The Generations Of God

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THE GENERATIONS OF GOD By Dee Burgess (Copyright 2004)

This equation of the generations of God may be considered heresy or truth, according to one's 'beliefs'. This revelation is based on my own personal research, viewing these events from the eternal perspective. It is always the responsibility of the receiver to study out and prove all things according to the guidance and confirmation of the Holy Ghost. This process solidifies revelation into a universal understanding, and establishes 'knowledge' within the soul. Eternal fundamental truths remain as stationary as the stars whether people approve or disapprove. The more important decision each soul should pursue would be to utilize the information and set a strait course accordingly, aligning his vessel to benefit from it; otherwise being forever tossed about and lost in the sea of ambiguous uncertainties we call life. I endeavor to use simple language and broad perspectives that all people may relate even according to their own understandings. This depiction is mostly for the identification of certain personalities who have brought revelations of the Divine through time and how they relate to GOD's reality. The only background I suggest is that elemental creation is the manifested revelation of GOD. There are multiple variations of known and unknown reproductive capabilities exhibited by all creatures on earth. These demonstrate and reveal GOD's endless creative potentialities. In establishing the creation as the physical body of GOD manifested, consider how many cells make up one human body (and each with it’s own symbolic functions/purposes) and how many atoms make up a single cell. If each atom within one human body represented a single solar system within the cosmos and another human body beside that human body represents another 'compatible' dimension within the vast, endlessness of GOD; one can then begin to appreciate the exciting, never-ending revelation of GOD’s totality awaiting every man who embraces love and truth. He can also find the entire magnitude of the Creator within his very own reality if he is keen enough to see and of course, ask. This was/is the original design and purpose of GOD's eternal perfect creation. In contemplating this essay, one should also keep in mind that human concepts of gender MUST be perceived as ‘concept’ in order to embrace the fullness of Love which is available to all who desire to know it. On occasion I will refer to GOD as ‘it’ in order to deliberately avoid gender reference.

When referring to the Deity as He or She, I do so only to demonstrate a general concept/purpose, not the single or fullness of it’s capabilities. GOD's totality exists without beginning or boundary...which is difficult for man to imagine because all which exists in his conscious and even subconscious comprehension is founded within boundaries of beginnings & endings. Without beginning or boundary, entails space, time, dimension and capability, etc...and including a thought-less consciousness. It's existence was prevalent only in what we would consider *feeling*. Awareness of Itself exists only in terms of Love: perfect, sublime completeness. Creation's first point of origin was developed as a projected/birthed manifestation of It's complete properties defined, (as embodied spirit/presence); thus, in essence, establishing it's eternal purpose. Notable point here that *creation* generally symbolically refers to the *feminine*. Thus creation came into being by the will of GOD via the creative power existing within and of Itself alone. Being GOD's properties defined in a compact/condensed form, not GOD's totality, but possessing complete capacity to access/union/comprehend or demonstrate ALL aspects/dimensions/nature/purposes, etc....the ‘firstborn’ came into being. Even as a child first becomes aware of it's fingers and toes, so did this purpose within GOD. It learned to reach out, feel, hold and know it's Creator's essence even as a baby learns it's parents’ scent/touch/presence. Possessing all of GOD's properties, reproductive capability was of Her nature also. In natural succession to this purpose, being GOD's nature defined, expansion was inevitable. All elemental creation came into being out of Her (in this case) by and through the will/desire of GOD....expanding manifestation of the Creator through multiple avenues of exploration within Creator. Drawing Her within It's endless frontiers, as She explored her Love(r), the descriptive revelation of each and every dimension discovered, was revealed (projected) into Her heart/womb/presence, conceived and born out of Her properties. Creation of eternal realms was the beginnings of GOD's tangible reality revealed and manifested: paradise; the epitome of GOD's totality manifested, which would otherwise be incomprehensible to creation. It is relevant to mention here that the only other ‘primary’ cause which came directly out of GOD's (heart) presence was also the product of the union of their attributes (LOVE) combined (Father & Son - if you like). Their desire came to light in the form of a single purposed birth, composed of 7 principalities. As a whole, these 7 possessed all of GOD's pure attributes defined (perfect Love), but none individually of itself in completeness as

did the ‘firstborn‘. As each of these 7 (re: archangels) also came directly out of GOD...they each had capacity to union directly with/to GOD (the Father and Son) for purpose of expansion and/or any other desire according to the designs and will of GOD. However these did not possess reproductive capacities outside of their relationship to the Creator, as did the ‘firstborn‘. (Note: if you are an astute student of history, with a little effort, you can witness these 7 powers throughout time’s revelation periods. They always travel as a team, bringing light and truth with them through science, religions and the arts.) Ancient legends and myths may reference these as ‘gods’, though not by according to Divine eternal definitions. ‘Equality’ is a primary aspect and principle of pure Love; only the immature comprehension could perceive less than this.

