All I've Ever Dreamed Of

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  • Words: 4,226
  • Pages: 11
All I've ever dreamed of. I woke up with a pound on the door. I looked over at Darion with frantic eyes. He was still asleep. "We know you're in there, Negro!" The Chief of Police banged on the door some more. I sat up with a gasp. "Darion!" I shook him. He awoke with a stir. "What?" He asked confused. "Are you okay?" He said more seriously after looking into my eyes. "They're here!" I whispered frantically. His own expression changed as he darted his eyes to the door. "Hilary! Open this door now!" My father shouted. I began to cry. Darion wrapped his arms around me, soothing me. "I'll just go to them." He whispered. "No!" I gasped. I held on to him tighter. I would never let go of him. "Hilary! Open this God Damned door!" My father's voice spoke again, followed by some more pounding. "Just go through the window." I whispered. "We'll sort this out." Darion kissed me swiftly and gazed into my eyes. "We'll be able to love each other some day, Hilary," he said sadly. And with another pound on the door, he was gone.

Chapter 1: Moving in. I stepped out of the moving car. "Mom, I can smell the horses!" I said excitedly. My mother was always stuck up, and wasn't too enthusiastic about moving here. "Ugh! Filthy animals!" She shuddered. Although my mother was 'High Class' material, she was very kind. She just didn't like animals all too much. She held out her skinny white-gloved finger and trailed the fence of the house with it. "Do you think I'll be able to ride them?" I asked hopefully to my father. "You be careful now. We have negros in this area," he sputtered. "And quite a few of them!" "Who cares?" I muttered. My father's angry brown eyes seemed to have turned red. His pale white face seemed to have turned purple. "They're dangerous!" He yelled as he held up his fat finger. I felt like biting it off every time he wagged it infront of my face like

that. My mother looked at me with kind eyes. She didn't mind negros at all. My father was the strict one in the family. "Hilary, why don't you help your dad with the boxes?" She suggested kindly. I grudgingly went to the car and picked up a box full of my clothes. I staggered to the front door. Lifting sure wasn't a ladies job. "Thanks," I struggled to say to one of the movers who held the door for me. "I'll get that little lady," he said sweetly, in his southern accent. I blushed slightly at his forever staring blue eyes. I handed over the box of my clothes and wiped down the front of my jeans, hoping they weren't dirty. Ever since my dad got a new job, we had to move here. The little village of Millard. My father called himself a wealthy man. He dressed in all the finest suits, with a little inside pocket for his golden pocket watch. He had greying hair, which would have looked like a full head except for the big noticable bald spot on the back of his head. My mother was used to having a lot of money. She hated being poor or living in a filthy place. Here was rather dusty, but it still had great benefits. My mother had light brown hair with blue eyes. She was very fair skinned and even her light hair stood out. I looked a lot like my mother. We had the same light hair and blue eyes. I was like a miniature version of her, only younger. My mother and I were both slim and fair as well. I didn't mind if we were rich or not, like I didn't mind the colour of anybody's skin. But my father was strict and we had to live by his rules. I dragged my feet down the porch and back to the car. "Dad, can I have a look around after we finish unloading everything?" I asked innocently. He thought it over for a second, and then nodded. "After we're done!" He warned. "Yes, daddy." I kissed him on the cheek and reached for a smaller box. I easily carried the box into the house and up the stairs. This box was also for my room, all that was in here was a lamp. My room was on the second floor, at the very end of the hall. It was furthest away from everybody else's. Now I was able to stay up writing without anybody noticing. I walked into the room happily. It was big enough for two people. I walked over to my bed, and giggled as I bounced on it in a sitting position. "Wow!" I exclaimed as I laid back. "It's a nice room," the mover called to me. I sat upright, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry ma'am. Did I startle you?" His eyes were piercing mine. I blushed even

