch. "If we manage to persuade someone in each of the clans to say what they mean, we can make the leaders change their minds." Tree laid his head askew. "There is no point in convincing the other leaders before we have persuaded Leafstar." "She must see sense?" Twigbranch saw SkyClan trampling through the whirlpool. Flypaw looked thoughtful. "We can bring some cats from each clan, find SkyClan and convince them that we want them back by the lake." Twigbranch nodded eagerly. "And when we have brought them home, we can persuade the other clans to let them stay." Tree thought about it. "If many cats support SkyClan, the leaders may need to change their minds." Twigbranch purred. For the first time in many days she was optimistic. Hawkwing and Violetshine could come back to the lake, and the clans could again be safe. "This is going to be very good," she said. "But there's something I have to do first." Tree looked at her. "What?"

"I have to do this right." Twigbranch shook his chest. "This time I'm not going to run off like a newleaf hare. I will find Bramblestar and tell him about my plan. I will ask for permission.”

Chapter 18 ​- translated by DuplexBeGreat Violetshine despaired here clanmates with her head bent against the whining rain. Her ears lay flat against her head and her eyes were narrow. She had been nauseous ever since she woke up that morning. The bad mouse Hawkwing had given her, had only made it worse. She had lost the overview of how far they had gone, and almost did not follow the path anymore. Sparrowpelt had slowed them down in the beginning, but he was on the path, and they had set the speed despite the weather. Her clanmates did not seem much more pleased than her. She noticed that she was wandering around her without punching her fur to the body. Harrybrook grunted beside her. "If it gets wet now, we'll drown." "We should seek shelter," shouted Plumwillow. "We'll take shelter in the gorge," Leafstar yowled from where she was at the forefront of the group. The irritation stuck Violetshine in the stomach. Did Leafstar remember the road at all? They had been on their feet for days, the weather had deteriorated for every morning dawn, and Leafstar still could not tell them how far it left. There was no one complaining. They only followed the leader without mocking. ​Because they do not leave behind as much as me,​ she thought bitterly. The pain in her chest was even stronger. She might never see Twigbranch again. Not Tree either. The paws became heavier. If he had just joined. Then the journey would be an adventure they experienced together. The rain would not mean anything if he had walked beside her. "Can we explore the trail further?" Sunnypaw's voice broke into her mind. The ginger she-cat looked eagerly at Plumwillow, and the other apprentices had their eyes turned toward each of their mentors. "It may be fine," said Plumwillow. When all the mentors nodded, the apprentices jumped. "Do not run too far!" cried Sagenose as they disappeared around the right-hand stones that marked a turn on the path. Violetshine shook her pelt as her mind went back to Tre. Why had he stayed? Had he really loved her, he would have joined. The thought clenched her stomach. She pushed it off, trembled the rain and lifted her eyes to the hillside. The storm whipped her on the whistle as she pulled a kettle on the golden-roofed slope. There was an orange tree here and here, and halfway up the hill, she saw a pit in the whirlwind. ​It was here that I met him the first time!​ It stuck in her heart. She remembered how confident he had first been that he had flirted with her though she was most keen on looking for Needletail. Later, he had let her meet her dead friend before she went to StarClan. The nostalgia grabbed her heart, and suddenly she felt overwhelmed with sadness. Would all cats always leave her? Reedclaw threw her in her shoulder with her nose. "Violetshine?" "What is it?" Violetshine would be alone with the mind. Reedclaw shrunk. "Sorry I'm disturbing." The dripping raindrops from her hairy hairs. "But we should go uphill." Suddenly, Violetshine that her clanmates had swung away from the muddy path at the bottom of the valley and were heading to the heather. "Hawkwing has convinced Leafstar that we must rest in the pit up there." Reedclaw studied her nervously with her eyesight. "I just wanted to let you know."

"Sorry I snapped" mewed Violetshine. She had a bad conscience. "I'm just in a bad mood." Thinking of Tree had made her sad. She looked at the right-hand rocks behind them. "We must notify Sunnypaw and the others that we have changed route." "I can go." As the little tabby she-cat let go, Violetshine went to the sound comrades up the hill. She wondered whether she could still smell Tree in the heather. ​Don;t be rabbit-brained.​ His scent had probably disappeared many months ago. "Violetshine! Plumwillow!” Reedclaw's fear-scent blew through the wind. Plumwillow turned her muzzle towards the sound. Violetshine turned around with uneasiness in her fur. Reedclaw came against them through the rain with her pelt sticking up. “Sunnypaw is stuck in the mud! She is sinking!” Tinycloud and Sparrowpelt sprouted down the slope so the paws slipped over the wet grass. Violetshine piled after them. She hardly even felt the rain now. Sunnypaw needed help. "Are the other apprentices doing well?" she cried when she reached Reedclaw. Tinycloud and Sparrowpelt ran in front of them, splashing through puddles as they scratched around the rocks. "I think so." Sunnypaw looked at her wide open eyes. "They tried to reach me, but the mud is too deep." "Come on." Violetshine asked for Sparrowpelt. Tinycloud was already out of sight. As Violetshine threw herself around the corner, the valley opened up, and a large area of ​mud appeared. She could see Nectarpaw and Quailpaw stand in the edge with the beads of the weather. Gravelpaw and Palepaw stood just behind them with their claws dug into the ground. "Help!" Sunnypaw's terrified shriek gave echoes through the valley. Violetshine saw her ginger head over the smooth brown surface. She stretched out a muddy paw in the weather, and with her claws out she caught nothing. Violetshine put the heart in the throat. The apprentice sank deeper the more she fought. Tinycloud had arrived at Quailpaw, she squeezed past him and plunged into mud. "Stay here!" Sparrowpelt put her teeth in her tail. The tom was still weakened after the infection, but he was strong enough to pull Tinycloud out of the bubbly mud. "We must save her!" Tinycloud turned to him with wild eyes. Violetshine let the gaze glide around the valley. There must be a safe way to reach the drowning apprentice. Paws thundered against the ground behind her. Hawkwing peeled and shook rain from the fur. He followed her gaze, and it moved in his tail. "Find a stick!" He exclaimed. "One that's so long that it reaches her." Nectarpaw blinked at him for a moment before she sprang up the hill against a small pulling cluster that climbed to the hillside. Quailpaw and Sparrowpelt asked for her with Hawkwing just behind. Violetshine hurried to where Tinycloud stood and leaned over the mud. She hugged herself next to the white female cat and felt with her feet to find a firm ground under the sluggish mud. So rough she clenched into the hard ground and dashed forward with her eyes attached to Sunnypaw. "Do not fight!" She ordered. "But I'm sinking." The fear was sharp in place. "Stretch your legs out," shouted Tinycloud. "Make yourself large as if you're in front of a reef." Sunnypaw stared desperately at her mother. Slowly she stretched one forehead and laid it against the mud. With twisted teeth she struggled to lift the other.

"Sparrowpelt picks up a stick," shouted Tinycloud. "We'll get you out of there soon. Try to keep calm. " Violetshine saw that the young cat fought panic. Decisiveness sparkled in the scared face. "You are very good!" Plumwillow and Bellaleaf came running around the rocks. They reached the mud with her clanmates after them. Leafstar pushed past them and stared at Sunnypaw in panic. "Do not you get hold of her?" "The gull is too deep," reported Violetshine. Tinycloud watched SkyClan leader. “Hawkwing has pulled to find a stick!” "We found one!" Nectarpaw came running down the hill. She waved her tail to the trees where Sparrowpelt and Hawkwing stabbed a stick over the wet grass. "Hurry up!" Tinycloud did not take a look from Sunnypaw. The young cat slid farther down into the mud. As it stood up to her throat, she raised her cheek and pawed her legs to try to hold her nose over the surface. Violetshine knew barking against her leg and jumped away as Hawkwing pushed the stick past her. While Sparrowpelt ruled it out over the mud, Violetshine held it up with his feet. "Hurry up!" Tinycloud leaned out further to try to get as close to her kit as possible as Sunnypaw's ears disappeared below the surface. The apprentice whined when the mud covered her eyes and the snout began to disappear. "Grab the stick!" Sparrowpelt pushed it closer. Can she hear us?​ Violetshine held his breath while Sunnypaw's choking paws hit the stick. The apprentice hooked the claws desperately towards the end and started to get up. The snout came to her face before she was jammed with a jerk and put both legs around it. "Go!" It was Hawkwing who gave the order. Violetshine roughly claws down into the bark and went to while Sparrowpelt and Hawkwing started to peel the stick back in. The gut sucked in Sunnypaw like a hungry reef, but she climbed blindly to the stick with her eyes glued together. Nectarpaw and Palepaw grabbed the stick and helped pull. The rain washed mud from Sunnypaw's fur, first from the flanks and then backwards, and slowly, but surely she began to slip loose. Sunnypaw creaked heavily when the mud barked and finally relaxed the ceiling. As soon as she was within reach, Tinycloud took hold of the shabby coat and put her in on the grass. Sunnypaw collapsed trembling while Tinycloud licked mud from her eyes. There was anxious mood from the clan, staring at them over the mud with stinging, sticky pelts. Leafstar came running along the edge. "Is she alright?" Frecklewish slipped past her and pushed her ears to Sunnypaw's chest. She sat up on the hind legs with eyes glistening of relief. "Yes, she'll be fine." While Sunnypaw squeezed up on the paws and coughed up mud, Plumwillow came running to her. Fear crippled through the dripping wet coat. "Why did you go so far?" Tinycloud pushed the dark gray female cat away with her nose. "This is unknown territory. How would she know that the mud was so deep? " Plumwillow met Tinycloud's eyes with the amber eyes filled to the verge of fear. "What are we doing here? We are far from the lake and not near the gorge once. No cats should travel in a weather like this. It's no wonder StarClan told us stay.” She turned her face to the clan, which had begun to approach.

Hawkwing blinked at her quietly. "We are coming to the gorge soon. Then we'll be safe. " "Soon?" Harrybrook snorted. "I remember how long we spent getting to the lake and how many warriors we lost! Who knows what dangers we encounter along this way! " "And who knows what we find when we arrive?" added Plumwillow. "We've been away for months. Foxes may have moved in there." "Or badgers!" Macgyver pushed himself to the front of the group. Sunnypaw was trembling at him. "I want to go home." Leafstar, who had listened thoughtfully, lashed her tail. "We're on our way home!" "Not our home." Palepaw blinked at her. "We haven’t lived anywhere but by the lake," mewed Nectarpaw. Sunnypaw shook mud from her ears. "We were born there." Leafstar shot back. Violetshine felt her heart thunder when she saw a burning fury in the eyes of the leader. "That does not mean you have to die there!" She snapped. "We did not have anything at the lake. No land! No prey! No respect! We would have had to fight for every little bit of fresh-kill. Is that really the way you want to live? Do you want to be treated as rogues? Have you forgotten who you are? You are SkyClan. The lake has never been our home. StarClan just wanted us there because of a prophecy that had nothing to do with us. Why should we sacrifice ourselves for clans that do not even respect us?” Plumwillow shifted anxiously from one paw to the other while Harrybrook and Macgyver looked at each other. Behind them, Bellaleaf and Nettlesplash fluttered nervously with their eyes. It tumbled in the breast of Violetshine when she watched her clanmates. Sunnypaw was dull. Frecklewish was dull and tired. Fidgetcrow trembled. "It will be alright." Violetshine surprised herself by taking the floor. "Remember, we're SkyClan. No matter where we are or what problems are faced, we'll meet them together.” Leafstar blinked at her as she continued. "You are the first true clan I have met. I came to ShadowClan as a kit as it began to dissolve. Clanmates smoked in the totes (I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS) on each other there. When they had problems, they behaved like rogues. But SkyClan is different. You took me into the clan and made me feel comfortable. You've shown me cats get through even the worst things. You lost your home and each other, but found together again and continued your head with your head high. I'm proud to be a SkyClan cat. I would never belong to any other clan.” She looked at her clanmates around herself, and felt the warmth broke in her fur as she saw the hope sparkle in her tired eyes. "Now we're going." Leafstar hit her tail. She was less angry, but more determined. She walked up the grassy ground behind the mud and headed towards an area of a thunderstorm. Hawkwing ran after her and the rest of the clan followed. Tinycloud pressed her flank against Sunnypaw and led her up the hill. Violetshine looked back towards the vast area of mud. The stick that had saved the life of Sunnypaw was already washed clean by the rain. As she walked behind her clanmates, Frecklewish lay in beside her. "Do you think the rain will let up tomorrow?" mewed Violetshine and looked up at the heavy gray sky. "I've never seen the sky ever so dark." Outside the clouds, the gray clouds turned into black. "I think the rain gets worse before it gets better." Violetshine tried to conceal that she was kidding. The rainwater ran into small streams through the grass where she climbed up the slope. The storm did not cope with the first. But she meant

what she said. She could cope with anything as long as she had the clan around. Three were far behind them now, and although she still knew the loss of him as a stone in her heart, she knew she had to go on. Even though she would never see Tree again.

