Report Of Iyf 2008

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19.00-20.00 : Break 20.00-21.30 : International Cultural Performance Thursday, June 26th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Quiet Time 08.00-09.00 : Break 09.00-18.00 : International Youth Forum Exhibition 09.00-10.30 : Workshop 10.30-11.00 : Break 11.00-12.30 : Workshop 12.30-13.30 : Break 13.30-15.00 : Workshop 15.00-15.15 : Break 15.15-16.45 : Workshop 17.00-18.30 : Family Group 19.00-20.00 : Break 20.00-22.00 : Commemoration International Youth Day 2008 Friday, June 27th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Break 08.00-15.00 : Field Trip 19.00-20.30 : Welcoming Dinner by Local Government of Garut Saturday, June 28th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Break 08.00-12.30 : Working Group 12.30-13.30 : Break 13.30-17.00 : Field Works 19.00-20.00 : Farewell Party Sunday, June 29th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Break 08.00-12.30 : Working Group and Field Work 12.30-13.30 : Break 13.30-16.00 : Field Trip 19.00-20.00 : Break Monday, June 30th 2008 08.00-09.0 : Break 09.00-11.00 : Declaration on IYF 2008 and Closing Ceremony 12.30-13.30 : Break 13.00-16.00 : Departure



BRIEF ON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 International Youth Forum 2008 is a forum for youth to learn, share and experience mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation through real conversations on what matters the most, so that they can be the agents of a peaceful change in their own communities. The IYF 2008 brought 200 young people from the ages of 18-30 from around the world who have been actively engaged or interested in this forum. Background • The future of global peace lies in dialogue and understanding among different cultures, nations and religious beliefs. Increasingly the world is witnessing the deepening of inter-cultural, inter-national and inter-faith conflicts, especially from the tensions created by the threat of terrorism. • To build a peaceful world, there is a need to create safe meeting spaces for youth of diverse backgrounds to engage in dialogue. • Youth want to help develop solutions for reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2015, especially in relation to poverty alleviation, the rights of education and healthcare, and also the safe-guarding of the environment. Objectives • To promote mutual understanding about divisive issues, friendships across barriers, and cooperation among interfaith, international, and inter-cultural youth leaders. • To initiate a global youth peace network to provide a creative space for interactions, and social movements. • To encourage youth to develop mutual understanding, friendships and global collaborations. Outputs • A mutual understanding, friendship and collaboration among youth from different backgrounds. • A creative space to interact and share experiences among youth from different backgrounds. • A global youth network on peace development. 3


• Youth-created ideas on strategic actions and recommendations towards achieving the MDGs by 2015. • A recommendation by youth from different backgrounds in achieving Millennium Development Goals in 2015. • Distributing the strategic and creative action plan to UN and other influential social Organizations. • An “INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM DECLARATION 2008”, reflecting the experiences of youth from different backgrounds, religions, nationalities, and cultures.

PROGRAM'S SCHEDULE Sunday, June 22nd 2008 13.00-18.00 : Registration 19.00-20.30 : Welcoming Dinner Monday, June 23rd 2008 06.00-07.00 : Convoy to Asia Africa Building 08.00-11.00 : Opening Ceremony 10.30-11.00 : Break 11.00-12.30 : Tour to Museum of the Asian African Conference 12.30-13.30 : Lunch 14.00-16.00 : IYF Orientation 19.00-20.00 : Break 20.00-21.30 : International Cultural Performance Tuesday, June 24th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Quiet Time 08.00-09.00 : Break 09.00-10.30 : Plenary Session I Toward a Peaceful World Sustainability 10.30-11.0 : Break 11.00-12.30 : Plenary Session II Toward the Millennium Development Goals 12.30-13.30 : Break 14.30-16.00 : Plenary Session III Strengthening Youth as the Agent of Change 16.00-16.30 : Break 16.00-16.31 : Family Group 19.00-20.00 : Break 20.00-21.30 : International Cultural Performance Wednesday, June 25th 2008 07.00-08.00 : Quiet Time 08.00-09.00 : Break 09.00-10.30 : Focus Group Discussion I 10.30-11.00 : Break 11.00-12.30 : Focus Group Discussion II 12.30-13.30 : Break 14.00-15.30 : Focus Group Discussion III 15.30-16.00 : Break 17.00-18.30 : Family Group





International Cultural Performance This activity was conducted from June 23rd to 28 2008, started from 19.30 to 23.00 in Bandung and Garut. In this activity all youth delegates from different countries were invited to present and perform their cultural and national background to all participants. Indonesia Cultural Performance Indonesian Cultural Performance aimed to present and perform Indonesian cultural heritage and its diversity. This activity was held from June 23rd to 29th 2008. This activity mainly presented Indonesian cultural heritage from West Java. This activity was conducted in Bandung and Garut. This performance involved many talented artists from LISES UNPAD, Lingkung Seni Sunda ITB (LSS Bandung Institute of Technology), choir from UNISBA (Bandung Islamic University), KPA SMAN 3 Bandung, KPA ITB, Harry Roesli House of Music, Kampung 200, Jendela Ide: Kids Percussion, Karinding Collaborative Project, EthnicReligious Music Group: AthThawaf. Working Group Working group is the essence of this event, during this session all participants formulated strategic agenda, recommendation and declaration of the International Youth Forum 2008. It was very serious session, it invited participants to argue their ideas and concept towards youth, peace and MDGs issues. During this session participants divided into three pods; action, recommendation and



PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION International Youth Forum 2008 was held during eight days in Bandung and Garut from June 23rd to 30th 2008, organized several activities as follows: Opening Ceremony International Youth Forum 2008 was officially opened on June 23rd 2008 at Asia-Africa Memorial Building, Bandung, attended by the Deputy of Ministry Youth and Sports, Vice Governor of West Java: HM. Dede Yusuf. This opening ceremony attended by 750 guests from Indonesian central government and local government, IYF 2008 Participants from 32 countries, 100 event contributors, guests from NGOs, universities, embassies and other guests. This opening ceremony presents Indonesian cultural performances such as Angklung group from Bandung Senior High School 3 students, Rampak Gendang and Mapag ceremony by students of the University of Padjadjaran Bandung, choir from the students of the Islamic University of Bandung. This opening ceremony was very attractive since it was started by a marching band from Bandung Institute of Technology, and a Sundanese cultural performance by LSS ITB, this marching band marched from hotel to the Asia-Africa Memorial Building. This opening ceremony started from 08.00 to 11.00 WIB. Plenary Session Plenary session was held on June 24th 2008 from 08.30 to 16.30 WIB at Asia-Africa Memorial Building. This plenary session divided into three sessions. First session was under theme Toward a Peaceful World Sustainability, it was presented by: the Palestinian Ambassador for Indonesia HE. Fariz Mehdawi, HM. Habib Chirzin, the main coordinator of IofC Indonesia, Miftahul Huda. It was an interactive discussion that discussed issues on peaceful world, dialogue among civilizations, youth peace movement and the role of youth to create a peaceful world.



Second session was under theme: Toward the Millennium Development Goals. Speakers for this session were Prof. Dr. Gunawan Sumodiningrat from Department of Social Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia; Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia represented Mrs. Rahmi. This session raised on issues related to the commitment of government in achieving the Millennium Development Goals targeted in 2015. This session started from 10.30 to 12.30 WIB. Third session was under theme Strengthening Youth as the Agent of Change. It presented some prominent speakers such as Prof.Dr. Amin Rais, Rob Lancaster, Sandra van Beest, and Mr. Sudrajat Rasyid. Miftahul Huda spoke of his apology to the Australians for the Bali bombings as an example of personal action and change to build better relations with Australia. Rob Lancaster mentioned the apology of the Australian Prime Minister to indigenous Australians for suffering caused by successive government policies. In this session all participants shared their experiences and knowledge on youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, youth movement in succeeding MDGs and youth’s role in sustaining a peaceful world. This session started from 14.00 to 16.30 WIB. Focus Group Discussion/ Open Space Discussion This program was held on June 25th 2008 at New Naripan Bandung Hotel’s main hall started from 08.30 to 17.00 WIB. This program aimed to discuss and deepen on issues presented on the plenary sessions. This program created a space for participant to create a discussion pod according to their issue of interest in youth, peace and MDGs. And this program was very interactive because it invited all participants to actively participate in discussions. This program also aimed to be starting point for the International Youth Forum 2008 declaration and recommendation. Serial Workshop This workshop was held at Ganesha Park, Bandung Institute of Technology, it involves fifteen different workshops started from 09.00 to 17.30. This workshop series were focused on three main issues: youth, peace and MDGs. The first sessions of this workshop series presented seven prominent organizations and individuals, such as Peace Generation Community, Kabanda Rene Rugwiro Theophile from Rwanda presented on Conflict Resolution workshop, Aliansi Bhineka Tunggal INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT


Ika Community, Persatuan Gereja (Church Union), YMCA, Initiatives of Change (Presented by Bhavesh Patel). The second session of this workshop presented issues on MDGs facilitated by: WHO, BKKBN, Kapal Perempuan, WHO Tobacco Control Dept, Association for Community Empowerment, Yayasan Karisma (Karisma Foundation), British Council and Department of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. These workshop activities were offered to public, more less 500 participants involved in these workshop activities, the participants varied from IYF 2008 participants and students from Bandung Institute of Technology. These workshops also aimed to support the preparation of International Youth Forum 2008 declaration. Quiet time Quiet time was a reflective activity, it invited all participants to reflect on their life and all encounters they faced during the forum and share on things that are matter for them and create trust among participants as the basic values of a peaceful world. The questions put to participants to ask of themselves were: ‘What kind of person does the world need me to be? Am I that person? What are the obstacles?’ This activity started from 07.00 to 08.00 every day of the forum, facilitated by Miftahul Huda (Indonesia), Rob Lancaster and Barbara Lawler (Australia). Family Group This activity aimed to create a space for participants to know each other in a family role-play activity, which is all participants were encouraged to share thoughts from Quiet Times, their life experiences and create trust among family group members. This activity was conducted during the forum started from 17.00 to 17.45.



PROGRAM'S ACHIEVEMENT During this forum, we already achieved some results as follows: 1. A Mutual Understanding, Friendship and Collaboration Among Youth From Different Backgrounds One of the activities which was supported to achieve this target was Quiet Time, it was a reflective activity, it enabled all participants to reflect on their life and all encounters they faced during the forum and share on things that are matter for them and create trust among participants as the basic values of a peaceful world. This activity started from 07.00 to 08.00 every day of the forum.

This activity aimed to create a space for participants to know each other in a family role-play activity, which is all participants were encouraged to share thoughts from Quiet Times, their life experiences and create trust among family group members. This activity was conducted during the forum started from 17.00 to 17.45. 2. A Creative Space To Interact and Share Experiences Among Youth From Different Backgrounds. Live in with local communities, this activity support us to reach this target, within this activity all IYF 2008 participants stayed with Garut villagers, they have home stay with the Garut villagers and interact with them. Meanwhile during this activity we do social activities such as planting tree, organizing “people’s party” which involved Garut villagers.



declaration pods. This activity was organized in Panawuan Village, Garut West Java from June 28th to 29. International Youth Forum 2008’ s recommendations and declarations came out from this significant session. International Youth Day Celebration This activity was part of the International Youth Forum 2008 activities, it was specially organized on June 26th 2008 in Ganesha Park, Bandung Institute of Technology, and it presented cultural performances, exhibition, discussions, traditional food festival, International Youth Day 2008 Celebration evening. Part of this celebration was “Voice of Youth”; it was a session where youth state their voice towards the current world’s challenges including issues on MDGs. There were five representatives from five different continents they spoke up their voices on the current world’s challenges, they were: 1. Bhavesh Patel, UK- representing Europe. 2. Yanisa Paopiamsap (Thailand) dan Daisy (Indonesia) representing Asia 3. Ivan Castellanos Najera, Mexico, representing America 4. Jarkuei Marek Anyuon, Sudan- representing Africa International Youth Day Exhibition This activity was one of the big events during the International Youth Forum 2008. This activity was an exhibition participated by many institutions and organizations that concern with youth, peace and MDGs issues. This activity attended by 50 institutions (local and international). This activity was opened for public started from 09.00 to 17.00.



