The Good Side Of It All Part 2

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  • Words: 2,105
  • Pages: 7
Part 2: Time passed by, and the days grew even more awkward. Juanito and I barely had a conversation, and Nick was growing more and more curious. "Are you mad at him?" Nick asked loudly through the silence. I choked on my milk and brought my eyes to Juanito's. They fluttered away quickly as he was glaring at me. "N-no," I stammered. "So why are you guys ignoring each other?" He accused, turning his head to look at his bestfriend. "We're not," I shrugged indifferently. Nick snorted. "We're not!" I said more defensively. "Yeah, yeah. So it wouldn't be awkward if Juanito drove you home from the party? My car's occupied," He said pervertedly. I rolled my eyes, staring at my food, bracing myself for Juanito's "No, I won't drive her home." "Sure, I'll drive her home," He said in a small voice. I peeked up at him, he was looking away from me and out the window. "Thanks bro," Nick clapped his back as he got up from the table. I clutched at my stomach at the little nauseaous feeling that suddenly appeared. Was I suddenly nervous to be with Juanito? I liked him before, but what happened made me hate him. I would rather die than have my old feelings for him return to me. "How are you getting there?" He asked, looking out the window above my head. "I don't know," I whispered, almost inaudibely. "Go get ready," He sighed and got up from the table. Was he taking me there too? I followed him with my eyes as he slumped up the stairs and then got up to follow his actions. I closed the door to my room to find my favourite corsette. Oh yeah. He demolished it. "Ugh!" I muttered into the air, and ransacked my closet for something better to wear. I ended up wearing a short, royal blue dress. A party took my virginity away, why would I trust one again? Okay, no underage drinking for me.

I finished touching up my lipgloss when Nick burst through the door. "Yo, Hurry up!" He ordered angrily. "Juanito's taking me, you can go." The words that came out of my mouth were so awkward to hear. Even Nick's expression changed into a surprised one. "Okay, well...hurry up then," He said more quietly. I sat down on my bed for a second, feeling sickly again. I took in a huge breath as I left my bedroom and walked down the stairs. Juanito was sitting in his car, listening to loud music. It blared in my ears as I opened the car. I didn't even bother to complain. "So.." He said awkwardly as he turned the music down. I ignored him and continued to stare out the window. "It wouldn't make you jealous if I danced with other girls?" He asked. I whipped my head around to face him. "Oh my God, why would you even ask that?" I asked appalled. "I was just wondering," He shrugged, his brown cheeks turning scarlet. I shook my head in annoyance and continued staring out the window, watching the flashing lights pass by. "So will it be?" He pressed. I sighed angrily, "No." The rest of the drive was silent. All I could think about was the last party I been to. Say my name, played in my head over and over again, giving me goosebumps everytime I heard it. "Yo!" I heard from beside me, snapping me out of my reverie. We had pulled over and arrived at the party. I blushed a deep red of embarrassment. Snap out of it, girl. I thought to myself. He slammed the car door and made his way into the party without another glance back at me. The nausea kicked back in, but this time it was harder to handle. I hovered over the nearest bush, but nothing came up. The feeling left as quickly as it came. Maybe I was falling for him again. Maybe I was love sick. I walked into the party with guys already hitting on me left and right. "Hey precious." One guy said as he reached out to touch my hair. I ignored them all as I walked deeper into the heart of the party. I leaned against a refreshment table, sniffing and observing the red berverage in a cup. "What is this?" I yelled over the bass of the music.

The girl I asked just shrugged. She looked pretty wasted. I put the drink down, feeling nauseaous again. I groaned as the pain got worse. "Are you okay?" A girl a little younger than me asked. She definitely seemed buzzed and not old enough to drink. "I'm alright," My words sort of slurred. "Are you drunk?" She accused. I shook my head and walked over to the sink, pushing the couple making out, out of the way. They hardly even noticed my touch. I gagged, but nothing came out. I gagged again. Nothing came out. I washed my mouth with water from the tap, and resumed leaning against something, watching people dance. I couldn't dance in this state. I dizzily looked around, watching everyone's drunken bodies rub together to the beat of the music. It all seemed to be going in slow motion. My eyes focussed on Juanito's body rubbing against another girl's body. His dimpled smile seemed glued to his face. The blonde girl was smiling flirtatiously, inviting him to take her. But Juanito was sneaky. He wanted to wait for the right moment. Pangs of hurt were bursting through me. And yet, I had no idea why. I gagged once again and this time, everything I ate came up. Once I started I couldn't stop. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed, as my vomitting wouldn't let me breathe. "Oh my God, someone's throwing up!" I heard a man's voice say. "That's why you shouldn't get too wasted," Someone said shamefully. I stood up defensively, wiping my mouth. I felt horrible. My eyes searched for Juanito on the dancefloor. He was still in the same spot, grinding on the same blonde chick. I pushed my way through the crowd, clutching my painful stomach. It felt way worse than nausea, I could barely walk. Everytime someone bumped into me I winced. "Juanito!" I shouted. He glared at me, ignoring me aswell. "Juanito! I wanna go home!" I shouted even louder. The music was so loud, he didn't hear me properly. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm. They stopped dancing. "Juanito I-"