Chapter 19​ ​- initially translated by Lightflame, re-translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart was pleased to reach the ShadowClan border. He would better shelter the rain on the other side, where the oak became pine and the branches became denser. The rain was more powerful than ever, and it ran along the branches and down the tribes, so the damp forest floor squelched under his paws. He stopped and peeked over the scent line. Since he did not see any patrols, he crossed it. If anyone were to ask, he could say he had come to check on Puddleshine's wounds. He did not have to admit he was going to ask the ShadowClan medicine cat questions about his clanmates. Bramblestar had dismissed his suspicions about how Sparrowpelt had been poisoned, but Alderheart was unable to shake them off as easily. Even though the victim had recovered and now was gone, they still had a cat among them who was willing to kill. It was dangerous. Alderheart had brought deathberries to ShadowClan camp, and the trail seemed to go there to SkyClan. Had Puddleshine seen something suspicious while he was ill? Had he heard gossip after SkyClan left? There may be cats in ShadowClan who knew more than they said out loud. The ditches that ran across the earth like claw marks were filled to the edge with water. Alderheart had never seen them so full before. He shivered. If parts of the ShadowClan territory were under water, how was RiverClan? Yesterday the evening patrol had told that there was flooding around the river. After another night with heavy rain the flood was bound to get worse. StarClan, protect them,​ he asked, but he was unable to shake off the feeling that StarClan certainly had little sympathy for the affected clan. ​They warned us.​ Alderheart walked past the flooded ditches. ​Five small trees must stand together.​ Misytstar had chosen to ignore the warning. Had she expected not to be hit by the storm now that SkyClan was gone? Pelts slick with rain moved in the shadows further ahead. Alderheart stopped and lifted his tail. If it was a patrol, they came to get his scent and would come to ask him to leave. He waited while eyes flashed at him in the darkness. "Alderheart?" Cloverfoot shouted at him through the rain. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" She came running towards him. Berryheart and Juniperclaw were with her. "I’m going to investigate Puddleshine’s wounds," he shouted. Berryheart blinked warmly when she reached him. Cloverfoot bent her head with regards. "Things are going well with Puddleshine," she mewed. "Good to hear. But I'd still like to look at the wounds myself,” Alderheart insisted. "He had an infection I have never seen before. I would like to see how it’s going with him. " "That’s kind of you." Cloverfoot looked at Juniperclaw. The ShadowClan deputy narrowed his eyes. "Puddleshine can certainly take care of his own wounds." "It's not as easy to heal your own wounds as everyone else’s," said Alderheart casually. "I'd like to have a look, now that I'm here." Cloverfoot and Berryheart looked expectantly at Juniperclaw. The black tom nodded briefly. "Okay."

"Thank you." Alderheart hurried to go to the camp. He did not want Juniperclaw to change his mind. He looked back as he approached the thorn barrier. Berryheart and Cloverfoot had begun to go inside, but Juniperclaw was still looking at him with eyes narrow as lines. Alderheart shook his pelt and appeared in the camp. The clearing was dry of rain where the trees opened up to the sky. Snaketooth and Grassheart were close to the outside of the nursery. Stonewing chased Cinnamonpaw around the edge of the camp while they remained in the shelter of the thorn wall. Strikestone carried a robin towards the warriors’ den. The brown tabby looked surprised at him. He dropped the robin down on the wet ground. "What are you doing here?" "I've come to see Puddleshine," mewed Alderheart instantly. "I ran into Juniperclaw outside. He said that was fine.” Strikestone nodded. "You probably wanted in there." He pointed his muzzle at the medicine cat den. "Shadowkit has had a new attack." Anxiety stabbed Alderheart in the pelt. He thought of the kit's previous attack, and the prophetic dream he had at the same time. Shadowkit had seen himself drowning. And Dovewing had said that the attacks were getting worse for each time. Could it mean that the vision was about to come true? Alderheart tried not to think of the flooded ditches that were so close to the ShadowClan camp as he sprinted through the clearing and squeezed into the den. Puddleshine stood over a nest at the other end. Tigerstar and Dovewing lay beside him with eyes dark with concern. They turned around when Alderheart came in. "Is Shadowkit alright?" Alderheart ran to the nest and looked down. Shadowkit lay lifeless at the bottom. His fur was wet where Puddleshine had cooled him off with moss. "The attack has just happened." Puddleshine met Alderheart's eyes. The ShadowClan medicine cat seemed relieved to see him. "I brought him here as soon as it started," mewed Dovewing. "Fortunately, I was in the camp." Tigerstar's pelt bristled with concern. "Shadowkit is going to need thyme for the shock," mewed Alderheart, but Puddleshine had already turned to the herb store. He picked up some stems and laid them next to the nest while Dovewing picked up the moss and gently stroked it over the Shadowkit’s flank. The kit woke up and opened his eyes. He looked up and tried to purr when he saw Dovewing. "It's fine." She rubbed her nose gently against his cheek. "You're safe now." Puddleshine waved Alderheart away. "What do you think? Will he always have these attacks?” he whispered. Alderheart looked at Dovewing and Tigerstar. They stood beside the nest and comforted Shadowkit. "I do not know," he admitted with a heavy heart. "Hopefully, he grows out of them." Puddleshine moved the weight uneasy from one side to the other. "He has told me about his previous vision." "About the rain?" Alderheart would have shuddered, but got past it. Puddleshine’s eyes were dark. It was clear that he understood that the vision foretold death. "Do you think it will come true?" Before Alderheart responded, Shadowkit cried weakly for him from his nest. Alderheart hurried away. "Here I am.”

The relief was clear in Shadowkit's eyes. "Good." As he struggled to get up, Dovewing jumped into the nest and pulled him to her flank. "It was the same vision," he breathed. "Just like the last one." Alderheart swallowed. "It can happen that nightmares return," he mewed with a mild voice. He avoided Dovewing's eyes, but her bristling pelt told him that, like him, she did not believe that this was a nightmare. Tigerstar pushed his chest forward. "It was just a dream, Shadowkit," he mewed cheerfully. "Nothing’s going to happen." "But I've had visions before and they've come true", mewed Shadowkit. "It will not happen with this one," Tigerstar promised. "I will not allow it." Alderheart looked at the ShadowClan leader and got a glimpse of horror in his eyes. He changed the topic. "Have you been helping Puddleshine since I left?" he asked Shadowkit. "Yes." Shadowkit raised his chin. "Grassheart's wounds have improved. She's back in warriors' den again now.” "Good to hear." "Tawnypelt has had stomachaches," explained Shadowkit. "And Scorchfur spraied his paw. And Puddleshine has gathered herbs, and I've helped sort them.” The kit had begun to get his good mood back.” Puddleshine says I'm more helpful than a whole patrol of warriors." "He is quite right about that," purred Alderheart, and was relieved to see that Dovewing also relaxed a little. Shadowkit flicked his ears. "Cloverfoot has gathered herbs for us. She says she likes to be useful. She even got Scorchfur to help. But Juniperclaw has not helped more." Helped more?​ Alderheart stiffened. He could not remember that Juniperclaw had helped in the medicine cat den while he was in the camp. "Has Juniperclaw helped before?" he mewed casually. "He came into the den once when you were out to do something for you," explained Shadowkit. "When I woke up, he was in that groove in the floor over there." Shadowkit nodded towards the edge of the den where Alderheart had hidden deathberry seeds. "When I asked him what he was doing, he said he had gotten rid of the seeds so that they could not hurt anyone. He must have laid them all down there, since he hasn’t returned again.” A chill ran down Alderheart’s back. Had Violetshine been right? Had the ShadowClan deputy poisoned Sparrowpelt? He threw a glimpse at Tigerstar. The ShadowClan leader seemed unfazed. Alderheart put down the thyme stems quickly. "Shadowkit seems much better," he mewed to Puddleshine. "But he should take these, just to be safe." "I thought the same thing." Puddleshine began to tear the leaves away from the stems. Dovewing picked them up and held them in front of Shadowkit’s muzzle. While the kit wrinkled his nose, Alderheart pulled away from the nest. He waved to Tigerstar with his tail. "We must talk together," he whispered. Tigerstar studied him skeptically with his gaze, but he followed when Alderheart walked out of the den and fluffed up his fur against the rain. "Come." Tigerstar walked past him to a sheltered place where a rowan stretched its low branches over the camp.

Alderheart hurried after him. "Do you remember the previous Gathering?" he hissed angrily. "Violetshine said she saw Juniperclaw at SkyClan’s fresh-kill pile. Now Shadowkit says he saw him digging up deathberry seeds.” He stared at Tigerstar. Surely the ShadowClan leader would take Sparrowpelt's poisoning seriously now? Tigerstar straightened his shoulders. "No ShadowClan cat would do anything so fox-hearted!" His voice was harsh with anger. "Not even Juniperclaw?" continued Alderheart. "He was a rogue once upon a time, or did you forget?" Juniperclaw had left ShadowClan and joined Darktail and his rogues when he was an apprentice. He had not returned before it became clear that Darktail was a ruthless enemy of the clans. "Do you question my judgment?" Tigerstar shot back. "No." Alderheart stood his ground. Although Tigerstar was supposed to take care of his deputy, he refused to be frightened into silence. This was too important. "It's probably right for you to believe he's loyal now. But have you thought about how far he might be willing to go to prove his loyalty?” Tigerstar had a moment's doubt, and Alderheart felt a glimpse of hope. Now he was sure that the ShadowClan leader had not known anything about Juniperclaw's plan. Tigerstar blinked. "I do not care what you think Juniperclaw has done or not. It's about trust. ShadowClan cats ​trust our clanmates. In addition, this is something between SkyClan and ShadowClan, and SkyClan has gone. We can put it behind us.” "But if Juniperclaw is capable of---" Tigerstar interrupted him. "What does this have to do with you?" He stabbed his muzzle towards Alderheart's face. "Why is a ThunderClan cat meddling in ShadowClan's affairs?" Alderheart held his gaze. "Do not you think you can have a killing cat in the clan?" "Nobody has been killed." Tigerstar slowly pulled his head back. "Did Bramblestar ask you to do this?" "Bramblestar told me to forget it, just like you did," said Alderheart. But Tigerstar did not listen. "Bramblestar has always been a bossy, arrogant cat. ThunderClan must learn not to stick its nose into other cats’ prey.” "Even if it involves letting cats break the warrior code?" Alderheart stared at him. Tigerstar could not let Juniperclaw get away with this. "Now I think you should go." Tigerstar’s voice was cool. "But I have not yet checked Puddleshine's wounds." "Puddleshine is doing fine. You should take care of yourself.” Tigerstar beckoned Snaketooth and Grassheart with his tail. When they came running through the clearing, he jerked his muzzle towards Alderheart. "Make sure Alderheart gets to the border," he mewed. "He's going home now." Alderheart studied Tigerstar's eyes. Would he really let this pass? His hopes fell as Tigerstar turned away, and with his tail drooping, he followed Grassheart and Snaketooth to the camp opening. Grassheart looked at him. "What did you say? Tigerstar looked pretty angry.” "I thought he was going to claw your pelt off," mewed Snaketooth.

"It was nothing," murmured Alderheart. He felt frustration itch in his fur. Why would nobody take the poisoning seriously? When he reached the entrance, the thicket shook. Juniperclaw came out of the tunnel. He looked at Alderheart. "Are you going already?" There was suspicion in his eyes. Alderheart scowled at him without answering. "Tigerstar asked us to escort him to the border," mewed Grassheart to her deputy. "Oh really?" Juniperclaw’s eyes narrowed. "He wants to make sure I'm safe." "All cats are safe in ShadowClan territory." Juniperclaw looked away. “As long as they are supposed to be there.” When Alderheart reached the camp, his paws itched to tell Bramblestar that Shadowkit had seen Juniperclaw take deathberry seeds. Would his father be forced to do something now? They could not have a deputy in the forest who could kill in cold blood. He rushed through the dripping wet tunnel and let his gaze glide over the camp. Bramblestar lay in the shelter of the camp wall and shared a mouse with Brackenfur. Twigbranch went back and forth beside them with eyes that sparkled excitedly. She threw an impatient gaze at Bramblestar as if she were checking if he had finished eating. Next to them stood Thornclaw easing through the soaked fresh-kill pile, while Ivypool shouted at Thriftkit, Flipkit and Bristlekit from the nursery. "Come in!" she ordered. They looked at her from the edge of the puddle on the outskirts of the clearing. "We’re pretending we’re RiverClan cats!" Flipkit waded into the muddy water. Bristlekit splashed after him. "See! I can swim!” The water just pulled at her claws. "Me too!" piped Thriftkit. "You look like drowned mice!" Ivypool ventured out of the den, and raised her chest when the rain hit her. She ran to the puddle and grabbed Bristlekit by her scruff. She lifted her up and carried her to the nursery while she took the other two with her tail. The water flowed down the cliff behind the medicine cat den. It dripped from Highrock. Graystripe peeked out of the elders’ den before he retreated back in with a snort. "Bramblestar." Alderheart ran to his father. As Bramblestar looked up from the mouse, the camp entrance rustled, and Lionblaze came sprinting in. Cherryfall and Bumblestripe came right behind. They hurried past Alderheart and stopped, breathless, in front of Bramblestar. The ThunderClan leader rose. "We've walked around the lake, as you asked us," reported Lionblaze. “The RiverClan camp is flooded. The clan has sought shelter with WindClan.” Twigbranch stepped forward, staring at Bramblestar. "It’s important!" she mewed. "You have to let me bring them home!" Bramblestar waved her away with his tail and nodded towards the patrol. "How are they?" Alderheart went closer, with curiosity tingling in his pelt while Lionblaze continued to report. "They are wet and desperate, but I think they’re out of danger. Mistystar was nevertheless completely out of it.” "She says StarClan was right and that we should listen to them," said Cherryfall.

"In fact, she and Harestar say the same thing," shot Bumblestripe. "If we are going to survive the storm, we have to get SkyClan back." Bramblestar narrowed his eyes. "Does it mean they are willing to give away a piece of their land, as I have said that ThunderClan will do?" Cherryfall’s whiskers quivered anxiously. "Not exactly", she mewed. "But they both say that they are willing to reconsider the discussion," added Lionblaze. "I think they can be convinced." Twigbranch pushed forward again. "Then we have an opportunity," she said. "It's obvious that StarClan wants all clans to stick together. What if I bring cats from each of the clans, and we try to convince SkyClan that they're actually wanted here?” Alderheart felt hope burning in his chest. "It can’t hurt," he urged. "But ... the biggest obstacle remains: Tigerstar." "Tigerstar will have to accept StarClan's will," grunted Bramblestar. "What if he refuses to give up land?" Bumblestripe asked. "Then he will have to stand alone against StarClan." Bramblestar nodded to Twigbranch. "Take the warriors you need from ThunderClan, and recruit as many as possible from the other clans. Find Leafstar, and persuade her to come back.” Twigbranch's eyes lit up. She raised her muzzle, ignored the rain, and purred. "I'm going to bring SkyClan home," she promised. As she went to the warriors’ den, Alderheart tried to catch his father's eyes. He still had to talk to him about Juniperclaw. "Go with Twigbranch", mewed Bramblestar to Lionblaze. "Help her recruit volunteers for the patrol, and tell Mistystar and Harestar what we've decided.” As Lionblaze bowed his head and went his way, Alderheart took a step forward. "I have to talk to you." He blinked expectantly at his father. Bramblestar narrowed his eyes. "You look worried. Do you think it's too late to get SkyClan home?” "This is not about SkyClan." Alderheart jerked his head towards Highrock. "Let’s take this over there." He led Bramblestar away from the crowd at the fresh-kill pile, and was relieved to find shelter under the overhang. Bramblestar looked worriedly at him. "We must help ShadowClan," mewed Alderheart. "Help them?" Bramblestar looked amazed. “Shadowkit saw Juniperclaw take deathberry seeds from the medicine cat”, mewed Alderheart quietly. "Violetshine says that Juniperclaw was at the fresh-kill pile in SkyClan camp just before Sparrowpelt became ill." "Do you really think Juniperclaw poisoned Sparrowpelt?" "I know that's what happened," Alderheart insisted. "He just said everyone is safe on ShadowClan's land as they are allowed to be there. As ShadowClan sees it, SkyClan was not allowed to be on ShadowClan territory. It is obvious -- he poisoned Sparrowpelt to give them a warning. He wanted SkyClan gone, and found a way to chase them out, without battle.” Bramblestar’s eyes grew darker. "Tigerstar should never trust him," he grunted. "But he did!" Alderheart blinked expectantly at his father. What would Bramblestar do?