Graph of Generations

This foundation begins the story of the generations of God. Eventually other souls, in the form of embodied spiritual beings, were born ‘out of’ the *firstborn* (Her) by the will of GOD (Him). These are referred to as the children of GOD. Important to note here is that no other created beings, which were the result and will/desire of GOD (the Father) possessed reproductive/procreative purposes (re: cherubs, seraphim, etc). They are eternal creatures within GOD's designs, possessing no need nor desire to reproduce (life) their own kind...only to grow, develop and discover the

wonder of Life and Love. I am now going to refer to the ‘firstborn’ here as Michael (Michelle?) in order to present events which changed the established order of eternity. This name represents Michael's pre-existing identity. With growth expanding his being, Michael became more aware of the realities and responsibilities of his existence. With an innocent, endless desire for greater knowledge of his Father/Mother/Creator/mate; Michael became anxious to expand/experience his own male potentials beyond his present comprehension/abilities. Possessing the completeness within Him/Herself to beget (even as Creator/Father), Michael designed to bring a counterpart out of Himself, from fullness of His own essence, in order to understand more of the Creator and His relationship to It. In effect, He wanted to create the compatible, perfect representation of his relationship to GOD, personified. Inquiry of his desire to the Ineffable, brought no rebuttal, nor approval. Still young in his experiences and communion (as a teenager perhaps?) and assuming this response to be in acceptance or agreement; Michael proceeded to bring out of himself, in the form of a companion: Gabriella/Gabriel (Eve?). Gabriella, as one can surmise by now, also possessed reproductive capabilities though predominantly female in purpose. But now, being infused with the most subtle, fundamental beginnings of the essence of ‘self -will’ and coupled with Michael’s relative inexperience, an unbeknown dilemma was beginning to evolve within the soul of creation. Through the union of Michael and Gabrielle, a new generation of souls came into being. The origins of mankind, once removed from GOD’s direct lineage, all possessed reproductive capabilities. The original children of GOD, out of Michael, fathered by GOD, existed without reproductive capabilities but were indifferent to those who possessed this capability, as they were complete within their own make up and connections to Life/Love. Michael's interaction and communion with all of his/her children was without favoritism or reserve, teaching all the nature and purposes of Love, life and truth; intervening as a mediator to GOD that all might experience and gain knowledge of the Divine Creator and their joy fulfilled within creation. Inequality was a non-existent notion. But with the multiplying gene pool of deteriorating virtues, the direction and goals of all souls began to become divided even as demonstrated by ethnic variations within our own human race. Spiritual communion, once sacred and cherished became impure and corrupted; substituted with perverse practices and intents. Divine communion in purity was intercourse of hearts, in the spirit of Love, communicating in innocence, one to another