"I don't care. You said you wouldn't get jealous!" He snapped. The girl glared at me. "He's mine for the night little girl," she said coldly. I ignored her. "I'm not jealous!" I shouted, my stomach jumping painfully. "Ow." "So what do you want!" He said angrily. I gagged again, but I had nothing in my stomach to produce vomit. "Juanito, I'm sick." I begged. "Go tell Nick," he said, pointing in his direction. Then he pulled on the girl's arm again, ready to dance. "You were supposed to drive me home!" I shouted angrily. "Juanito! I'm really, really sick!" He stubbornly stopped dancing and pulled hard on my arm. "Ow, you're hurting me!" I cried as the pain in my stomach grew harder to bare. OW!" I cried as we were outside, tears welling up in my eyes. I walked over to the car and got in angrily. He slammed his door, muffling the music of the house. "What the hell was that!?" He screamed, making me jump. I started crying. I just shook my head and stared out the window, letting my tears escape me. "I don't like you!" He continued ranting. I put my head in my hands, praying for this feeling in my stomach and the feeling in my heart to go away. It was like two pains combined into one, causing the moment to be unbearable. "What's wrong with you! I'm too old for you! It was one time!" "SHUTUP!" I screeched. He instantly fell silent. "Take me to the hospital," was all I could say before the sobs took over the area of the car. * * * Juanito was walking at a much quicker pace than I was. "Hurry up!" He urged. I glared at him. "I can't walk," I groaned squatting on the floor. Juanito kissed his teeth and walked swiftly towards me, grabbing my arms and pulling me up from the ground. "Juanito!" I hissed as the pain jabbed me. "Where are you hurting?" He asked lamely. "Just open the door for me." I whispered, my voice sore from crying. He shrugged and held it open for me. The nurse at the front desk looked bored.

"She needs to see a doctor," Juanito told her. I groaned as I felt nauseous again. The nurse observed me suspiciously from the other side of the desk. I ignored her and paid more attention to the pain that was now slipping away. It sucked that we didn't get to stay for the food. Why did I have to get sick? My stomach rumbled as I smelt the horrible hospital food. "What are they serving?" I asked hopefully. "Chicken, I think." She said in an accusing manner. I ignored her tone. "I hope I get to stay the night." I said hopefully. Juanito gave me a 'look'. "You can go into room 3." She said surely. Like she knew what was wrong with me. "Thanks," Juanito said politely. As I was inches behind him, I could smell the mixture of his cologne and the blonde girl's perfume. The sweet combined smells only made me even more sick. I sat down on the uncomfortable, paper covered seat, awaiting the doctor. He trudged in moments later. Juanito stood in one of the corners, staring at the floor. "Hello, I'm Dr.Turner." He said politely as he greeted Juanito and I. "I'm Cassandra," I replied nervously. I looked at Juanito, he was staring at the cieling patiently. "Can you tell me what's going on?" He asked as he began to examine my breathing. "I'm really sick, I can't handle it." I spoke truthfully. "What are the symptoms?" He asked professionally. "Severe stomach pains, vomitting. I can't even walk properly." "Have you ever felt this before?" His face suddenly looked concerned. I shook my head. He went to the counter and retrieved a tiny cup. "I'm going to have to have you pee in this cup," He told me straight out. "Have you had anything to drink? Any drugs in your system?" He asked seriously. "Nope." I admitted queasily. My stomach hurt too much to even sit upright. "Okay, here you go." He handed me the cup. I got up from the seat, and looked around for the washroom. It was two doors down from the room I previously came out of. It was awkward peeing in a cup. It was uncomfortable and I just didn't like it. After peeing in the cup I rushed over to wash my hands.

"Here you go," I said awkwardly as I handed the cup to the doctor. Luckily Juanito wasn't looking my way. I wouldn't want him to see my pee. It was embarassing enough crying in his car, right infront of him. "Okay, I'll be with you shortly." Dr. Turner left the room, leaving me and Juanito to ourselves. The atmosphere suddenly grew colder. "Are you okay?" He asked absent-mindedly. I nodded and gave a little "mhm." He smiled weakly and walked over to a little stool to sit on. "Are you drunk?" I asked quietly. He stared at the floor. "Not really." "Oh." I murmured. We sat in silence, occasionally looking around. Our eyes never met once. "I've got some news, Cassandra." The doctor said as he blurred into the room. "How old are you?" He asked seriously. "Sixteen." I squeaked. His eyes turned sympathetic. I started to panic. "Is this young man your boyfriend?" He asked as he turned to Juanito. Juanito raised his eyebrow and shook his head. "Well, then, hopefully you and your boyfriend are ready for this." The doctor said sympathetically. "Just tell me," My heart started to flutter. "You're pregnant." He sighed, handing me a paper to prove it. Juanito ripped the paper out of my hand and read it over. He angrily ripped it up and threw it onto the floor. "This can't FUCKING be happening!" He shouted. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe I wasn't breathing. I wasn't. I suddenly fell to the floor and blacked out. The last thing I heard was, "I'm not ready to be a father!"

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