Bramblestar looked away. "This is Tigerstar's problem. We cannot meddle in it.” "But you must! I have talked to Tigerstar. He refuses to realize that one of his warriors would break the warrior code. He's not going to do anything.” "And what do you think I should do? Accuse his deputy of murder?” Bramblestar shifted from one paw to the other. "I have nothing to say." Alderheart held his father's gaze. “ShadowClan is in danger. Juniperclaw has been a rogue. We saw what happened last ShadowClan allowed a rogue to decide. They may end up turning their backs on the warrior code again -- and if a clan starts to ignore the warrior code, it is no longer a clan.”

Chapter 20​ ​- translated by Whitestorm (Leo) Twigbranch was so cold that she felt numb in her legs. She had trudged through muddy ground side by side with Tree ever since dawn. Nightcloud, Flypaw and Willowshine went behind them along with the rest of the patrol, and she wondered if they regretted that they had joined this mission. She stopped and shook her pelt beforebefore she glanced toward the woods further ahead. She longed for the trees. They would give them shelter. "I'm tired of being wet and cold." Tree looked at her. "You should start getting used to it. The weather is unlikely to get better." Twigbranch looked at the dark sky above them. "We have to persuade SkyClan to join back or it will never end." They had left the camp the day before, at dawn, and wandered half of the past night before they camped outside the clan territories. Three remembered the way he took when SkyClan had taken him to the lake. He suggested they should follow it now, since it was probably where SkyClan went to. It would be easy to find cats willing to help at WindClan and RiverClan. Many warriors were scared of the ever-increasing storm and eager to end it by bringing SkyClan home. But Tree insisted that they should only bring with them cats who always wanted to have the SkyClan at the lake. Twigbranch had agreed and chose Nightcloud, Hootwhisker and Gorsetail from WindClan, and Willowshine, Icewing and Lizardtail from RiverClan. She looked back at them, bravely springing to action. Flypaw went between them. Finleap stayed behind, along with Lionblaze and Cherryfall. Kvistgrein hoped to catch Finleap's eyes, but he did not look up. She was happy when he offered to join, and she hoped that they would become closer together again on the trip. But he kept distance to her, just like at home in the camp, and she had difficulty shaking the worry about that when they'll find SkyClan, he'll ask to join them back. The sadness tore her apart. Maybe they were not supposed to be together. She was sure the love between them would have grown if things had been different. But right now there wasn't enough love to deal with the problems they had. She blinked at Tree. "You are looking forward to seeing Violetshine again." "I guess." He shook the rain from his ears. Then his eyes grew dark with concern. "I just hope we can find them in this weather." The wind has grown stronger that the trees on the outskirts of the meadow swayed. Willowshine stepped next to Twigbranch. "How much worse can the wind get?" She raised her voice so it could be heard over the wind. Twigbranch squinted because of the rain "I don't know, but we have to keep up the pace. " Willowshine nodded and sprang forward.

The forest has covered them for a while, but it wasn't long until they left the shelter of trees and into the swamps. With paws sinking into the wet, sticky land, they trudged through reeds and sedges.Twigbranch caught sight of a thunderstorm on the other side of the valley. She pointed it with her muzzle. "Is it where we're going to? " she asked Tree. "Yes. We will follow it against some heather heights. But first we'll have to cross a stream. " She heard the stream before she saw it. The water bubbled behind the tall grass. Her pelt prickled. "It sounds more like a waterfall than a stream." Willowshine ran forward and disappeared between the bushes before she came back again. "Rapids ahead!" Her eyes shone with fear. "I don't think we can cross them." Twigbranch followed the gray she-cat as she made her way through the sedges. On the other side the water roared. The current was too wide for them to jump. It swirled and twisted angrily with the muddy widths. "How in The StarClan's name should we get past it?" "It's too strong for us to swim through." Willowshine looked at Icewing and Lizardtail, who came after Tree through the sedges. "Not even RiverClan cats can do it." Everyone stopped in their tracks and stared hopelessly at the foaming water as Nightcloud brought back the rest of the patrol. Lionblaze went to the edge. "Could we do it, if we held each other, and the strongest swimmers went first? " He looked at Icewing. RiverClan cat moved her ears. "It would wash us off." "Look." Tree nodded towards a tree that lied further down the shore. It was hanging over the rapids. In an old crack in the trunk, there was a fresh one made by the storm. The tree swayed in the wind and hung on the crack, so the branches hung down on the water. "If we climb up past the crack, our weight would bend the tree even more, "he said. "The branches are going to reach shore on the opposite side, and we can use them to get across. " The tree looked so fragile swayed by the wind. It wouldn't need much weight until the it snapped and the tree became a temporary bridge. Nightcloud shivered. "It looks dangerous." Hootwhisker's eyes sparkled with fear. "The water can also sweep away the tree. " Twigbranch blinked at Tree. "Maybe we should look for another way."

He shook his head. "It's our only chance. The current becomes stronger the further down the river we go and higher up the rapids are too wide to cross." Flypaw closed his eyes. «Imagine if I fall down? " she breathed. "I'll take care of you." Twigbranch stroked Flypaw's back with her tail. She looked at the others. "We have to break the trunk first. We’ll go through afterwards." Tree nodded and got on the tree. He jumped past the crack in the tree and balanced on the curved stem. Then he stretched his paws forward and pushed. "Help me." Hootwhisker and Lionblaze jumped beside him. They pressed against the trunk together. Cherryfall slipped around to the other side, she was careful not to fall out, she stretched herself and hooked her claws into the bark. She left the trunk while the others pushed. Twigbranch ran to help her, standing up on her back legs and pressing her forehead against the wet wood. She heard a crack and the tree gave up. Cherryfall slipped to the side. Twigbranch appeared as the branches crashed on the shore on the other side. Twigbranch was filled with triumph. The tree lain tightly between the shores high enough for the river to flow freely below. "We can get over!" The tree was narrow, but smooth. They could easily get over the rapids, climb between the branches and jump down the opposite side. She jumped on the trunk and beckoned for the others. Lionblaze was nervous enough for his fur to bristle, but his eyes shone with determination. He jumped up and started to go over before he curled claws down into the bark when the wind blew into his fur. Finleap followed. Twigbranch tried to give him a reassuring look as he passed by her, but he avoided her gaze. Lizardtail and Hootwhisker were next, and the rest followed. While she Waited for them to get over, she let Tree and Flypaw pass her on the trunk. It was nervous for the apprentice. Twigbranch brushed her tail against the young cat's back to calm her down. "I'm right behind you," she promised. Then Flypaw carefully looked forward, Twigbranch went after,with the distance enough for Flypaw to go undisturbed, but close enough that she got hold of her if she lost her grip. The river raged under them, and the water sprayed the trunk. Flypaw went on slowly, but Twigbranch resisted the urge to hurry her. Sheknew that the young she-cat worked best if she did got to do things at her own pace. Flypaw moved slowly along the trunk, with trembling tail and her pelt bristling. As she approached, she set off land piled forward, throwing herself into the branches crawling through them and landed on the shore.

Twigbranch followed the trunk on the thickest part and made her way through the branches until she could see the ground below. Then she jumped down and looked for tree. The yellow male cat had already reached the end of the trunk. She was impressed by how relaxed he seemed, as if he did nothing but cross a puddle. He followed swiftly after Twigbranch and jumped down next to her. "It was a very nice plan" she waved her tail, pleased. Lionblaze nodded to Tree with respect. "I did not know that loners could be so inventive. " Tres's fur was puffed with joy. "Warriors are not the only wise cats in the woods. " Finleap licked his fur. "We should go," he said brusquely. "We cannot waste time congratulating each other. We must resume our journey. " When he walked pased them Tree gave Twigbranch an inquisitive look. She looked away. "Finleap is right. We must keep on moving. " The patrol had been her idea. She was in charge of these cats. She could not let Finleap get under her fur. They wandered for the whole day and let Tre lead them to the thunderpath, as they followed all the way until it turned to the flat area. Then they left the thunderpath and the trail got steeper, leading first up then down onto the moor, until the patrol stood in an ocean of lightning. It rained without a halt and the wind was becoming stronger the closer it was to the evening . Twigbranch was drenched, and tried to overlook the hunger hurting her stomach. She followed Tree, though she could hardly see or feel anything anyway, aside from the rain hitting her face, and the wet ground under her paws. "It was here that I met SkyClan." Tree's voice surprised her. She lifted her eyes and saw that He stood staring at some bushes in the hillside. "I do not know where they may have gone to from here. " She gave him a concerned look "Do you think we can find them?" "It's probably hard in this weather," He mewed. "We'll have to guess. And if we're lucky, we'll find some loner who has seen them. " "I hope so." Twigbranch's heart raced. How could they come so far only to lose track of SkyClan? She saw a sheltered pit among bushes. "We can camp there last night." Tree shook his head. "It'd be too crowded there", He explained. "I know the area. We'll find a better shelter soon. "He nodded towards the trees on the hill. Twigbranch wasn't sure. They seemed very far away. "Isn't there anything closer?" "Come on." Tree said calmly. "It'll be worth the trip." Twigbranch looked back at the others. They looked at her with an exhausted look. "We know of a good place for shelter," She mewed.

Lionblaze's ears sprang up. "Is it far?" "Behind the trees there," Tree explained . "There's good hunting there, and a den to shelter us. " Lionblaze ran forward. Hootwhisker and Icewing followed, rising their heads for the first time since dawn. Flypaw stumbled, and Twigbranch hurried to her. "You can rest soon," she said, encouraging. Finleap hurried up with Cherryfall, and Tree took the lead while Twigbranch close to Flypaw. The young she-cat struggled to walk on the uneven grass. Twigbranch pressed her flank against the apprentice, covering her from the wind and supporting as the slope became steeper. She felt that Flypaw was relaxing when they arrived to the woods. They found cover from the wind and the rain, speeding up the patrol. It had begun to darken, and it did not take long before Tree led them through shadows. Eventually, the trees opened up around the glade, with a rock side sticking out of the slope against the wind. An opening there formed a den in the hill. Tree walked in first before beckoning others. Flypaw trembled when Twigbranch pushed her into den. It was not much more than an overhang, but because it was facing the wind, it gave shelter. Flypaw collapsed inside. "I’m hungry." "Rest while I hunt", Twigbranch mewoed. Flypaw shook his head. "If you're going to hunt, so am I. "She was determined in the eyes. Twigbranch purred with pride. She pressed her nose on Flypaw's head. "Okay." Nightcloud went around and sniffed at den's ground. "It is dry here. " Her voice echoed in the den. Lionblaze shook rain from his fur. "Take Gorsetail and look for some bedding, "he said. "The rest of us will hunt. "He looked at Twigbranch. "Does it sound OK?" Twigbranch nodded. It felt nice that an experienced Warrior asked her for permission. She discovered that Finleap looked at her and met his intense look. He looked down and hurried out of the den. "Ready to hunt?" She winked at Flypaw. "Yes." The young striped cat rose up. Twigbranch took her out between the trees and followed a path through the undergrowth. The night completely covered the woods. She opened her mouth in search of prey, but the rain had washed away all the scent. She continued further into the woods. The wind whistled between the branches. The rain penetrated foliage. She glanced over some torn bushes, but there was

no prey to see there. She could barely stand. Soon she became dizzy and she realized she was too tired to hunt. She would have been more useful in finding the beddings. Then she saw a glimpse of Finleap's fur behind bushes. It looked like he found some prey. "Go and help Finleap." She pointed towards him to Flypaw. "I'll help Nightcloud." Whilst Flypaw hurried towards Finleap, Twigbranch went back towards the den. Has SkyClan sought shelter here? How big of a head start did they have? She stopped when she got to bracken, and picked up as much as she could carry, taking the stems between her teeth and dragging them to the den where she dropped them next to Nightcloud. The WindClan warriors have already placed a fair bunch of foliage at the very heart of the den. Nightcloud nodded Twigbranch thanks and spread her bracken out along with the rest of the beddings. "We'll get it comfortable tonight. » «Good.» Twigbranch purred. "We'll need strength if we want to find SkyClan. " "Do you think we'll find them tomorrow?" Nightcloud's eyes shone in darkness. "I hope so." Twigbranch wondered if it was possible to find SkyClan so fast. It had been a difficult journey, and the storm would not end soon. She went to the edge of the den and looked at forest at night. Then Tree came out from between the trees. He carried a plump rabbit. Twigbranch licked around his mouth. She knew its warm smell when Tree walked next to her. He laid it on the ground in front of her. "Do you want to share this with me? "Gladly.." She blinked gratefully to him. They lain down and ate fresh-kill in turns. The sweeet, fresh flavors melted on her tongue, and she finally began to warm up. Tree swallowed a mouthful and stretched out satisfied. "I haven’t been hungry in ages. " "It's because you've lived with a clan," Twigbranch mewed with mouth full of food. "Maybe" he replied. "Have you always been a loner?" Twigbranch tore off a new strip of meat from the rabbit. "Yes." Tree's eyes rounded in the darkness. "My mom left me when I was a kit. I have taught myself to hunt and find shelter. " "It must have been difficult." "It was." He lay over his stomach. "It has been so long since I almost don't remember it. " Twigbranch swallowed the piece. "Do you like to live alone?" "I enjoyed freedom," Tree mewed. "The only thing I eeded to worry about was the next meal. I liked not having responsibilities. But then I met Violetshine. He sounded almost annoyed, even

though his eyes were full of longing. Twigbranch would purr with delight, but kept it to herself. It was clear that Violetshine has disturbed his dear personal life. "Then for the first timeI started to think about getting a family. I wanted responsibility. That’s how much I miss her. " Twigbranch felt sorry for him as he stared with longing into the forest. He blinked. "But we'll find them and I'll tell her what I feel for her. " Twigbranch followed his gaze. "Kits are a distant thought for me, "she said, feeling bad. “Finleap is already ready, but I have don’t want to stop being a warrior yet." "You don't have to stop." Tree reminded her. "Don't the queens only live in the nursery for as long as the kits need milk?" "They do." Was it selfish for her to want to focus on her own life? "But I don’t want to think about that yet. I like being a mentor. I learn something new every single day. " "You're young," he said gently. "There's no rush." "Violetshine is also young." "Yes." Tree looked gently at her. "But she always has wanted a family. I think she will be a very good one mother." "I think so too." Suddenly Twigbranch missed her sister with a sorrow that was stronger and more penetrating than ever since she left. That put a silence between them before Flypaw ran in with excitement. His eyes shone, and the shrew was hanging from his mouth. She came running to Twigbranch and put it on ground. "I caught it on my first try," she said proud. "Good job!" While Twigbranch purred admiringly, Finleap appeared. He carried on a messed sparrow. It was lean and resembled more crowfood than fresh-kill. He stopped beside Flypaw and left it on the ground. "I thought we could share this ..." He looked at the fat rabbit that lain half-eaten between Twigbranch and Tree. "... but you seem to have eaten." His voice was sharp with anger. Twigbranch twitched her paws nervously. "I did not know that you would catch something. Tree offered to share and I was hungry. " Finleap did not listen. He just stared at the rabbit. "He knew where the best prey is. He has lived here. It's easy to hunt when you know the territory. " Tree stared coldly at Finleap. "I could catch a rabbit anywhere. »

