The Peregrine Fund Newsletter Fall-winter 2004

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working to conserve birds of prey in nature fall /winter 2004 newsletter number 35

Board of Directors of The Peregrine Fund OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Paxson H. Offield Chairman of the Board and Director Chairman of the Board and CEO, Santa Catalina Island Company

Tom J. Cade, Ph.D. Founding Chairman and Director Professor Emeritus of Ornithology, Cornell University

Ian Newton, D.Phil., D.Sc., FRS. Vice Chairman of the Board and Director Senior Ornithologist (Ret.) Natural Environment Research Council United Kingdom

Roy E. Disney Chairman of the Board, Emeritus, and Director Chairman of the Board, Shamrock Holdings, Inc.

William A. Burnham, Ph.D. President and Director J. Peter Jenny Vice President Karen J. Hixon Treasurer and Director Conservationist D. James Nelson Secretary and Director Chairman of the Board, Emeritus President, Nelson Construction Company

Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Emeritus Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Julie A. Wrigley Chairman of the Board, Emeritus, and Director Chairman and CEO, Wrigley Investments LLC

DIRECTORS Lee M. Bass President, Lee M. Bass, Inc.

Robert Wood Johnson IV Chairman and CEO, The Johnson Company, Inc., and New York Jets LLC

Robert B. Berry Trustee, Wolf Creek Charitable Foundation, Rancher, Falcon Breeder, Jacobo Lacs International and Conservationist Businessman and Harry L. Bettis Conservationist Rancher Patricia B. Manigault P. Dee Boersma, Ph.D. Conservationist and Professor, University of Rancher Washington Carter R. Montgomery Frank M. Bond President and CEO, Longhorn Partners Attorney at Law and Pipeline Rancher Robert S. Comstock President and CEO, Robert Comstock Company Derek J. Craighead Ecologist Scott A. Crozier Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary PETsMART, INC

Velma V. Morrison President, Harry W. Morrison Foundation Ruth O. Mutch Investor Carl E. Navarre Book Publisher and CEO, MyPublisher, Inc. Morlan W. Nelson Naturalist, Hydrologist, and Cinematographer

T. Halter Cunningham Peter G. Pfendler Business Rancher Executive/Investor Lucia Liu Patricia A. Disney Severinghaus, Ph.D. Vice Chairman, Research Fellow Shamrock Holdings, Institute of Zoology, Inc. Academia Sinica Taiwan James H. Enderson, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Biology The Colorado College

R. Beauregard Turner Fish and Wildlife Manager Turner Enterprises

Caroline A. Forgason Partner, GrovesAlexander Group LLC

James D. Weaver President, Grasslans Charitable Foundation, and Rancher

Z. Wayne Griffin, Jr. Developer, G&N Management, Inc.

P.A.B. Widener, Jr. Rancher and Investor

The Peregrine Fund Staff

Archivist S. Kent Carnie



Panama Eloy Aripio Adrian Benedetti Dadildo Carpio Octavio Cruz Marta Curti Bilomar Doviaza Omar Fernández Próspero Gaitán Margarita Gordon Noel Guerra Yanina Guevara Kathia Herrera Edwin Pastor Jiménez Magaly Linares José de Los Santos López Pedro Mendez Gabriel Menguizama Rodolfo Mosquera Angel Muela Rogelio Peña Bolívar Rodríguez Saskia Santamaría José de Jesús Vargas Asia Muhammad Asim Pan Africa Ron Hartley Simon Thomsett Munir Virani Madagascar Aristide Andrianarimisa Adrien Batou Berthin Be Noel Augustin Bonhomme Eloi (Lala) Fanameha Joseph Kakailahy Loukman Kalavaha Eugéne Ladoany Jules Mampiandra Môise Charles (Vola) Rabearivelo Jeanneney Rabearivony Berthine Rafarasoa Norbert (Velo) Rajaonarivelo Jeannette Rajesy Yves Rakotonirina Gaston Raoelison Bien Aime Rasolonirina Christophe Razafimahatratra Gilbert Razafimanjato Joseph Razafindrasolo Lova Jacquot Razanakoto Lily-Arison René de Roland Gilbert Tohaky


N O .

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F A L L / W I N T E R

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Aplomado Falcons West Texas releases continue to show promise . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 California Condor Two more wild chicks hatch; more expected next spring . . . . . . 4 Arctic Program Long-term research yields unique information . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Philippine Eagle Captive-bred “countryman” is first ever released . . . . . . . . . . 8 Munir Virani

UNITED STATES Linda Behrman Roger Benefield Roy Britton Joell Brown Bill Burnham Kurt K. Burnham Pat Burnham Jack Cafferty Craig Carpenter Emma Christensen Donna Daniels Glen DeSpain Cameron Ellis Beau Fairchild Edward Feltes Vincent Frary Erin Gott Sherri Haley Bill Heinrich Grainger Hunt J. Peter Jenny Paul Juergens Lloyd Kiff Thomas Lord Michael Maglione Angel Montoya Amel Mustic Brian Mutch Frank Nebenburg Trish Nixon Chris Parish Ann Peden Dalibor Pongs Travis Rosenberry Cal Sandfort Amy Siedenstrang Brook Sims Randy Stevens Russell Thorstrom Randy Townsend Rick Watson Eric Weis David Whitacre Jonna Wiedmaier Jim Willmarth Sandie Wright

Ridgway’s Hawk Habitat conservation is critical to survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Masai Mara Raptor Project Annual migration provides a feast for dwindling raptor populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Ayres’ Hawk Eagle Rare eagles are bird-catching specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Vulture Crisis “Vulture restaurants” offer alternative to contaminated food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Harpy Eagle Release program still exploring unanswered questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Mission: Harpy Eagle Student crusaders inspired by visit to Neotropical Raptor Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Education Program We celebrate 20 years with two outstanding volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The Archives of Falconry

A pair of California Condors soar near the Grand Canyon.

Name change reflects international scope . . . . . 20

Inset: A raptor perched at sunset overlooks the Mara plains of Africa.

Chris Parish

The Peregrine Fund is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Printed on paper containing recycled fiber. © 2004. Edited by Bill Burnham and Pat Burnham. Photo Editor Jack Cafferty. Design ©2004 by Amy Siedenstrang. Business Office (208)362-3716 • Fax (208)362-2376 • Interpretive Center (208)362-8687 [email protected] •

Restoring Aplomado Falcons to Texas


Abundant rainfall in spring and summer has brought a bloom to the West Texas landscape rarely seen since the drought began over a decade ago.


n the early 1900s, Aplomado Falcons nested on the plains of southern Coastal Grainger Hunt Texas and in the desert grasslands of western Texas, southern New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona. These falcons were doubtless part of a larger population extending through the open savannas of Mexico and southward. Knowledge of the early distribution and abundance of Aplomado Falcons is based on the notebooks and specimens collected by the pioneer naturalists, so the picture remains sketchy. The historical reports described the species as “frequently encountered” and “not uncommon,” and we can fill in some of the blanks from habitat descriptions. By all accounts, Aplomado Falcons had ceased breeding altogether in the United States by the late 1950s. Rare sightings suggested that other populations existed in nearby Mexico, and in the 1970s, Texas biologist Dean Hector, then of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, traveled to the Gulf of Mexico where he found Aplomado Falcons breeding in fair numbers. More recently, Angel Montoya of The Peregrine Fund

Cal Sandfort

Adult Aplomado Falcon.