harder. "Just a little bit." I admitted. He laughed. "Sorry," He apologized again. "The name's Cartney." He took off his hat and bowed to me. What a polite southern man. I giggled, "I'm Hilary." He walked over to me slowly and picked up my hand. "Nice to meet you, Hilary." He smiled, his eyes crinkling. He was older than me slightly, and I knew daddy wouldn't approve. He bent down and kissed my hand politely. I was shocked he would even do that. Only gentlemen did that, and the city was not full of them. "Cartney! I've got more boxes!" I heard my dad call to him. He looked over his shoulder and then back at me. "I'll see you later ma'am," he smiled. I bit my lip. "Bye, Cartney." I gazed at the door one more time. Hoping he wasn't going to walk through it and catch me in another embarassing moment. I stood up and walked over to my window. The sun was shining brightly. I looked up at the cloudless sky, appreciating the warmth. Everything was beautiful about this place. It wasn't fancy, but it was beautiful. I opened the window fully, sniffing the air. I gazed out over the acres of land my father owned. It seemed to stretch on for miles and miles. My eyes trailed down to a little barn a little off into the distance. All around the barn was a barely visible, little fence. It was white like the one around our house. My eyes wandered over everything in this new place. From the barn to the gardens, to the vines and leaves full of flowers on my window. This house really was a pretty sight. Everything I looked at over joyed me. I gave up looking for new things outside and started looking around my room. The walls were painted creamy white, and my floor was made of artificial wood. It was different from the marble floors we had back home, but I liked it just as much. My new dresser was green, emerald green. It reminded me of summer. With the sun shining through, it seemed to shine, just like a summer's day. My bed had black legs and a green duck feathered blanket. I looked everything over again, and decided it was time to unpack my clothing. I picked up the heavy box at the end of the bed and dropped it on the bed. After wiping my forehead and taking a deep breath, I began unpacking. * * * "Daddy!" I called as I skipped down the stairs. "Yes, princess?" He answered.

I skipped over to him innocently. "Can I go now?" I pouted. He looked at my mother and then back at me. "Fine," he sighed. "Be back before dinner. You're only sixteen, I don't need anything happening to you," he warned. I laughed. "Okay, dad." I kissed his cheek and started walking down the street. I walked past so many houses. Many were smaller than ours, but they were all so cheerful. I smiled at each and every one of them. I thought about knocking on them and introducing myself, but dad told me to be careful. I wasn't worried, but my dad worried about everything. The sun beamed down on me, giving me more energy. I felt enormously happy and started to hum. I hummed all the way down to the end of the houses. I looked around for more houses, but everywhere I looked I saw shops. I walked further, looking around. I noticed a candy shop on one of the corners. It wasn't a big shop, like all the rest. I walked happily over to it anyway. I had about two dollars in my pocket. The bell dinged when I walked in. It startled me. I looked around to see if anybody noticed, but not many people were in here. I noticed a boy about five years old trying to reach something. He jumped and jumped, starting to get frustrated. "Do you need help, little boy?" I asked politely. He looked frightened at my presence, but nodded. I smiled warmly at him and picked up the box he was reaching. He took out a candy from it and rushed over to show his mother. "Please mommy!" He begged. I replaced the candy box to its original place, and smiled at the family. They were what my father called 'negros'. "Okay, but that's it." She took the candy from him and handed it to the owner of the place. "one dollar." The owner said coldly. "But, the label says fifty cents." She said as she looked over at the box. "Your kind pays extra." He said angrily. "Okay, put it back." She sighed. The boy started to cry. "Theo! I can't afford it!" She yelled. The man behind the counter sneered. "I'll pay for it." I offered. The little boy beamed at me. The mother looked at me a little shocked and nervous. "Here." I gave her the money to prove it. She smiled at me warmly and handed him the dollar. He took it grudgingly and glared in my direction. I walked out of the store, proud of my actions, and she came up behind me with Theo. "Thank you so much!" She cheered. I smiled warmly at her. "It's alright. He's just so cute." I laughed as I smiled at Theo. "What do you say, Theo?" She encouraged her son.