Live-in with Communities During June 27th to 29 2008 all IYF 2008 participants stay with the villagers of Panawuan Village. Four participants in each house, they were from different nationalities, and they were guided by the local Panawuan Village youth. This activity created an unforgettable impression among participants as it expressed during the closing ceremony at Sate Building in Bandung. Planting Trees and Balloon of Peace Planting trees was organized in Panawuan Village West Java. There were five hundreds trees planted by IYF 2008 participants with the local villagers of Panawuan. This activity aimed to campaign for solidarity among differences in culture and nationalities. This activity was a medium to campaign to preserve our environment. By the end of the program, together all IYF 2008 participants and the villagers of Garut village held the ceremony of Balloon of Peace as the symbol of a peaceful world.

office of the head of Panawuan village. These series of activities were fully supported by the vice regent of Garut, Bapak Memo Hermawan. Cultural Visit On June 26th June 2008 for the whole day went for a cultural visit to Saung Angklung Udjo. All participants enjoyed the performance of Angklung there. And after that they went for a culinary visit in Ponyo restaurant, a sundanese restaurant. On June 29th 2008, all IYF 2008 visited hot spring bath in Garut. And all participants enjoyed the fresh air and friendly atmosphere of Garut before they went back to Bandung. Closing Ceremony and Declaration On June 30th 2008 at Sate Memorial Building, Bandung all IYF 2008 declared Bandung Declaration and followed by closing ceremony organized by the Provincial Government of West Java.

Social Activities During International Youth Forum 2008, the organizing committee also organized some social and charity activities such as: • Cleaning up the environment and repairing public facilities in Panawuan village. • Preparing and giving trashes for the villagers of Panawuan. By the end of these social and charity activities all IYF 2008 participants signing the epigraph in front of the





COMMENT FROM SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS Now I am confident, that all the young people here in the room will let this conference and all the other young people inspire them, to make a difference. Some may become youth delegates at the United Nations, and some may work in their own communities. Just remember, we are powerful and thus responsible, and we have to use it to make a difference. (Sandra van Beest – UN Youth Delegate from The Netherlands)

During this activity, all participants also divided into some working groups to discuss on issues presented at the previous sessions, and it enables participant to interact, share and discuss among themselves.

3. A Global Youth Network On Peace Development. One of the most important output of this forum is the formation of mailing list which will enable all participants to connect and create a larger network of young people, the email address is [email protected], second, together with all IYF 2008 participants Indonesian organizing committee will be in charge for the preparation of the formation of International Youth Forum Council, which will function as the medium for youth a hub for a sustainable collaboration among IYF

…Besides all our similarities and despite all our differences, we share a dream; we dream a better future. Having said that, there are more things that bind us together than that tears us apart; we have not yet given up hoping and thinking that we cannot make a difference to the state of the world. We have not yet bowed to the difficulties of chasing a dream. (Yanisa Paopiamsap – UN Youth Delegate from Thailand) It’s a good sign of hope of our world history that the young generation rises up and takes the historical responsibility to create the peace, just and sustainable world for our common future. Opening up a new horizon of hope and develop a Dialogue among Civilizations. (M. Habib Chirzin – the President of Islamic on Peace, Human Right and Development) By being transparent and through sharing with friends I realized that shared human experiences become powerful catalysts for inspiring change and extending possibilities. These experiences help us break boundaries and inspire transformation in ourselves and our shared experiences then help others find new realizations and experiences. (K. Haridas Nair, the International Council of Initiatives of Change from Malaysia) INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT


2008 participants. Through this council each country can send their representatives and this council will be responsible for the next International Youth Forum, and it also expected to be one of the medium for youth to express their progressive ideas to many influential international organizations such as United Nations and other organizations. As the first step this forum will be headquartered in Indonesia as the first hosting country of IYF. 4. A Youth-Created Ideas On Strategic Actions and Recommendations Towards Achieving The MDGs By 2015 Series workshop, open space and plenary sessions, focus group discussion that already organized during the forum contributed 15


significantly towards achievement of this target. Those activities enabled all IYF 2008 participants, facilitators and organizing committee to formulate various ideas in order to achieve the recommendation and declaration of this International Youth Forum 2008.

7. An “INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM DECLARATION 2008”, Reflecting The Experiences of Youth From Different Backgrounds, Religions, Nationalities, and Cultures. International Youth Forum 2008 Declaration is one of the significant outputs of this program, to see the complete text of this declaration please refer to the appendix of this report.

5. A Recommendation By Youth From Different Backgrounds In Achieving Millennium Development Goals In 2015 Recommendation is one of the significant outputs of this International Youth Forum 2008, for the complete text please refer to the appendix of this report.

6. Distributing The Strategic and Creative Action Plan To United Nation and Other Influential Social Organizations To achieve this target, the organizing committee will distribute the report of this event to many local and international organizations and government offices, and to many national and international broadcasting company and some influential national organizations. And to distribute the outputs of this forum we will distribute through our website official website.