© Christie Van Cleve

Below: Angel Montoya holds an Aplomado Falcon while Cal Sandfort places a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aluminum band on its leg.

and his coworkers discovered a population of Aplomado Falcons in Chihuahua, Mexico, within less than a hundred miles of the West Texas border. Striking habitat similarities were found between this study area in Mexico and grasslands near Valentine, Texas, and a study was begun on the possibility of reintroduction. Accordingly, in 2002, The Peregrine Fund began releasing captive-bred Aplomado Falcons at the Miller and Means ranches, the experimental project aided by Safe Harbor Agreements whereby participating landowners are exempted from regulations pertaining to endangered species. Results to date have been favorable. This summer, we released 81 captive-bred young from four hack sites in West Texas (an additional 31 falcons were released from two sites along the Texas Gulf Coast). The releases went well, the most interesting event being a young Peregrine, probably from a nearby eyrie, that came in and killed several young Aplomado Falcons before they were strong enough to escape. This is quite a change from the 1970s when Peregrines were so very scarce! Aplomado Falcons are being seen from the previous year’s release cohort, although it is still too

early to tell the direction the project will take. Abundant rainfall in spring and summer has brought a bloom to the West Texas landscape rarely seen since the drought began over a decade ago. The rain will translate to abundant food for the falcons in the form of smallto medium-sized birds, and we hold our breath that the beginnings of a nesting population will show itself in spring 2005. The issue of such success is no longer an eventuality in southern Texas where The Peregrine Fund has been releasing Aplomado Falcons since 1996. There are now nearly 40 pairs of Aplomado Falcons defending territories in the region from Matagorda Island to Brownsville. These fledged 54 young in spring 2004, quite an improvement over last year. One very positive management innovation has been the provision of the barred nest boxes experimented with last year and described in The Peregrine Fund’s 2003 Annual Report. Like other projects, such as those involving the Mauritius Kestrel, the Wood Duck, and many other recovering species, our nest boxes have improved chick survival by affording protection from predators.


Northern Arizona is Condor Country


he rapidity with which an endangered species can be Grainger Hunt restored to nature through captive breeding and release depends partly on the habitat and partly on the natural tendencies of the species. Long experience tells us that problems are best identified and solved in the presence of a released population, and the passel of California Condors now flying free in the Grand Canyon region of northern Arizona is our case in point. Over the past eight years, The Peregrine Fund has been able to negotiate a variety of obstacles to condor reintroduction, including coyote predation upon newly-released individuals and the delinquent behavior of certain developing birds. These always manage to grow up, so to speak, responding to our efforts in hazing them away from undesirable areas and occasionally detaining them long enough to effect a change in attitude. Why this works, we do not know. But it does. Such solutions come from observing condors, closely monitoring their movements and activities in the vastness of the landscape, and making common-sense management decisions. While lead poisoning remains the important issue, we have made much progress this past year in understanding the problem and its solution. Another milestone in the restoration of condors has come sooner than expected. When The Peregrine Fund began releasing condors from atop the great cliffs of northern Arizona in 1996, we wondered if those captive-raised birds would develop and socialize in ways suitable for natural breeding. We are pleased to report that the majority of the birds are indeed taking the normal six-to-eight years to mature and pair up. Last November, the first wild-hatched condor in two decades flew from its nest cave deep in Grand Canyon National Park. This year, two more nestlings—one from yet another pair in Grand Canyon, and the other on a cliff face near the release site at Vermilion Cliffs—are awaiting their time to begin exploring that rugged, wild, beautiful country with other members of the expanding flock.


Here is a species on the mend. A species restricted to a small area of California during the 1980s, whose total numbers dropped to only 27 individuals, and whose survival many knowledgeable people had given up for lost. There are now 47 wild condors in Arizona, and by mid-2005 we expect the number to approach 60. New pairs are forming as birds mature—there are now 18 condors at or approaching breeding age—and we look for yet more reproduction this coming spring. Such events prove one thing for sure—Northern Arizona is a good place for California Condors. Meanwhile, Condor No. 305, the wild-hatched juvenile from last year’s nesting in the Grand Canyon, is doing just fine, and so are his dutiful parents who are doing what successful condors typically do in connection with the very

long period of parental care: they are skipping a year before breeding again. Their youngster remained in the Canyon for over nine months after fledging, gaining strength and learning to soar and get along with other members of the flock. Finally, in August 2004, Condor 305 left the Grand Canyon to follow other condors to the release site. There he calmly received his West Nile Virus vaccination and a special satellite-tracked transmitter that gives precise daily histories of his location via e-mail. These PTT/GPS transmitters offer a new dimension to our studies of condor movement, which up to now have relied on close monitoring by people in the field. We expect to have 18 of the new transmitters deployed within the next few months. Results to date are spectacular.

BLM Honors Condor Reintroduction Effort


he Peregrine Fund, along with six state and federal agencies in the Southwest Condor Working Group, received the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) “Four Cs” award in August. The award commends participants for “making the world a better place through consultation, cooperation, communication, and conservation.” BLM Director Kathleen Clarke spoke at the award ceremony in Flagstaff, noting that “rules and regulations will never recover a species. You need passion and conviction.” “I believe in celebrating success,” said Clarke, noting that multi-agency projects are sometimes difficult. Honorees include The Peregrine Fund, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Southern Region, BLM’s Arizona Strip Field Office, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Arizona Ecological Service Office, the National Park Service’s Grand Canyon National Park, and the U.S. Forest Service Kaibab National Forest.

Rules and regulations will never recover a species. You need passion and conviction.

Roost rocks for condors. Notice whitewash on rocks from long use.

Left to right: BLM Director Kathleen Clarke; Elaine Zielinski, BLM's Arizona State Director; Bill Heinrich, Species Restoration Manager for The Peregrine Fund; and Keith Day, Native Species Biologist with Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Jack Cafferty

Chris Parish © Christie Van Cleve

Chris Parish

California Condor soaring over the Grand Canyon.


