The Cycle Shooting Script

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,901
  • Pages: 15
EXT. BUSINESS DISTRICT - DAY Fade in. 1: Traffic outside a fancy glass business buildings. Hear cars honking. 2: Everything in the city seems to be made out of plastic. 3: Every single tree and flower on the roadside are identical. The street is filled with people going to work. 4:: Jane,30 skinny and short,walks on the street. She holds a coffee cup and a plastic takeout box. She seems to be exhausted, low energy with her dark, heavy eyebags. 5: Forget-me-not flower petal flies up from the ground. Petal flies up to the nearby business building, a hand sticking out with a bottle in hand. 6: The hand throws a glass bottle out of a building. Ariel view of Jane's head. The bottle descending to her head. EXT. JANE'S BUILDING - DAY 1: JANE walks inside as the sliding door closes behind her. INT. JANE'S BUILDING LOBBY - DAY 1: JANE walks into the elevator, full of people (blurred). Door closes. 2: Elevator floor light goes from 4 to 5 to 6. 3: JANE, only one in the elevator, leaves the elevator. INT. CUBICLE OFFICE AISLE- DAY 1: JANE (carrying her lunch box) walks pass many same looking cubicles, to the end of the office. INT. CUBICLE -DAY 1: JANE sets her lunch box down. 2: A coffee, with a big old computer on the desk. Jane looks behind the computer. 3: JANE blank stares at the poster on the cubicle wall. Zoom out to EXTREME WIDE SHOT:

4: Two tall piles of paper on each side of her desk is revealed. 5: JANE takes a sip of the coffee, and sets it down on the right side of the desk behind the tall pile of paper. She pushes a pile of paper a little over the side to put her coffee down. 6: Sees the swirl on the surface of coffee. 7: JANE blank stares at the poster on wall. 8: Clock strikes 1pm. Phone rings off-screen. 9: JANE reaches for the phone. 10: Sees ringing phone. 11: She answers the phone with a monotone voice. JANE EIG insurance accounting department. This is Jane. 12: Only noise is heard through the phone. Hello?


13: More noise through the phone. 14: Now see JANE talking on phone through her wall mirror. 15: A guy's voice, 30, is heard. He is mourning. His voice is a bit low, seems like without much energy. GUY (Long gasp) Crueeeel-lesst... 16: JANE Hel...hello? 17: Guy on the other line keep on gasping, but his voice is getting louder. Seems as if he is fighting for a breath of air. GUY Hoool-Loooww...... Memm-mmmories (panting) 18: JANE pulls away the phone a little bit,panics. JANE Wha..what? Who...who's this?

19: GUY sounds like he is struggling. GUY ... ex-Haleeee...Moo-re...n Moo-re (panting). 20: JANE Sir! Sir! Hello? 21: Guy in long gasp, sounds out of breath. His voice is getting distant. 22: JANE Hello? this a prank call? If it.. JANE is interrupted. 23: GUY (long gasp) Waaassste...... Laaaand ...(gasp) GUY's voice is no longer heard. Call is hanged up, with the DO-DO sound. 24: JANE puts down her phone. Stares at the phone with anger. 25: She whispers. Psycho!


A beat 26: JANE finally looks at her lunch box between the two piles of paper. 27: JANE opens the lunch box. 28: She starts chewing the steak. 29: And typing at the same time. 30:She starts chewing the steak. 31: And typing at the same time. 32: She starts chewing the steak. 33: And typing at the same time.