and to GOD. The story of the Tower of Babel reveals the corrupted language which prevailed and afflicted the truth in time and eternity. Doing the math here, imagine many generations, many times removed and deviating from the original purity and simplicity which was designed by GOD: rampant, unbridled reproduction without purpose or knowledge became the accepted way of life. Souls began turning to souls for fulfillment and purpose rather than knowledge of Love, Life & GOD's truth; thereof begetting more and more dissention and corruption. Degeneration and death was fast becoming the unrealized consequences as the source of Life was no longer the source of life in heart, mind or intent of souls. Keep in mind that all this evolution occurred very naturally and gradually and without actual awareness that dissention from the truth/GOD could ever occur or even be possible. Creation was very young and naive to the realities of one's motives, error of thought, let alone the repercussions of it (eternal law). With population expansions and evolutions in creations, GOD (Father) began to become more and more withdrawn from Life due to the unperfected, impure attentions/motives of mankind to It's presence - i.e. distortions of truth as in rumors. Michael began to sense that there was trouble in paradise but the seeds he'd planted were becoming weeds. Even with the assistance of his brothers, life had gotten far out of hand. Creation being in the image of GOD, is ‘reflective’ in nature, and all of Life began to take on characteristics unrelated to it's original source. Gabriella was a bright student and had become aware of GOD's reality through Michael's tutelage, and learned to relate/commune in minor capacities; but she knew that she would always be somewhat of a ‘second’ to Michael's relationship to GOD. I'm sure you all can begin to see the predictable pattern developing here; the seeds of self-will/pride grew into the desire for self -importance or perhaps self-realization? Compelled to know the fullness of her own ‘power‘ (used to describe degeneration from Love) to create, and having learned of her own origins, she began to experiment with her own reproductive capabilities. Despite Michael's resistance and warning that reproduction without principle of LOVE (GOD) would be disastrous, Gabrielle brought forth another companion; a being of her own designs, but predominantly male; even as Michael had originally brought her purpose into being. Lucifer was conceived completely devoid of LOVE and though his origins were, so to speak, of a ‘royal’ lineage....his components and properties were created in direct opposition to GOD distorted: *without purpose*. This is hindsight of course, but his direction set a direct course to GOD....challenging, dominating and of such a nature

as none had ever before seen. Beautiful?....‘different’ would be a better description. His aggressive quest for information was motivated solely by ambition. Knowledge requires growth and his inflated ego left no room for expansion of any kind. He emanated an ‘unusual’ power which would only be described today as arrogance. Lucifer's vanity perceived GOD's withdrawal from his approach to indicate retreat or submission; bolstering his delusions - who else held the capability to overcome GOD? But unfortunately, in time, he learned the awful reality of an existence void of GOD's 'support'. (This is another long story in itself revealing many important points also, but I will only highlight here.) His nature and imagination corrupted/perverted all known ways of Life to suggest an alternative ‘hierarchy’ to that of the Creator and His alleged `elite`. Despite Michael's opposition to his elevated new ideals, Lucifer proclaimed that reproduction/procreation was the defining power which could set souls free from the boundaries of God's (alleged) control. A new godhead and dictator began to emerge in the name of r/evolution. Lucifer manipulated Gabriella and set him/her up as his consort and created his new empire comprised of unknown horrors beyond imaginations but yet to be fully realized by all who excitedly took part in this new world of opportunity - where all could become gods. Lucifer wasted no time in begetting his very own 'royal' family comprised of his own created principalities, powers and subjects, solely dedicated to his illusions of grandeur. Power in numbers?....ignorance breeds ignorance, etc., etc...and to his dismay, 'Lucy' began to realize his kids weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree. Lucifer's properties were incomplete in their origins and this error in judgement was the source of mentally and physically defective souls. A generation conceived outside the realms of intelligence proved to be the disappointment which ultimately turned Lucifer's attentions toward mankind's DNA (Michael & Gabrielle's lineage) to supplement his own all too obvious deficiencies. Sound familiar? The direct lineage from the Father and Michael (children of GOD) distanced themselves from the controversy because their foundations neither offered Lucifer's mission any advantage nor were they deceived by his folly. But he nevertheless encouraged (tempted?) all to join his entourage in freedom and power to divide, conquer and rewrite a new chapter in eternal history. The family gene pool multiplied and overflowed with this concoction of confusion, deceit, lust, greed, envy, pride and ignorance. Innocence was murdered and the rest is history.

Each soul conceals this subconscious memory of his eternal roots and plays out their own roles of this drama past, on the stage of human life. And this performance continues until each and every act or thought inconsistent with the eternal truth of pure Love is proven, denounced and eliminated; until peace is once more restored within GOD’s kingdom. With little effort, one can analyze, identify and interpret the source of any ancient myth, legend, belief, religion, cause, social order, event or even the eternal identity of a soul, according to this review of man’s origins. Life is our eternal mirror: element is the reflection of the spirit. "Every tree is known by it's fruit." As I've mentioned in my previous writings, in order to contain, prove and heal all the errors and afflictions created by the vain imaginations of a selfish heart, this eternal war was strategically and deliberately ushered into this quarantined environment for closure: planet earth. In due time, all properties that prove edifying and productive to the whole body will magnify, strengthen and continue it, and all properties which are not (unnecessary to love), will eventually, naturally fade into extinction. This is the natural way of evolution and Life. Though this may all sound a bit surreal, these events have not evolved without labor pains, but nevertheless birthing a new and undeniable knowledge and respect for Life and Love and it's relationship to all creation. Offering a new beginning for all is still a work in progress. Though most all difficulties and solutions of the past have already been understood, developed and worked out in spirit; the effects in and through our ‘time’ experience has yet to be fully realized. This story is the beginning of the end of all divisions. While our personal connection/communion to the Divine is vital to our growth, we shouldn’t lose sight of the harmonious re-union of the entire body of GOD. Harmony sings the same song but varies in melody. Only through this pre-knowledge can we fully begin to realize/remember that we all do actually have the same origins and also the same goals. When we can encompass this whole purpose, we will find the peace, Love and purpose of our eternal origin within our own hearts and souls: GOD. May we all meet again soon within the body of Christ. Amen.