Arctic Program


Kurt K. Burnham

e caught this female Peregrine on 19 May 2004 below her eyrie on Bill Burnham Mt. Hassell, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. She was first captured there 11 years before on 17 June 1993 as an adult. After a Peregrine is two years old and all juvenile feathers have been molted into adult plumage, it is not possible to determine age. Therefore, in 1993 she was at least two years old and so is now a minimum of 13 years old, but could possibly be a few years older. A very old captive female Peregrine would be 20 years of age, and most stop reproducing when about 16 to 18 years old. The average life expectancy of a wild Peregrine is far less than her current age. That first year she was caught and banded she produced three young, she had another three in 1994, and then four each in 1995 and 1996. We know she had several mates over the years and one was shot in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in April 2000. We do not know where she spends her winters. The above historical information is to the credit of Bill Mattox and the 2004 capture to Kurt Burnham. Bill Mattox and I began studying Peregrines in Greenland in 1972. Thanks to Bill Mattox’s leadership, the project continued there every year through 1997

Adult female Peregrine Falcon captured and released on 17 June 1993 and 19 May 2004.


under the title of the Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey. I participated many years, as did Kurt Burnham once he became old enough. The Peregrine Fund as an organization became involved in Greenland (Thule, Greenland area) in 1993. Then in 1998, at the request of Mattox, we assumed responsibility for work in the Kangerlussuaq area and expanded the efforts to other areas in Greenland. Since 1972 there has been a large amount of unique information collected on the falcons in Greenland that can only result from long-term research. The information on the above-mentioned female is an example. We first went to Greenland because there was virtually nothing known about the Peregrine there and although the species was gone as a breeding bird from the eastern U.S. and much of Canada, each fall Peregrines were seen migrating along the eastern seaboard. Where did these falcons come from? At the request of Danish ornithologist Finn Salomonsen and others, Mattox and a friend in the Air Force, Dick Graham, organized an exploratory trip to then Søndre Strømfjord Air Base, Greenland, renamed Kangerlussuaq after the Air Force left and the Greenland Home Rule Government occupied the base. Mattox had accomplished his Ph.D. research on the fisheries of Greenland and visited the island the first time in the early 1950s on a trip to capture falcons for falconry. Bill Mattox and I walked a few hundred miles together in 1972 searching for falcons. We found only seven pairs of Peregrines that year. Today we know of about 150 Peregrine eyries. Part of the increase is a result of the expanded search area, but most is because the population has greatly increased with the reduced levels of DDT in the environment and the responding increase in Peregrine reproduction. There are now probably several thousand pairs of Peregrines nesting in Greenland. Our work in North Greenland has also produced some very unique results that have climate change implications. It appears the Peregrine is expanding its range north where it was previously unknown by Inuits and early polar explorers. Why is this occurring and what are the potential effects on the Gyrfalcon or other species? We know comparatively little about the Gyrfalcons. There is much to learn, and although I remain intimately involved in our research in Greenland, the shift has begun to the next generation of researchers and technology. Kurt Burnham has assumed more and more responsibility for our arctic program and the technology for falcon research now includes use of satellitemonitored transmitters, DNA genetic analysis, carbon dating techniques, etc., although climbing ropes, backpacks, and hiking boots also still remain essential. Falcons, Greenland, and the Arctic in general are special even though falcons are not easy species to

Bill Burnham and Bill Mattox (left to right) hike the tundra in search of falcons in 1972.

study and conserve, nor is the Arctic (and particularly Greenland) easy or cheap to reach or in which to work. All do, however, provide conservation benefits and scientific understanding. They also get into your blood. We are sometimes asked about our interest in the Peregrine and Gyrfalcon. Why have large falcons and other raptors captured the imagination of humans, seemingly from the beginning of written history and probably before? They do act as environmental bellwethers and within their struggle for survival we can catch a glimpse of our own. Through their survival they can act as a conservation flagship and provide an umbrella of protection for other species. Intellectually we understand this but the reasons we are willing to endure the hardship and difficulty for work in the far north, temperate, or tropical regions of the world go beyond the search for knowledge and understanding. The attitude and look in that Peregrine’s eyes we caught on the above-mentioned date provide insight into the other reasons. There was no fear, just a boldness, courage, and beauty in that falcon. The fact that Peregrines can dive at speeds exceeding 200 mph, perform incredible aerobatic maneuvers, and migrate thousands of miles each year is another part of the reason. Then there is the Gyrfalcon’s incredible power of flight and ability to breed and survive in extreme climatic conditions without technology or even tools, using only innate abilities and time-honed physical and physiological adaptations. The free spirit posed by both species is inspiring—nesting on the highest cliffs, flying wherever they choose, capturing what they please—and the only limits are those imposed by nature. They are free of human rules or regulations, political boundaries, and politics, although they can be affected by each. It is our responsibility to see arctic falcons, tropical eagles, and the other raptors of the world survive for their own sake, to perform their ecological function within the web of life, and also to inspire current and future generations of humans to be free and conserve our natural world.

Kurt K. Burnham

File photo

Below: Gyrfalcon in flight.

… the technology for falcon research now includes use of satellitemonitored transmitters, DNA genetic analysis, carbon dating techniques, etc., although climbing ropes, backpacks, and hiking boots also still remain essential. 7

First Release of a Captive-bred Philippine Eagle


he Philippine Eagle Foundation made conservation history last April when it Dennis Salvador released a captive-bred Philippine Eagle back to the wild, signaling the progression of conservation efforts to a new level. Propagated at the Philippine Eagle Center in Davao City, Kabayan is the first captive-bred large tropical forest eagle to be released to the wild in Asia. The bird is the offspring of the eagles Kahayag and Junior by artificial insemination. The 17-month-old juvenile male eagle was initially placed in a hack box for three weeks and then subsequently released to its new home within the geothermal production field in the majestic Mt. Apo region in southern Philippines on Earth Day, 22 April 2004. Kabayan, which means countryman, was released during ceremonies attended by key persons in government and business, including the President’s daughter, Luli Arroyo, and the family of Philippine Vice-President Noli de Castro who had adopted the eagle financially shortly after it hatched. The release was made possible only after lengthy discussions with the government’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel. It was approved as an “experimental release project,” which seeks to document a captive-bred eagle’s adjustment to the forest environment as a preliminary step to a full-blown program of releasing captive-bred eagles to complement wild eagle populations. The experimental release is designed to develop release procedures for use with the Philippine Eagle. This has never been done with the Philippine Eagle before, so we borrowed successful release procedures developed by The Peregrine Fund for the Harpy Eagle and adapted it to our Philippine Eagles. The Philippine Eagle Foundation staff and volunteers have been monitoring the eagle since release. Kabayan is equipped with a backpack-type radio and satellite transmitter for tracking provided by The Peregrine Fund. Recent reports from the monitoring teams at Mt. Apo relate that Kabayan has been observed practicing his hunting skills almost on a daily basis, performing mock attacks on sticks and branches and occasionally searching for and taking small prey items like lizards and rodents. The young eagle is often seen in the area where the supplemental food is provided for him, but he has also been observed soaring and flying around the reserve at times. The Peregrine Fund provides technical and financial support for this initiative.

Courtesy of F.R.E.E. Ltd.

Kabayan has been observed practicing his hunting skills almost on a daily basis.

Young Philippine Eagle footing and playing with sticks in practice for capture of prey to feed itself and hopefully future progeny.



he Ridgway’s Hawk, which occurs only on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, is one of just six Russell Thorstrom “critically endangered” birds of prey in the world according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). That status means it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future and has a population estimated to number less than 250 mature individuals. The global population may be less than 250 individuals, but since our studies began in 2002 we have greatly increased our knowledge on the distribution of this species and its abundance, which now appears rather more hopeful than previously thought. Until we began studying the species, the only information on this woodland hawk came from a 1976 study on three nesting pairs in the Los Haitises region. From 2002 to 2004, we have surveyed for and monitored nesting pairs of Ridgway’s Hawks. By 2004, we had found 72 territorial pairs, of which 35 were observed nesting. But of these, only eight pairs were successful and produced a total of 11 fledglings. As of the last two years, we have had nine confirmed reports of hawks shot by locals, reportedly to protect their freeranging poultry. Loss of forested habitat and direct human persecution appear to be the most significant causes for the decline of the Ridgway’s Hawk.


