The Installation Of Officers.docx

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 796
  • Pages: 3
The Association of Children of Mary Vincentian Marian Youth (CoM-VMY) Philippines Regional Council (Western Visayas) Asilo de Molo, Molo, Iloilo City



Director: “In the virtue conferred on me as Director I hereby proclaim that the following duly elected officers shall take office from this day and shall have the duties and powers given to the officers of The Association of the Children of Mary Immaculate as specified in our constitution”

He then reads the names of the new officers. As he calls their names the newly elected officers stand and proceed to the altar rail. Here they kneel.

The Director then addresses the officers with the following words:

To the PRESIDENT: “Dear Associate, chosen by Divine Providence to fill in The Association the office of the President. Remember that you should above all, be a model of humility, piety, charity, devotedness and regularity. Show yourself always faithful in observing and in causing to be observed the rules of The Association for the glory of God and the honor of Mary Immaculate.”

To the VICE PRESIDENTS: “Dear Associates, chosen by Divine Providence to fill aid the President in the direction of the Council, you should also give a good example and strive to make the Immaculate Virgin loved. Have with the President only one heart and one soul, so that you may work effaciously together for the good of The Association.”

To the SECRETARY: “Dear Associate, chosen by Divine Providence to keep the records of Mary’s Association, punctually fulfill the duties of your office with the discretion and understanding. May the records

The Association of Children of Mary Vincentian Marian Youth (CoM-VMY) Philippines Regional Council (Western Visayas) Asilo de Molo, Molo, Iloilo City

you write be of splendid achievements, records that will not merely rest upon the white page of a book, but which will be transferred by the recording angel to the Book of Life.”

To the TREASURER: “Dear Associate, chosen by Divine Providence to keep a portion of Mary’s treasury on earth, be worthy of this great responsibility. In a very true sense the funds of The Association are property of Christ and Mary to be used for charity, for the spread of the faith, for the salvation of souls and for God’s glory. Never selfishly, but always generously, must it be used. From this day, you become guardian and dispenser of a small portion of Christ’s treasury on earth.”

To OTHER OFFICERS: “Dear Associates, chosen by Divine Providence to aid in the direction of The Association, you should show yourselves worthy of this choice and edify your companions by your piety, devotedness and charity. You will strive to fulfill these important functions with humility, zeal, and the spirit of faith. By your good example and exactitude and the regularity of the meetings, you will enkindle in all hearts a greater love of The Association, for the glory of God and the honor of Mary Immaculate.”


Director: Dear Associates, do you promise to fulfill with zeal and edification the duties confided to you, observing faithfully and causing to be observed the rules and practices of The Association?

Officers: We do promise with all our hearts, with the grace of God and the help of the Most Blessed Virgin to perform our duties faithfully.


The Association of Children of Mary Vincentian Marian Youth (CoM-VMY) Philippines Regional Council (Western Visayas) Asilo de Molo, Molo, Iloilo City

Then, as the Manual suggests, the newly elected Officers recite the solemn pledge, while all the members stand up:


“Holy Mary, Mother of God and Immaculate Virgin, we promise to be faithful to the observance of all our rules, to hold dear to our heart, the spiritual interests of the whole Association in general and of each its members in particular, and to make every effort to propagate devotion to you and your holy name.

Deign O Mary, to bless our resolutions and obtain for us from Jesus Your Divine Son the grace to fulfill zealously the offices which we accept today from your maternal hands. Amen.”


The Director gives them his blessing in the usual form, and the newly elected officers return to their places (which are now the front pews on the right side of the aisle, while the retiring officers go to the left. Everybody sits while the Director recalls briefly to all members of The Association the respect, submission, deference and devotedness to which the Officers, particularly the President, are entitled.


The ceremony is concluded by singing a hymn, or if possible, the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A social or friendly meeting brings the religious ceremony to a happy close and serves to foster a family spirit among the members of The Association.

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