"Thank you pretty white lady," he said. "Theo!" His mom exclaimed. "It's okay." I laughed. She nodded at me and started walking away with Theo on her hand. "Don't say that again okay?" She muttered. I smiled after them. I looked around for my next destination when the most beautiful horse came into my vision. He was tied up infront of a groomers place. I walked over to it, entranced by its beauty. "Hey." I said softly as I caressed it's nuzzle. It huffed. "It's okay." I said calmly. "He's not for sale." A man a little older than I stepped out of the shop carrying a brush. "Oh, that's okay. I was just admiring him." I said sweetly. He stared at me in confusion. After a long pause he began talking. "Are you new in town?" I smiled at him. He was handsome. His skin looked soft and flawless. It's chocolaty colour shone in the sunlight. His chestnut brown eyes dazzled me for a moment before I could answer. "Y-yes, I-I just m-moved here." I stuttered. "From the city." I started to blush. "The city!" He exclaimed. A huge grin spread on his face as he began brushing the horse. "This place ain't like the city." I laughed. "I like it here." He shrugged. "For now." I watched his well pronounced muscles work as he brushed the horse. The sleeves of his shirt were ripped off. The sweat on him only made his dark skin shine brighter. "Is he yours?" I asked. He stopped brushing and started pulling out hairs from the brush. "Yep." He said proudly. "You like horses?" He seemed sort of surprised. "Oh, yes. My father said he was going to buy me some, but he never comes around to it." I said sadly. He laughed. "Didn't your father also tell you to stay away from a negro like me?" I was taken aback. "Does it look like I care about that kind of thing? Colours are extraordinary, I like them all." "Even the darkest colour?" He asked me skeptically. "They're all beautiful." I told him matter-of-factly. He stared into my eyes as if he were looking for something. An answer probably? "You're different," he said appreciatively. "Thank you," I took it as a complement. He laughed. "Would you like to ride him sometime?" He asked as he gestured towards the horse.

"You mean you'll let me?" My eyes widened. He laughed at my new expression. "Sure." He shrugged. I swung my arms around him. "Thanks!" People were definitely staring. "Sorry," I looked down. He smiled crookedly at me. "Who cares what they think? It's the 60's they need to get over the integration." I beamed at him. "So when can I ride the horse?" I brought a happier topic up. "Anytime you want," he suggested. "This isn't the city, not everybody's real busy here." He said in his slight southern accent. I gazed at the horse again. "So what's your name?" He asked after he resumed brushing him. "Hilary," I said shyly. I never really appreciated my name before. "Hilary," he repeated. "Like a song," he said sweetly. I blushed at him. "So what's your name?" "Darion," he said boldly. "Darion," I repeated. "Like a warrior," I giggled. He laughed. "No, more like a groomer," He corrected. "You groom horses?" I asked, but then instantly felt dumb after I remembered what he was doing. "Yeah." He seemed too preocuppied to notice my stupidity. "So where do you live?" He asked as he put the saddle on the horse. "Just up that way." I pointed in the direction of where I came from. "Want a ride? There's a trail we can take, it leads to everyone's backyards," He suggested. "Sure!" I was overexcited. He hopped on the horse, and held his hand out for me. People were giving us weird stares as we rode out of the little shop's village and onto a trail. I held on to his stomach. "This is relaxing." I sighed. He laughed, then whistled. The horse started to run on his command. I immediately held on tighter. I started laughing hysterically. "Darion!" I squealed. "Are you alright back there?" He laughed. "Yeah!" I laughed even harder. He made the horse go around in circles and jump over little stacks of hay. Our laugher probably startled everyone in town, but we didn't care. "That one." I pointed to the big white house. I recognized the barn anywhere. The horse trotted over to the barn and he jumped off first. "Why are you taking me here?" The barn was pretty far from my house, but you can still make out every detail of my window. He seemed to think my answer was silly. He reached out both of his strong arms