The Bahamas



Despite the fact that we and our local partners have found the largest number of Ridgway’s Hawks ever recorded in the Dominican Republic, we agree the “critically endangered” status of the species is justified. All pairs are in the Los Haitises National Park and the immediate vicinity in northeast Dominican Republic. The former range of the hawk likely covered most of the island of Hispaniola, but it is now extirpated in Haiti, and much of the Dominican Republic. Survival of the hawk depends on protecting forested habitat in the national park and several key forest fragments outside of the park, and changing people’s attitudes towards hawks through public education. Continued monitoring will be important to verify that the population is at least stable. In April 2004, a weeklong training workshop was provided in Panama to Jesús Almonte, a researcher associated with Fundación Moscoso Puello, Inc., and Pedro Rodriguez, Executive Director of Sociedad Ornitólogica de la Hispaniola (SOH). The workshop included observation and interaction with our Neotropical Environmental Education Program staff. Jesús and Pedro gained valuable experience on education and conservation awareness methods and techniques during their stay in Panama. SOH will be applying what they learned to educate and provide information on raptors, conservation, and biodiversity to selected local schools, communities, fishing camps, and organizations in the Los Haitises region. The Peregrine Fund will continue to support local researcher Jesús Almonte with population monitoring and studies to understand the factors that limit the distribution and abundance of the species.


Dominican Republic

Eladio Fernandez

Ridgway ’s Hawk

Ridgway’s Hawk.

Puerto Rico

9 Grenada

Masai Mara Raptor Project—Kenya Munir Virani & Simon Thomsett

All photos by Munir Virani



nder the mid-afternoon sun, Simon and I settled down beneath a sycamore tree overlooking the Mara River. We had just finished half the sector of the Mara transect raptor counts and had stopped for our ritual lunch break by the banks of the river under a fish-eagle’s nest. There we sat eating our pack lunches kindly provided by Paul Kirui, a Mara resident who has been documenting nesting activity of various birds of prey around the adjoining Talek River. This was one of my favorite moments during our Mara raptor survey. While we ate our sandwiches, a cool breeze wafted across, accentuating the reverberating grunts of a pod of hippos wallowing in the river. A huge crocodile dashed into the water sending a flock of ibises into disarray. The plains were dappled with dark pockets of snorting animals for as far as one’s eyes could see; the rolling Mara plains across the river were transformed into a sea of wildebeest, zebras, topi, and gazelles. Hundreds lined up on the edge of the river bank, meters from where we were seated. Transfixed with binoculars and cameras, it was like watching a thriller scene from a Spielberg movie. A crocodile stealthily floated towards the front-lined zebras as the fish-eagle perched above us flew across the river to get a better view. There was a sudden eerie yelp as the crocodile leapt out of the water with snapping jaws and missed a zebra’s neck by a hair. The zebras retreated in confusion. This was the great annual Mara migration where over two million ungulates cross the Mara River from the Serengeti to satisfy their hunger pangs and feed on the rich red-oat grass available on the Kenyan side. Like a Gary Larson cartoon, lions and hyenas were virtually smacking their lips, napkins around their necks, with forks and knives in their paws, waiting for their ungulate gourmet buffet. During this time, the Mara becomes a staged concert of animals on display for all to see, photograph, absorb, and cherish. For when the curtain falls, one is oblivious of the goings-on that take place backstage. The Masai Mara National Reserve (1,510 km2) was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996. It is the most visited wildlife area in Kenya and together with the Serengeti harbors the largest concentration of wild ungulates and predators in the world. The result is a whopping $20 million infusion annually for Kenya from tourism. The reserve is entirely managed by the local Masai community where revenue is shared equitably between various group ranches and the Narok and Trans-Mara County Councils. With exponential growth comes development, and the need to accommodate more tourists through increased numbers of camps and staff. Populations of resident ungulates like giraffe and impala have already declined by 50% while predators such as cheetahs are threatened from tourist

Tawny Eagle alertly watching after feeding. Notice the very full crop.

African elephant.

All photos by Munir Virani

harassment. The adjacent areas around the Mara’s boundaries have always played a crucial role in accommodating “spilled over” ungulate herds. Pressure to provide access to water for herds of Masai livestock resulted in nearly one-fifth of the Mara being excised in 1984. With Kenya’s burgeoning human population, these fertile buffer zones have been targeted for agricultural expansion by private developers. The wheat farming areas have grown from a humble 50 km2 in 1975 to a colossal 5,000 km2 in 1995, with the result that the wheat belt is now only a few miles north of the Mara Reserve. Wheat grown on this scale requires intensive management which comes in the form of aerial spraying of organophosphates against swathes of Redbilled Quelea and other seed-eating birds. While the Serengeti-Mara complex is perhaps one of the most well studied ecosystems in Africa, there is very little known about its bird of prey communities, six species of which are regionally threatened. The combined effects of aerial spraying, rapidly changing land-use patterns, poisoning of terrestrial predators, grassland fires, overgrazing by livestock, and tourist pressure must severely impact avian populations, particularly those of raptors. The Masai Mara National Reserve has been listed as one of the most threatened Important Bird Areas in Kenya. In July last year, The Peregrine Fund Kenya Project and the National Museums of Kenya began a pilot study to understand the distribution and abundance of raptors along a gradient of different land uses. We felt it was important to collect baseline information about the densities of birds of prey, their distribution patterns, and how they responded to different land use types and seasons. So far, we have conducted six raptor counts incorporating intensive agricultural areas, buffer zones, and the

Mara Reserve north of the Mara River. Our surveys also take into account the seasonal patterns, i.e., when the Mara is dry just prior to ungulate migration (July), during the ungulate migration when the landscape is transformed into a sea of animals (September), during the Palearctic bird migration time (January), and immediately after the long rains (April). Although our results are still preliminary, they provide a useful insight into the dynamics of bird of prey communities in and around the Mara. Not surprisingly, we found that the greatest diversity of diurnal raptors occurred in the Mara with 31 out of the 35 species recorded. Between August and September each year, the great ungulate migration has a tremendous impact on the populations of scavenging raptors. As the numbers of ungulates increase in the Mara, numbers of Gyps and Lappet-faced Vultures

Adult hippopotamus and young. Above: zebras and wildebeest.

continued on page 12


All photos by Munir Virani

We watch this tiny predator in awe, soaking in the experience. I would trade 10 cheetah and lion kills just to watch this magnificent falcon in full stoop.