Out of her came her son, the father of all Not in separation did his being come but expansion of love That which begat God did not become less of itself but more Her expression of joy and love became properties The means through which she embraces his eternal pro perties In his experience of her totality, he discovers himself He is the hope of creation to know the unknown, Love A vessel without boundaries to receive endless love Knowledge for which he exists to reveal Through creation she sees herself She grooms grooms her body to her own eternal perfection Her beloved purchases her needs For creation is his eternal purpose and desire In ttheir heir joy All is fulfilled. ********

JESUS CHRIST: The Father or the Son? By Dee Burgess So, who was Jesus Christ - the Father or the Son? Jesus' purpose was/is eternally to reveal the truth/reality of the Father, which is otherwise incomprehensible. He is the hope and salvation of GOD's kingdom redeemed, to prevail above all corruption and restore perfection. The Father & Son are literally interchangeable purposes in every aspect of human relationships and both completely capable of manifesting either male or female images in truth. There is only one purpose in Heaven designed and capable of revealing/manifesting/bearing the fullness of GOD's revelation. Mary, the mother of Yeshua, conceived (not of man), carried and delivered the Christ into time; which was the truth of Michael‘s origins in eternity and His purpose everlasting. Christ in turn, conceived, carried and delivered the truth, revelation and reality of eternal GOD into mankind’s view. His life revealed the painful story/memory of eternity and the tragic rejection of innocence, Love and conjunction with the promise and hope of redemption and resurrection from all the division, death and dissention

brought about through deceptive devises of self-glory. The pain Christ freely took upon himself was more vast and epitomizing of his relationship to GOD the Father than I could describe here. But suffice to say that his passion was multi-dimensional in both purpose and revelation. His offer to all mankind of rebirth and adoption of GOD back into the eternal Kingdom, was not just a was/is a promise to any who would believe/accept His offer. This was not only the reality of the times past, but also present and future. This has been the only time in the history of this earth that any record has suggested GOD's full and literal emergence in the flesh. This demonstration signified Michael's own eternal birthright and his eternal purpose as the Firstborn and the Only Begotten of the take his place at the right hand of GOD; having subdued all adversity and overcome all things to the glory of GOD. Michael's/Jesus’ mediation is vital to all beings and the Divine's eternal purposes within creation. So, who was Mary? This is another mystery yet to be revealed. But Mary’s role portrayed GOD’s nature of mercy and love, sacrificing her beloved son, for mankind’s hope with/in/through Jesus and establishing that seeking the face or power of GOD the Father beyond the Son’s mediation will forever be a pursuit in vanity. Neither Mary or Jesus came into the world displaying arrogance or self-glory but humility, honesty, peace and love: the pure nature of GOD. Jesus Christ ministry on earth ushered in and accomplished the redemption and first resurrection. All who believed His truth and upon the words of His disciples were born again, new creatures in GOD, and redeemed from the fall (separation) into His Kingdom. When He returns in His fullness, he shall once again bring the second and final promise of resurrection and rebirth to this world. The promise of redemption through Jesus Christ is freely offered to all generations under Heaven. No other offer of salvation exists and the choice to receive this gift is yours. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. ******** Authors Note: Definition of Biblical scriptural text: WORD Used by the Gospel of John as one of the "titles" prescribed to Jesus, ultimately referring back to the "word of God" spoken at creation. It does not mean "word" in the literal sense, but translates the Greek: *logos*, which means ‘pattern’ or ‘blueprint’. In the Old Testament the Greek word

translates as the Hebrew word meaning Divine Wisdom.

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