"Did you catch that rabbit to impress Violetshine? "Finleap mewed. "Or have you forgotten about her already? " Tree shot back. "I do not have to impress anyone. " "No?" It moved into the ears of Finleap. "You try a lot to impress Twigbranch. " Tree threw a scornful look at Finleap's lean catch. "More than you do, at least. You ignored her the whole journey, and then you come with this. " Finleap curled his lips. "​Loner​." Then he hissed and went his way. Flypaw blinked at Twigbranch. "What was that about?" Twigbranch ignored the question and got on her feet. Was Finleap jealous? She felt a hope in stomach. Maybe he still loves me. "I have to see if he's okay. " Tree didn't act appropriately, but it was Finleap who started the fight. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, even though he behaved like a jealous fox. She rushed through the den. Finleap went and sniffed ahead. "Well, are you sure you can handle being here without Tree" Twigbranch blinked at him. "What are you talking about? Tree is in love with Violetshine! » He gave her an angry look and ran out of the den. "Where are you?" She ran after him. "We should talk." He began to move up the steep slope next to the den. "Don't go there!" She felt frustration burning under her fur. She climbed after him. At the top of the hill, the forest opened itself towards the moor. The thundercloud grew close down the dark hillside. Twigbranch walked after him over the blown grass and shuddered as the rain crashed against her face. He stopped by a heather and turned back to face her. "I'll bet you do not even want to to find SkyClan! You're probably happy that Violetshine is gone now, so Tree notices you. " The shock caused Twigbranch to stiffen. "Have you got bees in your brain "She glared at him. "That you can say something like that! I would never betray my sister. I would never try to get Tree to notice me either. It’s just as I said. He is just a friend. He would not have done something like that to Violetshine either! " "You have been side by side ever since we left the camp, "snatched Finleap. "I'm leading the patrol and he knows the way!" Twigbranch snapped.

"Every time I look at you, you have your eyes focused on him." "We're just talking! He's someone I can ​talk ​with. After SkyClan left the forest, I didn't feel like I can talk to you." She felt sorrow. "I do not understand why you stayed with me. You are clear that you want to stay with the SkyClan." "I stayed because I love you!" Finleap spat. . "You do not even look at me. If this is love, I do not want it! "She lashed her tail. "You do not know what love is!" He gave an accusing look. "Of course I do!" Why was he so cruel "I love you!" "Not enough to have kits with me." She stared at him and felt the wind in her coat. "Is that what this is about? If I don't want kits then you don't want me?" "I want you to love me enough to have kits with me." His voice was sore. "And I want you to love me enough to wait." She suddenly became exhausted. She was tired about arguing the same thing over and over again. "Forget it, Finleap." The rain dripped from her whiskers. "We'll find SkyClan soon. Then you can go back to them. " As she turned away, she saw a shadow in the corner of her eye. She narrowed her eyes. A black male cat came to them through the heathers. The rain had gripped his coat against the body, and he had laid the ears flat against the wind. "Hi!" He called out he approached. Finleap shot back. "Who are you?" "My name is Kongro." The tom stopped in front of them. He seemed untouched by Finleap's hostility. "I live here in the area. " "Alone?" Asked Finleap. "Clearly." Kongro blinked at him. Finleap relaxed. "Why didn't you seek out a shelter from the rain? " "I have done it," Kongro mewed. "But then I scented other cats. Are there more of you? "

Twigbranch nodded. "They are at the den." "I thought so." Kongro sat down and curled up against the weather. "I don't usually get visitors up here. It's strange that you appear so soon after the other group. " Twigbranch stiffened up. "The other group?" "Have you met SkyClan?" Finnhopp leaned forward. "SkyClan ..." Kongro sounded as if he tried to recall. "Yes, that's what they called." "How long have you been since you met them?" It felt as if the Twigbranch's heart skipped a beat. "They passed here yesterday." The tom was vague. "They went over there. "He shook his head towards the moor. "I hope they are doing well. I hearthat there has been a flood there. I hope they avoided it. " Finleap opened his eyes. "We're coming!" He walked towards the den. "We must tell the others." Twigbranch ran after him. "Thanks, Kongro!" She shouted back. "There's nothing to thank for!" The black male cat was already on his way back to the heather. Twigbranch followed Finleap down the steep hill the slope at the den, and slipped and crawled behind him on the slippery grass. "We know where SkyClan has gone." Finleap was already in the den and told Lionblaze the latest news. "We know when, too. They were here yesterday. " Tree sat at the rabbit rests while Flypaw shared the shrew with Nightcloud and Gorsetail. The yellow tom stared into the woods. When Twigbranch ran to him to tell him about Congro, she noticed a distant look in his eyes. He murmured for himself, as if he was talking to someone. She stopped next to Flypaw. "What happened to Tree?" Flypaw shrugged. "I don't know. He has Been like that since you left. "She took another piece of the shrew and gave it a good chew. "At first I thought that he talked to me, but he must have been talking to himself. Perhaps the weather has affected him." Twigbranch went all the way back to Tree and sniffed him carefully. "Tree?" She poked him. "Is everything alright?"

He turned to her and winked. His gaze cleared, and his body tensed up. "Not really. I spoke to a dead warrior. " Twigbranch froze. Was the warrior still here? Her fur pricked. Was it the same cat as the one had asked him to stay by the lake? "Who was it?" "The cat who also said that SkyClan should be by the lake. " She saw the fear in his eyes. "What did he say this time? " "That the sky is in trouble." For the first time she sawTree worried. "We cannot stay here tonight. We must help them." Twigbranch’s insides twisted when she remembered what Kongo said about the flood. "Did the warrior say what kind of problems they had? " Tree shook his head. "She didn't know." She? ​ Was it Needletail? Twigbranch knew that Violetshine's old friend had searched Tree before. "Who was it?" “I don't remember. I've seen her before ... when I was a loner, I mean. We met while she was still alive. "Tree abruptly looked up. "But actually... she is similar to you. Not in the fur. She had white coat with brown spots. But her eyes ... " He thought for a moment, and the fur began to rise along his spine. "Her eyes were just like yours." Twigbranch shuddered . "Green?" she whispered. "Just like yours," he whispered again. She knew who it was. A dead warrior who worried about the SkyClan that had eyes just like hers. There was only one cat who matched that description. It was as if the heart skipped a beat. "Pebbleshine." Twigbranch's voice cracked. " Oh, Tree... You talked to my mom.”

Chapter 21​ ​- translated by Mothflight VIOLETSHINE dreamed. Tree.​ The rain had subsided, and he was lying next to her in the nest. She smelled the scent of him and drew closer. He sniffed her ear. "I've missed you." For the first time in many days, she was hot to the bone, and she rough farther down among the ferns. The heart piece of happiness. They were safely back in the SkyClan camp again. She heard the lake lick the beach. ​So strange.​ The lake had not tended to be as close to the camp. "You must never leave me again," whispered Tree. I will not do that.​ She tried to say it out loud, but the words did not come out. Instead trickling the water from the mouth. It dripped down into the fur of three. He jumped up and went bust of shock. ​Sorry.​ She tried to apologize, once again, but trickled water out between her lips. Tree backed away with disgust in his eyes. When he turned away, Violetshine's fur was cold. Fear was lit in the stomach. "You must wake up!" Dewspring rudely awakened her. She opened her eyes from the rain and remembered with a twinge of disappointment that SkyClan had encamped on a hill the night before. A faint morning light showed Clanmates bristling fur. "Flooding!" Plumwillow's screams got Violetshine's attention. The fear quivered through the coat. What once had been muddy fields below the hill, was now covered by a huge lake that swirled and licked against their nests. "The water is still rising." Hawkwing ran around Clan and chased them further up iskråningen. On top stood an enormous elm and swayed in the wind. Clan camped under it, because it was the tallest tree in the area. There stood a salary close by, but it was smaller and had not promised as good shelter. Moreover, it had been small trees from the roots, where the Clan had planned to build nests. Violetshine stared at maple tree now, and wished that they had encamped there, because it was higher and was out of reach of the flood. But they could not reach it anymore now. The water prevented them, and they were trapped on an island which shrank rapidly. It was as if Violetshine had grown into the ground. She stared at the water. It rushed across the grass with a tremendous force. "Move." Hawkwing steered her towards the general as the water lapped up higher and grass stain Violetshine had stood on, vanished.

Leafstar stared out across the landscape that lay under water. Her eyes were round with despair. "StarClan help us." Bellaleaf turned sharply muzzle against the stunned leader. "They tried to warn us, did you forget that?" "Viskulle been left with the other Clans!" Salvietut jumped away as the water lapped up even higher. Dewsprinh flattened his ears. "This is what happens when you ignore StarClan." Leafstar looked at him with fear in her eyes. She was tight istemmer. "There was no room for us at the lake." "We should have done more to get us room," snapped Bellaleaf. "Instead we're going to drown in the middle of no-tax countries," Dewspring's coat bristled. Hawkwing glared at his Clanmates. "Do not give Leafstar blame! She has always done what she thinks is best for the clan. How would she be able to know how the future looked?" Salvietut grunted. "StarClan knew it." He nodded toward småtrærne. "Look!" Violetshine followed his gaze and counted five small trees that stood iskyggen of the maple tree. "They warned us," whispered Plumwillow. "They knew what would happen if we left." Sandynose went back and forth in panic. Frecklewish pushed her way above the group. "Småtrærne is still fresh." She waved her tail against them. "None of them were broken by the storm." Hawkwing raised his snout. "She is right. Småtrærne survive the storm, as we shall do." Quailpaw screamed and jumped back as the water lapped him on his paws. "We're going to drown!" Hawkwing looked up. "We are SkyClan," he howled. "We can climb!" He jumped up the tree and climbed up easily on the lower limb. Then he leaned down and shouted: "There is plenty of space up here." Violetshine pushed Sunnypaw against the trunk as Clanmates rushed forward and poured into

the treetop. Frecklewish stood on the ground and waited while Fidgetcrow clawed his way up. Violetshine pushed himself up to her. "Does småtrærne that we are going to manage us?" Frecklewish looked hollow-eyed at her. "So far." The fear caused it to tie in the stomach to Violetshine. She looked back toward the maple tree as Frecklewish climbed up the tree. The water that flowed between them and maple tree, was wide as a river. If only they had been able to get over, they'd escaped the flood. "Violetshine!" Hawkwing called down to her. It dawned on Violetshine that she was the last cat left on the ground. The water had risen even higher. A wave washed over paws her. As the last of the grass disappeared, she climbed up and hauled out on branch beside Hawkwing. Harrybrook and Lurifaks jumped to some branches higher up. They helped to haul others up after themselves. Violetshine viewed her Clanmates as they sat among the branches. They resembled crows filled the tree and waiting for a new day. Leafstar set fixedly at the end of Hawkwing's branch and then into the foaming water. "Maybe we should have been at the lake," she mewed. Salvietut leaned down from the branch above her. "I wish you'd figured it out a bit before." Violetshine glared at him. "Leafstar is our leader, and she'd sacrificed her life to save us," she growled. "If she has taken us here, it is with good reason. How can you be so sure that we would not have been in danger if we stayed? Harrybrook peered between the leaves. "We are safe here yet," he shouted. "That we should be grateful for." Violetshine looked at her father. "When will the water begin to sink again?" His eyes darkened when her looked into hers. "Not until the rain stops." Plumwillow shouted from a branch farther up. "That does not happen with the first!" She threw on his nose toward the sky. "Look at the clouds." They were darker on the horizon. The rain poured down like huge shadows, so the hills in the distance were no longer able to see. Nettlespash curled tail over his paws and curved neck against the storm. "If we do not drown, we starve to death." Violetshine was hollow in the stomach by hunger. What Nettlesplash said, scared her. She drew closer to his father. "We will find a way, won't we?"

He put the muzzle against her head. "StarClan is not going to kill us." She wanted to believe him, but StarClan had asked them not to leave the camp. Had StarClan known that there was this flood that awaited them? The medicine cats' vision had a storm that demolished småtrærne up by the root. Should it get the better of SkyClan as easily?