IYF 2008 RECOMMENDATION MDGs: 1. Create international alliance as pressure groups from community and youths to make sure government achieve MDG’s and campaign it correctly 2. Youths should form movements, forums, groups etc regarding helping the government to raise awareness among community about MDG’s in a way that will empowered the people to take part in decisions made about MDG’s 3. Strengthening local government to be more involve in achievement of MDG’s 4. Involved media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc) to promote MDG’s by featuring common people in their programs other than government officials or local institutions involved. PEACE: 1. Creating a culture of peace starting from the family. 2. Let the parents know that the children need to socialize and get affection from them and their own parents. 3. Parents should recognize that children’s needs are not only the material things. 4. Make a lesson or time that provide the spaces for children to share their feelings and train children to socialize 5. It’s a teacher’s responsibility for making the way for children to learn something attractively, so the term studying is not become a boring session, but become the interesting one. For example, setting the study situation in “back to nature” concept. 6. Justice has to be brought to eradicate extremism in every country 7. Education should be provided equally in all villages, towns and cities. It is generally effective to eradicate terrorism and conflict. 8. Always give positive energy to other people at any encounter. Happiness is giving to others. It’s like a fixed system of this universe, that the more you give with sincerity, the more you’ll receive, and the wealthier you are, the happier you are, the more fulfilled your life is.



I had thoughts to put right my relationship with my parents whom I had blamed for my own unhappiness. A transformation began in my family. I was also honest with employers about lying at work, mainly taking ‘sickies’ i.e. sick leave when I wasn’t sick. I wrote in my letters to them that I wanted to be a part of the cure in the world, rather than part of the disease. As a young person, I was overwhelmed by the world’s problems that the media brings to us daily. This new way of living brought me hope and purpose. Barbara Lawler (Initiatives of Change Australia) International Youth Forum 2008 is a forum for youth to share experience and to formulate global movement toward a peaceful world. Amin Rais (Indonesia, Former Chairman of The People's Advisory Assembly) The time of this meeting is also challenging in the form of global challenges that facing our globe whether in the political field, peace, development, harmony and dialogue as a great understanding now among people that we need to achieve our objectives in maintaining peace and keeping peace. And try to solve all the other serious challenges which faced by humanity where I had advised young people that we need keep on gathering they can utilize the resources in technology to keep in touch and they need to exchange and deepen understanding and try also to help other young people to be more active. H.E Fariz Mehdavy (The Ambassador of Palestine For Indonesia) I’m amazed that a group of Indonesian, they’re all about 20,22 and 23 and the they organized the whole things by themselves and they got the funding, they brought eighty different embassies in Jakarta, they raise money, they organize program, they got really good speakers, so actually I’m amazed that young people can do this by themselves. Bhavesh Patel (UK, Open Space Facilitator) 19


This has been a lovely forum, I’ve got met amazing people from around the world including Rene over there from Rwanda, I’ve never met from people from country like that before, I hope to take a way new frame of understanding of different cultures and apply it to my personal life, now I had connected with different people and understand their religion and ways of life. Adam Levinson (Australia) About eighty five percent of youths live in developing countries. It is huge energy to deal with poverty, universal education, gender equality, child mortality, HIV/AIDS, environmental sustainability. Forum such IYF is good forum to build partnership among youth for achieving Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The difference between Worlds today and tomorrow depends on the hands of the youths. Martha

Education is foundation for achieving Millennium Development Goals, improving gender quality, and reducing disparity. Youth has significant role to take action such for wiser use of water, food, energy, friendlier and greener relation with Mother Nature, promoting appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity and peace and justice. Prof. Nizam, M.Sc, Ph.d (Educational Department of Indonesia) We are the one (young people) that better understand our situation and better know our needs. We are the expert when speak about the youth reputation. It is very important that youth get involve in every part of the project development, planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation not just as on image to provide project a nice perspective. We need to establish an International alliance in which we both adult and young person get benefited investing in youth is much more persons than a financial issues Ivan (Mexico)

Santoso Ismail (UNFPA Indonesia) The core of our goal is to make everybody happy. Youth as the younger generation should maintain the spirit of youth and have a plan to be the agent of change for achieving peaceful world that go from individual, family, community, country and worlduniverse. Gunawan Sumodiningrat (General of Social Empowerment)

For me organizing this forum is a moral responsibility to create a better world through Youth partnership on MDG's achievement. Honest sharing and dialogue among youths cross important step in seeking an answer for the world needs. Today, the world needs peace, justice and solidarity. As Gandhi said, if we share enough, this world is enough to fulfill human need not for human greed. A. Hairul Umam (Indonesia)

To break and overcome the high number of unemployment, a country can not only rely on its economic growth, especially when it is in a low rate. In every way of empowering efforts aimed at soul and entrepreneurship ability forming among youth must remain to entangle them as the pro active subjects. The principle of from, by, and in the youth living environment should become based of youth entrepreneurship skill development. Sudrajat Rasyid (Deputy Ministry for Youth Entrepreneurship and Sport Indonesia)





THE ORGANIZERS The host of this event is PSAP, Initiatives of Change Indonesia, and YMCA. The detail descriptions of the above organizations go as the following: Center For Religion And Civilization Studies, Indonesia An Organization which is committed to create civic culture based on religious and humane values. These thoughts are verbalized into the development of alternative initiatives which reflect problem-solving matter and are related to Islam, Indonesia, and strengthening the civil society in Indonesia. Its program focuses on Study Peace and Conflict Resolution, Democracy and Good Governance, Islamic Law and Civil Rights, Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue, Empowering of Civil Society Organizations, Islamic Education for Social Justice, Empowering of Gender Equality.

YOUTH: 1. Youth should be agent of change in their own community 2. Make Creation and Continuation of more open forums where youths can discuss on issues of ethnic relations, peace and other issues that affect them. This can be in the form of dialogues. 3. Pro-active in Creation of Peace Education in Schools and strengthening of civic education. 4. Promote Global understanding of democratization.