34: She starts chewing the steak. 35: Sees coffee behind the pile of paper. 36: JANE leans forward to reach for her coffee (behind pile of paper on right side of desk, hidden) 37: GHOSTLY SHADOW's hand , out from the garbage can besides the desk, grabs JANE's hand. 38: JANE jumps, she looks down on her lap, nothing is there. 38: JANE looks down at the floor, nothing is there. 39: Nervous, slowly lean to the right (where the coffee is) to look at what it might be that grabbed her hand. Nothing's there again. The coffee is still there. 40: JANE then realizes that her trash can is overloaded. 41: JANE approaches to trashcan and take out trash. INT. OFFICE KITCHEN - DAY 1: JANE walks in and turns on light on the light switch. The office kitchen is dim-lighted. There is a small refrigerator, a small rounded desk next to refrigerator, and a metal door mounted on the wall for collecting of trash throughout the building. 2: JANE pulls the door open. She tries to fit the trash bag in, but can't. The trash bag is twice her size. 3: She pushes and pushes harder. 4: JANE pushes even harder. 5: JANE exhausted. Third of the trash bag went it. 6: JANE getting her breath. 7: She pushes harder, trash bag and her hands go through the door. 8: JANE trips, both feet off the ground, 9: Sees JANE falls into the door. 10: POV OUTSIDE THE METAL DOOR: Jane holds one hand up, tries to grasp onto something. Trash falls out of the trash bag shattering around her.

EXT. UNDERGROUND CITY -DAY 1: JANE opens her eyes. 2: She finds herself within a gigantic pit of trash bag. 3: Surrounding the pit are indefinite numbers of old buildings. 4: On the side of the pit are ghostly shadows. They are live trash bags. You can see the trashes inside their body. 5: They are rigorously digging through trash bags after trash bags. They do not give Jane any sign of notice. 6: Jane is confused. 7: The pit is much lower than the ground level, as she tries to climb out. 8: She uses all her strength to pull herself out of the pit. EXT. EMPTY CITY STREET 1: JANE walks on the empty street of the city. 2: She feels an strange familiarity with the place as she looks around. 3: Most of the old buildings have bamboo fences round them. 4: JANE sees a rabbit doll lying on the ground among other trashes. 5: The doll has a faded blue and yellow clown clothing. The doll rather old. 6: The doll suddenly turns to look at JANE (still lying on the ground). 7: JANE scared. 8: DOLL Run...They 're coming close. 9: JANE (gasp) Wait...What? 10: DOLL gets up and grabs JANE's hand. 11: DOLL drags JANE with him. 12: DOLL and JANE run toward the alley between the old

buildings. 13: They finally stops at a narrow alley between the old buildings. 14: DOLL turns around to check if they are being followed before finally stopping in the alley. 15: JANE swings off DOLL's hand (that's grabbing hers). 16: She steps a couple of steps backward. Frightened. JANE Where are we? What's going on? Can you tell me anything? I was throwing trash out, and the next thing I know, I am in here. What is all this? 17: DOLL Take a breathe. You are safe.. at least for now. DOLL lowers its voice. BEAT. speaks up again. DOLL You don't belong here, you have to get out of here fast before they catch you. If they do, you will be stuck here forever. 18: JANE But I don't know how. I don't even know how I get here in the first place. 19: OFFSCREEN. The noise of ghostly shadow (breathing & exhaling) gets louder. DOLL peeks at the street. 20: DOLL turns back to JANE. DOLL I wish I can tell you how to get out of here. But I cannot. A beat 21: DOLL stares at JANE's frightened expression. DOLL But..I once heard that if you remember what you left behind here, you are then free to go.

22: JANE I've never even been here. How could I leave anything. Non-sense. 23: OFFSCREEN. The noise of ghostly shadow gets even louder. JANE and DOLL turn to peek at the street, 24:

They turn back to face each other.

25: JANE This is crazy..And what are those... trash bag creatures? Why are they chasing me? 26: DOLL They are originally bags of trash you guys throw away. They came to look like that after some years down here. 27: JANE Wait...What? 28: DOLL These things have no memory when they first come alive.They are so violent because they are frustrated at themselves for not having complete memories. A beat

They dig through trash bags after trash bags to look for suitable trash to complete their memories.

29: These all seem too overwhelming for JANE. She tries to digest what she heard. JANE This is crazy.... I..I gotta get out of here. I really don't care if they need to complete whatever memories from..from the trash. I just want to get out of here..If you can't help me, I will just find my own way out.