A lion watches as vultures fly from a tree. Insets: giraffe (above) and hyena (below).

increase five-fold, while those of Bateleur Eagles increase three-fold. There is an influx of scavenging birds from areas beyond the Mara and the landscape becomes a dining table as wildebeest and zebra carcasses lie littered across the grasslands. While crocodiles feast from the banks of the Mara River, it is not uncommon to see vultures performing delicate acts of ballet as they feed on dead zebras floating in the river. The most interesting part of our survey is documenting the breeding of charismatic species such as the Martial Eagle, Africa’s largest avian predator, which so far appears to be doing well in the Mara. Others such as the White-headed Vulture, listed as vulnerable, are not as lucky as we found one active nest destroyed by fire and no signs of the adults. There have been reported cases of raptor poisoning but little has been done to raise the alarm. Little-known species such as Ovampo Sparrowhawks, Banded Snake Eagles, and Grey Kestrels, confined mainly in this region, make guest appearances from time to time; their grace and beauty perhaps remind us of the need to save their habitats. Specialist species previously common, such as the African Hawk-Eagle, Crowned Eagle, and Ayres’ Hawk Eagle, have completely disappeared from the areas that we have surveyed. Augur Buzzards and Tawny Eagles are more adaptable and tolerant of changes in habitat and prey. Both these species, Augurs in particular, are common raptors in the buffer zones and in the wheat fields where they have undoubtedly replaced more specialized raptors.

While the future of the Mara hangs in a balance, there is a glimmer of hope. In June this year, we organized a workshop in the Mara to obtain local support to develop an action plan to monitor and conserve birds of prey in the area. There was overwhelming support by local Masai and other stakeholders in the form of a signed resolution developed by participants that recognized the threats to birds of prey and recommended immediate conservation measures. With the help of Paul Kirui and other committed people in the Mara, we plan to carry out more intensive raptor studies to achieve our goal. Later this evening, as Simon and I drive towards our camp near Musiara swamp, we see a grey and russet bullet whiz past our car and over the swamp, sending out a panicked cry from a flock of small waders. Wham! The Chestnut-banded Plover had no chance. Clutching its prey, the African Hobby Falcon lands on a dead tree and begins plucking and feeding. We watch this tiny predator in awe, soaking in the experience. I would trade 10 cheetah and lion kills just to watch this magnificent falcon in full stoop. The sun begins to go down rapidly over the African plains. Sitting around the campfire at night as Simon prepares his classic Bolognaise, I can hear my heart pounding as we are made aware of the deafening cacophony of sounds from distant roars of lions, elephant trumpets, hippo grunts, hyena howls, and incessant cicada chirrups. After an exhausting day in the field, sleep does not come easily in the African bush.

Ayres’ Hawk Eagle in Zimbabwe

Ron Hartley


here was a distinct ‘whoosh’ sound Ron Hartley before the net cannoned forward, bagging the avian missile. Falconer Neil Goodwin was amazed to see the baleful lime-yellow eyes of a small eagle lying on its side entangled in the net. Neil’s attention quickly turned to its big feet and ample talons, and he told himself to watch out when he extracted it from the net! Neil was alone, on farmland on the edge of Harare city, Zimbabwe’s capital. The nets were set for a Lanner Falcon but had snared an immature female Ayres’ Hawk Eagle, possibly the rarest of Africa’s eagles. Realizing the significance of his capture, he phoned me at Falcon College. This exciting event was a vital opportunity for some useful data. I asked him to get the eagle to Neil Deacon who runs the Zimbabwe Falconers Club research program in Harare. My fascination with the Ayres’ Hawk Eagle goes back to my school days; I have had a long association with the species that goes back to April 1981 when I trapped my first Ayres’. Goodwin temporarily secured the eagle and reset the nets. Thirty minutes later another immature female Ayres’ crashed into the nets. This was unbelievable— things were getting beyond control. Another phone call. Two hits and time to stop! The eagles were ferried to the city where they were photographed, weighed, measured, and ringed (banded). They were released near the trapping point and took off slowly with deliberate wing beats in their buoyant flight. In no time they were in a thermal high above the soybean lands, host to thousands of doves, favoured prey of this small, handsome eagle which is a bird-catching specialist. It frequently hunts from a soar and can stoop like a falcon and weave through the woodland like an accipiter, in some ways occupying the niche of a Goshawk. It is possibly the most dashing of Africa’s eagles, making good use of its relatively long wings and a modest tail. Males range from 615 to 714 g and females from 879 to 1,150 g, about the mass of some Eurasian Peregrines. We have trapped or recovered 20 Ayres’ Hawk Eagles over the past 24 years, and 18 were in or around urban areas, mainly Harare. Of these, 13 were females, reinforcing our belief that the larger sex is more adept at catching feral and racing pigeons. Consequently pigeon fanciers sometimes persecute them. As pigeon fanciers sometimes ask us to trap problem birds at their lofts, such liaison is a useful conservation strategy. Outside the breeding season (March to September), Ayres’ are

regularly sighted in Harare and Bulawayo. The single egg is laid from April to May, and the closest nests found from these cities were 40 km and 90 km away, respectively. Although there are numerous stands of large eucalyptus trees in Harare and Bulawayo, we have not yet found a pair breeding in an urban area, unlike Nairobi where Simon Thomsett and his colleagues studied a breeding pair. Ayres’ Hawk Eagles inhabit the moist savanna woodlands and forested areas of the country, especially in rugged, hilly terrain where it is difficult to find and easily overlooked. There are still extensive areas with this habitat in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Although the frequency of sightings and recoveries suggests that this eagle is not as rare as believed, it has not been seen in many suitable areas where intensive searches for raptor nests have been undertaken. Its rarity is probably due to its role as a specialist. By contrast, the similarly sized Wahlberg’s Eagle is quite common, as is the Booted Eagle in South Africa (similar to the Ayres’ in many respects, both being generalists). Only six nesting areas have been found in Zimbabwe, four in wooded hilly terrain and two in riparian woodland. Most of the 19 breeding records from these sites come from egg collectors. The nest is a relatively small stick structure placed in the main fork of a tree just below the canopy and usually in dense woodland of a relatively uniform structure, greatly increasing the optimum search image and reducing the chance of discovery. When a known pair switches to an alternate site nearby this can be difficult to find again, making ongoing research a challenge; one that we plan to accept in coming years.

Adult Ayres’ Hawk Eagle feeding on dove.


Of Gyps Vultures, Gypsies, and Satellite Technology


…the extinction horizon for vultures on the Indian subcontinent was fast approaching and we had to take a gamble, a gamble based on little more than the character of these largely unknown vultures!