IofC-Indonesia Initiatives of Change Indonesia (IofC Indonesia) is a part of the global network of International Initiatives of Change, which is committed to building trust across the world’s divides. It comprises people of many cultures, nations, beliefs and backgrounds who are committed to transforming society through changes in individuals and relationships, starting in their own lives. IofC operates with a minimum of structured organization. It is open to all and has no political or religious leaning. IofC encourages every individual to find one’s unique contribution to the transformation needed in the world-starting with oneself. Young Men Christian Association, Indonesia It is a place where young people (men and women) gather together for community building. Based on building our body, spirit, and mind, we are committed to build our society. It is actually and directly building the society itself and by doing so we hope to build a better future for Indonesia. With this commitment, we open our self to invite everyone interested to get involved, sharing the same life values as us and working together to build our society. This orgranization trying to give an improving knowledge, skills, and the social interaction of every member, developing the movement into a firm and strong organization with empathetic and compassionate ability in a changing world, guiding the youth to be well prepared in order to be an agent of renewal in INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT




BANDUNG DECLARATION INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF YOUTH ACTION ON MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS TOWARD A PEACEFUL WORLD We, the delegates from 32 countries of the International Youth Forum held at Bandung, Indonesia from June 23rd to 30th 2008, hereby declare that: I. All kind of conflicts in the world whether religious, tribal or civil wars are an impediment to the implementation of MDGs and we should partner together as youth to advocate for a peaceful solution to all the conflicts which are hindering development. It is our responsibility as youth to take our active role in sustaining a peaceful world for our global co-existence as a generation. II. Promised to strengthens our role in public policy issues in our respective countries and encourage youth and community based organizations inspired by Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to continue with their activities. Literacy is one factor that increases poverty rate among nations and act as a hindrance to achieving MDGs. Therefore, our participation in public policy in our respective countries, should be advocating for easy access to education by all youth girls and boys and provision of health services to the needy. For without educational and health in this 21st century life can be unworth. III. Declared that freedom is a fundamental human right, and as a youth it is our responsibility to advocate for freedom as a panacea to implementation of MDGs. For without freedom, development cannot start. IV. Global development is when all nations are free to pursue their economic activities without hindrances from other nations such as fair International Trade. Since trade is the backbone of economic development and source for financing MDGs, then it is our responsibility as youth to champion fair trading among nations. V. HIV/AIDS and other Diseases, the forum however recognized the major devastating effect caused by this diseases on Development and promised to work individually and collectively to rise HIV/AIDS





awareness in our respectively communities. Further investigate the role of youth as care givers, and how youth employment strategies can be part of scaling up delivery of medication. Use youth expertise to create innovative and effective strategies for prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria etc. Recognized that our global partnership as youth can improve collaboration among countries in the world through our development activities we may initiate in the future. Thus, helping in realizations of our shared values and also as a source for overcoming our common setbacks to development. All nations exist as nations because of their unique cultures. And as youth, we recognized, valued and respect all cultures across the global. And it is our responsibility to initiate activities that bring these cultures together to understand themselves. Cultural stereotyping has led to so many death in the past and still exist today unless we come together as youth and fight this cultural stereotype that hindered development for so many years, we will always go million steps behind the development agenda. We should discourage cultures that promote gender inequalities and let all work to realize world without gender biased. Environmental sustainability for sustainable development. Having recognized global warming as a threat to all of us in this global village, it is our shared responsibility individually and collectively to conserved our environment. Global warming distorts local economies and for MDGs to be achieved, we must collectively reduce the risks cause by external factors to the development. Without a doubt, we all agreed that without our global partnership as youth, achieving cultural coexistence, eradication of poverty, fight against HIV/AIDS, creating peace and promoting development etc will be a dream not realized. Our shared strength is what we all saw for the last seven days when we turn Bandung into a global city inhabited by all cultures and races. And if we keep going, we turn the world into a meaningful global city.

Note : This declaration text will be a further discussion on the next Youth Forum INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT





the society and empowering the people to be an independent, open, humane, and compassionate society.


Amout in IDR

Personal Contributor Institutional Contributor Participant Contributor

17,250,000 441,907,500 167,815,000

Contribution of Equipment and Professional Kind


Total Revenue and Earnings


Program Expenses Description Administration Expenses Transportation Expenses Accomodation Expenses Meals Expenses Publication Expenses Documentation Expenses Communication Expenses Equipment Expenses Professional Expenses Health Expenses Security Expenses Miscellaneous Expenses Contribution of Equipment and Professional Expenses Reporting Espenses Total Program Expenses

48,435,900 41,550,000 166,754,000 87,645,500 72,785,500 23,500,000 26,788,600 32,657,500 72,765,000 2,380,500 19,500,000 3,000,000 291,500,000 27,500,000 916,762,500

Total Revenue and Earnings Total Program Expenses Balance

918,472,500 916,762,500 1,710,000

GREEN COMMUNITY INDONESIA Green Community is a community actived in pursuing a society who awares, cares, has the capacity, independent and participative to conserve environment, to save heritage and to achieve sustainable education so as to attain nation and state who are dignified, civic culture, and civilized. Based on humanized, care, progresive, independent, plural, peace, and transparance as a working principles. Programs developed are Edutourism Museum, I Love Indonesia, Friends of Indonesia, Good Governance Program, Peace Education, Environmental Auditing, Edutourism Green Village, Go Green School, MDGs Programs, Go Green Family, Go Green Campus, Go Green Museum, etc.

INITIATORS A. Fajar Kurniawan Abdullah Alwazin Ahmad Hairul Umam Favor Adelaide Bancin Ahmad Fikri Arief Husnul Khitam

The Balance of revenue and earnings will use to distribute reporting book





ORGANIZING COMMITTEE A. Fajar Kurniawan, A. Hairul Umam, Abdullah Alwazin, Ahmad Fikri Arief, Ahmad Zahir, Aidul Fitriyana, Davie Zulfikar, Deni Murdiani, Dinnur Garista Wirawan, Favor Adelaide Bancin, Fikri Ibadurrahman, Hendro Koya, Husnul Khitam, Irfan Nurul Haq, Jessica Piesesha, Kasfiyullah, Miftahul Huda, Nabiel Karamy, Reza Alwan Sofnidar, Ridwan Fachruddin, Rosi Siti Rachmawati, Yusran Hanif, Reza Alwan Sofnidar, Utami Sulistiyowati, Walid Darmawan, Yusran Hanif.