and held me by my waist as I jumped off the horse. I blushed a deep red at his touch. "How would it look if I dropped you off?" He laughed. I knew how my father would react. I'd be imprisoned in my room, never to leave. I led him into the barn so the horse could have some hay. My dad wasn't going to buy me a horse any time soon anyways. "Whoa, this is nice." He looked around the room. I did the same. I never looked inside of it before either. "It is, isn't it?" I replied, astonished. It was big and red in there. Bunches and bunches of hay lay everywhere. The horse started it's feast. I closed the barn doors, for a little privacy. He wandered over to a ladder that led up to a new platform. "Careful," I warned. "I'm always careful," he replied smugly. Once he made it to the top, I decided it was safe enough to follow him. I finally made it to the top and looked around. He was laying on the hay. I walked over to him and laid down beside him. "How old are you?" I asked him. He opened his closed eyes. "eighteen," he answered. "You?" He sat up. I sat up with him. He seemed to be examining me. "Let me guess, fifteen?" He guessed. My brows furrowed together. "I do not look that young!" I disagreed. "Hey, it was just a guess," he defended. "Well, I'm sixteen." I admitted. He burst out laughing. "I was only a year off," he laughed. "Sixteen is the year you become a woman," I told him. "So when you're fifteen you're not a woman?" He seemed a little confused. "Nope." I shook my head. "Well, then, you're a beautiful woman," he smiled at me. I kissed his cheek and looked away blushing. He touched his cheek with his hand, smiling. "Aren't I a little too old for you?" He asked. "If colour doesn't matter, why should age?" I raised my eyebrows. He nodded his head in agreement. "Okay." He kissed my cheek in return. My blush burned my face. "Hilary!" I heard my mom call. "That's my mom," I told him as I stood up. He stood up, too. "I guess I'll see you another time," He said sadly. "How about tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. "Sure, I'll be up here," he kissed my cheek one last time and left.

After I heard the creaking barn door close, I left too. I quickly climbed down the ladder and ran out of the barn. He was already gone. I could barely make out the back of his horse as I stared after him. "Hilary!" My mother called again. I ran towards the house. "Right here, mom!" I rushed into the house and into the kitchen. "After dinner, I want you to unpack," father told me from the table. I nodded and sat down across from him. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Chapter 2: Hidden river. I woke up early that morning and ran over to the window. Darion was waving at me from the front of the barn house. I put on a fresh pair of jeans and a tied up plaid shirt that just barely showed my stomach. I crept out of my room, trying not to disturb my parents. They were extremely tired after the move and my father didn't want to work today. As soon as I was out of ears reach, I ran towards the barn house giggling frantically. "Hey!" I called to him. "Hey!" He replied happily. "I thought I'd be a little too early," he told me. I giggled. "Nope." I tried to lead him into the barn house but he stayed rooted to his spot. "I thought we'd do something different," he suggested. "Well, okay," I said skeptically. "What do you have in mind?" He pulled me by the hand and led the way onto the trail. "I'll show you," he said over his shoulder. "Okay!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. We started running, never letting go of each other's hands, both laughing loudly. We both tripped a few times, only causing us to laugh louder. "We're going to get in trouble!" I yelled, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "Who cares?" He called back, still laughing. He let go of my hand as soon as we came close to the end of the trail. He stopped walking and then turned around to look at me. "Okay, you need to close your eyes," he said softly. I did as I was told. A few seconds later his hands were covering my eyes. "Just in case you wanted to peek," he assured me. I giggled. "Where are we going?" I asked excitedly. "Will you be patient?" He laughed. I cautiously held out my arms as he led me to the surprise destination.