he spelling resemblance of “Gyps” vultures to “Gypsies” happens to be a mere Cameron Ellis coincidence. Gyps is derived from the Greek word Gups, meaning vulture; and Gypsy comes from western European societies, where it was assumed that the renowned nomadic culture emanated from Egypt. However, today’s best historical records place the origins of Gypsies near the southeastern Pakistani province of Sindh, bordering India to the east and the Arabian Sea to the south. Directly to the north of Sindh province, still along the Indian border but not so far north as Jammu and Kashmir, we find the Punjab province of Pakistan. Within the Punjab we find the Toawala vulture colony, the largest known remaining colony of critically endangered Oriental White-backed Vultures (Gyps bengalensis) in the world today. In the 2000/01 breeding season, the colony at Toawala held 445 pairs of Oriental White-backed Vultures; now it is home to only 160 pairs, a decline of 64% in four years. Of the 16 breeding sites monitored during the 2000/01 season, eight have disappeared entirely, and seven more have declined by over 80%. We are witnessing what were once likely the world’s strongest raptor populations, with numbers in the hundreds of thousands, diminish in just a few years to mere handfuls of no more than several hundred. The loss of these vultures represents a clear loss to Earth’s biodiversity, but it also represents the loss of an important player in the ecosystem of Earth’s most densely populated landmass and an unqualified loss to the cultures that look to these vultures to spirit their dead into the sky. Gyps vulture loss on the Indian Subcontinent is occurring at such an accelerated rate that The Peregrine Fund and its partners are now facing perhaps the last season in which large enough populations of vultures can be collected to establish a captive breeding population sufficient for the eventual restoration of the species to the wild. Conservation efforts over the following months will likely determine their ultimate survival. In the February 2004 issue of Nature, The Peregrine Fund and its partners published findings that the veterinary administration of diclofenac, a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug, was the cause of the massive Gyps vulture decline on the Indian subcontinent. The Peregrine Fund followed up this milestone discovery by hosting an international summit meeting in Kathmandu with high level government officials and conservation groups in order to develop a plan for the conservation of these birds. The plan calls for the removal of diclofenac from the environment and a captive breeding program to restore population numbers for eventual release into the wild. Commitment from any side has been difficult to secure, so The Peregrine Fund has also been working

to ensure that the Gyps do not go extinct before measures for their long-term survival can be enacted. Only a few years ago these vultures were so common that a study of their ecology and behavior seemed about as critical as that of crows at a picnic table. When the first alarm bells sounded in the mid-1990s there were not even basic data concerning their foraging and nesting behavior. Having discovered the cause of the species’ decline, our next question was, “How much diclofenac in the environment causes the kidney failure that is killing these vultures?” The answer came back, “Not much!” Gyps vultures are acutely intolerant of diclofenac and only one carcass in 250 (0.4%) would be needed to cause the observed decline. Diclofenac is very popular with livestock owners as it immediately cures symptoms of illness. Like ibuprofen it has therapeutic value, but it does nothing to cure underlying ailments and hence it is often administered prior to death. The estimated percent of contaminated livestock carcasses on the Indian subcontinent likely exceeds the 0.4% hazardous to vultures; troublesome news, but not startling given the dramatic decline of the vultures. The Peregrine Fund’s immediate goal has been to limit the exposure of vultures to carcasses containing diclofenac. “Vulture restaurants” are a conservation technique that offers clean food in close proximity to a vulture colony in an effort to discourage foraging among potentially contaminated carcasses. Due to the lack of knowledge surrounding the foraging ecology of Gyps vultures, we had no means of predicting its success, but the extinction horizon for Gyps vultures on the Indian subcontinent was fast approaching and we had to take a gamble, a gamble based on little more than the character of these largely unknown vultures! We focused our efforts on the largest remaining vulture colony, at Toawala. There, we outfitted six Oriental White-backed Vultures with the latest in spacetechnology, wing-mounted global positioning system satellite transmitters (GPS-PTTs), and went looking for a source of clean, diclofenac-free meat. The Peregrine Fund field biologists and budding vulture restaurateurs immediately ran into an obstacle that threatened to upset the endeavor. The Islamic religious code puts restrictions on the preparation, handling, and consumption of meat which is not Halal. Halal refers to specific animals and their meat when acquired in a specific manner. These restrictions made it excruciatingly difficult to obtain significant quantities of diclofenac-free meat (over 3,500 kg of it in four months!) via the traditional routes in Pakistan. So while remote signals beamed conversation between the solar-powered GPS-PTT tags and satellites orbiting the earth, and the data was routed to e-mail accounts, our field biologists found themselves tucked away in the

Munir Virani

Vulture at sunset. The future for humans, birds, and beasts is intertwined.

Vulture Home Range

Food offered (12,000 ha) Vulture Restaurant





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No food (38,500 ha)







Vulture Restaurant




foraging behavior of Gyps vultures as well as producing noteworthy information on flight altitude, speed, roost site fidelity, dispersal, and feeding sites. But the GPSPTTs also show us that vulture restaurants are only a temporary stopgap, and the Gyps vulture species on the Indian subcontinent will need permanent solutions if they are to survive again in the wild. Over centuries the Gyps vultures have played importantVulture roles in the religions, cultures, and ecosystems of the Home Indian subcontinent. Range But today’s conservation and research efforts are providing the first windows on their previously mysterious lives and ecology. We hope that these first fascinating glimpses of the Gyps vulture are not also the last. Ch en a

woods on the outskirts of Multan, dealing over a clean supply of carcasses with Gypsies, people that we find outside the sphere of Islamic code in Pakistan and beyond the restrictions of Halal. The vulture restaurant opened on 1 January 2004, and thanks to both the wonders of satellite technology and the invaluable service of Punjab Gypsies, our restaurant is providing us a first look into the behavior and ecology of the Gyps vultures. Some of the findings are truly remarkable, and while the restaurant is not the final solution for the restoration of the Gyps vultures, it is buying us valuable time to work for their ultimate survival. Vultures began attending the restaurant in large numbers on the third day of its opening, and over the course of several months it became clear that overall vulture mortalities at the Toawala colony were lower during the periods of vulture restaurant feeding versus periods of non-feeding. In extreme cases, the difference in fatalities was almost ten-fold. During non-feeding periods some birds were recorded as traveling over a 300 km radius; however, the vulture restaurant feeding periods appear to have limited their foraging range to an average of 10-25 km, greatly reducing the risks that a vulture will encounter a contaminated carcass. At one point shortly after its opening we counted 337 vultures feeding at the restaurant, eating clean food and avoiding the hazards in the countryside. Of the GPS-PTT tagged birds, the majority foraged from a single focal area while one immediately distinguished itself as a wanderer. The accompanying map illustrates the reduction in foraging range by one tagged vulture as a result of food provisioning at the vulture restaurant. With striking levels of accuracy and conservation relevance, the GPS-PTTs are revealing to us the


Can captive breeding and release restore


was greatly improved and is now comparable to our experience with other raptors in captivity. We now know that we can predictably breed Harpy Eagles in captivity, and over the course of the project we have modified and refined our methods and facilities to maximize the number of young produced. Releasing Harpy Eagles into the wild began in 1998 with five birds released into the forests of Soberania National Park, Panama. We soon discovered that these eagles were most vulnerable to human persecution when two birds were shot. One other died from natural predation, and although the remaining two survived to become independent of our care, we eventually recaptured them for their own safety. The realization that Harpy Eagles suffer from human persecution long before their forest habitat is lost inspired the development of our public education program. Community education began in 2000 among villagers living closest to the Harpy Eagle release sites, but has since expanded considerably in scope as we have learned to identify other important audiences.