SUPPORTING COMMITTEE Adan Rahman, Irna, Lailatul Qadri, Wendy, Mulki, Erwan, Bambang, Denden Firman Arief, Rahmi Aini, Intan Maya Sari, Rizal Pahlawan, Wildan, Nur Hasanah, Karyana Miskun, Iyus Susanto, M. Sidiq, Cepi, Syamsul Kamal, Riki H, M. Fery Nugraha, Wahyatul Barzah, Wildan, Bambang TN, Suhara, Rahmat, Santo Hudaibi, Asep Mulyana, Atep Miftah, Leo, Ucup, Feri, Joni, Iman, Andri Febriana, Ihsanudin, Hamdan, Eki, Faisal Anwar, Dedi Mulyana, Asep Dedi, Dika, Dani Hamdani, Susi Budiani, Romi Diana, Frisa Nuroni, Rani Mardiani, Ussi, Citra, Garti, Sifa SR, Santy Yudistira, Dewi Aulia, Furqon, Engkat Sukatman, Herdiman, Hilman, Abdul Rauf, Arni Febriani, Dinar, Icha, Ita, Vera Rohayati, Neng Desi, Enden Amalia.



IYF NEWS International Youth Forum 2008 Pikiran Rakyat,24 Juni 2008 PEMUDA INDONESIA HARUS PEKA ISU GLOBAL “... wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat Dede Yusuf mengatakan, peran generasi muda dalam proses perkembangan sangat dibutuhkan. Pemuda bukan hanya bagian dari perkembangan, tetapi juga basis utama serta kekuatan dalam suatu perubahan. Ia menambahkan kegiatan itu untuk menampilkan kaum muda dalam menghadapi tantangan di era Globalisasi .....” Kompas, Selasa 24 Juni 2008 IYF 2008 FOKUS PADA JARINGAN GENERASI MUDA BANDUNG, KOMPAS – ......Jaringan generasi muda dinilai penting untuk dibangun secara lebih efektif. Oleh karena itu, International Youth Forum atau IYF 2008 yang berlangsung di Jawa Barat, saat ini di fokuskan ke Pembangunan Jaringan tersebut.... Seputar Indonesia, 24 Juni 2008 250 PEMUDA DUNIA SERUKAN PERDAMAIAN BANDUNG (Sindo) – sekitar 250 pemuda dari 38 negara berkumpul dalam international youth forum 2008 di Bandung dan Kabupaten Garut “.....masa depan dialog lintas agama, negara, dan peradaban terancam dengan munculnya isu terorisme dan hal ini jelas menimbulkan kecurigaan serta sentimen satu sama lain yang mengancam perdamaian dunia” ungkap A. Fajar Kurniawan (Ketua Panitia)...... Seputar Indonesia, Rabu 25 Juni 2008 SINDO(Bandung) – Dalam acara International Youth Forum 2008 Prof. Dr. Amien Rais, memaparkan Indonesia memiliki potensi dalam sektor ekonomi yang seharusnya bisa lebih berkembang di banding sekarang..... The Jakarta Post, 22 Juni 2008 Global Youth Day 2008 will held in Asia Africa Building, Bandung, West Java. Some of Youth Put on Countries Flags to welcomed International Youth Forum…. INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT




Australia Adam Levinson Linda Needham Rachel Cole Rob Lancaster Barbara Lawler


Azerbaijan Tuayev Maksud Soslanbek Oglu

Tubagus Ari Bagus Tuty Alawiyah Zestadianna Adzel Zulmy Ikhsan Wiharsya Kenya Elijah Ogolla Ochoko Odhiambo Meshack Otedo

Mexico Jose Ivan Castellanos Najera Myanmar Shine Aung Naing Win Bawi Tha Thawng Han Htsu Mwun Thet Mon Ko

Bangladesh Dr. Md. Rasel Ahmed Chowdhury

Netherland Sandra van Beest Pakistan Bilal Masood Palestine Shehab A. A. Zahda

Brunei Darussalam Rasyidah Binti Haji Samah

Philippines Annalie T. Edday Israel Jason R Vinta Karen P Ganancial Ma. Bernadethe Garcia Luminario Ma. Cecilia Estoque Riza Joy R C Rupert Jason E. Musni Maria Christine Ann Salazar

Cambodia Nhem Bora Loun Synath Samora Bun Borioth Colombia Christian Acuna M Laura Soto Von Arnim

Rwandan Kabanda Rugwiro Rene Theophille

Cameroon Mbouti Charles roger

Sri Lanka G.G. Chandima Janith Gihara Joseph Suresh Chaminda Kumar L K Pio Thusitha Peiris Upadasage Suresh Kumara Vasanthamohan Vijanth Rijoy Vethanayagam Venches

Denmark Caecilie Peitzsch Fiji Raijieli Nabaku Bakewa

Sudan Jerkuei Marek Anyuon

Gambia Mamadou Baldeh

Suriname Dhiradj Soekai Guillermo Sedjo Ilahi Rafiq

Hungary András Csörgits India Preeti Sharma

Thailand Yanisa Paopiamsap

Indonesia Afif Fauzi Ahmad Hasbullah Akhwan Jaya Saputra Alfa Haga Rachmady Alqaan Maqbullah Ilmi Amelia Rhea Josephine Purba Arif Supam Wijaya Aris Palebangan Ari Yuda L Bhawika Hikmat Prasetya Daisy Fee Fajar Firdaus Fajri Muslim INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT

Matori Abubakar Salisu Udeani Michael Chinedu Akeju Olukemi Abimbola A.A Perez

Febrian Kayupa Gunawan Hadiki Habib Irwan Ferdiansyah Irwan Iskandar Izki Aldrin Iswarna Junaidi Juraisa Rahma Fajri Lutfi Jatmika Muhammad Assad Mulkillah M. Leo Falli Nasrullah


Nawaf Abdullah Qurratul Aini Rahelda Rumambi Renata S Sadjad Said Fadhlun Rizky Salsabila Firdausia Satia Prihatni Zen Sertona Rijoly Silviana Silvia Rahmawati Sisca Nasastra Gafri Susan Sa’adah Suwarti Ningsih Kamondo