A little out into the distance I heard a low bubbling noise. It sounded like a stream or running water. As we ventured to the surprise, the sound of the water grew louder. "Almost there.." He said. "Voila!" He released his hands from my eyes. I looked around at my surroudings. We were in an area covered in trees. Big, beautiful, green trees. I twirled around. Everything felt fresh and clean. The river was gleaming in the light. The water looked so clean and refreshing. I took in a big breath of air and turned to face Darion. "Oh this is so wonderful!" I squealed. "Yeah, I come here a lot. It seems like nobody knows about this place," he said with a smile on his face. He was clearly amused by my reaction. I giggled as I rushed over to him and jumped on him. His strong arms held me up. My legs were wrapped around him. "This is a perfect place to be alone," I whispered. He raised his eyebrows. "It is, isn't it," he chuckled. I held his face with my free hands and pulled it up to mine, kissing his lips softly. I jumped down from him, embarassed by my actions, but I couldn't resist. His eyes were still closed and his lips were a little outstretched. "Sorry," I mumbled. I walked around him to leave. I thought he was angry at me for what I did. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. Our faces barely touching. "Don't be," he breathed as he pulled my face back to his. Our lips became one as we kissed blissfully. I pulled away. My head was dizzy. He smiled at me warmly. "I like you a lot," he said after minutes of gazing into each other's eyes. I returned his warm smile. "I like you too, Darion. A lot," I whispered. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I got goosebumps at his touch. "Darion?" I whispered shyly. "Yes, Hilary?" He looked a little weary. "Do you think...we could, you know...ever love each other?" I struggled to ask. He laughed kindly, but then his expression turned serious. "I hope so," he replied. "Good," I sighed contentedly. "I hope so isn't a promise, Hilary," he warned seriously. "It's better than hearing you say no." I rebutted. "It is," he agreed. I kissed him on the cheek, then excitedly looked into his eyes. He gave me a quizzical expression. "Wanna go swimming?" I asked, my voice full of enthusiasm.

"Are you serious?" He asked me. His expression skeptical. "Of course I am." I took him by the hand and dragged him towards the river. "Come on!" I begged. "What are we going to swim in?" He objected. "Our clothes?" I suggested. "Come on, you didn't bring me to this hidden river for nothing." "Okay," he sighed. "You're lucky I'd do anything you asked me to." I giggled at him and then ran into the river. "The water's nice," I told him. He looked at me skeptically. He seemed to think it over, but then he ran into the ocean, splashing me. "Hey!" I said playfully. He splashed me again. "You wanted to get wet," he reminded me. I splashed him. "Well, then you can get wet, too," I laughed. "You want to splash me?" He warned playfully. I laughed at his new expression. He looked like a playful shark ready to attack. "Yes!" I warned him, just as playfully. "Well, alright ma'am, but I'm going to have to get revenge," he warned me. "And what's your revenge?" I tested. "Splash me and find out," he shrugged. I splashed him. He waited a few seconds, giving me a 'you-shouldn't-have-done-that' look. Then he lunged at me and picked me up in his arms. "You asked for it!" He laughed. I squealed as he held me in his arms. "Are you ready for your revenge," he asked. I nodded. He bent down and kissed me softly. "Mm. I like this revenge," I said, tasting my lips as I pulled away. "I have plenty more where that came from," he challenged. I smiled a menacing smile and started splashing. Once, twice, ten times. He wiped the water from his face and then lunged at me. "Ah!" I squealed, laughing so hard my rips hurt. He pulled me out of the water and onto the grass. He laid me down so that he was ontop of me. "How do you like your revenge?" He asked me flirtatiously. "You decide," I raised my eyebrows. He slowly bent down and within seconds his lips met mine. Revenge was so sweet. I kissed him back, tasting his sweet revenge, wanting more. His chocolate kisses made me happy on the inside. My mind exploded with pleasure. "Mm." I said against his lips. "Do I taste good?" He asked curiously as he pulled away. "Like chocolate," I teased. He laughed.

"You taste like strawberries," he kissed me again and then licked his lips. "How?" I asked him confused. "I thought white was vanilla." "You're cheeks and lips are always red," he shrugged. I giggled and kissed his chocolaty lips once more.

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