Has there been sun?​ Violetshine was not sure. It was impossible to interpret the clouds. She only knew that she had been hurt in the clutches of clinging to the bark while the rain lashed against her face and the wind tore the coat. She struggled to not pick teeth. The Clam had become quiet around her. They just waited for the storm to pass. Even Hawkwing hung with shoulders. She pressed up against him. "We'll be fine," she whispered, but thought it hardly even. He looked at her, eyes round with compassion. "I'm just glad I got the chance to get to know you and Twigbranch." It struck in her heart. ​He thinks we're going to die!​ "We'll see Twigbranch again," she mewed desperately. "This is not the end." Further out on the limb jerked it in the ears of Leafstar. She looked at Violetshine. "You're right," mewed she decided. "This is not the end." She sat up and raised his voice. "SkyClan will not die here." Faces came appear through the green leaves over her while she continued. "We have come too far and survived too much to going to die here." Leafstar stood up. "Perhaps it was wrong of me to take you here, but I refuse to let someone die because of a mistake I have made. We are SkyClan. We have survived because of the courage, strength and intelligence since the Clan beginnings, and it can save us now. If we work together, we can get us isikkerhet!" She looked up at the Clan with her eyes shining with determination. Lurifaks jumped down onto the limb under him. "Can we swim?" "Too dangerous." Leafstar waved her tail. "SkyClan cats are not swimmers. Moreover, it is for strong currents. The water had stopped climbing, but it swirled ominously around the trunk. It came increasingly broken branches floating past. "We can jump down on one of those." Violetshine nodded toward a branch as it floated by.

"How can we know if it ever hit the country?" asked Hawkwing. "I'd rather be stuck in a tree than on a log," cried Salvietut. I wish Tree were here.​ Violetshine longed for his reassuring presence. ​He would've found a good solution. "We might be able to jump from here." Plumwillow went down the trunk and landed on a thick branch that stretched towards the maple tree. She went out on it. "It goes almost entirely into the country." Leafstar sneaked past Violetshine and jumped lightly on the limb. Then she went past Plumwillow and began to take out to the tip. Violetshine held their breath. Had Plommepil found an escape route? Leafstar stopped when the limb began to bend under her. She peered through the foliage. "It is not long enough." Plumwillow ran to her. "It's only a small jump away." "A revelengde," Leafstar pointed out. "It may be too far for some. Moreover, we need a steadier ledge to ensure that we can manage it." Greiner trembled when she moved on themselves. Plumwillow on maple tree that stood so tempting close. "If it had just had some lower branches that reached this." Hawkwing went up to her, and Violetshine followed. The width suddenly seemed closer now, but it was still too far away. "The branches of the maple tree is young," commented Hawkwing as he stared out between the leaves. "It would be easy to bend them." Plumwillow waved impatiently with her tail. "How shall we be able to bend them? We do not even manage to reach them." Leafstar narrowed her gaze. "If one of us comes up over there," mewed she said softly, "it can bend the limb. "Two would be better." Hawkwing had not taken his eyes off the maple tree. "Or three," voiced Plumwillow in. "I can go," mewed Salvietut. "Me too," cried Lurifaks over them.

"I should go first." Hawkwing straightened up in the shoulders. "No!" Hairs on Violetshine stood up. Hawkwing could not leave her! "What if you drown?" She was nauseous and stared down into the brown water. Leafstar lifted snout. "I'm leaving." She looked at the clan. "I have brought you here. I'll get you out again." "You are our leader." Hawkwing stared at her. "You can not risk your life." "I have nine lives to risk," she replied. "You have only one." "We'll wait and see if the rain stops!" Nectarpaw's frightened whimper sounded over them. "If you are drowning, it helps no one," shouted Harrybrook. "I will not drown." Leafstar blew up her wet coat. "We have to find a way out. We can not stay in this tree forever." She went further out on the limb. The tip leaned dangerously far under the weight of her. The Clan came quietly with while Leafstar fixed her eyes on the maple tree. She bent down and tense muscles of the hind legs. So she jumped with trembling legs. Violetshine saw branch shake. It was as if time stood still when Leafstar whizzed through the air. ​Clear it, please!​ Violetshine's fur was fighting back when Leafstar began to fall. The SkyClan leader was flipping in the air and reached for maple tree, but it was too far away. She hit the water with a splash and disappeared under the surface. The shock pumped through Violetshine. She stared at the swirling water, and the blood roared in her ears. Dewspring leaned over the edge. "I can save her!" "No!" ordered Hawkwinge. "She has more life to lose than you. You would not withstood it." Violetshine was tight in the throat. "Where is she?" SkyClan's leader was still unable to see. "Wait." Hauk Vinge stared down with every muscle in full chip. A figure came appear through the muddy water, and Leafstar's head appeared. The fear was burning in the leader's eyes as she blinked up against Vlan. Then she disappeared with a gasp. The waters roared as she struggled back to the surface. She opened her mouth before she

sank again. "We have to save her!" Violetshine threw herself forward, wild panic. But teeth met in the scruff of her, and Hawkwing tore her backward. Violetshine turned and glared at him. "What are you doing? We can not just stand by and watched her die!" She saw a flash of brown fur on the banks, as a fuzzy shadow through høljregnet. She gasped as a figure plunged into the water. A cat! What was it made? It could drown! She saw the cat doll, resurface and duck down again. She glimpsed the broad shoulders and a heavy pan until the cat disappeared again. It was a male. Was he strong enough to survive it? He broke the surface once again. This time he dragged Leafstar after themselves. He fought against the tide and went Leafstar into the country. With a gasp went Violetshine recognized the coat. She struggled free from Hawkwing's grip. Finleap?​ What was he doing here? She stared in amazement while several cats came running and began to tail Finleaf and Leafstar in the water. Tree was among them! And Twigbranch. She recognized them, even through the heavy rain. The heart was burning. From above, she heard gledesul. "ThunderClan has sent a patrol!" "Lizardtail is with them." "And Gold Hale." "Are all the Clans here?" Harrybrook and Lurifaks came bouncing down and stood firmly against Violetshine. Nectarpaw and Quailpaw craned their necks to see from the branch above them. Fiolstråle had his eyes fixed on Leafstar. She moved? Had Finleap gotten her out of the water in time? She recognized Willowshine's pale, striped fur. The medicine cat from RiverClan stood and pumped Leafstar's on the chest with her paws. SkyClan's leader was lying lifeless on the shore while Pils trawl did what she could. Violetshine held her breath. *She must live!* So twitched in Leafstar before she lifted her head abruptly and threw up muddy water. "She lives!" Salvietut howled triumphantly over them as Leafstar stared groggyily around. The cheers resounded from the tree and cats in the country turned around and looked at them.

Finleap's facial expression went over in despair when he saw his former Clanmates sit caught, but Tree went to the water's edge and called out to them. "Do not be afraid!" He shouted. "We will find a way to save you all." Violetshine pushed past her father, desperate as she was after to speak to Tree. "You came!" The joy is pumped through the body. She had thought that she would never see him again. His eyes widened when he saw her. "You are safe!" "Not yet." Violetshine lifted her snout. "You have to bend the branches of the maple tree there, so we can climb over here." He nodded at once and turned to the patrol. Shortly after Wood Twigbranch, Tuthår and Lion Fire on the rise in maple tree. They moved between the branches until they found one that hung over the water. When they gathered together, stretched forward and pressed down with forefeet. When it began to bend farther down, gave three signs of Lion Fire and Tuthår tail. They climbed over the other two and balanced out on the limb. The weight of them got it to bend even more. Caution crept those beyond the swayed just above the water surface. Violetshine blinked. It came to work. She could see the place where the tip of Plumwillow's branch and the second met. Plumwillow was the first who took over. Lurifaks and Harrybrook came on while the branches trembled beneath them. One after another came SkyClan cats to safety. Hawkwing pushed Violetshine forward. "Go now," mewed he said. "You go first." She would not let him out of sight. "I'll be fine," she mewed. "Trust me." She went out along the limb and felt her heart run wild as she approached the tip. The water swirled below, but she put her eyes in maple tree and wriggled into the limb. She knew that it was trembling when she landed and took it towards the trunk. With heart pounding she jumped down on the ground and looked back just in time to see Hawkwing run isikkerhet. The relief filled her like warm sunbeams. She heeded hardly that it rained. Soon after she had Tree' snout in her fur, while Twigbranch wound happily around Hawkwing. "So nice to see you." Tree panted and stroked her entire face with the muzzle. She pressed against him and felt the joy flowing through the coat. "I will never be a loner again," mewed she said. "From now on I'll go wherever you go." Violetshine drew her head tilseg and saw him deeply into her eyes. Love whirring in the body. "You must never leave me again."

"That I will not." "Not for a whole squad of dead warriors asks you to do it." "I promise." She let the nose against his cheek and turned to Finleap. "Thank you!" Finleap's eyes lit up when Violetshine ran against him. "We came just in time." "So brave you were!" Violetshine looked at him. "Where did you learn to swim? '' "That was not swimming," he joked. "There was drowning." "You rescued Leafstar." As she spoke, came Twigbranch running over to her. She stuck her nose into her ear and purred. "I feared that I would never see you again." Violetshine pulled tilseg smell of her sister. "What are you doing here?" "I persuaded Bramblestar to let me take a patrol out for begging Leafstar to come back to the lake." "But you have cats from RiverClan and WindClan with you." Fiolstråle was confused. "We wanted to show Leafstar that everyone will have SkyClan at the lake," explained Twigbranch. "We thought that it was the only way to persuade her on." Violetshine lifted her nose toward the sky. The rain washed her face. "I think she has realized that we should not be dragged." "Let's hope so." Twigbranch glanced at Leafstar, who looked dazed out where she sat next to Willowshine. "We can talk to her when she has recovered." Violetshine blinked toward Finleap again. "I still can not believe that you risked your life to save her." Finleap shrugged. "Anyone else would have done the same." "But it was only you who did it." Violetshine looked at Twigbranch in the eye. "I understand why you are so fond of him. He is a great warrior."

Twigbranch viewed Finleap. Was that sadness in her eyes? "He is there," mewed she said. "And I certainly love him. I'm very fond of him.”

Chapter 22​ ​- translated by Lightflame Alderheart muted a clearing and continued to walk along the scent line. He had stood by the ShadowClan border and waited with Bramblestar since sunshine. The storm struck the trees, and the rain fell down through the foliage. "Can not we just cross the border?" "No." Bramblestar shook drops from the hairs. "We wait for a patrol to take us to the camp. I do not want to give the meeting a bad start. " It was two days since Alderheart had told Bramblestar that Juniperclaw had taken deathberries from medicine, and Bramblestar had finally agreed to go to ShadowClan and discuss it all with Tigerstar. "We must have peace between the clans," he had said to Alderheart that morning. "And you're right. How can it happen when a foxhearted cat is a deputy? How can we trust him? Imagine if he becomes a leader? " Alderheart had been relieved. He could see from the father's face that he was not optimistic with regard to the meeting, but that, as the storm got worse for each day, obviously felt he could not overlook the problem anymore. Now Alderheart stood staring at ShadowClan territory in the hope of shining a patrol. "Tigerstar will have to listen to us," he mewed. «Tigerstar is young», Bramblest remembers him. "And he has a lot to prove after stopping off and then coming back with a ThunderClan cat and halfClan kits. It becomes difficult for him to admit he made a bad choice when he took Juniperclaw as deputy. " "But he has to take it over him," Alderheart insisted. «Juniperclaw tried to kill another cat. Tigerstar can not let him get away with it. " "Tigerstar can do what he wants." Bramblestar was dark in his eyes. "I'm unsure whether he will admit the error or cover it." "He can not cover it!" "Why not?" Bramblestar let the glance glide over the shadowed woods. "He is ambitious and has got the clan's undisputed loyalty." Then the potato was heard behind the bushes. Bramblestar pointed ears. "Now they come." Alderheart shook his chest and watched while Strikestone, Blazepaw and Snaketooth were brushing out of the bushes. They approached the border. Snaketooth's fur roared when she saw the Bushman's star. "What are you doing here?" "I want to talk to Tigerstar." Bramblest so quietly at her. Strikestone narrowed his eyes. "Why?" "Do not you have enough to do because of the storm?" Grinned Snaketooth. "We thought you were preparing for flooding." Blazepaw put his head on the shelf. "Maybe the sun shines on the territory of ThunderClan." Strikestone curled lips. "The sun is always shining on ThunderClan," he said sarcastically. Bramblestar fan impatiently with his tail. "I do not have time for that," he mewed. "Take me to Tigerstar." Strikestone and Snaketooth exchanged a glance. "Ok." Strikestone lifted the snout. "But hurry up. We have so much territory to patrol now that SkyClan has left. "

"And a lot of prey to hunt." Snaketooth waved bramblestar over the border with his tail. Olderhjerte's famous coat stretched nervously when he followed. Had the Skyggeklan forgotten the sight? "Do not you worry because SkyClan left?" "Why should we be?" Snaketooth began to go to ShadowClan camp. "That's what we wanted." Indifference surprised Alderheart. "What about the storm?" They realized that the vision was about to come true? "Storms come and go", grinned Strikestone. "We've survived worse." Alderheart looked at Bramblestar. The father stared at a glance, it was impossible to interpret. It was only the coat, which rose far beyond the spine, revealing that he was inadequate. Alderheart walked beside him while Strikestone, Snaketooth and Blazepaw flanked them. His hope was running out. It was obvious that ShadowClan did not regret having run SkyClan. Perhaps they would not care if Juniperclaw had done. They appeared in the camp after Strikestone. Blazepaw and Snaketooth came in after them. Cloverfoot and Scorchfur lay and shared a mouse at the fresh-kill pile. The rain splashed against the pearls. The branches that hung over the camp wall gave little shelter, and the big light was smooth and muddy. Tawnypelt sat on the edge. She was wet in her coat, but made no signs of moving, not even when she saw Bramblestar. Scorchfur lifted his eyes while chewing. He winked at the patrol and jumped up. "Bramblestar is here with Alderheart," he shouted as he ran against Tigerstar's it. Tigerstar came out with Dovewing just behind. The leader was skeptical of the eyes. He is obviously wondering what we are doing here, thought Alderheart. The dark brown male cat stopped at the end of the clearing and stared at Bramblestar. "Welcome." Bramblestar stopped a shoulder length from the ShadowClan leader. He moved the weight unassigned from one pot to the other. "Have you heard that RiverClan camp is flooded?" He began. "We've seen it myself," mewn Tigerstar. "RiverClan has applied for a refuge at WindClan," explained Alderheart. "They could come to us," Tigerstar said with neutral voice. "We've changed enough to refer to a clan that has been banished from home now." But not to SkyClan. Alderheart bet the words. Instead, he threw a glance at the medicine. "How are you doing with Shadowkit?" "He still has the same vision." Tigerstar was untouched in the rain. "But the seizures have taken place. The sight comes as a nightmare now. " "You must be worried." Alderheart winked compassionately against him. "It's not going to happen to him." Tigerstar waved his tail. "I'm not going to let him down." How could he be so sure that kits' sight would not be fulfilled? "But now that's flooding, are not you?" Bramblestar interrupted him. "Tigerstar knows enough how to take care of his kit."