Premdeep Bahra Brian Makokha

Kyaw Min Tun Pann Ei Phyu Zar Kyaw

Timor Leste Elsa Joaquina Araujo Pinto Oscar da Costa Beram Araujo

Laos Chantana Sengthong

Nepal Arun Khadka Bijay Raj Poduel

United Kingdom Bavest Patel Damo Abdurrahman

Nigeria Adewuyi Olunaponmile P Oligie Stephanie Ehin Wenma Akpavan Dauda Solomon Ovuakporie Anthony Oghenemakpo Hadi Muhammad Dansumaila

Vietnam Bui Dai Phuoc Ha Thuy Dien Nguyen Ngoc Hung Nguyen Tuan Anh Pham Thuy Dan Thanh

Malaysia Bakhitiar Effendy bin Rahmat Muhammad Haniff bin Abdullah Malawi Chimwemwe Bright Nyirongo



SPECIAL THANKS We, IYF 2008 Committee would like to thank. our “behind-the-scenes” team, who helped make a huge difference to this event. Individuals A.A Yewangoe, A. Riawan Amin, Aas Asikin Idat, Abdul Fatah, Abdul Syukur Maskawan, Abri (Kemenegpora), Ade (Museum KAA), Adhyaksa Dault, Adyawati Noerdin, Agus Budiyono, Aiko Senosoenoto, Ahmad Fuad Fanani, Amelia Yani, Amien Rais, Aburizal Bakrie, Bachtiar Effendi, Bachtiar Chamsyah, Bhavesh Patel, Barbara Lawler, Budi Sanusi Tanuwibowo, Chantana Senthong, Cheryl Wood, Dani Setiawan, Darsa (Museum KAA), Dede Yusuf, Din Syamsudin, Dedi Aditya Sumanagara, Djohan Effendi, Djuyonto Suntani, Dwi (Depkes), Edi Faisal, Enjang Tedi, Entos (Depkes), Erna Witoelar, Fariz Mehdawy, Gunawan Sumodinigrat, HS. Dillon, Habib Chirzin, Hajriyanto Y. Thohari, Hamid Muhammad, Hanting Pan, Happy, Heka Hertanto, Hennie de Pous, I Gde Sucitra, dr. Ina (Depkes), Irfan Amali, Jacqui (AFSC), Jumhur Hidayat, K. Haridas Nair, Kabanda Rene Kabare, Karlina, Katmasi Ginano, Katrin, Kiki Syahnakri, Lieus Sungkharisma, Luffa, Lucy Heffern, MS. Kaban, M. Rozy Munir, M. Dwi Fajri, Maulana Abdul Basith, Martha Santoso (UNFPA), Memo Hermawan, Mike Brown, Minto (Depkes), Moniara Puteri, Muchtar Pakpahan, Muchlas Rowi, Muliaman D. Haddad, Musdah Mulia, Nasrudin, Nanang (Salman ITB), Nigel Heywod, Nila, Nizam, Owi (Wartawan Pelita), Panca (Kemengpora) Rizaludin Kurniawan, Rizal Sukma, Rob Lancaster, Rob Wood, Ron Lawler, Rudi Harsa Tanaya, Sakhyan Asmara, Sandra Van Beest, Shiela Damodaran, Siti Fadilah Supari, Sofyan Wanandi, Suaedy Marassabesy, Sudibyo Markus, Sudjana Ro’yat, Sudrajat Rasyid, Sulastomo, Suyanto, Tanri Abeng, Taufiq O. Malik, Tefi ((Depkes), Tuti L Soetrisno, Ucup, Umar Hadi, Wati (Kemenegpora), Yayat, Yeon Yuk ,Yudha Memo Hermawan, Yusron B. Ambrary, Zenal Arifin, Institutions Action for Life 3, Aliansi Bhineka Tunggal Ika, American Field Service Committee, Aneka Tambang PT, Asia Calling, Association for Community Depelopment, Ath-Thawaf Music Etnik, Bandung TV, Bank Muamalat, BP Migas, British Council, Departemen Agama RI, Departemen Kehutanan RI, Departemen Kesehatan RI, Departemen Luar Negeri RI, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI, Departemen Sosial RI, Dinas INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT


Seputar Indonesia, 28 Juni 2008 WARGA PANAWUAN SAMBUT ROMBONGAN IYF GARUT (SINDO) – Ratusan warga kampung Panawuan, Kelurahan Sukajaya, Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul, Kabupaten Garut, menyambut antusias kedatangan kurang lebih 200 delegasi pemuda dari 32 negara pada acara International Youth Forum 2008 kemarin....rombongan IYF disambut dengan kibaran bendera merah putih dan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya.........” Tribun Jabar, 28 Juni 2008 PESERTA IYF 2008 TERKESAN PADA PANAWUAN Garut, Tribun – sebanyak 120 peserta dari 32 negara menikmati keberadaan mereka bersama penduduk kampung Panawuan, Kelurahan Sukajaya Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kabupaten Garut, peserta memang ditempatkan di sejumlah rumah warga agar mereka bisa berinteraksi secara langsung.........” Media Indonesia, 30 Juni 2008 SEMANGAT IYF 2008 BANGKITKAN INDONESIA Media Indonesia – “ menjadi bukti bahwa pemuda – pemuda Indonesia memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi untuk menjalin persahabatan dengan pemuda-pemuda mancanegara. Apalagi forum ini diadakan untuk untuk merespons persoalan dunia berkaitan dengan perdamaian global yang didasari dialog agama dan peradaban........” Republika, Selasa 24 Juni 2008 Para pemuda dari forum-forum lintas budaya dan agama se-dunia berkumpul mencari solusi strategi bersama sebagai upaya mewujudkan perdamian dunia dan kesejahteraan dunia dalam Acara International Youth Forum….. IYF 2008 SEPAKATI AGENDA AKSI BERSAMA TEMPO Interaktif (30 Juni 2008, BANDUNG: Forum pertemuan anak muda sedunia atau International Youth Forum (IFY) 2008 yang berlangsung selama sepekan di Bandung, Senin (30/6) ditutup. Acara yang diikuti 200 pemuda dari 38 negara itu menyepakati agenda aksi bersama di negara masing-masing. “Semua peserta menyepakati pendirian council. Semua negara yang hadir di forum ini bersedia menjadi anggotanya,” kata Ketua Panitia Penyelenggara IYF 2008 Apep Fajar Kurniawan di Bandung, Senin (30/6).