Jack Stephens,


estoration of species in areas where they have been completely lost or severely Rick Watson depleted presents many challenges. The Peregrine Fund’s success with restoring the Peregrine Falcon and other species, and ongoing efforts with Aplomado Falcons and California Condors, has shown that success is closely linked with predictably breeding and releasing as many birds as possible in localities where they are likely to survive. It is a numbers game. We know that some will die before they reproduce, but with enough birds released, enough will survive to reproduce that the population will eventually come back—provided the cause of decline is resolved first, of course. Breeding large numbers of large, long-lived, normally slow-reproducing birds of prey presents special challenges. Releasing captive-bred eagles into the wild for the first time also presents new challenges, especially dealing with the normally long post-fledging dependence period in birds that may spend a year or more with their parents learning to hunt and fend for themselves. For large, tropical-forest eagles, like the endangered Philippine Eagle, these challenges have hampered efforts to restore the species. In such cases, knowledge gained from similar species can be invaluable. The Harpy Eagle restoration project was begun almost 15 years ago with the aims of developing the methods to predictably breed and release this species and to answer the question, “Can captive breeding and release be used to restore viable, wild populations of large, long-lived, tropical forest eagles?” To answer this question we began by bringing together three potential breeding pairs of Harpy Eagles from zoos and government/wildlife authorities. Our eagles laid their first eggs in the Gerald D. and Kathryn Swim Herrick Tropical Raptor Building at the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise in 1991, but it was only in the 1994-95 breeding season that we successfully hatched our first young. Between then and 2001, when we moved our Harpy Eagles to the new Neotropical Raptor Center in Panama, the eagles laid 62 eggs, 38 of which were fertile, but only 10 (26%) hatched and nine survived. The poor hatchability of the eggs, we felt, was probably due to poor bone development in the embryos that caused mortality. This and other problems were possibly associated with vitamin deficiencies related to the lack of direct, unfiltered sunlight in the indoor facilities. It is too cold in Idaho to have tropical eagles out-of-doors throughout the year. Understanding this problem, we resolved to build outdoor facilities in a tropical forest location, eventually settling on Panama. After being relocated to Panama, the eagles have laid 41 eggs of which 29 were fertile, 23 hatched (79%), and 21 survived. Hatchability

Harpy Eagle populations? Once we were confident that our education program was showing measurable results, we resumed Harpy Eagle releases. Accommodating the lengthy development period of young Harpy Eagles, that period in which they learn to hunt and fend for themselves in the wild, required a two-stage release. First, fledglings were released at a permanent “soft release” site in Soberania National Park, not far from the Neotropical Raptor Center where they were bred. The site is accessible enough to allow for daily, year-around tracking and feeding of the young eagles, but remote enough to minimize contact with people. Once eagles reached independence they were re-trapped and translocated to a much more remote destination where they were “hard released” for the final time. Of the 29 eagles soft released to date, most were released at about seven months of age, just after they had begun to fly. Typically, it took them another 15 months to begin hunting successfully, though the variation between individuals was large, from eight to 19 months. Independence, in which birds are capable of

Immature Harpy Eagle.

hunting and surviving on their own, has proven difficult to recognize. Some clearly became independent soon after their first successful hunts, but others have continued to accept offered food long after they have proven capable of hunting on their own—in some cases up to a year later! Tracking and feeding young Harpy Eagles in dense tropical forest is difficult, exhausting work, but rewarding to those who take pleasure in the sight of a wild Harpy Eagle in its natural environment. We have relied on the dedication of many volunteers who work for up to 12 months for the opportunity to learn and contribute to this project, but the toll on human resources is huge. For releases to work on an ongoing basis sufficient to restore the species, we must find ways to reduce the human input required for success. One way would be to encourage young birds into independence by reducing food, but we do not wish to push them to hunt prematurely. Another way may be to release birds at an older age, assuming that the birds’ innate desire to hunt will develop in captivity. One trial of this idea suggests it may work but additional trials are needed to demonstrate it works consistently. Young Harpy Eagles have proven most vulnerable to predation in the first few days after release, and again in the period when they first begin to hunt and discover that some prey can turn into an attacker. We have learned that there are precautions we can take to reduce predation right after release, but little we can do to improve their survival as they learn to hunt. Four hard releases have occurred so far, but we expect up to 16 more to occur over the coming year as young birds reach independence. These birds will be released in either of two sites: Bocas del Toro in western Panama or Rio Bravo in Belize. Hard released birds are monitored closely for only a few days until we are certain they are coping with their new location, but they will be monitored remotely via satellite for several years. Each bird is fitted with a satellite radio tag (PTT) that transmits to orbiting satellites once every few days and relays the transmitter’s position to us via e-mail. Provided the eagles survive and we maintain contact with the birds by satellite, we can find them again when old enough to begin breeding in the wild, at about four or five years of age. That, of course, is the ultimate test of whether viable wild populations of Harpy Eagles can be established through the release of captive-bred eagles. Our oldest bird in the wild could breed as early as 2005 or 2006, but most of our birds will not reach breeding age until 2007 or later. We still have a ways to go and much to learn about releasing Harpy Eagles before we can answer our question!

Tracking and feeding young Harpy Eagles in dense tropical forest is difficult, exhausting work, but rewarding to those who take pleasure in the sight of a wild Harpy Eagle in its natural environment.


Mission: Harpy Eagle Colegio Brader Students Spread the Conservation Message


large bird of prey. And this is no small task. These students have developed PowerPoint presentations, videos, portable displays, puzzles, games, and murals that they bring to other schools throughout Panama in order to pass on their enthusiasm and knowledge of conservation to their peers. They have even made a compilation DVD of their visit to the Neotropical Raptor Center. Their first official teaching opportunity came when they visited the Pedro J. Ameglio School. Mission: Harpy Eagle participants organized the materials for a presentation and group activities, which included singing and passing out stickers to the most enthusiastic students. In the upcoming weeks, they will be working in 20 different classrooms with students ranging in age from pre-kindergarten to fourth grade. Soon they will have their own web site dedicated to the Harpy Eagle and the educational work they are doing. These students have generated so much interest in the program that other Colegio Brader students are anxiously awaiting their chance to join Mission: Harpy Eagle. Though the program has only just begun, it is a shining example of what can be done in conservation education across the globe, namely cooperation among conservation organizations, students, and teachers to form a network to help spread the message of environmental protection on a local, national, and international scale. Colegio Brader students María Cristina Miró, Sara Hurtado, and Gabriela Ehrman with a Harpy Eagle feather.

Ileana Cotes

…students from this school have created what they call Mission: Harpy Eagle, an educational powerhouse wherein kids teach other kids about the biology, behavior, and importance of this large bird of prey.

erbert Spencer said that “the great aim of education is not knowledge but Marta Curti action.” This certainly is true in the case of conservation education, where we work daily to inspire children and adults to make a conscious effort to better our planet. Working to educate the general public about raptors, and Harpy Eagles in particular, can be a challenge as these birds are often feared and misunderstood. Despite this, we have been very lucky. Over the past two years, we have visited many classrooms and communities and have been inspired and overjoyed at the enthusiasm and interest most everyone has shown for the Harpy Eagle and its conservation. It was only a few months ago, however, that we saw Mr. Spencer’s words truly become a reality. On 7 May 2004, students from Colegio Brader, located in Panama City, Panama, paid a visit to our Neotropical Raptor Center in order to see our Harpy Eagle utilized for education. It was a warm afternoon and they spent an hour and a half watching the eagle and gathering information and photos. Inspired and guided by their teacher and mentor, Ileana Cotes, and their close-up encounter with a live Harpy Eagle, 60 students from this school have created what they call Mission: Harpy Eagle, an educational powerhouse wherein kids teach other kids about the biology, behavior, and importance of this


A Milestone: 20 Years of Contribution


olunteers remain the backbone of The Peregrine Fund’s Education ProJack Cafferty gram. Each year more than 100 volunteers devote their time and energy to helping us achieve our goals. Since we moved to Boise in 1984, many volunteers have participated but two have distinguished themselves giving a helping hand through it all. They are Bert Cleaveland and Eileen Loerch. Bert and Eileen will each soon complete 20 years of volunteer service and we are indebted to them for their hard work and devotion to The Peregrine Fund.