30: JANE runs out onto the street 31: A group of ghostly shadows flow by. 32: DOLL Wait...NO 33: JANE stumbles and falls on the street. 34: GHOSTLY SHADOWS pass through JANE without noticing her. Once they pass. 35: JANE stays down as she is afraid to move. 36: DOLL runs to JANE. 37: JANE panting. 38: DOLL I thought they would swallow you for your memories...But they do not even sense your presence.. 39: JANE gets up as she finally regains her strength. 40: DOLL (CONT'D) Do you remember any of your past memories? Like your childhood friend or ...what you called your favorite toy? 41: JANE TOY? Of course I do. It's..It's.. JANE pauses as if she tries to think hard. 42: A sense of hope shows on DOLL's face. He smiles. 43: JANE I... really don't remember.. 44: DOLL is disappointed. DOLL (BITTER) You human.. are the forgetful kind... 45: DOLL turns around to pick up a dirty, but rather new

cellphone among a pile of trash bags nearby. 46: DOLL I have seen a lot of these thing coming down here.The ghostly shadow refuse to eat any of these. These thing at most have couple months to a year worth of memories. But they are not rich enough to fulfill the ghostly shadow's appetite. 47: DOLL puts the cellphone down 48: One of the trash bag starts coming alive. 49: The now alive trash bag gets a hold of DOLL's foot. 50: It is too quick for DOLL to step back. 51: OFFSCREEN. Suddenly loud noise echoing through the city. 52: DOLL and JANE turn around to see the trash bag pit. 53: DOLL(TO JANE) O....No...The trash pit is overloaded inside a building. Once the gate underneath the pit open, it will suck everything in. 54: DOll tries hard to kick the trash bag, 55: But it won't let him go. 56; JANE confused, stood there. 57: Gate underneath the pit is opened. 58: Trash bags falling down, and a huge force sucking trash bags down. 59: The huge force of suction destroys and torns couple ghostly shadows apart. 60: They are now exploded into pieces of trash. 61: The force of suction rapidly sweeps through the city's street. 62: JANE and DOLL pick up by the force. 63: They are quickly suck into the Deep hole beneath the door.

INT. DEEP HOLE 1: Inside the deep hole are many layers occupied by ghostly shadow. 2: They each have a nest to catch the trashes that are falling through. 3: JANE screams as she falls down. EXT. LANDFILL (ARIEL SHOT) - DAY 1: JANE and DOLL drops on the ground. 2: The land is filled with broken pieces of almost undefinable trashes. 3: The land is surrounded by high fences. 4: In the middle of the land, there is a municipal incinerator. 5: Black smoke coming out of the chimney, burning garbage. 6: Air is filled with dust. 7: Trash bags continue to fall through the hole. 8: Couple trash bags with decayed photos inside are torn as they fall through the deep hole. 9: The photos falls from the sky 10: WIDESHOT of LANDFILL: Hear people speaking, arguing, crying,and laughing in the air. But no one is around. 11: JANE and DOLL slowly get up. 12: JANE Great where are we now? 13: DOLL I do not know. 14: JANE runs to the fences surrounding the landfill. 15: JANE turns back to look at DOLL. JANE Great...Now we are really stuck. 16: Sees DOLL not paying attention to her. 17: She runs back.

18: DOLL stars at a decayed photo. 19: JANE looks at it. 20: On the photo is LITTLE JANE, 3, chubby, hugging DOLL, on a bench. DOLL on the picture looks new, fluffed with cotton, bright color. 21: JANE looks at DOLL, surprised. She doesn't know what to say. 22: DOLL still staring at picture. 23: A tiny drops of tear falls down DOLL's face. 24: He turns to look at the incinerator. 25: More and more trash continues to fall through. 26: A huge bag of trash landed on top of them, knocking both of them down. 27: DOLL pushes the trash bag away from them. 28: DOLL pulls JANE up. 29: DOLL Look...I think I know a way out. 30: Dolls turns to look at incinerator again. 31: JANE turns to look at it too. 32: Both of them then turn to look at each other. 33: DOLL smiles to JANE. DOLL I guess this is goodbye now. 34: JANE No.. you don't have.. 35: DOLL interrupts, smiling. DOLL Remember, Jane. Remember this minute... that you finally come back to last. 36: DOLL turns and walks toward the incinerator.