Palestinian Ambassador Attends International Youth Forum 2008 Bandung, (ANTARA News, 25 Juni 2008) - Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammed Fariz Mehdavi attended the International Youth Forum 2008 at Gedung Merdeka in Bandung on Tuesday. Held from June 23 to 30, 2008, the forum is trying to achieve the Millennium Development Goalds (MDGs). Mehdavi, flanked by President of the Islamic Millennium Forum for Peace and Human Security, Habib Chirzin, sent a message of the youths from the respective counries to the international youth forum. “The Palestinian youths continue their struggle, but unfortunately with the support of the United Nations,” he said. HARIAN UMUM PELITA, Selasa,15 Juni 2008 PEMUDA INDONESIA ADAKAN INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 Forum ini diprakarsai dari pemuda, oleh pemuda dan untuk pemuda dan saat ini sudah lebih dari 20 negara menyatakan siap untuk hadir dalam forum tersebut, kata A Fajar Kurniawan selaku koordinator acara tersebut dalam release yang ditermiam Pelita. Pertemuan tersebut akan mengusung tema The Role of Youth: Action on Millenium Development Goals Toward a Peaceful World. Pikiran Rakyat, Selasa, 30 Juni 2008 BANDUNG, (PRLM).- Sejumlah peserta mendeklarasikan rekomendasi pada penutupan International Youth Forum (IYF) 2008 di Aula Barat

HARIAN UMUM PELITA Senin, 30 Juni 2008 TARKI- Pemuda Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Wadah Pusat Studi Agama dan Peradaban (PSAP), Initiative of Change Indonesia dan YMCA menyelenggarakan International Youth Forum di Kota Bandung dan Garut pada 23-30 Juni mendatang. Forum ini juga menghadirkan pemuda lintas agama, negara dan peradaban dari seluruh dunia. Pertemuan itu juga sebagai tempat para pemuda berdiskusi, bertukar pemikiran dan pengalaman untuk merumuskan strategi, aksi dan rekomendasi sebagai upaya terwujudnya perdamaian dunia melalui Millennium Development Goals. Menurut A. Fajar Kurniawan selaku koordinator acara tersebut dalam releasenya, forum ini diprakarsai oleh Pemuda dan untuk Pemuda ..... E-28 *** SEPUTAR INDONESIA GARUT- Ratusan warga Kampung Panawuan, Kabupaten Garut, menyambut antusias kedatangan 103 delegasi Pemuda dari 32 Negara pada acara International Youth Forum (IYF) 2008 kemarin. Warga yang didominasi ibu-ibu dan anak-anak terlihat berebut ingin menyalami atau berfoto-foto bersama dengan para peserta dari manca negara, terutama yang berwajah bule... (gin gin tigin ginulur)**

Gedung Sate Jln. Diponegoro Kota Bandung, Senin (30/6). Acara yang diikuti 200 pemuda dari 32 negara tersebut berlangsung dari Senin (23/6) lalu hingga Senin (30/6) yang dilaksanakan di Bandung dan Garut. Kegiatan itu menghasilkan delapan poin rekomendasi, meliputi kemiskinan, pendidikan, gender, kematian anak, kesehatan ibu, penyakit HIV/AIDS, lingkungan, dan persahabatan global. (A-147)*** Pikiran Rakyat, Kamis, 3 Juli 2008 Saatnya Kaum Muda Bertindak ” It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”. ”Better to let its bright light show where to stand”.Sepenggal kalimat diatas, muncul dalam salah satu sesi International Youth Forum (IYF) 2008. Pemuda, sebagai agen perubahan, memegang peranan penting untuk ”menyalakan lilin tersebut”. IYF dihadiri oleh 108 Pemuda dari 32 Negara , yang mendiskusikan peranan pemuda dalam mendorong suksesnya Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) menuju perdamaian dunia .... (artikel) *** INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM 2008 REPORT





Kehutanan Kab. Garut, International Council of Initiatives of Change, IofC Australia, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Garut, Dinas Pariwisata Kab. Garut, Exxon Mobil PT, Hard Rock FM Bandung, Hard Rock FM Jakarta, Harian Umum Pelita, Hotel New Naripan, Hotel Sumber Alam, JANGKAR, Jasa Marga PT, Jendela Ide Bandung, JEPRET UNISBA, KPA ITB, KPA SMU 3 Bandung, Kampung 200, Kampung Panawuan, Kantor Berita Antara, Kapal Perempuan, Kapolda Jawa Barat, Kapolwil Bandung, Kapolres Bandung Tengah, Kapolres Bandung Barat, Kapolres Garut, Kapolsek Coblong, Kelurahan Sukajaya, Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul, Kedutaan Besar Austria, Kedutaan Besar Swiss, Kemenko Kesra RI, Kemenegopra RI, Komunitas Manglayang, Koran Garut Pos, Koran Pikiran Rakyat, Koran Seputar Indonesia, Koran Kompas, LSS ITB, LISES UNPAD, Marching band Waditra Ganesha, Masyarakat Kampung Panawuan, Muhammadiyah Cabang Panawuan, Museum Asia Afrika, Newmont Pasific Nusantara PT, Paduan Suara UNISBA, Peace Generation, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Pemerintah Kab. Bandung, Pertamina PT, Pupuk Kujang PT, Radar Garut, Radio Ardan Bandung, Radio Intan Garut, Rumah Musik Hari Roesli, STSI Bandung, Saung Angklung Udjo, Santini Group PT, Televisi Republik Indonesia, Telkom PT, Timah PT, World Vision Indonesia, World Health Organization, Yayasan Salman ITB.





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