As he spoke, Pouncekit and Lightkit came running out of the Nursery. Dovewing raised his tail to ask them to calm down. Then she looked at Bramblestar. "Was it just what you came to talk to us about?" Bramblestar shook his head. "No ... there is something else we need to discuss." "Alderheart!" Puddleshine appeared in the opening of the medicine cat hall. He glanced over the clearing. Alderheart bowed his head to the friend, but remained standing. It was as if the humid air sparkled with excitement. Puddleshine became darker in the eyes as though he knew it himself. Tigerstar had his eyes attached to Bramblestar. "What?" He knows. Alderheart moved the weight uneasy from one pot to the other. He had accused Juniperclaw when he was there last and the ShadowClan leader had guessed that was what they had come to discuss. But he's going to force Bramblestar to say that high. "Alderheart tells us that Juniperclaw was seen when he took deathberries from medicine, and that Violetshine saw him later, at the swath of SkyClan." Bramblestar explained slowly. Dovewing pointed his ears and was clearly surprised. Tawnypelt came closer, while Cloverfoot stopped chewing on the mouse. Strikestone spotted teeth. "Do you accuse my brother of poison Sparrowpelt?" Tigerstar asked for silence with a tail lift, without taking a look from Bramblestar. "I thought I had given a clear message," he growled low. «SkyClan has gone. This is not a theme anymore. " "Tigerstar?" Dovewing ran away to him. "Is it true? Used Juniperclaw poison? »The coat is wrinkled with anxiety. Alderheart suffered from his former Clanmate. It had to be a shock to discover that her clan was able to do something so brutally. Tigerstar looked at her. "Alderheart has convinced himself that it is true." "Is it right?" Dovewing shakes his voice. Tigerstar hesitated. "Well, SkyClan is gone, but Juniperclaw is still your next leader." The Bushman spoke with a neutral voice. "Do not you worry that a cat who can find something so despicable, one day may take over as a leader? Is there a future you want for ShadowClan? » Doubt appeared in Tigerstar's eyes. "You can not ignore this," Dovewing insisted. "You can not let ShadowClan get stuck again. Do not you remember what happened last? " Tigerstar winked at her. "Do you mean I'll turn Clanmates my back because of ThunderClan gossip?" "It's more than gossip!" Alderheart felt that it was stuck in the paws of resentment. "We have proof." "Juniperclaw is not far away." Dovewing looked at the camp entrance. "He chases at the ditches. Ask someone to pick him up. He must explain himself. " Tigerstar held her eyes for a moment before nodding to Scorchfur. «Get Juniperclaw.» Alderheart followed his eyes when he asked from the camp. The rain dripped from the hairs where he stood waiting next to Bramblestar. Nobody said anything until they finally heard the potato outside.

Juniperclaw was dark at the time when he entered the camp. Strikestone ran away and stood next to the brother. "Tell these ThunderClan fleabags that it's not true!" Juniperclaw did not look at his clanmate. Instead, he hid at Alderheart. "You knew where I had laid the seeds!" Growled Alderheart. "Shadowkit saw you digging them up. And Violetshine saw you at the pile of fresh meat. You poisoned SkyClan swap! " Strikestone squeezed until Juniperclaw, but the other ShadowClan cats remained untouched. "Now?" Growled Tigerstar. "Is it true?" Juniperclaw lay the ears flat. "I saved ShadowClan from countless kinds. We got back to our country, and Grassheart was the only one who was seriously injured. " "Not the only one." Bramblestar the fan angry on his tail. "Sparrowpelt almost died." Juniperclaw looked at Tigerstar, and for the first time there was a doubt in his eyes. "I did it to protect the clan!" "So that's true?" Strikestone pulled away from his brother. The relief plunged through Alderheart. Juniperclaw acted on his own paw. ShadowClan warriors held the credit. He watched while Strikestone curled his lips. "Only a stranger would have used poison!" Snatched the brown, striped male cat. "Have you not learned anything after Darktail?" Dovewing was angry with his tail. "He learned too much of him, you ask me!" "I'm loyal!" Juniperclaw threw a feverish look at Clanmates around him. "I saved you from fighting." "We are warriors." Tigerstar stared at the deputy. "We fight. We do not commit killing. Have you never learned warrior code? " "I protected the clan!" Juniperclaw started to back. Compassion stuck Alderheart in the chest. How could a warrior get lost? "You're no longer a deputy in ShadowClan." The dark eyes of Tiger stars were attached to Einerklo. "I'm not even sure if you're going to call a ShadowClan warrior." He threw his head on Tawnypelt and Scorchfur. "Take him to the warriors' it and take place as guards outside. He will get his punishment later. " Juniperclaw sank into his shoulders when the two wars escorted him to the den. Then he sneaked in without saying a word. "I was wrong." Tigerstar looked so mad at Bramblestar. "I should not have chosen him as deputy. I thought he had gained greater confidence in the warrior code after this with Darktail, no less. " "I understand why you did it," Bramblestar mewed. "You would reconcile the clan by including those who once failed you. It was a noble gesture. " "But it was wrong." Tigerstar bent his head. Dovewing pushed himself to him. "You could not know." "It was not just Juniperclaw I was wrong." Tiger star lifted his head to the rain. "The storm StarClan warned us against has come, and I hunted SkyClan away. I was so keen to restore ShadowClan that I ignored the warning from the ancestors. "

He wish that SkyClan did not go! Hope blew up in Alderheart. But before he stopped asking if Tigerstar would let them come back, Pouncekit stabbed his head out of the stomach cavity. "Dovewing, we're hungry! Can we have fresh meat? " "I'll pick you up," Dewawing said to the gray and striped female cat. As she turned towards the pile of fresh meat, she shouted at Pouncekit: "Can you share a tip mouse with ShadowClan?" "Shadowkit is not here." Pouncekit winked at her mother. Dovewing became dark in the eyes. She rushed to Nursery. "What do you mean?" Tigerstar ran after her. He squeezed past her into the den. "Where is he?" Pouncekit and Lightkit went close to the danger when he came out again. "He was playing a game," explained Lightkit. "He pretended he had been given an important mission to save the clan. Pouncekit wanted to join, but he said he had to do it alone. " «Search the camp!» Tigerstar threw a desperate look at Clanmates. Dovewing whistled around Lightkit and Pouncekit. "Did he say where he should?" Pouncekit looked so scared. "No." "He just said he had to save us, and then he sneaked out of the den," explained Lightkit. Bramblestar was looking through the dripping wet grass on the edge of the camp. Scorchfur had walked into the armpits while Blazepaw lighted behind it. Tawnypelt and Strikestone, who actually stood guard in front of the war den, began to sniff around on the ground. Alderheart stared at the camp entrance. Could the kit have left the camp without anyone noticing it? He suddenly came to think of the Dirtplace tunnel and ran to investigate it. He had passed the war den when he saw black fur disappearing in the shadows. He surprised his eyes. The coat was too dark to belong to Shadowkit. Who was that looking out? He ran towards the narrow tunnel and felt the smell of Juniperclaw. The former ShadowClan deputy smelled scared. "Juniperclaw has escaped!" Olderhjerte spurted back to the clearing. Tigerstar was so distracted at him. "Let him escape," he snapped. "We do not need to stray like him in the clan." He pushed past Strikestone and sniffed the muddy path towards the entrance. The fur rose. "Shadowkit went this way." He followed the path through the tunnel before he came back running. "He has left the camp!" "I did not see him go!" Dovewing was round in the eyes of guilt. "Maybe we're going to send a cat to the Wind Clan," suggested Bramblestar. Tawnypelt ran away to his son. "I can go!" Tiger star nodded to the tortoiseshell she-cat. "Yes ... Go to WindClan and tell that Shadowkit has disappeared. Tell Harestar and Mistystar that he must be found. He is ... "The voice was so spooky that he almost whispered. "He is in great danger." As Tawnypelt spurted out of the camp, Alderheart turned to his father. Bramblestar stood watching Tiger Star. The eyes of the ShadowClan leader sparked fear. "We find him," promised Bramblestar. Tigerstar stared back and Alderheart got a lump in his throat of compassion. "Do not lose hope, Tigerstar," continued Bramblestar. "If the clans cooperate, we'll save him."

Chapter 23​ ​- translated by Lightflame Twigbranch stared out through the rain. It approached the night and the sky was still darker. She had her nose full of SkyClan scent. Behind her she plunged into Tree's narrow den. They were grateful to get sheltered from the rain and to be on their way back to the lake. She moved the weight uneasy from one paw to the other. She had not talked with Finleap on the trip back from the flooded hill. His former Clanmates had shrouded him, praised him for saving Leafstar and exchanging stories from the journey. When they got to the den, the roots they had made were ready and they were dry thanks to the overhang. They would have had to make more. But there was enough space, and even though the new stuff they picked up in the woods was wet, there were good chances that the cats became dry and warm during the night. "Hi." She felt fur on the flank, and when she turned, she saw Finleap. It hurt in the heart. Did she ever come to stand close to him? "Hi." He looked at her with a sparkling uncertainty in the yellow eyes. "Excuse." "Excuse me?" She winked at him. "For what?" "Because I said that you were too close to the tree." He looked back at Violetshine, who made the ship of heavenly clergy. Flypaw helped, and eagerly pointed Nectarpaw how she could shape the showers with her legs. "I was just mad. I never thought - " "It's okay." She interrupted him. "It does not matter anymore." He laid his head inquiring on shackles. "Now that Violetshine is back?" "Now that we've found SkyClan." She straightened her face to the forest. "You'll be back to them now." «Back to SkyClan?» "If I do not want kits with you, you're welcome to go back to your family." Twigbranch's well-known sorrow squeezed in his eyes. Should she change her mind? Getting kits now might not be that bad. "But I thought you loved me." He sounded surprised. "To Violetshine you said you are very fond of me." "I am," she said, low. "But not enough to get kits with you. Not now. Maybe never. " Finnhopp looked down. "Then we forget this with kits, ok?" She blinked surprised. "Forget it?" "I was wrong, Kvistgrein. To meet SkyClan again made me realize that ... how much I love my family, so I love you even more. I do not want you to get kits if you do not want them. I can live without kits. But I can not live without you. " Twigbranch stared at him. "Do you think so?" "Yes." Finleap's eyes sparkled with love. "I've been so hurt that I have not understood how much pain I've taken on you - or what I've done with our relationship." "And what happens next time you get bored?" Twigbranch was dry in his mouth. "Do you stop talking to me again?" "No. Next time we will discuss things properly. Now the end of the arguing is over. "Finnhopp met her eyes seriously. "The last few days have made me remember how amazing you are,

Twigbranch. You managed to persuade Bramblestar to let you take a patrol out. You found a way to get SkyClan back to the lake. I am lucky to have you. I promise I will never hurt you again. " She stared at him and felt the hope of burning in her chest. "You really mean that we're not getting kits yet?" "Yes." He leaned closer. "I'm sorry that I've taken care of all of this. It might be harder to leave SkyClan than I expected. It took a while before I realized that I was not related to the ThunderClan, but when it happened, I could not think of anything other than what I had lost. I forgot to appreciate what I had. Look. "He straightened his snout to SkyClan again. Tree stretched on one side on a nest, while Nectarpaw braided an additional drizzle between the others. Violetshine leaned over the edge to dress it with moss. "Now I know that it's possible to belong without being related. I'll find another way to feel like part of ThunderClan. " "Does it mean you're not going back to SkyClan?" She trembled in her legs. "Why should I go to ThunderClan?" He winked at her. "I think we'll enjoy being warriors and mentors for a while." "If I'm going to get kits with someone, it's with you," she said. Did she ever get ready? "Ok," he purred. "But only if there's something we both want." Twigbranch pressed his face against him, and happiness made her warm in the body for the first time in many days. "I'm so fond of you, Finleap." "And I love you." Tree came from the forest with a squirrel in the mouth. MacGyver and Sandynose came back with their own dove. They let them down at the den opening. MacGyver blinked against Twigbranch. "The hunt goes well here." "Harrybrook and Dewspring come even more", mewed Sandynose. Finleap sniff on one of the pigeons. "Smells good." MacGyver pushed it against him. "Take it." "We can hunt for yourself," Twigbranch hurriedly mewed. She would not catch the catch when there were so many ways to saturate. "Why? When both patrols are back, we have switched enough to all »purred entrances. MacGyver winked at her. "Besides, I think you'd like to talk more." Twigbranch was hot on the ears and looked away. MacGyver purred. "Do not be embarrassed ... We've all been in love once." "Are you teasing my sister?" Violetshine came out of the den and gave MacGyver a strict look. "Just a little." MacGyver picked up the catch and whipped Sandynose away. Bring shaved rain from the fur and lay next to the duck crotch they had left. "It would be a shame to let it go to play." Violetshine lay down and leaned to him. She pulled the doll closer with her leg and took a bit. "I'm too hungry to contradict you." Finleap saw Twigbranch into his eyes. "Now we eat," he mewed. "I think we've both earned food today." "Do you think it's okay?" Twigbranch threw a glance at SkyClan.