37: WIDESHOT. DOLL walks toward the incinerator. EXT. INCINERATOR TOWER - DAY 1: The door of the incinerator tower suddenly opens. 2: DOLL stops at the front of door. 3: He notices a FORGET-ME-NOT FLOWER petal covered by broken pieces of glass bottle. 4: DOLL picks up the the petal. 5: He then turns to look at JANE, in the far distance. 6: Suddenly, a strong wind blows away the petal on DOLL's hand. 7: From the petal's POV, see the petal slowly flows away from DOLL's hand to JANE, landing on her hand. 8: DOLL gives a smile to JANE. 9: He then turns around and walk inside the incinerator tower. 10: The gate closes. INT. INCINERATOR TOWER - DAY 1: The tower is dim-lighted. There is a big fireplace at the end of the room. 2: In front of the fireplace, there is an old shoebox. 3: DOLL walks toward the box. 4: It opens the box, and lies itself inside. 5: DOLL closes the cover. 6: Now a conveyor belt underneath the shoebox starts moving toward the fireplace. EXT. LANDFILL - DAY 1: White smoke, shape of DOLL, comes out from the top of the tower. 2: White smoke wraps around JANE's hand 3: He pulls her out of the piles trash bags. FADE OUT. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY

1: THROUGH JANE's EYES: (vision is blurred) She opens her eyes realizes that she lying on a hospital bed. 2: IV drip is next to her bedside. 3: A nurse enters the door. NURSE (gasp) Oh... Doctor... Nurse exits. 4: She comes back with a doctor. DOCTOR goes near to JANE's bedside. DOCTOR's voice is not clearly heard. DOCTOR You have been in a coma some years. You were hit by a falling glass bottle near your work place. Do you remember any of this? 5: JANE not fully awake slowly shakes her head. 6: NURSE walks near JANE's bedside. She gives JANE a picture NURSE Oh yeah, here's a picture that was found near you after the incident. Is this yours? 7: JANE slowly raises her hand and takes it. She takes the photo closer to look at. But it is still blurred. 8: JANE slowly closes her eyes. FADE to black. TITLE:Couple weeks later. EXT. JANE'S APARTMENT - DAY THROUGH JANE'S EYES: 1: JANE stands in front of an apartment, old-looking (probably built around 20s and 30s). 2: Most of the paint faded. There were some words on the wall, which now becomes illegible.

3: JANE looks at the other old buildings next to it are all empty. 4: JANE walks up the narrow, old staircases. INT. APARTMENT LOBBY 1: THROUGH JANE'S EYES: JANE opens her mail box (full with letters). JANE takes out letters from mailbox without noticing a note is dropped on the ground. 2: She closes mailbox, and walks while she flips through the letters. END OF THROUGH JANE'S EYES. 3: See the note that is dropped on the ground, noted: EVICTION NOTICE THE LAND WHERE YOUR APARTMENT LOCATED WILL BE USED FOR OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. PLEASE EVICT THE PROPERTY BY 6/6/2008. INT. LIVING ROOOM- DAY 1: THROUGH JANE's EYES: JANE walks toward the table next to sofa. She puts down the letters. 2: She takes out the decayed picture of LITTLE JANE and DOLL. 3: JANE looks at the picture a while. Suddenly, the building starts to shake. 4: JANE looks outside the window. 5: She sees a huge crane hanging a wrecking ball at the bottom coming toward JANE's apartment. 6: END OF THROUGH JANE'S EYES Sees in the point of view of the wrecking ball going toward JANE. CUT. 7: Blank Screen V.O. (JANE) After all it is a cycle.

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