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  • Words: 593
  • Pages: 4
INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT Bandung & Garut, West Java Indonesia, June 23rd to 30th 2008

LIST OF CONTENTS Notes from IYF 2008 Organizing Committee Brief on International Youth Forum Program’s Schedule Program Implementation Program Achievement Comments from Speakers and Participants IYF Recommendations Bandung Declarations IYF 2008 The Organizer Financial Report IYF 2008 Participant IYF News Special Thanks Photos

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NOTES FROM IYF 2008 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Greetings to all of you All praises and gratefulness to Allah Almighty for His blessings to all of us, and I am very grateful for His will to allow us to succeed the International Youth Forum 2008; The Role of Youth; Action on Millennium Development Goals Towards Peaceful World” on June 23rd to 30th 2008 in Bandung and Garut, West Java Indonesia. I’m writing as the main coordinator of IYF 2008 Organizing Committee. I would like to express my enormous gratitude and happiness for the success of International Youth Forum 2008, a forum initiated by six Indonesian youth. This forum has created a significant blueprint for Indonesian youth. And I am grateful that this forum was able to invite participants from 32 countries to create a new paradigm for the current world’s challenge in a youth recommendation and declaration 2008. This forum also creates a step to create International Youth Forum Council. I am proud that during the eight days of the forum all participants were able to discuss, share knowledge and exchange experiences implemented in various activities during the program. These various activities also create a space for the participants to create harmony, friendship and solidarity. This forum also creates a space for participants to share and compromise their different paradigms and ideas. I am convinced that a collaboration that built based on purity, faith and persistence will create a maximum result. These spirit and values grew during organizing International Youth Forum 2008. I realize that we can reach this achievement not only by enormous efforts by the organizing committee but by maximum support from all of our partners either organizations, institutions, communities and individuals. I . would like to convey our gratitude for all aspects which contributed to the success of this program. I would like to convey special thanks to: Center for Religious and Civilization Studies (PSAPCRCS), Initiatives of Change Indonesia (IofC-Indonesia) and Young Men Christian Association Indonesia as the main organizer for this event, to the government of the Republic of Indonesia: Coordinating Ministry of Social Welfare, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Health, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Department of Religious Affairs, Department of National Education, Provincial Government of West Java and Local Government of Garut Regency which enormously support and contribute to this event, all donors, sponsors, event contributors, media partners, partner organizations and all individuals who support to succeed this event. We hope that what we organized could contribute positive values to the development of our civilization and world now and in the future. Last but not least, on behalf of the organizing committee would like to apologize for all inconveniences during the program. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. A. Fajar Kurniawan The Main Coordinator of IYF 2008 Committee INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT







MEDIA PARTNER Pertama Murni Syariah


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Green Community Indonesia Wisma Sudirman Lt. 12A Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 34 Jakarta 10220, Indonesia


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