Lisa Langelier/The Peregrine Fund


ileen Loerch grew up in western Washington and was attracted to birds of prey as a young child. In the spring of 1985, Eileen began volunteering and shared her passion for birds of prey with some of the first visitors to the World Center. With a small core of volunteers, Eileen was called upon to do a variety of tasks and was always up to the challenge. From handling birds to giving presentations to school groups, she was the “go to person” in the early years of the education program. From the very beginning of her volunteering days, she always included her daughter Jessi who eventually followed in her mother’s footsteps and also developed an enthusiasm for the outdoors. In 2002, Jessi worked for The Peregrine Fund as an Aplomado Falcon hack site attendant in

courtesy Bert Cleaveland


ert Cleaveland’s initial involvement with The Peregrine Fund came long before we moved to Boise. Until he retired in 1985, Bert worked as a forester for Boise Cascade. In the early 80s we were looking for release sites for Peregrine Falcons in Idaho and Boise Cascade assigned Bert to help us find a suitable site. As a result, Bert met Bill Burnham. “I’ll never forget that Gyrfalcon Bill brought with him when he first came (to Boise Cascade). I had been an avid birder since age 12 and that was a real treat for me,” commented Bert. In March of 1985, Bert officially became a volunteer at the World Center for Birds of Prey. As a recent retiree he was always willing to help out with whatever was needed. From guiding tours for the general public to organizing slides and manning booths at events, Bert did it all. In 1987 Bert went to Guatemala with other Peregrine Fund researchers and helped begin our Maya Project. He ended up spending two field seasons in Guatemala conducting habitat surveys in the areas where raptor surveys were being done. At 79 years young, Bert is still as active as ever and continues to volunteer as a docent, conducting tours through the Velma Morrison Interpretive Center on a regular basis. When asked about what keeps him coming back he said, “It’s simple. I just really enjoy all the great people.”

Bert Cleaveland, professional forester and birding enthusiast, shown here in Guatemala working with Maya project biologists.

West Texas, plus has volunteered many hours of her own at the World Center. Eileen continues to be an active volunteer. When a volunteer shift is left empty and we need someone to fill in, she is always the one to count on. In the late 80s Eileen wrote an essay on her volunteering efforts and summed up her motivation for education with, “…the education I give and receive at the World Center is priceless because I know I am making a difference in the world and myself. That is all the reward I need!”

Eileen Loerch teaching her daughter Jessi about Eagle eggs.


Archives of American Falconry Grows to Become “The Archives of Falconry”


Colonel Thomas Thornton (1747-1823), falconer and “the greatest sportsman of his day,” was the recipient of the magnificent commemorative Georgian silver-gilt tea urn now in the collections of The Archives of Falconry. Like Thornton in his day, many falconers have been all-around athletes. Al Nye, 1915-1992, whose falconry exploits were legendary, was named “All-American” in both football and lacrosse in his last year at the University of Pennsylvania.


Philadelphia Bulletin, courtesy The Archives of Falconry

Thornton’s Sporting Tour Through France (1806), courtesy The Archives of Falconry

he original concept and basis for the formation of the Archives of American Falconry was that evidence of our American falconry heritage was quickly disappearing and the associated biological information on raptors with it. For the most part falconry in the United States is less than 100 years old, but our written history was quickly disappearing as earlier 20th Century falconers passed on. The Archives was formed with the stated mission of preserving American falconry history. As falconers became aware of the opportunity to preserve the record, one of the facts that became immediately apparent was that early falconers were dependent upon English and European literature to learn their sport. The first uniquely American works were not published until 1939 by that first generation of falconers in the country. Therefore, many of the materials the Archives was receiving were from countries other than North America. For example, we soon found ourselves with a considerable collection of British falconry books. The result of all these efforts is the largest worldwide collection of falconry-related materials in a single location which is open and available for study and research—conceived, developed, conducted, and financed by falconers. The recent addition of what is considered the most significant piece of falconry ephemera, the tea urn given to Colonel Thomas Thornton in gratitude for his sponsorship of “The Confederate Hawks of Great Britain” club in 1781, and a traditional Arab hunting tent have only continued to spotlight this worldwide aspect of the Archives collections. It is now more than appropriate that the name of the Archives has been changed to reflect our growth and international scope.

Support The Peregrine Fund’s projects with your purchases!


rders can be placed three easy ways: complete and detach the form on the enclosed envelope; call 1-800-377-3721; or see our web site While ordering, you can also renew or initiate your membership, or give a gift membership! Membership benefits include: Whether or not you have our ornaments from years past, you will want this Aplomado Falcon for your collection. Detailed with fine craftsmanship, this lovely ornament is a gift or keepsake that will please the eye year after year! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50

• Newsletter subscription • Annual report • 10% discount on gift shop and catalog purchases • Special events notification Our Promise: We will only directly request your contribution once a year and then it will be by mail, so please give generously. We will keep your name and address confidential. They will not be traded or sold to others. We will keep you informed of our progress through reports, newsletters, and our web site. We will work hard to see your dollars are spent carefully and effectively. We will do our best to make a meaningful difference.

Add this wonderful display of birds of prey to your computer work station. Our mouse pad features a photo collage of birds of prey, including a Peregrine Falcon, California Condor, Gyrfalcon, and Aplomado Falcon. Measures 7 1/2” x 8”and 1/8” thick. Constructed of rubber with a hard plastic cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50


Colors Available Peregrine Falcon Aplomado Falcon California Condor Gyrfalcon Harpy Eagle

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the World Center for Birds of Prey with this quality ceramic mug. Six inches tall, white with red and black artwork. . . . . . . . 9.95

California Condor

Harpy Eagle green










4 4

American Falconry calls it ”an awe-inspiring and moving testimony to the peregrine’s mystique.“ Written by 69 authors, Return of the Peregrine tells the full restoration story. A painting by Robert Bateman graces the dust jacket of this hardbound, full-color book. A lovely gift for the conservationist on your list! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.50



4 4


Aplomado Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Our field biologists never leave home without one—cotton canvas embroidered hats sporting your favorite birds of prey and “The Peregrine Fund.” One size; adjustable strap. Back vent hole embroidered with name of bird or project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.95

Adult male Peregrine Falcon at his eyrie in North Greenland. Kurt K. Burnham

The Peregrine Fund World Center for Birds of Prey 5668 West Flying Hawk Lane Boise, ID 83709 United States of America

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