"Clearly." He followed her eyes. Harrybrook and Dewspring were back from hunting, and exchanged for a cheerful clan. Leafpool lay in a birch heap and followed tired, but pleased with the sound comrades. Flypaw demonstrated a hunting position for some of the other apprentices. Hawkwing came running up the hill with three mice dangling from the mouth. Reedclaw and Plumwillow wore even more where they came right behind. Twigbranch was relieved to see that everyone was so relaxed and laid right next to Finleap. He tore one wing from the pigeon and sent the scrap to her. She got water in her mouth when she felt the warm smell. She put her teeth in the soft chest and tore a juicy mouthful. Then she chewed and looked at Tree. "Finleap is right. You know where all the best prey are. " It glittered from the eyes of the tree. "It does not make sense to know where they are if you can not capture them." He gave Finleap a teasing look. "Do you want to catch a lean sparrow? Twigbranch may be hungry during the night. " Finleap just blew it. "I had a bad day." Tree purred. "Maybe you should try fishing instead. You swim like a hero. "He looked at Leafstar. "I do not understand how you managed to pull her up from the water. You were absolutely amazing. " "I had enough StarClan with me," Finleap replied cheerfully before breaking a new piece of pigeon. Violetshine brushed a feather from the nose. "How did you find us? We were far from the lake. " "We are still", grinned with the mouth full. "It was Twigbranch's idea to form a search puzzle," explained Finleap. "And three showed way," continued Twigbranch. "We would never know which path we would take if it had not been for him." "He's smart at being unique." It gleamed playfully from the eyes of Violetshine. "He will be a good chat." Kvistgrein took a new piece of the pigeon. The ears of Violetshim popped up. "It sounds like he's approved." Twigbranch swallowed. "He is." The rest of the meal they ate in satisfied silence. When they started washing their food, Hawkwing came to them. He licked around his mouth. "The hunt goes well in the area." He stopped next to them. "Not since the gorge I have tasted such a beautiful squirrel." Violetshine heavens with his eyes. "Do not talk about the gorge. We will not be back there. You may want to get used to the squirrels by the lake. " He laid his nose against her head and settled down beside her. The forest was dark now. It was night. Behind him were the other SkyClan cat on their way up the road. Harrybrook was already snoring. Violetshine stared at the darkness outside the den with thoughtful eyesight. "How did you know which way to go after the pit?" She asked. "Tree could not know which path we took." "An individual had seen you," explained Twigbranch. "Congro!" Violetshine certainly remembered him. "Yes." Twigbranch purred. "You took us back pretty quickly," commented Hawkwing. "And in the last minute."

"We knew you had problems." Finleap washed his ear with his leg. Hawkwing looked at him. "How?" Finleap and Tre exchanged a glance. "Pebbleshine Warned Tree", Mjauet Twigbranch Low. Violetshine rubbed her cheek against Kvistgrein and looked so surprised at her. "Pebbleshine?" Haekwing stared at her with a veil of confusion over her eyes. "Yes." Twigbranch mewed so low that she almost whispered. "Did she talk to enter?" He was porous in the voice of sadness. "Yes." Twigbranch got hurt in the heart of compassion when she realized how insane the father still missed her mother. "When we were going to camp here for the night." Violetshine's fur shot up. "Are you sure it was her?" Tree stroke her along the flank with her tail. "She had Twigbranch's eyes," he mewed. "I should guess it was her mother." "Have you seen her before?" Violetshine winked at him. "Yes, we met so much when she lived. And then she was the warrior who warned me that SkyClan should live by the lake. " "Why did not you say it was Pebbleshine?" Violetshine sat up. "I did not get it until I described her for Twigbranch," he explained. "I had forgotten her name. But suddenly it became apparent. " Hawkwing was bright in the eyes. "Is she okay?" "You can ask herself," Mjauet entreated and lifted her eyes. "She is here with us." Twigbranch's heart made a jump. "Here?" Violetshine jumped up. "Where is she?" Hawkwing stared at Tree. "Do you see her right now?" Enter the nod. "I can help you so you see her too - just like I did with the missing ShadowClan cat by the lake." He got up and closed his eyes. As he stood there, unstable like a rock, it was as if the air around them had to shine. Twigbranch rose upon shaky paws as a dark figure moved on the ground in front of the den. A warm smell struck her nose and the heart worked out of joy. "Pebbleshine," she whispered. A white female cat stopped a halftone from them. The mild green eyes shone in the dark. The coat was covered in brown spots, like owl feathers, and was as smooth as Violetshine's. She seemed so familiar, although Twigbranch had never seen her before. Violetshine leaned forward and sniffed. Hawkwing walked past them and carefully lowered the nose to Pebbleshine's muzzle. "My boyfriend." He closed his eyes as if he was attracting her smell. "I thought I'd never see you again." "I'm sorry to leave you alone," whispered Pebbleshine. "I was caught in the monster. I felt it took me farther and farther away from you. I struggled to get rid of it, but it did not work. " "I wish I had managed to find you." Hawkwing's voice got stuck in the throat. "Losing you was not going to last, but then ..." Pebbleshine moved his gaze. She winked at Twigbranch and then towards Violetshine. "Then came our kits."

The voice was full of love. She came and twisted around them. Twigbranch roared when her mother's fur met her, even though the touch was just like a cool wind. "I've been with you ever since you were born," mewed Pebbleshine. "Not even when I died, I managed to leave you. I could not go to StarClan, not while you stood alone in life without anyone but each other. " "They have me now," meowing Hawkwing with mild voice. "And his clans." Pebbleshine's eyes went to Tree and Finleap. "And then they have cats who love them." She purred while she was mending. "Thank you for letting me talk to them, enter - just for a moment." Tree stared at her, so concentrated that her ears were standing right. "It's a pleasure to me. I'm sorry I did not understand the context earlier. I knew you were a lucky night but ... Pebbleshine purred. "You're a good cat, enter. You've always helped me when I've needed help. I'm glad my daughters are loved. Then they do not need me anymore. " The panic flared up in Twigbranch. "We will always need you!" Violetshine stared fervently on her mother. "We just found you." "You have much more now than I've ever been able to give you." Pebbleshine retreated to the shady forest. Violetshine piled forward, but Hawkwing waved her back with her tail. "Let her go," he breathed. "Leave her at StarClan where she belongs. She must be lonely here. " "She has us!" Twigbranch gave him an angry look. Hawkwing answered her eyes with mild eyes, and she felt the shame flowing through her coat. It was selfish of her. She bent her head. "Pardon. Obviously she must go. " "I'm still going to see you from StarClan," promised Pebbleshine. "But you're getting farther away." Twigbranch felt the grief like a lump in his throat. "I will always be in your heart just as you are in my." Pebbleshine blinked lovingly towards her. "You're going to be a great warrior, Twigbranch. I already see that. And you. "She straightened the gentle green eyes against Violetshine. "You'll be a wonderful mother to your kits." «Kits?» Violetshine let his head be amazed at the chess. Pebbleshine threw a glance at her stomach. "Did you not know?" The shock was clear in Violetshine's eyes. "I'll be mother!" The ears of Twigbranch jumped in the weather. She's gonna be mom! She raised her tail happy. Violetshine would have the family she had always wanted. She heard Tree purr high. He rubbed the snout against Violetshine's cheek. "As I look forward to being a father." It sparked from the eyes of Hawkwing. "Is that why you've been so tired and irritable?" He said. "I thought it was just the weather that went into you." "I thought so too!" Violetshine purred him. Twigbranch looked at her mother. Pebbleshine had begun to go his way. "Wait!" Twigbranch ran out in the rain after her. She wanted to pull her smell a last time, but before reaching her, the smell was gone. The mother moved like a shadow to the trees. "I'll always love you!" Cried Hawkwing after her. "Good bye!" Shouted Violetshine. "Good bye, Pebbleshine." Twigbranch's voice was almost irrational where she stood and saw her mother disappear into the darkness. With sorrow aching in her heart she felt the rain

whining on the fur. Then, as she looked down at the grass where Pebbleshine's had passed, she saw stars like glittering in the paws.

Chapter 24​ ​- initially translated by Lightflame, re-translated by DuplexBeGreat and Lizardstep When they reached the top of the hill, Violetshine squinted into the rain. It came from the lake on a wind that seemed hungry for new pelts to penetrate. She thought of the kits where they lay warm and safe in her stomach and felt protective. She would have liked to keep out the raging storm if that would spare them. Tree walked beside her, as he had done all the way from the den. The night before, SkyClan decided to go through the RiverClan territory to the lake, but stay away from the flood and go straight to the ShadowClan camp. Tigerstar was the only leader who still had to be persuaded. Leafstar had already sent messengers to WindClan and ThunderClan, asking them to send patrols as support when meeting the ShadowClan leader. "Go to WindClan," Leafstar said to Macgyver and Plumwillow. "Ask Mistystar and Harestar to send cats to ShadowClan. We have no plans to fight, but we need voices that support our need.” She had asked Nettlesplash and Sandynose to do the same with ThunderClan. Now, as they were heading down the slope towards RiverClan territory, Violetshine felt a tingling hope in her heart. Perhaps they could finally find a solution to the question of territory for SkyClan. Tigerstar could not resist all four clans, could he? Hawkwing came behind them with Leafstar next to him. Frecklewish and Fidgetcrow went walked them again, along with their clanmates. Nectarpaw halted. She had sprained her paw when she jumped and landed in a hurry. Sandynose and Bellaleaf pressed against her to help her go on. Tree led the group toward the river as the water fell down. It was still narrow up here, but it had become larger with rainwater, and towards the lake it became gradually wider. Where once it had wandered around the RiverClan camp and scattered calm, small streams out beyond their area, it now raged straight across. The camp had disappeared under a muddy stream. Violetshine stopped. She stared down at the beach, shocked at how high the water level was in the lake. "The rain must end soon, or else all the camps will be swallowed!" "The five clans are gathered," Tree reminded her. "We will survive the storm." "We are not yet gathered." Doubt stuck in her fur. Leafstar came to her. "Do not lose hope," she mewed with a mild voice. "We have not come here just to fail.” Violetshine met the SkyClan leader's gaze and was relieved to see how determined she was. Tree stopped at the water's edge. He nodded towards the tree that lay over the river. "We're going over there.” "Ok" Leafstar went first, with Hawkwing and Sparrowpelt right after. Violetshine waited while Bellaleaf and Sagenose led Nectarpaw over. She held her breath when the injured apprentice stopped stubbornly over the slippery trunk, and was relieved when she stumbled down to land at the other end. Frecklewish followed. Twigbranch stopped next to Violetshine. "You go first." She pushed Violetshine towards the branch. Violetshine bristled at the idea. "We must make sure Flypaw gets to safety first." She nodded at the young she-cat. Flypaw stared at the wooden bridge. "After this trip," she said, "I will never be nervous to get over the wooden bridge to the island anymore.”

"Do not be afraid, Flypaw." Twigbranch blinked compassionately to the apprentice and pushed her with her nose. "This is the last river we will cross for a while." Flypaw climbed up on the bridge, and Twigbranch followed. Carefully, the young cat crept forward. Her wet pelt bristled with fear. Finleap jumped up after them. "Stay close together," he counseled. "Be careful where you put your paws." "We can manage," mewed Twigbranch. Violetshine hid a chill when she saw them in the middle of the bridge, but then relaxed when Flypaw and then Twigbranch and Finleap jumped down the opposite side. "Come." Tree jumped up on the stick and looked back at Violetshine. "Stay right behind my tail." Violetshine blinked thinking she was relieved to have him with her and climbed up after him. Then she felt her heart in her neck when her paw pads slipped on the wet bark. She swayed. Having a stomach full of kits made it harder to balance, she realized. She dug her claws in to support herself. She fixed her eyes on Tree and began to follow him. She felt her heart in her throat again when the bridge trembled. Lizardtail and Hootwhisker had jumped on behind her. Violetshine stopped, steadying herself against the wind, turning to see if the two had got a paw grip. They came walking behind her with their whiskers stiff from concentration. She moved her eyes again and swallowed when she got a glimpse of the white water that rumbled under her. Tree was already in front. He stood on land and looked at her with eyes filled with concern. "Be careful." She blinked reassuringly. "It will be---" A sudden roar made her stiffen. It was as if the thorns were farther up the river. She turn her head sharply. A wall of water and twigs crashed into her. She stared at it with fright quivering through every hair on her pelt. It broke into the bridge and threw Hootwhisker and Lizardtail all the way over before it bore her down the river with such force that she thought she would flow all the way into the lake. Then she swirled around. The water foamed around her. It filled her nose and her ears and squeezed into her mouth. Something hard hit her back leg. Something else hit her head. Blind in the water, she fought terrifiedly against the flow. When the water lifted her up, she threw out her paws, and in relief she felt that they hit something hard. She stuck her claws in it and clinged to it for life while the floodwaters dropped. It tore and tore her and tried to pull her with it. Then the water level sank abruptly and she got her head out. She was desperate for air and blinked water from her eyes. Violetshine took hold of a root that stuck out from the bank. She tried pulling herself up, but the current was so strong that she couldn’t get out of the stream. It felt as if the lake was trying to suck her in, and she had to hold on to it with more strength. She refused to let the dull blackness swallow her. She stared up the river and saw Hootwhisker and Lizardtail lying like wet rats on the stony bank. They both were stranded, but were out of the water. She glanced past them, and once again felt fear as she wondered if a new wave would come and sweep them all away. "Violetshine!" Tree swerved and stopped on the bank next to her. He stretched out, but she was too far away where she lay and waved like a leaf in the mighty currents. The root was sinewy, it was too thin to grab on, but strong enough to hold her as long as she had the strength to cling herself.

I will never let go of the root​, she promised her kits. Her foreleg muscles screamed with the effort, but she ignored the pain. She must save her kits. On the opposite side, Lionblaze and Gorsetail leaned over the edge while shouting at Lizardtail and Hootwhisker. "We will find a way to get you out!" yowled Lionblaze. Gorsetail looked around frantically as if she were looking for something they could use to reach them. Cherryfall, Nightcloud and Willowshine gatherend around her with eyes wide in panic. Dewspring and Palepaw stared horrified at Violetshine. She made a new attempt to pull herself in along the root. If only the current could let go for a little while, she had the strength to grab on safely. She tried to ignore Tres terrified face. Leafstar and Hawkwing had come after him now, with Twigbranch and Flypaw close behind. Violetshine calmed her breath and continued to cling. ​The current will get weaker soon​, she said to herself. ​Then I can climb to safety. Somewhat little and dark plunged into the water further up. It slipped past the rock where Hootwhisker and Lizardtail lay and huddled. Violetshine realized immediately that it was not junk. As it swirled closer, she saw the outline of a head. Two ears moved. ​A kit!​ She stared at it. There were no kits in SkyClan that were so small. Had RiverClan left a kit when they left the camp? The water brought it closer, and she recognized the gray coat. ​Shadowkit!​ What was he doing on RiverClan territory? His eyes were wild with terror, and his paws floundered in vain against the flow. Tree followed her eyes and his eyes were filled with horror when he discovered the kit. On the opposite side, Willowshine and Dewspring stared at Shadowkit, their fur alert. "StarClan, help him!" Willowshine sprinted towards the edge and shouted desperately. Shadowkit looked desperately at her as he swirled past, far out of reach. I have to save him!​ Violetshine let go of the root with one of her paws and got ready to throw herself towards him. "Do not let go!" Tree screamed in panic. His glance went to Shadowkit again. He had guessed what she had in mind. Shadowkit flowed closer. Soon he was within reach. She had to let go of the root. She must grab him and try to swim. If she could only keep their heads over water long enough, she would get them to land. She had to. As she tensed her muscles and tried to estimate the jump, she glimpsed a shadow out of the corner of her eye. A black tom jumped from the bank on the opposite side. He jumped into the roaring water, grabbed Shadowkit and swirled on. Juniperclaw!​ It was as if Violetshine's heart stopped when she saw who it was. What was the ShadowClan tom doing here? Her muzzle fell underwater. Coughing and raging she threw both paws around the root again and looked back. Juniperclaw had ended up in a counter-swirl with calmer water behind her. Shadowkit dangled from the tom’s teeth by his scruff, and the water flooded around him. He struggled against the water and whined with terror. Juniperclaw kept on swimming with his face distorted with determination. The counter-current helped him a little up the river. Violetshine stretched her hind leg, felt him grab it and tightened her muscles when he got closer. With a desperate grin he pulled along her flank and stretched towards the root. He grabbed it and clung on before, with a groan of effort, he pushed Shadowkit onto the root with his muzzle.

The kit whispered and crawled onto the knotted bark. He trembled and opened his eyes wide again. Tree leaned forward. "I’ve got him!" Leafstar and Finleap took hold of Tree’s pelt before he stretched down, gently sank his teeth into Shadowkit's tail and pulled him up onto the shore. Violetshine shook her head. Juniperclaw stayed between her and the bank. "You saved him," she whispered. He stared at her with eyes blank with shock. "Juniperclaw!" Tree yowled at him from the shore. "Are you ready to help Violetshine up onto land?" "You can climb over me", grunted Juniperclaw. Water poured into his mouth and he spit. "No!" Violetshine stared terrified at him. She could not risk kicking him away. "Imagine if you lose your grip?" "I will not," he promised. "Do as he says!" Tree stretched down towards them from the water's edge. "He is stronger than you! He's not expecting kits either!” Juniperclaw opened his eyes. "Expecting kits?" There was urgency in his eyes. "You have to climb over me! You cannot die.” He got even more water in his mouth. She saw the black tom stiffen, tightening his grip on the root. He looked at her. With her heart in her throat, Violetshine let go of the root with one of her paws, before grabbing Juniperclaw's shoulder, and he cut back a grimace as she dug in claws. She laid her hind legs around him and clung on like a tick as she let go of the root with her other paw and climbed on his back. The water tore and tore her. She heard him grunt as he struggled to hold on. Violetshine stretched towards the other side of him and got hold of the root again. She was closer to the shore now. The current was weaker here, so she managed to move her paws inward along the root until she was just a short distance from the land. As she stretched towards the bank, she felt teeth sink into her scruff. Tree had thrown himself down and grabbed her. He stopped her from the water and pulled her onto to the land. She collapsed. "Save Juniperclaw." She lifted her head to look for the black tom. He hung onto the root by his claws. "Tell Tigerstar I'm sorry.” He looked up at her with relief in her eyes and was washed away. The water carried to the rapids below before he disappeared. "No!" Rage flowed through Violetshine. StarClan could not let him die! He rescued Shadowkit. Tree sniffed her fur, but she hardly knew it. She was numb from shock and sorrow. "See! See!” It was Shadowkit that was yowling next to them. He stared up the river. On the other side of the river, Willowshine had thrown herself into the water. Lionblaze had his claws attached to her flanks, and Gorsetail and Nightcloud held Lionblaze from behind. SkyClan crowded behind them, and each of them grabbed the cat in front of them, forming a long chain that stretched out into the water. In the lead, Willowshine was heading towards the rock where Hootwhisker and Lizardtail stared at her with wide, scared eyes. With one last stroke she reached them and got up on the rock. Violetshine began to breathe normally again. Calm penetrated her body. Then she suddenly felt how exhausted she was. She had to sleep. "Keep her warm." It was as if Frecklewish's voice came from far away. "She's in shock." Tree and Twigbranch heeded her and pressed themselves against her. They were warm. Their heartbeats were in sync with hers.

"Violetshine." Hawkwing's voice penetrated through the mist and wrapped around her. "You have to wake up. Wake up, Violetshine. For the kits’ sake." Fear rippled through her pelt. The kits! She could not sleep now. She shook herself awake. "Hootwhisker! Lizardtail!” She remembered Willowshine's desperate swim. Tree blinked at her. "It’s okay. They have gotten to safety.” She looked up the river. Lizardtail and Hootwhisker lay on the opposite side, while Gorsetail and Leafstar pulled Lionblaze and Willowshine from the water. She looked into Tree’s eyes. "You saved me." Love filled her heart, and she touched her muzzle to his. As she felt his warm spirit against her, Shadowkit began to brush his pelt next to them. "I did it!" He exclaimed triumphantly. "I did what my vision asked me to do, and now I've gathered the clans!" She pulled away from Tree and stared at the kit. "What was your vision asking you to do?" "I had to drown to force the clans to help each other." The kit was so thrilled that his eyes shone. "Did you throw yourself out on purpose?" Violetshine lifted her ears. "Have you got bees in your brain?" "It worked, didn’t it?" Shadowkit looked proud of the cats around him. Violetshine followed his eyes and realized that cats had come from all clans to help. Could the kit be right? He must be blessed by StarClan.​ She pulled him towards her and looked up. The clouds had begun to clear. Then the wind lightened, and joy began to tingle in her stomach. It was as though the landscape around them became calmer. She sharpened her ears, and her heart made a jump when the rain suddenly stopped.

Chapter 25 ​- initially translated by Jay, re-translated by DuplexBeGreat Alderheart looked up at the cloudless black sky. He frowned against the moon that shone so strongly. Countless stars glittered over the island. For the first time in many days his fur was dry, and a warm wind promised them that newleaf was on its way. The clearing on the island was packed full. In the sea of pelts Alderheart could see Twigbranch and Violetshine together with Hawkwing, Tree and Finleap. They had round eyes and their pelts were fluffed up. It was clear that they were happy to see each other again. He whispered in Jayfeather’s ear: "I think all the clan cats in the forest have come." Jayfeather grunted. "Who would be mouse-hearted enough to miss this Gathering, after all we've been through?" Alderheart purred weakly. Tigerstar had called for an emergency Gathering when SkyClan returned. Now the clans sat beside the big oak, where Bramblestar, Harestar, Tigerstar, Mistystar and Leafstar sat side by side on the lower branch. The deputies sat on the roots below. Only Juniperclaw was missing. It stabbed at Alderheart. He knew it had been right for him to investigate, but he would wish his investigations had not ended with Juniperclaw's death. Puddleshine moved slightly beside him, and Alderheart blinked warmly at him. The tom’s pelt was glossy again. The scars were hidden under a thick layer of fur. His eyes shone and he stared eagerly at the big oak. Tigerstar stood up and looked out over the Gathering. "We have come to talk about change," he said. "A change that must happen if the clans are to survive. But first I have news about Juniperclaw. Many of you already know that he is dead. But you may not have heard the whole story. Juniperclaw admitted having poisoned the shrew in SkyClan. He saw an easy way to get rid of SkyClan, and chose to go through with it, even though he knew he broke the warrior code. He believed that the best way to protect the clan was to save us from fighting for land. But a clan that will not fight for territory when they need it is no longer a clan. And Juniperclaw's wrongdoing cost him dearly. He lost both the deputyship and his life. " The clans looked at him while he continued. "But he suffered a valiant death. He died to save others. Shadowkit fell into a stream in RiverClan territory. Juniperclaw pushed him out of the water before he was flushed away. He could have saved himself, but he chose to help Violetshine out of the river as well. He rescued a SkyClan warrior at the expense of his own life. I hope he finds peace in StarClan.” The ShadowClan leader looked down at Cloverfoot. She moved up to the oak roots, so that she sat next to the other deputies. "Cloverfoot will be the deputy of ShadowClan now. Just like Juniperclaw, she once turned her back on the clan... But I think she, just like Juniperclaw, is ready to serve the clan with honesty and compassion.” "Cloverfoot!" Scorchfur was the first of ShadowClan cats to shout her name. Snowbird joined him. "Cloverfoot!" "Cloverfoot!" The name echoed through clearing as her clanmates yowled their support, and the cry spread to the other clans. Alderheart bent his head and was pleased that she had been chosen. She pushed out her chest proudly, and her eyes reflected the moonlight as she looked back at him. Bramblestar lifted his muzzle. "Twigbranch led a patrol of cats from ThunderClan, RiverClan and WindClan to find SkyClan and persuade them to come back to the lake." Twigbranch stared

down at her paws when the clans turned to look at her. Finleap pulled closer to her while Bramblestar continued. "In spite of the storm, the patrol managed to bring SkyClan home" He became silent when the Gathering began to cheer. Surprise shone in his eyes. He pricked his ears, obviously pleased, waiting for the crowd to die down. "We still have to agree on where they will live, but we know they belong at the lake together with the other clans." Strikstong shouted from where he stood among the ShadowClan cats: "Everyone must give up just as much land." "All the clans must help!" shouted Lizardtail from the RiverClan crowd. Bramblestar bent his head. "Yes. This time, each of the clans must give up part of their territory so that they can have a home.” Harestar stared apologetically at Leafstar. "We should have agreed on this a long time ago.” Leafstar stared at him. "You should." Her contemptuous look drifted from him to Mistystar. "If the other leaders had taken responsibility right away, a great deal of suffering could have been avoided." Mistystar bowed her head. "RiverClan will not turn our back on you again." "Next time, WindClan will not wait for the others before we do what's right," promised Harestar. Leafstar looked so pleased and turned to Tigerstar. "And what about ShadowClan?" Tigerstar met her eyes calmly. "ShadowClan just wanted justice. Had not I fought for what belonged to us, everything would have been like before. You would have kept half of our land, and my clanmates could expected to have countless moons of hunger.” Leafstar waved on his ears. "That’s one way to look at it.” Alderheart felt the anxiety prick at his paws. Would the Gathering end in quarreling? He studied the SkyClan leader's eyes. Was she offended by Tigerstar's refusal to admit guilt? Then he laid his head askew with surprise. Was there laughter he saw in her eyes? It lasted just a moment. Leafstar blinked it away and turned back to Bramblestar again. Alderheart relaxed. It was clear that she was willing to let Tigerstar's arrogance pass, for now. "The past is behind us," mewed Bramblestar. "We have to work together and agree on a future in which we can all thrive and grow.” "How should we divide the land between us?" Mistystar asked. "SkyClan knows the forest well," Bramblestar began. "They can take an area between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, from the hill border to the lake." Leafstar narrowed her eyes. "What will RiverClan and WindClan give up?" "We can move the borders," suggested Harestar, "so ThunderClan can take from us some of what they give to SkyClan." He looked forward to RiverClan. "And you can do the same for ShadowClan." Mistystar bowed her head. "Five territories next to each other, with the lake at the center," she mewed grudgingly. Below, clan cats exchanged nervous glances. Alderheart’s body tensed. Did the leaders agree with Bramblestar's plan? Mistystar nodded. "I think it could work." Bramblestar glanced hopefully at Tigerstar. "What do you think?" Tigerstar looked at his clanmates. The moon shone in his dark gaze. Alderheart nudged Puddleshine anxiously. "Why does he hesitate?"

"Hush." Puddleshine waved his tail to ask him to be quiet. Tigerstar blinked slowly at Bramblestar. "You suggest that we and SkyClan should be neighbors again?" Leafstar raised her chest. "Is that a problem?" Tigerstar’s whiskers twitched. "I cannot imagine anything better. We have had to put up with ThunderClan long enough. It will be nice to get a new clan at the border.” He looked teasingly at Bramblestar. Bramblestar groaned. "It will be good for ThunderClan to get a break from you too." "You're going to miss our scent marks!" shouted Strikestone from the Gathering. Clan cats began to shout with joy. Hootwhisker yowled from the far back of the group. "What should we do at Gatherings if ThunderClan and ShadowClan can’t squabble like starlings?" Mistystar spoke up. "They'll probably find something they can argue about." Bramblestar flicked his tail impatiently. "So the territories have been decided?" "Yes." Tigerstar bowed his head. "From now on, the clans will have territories of the same size, and votes that count just as much," mewed Harestar. "And SkyClan can start the construction of another camp." Leafstar rolled her eyes excessively. "We can contribute warriors," Bramblestar offered. "And ShadowClan can send warriors to RiverClan to help rebuild their camp," Tigerstar shot in. Joy flowed through Alderheart. He had never seen the clans cooperate this way before. Was this the beginning of a new and peaceful era? He looked at Tree. It could even mean that they learned to listen to the mediator when they disagreed. Tree nuzzled Violetshine's ear, and she pushed her nose into his neck. Her coat shone glossily in the light of the moon. It was clear that pregnancy suited her well. Next to her sat Twigbranch, who looked at the leaders with her eyes filled to the brim with joy. She seemed bigger than usual, and Alderheart wondered if she had grown. She had become a warrior on par with Squirrelflight now. Flypaw pushed his nose between her and Finleap. Twigbranch looked warmly at the apprentice and moved to give her space. Alderheart’s stomach warmed with pride. It felt like it had only been a few months since he and Needletail found the little kits and took them to the clans. Imagine if he had been able to see the future. He had never imagined the difference they would make. He looked up at the stars again. Was Needletail up there now, looking down on them? Was she proud of the cats the two kits had become? ​Thank you for helping me find them, Needletail. ​His heart beat with devotion.​ I hope you are happy in StarClan. He breathed in the gentle night air and prayed to StarClan that the peace between the clans would last. ​From now on we must face threats the way StarClan has wanted it – like five united clans.

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